Alan Ch. 17 free porn video

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Captured for a Time

The plates were long cleared from the table, and the men sat around the living room, a football game shining off the screen of the television, volume turned low so as not to disturb the baby resting in his cousin Jack’s arms. Jack was married to his cousin Nina, and Shara was their first baby, though number two was a work in progress, more than seven months along inside Nina’s belly.

Nina sat down next to Alan on the couch, across from her husband and Alan’s dad. She ruffled his hair as she did when he was a kid and she was his babysitter. ‘So,’ she said with an accusatory tone in her voice, ‘You move to the city and we see all of a grand total of ONE time since September? I don’t know whether to be hurt or insulted.’

‘Sorry Nina, been busy, but the phone works two ways. You haven’t called me. I’d be glad to come over, especially if you’re cooking.’ Before the first baby was born Nina was the sous-chef at a very well regarded French bistro in Tribeca. Now she was a stay-at-home mom, and loving it.

‘Pig,’ she snorted. ‘I’ll call you.’

‘After the new year,’ he insisted gently. ‘Exams start in about two weeks.’ She agreed. Alan was impatient for the whole gang to go home. They had eaten at four, and it was nearing eight.

He had plans to stop by at Megan and Leila’s that night, but it would be bad form to sneak out while the guests were still hanging around. Leila still took and occasional shift as a PT, despite her med school status, because she liked doing it. She was thinking of doing her residency in sports medicine. Since school was on break for the holiday and a lot of people went away for Thanksgiving, the hospital had begged her to work both Thursday and Friday, so the two of them had remained in Westchester. It was just as well for Megan. She had yet to tell her parents that she was bisexual, and for that matter, bisexual with a live-in female lover, and for that matter, that she was pregnant out of wedlock. Every time she was working up the nerve to tell her folks she could just imagine her father having a heart attack, her mother a stroke.

Alan pulled up to their house and parked shortly after nine. Megan answered the door. ‘Welcome to the farm,’ she greeted him with a chuckle.

‘Farm? I don’t get it.’

‘You’ve come to see me–the cow–haven’t you?’ Megan took a step back from the doorway, and Alan could see her stomach. She was showing her five month pregnancy, a bulge visible from underneath her sweater.

‘You look beautiful.’

‘That’s what I keep telling her! Hi, Alan,’ Leila said coming over and kissing him on the cheek. After he sat down Leila returned from the kitchen with a glass of wine. The minute he had drained it she took it back from him and went back to fill it.

‘You don’t have to get me drunk,’ he laughed.

‘Megan insisted,’ the trim Asian woman confided, ‘If you’re drunk you wont think she’s fat.’ Leaning closer she lowered her voice to a stage whisper, ‘She thinks she isn’t pretty since she started to show. It’s up to us,’ she added with a twinkle in her liquid brown eyes, ‘to convince her otherwise.’

With that she stood and took his hands, pulling him up and guiding him up to the bedroom, Megan followed closely behind. Leila stood behind him, turning him so that he was facing Megan and sat him on the end of their bed. As she worked her hands at his shirt buttons she stared over his shoulder at her red-haired lover. ‘Tell her Alan. Tell her how lovely she is.’

‘You’re gorgeous, Megan. You always were, and you always will be.’ Megan gasped, her hands playing with the top button of her blouse, but too afraid to unbutton it, afraid that if he saw her naked he would recoil in shock. He approached his former teacher, Leila had unfastened all the buttons, and as he stepped to Megan she had held on to his shirt, so he was topless as he approached her. Gently he removed her hand from her neck, grasping the top of her blouse, and with a deft touch popped open the neck button and pulled the blouse over her head and off her. She pressed her body to his, and he could feel the smooth hardness of her belly. He dropped his arms down from around her neck and rested his palms against her pregnant abdomen, making gentle strokes all around it, and at the same time lowered his mouth to hers.

