Just Another Day In Paradise - Day 8 free porn video

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Day 8 - Saturday There is nothing, NOTHING, worse than waking up with a rotten hangover. Or at least that's definitely the way it feels at the time. My head was absolutely pounding, each heartbeat feeling like a tiny little toffee hammer chipping away at the backs of my eyeballs. My mouth felt like someone had come in in the middle of the night and glued a thick strip of sandpaper on to my tongue, and even the mere thought of eating or drinking anything but a large glass of water made my stomach lurch. To make matters worse, the high sun was streaming through the bedroom window and Nick was nowhere to be seen. I tried calling out to him, but all that came out was a groan, the sound making my head feel even worse, and I flopped heavily back on to my pillow, squeezing my eyes tightly shut to block out the painful sunlight. I heard a door close nearby (or possibly a gunshot, it was difficult to tell, my ears and brain being currently so sensitive), and movement around me, before wincing then sighing a little in relief as a cold, wet towel was placed over my eyes. "I figure you're not doing so great right now," Nick said in a low voice that still managed to cut through my head like so much jagged glass, "I know I felt like shit when I woke up too. Of course I didn't get quite to the point that I was giving every horny guy in that place a free show, so who knows how bad you have it." I groaned, the memory of gyrating on the bar, not all that far removed from exotic dancing, swimming into focus. "There's a couple of Alka-Seltzer tablets on the bedside table and a glass of water. You need to sit up and drink it, it'll help." He helped me into a sitting position, the covers falling away from my naked breasts to pool into my lap, and put the pillow behind my back, leaning me against the headboard. He circled my hand around a gently fizzing glass, lifting it up to my lips and I drank deeply, gulping the sparkling water down, sating my thirst. Even as it was slipping down my dry throat, I felt my headache lessen enough to a point where I could open my eyes and look at him. Though his hair was sticking out all over the place and his face was scruffily unshaven, I couldn't help but smile at my gorgeous hunk of a man as he looked me over with concern in his eyes, as he also handed me my new daily dosage of hormone pills. "Alexis, the police came by this morning," he said, as I swallowed them down, "I didn't want to wake you, because I knew it'd make you upset, especially with a hangover. They swapped out your cases. I... had a look through... there might be a couple of t-shirts you can still use that wouldn't be too boyish, but... well, even if you still wanted to wear them, pretty much everything else in there is ruined, stained with blood and chemicals." His hands were on my shoulders, ready to pull me to him should I break down, but I held myself strongly together. "It's ok. I'm ok. I mean... I knew they weren't my clothes. Even as I was wearing them, growing to love them... I knew in the back of my head that I'd have to give them back someday, that I was only borrowing them, like I was Alexis' sister or something. I always knew I'd have to start building my own wardrobe someday, anyway - I suppose if I have to start from scratch, I can better develop my own sense of style." "That's my brave girl." He smiled. "First thing we do when we get back home is go shopping. We may have to become the Goodwill's best customers at first, but we'll work our way through it until you eventually have a collection of clothes any girl would be proud of." I smiled back. "It's a good thing we have a couple of days between getting home and going back to class - between shopping for new clothes, visiting my new doctor, telling our parents, our friends, the college, my job... not to mention plenty of 'us time'... we're going to need another vacation to recover from it all! Oh god, it feels like my entire body is as stiff as a board!" I added, as I tried to pry myself up from the bed and make the vaguely pressing trip to the bathroom. "I've got you," he said, gently helping me to lean on his shoulder as I stood, and slowly walking me bathroomward. "I also figured your body might be feeling a little run down this morning too, so I booked you some time in the hotel spa. I know we could have used some of the money to buy you some new clothes, but I really think you'll be feeling a whole lot better about yourself after some pampering." "Thank you my love, that really sounds heavenly right now." I sighed, as he sat me down on the toilet, before leaving me to take care of business. Standing in the hot shower, steam enveloping me on all sides, helped clear out my dry-feeling sinuses and re-hydrated me a little to where I began to feel a little better. As I washed my rear, I felt the tenderness caused by last night's moment of drunken passion, smiling and closing my eyes as I remembered the submissive feeling of being on the floor on my back, my legs spread and raised as Nick relentlessly pounded into me. I had never really taken on a submissive role during sex as a guy - even when the girl was on top, I still liked to be able to guide her pace and direction with my hands on her hips or ass. However, being put in a position where there was little I could do but let Nick fuck me... it had been quite a turn on. I certainly had no plans to be anything but equals in this relationship, but I decided that, every now and then, it might be nice to have Nick take a dominant role over me, let me know in no uncertain terms that I was his girl. Feeling the water begin to run a little cooler than it had been, I reluctantly shut off the shower and stepped out, grabbing my fluffy towel and gently patting and rubbing myself dry. I figured that there wasn't much point in doing anything with my hair beyond drying it, seeing as it would probably only get messed up during my spa day, so after drying, I reached into Alexis' makeup bag and pulled out a scrunchie, tying my hair back in a loose pony tail, and- Wait, why was Alexis' makeup bag still here? Hadn't we packed it up last night? Replaying the events over in my head, I realized that while packing up her things, Nick had never left the bedroom. In fact he hadn't even packed up her little jewelry box - I remembered seeing it this morning where I had left it next to the TV, not registering in my brain at the time due to the evil hangover. And sure enough, there were her bottles of body wash, shampoo, conditioner and moisturizer, all sitting where I had just used them during and after my shower, without even thinking about it. I wondered if anyone would notice them missing, whether the police, if they'd even check the contents before sending them on to Alexis' family, or her parents, if, in their grief, they were unable to deal with unpacking and going through her possessions. It made me sad to think again of the girl who had given me so much without ever even knowing who I was, and wondered if perhaps this was her last little parting gift? Allowing me to at least have some small sense of girlish normalcy? I said a silent thank you to her, but though I felt like I should take advantage of her unknowing generosity, much like doing my hair, it was pointless to put makeup on given my plans for the day. Just giving myself a light touch of very pale pink lipstick to give me a slightly more girlish look to my mouth, I settled on remaining as the