Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 01
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Everybody’s got a secret to hide
Everyone is slipping backwards
I can’t remember if I like what I said
I can’t remember it went straight to my head
I kept a bottle by the foot of the bed
I put a pillow right on top of my head
But I killed for love
-The Chromatics ‘Kill for love.’
‘You’ve got to be five-finger fucking me!’ Grey ran his hand through his hair, clenching his fist before jerking it away as Miranda carried Sam towards him.
Sam’s response was to produce an impressive amount of vomit all over Grey’s shoes and Miranda’s dress.
Grey took a moment to assess the situation, he looked at his shoes and then shifted his gaze to Sam.
‘Oops!’ Sam smiled before she passed out, causing Miranda to topple forward with the sudden dead weight. Grey blocked their descent with his stick and the pair sank into a heap on the ground instead.
‘Seriously, what do you see in her?’ Grey took a drag off his cigarette and coughed.
Miranda looked up at him, ‘She’s beautiful, intelligent, kind and a better person than you are.’
‘Yeah, and which of those virtues was she espousing when she declared your need for fat cock: her beauty? Intelligence?’
Miranda had had enough.
‘Listen you pompous, arrogant, sadistic—’
‘Or, was that your bird’s way of being ‘kind’? That how she usually treats those she loves?’
Miranda’s expression crumpled under Grey’s words and she hung her head.
‘And as for being a better person,’ he stared at her for a long time, ‘that’s not really all that hard, poppet,’ he finished quietly.
Grey extended his staff towards Miranda, ‘On your feet then, pet.’
She looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes.
‘Why? Why are you going to help us?’
‘Because you’re a moron, she’s a drunk, and I’m an idiot, now grab the fucking stick.’
She gripped the stick that was offered and began to haul herself to her feet, she reached out with her other hand, brushing against Grey’s arm.
‘Back off!’
Grey yanked the stick away from her and leapt backwards as if he had been scalded. She stumbled, nearly falling over, at the abruptness of Grey’s reaction. When she found her feet, she jerked her head around to face the man.
‘What the hell is your problem?’
Grey had his stick poised to strike, but Miranda would not back down. Not to him. Not anymore. The two of them just stared at each other. She was aware that they were both breathing hard as well. He clutched the stick in a white-knuckled grip and he was shivering violently. The fight hadn’t bothered him at all, but this had him in a near panic.
‘So, you can only touch people if you’re hurting them, is that it? Are you truly that messed up?’
Slowly, Grey lowered his stick and exhaled a shuddering breath, he’d gone ghostly pale.
‘None of your goddamn business.’
Miranda blinked and then whatever it was over. Grey was himself again, calm and collected.
‘Collect your bird and let’s get across the street.’
Miranda strained to pick up Sam, but without the other girl’s help, she couldn’t and she sank to the ground.
‘I can’t,’ she groaned.
‘You can’t? You seemed to be managing just fine earlier,’ Grey scowled at her.
‘Sam carries most of the weight,’ she explained.
‘Yeah, that makes sense,’ Grey exhaled a cloud of smoke as his face took on a pensive expression, ‘Stuck in that manual trolley means she’s probably pretty Hench.’
Miranda frowned at him in confusion.
‘Muscles, dearie, she probably has big muscles.’
‘Oh, well yeah she does except—’
‘Except her being passed out in her own vomit makes that a moot point,’ he tossed away a used cigarette and fished another one from his coat, ‘Okay, so she’s a cripple, I get that. What’s your damage?’
Miranda glared up at him, ‘I get tired.’
‘Then sleep more.’
‘I sleep over ten hours sometimes.’
‘Then fuck less.’
Miranda wasn’t even willing to dignify that with an answer but, for a moment, Grey’s face lost its usual expression of disdain and anger into something resembling thoughtfulness.
‘Chronic fatigue then, is it Binty? How long?’
‘I don’t know, since I was ten or so.’
‘Yeah? And what’d the family crow have to say?’
Another confused look from the girl.
‘The soddin’ doctor.’
‘They don’t know what it is.’
The look of disdain returned to his features along with anger, ‘Bloody useless people, couldn’t diagnose a proper case of Chlamydia in the middle of a ten-penny knocking-house.’
