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I didn't mind the cold as we left the theatre that frigid January night, not even the little icicle fingers tearing through my shawl, my evening gown, and my bra to numb my breasts and harden my nipples. We had just been to a superb performance of an amazing opera, and I was still in my own special seventh heaven.

"The car's this way," growled the little man beside me. He was Wilbur Mason, a multi-billionaire and my husband. "Let's go!" he snarled. "I'm freezing." He strode off leaving me to crash land back on dirty old planet earth all by myself. 

We had been married almost a full year and in that time he'd gone from something like an adorable and adoring little bichon frise puppy to a snarling, snapping little terrier. Oddly enough, in human terms, he'd gone the other way, from a mature adult to a petulant child, so that's exactly how I treated him.

Our chauffeur was waiting at the corner. Tall, dark and gorgeous and all decked out in her pearl grey uniform Rosie was holding the rear door of our limo open for us. Wilbur was standing beside her waiting for me to catch him up and get in first. He glared at me. I ignored him. 

"Rosie," he said as he fastened his belt, "you can drop me at the Japanese consulate please, and then you can take Greta home. I'll grab a cab later."

"Right, sir."

I glanced at my watch. It was almost 10 past 11. "At this time? On a Friday night? You're kidding. Right?" 

"I have a meeting with Ito Cho."

"Who's he?" 

"Mrs Ito is one of their top international cultural liaison people." 

"It is one hell of a funny time for a business meeting."

"That reminds me. Rosie, I need to be at the airport by eight in the morning please."

"Yes, sir."

He turned to me. "Her schedule and mine have just this tiny bit of overlap. She only arrived from Tokyo a few hours ago and I'm flying there in the morning. There are a few things I need her to clear up for me before I go. Just etiquette. I won't be long and learning how to avoid offending my hosts is worth the effort."

He was actually making sense, so I nodded. 

A few minutes later we dropped him off and I moved up to the front passenger seat to join Rosie.  

"You don't mind if I upgrade myself to a first-class seat?"

She chuckled. "Of course not." She pulled into traffic and there were a few moments silence until she added, "You hungry?" 

"Damn right. And my bladder's about to burst. It's been hours and Wilbur was in such a bloody big hurry to meet his new Asian babe." 

"We'll go to Andrea's. Best pasta puttanesca in town and it's only a few minutes away."

"Sounds good." She grinned and hit the gas. 

"How was the opera?"

"I loved it. It was wonderful."

"And Willy hated it?"

"Probably. He only comes because he likes to be seen as a 'patron of the arts.' I told him before we came out that I was fed up with his bitching and whinging and he should keep his opinions to himself. After that, it was smarter not to ask him what he thought."

"Damn girl, you've got a set on you. Oh, and by the way, I just happen to know that Ms Ito is in her early 80's."

"So what? I've got ten years on Wilbur. I reckon he's got a thing for old biddies." 

"No way! 10 years? Seriously?" I nodded. "Damn!" she said. "You sure don't look it." She took a quick look at me. "What are you? About 5'10"?"

"Puh-leeze. 5'9"." 

"And a half," we chimed in unison, and we broke into laughter. It seemed an eternity since I'd had a good laugh.  

Rosie shook her head. "Our Willy's quite the little perv, isn't he? He likes his women older, taller, bigger and stronger than him." 

"Older? You? Seriously." 

"By a few months."

"Doesn't count, but you're definitely stronger than him. After all you're a trained bodyguard. But me? Not a chance."

"Don't sell yourself short, sweetie. I have noticed you, probably more than want to know about, decked out in your hot little orgasm pink bikini. You got an awesome bod, lean, mean, and curvy all at the same time with about twice his muscle mass. What's your sport? Soccer? Tennis? Judo?"

"Ballet, up to about 20 years ago."

"Hot damn! It still shows. Hey, if you like I could teach you a few moves, and give you a few pointers on when and how to use them." 

I shrugged. "Yeah, maybe." 

"And when you're ready," suddenly she was a ring announcer. "'Ladies and Gentlemen, for our main event tonight, for the inter-gender wrestling championship of the world, we have, in this corner, the challenger, wee Willy Mason, and in this corner, we have our reigning champions, the world famous tag team, the unbeatable and unspeakably gorgeous Greta Mason-deBurg and her partner the indomitable Rosie O'Shea!'" 

We laughed until we were both on the verge of tears. 

Andrea's was a cozy little restaurant, and, at this time of the night, we had the place to ourselves. There was no sign of a guy called Andrea but Rosie and the blonde waitress greeted each other with a breast crushing hug and locked lips. There was tongue, and I could feel damp rising that might have been, but was probably not due to a leaky bladder. I'd never been attracted to a woman nor even had an interest in lesbian porn, but watching Rosie embrace and kiss the cute little waitress was making me as horny as any butch in heat. I made an urgent beeline for the restroom.