young, fresh-faced, barely-out-of-her-teens girl I had seen in the mirror that first night after removing my makeup. Nick had told me that all I would need to wear was a bikini and one of the ultra-fluffy toweling robes that hung on the back of the bathroom door. Besides the one-piece I had bought with Kimi, which I was planning to wear for Nick the next time we went to the beach, all I had left was the silver metallic-look thong, so that was what I would wear. As I thought would happen as I slid that gorgeous, sexy slip of almost nothing up my lightly tanned legs, I couldn't help but think of the memories of the last time I had worn it. I realized as I did, that it had been the only time so far that I had gone down on Nick, and that that would have to change very soon. It was strange to think that just a week ago I would have been beyond disgusted to even think about touching another man's penis - now I was almost salivating at the thought of tasting Nick's once more! I stepped out of the bathroom and into the disposable pink foam flip- flops Nick has brought up from the spa, and watched Nick as he tried to tug on a drysuit, admiring the shape of his firm buttocks and powerful looking legs. He noticed me watching him, and I went over to help him, though unable to stop myself from gently running my hand across his swimshorts-covered penis, in the pretense of tugging the crotch of the tight suit into place. "I figured while you were being treated to a day of girly delights, I'd see if I could learn to surf," he explained, a grin creeping across his face each time I 'accidentally' brushed against his cock. "I'm doing one of those crash courses, 'learn to surf in 2 days' kind of things. If you want to work on your tan and get a good laugh at the same time, you could come watch me falling down a lot tomorrow." "Sounds good!" I said, "I'd love to watch you surf. You may not want me there though, I might prove to be a bit of a distraction." "If you're wearing anything like you were last time we were on the beach, you're probably right. Do you have any idea how hard it was to stop myself from watching your sexy little ass?" "Yeah, if you remember, I caught you a few times doing it. And I'm perfectly happy with you doing it some more! By the way," I added, untying the sash of my robe, "does this bring back any memories?" I let the robe drop to the floor from my shoulders, pressing my body up against his, my lips touching his and opening to allow his tongue to enter. I felt his hands caressing my butt as I ran mine through his hair, but he soon pushed away from me. "Oh Lexie, you have NO idea how much I'd like to relive that day, but you're supposed to be in the spa in like 5 minutes. You need to go get that cute little booty of yours massaged by some hulking Swedish guy named Sven. Then maybe later I can get to do the same thing!" We rode the elevator together, separating at the lobby as he headed to the beach, and I strolled to the day spa, surprised to find that, beyond the main reception area, it was located in cabanas and rooms set in and off a beautiful, tranquil garden. I was greeted at the entrance by a pretty Japanase lady dressed in a beautiful black and red, silk kimono, who quickly swept me away to a small, warm room with low light which smelled strongly of various tropical fruits and oils. In the middle of the room was a pedestal-like bed, the edges all slightly raised over the center. I was asked to strip down completely and lay face down on the bed, and she left the room. Though I was a little wary of a certain unwanted part of my anatomy being discovered during whatever this treatment was going to be, I complied, hanging my robe from the hook on the back of the door, and placing my little bikini on the counter. The bed was comfortable, firm but nicely cushioned in the right places, and shortly after I got settled, another woman came in. She looked barely old enough to be out of high school, and her gorgeous red hair flowed all around her, across her shoulders and down so the tips were touching the top of her cleavage, the color drawing attention to her stunningly green eyes. A week ago I would have wanted to take her to bed, now I just wanted to be her! "My name is Michelle," she said, in a lilting accent I took to be Irish, "and you must be Alexis? Well it's a pleasure to meet you." As she moved around the room, setting things up, preparing for the treatments I was going to receive, she began to explain the services that Nick had requested for me, switching on speakers so that the room was filled with soft, relaxing music. "We're going to start with a cocoon treatment. It's like a mud pack, except we use a coconut milk mixture instead - it hydrates your skin to a much greater level, and will leave you with a lovely soft glow. Once I have your body covered, we'll get to work on your facial treatment. All you need to do is lay back and relax, let your senses guide you." As she began to apply the thick coconut milk to my back, I asked her about her accent, finding out that, though she had been born in Ireland as I had correctly assumed, her family had moved to Hawaii 10 years ago when she was 14. "You're 24?! Wow, I wouldn't have taken you to be a day over 18! Your skin is absolutely perfect!" I marveled. She laughed. "Thank you! It may just be good genes, but I like to think I'm a living embodiment of the quality of the services we provide here. Getting pampered for the employee price almost whenever you want is definitely one of the perks of working here!" The combination of the gentle music, the wonderfully aromatic coconut, and the sensation of having the thick mixture gently massaged into my skin was wonderfully relaxing, and in my slight daze it took me a moment to respond when she finished with my back and asked to me roll over. If she noticed anything unusual about the feel of my breasts, she kept it to herself, and fortunately her hand didn't drift too far between my legs to discover anything that didn't belong there. Even as her hand brushed there and between my thighs, I was already so relaxed that I didn't even tense up a little at the possibility of discovery. Eventually, Michelle placed a long fluffy towel over my body, wrapping a large sheet of plastic over the top, adding a second towel above it. I could feel the warmth generated by the room and my own body heat revitalizing me, my skin gently tingling as it absorbed the nutrients from the coconut milk. Though my eyes were closed and I was very relaxed, my other senses were on overload, and I could feel Michelle moving around me, taking a seat behind my head. Her fingers touched lightly to my cheeks and she whispered that she was going to begin a face and scalp massage. If I was already relaxed from the cocooning treatment, the massage sent me to heaven. Michelle's fingers found and dissolved away little points of tension that I hadn't even known were there, and I knew I was gently murmuring in delight as I further entered a state of blissful relaxation. I did feel slightly annoyed that all the women I had known throughout my life so far had hidden these pleasures from me for so long, but now that I had discovered they existed, I was sure I'd be making the most of them. My skin and scalp still tingling from the massage, Michelle began to paint a wonderfully fruity-smelling mud mask on to my face, telling me to breathe deeply and relax. She finished up by gently rubbing an oily lotion into the skin around my eyes, and placing a cool circle over each eye, a slice of fresh cucumber, she told me. I heard