The Bestiality Cop
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Introduction: A rookie cop, a horny dog, and a domineering instructor. You do the math. Prologue
For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldnt be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become.
My love of animals was inborn. I love almost all animals equally, no matter their cuteness. Still, I must admit dogs stand among my favorites. There is just something about the way their tails wag when they see you that gets to me. Perhaps its because they are unable to hide their emotions. If they like you, they wag their tail. If they hate you, they growl and bare their teeth. As an added bonus, they are also incredibly loyal.
For the longest time, I debated what to do with my life. Should I become a cop like my mother or should I pursue a career in animal care? In the end, I decided to compromise. I would become a cop, yet instead of serving in the major crimes department, I would apply to the K-9 unit.
After nineteen long weeks spent at the police academy, I was finally ready join the force. Mere hours after graduation, I was making the arrangements for my acceptance into the K-9 unit training program. There was usually a five years of service requirement, but my mothers reputation made it possible for me to be admitted into the program straight away. Working in a vets office each summer for the past five years also worked to my advantage as I was allowed to join a training program that was mere weeks away from completion. I couldnt believe how lucky I had been. Everything seemed to magically fall into place, almost as if someone was watching over me. There was no way of knowing for sure, but I somehow knew it was my mother.
The Bitch
I was afraid my classmates would resent me for being admitted so late into the program, so I chose to arrive early and hopefully show them I deserved to be there just as much as them. Unfortunately, my car broke down on the way there and I arrived a full thirty minutes late. Not exactly a great first impression.
Sorry Im late! I called out as I burst into the gymnasium where most of our training was scheduled to take place. My outburst echoed throughout the gym, drawing all eyes to me. Even the dogs stared at me, their curious expressions giving them an almost comical allure.
Then came the silence. It was so overpowering I dared not move. I just stood there as the rest of the class, which was made up of a dozen men and one woman, stared at me. Most of them seemed surprised, but a few appeared to be amused. The instructora butch woman with a crew cut and far too many rolls of fatseemed mildly annoyed by the disturbance, but otherwise uncaring of my lateness.
You must be Officer White, she eventually said.
I expulsed the breath I only now realized I had been holding in. Quickly inhaling another, I opened my mouth to speak, but the instructor cut me off before I could.
Now that youre done disrupting the class, why dont you join us, she proposed. As I approached, I discovered she was even more repulsive from up close. Her skin was oily and she had the worst case of adult acne I had ever seen. According to her name tag, she was Sergeant June James, but I would soon learn she was known as The Bitch. I was about to find out why.
I joined the rest of the group, relieved all eyes were no longer on me. I now stood next to the only other woman in the group. She gave me a comforting smile, as if to tell me things werent so bad once you got used to them.
Leaning in, she whispered into my ears.
Next time youre late, try sneaking in, she offered. The Bitch&hellip, she paused, nodding to the instructor, &hellip,doesnt care if youre late, as long as you dont disturb the rest of the class.
I got the feeling she wanted to keep talking, but The Bitchs eyes were now on us. I was a little surprised to find them filled with what I could only describe as hatred.
Were you talking, Officer Cunt? she asked, though it sounded more like a growl than actual words.
For a second, I wondered if I heard right. Had she just called my new friendat least I hoped we would one day become friendsOfficer Cunt? And if so, was that really her name or was The Bitch simply attempting to humiliate her? The fearful expression I found the young woman beside me wearing told me it was the ladder.
No mam! she immediately answered. She was now standing as straight as a board, her hands held at her sides and her chin held high. Had I not known any better, I would have sworn we were in the army.
I watched The Bitch approach, her scowl intensifying with every step. By the time she came to a standstill, mere inches stood between her and Officer CuntI would soon learn her real name was Cindy. I stood a few feet away, but I could still smell her fetid breath from there. I felt bad for poor Cindy, but I knew better than to speak, so I remained silent and watched the events unfold.
I dont like being lied to, spat The Bitch, spittle spraying all over Cindys face. I winced, wondering how she managed to keep a straight face. Then again, perhaps this had happened before. I just hoped nothing similar ever happened to me.
Sorry mam, answered my classmate. I could tell she was terrified, but I had no idea why. I had no doubt being called a liar in front of the entire class was humiliating, but that did not warrant the kind of fear I found plastered all over her face. There was clearly something more going on.
The Bitch glared at Cindy for the longest time before finally speaking.
You know what to do, she said, her voice now void of emotion.
Cindy didnt speak. She simply walked away from the group until she stood in front of the entire class. All eyes were on her, including mine. I watched, unsure what she would to. To my utter surprise, she started removing her clothes.
What the hell are you doing? I asked unable to keep the words contained. All eyes were now on me.
There was a long silence before someone answered. It was Cindy.
Sergeant James does allow disruptions, she explained as she continued to unbutton her blouse. That didnt really answer my question, but given the glare The Bitch was now giving me made me reconsider asking any more questions. I just stood there, staring in disbelief as Cindy stripped down to her underwear. At least she was wearing some, which was more than I could say for me.
I wondered what would happen next, but I quickly discovered that was the extent of the punishment. The class resumed and Cindy rejoined the group, still wearing nothing but her undergarments. The rest of the class didnt even glance at her, which was surprising given her stunning appearance. I guess they had seen it many times before.
I wanted to ask Cindy the cause for The Bitchs outlandish behavior. I wanted to know why she let herself get treated in such a degrading manner. I wanted answers to all the questions that swirled around in my mind, but I was afraid of getting in trouble.
Cindy didnt seem so concerned. No doubt being forced to spend the rest of the day in her underwear was the extent of The Bitchs punishments.
Dont worry, she whispered into my ear. She acts though, but we all know that deep down, she just hates herself.
I nodded, knowing she was right. People like The Bitch took out their anger on others because they were too cowardly to admit their own flaws and attempt to rectify them. Still, I felt like there were far better ways for her to deal with her issues than by punishing her students.
The class continued without further incident and I eventually forgot about the altercation between Cindy and The Bitch. That is, until one of my other classmates made a funny remark that made the rest of the group laugh. I winced, expecting The Bitch to chastise him, or even force him to strip to his undies. To my utter surpriseand shockshe ignored the comment, acting like nothing had happened.
I couldnt believe it. I would have expected this type of behavior from a man, but how could a woman humiliate a female student in such a debasing manner, only to ignore a far more intrusive outburst from a male student? It wasnt right. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it without putting myself in her line of fire.
But then another one of my classmates interrupted the class by farting. Of course, that made all the other boys laugh. This time, I was convinced she The Bitch would put her foot down.
She didnt. Instead of punishing the boy, she laughed along with the rest of the students.
