The Motivation Chart Sara s Descent
- 4 years ago
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Dark Descent, Part One
By PainAngel
Micah had never liked the earth.
Well, that was not entirely true. He liked the earth, he rejoiced at its creation. He loved humans, those with God in their heart anyway, but the fact was that he hated to visit it. It did not have the beauty of Heaven, his home, and he knew the risk involved in him setting foot on earth.
Micah was an angel, a member of the Heavenly Host since before Genesis. He was a proud creature; his features were strong and defined, his face fair and soulful. His long, wavy hair was blond. His Halo shone brightly and his wings were large and beautiful.
He would never admit it, but he deeply wished he was not a soldier angel. His strength and skill with a sword led him to be conscripted, but secretly he would have preferred the class of the Guardian angel. They never left Heaven, simply offering advice to their human charge spiritually. But no, he was a soldier. And here he was, on earth, wearing full angelic battle armour, clasping a sword and ready to spring into action with the small band of angelic soldiers with him.
The battle itself was a skirmish. A group of demons had managed to transport themselves to the surface and it was the angels? task to ensure they did not cause chaos. As far as he knew there were only five of them, but five demons were still more than a large portion of the human race could handle.
The angels were flying through what he knew was called the Sahara desert. Miles and miles of sand, without water or sign of life. Many humans perished here, dehydrated or simply lost.
He turned to Darel, his long standing comrade and friend. They smiled at each other; it was their trusted method of reassurance before a battle. Little did Micah know, however, that this was the last such smile him and Darel would share.
Shouts from the angelic troop sounded as the enemy was seen below. The intelligence had been wrong-there were not five demons, there were twenty! Micah stared at them intently. They were fierce, massive creatures. They had the shape of humans, but were anything but.
On each demon was clad a crude, black suit of armour. They were at least eight foot tall each; the angels stood on average at a mere six foot. And they stared upwards at the flying angels, producing an unholy battle call.
The battle began immediately. The angels, outnumbered but still in good morale, swooped down on the demons below, swords aiming for their jugulars. Each angel knew that you could never kill a demon, simply send him back to Hell. It worked similarly with angels depending on the way in which they died. If they died with valour, they remained angels in Heaven, if they died without it, they still returned to Heaven but were denied their wings.
It was not for a few minutes that Micah finally looked around and realised how the battle was turning. The angels were losing. Darel was slain; once his wounds were healed in Heaven he would no doubt be ready for action again. Several others were slain; Micah suddenly noticed with a shudder that only he and two angels remained.
The other two angels fought valiantly, but Micah watched in horror as they were killed. One had his head sliced clean off, while the other was gutted by a demon?s black sword.
When the demons were finished with the other two, they surrounded him. The angels had not made much of a dent-at least fifteen demons remained, although many were stained with blood. Micah felt a short terror at being surrounded in such a way, but his pain would be brief. He hated to die, it was often a painful procedure, but there was no way he could tender his escape with the demons fencing him in. They even towered over him so he could not escape with his wings.
One demon stepped forward. He was Akzr, a huge warrior with a cruel mind. He smiled darkly as he stood over Micah, brandishing his sword. Advancing towards Micah, he said ?I think I?ll chop you up,? nastily, before adding ?slowly.? But as he raised his sword, a strange thing happened. Micah closed his eyes, but no blade came. He opened his eyes, looking up. Another demon was holding Akzr?s blade, stopping it from falling on him.
Akzr stared threateningly at the other demon. ?What treachery is this?? The other demon released the sword, looking back and grinning with a smile that made Micah?s blood run cold. ?Why should we kill him?? The demon asked. ?We kill him, no matter how painfully and he ends up in Heaven again.?
Azkr nodded slowly, sensing what the other demon was getting at. ?I see what you mean. We have had our visit to the surface world. Why don?t we take a souvenir with us??
He signalled to some other demons. They produced dark iron chains and bound his hands and feet. They dragged him up so that he was facing Azkr. Azkr promptly spat in his face, laughing darkly. ?You?re coming with us, angel. All the way down!?
Micah stared up in horror as he realised what this meant. Going to Hell? He was going to Hell? He?d heard stories, but it had never happened to anyone he knew. He began to stutter ?P-please, don?t take me down there!? But the demons were too busy laughing to listen.
