Omaha Vice Part 2 free porn video

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Omaha Vice Part II (February 2332) Bob Gabrielleson was trudging down the dusty dirt street of the rural Burmese village. Tethered mongrels barked at him as he past and the small, wiry men looked at his entourage with tenuous mix of fear and envy. He was on his way to meet with the local warlord. His six man bodyguard of ex-Australian Army Commandos was heavily armed with mostly modernized versions twenty-first century assault weaponry with a few newer surprises mixed in with their kit. Gabrielleson was a 'buyer' for MEE International. Gabrielleson had done business with this particular chieftain before and didn't particularly expect any trouble, 'but', he thought, 'you never know with these primitives.' Gabrielleson was met at the bamboo and wattle walled entrance to the warlord's compound. A rickety bamboo watchtower occupied by a lone gunman surveyed the meeting and Gabrielleson shook hands with his host's greeter, best described as cross between a butler and hit man. The greeter was a smallish, wiry middle aged man dressed in faded 'tiger stripe' fatigues. Gabrielleson and his entourage followed the 'greeter' across a large concrete tiled courtyard to a large two story balconied structure, curiously built in a combination yellowish brick and bamboo with a steep thatched roof. Once into what passed for the main hall of the structure, the 'greeter' motioned for Gabrielleson's party to halt. Three very hard looking youngish men entered the hall with one holding a rawhide lease which had twelve young boys tethered to it. The boys were naked, with their hands tied behind them and very frightened. One of the Australians muttered, "Mostly Vietnamese, by the looks of 'em, Cap'n." Gabrielleson nodded and closely examining the boy's from a distance he asked the 'greeter', "Where are these boys from?" A deep, rasping voice replied from the entry, "Very good gentlemen. They are booty from my latest expedition to the east." It was Mr. Big himself. The war-lord liked to refer to himself as 'Mr. Big' although he was barely five foot six inches tall. Mr. Big strutted into the hall, immaculate in his freshly pressed cotton twill khaki's embossed with the epaulettes of an ancient Soviet style Army Marshall. "What do you think of my merchandise Mr. Gabrielleson?" Mr. Big asked the question in the mocking manner he did with all westerners, whom he considered effete, due, primarily to their subservience to women. Gabrielleson ignored the implied slight and replied, "We must inspect the items more closely, to assure that they are as healthy as advertised. Gabrielleson motioned to one of the Australians who pulled off his rucksack and retrieved some very compact and sophisticated medical examination equipment. The Burmese gunmen watched in suspicious amazement as the medic did the cursory cardio-pulmonary inspections and then followed by swabbing each boys bound thumbs and pricking each for a minute blood sample. After several minutes the medic announced, "Nothing major, Sir, just the usual malnutrition and vitamin shortages." Gabrielleson nodded and looked at Mr. Big, "I believe that we may have a deal, Excellency. The terms were three thousand gold dollars, fifty twentieth century manufacture AK-47 assault rifles along with twenty five thousand rounds of ammunition for the bunch." "We indeed have a deal Mr. Gabrielleson. With the fresh armaments and ammunition, I am planning an extended expedition into old China. Would you be interested in providing me with a 'shopping list'?" Gabrielleson smiled and replied, "Yes Excellency, I would be interested. Please notify me by your usual methods of the approximate time of your foray and I will have that shopping list for you." Mr. Big offered his hand and the two men shook. Bob Gabrielleson withdrew a thick manila envelope from his rucksack and handed it to Mr. Big, "The three thousand dollars in U.S. gold coins and the ordnance is in a clearing next to the road five miles from here." Mr. Big smiled and motioned to the three armed young men, and turned back to Gabrielleson and said, "My sons will accompany you to the location and they will turn over the merchandise there, if all is in order." --------------------------------------------- July, 2337 Peter Constanceson had just concluded an agreement with Jeff Deborahson concerning the reservation of Jeff's small private dinner hall at his restaurant. The two men were enjoying a rare mid afternoon drink, consummating their verbal agreement. "I'm going to be highly honored having your mother as a guest here," said Jeff. "Oh, don't get too excited, my mother attends about fifty dinner functions a year. I would worry about being remembered however, she has a very selective memory for disasters," answered Peter. Swirling the ice in glass, Jeff continued, "You don't think that she will be uncomfortable in a Jewish establishment?" Peter snorted, "Not unless you insist upon having a Hasidic Mariachi band go from table to table. Look, Jeff all you have to do is have the food and drink ready. Don't worry about placements; our family is well tuned into the proper pecking order." Jeff laughed, "You have just destroyed my Uncle Moshe. But, I will honor your request at keeping this a very private affair. Of course, all of Omaha will know about it within three or four minutes." Peter laughed and drained his drink, thank you Jeff and tell Uncle Moshe I will be on the look out for a gig for his band." ----------------------------------------- "We're having our family dinner at the Jewish boy's place?" asked Carol Constancedaughter incredulously. Laughing, Peter Constanceson replied, "Absolutely the best deal I could work out. Remember Mother, you decreed that I would have to host the gathering in celebration once getting the charges against Toni dropped. You didn't say where the dinner had to be held." Carol hated talking on an audio only connection; she couldn't use what she considered to be her best asset, visual intimidation. "I know what I told you, but I was hoping to convince the Arch Bishop to join us." Peter sighed audibly, "Mother, I'm sure that the Arch Bishop will be more than welcome at 'Jeff's'. In fact, it would be a very gracious symbol of feminine unity for the Arch Bishop to visit a non-Christian Omaha business." Carol snorted, "You can take that 'feminine unity' business and park it where the sun doesn't shine, buster. OK, it's 'Jeff's' next Saturday. I'll have to get a hold of Debra in Florida so that she can make arrangements to attend, otherwise everyone else is local." Peter was smiling unseen at his small victory over his mother, "Thank you Mother, and since the party is small everyone can order off of the 'Jeff's menu. Good bye, I will keep in touch, as usual." -------------------------------------- Mary Ann slid out of her car in the underground lot and was hit by the mid-summer Nebraska heat. Standing and straightening her back pleated short skirt she was thinking about Peter. She had seen his truck parked in the lot and decided that if Toni wasn't around, she would rape him. 'I believe that Toni is at her summer class at U. of N. today, so that asshole should be free,' thought Mary Ann. She walked quickly to the elevator and its air conditioning. Entering the elevator car, she was feeling the trickle of sweat slide around her imprisoned balls. 'Damn these panty hose,' she cursed silently. A few seconds later the car stopped and she walked into the second floor hallway. Fumbling in her purse, she checked to make sure that she had a condom readily available. Pressing her thumb on the scanner pad, the door slid quietly open, or so she thought. Peter was talking with his Uncle Mike in his home office and a flashing light on his computer display warned him of the front door being opened. Peter told Mike that he was going to continue the conversation in audio only and hit the appropriate control on the holo communicator on his desk. Mike was perplexed at Peter's cutting the video to their conversation until he heard a light knock on what had to be the door to Peter's office. "Come in," said Peter and Mike heard the door open and then Mary Ann's voice saying plaintively, "Peety, I'm so horny and I want you to do something about it." 'That asshole,' wondered Mike, 'he's going to let me listen, but not watch.' Knowing that Mike was still listening, Peter moved to the couch taking the hand communicator with him. Mary Ann entered Peter's office and rushed to the couch and sat down next to him. "We have maybe an hour of privacy and I want to take advantage of it," she whined. Peter raised his index finger to lips to quiet the sissy. Whispering into her ear, "I'm having an important conversation with Uncle Mike; the video is off for security reasons." 'No video, no problem,' thought Mary Ann as she rubbed Peter's covered erection with her much practiced hand. Whispering back to Peter, Mary Ann said, "I want you to get me off, now!" Peter sat upright saying, "What was that Mike?" Mike, knowing that Peter was using an ear phone said, "OK, asshole, I'll sign off so that you can 'do' Mary Ann. "As I was saying, I have not heard a word from, Sergeant Connineson in the past month. "If the information that I have been relaying from the snoop is of any value, they haven't let me know." Mary Ann was rummaging around in Peter's 'toy' drawer and had retrieved a pair of wrist restraints, a condom and for her, a comfortable vibrating butt plug. Plopping down next to Peter on the couch in a very unladylike manner, Mary Ann started undoing Peter's trousers. Mike was getting very hard listening to the sound of clothing being disarrayed. "What's she doing now, shithead," asked Mike. "Well from my vantage point, things are up in the air. I do think that I may be able to unlock another point of interest shortly, however," replied Peter. Mary Ann was standing next to Peter, hiking her skirt over her very round hips and starting to roll her pantyhose down around her ankles. "She's wearing panty hose, isn't she? Has she started to pull off her knickers yet?" asked a very interested Mike. "You are correct in you assessment, Mike. I have no doubt that with a little further effort, the investigation will be brought to a head," answered Peter. Mary Ann was lubricating the butt plug and when satisfied with its friction qualities removed her enabler and started to insert it in her rectum. Once she had the new intruder properly seated, she flicked it on and let out a long, low moan. Mary Ann descended awkwardly back down onto the couch next Peter, her ankles entwined with her panty hose and panties. As Peter continued his conversation, she wrapped her wrists in the satin cuffs and clipped the short chains to her choker ring. She turned her body and draped it over Peter's right shoulder with her cuffed hands resting her chin upon Peter's shoulder. Her mouth formed "Please," and she raised her right knee to expose her plasteel encased cock and balls for further consideration. The vibrator was inviting her small cock to explode within it confines and she nearly came when Peter placed his right hand over the small prison and started to massage the small cock head peeking out of its tube. "I think the moment is at hand for further action," said Peter. Mike laughed out loud, "You haven't freed her yet have you Mr. Prick of the week?" "No, I haven't," replied Peter. "And your right, premature action could result in less than satisfactory results." Mike could hear Mary Ann moaning in anticipation and thought to himself, 'That poor sissy, when she finally is allowed to come, she may very well blow her balls off.' Fondling Mary Ann's penis head to point that it was leaking copious pre-cum, Peter told Mike, "The situation had reached a head, I may have to proceed with my own uncovering investigation." Mike was rock hard and wondering why he didn't have a well trained sissy secretary to handle this sort of situation. Peter pulled the light chain containing the electronic key for his sissy's penile restraints over his head and activating the key, unlocking Mary Ann chastity. Removing the malleable tube and brace device from Mary Ann's genitalia, Peter slowly opened the capsule containing the condom so thoughtfully provided by Mary Ann and gently rolled it over the head of the overly excited sissy cock head and down its stem. Once the condom was in place, Peter placed his hand behind Mary Ann's head and forced the sissy down towards his own very erect cock. Reaching over with his left hand, he pinched the sissy's nose until her mouth opened to breath and forced the more than willing girl to engulf his cock while he stroked her own rubber encased one. Mike was listening to the grunts and slop sounds of Mary Ann energetically working Peter. 