That was the last straw. Forgetting about my own wellbeing, I stepped forward. The laughter died down as soon as I approached The Bitch. I suddenly realized I had made a mistake, but it was too late to back down.
Whats wrong with you? I asked. How can you punish one student for whispering, then ignore outbursts from her classmates?
A heavy silence settled upon the gymnasium. No one spoke. No one even dared breathe. Even The Bitch had stopped laughing that wheezing laughter of hers.
She stared at me with the coldest look I had ever seen. I wanted to drop my gaze in submission, but I knew this was my one and only opportunity to show her I wasnt intimidated by her. What she did was wrong and it was about time someone stood up to her. I just hoped she wouldnt punish me like she had Cindy. I had no problem parading around in my underwear. Unfortunately, we had been suffering through a particularly intense heat wave of late and it had been almost a week since I had last worn underwear.
I held The Bitchs gaze for what felt like an eternity. Just when I was about to break, her stare finally dropped. I couldnt believe it. I had won. I had stood up to The Bitch and survived. I didnt know how she would take it, but I sure as hell was about to find out.
To my utter amazement, she didnt punish me. She simply muttered something about giving me a free pass because I was new, then resumed her teachings. Many of my classmates seemed impressed by my accomplishment, but none were as adamant in their awe as Cindy. She even risked further punishment by telling me how grateful she was for my actions. Never before had anyone stood up to her and the fact that I hadnt back down meant she may finally change her wicked ways. All I could do was hope she was right and pray my actions would not bring the wrath of The Bitch crashing down upon my head.
The Test
Standing up to The Bitch had far greater repercussions than I ever could have imagined. Not only did Cindy and I become friendsI think she felt indebted to me for trying to protect herbut The Bitch actually stopped picking on her. Cindy revealed it was something that had been happening ever since she accidentally mispronounced The Bitchs name on her very first day.
At first, I was thrilled to see Cindy wearing clothes for a change, but my joy quickly faded when I realized I had become The Bitchs new target. No matter how hard I tried, she always found fault in everything I did. On the second day, she took me aside and told me she wouldnt let me undermine her, promising to do everything in her power to keep me from graduating. At first I thought it was simply an empty threat meant to scare me into submission. It wasnt until she forced me to strip for petting a dog without permission that I realized how un-empty her promise really was. The only upside was that I had planned ahead and worn underwear.
I spent most of the next two weeks parading around in my bra and panties. At first, my male classmates whistled and cheered, but I ignored them and their interest eventually waned. Unfortunately, The Bitchs hatred for me continued to burn bright.
At first, I considered reporting our instructors inappropriate behavior, but Cindy cautioned me against it. There was a rumor floating around that the last student to snitch on The Bitch had been kicked out of the K-9 unit training program. Not only that, but she had been discharged from the force. No one knew the official reason, but from that day on, no one had ever messed with The Bitch. Than is, until I came along.
Part of me wished I had known this before standing up to her, but deep down I knew I had done the right thing. The Bitch was abusing her power and she deserved to be put in her place. I only wish I could have done more, but I couldnt afford to put my dream of becoming a cop on the line. The Bitch would eventually get what she deserved, one way or the other.
Each day, I was humiliated and emotionally beaten. It was a living hell, but my fellow studentseven the menwere finally beginning to see how much of a monster The Bitch truly was. They had always known she was cruel, but since she let them get away with almost anything, they hadnt really cared. But now that she was taking things to the next level, they stopped goofing off and actually started paying attention in class. None of them stood up to her, but knowing my misery was having a positive effect on the rest of the class helped me make it through.
I kept my mouth shut, letting her humiliate me in the worst imaginable ways. Most people would have cracked under such pressure, but I kept thinking of my mother and how proud she would have been of me. I refused to give up, keeping my mouth shut and my anger contained.
It worked for almost two week. But on the day of the final examination, I finally lost it. Since she couldnt get through to me, The Bitch turned her attention to Cindy. She treated her ten times worse than she had treated me, no doubt hoping it would finally make me lose it.
It did. The sight of my friend in tears finally accomplished what nine long days of psychological torture had failed to do. I lost completely lost it. Rage swept across me, spreading through my body like a virus, attacking every cell in my body until they were completely corrupted. No longer in control of my body, I watched, powerless as I stepped between my friend and The Bitch. By the time I realized what I was doing, it was already too late.
When I snapped out of my rage-induced trance, The Bitch lay on the floor before me, her fingers massaging her jaw. It took a few seconds before I understood what I had done. But when I finally realize I had punched her, I felt the blood drain from my face.
I expected The Bitch to be livid, but she simply stood up, a satisfied grid deforming her hideous lips. She had accomplished what she had set out to do, she had tricked me into sealing my own fate. I had assaulted a superior officer and there was only one punishment for that. Immediate discharge from the force.
I remained frozen in shock for a moment before finally becoming aware of my surroundings. My classmates stood nearby, eyes wide with shock and jaws dropped in disbelief. Cindy was the only one smiling, but I could tell many more smiles would soon emerge from the stunned crowd.
I could have apologized, but I knew nothing I said or did would do any good. I hated the fact that she had won, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I grabbed my clothesas usual, I had spent the past few hours in my underwearand ran.
It took a while before I finally came down form my adrenaline high. When it finally happened, a sense of disbelief and despair swept across me. I had just ruined my one chance at honoring my mothers memory. No matter how much regret I felt or how many times I apologized for what I had done, there was no way The Bitch would ever change her mind. I couldnt believe my career as a police officer had lasted only nine short days.
It took a few hours before the phone rang. I was utterly terrified, but I knew I had no choice, I answered. Sure enough, it was a secretary calling to inform me I was being summoned to a hearing, which was scheduled for the next day. I was surprised by the rapidity of the proceedings, but I guess I should have seen it coming. The Bitch hated me and no doubt had reported the assault as soon as I had left.
I barely slept. I knew the odds of my remaining employed were slim, but I still held out hope. It was silly, but it was the only thing I could do to keep from falling into a deep depression.
First thing next morning, I headed to the training facility where I had spent the last two weeks of my life. On my way there, I got a call from Cindy. I told her the situation and promised to give her a call as soon as the verdict had been handed out. I hung up just as I entered the parking lot.
Ten minutes later, I was entering the captains office. I was a little surprised by the chosen local, but I assumed this was merely a formality. Inside the office stood the captaina balding man in his early fiftiesand The Bitch. She was dressed up, though she still looked as hideous as ever. A malicious smile curled her lips. I could tell she would enjoy watching my dreams being torn to shreds.
I stood there for what felt like an eternity, waiting for the captain to speak. It took a while, but he eventually looked up from his computer screen. His expression was impossible to read.