When I got back they had calmed down and weren't even holding hands. Rosie did the honours.

"Hon, this is Greta, Willy's better half. Greta, this is my wife, Simone."

"Pleased to meet you, darling." She hugged me briefly, but spared me the exchange of oral fluids and refrained from bruising my baby girls. 

"A couple of puttanescas for a couple of sluts?"

"You got it, babe." They blew kisses at each other and Simone made for the kitchen. We were barely seated before she was back with a glass of red wine for me. 

"Where the fuck's mine?" Rosie asked, as Simone started back to the kitchen. 

"You're driving, bitch, and, before you say another word, you have a very precious passenger." Rosie gave her the one finger salute. 

"So, Rosie. How long have you worked for Wilbur?"

"I've been his driver and bodyguard for about 7 years now, but we go back about 5 or 6 years before that."

"Did you date him? Did he ever fuck you?"

"No sweetie. I've only ever dated girls and no man has ever fucked this bitch. It was just a business thing we had going."

"Sometimes I wish I could say the same."

"What? Women? Or business?"

"That I'd never got involved with him." I paused, she waited. "I know sweet fuck all about business and I've never been attracted to a woman…" I looked her in the eye but she just sat there, waiting. She knew damn well I'd left it hanging. I looked away and in barely more than a whisper, "before now."  

She still didn't say anything but I was pretty sure she'd heard me and simply decided not to react. The silence weighed heavy and then Simone delivered our pastas plus one for herself. The three of us made unconvincing small talk until our plates were clean. 

When we were ready to go Rosie took her time embracing and kissing Simone, with a lot more of the duelling tongues thing. Finally Simone gave her a sharp slap on the butt. "Hey bitch," she said, "better get going. Take the lady home and then bring that gorgeous ass of yours back here to me." 

It was more than a quiet ride home. It was the silence of the grave. 

I got up early the next day to have breakfast with Wilbur before Rosie took him to the airport. I needn't have bothered. The silence was deafening. Rosie arrived on time and after they left I cleared up and dried the dishes while our kitchen maid washed. As soon as we were done I gave her the keys to the SUV and told her she could take the rest of the weekend off. 

Now I had the whole house to myself. Oh joy. I went back to bed with my iPad, my Hot Movies for Her account and my Magic Wand. That killed about 40 minutes and left me feeling a bit empty. I got up and found something easy to read in the library. I didn't even bother changing out of my thong and the old, loose, somewhat faded house dress I'd worn to breakfast. I get like that when I'm bored. 

Around mid-morning I dragged myself out of my funk. I was pretty sure she would be back from the airport by then so I put on a winter coat and went looking for Rosie. I found her in the main garage washing and valeting my Maybach. 

She greeted me with just the hint of a shy smile on her lovely face. “Good morning Mrs Mason-deBurg," she said as she turned off the tap and dried her hands. "Did you sleep well?" 

This was the first time I'd ever seen her less than fully dressed. Her breeches and boots were still covering the bits of her they were meant to cover, but her uniform jacket and shirt were draped over a nearby bench. A thin, sleeveless vest showcased Mother Nature's generous gift of almost perfect breasts. It was just wet enough to prove that, for her, a bra could only ever be an erotic accessory for the pleasure of a lover with a thing for ladies in hot lingerie. The thought gave me a nice feeling of rising heat. I could almost feel her stiff nipples on the palms of my hands and the plush resistance of her shapely bosom to my gently squeezing fingers. She must have noticed me checking out her bounteous beauties but, God bless her, she didn't even try to cover up. 

"Aren't we well past that Mrs Mason-deBurg crap? I'm Greta." The garage was of course heated and very humid, so I slipped out of my coat and laid it over the hood our Mercedes E-class. No. I was not trying to show off. Much.

She chuckled. "Sorry. How did you sleep? Greta."

"Very well, thanks. You?"

"Fine, yeah. So, what can I do for you?" She spoke gently and calmly but in what seemed like a carefully neutral tone of voice in spite of her slight smile.

It was a better question than she knew. On the one hand, I wanted her but without letting lust interfere with either of our marriages. On the other hand I needed to know if she was in some way, knowingly or not, coming between me and Wilbur. If so, I wanted it ended as of yesterday, if not sooner. Last night she had played the lesbian card to dodge my subtle, little probe, but that didn't mean I was going to drop it. 

That was all in my gut. My head was saying that it was all a bit silly. The very idea of Rosie and Wilbur together seemed ludicrous, almost hilarious. He was a scrawny little pasty-faced popsicle-stick of a billionaire, hitting maybe 5’6” in dress shoes and here she was, a gorgeous, vibrant African-American lesbian goddess, about my height, with a slim, but athletic build. If she ever put her mind to it, she could snap him like a dry twig. Apart from her skill in the martial arts, it was no different from me and Wilbur, come to think of it.

