- 2 years ago
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Jill Foster never even looked at the burgundy Cadillac next to her as she got in her car. It was hot and she was in a hurry because she had to get home and drop off the groceries before she headed out for work. She was scheduled to work from 5:00 'til 11:00. It was already quarter to four.
She put on her sunglasses and started her ten year old Honda. As she eased her little red Accord back out of the parking spot, she heard a squeaky grinding sound. She stopped her car and looked around. Her front bumper was pressed up against the driver side door of the Caddy. Jill opened her door and stood up. Looking around, she didn't see anyone that looked like a distraught luxury car owner coming to sue, so she climbed back into her car and finished backing out. There was a two foot long dented scratch on the door of the Cadillac.
Jill sat in her car looking at the scratch. She looked at her watch, she knew she should try to wait for the owner, but she had to be at work on time. She thought about leaving a note, then decided with a guilty thrill that anyone who could own a fancy Cadillac like that could afford a little paint for a tiny scratch. She pulled out of the parking lot and promptly forgot the whole incident, not realizing that it was the first step down a sordid trail of sexual experiences.
Five minutes later, Raymond Johnson stepped out of the tailor shop next door to the supermarket. As he adjusted the mirror sunglasses on his broad nose he thought that it was funny that the best custom tailor in the area had chosen to locate in this little strip mall in suburbia. Mrs. Cho could have supported a lot nicer digs than this place. He shot the cuffs on his new shirt and smiled, his white teeth splitting his handsome dark face. She ought to be downtown making suits and shirts for the money men, not out here letting the seams out on cheap suits for the middle managers that lived around here.
The sun gleamed off of his glasses and his shaved head. Raymond was a large man, well over six feet tall and strongly muscled. He moved with confidence and authority, people moved out of his way as he walked across the sidewalk and into the parking lot. Raymond didn't notice, he just expected it. It was obvious to all that Raymond (never Ray) was a man of means and importance.
Raymond was connected. He was a lawyer on retainer with a number of very wealthy gentlemen of various backgrounds in the underworld. Gang members respected him and appreciated his efficiency at keeping them out of jail. The local DAs office hated the guy. He played the race card in court to his advantage so well that it seemed that they could barely get any convictions. He could convince a jury that these drug dealing criminals were simply misunderstood youths who had been abandoned by society. Raymond had also helped certain local people of means connect with the organized underworld for everything from access to underage girls for sex to drugs to money laundering.
Raymond had grown up as a smart kid, and he used those smarts to get into college and law school. But he grew up in the rough part of town... He knew the reality of the streets. He had done his share of petty thuggery and crime before he got out of high school. Nowadays, he operated in a classier environment, but the streets were never very far away.
As he took his keys from his pocket he noticed a scar on the door of his brand new car. He knelt down to look closer. Son of a Bitch! Not only was the paint scratched, but the metal was creased where someone's bumper had hit his car. He had just bought the damn thing and some inconsiderate asshole had dissed him by scratching it. His first thought was that it was deliberate, someone had seen a black guy in a rich man's car and wanted to bring him down a peg. Well, they hadn't seen Raymond Johnson in action. The only person moving down was going to be the little shit that had scratched his car.
Raymond's jaw was clenched as he stood up and looked around the lot. He was well and truly pissed off. As he stood there looking for anyone that looked guilty, he noticed a sign on a nearby light pole. It stated that the parking lot was under 24 hour video surveillance. He relaxed his jaw into a smile. Twenty minutes later, with the help of a hundred dollar tip to a senior citizen security guard, he had a video cassette with Jill's driving recorded for posterity.
As he drove home, Raymond thought about the woman he had seen in the video. She had long sandy blond hair, nice tanned legs that were shown off by a pair of tight shorts, and a fabulous ass that was hypnotizing to watch. She was obviously a woman in touch with her womanhood. He had noticed the glint of sunlight from a wedding ring on her had as she reached for her car door. Raymond decided that he would find out more about this little cutie and extract a fitting price for scratching his car. He smiled to himself, he thought he knew just what would fit - and where!
He reached for his cell phone and dialed his office. "Marie, call the dealer and have them send a loaner car to the office. I want it there in ten minutes. They can pick this thing up and take it back when I get there... What?... No, someone scratched it up. Also call the investigator, not Marcus, use Sam for this one - I need someone that looks legit. Tell him I want everything there is to know about the owner of the car with the license plate JDT-234. If it is a guy, I want everything on him and his wife. I want it by the end of the week. You got all that? Also, have that new girl in my office when I get there, I need some relaxation." He hung up and smiled, thinking about the great tits on the new receptionist.
One week later...
Laura Weldon looked herself over one last time before getting out of the car. Hair, nails, makeup, clothes - all very suburban, all very normal, which was definitely not normal for Laura. She looked in her purse to make sure she had the little vial of liquid that Raymond had given her. Every thing was all together. She was ready for her mission.
She got out of the car and walked up the steps of the stilt house, double checking the address before she went up. Laura heard music through the door as she knocked on it. The door opened and a pretty blonde in a long T-shirt stood there.
"Hi. I'm Laura Weldon from the Johnson and Associates law firm here in town. I have a couple of questions that my boss sent me to get answered."
"Well... I am kind of busy. What is this about?" asked Jill.
"One of our clients, I really can't say who, was accused of a hit and run offense last week. One of the witnesses gave us license plate number of your car and said that your car was driving by when this happened. When I drove up and looked at your car just now, it was clear that you are not driving a gray Mercedes. If I could get a little information from you, I think we can prove that this witness is mistaken about the plate number and it will help our case."
Jill thought a moment, then said, "I guess I have time, it is my day off. Come on in, it must be hot out there."