Your mother would be very disappointed in you, he said.
Anger shot through me at the mention of my mother. Who was he to tell me what my mother would have thought? Then again, he was right. I bowed my head and waited for him to proceed.
Striking a superior officer almost always results in immediate termination of employment, explained the captain.
I sighed, assuming my fate was sealed.
However, he soon added, Sergeant James here insists you are one of the best recruits she ever had.
I was so surprised I almost choked on my own saliva.
The&hellip, I started, but stopped myself before I could refer to my training officer as The Bitch. Sergeant James said that? I eventually asked, bewildered.
The captain nodded.
She claims you struck her following a misunderstanding that led you to believe she was mistreating one of your fellow officers, he explained. She believes you acted as any other officer would have in your shoes.
I couldnt believe it. It sounded so impossible I didnt know what to say. So I just stood there and waited to see what would happen next.
There was a long silence before The Bitch finally spoke.
I have dropped the charges against you, she explained with an oddly kind smile. If you are still interested in joining the K-9 unit, I would be happy to let you retake the final examination. In fact, I am free tomorrow.
I didnt know what to say. It all seemed so out of character, yet the offer was not one I could refuse. I didnt know if The Bitch had miraculously grown a conscience overnight or if she was planning something, but I couldnt pass up such an opportunity. It took a while, but my mind was eventually made up.
All right, I agreed, glancing at The Bitch. The satisfied grin she wore told me I had just made a mistake. Unfortunately, it was now too late to back down. All I could do was hope I could survive whatever atrocities she had planned for me.
The Trap
I barely slept all night. I kept tossing and turning, wondering what atrocities The Bitch had planned for me. But eventually, fatigue washed over me and I slipped into unconsciousness. My dreams were populated with horrible visions of my instructor. She humiliated and tortured me. Every horrible thing I could think of she did. By the time my alarm clock finally dragged me back to reality, I was covered in sweat. My heart was racing and my adrenaline was pumping.
I thought about not going, about blowing off my one chance at salvation. But deep down, I knew I would forever regret it if I let my fear control me. So, after thoroughly preparing myself for the worst possible scenario, I got dressed and headed off.
It was still quite early when I reached the training facility where I had spent the last two weeks of my life. It was Saturday, so the place was almost completely deserted. Only a few security guards patrolled the outer perimeter. The buildings themselves were completely empty.
When I reached the door leading to the gymnasium, I paused. Fear shot through me, but I pulled the door open before I could talk myself down. Striding inside, I glanced around. The gym was almost completely deserted. Standing as the center of it was The Bitch. Next to her stood one of the police dogs we had been training with for the past few weeks. Like all others, he was a studly German Shepherd.
Its about time, grunted The Bitch as I approached.
I glanced at my watch. I was a grand total of seventeen seconds late. Ignoring the repulsive womans remark, I came to a stop a few feet in front of her.
Heres the deal, she said before I could even come to a complete standstill. If you obey every single one of my commands, I will give you a passing grade and allow you to join the K-9 unit. However, if you disobey so much as one of my orders, you will fail and I will make sure youre kicked off the force.
She gave me a few seconds to take it all in.
Do we have a deal? she asked, stretching out her hand.
The last thing I wanted to do was give her complete control over me, but I had no choice. I reached out and shook her hand, struggling to keep from gaging at the oiliness of her skin.
Get undressed, she ordered as soon as the handshake was over.
I barely even hesitated before removing my clothes. I was accustomed to parading around in my underwear.
I folded my clothes into a neat pile and set them down next to me. I then removed my shoes and socks and placed them alongside it. Then came my purse, into which I slipped my watch. Only my underwear now remained.
Keep going, instructed The Bitch moments after I was done.
At first, I didnt understand what she meant. But then it hit me and my eyes widened in shock.
Are you saying you want me to get&hellip, I let the end of my sentence trail off.
Naked, she said, finishing my sentence. Only it wasnt a question, but a command.
I couldnt believe it. I had expected her to take things to the next level, but I never thought she would do anything this inappropriate. Unfortunately, I had little choice in the matter. Either I removed every single article of clothing I had left or I could forget about ever joining the K-9 unit.
I sighed and slowly began removing my underwear. My bra was the first thing to go, revealing the perky breasts that lay beneath. The Bitchs eyes focused on them and I felt a sense of unease wash over me. I thought about using my locks of chocolate-brown hair to cover them, but I could tell my instructor-turned-tormentor would not stand for it. Doing my best to ignore her gaze, I moved on to my panties.
As soon as they hit the floor, my slit was revealed. Although I was slightly embarrassed that such a thought even occurred to me, I felt relief wash over me as I realized I had recently shaved it. I couldnt stand the thought of anyone seeing me in any state but complete perfection, even if it was The Bitch.
When my underwear had joined the rest of my belongings, I finally dared a peek at The Bitch. I couldnt believe what I found. She was staring at me intently, her eyes darting across my body. But the truly shocking part was the wide smile that curled her lips. It was obvious she enjoyed seeing me naked.
It took a few second before everything fell into place, but when it finally did, I found myself wondering how I could have missed it for so long.
The Bitch was a lesbian!
It was the only logical explanation. Not only did it explain why she only picked on girls, but it answered the question I had often asked myself. Why were all of her punishment sexual in nature?
It all made sense. The Bitch was a lesbian, but her behavior made it clear she had yet to accept her homosexuality. It was no doubt this constant battle with herself that made her such a bitter and cruel person. She couldnt accept herself the way she was, so she punished others to make herself feel better. Though there was no way to prove this, I believed her affinity for picking on women was her subconscious trying to tell her she was a lesbian.
For the first time since I met her, I actually felt bad for her. I considered trying to help her accept her homosexuality, but deep down, I knew it was too risky. I was already on shaky ground and accusing her of being gay was not going to help further my cause. I felt somewhat bad for dooming her to a lifetime of self-hatred, but she had no one to blame but herself.
I shut my mouth and waited for her to give her next command. When it finally came, I began to regret my decision not to confront her about her latent homosexuality. Unfortunately, it was too late for that now.
Suck his cock! she ordered, pointing to the German Shepherd that stood by her side.
My jaw dropped open in disbelief. Had I heard her right? Had she just asked me to give a blowjob to a&hellip, dog? Unfortunately, a quick glance at her revealed an unyielding determination. She wasnt kidding.
I opened my mouth to refuse, but then I thought of my mother. I had looked up to her my entire life and joining the force had been my way of getting close to her and honoring her memory. Could I really throw all of that away?
No. But could I really go through with The Bitchs perverse request just to feel close to my mother? It was the smile of malevolence that curled the womans lips that finally convinced me. She expected me to refuse, but she was in for a big surprise.
