Vice cop
- 1 year ago
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* Previously on Vice Cop, Lexa O’Neil went undercover as a hooker in Atlantic City in hopes of catching a serial killer. Hudson Banach went to Atlantic City as well to enjoy a brief vacation and ran into an old girlfriend from high school, Sonya Romandini, who had become an escort/high class hooker. Hudson beat Lexa at a game of poker in the casino. Lexa was almost killed by the serial killer when Detective Mason Holmes rescued her. Sonya left for Las Vegas and Hudson returned to New York City in disappointment. The time is the mid-1980’s. The place, New York.
This chapter like many chapter ‘episodes’ on Vice Cop is full of plot and storyline action. If you like that, treat yourself to these scenes. If you like to read the sex parts only, read scene ‘SIX’ for a threesome sex scene between Hudson, a spoiled rich girl and an Asian hooker during a wild costume party in The Hamptons.
Hudson looked at his silver Rolex watch. It was eleven thirty p.m. and it was very dark in the city. New York City never slept which meant that for a cop on the beat, the night was long and full of a series of never-ending arrests. Hudson had answered a disturbance call in Central Park where supposedly a man known as the ‘jogger rapist’ had been spotted. He was an unidentified middle-aged Caucasian male who had attacked women who jogged in Central Park after dark.
Hudson was glad they assigned him to work Central Park. If it was one thing he hated it was men who attacked defenseless women and he could hardly wait to put the cuffs on this wicked waste of a man.
He was in full uniform, one of two (the other was at the Cleaners) and one that looked a lot better on him — tight-fitting, showcasing his hard body and giving him a powerful authority look. These were brand new uniforms the Chief had provided for the squad after complaints were made that the old ones were no longer good. As worn as the old uniform was, Hudson had kept it as a souvenir and reminder of his first years as a cop. He had been twenty one then, and now he had grown older and was approaching twenty nine.
Through the years, he had done his best to move up the ranks to undercover ‘vice cop’ and bounty hunter, but so far, he had accomplished very little to earn that position. He had figured that arresting the Columbian drug lord, Leo Mendoza, aka The Red Devil, was his ticket to vice cop glory. But Leo had escaped, first to Miami and then to Columbia, along with his wicked Russian wife Marina Brazilova. All that had been a few years ago. He sighed. He had been on his feet all day and had worked the day shift. Having time on his hands, having no kids and no wife or girlfriend to speak of, he committed himself to full time work as a cop day or night, answering duty’s call in the hopes of promotion in the NYPD.
The lights of the park were dim and it was relatively quiet. He was patrolling the middle region of the park, by the Carousel at 64th street. The Carousel stood motionless and looked dreary in the shadows. A few young teens were up and about, skateboarding and loitering.
Though Hudson knew that he could very well arrest these adolescents for loitering when they should be home on a school night, he thought he’d give them a break and besides, his mind was on getting the rapist that was lurking somewhere in the vast park.
As he reached Cherry Hill, he noticed a young woman jogging alone and heading to a secluded spot where there were a few benches. Thinking fast, he ran after the girl in order to warn her about the attacker. He couldn’t see who she was clearly and could only see her backside but it was obvious she was a pretty girl with a sexy and athletic physique. Poor thing, he thought, the perfect victim for that god-damned rapist. He caught up to her and put a hand on her shoulder, getting her attention.
‘Excuse me, Miss,’ he said to her, in a mixture of his Italian gentleman demeanor and his concerned cop voice, ‘it’s not a good time to be jogging and I must warn you about a rapist who has been spotted in this park.’
She turned around to face him. Hudson nearly opened his mouth in surprise. It was Lexa. She was out of uniform and in a jogging suit and drops of sweat flowed from her brow. She smiled at him and nearly laughed at him.
‘I know that,’ she said to him, ‘don’t you think I know that?’
‘Then what the hell are you thinking, Lexie? You don’t think you’re vulnerable to an attack just because you’re a cop?’ Hudson reprimanded her,’ you’re also a woman, you know that right?’
