Zendaya's Descent Into Bestiality free porn video

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Her friends had dragged her down to one of the local college bars to flirt with guys and they had ended up drinking way too much. It had gotten so bad in fact that they had to call one girls brother to come get them and take them home. Zendaya was dropped off first and the brother and another girl had helped her into her house, up into her bedroom and onto her bed. Luckily her parents had gone out of town for the weekend and wouldn’t come home to find her black out drunk.

Her friends had left her fully clothed laying on her side, but in her drunken state it felt like she was roasting alive inside her clothes so they were stripped off and thrown around her room haphazardly. Her underwear, which was moist with her sweat from dancing and her juices from flirting and grinding, ended up in the hall just outside her room. She passed out with her head laying just over the foot of her bed, her body in a spread eagle pose.

When her friends had been leaving her house they had heard Zendaya’s miniature schnauzer, Noon, whimpering from the attached garage, so they decided to let him into the house and filled his water and food bowls. Noon was glad to be out of that garage and was grateful for the food and water. After eating and drinking Noon went into the living room, jumped up on the couch, and curled up ready to go sleep. And just as Noon was drifting off to la-la land a scent began to waft across his nose.

His current dream was of chasing balls and birds through an open field, barking and yipping as Zendaya ran after him. The scent that was flowing through his nose altered this dream greatly. Instead of a bright field, Noon was suddenly very turned on and envisioned a female bitch running around in front of him, wagging her backside right in front of his nose. Noon made a quick jumping movement in the dream and woke himself up when one of his paws scratched his belly.

Noon noticed pretty quickly the effect the dream had on him, with his cock now extended from is sheath and fully inflated with blood – even his knot had popped out of the sheath. He licked it clean for a minute and then that smell from his dream wafted across his nose again. He began to sniff the air and then started to search the room for what was producing that amazing smell. Not finding it in the living room he then searched the kitchen, checked the garage, and ended up back in the living room.

He really wanted to find the source of this intoxicating smell and noticed that whenever he got closer to the stairs the scent got heavier. He trotted to the top of the stairs, practically drowning in the smell. A quick turn to his right and he found the source of the smell, Zendaya’s discarded underwear. He nosed at it and licked it a couple of times, getting just a hint of the juices that were producing the smell. Then he noticed the door to Zendaya’s room was open and that she was apparently asleep on her bed but not how she normally slept. Noon barked once and Zendaya drunkenly whispered his name, which he took as permission to go into her room.

He thought she was awake after he heard his name so he planted some licks with his long tongue on her cheeks and forehead, which she barely responded to, tilting her head from side to side only slightly. On one stroke of his tongue he actually got it inside her mouth and on the exit it pressed against her tongue for a long drawn out lick. Zendaya only responded by smacking her mouth and wetting her tongue so Noon focused on licking her mouth. Occasionally Zendaya would extend her tongue to wrestle with his and the two sat there Frenching each other for a good five minutes.

Noon was perturbed that his owner would not get up and play with him so he began to lick her face again. This time however, Zendaya responded by turning towards where he was licking. On one lick along her right cheek her head bobbed to the right as well. This opened the left side of her neck for Noon to lick and since had not licked there yet he began to do so. The licks began to cause and unconscious reaction within Zendaya and her heart rate began to increase.

She quietly mouthed affectionate sounds whenever Noon would deliver an especially long lick from her ear all the way down her neck to her shoulder. With these continued ministrations came more reactions from Zendaya’s unconscious body. She began to sweat profusely and Noon noticed right away when her skin began to glisten and taste really salty. He began to notice that her entire body was starting to glisten with sweat he could swear that smell from earlier was getting stronger.

Noon began to focus on the areas with the most sweat, licking it up into his mouth enthusiastically. As he continued to lick Zendaya’s neck he found himself scooting forward to lick at her exposed chest which was now very sweaty. He began by licking around her armpits, which made Zendaya drunkenly giggle, and then Noon began to lick the side of her breast. He would try and work his tongue under her slightly sagging breast and then roll it over her nipple, which was hard as diamond at this point. Then he shifted to licking the top of her breast, always finishing the lick on her nipple.

Noon repositioned himself on the other side of her body to lick that side as well. Over and over his rough and rubbery tongue would apply lick after lick to her chest and neck. Zendaya’s fist had begun to clench over and over again, responding to the intimate licking, and one of her knees has slightly drawn up and to the side. Her head was still rolling from side to side, punctuated with her biting her bottom lip. Her pussy kicked into overdrive, producing a good amount of lubricating juices that gave off the aroma that Noon had been searching for.

As the smell became stronger and stronger Noon found himself working his way down her body. He jumped up on the left foot of the bed so that he could continue to lick the sweaty areas and now his tongue was playing her stomach like a guitar. His licks would start at the underside of her breasts and continue down towards her bellybutton. He also began to directly lick the valley between her breasts which elicited the loudest moans yet from the unconscious teen. His hind legs danced a little and Zendaya’s head responded by leaning into them, searching for any type of stimuli. She rubbed her cheeks along the fur of his leg and cooed almost silently.