'Enough of this,' he thought. "Enjoy, Pete. I wish I was there," as Mike broke the connection. "See you later, Mike," answered Peter as he felt Mary Ann discharge into her condom. ------------------------------------------- "Your first load, eh soldier?" Coming up for air, Mary Ann nodded, as a large dollop of spittle fell from her mouth from her efforts at taking Peter's cock as far down her throat as she could. Peter kept at his task of manipulating the smallish sissy cock hoping to get at least three discharges into the sissy sized condom before he came into Mary Ann's eager mouth. The sissy was working Peter's cock over with her tongue stud, trying to get the egotistical organ's owner to admit defeat before he had her shooting her next load. The fingers of her restrained hands were pumping Peter's cock like a piston when she heard the door open. "Just in time for the finale," she heard Peter say. Just at the critical moment, Toni burst in on the scene and was upset that she was missing an afternoon delight. "Come in Toni, Mary Ann and I have a small wager that she will cum three times before I cum for the first time. My hand is becoming tired and I need some help finishing this horny sissy off." Toni stood there with her hands upon her hips and declared, "Since I was not invited to participate, I will not become a party to some common wager." Mary Ann was on the verge of cumming and was willing her balls not to concede all the while she was manipulating Peter's cock with all of her considerable experience. Peter couldn't hold it any longer and delivered his first spurt into Mary Ann's mouth. "I win," the exhausted sissy declared as Peter's second spurt caught her chin and cheek. Just as she had declared victory, Mary Ann succumbed and her second ejaculation shot into the condom. Sitting back on the couch, Marry Ann looked at Peter with a faux sneer mumbled with semen dripping from the corners of her mouth, "Just kind of stud do you think that you are? You could only get a horny sissy off once before you nearly creamed your pants." Toni added, "I've known that Peety was secret sissy all along. And a messy one at that, look at that pathetic little pecker dripping all over the place." Peter winked at Mary Ann and said, "Miss Toni, would you please get me a beer from bar fridge?" "There you go, treating every sissy in the house like they were housemaids. I'll get you your beer this time, but don't make a habit of making me wait on you hand and foot," replied Toni. Toni was handing Peter his beer when he reached out and grabbed her wrist. "So you don't like waiting on me hand and foot and you've got a smart mouth for such a randy sissy. I think that you should put that mouth to work cleaning up the mess that your sister left." With that statement, Peter pulled Toni to her knees in front of him and holding her nose shut he slid his cum covered cock into her not too resisting mouth. While Toni's head was bobbing between his knees, Peter added, "If you do a very good job, I may reward you with a little snack and later this evening I may let Mary Ann tug on your clittie for a bit. Would you like that, smart mouth?" Toni's head continued it's experienced bobbing. -------------------------------------- At the dinner table that evening, Peter told Toni and Mary Ann that there was going to be a black tie family dinner at 'Jeff's' restaurant a week from this coming Saturday. Both sissies became very excited at the proposition of a very dressy dinner party. "Who's all going to be there, Peety?" asked Mary Ann. Peter looked up from his plate and frowning, recited. "My mother, of course along with uncles Frank and Jason, along with Marie and Julie and Katherine and her wife ; I'm sure that Margaret, Connie Anne, Penny and cousin Lance will come. I think grandmother Constancedaughter will be there and maybe Debra and her wife will come in from Florida. We will also have to tell Mike and Pamela that they are expected to attend." With guest list announced, conversation with Peter ceased and the two sissies immediately started making plans. Pushing away from the table, Peter left the babble and the clean up to the sissies and he went into his office and poured a scotch and thought about how to approach Colonel Elizibethson about the silence that he and Uncle Mike had been subjected to concerning the Old City Mall investigation. ------------------------------------ Detective Pat Meganson had decided that since the investigation was at an apparent stand still that he take it upon himself to take a closer look at the Prairie Apartment building. The other two detectives on the investigative team had done some inconsequential parking lot squatting without notable results so Pat had decided to attempt as innocent an entry to the building as possible. Parking his vehicle two blocks away, Pat strolled down the street and towards the shabby apartment building as nonchalantly as possible. He was met by a doorman. 'Wow, in this dump they have a doorman,' wondered Pat. "Sir, are you a resident or are you guest?" asked the uniformed man. Thinking quickly and incorrectly, Pat answered, "I'm a guest." The doorman nodded and asked, "May I see your invitation?" Pat quickly patted himself down and checked his wallet and feigned, "I seem to have forgotten it." The doorman smirked, "No ID or invite, no admittance." Shrugging, Pat said, "Thank you, sir I'll have to get my invitation." Walking away from the entrance, Pat immediately called Mike. -------------------------------------------- Pat was telling Mike about his unsuccessful attempt to enter the building and Mike replied, "If you had run your scheme past me, I could have told you that both Winston and Byron had already tried that route. No more phony bluff attempts past the doorman. We don't want to raise any more suspicions than we already have." Suitably chastened, Pat continued, "Isn't it a bit unusual for that type of apartment building to have a doorman?" "Goddamn right it is," replied Mike. "It's also unusual for an apartment building not to have a list of residents, although it's not required by ordinance." Pat had a thought, "Have you tried the Post Office?" "What about the Post Office, all they do is deliver hard copy legal documents," snorted Mike. "Maybe so," replied Pat, "But they must have delivered a legal document to somebody in the past year or so." A long pause had Pat wondering if Mike had disconnected. "You just earned your keep Meganson; I'll check that out first thing in the morning." -------------------------------- The next morning Mike convened a meeting of his small investigation staff. "Our junior detective, Mr. Meganson, attempted entry to the Prairie Apartments last evening," started Mike, "with no better luck than the rest of you slugs. Why is it that the OPD cannot get into the front door of an aging building protected by a uniformed doorman?" "We're walking on eggs, boss, "replied Byron Dortheason. "You told us that we couldn't strong arm the front guys, so we sit back and watch." Mike slumped in front of his desk, "Your right, 'By,' the Army's CID is heavily into this operation and we are only getting 'nothing', not even a crumb from those assholes." Winston Rhondason spoke up, "Boss, your nephew, Peter is hosting a relay station for the Army's snoop at his apartment. What if he tells them that they have to remove the relay unless we get more co- operations from the CID?" Mike mused Winston's point and replied, "This operation is apparently caught the attention of the most high at the pentagon. I think that Miss Marlason has inadvertently involved us in a very high stakes political intrigue." Byron Doreathason looked at his chief and asked, "Do you think that the military is organizing a coup?" Shaking his head, Mike replied, "No, a military coup is out of the question. I think that they are more interested in protecting their turf and neutralizing the matron's judicial system. But this whole operation is weird, out of state politically connected matrons and the Joint Chiefs of Staff? We will have to be very careful and on the lookout for that large turd which will fall on our foolish heads if we aren't very, very careful" Pat Meganson had been silent so far through the meeting, gathering his courage he said, "Gentlemen, I suggest that we go back to square one and review what we know and how we know it." Three heads swiveled towards Pat and he continued without hesitation, "We know that we have a non-descript one story shopping mall that has an elevator system, we know that the same mall has a very sophisticated exterior curbside elevator capable of handling large transport vehicles, we know that the very same mall has a large and capable security force, entirely beyond its apparent needs, we know that leading Omaha medical practitioners frequent the mall, we know that our in house DPW wannabe's couldn't crack the mall's sewer system and we know that an obscure Omaha apartment building has a liveried doorman that turns away persons without proper credentials. We also know that, that very same obscure apartment building apparently has no residents." --------------------------------------- Mike nodded, "Neatly summed up detective. What we know have to determine is why. Are you also proposing a course of action?" Pat took a deep breath, "Yes sir, I propose a fire at the mall to get a look at the lower levels. Byron looked at Pat with his crooked smile, "I assume that you are proposing a providential lightning strike?" "Yes sir, we are in the summer storm season," replied Pat. The three older detectives looked at each other and then at Pat. "The boys a genius," exclaimed Winston. "A fire will draw in the Omaha Fire department and as security, the OPD. And, a complete search of the building to insure that the fire is extinguished will give us a good look about, genius." Mike smiled at Pat. "Let's sit on this for a week or so, it reminds me of the sewer scenario. I like it, but I also know that my nephew Peter is trying to get the CID to unleash some of its Intel so that we can become a viable part of this investigation again." Detective Dortheason piped in, "We can't wait forever for those Army assholes to legitimize this operation, and we'll all be retired before we get through the front doors. So I'm in favor of burning it." "OK," said Mike, "You guys start formulating a plan to burn the mall, but no one does anything until I give the go ahead. Remember, this has to be flawless. We don't want anything coming back on our heads." The detective crew nodded their collective heads and Mike was relieved, knowing that it would take a month for the three detectives to agree upon what they would consider a 'flawless' arson. ----------------------------------------- Jason and Carol were at Omaha Air Terminal waiting upon Debra's flight to get in from Florida. Three years previous, Carol was present at Debra's hastily prepared wedding in Fort Lauderdale to the politically very well connected sissy Stephanie Juanitason. Carol suspected that the stunning Stephanie was sterile as Debra was still childless. Carol and Jason had just made it to the airport as the sub-hypersonic private jet landed. At the private craft terminal, they watched as Debra emerged from the sleek aircraft followed by the eye catching Stephanie. Debra was her usual regal self, her collar length auburn hair elaborately arranged and her white tropical linen suit flawless with crisp creases in her trousers and a purple flowered cravat at the throat of her silk blouse. The raven haired Stephanie followed, also dressed in a white tropical linen suit; her short, back pleated skirt firmly hugged her broad hips and likewise above her silk blouse, had a purple flowered choker around her long thin neck. Carol frowned at the sissy's gold nose ring bouncing off of her upper lip. Carol did not approve of the new southern fashion of 'ringing' sissies; she felt that it was demeaning for a sex that already was considerably demeaned. Bussing cheeks, Carol asked Katherine, "I have prepared your old room and the guest room for your stay, which do you prefer dear?" Debra was prepared for this question, "I would love to stay in my old room, mother. Stephie and I will be quite comfortable there. 