Miranda shot him a puzzled glance, ‘Speaking from experience?’
Grey snorted, ‘Trust me, Binty, my knocking-house days are behind me.’
‘What about your days as a diagnostician?’
Grey stopped in mid-motion as he was lighting his cigarette. Twin fires from the match reflected in his sunglasses.
‘I’ve never been a diagnostician,’ he said finally, lighting his cigarette and putting out the match, tossing it aside as he took a long drag.
‘Kind of weird though, that much scorn, that’s professional, if not personal,’ she slowly got to her feet as Grey eyed her warily, ‘So, why would a chain-smoking alcoholic card shark with violent tendencies have any kind of feelings towards the subject at all: professional or personal?’
Slowly, Grey took another long pull for his cigarette, ‘Go play head-shrinker with someone else, Binty, unless you fancy carrying blonde, buxom, and bladdered all on your Jack.’
‘My what?’
‘On. Your. Own, God take the time to learn the Queen’s English would you?’
Miranda shook her head, trying to focus, it was hard to do so around him. Just one more reason she didn’t like him.
‘Will you help us?’
Grey coughed, ‘I think you mean ‘will I help you more’?’
Miranda gave him a level gaze and he gave her a look of sheer exasperation.
‘Where’s your motor?’
‘Your car. Where is your car?’
‘I don’t have a car.’
‘You don’t—why not?’
‘I don’t drive.’
‘Of course you don’t,’ a puff of smoke, ‘Okay, what about coaches or hacks?’
Another blank look.
‘Bus or Taxi?’
‘The buses don’t run this late and I don’t have any money for a taxi.’
‘What, you left your coin purse at your flat?’
Miranda didn’t answer, she just turned her head and indicated the house they had just left.
‘Fan-fucking-tastic,’ Grey scoffed, ‘God, I never thought I’d miss the Tube.
‘I don’t suppose you have any money to lend?’ the girl asked, ‘I can pay you back.’
‘Two things wrong with that idea, Binty, one, your breadbasket appears to be bare, so getting a return on my investment is pretty bloody unlikely.’
‘And two?’
‘I don’t have any money. I had money,’ and it was Grey’s turn to motion meaningfully at the house.
‘Oh,’ Miranda had the good grace to look abashed.
‘Yeah, ‘oh’.’
‘Well, do you have a car?’
‘I have…access to one, yeah.’
‘Well, will you give us a ride then?’
Grey gestured with his stick across the street, a street with a steady stream of traffic on it.
‘And what, you’re going to drag ‘Our Lady of the Projectile Vomit and Loose Knickers’ across a few lanes of traffic?’
‘Her name is Sam!’
‘Don’t really care Binty.’
‘My name is Miranda!’
‘Still with the not caring.’
Miranda massaged her temples: the stress, the fear, all the smoke inhalation, and worst of all, him. It was like claws down a blackboard, she couldn’t take it.
‘Just shut up and let me think!’ Miranda yelled at him.
‘The time for thinking has passed, Binty,’ he exhaled a cloud of smoke and ground out his cigarette, ‘We need to act,’ he looked Sam over, still splattered with vomit and passed out, ‘We n
eed to get you and your bird back to your flat.’
Miranda swallowed her pain, her anger and her fear and was able to look Grey in the face.
‘So, you’ll help us more?’
‘We’ll see,’ he walked over to Sam, ‘first things first,’ he bent low to scoop up Sam.
‘Be careful!’ Miranda yelled. She couldn’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses but she was pretty sure he was glaring balefully at her.
Grey snorted and shook his head before rotating Sam onto his shoulders into a fireman’s carry with practiced ease.
Miranda drew up short, ‘Where did you learn to do that?’
‘Less talking, more walking,’ was Grey’s only reply.
Moreover, with that he proceeded to stroll into oncoming traffic without missing a step.
Cars slammed on their brakes, the air was filled with the sound of screeching tires and blaring horns. Grey continued his walk, unhurried, as people hurled out various curses and profanities. He slowed his pace only enough to take a drag from his cigarette before proceeding to raise his hand back over his shoulder towards the motorists and extending his middle finger behind him.
