Pfand XChapter 20 free porn video

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In the room of a small motel that was part of a regional motel chain, Carl watched television from the comfort of a new mattress that had been delivered along with himself. He looked over at Jennifer who was busy painting her toenails. The look of concentration on her face almost made him want to laugh. World leaders were falling all over the place and she was painting her toenails. There was something ironic about that.

Carl said, "We make a good team."

"I think so," Jennifer answered concentrating on getting the light pink nail polish on the nail of her little toe.

"We should make the team permanent."

"That would be nice," Jennifer said absently while inspecting the result of her work on the toes of her right foot.

Satisfied with her work, she shifted her attention to her other foot. She knew that she had attractive feet. Even though Carl didn't have a foot fetish of any kind, she felt it was proper to present the whole package in an attractive manner.

"So you agree?"

"Sure, whatever you want."

Carl smiled. "Maybe I should talk to your father."

"About what?" Jennifer asked wondering if she had missed something.

"About making our team permanent."

Jennifer looked up from her toes.

After replaying the conversation over in her head, she asked, "Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yes," Carl said.

"Like that?" she asked.

After having been with each other all day, every day, for months on end, there were few conversations that they hadn't already had. This was not the first time they had this conversation although it was a unique approach to it.

"Sure," Carl said.

Pouting a little, Jennifer said, "That's not very romantic."

"What? We're in the best room of the Motor Court Motel watching the civilized world collapse on television. How much more romantic can a guy get?" Carl asked with a grin on his face.

"You have a point," Jennifer said breaking into an equally large grin.

"So what do you say? Wanna get married?"

"Do you have a ring?"


"Do you have a job?"

"I don't know."

"Do you have a stable lifestyle?"


"What have you got?"

"I've got a dog that probably doesn't remember me," Carl said.

Jennifer said, "You aren't bringing much to this marriage, are you?"


"I guess I'll marry you," Jennifer said.

"You don't need to think about it?" Carl asked.

"Nope," Jennifer said.

"You're sure?"

Jennifer leaned over and picked up a stuffed rabbit. Holding it out, she said, "Poor Bunny Boy is going to have to sit on the shelf except when you're on trips. No more good night kisses for him so long as we're married."

"I feel sorry for Bunny Boy," Carl said.

"You should be jealous of all the time he's had with me," Jennifer said.

"I'm very jealous."


"How about we walk down to the diner and eat a meal around people for a change?"

"That might be a little dangerous," Jennifer said with a frown at the shift away from the lighthearted exchange.

"Hammond and Samantha can be our bodyguards. We won't be in danger," Carl said.

"I don't know."

Carl shouted, "Hey, Hammond."

Hammond charged into the room with his pistol in hand. They were supposed to be quiet and he took the shout as indicative of a threat. Looking around for danger, he asked, "What is it?"

"We're hungry," Carl said.

"I'll let our host know that after I finish beating you for shouting. We're trying to keep a low profile," Hammond said through clenched teeth.

The stress of maintaining a vigilant watch over Carl for so long was getting to him. He and Samantha were mentally and emotionally exhausted. Unfortunately, there just wasn't anyone else who could step in and relieve them of their duties.

"We were thinking of going down to the diner," Carl said.

"You'll get killed."

Carl asked, "Have you been watching the news?"


"I think the storm has passed over me and that a lightning rod isn't necessary any more," Carl said. "There's no one left to pay anyone for killing me. If any rich guy is still loose, then he has much bigger problems than dealing with me."

Tired of living the life of a fugitive, Jennifer said, "You do have a point."

"Besides, after Vegas, the police haven't been a problem. We're in an area of law abiding citizens who have probably been watching the news. I think they'll accept that I helped bring down a bunch of criminals."

Although he had remained on the FBI's most wanted list, the energy with which he was pursued had decreased significantly. He should have been caught by now either by chance or because some clever person somewhere had figured out what was going on. There had been a few very tense occasions, where he had run into a police officer. Those individuals had turned a blind eye to him.

Samantha stepped into the room saying, "I kind of agree with you."

"There are a lot of crazies out there," Hammond said.