'After all, I've never had sex in that bed,' thought Debra. Carol and Jason continued in their greetings to Stephanie and Jason loaded the luggage into the utility vehicle and headed back to the Constancedaughter compound. ---------------------------------------- Arriving at the Constancedaughter compound, Debra and Stephanie were subjected to the usual excited greetings from Carol's wives Marie and Julie along with more subdued greetings from Jason and Frank. Katherine had called and said that she and her wives Cindy and Mandy would be late, but were expected at anytime. The uncles were gathered in the pool room drinking whisky and rum talking about the sensational and very erotic Stephanie. "Why do you think Debra had the girl fitted with a nose ring, of all things, "commented Frank? Jason straightened, being the youngest and to his thinking the most astute of the uncles replied. "I believe that it the current rage among our 'betters' down south. They have that unique history of domination that shows up in odd quirks. Also, I understand that the 'ring' are not contained by a piercing, but rather magnetically clip into the nostril." "Well, keep your comments away from Carol unless she asks. I don't think that she approves of public humiliation of sissies, but she won't appreciate any of us commenting about Debra's sexual preferences," murmured Frank. -------------------------------------------- Frank was behind the bar when the women and sissies walked into the pool room. Carol, spotting Frank freshening his drink, ordered, "A scotch for me, rum and cokes for Marie and Julie, a daiquiri for Stephanie and a white wine for Debra, if you please mister." Frank was rustling up the drink order when they all heard the front door close and Katherine squeal, "Debra, are you here?" Debra jumped off of her bar stool and rushed towards the pool room door and nearly collided with Katherine. The sisters embraced and exchanged cheeky smooches. Debra broke the embrace and grabbed Katherine's hand and pulled her towards the bar, "Sis, I have to introduce you to my wife. Katherine, please meet my wife Stephanie." Katherine suppressed a whistle as she watched the five foot eleven sissy rise from her bar stool. Stephanie was still dressed in her travelling suit and her three inch heels made her long legs go, well all the way. Standing in the pool room doorway were Katherine's wives, Cindy and Mandy. They were pretty sissies, but not nearly as tall as Stephanie, but their figures were excellent and their cotton short shorts accented their legs even though they were wearing flats. Katherine strode towards Stephanie and introduced herself. Placing her arm around the sissy's somewhat narrow shoulders, guided her into the family gathering. "How cute," exclaimed Katherine and pointed to the nose ring that Stephanie was wearing. The gathering relaxed into a free for all mingling with everyone talking with each other. Frank was into his fourth bourbon and casually eavesdropping on Carol and Debra's conversation. "I understand that you have recently obtained a 'position', "said Carol. Debra smiled and nodded, "My little girl, over there is the cousin of a very well connected matron. A couple of months ago, we were invited to party, a soiree really at a mansion outside of Miami. You should see this place, sissy maids dressed in old fashioned maid costumes, 'French Maids', I believe is what our host called them. Very short satin dresses, tight through the bust and waist but flared at the hips with starched 'petticoats' of all things, keeping the hem spread out. They were all very pretty and very delicious eye candy. They were all wearing sheer thigh high stockings held up by little clips from what she called a garter belt. The hems of the uniforms just barely covered the stocking tops and when one of the little dears made even the slightest improper move, you could see their sheer panties, all of them soaked. Our host did not allow her help to wear panty liners and I can't imagine the torment the sissies went through with their little cock heads constantly rubbing against their silk panties." Frank felt himself getting hard listening to Katherine's description. "My, my, it all sounds very erotic," exclaimed Carol. Did she have a stable of studs mingling with crowd or was she a sissy only type of matron?" Debra sat back and her mouth twisted, "You know, that was the odd thing. There were these serving boys. They were very lithe in build, but obviously male. The odd thing was that these serving boys all wore very tight, form fitting Bermuda shorts and very sissy tops. Spaghetti strapped silk, I think with bare midriffs and body jewelry, you know, navel piercings." Frank was becoming very interested in Katherine's party. "I've never heard of that," remarked Carol. "These serving boys, were they part of the household?" Nodding, Debra said, "I'm pretty sure that they were. And thinking about it, they all wore light make-up, including lip gloss and had gold earrings and tongue studs." Carol snorted, "It all sounds very sissy to me. What does this matron do to afford such an obvious display?" "Horses, can you believe it? She raises horses, thoroughbreds. She is very into horse racing, on the international scale," answered Debra. "She raises thoroughbreds in Florida?" asked an incredulous Carol. "No mother, she raises thoroughbreds all over the country," replied a slightly indignant Debra. "She's always buying farm property all over the country," continued Debra. "How is it that you know so much about this mysterious matron?" pressed the ever cautious Carol. Smirking, Debra replied, "Because, I work for her. If you recall, I majored in commercial real estate at Creighton. I've worked MEE for the past nine months and am rapidly ascending the corporate ladder, she bragged. Frank staggered slightly at the revelation of MEE and Debra's association. He would have to inform Mike ASAP. ------------------------------- Marilyn Evelynsdaughter was enjoying the late afternoon sun at her considerable compound outside of Miami. Her household help were enjoying their afternoon break frolicking in the large pool and Marilyn was enjoying watching them. Her two full time bedmates were also in the pool and they had her full attention. There was a full time security detail on the perimeter of her property, but they were never, never allowed inside its stuccoed walls. Marilyn was reflecting on her considerable rise from modest civil service functionary to one of the most powerful, yet unknown women in North America. She knew from her dealings with road building contractors in her 'official' position as the head of the Florida Highway Department that money did not only talk, it screamed constantly. If one added sex to the mix, you won easily almost all of the time. Marilyn waved to her two playmates as they made their way towards her. They were toweling the water from their trim supple bodies, breasts bouncing softly and with that peculiar wiggle that only enablers (hormone packed butt plugs) seemed to produce. Marci, her first wife approached her lounge chair with iced teas and two small bowls of orange sherbet (for her playmates). She would serve the four pretty boys and the six maid's identical items at a separate table. Marci delivered her desserts and leaned over to receive her kiss from Marilyn. The matron's hand slipped under the hem of the light cotton sundress and fondled Marci's plasteel encased genitals sweetly covered by silk panties. "Ummm, strawberry lipstick, you horny trollop," murmured Marilyn. Marci smiled, and yes she knew that strawberry was matron's favorite flavor. Waving the sissy away, Marilyn turned her attention to the approaching twins. 'Hungarian', she thought, 'there is that delightful hint of a slant to their eyes.' The twins smiled and sat down at the small table and dived into their sherbet, their blonde hair still hanging wet in their unsissylike identical page boy cuts. Marilyn leaned over the table and gently chucked each girl under the chin and glancing through the glass top observed that knees were correctly pressed together. 'We can't have any unsightly bulges,' she thought. Watching the twins eat, Marilyn smiled at the shine of the gold tongue studs curling around spoons. 'They are so good with their tongues. I will make a fortune off of them when something better comes along,' she concluded. 'But perhaps I will keep them on as maids. I just can't bear the thought of them massaging some thankless crone's clit.' Dampness was creeping into her panties and Marilyn pulled herself out of her silent revelry. "You two go and dry off and get yourselves ready for the dinner at the Ladies Auxiliary tonight. I want you looking your best, you how the other matron's drool over you. Now scat." The two sissies stood and bobbed their wet heads in unison and wiggled off into the house. Marilyn remained at the table to finish her iced tea and watched as her other wife, Cindy collected the pretty boys and maids to get them back to their duties. Marilyn signaled Cindy and the tall, redheaded sissy approached. "Yes ma'am, inquired Cindy? "I am feeling a little anxious, dear. Would you have that darling Annie come to my bedroom in about a half an hour? Tell her that her usual reward awaits her performance." The tall red- haired sissy bobbed a semi-curtsey and strode away, the hem of her short silk dress brushing over her bare thighs. ------------------------------------- Half an hour later, Annie knocked on the door of Marilyn's bed chamber and discreetly entered and waited in the middle of the anti-chamber in the prescribed maids pose, hands together and one foot in front of the other. Marilyn entered the anti-chamber and motioned to uniformed sissy to go into her bed room. 'Annie, Annie, Annie,' wondered Marilyn, 'do all of the sissies in Somalia have such wonderful tongues?' Annie had resumed her pose in Marilyn bedroom awaiting the matron's appearance. Marilyn walked into the room behind the tallish sissy, admiring the corseted figures shape accented by the ancient maid's costume that was the mandatory uniform for the housemaids in her home. Marilyn walked up to Annie from behind and reached around the girl and cupped her breasts and manipulated the sissy's unusually long nipples for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, a low moan was emitted from Annie and Marilyn removed her right hand and dropping towards the still girl's buttocks. She slid her hand around over the girl's stomach, ascertaining the presence of a tight corset and then raising the short silk skirt and starched petticoats, slipped her hand into the rear of the girl's panties and gently feeling around, Marilyn found the exposed penis head and gently massaged it between her fingers. Marilyn felt slickness between her fingers as the excited sissy delivered a few drops of pre-cum. "Does that feel good, dear?" asked Marilyn. Annie nodded, but she was feeling more pain than pleasure as her cock was trying to expand within its tight plasteel tube. Marilyn continued her exploration and her fingers found the flared base of the enabler, the hormone and lubricant dispensing long butt plug that every sissy wore daily. Moving the flared base around with her fingers, Marilyn soon heard a gasp from Annie as she grazed the sissy's prostate gland. Concentrating on the gland, Marilyn soon had Annie squealing softly and a nice deposit of semen was soon deposited over Marilyn's fingers and coming to rest in the thin silk of the panty.. Withdrawing her hand from the defenseless sissy's panties, Marilyn turned the girl around and could see the deep embarrassed blush on the glossy black face. She then presented her sticky, semen covered hand to the maid and Annie proceeded to lick the hand and digits' totally clean. Marilyn then went over to her bed and standing next to it motioned for the maid to approach. Annie slid to her knees and loosened the clasps on Marilyn's silk pajama bottoms and rolled the garment over her matron's hips and let the item fall to the carpet. Marilyn sat down on the edge of her large bed and as she spread her legs, she reached over to Annie and hooked the sissy's nose ring with her index finger and guided the very experienced face into her womb. The matron smiled as the red streaked blonde dyed hair of the black girl bobbed and shook between her thighs. After about three minutes of expert ministration, Marilyn had her first orgasm, soon followed by two more. 