One demon said something he couldn?t hear, and a red vortex appeared in the ground. He felt himself being thrown in and blacked out as the fear consumed him.
When he woke, Micah felt himself chained to a slab of rock. His hands were chained. His legs were chained. His wings and shoulders were chained. In fact, he was completely unable to move.
Staring at him were demons. Many demons. Hundreds, in fact. But even worse; he was in Hell! He stared around him. There was ash, smoke and brimstone everywhere, and the sky (was it a sky?) was jet black. Evil creatures flew around and he saw the tormented bodies of humans everywhere. He saw evil eyes in every direction; there really was no good thing about Hell.
From the crowd of demons came a voice. One demon was perched on a stand. He was monstrous; looking over 9ft tall and wearing a cape with his armour. The voice bellowed ?Welcome to Hell, celestial one!? The voice was an arrogant bellow. ?You may as well make yourself at home. You?re going to be here a while!?
Micah cowered, unable to believe the horror that had befallen him. He felt tears down his face as he called out a plea to his demonic captors. ?Please...let me ascend...? but his pleas were met with cruel laughter. One angel walked over to him and struck him hard, Micah feeling blood pour out of his mouth. The demon told him harshly to shut up before joining the ranks of the others.
The large demon, evidently some kind of general, continued to speak. ?You have been brought here to provide morale for my soldiers. I do hope you are as entertaining as you look!?
The demons eagerly moved forward while the general continued. ?When I say go, I?ll be letting you into the mercy of my army. And I assure you, they have none. Men? Be-?
But he stopped short. The demons, once primed and eager to tear Micah apart, were now turning around. Cowering, Micah turned to the source of the demons? fear.
Around a hundred yards away, there was a rocky cliff. On it was a cave. It would not have been particularly impressive, especially in the backdrop of Hell, except for the figure standing at the end of it.
It was a woman. A female, at least, with a bone pale complexion and a dark aura surrounding her. Her hair was jet black. Her body beautiful, but angels had been taught to resist such temptations.
She was barely clothed, and the few remaining items she did have on (namely, a bra and a thong) appeared forged in a cruel design. From what Micah could tell, she was roughly the size of him. But to look in her eyes, even a hundred yards away, gave him a chill. She was smiling, but it was a smile without warmth. It was a smile of hunger.
?Ursula!? Cried the demons in a harsh whisper of fear. Whoever Ursula was, the fear she inspired was tremendous.
As quick as a flash, Ursula had flown (using demonic wings that sprouted from her back then retracted themselves) from the plateau to where Micah was standing. She gave him a long look, deeply unsettling the angel, before turning to the demons.
?Where did your men pick this one from, Moac?? She addressed the large general demon who was speaking to Micah. The demon smirked before answering ?we captured him on the surface.? Ursula, whose voice was as dark as the aura surrounding her, turned back to Michah and stroked his face. He recoiled. She turned back to Moac. ?Is he tainted?? The demon shook his head, before responding ?but he?s about to be.?
The demons, still afraid by Ursula, began to cheer at this. Ursula spun around to glare at them, and instantly they piped down. ?I?m taking this one. Have his chains detached from that rock and handed to me.?
Moac responded in rage. ?On what authority?? He spat. ?Satan may believe you to be a greater force, but I am not so fooled. This winged creature was captured by my soldiers and is a gift to my soldiers!? The demons, uneasy, began to cheer for Moac.
Ursula responded with a smirk, surging towards Moac and producing a coin from nowhere. ?Then there is only one way to settle this. And I am heads.? Moac looked sceptical while Ursula spoke. ?If I win, the angel is mine.? Moac smirked. ?And if you lose?? Ursula let out a low laugh ?I will never again leave my cave.?
After Moac had agreed this, the coin was flipped. Ursula, unbeknownst to Moac, had used magic to influence the coin?s outcome, and thus it landed on heads. Moac, disappointed, had one of the demons unchain Micah from the rock.
Ursula looked into Michah?s eyes as she took his chains, her smile one of triumph. ?Come on, angel.? She hissed softly but menacingly, ?it?s playtime.?
Dark Descent, Part
By PainAngel
Micah had never
liked the earth.