the gentle whine of a motor and felt the bed lowering further down, beyond those raised edges I had noticed, truly creating a feeling of being cocooned. Michelle whispered that she would be back in around an hour and a half and left the room. Breathing deeply, inhaling the deliciously relaxing fruity aromas, feeling the tingling of my skin as my body heat and the heat of the room helped it to absorb the liquids and nutrients of the various oils and treatments that had been rubbed in, I could feel the troubles of the previous day, not to mention my hangover, washing away. It was no wonder women paid so much to receive such a pampering, I already felt like a new girl, ready to face whatever the future had in store for me, and we had barely gotten started on the day. I dozed, concentrating on nothing but the wonderful experiences my heightened senses were reporting to my brain, and I felt palpable disappointment when Michelle eventually re-entered the room, raising me out of my cocoon before gently removing the towels from my body. She used a cool towel to gently rub and peel away my face mask, every pore of my skin there feeling invigoratingly clean and alive, before helping me to sit, and walking me to a cubicle where I washed away the remnants of the coconut milk from my body. I had never felt so alive before! The coconut milk had given my skin an incredible silky softness, not to mention a lustrous glow, adding to my suntan. I couldn't help but run my hands over the length of my body, awed at how every inch felt so delightfully soft and feminine. "It does feel pretty good, doesn't it?" Michelle smiled at me as I finally returned to the cocoon room to redress, clearly guessing correctly at what I had taken so long in there doing. "Is this the first time you've had a full body treatment?" "Yes. I guess I never really thought having your body covered in mud or whatever would do much of anything besides feeling slimy and gross. Now I can't wait for my next one! I can't believe what it's done to my skin, it's just so soft." I replied as I slipped my little bikini back on, tying off the top behind my back. "The coconut milk is my favorite too - the mud packs are good, but there's just so many amazing nutrients in the milk, you can't help but feel better about yourself and the world around you. Plus it smells a lot nicer too." My bikini and robe back on, Michelle led me out of the room and back into the garden, walking me to a tree-shrouded cabana, what I recognized as a massage table sitting in the middle. "This is where we part ways," she said. "If you can slip off your robe and hang it on the hook there, and lie face down on the table, someone will be with you shortly for your massage. Enjoy the rest of your day here!" I thanked her and she left me once more. I did as she said and hung up my robe, deciding also to remove my bikini top, so as to not restrict access to any part of my back or neck, knowing full well that if there were any remaining knots of tension after the wonderful cocoon treatment, that was where they would be. Laying face down on the massage table, a towel placed over my buttocks, feeling my breasts squish down beneath my chest was an odd feeling. While I had obviously been in a similar position while Michelle had applied the coconut milk to my back, my head had been raised on a pillow, so there was less pressure on my chest than now, my head placed as it was in the softly cushioned face cradle. I wondered whether this was just down to the fairly firm material that the breasts were made of and how they were glued to my chest, whether once I had my own they would better conform to being in such a position. I certainly hoped so, and practically the first thing I did when the masseur entered the cabana and introduced himself, a large man called Filipo who looked to be of some kind of Pacific Island heritage, was to ask if there was something he could do about the discomfort. He raised the face cradle a little and gave me a long pillow to put under the top of my chest, helping to raise my weight off my breasts. More used to the traditional style of physiotherapeutic massage, I was surprised to feel Filipo start at my feet, rather than my back. I could once again smell coconut, and Filipo explained to me that he was using an infusion of salts and oils designed to cleanse and soften the harder skin of the feet. Whatever he was doing was surprisingly invigorating, his strong hands hitting so many points that caused me to involuntarily flex and stretch my toes in all directions. My feet massaged into submission, he slowly began to work his way up my ankles and legs, building more of a circular rhythm than the long strokes I would have expected from a traditional massage. Before long, I heard him ask if I was comfortable with him working on the area below the towel, to which I assented. He lifted the towel up to my lower back, and I sighed as he worked the remaining tension out of my upper thighs and buttocks. I could feel him using his whole arms on me, not just fingers and palms, but also his forearms, knuckles, even his elbows. It felt strange at first, feeling the dull, heavy point of his elbow pressing into my buttock, yet as I felt yet another small knot that I hadn't previously noticed melt away into nothing, I knew that he was very skilled. The towel back in place, he worked his way methodically around my back, even bringing his knees into play to hold my legs in place as he stretched my upper body to its limit. There were one or two times when I almost felt like he should have bought me dinner and drinks before he was allowed to do what he was doing to me, but by the end of the treatment, once he'd worked his way across my neck and down my arms, I felt completely limp, my whole body completely eased of any remaining stress. I wasn't going to be able to thank Nick enough for thinking of this gift for me, it was exactly what I had needed. Of course I could certainly think of one or two ways I might be able to make it up to him... Once I was able to stand again, my legs still feeling like a pair of wet noodles, my bikini top and robe back in place, Filipo gently assisted me in walking to my final destination for the day, the salon. I relaxed back in the soft leather chair while two women fussed over me, the first, Tammy, a Vietnamese lady who had to be in her mid-50's, beginning to soak and remove the acrylic nails from my fingers, while LaShonda, a young African American woman, probably not much older than me (although I could be way off, given my earlier mistake with Michelle), examined my hair. "The extensions you have in right now," she said, "they're a really good job, I almost missed them at first." I'd have to make sure I passed on the compliment to Kimi. "I think with the length your own hair is right now though, we could stand to go another couple of inches longer with them, if you'd like and if you don't have anywhere you have to be any time soon. The extra length would give you more to work with, and we could create some very dramatic looks." She fetched and held up some longer lengths of hair to my head, the tips reaching down to a little below my armpits. She manipulated it to show various things she could do with the new length. "Obviously you could just wear it straight too, but if we had some volume here, and some waves and curls into the very ends, you can see how it draws out all your best features." Everything she showed me looked amazing, and it was an interesting experience, so different to the last time I had done this