When in doubt do nothing. Keep your mouth shut and your ears, eyes, and mind wide open. My daddy taught me that. 

"Wilbur and I were supposed to go to the ballet tonight," I said. "With him away - well - I just don't want to go by myself so why don't you and Simone go?"

Her eyes widened and her jaw almost dropped. "Oh! Wow! Really? That would be brilliant! Let me give her a call." She reached for her jacket and dug out her phone. I stepped aside to let them talk freely. Less than a minute later she came over and handed me her mobile. "Do you mind? She wants to talk to you."

"Hi, Simone."

"Greta, thank you so much! I'd love to go but I just can't. Andrea's sick and I really do need to work tonight. He's counting on me."

"Oh. I see. Well, maybe another time."

"No, listen. You should take Rosie."

"Are you sure?"

"Hell yes! I'm betting silly-Willy had you sign a pre-nup that'll keep you out of her panties."

"Sorry. No pre-nup."

"Really? Good, cuz I can't promise she'll stay out of yours." 

We laughed and said good-bye. 

"All set," I said. "The curtain goes up at 8:00 sharp, so why don't you take the rest of the day off, get yourself all dolled up and get back here by 5 or so. We'll take a taxi into town, have dinner, a few drinks and then later we could go to Andrea's. Sound like a plan?" 

"Taxi? Why? I can drive us." 

"Tonight, my darling, we drink. That's why." 

She took hold of my hand. "You know what? I really want to kiss you right now." Her eager eyes and bright smile said it was going to be the sappy kind of joyous, enthusiatic thank you hug and a peck that I really didn't want, rather than the unbridled lust I was hoping for. 

I leaned forward offering my cheek, but she took my face between her hands and kissed me, full on the mouth. Her full cushy lips smothered mine and her tongue pried me open like an oyster being shucked by an expert. A bolt of lightning lit me up from top to toe. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close. I sighed, I shut my eyes as I melted into her embrace and somehow my hands found enough room to fondle her breasts. Fingers squeezed her gently as my thumbs tried to get between her nipples and mine. 

What the hell was I thinking! 

Wrong question. What was I thinking with? 

My pussy, that's what, already moist, heading for damp and soon to be sopping wet. I broke the lip-lock she had me in and pushed her away, gently, slowly, and very reluctantly, but keeping my hands on her breasts, my palms unwilling to give up the thrilling texture of her stiff nipples. "This is a very bad idea," I murmured. Softly. Maybe in the forlorn hope she wouldn't hear me. 

I expected her to be embarrassed or flustered, but I was wrong again. "Problem?" she asked as she tightened her grip and leaned forward to nuzzle my neck. The thrill her murmuring lips shot down my spine and curled my toes.

"What I meant was that it's not a very good idea because I really, really really wanted you to kiss me." 

She shifted her hands. With one she stroked my ass and the fingernails of the other traced a fiery pattern on the back of my neck. "Nice! So what's the problem? Do you think I'm going to turn you into a   green-scaled lesbian or something?" 

Again her lips found mine. I gasped and kissed her back, relishing her taste, her scent, the luxurious texture of her. "I think you've already bisexualized me and that's quite enough for the moment, thank you," I said, when she let me up for air. "But you are a married woman." I thought about pushing her away again, but somehow I could not. 

"Big deal. So are you." 

"That's different. You two are solid. We are a hair's breadth away from a train wreck. I don't want to fuck up your lives."

"You guys are an easy fix and things aren't always what they seem."

"What? You two aren't having any trouble! Are you?"

"It's complicated, but I can safely say we are both very open-minded." The hand cupping my butt hitched up my dress and we were skin on skin below the waist. Somehow just the thought of it was enough to drive me wild. Then she slapped my ass, hard, and I loved that as well. I gasped and I moaned. Her hand slid down my butt and between my thighs and then her deft fingers were caressing my labia through the panel of my thong. I took hold of her by her hair, pulled her to me and mauled her lips with mine. She was driving me into a frenzy and, too excited for finesse, I tried to shove my tongue down her throat. She took a sharp intake of breath.

"I'm getting weak at the knees," she said. 

"Me too."

"What do you say? Back seat? Merc or Maybach?"

"Bed. My own bed. We have the whole fucking place to ourselves."

"That's up there. The cars are right here."

"Patience, child. We are not about to squirt all over my upholstery."

She giggled. "Bed it is then." With no further ado she released me, and without stopping to explain why, she stripped off her top and then stooped down and hauled me across her shoulders in a fireman's carry.

"What the fuck!"

"Relax, babe, I got you." She slapped my ass. "Comfy?"

"No, goddamn it! You have bony bloody shoulders."

