The Bestiality Whore - Part 1: The Virgin free porn video

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My heart was pounding so hard I couldn’t even hear the motor rumbling. The black sedan I had been forced into sped along, swerving through traffic. Whoever my kidnappers were, they were in a hurry. But that’s not what worried me the most. Neither of the abductors seemed to care that I saw their faces. This could mean one of two things. Option one: Their plans didn’t involve anything illegal. Option two: What they had planned for me was so horrific they cared not who or what I saw. As desperate as I was to believe it was the former, I had a bad feeling it would be the latter. And if that was the case, then my life expectancy had just shrunk to a few hours. A few days it I was lucky.

I’m not sure how long the trip lasted, but it felt like hours. Then again that may simply have been because time seemed to pass in slow motion. I guess that’s what happens when the end draws near. Time either slows down or speeds up. I guess I was desperate to delay the inevitable.

The sedan pulled up to the most imposing mansion I had ever seen. It looked like a modern-day castle, with a gold-plated gate, beautiful landscaping and columns lining the front of the building. The vehicle screeched to a stop and my captors dragged me to my feet. I considered fighting, but the men were veritable giants. One stood at an imposing six and a half feet. The seconds was even taller. And bigger. But the most imposing part was the size of their muscles. I had no doubt they could snap every bone in my body with their bare hands. So I let them lead me up the marble steps and past the stained glass front door.

The inside of the mansion was even more beautiful than the outside. The floor seemed to have been carved from a single slab of pink marble. Priceless artefacts from all eras of history lined the perimeter of each room. Beautiful paintings hung from the walls. Even the furniture was breathtaking. I caught a glimpse of a gold-plated coffee table. At least I think it was gold plated. For all I know it was pure gold. Whoever owned this mansion was rich. Filthy rich.

“Welcome,” said a voice behind me. I jumped and whipped around. A man was making his way down the stairs that linked the first and second floors. He wore a black tuxedo. The manner in which it hugged his frame left no doubt in my mind that is had been hand tailored. In fact, everything about this man was flawless. His haircut was immaculate—not a single strand of hair was out of place. His watch twinkled with unblemished intensity. Even his shoes shone brightly. I could have seem my reflection in them. That is, had I not been so busy staring at the man’s face in disbelief.

I had met Mr. Black only once, but it was a memory I would never forget. The man was a loan shark. He would lend money to anyone, be they a gambling addict or a young woman with bad credit and an unwavering desire to attend medical school. I was the latter. I had once believed him to be a small fish in a very large pond, but the size of his mansion proved me wrong. Then again it had been five years since our last encounter. A lot can change in half a decade.

It wasn’t until such a thought occurred to me that I finally understood why I was there. It had been five years since I had borrowed money from Mr. Black. My reimbursement deadline had been reached and I was nowhere near paid up. I tried to swallow my fear, but only managed to choke.

By the time Mr. Black reached me I had regained my composure.

“Miss Sweet,” said Mr. Black as if we were old friends. But the coldness of his gaze didn’t fool me. “Or do you prefer Tiffany?”

I shrugged to indicate I had no preference. What did a name matter when I could very well be reaching the end of my life?

“How have you been?” asked Mr. Black.

“G-Good,” I stuttered, though at the moment I felt anything but “good”.

“That’s good,” said Mr. Black.

There was a moment of silence during which he looked me up and down. I’m not usually embarrassed by my appearance, but I was on my way back from the gym when Mr. Black’s goons had picked me up. Suffice it to say I wasn’t exactly at the top of my game. Mr. Black didn’t seem to mind. Or if he did he didn’t show it.

“Follow me,” finally said the man. He turned tail and walked off. One shove from the goons was enough to tell me I had no choice in the matter. I followed Mr. Black through a series of rooms. Each one was more beautiful than the last. It’s why I was slightly disappointed when we finally reached his office. It was fancier than most offices I had seen, yet the simplicity of the décor made it stand out from the rest of the mansion. There were three pieces of furniture in the room. A massive steel desk and two chairs. Mr. Black took a seat on the one behind the desk and gestured for me to do the same with the one that faced it. I took a seat while the goons stood at attention by the door.

There was another short silence before Mr. Black spoke.

“I assume you know why you are here.”

I nodded. I wanted to beg him for an extension, but I knew it would do no good. I wanted to cry and draw pity from him, but the tears refused to come. All I could do was sit there and wait.

“I know what you are thinking,” claimed Mr. Black. “But if I give you an extension, it will set a precedent. And I cannot allow that to happen.”

Mr. Black studied me again. The intensity of his gaze made my skin crawl, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. So I just stood there and waited for him to speak. It took a while, but his lips eventually came to life again.

“The fact that we are here right now leads me to believe you are unable to pay the entirety of your debt in the allotted time. Am I correct?”

I nodded, fearing what such an admission would entail.

“In most cases I would have my associates here,” he nodded to his goons, “break your legs. But I am inclined to make an exception. Do you know why?”

I shook my head.

“You are quite beautiful. In fact, you are breathtaking,” said Mr. Black. It was such an unexpected revelation that my fear momentarily vanished. Only curiosity remained. Where was he going with this?