'Give me one more girl and I will give you your reward,' she thought. Finally, after several minutes more, Marilyn came with a wild bucking that smeared her juices all over the working girl's face and with several deep breathes, she lifted Annie's face from her vagina. Smiling broadly at the well trained African sissy, she said, "I'm going to do you twice before I dismiss you, you lucky little tart." Standing up, Marilyn allowed the sissy to replace her pajama bottoms and when satisfied, motioned the eager sissy to the bench in front of her vanity. Annie mounted the vanity bench on knees with her head resting upon her forearms. Marilyn went to her night table and found the necessary items for Annie's little adventure. Marilyn expertly cuffed and clipped the sissy's wrists to her choker ring with light silver chains. Once secured, Marilyn lifted the short hem of Annie's maids uniform and laid it over the restrained sissy's back and followed with the starched petticoats. Like a surgeon, examined the silk panty clad bubble butt before her. Smiling, she slowly slipped the panties down over Annie's thighs and resting them at the girls knees. Sliding her hand up the girl's nyloned thigh she then put her hand between the anxious sissy's thighs and cupped the imprisoned contents. Annie could part her knees only a few inches on the narrow bench and made every effort to allow her mistress easy access to her painfully stored treasures. Marilyn then gently removed the enabler from its dark home. Annie sighed as the four inch long one inch wide butt plug was slowly withdrawn from her rectum. Placing the soiled enabler into a plaything cleaner, Marilyn decided that she could proceed with the main event. Marilyn could see her target, 'the one eyed monster,' she laughed. 'More like a pet gerbil, eager for a friendly stroke'. Annie's purple cock head was peeking out of its plasteel encasement and Marilyn massaged it for a few seconds, fully realizing the discomfort she was causing the sissy. Finally, Marilyn depressed the switch on the electronic key that relayed a command to the plasteel device that was so stoutly holding Annie subservient and the molecules relaxed and the material became pliable. Matron deftly unclipped the penis tube from the gold ring encircling Annie's scrotum and the hard, formed crotch support relaxed and parted. The device was designed to clip the penis tube to the scrotum ring behind the wearer's ball sack and the crotch plate slid between the scrotum ring and the skin and when activated formed a near ninety degree angle, firmly pressing the genitalia in place between the wearer's thighs. With the penis forced rearward between the thighs, the wearer was forced to urinate while sitting down. It was inevitable that urine would splash on and around the wearer's buttocks region requiring a very ladylike and thorough wiping after every event. Once the penis tube was removed from Annie's cock, it began to swell to impressive size for a sissy. 'It must be at least six inches long,' admired Marilyn, 'and reasonably thick, too.' She began to wonder how stout this male member would have been if it had not been relentlessly hormoned to retard its development. Reaching in front of the kneeling sissy's crotch, Marilyn moved the petticoats out of the way and slid a condom over the excited sissy's cock. Giggling at the sound of the silk dress rustle against the stiff petticoats, Marilyn finally managed to roll the condom up Annie's extension. 'You are a manly hung little sissy,' thought Marilyn as she applied a large amount of lubricant to a very impressive vibrating dildo. Marilyn snickered to herself as she watched Annie's rosebud pucker uncontrollably in anticipation of insertion. Spreading lubricant around the pulsating rectum, Marilyn decided that this was enough foreplay for this sissy and she pressed the wide head of the eight inch dildo against its target. Annie emitted a loud groan as the head squeezed by her sphincter and when half of the plaything had been embedded, Marilyn turned the vibrating device on. Gasping, Annie jerked against her wrist restraints and was forced to remain in her humiliating and very subservient position. Slowly inserting the final few inches of the dildo into Annie's now rolling ass, Marilyn left the sissy to enjoy her new found sensations while she brought a light sitting chair over next to the vanity bench. Annie was moaning in her native East African Swahili dialect as Marilyn sat down next to the puffing sissy and reached under Annie's dress and firmly grasped the girl's large cock. She did not stroke Annie; rather she held the member firm and made the sissy thrust to gain friction. The first ejaculation took only a few seconds as Marilyn felt the excited tool expand and eject its overdue load. Marilyn stood and kissed the sissy on the nape of her neck, just above the choker and cooed, "Very nicely done, sweetie, the second one will require a little more effort." Deciding that she didn't have time to play further games, Marilyn aided Annie to her second ejaculation with some skillful manipulation. After Annie came the second time, Marilyn withdrew the vibrator and reinserted the enabler, removed the condom and disposed of it and spraying a mild anesthetic on the deflating member, replaced the plasteel restrain. Finally, she pulled the sissy's panties up and released her wrists. Helping the sissy to her feet, Marilyn kissed the girl, forcing her tongue into Annie's mouth and sliding her tongue around the gold stud. "Now go freshen up, dear. You still have duties to perform," whispered Marilyn. The sated sissy wiggled out of Marilyn's bedroom on her three inch heels. Watching the short uniform skirt bounce on the African girl's hips, Marilyn decided that she would have to fuck that girl more often. ------------------------------------------------- Cindy, Matron Evelynsdaughter's second wife, was the official housekeeper of the estate, among her duties were overseeing the day to day operations and maintenance of the grounds. The pretty boys, local hires from the South Florida gay communities had gardening and light maintenance duties. The maid's were graduates from MEE Sissy Schools and former employee's of one of the brothels that Marilyn had an interest in. They were not slaves, rather limited term employee's who worked as domestics and assisted Marci in the kitchen. One of the more intriguing duties that Cindy performed was arranging for the sissies sexual activities. She and Marci slept together and only occasionally had sexual contact with the matron, but did dally among the pretty boys and maids. Very aware of Matron's dinner plans, Cindy decided to look in the twins to assure herself that they well along the way in preparedness for the evenings outing. --------------------------------------------- Knocking lightly on the twin's bedroom door, Cindy announced herself and entered, "Magda? Irina? Are getting ready for dinner?" "In here Mistress," called Irina, "we are in the bathroom." The accented English was delivered in a soft alto soprano. 'Better voices through chemistry,' thought Cindy. Entering the bathroom, Cindy was entranced by the sight of the two tall, over six foot, sissies. Both sissies sporting identical freshly brushed pageboy cuts with tips that pointed towards their perfect, pouting full lipped mouths. The sissies were waist nipper corseted and under clothed in matching pale blue panty and bra sets. They were wearing blue silk chokers with lace trim. Cindy looked them over carefully, had them turn around and told them to redo their toenails and had them layout the jewelry that they were planning to wear. She complimented them on their choices and told them to be ready in an hour. An hour later, the dinner party was gathered in the spacious kitchen. Marilyn was drinking a glass of a California Chablis and also allowed the twins a small glass. Marilyn was in a smart, dark blue linen suit with slightly flared trouser legs, light blue silk collared shirt, two inch black pumps and accompanied by diamond ear studs, gold necklace and diamond broach strategically centered in her light yellow neck scarf. Magda and Irina were identically dressed, light blue, quite short baby doll dresses, matching open toed sandals, nude panty hose, the blue chokers, gold necklaces and small ear hoops and their ever present gold nose rings. --------------------------------------------- As Marilyn was finishing her wine, the maid Jennie rushed into the kitchen and announced, "Matron, pardon me, but your limousine is here." Rising, Marilyn thanked the oriental sissy and winked at Cindy, "They're all yours, sweets. Let's go girls, we many important people to impress tonight." Cindy went around the house inspecting the general situation and finding every thing satisfactory, dismissed the maids so that they could change into more comfortable attire. Marci was being assisted by one of the pretty boys and had sent him to announce that dinner would ready in about a half an hour. The other pretty boys were playing holo games in the game room and were being joined by the now off duty maids. The maids had changed into their allowed short shorts and tee shirts or cami's while the pretty boys had changed to baggy, loose cut cotton shorts and cotton tee shirts. Everyone wore make up, ear rings and nose rings. ------------------------------------ Dinner was a noisy affair with the maids vocalizing a variety of accented English while the pretty boys spoke in the soft drawl of the native Floridians. Marci tried to accommodate all of the staff with something that resembled one of national dishes. The effort was well received, but basically pointless, as all of these waifs had seen very little of anyone's cuisine prior to being sold to MEE, Inc... Cindy allowed a little wine at dinner although only few of the staff was of legal drinking age. They would be allowed soft drinks or a little alcohol while they socialized in the game room after dinner. At ten o'clock sharp everyone went to bed, Cindy had an electronic key that was programmed to her thumb print that would release the penis restraints they all wore. All of the staff was paired with another to share a bed. Maid with maid and pretty boy with pretty boy was the rule. Cindy would go from bedroom to bedroom to check that each individual was properly wrist restrained and inserted with a small vibrating butt plug. Once satisfied, she would remove the penis restraints and the couple could engage in oral sex to their hearts content. The only bed where condoms were required was Matron's. Nobody's semen soiled her sheets. ------------------------------------ Marilyn's limousine pulled into the wide circular driveway of the Women's Auxiliary Club and upon stopping the door was immediately opened by a young male in European 'footman' style livery. The guests and their sissies were escorted by a footman to the entrance, where an equally elaborately costumed 'doorman' opened the door. Marilyn tipped the footman and the doorman in currency from her wallet she carried in the inside breast pocket of her suit coat. Magda and Irina followed close behind, conscious of the uncontrollable hems of the thin layered chiffon of their dresses. Once inside the building, one of the members of the Ladies Auxiliary Club was acting as the Chamberlin. Also in costume, the Chamberlin would bang her staff against the floor and announce the new arrival. "Hear ye, hear ye," intoned the Chamberlin. "Matron Marilyn Evelynsdaughter with Magda and Irina." Many in the crowd on the Ladies Auxiliary Club's ballroom turned to admire the notorious matron and her stunning sissies. A tall, hawk faced matron approached Marilyn and asked, "Good to see you here, my dear. When are you going to another one of your special events?" Marilyn smiled, "I'm not quite sure Deanne, I usually hold one every three months or so. In this case I will have to contact the factory and see how production is coming along." "I see you brought along two exquisite examples of your product line," added Deanne. She was nearly drooling over Magda and Irina, now standing with a light chain clipped to their nose rings that were joined to a single leash in Marilyn's hand. "Aren't they special?" "I have to keep them leashed unless some daring matron would make off with them," replied Marilyn. Deanne laughed, "That would be me, my dear. I would steal them away in moment. I do love the leash idea; I think I will incorporate it with my sissies." Nodding, Marilyn asked Deanne to excuse her, "I must park my charges where I can find them again." Looking at the two sissies, Marilyn smiled and gave the leash a light tug, "This way girls." She led them to a small table and told them that they could order anything, non-alcoholic that they wished and that she would be back in an hour or so. Removing