with Kimi. LaShonda obviously believed I really was a woman, that I knew more about how to work my hair and the rest of my appearance than I really did, and treated me as such. I realized I needed to make sure she understood I'd need something reasonably easy to maintain, telling her I'd had short hair for so long, I'd forgotten how to really take care of longer hair. She got to work, removing the extensions Kimi had put in, a somewhat painful process as it tugged on my own hair, and eventually weaving and ironing in the new, longer extensions. All the while, Tammy continued to work on my nails, with the acrylics removed once more, attacking my cuticles with gusto and ensuring my own nails were filed and ready for the new ones she was to glue in place. I dozed again as the two ladies worked on me, enjoying the feeling of being the center of attention, though I did make sure to make some mental notes on how Lashonda was fixing my new hair style. Tammy finished up with both my fingers and toenails, painting them in a beautiful light, glittery purple, but it was then a while until LaShonda made her final little clips and pronounced me ready to face the world. She had given me a parting above my right eye, the hair running from there across my forehead and over my left eyebrow. From the middle of my ears the hair began to curl, running in gradually tightening ringlets across my shoulders and down the top of my chest, the very tips just sitting a little way above my cleavage. I was absolutely thrilled with my new look, profusely thanking LaShonda for making me look so beautiful. At that moment Tammy returned once more, setting to work on my makeup. Though I had greatly improved over the course of the week, I was a rank amateur compared to her, within minutes producing a gorgeous, yet softly understated look that I was sure would set Nick's heart racing. My wonderful spa day completed, and the treatments already paid for, I made sure to leave a generous tip for everyone who had worked on me. I still couldn't quite believe how much I felt like a brand new woman, how everything bad that had happened in the last day had been completely scrubbed away during my afternoon of pampering, but I knew it wasn't going to be the last time I did something like this. After all, my finals at college weren't going to be too far away once we returned home, and they could certainly be very stressful! Noticing how much of the day had been whiled away in the care of Michelle, Filipo, LaShonda and Tammy, I realized it wouldn't be too long before Nick was finished with his surfing lessons. I decided to head back to the room and get myself dressed and ready to be taken out for dinner. It was almost a shame to peel off my sexy little bikini again. I'd have loved to be able to truly show off to Nick everything that he had so generously done for me, but I also felt that if I kept it on, we wouldn't be leaving the room any time soon! Deciding I wanted to make sure I repaid Nick for his generosity later on, I picked out a tiny little sexy thong teddy for underwear. Very high cut over the hips, the back, front and sides all had cut-out panels running from hips to bust with a laced- up design across them, showing a generous amount of flesh below, the spandex material hugging me tightly. I rolled up and slipped some thigh high stockings up my legs, still loving that feeling of the silky nylon stretching over my soft, smooth skin. On top, I went for the clingy little black dress I had worn that night I had first discussed with Nick that I may want to stay a girl, one of only two evening-type dresses I had kept. I noticed that the short, tight skirt just barely covered the tops of my stockings when I sat, as I slipped my little strappy black sandals onto my feet, and shivered at the thought of giving Nick a tantalizing glimpse of what was to come. Just as I finished dressing by adding jewelry to the ensemble, Nick returned from his surfing. The drysuit had gone, now dressed only in his blue swimshorts. He looked worn out, but had a smile on his face, beginning to excitedly tell me how much fun he had had as he walked through the living room, right up until he entered the bedroom where I stood, stopping in his tracks to look me up and down, his mouth dropping open. "What do you think?" I asked bashfully. "You. Look. SPECTACULAR! Forget dinner, I think I'm just going to have to eat you all up!" I squealed, pushing him away. I could see and smell that he desperately needed a shower, and I wanted to make him wait for now. "Hey, I didn't spend all day getting pampered and prettified just so you could come in all sweaty and smelling of sea water and start pawing at me! Go take a shower and make yourself look all handsome, so we can go out. Then maybe when we come home later, you can start pawing at me," I added, a naughty grin creeping across my face. He relented, heading off to the bathroom to shower. I went out to the kitchenette to get myself a drink, enjoying the way the tight skirt restricted my movement, forcing me to alluringly step each foot in line with the other as I walked. It didn't seem long before I felt his arms wrap around my waist, spinning me around to face him. "I don't think men even have clothes that can do your look justice," he smiled, "but I hope this can at least pass muster." It did. While I knew that the smart clothes he had brought with him had been intended to impress Kimi, they still had the same effect on me too. Charcoal gray slacks were topped with a bright, royal blue shirt, tight across his pectorals, and a silver, royal blue and white thickly-striped tie. He really looked to have made an effort to impress, and I stepped up to him, my arms wrapping around the back of his neck to draw him to me for a gentle kiss. "You look delicious Nicky. Maybe later I'll get to taste you?" I winked, running my tongue around the inside of my slightly parted lips, watching the smile flow across his handsome features as he guessed at what I meant. Dinner was everything we had come to expect from the various restaurants we had already visited on Oahu. We had decided that we'd had plenty of fish and were both craving steaks. I knew I wouldn't be able to eat much in the tight little dress I wore, but the small, medium-rare filet mignon I ordered was deliciously rich and plenty filling. Nick's porterhouse was equally tasty, both of us already in the habit of sharing each other's food. He told me all about his first attempts at surfing, how a large portion of the time had been just learning how to stand and keep balance on the board while still on the sandy beach. Finally he had been given an opportunity to try it out for real, discovering just how hard it was, falling off several times as soon as he stood before finally catching a good wave on his very last run. He told me it had been exhausting, but the feeling of achievement on that last run had made it worthwhile and he was looking forward to getting back out there. Finally he asked me about my day. "I've never felt so relaxed in my whole life, it was absolutely amazing!" I gushed. "Thank you so much, it really made a difference, made me feel good about myself again." "You really should feel good about yourself, you certainly look fantastic. Your skin, it looks so flawless, and it's like there's a glow about it, more than just the suntan you've caught. And your hair... wait... is it longer?" "Yes, they told me my own hair could support longer extensions than the ones Kimi gave me, and once they showed me what I could look like with