“As you may have guessed, my business has grown over the last few years. I now supervise a great number of different endeavors. One of my latest undertakings is proving to be quite profitable. Yet my profit depends entirely upon the satisfaction of my clients. And the only way to keep them happy is to provide only the best… That is where you come in.”

I had no idea what he was saying, but I nodded for him to continue.

“Here is what I suggest; you agree to come work for me and in a year’s time your debt will be repaid. Once the deadline is up, you can choose to remain in my employment or we can part ways as friends,” explained Mr. Black.

It sounded good in theory, but I knew there had to be a catch.

“What is the nature of the work I would be doing?” I asked.

Mr. Black smiled. “Let’s just say it involves beautiful young women and rich, lonely men.”

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was.

“Are you saying you want me to be a whore?” I asked.

Mr. Black chuckled.

“‘Whore’ is such a filthy term. I prefer to think of my girls as ‘escorts’.”

Mr. Black may have given it a pretty name, the fact remained that he was asking me to have sex with strange men for money.

“What if I refuse?” I asked.

I expected the man’s good humor to dissipate, but he remained as nonchalant as ever.

“If you refuse I will be forced to revert back to more archaic measures. It would be a shame to ruin that flawless body of yours, wouldn’t you agree?”

I now had the whole picture. Either I agreed to become one of Mr. Black’s whores or his goons would break my legs. Or worse. Given the pathetic state of my financial portfolio, it was unrealistic to believe I could repay the debt even if I was given an extension. This left me with only one option.

“I’ll do it,” I finally said.

Mr. Black’s face lit up. “I knew you would make the right decision.”

I wanted to point out he had left me little choice, but chose instead to remain silent.

“There is no denying you are pretty enough, but before I can send you out on your first assignment I need to make sure you possess the necessary skills,” explained Mr. Black.

I tried pretending like I didn’t know what he was implying, but his words were impossible to misinterpret. He wanted me to prove to him I was willing to debase myself for his benefit. That was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew delaying the inevitable would only make things worse.

I started to strip. Thank god my clothes were still wet with sweat, because it gave Mr. Black a chance to object.

“What are you doing?” he inquired.

I froze.

“I-I thought you wanted me to…” I started, but the last few words never left my throat.

Mr. Black chuckled.

“While I admire your enthusiasm, I am afraid my schedule for the day is full,” he explained. “My associates will escort you home. We can pick this up in the morning.”

Those were the last words he spoke. Moments later Mr. Black’s goons were leading me out of the office. A little less than an hour after that they were dropping me off in front of my apartment building.

“See you tomorrow,” said the shorter goon, speaking for the first time.

“And don’t even think about running,” added the other. “There’s nowhere you can go we won’t find you.” On that happy note, the two bulky men slipped back into the sedan and sped off, leaving standing on the sidewalk, alone and confused.

The Virgin

I awoke to the sound of the doorbell. It felt like I had only just fallen asleep, yet it was morning. I glanced at the alarm clock. It was six o’clock. I hadn’t gotten up this early on a Saturday in… well I don’t think I had ever awoke at such an early hour on a weekend. The fact that my fear and nervousness had kept me up for most of the day didn’t help. Still, I knew keeping Mr. Black’s goons waiting wasn’t a good idea, so I stood up and slipped into a nightie. I made my way to the front door and pressed the buzzer. Less than a minute later there was a knock on the door. I hesitated for a second, then opened. The goons didn’t wait for me to invite them in. They pushed past me like they owned the place and took a seat on the couch. It groaned beneath their combined weight, but held strong.

“Go take a shower,” said one of them.

“We’ll pick out your clothes,” added the other.

I knew resisting was a waste of time, so I headed to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. The water helped wash away the remnants of sleep that still clung to my frame. By the time I stepped out, I was both clean and fully awake. I was halfway through blow-drying my hair when there was a knock at the door. I was still fully naked, so I slipped back into my nightie before answering.

“Here,” said one of the goons as soon as the door was open. “Put this on.”

He handed me a skimpy cocktail dress and a pair of stilettos. I had purchased the dress on sale a few months ago and had been waiting for a special occasion to christen it. This was not what I had in mind, but it didn’t seem like I had much of a choice.

“What about underwear?” I asked.

The goons exchanged a look. “You won’t be needing any,” they said as one.

I swallowed hard, then grabbed the dress and the stilettos and closed the door. I finished blow-drying my hair, then slipped into my dress and heels and put on my makeup. By the time I was ready, I looked hotter than ever before. My blond hair sparkled in the light. As did my eyes and my gloss-coated lips. The dress hugged my every curve with utter perfection, leaving my shapely frame fully visible. The shortness of the garment made me miss the presence of underwear, but I knew nothing I did could convince the goons to allow me to rectify such a lack.

The goons didn’t take a second look at me. The simply told me it was time to go and escorted me down to the black sedan parked by the building’s entrance. A little under an hour later we had reached the mansion. I expected to be led to the office, but I was instead escorted upstairs. Mr. Black was waiting for me in the master bedroom. The bed was bigger than my entire bedroom. The chair where Mr. Black sat was almost as bid as the couch which the man’s goons had nearly destroyed with their weight.