They kissed for a long time, distracted only by Leila undressing them, once she asked Megan to step out of her skirt, and then took off Alan’s shoes and socks, then his pants and underwear. Alan led Megan, clad only in her panties, over to the bed, and sat down on it, pulling her into his lap. She groaned as he fondled her breasts, now more sensitive due to the hormones of pregnancy, her head lolling back to rest against him as the pleasure began to overtake her, little hums and gasps escaping past her trembling lips. Leila joined them on the bed a minute later, completely nude, taking charge of the situation.

Alan laid back on the mattress, and Megan straddled him, Leila kneeling behind her, in between Alan’s outstretched legs. Holding Megan by her now more meatier hips she guided her onto his erection and then pulled her down so she sunk down all thy way.

‘Ooof! Ah, ah, MY GOD, it’s been sooooo loooooong!’ the redhead exclaimed, her passions rising as she felt Alan fill her completely, a feeling complemented by the incredible sensation Leila was causing by strumming her hardened nipples. She could feel the softness of Leila’s breasts pressed into her back as she rode up and down on Alan’s hard cock, and the very idea of it still excited her.

‘Tell her again,’ Leila demanded of him, ‘She still needs to hear it. Tell her again, and again, and again. She wont listen to me,’ she ordered him, her eyes boring into his with a frightening sense of determination.

‘You’re so pretty,’ he gasped up at his pregnant partner. ‘So pretty, so pretty, so pretty.’

Megan began to cry, tears spilling down her face and over her heaving bosom. ‘Thank you,’ she squeaked (hormones again, she thought to herself), a split second before her body seized up as she orgasmed. Alan came in her, and she quivered at the sensation of it, then collapsed and rolled off of him, a stewing morass of emotion. As she laid beside him her hands danced up and down his chest, and watched Leila take his manhood into her slurping mouth, cleaning him of their combined juices, and getting him hard for round two.

Once he was ready she gave him a swat on the side of his butt, and her sat up and moved off to the side of the mattress. Leila positioned herself over the supine Megan so that they were face-to-face, her wiggling behind a tempting target for their teenaged lover.

As Alan sunk into her she lowered her face, and pressed her lips against Megan’s. Leila moaned, and Megan snaked her tongue past Leila’s hot lips. He began to thrust in and out of her clenching pussy, enjoying the sound of loud slurps that her tight passage emitted, her syrup coated his dick from tip to root, the excess falling in dribs and drabs on the bedspread, pooling between its folds.

Leila’s moans and groans increased in fervor and loudness as Alan increased the pace and force of his fucking. As Leila bucked her throbbing pussy back against his throbbing cock Megan was finding it difficult to maintain her lip lock with her Sapphic partner, to deal with this she placed her hands on Leila’s temples, holding her fast.

It was a good thing, too, for just as Megan gained a grip on Leila’s bouncing head an enormous climax exploded throughout the Asian woman’s sweaty body. Alan climaxed as well, and they collapsed into a sweaty mess on the top of the bedspread.

‘Mmmmm,’ both women purred. Alan settled himself between them, caressing each one lightly. He stayed the night. Megan drifted off first, Leila’s soft cries echoing in her ears, ‘Yes, my ass, so g-good, ahhhhh!’

* * *

The train was crowded for a Sunday evening, filled mostly wit
h college students like himself returning to school. He didn’t see anyone he knew in his car, so he used to time to study. He had a term paper due for his history intro class, and his outline was complete as the train pulled into the Harlem station. He hailed a cab on 125th Street for the very short trip back to Morningside Heights, and stared blankly out the window as the cab headed west to Broadway.

‘Excuse me,’ Alan heard the heavily accented voice behind him say. He had just dismissed the cab at the corner and turned towards campus.


‘Vhich vay is to Columbus Avenue? I’m a bit lost, I thinks.’ He had a piece of paper in his right hand and held it up for Alan to see, an address scribbled on it.

Alan turned forty-five degrees and gestured south and east. Columbus Avenue terminated at 110th Street, one block east of Amsterdam.

‘You need to walk down Broadway a few blo-‘

He didn’t finish his sentence.

The foreigner stepped forward and held him up, preventing Alan from collapsing to the pavement.