Well, that was not
entirely true. He liked the earth, he rejoiced at its creation. He loved
humans, those with God in their heart anyway, but the fact was that he hated to
visit it. It did not have the beauty of Heaven, his home, and he knew the risk
involved in him setting foot on earth.
Micah was an
angel, a member of the Heavenly Host since before Genesis. He was a proud
creature; his features were strong and defined, his face fair and soulful. His
long, wavy hair was blond. His Halo shone brightly and his wings were large and
He would never
admit it, but he deeply wished he was not a soldier angel. His strength and
skill with a sword led him to be conscripted, but secretly he would have
preferred the class of the Guardian angel. They never left Heaven, simply
offering advice to their human charge spiritually. But no, he was a soldier.
And here he was, on earth, wearing full angelic battle armour, clasping a sword
and ready to spring into action with the small band of angelic soldiers with
The battle itself
was a skirmish. A group of demons had managed to transport themselves to the
surface and it was the angels? task to ensure they did not cause chaos. As far
as he knew there were only five of them, but five demons were still more than a
large portion of the human race could handle.
The angels were
flying through what he knew was called the
He turned to
Darel, his long standing comrade and friend. They smiled at each other; it was
their trusted method of reassurance before a battle. Little did Micah know,
however, that this was the last such smile him and Darel would share.
Shouts from the
angelic troop sounded as the enemy was seen below. The intelligence had been
wrong-there were not five demons, there were twenty! Micah stared at them
intently. They were fierce, massive creatures. They had the shape of humans,
but were anything but.
On each demon was
clad a crude, black suit of armour. They were at least eight foot tall each;
the angels stood on average at a mere six foot. And they stared upwards at the
flying angels, producing an unholy battle call.
The battle began
immediately. The angels, outnumbered but still in good morale, swooped down on
the demons below, swords aiming for their jugulars. Each angel knew that you
could never kill a demon, simply send
him back to Hell. It worked similarly with angels depending on the way in which
they died. If they died with valour, they remained angels in Heaven, if they
died without it, they still returned to Heaven but were denied their wings.
It was not for a
few minutes that Micah finally looked around and realised how the battle was
turning. The angels were losing.
Darel was slain; once his wounds were healed in Heaven he would no doubt be
ready for action again. Several others were slain; Micah suddenly noticed with
a shudder that only he and two angels remained.
The other two
angels fought valiantly, but Micah watched in horror as they were killed. One
had his head sliced clean off, while the other was gutted by a demon?s black
When the demons
were finished with the other two, they surrounded him. The angels had not made
much of a dent-at least fifteen demons remained, although many were stained
with blood. Micah felt a short terror at being surrounded in such a way, but
his pain would be brief. He hated to die, it was often a painful procedure, but
there was no way he could tender his escape with the demons fencing him in.
They even towered over him so he could not escape with his wings.
One demon stepped
forward. He was Akzr, a huge warrior with a cruel mind. He smiled darkly as he
stood over Micah, brandishing his sword. Advancing towards Micah, he said ?I
think I?ll chop you up,? nastily, before adding ?slowly.? But as he raised his
sword, a strange thing happened. Micah closed his eyes, but no blade came. He
opened his eyes, looking up. Another demon was holding Akzr?s blade, stopping
it from falling on him.
Akzr stared
threateningly at the other demon. ?What treachery is this?? The other demon
released the sword, looking back and grinning with a smile that made Micah?s
blood run cold. ?Why should we kill him?? The demon asked. ?We kill him, no
matter how painfully and he ends up in Heaven again.?
Azkr nodded
slowly, sensing what the other demon was getting at. ?I see what you mean. We
have had our visit to the surface world. Why don?t we take a souvenir with us??
He signalled to
some other demons. They produced dark iron chains and bound his hands and feet.
They dragged him up so that he was facing Azkr. Azkr promptly spat in his face,
laughing darkly. ?You?re coming with us, angel. All the way down!?
Micah stared up in
horror as he realised what this meant. Going to Hell? He was going to Hell? He?d heard stories, but
it had never happened to anyone he knew. He began to stutter ?P-please, don?t
take me down there!? But the demons were too busy laughing to listen.
One demon said
something he couldn?t hear, and a red vortex appeared in the ground. He felt
himself being thrown in and blacked out as the fear consumed him.