Jill led Laura to the kitchen table, where they sat. Laura took out a legal pad an began questioning Jill about her car, how long he had had it, how long the plates had been on it, and where she was last week. After about ten minutes of questions, Jill asked "Care for some coffee?"
Laura sighed. She had been worried that Jill would never offer. "Yes, please."
Jill brought the coffee over and they continued the legal questions. When Laura took her first sip of her coffee, she mad a face and said, "I'm sorry, I am such a baby. Could I please get just a little more cream in this?"
As Jill opened the refrigerator, Laura emptied the vial of clear fluid into Jill's coffee. "Done!" She thought to herself. Raymond will be happy.
The liquid dissolved Rohypnol, a sleeping pill illegal in the United States, but available on the black market. It is also known as one of the "Date Rape" drugs. In the right dosage it can cause giddiness and relaxed judgment. Later, after it has worn off, it can produce amnesia over the previous 16-24 hours.
Jill woke up that night when Gary got in from the late shift. She was groggy and confused about the day. She only remembered fragments from early in the morning. She didn't remember going to bed at all.
Gary asked, "How was the day?"
"Oh, OK. I guess," Jill replied groggily. "I must be fighting off a bug or something. I'm really tired."
Gary climbed in bed and snuggled behind Jill. "I guess your secret lovers wore you out today." He teased as he cupped her breast.
Jill smiled, "That must have been it. All of those guys just wore me out... " She snuggled into Gary and fell back to sleep.
The next morning, after showering and dressing in a short sundress, Jill checked the calendar for the third time that morning. She had managed to lose an entire day. It was a bit scary. The calendar showed that Gary worked early and that she worked late today. "At least I can catch up on the housework I didn't get done yesterday," she thought.
Around ten the next morning there was a knock on the door. When Jill answered, a delivery boy handed her a thick envelope. After signing for the delivery and closing the door, she opened the envelope as she walked back to the kitchen. It contained an unmarked video tape and another, smaller, envelope. On the cover of this new envelope was a neatly penned note:
Watch the tape before you open this envelope.
Puzzled, Jill went to the living room and put the tape into the video player. She sat on the couch and waited to see what came up.
As the tape started, Jill thought that the whole thing might be a continuation of the sexy games she and her husband Gary had been playing lately. She and Gary both enjoyed fantasizing about scenarios in which Jill had sex with a black man. They cruised the internet, looking for hot stories about wives with black lovers. They would play in bed talking about situations where Jill would have sex with a black man. Sometimes, when they were out at a club, Gary would ask Jill which of the men at the club she would fuck. "This tape must be a continuation of our sexy game," Jill thought to herself, "Gary must have found a sexy porn video with a black guy giving it to a white slut."
A tingle of excitement ran through Jill as the picture came up. She figured that Gary had gone all out for her this time. A well dressed handsome black man was seated at an expensive desk. He was looking straight at the camera with such intensity that Jill felt as if he was looking right at her through the TV. She felt her nipples tighten at the intensity of his look.
He spoke, "Hello Jill. My name is Raymond."
Jill hit the pause button. Gary had gone all out on this little fantasy adventure. He must have got some guy to make this tape just for her. She smiled. It was so nice to be married to a guy who was so imaginative. Jill squeezed her thighs together, feeling the pressure on her dampening pussy. She took a breath and restarted the tape.
"I hope this little message finds you doing well," Raymond's deep voice continued, "I know it is a bit unusual, but if you bear with me you will understand everything soon." He smiled, his white teeth all the whiter in contrast with his skin. Jill shivered.
"You made two mistakes the other day. You caused me a great deal of displeasure. Fortunately for you, I can be a fair man. I will give you the opportunity to redeem yourself. Before I get into the details of your redemption, I am going to show you your mistakes."
Jill frowned, this didn't really sound like something Gary would have had this guy say. It didn't sound like any of the fantasy scenarios they had built together. This guy came across as pretty serious. Confused, she hit the play button and watched as the tape played on.
"Your first mistake, Jill, was the result of carelessness." The scene cut from the handsome Raymond to a slightly grainy black and white image of a parking lot. "I had this edited a bit so you can clearly see what is happening. Just watch the highlighted part of the picture."
Jill leaned forward as the picture darkened slightly. There was an oval left which stayed lit. It was centered on the doors of a grocery store.
"That looks like the shopping center just up the road." She thought to herself. Then she gasped as she saw herself come out of the doors and move across the parking lot. As she moved out of the range of the camera view, the scene jumped to a different camera. This one was almost directly behind her car. Jill had a sinking feeling in her stomach. She knew what was going to follow.
Jill bit the knuckles of her right hand as she watched herself back into the Cadillac parked next to her Honda. She winced as she saw the Caddy shake when she first made contact with it. She closed her eyes when she saw herself look guiltily around the parking lot, then drive off. Jill knew this was no sex game from Gary. This was a pissed off rich guy. She knew she was in real trouble.
"Since the security cameras don't show it very well, I took a little video of what you did to my new car." Raymond's deep voice sounded more threatening than sexy now. "The dealer says that it will be at least three thousand dollars to repair and repaint everything."
The TV showed a crease that ran from the front quarter panel to the rear door. The paint was scratched and the bent metal gleamed in the sunshine.
Three thousand dollars! Jill knew that she and Gary didn't have that kind of money laying around. This was going to really be bad. She didn't want to watch any more of the tape. Feeling ill she stopped the tape and sat on the couch trembling. What would she do? As she calmed down, she remembered that Raymond had said that he wanted to be fair. Maybe, just maybe, he was wealthy enough that the money didn't matter so much. Maybe a sincere apology was what he was after.