His partner pocketed a small white device, a jet injector filled with tranquillizer, just as the van pulled up to the curb. In a matter of seconds Alan was inside and the van was pulling away, headed for the Triboro Bridge, and then on to the Bronx.

Karick dialed a number on his cell phone and spoke immediately upon hearing an answer on the other end. ‘Team Alpha to base. Extraction successful.’ He thumbed the END button, not waiting for a response. He had a bad feeling, growing worse the further north he went. Just a few blocks shy of the rendezvous he reached into his pocket and depressed a button which caused the cell phone to ring, though no call was actually incoming.

‘Yes,’ he said into the device for the benefit of his vanmates. He paused for a few seconds and said, ‘Understood,’ and then keyed the END button. ‘Let me out here,’ he instructed the driver. ‘I haff to go back to ze office and clean out all of ze files. I’ll take the subway.’

* * *

Mr. Patel folded his own phone closed, and then placed it in his pocket, his left pocket. He felt his jacket’s right pocket, double checking that his pistol was there, and properly situated for swift removal. He rubbed his hands together, his breath visible in the unheated expanse of the warehouse, wishing he had a nice cup tea to keep him warm. A light snow sprinkled, though not enough to accumulate. ‘All the better,’ Patel thought to himself. Snow keeps people inside, and the fire he was about to set would not be discovered for a few extra minutes due to the reduced street traffic. The only problem was the homeless, upon arriving at the warehouse a few hours earlier he had to scoot them out from the squatting places. He could have brandished his weapon, but thought better of it. Hundred dollar bills were a much better method, and the six bums had gladly accepted them as an inducement to vacate. He just worried about more showing up.

While in the middle of these musings he saw the headlights of the van coming up the alley, where the side entrance of the warehouse was located. ‘Money,’ Patel thought. ‘That’s when I’ll take care of it.’ He would wait until they were distracted by the wads of cash he would place in their hands to ‘take care of business.’

‘Where is One?’ he asked the two before him.

‘He told us he had to go back to the office to shred the files. You didn’t know?’ one of them explained.

Patel shrugged, not wanting to let on his frustration. Karick was smart, demanding half his payment upfront and deposited into a Swiss account. He must have suspected that he would be terminated upon completion, so he took what he had already been paid, and ran. ‘Well, we didn’t hire him because he was stupid,’ he thought. His Lordship would not be pleased by this complication, but there would be time enough to rectify this later.

After the van had pulled in through the loading doors Mr. Patel directed the team to strip Alan Marshall of all his clothes and possessions and place him in the second van.

‘These rings,’ one of the agents said with a tone of exasperation. ‘They wont fucking budge.’

‘Let me see,’ Mr. Patel said impatiently, but he was no luckier than the soon to be dead man. ‘OK, well leave them. I’ll cut them off of him later.’

‘OK,’ the agent responded, not really caring, and looking forward to his payoff.

Mr. Patel reached into the inside pocket of his suit coat and withdrew two packets of cash.

Two minutes later he was pulling out of the warehouse, the first smoke wisps rising behind him, he tapped his jacket and felt both packets, replaced.

* * *

Alan came to his senses sometime later. He was moving, he could feel. His was–for some reason he didn’t understand–naked but for a straight jacket and a length of rope binding his ankles together, flat on his back on an rattling ambulance gurney.

He was very groggy. His whole body ached.

He tried his powers against his bonds. No joy. Underneath the gurney, though he couldn’t see it, was a large sphere of pure silver, slightly less then the diameter a regulation basketball. The waves coming off of it served to deaden his abilities. He struggled for awhile longer, but fatigue and a nasty headache got the better of him.

The van came to a halt, Alan’s eyes popped open, but all he could see was the inside of the roof of the van. He heard the front door open, and expected to hear the back door open shortly, but it did not. Two men were standing just outside of the rear of the van. They were on a gravel driveway, Alan could sense by the sound of their footsteps. They spoke for a few minutes, but he couldn’t make out the words.

After a period of time indeterminable to him he heard one of the men reenter the van and pull into a garage. The back door popped open, and the opener was surprised that Alan was conscious. Alan felt something against his neck, and he dropped off into unconsciousness once again.