them... well, I just had to. It really feels so nice to have my hair gently tickling my chest and back, and I just love the way I look with long hair - it makes me feel so pretty and feminine." I continued to excitedly tell him about the various treatments I'd had, that he absolutely had to try the cocoon at some point, next time he really wanted to relax. All the while he had a huge smile on his face, reflecting my own, happy in the knowledge that his thoughtful gift to me had made me so happy. He laid his hand on top of mine where it lay on the table, gentling rubbing my fingers with his. I began to feel a little aroused, and raised my foot, rubbing my stockinged toes against his ankle, slipping it under his pants leg so that he could feel the silky nylon against his skin. I could feel him beginning to fidget in his seat, and the grateful look on his face when the check finally came was absolutely priceless. For the second night in a row we were all over each other as we entered our suite, this time though we were both sober, more in control of our actions. Taking his hand in mine, I ran, giggling to the bedroom before turning and pulling him to me once more, my tongue slipping into his mouth as we kissed. I felt him unzip the back of my dress, his hands pulling it down over my hips, and it fell to the floor, pooling around my toes. I stood back to let him drink in the full effect of my teddy and stockings, and he swept me up off my feet as I laughed joyfully, my legs wrapping around him. He lay me down on the bed, quickly stripping off himself before grabbing the lubricant, but I stopped him. "Wait. I told you I wanted to taste you, to thank you. Why don't you come on up here, lay back and let Lexie take care of you, pamper you?" Was I this easy to control when I had been a man, I wondered? In a flash, Nick was up on the bed, laying on his back, proudly erect in front of me. Getting on to my hands and knees, I crawled between his legs, and gently ran my hand up his length, causing him to shiver in pleasure. I had originally planned to take my time over giving him our second ever blowjob, but at this point I just wanted him in my mouth and I quickly engulfed him, working my lips and tongue down his shaft, loving the sight of the red rings around him from my lipstick showing how far down I had reached. I sucked, licked and nibbled at him, reveling in the gasps and moans I heard from above my head, finally beginning to take my time by paying some attention to the feeling of taking his balls into my mouth as well as gently kissing his inner thighs. As I sucked him down once more, I suddenly felt his hands on my head, raising me back up and off him. "Lexie," he said, "turn around, come up here." "What? Oh, Nicky, no! I don't want... I'm not complete down there, I..." "Lexie, I want to be able to give you the same pleasure you're giving me right now. Please?" "Are you sure? I don't want things to be weird." "They won't be," he assured me, "I want you to know that I love you just the way you are right now, as well as the way you'll be after you've gone through the surgery." Though I was still unsure, I relented at his sweet words, allowing him to pull me around so that my knees straddled his shoulders. I felt his strong hands on my stocking-covered thighs, his thumbs ever so lightly grazing the bare skin above the lacy tops, his fingers pulling me down closer to him. Giving him encouragement, I engulfed him into my hungry little mouth once more, feeling his hardness fill me, my mouth and throat stretching around him. As I bobbed my head up and down on him, sucking my cheeks in to provide some level of friction, I felt the tip of his tongue touch gently against the thin strip of spandex that covered my crotch, before he tugged it to one side with his hand. Tentatively at first, but soon putting more into it as I continued to work away at him, he began to lap at me, running his tongue down the smooth hardness that was tucked back behind me before gently licking around my head, his tongue gently running over my slit as I did the same to his. I felt a shudder of pleasure run through me, my hips wiggling at his gentle ministrations, but couldn't help but wish it was a different kind of slit he was lapping at. All of a sudden, I felt his tongue run further back, probing gently at my entrance. In a little shock at the feeling of it, I pushed myself away, but with his deliciously hard cock still in my mouth, all that meant was that I swallowed him whole, my lips pressed to the very base, his head deep in my throat. He gasped and I felt him pulse, his muscles tensing and he moaned in pleasure, emptying his seed deep into my gullet. I quickly pulled back so that his head was only just inside my pouty lips, wanting to taste as much of him as I could, each jet of cum refilling my mouth as quickly as I could swallow it down. As his orgasm subsided, my tongue still lapping up the last dribbles of cum, I felt his head move forward to my backside once more, but I moved away from him, swinging my leg over so I could lay next to him. I kissed him, trying to wipe away the disappointed look from his face. "Baby, I appreciate what you're trying to do, and it did feel pretty good, but... until I'm whole down there, it just doesn't feel right. Besides, I can get all the pleasure I need from you by just having you inside me, whether in my ass or in my mouth. You have no idea how good it feels to be your woman both in and out of the bedroom." He tried to protest, but, rolling on to my back, I told him if he really wanted to make me happy, give me the pleasure I'd just given him, then all he needed to do was to get out his little tube and give me his big tube. He quickly got the hint, and it wasn't long before there was a pillow underneath my back, raising me up to him as he pentrated my lubricated hole, my legs still encased in their stockings raised up over his shoulders. Bent double like this, I was amazed at how deep he could reach inside me, as I bucked my hips against each of his thrusts, moaning my encouragement to him. With each successive sexual bout we had, the time it took for the initial pain to become pleasure had lessened to the point that it was practically instantaneous, but I was still amazed at how I could feel every slight movement Nick made, sparking so many electrical impulses in my brain that the outside world completely lost its focus, Nick and his gloriously hard cock so quickly becoming my whole world. It wasn't long before I was screaming out in the throes of ecstasy, my orgasm coursing through me, milking him as his cum spurted deep inside me. I pulled his face to mine, kissing him deeply, trying to make him understand just what he meant to me, what everything he had done for me in this wonderful week to remember meant to me. I could feel his semen leaking out of me as he finally pulled away, flopping down beside me, our mouths still locked together, one of my legs still hooked around his back, keeping me spread open. I felt like I was floating, a high better than any of the few drugs I had ever experimented with could possibly ever provide. I had discovered my true self, I was in love, and best of all he loved me back, or at least I certainly assumed so, given that was what he whispered to me between each kiss. As I came down from my wonderful high, I felt my eyelids begin to droop. I pulled Nick close to me, wrapping my legs around one of his, my head on his chest, with my beautiful hair splayed around me, and drifted off into a deep, soothing sleep.