"You are too skinny, but let's try this." She shifted me so I was dangling over just one shoulder with my face level with her breasts. "Better?"

"You are one crazy bitch, you know that don't you? But, yeah, it is a bit better." It wasn't actually but I wasn't about to let her know just how much I was loving the feeling of being swept off my feet. 

"Good." I felt her hand at the back of my neck pushing my face onto her breast. "Now. Get my tit into your beautiful mouth. Oh! Yes! Keep that going, babe." With that we set off on the 70 metre walk back to the manor. I didn't even feel the cold, just the loving warmth of her nipple on my tongue. 

In the house she carried me up the stairs to our master bedroom and literally threw me onto the unmade bed. I landed on my back but she was on me in a flash and turtled me over onto my tummy and sat on my back with her hands on my ass. She stripped me of my thong then switched herself around and plastered herself onto my back with her legs outside mine pinning them together. I was utterly helpless and I was loving it. I could not remember ever having been this aroused in my life before. She had a hand under my chest playing with my breast and nipple and she was licking and nibbling my earlobes, nuzzling and kissing my neck. Add in the intensity of the moist heat of her heavy breathing and she was driving me wild and insane with pleasure.

Then I felt her other hand sliding down my tummy and knowing where she was going with it caused a mini-tsunami of pussy juice. I was not disappointed. She found her target and immediately set to work rubbing, kneading, and flicking until she'd turned my cunt into a furnace, a furnace whose fire was raging through every fibre of my being.

"Come on lover," she murmured. "Give me your beautiful ballerina butt. Make it nice and hard for Rosie." I did just that. "Yeah, babe! Wonderful!" Her grinding started out slow and steady, but she wasn't long upping her game, almost frantically pumping herself on my taut ass while lifting me to untold heights with her deft fingering. As we neared our peaks we panted and screamed in ecstasy. She sent me over the top first and then again and again and again. She took her own share of course. They seemed to be fewer than mine and less frequent, but they seemed to be far more intense and to go on forever.   

When she finally rolled off me to the side and opened her arms to me, I entered her embrace and we lay there together all wrapped up in our warm afterglow. 

Rosie heaved a sigh. "There's something I have to tell you." 

My head was resting on her shoulder. "I'm all ears, and since I won't need my tongue to listen…" I leaned down and took her nipple into my mouth. She moaned but pushed me off her. 

"Please, Greta, this is serious stuff."

"All right, I'll behave." 

"I love you. I have loved you from the day I first laid eyes on you. I think you must know that."

"I do now, and I love you too, but like I said we're both married to other people."

"Just shut the fuck up, will you?"

"Go ahead. Sorry." Sorry is not a word that comes easy to me.

"I can never leave Simone. Not for you. Not for anyone short of God Herself."

"I get that."

"No. You do not. See, I've known her since we were kids. We were born in the same hospital on the same day and we lived on the same street. We went to the same schools, had the same friends. The whole thing. We were inseparable.' She sobbed and tears streamed down her face. I kissed them. I've spent just about every single day of my life with Simone. Now, here's the thing. There was a time before I was with her that I was never with her."

"You'll have to explain that to me in words of one syllable or less, I think."

"Before I was with her, I was with him."

"Holy shit!"

"When I was sixteen I told him I was gay, a lesbian, and that I'd already been with a girl. It broke his heart that he wasn't my first. But he stuck by me. A few years later, Simon disappeared and Simone showed up and took his place."

"Oh my God!" 

"Yeah. The selfish bastard sacrificed himself to stay with me. She didn't mean to, but she locked me into a life with her in a way that's more binding than any fucking marriage."

"I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything. Or do anything. You can have me and I can have you, but Simone has to be part of the deal. Hell, she's already planning a threesome for us."

"What about Wilbur?"

"We are not having a foursome with little Willy. I don't want to be the one to break him! I've known him for years. Down deep he's a really good guy, generous to a fault. Don't give up on him. Just don't ever let him find out you're committing trigonometry with Simone and me. He can never know what's really going on."

"But he's turned against me and I don't know why. I feel like I'm letting him down somehow and I haven't a clue what I'm doing wrong."

"I'll do a deal with you. I'll tell you everything you need to know, but first you have to go down on me."

"You mean like cunnilingus?"

"I hate long words, but that's what I mean."

"Sixty-nine okay? Me on top."

"Side by side. You can top me later on, if you're still talking to me later on. Right now I want my ears between your thighs and yours between mine. Deal?"

I nodded and we positioned ourselves for a long, leisurely and very rewarding pleasure session. 

Later we went downstairs for coffee and sandwiches.

"Spill, Rosie. Wilbur?"

"He is a domineering son of a bitch. Am I right?" I nodded. "Like yourself. Am I right?" 