His greatest fear was that they would get sloppy near the end, and lose it all. Of course, the events of the past few days did suggest that the worst was over. It would be horrible though if Carl were to die now just when the end was in sight.

"We just watched the worst of the crazies get taken care of by our friends. I think we can manage a minor crazy person. After all, he or she isn't going to have an army with him or her," Carl said.

"I don't know," Hammond said.

Like the others, he was tired of the life of a fugitive. It was uncomfortable and boring, more boring than most people could imagine. The crossword puzzle out of the newspaper, a couple of games of Sudoku, and perusing the business section of the newspaper ate up two hours. There were twenty-two left in the day. His security concerns could eat up another three. It was still way too much free time.

Traveling was even more boring than sitting in a hotel room. It was murder to sit in the back of a truck for most of a night. There were no windows so one couldn't even make up silly road games to pass the time. His social life had collapsed down to seeing the same three people all day long.

Carl said, "Besides, we have to celebrate our engagement. I proposed to Jennifer and she accepted."

"Again?" Samantha asked dryly.

It seemed to her that they had the same conversations a hundred times. In a way, it was pretty pathetic that they couldn't' come up with much to talk about that hadn't already been talked to death.

Giving up, Hammond said, "We'll have to go as painters."

"I hate that disguise," Carl said with a groan.

He had a coverall that basically hid his body. He wore a painter's cap with a fake ponytail that stuck out the back. He had a pair of black plastic framed glasses with little paint specs on it. Hammond had a little bottle of paint they would use to complete the disguise.

"How about us?" Samantha asked afraid that she knew what Hammond would answer.

"The trailer park trash outfit," Hammond said with a grin.

It was a simple disguise consisting of skimpy clothing that showed too much skin, temporary tattoos that looked real enough, and crudely applied makeup. With minor changes in mannerisms, the two women would never be recognized.

"I hate tattoos," Jennifer said in disgust.

"The whale tail, too?" Samantha asked knowing what the answer would be.

Hammond said, "You wouldn't look right without the whale tail of your thong."

"Are you sure that you want to eat out?" Samantha asked.

"Yes," Carl said. "If I don't get out of here I think I'll go crazy."

It took Carl and Hammond ten minutes to get into disguise. It would take the women a lot longer than that considering that they had to apply the temporary tattoos. While waiting for the women, Carl and Hammond watched the news reports on the television.

Hammond said, "It only took them two days, but they are managing to connect the dots."

"They are managing? The whole story is on the web for them to read," Carl said.

"Oh, look at her," Hammond said with a grimace.

The woman on the television had an expression on her face that was downright scary. Her voice was tight while she read the words about the involvement in the plot by the late owner of the network for which she worked. It was easy to see that she was trying to control herself, but it wasn't easy for her.

Carl said, "I guess she finally saw the video where her former boss was talking about her."

A lot of the television stations hired extremely attractive women to deliver the news. Smart, attractive, and confident, the women really were very sexy. In private conversations with others, the late owner had focused primarily on the attractive part while denigrating their intelligence. Some of what he said wasn't too kind. Some of the acts he wanted to perform on her were disgusting.

"I would say so," Hammond said.

Carl said, "I was watching one of the green earthers talking earlier. Despite hearing the so-called expert talking about faking data and using the crisis to herd people into what would effectively be slums, he was still trying to protect that agenda. Doesn't anyone have common sense?"

"He's a sheep. He's denying that he's been feed a line of bullshit. He needs it to be real, or his ego will be devastated," Hammond said.

"The evidence..."

"It doesn't matter," Hammond said. "The easiest way for the mind to protect itself is to deny what it doesn't want to be true. You can rub his nose in it and he will continue to deny. It's not a matter of logic, but of emotion. He can't stand the idea that he might have been wrong, so he tries to force the world to fit his view. It's that simple."

"A sheep, huh?" Carl said.

Hammond said, "Don't worry. There are a lot of stags out there, you just won't see them. Rather than deny what they are seeing, they make an honest appraisal of what is happening. They judge the danger and react to it."