Lexa furrowed her eyebrow angrily. The sexist bastard, she thought. Did he think that by donning a cop uniform she somehow became a man?
‘I’m not going to argue with you, Hudson Banach and I’m not really jogging you dolt. I’m undercover.’
‘What? Again? Doesn’t this make two undercover jobs in a month? You were undercover in Atlantic City only a few weeks ago. So let me get this straight. You’re pretending to be a civilian and you put on this jogging outfit in hopes of attracting the rapist. Are you working alone?’
‘I never work alone. I’ve got a holster gun attached to my pocket under my jacket. Detective Mason Holmes and some cops are always with me. I have my communication device with me and my badge. It’s a way to catch the rapist.’
‘Detective Mason again? He’s been working with you ever since you were in Atlantic City.’
‘Yeah, so? What’s the problem? What have you got against Mason?’
‘Oh, it’s not that I have something against the guy. I just think that it’s pretty odd that he’s working with you when he could be working on other cases.’
Lexa was quiet and surveyed Hudson’s face. Hudson had picked up on something that she herself had recently felt. Detective Mason had developed feelings for her and he had deliberately arranged it so that he would be working with her on every undercover operation she was assigned to.
‘Jealous are you, Banach? Jealous that you aren’t a respected and highly paid detective like him or you want to do undercover work with me, is that it?’
‘Lexa, don’t flatter yourself. I wouldn’t want to do any kind of work with you. You’re too difficult.’
‘Oh, I am, am I? You recognize ‘difficulty’ in others but not in yourself? You don’t know what they say about you in the squad do you?’
‘I don’t care to listen to gossip,’ he said,’ but, uh, what do they say exactly?’
‘That you’re a renegade cop. You only do things your way and don’t listen to others. You’re arrogant, stubborn, and hard-headed not to mention you’re always looking to get ahead of everyone. You’re so smug. You’re the one that’s truly difficult.’
‘I’ll ignore that. Besides, everyone knows I get along great with the Chief. We’re buddies. So, if you’re not working alone, I guess I can go. I had no idea you were already on this case.’
‘You don’t have to leave on account of me. Weren’t you just on the beat?’
‘Yeah. Don’t call attention to the fact I’m doing that and you’re doing something else. You sound like the arrogant one now.’
‘Oh, shut up. I don’t like running into you. All we end up doing is arguing. Are you staying? I don’t think you ought to go. We can always use another cop.’
They noticed that the young kids had begun to leave, leaving most of the section of the park empty. A silence fell over the park and the distinct chirping of crickets could be heard in the night air. From afar, they could hear a few lingering voices and footsteps. Lexa continued jogging and Hudson followed her, jogging with her in a mocking way as if to be funny. Lexa did not find it amusing and ignored him, turning her face into the opposite direction. They went down a gravel pathway that curved and winded around like a snake, past groves of trees.
‘What if we do see the rapist? Who’s going to make the arrest? Isn’t that going to be a bit of a problem?’
‘Oh, that’s ridiculous. It doesn’t matter who d
oes it, although I think I should do it. I’m the one who’s working undercover, not you. This isn’t a game though.’
‘You’re mad at me. This is because I beat you at poker in Atlantic City isn’t it?’
‘For God’s sakes, shut up. It’s got nothing to do with that. Look, if you can make the arrest, go ahead. I don’t care. That monster has to be caught by someone, anyone, even if it’s a rookie patrol officer.’
Hudson was going to ask if she meant him, and defend himself by saying he was now a deputy but then a scream broke the silence. It was a young woman’s scream, high-pitched and frightened, followed by the sound of a man’s fist punching her. Hudson and Lexa took instant action. They ran into the direction of the sound as swiftly as their feet could carry them. They were panting and the thrill that always came with making these kinds of arrests filled them completely. Lexa took out her communication device while Hudson took out his gun.
‘I need officers right here right now. I’m with Deputy Banach and we’ve just heard screams coming from Cleopatra’s Needle at East Side Drive and 81st Street. I repeat. Screams have been heard and we believe it’s the rapist harming a victim.’