Noon was reaching the point where he would need to figure out a better way to continue licking Zendaya, especially so he could find the source of that aroma that had taken control of his brain. He was afraid to put his paw on her belly because he had scratched her one time doing that and she had been really upset with him. He scooted over to the left side of the bed and placed his paws on the bed so that they were close to, but not touching, her hip. He licked her hip all the way across her body, underneath her belly button.

Zendaya always took the greatest care to keep herself completely shaven down there, so Noons tongue massaged the bare skin just above her clit. It wasn’t until one of Noon’s licks just touched her clit that things really began to heat up. When Noon caught her clit with the side of his tongue Zendaya gasped and actually raised her pelvis, trying to push her clit against the object causing her so much pleasure. Noon was scared for a bit, actually stepping back off the bed, until he saw that Zendaya had calmed down. He resumed his position on the side of her bed and started to investigate this little nub of skin that had caused the earlier reaction.

Noon’s tongue on her clit was like lighting to her system. Her heart began to pump rapidly and her hips began to gyrate of their own accord, taking up an up and down rhythm to match the licks. Zendaya’s labia was now engorged with blood and her lips were now extending outside of her pussy. Noon saw this change in her skin and decided to lick this new protuberance. As soon as Noon’s tongue hit her swollen lips he knew that he had finally found the source of that intoxicating smell.

His licking efforts double and focused in on her lips. He found that he could actually worm his tongue between her lips and could tell that he had not yet hit bottom. Noon tilted his head to get a better angle on her lips and actually started to get the tip of his tongue fully past her vaginal opening. In response Zendaya began to get animated and drew her legs up to either side of her body. This in turn opened her up even more to Noon’s licking. Her pussy was spasming with each new lick, her hands were underneath her butt cheeks desperately trying to open herself up even more for Noon’s tongue.

Her first orgasm came pretty quickly at this point, thanks to all of the foreplay from Noon. Zendaya’s lungs began to take huge gulps of air and her back arched the moment it hit. Noon just kept on licking and was rewarded with a new treat, Zendaya’s cum. Noons mouth was pretty much right on top of her labia so all of her cum squirted directly onto Noon’s tongue and into his mouth. To Noon this juice tasted better than anything he had ever tasted in his life.

He kept delving a little bit deeper into her pussy with each lick, learning the contours of her pussy and lapping up every drop of tasty juice. Zendaya’s movements began to slowly work her body down her bed so that he head was hanging off more and more until it hung freely. Noon had to reposition himself several times to account for Zendaya’s movements and eventually he ran around to the other side of the bed. In the few seconds that Noon’s tongue was away from Zendaya’s pussy she began to whine slightly. But as soon as Noon was going at it again, her whines turned into soft coo’s, accentuated every now and then with a sharp intake of breath whenever Noon hit a certain spot.

At this point Zendaya had had so many orgasms, big and small, that her body just felt like it was locked into one long orgasm, with only her breathing differentiating between the peaks and valleys. It excited Noon to see and hear that Zendaya was getting so much pleasure from his licking. At this point Noon had been working Zendaya over for about half an hour and there was no end in sight for either of them. Noon’s only problem now was that he could not get a good direct angle on her pussy. He was currently getting tongue about a fourth of the way into her pussy, but he would need a new angle to get any more inside.

Noon switched sides three or four times – during each switch he would apply a couple of licks to Zendaya’s face and mouth. During these interludes Zendaya developed a rhythm. When the licking stopped she would open her mouth wide, waiting for her tongue toy. Once the mysterious tongue had begun to delve into her mouth she would use her own tongue to wrestle with it and would purse her lips to create a mild sucking sensation. It was on one of these changeovers that Noon noticed that a lot of sweat had accumulated on and around Zendaya’s breasts. Without hesitation Noon leapt his front paws onto the bed, his body now straddling Zendaya’s head.

He began to lovingly lick her breasts clean of their tasty juices. Unbeknownst to Noon, his fully inflated cock was shooting small amounts of pre and as he scooted up further along her body to get at the bottom of her breast one shot of his pre landed on Zendaya’s chin. It instantly oozed from Zendaya’s chin to her what was her bottom (her top lip now that her head was upside down). There it collected until Zendaya once again lightly bit her bottom lip between her own teeth and then licked her lips clean. There was a recognition somewhere down deep inside Zendaya that she had just tasted something slightly salty and really delicious.

Her tongue responded by licking her lips all over, so when the next shot of pre landed on her cheek next to her lips her tongue was quick to dart out and gather it all up before bringing it back into her mouth. Her mouth quickly sucked all of the pre off of the tongue while her tongue massaged it into the roof of her mouth. Shot after shot of pre fired out from Noon’s cock and landed on Zendaya’s face. Occasionally a shot would shoot straight into her mouth and she would quickly gulp it down.

Noon continued to lick her breast clean of their sweat and then started tonguing her stomach. After every third lick he would shuffle his legs forward just an inch so that he could have better access. The result of this was that Noon’s cock slowly got closer and closer to Zendaya’s face. His cock rocked from side to side with his shuffles and it continued to shoot a steady amount of pre onto Zendaya’s face. When Noon’s cock was about two inches away from her face Noon felt the hot breath from her mouth wash over his head. He wasn’t sure what Zendaya was doing down there but it sure felt good.