Clinging to that bit of wild hope, Jill restarted the tape. The picture jumped back to Raymond. "First you were careless in your driving. That was bad. That little car of yours has plenty of maneuverability. You should have been able to get out of the parking space without any problem. But then you had to compound that mistake by driving off without even doing the courtesy of leaving a note. That was very disrespectful, Jill."
Jill clenched her fists in frustration. She knew she should not have driven off. That was such a dumb thing to do. Now it was here to haunt her.
Raymond went on to detail the various laws that Jill had broken by leaving the scene of her accident. Then he leaned forward, his eyes pierced her, "Jill, as I said before, you were disrespectful to me. " He paused, "But I can be a forgiving man. In the envelope that accompanied this video is a means of contacting me. If you get in touch with me immediately, I might be inclined to find a way in my heart to forgive you." He leaned back in his chair with his fingertips pressed together. "Remember now, you have to act immediately."
The tape faded to static. Jill removed it from the player and turned off the TV. When she tore open the envelope, all she found was a telephone number printed on a small card. She sat for a moment, gathering herself and trying to get composed enough to make the call. With a trembling hand she reached for the phone and punched in the number. In an anticlimax, the number reached a beeper system. She punched in her own phone number and hung up. She started pacing and worrying about what to say to Raymond when he called.
Se was upset when the doorbell rang less than a minute after she had called the number. She had to get rid of whoever it was before Raymond called her back. She pulled the door open to see a tall slender woman in nice business dress standing in front of her. "Yes?"
"Mrs. Foster, I'm Laura Weldon, Raymond sent me to bring you to his office."
Jill was stunned. Not just at the speed of this response, but that something about Laura Weldon struck her as very familiar. "I... uh... How?... When?" she stammered.
Laura held up a beeper, "He told me to wait here this morning and pick you up when you called the beeper. If you could please give me the video and the card with the beeper number, then we can go." She pointed back to a black limo parked out on the street, "If you are ready?"
"No. I mean... just give me a couple of minutes to get ready. When will I be back? I have to be at work this afternoon." Said Jill.
"Raymond has taken care of everything, He arranged for you to have the day off from work. They won't be looking for you this afternoon. Why don't you get your things and we can go. What you have on is fine, it is just an informal meeting."
Jill was wearing tight jeans and a white blouse. Her long hair was just pulled back in a long pony tail.
"OK, let me just grab my purse and we can go then." Said Jill, hoping that all of this meant that this Raymond would be willing to accept a sincere apology.
The ride into town was quiet. Jill's attempts to engage Laura in a discussion all failed. Laura simply explained that Raymond would explain everything. Jill sat back and tried to relax and enjoy the limo ride.
The driver pulled up in front of one of the largest office buildings in town. He held the door for both ladies. Laura led Jill to an elevator that required a special key to work. Inside the elevator, the button for the 16th floor was lit when they got in. The sinking feeling Jill had been nursing all day made the ride seem endless. She fretted and worried that she would not be able to satisfy Raymond with an apology and that he would end up pressing charges against her.
A beautiful young black girl sat at the receptionist station in front of them when the elevator doors opened. Laura said, "Hi Janey, this is Mrs. Foster. She is here to see Mr. Johnson."
"Sure, he's expecting her. Do you have the tape?" asked the receptionist.
"Right here."
"Alright, I just buzzed Marie, she'll take her back"
A striking woman walked up a moment later. She was very short, maybe five feet tall, very trim, with black hair and bright green eyes that were almost hypnotic to see. "Hello Mrs. Foster. I'm Marie, Mr. Johnson's assistant. Just come with me. Mr. Johnson is looking forward to seeing you.
She led Jill down the hall to a pair of oversized double doors. As she reached for the door handle, she said to Jill. "Don't worry. Raymond seems very tough, but I think he will like you. It will all be just fine."
Feeling a wave of relief run through her body, Jill smiled a thank you at her new found friend. Marie opened the door and let her in.
"Mr. Johnson, this is Jill Foster. I'll be at my desk." Said Marie as she closed the door behind Jill and left.
Raymond looked up and smiled, "Welcome Jill. It is so nice to meet you."
He walked around his desk and reached his hand out to shake Jill's hand. She couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement when they shook. His dark black hand engulfed hers. The color contrast was startling.
He guided her to a sofa to the side of the room. "Can I get you anything? Coffee, Tea?"
"No thank you Mr. Johnson, I'm fine." Jill's voice sounded faint to herself. She felt overwhelmed by this man's presence. She felt shy and off balance.
Raymond sat on the chair next to the couch. "I'm so glad you responded to my message so quickly. I hope it means that we can resolve things between us without any distasteful unpleasantness."
"Oh. I hope so too." Said Jill, as the apology that she had been working on for the entire trip over gushing out. "I know what I did was wrong, and I want to offer you a sincere apology for what I did. I should have been more careful, and I should never have left after bumping your car like that. I want to make it right. I don't have the money to pay you to fix your car, but I can give you some every month if you would let me."
Jill hoped that the offer of remuneration would satisfy this obviously wealthy man and that he would let it go with the apology.
"Thank you for the apology. I think we are off to a good start here, Jill." The big man leaned back in his chair and crossed an ankle over his knee. This movement pulled his pants tight against his groin, displaying a hefty bulge. "My Grandmother was a very strict old lady, but she was very smart too. One of the things she taught me was that the words 'I'm sorry' were only the smallest part of an apology."
Jill's stomach twisted. What did he want from her? Where was this leading?