That did not seem to improve the mood of those present.
Miranda followed behind him at a slightly safer pace, catching up on the other side.
‘Are you out of your fucking mind?’ she screamed at him. In her anger, she attempted to shove the man but he simply stepped backwards out of her reach and she wound up stumbling instead.
‘Careful, Binty,’ he gestured towards the sleeping girl on his shoulders, ‘precious cargo and all.’
Miranda narrowed her eyes in distaste, but she knew Grey had her and he knew it, too.
‘All finished then with your righteous indignation?’ he asked.
‘Going to mind your manners, P’s and Q’s then?’
‘Behave for the nice Englishman trying to save you ridiculous tarts?’
‘I said ‘yes’!’
‘I know,’ he gestured at her with his cigarette, ‘But now you’ve said it three times. That makes it a promise and I am the last person on this bloody planet you want to break promise to, got it?’
‘Got it,’ Miranda sighed.
‘Then let’s shift it, Binty.’
‘Don’t call me—’
Grey stopped and looked at her.
‘Never mind.’
‘Smart girl,’ and with that, the three of them of them headed down the street.
They had been walking a couple blocks when Grey spoke up.
‘I’m not carrying your little chippy all the way there,’ he said as he looked around, ‘Besides carrying her like this is bone anyhow. It’s asking for trouble.’
Miranda looked around, her surroundings feeling less familiar than they had during the day.
‘What kind of trouble?’ she asked cautiously.
‘The kind of trouble that makes her suitors back at the frat look like goddamn Battersea boys.’
‘It’s what we call ‘The Boy Scouts’ back home: twice the wholesomeness half the homophobia.’
‘Are you serious?’
‘What, about the Battersea Boys?’
‘About worse people out here, than at the party!’ she shrieked, rapidly coming undone.
‘Do I look like I’m taking the piss?’
Miranda opened her mouth again, but Grey silenced her with an open hand.
‘Don’t ask, let’s just move.’
Miranda nodded, her chin set in stubborn defiance. She would get her lover safely home and then get as far away from this man as possible.
Grey focused on something further down the street, ‘Ah, and inspiration strikes.’
There was a woman, a bag lady by the looks of her. She shuffled along slowly, as if each step were a tremendous effort.
Miranda stared as the man came up behind the old woman.
Oh dear god, what is he going to do now?
‘Hello mum.’
The other woman gasped, spinning around with a terrified expression on her face. Grey held up his hand.
‘It’s all right there, luv, not here to hurt you, promise.’
The woman wasn’t completely convinced but she looked a little less likely to stroke out at his feet.
‘Ain’t got nothin’ for you, boy,’ she told him. ‘Nothing worth stealin’ or takin’.’
The way the woman placed special emphasis on the word ‘taking’ and her tone: a combination of shame, fear, and self-reproach, gave rise to a scenario in Miranda’s mind that made her feel violently ill for a moment and even Grey’s expression slipped a little, becoming a thing of disgust, anger, and something else.
Miranda blinked and it was gone, Grey’s features were once again calm, even friendly.
‘Now, none of that, mum,’ he soothed, ‘No one will be taking your things or your … dignity.’
Miranda thought his voice sounded strained for the first time since she had met him as she approached the pair.
The other woman laughed bitterly and gave a toothless smile, ‘Boy, you’re a fool: what dignity you think I have left?’
‘Enough to matter!’ he snarled suddenly.
Miranda jumped and the other woman almost fainted at Grey’s tone.
‘Is your boyfriend gonna kill me?’ the woman asked Miranda.
Miranda tried to answer as assuring as possible, ‘Probably not, but if he shows his teeth, run and take me with you.’
Grey composed himself, coughed and tossed his cigarette, lighting up one for himself, and then offering one to the bag lady.
‘Fancy a fag, mum?’
She shook her head reprovingly, ‘Son, don’t you know that those things will be the death of you?’
‘Yeah, that’s the scuttlebutt,’ he offered it to her again, ‘Take it anyways, you can trade it later for food or crash space.’