As repulsed as I was by the concept of having sex with a dog, I hurried over to him and dropped to the floor. Moments later, the animal dropped to his flank, revealing a massive, rock-hard member. It was far larger than I had anticipated, but the look of sheer disbelief that deformed The Bitchs traits fully made up for it. Ignoring my repulsion, I lowered my head to the shaft and wrapped my lips around it.
It was now to late do back down, so I did the only thing I could, I started sucking the member before my brain fully understood what I was doing. Barely even noticing the intense heat emanating from the spear, I forced it deeper and deeper into my mouth until the tip pressed against my uvula. Only then did I pull back, my lips wrapped tightly around the shaft.
It took a few seconds before I got used to it. By then, I was furiously sucking the animals member, using every tool at my disposal, be it my lips or tongue, to get him off as quickly as possible. I also thought of stealing a glance at The Bitch to see how she was reacting to my overzealous interpretation of her order, but chose instead to focus all of my attention on the task at hand.
I dont know how long it took for the animal to climax, but it couldnt have been more than a minute. All I know is that one second I was furiously sucking his cock and the next he was shooting his load into my mouth. It was only at this point that I realized just how much I had been enjoying myself. Shame filled me upon realizing this, yet there was no denying how enjoyable my canine lovers shaft felt in my mouth. And now that his hot semen was filling every inch of free space that remained, I was left without a choice. I had to admit I enjoyed bestiality. The thought sickened me, yet I was unable to resist the urge to swallow my lovers cum.
It flowed down my throat, warming my entire body in a matter of seconds. But the heat was not all I loved about it. It was also sweet. But not in an overpowering manner. It was more of a sugary flavor than made me crave more. And more was exactly what I got.
I continued sucking the dogs member until it finally popped out of my mouth. Swallowing the final squirt, I peered up at The Bitch. I could not help and smile as I realized she wore a look of utter bewilderment. I could only imagine how she felt inside that repulsive exterior she called a body.
She stared at me for the longest time before the shock finally left her traits. In its place now stood malicious joy. The malevolent smile that now curled her lips sent a chill running down my spine, but I did my best to ignore it. Still, I couldnt help and wonder why she was so happy.
Keep sucking, she barked. I had no idea what she was planning, but it was obvious the dog was involved. More out of curiosity than anything else, I once again started sucking the animals spear, keeping it from retreating into its sheath. In a matter of seconds, he had another raging hard-on. As soon as he was ready, The Bitch spoke again.
Get on all fours, she commanded, the cause for her malevolent grin suddenly becoming clear.
I didnt know how I felt. Part of methe part that had enjoyed sucking the animals member and drinking his cumcouldnt wait to let the studly canine mount me. Another partthe one that held my mothers memorieswas filled with doubt. My mother had always advocated lawfulness, integrity and, above all else, an unwavering belief in the laws that governed our society. Not only was bestiality technically illegal, but letting The Bitch blackmail me went against everything my mother had fought and died for.
But it was the only way.
I threw The Bitch a hateful glance, hoping it would be enough to help hide the love of bestiality I had only just discovered I possessed. It seemed to work, because her smile broadened at the sight of my angry gaze. Taking full advantage of this, I slowly got to my hands and knees.
No sooner was I in position that the studly animal was mounting me. His front legs squeezed my waist tightly. His hind ones forced his member forward. Only when the tip stood at the mouth of my slit did he stop. He had obviously done this many times. I was wondering how many other young women had been punished in such a manner when the dog finally jerked forward.
Fuck! The yelp shot past my lips with such force it made my heart skip a beat. But it quickly started beating again when inch after inch of the animals member slid into me.
I couldnt believe how wet I was. I had not been so aroused in months, not since my boyfriend had left me. Come to think of it, I dont think I was ever this turned on in my entire life. Perhaps it was the perversity of bestiality. Or maybe it had to do with the knowledge that my every move was being observed by The Bitch. Either way, I was about to lose my bestial virginity and I was determined to enjoy every second of it. I just hoped I could keep my tormentor from finding out just how much I enjoyed the punishment she had chosen for me.
The dog kept pushing until his entire member had been swallowed up. Only his knot remained unattended, and that was only because it was too massive to fit into my tight pussy. The spear remained trapped inside me for a few seconds before the animal finally got to work.
Another moan shot past my lips when he started pounding me like the savage beast he had now become. His cock drilled me mercilessly, forcing my arousal level to skyrocket and beads of sweat to appear across my entire body. Simply keeping my moans contained was a constant struggle. But I was determined to keep The Bitch from finding out just how much I enjoyed her punishment.
I kept my mouth shut for far longer than I had initially anticipated. But when a powerful orgasm started growing within me, I lost all control. Powerful moans began flowing past my lips, intercut by outbursts of dirty talk I had up until then remained unaware were within me. Each penetration brought me closer to climax, each retraction doing the same. It was only a matter of time before&hellip,
Stop! ordered The Bitch, interrupting my train of thought.
The dog froze, cutting me off less than a second before climax. I wanted to scream in anger, but I knew that would only make things worse. I clenched my jaw and waited to see what my tormentor would do next.
She didnt speak. Instead, she grabbed the German Shepherd by the collar and forced him off of me. It took all the strength I had just to keep from groaning in disappointment. But I had regained control of my emotions and, now more than ever, I was determined to keep The Bitch from knowing how I truly felt about bestiality.
My resolve wavered as soon as my canine lover was allowed to mount me again. I felt the tip of his member bounce around for a while. It wasnt until I felt something brush against my ass that I realized The Bitch had one of her chubby hands wrapped around the manhood. I wondered what she was up to until the tip of the cock pressed against one of my orifices.
It wasnt my pussy.
My eyes widened in shock and my lips parted. Before I could say a single word, the studly animal jerked forward, sending his member flying deep into my ass. Deeper and deeper in travelled until every last inch had been swallowed up.
I remained frozen in place. I couldnt believe what was happening. I had been with two men in my life, both of which had begged me to let them penetrate me from behind. But I had always refused. It had nothing to do with the taboo of anal. The fact was, I had always wanted to try it, yet the thought had always terrified me. For you see, my pussy was tight, but my asshole was even tighter. I had always been terrified that letting a lover penetrate my rectum would leave me in a constant state of pain. Nonetheless, I had always fantasized about it. Unfortunately, the decision had just been made for me.
The German Shepherd started pounding me, each one of his thrusts sending a shocked gasp flying past my lips. At first, I thought the cries were that of pain, but as the drilling intensified and the seconds ticked by, I realized they were actually infused with lust.