Eventually Noon had scooted far enough up the bed so that the pointed tip of his cock was just in reach of Zendaya’s tongue. Anticipating another delicious shot of pre Zendaya opened her mouth and extended her tongue. The tip of her tongue made contact with Noon’s tip and Zendaya tried to grasp at this new object with her tongue rolling and pushing over Noon’s tip. Noon stopped scooting forward, unsure of this new feeling. As a result of this new position all of Noon’s pre was shooting directly onto Zendaya’s bottom lip. Eventually enough juice pooled there and it cascaded over the side of her bottom lip into her mouth and across her tongue.

With the absence of her tongue, Noon thought that whatever was causing that weird feeling had gone away, but Zendaya’s tongue had only scooped up his pre and was busy sucking and tasting it in her mouth. Noon scooted up another two inches and this time when Zendaya opened her mouth for more pre Noon’s leaking cock came to rest at the edge of her pursing lips. Zendaya’s tongue massaged the top of Noon’s cock, back and forth, and tried to create a suction seal with Noon’s head but was unable to do so. Noon had started to like these weird feelings. He scooted up another two inches on the bed and this brought his cock into full contact with Zendaya’s mouth.

Zendaya quickly sucked in the first inch of Noon’s cock, running her tongue over it in circles and she began to suck on it gently. The pressure around his cock felt amazing to Noon. It was like rutting with a female except that there was another muscle down there working his cock head like nothing before. Aching to feel more of this wonderful sensation he scooted forward another three inches, forcing three solid inches of dog cock into Zendaya’s mouth. Zendaya responded by increasing the pressure of her sucking, seeking to pull as much cock into her mouth as possible.

At this point Noon now had access to Zendaya’s pussy from the top and this new angle afforded him easier access to her. With each slight suckle of Zendaya’s lips on his shaft, and each massage of her tongue along his tip, Noon felt the fire within him rising at a rapid pace. He used this new fire to delve deeper than ever before into Zendaya’s pussy. Her hips were very accommodating to Noon’s urges as her feet pushed and pivoted her pelvis onto Noon’s tongue. Zendaya’s subconscious was working in tandem with Noon to build up a steady and forceful rhythm to the point where Noon knew to thrust his tongue out just before her hips peaked in their gyrations.

Noon was now getting about three inches of dog tongue fully inside of Zendaya and her juices gushed out of her pussy. Noon scooted up the last couple of inches he could in order to get the best possible angle on her pussy and this pushed another inch and a half of hot dog meat into Zendaya’s mouth. Zendaya had begun to time her sucking with Noons shots of pre, building up the pressure right before Noon would shoot into her mouth. This had the effect of creating a sawing sensation when her lips would drag back and forth across Noon’s cock. And then it happened: Noon made his first thrust.

Noon had been so overcome by all of the sensations he was feeling that his biology kicked in before he knew it he had started thrusting slightly into Zendaya’s mouth. Beyond the pleasure it created for both of them Noon knew that when his cock felt this way he needed to thrust and so he did. At first it was just a small thrust in and out, in and out. Zendaya changed the timing of her sucking to match the in strokes of Noon’s cock. Every thrust would push a minute amount further into Zendaya’s mouth.

Her mouth had been happy with sucking on four inches of dog cock, but the added sensation of thrusting made this a whole new ball game. Noon and Zendaya synced up so that as Noon began thrusting Zendaya began sucking and tonguing him, trying to pull in even more cock each time. On the back stroke Zendaya would swallow the pre that had poured into her mouth. Slowly but surely all of Noon’s cock was taken in by Zendaya’s mouth. Because of the pace with which Zendaya had been able to take more and more of Noon into her mouth her gag reflex never kicked in, even as the cock entered the top of her throat.

Zendaya’s breathing also synced up with the thrusting so that she would swallow Noon’s pre and breathe on the outstroke, and then suck with her mouth and exhale with her nose on the thrust in. Same principle as a milking machine for cows, and this had the same effect on Noon. The longer this went on the more pre Noon shot into Zendaya’s mouth. Some of the pre had started to leak around Zendaya’s suction on Noon’s cock and ran down her cheeks. Her body adjusted to this fact and now she was basically slurping on Noon’s cock with each outstroke.

At long last Noon’s knot was starting to push against Zendaya’s lips on each inward thrust, and slowly but surely Zendaya’s lips expanded a little bit each time. Noon was thrusting in earnest now, desperate to feel her mouth on his knot. Each time he thrust a little bit harder, and each time he felt her lips give way just a bit more, teasing his knot with denied entry. Back and forth, back and forth, he sawed his cock in and out of her sucking mouth. Deeper and deeper his cock pushed into her throat. Wider and wider her mouth opened on the inward thrust, trying to take in the last bit of Noon’s cock.

Noon’s instincts solved this problem by scooting him even further up the bed so that only the tips of his toes were touching the ground on the inward strokes. This allowed for an extra inch of thrust depth and that made all the difference in the world. On one big, deep thrust Noon felt the edge of her mouth spread wider and wider and wider until…PLOP! His know was now fully inside of Zendaya’s mouth, locked behind her teeth until they were done. As soon as his body felt it pop all the way inside it inflated the knot even more, creating an almost airtight seal with Zendaya’s mouth.