"I guess you could say that I'm confident, assertive, and outspoken. So I guess I am."

"Did I not blow your mind when I totally dominated you earlier today?"

"I see! You're saying I should dominate him once in a while?"

"For some guys that would work. For Willy, it has to be every single time you fuck. That's just how he is. Oh, and it would really help if you were just - well not less assertive in public, but more politely assertive, if you know what I mean."

"I get it. He has to be the alpha dog in public. How the hell do you know all this?"

"Before I was his chauffeur I was his dominatrix."

"So you lied to me when you said you'd never had sex with him?"

"No! What I said was that he never fucked me, and he never did. I never said I hadn't fucked him. That would have been a blatant lie. You should invest in a strap-on, girlfriend."

I laughed. "You are so damn sly! Come on. Spill! What else do you know."

"He loves titty fucks and getting spanked, especially over your knees. Wear pantyhose and milk his cock with your thighs as you whack him."

"I'm loving this more and more. Go on!"

And so she did dear reader but the rest is subject to Greta's Official Secrets Act.

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What must have been hours later, we both were awakened when Morgan came back to the dorm room. "Yo sleeeeeepy heads," Morgan said. "Oh, what time is it?" Chris asked. "It's about 5pm" Morgan said. "We needed a nap," Chris said. "I can see that," Morgan said. "Dave was just going," Chris said. "Morgan could you hand me my underwear off the pile on the chair?" I asked. "No. You'll have to fetch them yourself," Morgan said. "You just want to see his cock!" Chris...

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Raksha Bandhan ka dard bhara tohfa

Hello Friends, This is Soni Bhatt, from Deharadun (Uttrakhand) Main aap logon ko apni pehali story batane jaa rahi hoon, ki kaise mere bade bhaiya ne mujhe is Raksha Bandhan par dard bhara gift diya. Leki usse pahle main aap logon ko apne family ke batana chahungi. Meri family me hum 4 members hain. Mere Papa jo ki M.P me govt job karte hain aur month me 1 ya 2 baar hi ghar aate hain. Meri mummy aur main (Soni figure 36-28-34, 17 year old) hum Deharadun mein hi rahte hain aur main 12 class ki...

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Chapter 13 Banging The Bengali Teen

Read the first two parts before reading this… Leaving the teen in the hall, Joginder moved towards his room. Their room, he thought, his and the twins’. The two girls slept with him now. It made no sense, them sleeping in another room when they made love almost each night. Sleeping, flanked by two beauties gave him sweet dreams every night. On some nights he would wake up to find one or both of them having a go on his dick. On others, he would just lie there, fondling their breasts as they...

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Reasons Until AfterChapter 2

I'd never had a secret from my parents before. A serious secret, I mean. The little ones that every kid has don't count. I had a secret now though and part of me wondered how long I'd be able to keep it. Mom had seen Dan dropping me off after our little trip to the lake. I'd been acting strangely and Mom and I both knew it. We hadn't done anything, Dan and me, but the way I'd acted outside, the way I'd blushed when I realized she'd caught us ... My mom wasn't stupid and she didn't...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 4 Lifestyle Nudism

Eventually Jack’s father came out of the kitchen and turned the television off then looked at his son and said, “Well, come on, Jack. Don’t keep us in suspense. Read that thing aloud so we can all appreciate what it is you two idiots have gotten yourself into.” With those words Jack began to read aloud the PDF document from... THE COUNCIL OF LIFESTYLE NUDISM Thankyou for showing your interest in the NUDIST Lifestyle. People have been practicing NUDISM for centuries (often called...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Bree Daniels Stella Cox The New Formula Part One

Scientist Bree Daniels and her assistant Stella Cox have just revolutionized a new massage oil but before it’s released to the public, Bree will have to test their new formula on Stella. Bree instructs her assistant to remove her top and bottom even though Stella isn’t exactly keen on being smeared with oil completely naked. But these ladies must do what it takes all in the name of science! Bree massages Stella’s filled breasts and savory ass but must experiment her oil on the...

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Rimming The Hard

"So, bet you didn't expect the night to turn out like this." Jessica smiled at me wickedly, "On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you that you met me today?""Yeah, that would be a fucking 11.""Thought so." She shook her head. "And look at you, eating one girl's ass out then going home with her roommate to eat her ass, too. You know, if you were a girl, people would call you a slut."I gave a tight smile, still feeling a little guilty about doing this behind Chloe's back. But I couldn't not go...

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The Magic of BellsChapter 3

Sam always enjoyed herself on watch. She was a naturally early riser, always had been. Like her father in that regard, as in most others apart from the nature of her sex. Up just before the sun, even when night was at its shortest, it hadn't taken much to train her body to wake earlier, allowing her to easily and comfortably take the last watch of the night. Usually she would be the one to relieve Heather, only rarely needing to be woken for her turn. Heather was now asleep, a quick walk...