Hudson aimed his gun at the figure of a man who towered over a woman on the ground, cowering in fear, and holding on to her purse. Part of her skirt was already torn. The man turned around to face them and froze. In the dim lights, his face was barely visible but he was white and thin and fit the profile of the guy they had been looking for. Lexa turned off her communication device and retrieved her own gun. While Hudson’s gun was bigger (he liked big guns and only carried big guns), Lexa’s was daintier and decidedly a ‘lady’s gun’ but it was very sleek and powerful looking nonetheless, especially because she knew just how to use it.
‘Freeze, scumbag,’ Hudson shouted at the top of his lungs, ‘don’t move. Don’t move a muscle or I’ll shoot.’
The man retrieved a gun and aimed it at Hudson. They locked eyes and their faces were tense with a violent sort of air. The woman on the ground was weeping openly and she covered her breasts with her hands. The man had punched her and had torn her top to reveal her breast. She was shivering as if she was cold.
‘Put the gun down. Put it down,’ Hudson demanded, ‘look, pal. Don’t make this any worse. I will shoot you, by God I will shoot you if you even think of firing that gun at me or my partner.’
Lexa looked at him, as if she hadn’t expected him to say something like that. She turned behind to see if back-up was coming. So far, she saw nothing. The man looming over the woman suddenly took off and ran. In the clarity of the park lights, Hudson could see that he looked frightened, even though he was holding a handgun and a good one at that. Hudson saw that it was a 9mm Jericho. The bastard was light on his feet and he was already quite a ways ahead of him.
The chase was on.
Because the park was virtually deserted, it was easy for Hudson to keep his eye and track the guy running through the park. But because he was swift, and it was dark, he knew that there would be moments where he could possibly lose him. The park had always been big, as long as he could remember, and once as a boy he had gotten lost here.
He panted as he ran after him, not losing sight of him. He wasn’t about to let this monster go. He needed to be cuffed and sent to the penitentiary for his multiple rapes. Hudson was glad he was physically fit and strong and the chase did not wear him down. He knew that some of the other officers were overweight. Years of doing patrol work that was slow and uneventful resulted in these officers gaining weight and it didn’t help that they didn’t go to the gym. Hudson considered himself to be the hottest and strongest guy on the force with the exception of the equally fit Lexa O’Neil.
Down the gravel paths he went, catching up to the guy as he crossed the mid-park section and was heading toward the recently restored Trefoil Arch. As they crossed under the bridge, the man began to fire his gun at Hudson.
‘Son of a bitch,’ cried Hudson, dodging the bullet.
This was the part of his job he disliked the most. Sure, it offered thrills and danger and he was constantly seeking that but he was only mortal. Hudson fired another shot from his revolver. The shot missed and the guy ran even faster, as if hoping to finally elude Hudson. They hurried down the long path and soon they were engaged in a duel of guns, firing at one another mercilessly. Hudson cursed and managed to dodge his bullets but he was beginning to think it was humanly impossible to continue to do so. One shot grazed his shoulder and one shot went directly past his neck.
‘I’m in pursuit of the armed rapist, he’s firing at me,’ he said into his device,’ Lexa, any sign of other officers?’
‘Where are you? Detective Mason Holmes and the other deputies are already here,’ came Lexa’s voice on the other end.
‘I’m between 73rd and 74th Street. Come on, I need men here now. This guy is nuts.’
In a sudden rage, thinking that this armed son of a bitch was going to get away and that it would be a longer time before he was caught, which would mean he would rape other women, Hudson felt a surge of strength fill his body and just as they had passed the bridge and he was heading to a part of the park where he could easily escape, Hudson leapt into the air and got on top of him.
The man struggled under his weight, trying to free himself, cursing but Hudson pinned him down and immediately seized his gun and cuffed him. As he looked at his own arm, he saw that there were specs of blood. The guy himself was bleeding a bit.
Detective Mason, Lea and a team of officers arrived at the scene. They were in the middle of a path and Hudson had the guy in cuffs, his body still on the ground With the Detective and the others was the woman the attacker had almost violated.