Noon stopped thrusting, feeling his cock in her mouth and extending up her throat a little. Zendaya’s subconscious was sad the thrusting had stopped but delighted that there was now seven inches of firey dog meat to suck on. The pre shot directly down her throat but she could still feel it every time it shot. Noon’s cock would swell shortly with every shot and her sucking helped to pull out more and more. Noon was still working on Zendaya’s pussy, which by this point was gushing non-stop with her juices. Every now and then Noon would hit her clit with his chin or tongue and this would rocket Zendaya into an orgasm.

Now that her mouth was full and sealed up with dog meat she wasn’t able to vocalize her pleasure; instead, she began to hum with each wave of pleasure. Noon felt this and knew that he was seconds away from giving Zendaya what she really wanted. They were both working towards their ultimate climax and enjoying every second. As Noon felt the pleasure push him past the point of no return, his cock inflated even more, filling Zendaya’s mouth so much that all she could do with her tongue was slightly wiggle it back and forth.

At that same moment Noon had hit Zendaya’s nerves in just the right way so that she instantly began peaking into her strongest climax yet. When she started humming to signal her climax this set off Noon and he felt the pressure that had been building up in his balls release. His balls tightened and released a flood of cum directly down Zendaya’s throat. She gagged initially but worked past it as she got the rhythm of his delicious cum shooting in long spurts into her waiting stomach. Some of the cum made its way back into her mouth and her tongue kicked into overdrive, enjoying this tasty liquid.

Zendaya’s new movements with her tongue forced even more cum out of Noon’s balls. She would suck at the same time he would shoot. Noon was starting to feel drained when Zendaya picked her sucking up again and he felt yet even more cum shoot into her willing mouth. As the flow of cum slowed down and Zendaya’s sucking created only the slightest pressure Noon felt his cock begin to slowly deflate. As it began to shrink in Zendaya’s mouth she tried to force life back into it by creating an amazing sucking sensation with her tongue and throat. But Noon was spent at this point. Zendaya’s swallowing picked up, making sure that any cum her tongue captured would make its way to her full belly.

As Noon started to scoot back down the bed to withdraw his cock from her mouth, the knot created a pulling sensation because it had not deflated enough to exit Zendaya’s mouth. The result was that it took an extra-long time for Noon to finally pop his knot out of her mouth, made all the much longer by Zendaya’s continued tongue job. With a final push the knot popped out with a squelching noise, Noon’s cum and Zendaya’s saliva coating her lips and his cock.

When Zendaya woke the following morning, she understood the terrible headache that plagued her, what she Couldn't't comprehend was the cause behind the ache in her jaw nor the reason her face and mouth was sticky, licking her lips in an attempt to clear the dryness from her mouth, she grimaces at the salty taste that she finds.

Looking around, she sees Noon, her dog lounging around, asleep at the foot of her bed, carefully not to wake the miniature schnauzer, she extracts herself from the mess of covers on the bed and heads towards the shower, only just realizing that she's stark naked.

As she's heading to her en-suite she feels her thighs sticking together, entering the bathroom she finally gets a look in the mirror and is shocked at the state of her face, white streaks of something have matted her hair to her forehead and her once pristine make-up is now streaky as though she'd been crying at one point.

As she rinses off her face, she hears Noon wake in her bedroom, unbeknownst to her that he's begun licking his cock in anticipation of his owners return to the bed.

Entering the shower, Zendaya attempts to recall what happened last night after she went out, all she remembers is drinking, dancing and flirting with men and women alike, she prides herself on her ability to get drunk without having to pay for her own drinks, the things people will do for a little show of cleavage and some salacious words.

As she begins to rub the bar of coconut scented soap across her body, she feels unusually horny, so she puts the soap down and begins pinching her nipples, rough, twisting them in the way she learnedn't when she started masturbating at the age of 14. Once she's sufficiently worked herself up, she turned and leans her head on the wall and begins tracing her hands down her body and around her stiff clit.

She slid a finger in her wet heat and pushed it in and out as fast as she could whilst with her other hand she continued rubbing her clit with such urgent need. It turned harder and harder with each hard, fast rub. She let out a quiet moan, leaned back, and widened her legs. A second finger found its way inside her and she closed her eyes.

Unbeknownst to her, Noon could smell that same intoxication scent from the previous night and he went off searching for it.

With her back turned away from the door, and three fingers buried inside her tight pussy, Zendaya didn't hear the creak of the hinges as Noon pushed open the door and enter the bathroom.

As Zendaya continued to pump her three fingers into her pussy whilst rubbing her clit at such a spped, she knew it wouldn't be long until she came, what she wasn't prepared for was the rough tongue of Noon to interrupt her.

Screeching and pulling her fingers out of her pussy, she turns and looks down at the miniature schnauzer, "no, you can't do that." As she goes to push Noon out of the shower, Zendaya slips of the bar on soap she dropped earlier, in an attempt to prevent head injury, she reaches out her hands and lands heavily on her hands and knees.

Seeing Zendaya is such a position, smelling like sex, Noon took the initiative, just like the previous night and stepped forward and began licking her previously occupied pussy.