I was stunned. After all those years spent dreading this moment, I now realized it was something I should have tried long ago. But deep down, I was kind of happy my first animal lover was the one to take my anal virginity. It would make the experience that much more special and ensure I remembered it for the rest of my life.
I thought about trying to keep The Bitch from finding out just how much I enjoyed her punishment, but the arousal coursing through my veins made such a thing impossible. I started to moan, my lustful cries echoing throughout the gymnasium. I didnt know how The Bitch would react and I didnt care. All that mattered was the orgasm growing with me. All I could do was moan at the top of my lungs and hope my tormentor didnt deny me climax yet again.
She didnt. She just stood there, watching as the studly dog pounded me into the ground. But I held strong, refusing to be drilled into submission. I kept fighting until my orgasm finally reached its apex.
And just like that, I was coming. One second I was moaning at the top of my lungs as my canine lover rode me furiously. The next I was squirting all over the place, my cum streaking down my thighs in a frenzied race to the floor.
I had never come this hard. Perhaps it was the bestiality. Perhaps it was the anal. Or perhaps it was knowing that The Bitchs punishment had failed. All I knew was that I had just discovered a new reason why I loved dogs above all other animals.
My orgasm raged on for what felt like an eternity. So did my lovers. He continued to ride me, his cock convulsing inside of me and squirt after squirt shooting out of it. It felt incredible inside my overstuffed rectum. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced and I loved every second of it.
The animal eventually tired, his thrusts diminishing in intensity until his member finally popped out of me. Suddenly aware of how exhausted I was, I struggled to remain upright. I only lasted a few seconds before my limbs gave out and I crashed to the ground.
I dont know how long it took me to recover. All I know is that one second I was panting heavily and the next I was struggling to sit up. Now that I had been allowed to climax, I had finally come down from my sexual high. But against all odds, I didnt feel ashamed by what I had done. I didnt know if it was because I had been blackmailed into doing it or because I truly enjoyed having sex with animals, but I didnt care. All that mattered was that my plan had worked.
When my eyes finally fluttered open, a large smile curled my lips.
Why are you smiling? asked The Bitch, clearly confused by my lack of shame.
I didnt answer. I just kept smiling.
Why the fuck are you smiling? she growled.
My smile turned into laughter, which only angered The Bitch further. She started yelling, demanding to know why I was so happy. When that failed, she threatened to fail me unless I stopped laughing. I ignored her and kept chuckling.
By the time my giggles finally died down, she was hysterical. Her face had turned a bright shade of red and her eyes seemed about to pop. Almost feeling bad for her, I chose to finally reveal the cause for my laughter.
Standing up, I casually strolled toward the neatly folded pile of clothes. Ignoring the garments, I grabbed my purse and plunged my hand into it. Fumbling around for a few seconds, I found what I was looking for. Wrapping my fingers around it, I pulled my fist out and turned to face The Bitch.
This, I said, opening my hand to reveal the small device that lay within, is why I was laughing.
The Bitchs eyes widened in a disbelief as she recognized the item. It was small, black and had a flashing red light. It was an audio recorder and it had recorded every single word spoken since my arrival.
I thought long and hard about the offer made to me by the bitch, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt find a single reason why she had offered to let me retake the final examination. The only logical explanation was that she had something planned. Something designed to make me pay for humiliating her in front of the entire class. Something so horrific I would be scarred for the rest of my life.
I didnt know what she had planned, but I knew it was most likely illegal. That was what inspired me to trick her into incriminating herself. There was no way to know what she would do, but it was my one and only chance as seeing my dreams come true. As an added bonus, if she said anything incriminating enough, I could use the recording to blackmail her into resigning from the police force.
Given everything she had just put me through, there was no doubt in my mind I now had complete power over her. As soon as her initial shock faded, The Bitch made a move for the recorder, but I pulled my hand back before she could even get near it. She took a threatening step forward me, but a quick punch to the stomach sent her tumbling to the ground. The Bitch was horribly out of shape and the odds of her winning a fist fight were slim to none. She seemed to be aware of this, because she didnt try anything else.
What do you want? she snarled as soon as her breath had returned.
I wanted to enjoy this moment, but I simply didnt have it in me to me that cruel. The Bitch may have been the worst kind of bully, but deep down, she was just a little girl afraid to admit to the worldand herselfthat she was a lesbian. Still, she had done horrible things and it was my duty as a police officer to keep her from inflicting any more harm.
I want you to resign, I said. It was simple and to the point. No emotion involved.
The Bitch glared at me, but nodded nonetheless. She knew I could ruin her life by sending a simple email with a certain MP3 attachment.
Is that all? she asked. I could tell it was killing her, but I didnt care. She deserved far worse than this.
Actually, there is, I said. I want you to call the captain and tell him I passed.
I felt a little guilty for using the situation for personal gain, but I knew I would have passed the final examination with flying colors had it not been for this pathetic womans unjustified hatred of me.
I could tell The Bitch hated being manipulated in such a way, but it was also obvious she had no choice but to agree to my condition. She nodded.
And just like that, everything was set right. The Bitchs tyrannical reign of terror was finally over. As an added bonus, I now had a guarantee I would be accepted into the K-9 unit. If I wasnt, I could always remind The Bitch what she risked to lose. But I could tell she wouldnt risk public dishonor and possible jail time just to get back at me.
I took my time getting dressed, all the time keeping an eye on the former K-9 unit instructor. But she didnt move once. Not even when I turned tail and strode toward the exit.
When I reached the door, I realized I had one last thing to tell her.
By the way, I said as I glanced back at her. Youre a lesbian.
The next day, I got an unexpected call. It was the captain, calling to personally let me know I had been accepted into the K-9 unit. He also informed me of The Bitchs unexpected resignation. When asked if I knew anything about it, I lied and claimed it was the first I heard of it. Since he didnt contradict me, I assumed The Bitch had kept her promise.
I soon realized that was not entirely true. Like I had asked, she had given me a passing grade on my final examination and handed in her resignation. But she had also spoken so highly of meno doubt in an attempt to keep me from accusing her of sabotagethat the captain had picked me as her replacement.
I couldnt believe it. Never before had a rookie to the K-9 unit been offered the job, let alone one who was fresh out of the academy. I was overwhelmed, but also incredibly flattered. At first I thought of turning it down, refusing to believe I was the best choice for the job. But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Not only could I keep all future K-9 trainees from being mistreated, but I would be fulfilling my dream of combing my love of police work and my love of animals. It would keep me close to my mother while letting me spend every hour of the day with studly dogs who were just as starved for sex as I was. It was, in ever sense of the word, the perfect job for me.
Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...