the nose chains, she waved, "Now, stay out of trouble, girls." A pretty boy waiter soon appeared and took their order of sugar free beverages. ------------------------------------- Marilyn went directly to the office of the Grand Dame of the Miami Chapter of the Ladies Auxiliary of the United States. Entering the office of Maxine Donnasdaughter, Marilyn acknowledged several past customers of her business. Maxine left the small group that she was entertaining to greet Marilyn. "Good to see you here, my dear. I hope that you brought some examples of your product line along with you." "I did indeed, Matron," replied Marilyn, "I have them parked them in the bar. Hopefully, I tipped your pretty boy bartender enough to keep a close eye on them." Maxine snorted, "Come with me and we'll find out how attentive my oversexed butt boys are." Marilyn followed Maxine to a cherry paneled wall and watched as the Grand Dame pressed a button and the paneling retreated and a holo projector was revealed. "In the bar, you say," murmured Maxine and a thin strip of flat images projected on the wall next to the projector. "There they are," exclaimed Marilyn. "There, at that table near the bar." Maxine acquired the correct co-ordinates and instantly a one quarter size image of Magda and Irina sitting quietly at their table materialized. "Oh my," breathed Maxine. "Come and look ladies. Look at what Marilyn has brought to our little soiree." A harsh voice crashed into Marilyn's left ear. "Five hundred thousand for the pair. It will be in your account before dessert," screamed Nadia Feliciasdaughter, a federal judge that had a senior interest in a string of sissy brothels nationwide. Maxine was aghast. "Nadia, please control yourself. This is not a marketplace," chided the august Grand Dame. Marilyn smiled to herself, 'Sex equals money and more sex equals more money.' Turning to Nadia, Marilyn chuckled, "You wouldn't ask me to give up my bed warmers for a mere half a million dollars, would you, your honor." The judge gave a reluctant smile and replied, No, matron, I would not ask that of any woman, but the offer stands. If I stand here any longer, I may double the offer." Marilyn smiled, "Well, for now, those two are not on the market." A voice lifted from the rear of the assembled matron's. "Marilyn, are you planning to provide items for the more maternal market?" Marilyn expression turns quizzical at the question. 'How did she know? Or was it wild guess?" Deanne's voice broke over the hubbub, "Ladies, let's have dinner. We can continue other discussions afterward. --------------------------------------------- After dinner was completed and the tables cleared by the pretty boy help, several short uninteresting speeches were delivered, whereupon Grand Dame Donnasdaughter invited the assembled to gather at the bar for post dinner aperitifs and conversation. Marilyn was standing at the end of long bar with the twins next to her. They were leashed and held untouched full wine glasses in their hands. "Matron Evelynsdaughter," a voice came from behind Marilyn. It was Evangeline Fredoniasdaughter, a sixtyish matron accompanied by her fiftyish consort sissy. Evangeline continued, "Is it true that you are going to add younger, 'home trainable items' to your inventory?" Marilyn held her index finger to her lips and replied, "Very likely, Matron. However I do not have enough items available, nor are they suitably housebroken for the more discerning matron." Sighing, the older matron said, "I do hope that you can get your supply system up to speed, Candy, here and I would so love to have a little sissy pitter patting around the house. As we age, we do get lonely for the more maternal aspects of life." Marilyn looked at Candy, Matron Fredoniasdaughter's consort and held out her hand. "Candy would you truly like to have a young sissy to look after?" she asked. The older sissy bobbed to slight curtsey, her nose ring bouncing off of her upper lip and stuttered, "Yes, Matron, Freddy and I would love to have child in the house." Evangeline, reddened, "Now you know my pet name, you naughty girl," she said, smiling. "It is my secret," grinned Marilyn. Evangeline hooked her finger into Candy's nose ring and said, "Come along big mouth, maybe we can find someone to compare dildo sizes with." Marilyn nodded towards Matron Fredoniasdaughter as she led the love of her life away, by the nose. Turning towards her twins, Marilyn added, "Would you two like to have children to look after?" They both shook their heads no, causing their leash chains to ripple in the air. 'Delightful,' thought Marilyn, 'They are both still fertile and would bring at least a million as a pair, for a wealthy young mistress to start a family with.' A finger tapped Marilyn on the shoulder, turning she was facing Jacqueline Kathleensdaughter, who was unaccompanied. "What can I do for you, Jack?" asked Marilyn. Peering down at the shorter matron, Jacqueline inquired, "When is your next auction, Marilyn?" Unaccustomed to this blatant bluntness, Marilyn queried, "Why do you ask?" Backing down, Jacqueline replied, "Well, I have the two maids that I acquired and my wife. And I need a good pretty boy stud to chase them around the house, the younger the better to keep my sissies in line." Marilyn laughed, "I would love to see that, my dear. However, my next display is not for at least three months and I don't provide pretty boys, they are all local males. Perhaps you could acquire a good- looking young stud from general population, they're out there you know and cheap." Marilyn field several more inquiries about her business operations and decided that they evening was beginning to drag. The twins had lost all interest in the affair and were into their third glass of wine when Marilyn decided to pull the plug on the event. With Magda and Irina in tow, she slowly made her way to the exit. During the limousine ride back to her compound, Marilyn complimented the twins. "You girls were darling tonight. You every matron in the place mentally calculating their sum total personal wealth trying to justify what it would cost them to acquire you two jewels." The twins dutifully laid their heads on either of Marilyn's shoulders at the compliment. Marilyn had her hand beneath Magda's dress and was massaging the inside of her thigh up to the plasteel tube that held the sissy's cock and balls firmly between her creamy thighs. "Magda dear, I think that you will be on top tonight," said Marilyn. ------------------------------------- Marilyn was primping before the large mirror in her bathroom, making sure that no unsightly bulges were evident. She had a seven inch long by inch and three quarters diameter strap on dildo fastened with a ribbon to her thigh beneath her silk male cut pajamas. The dildo was a model that had a functional ball sack. It was filled with pseudo semen, a product called 'Kum' that had the consistency and salty taste similar to the natural item. A small button placed on both hip straps of the dildo's harness could be depressed that activated a pump in the dildo that forced a suitable serving of 'Kum' into the recipients anus or mouth or wherever. Her primping was interrupted by a light knock on her bedroom door. "Come in, girls," called Marilyn. As she left the bathroom she was reveling in the thought all of South Florida's matriarchy is green with envy about the activity that she was about to engage in. 'Maybe I should make a holo as advertisement for the business,' she thought, giggling with anticipation --------------------------------------------------- The dusty convoy entered the well fortified compound in downtown Rangoon. Bob Gabrielleson was thankful that it was the dry season as the convoy slid through the blast door gates. The local gun enthusiasts were far more interested in the weaponry in the compound than its invaluable raw materials. There were six old style, hydrogen powered, armored HumVee's and an ancient gasoline powered bus, each with an Aussie driver and gunner and a cargo of thirty six young boys of various ages ranging from approximately eight to fourteen. The convoy was met by a group of medical personnel that quickly hustled the shackled cargo from the HumVee's to medium sized building that served as headquarters and medical services. Part of the medical services was a large quarantine section. The thirty six frightened naked boys were led into a large common shower area and unfettered. Three orderlies, speaking Burmese, Thai, Vietnamese and Cambodian tried to reassure their wards that all that was going to happen were that they would be washed. Of course, none of the unhappy captives had ever seen a shower bath before. Once the warm water started to spray and flower scented soap was handed out, most of the boys calmed and enjoyed the strange experience. After the shower experience was completed, the boys were fed as much rice and vegetables as they wanted. Bathed and fed, the boys were then led to a dormitory and allowed to sleep, a disquiet moaning and sniffling sleep. ------------------------------- Upon being awakened the following morning, they were fed breakfast, a first for most of them. Following breakfast, four at a time were taken to be medically examined, for everything. Still naked, those that were finished with their medicals were issued clothing; cotton panties, short skirts, white short sleeved blouses and sandals. Most of the boys were immensely pleased with their clothing, it was the first non-rags that they ever worn. After they dressed, Burmese she male beauticians started their work. The boys with enough hair soon found themselves in braids with ribbons tied at the tips. All of the boys had light make up applied. The twelve Vietnamese boys bought from Mr. Big looked very fetching in their skirts and blouses and were being carefully examined by Gabrielleson's medical staff. "They're all good to go, Mr. G," said the chief medico. "OK, give them their first doses (of general female hormones) and restrain them. I need all of the units in the compound ready for shipment in three days," said Gabrielleson. Every boy who had reached puberty was to be restrained in the standard sissy cock tube assembly. Gabrielleson mildly chuckled at the expression on the faces of the two older Viet's while they were being fitted for their penis restraints. 'That's probably the last time that they will see their cocks in their lifetime. Good luck boys, you'll need it.' The captive boys were given a limited free range of the compound with enough new electronic (for them) delights to keep them amused and more than enough to eat (for the first time in their lives). The idea was to get them accustomed to their clothing and basic hygiene. The policy of the shipping camp was keep the basic discipline to a minimum, after all, their future matron's would take care of that. Generally, the boys became relaxed enough on the second day began to act like boys. The camp staff was at least firm in its general prohibition of 'rough house' behavior. Once at least thirty boys had been in the camp for at least seven days, a shipment by hypersonic military transport was arranged. The United States had a large Air Force base in Rangoon, a situation that the Burmese government (a loosely speaking organization) did not appreciate, however they were faced with the reality of accepting the American military base or becoming the former Burmese government. ------------------------------------ MME, International's problem with transporting the alien children to the continental United Stated was that it was expressly illegal. It was doubly illegal to utilize military means to facilitate such transport. The United States had effectively sealed its borders with all nations other than Canada in 2030 and this quarantine was still effect with all nations other than Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland. From time immemorial, the power of gold was absolute. MEE operatives had bribed enough of the right Air Force operations personnel that they could effectively schedule transcontinental hypersonic transport space for at least one large sealed cargo container from any continent in the world to North America. The children at the Rangoon camp were sedated by drugging their breakfast and were prepared for the flight to Colorado Springs. The 'Springs' was a favorite smuggler route because of the arrogance of the Academies Commandant's belief that he ran the 'tightest' ship in history. The boys were loaded into a hermetically sealed container and were strapped into place on their bench seats with a breathing tub