There were a lot of men who viewed themselves as bulls. They felt they were strong and able to take care of problems; that they were above threats and could push their way through a dangerous situation using brain and brawn. Bulls don't survive long. It doesn't take long to discover that there are situations that can't be pushed through.

A lot of men who think of themselves as bulls are actually stags. They are aware of danger and avoid it when possible – not out of cowardice, but out of recognition that there are some situations that just aren't survivable. Training in the martial arts teaches one situational awareness and to avoid the fight where possible. That isn't a 'bull' mindset.

The only time that mistaken association was a problem, was when someone felt that they should have bulled their way through some hopeless situation, when they had followed the nature of a stag. It often led to guilt about what they should have done. In the next crisis, they would try to act like a bull when acting like a stag would have been appropriate.

"Like us?"

Hammond answered, "Yes. There actually are a lot of people just like us, out there."

"What effect do we have on the sheep?" Carl asked.

"Sometimes, the reaction of the stag to danger gives the sheep and sheepdogs enough time to face the wolves."

"Is that what I have been doing? Giving the sheep and sheepdogs enough time to face the wolves?"

"I think that is a fairly accurate assessment of what you've been doing."

Carl was silent for a second while thinking about it. "I guess I should feel proud of what I've done, but I don't."

"I guess I can understand that. You're a stag and you were just being true to your stag nature," Hammond said.

He hadn't realized when he had told Carl about sheep, sheepdogs, wolves, and stags that Carl would embrace the idea of being a stag so thoroughly. In a way, he represented all that was the best of the Pfand. He didn't live in a state of denial concerning threats, he was brave enough to be willing to flee rather than fight, he was willing to fight when there was no choice, he lived without hate for those who were attacking him, and he was gentle with those who helped him. It was a rare combination of characteristics.

"I suppose that's it."

"Have you given any thought about what you'll do once the crisis is over?" Hammond asked.

"I just want to have a normal life. I want to open my pickle factory. I want to have a wife and kids. I want to be able to look out the window when I'm in a vehicle," Carl answered.

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And a Happy New Year

By Samantha Jay © December 2009 A year ago I was a down and out. So down and so out that I was on the verge of committing suicide. I was rescued by a girl called Angel who made me promise to help someone in need like she was going to help me. She took me home to her place after she had finished her duties at the shelter and told me she was going to get some sleep and to wake her around three. Whilst Angel slept I decided to have a long soak in the bath, something I hadn't...

2 years ago
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Furniture Anyone

My wife Krista has always had a penchant for teasing and flashing herself in public. While subtle about it, she nonetheless gets a tremendous rush from showing herself to men when they can least do anything about it - and usually when they're with their wife or girlfriend. She says it's a public service since the guy probably gets turned on, goes home and fucks his lady like never before. I know, but hey, that's her theory. Her first experience with it occurred when she was just 19. After a day...

Group Sex
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Joans Story Ch 07

March 28th – Another Visit To The Swinger Club. It’s been a month since our last orgy which was my birthday party. The sex in between was basically with Vanessa and John having me joining in three times a week. It’s pretty enjoyable sex but rather vanilla. Hah! A bisexual threesome with anal is vanilla sex. How my life has changed!! Vanessa asks to go to the Swinger Club for some fun. I think she’s missing Jim. Of course, the other ladies want to go. Both Maria and Sue tell me they are more...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 8 Visiting Queland and Rahia

Kyle and Philip wanted to go to Queland. They wanted to go look at one of the bombed cities were Kyle was getting one of the strange readings from. They decided that the as long as they were in their suits and stayed away from the higher radiation zone it would be safe. Lee agreed it was worth doing and they should be safe enough. So, the exploring party went west. The spot Kyle had picked was the one furthest from the ice flows on the continent the locals called Queland. It was a sad...

2 years ago
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Auntie Mabel Ch 13

‘I hope you realise young woman, that I was the only one today was hasn’t had an orgasm,’ mentioned Mabel, as she walked with Alison along the richly carpeted corridor back to her bedroom. ‘Don’t worry my beautiful darling,’ purred Alison, ‘I intend to give you one of my special massages.’ ‘Ummm I’m looking forward to that, just be sure to leave my bottom out of it. It’s tender now, and you apparently want me to bounce about naked on one of your horses tomorrow.’ ‘I promise you I will...