“Good morning,” said the host. He was wearing a swanky bathrobe. It wasn’t until I noticed this detail that the seriousness of the situation finally dawned on me. Not only was I about to have sex with a man twice my age, but I was about to do so under threat of bodily harm. The fact that it would be my first sexual experience only made things worse.

Not many women my age can claim to be virgins. And those who do are usually lying to seduce a man. I could make no such claim. The fact that I was still a virgin had nothing to do with my busy schedule or my lack of social skills. I remained a virgin simply because I had yet to find the right man. I guess it’s kind of ironic that I was the kind of girl who believes in abstinence. But my beliefs had nothing to do with it. This was about survival. And the only way to ensure my future remained cast-free was to play along and lose my virginity to a man who possessed the power to end my life in the blink of an end. Or so I thought until he whistled and a dog strolled into the room.

The animal was a boxer. He was quite massive for his breed, but that may simply have been the imposing size of his muscles. Or the way his brownish-beige coat glistened in the light. Or the manner in which his tail wagged with excitement.

“What’s the dog for?” I asked.

Mr. Black chuckled. “Did you think I would be the one to penetrate you?”

It took a few seconds before I understood what the man’s question implied. He wore not the bathrobe because he was about to have sex. He wore it because he had only just risen. The fact that he was not my lover meant it had to be one of the three other beings in the rooms. One look at the goons told me neither of them would be taking my virginity. Which left only one potential lover.

“A-Are you saying…” I began, but the fear that now coursed through me kept the last few words from reaching the outside world.

Mr. Black nodded. “That’s right. I want you to have sex with my dog.”

I couldn’t believe it. Having sex with a man I barely knew was one thing, but losing my innocence to an animal was something I knew not if I was capable of. But then Mr. Black said something that convinced me refusing was not an option.

“I know it may be an imposing challenge, but I urge you to consider the alternative.”

I did. I pictured what my life would be like with two broken legs. I could kiss my internship goodbye. No hospital wanted an intern that was restricted to a wheelchair. And if I didn’t complete my internship, I would never become a doctor. Not to mention the fact that refusing Mr. Black’s request would mean having to repay the entirety of my debt, something that would take years. As much as it pained me to admit it, I knew there was only one way to ensure my future was a bright one. I had to have sex with a dog.

“All right,” I finally said. “I’ll do it.”

“Don’t worry,” assured Mr. Black. “We’ll take things slow.”


“Please remove your clothes,” instructed Mr. Black.

I hesitated for a brief moment before finally deciding the best approach was to dive right in and get through my first sexual encounter as quickly as possible. A few seconds later my dress was floating down do the ground. Mr. Black complimented me on the flawlessness of my body, but I was so nervous I cannot remember the exact words he spoke. I think it had something to do with the bounciness of my butt. Or was it the plumpness of my breasts? Or the tightness of my slit? It doesn’t really matter.

“Please lie down,” instructed Mr. Black as he gestured to the bed. I hesitantly hopped on. Following the man’s instructions to the letter I placed myself on my back with my head propped up by a pillow and my legs spread wide. Moments later, the dog jumped up. My heart rate quickened as he neared my slit. Closer and closer he got until his muzzle hovered mere inches from my labia. He sniffed a few times, then outstretched his tongue and took a lick.

“Fuck!” I yelped as the slimy appendage slithered across my labia. It ran the length of my slit before reaching my clit. I expected the animal to be a selfish lover, but he began stroking my clit, teasing me like I had never been teased before. This was not the animal’s first sexual encounter with a woman.

At first the boxer’s tongue strokes were sensual, but at the seconds ticked away, they gradually intensified. Before long, the fear and repulsion were gone. In their place now stood arousal. Part of me felt ashamed by its presence, but the rest of me was simply relieved. The hornier I was, the easier my first sexual experience would be. So, although it was incredibly perverse, I closed my eyes and began moaning softly as my canine lover teased my clit. Mr. Black was clearly impressed, because he ordered an escalation moments after the first moan toppled from my lips.

“Fuck!” I moaned as the boxer’s tongue slipped past me labia and shot into me. Deeper and deeper it travelled until every last inch of it was inside me. I was wetter than ever before, tough I had no way of knowing if it was a result of the arousal that inhabited me or the slickness of my lover’s tongue.

I don’t recall how it happened, but one second the dog’s tongue was standing idle and the next it was darting in and out of me with increasing intensity. Within seconds my moans intensified. Soon after my limbs began to tremble. I would like to say it was excitement, but for all I know it was fear. After all, it’s not every day a virgin feels a dog’s tongue invade her slit. The fact that Mr. Black and his goons were watching my every move somehow made the entire thing more enjoyable. Perhaps it was the incredible perversity of the situation. Or the knowledge that my performance would mean the difference between my debt being repaid in full and my legs being shattered.

I’m not sure how long it took, but it couldn’t have been more than a minute. My body began to shake. My head was thrust back and my back arched. My moans intensified. They were now so potent I could hear nothing else. In fact they overpowered me so totally that I didn’t immediately understand what was happening. Then my slit tightened around my lover’s tongue and it finally dawned on me.