‘You see, it’s all over now, you piece of shit,’ Hudson cried, ‘I hope you get raped in jail for a change.’
The man cursed silently. Lexa ran toward him and snatched his gun. Then she hurled it to one of the officers. She approached the scared woman while Hudson and the other cops took him away, walking away from the park.
‘Good work, Miss O’Neil!’ Mason said, ignoring the fact that Hudson had done all the work, but she figured he was referring to her undercover work.
‘Miss, are you alright?’ Lexa said to the lady,’ he didn’t really hurt you or did he?’
‘He punched me and I fell down,’ she said, ‘then he tore my top and skirt. If you hadn’t come when you did –‘
‘It’s alright. It’s all over. You’re safe but we will need you to come down to headquarters with us.’
‘Will….will he be there?’ she said, referring to the assailant.
‘We need you to properly identify him as the man who did this to you. He will be in jail, ma’am and Central Park will be safe for you again.’
‘God bless you, officer.’………..
Detective Mason Holmes was fifty years old and single.
His marriage to a pretty and demure elementary school teacher ended tragically when she was killed by a Mafioso with a vendetta against Mason for helping in the arrest of his superior ‘crime boss’. That was all water under the bridge but he longed to fall in love all over again and perhaps re-marry. He was thinking of Lexa O’Neil. Her delicious body was just one of her assets. She was strong of spirit and body, courageous and good-hearted. She was intelligent and classy and she filled him with a joy he had not experienced since his previous marriage.
Knowing that she was single, he found it easy to love her and he was glad she wasn’t involved in any relationship or marriage. But she was also very aloof and she didn’t seem to care for any particular man. He had once wondered if Lexa was a lesbian, as many officers and deputies in her squad had suspected. There was no evidence to prove
this but her lack of interest in men sparked rumors. Mason wanted to ask her out but had not found an opportune moment to do so. The mysterious, alluring quality she possessed drove him wild.
One morning at the station, Lexa was conversing with the African-American Lieutenant Isaiah Dante over coffee right by the Chief’s office. Lieutenant Dante was one of about four black cops in the force, and he had risen to this high position after years of civil service. He commanded a squad of many cops, all male, except for Lexa, but only when Chief Barry Hiller was unable to perform his duties as police chief.
Because Lexa was the only female on the force, and attractive, she was the center of male attention and every guy on the force had flirted with her and asked her out on a date. Every guy, that was, except Hudson Banach. Lexa was a lighter-skinned black, and in fact, she was half-white, and she had always enjoyed a rapport with other blacks but she possessed the same spirit of comfort among whites. She was very New York City in her sense of democracy and her multi-cultural tastes.
Detective Mason Holmes walked into the station and noticed that Lieutenant Dante was openly flirting with Lexa. She was smiling and laughing at his jokes while sipping her coffee.
‘Sorry to interrupt,’ Mason said, ‘but may I talk to Miss O’Neil in private, Lieutenant?’
‘Is something wrong, Detective?’ Lexa said to him.
‘How many times have I told you not to call me ‘Detective’? It’s Mason,’ he said, smiling at her and taking her hand and kissing it.
Lieutenant Dante got up and left, as if displeased by Mason’s action.
Some deputies noticed this and grinned at one another knowingly. Just then Hudson Banach walked into the station, arriving for his morning duties. He didn’t notice Mason and Lexa and merely went over to the coffee machine and began to socialize with another deputy. Lexa smiled at Mason and felt feminine for the first time in a long time.
‘You aren’t European by any chance?’ she said jokingly.
He laughed cheerily.
‘No, Miss O’Neil, but I am a romantic. And this is why I’m here this morning. I want to ask you to be my date for a dinner party at the fabulous home of a dear friend of mine who lives in the Hamptons.’
‘The Hamptons, oh my.’
‘Yes, she’s a widow. I knew her when she first got married. Wonderful man. He hired me for an investigation into fraud occurring within his business that he wasn’t aware of. We became close friends and after he died, I remained good friends with his wife. Her name’s Clementine Gibson but everyone calls her ‘The Widow Gibson’. She’s all class, a rich socialite type. She throws terrific summer parties.’