Same as Just Another Day In Paradise - Day 8 Videos

4 years ago
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Paradise Trail Parts 14 Complete

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) To my valued readers - - There is quite a bit more to my diary. Here is what you may read thus far. Let me know if you want to read even more. (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) (Part Four starts at Chapter 13.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be...

4 years ago
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Paradise Trail Parts 1 2 and 3

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) (Part Three starts at Chapter 9.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first...

4 years ago
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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 2

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise." If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to Fictionmania.tv and read it post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of her...

2 years ago
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Just Another Day In Paradise Final Days

Day 11 -Tuesday A beep. Another beep, followed by another. Was there beeping in the afterlife? If so, heaven wasn't all it was cracked up to be, it was a pretty annoying sound, all things considered. I felt my eyelids fluttering, trying to open, but all I could see beyond them was a bright white light. I heard a noise beyond the incessant beeps - voices maybe? It was difficult to tell, my senses were acting sluggish, and if they were voices, the words weren't making any sense...

3 years ago
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Paradise Trail Parts 1 and 2

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) (Part One starts here.) (Part Two starts at Chapter 6.) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first person to second person to third, then...

1 year ago
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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 5

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain adult themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to Fictionmania.tv and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some...

3 years ago
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Paradise Watched

Paradise Watched"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven."  Milton, Paradise Lost.---------------Chapter the only.I looked out my office picture window and at the huge vista beyond.  Another beautiful day, blue sky, blue water, probably up to maybe 75 degrees today.  But of course, that was the norm in this part of the Pacific - the only bad days were during the monsoon.  Of course, even the bad days were like nirvana compared to the interminable cold where I grew up - Montana, USA.  If I...

3 years ago
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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 1

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you underage, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to the Mermaid Stories group on Yahoo and read them post haste. This...

3 years ago
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Paradise Trail Part 1

-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Paradise Trail -=-=-=-=-=-=-= By Maria 2 (a.k.a. Maria) Introduction - May 6, 1953. This is a true story - as true as I can tell it, as true as I can put to words. There will be skeptics who doubt the veracity, but that is a measure beyond my control. Forgive me if I am not the best of all authors. Truth be told, I am no author at all. If I jump from first person to second person to third, then please forgive me. I write down my story as I remember it -...

3 years ago
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Shadows of Paradise

By Samantha G. “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.”-Rolling Stones If it was only for one splendidly intimate night, it was well worth the gamble to be among the wolves of flesh. Tonight, somebody held me, when I needed to be held. Somebody could touch me, as I needed to be touched. Somebody made love to me, when my dire craving needed not only to be fed, but also to be loved. He asked for nothing, but gave me everything, I could...

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Tara Catches A Ride To Paradise

Daren, John and Max had taken off for the river and were cruising down this little county road when they spotted this babe hitchhiking up ahead. They all agreed she looked smoking hot in her cut-off shorts and tight little top, so it was decided quickly they’d offer her ride. As they came up beside her Daren slowed the van down and stopped next to her. Max leaned out the window and yelled, “Hey, you want a ride?”She looked over at Max and said, “Where are you guys headed? I need to get to...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 3

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise," If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to Fictionmania.tv and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 01 07

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...

3 years ago
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Woman Partner Chapter Twentyfour Last Day in Paradise

Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 24, Last Day in Paradise) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback. Enjoy! WARNING - No bestiality described...

2 years ago
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The Long Road to Paradise

...It had come at last. The night of nights. Mitt's princess stood before him, her long blonde tresses curling down her back, her green eyes alert, yet respectful. The white wedding dress brought out her beauty all the more, a cone of lace crowned with the smooth softness of her bare arms and shoulders. He had called her a "vision of loveliness" in his toast, and indeed she was. His wife's face - yes! She was his wife now! - was so perfect he could not take his eyes off it.She reached...

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Paradise on a Deckchair

Amelia lay listless, a thirty-something with an old-fashion name on a beach to die for – it was reality straight from the brochure. Unbelievable really, she’d thought, as usually travel ‘come-ons’ are doctored in the graphics design department: sunsets being colored-enhanced to ridiculous extent, the fisherman’s catch lengthened to exceed the record for that species set in 1923, the surf running two meters higher than ever recorded in that locality – and that’s even after hurricanes! Fiji...

3 years ago
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The Long Road to Paradise

It had come at last. The night of nights. Mitt's princess stood before him, her long blonde tresses curling down her back, her green eyes alert, yet respectful. The white wedding dress brought out her beauty all the more, a cone of lace crowned with the smooth softness of her bare arms and shoulders. He had called her a "vision of loveliness" in his toast, and indeed she was. His wife's face - yes! she was his wife now! - was so perfect he could not take his eyes off it.She reached behind her...

2 years ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 11 Orgy In The Air

RECAP: Since we have finished ten episodes of season two, here is a quick recap to help you keep up. The new season of Prem Paradise began with the introduction of new characters and an update on the existing ones. The owner of Prem Paradise, Mrs. Nair lived alone in her penthouse having successfully controlled herself from having affairs after the fiasco some time back. Gautam and Kiran Chatterjee were the only other returning characters. They are a married couple who had decided to mend their...

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Conquest of Paradise IslandChapter 6 Invasion

Princess Diana, First Princess of the Amazon, sold her race out that day, pointing out the location of Paradise Island and answering all their questions, why no one had ever found it before, what was their warrior number and defenses. She informed them that there really weren't any defenses as the modern day army thought of them and there was no air force, artillery or tanks to worry about. There were 30,000 Amazons when she had last visited home, but their tenacity made each the equal of 3...

3 years ago
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Just Another Day In Paradise Day 4

Day 4 - Tuesday I blinked awake the next morning to find myself in the same position as I had the day before - on my side with Nick snuggled behind me, still asleep. Barely covering my ass as it was, the thin material of the chemise made the feeling of Nick's cock against my rear even more pronounced, and, I realized, all the more enjoyable. There was no pressing urgency from my bladder this morning, so I decided to make the most of the opportunity to explore my potential...

2 years ago
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Joanns Club Paradise

Sis rented Mom’s old bedroom to two of the gurls on my soccer team. They would also look after the house so she and Chrissy could come down and join us as we spent the last week preparing for the grand opening of “Joann’s Club Paradise”. When they arrived, Sis and Michelle started on setting up the salon. They couldn’t believe how good the old motel looked. Chrissy set-up the booking and charge system while I worked with the newly hired cooks and bartenders stocking the kitchen and bar. Joe...

4 years ago
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The Fall of Paradise Chapter Two

Glossary: Seraph- An angel. What the winded people call themselves. I somehow never got around to putting that in the first chapter. Lios & Lupos- Werecats & Werewolves. Walk on two legs or four very aggressive. Patriarchal tribal society. Chapter Two: A New Home The craft shuddered under the stress of the shift from jump speed to normal travel speed. The shuddering of the ship jolted Avriel from her fitful slumber. Disoriented and confused she looked...

3 years ago
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Paradise Part 1

“You wanted to buy that fraking recorder!” he yelled back. Edward and I were supposed be on flight 997 to Rapture at 1400 hours Colonial Time. It was 1405. If it wasn’t for the fact star cruisers were never on time then we’d have most certainly been left behind. We finally reached the entrance to the star cruiser. The ticket checking machine scanned our tickets and allowed us access to the shuttle. “Thank the stars we aren’t too late,” I sighed. ...