Cautiously, the woman took the cigarette from him and put it in a pocket before staring at Sam.
‘Why are you carrying that girl?’
‘Oh, her?’ he gestured with a thumb, ‘I’m afraid that in her case, ‘one for the road’ became ‘one too many’.’
The woman simply stared at him, puzzled.
‘She’s drunk, mum, very, very, drunk.’
‘Oh. So why then are you bothering me, boy?’
Grey shifted Sam’s weight under him, dug into his pockets, and removed a pocket watch. It was tarnished but still held the lustrous gleam of gold,
‘You’ve got nothing I want to steal,’ he handed over the watch, ‘but you do have something I want to buy.’
‘Buy?’ she frowned, ‘what kind of foolishness is this?’
‘I want to buy your trolley,’ he gestured to her cart.
‘My cart, why?’
‘Because she’s getting heavy,’ he said as he handed over the watch, ‘and she can’t seem to get her feet under her.’
She peered at the watch, ‘What am I going to do with this?’
‘You, madam, are going to take that to a pawnbroker named Max, he’s on East Colorado Avenue, building number twenty-six, ninety-six. Tell him that you’re ‘calling in his marker from his busted full house the other night,’ he’ll know what you mean,’ he examined her critically, ‘Have you got all that?’
The woman’s expression had slid from puzzlement into downright confusion but she nodded as she took the watch from him, ‘Yes, sir, I can do that,’ her tone taking a distinctly contrite tone over a sudden.
‘That a girl,’ he nodded, ‘And if that if that morally bankrupt motherfucker attempts to pay you any less than five-hundred dollars for it, you tell him that I’m going to come by and harvest his guts for garters. You tell him that word for bloody word.’
Both of the women looked stunned by the sudden turn of events: between the amount of money Grey was giving away and the brutality (and utter sincerity) of the death threat he had just issued, they were left in utter bewilderment.
‘Yes sir,’ the old woman said, ‘I will.’
‘Repeat it back to me, verbatim.’
‘Umm…marker, busted full house, pawnbroker named Max.’
‘And the most important part?’
The woman swallowed once, ‘The man with the English accent will harvest your guts for garters if y
ou give me less than five hundred.’
‘Close enough,’ he pointed at the cart, ‘So, we have a deal then? My watch for your cart? You can even keep all your aluminum and other knick-knacks if you wish.’
She nodded, the hard right turns were coming too fast for the poor woman.
‘Aces, could you help me please?’ Grey asked.
‘Yes sir.’
Together, Grey and the old woman emptied out her cart.
‘Do you remember the address?’ Grey asked again.
‘Yes sir, I do.’
‘Good, try to get indoors tonight, there’s a shelter a few blocks from Max’s, you know it?’
‘Why are you doing this for me?’ the woman asked him. He took a long contemplative drag from his cigarette.
‘Because I’ve been in your shoes before, mum,’ he exhaled a cloud of smoke, ‘and no one did it for me. Fair enough?’
The woman nodded, ‘My name’s Margaret.’
‘Cheers, Margaret,’ he replied, ‘My name’s Mister Grey, my friends call me Grey.’
‘Hello, Mister Grey.’
‘To you, it’s Grey.’
‘I’m very happy to meet you, sir.’
‘Likewise, mum. Best head off,’ he looked up at the sky, ‘Pasadena in September is nothing to write home about, but tonight’s feeling a touch nippy.
She waved at him then looked past him at Miranda.
‘You best hang on to this one, honey. They don’t make them like him anymore.’
‘You’re not wrong,’ she muttered under her breath
‘God bless you, sir,’ the elderly woman called out as she left.
Grey coughed hard and nearly choked on his cigarette.
‘Not bleedin’ likely, mum. But thanks for the thought.’
Miranda came up behind Grey, ‘So you can be a human being when you want to be.’
‘What can I say?’ he casually tossed Sam into the shopping cart like a bag of dirty laundry, followed by his walking stick, ‘People who don’t irritate the living fuck out of me tend to see my better side.’