‘It’s not summer right now,’ Lexa pointed out.
‘She throws parties all year round. She will throw a party at her estate with a 1920’s ‘Great Gatsby’ theme. Guests are encouraged to wear costumes of famous figures of the 1920’s, real or fictional. Costumes aren’t de rigueur though so some folks will just show up in formal wear or business casual/formal.’
‘Only the very rich can do crazy things like that. Who are you going as?’
‘I’m going as Dashiell Hammett the detective novelist.’
‘I don’t think I’d wear a costume if I go. This lady sounds pretty strange.’
‘Oh, she’s eccentric alright but she’s a nice lady. Would you like to come? It’s this weekend.’
Hudson now approached them and overheard this piece of the conversation. Lexa did not reply and Mason still held on to her hand for a while. He then let go and looked at her. She was pensive for a moment. She looked at Hudson who was standing behind her drinking his coffee.
‘Yes, I’d love to come,’ she said to him…………..
Hudson was called to the Chief’s office. Chief Barry Hiller was walking about eating candy, which Hudson had never seen him do and resisted the urge to laugh at the ridiculous sight. The Chief was smiling and looking every bit like an overgrown kid.
‘Have a seat, Hudson,’ he said to him.
Hudson loved that he called him by his first name as if they were close friends and not the more formal way of calling him by his last name the way he did with other deputies and officers. He even called Lexa ‘Miss O’Neil’.
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Previously on Vice Cop, a European rock star responsible for murdering his own fans at his concerts and lavish shows, eluded the detectives who were after him. Hudson and Lexa confronted the villainous rock star who has set a death trap for them in an abandoned theater, resulting in his arrest. In this episode, you will again find the hardcore action and heavy plot that make up my style of writing for Vice Cop. But you can read a lesbian sex scene on SCENE SEVEN, involving an Asian Mafia...
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ReluctancePreviously on Vice Cop, Police Lieutenant Isaiah Dante’s connections to the Black Panthers became known and nearly cost the lives of Hudson Banach, Detective Mason Holmes and Chief Barry Hiller who were captured. Lexa infiltrated the Panther’s headquarters and rescued them as well as NYPD. This chapter has all the usual 1980’s TV cop drama and action adventure elements. For those who love the sex scenes, read SCENE EIGHT and also SCENE FOURTEEN. ONE Hudson had made plans to go to Miami. It...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson was almost killed when lured into a trap by the beautiful pawn, Candy, under instructions of the drug lord Leo Mendoza and his Russian girlfriend Marina Brazilova. Lexa and Detective Mason came to his rescue and Lexa was offered a position of vice cop, but she declined. Hudson and Lexa returned to New York City where further exploits await them. The time is the 1980’s. I realize that some readers prefer to read the sex scenes only and don’t care for elaborate...
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Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson went undercover at a costume party in The Hamptons in hopes of discovering a notorious Madame’s wild sex party and drug operation. Lexa an Detective Mason went to the party unaware that their hostess was really the wanted Madame. Hudson’s Corvette was bombed and he was mildly wounded by a gun shot. In this chapter, Hudson and Lexa team up as undercover cops for the first time. If you wish to skip all the action and storyline, read SCENE TEN for a brief oral and...
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First Undercover assignment gets really complicated for Christina, a new young Cop. She must make some hard choices to stay alive. The following is an excerpt from “Undercover with Christina” a full-length story I have been writing for a couple of years. It has stalled for lack of time to finish it, so I decided to post a portion and get some response. Christina is an Undercover Police office, on her first assignment. Mr. G is a Mafia King pin that she was assigned to infiltrate the...
Knees bent and legs wide open, Daphne Blake stared up at the white spotlights on the ceiling of VELMA’S BEAUTY SALON. The radio in the corner played an unsettling rock song but it had been turned down low enough to seem almost satirical.“Ready?” Velma asked.Daphne squirmed. “No!”She closed her eyes tight and sucked in a breath as the dark-haired beautician deftly pulled off the first wax strip.“Fuck!” Daphne gasped, biting down on her hand. “Now I remember why I don’t fucking do this!”Velma...