* * *

Mr. Patel cut the engine inside the garage and directed his underlings to remove the boy from the van and roll him into the mansion. Using the connecting door he entered the house and made his way to the living room.

‘Report,’ Lord Thornbow demanded.

‘Success. He’s being moved now. The men have their instructions.’

‘Any problems?’

‘Well, he was awake when we opened the van just now, but that isn’t such a problem. Our friend Karick did not show at the warehouse. I’ll put some of my people on it.’

‘Agreed,’ his boss replied, pouring the Indian man a small brandy. ‘You have done well, as always, Mr. Patel.’ If all went as planned Karick would not be a problem, living or dead. He clinked his glass against that of his servant and they sipped. His Lordship picked up the receiver on his desk phone and pressed for the intercom. A few seconds later they were joined by another.

‘Neil, please come in. I’d offer you a drink but you have work to do. The boy is in the basement. Mr. Patel will show you the way.’

‘Yes, Your Lordship, straightaway. Thank you again,’ Dr. Neil Swindon-Smythe said as he bowed and allowed the swarthy man to show him to the dungeon.

* * *

‘Dungeon’ wasn’t exactly the word Alan would have used to describe the room to which he was confined. It more closely resembled a hospital room, the walls were white and antiseptic, and he was still, of course, lying bound in a straightjacket on a hospital gurney. Furthering the scene was the IV bag on the stand next to the bed, a catheter in his arm slowly feeding fluids to his veins. He didn’t know what they were giving him, but he felt debilitated. It was morphine, dulling his senses, reaction time, and mental defenses.

The only thing out of place, that made him know he wasn’t really in a hospital (besides, of course, they way he got to where he was) was a small silvery-looking sphere suspended from the ceiling in a clear mesh net. It was
slightly smaller around than a basketball, and it was brilliant in the fluorescent lighting of the room. Had his mind been unclouded by the morphine he would have been able to discern wave upon wave of mystic energy emanating off of it, enveloping Alan in a virtual downpour of powerful heavenly radiation.

Dr. Swindon-Smythe stopped at the alcove just outside the boy’s cell and spoke to the guard and physician outside the door who had been monitoring the CCTV.

‘Any movement?’ the archeologist asked.

The guard shook his head.

Swindon-Smythe swiped his keycard through the reader mounted on the wall near the door and waited for it to click open, he entered, the doctor trailing him.

‘Wake him up,’ Swindon-Smythe directed.

‘First I’ll switch him from the straightkacket to the regular restraints,’ the doctor said, not waiting for assent to do so.

The doctor retrieved a canister of oxygen and some tubing from the closet and placed a mask over the semi-unconscious prisoner’s face, turning the valve open to full blast. When he saw this was having effect he briefly lifted up the mask and waved some smelling salts under Alan’s nose. This did the trick.

‘Well, well, well, we meet again, young man.’

‘You!’ Alan groaned softly.

Swindon-Smythe didn’t answer, instead, he walked back out into the alcove and pulled a small rolling cabinet into the cell. From it he pulled a few small talismans and fetish items of the cult of Ahuramazda, some of them recently unearthed by teams digging with the financial backing of Lord Thornbow, others stolen from museums, private collections, and even government storehouses, over the last few years.

The scientist arrayed the small items around the room in no particular formation, at least as far as Alan could tell. There really wasn’t a pattern, Swindon-Smythe was just spreading them out around the room to see if any would react to be being in close proximity to a Seed carrier. He doubted they would. His walkie talkie crackled from its cradle on his waist. ‘Yes, my Lord?’

‘The rings. Remove them.’

Swindon-Smythe didn’t bother to answer, he knew he was being observed through the camera. He signaled for the doctor to return, and he came in carrying shears designed to cut off rings, something found in every hospital emergency room, and something the doctor knew how to use.


‘Shite!’ the doctor swore.

‘What happened?’ Swindon-Smythe asked, looking over the doctor’s shoulder.

‘The tool just snapped apart. I’ve never seen something like that happen before.’