“I-I’m coming!” I stuttered. Then I lost control and the only sounds to escape my mouth were powerful shrieks of ecstasy. The boxer continued propelling his tongue in and out of me, luring a little more arousal to my frame with each new penetration. My slit grew increasingly wet. I kept expecting a squirt to escape my crack, but the time had not yet come for me to lose my squirting virginity. In a way that was a good thing, because it allowed me to fully enjoy every second of my first interspecies climax. By the time the shivers stopped rippling through my frames, I was so exhausted that I could barely keep awake. Thank god I was lying down or I would have toppled over. It took all the strength I had just to keep from slipping into a post-coital coma.

A lot had changed by the time I opened my eyes. First of all, I was no longer a virgin. Second of all, the arousal that had once inhabited me was gone, and with it my skewed sense of right and wrong. I now realized how wrong bestiality was. Not to mention illegal. Then again, borrowing money from a loan shark wasn’t exactly the pinnacle of legality. Nor was prostitution, yet that was exactly what I had agree to. And for a year no less. But as much as I regretted my actions, it was not in my power to change the past. And the only way to ensure my future was a bright one was to keep Mr. Black happy. But then he said something that made my determination waver.

“Suck his cock.”

It took a few seconds before I found the right words to express how I felt. I wanted to refuse, but I knew that was not an option. Hopefully Mr. Black would agree to an alteration.

“Can’t I just jerk it?” I asked.

Mr. Black considered me proposal for a moment.

“Very well,” he agreed. “But on one condition.”

I nodded, indicating I agreed to whatever his condition was. I expected him to voice it, but he kept it to himself. I guess he would let me know when the time was right.

I knew the longer I waited, the harder it would be, so I acted before I lost my nerve. The boxer still lay between my legs, only now he was on his back. His hind legs were spread apart, revealing the rigid member than stood between then. It was bigger than I had anticipated, but size mattered little as my hand would be the only part of my anatomy to touch it. Still, I took a moment to study it. Its bright shade of red seemed to glisten in the light. The large knot that stood at its base made me nervous, as did the pointiness of its tip. But in the end none of that mattered. I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the spear.

“Wow!” I couldn’t help gasping as I felt the intense heat emanating from the shaft. Focusing on it, I began thrusting my hand up and down. It travelled the length of the animal’s shaft. The boxer began whimpering in delight. I focused on the animal’s joy and blocked out the rest of the world. It seemed to fade away, leaving only the boxer and me. I now felt confident enough to increase the force of my jerks. Within seconds, I was working the animal’s shaft with such intensity that he began howling. Then the member started trembling and I realized the howling had nothing to do with the speed of the handjob and all to do with the animal’s impending climax.

The dog’s cock shook and shivered. Then it started convulsing and the howling intensified. Just when I thought the seizures had reached their peak, they intensified again. Moments later the first wave shot forth. The semen flew through the air, headed right for my face. I was about to turn away when Mr. Black’s voice reached my ears.

“Swallow it!” he commanded.

I had a very short window to decide how to proceed. Either I refused and ran the risk of angering Mr. Black or I did as told and debased myself even further. I would like to say I did the righteous thing and refused, but I was afraid. Not to mention a little curious. But in the end, it was a realization that convinced me to cooperate. This was the condition Mr. Black had referred to earlier. In exchange for allowing me to substitute the blowjob for a handjob, I now had to swallow my lover’s cum.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. A split second later the boxer’s semen made contact with my tongue. My taste buds went to work, gorging themselves on the hot cum. It took a few seconds and just as many squirts, but I eventually decided I enjoyed the taste of cum. Or at least dog cum. It was slightly salty, but also quite nutty, not to mention highly addictive. I swallowed every squirt that found its way into my mouth, moaning each time the hot nectar slithered down my throat. By the time the final squirt was ingested, a great warmth had invaded my body. But that was not all that had changed. I’m not exactly sure how it had happened, but I now felt as aroused as I had when my lover had licked my slit. To be perfectly honest, I was actually looking forward to another escalation. Luckily I wasn’t the only one.

“Keep jerking,” instructed Mr. Black as soon I released the animal’s shaft.

The boxer’s member had softened somewhat, but it was still rigid enough for me to keep jerking. And jerk I did until my lover’s spear was yet again stiff as stone. I continued working until Mr. Black game me permission to stop.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he ordered.

He didn’t have to ask twice. No sooner had the final word left his lips than I was on all fours. Moments later, the boxer hopped up and mounted me.

“Fuck!” I yelped as his front legs squeezed my waist. Meanwhile, his hind ones worked overtime, forcing his body forward. A split second later the tip of the cock made contact with my labia.

“Fuck!” I moaned again. And that was exactly what he did.

The cock shot into me with such speed that I barely even felt it. Then his knot was forced past my labia and I felt everything. There was a brief moment of pain, then nothing. At first I feared my slit had torn and the intensity of the pain kept me from feeling it. Then I thought perhaps I had gotten accustomed to the oversized penetration. Then my lover started rocking back and forth and I knew the truth. The pain had vanished because the knot had been pulled out of me. But now that the pounding had begun, it was repeatedly thrust into me. Each time the large knot invaded me, pain shot through me. Then it was pulled out and the pain was gone. But it returned each time the boxer thrust forward. At first the intermittent pain was a distraction, but then it combined with the arousal, creating a surprisingly enjoyable pain/pleasure cocktail. The next thing I knew I was begging for more. And that was exactly what I got.