ReluctanceSeveral years ago I was a COP, a policeman in a city of about 250,000 in North Carolina. The DWI Checkpoints and enforcement had just started to gain popularity. One part of that program was to assign officers to work the streets on DWI Patrol, rather than checkpoints. We were assigned to different sections of the city or to watch a particular bar or nightclub. The duty hours were usually from about 8PM to 4AM. Very seldom was there any DWI activity before midnight, so the early hours of the...
Ashley is a rape cop. She's 21, blonde, athletic, with small firm tits. She wears a blue and black police uniform, with a short skirt and sheer black stockings. Ashley enters the dark rape lair, finding video equipment, whips, ropes and chains, knockout drugs, everything a hard-core serial ass-rapist would need. She follows the sounds of sobbing and moaning, and finds a bunch of hot, naked brunette girls tied up and bent over. The girls' young asses are all red and sore from being spanked and...
Last year, around Christmas time, I was back on the East Coast for Christmas break. I had borrowed my brother's new Corvette, (brother is a newly licensed physician) and headed out to a Christmas party in the Highlands. This was the first time I had been separated from my SO in a year, so I guess I was feeling a little unattached. I got to the party and it was wonderful. I had a couple of champagnes and danced away most of the night. At 1 am my ex- boyfriend from high school came in with his...
Previously on Vice cop, Detective Mason Holmes and Lexa O’Neil moved into Manhattan as a live-in couple. A ‘headhunter’ serial killer was preying on New Yorkers and it was discovered that he was an esteemed professor from a university. Mason, hot on his tracks, finally confronted him and brought him to justice. Lexa was involved in the homicide case of a neurotic and love-crazed ballerina from the American Ballet Theater who beheaded her married lover and attempted to flee. This chapter has...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson got himself a Chinese mail-order bride named Cherry. Mason and Lexa retreated to The Poconos for a weekend. For Hudson, married life was sweet until a dangerous underground Chinese Mafia cast a large shadow over Chinatown. Girls were abducted by ninja soldiers who worked for a powerful Asian Mob lord, and were forced into sexual slavery. When Cherry was abducted, Hudson came to her rescue but discovered that she had been killed during an altercation with the Mob...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson moved from his family home and into Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, to a house of his own. He had flashbacks of his days at the Academy and his assignments as a rookie cop. He remembered his fellow officer and friend Kyle Lennox, who had been his partner for a long time before his death by the alluring but dangerous Candy Spears, herself a pawn to the Columbian drug lord Leo Mendoza and his wife’s illegal and evil machinations. He recalled his first love and high school...
This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...
This story is a side story to "True Friends And Family Part 13" and was meant to be the first of several short stories about the family's impact on the city. That was the idea, instead it ended up being a soft introduction to a character who supported John and Jaimie in a cameo and added a key character for future stories. During this period the narrative was, "first person" fitting with the 5th and 6th stories as they were originally the 4th and 5th stories written. The two...
I walked to the parking my car and went home. Later that night i planned to go over my friend Girlfriends House. I brought a bag of pot with me so we could smoke when i got there. I wanted to get there soon and i was driving pretty fast when i heard police sirens. I had never been pulled over before and i was very nevous. I turned down my radio which was blaring and pulled over onto the side of the rode. The cop got out and came over to the car and told me to drive down the side road...
Ryan was someone I wanted to do everything with the moment I laid eyes on his photograph. Tall, dark, and handsome. He was half italian, half white, but his eyes and hair were jet black. He was a police officer and that made my cock even harder. Ryan in uniform was a sight to behold, but look of authority he had even in his every day clothes pushed me almost into an obssession. My cock craved him. I knew come hell or high water, I would have him one day. Soon. Only problem was,...