"She said that an apology consisted of three things. First, an admission of guilt. I think we can say that you took care of that for me by coming here. Second, there should be an honest expression of sorrow that you caused someone harm. Now a cynic might say that you haven't met the mark here. He might say that you are just sorry that you got caught." Raymond paused, letting the tension build. "But I am not a cynic. I believe in the goodness of people. I am willing to let your expression of sorrow for your actions stand as meeting the second criterion."
Jill almost fainted with relief. Things were going to be fine. She smiled at Raymond, encouraging him to go on.
"The third and final part of an apology, according to my Grandmother, was an attempt to make right what ever the wrong was. Now you said that you can't pay me right away for the repairs to my car, and I'm sure you can't reimburse me for the inconvenience of having to have it fixed. While I appreciate the offer of weekly payments, you have to understand that I am a lawyer, not a banker. I don't think that will work."
Jill felt tears coming to her eyes. "But I don't have enough... "
Raymond leaned forward, "This is where I am willing to be flexible. I am willing to let you work off your debt to me. I will give you a job here in the office. As part of the deal, I keep half your wages until we are even. I know what you are making now, I'm willing to double what they are paying you. That way you won't even miss the money you are paying me."
Jill was surprised. Double her salary. That would be incredible... too incredible. "Why would you do that Mr. Johnson? It doesn't seem like you get much out of the deal."
"But I would, Jill." Raymond smiled confidently. He picked up the phone and told Laura to join them. "I would get a lot out of the deal. You see, the work you do for me would bring me great satisfaction."
Laura Weldon came into the office and walked up to Raymond. "Show Jill what you do best, Laura." said Raymond.
Laura knelt down between Raymond's legs, unzipped his pants, and withdrew his black cock. She stroked it a couple of times. Then she glanced at Jill, winked, and then she sucked Raymond's cock into her mouth.
Jill sat frozen in place. She could not believe what she was seeing. This well dressed business woman was casually sucking on the thick black cock. Her pale skin contrasting with the darkness of his. Jill could see the shine of her saliva on his skin. She didn't know what to do. One minute she was having a perfectly "acceptable" discussion with a businessman in his office, the next she was the audience for an X rated display.
Jill was experience a confusion of emotions. She was shocked at what was happening. She could feel the weight of her societal and cultural upbringing telling her that a wanton public display like this, especially one crossing racial boundaries, was bad. At the same time, it was fascinating, even exciting, to watch. Laura was going for the gold from the moment her lips touched his cock. No teasing, no gentle licking. She was stroking him from base to head and twisting her head around his black cock hard and fast. Jill felt a thrill run through her. This was so close to the fantasies she and Gary had.
It didn't take long for Raymond to come. Laura's head froze over his cock. She looked like she was trying to suck his balls through his dick. Jill had never seen anything like it. Finally, Raymond relaxed. Laura raised up and looked right at Jill. She smiled and licked her wet lips. Then she carefully put Raymond's still-half-hard penis back in his pants and zipped them up. She left the room without having spoken a word.
Raymond looked over at Jill as the door shut behind Laura. "You see Jill? Great satisfaction."
Jill was still in shock over the whole thing. He would let her pay for the damage to the car with sex. It was one thing to imagine kinky stuff in bed with Gary. Heck, it was even OK for her to get a little thrill from having watched that little display Raymond just put on. But to actually do something... no way. He was going way to far. "Mr. Johnson, I don't know what kind of operation you are running here, and I frankly don't care. I am a happily married woman. I was raised with certain values and standards of behavior. I have offered to make the damage to your car right the best I know how. What you are suggesting is wrong and I won't be a party to it."
Jill stood to leave. Raymond picked up a remote controller and said, "Before you leave, Jill, you might want to watch this." He pointed the remote at a TV and VCR set into the bookshelf across from his desk.
What Jill saw froze her in place. It was another security camera video of her in the parking lot. This time it showed her and an unidentifiable person standing next to her car. A young black boy came up to Jill and handed her money. In return, Jill reached into the car and pulled out a small bag and handed it to the boy. He then turned and walked off. There were ten minutes of "deals" spliced together on the video that Raymond showed her.
Jill was aghast. She had no idea how this video was made. She had never done anything like this, but it was clearly her in the video. You could see the license plate on the car, it was hers. It looked for all the world that Jill was dealing drugs to school age kids in the supermarket parking lot. Jill was speechless. She turned and stammered to Raymond, "Wha... how?... I never... "
"Yes you did. As you can see on the tape yourself." Raymond said. "You just don't remember it, that's all. Now, by itself, this might not be enough to convict you if it showed up in the mail to the local Vice Squad. But if one or two of my little friends there were to swear that you are their connection... well Jill, let's just say that you might be in need of my professional services." He went on to explain about the Rohypnol.
Raymond stood and walked to Jill. He was much taller than she was. When he moved close to her it seemed that he engulfed her with his presence. She craned her neck to look up at him. Her heart was pounding, her head was a confused mass of things. He stood so close that she could smell him. No perfume or after shave, just a strong scent that seemed to make her knees week.
Raymond said, "I know that you are in a bit of shock right now, Jill." He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "I will give you a day to ponder things. Laura will pick you up tomorrow at eight-thirty and bring you back here. We will talk about the details of our agreement then." With that, Raymond reached around and pulled Jill's body tightly against his. She felt his hard cock pressing against her. He lowered his head and kissed Jill deeply. She clamped her teeth at first, but when he grasped the back of her neck and gently squeezed in a silent threat, she relaxed and let the black man have access to her mouth. His tongue probed her mouth, it stroked her tongue, he sucked on her lips. Jill's knees melted. The only reason she hadn't fallen to the ground was that Raymond was holding her up.
He finished the kiss and guided her to the door. "I think we both know what the answer will be, Jill. You just have to let yourself go. " As the door shut, Jill could hear him laugh.