‘You cut him.’ The doctor had poked Alan after he lost control of the shears after they came apart violently, there as a small jagged laceration on his middle finger, about a two centimeters long, and it was oozing steadily. It took the doctor just a few minutes to clean the wound and drop three stitches into Alan’s finger. It usually took longer, but since the boy was on a morphine drip he didn’t have to give him a local. The two men withdrew to the anteroom and Lord Thornbow joined them presently.

The doctor had a small medical saw, the kind used to remove fiberglass casts, and he said it would take a bit of time to get it down from the truck and brought to the cell. Lord Thornbow ordered him to proceed, and the doctor shuffled up the steps to retrieve it.

‘Will it prevent us from succeeding if we can’t get the rings off of him?’

‘I’m not sure, my Lord. He obviously had the powers when I first met him at the museum last spring, and that was before he had acquired the ring, so it’s hard to say. We’re flying blind with most of this.’

Lord Thornbow nodded ruefully. ‘When the doctor returns tell him not to bother just yet. Tomorrow, if we still can’t remove the rings we’ll just have to cut his fingers off. Begin the interrogation.’ This was a mistake.

* * *

Years of careful planning were coming to fruition for Lord Thornbow. The acquisition of the abandoned silver mine in southeast Turkey was the key. It had taken him many years to pull that one off. First, years and years of study of the ancient legends. The scientific analysis of the metal had led him there.

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For a while I was fairly active in the "hobby" of "dating" escorts. As you might imagine I tried to select ladies with good taste in boots, which believe it or not was harder than it seemed it should be in Chicago. Part of that was probably due to the fact that I couldn't afford the really top end ladies that were more likely to have the excess cash to stock their closets at Macy's, Saks, and Nordstrom’s. At one point I wrote to a lady who lived further out from the city and more in my general...

1 year ago
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Becoming A Man Part 9 Room Mates

After turning twenty-one, I started to frequent Jerry's Saloon, a popular dive bar near my college campus.  One night early in the school year, Lena and I both ended up leaving Jerry's at the same time, and headed back to the dorms at the same time.  I had talked to Lena often when I would bump into her on campus, and more recently I was also starting to see her at Jerry's.  I was (and mostly still am) really not a ladies’ man.  Despite some very exciting sexual experiences, I haven’t been with...

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The Three Sides of a Triangle

Author’s Note: This is a fictional incest story of three consenting adults from West Bengal, India, namely, Koushik a young man, Ratna his cousin sister and Geeta their widowed sister-in-law. All the characters in the story are above the age of 18. I have taken the liberty of narrating the story from the lips of the main characters so as to depict each of their feelings and thoughts. The story is a little lengthy and I would request the readers to kindly bear with me on this issue. ***** ...

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The Belshes Hunt Chapter III

“Morning sleepyhead!” Teased Evie “Wondered when you were going to wake up?” Destiny responded with a sleepy smile as she stretched out her legs and arms, yawning. “So?” Implored Destiny “when do you wanna start moving?”. “I’d give it a little while” replied Evie “Ideally we should wait until the afternoon”. Destiny stood up and walked around to stretch out her naked legs, caked in dried mud from two days of living in the Scottish wilderness. She dared not stray too far due to a fear of...

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She was very good at giving blow job. she had pulled her skirt up and was rubbing her pussy as she was sucking me, faster this time. "she must have been waiting to get laid for a while" I thought. She had nice black panties on and I could see she was wet. "Give it to me bitch" I thought to myself as she was sucking harder and harder. A knock on the door broke my concentration as I had to pause the porn movie and quickly put my dick away and go and answer the door. I hated being interrupted. "Is...

2 years ago
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An Erotic Night With My Hot Cousin

Hi, my name is Ashish. I am a software developer from Nagpur. The story I am about to tell is a real story. Please ignore the typos and grammar as I am writing this story on my mobile. I would appreciate your reviews, and any single girls who want to have fun can connect with me on . So, without any further ado, let’s move to the story. I’ve been working in an MNC and was looking for a change. I decided to try my luck in Pune. I took a leave for one week and headed for Pune. I discussed with my...