2 years ago
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Lost Paradise Found

It was not the first time I had seen her today but this time the sight of her is taking my breath away as she walks to my table at the ‘Tiki Surf Bar’. It seems like a month, but it’s only been 14 hours since I first laid eyes on her. It was in San Francisco as we waited to connect with our Hawaii flight, when she caught my eye. Sitting opposite her waiting for our flight to board, she was deeply engrossed reading a book, and I was able to discreetly observe her. Obviously dressed for travel...

4 years ago
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A Walk to The Paradise Garden

Note: The title is shared by a wonderful piece of classical music by Frederic Delius. If you can acquire a recording, you will find this story mirrors the music, and with a little luck, when the music stops, the tale will be near the end. This story is dedicated to the exquisite Honey123, her contributions to Literotica are priceless, and I will always covet them! ******************************* The beach was deserted. Only a lone crab tentatively made its way up the sandbar, pausing to...

3 years ago
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A Trip To Paradise

 A Tropical Story -- Sex and Love in ParadiseIt's another unbearably hot and humid September day in Florida. It’s just too hot to do almost anything outside. You are back in your bathroom playing some game on your iPhone and I am sitting in front of my computer, bored stiff reading poorly written erotic stories on EP.I momentarily think about jumping into the swimming pool in the hopes you will join me. But of course, at that exact moment, there is a large and way too close clap of thunder and...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Thank you for Paradise

Thank you for ParadiseThis hot shemale story was sent to me by our forum member Leeya and i'm anxious to share it here with everybody. It's a classy story about a guy who went to an Asian country on a business trip and met a very beautiful womain in a very romantic atmosphere... Little did he know that this young voluptuous lady was a ladyboy.Thanks for this story Leeya. As a reminder to all others, if you have a story suitable for this section, by all means post it either here as a comment or...

3 years ago
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A Visit into Paradise

I looked around the Room and there she stood an Angel in a Yellow DressThat Clung to her Figure of Perfection I thought that I had gone to HeavenShe Was 57 She Took me By Surprise She was only five feet five with Brown Hypnotic Eyes She had my Spirit Dancing my Heart was Pounding with DelightHer Coffee Colored Skin Felt like Velvet so soft and so warmHer Lips tasted like wine she had me in a tranceI never felt so intoxicated before as she held me tight I caressed her ever so tender I brushed...

3 years ago
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Paradise By Deputy Duffy The hair salon that my mom went to was aptly named ?Paradise?. The place wasalways beset with sexy women looking their best. It was females only, so (beingborn with a penis) I had to be a little sneaky. I would always try and comeup with some sort of excuse to borrow her car (I had my own) on the day ofher appointment. Then I would act disappointed when she said that she had ahair appointment, before offering to drop her off and pick her back up. Sometimesit worked,...

3 years ago
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Paradise Found

I live and work in paradise. I’m thirty years old and have been a lifeguard for more than fifteen years. For the last eight I’ve been the guard at Wineglass Beach on the east coast of small island in the waters south of Melbourne, Australia.I had to look twice the first time I saw her. Beyond the exquisite beauty of the beach, I am used to seeing sexy swimmers every day. To be honest, I rarely notice anymore. But there was something different about her. She was striking.She first appeared for a...

1 year ago
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Another Piece of Paradise Chapter 4

Another Piece of Paradise By JJ This is a work of fiction (unfortunately). It may also contain themes and opinions that some may find objectionable. If you are not of the age to be able to view such things, then stop now. I'm writing in the universe of Patricia's "Changes in Paradise." If you have not read her magnum opus, and are interested in mermaids, then you should go right over to Fictionmania.tv and read them post haste. This story assumes that you have some understanding of...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 15 Paradise

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Fifteen: Paradise Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, July 1 9th, 2072 – Sarah Glassner – Paradise, WA I couldn't help staring at the golden statue of father standing with his wife Mary. The larger than life edifice rose out of the center of the wildflowers. The statue was well maintained and there were dried flowers about its base and melted wax from candles. “They hold ceremonies here,” I said as Aoifa walked up to...

2 years ago
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"Very simply put, we offer the finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world." My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. She didn't blink. She didn't grin. She was profoundly serious. She had made what she believed was a statement of absolute fact in answer to my question. I closed my mouth and swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in it as I pondered the possibilities of the transaction that I was considering. I couldn't help glancing again at the large notebook which she had...

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Patriarch Paradise 1 Eve

Private Paradise with six sexy fine females found in India, intimately initiating five tasty teens.Probably the prettiest pervert period of my mighty long love life I experienced in Southern India.Plucked five fine fresh flowers to build my most beautiful bouquet of pink pretty tulip love lips.Philosopher Peter Poet meets Eve and her dear daughters and his meat meets all their cute cunnies.At age thirty-two, thirty-two years back, I travelled overland with a friend from Amsterdam to India.As a...

4 years ago
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Prem Paradise 8211 Episode 57 8211 Season 1 Finale

Written by: AMIT (To read all the previously published episodes, ) Everyone in Prem Nivas was getting ready for the party that evening in celebration of Sowmya’s modelling success. Although they didn’t know what exactly she was doing, but everyone, including her mother and sister, were happy for her. While people were getting ready for the party, Gautam was hurrying out of his house. “Urgent work”, he explained to his wife, “Client seems to have attempted suicide, I’ll be back before midnight...

3 years ago
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Changes In Paradise

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...

2 years ago
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ParadiseIt was the fourth time they had met and the undercurrent of attraction was just as strong as it had been the very first time. The look was unmistakable in his eyes as she looked up into them shyly and looked down quickly blushing, yet smiling to herself in excitement as they reached out and hugged each other laughingly. They both knew what would happen this night; there was no doubt in either of their minds that a sexual encounter was destined to happen after the conversations that...

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Sissy Sisters Paradise

SISSY SISTERS PARADISE? by Throne The three feminized husbands had been left in Penny's bedroom, which was a study in pink and white, with bold splashes of magenta here and there. Penny had been sissified by his wife Marge over the past few years. She had met other women who had done the same to their husbands and they all formed a loose network for shared activities. Penny asked Flo, "Did your wife tell you why they have the three of us here tonight?" "Not really," Flo answered...

3 years ago
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Swinging Paradise

I am Huma, with a new kind of group sex experience of a couple who have already tasted the pleasure of swapping. Hope you like it. ” Swinging Paradise offers you the best atmosphere to swing and enjoy in the lap of Mother Nature. Do you swing? Do yoy wish to swing? The best time has arrived to enjoy love to its fullest. We will take care of your needs, fetishes, dreamas and even whims and fancies. Contact us online or phone us to mail you entry forms and other literature” So read the...

