- 2 years ago
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Bob Kempe got more than he expected when he hired George Prentice as Railway Development Officer. Bob was the Governor of the first human colony, sited on the planet Rehome, and George’s appointment was in part a ploy to persuade his doctor wife Fiona to take on the top medical post in the colony. George had previously been a teacher, but with a keen interest in railways. He was what was known on Earth as a “railway buff”, and had gained his enthusiasm from having a father who worked on a railway for most of his life.
Railways on the planet Rehome were somewhat different from Earth. To start with, the alien race who had initially colonised the planet had built their own railway lines between the six cities they had established on the coast of one continent. The rail lines were a narrower gauge than was usual on Earth, and the trains were unusual as well. The locomotives were battery powered, using batteries that were much more efficient than those of Earth, and the seating was lower than human standard seating. The settlers made and installed booster cushions to bring the seat level up to human standard, thus making the seating functional again.
The first human settlement was several hundred kilometres from the closest alien city, so when the aliens – Braalians and Lubarians, who were also allied to a machine race, dubbed Machinations by the humans - ceded the planet to the humans, the humans had to decide what to do with this windfall. The alien races had decided to evacuate the planet for their own understandable reasons – fear of the marauding machine race known as the Invaders. With the Personalia providing a space defence force for the humans, the humans were able to colonise with impunity.
The Governor decided that a rail link towards the city, to link in to the existing network, would be worthwhile. It was obvious that the planetary rail network should therefore use the established alien gauge for the lines. The first new line was built at speed across the flat plain, with eventually four teams of constructors: one at each end, and the other two starting at the middle and working towards the ends.
With the first line established, the colony found itself with four railway construction teams at a loose end, so new lines were begun as offshoots from existing tracks, leading out to sites selected for new settlements. Another line was started from the original settlement – named Homewards – towards another chosen site for a settlement. These new settlements, or villages, would primarily be agricultural hubs, because the humans found that the closest city was potentially habitable after conversion. The coastal cities were provided with electric power from the ocean, through heat pumps providing electricity for massive battery units on land. The cities had originally been designed for control by computer brains, but these machines had been removed when the aliens left. In the interim, two further planets had been found devastated by attack by the Invaders – an insane machine race intent on killing biological life. Two cities that had been destroyed were discovered to have still-functioning city minds buried deep underground. These lonely city minds, with nothing to do, appealed for help once discovered, and both were transported by the Personalia and installed in cities on Rehome. one was placed in Metropolis, the first human city, and the other in the sixth city, where the surviving remnants of the inhabitants of one planet were now refugees - courtesy of the humans and their machine spaceship allies, the Personalia.
The human colony was prospering; so much so that the administration had moved to Metropolis. There, the city was establishing important facilities: schools, a trades college, hospital with maternity unit, sports centre, community centre, and an ongoing programme of refurbishment of flats and houses for human occupancy. This was keeping a team of plumbers and joiners busy all year round. Entrepreneurs had established a range of shops, and another had set up a network of electric buses and taxis for public transport, with connections to the rail station.
George Prentice wanted to do new things immediately, but his enthusiasm had to be restrained from causing sudden alterations that might have adverse effects on the general economy. There were many costs involved, which might not be sustainable by the colony’s finances. Each proposal required careful scrutiny.
Doubling single tracks throughout their length would make the network more efficient, certainly, but occasional loop tracks already did this to some extent, so full twinning was not an economic priority. Using the loops with careful timetabling allowed for a pretty effective operation in most cases. This was especially the case with freight, as freight trains could be parked in the loop to allow a passenger train to speed through to its destination. Trains designated as Expresses got priority over non-express passenger trains, which could be diverted onto a loop for a few minutes.
The priority was for new lines, the colony decided as a policy. George examined all the possible routes, the gradients involved, the type of surface to be crossed, and the obstacles such as rivers and swampy ground to be bridged, rock ridges and minor hills that might be cut through. These engineering projects would have to be dealt with before the tracks arrived. There was also the matter of materials for building the track: gravel quarries were needed, wood or concrete for sleepers, continuous supplies of steel track when required. The track was produced on Earth by a steel firm now wholly owned by the Personalia, through their human subsidiary, Machinations Ltd.