It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday. As all young women my age, I was excited at the prospect of becoming an adult. But it had nothing to do with being allowed to drink, smoke and do all those other horrible things people do just because they can. My enthusiasm came from a completely different place. According to the rules of the family, I would finally be told the family secret. At least that was what I had been told over and over again. “You’ll understand when you’re eighteen,”...
Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a horny puppy! The year was 2069. In late 2020, the world was almost destroyed when World War III broke out. Atomic bombs were dropped all across the globe and billions of people died. The survivors were forced to take refuge underground. Life was hard, but they managed to use technology to survive. Due to space restrictions, births were controlled and everyone served their purpose. Kids started working at a very young age, but were nothing more than...
It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...
Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...
My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t even hear the motor rumbling. The black sedan I had been forced into sped along, swerving through traffic. Whoever my kidnappers were, they were in a hurry. But that’s not what worried me the most. Neither of the abductors seemed to care that I saw their faces. This could mean one of two things. Option one: Their plans didn’t involve anything illegal. Option two: What they had planned for me was so horrific they cared not who or what I saw. As...
Getting old is never fun, especially when you’re a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. It’s all I have left. A mere four years ago I had it all. A beautiful home; a loving husband; and four lovely children. But then Nikki—our oldest child—went off to college. Lexxi followed the year after. Then it was Candy’s...
Introduction: My daughter shows he how she has sex with a puppy Prologue Getting old is never fun, especially when youre a woman. Men get more distinguished. Women just get old. At least most women do. I am one of the lucky few that fall into the MILF category. When I first heard the term I was outraged. Now I relish being referred to as such. Its all I have left. A mere four years ago I had it all. A beautiful home, a loving husband, and four lovely children. But then Nikkiour oldest...
My Wife And Bestiality When my wife turned forty and our youngest of three left the nest she became different. She liked animals but then again she had always liked animals. No, this was quite different. She made no bones about liking male animals. She said that if it had a cock she would suck it or fuck it no matter what species it was. She showed me some of the pictures that she had downloaded from the News Groups. There were several different women letting dogs and horses fuck...
Introduction: Two virgin twins have sex with the family puppy on their 18th birthday! The sun was beginning to set. Black against the orange and pink sky, a hummingbird flew. Soon nearing a quaint, ancestral home, the small bird veered off moments before reaching it. Performing a large semi-circle turn, it flew over the small stable that stood behind the residence before reaching the tall tree that stood next to the family home. Landing on a large branch that stood halfway up the tree, the bird...
Many people believe that siblings who have shared a womb have a special, almost supernatural bond. While it is true most are quite alike in personality, it does not mean they can communicate telepathically. It only seems that way because of the staggering amount of time they spend together. How could they not know every single detail about each other’s lives when they spend every second of every day with one another? At least that was the case for the Lez sisters. Barbie, Candy and Nikki were...
True My wife even as a young girl had some incredible fantasy's and some of them were about animals she was always interested in sex and grew up watching old black and white movies and would add her imagination about sex into them. Her mother caught her masturbating at the age of 8! By the age of 11, and do to finding some of her fathers pocket fuck books about females having sex in bondage situations. Along with several stories that had women having sex with animals, mostly big dogs...
Mary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...
It was late on a Saturday morning and I was feeling restless. I had just come back from my daily run. Today I did 5 miles. At 41 I took pride in keeping myself in shape. I was in my bathroom about to get in the shower. I dropped the robe I was wearing and looked myself over in the mirror. My legs were toned and long. My ass too was high and tight from years of running. Stomach was flat even though I had two kids. The only thing that was a little out of place were my boobs. They were on the...
Introduction: Introduction into bestiality hi all please feel free to leave comments, and feed back if you enjoy this . If you feel the need to leave negative vote. Please state why. Constructive criticism is welcomed. It was a warm summers evening , we were sitting in the back garden drinking and listening to the radio, a random mix of oldies playing while the sun lowered in the sky, leaving some long shadows running across the lawn, I was just about to get up and get another drink when...
I just kept fantasizing about it, watching lots of videos i could never even imagine i would, let alone finding it deeply arousing. And i mean arousied like nothing else could get me. I thought about sharing my stories here and tell how i actually found about this kink of mine to... maybe relieve a bit of stress i feel, and share my thoughts so maybe... people would understand better the "why"s and "how"s. This is how i found out that i am... actually deeply aroused and get soaking wet...
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We had gone to a local bar for some drinks.I was hoping that my sexy Ana would pick up some hard cock to fuck in front of me; but, after a couple hours, she told me that she was not in the mood for a stranger’s dick; she wanted only mine…We both played pool challenging other guys; but Ana decided none of them was worth a fuck, although she teased them all night long.By the end of the night we were both a little fuzzy after so many drinks; so, as the weather was warm and fine, we decided to go...
Last summer my girlfriend Sarah and I were driving home from the lake, we had both had a little bit to drink, but I felt good enough to drive. It was a warm summer evening and we were excited to get home, her parents were gone so I was going to spend the night at her house. Seeing her in a bikini all day had gotten me really horny, I would’ve fucked her at the lake if my friends weren’t there. We were flying down the highway her hand rubbing my bulge, my 5” cock was rock hard in my swim shorts....
Morrow was one of those big, rugged, old-style cops that you just don’t see any more, and he said, “I’ve got a little job for you, Mark.” “What’s that?” I said, sitting back from the keyboard, to show him he had my full attention. “Your shifts have been changed this week,” he started, looking up from his clipboard, “Sorry about the short notice, but I think you’ll like this.” He smiled, like he had something interesting to show me. He sat in a chair next to me, and said, “I know you...
I was half-way through a day shift on a Wednesday morning, as I sat at a computer in the muster room, typing out a report on a minor arrest I had made the day before. I heard footsteps on the carpet behind me, and I looked up to see the shift supervisor, Sergeant Morrow, standing there with a clipboard in his hand.Morrow was one of those big, rugged, old-style cops that you just don’t see any more, and he said, “I’ve got a little job for you, Mark.”“What’s that?” I said, sitting back from the...
Straight SexI'm Jack Callahan, Badge number 1066, one of what some people call Endicott City's Finest, which is a steal from New York City's colorful name for their cops. Well, I'm not among the finest of the finest. If I was, I wouldn't be temporarily demoted down to a basic blues-wearing beat-riding patrol officer. Which is my sly offhand way of saying that I got busted from detective two months ago, and that I can apply to be reinstated in four more. It'll probably go though. Hopefully! That's...