4 years ago
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The Gym Monster

My name is Cathy and I am twenty-three. I work as a dance instructor and hence I keep quite fit. To help me along with my profession, I attend a gym around the corner from my home. It happens to be in the same building that I teach dance so it's not far for me to travel at all.Now, I shall describe myself in the only word I could think of: slut. I am a huge slut. I just love sex, I can’t help it. I am small, only 5’2, but I have a huge sexual appetite and can’t help but love cock. My friends...

Monster Sex
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School Days Part 1

What is it that makes me want to submit? What is it that makes me want to act like a whore? What is it that makes me dress like a slut and fall to my knees in front of a strong man? It goes back, as all these things do, to c***dhood. My parents split when I was only four years old, in a working class family in the 1960's this was quite something. My mother had to become the sole breadwinner for us both and found it quite a challenge. She became very bitter and hard and started to hate men. She...

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Blushing Bride Part Five The Wedding Night

Blushing Bride - Part 5: The Wedding Night by Richard-to-Rachel I guess it's natural to be full of nerves and second thoughts on your wedding day but I'm not sure how many grooms have the sort of thoughts that I was having on the morning of my wedding. It wasn't that I wasn't very much in love with Gina, my beautiful fiancee, my dream woman with blonde hair and dark skin, a woman who had always been so loving and generous to me. It was just that between...

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The Life of Giving Chapter 6 Endings or New Beg

As the time passed both Samer and I got used to the roles we were acting in. I was a good Christian boy and he was a person in need that couldn't be more polite and nice to everyone who had met him. Some of them suspected of us being a couple, but most were just ignorant about homosexuality and probably couldn't even get an idea of what they were looking at in this situation.At home, things got very quiet and as our cohabitation went on, we also progressed along the lines. Samer started to work...

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The movie was not all that interesting and after a while her attention diverted to me a bit more. Think she was quite amused by my dedication at licking her feet. And I was learning. Learning the nitty gritty of foot licking and how to please her. For example if I sucked her middle toe finger with my tongue hard under it, she almost always moan with pleasure etc etc. She was becoming quite playful – sometimes holding my nose or my tongue between her toes fingers, at times running her feet over...

3 years ago
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My fy Vacation

Chapter One – Daydreaming This true story took place the year of my 17th birthday. It was the last real f****y vacation my f****y took together. I was 17 years old, almost six feet tall, still a skinny k** but my muscles were developing as I was getting into lifting weights. My hair was dark, cut short, dark skin complexion like my mother and I have blue green eyes, which I got from my father. It was late summer and dad decided we were all going to Virginia Beach for a week vacation. My 38...

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Good bye sex with mom Part 8211 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net readers this is Vishnu am back with last part of sex with mom in India. Your encouragement, comments, and feedback made me write this next part soon so here it is. For those who are reading my post for the first time please do read my previous story for better understanding. Just a small recap of what happened last time, I was supposed to leave to Germany alone on demand of my company. I say this to my mom I get a life time treat before I left which included a...

4 years ago
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World Class CockSucker Gay

So, you want to be a World-Class Cocksucker? Here’s a step-by-step guide to guarantee – once you learn and practice it – that you too can suck the seeds out of a watermelon without breaking the rind.SLEAZY DOES IT. First, get comfortable – I’m talking not just in terms of your physical positioning, but your mental state as well. RELAX. Breathe a little! Just like taking a mack daddy dick up your ass, the key here is breathing. (Once the meat is crammed down your gullet, breathing won’t be an...

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My First Job

When I graduated from college, there was a recession and no-one seemed to be hiring in my home state.   After many months of pounding the pavement without success, I went to a job fair and landed a position as a factory outlet manager.   The store was just being built in Kittery, Maine and they needed someone to oversee the interior design phase, manage the store, hire staff and have it all done in time for the holidays.   It was the best offer I had, so after two weeks of training, I was...