“Faster!” I begged, having fully given in to the perversity of the situation. I no longer cared that bestiality was wrong. Or that I had up until recently been a virgin. It didn’t even bother me that I had been blackmailed into my first interspecies experience. The only thing that truly mattered was the rock-hard shaft that drilled me with unwavering consistency.

“Don’t stop!” I pleaded. “Please don’t stop!”

The boxer kept riding me like his life depended on it. For all I knew, it did. My life—or at least my legs—was intrinsically linked to the quality of the performance I gave. But then an orgasm started growing within me and all else lost meaning.

“I’m gonna come!” I warned, though I’m not sure who I was telling—my lover or Mr. Black? I guess it doesn’t really matter, because my body began convulsing moments later.

It may have been my second orgasm of the day, but it was no less potent. In fact, it was even more powerful than the last. It took all the strength I had just to keep from being pounded into the mattress. But then something happened that made me lose all control. I began to squirt.

I had often tried to reach what most consider to be the pinnacle of female orgasms, but never before had I succeeded. I guess it had taken a dog to accomplish what my fingers had failed so many times. Squirt after squirt gushed out of me, drenching both my thighs and my lover’s hind legs in cum. I moaned like I had never moaned before. My body shook with such intensity that my elbows gave out. My face slammed into the mattress, putting an end to my high-pitched moans. Only muffled cries now escaped. Meanwhile, my lover continued drilling my slit, which, with the rest of my lower body, still remained in the air.

I was aware that part of the cum that gushed from my slit belonged to my lover, yet I was unable to tell if the majority of the drops that rained down upon me belonged to me lover or me. Then again, it didn’t really matter. Only my lover’s cock within me meant anything to me. Well, that and the overpowering orgasm that controlled my frame.

I’m not sure how long it lasted, but I blacked out moments after the final squirt oozed out of me. I didn’t even feel my lover pull out of me. I only know that the boxer was lying next to me, licking the cum from his shaft, when I finally recovered. The next thing I realized was the fact that I had come down from my sexual high. I expected to feel regret for my actions, but all I felt was a great sense of relief. My first sexual experience was over and my feelings mattered little.

I glanced at Mr. Black and found him smiling. That was a good sign.

“H-How did I do?” I asked.

The man’s smile widened.

“Let’s just say you got the job.”

I breathed a sigh of relief, but Mr. Black ordered me to my feet before I could rejoice any further.

“Get dressed,” he instructed. All traces of the smile that had once curled his lips were now gone. “My associates will take you home.”

I was taken aback by the man’s sudden change of attitude, but I knew better than to defy him. I quickly slithered into my dress and slipped back into the stilettos I only now realized had fallen off at some point during my first interspecies pounding. I then glanced at Mr. Black, but he seemed busy checking his phone, so I followed his goons out of the room.

“Keep your phone on at all times,” warned Mr. Black right before I reached the door. “I will call with the details of your first assignment.”

To be continued...


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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...

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The Bestiality Twins Part 1 The Puppy

Introduction: Two virgin twins have sex with the family puppy on their 18th birthday! The sun was beginning to set. Black against the orange and pink sky, a hummingbird flew. Soon nearing a quaint, ancestral home, the small bird veered off moments before reaching it. Performing a large semi-circle turn, it flew over the small stable that stood behind the residence before reaching the tall tree that stood next to the family home. Landing on a large branch that stood halfway up the tree, the bird...

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My Wife And Bestiality

My Wife And Bestiality When my wife turned forty and our youngest of three left the nest she became different. She liked animals but then again she had always liked animals. No, this was quite different. She made no bones about liking male animals. She said that if it had a cock she would suck it or fuck it no matter what species it was. She showed me some of the pictures that she had downloaded from the News Groups. There were several different women letting dogs and horses fuck...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 2

I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 1

My name is Mark Wood and I work as a Personnel Manager for a large corporation here in Dallas. My job basically is to serve as a liaison between the management and the blue-collar employees that work here. I also have to deal with all the harassment issues, be it sexual harassment, racism, or whatever.Needless to say, I hear a lot of whining, complaining, and outright anger on a day-to-day basis. Sometimes it gets to be too much and I have to find a way to decompress at the end of a tough day....

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The Bestiality Triplets Day 1 Barbie Fucks a Dog

Many people believe that siblings who have shared a womb have a special, almost supernatural bond. While it is true most are quite alike in personality, it does not mean they can communicate telepathically. It only seems that way because of the staggering amount of time they spend together. How could they not know every single detail about each other’s lives when they spend every second of every day with one another? At least that was the case for the Lez sisters. Barbie, Candy and Nikki were...

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Walthers Whore Ch 01

The door opened, and one after another the twelve women shuffled into the room to be lined up along the far wall by the guards. Most of them lifted their eyes and snatched a nervous glance at the figure watching them from the sofa. Most of them that is, apart from the dark-haired little girl who stood nervously in the centre of the line and surrounded by the largest and tallest women in the group. It was a deliberate ploy designed to make her even more nervous than she already was. That sense...