"Nooo, st-stop" Zendaya whimpered and Noon contained his assault on the pussy of his owner. Attempting to push him away Zendaya pushed her 3 sticky fingers in the direction of Noon, who took to opportunity to get more of the tantalizing taste of Zendaya, straight from her fingers.

Thinking the moment over, Zendaya stands and steps out of the shower, wrapping her petite body in a fluffy towel, she turns and looks back at Noon, "why'd you do that?" Not expecting a response, Zendaya turns and head back towards her bedroom, Noon follows.

"No, boy, you're not doing that again, it's wrong" Zendaya states as she goes to sit on the bed, searching for her phone she feels Noon pull the bott of her towel with his teeth, "stop, what's gotten into you this morning


With the towel slight loosened and Zendaya distracted with her phone, Noon takes advantage of the moment and sticks his head up her towel and begins lapping at her cunt, almost desperate for her taste.

Shocked at the sudden assault on her pussy, Zendaya freezes for a moment, which is more than enough for Noon to tongue her clit, still so worked up from earlier, it's all it takes for her to orgasm, ejecting her girl all over Noon's snout, coming back to reality, Zendaya in a state of shock, pull away and goes to reprimand Noon only to seek him still licking his snout, to get every available drop of Zendaya into his mouth.

She freezes, and in her haziness she recalls, last night, and has the briefest of moments where she remembers Noon bringing her to orgasm whilst she slept.

It should've disgusted her, she'd been brought to completion by her dog, not once but multiple times. As she came back to the moment, she see's Noon looking at her almost expectantly.

"You like that, Noon? Tastes good?” she asked hesitantly, not expecting much in the way of an answer, she's surprised when Noon barks and attempts to push his way up the towel again, "wait" she asks the dog, and undoes and drops the towel from her body, "oh god, am I really about to allow this


As soon as Zendaya, dropped the towel, Noon pounced and the next thing she knew, her dog was once again lapping at her cunt, the force of which forces Zendaya into her elbows, accepting that she's fallen into a level of depravity she never expected, she spreads her legs and allows Noon more access to her most intimate area.

Her back arched and she let out a surprised gasp when he pushed his tongue into her center. It was only the tip of the massive organ, but as he worked, more and more of it inside until he was licking her inner walls. His fleshy nose pushed against her clit as he drank her, desperate for the taste of her cum once again.

It was only a moment later that Zendaya reached down, and began furiously rubbing her cunt, desperate to climax, was sent crashing into another dog assisted orgasm, she's never felt such pleasure as she does at this moment with her dogs tongue stuffed deeply into her cunt, pushing her over the edge quickly. Her walls squeezed around his tongue and Zendaya let out a low, drawn-out, and trembling moan as she climaxed, squirting her cum all over the dogs face and tongue.

It took several moments for her to regain her senses, and when she did, she unclenched her fists from the towel and looked down towards Noon, who was licking his nose, still wanting more and more of the girls cum in his mouth.

Taking a shaky breath, Zendaya reached down and patted his head. “I’m okay. Good boy, that… That was a very good boy.”

His tail thumped against the bed and he rose to lie next to her. As he flopped down he licked her across the face, no different to their usual greeting, only this time, she could taste herself on his tongue, leaving her mouth slightly open, Noon pushed his tongue into her mouth and they begin making out, both desperate for the taste of the other.

As their make out slowed, Zendaya leaned back, and was surprised to see the tip of Noon's cock peeking out. "You've got yourself all worked up haven't you boy?"

Reaching out towards the dog, she began rubbing his head then belly, hoping to get the dog to calm himself, unexpectedly it continued to emerge from its sheath and it was much bigger than Zendaya expected. Not that she spent much time prior to now, ever thinking about sexual intercourse with a dog, stopping her ministrations on the dogs belly, she found herself staring at the thick, slick red dog cock. Pulling her lower lip between her teeth as arousal swept through her. She found herself licking her lips, rubbing her thighs together. Just the sight of that huge dog cock had her aroused again.

Zendaya shifted and leaned over Noon's belly, throwing caution to the wind, she took his dick with her hand and began slowly stroking, blushing as his hips jerked with the movement. His dick was slippery and hard, warm and just so big. Noon was panting, his tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle as he happily laid there and let his owner do what she wanted.

Pausing for a moment, she looked at Noon, and in a sultry voice asked "do you like that boy?" Noon continued panting in response, "you know, I can help you out the way you did me, if you want" as of he understood what Zendaya was saying, his hips began jerking again.

What she wanted came next. She lent down and pressed her lips to the speared tip of that red dick, flicking her tongue out to lick the underside. He tasted odd, but strangely familiar, thinking it about what she was doing, she was past the point of hesitations, so she parted her lips and started to suck that cock. He felt so nice in her mouth, and she closed her eyes as she bobbed her head, hearing the dog panting a little louder.

Turned on more than ever, Zendaya reached down her body and slowly began circling her clit hoping to reach yet another orgasm at some point.