Straight Sex
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Recognise and fucked

Ever since I started to post nude pictures and videos on porn websites I have often been asked why I let my face be seen.’Aren’t you afraid you will be recognised?’ People say. My reply is that none of my friends and f****y are likely to visit such sites and, if they did , it might make some friendships a little more interesting! So, after a little hesitation in the first few months,when I posted only cock shots, I usually like to show my whole body and , more lately , give a little chat when I...

2 years ago
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In The beggining of the year I met Marcus a half black 18 yearold he was a friend of a friend of mine. I played with him for a lil then i got Bored so he made his spare room into a room for his friends to play with me in 1st time i sucked him and a spanish boy named Ricardo then 2 weeks later me and ricardo did foreplayed and fucked then 2 days later he got me to fuck a full out black guy named Khalid. Then I fucked his friend Micheal who was dark as Akon Then i sucked off marcus' dad then i...

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Her first gangbang

     Lisa and I had become friends on AFF, and had been chatting for over a year. We had bounced our experiences off each other and had encouraged each other as well.    As time went on she opened up more and more. When she finally became totally comfortable with me we shared very intimate thoughts and fantasies. I told her one night that I always wanted to arrange a gangbang for a woman, not to participate  but to direct and watch, look out for her safety, keep control and enjoy the view,...

Group Sex
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My BF Took Me to my First Gloryhole

This is a true story. My boyfriend and I have a fab sex is very active and we often bring others into our sessions. I had read about glory holes at adult book stores and I very much want to try one...I love anonymous sex with strangers and to me a glory hole is the ultimate in anonymous sex.We found a place in New Orleans that had glory holes and we set off on our adventure. I wore a short mini skirt and a black, almost see thru blouse. I wore no panties or bra. I completed my outfit...

4 years ago
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A Fantasy Shared With My Wife

Recently my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching trashy TV and enjoying a bottle of wine. At some point, we started talking about our sexual past. During this conversation my wife Kim started to tell me about some of the guys that she had hooked up with before we met. I asked a few leading questions to see how much she would tell me. She stated that I had the biggest cock of any of the white guys that she had hooked up with. I asked her how big they were and Kim said that most of the...

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Becoming Hers

He was pushed up against the door of his probably unsafely full train home, annoyed by this and a bad but typical day of going down to his company's office, something he thankfully didn't have to do often. Everyone knew he wasn't man enough to do something about it if they treated him with no respect and took full advantage of this. Becoming wrapped up in thoughts of this he didn't differentiate the voice speaking to him from the buzz of the train or the hand politely but firmly telling...

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Medieval Torture

Introduction: inspired from real event.., This is an improved sequel of slave market…… has an happy ending so dont pass any type of ratings or comments before atleast reading its ending it is a real story inspired from a historical event which lead to a revolution which abolished use of a torturus device named breast ripper………, i used pesonification as aliena in this…………,please read slave market before… Medieval revolution….thanks so lets begin i hope youll enjoy it more than 1st..,ok...

4 years ago
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Questions Questions Questions

Copyright, [email protected] Another story by Pagan. Questions, questions, questions. Look at you now, was it only four weeks ago I said those same words. Sitting on my big double bed I remember looking in the ornate dressing tablemirror, look at you now Mrs Susan Watts; it was so strange to be called Watts,21 years as Harbert, and for the last month Mrs Rupert Watts. A month of bliss. My mind went back to that lovely honeymoon in the Seychellesand the things a new wife experienced. I...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 21

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. The scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. ***** 103. Happiness Is...

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Relations Adventure

Ravi Chopra was cruising 10,000 feet above sea level in the Boeing in which he was traveling from U.K to India. It was about to land in a short time. He was daydreaming about his mother whom he had not seen since past three years. It was a long wait and now that he was so close his apprehension was growing by the second. He was getting impatient and was biting his nails. His joy knew no bounds when he heard the voice 'fasten your seat belts' and he jumped into thin air when he felt aircraft...

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Spending time with mother and friend

My friend and I like talking about each others moms and what we would do to them.One day my fried was gonna stay the night and my mother said she was going to take a shower,me not thinking anything of it my friend disappears for awhile.So I went to see where he went,as I turned the corner to her room I hear the shower running and the door cracked open.As I peeked into the room I saw my friend sniffing my moms still warm panties.I slowly walked in trying not to make a noise.As I sneaked up I saw...