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Bestiality Island Part 1 The Dog

Introduction: An 18-y-o virgin has sex with a studly dog! Barbie Lez awoke with the worst headache of her life. In fact, it was the worst headache in the history of headaches. But the first thing the eighteen-year-old noticed was not her pounding head or the suns hot rays on her skin. It was something long and slimy slithering across her face. Normally, she would have jumped to her feet, ready to fight for dear life. But every muscle in her body was sore. She immediately began wondering what...

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Fantasy and Reality of a Young womans Zest for Bestiality and Animal sex

True My wife even as a young girl had some incredible fantasy's and some of them were about animals she was always interested in sex and grew up watching old black and white movies and would add her imagination about sex into them. Her mother caught her masturbating at the age of 8! By the age of 11, and do to finding some of her fathers pocket fuck books about females having sex in bondage situations. Along with several stories that had women having sex with animals, mostly big dogs...

4 years ago
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Mary has been intrigued by bestiality

Mary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...

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True Bestiality

It was late on a Saturday morning and I was feeling restless. I had just come back from my daily run. Today I did 5 miles. At 41 I took pride in keeping myself in shape. I was in my bathroom about to get in the shower. I dropped the robe I was wearing and looked myself over in the mirror. My legs were toned and long. My ass too was high and tight from years of running. Stomach was flat even though I had two kids. The only thing that was a little out of place were my boobs. They were on the...

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Bestiality is Best

Introduction: Introduction into bestiality hi all please feel free to leave comments, and feed back if you enjoy this . If you feel the need to leave negative vote. Please state why. Constructive criticism is welcomed. It was a warm summers evening , we were sitting in the back garden drinking and listening to the radio, a random mix of oldies playing while the sun lowered in the sky, leaving some long shadows running across the lawn, I was just about to get up and get another drink when...

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My spiralling dive into bestiality

I just kept fantasizing about it, watching lots of videos i could never even imagine i would, let alone finding it deeply arousing. And i mean arousied like nothing else could get me. I thought about sharing my stories here and tell how i actually found about this kink of mine to... maybe relieve a bit of stress i feel, and share my thoughts so maybe... people would understand better the "why"s and "how"s. This is how i found out that i am... actually deeply aroused and get soaking wet...

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Horny Housewives Being a whore of a Manwhore

Wearing dark sunglasses, a knee high blue colored dress and a handbag in my hand, I stepped out of my car. A couple of young guys, who were standing a few feet away from my car, looked at my deep cleavage. I was thirty-seven years old. I had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I managed to have a quite fit body. My breasts were 34D size, and I loved playing with my boobs every time I masturbated. I was married, but still I had to fuck myself with my toys and fingers. My husband was good at sex, but he...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...

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Story about an bestiality I had with a girl and her dog during a vacation

It was during my summer vacation in Sweden, a warm and sunny day at the beach. I was walking around in the dunes in search of a secluded place to take a pee. I went up another dune to look what was behind it. And behind it was such a secluded place: a lower area surrounded by high dunes forming a pit. But as I stood there on the brink of the dune I saw something I didn’t expect. At the bottom of the pit was a beautiful blonde girl about the age of 25 who was being fucked by a dog –...

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Ass Whore Part1 the mother who worships her son

"Bzzzzzzz", my cellphone vibrated. I rolled over and grabbed it to look at the new text message.I knew who it'd be from. I was expecting it almost an hour ago."How was it? - Mom" Her face on the top right corner beamed back at me with a broad smile.I smiled and typed with one hand, while propped up on elbow of the other."Ok. I guess." I sent it."Ok? What do you mean okay? - Mom""I am tired" I typed back trying to end the conversation."Tell me, you asshole. - Mom""You can ask her.  I am too...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part one

Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 1 It's amazing how quickly life can spiral out of control. One moment your enjoying what you think is just a little harmless indulgence in your submissive crossdressing fantasy life when, out of nowhere, your life is turned upside down. It was a Saturday morning in February, 2020. I was a single guy, living the dream. I had a really good job and was living in a 2 bedroom apartment in an upscale complex a few miles South of Pittsburgh. I had transformed...

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Neighbor Become His Whore Part 2 Party time

Part 2…. Neighbor WhoreThat weekend he knew her husband was out of town again and so he called her and told her he was coming over Saturday. Actually he was going to surprise her and get her Friday night.He showed up with two bags of clothes and other items Friday night at 7 and she was surprised to see him. “Well you look good woman, I may not take you out tonight but just keep you to myself, but I have other plans already made so here put these on and oh there is the latest DVD in there too...

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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part Three

Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 3 I did manage to get a little sleep. After Tiffany finally zonked out, and the continual grinding on my thigh and the relentless playing with my nipple rings stopped, I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Friday night was the last full night's sleep I had gotten since Marcus took over my computer, and my life. I woke up before my alarm went off, which was a good thing. I was tangled up in limbs so securely, it took me several minutes to snake my way...

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My Journey As A Whore Part6

The two days I spent with Vijay, and not to mention the evening with Sanjay were simply amazing. It was with these two gentlemen that I ever got the first thought that maybe being someone’s second wife or what the slang calls a keep, setup, etc is not that bad! They would take care of me and would be most interested in fucking me for pleasure. A pleasure, let me remind you, even I would get lots of at the same time. So, whats to lose but everything to gain. Besides, if they are interested in...