1 year ago
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MMB 04 The Great Getaway

MMB 04: The Great GetawayTeaserAs the muffled sound of the vibrator’s humming filled the room, Vicky fell on me. She covered my mouth with hers and moaned loudly as she ground her pelvis into mine. The female felon must have buried the vibrator deeply into Vicky's pussy and left it there.Chapter One - “The Mistress Of Pain”"Pick up your leg, damn it!" my wife Vicky told me, then added, "You want to be a cripple all your life, Todd?"She was "helping" me with the exercises my physical therapist...

Straight Sex
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A lemur becomes a matchmaker

The big tits bounced up and down as the woman rode the cock. As she was leaning back, you could clearly see that it was up her arse that she was being taken and that she was sticking a dildo in her fanny.“Ted, we should go.” Edward sighed and shut down the browser. Much as he liked watching sex, he didn’t get much time with his mother who was always busy. Today he was taking her to London Zoo where he could show off his expertise. Whilst his mother, Laura, was a top financial wizard, Ted was...

3 years ago
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day with joey

Joey was a good friend of mine. We had dated for a while, fooled around a bit, but nothing serious. It was a hot day in the summer, and I was home alone, bored, so I decided to call him up to come swimming. He, too, was hot and bored, so he told me hed grab his suit and then ride his bike over to my house. When I got off the phone with him, I found myself thinking about when we went out. As I said before, we didnt get far, but we did do a bit more then just tongue. I found myself getting wet....

3 years ago
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Back Seat

"Shit! It's so fucking hot tonight." Such was the eloquent commentary of Chad, my sister Tammy's boyfriend, flowing backward from the front seat. We had just parked at the overlook, the city spreading out beneath us, lights twinkling on as dusk crept in; it looked like a fake scene from an old Los Angeles movie. Until he opened his mouth, the only sound was the ticking of the car engine as the metal contracted after the engine was turned off. We were at the make-out spot favored by everyone...

4 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 3 Hammer Of War

Despite understanding Trip's explanation for his banishment from Buran Malcolm did the (in his opinion) logical thing the next day and ignored the request to stay away. Fighting his way through the crowded corridors of his ship he began to understand though, why Trip wasn't so keen on letting him see the carnage. Just about any panel that could be opened was actually open with either a human or Vulcan head stuck in it, surrounded by cables, pipes and engineering tools. It didn't really...

3 years ago
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Arrow Forbidden Desires

Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, "The Odyssey" as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and pretend it never happened, that development would throw way too much of a monkey wrench into everything. My first ever fanfic, so all reviews and feedback would be greatly appreciated! Oliver Queen woke up in the morning in his own bed at 8 AM. He stared at the...

2 years ago
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Light at the End of the Tunnel

It was dark, totally without light of any kind, I could not see anything not even the hand in front of my face, if even I had a hand. I was awake and aware but could not feel anything. Was I alive, I don’t know, how does one judge that in the absence of all senses. How long have I been here, a few minutes, a few hours, a few weeks, I really didn’t know. I was not frightened, lonely or happy, I did have my memories. I had the memories of you, of holding you in my arms, being lost in your eyes,...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Fortunate Night With Lady Co Passenger

Hi everyone this is CA Abhay with my first sex story. Any lady who is interested to have compassionate time and privacy to fulfill their desires please do mail @ Introducing myself m a CA working with a well reputed company in pune. Aged 25 years with great physique matching the desires of woman. Heighted 5’11” with 6″ dick.My sex Trip to Nagpur with fortune of fucking hot fair and sexy marwari married lady Co passenger returning to home after marriage aged 30 years traveling alone in ac...

4 years ago
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I trusted her and got burned

I trusted my wife of 4 years but her friend was a different matter. Kelly was what any man would call a slut but my wife thought I was full of shit saying she just likes to have a good time and there's nothing wrong with that. Well I think my wife has blinders on when it comes to her best friend. About a year ago Kelly asked my wife to come with her and a couple other girls to some birthday party and I say for her to be careful cause if they are Kelly's friends they could be just like her. My...