This steel company specialised in rail track production. The original track laid down by the humans on Rehome was second-hand, but in good condition. George had now instituted a forensic test of sample rail sections to establish their suitability for particular requirements. Heavy freight trains required a tough and hardwearing surface; high-speed required a flatter profile, and so on. The rail cross-section also differed according to use. Where a line was to accommodate a combination of traffic, the steel composition and rail design had to be specific. George wanted to replace sections of track that did not fit his new specifications with new track produced to that standard. The Governor and his Treasury chief approved the testing plan, but postponed the replacement programme for now. The rail lines required sleepers, and that work was something that local residents could do. The railway company set up a subsidiary to produce concrete sleepers: these would be needed in the thousands. This also provided a demand for a cement works, so the small unit already in operation to provide cement for building foundations was expanded.
Faced with concentrating on new rail lines, George went over the plans for new settlements, compared these with projections of population increase in Metropolis, and then related that information to the rail traffic projections for the Homewards – Metropolis line. Many arrivals were now taking place on the shore at Metropolis, skewing the traffic figures. He analysed the data, and drew his conclusions from it.
It did not make him happy.
The biggest difficulty that he could see was that there was a need for several new rail lines, but the construction capacity was nothing like enough to build these lines in the timescale envisaged.
What he really needed was a machine, mounted on a new rail line, which would pour vast quantities of stones and gravel ahead of it, sufficient to lay track on. It would compact the track bed then lay sections of track, complete with sleepers, on top of that bed. Then, it would weld the new steel rail section to the previous one. All of this would need to be done with directional steering to take the rail line in the direction intended.
He had no idea how he could achieve this.
He needed a design team well versed in railway technology, combined with an engineering outfit that could manufacture such a one-off project at a reasonable cost. George had no idea where to go with this. He moaned about it to Fiona and Jennifer, his two wives, that evening, until they both told him to shut up. Jennifer was Director of Education for the colony.
Jennifer went on, “Don’t spend all your time complaining about things, George. You need to DO something about it instead. Speak to the Governor, as he holds the purse strings. If it is do-able, then he will find a way for you. Just go and ask him; but have your entire data ready, plus the full specification of your machine. The Governor is a practical man, with his head screwed on properly, so he knows about costs, deadlines, etc. Just do it, George.”
Fiona added, “Advise the Governor that to do your job properly, a machine like this is essential. I have had to use that argument for expensive hospital equipment.”
In the morning, George phoned to get an appointment with the Governor. He had to speak to an underling. The admin staff member wanted to know the subject to be covered, so he said to her: “A solution to the rail building problem.”
She put him on hold for a minute or so, then returned to say: “Get here for 4.15 this afternoon. You have a 15 minute slot.”
At that specified time, he was in the outer office, complete with all the necessary data loaded on his phone. He was ready to roll. A moment later, he was invited in. “George Prentice, our Rail Expert.” Bob ushered him in, “Welcome to the Governor’s lair, George”.
“I only have 15 minutes, Governor, so can I flash a load of data to your office machine?” Bob nodded, pointing to the machine, and George immediately connected his phone to this computer and downloaded his full report. He next turned to Bob. “You can read it all later. For now, let me give you an overview, sir.” George began pacing across the office as he spoke. “We have a technical problem in that the new lines requiring to be built, and the building capacity, do not synch. The existing capacity is nothing like what is needed to expand the network quickly. It would take years to build them with our current arrangements, which were fine for one line at a time.