ReluctanceIntroduction: This is a story I worked hard on and I would like your honest opinion of it! Lisa was looking forward to a night out with the girls. Since Grant had come into her world six months ago, shed spent her days at the office and her nights underneath, on top of, and beside him. Hed brought out an insatiable lust within her and no amount of sex with him was enough. This was the first time theyd been apart since becoming exclusive and shed promised Cecilia and Stacey that shed go out...
I was half-way through a day shift on a Wednesday morning, as I sat at a computer in the muster room, typing out a report on a minor arrest I had made the day before. I heard footsteps on the carpet behind me, and I looked up to see the shift supervisor, Sergeant Morrow, standing there with a clipboard in his hand. Morrow was one of those big, rugged, old-style cops that you just don’t see any more, and he said, “I’ve got a little job for you, Mark.” “What’s that?” I said, sitting back from the...
100% fiction! My wife is a cop. She works for the police dept in our town. Her supervisor, David, is an old high school friend of mine. Here’ part of an email he sent me: *** I thought you were kind of weird for telling me about your wife’s fake fantasy. My wife has fantasies too, but she would never do them in real life, and I figured your wife Teresa was probably the same way. (In case you’re wondering, I would never share my wife’s fantasies with you. That would feel like such a betrayal.)...
EroticHe'd brought out an insatiable lust within her and no amount of sex with him was enough. This was the first time they'd been apart since becoming exclusive and she'd promised Cecilia and Stacey that she'd go out with them. "Come on Lisa; it's been way too long. We miss you and you need to stop neglecting us," Cecilia whined into the phone. "Grant is out of town for this convention; what are you supposed to do, just stay at home and wait?" Stacey chimed in on the other...
Before ‘Anonymous’ tells us that this is all bullshit, the following is loosely based on a true story. The incidents involving the policeman, the drunk and his wife actually did happen, of course some changes have been made to make the story more credible. The road into town passes a sign that reads ‘Morton. Population: 250’. But the sign can no longer be believed because no-one has bothered to change it for twenty years. On one side of the main street is the railway station that once thrived...
Rookie Cop My name is Mike Johnson, I am 19 years old and I just started in Law Enforcement. I am working for a small department in Maderia Beach, Florida. It is nicknamed Mad Beach, for the reason on Friday and Saturday nights the place is off the chain. The city is only about 2 miles long at its longest point. There are two hardcore biker bars, a strip club, four night clubs and about twenty local pubs all located inside the city limits. With that being said, you can just imagine what the...
It was an average day for Bella Keith who sat at her corner desk regularly signing and sorting stacks of papers. It wasn't what she wanted when becoming a cop, but she eased into the job. On that average day, out of the blue, the Chief assigns her to be on the field. Containing her happy dance, Bella grabbed her cap an ran out to the departments parking lot. She chose to drive the new cruiser that was closest to the exit, a dodge charger XL. Starting up the engine was exhilarating, bringing her...
FetishIt was pouring down, which in a sense was very fitting. Standing below your umbrella at the side of the road you watch as his widow and their kids drove off. The service had been beautiful, rain or not, and you hoped that it would help his family find peace, or whatever you can call landing on your feet after you husband and father has be torn away from you. Personally you weren’t searching for peace. The only thought on your mind was bringing those responsible to justice. At 27 years of age...
I was twenty two when I spent the summer waiting tables in a little café on the beach in Galveston. I was going out to the bars nearly every night. It got to be boring, so my friend Kevin came up with a challenge. The first challenge was to be the first to hook up with a guy, the loser would buy the next night's drinks. Since we were both straight it wasn't our norm, but we decided to go for it. I sat at the bar in the Rainbow Room and ordered my first drink. I looked up and there was the...
Oral SexAna, the red light and the traffic copEverything was going wrong for me that Friday afternoon. I was really late for an appointment with my loving Victor and so I was in a rush, driving my own car like crazy on L.A. heavy traffic.I was going as fast as I could in the middle of crowded streets. I approached a light about to change, stepped on the accelerator, swerved around a car which was trying to stop and shot wildly through the intersection just as the yellow light turned red.Then I saw the...