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You walk in a gym which is practically empty with the exception of a few instructors. When you signed up for self defense class, you didn’t realize that it was gonna be a one on one type situation. It doesn’t matter though, your still going through with this. You’ve had enough of the bullying and physical abuse people give you on a daily basis. To defend yourself your gonna need to learn. You walk in to the self defence class confident and ready to learn, but who are you?

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 51 The Company Continues to Grow

Each weekend in May we had our return season at the Pumphouse; we hoped that our series of live performances might give a boost to the CD sales. The album had sold moderately well, certainly not to the same levels that our ‘Roberttones’ albums sold, but they were targeted at different markets. Mary Beth had been contacted by the venue management, they wanted to change the image of the Pumphouse to a place where the more ‘sophisticated’ young adults – in their mid-twenties to thirties would...

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Lauras leisure time

The weekend had finally come, and the kids were at their grandma’s. Laura’s husband was travelling for work, so balancing her job and looking after the twins had been hard work. Now though, everything was ready for four whole hours of self-care and pleasure.She went upstairs to the bathroom, took off her practical mum’s clothes and stretched. She had taken up yoga some years ago, ostensibly for health reasons, but mainly because she had noticed how it had kept her sister’s body looking ten...

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I got to know Ipek in a social network. For a few months I spent my time there daily in different more or less dirty groups for singles or cheaters, more to fight my boredom than to get serious. The women I got in touch with in real life I rather found in local clubs and pubs than in the world wide web. But to chat with unknown chicks from all over the world, sometimes more dirty, sometimes less, was just fun. And one day I received this friend request from Ipek. She must have seen my profile...

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BlacksOnBlondes Moka Mora 03062018

Moka Mora tutors for the local college…specifically the athletic program. You know what a handful it is keeping the jocks eligible and on the field! Since most of the athletes are enrolled in B.A. programs, they need to learn a second language, and that’s where Moka is valuable. Moka hails from Spain, so yea…she’s the Spanish tutor. Do I need to tell you the guys don’t care about learning a second language? All they care about is getting Moka’s sexy red dross...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 12 Fucking the Futa Ghost

My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn’t there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine. My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Todo Hidenaga, the father of my love, my Ojo-sama. I had gained a cock, but the...

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Hunger Satisfied By A Charming Boy

Hey, folks, this is The anonymous guy. I am fond of reading interesting stories here and thought to post a creation of my mind. This sex story is purely imaginary and the characters of this sex story do not have any resemblance to any real person. I have written this sex story in a girls perspective (just thought for some change). Enjoy the sex story and do give your feedback on it, I hope that the sex story will give pleasure to all of you. Hello, all readers this is Tanisha Singh, a girl in...

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19 and ready

Who'd have thought it? I was laying on a bed in just my under briefs watching Mr.Brayfield my next door neighbor undress. Through countless suggestive conversations with the sixty year old I'd finally plucked up the courage to accept his invitation for a 'right seeing to' as he had put it. I was just a shy nineteen-year-old who was coming to terms with my sexuality and was as nervous as hell.Mr.Brayfield was tall and thin and quite conservative in his dress. He wore glasses too which did...

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Story 2

PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. "Oh David, I can't believe I went off like that..""My...

2 years ago
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Girlfriend Ki Behen Ki Blackmail Karke Chut Mari Apne Ki Khar Mai

Hi friends once again this is Ishan khan from badaun. Yeah meri dusri story hai apke kafi positive comments mile first story ke bare mai jiska name “apni gf ki dhoke se chut ki jagah gand le makke ke khet mai” or jo girls air aunty ya bhabi mujse chudwana chati hai to email kare par Ab me story par aata hu jaisa ki app jante ho mai gaun se belong karta hu aur mai upper middle class family yeah story aaj se do saal phele ki hai baat thand ki hai meri gf ki behan jiska naam sanam hai subah mai...

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Outed by my girlfriend

I was outed by my girlfriend: It was as I stood by my front door and saw my girlfriend Caroline bending to buckle her high heel shoes that I saw her panties down the back of her trousers that I suddenly realised that this was the first time I was going to go out dressed like this. We had been wearing matching panties for some time now. The difference was this time she was wearing jeans and I was the one wearing pantyhose and a knee-length wrap-around black skirt. My heels were black...

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Some Day My Prince Will Come

Someday My Prince Will Come This happened in 2011 and is, as always, true:I had come up with a product, well sourced several products, and knitted them together, it had to do with toll payments for passage through the Suez Canal, if you're interested. As the leader on the project it was up to me to close the deal between my then-company and a company whose interests included vast amounts of modular shipping (containers). The company was headquartered in Dubai.No trip there for me though,...