For what is needed, based on the facts as we have them in the report, we require a faster way of building rail lines, and that comes down to a machine.” He paused for a breath, then continued: “The machine does not exist. It will be huge, heavy, and costly, but will save us loads on money over time. It needs to be designed and built by experts, and will be expensive, as a one-off, and take time to manufacture. It will also be far too large to fit into a Landership: it will probably be as large as a Landership, in fact. That is the gist of the problem, and I don’t have a solution. Perhaps you can suggest something.” Bob had been flipping through screens on his office terminal, skimming through George’s report as George, in the background, recounted his troubles. Now he lifted his head to reply. “George, I think you have summarised it very well. Normal techniques are too slow to get the work done timeously. I get that. This machine you propose: is there anything like it available to buy off the shelf?”
“Not really. There are a few machines similar to this in use on Earth, but they are all committed for years ahead, need to be specially manned by trained personnel, and each machine is built to order. Building it on Earth just means it is almost impossible to ship it, due to its dimensions and mass. You can’t ship it in parts, as far as I am aware. Putting it together by the manufacturer is a major operation in itself.”
“I see. Interesting concept, though. I can see why you want one, and we certainly could make use of one. I wonder...” Bob turned thoughtful, looking at the ceiling. George waited for a moment, then took the bull by the horns. “May I remind you sir, that I only have 15 minutes?”
“Oh, yes.” Bob decided on his course of action. “George, just leave it with me for a day or two. I have an idea I want to explore with certain ... colleagues, then I’ll get back to you. O.K.?”
George had no idea what the Governor was talking about, but acquiesced. “Certainly, Governor. Thanks for your time. Fiona sends her regards, she asked me to say. I hadn’t realised you knew her. It was Ruth who helped us last year.”
“Thanks George. I met her when my wives were having their babies: She is a lovely lady. You and Jennifer are lucky to have her, as is the colony.” There was a knock at the door, and a voice declared: “Time for your next appointment, sir.” George was quick to react, and exited the office with alacrity.
When his last appointment was dealt with, Bob sat back and reviewed George’s data. Speaking to himself, he wondered: “Should be do-able in orbit, but how do you get it to the ground? I can but ask.” He picked up his phone and keyed for the Personalia. This put him through to whichever Base ship was in orbit at the time.
“Hello, Governor. What can we do for you?”
“I’m not sure you can, in this case. Let me describe it to you, and you will see the difficulty.” He went on to describe the need for a tracklaying machine. The Base ship listened carefully, making non-committal comments at first. Then Bob said, “The biggest problem is getting it down to the ground and into position. It will be a HUGE machine!”
The ship pondered for several seconds, then announced, “We could manufacture it in orbit, here. We have all the materials available in the asteroid belt, so as you say, it is all a matter of transferring it to the planet’s surface. Cables ... balloons ... there are possibilities. It is an extreme mass to shift with accuracy and care.”
“Can I leave you to think about it, as a team, and get back with your proposals? It might be that you can’t do it at all. If that is the case, I am fine with it. I shall send you the report I have, which details what is required.”
Bob next called in John Wilson, who knew everything about finance. “John, how much do you reckon it costs to buy a machine that lays a track bed, compacts the gravel, then lays the track on top, and welds the two sections together? One assumes also that it can be self-steering according to a laid down track plan. Presumably, the machine is computer-controlled. What do you think?”
John thought for a moment. “Is this a one –off, or a production model?”
“Probably a one-off.”
“Oh, then that bumps the price up considerably. I would guess at several million dollars.”
Bob said, “Oh, dear. That’s what I was afraid of, John. George Prentice wants one for railway track laying. I thought we might go for two, to speed up laying new lines faster.”
John grimaced. “That’s a lot of dosh for the railways. There are so many other competing projects that could do with financing, and we have our limits. Is there any way we could recoup some of the cost?”
“Not off hand, as I don’t think Earth wants to buy more of these machines. Mind you, there are the other races we have encountered – the Lubarians, Braalians, Soolans, and the Filoyarine – though the Filoyarine are perhaps not back at the stage of railways yet. We know that the Braalians have railways, as we are using the lines on this planet that they abandoned when their allies the Lubarians took fright. They might be interested in a few such machines, provided we can deliver them. Or, we can sell them the design specs instead.”