When he woke,
Micah felt himself chained to a slab of rock. His hands were chained. His legs
were chained. His wings and shoulders were chained. In fact, he was completely
unable to move.
Staring at him
were demons. Many demons. Hundreds, in fact. But even worse; he was in Hell! He
stared around him. There was ash, smoke and brimstone everywhere, and the sky
(was it a sky?) was jet black. Evil creatures flew around and he saw the
tormented bodies of humans everywhere. He saw evil eyes in every direction;
there really was no good thing about Hell.
From the crowd of
demons came a voice. One demon was perched on a stand. He was monstrous;
looking over 9ft tall and wearing a cape with his armour. The voice bellowed
?Welcome to Hell, celestial one!? The voice was an arrogant bellow. ?You may as
well make yourself at home. You?re going to be here a while!?
Micah cowered,
unable to believe the horror that had befallen him. He felt tears down his face
as he called out a plea to his demonic captors. ?Please...let me ascend...? but
his pleas were met with cruel laughter. One angel walked over to him and struck
him hard, Micah feeling blood pour out of his mouth. The demon told him harshly
to shut up before joining the ranks of the others.
The large demon,
evidently some kind of general, continued to speak. ?You have been brought here
to provide morale for my soldiers. I do hope you are as entertaining as you
The demons eagerly
moved forward while the general continued. ?When I say go, I?ll be letting you
into the mercy of my army. And I assure you, they have none. Men? Be-?
But he stopped
short. The demons, once primed and eager to tear Micah apart, were now turning
around. Cowering, Micah turned to the source of the demons? fear.
Around a hundred
yards away, there was a rocky cliff. On it was a cave. It would not have been
particularly impressive, especially in the backdrop of Hell, except for the
figure standing at the end of it.
It was a woman. A
female, at least, with a bone pale complexion and a dark aura surrounding her.
Her hair was jet black. Her body beautiful, but angels had been taught to
resist such temptations.
She was barely
clothed, and the few remaining items she did have on (namely, a bra and a
thong) appeared forged in a cruel design. From what Micah could tell, she was
roughly the size of him. But to look in her eyes, even a hundred yards away,
gave him a chill. She was smiling, but it was a smile without warmth. It was a
smile of hunger.
?Ursula!? Cried
the demons in a harsh whisper of fear. Whoever Ursula was, the fear she
inspired was tremendous.
As quick as a
flash, Ursula had flown (using demonic wings that sprouted from her back then
retracted themselves) from the plateau to where Micah was standing. She gave
him a long look, deeply unsettling the angel, before turning to the demons.
?Where did your
men pick this one from, Moac?? She addressed the large general demon who was
speaking to Micah. The demon smirked before answering ?we captured him on the
surface.? Ursula, whose voice was as dark as the aura surrounding her, turned
back to Michah and stroked his face. He recoiled. She turned back to Moac. ?Is
he tainted?? The demon shook his head, before responding ?but he?s about to
The demons, still
afraid by Ursula, began to cheer at this. Ursula spun around to glare at them,
and instantly they piped down. ?I?m taking this one. Have his chains detached
from that rock and handed to me.?
Moac responded in
rage. ?On what authority?? He spat. ?Satan may believe you to be a greater
force, but I am not so fooled. This winged creature was captured by my soldiers
and is a gift to my soldiers!? The demons, uneasy, began to cheer for Moac.
Ursula responded
with a smirk, surging towards Moac and producing a coin from nowhere. ?Then
there is only one way to settle this. And I am heads.? Moac looked sceptical
while Ursula spoke. ?If I win, the angel is mine.? Moac smirked. ?And if you
lose?? Ursula let out a low laugh ?I will never again leave my cave.?
After Moac had
agreed this, the coin was flipped. Ursula, unbeknownst to Moac, had used magic
to influence the coin?s outcome, and thus it landed on heads. Moac,
disappointed, had one of the demons unchain Micah from the rock.
Ursula looked into
Michah?s eyes as she took his chains, her smile one of triumph. ?Come on,
angel.? She hissed softly but menacingly, ?it?s playtime.?
This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you're under 18 please don't read this. If you don't like to read stories about transsexual people, please don't read on. This story is copyright nikkie 2003 and should not be reproduced in part or whole without my permission. Please let me know what you think of it, as all comments are welcome. [email protected] Jamie's Descent Part 1 By Nikkie What did we do before e-mail? How did we manage to get through...