The Hot Cop Innocence "Have you given any thought to what you're wearing on Halloween, Kev?" Katey asked from the other room. "Umm, not really. Maybe we'll coordinate something?" I replied, hitting the mute button on the TV remote. "What are you going as?" "Oh, I think I'm going as a sexy bee, honey! You could go as some sort of bug, but I'm not seeing any of those kinds of outfits for men on this site." "Oh, okay. I'll think about it." My attention returned to the TV set....
Sally was a wild teen. She had been raised by her dad who was a cop and very strict. Sally loved to fuck and she didn't care who. Today she had a man in her bed that she just met at the coffee shop. Both were naked and he was eating her pussy as she sucked his cock. She loved dirty talk and did not know her dad had come home to check up on her and was outside her bedroom door listening and watching his slut daughter through the crack in the door. Sally told the man "You like your big cock...
”Step out of the car please, ma'am.”Nicole was in deep shit.Moments earlier, her now ex-boyfriend dropped ship.Note to self, never date jobless pot-smoking losers ever again, even if they’re fun and exciting at the time.Slowly, nervously, she wound down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?”Even though it was dark, she could make out the heavy muscled contours of his body, straining tightly against his shirt.Her question was met with silence and a steely gaze. Without much choice, she...
ReluctanceNicole was in deep shit. Moments earlier, her now ex-boyfriend dropped ship. Note to self, never date jobless pot smoking losers ever again, even if they’re fun and exciting at the time. Slowly, nervously, she wound down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?” Even though it was dark, she could make out the heavy muscled contours of his body, straining tightly against his shirt. Her question was met with silence and a steely gaze. Without much choice, she exited her vehicle. She was...
My old time friend Dennis got divorced from her sweet wife.He had always had been attracted by my sexy wife Anita; so the bastard soon began calling her to get sex…He was sure that my sensual babe would allow fucking her, since he knew that Ana and I were not lately enjoying too much sex…I was sure that my wife would end accepting his offer of wild sex…Dennis finally told me everything about them…He described the first time he called Ana and asked her to meet him somewhere, she declined. On the...
Part OneResting her head against the back of the couch, a soft sigh would leave her full strawberry chapped lips. The sound of a high pitched, girly scream jolted her from her daydreaming. Sitting up, she rubs her left eye and yawns, staring at the tv with her right. It appears she had dozed off into her daydream state in the middle of an anime that she was watching. Groaning, she yawns again, rising from the couch and reaching her arms up to stretch. The tank top on her full body, stretches...
Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly dog! Barbie Lez awoke with the worst headache of her life. In fact, it was the worst headache in the history of headaches. But the first thing the eighteen-year-old noticed was not her pounding head or the suns hot rays on her skin. It was something long and slimy slithering across her face. Normally, she would have jumped to her feet, ready to fight for dear life. But every muscle in her body was sore. She immediately began wondering what...
Lou Tanner was a cop working the west side of Chicago. Now in all America there may be a more God forsaken piece of real estate, but as far as Lou was concerned this was the arm pit of the western world! That's not to say that Lou was unhappy working here, because you see Lou was a vice cop in one of the most corrupt cities in the America. If you wanted to make a lot of money real quick and easy, the Big Windy was the place to be, and being a vice cop just made it all the easier. On the outside...
EroticA tall natural blonde, she excelled in competitive sports and always had to win at whatever she did. Just playing Lacrosse in college wasn't good enough; she worked until she was captain of the team. She honed her perfect athletic body for hours at the gym and could often be seen running at dawn in the soft sand along the beach. With less than a year on the job she had the best arrest record of a rookie ever to come out of the Academy and was promoted to an elite crime squad to work under...
It was during my summer vacation in Sweden, a warm and sunny day at the beach. I was walking around in the dunes in search of a secluded place to take a pee. I went up another dune to look what was behind it. And behind it was such a secluded place: a lower area surrounded by high dunes forming a pit. But as I stood there on the brink of the dune I saw something I didn’t expect. At the bottom of the pit was a beautiful blonde girl about the age of 25 who was being fucked by a dog –...
Suddenly her phone beeped. Could that possibly be a text message from him? She didn't think so, but took the phone out of the bag on the seat beside her just to see. She urgently pressed the buttons. As she guessed, a bloody O2 message and not the one she longed for at all. Distracted by her disappointment regarding the message, she suddenly became aware of a traffic policeman waving at her to stop. He had stepped out from the side of the road just ahead of her, holding a radar speed...
My wife had gone out of town driving my car; one of her loving girlfriends living in a near town had got divorced and she claimed Ana if she could pay a visit there to get her some relief. Three days later, my sexy wife came back home.I greeted her at the front door as she parked at our driveway and I noticed she had a sparkling radiant smile in her face. It was strange to me, since Ana always lost her humor during driving…She kissed me deep, saying she had missed so badly during those days;...
The night was late, and the streets were dark and lonely as I was driving home from a friend's house on an average Saturday night. Average, for me at least, was drinking and having a good time with a group of friends and then going home to sleep it off until late the next day. Sunday was my hangover day, of course, and I would lie around all day wishing I hadn't gotten so drunk the night before.This Saturday night, however, I was sober enough to drive myself home. At least that's what I...
ReluctanceI was never much of a cop. Sure, I was tough, and busted a lot of crooks. But at the end of the day, I felt more like a jerk with a badge then someone who was supposed to be doing something useful. My name is Bill, and this is my story. On friday nights me and some of the other cops usually went to the strippers. We picked an underground joint called "ultimate fantasy" because we figured the captain would never show up there. It was our chance to be drunk and wild, something a cop...
COP COCK PART IThis happened about 10 years ago while I was working in the Pacific. I always view these cop cock stories with a healthy dose of skepticism. But after my own encounter I will forever look at them differently. It was raining, and 2AM. Perhaps it was the flashing lights and the word police on the side of the car that made be believe this really was a cop, unlike in my first story where it was a case of mistaken identity. The first story was also a live encounter even though the...
One of my fantasies was to have sex with another man. preferably a hot black guy who was either a body builder type or could be my daddy. Someone who looked like Bobby Blake. Leanne my girlfriend talked with me about it. She commented she didn't care and thought it would be kinky for us to try it. We met a hot daddy through another website. Him and his partner were in a open relationship. On his profile he listed himself as a cop. Hot! I asked he would like to do something with me and my...
I wasn't drunk enough. There was only two of Bill instead of the twelve I wanted. I could probably still drive like this, though I wasn't going to. The bartender had already taken my keys. Maybe just a few more and I'll be out cold. Bill was no help. He was my landlord, the guy I paid to keep living in my apartment with my fa... With my daughter. I forgot. I don't really have much family anymore, since my wife left and took our youngest with her. Thanks Melissa. I can't even get drunk...