John was thinking. “Perhaps you were rash in saying that Earth wouldn’t want to buy these machines, because if they were a better, more improved design, able to do more work more efficiently, the manufacturers might be interested in buying a permit for using the design, especially if you can get it registered as a patent. A patent has to have something unique about it, though, not just working more effectively.”
“I am asking The Personalia whether they can do the design and manufacturing as a one-off. If their design incorporates software that does things that previous machines could not do, it may have enough of the requisite uniqueness to satisfy the patents people.”
“Certainly, if you – or rather the Personalia - can get a patent for the design, it would be a good earner indeed. Can an alien race take out a patent on Earth?”
“They already do, John. Or rather, their company does so. The Lownies set up a company for them, called Machinations, Limited, that deals in patents for inventions that come from The Personalia. The company applies and gets the patents, then markets the patents to the appropriate companies. The resulting income comes to Machinations Ltd; the company has to cover its costs, but pays much of the remainder into a special trust fund, and The Personalia can spend from the Trust Fund as necessary. In truth, The Personalia don’t need cash as such, but they have used it to improve their P.R. on Earth - paying people to salt some favourable articles in the media. They also use it to pay Earth for many of the missiles they were given for use in combating the Invader ships.”
John whistled softly. “They must have a hellova lot of cash in that fund, then. How come?”
“They sold a patent for combating all strains of influenza, a medicine that actually works. The drug companies jumped at the chance of an off-the-shelf remedy, instead of pumping billions into research that takes many years to pay off. They were very generous in buying the patents. The deal gives a small percentage to Machinations for every package sold, and the sales are in the many millions, billions eventually.”
“No surprise then, that the Lownies know how to sell a patent. I presume the Lownies personally did well out of the deal?”
“They did that. You weren’t here when they started on Rehome, John. They first formed and headed up the Machinations company on Earth, did the market research and the sales effort. Sye Lownie is C.E.O., Gail is Head of Sales, and Brenda is in charge of Administration. Being a family group, they work well together as a team, and have sold a fair number of patents to different sectors of the Earth economy.
When they considered the retail possibilities of our colony, they first brought to the planet a warehouse-load of furniture that they purchased cheaply from a liquidation on Earth. They quickly flogged the lot to settlers and the colony administration. Next, they set up a retail shop in Homewards. It has now expanded into a supermarket-style operation in Metropolis, and they have made another packet in that business. These girls may make a splash about being the first two to give birth on Rehome, but they have the wherewithal to employ nannies for their children so they can continue with their business activities. They may look just like pretty girls, but they are tough cookies, let me warn you; in case you have to negotiate with them.”
“Is that all, sir?”
“It is for now, John. I wondered about selling a machine to New Eden, but they are restricted to that giant crater so far. They don’t have access to the rest of the continent – too dangerous – so they cannot establish a long-distance rail network.” Bob looked pensive. “Though, if they could get outside that crater, they would definitely be in the market for one at least – if they can lay hands on the cash for it. I wonder...”
John shrugged his shoulders. “As you say, sir. It is a matter for them to solve. I should get back to my work, sir.”
Bob jerked his attention back to his colleague. “Oh, certainly, John. Please do. See you later.”
What had suddenly struck Bob Kempe was the similarity between the fishery problem on Rehome, with dangerous giant sea creatures, and the dangerous land animals on New Eden. If certain sound vibrations could make the sea creatures steer clear of the fishing areas, then why not a similar solution for New Eden? This was a technical question that The Personalia delighted in. He got his phone back out and keyed The Personalia icon on his phone pad. It was soon answered.
“Hello, Governor. What can we do for you? It is a trifle early for a definite answer to your rail query.”
“No, it was something else that might interest you. On the planet New Eden, our settlers are restricted to the land inside the giant crater, due to the dangerous mega beasts on the continent outside. I have had a thought that you might wish to investigate.