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Jasons TaleChapter 3 Commissioning Thunder

Filo was a self-starter, a man who would decide on his own what should be done, and then either go do it himself or get someone else to do it. Jono wasn’t. Jono was a fine officer if someone else was in charge, but he wasn’t executive material. Not that I should talk, I wasn’t either when I was back on Earth. It took coming here and realizing that no one else COULD take charge to get me to step up to the plate. Still, with me backing him up as owner and Captain, Jono got a crew together...

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My First EverythingChapter 11

"You aren't mad at us are you, Larry?" Clara was walking on my right while Kate was on my left. Clara looked so anxious that I wanted to reassure her. "Why would I be mad? With you along, maybe Kate will try to act more like a lady." Kate stuck her tongue out at me and did a little shimmy like dance, waving her ass and her nearly nonexistent breasts all around. Since we were in the middle of an intersection, that little dance was observed by at least three people sitting in the car...

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PenthouseGold Mya Lorenn Cheating Wife Gets an Anal Punishment

When Penthouse French beauty Mya Lorenn gets caught sexting with another man, she wants to prove to her man Jimmy Rockx that he’s the only one for her by giving him one of her expert blowjobs and riding his schlong in reverse cowgirl. After ramming her wet pussy in doggy style, he decides to take the blonde babe’s booty for his own and gives her a deep ass fucking punishment instead. Then it’s only hardcore anal sex for the cheating Euro slut until she ass to mouth sucks the...

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Freaky Friday

Freaky FridayA few months ago, i got in contact with an old classmate from highschool. Back in the days, he was very insecure about him being gay and was a bit of a loner. Years later, i saw him in a bar where i used to come a lot after work and we sat down and talked and laughed and brought up momories for the whole evening and night. He was surprised that i was so cool and understanding about him being gay and the more we talked, the more relaxed he got. He even saved me from a girl that was...

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The First SuetoniusChapter 6

The old couple and the young girl drove their wagon they called a 'Conestoga' through the dusty, salt laden, air towards the distant town. The two draft horses were parched and dirty from the journey and Secoweya worried they would never make it to water. She watched the lined face of her grandfather as he studied the ground ahead. They would arrive at their destination in 2 hours, the horses will make it. Secoweya was torn. On the one hand she loved adventure and she'd precious little of...

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From 24 to 18

Your name is Johan Mayburn. You are a 24 year college student ready to finish your last year of studies. A little notice about appearence stands in the following. Name: Johan Mayburn Gender: Male Age: 24 Ocuupation and Job: College student and (job can be various). Hair Color and Style: Short and swept red hair. Eye Color: Bright Auburn Height: 5'5 (You didn't gain much height during puberty unfortunately.) Dick Size: 7 1 inches with 3 inch thickness. (In main story) You were ready for your...

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Soldiers WifeChapter 8

"That was a beautiful weekend," Allen said, weaving through the southbound Sunday traffic. "Yes. I enjoyed it." Gwen sat far away from Allen, her hands folded in her lap. She felt uneasy, edgy. "That Sybil is really something. A wild woman. I'm glad you had such good friends to take care of you." A thin smile played on his lips as he muttered a tune and took a drag off his cigarette. "She told me some secrets, about how to keep you in love with me. Pretty smart woman, that Sybil....

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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 9

Quickly climbing into the back seat Julian opened the rear passenger door and rushed for the end of the alley at a full run. Half of him expected for them to catch up and was surprised when he made it. Looking back at the entrance to Dark Street he saw it disappear before his eyes under the first rays of the sun, turning into a dead end as if it had never been there in the first place. Looking around the sights of the rest of the city called him and with one last glance back the dead end he...

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My First Time

Continued: He's lips were soft and tasted like cream soda and now&laters, he began to take off his pants unleashing this bronze sword my mouth watering and booty twitching i had no control and uncertain if i wanted any, He asked had i ever sucked dick i said no he told me" its like licking ice cream, do it slow no teeth" so i did, STOP ! " Did i do something wrong?" "No i dont want to cum yet. Baby i want to b inside you, I naively thought HOW! He turned me on my stomach and began licking,...

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After Gabriel

After GabrielBy BrewtMay 2010The Actually Big EventWITH OVER 8 billion people on the planet, that means that at any given moment of any given day, around 5 million people are some way through the process of having sex; a solid ? million of which are in the process of starting penetration, another ? million are half-way through, and another ? million are just finishing up.So it is not surprising that at The Point in Time That Completely Changed Everything About the Course of Human History, we...