3 years ago
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Bua Ke Chakkar Mein Maa Chudi

Hello friends, main Rahul. Yeh story tab ki hai jab main 18 sal ka tha. Meri maa aur bua ke chakar mein main 18 sal ke umar mein hi paka wala chudakar ban gaya tha. Uss time meri maa 37 sal ki thi aur meri bua 29 sal ki. Meri maa 5 feet 4 inch lambi, gori sunder aurat hai unka badan bhara pura hai unki fig 34,32,38 ka hai. Jo ek sexy maal mein hona chahiye sab kuch hai meri maa mein. Meri maa modern soch wali aurat hai. Meri maa har type ke kapde pehanti hai saree, salwar suit, jeans t-shirt,...

3 years ago
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Felix becomes Felicity Chapter 7

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 7 …We both fell asleep almost immediately. I got up whilst he was still asleep in the morning and put on his shirt loosely over my naked body. I woke him up with breakfast , we kissed and he left late morning.  I had been lucky to escape him not discovering my penis! I had to think hard about what to do about this. I would just have to have to tell him my secret, that I was really a guy! Bradley was going to take me out to dinner that evening, and I thought it a...

1 year ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 27

Stan and Irene were still talking to one pair so we went in another room where the other two fake FBI men waited. I said, "Sit down." One sat down and the other came at me. I dropped him hard. I went to the other. "Pick him up and put him in a chair." We had brought in two paper cups of water. I splashed both of them into the guy's face making him return to consciousness spluttering. Lisa said, "Is there any more stupidity or have you gotten it out of your system?" There was no...

2 years ago
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Aunties Ko Choda Part 1

Hello Everyone … Mera naam Kevin hai aur meri age 24 Year hai. Main Gujarat se hu aur Ab mein apni story pe aata hoon. Mere Father sabse bade hai aur me unka 1 lauta beta hoon. Jab me 10 saal ka tha tabhi accident ma mere maata-pita ki death ho gayi thi. Aur me apne uncles k saath hi rahta hoon. Main story ki heroines yaani ki meri aunties k baare me batana chahunga. Meri 4 aunties hai . 1) Gita (48 Year – Big Boobs ) 2) Vasant (45 Year – Big Boobs) 3) Sunita (40 Year – Small Boobs) 4) Payal...

3 years ago
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Running On Eastern Medicine Chapter 1

This is a rewrite of an incomplete story I read here many years ago. I do not know the title, and would appreciate it someone lets me know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My girlfriend dumped me two months ago. It was devastating to say the least. I didn't see it coming. At all. She was a fitness freak. I loved how she looked, and I doubt I'll ever find another woman with a body like that. She had a motor that didn't stop. She...

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Politics Ch 07

Chapter 7: The race resumes The excitement in the afternoon air crackled like electricity. Erika nudged her raven-haired friend. ‘What do you think?’ Becky glanced at the blonde. What did she think? Other than not having seen much of Thomas lately, she thought that life was pretty much perfect. And she had Erika to thank. It was the blonde who’d found the gym. She’d negotiated the purchase on Becky’s behalf. They’d got it at a rock bottom price due to the Polish owner going bankrupt. It...

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Moms Tiny Tits

Mom’s Tiny Tits My thirty-five-year-old mother hates being flat chested but I just love her tiny tits. Mom is really pretty, tall at five feet ten inches, and only a hundred and ten pounds. She is tall and thin like a basketball player. She wears size one and two dresses and wears a 32-A padded bra. She really doesn’t need a bra but she likes to wear sexy lacy bras anyway. She likes the matching panties and almost all of her panties are thongs too. Mom got worse when dad left us for...

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Me And My Mom Complete

Well my name is Parth and I came across many Mom fantasy stories and I always wanted to share mine but was hesitant. Let me first tell you something about my mom. Her name is Varsha and is a very homely lady. She is 48 years old now but looks like 30 only because of day to day household work and morning routine exercise. My Dad was an aircraft engineer who died of an accident when I was 19 years old. My mom was then 38 years. She still looked young as she got married at a very young age.We had...

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