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Blackmailed Sissy Whore Part 2

Blackmailed sissy whore Part 2 I woke with a start, like someone awakening from a nightmare. 'What time is it? 'No, 'what day is it?' Was I having a nightmare? I raised a hand to my chest, and sure enough, there were the nipple rings in my throbbing nipples. They were harder than they'd ever been. I reached up, and touched each of the six studs that had been pierced into my ears. Nope, that part wasn't a dream or even a nightmare either. The slight burning sensation on the back of my...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Daddys Little Whore Part 1

“Where have you been young lady?!” I turned slowly towards the voice to see my dad sitting on the couch, an empty glass in his hand, a half-empty whisky bottle on the side table. Anger flashed in his dark eyes as he rose, slightly unsteady, to his feet, his presence menacing as he stalked over to me, six feet tall, dark eyes and hair, his body lean and muscular, like a Jaguar with prey in its sights. “Well young lady?” He asked stopping in front of me, towering over me. Fear crept through...

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Thelma and me Summer of 65 part 1

Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...

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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 5

Alice the Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the fifth chapter Alice and Daisy take Jack to new depths of depravity and humiliation. And the couple get drawn into the clutches of an exclusive sex club for societies élite and most wealthy. (MF, M+F, MM, anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on Fdom) Chapter 5 The Engagement PartyJosh was very pleased with himself as he...

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The Office Whore Part 27

Office 27Reina woke up to find Chad holding her captive in his arms. It was a nice feeling. When they were like this, nothing else in the world seemed to matter. She laid still and enjoyed listening to the rhythm of his breathing, sighing happily as she remembered how they had thoroughly enjoyed each other last night. She hoped that everything she had planned for his birthday would make him happy and, hopefully, make him see that he could have the best of both worlds. She could be the loving...

Office Sex
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Katherines Style Part 3

The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...

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Virgin Whore Mother Queen The Virgin

When Flora was fifteen, her father, the king, lost half of his weight. When she was sixteen, he couldn't rise from the bed. That's when the suitors started to arrive. Men from every part of the world. Old men and young men. Men who were royal and men who claimed to be.Flora watched yet another bannered procession leaving the palace from her bedroom window. She felt a soft hand on her shoulder and knew without looking that it was Marie, her Lady and closest friend."This one was an imposter, I'm...

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The continuing bestiality adventures of Mike and Gabrielle

Mike peered over Gabrielle’s shoulder as they both read the email. Both were excited beyond words, yet ever cognizant of the fact that it was still only an email and that the true test would be in meeting the couple in person. Such was usually the case when meeting people through these internet personals sites. On the screen, this couple seemed ideal. Both were very attractive and they seemed to have so much in common. The fact that both were bisexual was the icing on the cake. Now it...

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First erotic bestiality encounter

    He had always slept in my bed. I remember I had found my parent's stash of porn. They were out parting like they did every weeked. I was about 16 years old. I was a virgin, but watching a hot blonde with D cup titties getting railed by a huge cock just made my pussy drip. I mean DRIP. So much that it made my shorts look like I pissed.     My instinct was to investigate. I unbuttoned my pants and slipped my middle finger down my dripping slit and collected some of the juice and bring...

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Scientific Bestiality

Spotting a park bench in the shade, and curious about what they were doing, Rosie and I walked to the bench facing their direction, allowing us a nice cool shady area while we talked and watched the two dogs. One of them appeared to be pulling away from the other one, and the other dog appeared to fight the force of being drug backwards. "I have no idea what they are doing, Rosie. I am going to need to check around with the dog kennels to see if this is some sort of new game they have,"...

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Special Case Cp2 Bestiality and a Ball Park

He licked and massaged them for a while, then he pulled down his pants, grabbed her hips, and thrust into her asshole. Kelly being frozen and all, stared straight ahead that same gaze and smile. “Nnngg!” Dakota dug into Kelly’s ass cheeks as he pumped her tight asshole full of cum. Frozen time still affected him, just to a lesser extent. Instead of when he came it being frozen in mid-air, he just came for a longer period time. He pulled his dick out of her ass and shot cum all over the back...

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Bernard Male Bestiality

Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of girls suck and fuck each other; tongues and fingers going to work. Breast to breast or sixty-nine, I don't mind. It's a male thing I guess, though I am not sure what the girls think....

2 years ago
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Bestiality Sex Show In Tijuana

My girlfriend and I were spending the weekend south of the border in Tijuana for Thanksgiving. Neither of us has any family living in LA and it’s damn depressing just kicking around the house in smoggy old Southern California on holidays. We’d been cruising the flea-bitten bars on Avenue de San Juan for most of the morning and had drunk a little too much tequilla, but then that’s why we came to Mexico in the first place — cheap booze and to party with the other...

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Bestiality in the desert

Scenes from “the hills have eyes” were flashing through my mind as I considered my situation. I was stranded in the middle of the desert, my car was out of commission and the surrounding foothills were rather unnerving. Like a typical horror-movie-fool I had taken a rarely used road across central Nevada, thinking I could save some time and that breaking down only happens in the movies. In the movies they are always, conveniently, driving a beat-up, old clunker that you know will...