Noon's hips rocked as he humped into her mouth, pushing that huge cock deeper into her warm mouth and she groaned around it, licking and sucking eagerly. This was so hot, this was getting her so, so wet and all she wanted to do was to make Noon feel good and then take care of herself. His humping was faster now, thrusting that dick into her throat and the knot swelling at the base. It was a huge knot too, as expected and as it forced it's way into her mouth, she thrust three of her fingers into her wet pussy. Her jaw forced open by the knot, she did her best to continue sucking as the dog fucked her throat at a near brutal pace.

For a moment, she had a glimpse at a memory of herself in a similar position, knot in her mouth, dog cock deep down her throat, only she was asleep, thinking to herself, 'was it possible, Noon had done this to her before, in her drunken state?'

Noon pushed himself as deep into her mouth as his thick cock was capable of and she felt his cock twitching and his knot reached it’s biggest size, stuck in her mouth as he came deep down her throat. His dick jerked with each spurt, sending thick spurts of cum down her throat. Zendaya was breathing through her nose, struggling with the large intrusion almost blocking the airway.

Struggling to swallow the overwhelmingly large load Noon had deposited down her throat, she pulled back and eased the knot from her mouth, as she removed the cock from her throat, she realised Noon was still cumming, so she aimed his slick cock at her face and took load after load onto her face and into her mouth.

Once the cum stopped spurting out, Zendaya reached around for her phone and opened up the camera, snapping a selfie of her covered in dog cum, she looked back at Noon and asked "That's not the first blowjob I've given you is it?"

Unable to actually answer, Noon walked up to Zendaya and began lapping at her cum covered face, unable to help herself, she reached down and wrapped her hand around his slightly deflated knot releasing she wanted more, she lowered herself to the floor, whilst Noon laid on the side of the bed.

Leaning towards Noon's cock once again, Zendaya didn’t even hesitate, she kept licking and sucking on the sides of the shaft as he humped and slid it between her lips. She moved her head around to the front of that thrusting cock and started to lick and suck on it again, that taste on her tongue pleasant now she’d adjusted to it. Her head bobbed along the length as the dog bucked his cock into her throat again easily, her lack of gag reflex was good here. His slippery cock thrust in and out of her mouth quickly, pushing into her throat and making her moan.

Eager to knot her mouth again, Noon stood up, keeping his cock in the warm heat of Zendaya's mouth, he began slowly thrusting his slippery cock in and out of her mouth, pushing into her throat causing Zendaya to moan and she slowly surrendered control to the dog.

This was far more fun than anything else she’d toyed with doing. She let the dog fuck her mouth how he wanted, holding his hips to keep his aim straight, keeping her throat relaxed on his deeper thrusts. His knot locked him into her mouth again, his shallow, fast thrusts ending with a final deep one that sent thick ropes of cum down her throat into her belly. Spurt after spurt filled her with each twitch and jerk of his huge cock, his heavy panting reaching her ears. Carefully again, she eased that thick knot out of her mouth and sucked Noon clean.

After two loads sent down Zendaya's throat, it appeared that Noon was satisfied for now, unlike her. Pulling herself off the floor, she rested against the headboard of her bed and reached across into the cabinet and pulled out here usual dildo thinking it'll be more than enough to get her off.

Slowly dragging the 6 inch black dildo across her brown skin she reached her nipples and lightly tapped then with the toy, needing it to be a little wet, she brings it up to her mouth and takes it all the way in one swift motion, finding herself slightly disappointed that it didn't choke her the way Noon's cock did, she found herself thinking about what else she could with her dog.

Get eaten out, done.

Blowjob, done.


She couldn't, surely, whilst she'd taken her dildo before, she'd never had a real cock, and certainly not one as big as Noon's which was almost twice the size of her dildo and it featured a knot.

Unfortunately for Zendaya, once she thought about it, the thought of truly submitting to get dog and letting him fuck her pussy and maybe even knot her was too much, so she took the dildo and furiously pushed it in and out of her soaking wet pussy whilst furiously rubbing her clit with her other hand.

Unable to help herself, Zendaya found herself moaning "Noon, oh right there Noon". Thinking he was needed, Noon slowly stood and made his way towards the girl. Hearing the dog making his way toward her, she put the dildo down and called out to him.

"Here boy, come here." She smiled and opened her legs, exposing her shaved pussy, slick with need to the canine as she patted the inside of her thigh. Noon padded forward and licked her bare leg at the knee, Zendaya pulled him a little closer and guided Noon’s head down toward her slit. He pressed his wet nose down against her pussy and licked her folds, pressing in deeper and licking over her hole.

Zendaya groaned and petted his head. “Good boy, oh god, good boy.” Her legs were wide open, allowing the dog to taste her arousal. His tongue lapped inside her aching hole and she rocked her hips a little against his muzzle, urging him to lick the nub at the top of her slit. He did a few times, making her shiver with excitement before he went back to the tasty, wet part of her cunt.

Her hand reached around to his shaft and she stroked him as he licked her, his thick red cock emerging like earlier, but this time she wasn’t planning on blowing him.

Knowing she would have to later reflect on what brought her to this point, Zendaya turned and got onto her hands and knees, her ass pointing towards the dog and she patted her ass, his wet nose pressing to lick her pussy from behind, raising to curiously lick her ass as well.