Here on Rehome, we were faced with giant sea creatures making the sea too dangerous to go out fishing. It turned out that our alien friends who first settled the planet had solved the problem by utilising certain frequencies of sound vibrations in the water. These vibrations scared the beasts away, and made it possible to fish the shallow waters. Now, I wondered if it might be possible to chase these land animals away from human habitations by using a similar technique. You are in a good position to test this out. All you have to do is put sound generators on the surface and establish which frequencies, if any, will deter the grazing species; and also deter the predator species. Does that sound like an interesting problem to solve?”
“Hmmm ... Sound vibrations? Any particular frequency in the water?”
“I don’t know it. The unit was already installed on the heat pump array in the ocean. The Braalians had set up the equipment, and when we asked about it, they told us where to switch on the scarer mechanism. So, we just had to switch it on, without knowing the technicalities.”
“Ah. We can ask the Machinations for that data. It would be interesting to test whether the same or similar frequencies worked with land animals. If not, we just run a series of tests to discover which frequencies will give the same reactions from them. Yes, leave it with us. We’ll get back to you, sometime.”
Bob wanted to change the subject back to the rail machine. “Any word on how things are going with the design of the rail track laying machine?”
“It progresses, Governor. We are putting together a design to achieve all the targets you have set for it. The complications are in the integration of them all; combined with an intelligent controller to set the whole thing in motion; and to direct it in the planned geographical course. These things take time.”
“Of course. I would not expect you to rush things. Will the construction take a long time when the design is complete? And how would you get it to the planet’s surface?”
“Details, details, Governor. Please allow us to work out the solutions. It is what we enjoy doing. The whole project is a single task, as far as we are concerned. The designing was put out as a distributed task, with each Base ship working on a particular function; with a final Person working on the integration of all the solutions, and writing the software for the controller. It is a fun activity for us, Mr Kempe. Please allow us to deal with it that way.”
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"Honey, it's time for your paper route!""Alright mom! I'm coming!" And Carly Simpson wasn't k**ding. She was coming, hard. As she spoke to her mother, she had three fingers of one hand jammed up her tight teenage cunt, and she was using the other hand to rub her swollen clit. She stood in front of the full-length dressing mirror on the back of her closet door, and watched herself as she orgasmed. The nipples on her perky tits stood out like bullets, her curly blond hair bounced on her...
If you like my story then let me know. If you don't like my story let me know also. But if you don't like it, then why do you keep reading it? For all you morons that say I'm sick or compare me to Hitler (where that came from I have no idea, some fool did compare me to him.) .....Just remember THIS IS NOT REAL. It may be twisted but it's not real. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My Sissy Life Part One... It...
There are moments which lay bare fundamental truths, truths that you have been longing for all your life. Such a moment was happening now, and it flooded my senses with an incredible intensity, a spiritual moment that transcended feelings. My eyes were glued to my beautiful Cordelia, they drank in the incredible pleasure painted on her angelic face, and when her sweet voice announced with beautiful, small shouts of joy that she had reached the summit of her arousal, that joy started to resonate...
FetishVicky and Dave walked nude, hand-in-hand to the dressing room, their bodies still flushed with the glow of orgasm. The other couples greeted them with congratulatory hugs and kisses, which lingered with provocative caresses of one another. The young pair showered and dressed. On their way out, many of the late staying patrons smiled and applauded their exceptional performance. Dave noted quite a few couples were still dancing the new "Tribal" dance he had introduced. The scene was sexually...
Dear Diary: Jul 15 — I still don't know why Joe and/or Val hasn't let something slip about those e-mails but not a word. Joe showed up at my apartment on Sunday night while I was drowning my sorrow about being dumped by Bill with what was left of the rum he'd brought last week. He's like the Energizer Bunny for sure. He made love to me (or fucked me, whatever) for more than an hour again. Thank God he's been fixed. (I know I've said that a lot but especially now that I don't have Bill...