"Excuse me Miss, but might you be a model," said a husky voice behind her. The woman turned to see a well-dressed black man addressing her. "Well I'm looking to become an actress, but I would consider modeling," she replied. "Excellent," said the black man smiling at her. "Here is my card. Give me a call if your looking for work. My name is Latrell." "Angel," replied the woman looking at the card, it read, E&I Modeling Agency. "Nice to meet you Angel," said Latrell...
First Undercover assignment gets really complicated for Christina, a new young Cop. She must make some hard choices to stay alive. The following is an excerpt from “Undercover with Christina” a full-length story I have been writing for a couple of years. It has stalled for lack of time to finish it, so I decided to post a portion and get some response. Christina is an Undercover Police office, on her first assignment. Mr. G is a Mafia King pin that she was assigned to infiltrate the...
Knees bent and legs wide open, Daphne Blake stared up at the white spotlights on the ceiling of VELMA’S BEAUTY SALON. The radio in the corner played an unsettling rock song but it had been turned down low enough to seem almost satirical.“Ready?” Velma asked.Daphne squirmed. “No!”She closed her eyes tight and sucked in a breath as the dark-haired beautician deftly pulled off the first wax strip.“Fuck!” Daphne gasped, biting down on her hand. “Now I remember why I don’t fucking do this!”Velma...
ReluctanceSeveral years ago I was a COP, a policeman in a city of about 250,000 in North Carolina. The DWI Checkpoints and enforcement had just started to gain popularity. One part of that program was to assign officers to work the streets on DWI Patrol, rather than checkpoints. We were assigned to different sections of the city or to watch a particular bar or nightclub. The duty hours were usually from about 8PM to 4AM. Very seldom was there any DWI activity before midnight, so the early hours of the...
Last year, around Christmas time, I was back on the East Coast for Christmas break. I had borrowed my brother's new Corvette, (brother is a newly licensed physician) and headed out to a Christmas party in the Highlands. This was the first time I had been separated from my SO in a year, so I guess I was feeling a little unattached. I got to the party and it was wonderful. I had a couple of champagnes and danced away most of the night. At 1 am my ex- boyfriend from high school came in with his...
Ashley is a rape cop. She's 21, blonde, athletic, with small firm tits. She wears a blue and black police uniform, with a short skirt and sheer black stockings. Ashley enters the dark rape lair, finding video equipment, whips, ropes and chains, knockout drugs, everything a hard-core serial ass-rapist would need. She follows the sounds of sobbing and moaning, and finds a bunch of hot, naked brunette girls tied up and bent over. The girls' young asses are all red and sore from being spanked and...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Mike peered over Gabrielle’s shoulder as they both read the email. Both were excited beyond words, yet ever cognizant of the fact that it was still only an email and that the true test would be in meeting the couple in person. Such was usually the case when meeting people through these internet personals sites. On the screen, this couple seemed ideal. Both were very attractive and they seemed to have so much in common. The fact that both were bisexual was the icing on the cake. Now it...
He had always slept in my bed. I remember I had found my parent's stash of porn. They were out parting like they did every weeked. I was about 16 years old. I was a virgin, but watching a hot blonde with D cup titties getting railed by a huge cock just made my pussy drip. I mean DRIP. So much that it made my shorts look like I pissed. My instinct was to investigate. I unbuttoned my pants and slipped my middle finger down my dripping slit and collected some of the juice and bring...
Spotting a park bench in the shade, and curious about what they were doing, Rosie and I walked to the bench facing their direction, allowing us a nice cool shady area while we talked and watched the two dogs. One of them appeared to be pulling away from the other one, and the other dog appeared to fight the force of being drug backwards. "I have no idea what they are doing, Rosie. I am going to need to check around with the dog kennels to see if this is some sort of new game they have,"...
He licked and massaged them for a while, then he pulled down his pants, grabbed her hips, and thrust into her asshole. Kelly being frozen and all, stared straight ahead that same gaze and smile. “Nnngg!” Dakota dug into Kelly’s ass cheeks as he pumped her tight asshole full of cum. Frozen time still affected him, just to a lesser extent. Instead of when he came it being frozen in mid-air, he just came for a longer period time. He pulled his dick out of her ass and shot cum all over the back...
Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of girls suck and fuck each other; tongues and fingers going to work. Breast to breast or sixty-nine, I don't mind. It's a male thing I guess, though I am not sure what the girls think....
My girlfriend and I were spending the weekend south of the border in Tijuana for Thanksgiving. Neither of us has any family living in LA and it’s damn depressing just kicking around the house in smoggy old Southern California on holidays. We’d been cruising the flea-bitten bars on Avenue de San Juan for most of the morning and had drunk a little too much tequilla, but then that’s why we came to Mexico in the first place — cheap booze and to party with the other...
Scenes from “the hills have eyes” were flashing through my mind as I considered my situation. I was stranded in the middle of the desert, my car was out of commission and the surrounding foothills were rather unnerving. Like a typical horror-movie-fool I had taken a rarely used road across central Nevada, thinking I could save some time and that breaking down only happens in the movies. In the movies they are always, conveniently, driving a beat-up, old clunker that you know will...
I am the only son in a 3 girl family, born 1966 in a small rural town in Australia. I did the usual stuff growing up – school, sports blah, blah, until I hit the ripe old age when I left home. My older sister, Joan, scored a hair dressing apprenticeship when I was 18, thereby passing on to me her part-time job with a local gas station come corner store. The owner of this enterprise was a lovely woman named Carol, a mid 30’s divorcee who was a happy-go-lucky, loud, plump red head. I...
I stood looking over the steep overhang. It was absolutely gorgeous. The valley below opened up into a serene landscape of greens and blues. The latter was the creek, issuing from a beautiful waterfall, cascading from the rocks half a mile to my left. It wasn’t large by any means, but its beauty at that moment stole a beat from my heart. I couldn’t breathe. The sheer cliff beneath me dropped several hundred feet straight down before sloping off. I had a sudden flutter of...
How many times had she told herself this feeling was wrong? She had slipped only once in her life, vowing never again to let a man touch her until she married him. But a rising tide of sensuality was shattering her mind as she leaned against the tall porch pillar of her cousin’s ranch home just east of San Bernardino. There were all those men — ranch hands sauntering around the barn, smoking their cigarettes and stealing glances at her as she felt herself getting hotter and hotter....
Hi, my name is Niki. If you like my stories, please hit like , but I’m not sure if this will be as interesting as my previous works of fiction, as this is my first experience in the world of canine sex. I was excited about going to college, and the night after graduation was the biggest party of summer. To make the dull part of the story short, I kissed another guy and my boyfriend broke up with me. I was all ready drunk, but that sobered me up enough that I wanted to get out of there,...
Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...