The walk back to the limo and the ride home were a blur. Jill was in shock. Her original fear and concerns about scratching the Cadillac were enough to be upsetting. To add to that the blackmail was almost more than she could take. Jill staggered up the steps to her front door more in shock than not.
When she had composed herself, she called in to work. Sure enough, her boss told her that Raymond Johnson was a part owner of the restaurant. He congratulated her on being promoted and hired to work at Raymond's office. Jill mumbled a dispirited thanks and hung up the phone. He had her coming and going. She didn't know what to do.
That afternoon Gary was happily surprised to find Jill home when he got in from work. "Hi, Hon! You still feeling under the weather, I thought you had work."
Jill was sitting on the couch wearing an old T-shirt of Gary's. Her bare long legs were tucked up under her where she sat. "No," She said. "They messed up the schedule. I got off early."
She followed Gary into the bedroom and watched him changing out of his work clothes. When he was down to underwear, she stepped up behind him and pressed herself against his body. It felt so good, so familiar. She reached around and stroked his chest.
"Mmmm... baby. That's nice." Said Gary as he felt her embrace.
Jill guided Gary to the bed, pulled his underwear off, and sat him down on the edge. Then she knelt between his legs with her hands on his thighs. As her mouth closed over the head of his cock, she closed her eyes. In her mind she saw Laura's mouth closing over the dark skin of Raymond's cock. Running that scene through her mind, Jill attacked Gary's cock. Stroking with her hands as she bobbed and twisted her head, she sought to make him come. Her efforts were quickly paid off. It didn't take long before Gary arched back and she felt the bottom of his cock pulsating as he came into her mouth. Jill slowed her assault, but continued gently tonguing and sucking on his sensitive member.
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The next morning, I started my calls to movers, and to everyone else involved with the move. I also finally got a hold of Roger and Carolyn Spillane. I asked if they could be in Taylor the 23rd of October. That was the date we had decided on for our ceremony, it was a Sunday and we felt right about that date. They said there was a very nice, quiet RV park there in Taylor, not far off SH-95 on CR-374. They had been there before and quite liked it. They did ask why, though. "Well, it seems I...
Hello all you Indian Sex Stories readers. I am back with another part of my sex escapes. People who have not read my previous sex stories. I would request you to read them to know about me and how many sex escapes I had already. People who have read my sex stories and people who wrote to me, thank you all people. Your responses are the actual reason which inspires me to write about all the escapes of my life. Let’s get in to the story guys. As you can see it on the name of the story. It is...
For the last ten years, I had watched my daughter and step daughter grow up with one of my best friend's kids. Brandy was married to a guy who was a total asshole. Her two boys and daughter had been my girls best friends for the longest time. My girls spent the night at her house on endless occasions. Her kids spent the night at my house just as much. What really was mind boggling, as cute as hell as she was, and as well as we'd gotten along, we'd never done "anything" inappropriate. Literally,...
CheatingHello Readers, My name is Aravind () am from Chennai, today am sharing one of my experience which happened with my girl friend a month ago. Am slim with fair complexion and well build physique. My girl friend is just like Eva Green, fair complexion beautiful curves and almost a blond. She is a Sindhi and born and brought up in Chennai in marvadi community. Let’s get into the story it was her interview in Bangalore as she had completed her Engineering in computers; we planned a trip together we...
It always started the same way.They would ring my number and ask if I 'wasn't too busy over the next few day's'?,I asked them when would it suit them to come by,this time of year is always quiet,so fitting them in for some role play and 'repentence' was not a problem,in fact I was beginning to miss my usual errant boys and girls,so their phone call both pleased and excited me.Amy and Paul have being seeing each other for over a year now,and completely by chance one evening during the summer...
I look in the mirror and reapply my lipstick. I have to look perfect if I want to win. I’ve never won before but I will today, I can feel it. I stand up and walk over to my full-length mirror. I’m pleased by what I see looking back at me. My name is Amber and I’m 18 years old. I’m entering my senior year in high school with all my friends. I’m about 5’7 but I wear high heels to add a couple inches. I have 34 D tits and since I have them, I flaunt them. I have long dark hair that I always...
Warning, this novel was written as a fantasy. The author does not condone the described behavior in real life. Sheila Verona stood in front of her kitchen sink staring blankly out the small window above it. She was under a tremendous amount of stress at this time and it was beginning to show in the relationships with her family and friends. She was short with everyone it seemed anymore and she couldn’t control her outbursts. Her Husband Victor had left months ago, her son’s friends...
Admission Janet L. Stickney [email protected] So, I admit it. I have been dressing as a girl for almost as long as I can remember. So what? It doesn't hurt anyone, I bought all my own stuff, and while I dream of leaving the safety of my room, just once, so far, I haven't done that. The standard response from my buddies, when someone doesn't want to do something, (something that's usually stupid), is to call then "chicken, then goad the poor bastard into it. My friends do...
Busty housewife Brooklyn Chase has been acting strangely toward her stepson, Justin Hunt, and it’s starting to weigh on him. When Justin overhears the beautiful brunette whispering on the phone, his curiosity overcomes the awkwardness because he suspects his stepmom might be cheating on his father! Leaving for work, Justin calls best friend Xander Corvus for consolation, hoping that it’s just his mind playing tricks on him. Xander attempts to put him at ease. But in a twisted...
xmoviesforyouDennis The Menace: Part 5 - The sleep Overby Sniper32One Thursday evening, Alice was in her bedroom getting ready for bed, she had just got out of the shower and was sitting naked at her make up table putting on moisturizer, when her son Dennis walked into the room and sat on the end of her bed. He watched her apply the lotion to her elbows and knees. "Mom come over here and lay down and let me do that for you" he said.So she got up and went over to the bed an laid down on it. Dennis took the...