Shirley is a woman of 45 years and living in Amsterdam. She is 20 years happily married to Jermaine. Jermaine has been working at the tax office while Shirley works at an accounting firm. They have two c***dren, a daughter aged 17 and a son of 15. Shirley is a woman who loves sex and is similar to that area insatiable. Jermaine can not keep her often and is happy if the sex is over quickly. Shirley for her age a good figure. She is chubby but everything is still tight. She has big boobs, double...
She walked as calmly as she could across the yard, trying hard not to run, but once she was in the woods and out of sight of her house, Lauren flew down the path. About a hundred feet down the path, she cut off on a fainter trail to the side, and followed it as it twisted between the trees. Finally she came to a clearing at the base of an old oak tree, and saw Jimmy standing there waiting for her. Her heart began pounding a bit faster in anticipation as he looked up and saw her...
Since nobody was interested in cold weather, we decided to head for southern New Mexico Territory, possibly somewhere near Carlsbad. Janet and I had thought that eastern NMT looked like a good place to live when we had made our excursion there the previous year. There was a lot of open space, so we should be able to find a decent location for the Negroes to settle down. We packed up and set out that very morning. The Negroes were in a hurry to get away from the local KKK and I couldn't...
The rest of the afternoon passed. Larry went to clean up and dress for the evening while we did the same at the apartment. We gathered together and went to supper at the Tokyo House. It was a joyous time made more so by our server, the owner’s son. After a delightful meal, we went to the play which was performed and received well. We returned to the apartment for coffee and desert. Larry was starting to leave and we went to our bedroom. Ten minutes or so later, there was a quiet knock and...
Saturday, September 19, 2009 I stumbled out of bed with a severe hangover. David was already awake, and we went to the cafeteria. I really wasn't hungry, but I figured I needed to eat something, so I downed a few cups of coffee and munched on a donut. "You feeling ok?" David asked. Somehow he was managing to eat a big, greasy omlette. "Yeah, I'm just a little hung over." "How was last night?" I smiled at him. "Great." David smiled back at me. "So I was thinking maybe you...
James is sixteen years old and a sophomore in high school. He lives in a medium size Midwest City where his father is a successful businessman who owns three hardware stores in the area. His mother is a nurse but only works part-time. He has one sibling, a twin sister named Jamie. This family is very normal looking in all aspects. The year is around 1970; with no cell phones, no home computers, and obviously no internet for personal use.The parents are about to embark on a two-week vacation...
First TimeIn the corridor outside the stateroom where they had been taking coffee and brandy, the Emir did not look back, but strode along to his suite, politely holding the door for Emma to precede him. Inside the Emir's stateroom, he turned to the eunuch and said, ~I do not wish to be disturbed until the morning.~ Taking Emma by the arm he led her into a sumptuous bedroom where there were two other eunuchs, two young women in shift dresses and a nearly naked Arab girl. "Out," he said, and the...
Six months later, Fire Bringer had wandered down into West Texas. This was not from any particular plan, rather, it was simply the result of random movement as he practiced his skills and helped people he saw in trouble. One day, he was using his Far Seeing ability to scan the road ahead for trouble when he saw 4 wagons under attack by Comanches. Closer examination showed that these wagons were hauling freight and were pulled by teams of oxen. The teamsters had enough time to form up into a...
After spending Saturday at the golf club, I noticed Ana’s car in the garage when I came back home. I was really surprised, since I was sure she had said something about a date with one of her lovers.I found her sitting in the living room, watching some porn movies.My sweet wife looked tired and bored; so after a quick kiss I asked her if everything was fine. She assured me she was fine. She smiled weakly, saying she had now her pussy full of her lover’s cum for me to eat later…Ana was wearing a...
My first story. Hope you enjoy it. No copying or whole or part please. Comments welcome. Angel The buxom brunette giggled as the dice were rubbed against her ample breasts and gave her goose bumps. He whispered in her ear and she blushed as he tossed the cubes. "Snake eyes! - The shooter looses." "Shit! - Not again!" swore Angelo. She kissed him gently on the cheek and whispered back to him, "So long honey. It's been fun but your streak is over and I'm outa...