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Thank you to those of you who have liked or taken the time to comment/message me. I really appreciate the feedback and I am glad people are enjoying this. I am (slowly) integrating people's ideas into the story as time permits. This is intended to be played as a game, and is a work in progress. Based on feedback and likes, main theme is now Femdom & Cuckold Domination, but there are a range of pathways with different themes. Please press Start Game otherwise some navigations will not work...
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Enna was already waiting for us by the time Ashryn and I got back to the dining room. Everyone but Katriana stared at us when we entered the room, Voss and Enna having near-identical wry smiles. “Did you have fun, kids?” Voss asked. I must have blushed, because Calliope huffed. “Anyway,” Enna remarked, “I found what I was lookin’ for. We can get into the catacombs ‘bout five blocks from the manor, and it shouldn’t take long to figure out if the catacombs meet up with the manor’s...
Dirk was still aroused by all the activities that were happening around him but he could see that they were winding down which was a good thing. No matter how much he would have liked to dip his cock into any willing hole that was here, they still had a time schedule to keep and their midday break time would be up very shortly. He looked down at the girl as she stood up from being bent over the table. She reached down between her legs and pushed two fingers into her quim using them in a...
"Hi, Barbara. This is Cheryl." Barbara's heart starting pounding when she recognized the voice on the other end of the phone. She had been expecting this call ever since John told her of Cheryl's future plans. She would panic whenever the phone rang. She spent endless hours each day thinking of things she could say that would change this bitch's mind. She vowed to herself that she would be strong and forceful when the moment came, but now that it was here, her knees began to buckle and...
"I'm a joker... I'm a smoker... I'm a midnight toker..." I sang along cheerfully with the radio as I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed the pizzas and headed in. Just before I reached the door I stopped. Something wasn't right. It was too quiet. I couldn't sense any emotions from the house. Dropping the boxes I rushed in. "Melody! April!" I ran through the house. I found her in the kitchen. The table was on its side. There were utensils scattered on the counter and floor. There...
I dreamt about the movie "The Sound of Music," not a surprise given what I'd been doing when I fell asleep, but I woke to something considerably less pleasant: panicked screaming. Alistair and I were on our feet in a mere second, both of us grabbing our weapons as we rose, but then stopped in confusion when we looked around the cavern and saw no cause for alarm. Others had peeked out of their alcoves as well, and we all exchanged puzzled glances. I thought about the voice I'd heard,...
The last time the water bandits had hit Frank Kabrosky and Jose Ferrera's claim, they were unprepared. Five anonymous figures with shiny faceplates, three wicked looking clubs with sharp spikes on the ends, and they had to flee in awkward hopping bounds, to preserve suit integrity, leaving the bandits to transfer six-thousand gallons of water they had toiled the past four months to refine from the unforgiving hard rock extraction mine. There are no guns on the moon. Just five months earlier,...
Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...
ExhibitionismSteve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...
ExhibitionismI have often wondered how Lisa, my wife, will react if a black man approaches her sexually when I'm not around. I know how aroused she gets and the intensity of the orgasms she has when we talk of her being with a huge dicked black man while she's in the throes of love-making. Just the sight of a thick long black cock is enough to cause her to become wet immediately. For some reason, I have never fully understood why, but just knowing how hot it makes her thinking of fucking a...
This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
ExhibitionismDarkFyre Chapter Seventeen The bear pelt was heavy and warm. Strange, to think that the pelt and meat were keeping them alive and comfortable after the bear had nearly killed him. There was a sort of grim irony in that, he supposed, but it was lost in the relief of being alive, the exhaustion of his ordeal, and the wonder of the woman in his arms. Rael stared down at Silmaria. She slept for now, a deep, peaceful sleep with her face pressed to his solid chest, one small hand resting on his...
The fight in Silithus was going badly for us. Two more mobs (monsters) had spawned while we were already fighting another two. DarkKitten was in ‘cat’ form (she was a Druid and could morph into different forms). Cat form was the best for dealing damage, and she was lashing out at the two mobs effectively, bringing their health bars down quite quickly. But the extra two mobs were a worry. I was MoonFlower, a priest (or priestess, if you like). My main role was as a healer, and to a somewhat...