“Up, boy. Come on,” she patted her hip again and he mounted her, paws hooking onto her hips.

He thrust in the air a few times and she reached back, guiding him into her waiting pussy and moaning loyalty as he pushed inside her. His speared head pressed past her once virginal folds and into her wet hole, his grip on her hips getting lower as he pounded her, wet lewd sounds filling the air of Zendaya’s bedroom. She gasped and groaned, panting as the dog’s dick thrust inside her deeply, filling her and stretching her to accommodate his size.

As Noon continued to pound her pussy, Zendaya found herself breathless, his rough and eager movements forced her to fall to get elbows pushing her arse further upwards, giving Noon the perfect angle to relentlessly pound her g-spot.

"Oh fuck, fuck me, make me your bitch" as soon as the words left her mouth she knew she was where she belonged, below her dog, always willing to service his perfect cock.

Noon felt better than any of her toys or her own fingers ever did, his claws pressed into her flesh, holding him in place as he kept fucking the bitch underneath him. After near 10 minutes of Noon fucking her, his knot swelled and stretched her hole far beyond what she imagined possible at her age. One hard thrust later Noon was pushing it inside her and locking them together. He rutted hard and shallow inside her, panting harshly and thrusting hard once more before he came hard inside her cunt. Zendaya came with that final thrust, her inner muscles tightening around the big knot and thick dick, pulsing to help milk him of his seed as she let out a strangled moan.

He was locked inside, his twitching dick filling Zendaya up again with spurt after spurt of ropey, thick dog cum. He was panting and so was the girl, ass in the air with her dog tied inside her firmly. He turned himself around and stood ass to ass with her, tail wagging slowly, tongue lolling out of his mouth.

Zendaya reached down towards her clit and began rubbing furiously, needing to get off again, she knew she was close, but as Noon slipped out and his knot slapped against her pussy, she squirted, both her cum and his.

Noon sat at the foot of the bed, lapping at his softening cock, then he stood and positions his cock directly over his the mouth of his new bitch.

"More? You're insati" the words were cut off as Noon thrust forward and penetrated her mouth with his thick cock, with the ease of a professional, he thrust swiftly and soon found his 10 inches once again buried in the throat of Zendaya.

Zendaya was moaning and rocking back and against forth  the canine, one hand moving to rub at her clit as the canine dick thrust inside his cock deep in her throat over and over again. She panted and moaned, her fingers rubbing at herself while the dog kept pounding away. She could feel his knot swelling and in preparation she opened as wide as possible, one thrust later, Noon was once again knotted deep into the girls throat.

She came as he pushed that final push to shove his huge knot inside down her throat, her body shaking as her fingers helped push her over the edge. Noon thrust those short, desperate thrusts and once more before he came once again. She could feel his warm cum spilling in her throat, swallowing a third load of dog cum in less than 12 hours.

Just like when he knotted her pussy, he turned so he was ass to Zendaya's face, she could smell his ass, and like a the bitch she took a deep whiff, eager to find another way to improve this already otherworldly experience. 

When he pulled the knot out of her throat, she found herself feeling empty, as cum dribbled from the sides of her lips, spilling onto her breasts. Zendaya slid to her belly panting heavily as Noon cleaned himself and licked at her ass cheeks, pushing his nose between her legs to try and clean her up. He lapped at her a few times and gave up before going to lay beside her, snuggling at her side and licking her cheek with a tail wag.

Taking out her phone once more, she took a picture of her ruined pussy, and one of her face, covered in dog cum. Zendaya rolled onto her side and snuggled against the dog, feeling closer to him than ever after all of that. She fell asleep after all the fucking, needing a good nap and Noon did the same.

Before she fell asleep, she found herself thinking of what the future would hold for her and Noon, she was already excited.


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Jamies Descent Part 1

Jamie's Descent Nikkie SilkChapter 1What did we do before social media? How did we manage to get through the day without that endless stream of dirty jokes, funny photographs, gossip and links to dodgy websites that now fill our lives? Yeah, yeah, I can hear you grumble. Get on with it, I can hear you say. Well, dear reader, it was one of those links that started me down the road to... oh, you'll find out soon enough. I was 18 and I had just come down to London from my hometown in Norfolk after...

2 years ago
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Dark Descent Chapter 1

DARK DESCENTBy Otto MaddoxPRELUDEHD 28185-C a planet orbiting the star HD 28185 some 138 light-years from Earth, was originally located in June of 2067 by the scientific team operating the JOESOP [Joint Orbital Extra-Solar Observational Platform] space-based observatory. With its exceptionally long-range capabilities, the orbital JOESOP was able to detect not only the planet's mass, which is some six times that of the Earth, but it was also able to image the planet and determine its...

2 years ago
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Descent to Beauty

Descent to Beauty By latexslut Chapter 1: Intro Chantel was only mildly surprised when she stepped into Desiree's office/den. The advertisement had described that the employment as position of Governess would include the disciplining of one very immature "man"; that there was light labor involved, but continuous supervision; and that the correct employment candidate would be responsible for ensuring that not only would the mansion and it's grounds be clean and immaculate,...