Hi friends and I’m Riya wants to share my two day with my cousin. I am fair girl with 5’6″ and my figure is 32c 24 31 and I know everyone admire my body. My story begins when I came to my uncle house that lives with his wife and they had one boy name Mohit who is elder to me and after 10th. I was admitted to 11th class in my uncle’s town and started to live here. I also went for coaching and there I met Rahul who loves me and I also but I have to become doctor for that I don’t like all this so...
IncestWe went back and forth, and front and back until we were tired. Dad and I doubled mom, but Roxy politely refused. My season averages were 19 Assists, 17 Rebounds, and 44 points ... pretty good, huh? My ‘35’ is the best-selling jersey in both pro and college basketball. I wear one with my name on the back wherever I travel, and Roxy has pens for me to use, on either the home or away jersey. I found out online that 171 basketball players have worn the number 35 over the years: (These...
Hi I am Charlie and here's how I lost my virginity to my daddyIt was a rainy Sunday morning and although I was supposed to get dressed for the tennis lessons my mom gave me for my sixteenth birthday last month,I didn't make any haste in doing so. I hated the gift and today I really felt like hanging around the house with daddy and not having to g anywhere or do any thing. My mom stormed out of the bathroom and into my room yelling that I had to get ready, now. I mumbled something about having...
IncestWhen I was 16 I lost my virginity to a total stranger. It happened so suddenly I didn't even plan it. A few friends and I went riding and one of them brought along their older Jen. She was 18 and very developed with a nice tight ass and overflowing C cup breasts. Anyway we stopped and built a camp fire around dark to cook hot dogs on cause we had been riding all day and were famished. We were stopped right next to a waterfall. Jen and I went over to check it out we sat right on top of the dry...
First TimeWhat does the modern 40something do when her beloved son isn’t getting enough playing time? Complain to the coach? Pull him and find him another team? Find a sport he’s better at? “Make him magically better?” as Coach Nicky suggests in this scene. Nope, none of those things are as effective as: 1. Letting the coach eat out and finger her pussy and asshole. 2. Deep-throating and gagging on his cock. 3. Opening wide for some pussy fucking. 4. Giving up her asshole to said...
xmoviesforyouMr. Harrington was my favorite teacher in high school. He was twenty-three and in just his second year of teaching. He was only six years older than me when I was in his English class. He was the most handsome man, with the most incredible sparkling blue eyes, I had ever seen. I still clearly remember how I used to fantasize about running my fingers through his sandy-blonde hair while I sat in his classroom, staring at him for the entire period. In this fantasy I would kiss his lips as my...
“Aye, Cap’n,” Will said, his voice muffled between her legs. His tongue kept up its swirling around her entrance, occasionally sweeping up and fluttering across her clit. She sat up a bit, leaning back on her forearms and watching the top of his head. The muscles in her thighs and her butt twitched of their own accord, squeezing as her pleasure mounted. She ran a hand through his hair and pulled his mouth harder into her, starting to rock her hips.He firmed his tongue into a point and started...
Fantasy & Sci-FiFbailey story number 666What An AssI honestly could not help myself. I was standing there in the grocery store in line at the checkout and then I looked down. The young girl standing in line in front of me was wearing a skintight pair of pink Spandex pants with an equally tight pink jogging bra made out of the same material. All I could do was whisper under my breath, “What an adorable ass.” The girl turned around, smiled at me and said, “Fifty bucks.”She went through the checkout with her...
He was lying on the bed reading a magazine when Terry returned; she had her hair down but with a wide clip securing it close to her head the rest of the hair flowing down and over her shoulder. “Hello darling have you missed me?” She said brightly, leaning over the bed to give him a quick kiss. “Not really, I’ve been engrossed in this article on how to grow cucumbers,” he said. She stuck her tongue out at him. He rolled off the bed to grab her, but she skipped away. “I ran into the boys...