She came ahead and tried to slap me. I caught her hand and reminded her that her keys are still in my hand. I got her closer to me. She asked me, “Why are you doing this to me. Don’t you like me?” “I love your body,” I said and spanked her ass. She asked me then why did I save her from that assistant. I replied, “I want to expose you to other people, but I will fuck you first.” “Please don’t do this,” she was about to say. But I grabbed the chair, sat on it and made her sit on my lap, to make...
Chapter Ten Virginia was still protesting loudly and struggling to get free of Drake’s arms when he abruptly dropped her on the bed. Flinging back her hair she jumped to her feet. ‘How dare you!’ She raised her hand to slap him but he caught her small hand easily in his and twisting it behind her back he pulled her close to him. As he gazed down at her, he thought it such a pity that she never looked more beautiful than when she was furious with him. Her fiery red hair in wild disarray, her...
When I was younger I met a guy Named Steve online and we continue too meet from time to time and I let him do whatever he wants to me. One day we started chatting about fantasies. Steve's fantasies consisted of role play and wearing masks and stuff. Mine are different; mine are bring handcuffed, dominated, humiliated, being called names (like: sissy, slut, whore, bitch, slave, his property, ect) and being smacked on the ass while I'm getting fucked from behind. So we agreed to help fulfill...
Ever since I was little I've loved looking at men's penises. From myearliest recollection of bathing with my father I remember being captivatedby his willy. I would find excuses to go into the bathroom with him whenhe needed to pee so that I could watch. When I got tall enough to stand atthe toilet and pee I did so alongside him whenever I could, just so that Icould see his willy. I was equally fascinated by him peeing, so much peecame out of him and in such a torrent, I was awestruck. I...
Series 1, Episode 7: Sarah We’re back in the nation’s capital. This time we’re outside a large hospital. A small group of nurses are grabbing a smoke just off the hospital grounds. One of them – youngish, slim, and looking particularly good in her uniform, turns away from the group and walks over toward the camera. She has a wide toothy smile, red cheeks, pointy nose and a high forehead, all framed with silky brunette hair tied back in a long pony tail. She hasn’t the most beautiful face,...
I grew up in the Northern Great Plains in the time before World War II. I had never seen a black person until I turned 18 in late July 1944. I was drafted into the military the next month, sent to a Receiving Station for Classification. By troop train, I was taken to Basic Training in Texas. I learned the ways of the army. I marched, counter marched and drilled till it became part of my waking hours. I saw training films an many subjects. There were the movie training films showing what could...
Twin beams of light cut through the dust ahead of them as Tony fingered his M-16's trigger. He was nervous. They were in a tunnel, approaching the main mineshaft, and he didn't want to take any chances. Liv and Finn were out there somewhere. He unhooked a grenade from his shoulder webbing and motioned for his wingman to cover him. He pulled the pin and crept toward the opening. Tony flipped the spoon and flung the deadly object into the main hallway. The grenade bounced off the opposite...
Wicked Club, 22:30, 2 x 40 minute shows. Cancelled phoned Barbara (my agent) 10 March. Jerrys birthday, 25 today, party at his house, 20:00. Get a present. I've known Jerry since we were at play school together 22 years ago. His parents came to the U. K. from Nigeria as children in the 50s, I remember being fascinated by the colour of his skin and asking my mother why his skin was a different colour. I guess her answer made a lasting impression on me because I have never known...
"What is it?" Marsha Jensen asked her father, a look of seriousness crossing her lovely young face. "Did I do something wrong? Why did we come all the way up here for a talk?" Mark glanced out at the lake through one of the cabin windows. The sun was just beginning to set, and it cast a golden, shimmering glow across the lake that was almost blinding. He lit a cigarette, ignoring his daughter's question for the moment. At three o'clock that afternoon, wondering whether he ought to...
Introduction: Maryannes first gangbang. Maryanne and I, and sometimes with our friend John, continued on week after week with our game of Maryanne wears her sexy outfit and we visit a local bar. Actually, we stayed away from bars that were too close to home, and ones where we might run into any of my co-workers. I dont know how I could face people I worked with discovering our little secret. Im sure that if we were found out the word would spread throughout the workplace, and any possible...
Chapter Eight ‘Sire, I told him how far the rot went. I told him it had spread further underneath the slats.’ ‘So either he didn’t listen or he forgot. Whichever the case, it shouldn’t have been allowed to happen. Clearly master Yoled cannot be trusted with the more difficult tasks, correct, Fiye?’ ‘Yes Sire, but I did tell him.’ ‘I don’t doubt the fact. But should this instance ever come round again, make sure to tell both of them. We can’t trust the orphans to relay the correct...
He had a stressful day and just wanted to relax when he finally made it home. However, when he arrived back he realised the place was a mess and needed tidying up.He then hit on an idea to make it a bit more fun. He stripped off all his clothes and went to his sissy wardrobe. He took out the very skimpy maid uniform, tights, and a pair of pink panties.Soon he had changed and then went to his toy chest and took out his thick collar that restricted the movement of his head. Finally, he put on...
CrossdressingIt had been a long standing turn on, the thought of eating my own cum. I had watched many CEI videos in the hope that one day the turn on would be so great that I could not help myself. What follows is the true account of the first time I actually feasted on my own cum.The day had dragged on, I had finished my work and chores for the day and was heavily engaged in my masturbatory joy. For over an hour I edged with delight at a cacophony of jerk off instruction and ruined orgasm videos. My...