“Is my Beast resting, dreaming of dark desires for his prey? Are your dreams: taunting, teasing, mocking you?” Anna walks through the darkness, barefoot on soft earth. “I whisper your name ‘Allan’, from a distance. The faint smell of Anna’s heat drifts through the air. The scent stirs and hunger, that can’t be sated. “you feel me. My breath on your skin. You can’t find me. You know I’m here. You’re searching. Your body is cold, it aches” Alone in the darkness stands Allan the Beast....
a slave I still feel like a queen. I sense your eyes on my naked breasts, especially those areas that seem to be painted in the darker chocolate hue that accentuates my areolas. You love to try and get your mouth around it all. From there your eyes travel down my voluptuous chocolate body, over my flat stomach with the butterfly tattoo, to the kinky blackness of my sex; and further on to my softly sculpted things and long legs. I have been waiting for hours. You woke me this morning by sticking...
Silmaria’s heart beat violently, thudding unpleasantly in her breast. As the men stepped into their small camp she swallowed and fought to ignore the rising tide of panic threatening to drown her entirely. There were half a dozen of them, all armed and stepping with the confident, easy swagger of men who were comfortably acquainted with a great many kinds of violence. Dark eyes roved over her. She saw a flare of desire here, a glint of lewd interest there. Mostly, they looked curious, and...
Her eyes slowly opened, brilliant green wide eyes the color of emeralds or the green, green grass that grew in the gardens during the all too brief months of spring and summer. They were slitted. Like a cats, people would always say. Even after all this time, she couldn’t help roll her eyes when someone said that. It was so… cliché. Obvious. Obvious or not, it was still pretty accurate. Like a cats, Silmaria’s eyes were slitted, sure. They also saw incredibly well in the dark. The room was...
The mild weather snuck away in the night, setting the stage for their departure, to be a much more bitterly cold and uncomfortable affair. After sundown the temperature dropped until snow fell in a scintillating curtain of white, crystal-soft flakes. They danced along the wind, dazzling and fleeting in the moonlight as they did somersaults and dizzying spiral dives before collecting in a graceless mass grave all along the docks, their frantic, joyful celebration of cold and movement and life...
Silmaria was on her hands and knees in the drawing room on the west side of the Manor, scrubbing at the wooden floor with a soapy rag. She was not particularly in the best of moods, some idiot had tracked dirt into the room, which was made all the worse by the fact that no one ought to really have been in here in the first place. Of course, given how downhill the upkeep of IronWing Manor was these days, it wasn’t even noticed or addressed until several days later, when she got to be the lucky...
Master Edwin IronWing’s study smelled of oak and wood polish, and leather and old vellum. It was a spacious, open room. A huge window took up the north-facing wall, staring out over the planting fields to the north. In the distance the DrakeSpine Mountains set a breathtaking backdrop, with the crags stretching higher and higher, huge and ancient and enduring. Sitting at the foot of the window was a large lacquered desk of solid oak. The surface was cleaned and lovingly polished until it...
Rael still wasn’t sure he was making the right choice. He was torn between feeling he was abandoning his duty and honor, and the certainty that remaining here at the war camp meant it was only a matter of time before another assassination attempt came. He was no coward, to run from death. Yet at the same time, neither was he a fool. The unusual methods taken against him left him certain that he was dealing with no ordinary assassins, and that his chances of surviving another attempt were grim...
‘If ye can spare a moment, Milord, I’m ready to report.’ Rael looked up from a map covering the huge pinewood table in his tent. A variety of similar maps and charts were arrayed on the table and rolled into tubes propped against the desk. There were writing supplies and a sheaf of fresh paper at the Knight Captain’s elbow. StoneFingers was standing at the flap of Rael’s tent. The Dwarf looked like many of his brothers, short and stout, built like an anvil and twice as hard, with a short,...
A light knock sounded on his door the next morning. Setting aside the remnants of his breakfast, Rael wiped his mouth before rising and answering the knock, half expecting it to be Silmaria. Selm stood on the other side of the door instead. His Halfling advisor bowed low. “Apologies for disturbing your breakfast, Milord.” “It’s all right, Selm. No harm done. How can I help you?” “Milord, I believe we’ve found something that needs your attention.” Rael arched a curious brow. “What could need...