‘Hey!’ Miranda rushed over to the cart where Sam was, the unconscious girl was like a rag doll, bent over at the waist and half hanging out of the cart, looking ready to go completely over and crash onto the street. Miranda grabbed her and made sure that at least most of her was wedged in before turning an icy stare at Grey, who shrugged,
‘What? She’s full-on three sheets there, she’s not going to feel a thing,’ he began pushing the shopping cart down the street, ‘and I guaran-goddamn-tee you that whatever aches and pains she gets from rough handling will be nothing compared to the hangover that’s waiting for her.’
‘And now you’re back to being a jerk,’ Miranda growled.
‘And you’re back to being irritating and thick headed, so happy to have this return to normalcy, now let’s get it in gear already.’
‘She doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment!’
‘Neither did you, nor have you already forgiven your trim for using you as a study in public humiliation?’
That sent Miranda rocking back on her heels but before she could follow up, he had turned away from her and started striding up the street and she had to struggle to keep up.
‘Besides,’ he added, ‘stupid should hurt.’
Ten minutes of walking later and Miranda had had enough.
‘Grey, where’s the car? You said you had one.’
‘I said I had access to one, Binty,’ he took a drag off his cigarette and exhaled, ‘And I do.’ He gestured with the tip of his cigarette.
Miranda turned and frowned, ”Pasadena City College’?’ she turned on Grey, ‘and I refuse to believe that you’re a teacher. No administration would be that cruel.’
‘You’d be surprised, but no, definitely not a teacher,’ he took another drag as he began to push the cart into the parking lot.
‘No way you’re a student.’
‘Yeah, because what would a bottom-feeder like me want with an education?’
Miranda closed her mouth with an audible clack and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment and anger.
Even if it takes the rest of my life, she thought, I’m going to find a way to make him pay for this.
‘What’s wrong then, pussy got your tongue?’ Grey gave the cart a rattle and Sam’s head bounced up and down, ‘Whoops, guess that ship has sailed, eh?’
Miranda glared at him and kept silent: she was done having her words used against her.
Grey exhaled a cloud of smoke, ‘Yeah, didn’t think so.’
He pushed the cart into the parking lot. Miranda started to look about.
‘All right, so which one’s yours?’
‘Just look for the most decrepit looking banger you can find, it’ll be mine,’ he replied.
Miranda took a moment to translate the man’s words before looking about. It took her only a few minutes.
‘Is this it?’ she asked.
‘Describe it.’
She frowned but complied, ‘Uh…Camry, two door, blue. Lots of mud and rust.’
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CHAPTER 21: NEW LIFE REFLECTIONSI woke up disoriented. Where am I, what woke me up? The sun is barely up. Long shadows and rays of light penetrating through the jungle canopy. There’s that noise, again. I am stretched out on the ground along b**st’s stomach and chest, his front leg over my upper body. This has become a favorite sleeping position for me since we arrived on the planet. Although it is much more comfortable on the beach sand at the lagoon. I raise my head to seek out the source of...
The Human Toilet ProjectIt all began with a casual visit to the Misc. part of Craigslist's job openings. I didn't necessarily need a job because I had begun to receive Social Security just a few months ago, but you are allowed to have a little part time work. The listing was as follows.The University of California Berkeley Psychology Dept in coordination with UC Medical School Dept of Internal Medicine need a male volunteer for their human toilet project. We prefer someone who has never been a...
Human Toilet AbductionIt was well after 2 am when I finished work at the club and after waiting for almost 45 minutes to get a cab home because my car was at the mechanics I finally gave up and decided to walk home. It was dark and cold so my step quickened. All I wanted to do was get home, take a long hot shower, maybe check out some porn on the internet while I fucked myself with my thickest dildo riding up and down the super thick shaft on my office chair while I went to some of my most...
After my own personal experience with the covert sodomy practiced by the hybrid zombie population, I directed my attention to the insidious nature of the sex-crazed zombie development. There was no doubt that the entire affair was more complex than we first suspected because a new crop of female sex-crazed zombies added to the confused state of circumstances. My team had isolated a coven of the creatures in an area just south of “Old Las Vegas” out in the Nevada desert living like a sacred...