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My friends Help Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is my another super story with super erotic moments My name is Alex and I am a sophomore at a well-known university in Phoenix Arizona. In the fall semester, I took a course in philosophy and met an attractive student in that class. Her name was Emily and she was from England. Most of the guys in classes were hot for her. She was tall with long legs and long black hair but her face was rather plain. I think it was her accent that...

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Titleist 4

The trees have turned and the daylight doesn’t linger as long as it use to. A rich landscape of green has been repainted with the subtle hues of orange and gold. The sand traps are riddled with fallen leaves and if you brave the afternoon chill long enough to play the back nine you will be rewarded with a view from the fourteenth tee that is as pretty as an autumn postcard. Early frosts are already biting into my morning tee times and the gentle summer breezes have yielded to hearty northern...

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A Naked Massage

I guess I was just young and lonely, didn't really have any sexual experience and I was hungry for physical contact so when a man offered me a massage I accepted even though I didn't think I was the slightest bit gay. He was probably around fifty so about twice my age, large-set and very professional looking - I assumed he was gay of course and that he just wanted an excuse to touch my body but that kinda appealed to me, just being wanted was a novelty. We'd started chatting on the seawall,...

2 years ago
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Bride n Joy

It’s the middle of summer and the wedding season is in full swing and I’m DJ’ing around 4 weddings a week at many different venues all around London and the south-east of England, many of which are in very fancy venues. The wedding I’m doing today, or to be more precise, the Civil Ceremony I’m doing today is for 2 girls named Marie and Isobel. We haven’t met up to now but have had a few discussions via email and on the phone in the lead up the day. I’m in the room playing some mellow background...

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The Client On The Sixth Floor Part II

You needn’t read, (or even listen to…) ‘The Client on the Sixth Floor’ to get this one, but it is a good start. *** ‘Oh god, baby!! Don’t stop! That’s it, my big, big boy, Ooooooh!’ Mattie gasped with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. She thrust her pelvis up as her punter’s small, thin cock pistoned in and out of her tight, wet slit. Thankfully she’d remembered her lube and had applied copious amounts when she’d nipped to the bathroom before they’d got started. She’d been finding it so...

4 years ago
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Frankie Bob Part 5

The following day Bob rang Frankie and asked her to be ready in half an hour, stockings, suspenders, basque and high heels, Frankie questioned” what he wanted to do”? But he just replied, “get ready and you will find out”.Frankie took great care, first shaving her pussy, legs and underarms, before drying off and sliding into a white suspender belt, white stockings, white thong and high heels, she felt quite horny at the look, though doubted she would be able to walk for long in the heels.She...

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The Rich and The Famous Ch 01

1. Sabrina Meadows looked at her naked reflection in the mirror, analysing it critically. She was already forty-something (a fact that she kept under close wraps), but she didn’t look a day over thirty, and she knew it. Of course it took a hell of a lot of work to keep up her figure- hell not everyone aged as well as Jane Fonda- a dietician and cook, a personal trainer, microdermabrasion, botox, restalyn injections, a lift here, a tuck there, (not so much that she’d look like Melanie Griffith...

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a night with my wife

A night with my wifeIt was an average friday I came home from work. Janice was home already, as she explains she arranged for a babysitter for the k**s and we could go out.I then proceeded to have a shower and dress. We walked down to our favorite pub, its only a few minute walk. once there we find a table order a few drinks and some food.several drinks later we I ordered Janice a couple shots. needless to say by the time we left we were both very drunk. we made it home and into the living...

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Petras Experiences Guinea Pig Part IV

Warning - The following story deals with the subject of transgendered people. It includes graphic sexual descriptions and is intended for amusement only. No endorsement or denigration of any of the activities or actions contained herein is expressed or implied. If you are bothered by graphic sexual description and/or issues related to transgederism DO NOT READ THIS STORY. Guinea Pig - Part Four After her extraordinary experience with Kevin, Petra felt wonderful. He had spent...

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