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My early experiences in bestiality

I am the only son in a 3 girl family, born 1966 in a small rural town in Australia. I did the usual stuff growing up – school, sports blah, blah, until I hit the ripe old age when I left home. My older sister, Joan, scored a hair dressing apprenticeship when I was 18, thereby passing on to me her part-time job with a local gas station come corner store. The owner of this enterprise was a lovely woman named Carol, a mid 30’s divorcee who was a happy-go-lucky, loud, plump red head. I...

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I journey to the mountains of North Carolina to find myself and to decide if I want to give up bestiality

I stood looking over the steep overhang. It was absolutely gorgeous. The valley below opened up into a serene landscape of greens and blues. The latter was the creek, issuing from a beautiful waterfall, cascading from the rocks half a mile to my left. It wasn’t large by any means, but its beauty at that moment stole a beat from my heart. I couldn’t breathe. The sheer cliff beneath me dropped several hundred feet straight down before sloping off. I had a sudden flutter of...

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Farmyard bestiality fun

How many times had she told herself this feeling was wrong? She had slipped only once in her life, vowing never again to let a man touch her until she married him. But a rising tide of sensuality was shattering her mind as she leaned against the tall porch pillar of her cousin’s ranch home just east of San Bernardino. There were all those men — ranch hands sauntering around the barn, smoking their cigarettes and stealing glances at her as she felt herself getting hotter and hotter....

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My first experience in the world of bestiality sex

Hi, my name is Niki. If you like my stories, please hit like , but I’m not sure if this will be as interesting as my previous works of fiction, as this is my first experience in the world of canine sex. I was excited about going to college, and the night after graduation was the biggest party of summer. To make the dull part of the story short, I kissed another guy and my boyfriend broke up with me. I was all ready drunk, but that sobered me up enough that I wanted to get out of there,...

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Cheerleader Leah and the tigers 8211 JUST BESTIALITY

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...

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True Bestiality 2

It was a long summer this year, I finally got a job and worked full hours. While I was working I had met this beautiful lady. She was tall, red hair, a little wider, the way I like them. And she had a nice butt. It wasn’t long till I started talking to her trying to get to know her. Her name was Alissa, Alissa Field, she told me. She was 23, while I was 21. She told me she lived on a farm and really loved dogs, but when we started dating, I found out that she really loves dogs! We have...

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Bestiality hardcore

It had been another successful day of fighting villainy for the justice league. They had all just come back from defeating and banishing Mongul from earth and, except for those on duty, were leaving for rest and relaxation at home. Noticeable of those leaving was Diana prince Aka Wonder woman. The beautiful Amazonian princess was getting ready for departure when she was stopped by the voice of her good friend Superman. ‘Hey Diana, you fixing to leave?’ He asked his friend only for...

2 years ago
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Bernard Male Bestiality

Introduction: It gets you that way dont it? She observed. Bernard Let me make it absolutely clear before I start with this true tale, I am not in anyway gay. I have never wanted to be fucked by another man or even thought about getting intimate with a member of the same sex. Sure, I love watching two women going at it, in fact, I derive great pleasure from seeing a couple of girls suck and fuck each other, tongues and fingers going to work. Breast to breast or sixty-nine, I dont mind. Its a...

2 years ago
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Loving husband and wife play with bondage threesomes and bestiality

“Asshole!” “Yep. And you love watching it get fucked – don’t you?” I grinned back at my wife. “Only fair. You can’t seem to get enough of mine.” She smiled lazily at me. “I’d kiss you for that but I seem to be tied up for the moment…” I jerked a thumb over my shoulder at the dog. “You’ll have to wait until he’s through trying to drive my prostate out my throat.” She nodded and rolled over to...

3 years ago
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Love and Bestiality

It was raining out side. The wind was blowing and the rain was crashing down above me. I ran to the phone and called a friend, asking him if he would come over and keep me company until the storm was over. When I heard his knock i ran to open the door, Standing before me was my friend Tim and a friend he had brought. ” Hope you don’t mind me bringing Stud, He hates storms too.” He said as he walked past me into the house. Closing the door behind us, we went into the living...

4 years ago
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Bestiality fantasies with sexy dirty girl

I love having sex with dogs. The way their warm hard flesh penetrates me while the tip drips an excessive amount of pre-cum, it feels incredible as it pumps in and out into my spot. The thick flesh of their cock spreading apart my cunt walls and stretching me feels so good. The best part is letting a dog tie himself to me. I love the feel of the knot swelling inside as doggy cum spurts within. It’s even better when a man or men watch me. I love an audience. I love pleasuring the audience when...

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Bestiality on the beach

It was a hot spring day and he was layiing out on his lounge chair. He was wearing his oversized black shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt. His aide had just shown up and saw he was sleeping in the shade in his back yard. She was a young attractive girl in her mid twenties and had just graduated from college and taken a position at a local high school. Walking towards him she saw that his shorts had bunched up exposing his penis as it lay limp against his left leg. Reaching out she cautiously...

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Zendayas Descent Into Bestiality

Her friends had dragged her down to one of the local college bars to flirt with guys and they had ended up drinking way too much. It had gotten so bad in fact that they had to call one girls brother to come get them and take them home. Zendaya was dropped off first and the brother and another girl had helped her into her house, up into her bedroom and onto her bed. Luckily her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and wouldn’t come home to find her black out drunk. Her friends had left...

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