Never had the sun shone so bright and warming north of The Teeth before spring had even come. The breeze was chilling and sharp as it rolled off the mountains and swirled along the rise and fall of the open hilly country, but next to a lifetime of winters in the North, the breeze here was but a refreshingly cool caress. The wind touched everything. It combed through the flat plains to the south, teasing patterns from the high, dense grasses. Ripples and waves, and the constant, minute...
The darkness of the cave was broken only by the small, flickering flames of Rael’s makeshift torch. It had spun off into the corner during the struggle with the bear and there it sat, dying. The flame was weak and feeble, yet it would not go out fully. It swirled, sputtering and pitiful, but it clung stubbornly to the torch and sent a tracery of shadows to sprawl in shapes and flittering figures grand and small along the icy stone walls. The shadows were dramas and tales and romantic battles,...
The next morning was mild, if not as clear and sunny as the day before. Clouds hung in a haze over the sky, drab and dreary and promising cold and snow to come, but all in all it was a favorable day for the middle of a Dale winter. Rael was sitting against a wall in an alley mouth, studying the grand building across the street. He was on the opposite end of Trelling’s Rest, right in the heart of the Palace District, watching the Hall of Valor, home and seat of power for the Knight Brotherhood...
The wilds of DarkFyre Dale were a raw, wretched place, and never more so than in the grip of winter. For the first few days they traveled mostly through the open, sweeping meadows and plains of the western highlands. During the all too brief summer months the highlands were an entirely different place characterized by tall, lush green grasses swaying in the cool wind, speckled with notes of color from wildflowers. They teamed with small, secret life. Bees buzzing, drone-like and purposeful,...
Rain fell in a sporadic icy deluge. No true storm, it was nonetheless a persistent enough spattering of ice and water to make the battleground a wet, slushy mess of melting ice, frigid wind, and watered down puddles of mud and fresh blood steaming in the dawning light. It was miserable conditions, even for the already miserable enterprise of war waging. But if the barbaric Haruke cared at all, they gave no sign. The warriors were far from the plains of their people, having journeyed east and...
Wordless, Silmaria burst into motion, springing forward to dash down to her burning home. Or tried to, at least. Before she’d gone two strides, Lord Rael’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the wrist in a grip like steel. He yanked her back toward him and growled softly into her ear, “Don’t be a fool. We don’t know what’s down there. Follow me and stay quiet! Keep low.” Though it galled her to be slow at all right then, Silmaria gave a reluctant nod and followed her Lord’s lead. Rael took...
When Silmaria came back to herself she was lying on a soft, large, comfortable bed. A bed that size should have been draped in silks and finery, but instead was covered in simple, practical sheets of cotton and a heavy, warm wool comforter. The glow of a fire and a number of candles cast shifting shadows and orange light against the ceiling and walls. Silmaria fought not to panic, she had no idea where she was. The Gnari girl sat up to get a better view of the room. It was a simple and...
DarkFyre Chapter Eighteen The next day, Rael was a busy man. Silmaria sat back and watched him with a sort of amused fascination. After a long night of rest, Rael was renewed and overflowing with energy and robust health. They’d discussed with disappointment how much of the bear meat was going to go to waste as its spoiling became eminent, but Rael gave a good effort at consuming as much of it as possible that morning. Silmaria was shocked and very nearly appalled, and couldn’t quite keep...
The shop was claustrophobic. Despite the blustery cold outside, the room was oppressively hot. Four sooty wall sconces cast off a weak glow. The rest of the light came from two stone hearths in opposite corners of the room banked high with logs, radiating uncomfortable warmth. Several braziers were set around the room, adding to the heat. They threw off a heavy shroud of incense and scented smoke, cloyingly sweet. Behind the sweetness of the incense lingered a pervasive mustiness, the smell of...
Rael sat at the long, ornate dinner table in the main dining hall with his long legs stretched out before him, leaning back in his chair as he rolled a small apple around in his hand. Selm, his whiskers newly trimmed and looking determined, watched him quietly, waiting for the young Nobleman to speak. The Knight had fully expected to have some distractions when he arrived home. He hadn’t been to IronWing Manor in a long time, and so much was left undone from his father’s death. He’d even found...