Nobody knows exactly where they came from, maybe they were mutants from the pollution of humanity or maybe they've always been around. Maybe this is Man's Hubris coming back to roost, maybe they're just a path of Evolution that was always there but never really discovered just from sheer dumb luck. Never officially, anyway. 1954, The Amazon. A scientific expedition takes a turn when Kay Lawrence, the group's ichthyologist and the only female in the group, is kidnapped by what was described by...
This story is the sequel to my story Less Than Human. If you are 18 or under, disgusted by adult material or just don't feel like reading any at the moment, please read no further. If anyone wishes to archive this, please let me know. More Than Human part 1 of 2 By Morpheus Daryl pulled his jacket a little closer to him as protection from the chill of the night air, not taking his eyes off of the house that he'd been watching for the past hour. That he'd been watching the...
“B,” Bill said as we sat in the utility vehicle. They were parked just outside the food court of the mall. Things had gotten back to normal. Well as usual as they could be with a giant alien spacecraft sitting in our backyard. The mall was busier than it had ever been. Chuck, the realtor, had told them that he had rented out or sold more houses and apartments in these few days than in his whole career, seeing as he took over his family business straight out of high school that was saying...
Oral Sex“B,” Bill said as we sat in the utility vehicle. They were parked just outside the food court of the mall. Things had gotten back to normal. Well as usual as they could be with a giant alien spacecraft sitting in our backyard. The mall was busier than it had ever been. Chuck, the realtor, had told them that he had rented out or sold more houses and apartments in these few days than in his whole career, seeing as he took over his family business straight out of high school that was saying...
Oral SexChapter 42: MY FUTURE IS DECIDEDThe island is at peace, the mainland threat is gone. The island should be secure. Life should be peaceful. And b**st is gone. Happy, perhaps. But still gone. What does all this mean for me?Within a week of our victory against the invaders, Alex and Addama decide to go ahead with their marriage. She feels it is good for a positive, celebratory change. So early evening, with the world quieting down again, Alex and Addama approach Tessra and me at the edge of the...
Human toilet trainingTraining a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons:1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up.Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you're slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes...
Less Than Human By Morpheus The rain was coming down hard and had long since left Ethan soaked to the bone. The long coat that he'd been wearing had been sufficient protection when he'd started out earlier and there was only a light sprinkle coming down, but far too soon the rain had started coming down full tilt. "God damn it." Ethan growled to himself, shivering badly as he strolled down side of the road, becoming more and more impatient to get where he was going. "This...
Most of us that had survived the first wave of sex-crazed zombies and then the second wave with the females of the species neutralizing the human male sperm and reducing the ranks of the human race to more manageable ratios didn’t have a clue of what was in store for the last and final spurt of zombie destruction that laid waste to our urban areas and devastated our farm production to the point that starvation was our final tribulation in the war against the insidious forces of evil. We had...
In the not-so-far future, a part of the world has embraced slavery. Slaves are almost entirely removed from the jurisdiction of the state, as it is the duty of the master to discipline their slaves and keep them in check. Only, when a slave proves to be dangerous to the public (as with killing or injuring a free human), they will be put down for good. However, most slaves aren’t humans. Instead, the scientists of this country have used advanced genetics to create a multitude of humanoid...
BDSMIt was well after 9:00PM when I finally returned from work. I was exhausted mentally, which was definitely affecting me physically. But I had much preferred to stay rather late on a Friday evening than go to work for a few hours on a Saturday morning. Still, I felt less than human when I walked in the front door. Clearly, I had missed dinner, and the snacks I had bought from a vending machine at work would not last me much longer. If my fiancée had cooked dinner, she had already put away...
Human Resources by Cindy V. May 2000 It was about 8 pm on a Saturday night, as I cursed the computer because my spreadsheet formula was wrong. Yes, another Saturday night at the office in downtown Manhattan. Why was I there? For one thing, because I had no social life at the moment. But for another, because there was too much work to do, and because the damn Human Resources department was dragging its feet as usual on finding me an assistant. Sorry, but I...