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Vice Cop Ch 06

Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson went undercover at a costume party in The Hamptons in hopes of discovering a notorious Madame’s wild sex party and drug operation. Lexa an Detective Mason went to the party unaware that their hostess was really the wanted Madame. Hudson’s Corvette was bombed and he was mildly wounded by a gun shot. In this chapter, Hudson and Lexa team up as undercover cops for the first time. If you wish to skip all the action and storyline, read SCENE TEN for a brief oral and...

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Vice Cop Ch 05

* Previously on Vice Cop, Lexa O’Neil went undercover as a hooker in Atlantic City in hopes of catching a serial killer. Hudson Banach went to Atlantic City as well to enjoy a brief vacation and ran into an old girlfriend from high school, Sonya Romandini, who had become an escort/high class hooker. Hudson beat Lexa at a game of poker in the casino. Lexa was almost killed by the serial killer when Detective Mason Holmes rescued her. Sonya left for Las Vegas and Hudson returned to New York City...

3 years ago
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The Society for the Suppression of Vice

London 13th January 1872 “I say, have you seen today’s copy of Leisure Hour?” “No. Not as yet, George. Anything good?” “There’s an appeal from the Society for the Suppression of Vice.” The movement of whiskers suggested that they were hiding an amused smile as the owner of the curling lips leant forward and poured another generous measure of whisky into his glass. “Another snifter?” Hazel eyes shifted away from the text of a newspaper and took a lingering look at the half empty bottle of...