The candle light was flickering between the bushes at the house next door and Don knew something was going on again. He hurried over and slipped into his tennis shoes and hollered out to his wife Kelly. “Honey. I’m going for a short walk. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Don rushed out the back door before Kelly had time to question him on where he was going or perhaps ask him if she could join him on his walk. Don’s heart began to beat at a faster rate as he...
My wife and I enjoy watching the NASCAR race on Sunday's. She has her favorite driver and so do I, She and I always make bets on who's driver will finish ahead of the others. The bets are not about money but are about any thing the other wants the looser to do. Her bets are mostly me doing things around the house or taking her out somewhere nice to eat. Mine are always about sex. What can I say ? I'm a man and I think about sex all the time. Well on this Sunday she said if she wins I have to...
It all began when she saw a thirty-something tall and lanky man with moppish hair. Although Marianne was sitting in the last row, his simple act of entering her classroom made her fourteen-year-old heart miss a beat and her palms began sweating. She was transfixed by his big dark eyes, sharp nose and broad shoulders. All through the lecture, Marianne kept admiring everything about him, including the way he was moving his hands, his well-ironed trousers and even his polished brown shoes. With...
So if you read my i****t story before about me and my hot black mom fucking then I’m positive you definitely love this one about me …my mom…and my aunt.So after I got done fucking my mom all Saturday and that night my weekend got a whole better that Sunday. Well after fucking my mom about 5 times Saturday night we fell asleep together naked. On Sunday morning I woke up naked to no mom in the bed…but I smelt food cooking down in the kitchen. So I didn’t bother to put any clothes on I just put on...
A girl can only lose her virginity once.She may, or may not bleed, may, or may not feel her hymen break, but what is important to her, is that a cock must take it, claim her maidenhead and hang wherever the owner of that cock wishes to hang it for display, and be honest and truthful to admit he was the man who took you from being a girl to a woman.But as we have no way of really knowing if a girls cunt has ever felt a man's cock move inside her, before yours, it must be said, she can lose this...
In the room of a small motel that was part of a regional motel chain, Carl watched television from the comfort of a new mattress that had been delivered along with himself. He looked over at Jennifer who was busy painting her toenails. The look of concentration on her face almost made him want to laugh. World leaders were falling all over the place and she was painting her toenails. There was something ironic about that. Carl said, "We make a good team." "I think so," Jennifer answered...
Linda's TormentPart I (light bondage, spanking and domination/humiliation)"If you want to be with me, Linda, then you must learn to obey me. I told you not to just 'drop by' but to call before you came and, if you did not, you would be punished. You did not call first. So here, we are. What about 'punishment' don't you understand?" "I'm sorry Matthew. I just wanted to see you. I should have called.""You have two choices. One, get out, leave and never see me again. Or, you may submit to being...
BDSMAlana Summers is relaxing on the couch reading a book when Melody Wylde struts in wearing lingerie panties with no bottom. Taking the book from Alana, Melody makes it clear that she has more erotic pursuits in mind. It’s not long before Melody has stripped her girlfriend down to her thong so that she can squeeze and suck on Alana’s tiny titties. Kissing her way down Alana’s lithe body, Melody pulls the thong to the side and presses her face forward for an open-mouthed clit...
xmoviesforyouHi. I am Mohan Reddy, 52 years old and with the permission of one of my friends who happens to be a girl, I am putting up her story of how she seduced the manager who was horny for her. She is a 5 ft 9 in tall girl with body measurements 36-34-38. She is lovely, sexy and full of fun. To tell you more about her, she is married but her husband does not satisfy her sexually. Let’s call her Sonia. Sonia is 54 years old and still very horny. She is bisexual in nature and loves getting her pussy...
I was back at Moorelands at 7:00 am this morning when they opened ... having not gone home from the night before. I saw the Macklin girl at the front counter again and she smiled when I came in. I knew that Tina wouldn’t have an account here, but I asked about her print shop. “Good morning Ms. Macklin, I’m here to get materials to build a wheelchair ramp for Tina Mathews at the print shop. Do they have an account ... I forgot to ask.” “Hi Billy. Let me look on here and see if they do. Yes...