1 year ago
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An Urban Latex Paradise

Welcome to the city of paradise! A vibrant new city located off the pacific coast of North America. It’s a bright, neon soaked urban jungle full of opportunities and exciting experiences! There’s just one catch... it’s... how do we put this.... kinky. It’s been called the kinkiest city in the world, even. It’s so overtly sexual, they passed a law only 18 months after the city opened that you need to be of legal age to even reside there, forcing parents and children to move out. We also have a...

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Just Another Sunday Funday

So I just got back from one of my favorite days: Sunday. Most people hate it because it's the day people go to church. But that's exactly why I like it. You see, every Sunday, one of my oldest and dearest lovers invites me to his home while his wife is at church. He also invites several of his friends…who invite their friends…and who invite their friends ;-) We call it "Sunday Funday".While I usually travel very discretely, these men want me in full drag, in the sluttiest outfits and...

2 years ago
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And So Begins Another Day in Paradise

My awakening begins as I climb out of the depths of sleep. Daylight is creeping softly through the blinds and falls upon my face like the kiss of a young maiden. I hear the songs of a dozen different birds as they announce the sun, and the new day's arrival. My love is beside me, and I turn and gently stroke her cheek as her eyes flutter open and she smiles at me. I spoon behind her and gaze out our large glass doors, in our bedroom, at the beauty of Mother Nature. This is the fulfillment of...

1 year ago
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The Fall of Paradise Chapter One

The Fall of Paradise Chapter One: The Seed of the Future Avriel ran through the corridors of the Pallace, her golden blonde hair streaming behind her and her pristine white wings held slitghtky dispended from her body to maintain her balance at a dead run. Her sword clenched one one hand and her son, Azriel, cradled firmly against her side. He had not cried since she picked him up and told him he had to be silent. He just cuddled against her and stared up into her face in silence,...

2 years ago
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Springtime At The Paradise

In May 1975 I gave my girlfriend Michelle Hanley a tour of my hometown of The Bronx. We were both sophomores at the City College of New York and we had a Wednesday for ourselves. We decided to take her car for the trip back and forth and for part of the excursion within the borough; I would drive because I knew my way around and she could be free for sightseeing. I went out by subway to Long Island City on a sunny morning to meet her around eleven AM.She met me outside her house and I noticed...

1 year ago
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The Way to ParadisePart 2

When we last left our story we had discovered how Jean d’Langham a young country boy from France had joined the French Imperial Army as a naïve and wide-eyed blond seventeen-year-old “to find his fortune”. Posted far from the center of power in Paris the young lad had, at first, been downcast. Soon Jean learned that living on the edges of an empire had its own unusual advantages. Jean was taken under the wing of a certain demanding young woman named Apolline Descartes and educated in the art of...

4 years ago
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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Introduction: Banished for chosing the white mans ways, they choose a life with the white men. Paradise Valley 2, Homecoming Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there...

1 year ago
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Destination Paradise

Congratulations! Thanks for taking an interest in being one of five testers for our newest concept resort. We are pleased to announce that you have been selected! What does this mean for you? Well, this means that you will get an all-inclusive 5-day vacation at our newest resort: Destination Paradise. Everything you could imagine is available for your pleasure. This is our 5th all-inclusive resort and we are so thrilled to have you helping us in this soft launch, to make sure everything is...

4 years ago
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Threesome in paradise

Threesome in paradiseAna had been advised that Seychelles Islands were a real paradise and of course it was right.We arrived later in the afternoon after two long leg flights; Boston is really far, far away from here. On that first night were both were a little bit tired from waking up so early; so we just went out for dinner and came back early to our hotel room.In the morning everything was quite different. Anita was the first one in the shower. She shaved her sweet pussy. She liked to keep...

2 years ago
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Take Her Down to Paradise City Pt 1

Lena sat on her couch, excitedly opening the package from her aunt back home. Her birthday had been a month ago, but there had been some issues shipping this "mystery present". As Lena carefully extracted the hand-wrapped gift from within the bubble-wrap-lined box, she smiled."Thank you, Aunt Margaret..." she said to no one. She lived alone since breaking up with her fiancé, Collin. Due to this, she felt a bit lonely sometimes, but her family back home had really come through for her. They had...

2 years ago
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With Ann in Paradise

I was still in a half sleep, laying on my back but I was very aware of Ann curled against me, her face on my bare chest, her right leg wrapped over mine, just brushing my groin. I was on my back. I could feel her soft hair brushing my chin and heard the steady breathing of her sleeping. I could also feel the softness of her pubic hair pushing against my thigh. My God, this girl was perfect! How in the hell did I get so lucky?It had started with an email about a year ago. Ann read some erotic...

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The Way to ParadisePart 2

When we last left our story we had discovered how Jean d’Langham a young country boy from France had joined the French Imperial Army as a naïve and wide-eyed blond seventeen-year-old “to find his fortune”. Posted far from the center of power in Paris the young lad had, at first, been downcast. Soon Jean learned that living on the edges of an empire had its own unusual advantages. Jean was taken under the wing of a certain demanding young woman named Apolline Descartes and educated in the art of...

3 years ago
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A Fortnight in Paradise Parts 1 and 2

part 1As she boarded the plane, she couldn't help but feel excited. She'd saved a whole year for this trip and was still in a bit of disbelief that it was finally happening. A whole fortnight in sunny, tropical paradise.She settled into her seat and pulled out the book she'd brought to read while travelling, Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Why not, eh? Just as she was turning the page, a person sat in the seat next to her's. At first she didn't bother to look. She figured she'd let the...

1 year ago
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Changes in Paradise Two Daniels Story

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. While it isn?t necessary to have read ?Changes In Paradise,? it might help. Thank you (to those of you who deserve it) for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement on...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise 07 Sharks Submarines and Salvage

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really must read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 6," if you haven't already. This story has grown far beyond what I expected, and now the narrative threads...

4 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Part 10 Readjustments Reprisals and Revelations

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 9", if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

3 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Chapter 13 MADmers CHEW and Polymers

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 12," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to...

3 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Chapter 15 Camouflage Connections and Chesapeake The Saga Continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read, "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 14," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

3 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Part 16 Science Sons and Sirens the Saga continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

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