1 year ago
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Vice cop

Lou Tanner was a cop working the west side of Chicago. Now in all America there may be a more God forsaken piece of real estate, but as far as Lou was concerned this was the arm pit of the western world! That's not to say that Lou was unhappy working here, because you see Lou was a vice cop in one of the most corrupt cities in the America. If you wanted to make a lot of money real quick and easy, the Big Windy was the place to be, and being a vice cop just made it all the easier. On the outside...

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Vice Cop Ch 12

Previously on Vice cop, Detective Mason Holmes and Lexa O’Neil moved into Manhattan as a live-in couple. A ‘headhunter’ serial killer was preying on New Yorkers and it was discovered that he was an esteemed professor from a university. Mason, hot on his tracks, finally confronted him and brought him to justice. Lexa was involved in the homicide case of a neurotic and love-crazed ballerina from the American Ballet Theater who beheaded her married lover and attempted to flee. This chapter has...

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Vice Cop Ch 11

Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson got himself a Chinese mail-order bride named Cherry. Mason and Lexa retreated to The Poconos for a weekend. For Hudson, married life was sweet until a dangerous underground Chinese Mafia cast a large shadow over Chinatown. Girls were abducted by ninja soldiers who worked for a powerful Asian Mob lord, and were forced into sexual slavery. When Cherry was abducted, Hudson came to her rescue but discovered that she had been killed during an altercation with the Mob...

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Vice Cop Ch 08

Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson moved from his family home and into Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, to a house of his own. He had flashbacks of his days at the Academy and his assignments as a rookie cop. He remembered his fellow officer and friend Kyle Lennox, who had been his partner for a long time before his death by the alluring but dangerous Candy Spears, herself a pawn to the Columbian drug lord Leo Mendoza and his wife’s illegal and evil machinations. He recalled his first love and high school...

4 years ago
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Club Vice Ch 03

Damien had been stuck in traffic behind Victoria’s limo for far too long. Finally the Fiat they trailed slowed right in front of the local Prestige. The capo bolted up from his seat with a Lucky standing out from the corner of his lips, muffling a touch of his words. ‘Damn… not ten minutes and already she is stepping up to slip behind Daddy’s big desk. Nunzio! Bring us around the back to the lower level garage. I want bella aurita to have ten minutes lead.’ He gritted his teeth loud enough to...

2 years ago
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Virtue or Vice Ch 02

For some reason, ‘Virtue or Vice II’ was posted as ‘Virtue or Vice III’. Rather than explain or be all confusing, I have risen to the challenge and have written a new Chapter II, to be retrofitted here! Enjoy! * Terri felt like she was still nine shades of red as she and Devin made their way to the local Pizza Hut to grab a bite before dinner. She hadn’t intended to see what she’d seen, but now she couldn’t get it out of her mind. She had gotten off shift early at the precinct tonight and...

3 years ago
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The NRC Vice President An Agenda Story

The bus driver couldn't help but stare as she skipped away from the bus, throwing a backpack on over her back. Her skirt bouncing ever so slightly, revealing a deadpool face on the back of her panties. A slight bulge visibly showing in his pants. The smell of her perfume still lingering from when she walked by, making him feel dizzy and very turned on. Luckily, this was his last stop, and as he closed the door, headed back to the bus depot, to go home, and deal with his sexual...

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Club Vice Ch 02

Hands ran over his slicked back hair, normally he styled it loose with a few waves of darkness cresting his brow. Blue tinted irises observed the hasty retreat of the daughter. Thoughts swirled as to why she so snubbed her sire. He was a great man, personable to a fault. He could not fathom the need to insult Vic. Then a flashback struck the forefront of his cranium, a turn of a few years back when he was merely dating Julie instead of her being a kept doll. They were in the restaurant of a...

3 years ago
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Fucked The VicePrincipal For Admission

I was naked on the table. My saree on the floor and my blouse unbuttoned while the vice-principal was licking my naked pussy. This was the second session I was having. He already fucked me once on this very table, rested for a while. He was gentleman enough to ask me for water, then started again. I came here for my son’s admission and was ready to for that. After the death of my husband, he was the only family I had in this city. Some people showed sympathy but most showed lust. I can see the...

2 years ago
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Tomahawk Towing and Recovery

Tomahawk Towing and Recovery Sunrise sat behind the wheel waiting for the other trucks to begin returning from dropping off trailer sections around the area laid out for the Academy town. He watched as Eagle, Hawk and Night Flyer began pulling up behind the Diner. Their trailers disgorging the livestock before Hawk's began turning into barns. A section of Eagle's main trailer separated and molded itself to the side of the new Diner. Slowly his grin grew as he realized what it...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Vice Cop Ch 09

Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson and Lexa, working Homicide, went undercover chasing an elusive killer known as The Yellow Cab Killer, a taxi cab driver who murdered his passengers. The killer, disguised as a passenger, had Hudson drive him to the airport where he made his escape, teaching Hudson he couldn’t always save the day. This episode has a lot of plot/action and one sex scene you can find on SCENE FIVE. It involves a wicked and psycho rock star and his tryst with a devoted groupie in...

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Vice Cop Ch 07

This episode of Vice Cop does not further the plot and is instead a bit of a departure and a break from the present-time action. While the action in the beginning that triggers the flashbacks is in the present, the majority of scenes are in the past- the early 1980’s. These are scenes of flashbacks/memories of Hudson’s training days in the New York Police Academy and his first years as uniform cop. Think of it as a TV series’ ‘clip show’ — a variety of scenes of incidents that have already...

2 years ago
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The Society for the Suppression of Vice

London 13th January 1872 “I say, have you seen today’s copy of Leisure Hour?” “No. Not as yet, George. Anything good?” “There’s an appeal from the Society for the Suppression of Vice.” The movement of whiskers suggested that they were hiding an amused smile as the owner of the curling lips leant forward and poured another generous measure of whisky into his glass. “Another snifter?” Hazel eyes shifted away from the text of a newspaper and took a lingering look at the half empty bottle...

4 years ago
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VicePresidential Duties

November 8, 2016 - Election Night Victory Party Cheers erupt all around you as the news headlines read "Justman-Butler ticket wins election!" Congratulations! After a hard-fought and bitter campaign, your running mate has been elected the 45th President of the United States in a landslide, winning 412 electoral votes. You are Sam Butler, the Vice-President elect, and a tall and fit 44-year-old, with brown hair and a comely face. You are a handsome, charismatic man, making you a great...

3 years ago
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Like a vice

Samantha and I met at a hotel what seems like 20 years ago. She had been in town for business and messaged me to meet up with her. My cock grew simply thinking about it, so yes I had go! I left work and swung by her hotel. She texted me the location of the key. You do not want to meet at the bar I asked her? We typically had a few drinks to start the evening off. No she said, please just come up! Is everything ok I asked her? She simply repeated PLEASE come up. I took the key not...

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Virtual and Vice

Author's note: I'd like to take this chance to thank Mandy, Sarah, Charlotte, Melody, Pam, and Rachel, who - as of the time of this writing - have been kind enough to review "Transfusion," my first story for Fictionmania. Let's see if the second story measures up to the first! Comments and feedback are always, *always* appreciated, and if you'd like to get in touch with me I've put together an email address specifically for that purpose, at [email protected]. Without...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 15

Brenda walked to her car and hesitated before getting in. She put her hand on the door handle and looked at Ron. Ron knew that she was still not sure of his feelings toward her and she was afraid to pressure him. "Brenda, your not going to chicken out on me are you?" he asked. "I want you to spend this week with me and I really don't think I can sleep without you next to me." Brenda broke out in a big grin and said, "Follow me to my place." Brenda led the way through the traffic to...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 18

Ron and Brenda stayed in the hotel until Sunday afternoon. Ron insisted that she pickup clothes to wear for work and bring them back to Ron's house. She gathered enough clothes to wear for work for about a week. Brenda picked up her clothes and followed Ron back to his house in her own car and they spent the day relaxing on the porch, looking out over the lake. Brenda left for work a few minutes before Ron. Ron made a few phone calls and left for Howell about 30 minutes later. Ron pulled...

4 years ago
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Apertus ViceChapter 7

CIA Agent Simeon Mena, Wednesday August 16, 2006 I met Alian in front of the sex lounge immediately after the lunch bell rang. We had started dating over the past few weeks, and met every day for sex. We found a bed and I lay down on it and opened my legs as Alian fished a bottle of lube out of his backpack. I gasped as he worked the cold lube into my asshole. He squirted some more lube onto his cock and mounted me. Alian mounted me and took my penis in his hand. He began stroking it as he...