Kim was a county police lady. She loved patrolling the back roads by the college. She was always looking for the local college boys. She loved to make deals with them to keep them out of trouble or tickets. Kim was short, good looking and extremely busty. She had a habit of wearing her uniform with several buttons undone and just thong panties. She would then walk up to a car and lean in and show off most of her huge tits. She laughed and called her patrol car a cock finder. And she never had...
Hello ladies and gentlemen Sam Mehra is back with his another real life incident and believe me guys this incident still gives me goosebumps…for new readers I’m not fat not skinny guy with a 7″inch tool to satisfy any girl or women…but i specially love milfs..and anyone can give a comment,feedback or can have some erotic chats or more with me on Now to my story… Me and my friends are used of late night driving in highways of nagpur so one night we were a lil drunk and were driving a lil rash....
Amy had a date. She had been sending emails back and forth with this guynamed Joe. He lived in Wheeling and she lived in Pittsburgh. They madeplans to meet for a sexual interlude. What made this so unique is that Amyis a transvestite. She is tall, 5'11, and thin with a pretty face. Herlong hair-a black wig- complimented her oval face and large red lips.Although Amy is a pretty transvestite, she is not entirely passable.Somehow, despite her shapely body and pretty face, people notice...
Hello young readers. This is Rani here once again. I’m here to share my experience with Amrish, a top cop. I’m encouraged to write about my sexuality because of your lovely fucky, fucky letters inviting me for a screw. And for those who have missed my previous posts, do read ‘Rani’s first fucked’, ‘Rani cums again’, ‘Rani and her boss’ for a warm up. With a promise to keep your dicks wet without a shag, I wish to begin. My boss, Mr.Pradhan and I have had such sucking and pressing that we can’t...
Rookie CopMy name is Mike Johnson, I am 19 years old and I just started in Law Enforcement. I am working for a small department in Maderia Beach, Florida. It is nicknamed Mad Beach, for the reason on Friday and Saturday nights the place is off the chain. The city is only about 2 miles long at its longest point. There are two hardcore biker bars, a strip club, four night clubs and about twenty local pubs all located inside the city limits. With that being said, you can just imagine what the...
Oral SexWelcome to Sun City. And now fuck off. The second sentence was written with graffiti under the first one. This sigh is the first thing people see when they enter Sun City. A large city in the southwest of the united states. A city with more then one and a half million people living there. And just like all big city's Sun City has people of all kinds. Rich, poor, worker, unemployed, honest and criminal. However, in the last ten years, the number of crimes has increased and is now two times as...
BDSMI was a freelance cop and working to bring in a wanted man. He was one of the top ten which meant heavily protected. Everyone knew where they were, it was just getting through their guards that was the problem. There would be consequences if I managed it, like people trying to kill me consequences. The reward was huge and I needed a way out and off world. Either bad men hid underground or in towers, Gallow was the former. The thing I shook my head at was the bigger they were, the more they...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson and Lexa, working Homicide, went undercover chasing an elusive killer known as The Yellow Cab Killer, a taxi cab driver who murdered his passengers. The killer, disguised as a passenger, had Hudson drive him to the airport where he made his escape, teaching Hudson he couldn’t always save the day. This episode has a lot of plot/action and one sex scene you can find on SCENE FIVE. It involves a wicked and psycho rock star and his tryst with a devoted groupie in...
This episode of Vice Cop does not further the plot and is instead a bit of a departure and a break from the present-time action. While the action in the beginning that triggers the flashbacks is in the present, the majority of scenes are in the past- the early 1980’s. These are scenes of flashbacks/memories of Hudson’s training days in the New York Police Academy and his first years as uniform cop. Think of it as a TV series’ ‘clip show’ — a variety of scenes of incidents that have already...
November 8, 2016 - Election Night Victory Party Cheers erupt all around you as the news headlines read "Justman-Butler ticket wins election!" Congratulations! After a hard-fought and bitter campaign, your running mate has been elected the 45th President of the United States in a landslide, winning 412 electoral votes. You are Sam Butler, the Vice-President elect, and a tall and fit 44-year-old, with brown hair and a comely face. You are a handsome, charismatic man, making you a great...
I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...