Everybody’s got a secret to hide Everyone is slipping backwards I can’t remember if I like what I said I can’t remember it went straight to my head I kept a bottle by the foot of the bed I put a pillow right on top of my head But I killed for love -The Chromatics ‘Kill for love.’ ‘You’ve got to be five-finger fucking me!’ Grey ran his hand through his hair, clenching his fist before jerking it away as Miranda carried Sam towards him. Sam’s response was to produce an impressive amount of...
Ich wache auf, ich höre Krach von meinen Nachbarn. Es passiert öfters, dass sie mich wecken. Ich gehe in deine Küche und mache mir erstmal einen Kaffee. Wieder krach von den Nachbarn ... es regt mich auf, aber ich bin ein geduldiger Mensch. Ich wohne aufgrund meines geringen Gehaltes in keiner guten Gegend und habe etwas Angst vor meinen Nachbarn. Nie würde mir einfallen, mich zu beschweren. Ich blicke auf die Uhr. Es ist noch früher morgen und ich komme aus einer Spätschicht. Müde schalte ich...
"Clean me," she said. "No." "WHAT? How dare you? I told you to clean me Sissy. Now do it." "No." "Clean me or get your worthless ass out." "You sure?" "You heard me. You clean my pussy right now or get out." "Done." I said, and without another word I gathered my pillow and my book and started for the guest room. "And just where do you think you're going?" she demanded. "I'm going to stay in our guest room until I can find an apartment. I'll start looking on Monday...
My name is Fernando (but for the intimate Fernanda), I am 18 years old and I tell you what happened to me last year. This story will make you understand how I found out that I'm a whore, insatiable, who likes to take the dick and want to hear me cum on me.I grew up in a middle-class family, I lived most of my life in an apartment building with so many buildings. I'm white, tall and blond. If I was born a woman, I'd be the most wanted. I have an angelic face and a pair of knockout thighs. My...
The temporary job Donna had in the clothing store in town was coming to an end but she was invited to her line manager’s office for an interview for an up and coming temporary position. As she knock on Sally’s door, she called out and Donna entered and sat down in front of Sally. They went through the usual questions and answers before Sally asked Donna “What can you do for me?”Donna looked at Sally sitting in her chair for a moment. She was 38 years old, slim with long dark hair, wearing a...
Hi ISS readers and it’s me Charlie back with surprisingly unexpected erotic encounter briefly myself 6 feet horny handsomely built hunk with Asian fair looks and after posting previous story of my real time experience with Raj I got plenty of mails asking me to hook up. Well I was going through some very good looking guys with their pictures attached, but I made up my mind and reserved my ass only for Raj though there is no chance of regaining him One morning as usual I was going through my...
Gay MaleI walked home with a spring in my step and a song in my heart. Well, not quite, but I did feel pretty good. When I finished in the pool and got back to the gym to start work, Coach came over to me and told me what a good job I did, how he used to hate it and it was the best move he ever made. This from a guy who could only talk to me about my performance in the pool until a few days ago. It felt good to be appreciated. It was 6:20 when I got home. I hardly had time to get in the door when a...
The benefits from delegating the responsibilities of planning and co-ordination were immediate and many. Once it was understood that my presence in the meetings was simply that of an interested observer, the general staff came up with ideas that I hadn't even considered. For starters, my concern for safety of the Borealan fleet was made significantly less pronounced. A new prototype design of hypermissle was to be deployed prior to the arrival of the Kraal fleet. This design was completely...
The buzz of my alarm wakes me, pulling me out of my dream. As soon as I fully wake, the dream is gone and I click off my alarm. I groan as I stretch, taking up most of my queen sized bed with my outstretched limbs. I sigh, completely content, and roll onto my tummy, crawling toward Clyde who is asleep on the end of the bed. ‘Good morning, my little boy,’ I coo as I scratch behind his ears, smiling as he purrs and leans into my hand. I kiss him straight on his nose and roll out of bed. After...
I have been editing the first couple of chapters and have reposted them up here – new versions of the Prologue and Ch.s 1 and 2 should be up by now. If you are re-reading the story, I would really welcome feedback on whether they are better in the new versions, either in comments on the chapters or via the Feedback form. I haven’t got round to tackling the names yet, although I know I am going to have to change them. (Aww, I will be sorry to do that as I have lived with them for so many years...
Our village is beginning to be quite large, so some explanation is given on its layout. I will start as if it was a clock with north being 12 o'clock. The open area, which we are going to plant this year, until we can clear the trees and remove the stumps in an area away from the village, is about the size of a small cricket ground, or the size of a soccer pitch. The road leading to the pine forest is at 12 o'clock, Northhelm's home, with his goat enclosure behind is at about 1-30....
Saturday August 27 Brook and I had finally planned some time together. The only problem was that my security was Cassidy. If it had been Paul or Chuck, I could have told them to guard the door or something. Cassidy was more hanging out with us than guarding me. At least she let me drive my Demon. Paul and Chuck were a little too possessive of my new car. I pulled up at the Davis estate and honked. “You better let her have shotgun,” I told Cassidy as I saw the look on Brook’s face. “Next...
He couldn’t take it anymore! This was torture and he had to make it stop! She had been playing with him for more than an hour now, pleasuring him in ways he had never dreamed of before, doing things to him that were considered the highest reward – it was heaven. It was heaven apart from one small issue – he wasn’t allowed to cum. He wanted to so badly – his cock and his balls were in pain already – but she still wouldn’t let him cum. He had not seen her in two weeks and was not allowed to...