1 year ago
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The Vice President

My husband was transferred to his company’s corporate offices, we found a house in a very nice suburban community and I was at the school getting my second grader registered. After I had finished the process and he was on his way to his new schoolroom, I asked about the PTA. The principal’s secretary informed me the committee was meeting right now if and she would take to the meeting if I were interested. She showed me into the room, introduced me to the president and wished me luck. The...

3 years ago
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Virtuous Vices

Virtuous Vices This is the first part of a story of innocence I’d like to share with you. The story is quite long and becomes intricate at parts and I do not wish to reduce it by trying to squeeze all the happenings in one short story. Please bear this in mind. I was sixteen. Studious, sensible and growing up quickly. Those were my good points. How I’d be described by someone else. Shy, easily embarrassed and blushed at the merest mention of anything sexual. Those were obvious points too. I had...

2 years ago
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Virtuous Vices Part 2

Virtuous Vices Part 2This is part two of my story about Penny, the sixteen year old desperate to grow up but afraid of losing her own privacy. I hope you enjoy. Well it had been just over a week since he sent the email and although now, when I masturbated, I came stronger than ever before, nothing much else had changed. I still didn’t know who he was, this strange voyeur. We spoke often via email. He never offered any information, nor did I ask. I was a little afraid that reality wouldn’t live...

4 years ago
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Virtuous Vices Part 2

Virtuous Vices Part 2This is part two of my story about Penny, the sixteen year old desperate to grow up but afraid of losing her own privacy. I hope you enjoy. Well it had been just over a week since he sent the email and although now, when I masturbated, I came stronger than ever before, nothing much else had changed. I still didn’t know who he was, this strange voyeur. We spoke often via email. He never offered any information, nor did I ask. I was a little afraid that reality wouldn’t live...

First Time
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Virtuous Vices

Virtuous Vices This is the first part of a story of innocence I’d like to share with you. The story is quite long and becomes intricate at parts and I do not wish to reduce it by trying to squeeze all the happenings in one short story. Please bear this in mind. I was sixteen. Studious, sensible and growing up quickly. Those were my good points. How I’d be described by someone else. Shy, easily embarrassed and blushed at the merest mention of anything sexual. Those were obvious points too. I had...

First Time
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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The Novice He wanted to join The Club. Heaven knows how he found out about our rather kinky activities, but he had, and he wanted in. His qualifications were weak, to say the least. Lots and lots of fantasies, very little reality. He wanted to become initiated and participate as an active member. I knew the kind. He had experienced some light bondage, usually while getting fucked by a girlfriend. He dreamed of more intense scenes, but had never experienced anything greater than a fuck while...

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Virtue or Vice Interlude

An Arresting Officer Officer Greg Morris couldn’t wait for his shift to end, so he could just go home, pop a few beers, put his feet up and call it a day. It had been one of those days that just seemed endless. Greg was proud to be a Police Officer. He worked hard, was diligent, helpful to everyone, did whatever was required of him. He took his job seriously. Greg was proud to say that he had yet to ever draw his weapon, despite working in a tough area. Greg was also proud to say that he had...

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Virtue or Vice Ch 04

Neither Terri nor her alter-ego, Tori worried about the Nordic-looking man. She was too busy getting aroused. Her work at both jobs had been very rewarding today. They had decided to let her start training on the street. In the next few days, she was going to team up with her first partner and she was looking forward to it. She anticipated a much better attitude towards her job in the near future. But tonight, she was at a party, a very sexy party, that one of the club’s regular patrons was...

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Virtue or Vice Ch 05

The tall man didn’t occupy Terri’s thoughts much over the next few days. Despite promises to put her on street patrol, Terri kept getting saddled with dull, boring paperwork, checking police reports. She even worked dispatch one evening. She thought of speaking with her father and calling in a favor or two, but thought against it in the end. She wanted to make it on her own. Terri was gritting her teeth in frustration. She hadn’t been able to work at the Club this week, they’d needed her...

3 years ago
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Victorias Vice

Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind, of her previous encounters in the same room, of all that...

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Alley of Vice Chapter 1 Part 1

Eric was one lucky guy to have his own bedroom. His dreams were always wild and his moaning from sleep would wake up any heavy sleeper. Moans and panting could be heard by anybody who would put their ear on the door. Fortunately, no one ever came to his room during those dreams. „Oh I´m cu... oh...“. Eric was now almost talking from his dream as he was very close to climax from his probably very vivid fantasy. His toes started to curl and his hips were slightly moving. Just the thought of...

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Victorias Vice

Victoria Jenkins stood nervously in the hallway outside the door of the study, unconsciously tracing arabesques on the carpet with the tip of her right shoe. Above her head a large, white-faced clock relentlessly ticked away the few minutes remaining before her latest uncomfortable appointment. It was not an unfamiliar situation for her. Pacing up and down the hallway as silently as she could, painful memories flashed through her mind; of her previous encounters in the same room; of all that...

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My Wife Meets My Girlfriend and Vice Versa

I should have known it was just too good a set-up.  My wife, Cindy, took off for a week-long visit to her longtime girlfriend up in Wyoming, leaving me home alone.  Of course, I didn't really plan on being alone the whole time she was gone.  I was on my cell phone calling Veronica before Cindy's car even got fully out of town that morning, probably.Cindy had taken a week off to drive up to Cheyenne to visit her girlfriend, Janet, before.  About six years ago, Cindy left on another visit and...

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Vice is nice but

The raucous sing-song of squeaking springs vaguely filtered into my sub-conscious as I slipped in and out of a light, restless sleep. A slight breeze gently ruffled the curtain at my bedroom window as it tried to relieve the oppressive heat that had built up during the day. I glanced at the clock beside my bed. 5:30. Still a couple of hours before I had to get up. I turned over, trying to get back to sleep but the bedsprings seemed to get louder, more insistent. Soft, hushed sounds drifted from...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 9

When Ron woke up in the morning Brenda was lying in front of him and had her back to his chest. Ron's arm was over her and Brenda had pulled his hand over her breast and had her hand over his holding it in place. Ron tried to free his hand so that he could crawl out of the shelter. Brenda pulled his hand back to her breast. Ron lifted himself to look at her face. She was still asleep. Ron gently pulled his hand away from her and crawled out of the shelter. Ron went to the stream and...

4 years ago
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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 10

As they approached the cabin Ron and Brenda gasped. The cabin was nothing but an abandoned hunter's shelter that the men had put paper and cardboard over and some trash to cover holes that they didn't have enough paper or cardboard for. The two surplus army cots and the 55-gallon drum made into a wood stove took up over half of the cabin. The walls and roof of the cabin had many holes and the daylight streamed into the cabin through the holes. Apparently any cooking was done outside, as...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 11

Ron pulled Brenda to him and kissed her tenderly. Brenda returned his kiss and the kiss grew in intensity. Their tongues started dueling. Ron moved his kisses to her ear and then to her neck and caressed her back. His hand moved to her breast and he lowered his head to her breast and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Brenda gasped and put her hand to the back of his head and held him to her. Ron gently let his teeth scrape her nipple and Brenda moaned deep in her throat. He started...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 12

Ron gathered the gear and loaded it on the sled. He decided to get rid of some of the gear that he felt they no longer needed and all of the gear fit on the sled. The sled needed a few repairs before they could start. He repaired the sled and rechecked the gear. Ron and Brenda checked the horizon to see if they could find the smoke that Ron had seen yesterday. Brenda almost immediately found it. "There it is, over there," she cried out excitedly. Ron grabbed his compass and took a...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 13

In the morning Ron and Brenda got up and Ron found a loaf of homemade bread and he and Brenda ate bread and jam for breakfast. Brenda washed the sheets and hung them out on the clothesline next to the cabin. Ron assembled their gear for the trip back home and searched for the bolt that he had removed from the rudder of the Cessna. They were sitting on the bench in front of the cabin when John Priest came walking his horse up the gravel road. He waved as he neared them. "They're going to...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 14

Ron and Brenda woke up about 8 o'clock in the morning and took a shower together. As Ron was soaping her breasts she turned her head and looked at him. "Another first, I've never taken a shower with a man before," she said smiling. "Like it?" he asked as he picked her up. "Yes," she said and put her arms around his neck and lifted her legs up around his waist. Ron entered her and started to thrust into her with the water cascading over them. Their lovemaking was intense and they...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 16

Ron woke up first and pulled away from Brenda and covered her as the fire had gone out during the night and she no longer had his warmth next to her. He went into the kitchen and started fixing breakfast. Brenda woke up and came into the kitchen when she smelled the food cooking. She came up behind him and put her arms around him and pulled him to her. He kissed her quickly and continued fixing the bacon and eggs. Ron set the food on the table and Brenda complimented him on his...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 17

Ron told her they would take the Expedition and took her arm as they walked to the garage. Ron held the door of the Expedition for her and she got in. Ron went around to the driver's side and got in. He reached for the key to start the car and then dropped his hand back into his lap. He reached over and took Brenda's hand in his. "Aren't you going to finish dressing?" he asked. "You don't have everything on do you?" Brenda started checking herself. She checked her earrings, pulled...

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