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Vanessas New Life Part 11

Vanessa Week commencing July 5 Monday July 5 - It had been a bad night. There were people returning to the hotel all the time right up until we were getting up at 7 o’clock, and the majority of them were drunk and shouting and slamming doors. Jon said that it was to be expected in a place like that but that we’d get our own back on them by slamming doors from when we got up until we went out each day. He said, “If they’re going to disturb our sleep then I’m going to disturb theirs.” The...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 8 Slaves to the man

Shadow waved Hunter and Mirage toward the chairs that sat in front of his desk. Mirage sat, glancing over and meeting Hunter's eyes. He shrugged and then his gaze went to Shadow as the director of ASP sank down in the chair behind the desk. "Have either of you ever seen one of the shells acting like that?" Mirage shuddered. "No. I hate the damn things anyway." "I can understand that. I just need to know if we're going to have a problem with a new strain of Vampire poison." "Well,...

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Martha Takes the CaseChapter 6

Higgins answered the front door when she rang the bell. She thought that was unusual because he had a retinue of servants to manage the estate and he was a very private person. "I let the servants have the afternoon off, my dear it makes it a lot more homey and private for us to discuss matters." Martha hoped that he meant it just like he stated but she had a gut feeling that he was talking about something else entirely. She had the distinct impression that he was hinting that they would...

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Wife Touches Buddy 1 How it all started

In all guy groups of friends, there is that one guy who has the biggest dick over the other guys.Anthony was that guy in our group. Not that anyone was staring at it, but growing up we would catch a glimpse of his monster when he was taking a piss, or skinny dipping, etc. He was definitely proud of it and had no problem striping down and jumping in the lake or simply pulling it out at a party. When we were younger, he would jokingly flash people when he had a few too many drinks. Those days...

4 years ago
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Family is Not Blood Ch 05

November started and things were very good between us. In the past several months, we learned how to fight in a healthy way with each other and to compromise too. We had built respect and a real feeling of warmth and growth. The past was there, and it would hit us along side the head, but we would weather it. We also were drawing strength from one another. When her father Fred collapsed at work, we thought it was not going to be a good ending. But after three days of testing, dehydration was...

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my wife storymy life storysuhagraat

Meri wife story-meri life story(suhagraat) Hello dosto , mera naam sunny sadisuda hoon. Meri age 25 year hai.kariban 1 saal se net surfing kar raha hoon. Surfing karte2 mene kai sex stories padhi.mujhe unmese kuchh real lagi aor kuchh juthi. Well ,stories padhne ke bad mujhe bhi apni sex life likhne ki ichchha hui.aor me apni pahli story likh raha hoon. Haan ,to mene bataya ki me sadisuda hoon. Mere ghar me maa-babuji, bhaiya-bhabhi ke alava koi nahi hai. Meri biwi 23 saal ki hai . uska...

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cuckold lifestyle 54

I got home from work Friday to an empty house. This isn't normal, if my wife is haveing a afternoon delite she usally is always home when I get here. I went to the fridge to get a cold water and there on the fridg door was a note. It said " I'm camping with some friends , you are welcome to come up but theres two rules. Number one, you can't stay the night and number two you MUST wear your CB3000." Well I just had to think about that for a while. If I go, I'll be watching my wife being fucked ,...

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Using Tara Summer to Remember

You have spent a good number of years lusting over your niece, Tara. Her mother married your brother, who you had not had contact with in a long time. Being so far away from home, you only heard about it several years after the wedding and the day you flew over to give your big brother a piece of your mind for not inviting you, you set eyes on Tara for the first time. Ever since then, you could not get the sight of her hot body out of your mind. Long had you fantasized about having your cock...

Mind Control
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A Week At Papaws chap 4

Wednesday – Punishment and Submission – A Day Away Waking up the next morning, I again can hear Leah in the kitchen. I open the drawer on my night stand and take out another wrist strap. Then it is off to the kitchen to begin another day with my new pet. As I enter the kitchen, again Leah lowers herself to her knees and waits for me to speak. I walk in and sit at the table with the wrist strap in my robe pocket, take her face in my hand and say, “Yesterday was very good, lil one, but there were...

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A Time of PurgatoryChapter 3 Pippa gets involved

It was not too often that Pippa, Mike's secretary managed a day off. She had been putting in a lot of hours lately and Andrew had noticed. He caught her leaving the office one evening at six o' clock. "Philippa!" "Yes Mr. Sellors." "The office closes at five. But you seem to think that our hours go on until six. I know there a lot to do with this exhibition coming up, but we can't have you getting tired on us, can we?" "I am not tired Mr. Sellors." "Are ye not?" Andrew had...

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Salvation Ch 28 Sarahs Cruel Punishment

enrolled her at Avondale Academy in the hope that the regime of harsh discipline would cure her of her wanton behaviour. The memory of Sarah's interview still makes her mother's heart miss a beat and acts like an aphrodisiac for her father. Caroline only has to say to her husband, "Do you remember her interview?" and that's enough to make him rampant. There was something quite exciting about watching Sarah being made to undress and stand naked, then to be told by Miss...

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