2 years ago
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Tamis Descent Part 1

Tami's Descent CHAPTER ONE - The background and beginning My name is Tim. Well, I guess nowadays, it is more Tami than anything else. I have been cross-dressing since I was 18. I started out like many by wearing my sister's clothes. I have always been attracted especially to fetish attire. There has always been something about woman dressed in leather that has been a major turn-on. A classy woman dressed in a business suit attracted me like no other. Unfortunately,...

4 years ago
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Jamies Descent

This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you're under 18 please don't read this. If you don't like to read stories about transsexual people, please don't read on. This story is copyright nikkie 2003 and should not be reproduced in part or whole without my permission. Please let me know what you think of it, as all comments are welcome. [email protected] Jamie's Descent Part 1 By Nikkie What did we do before e-mail? How did we manage to get through...

3 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 2

Apologies for the late arrival of Part 2. A few personal problems prevented me working on the story. Hope you like it anyway. Helpful comments always welcomed to [email protected] Jamie's Descent Part 2 By Nikkie "Baby, that's so wonderful. Suck my monster; wrap those lips around that cock." Vanessa softly encouraged me and her hips began to move quicker and the dildo moved faster in and out of my mouth. "Look at me Jamie baby," she said and as I looked...

2 years ago
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Tamis Descent Part II

Tami's Descent Chapter Two - The Training Begins So there I was. I could hardly believe my plight. I mean, playing online was fun, but actually being at the mercy of a real flesh-and- blood dominant man? I pulled against my binds, but no luck. I am truly at his mercy. Gagged and bound spread-eagle to the bed, face down at the hands of my new captor, Master Ken. As my mind wallowed in self- pity, I suddenly felt his hands on my legs. "Ah, such smooth legs, my little cocksucker. You...

3 years ago
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Second Nature 5 Descent

Second Nature: Descent By Crystalline Chapter 15 - Become So Numb "I know you're awake, brother. Go on. Try to move. Of course, you can't. Your body is completely restrained, you know. You're not going anywhere." "You fool. Do you really... think..." he started to say, but stopped, surprised at the sound of his own voice. "What have you done to me?" I laughed for a second, then looked at him with the seriousness of a heart attack. "I did nothing. All I did was destroy your...

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Trick or Treat 2 Descent

Trick or Treat 2 - Descent By: Enigma Sunday, November 1 My back was starting to hurt, and I had to pee. I was crouched on our kitchen floor, still clutching Sandy to me, mashing her against my ample breasts, rocking her, trying to will comfort into her chilled body. Behind me, Amy had her arms around both of us. Our tears had finally dried up, but I could tell that Sandy was still desolate, and I doubted Amy was doing much better. I knew I wasn't. And I wondered,...

2 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 3

Jamie's Descent Part 3 By Nikkie The limousine took me to Harley Street, home of the UK's private health industry, for the medical Vanessa had mentioned. To me it had seemed less of a medical and more of a preparation for something. There were a lot of the usual blood pressure tests and urine samples, but there had also been a lot of measurements taken, especially around my upper body. The doctor and nurses were efficient though and seemed satisfied with...

1 year ago
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Jamies Descent Part 4

Jamie's Descent Part 4 By Nikkie Lisa walked towards the door and turned as she reached it, smiled wickedly and said, "Fiona, don't forget now, play nicely." "Oh, don't worry babe, I'll take very good care of her," Fiona replied, looking me straight in the eye. I felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car as I sat and watched Fiona close the door after Lisa and pocket the key. Fiona stood in front of me and said sharply, "Stand,...

2 years ago
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The Descent of a Man

The Descent of a Man By Janet Baker Here I was, John Baker, standing in the vestibule, virtually immobile, wearing my maid's dress and ballet knee length boots, festooned with chains, a rather cruel chastity belt under my dress, waiting for my mistress, actually my wife, Alice, to arrive home after shopping. I was instructed to be ready at three for her arrival. It was already four and I was in misery but I could do nothing but follow orders. I am afraid that when she arrives...

2 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 5

Jamie's descent Part 5 By Nikkie "Smile," said Fiona brightly, "you're on candid camera." Vanessa and Lisa watched the video feed as I looked straight at the camera. They saw my wild, make up smeared face, slack with exhaustion and spent lust. They saw me try to say something and then Lisa clicked off the feed. They had worried if Fiona had gone too far when Jamie blacked out but in the end it had worked out really well. It had turned into one of their best ever set ups. The film...

3 years ago
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Daddys Descent Daughter Rising

Daddy's Descent; Daughter Rising By Emily Rose Heather was anxious to turn the key and enter the house. Although she felt very complete in her life now away at college, she loved and missed her father and sometimes didn't get to see him for months on end now that she went to school. She was anxious to surprise him with her visit. He thought she went to spring break but her plans had fell through. He had been a good...

2 years ago
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Jamies Descent Part 6

Jamie's Descent By Nikkie "Jamie, I would try to get some rest now. Vanessa will along later." With that, Fiona blew me a kiss and left the room. I heard the key turn in the door as she left, so I was stuck here. The room was windowless and I suddenly realised I had no idea of the time. I was so disorientated that I could not tell if it was day or night. I lay down on the bed and tried to get some sleep but the events of the day just flooded my mind. How had I reached this point in...

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