This is true, some time ago, to give you an idea it was the time of the yuppy in London the time the mobile carried like a brick .my wife had a friend who had married the said yuppy who at the time worked in London but commuted to his home in Yorkshire, so his wife was at home for some time on her own, my wife June would go to see here while I was also working but not as a yuppy, we would go on some Saturday nights out with here for a meal or drinks. both my wife and June were very stunning...
NEXT DAY I kissed down my mothers chest slowly, my mouth finding each nipple. She moaned lightly as my tongue flicked over them. I could tell that she was enjoying every moment of this. I was just about to go further with her, when the phone began to ring. “Don’t” I began to say, leaning up and kissing her on the neck and making my way up to her ear, “you dare,” I continued, biting her ear lobe lightly, “answer that phone.” “Don’t” she began, leaning her head back to help give me room to kiss...
IncestDies ist das Eigentum von piercedgirl98. Keiner hat das Recht die Geschichte zu kopieren, posten und als seine auszugeben oder umzuschreiben. Diese Geschichte darf nur kopiert werden, wenn man meine Erlaubnis dazu hat und meinen Namen dabei erwähnt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen! [/b]..........................................................................................................................................................................................Mit einem warmen...
Tuesday 7th May 1985 Next morning, back at work, I took a pad and a pen. Time to think. What did I need to know? I needed to verify that Helen and I had the same mother, or father, or both. It triggered the realisation that I knew precious little about my own birth mother and father, though I seemed to know she was a single mother. I extracted my birth certificate, of which I had taken little notice in the past. The first look confirmed what I suspected: it was a short certificate and so...
By : Karanwantstofck It was a Saturday evening and both of us had our share of satisfaction we decided to go to the market. I bought her new pair of jeans went into the trial room several times and took the liberty of pressing her delicate ass. Also bought her a matching top well all the eyes seemed to be glued onto her which made me super proud and contented. I had always wished to have this kind of girl friend. I had always liked plump girls who are very fair and have beautiful features. We...
My second cousin Caroline was about the same age as me; I found her extremely horny during my adolescent years, but nothing ever happened. Then one Saturday during the summer I was at a loose end, and as our families were close, I phoned her to ask whether she wanted to hang out and go to the cinema. She said yes please, and sounded all excited. I picked her up, and saw her parents at the same time. They smiled and said have a good time. We saw the film, then went for a quick drink. It was...
Winter Jade and her friend Bunny Colby are ready to hit the pool, but unfortunately for them, Winter’s stepbrother Michael Swayze has other ideas. Winter and Michael’s parents are out of town, and they’ve put Michael in charge. He insists that the girls need to do chores before they can have fun. He’s a tough taskmaster, walking the girls through each of their chores without even letting them change out of their swimsuits. Eventually, Bunny realizes that this whole...
xmoviesforyouHello all, mera naam parul parikh hai, mai 24 years ki hu, mai gujarati hu, aur mai ahmedabad gujarat se hu.Mai sixth time yaha pe mera naya incident share kar rahi hu,, aur asha hai ke ap sabko pasand ayega. So apne comments pe jaroor bheje. Let me describe myself, I am doing MBA and I am from a wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear t-shirts, jeans shorts. To ye incident kuch is tarah se hua, mera industrial project...
“I’ll see you’re checked in and go home,” Gordy said. “I’ll be back by six.” “Fine.” “Thank you.” When they we in their rooms, Tessa said, “It’s a lot better than the hotel in Marree.” “Yes, it is.” “I’ve been thinking about Marree.” “Oh?” “They did a history when the town was 100 years old. It’s got a lot of old photos and chapters where I found it hard to tell gossip from history. Anecdotes about Afghans. Stories of whole families dying between Farina and...
Teri just had to get away from it all, she had just buried her husband a little over three months ago, and everything around her reminded her of him. After thirty seven years of marriage to such a wonderful man, it was hard to get up in the morning and face the day! Teri's two grown daughters were getting worried about their mother's state of mind, and finally insisted that she get away for a few days, just to kind of relax and let her batteries recharge. She didn't want to go somewhere that...
LesbianAlly, a woman where I work, would often come in on Monday mornings looking happy but pretty well used.This one Friday when we were getting off work l saw this buff black guy pick her up. It was rather clear that they were more than just casual friends.Ally is white, married, in her 30s, and this definitely wasn't her husband.The next time I had the chance I asked her, "So who was the black guy that picked you up on Friday?""My weekend date."She saw the look on my face. "My husband got me into...
I woke with Gail nestled next to me. “I’m awake,” she said “How are you feeling?” “I panicked a little, sorry,” she admitted. “I’m a little embarrassed.” “That’s okay,” I said, “You’re okay now.” “I know,” she said, lifting her head off of my chest and rolling onto her back. “I’m sorry I cried. I’ve never done that before. I must have put on a good show. And now my pussy does hurt.” “Well, when you’re up for it, we can watch it on video,” I suggested. “I’m not sure I want to see myself...
Day 15: Christmas Eve Jon thought Monday night was an awful time for a Christmas Eve, but at least he had the day off. Actually, he had the entire week off; Polkiss-Leyton Dentistry was closed from the Monday the 24th to Tuesday, January 1st. At the very least, he would be a relaxed and well-rested secretary next Wednesday. Caitlyn had made it through her finals without too much trouble, in her estimation at least, and the grades posted online last Thursday had confirmed that hunch. Her GPA...
Screwed was the only way Damien could describe his situation -- and not only because he had the woman of his dreams happily bouncing up and down on his cock.Gazing up at her, running his hands over her back and squeezing her ass, he shook his head. Damn, she was pretty, and so fucking hot, with her big breasts bouncing right in his face. Definitely the sexiest, most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. And being naked in her bed was like a dream come true -- if only she wasn’t his boss’s daughter,...