Chapter 33a: ALEX’S NEW EXPERIENCESSix months after the training of the Western Team, life on the island continued suspiciously calm. Of course when I say six months it is something of my guess. I have known that the cycles of days, nights, months, moon orbit and orbit around the sun was different. I never thought to get a precise conversion from the Predators because, frankly, how does it matter? Life follows the cycles of the environment and is not predicated by some artificial timetable. But...
Nitty Gritty Of Human AnatomyBy: Londebaaz ChohanBertha had really worked very hard for the last year and her grades were showing it. The improvement was more than one full point rising up 3.51 CGPA. For all the love she had to be in the marching band; she had done it faster than any black c***d ever known to achieve such high grades in so little time. She was told to have been enrolled in the band music class already but now all she had to do was to work on her individual subjects of Math and...
My name is Dalas. I grew up in a poor family in Southshore, and as soon as I was able, moved immediately to the great city of Stormwind to try and make a future for myself.I had never been very good with arms, nor had I felt the calling of the wild or the light, so that only left me with one choice; magic.The only question was, which kind would suit me better? The path of the Mage, who follows the "goodly" path of magic, or... the path of the warlock, controller of dark, ancient, powerful magic...
HUMAN MATTRESS 2By Hungry Guy Doug yawned and awoke. A ray of sunlight filtered in through the crack in the curtains on the single window of his dorm room. He lifted his head up and saw that it was only 9:18. Too early to get out of bed on a Saturday morning. The girl upon which he was sleeping squirmed a little. There had been so many girls the past few weeks that he could no longer remember their names. She couldn't move much because her ankles were shackled and tied tightly to...
by Fidget Chapter 1 Dr. Jeff was trying to finish wiring his new device before his Intro to Bio class started, but it was starting to look pretty unlikely. As a molecular biologist, designing machines to improve concentration wasn't really his field (and to be honest, he was fairly certain he wasn't supposed to be using university equipment for personal projects either), but some amateur research into the effects of certain frequencies of sound on the human brain had led to a few...
This story follows Emma who is 24 years at the beginning of the story. It also covers the experience of her friends Carol, Alice, Amy ... The story is set in a future alternative world where some key scientific discoveries has lead to a new age of industrial revolution. Humans are a key resource in the new age. It all started 5 years ago when Emma had just been 18. The space company SPACELINK went out to deep space explorations to find new minerals for human use. They found a mineral named...
The following few chapters are setting up the plot. Feel free to add on after the origin chapters are over... "Analyzing." A man over the speaker said aloud. His booming voice echoing throughout the room the subject was in. "Sir subject's vitals seem to be stable for now." A woman replied, worried about what would happen if their superiors found out about them forgoing their explicit instructions not to conduct this experiment. The researchers had a breakthrough of massive display, a gene in...
There is a war going on, which the world doesn’t know about. There are these entities known as the Siphon. They exist as pure intelligence, intangible and invisible, and completely lacking physical form. In a way, they seem to be spirits. It is their natural state. In this natural state, they are immortal. Unfortunately for them, they are incapable of affecting the physical world when they exist as invisible and intangible entities. The origins of the Siphon are unknown. They inhabit another...
The doors of the high-tech elevator silently slid open, revealing a vast atrium quite unlike anything I had ever seen in my life. Like a grand entrance hall hidden beneath the Stafferson Offices of Human Advances Special Research Facility, it contained a huge pair of holographic screens that dominated two of the titanium-paneled walls, displaying yards of information and announcements in bright white text. Around me, I could see just under a dozen more elevators, each ferrying workers and...
MasturbationThis story is another fictional story about Mary, Sam and Marc (all adult!) and the topic is human petplay. If you dislike it, please read another story, instead of ripping my fur off because of my ideas and imagination.In case you find typos - keep them as houswarming gift. ;)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary's human-kittypet adventures (1)Mary lived half a year now with Sam. The biggest...
I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of time...
I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of...
My college has a first-rate psychology department, where one can study learned texts on human behavior. But book learning has its limits, so the department prides itself on conducting clinical exercises that expand on the material. That academic rigor applies throughout the department, but nowhere more starkly than in its course on human sexuality. All participants in that course have to agree ahead of time to participate fully in the clinical exercises – which they are warned may require...
Group Sex[As previously promised, I will be adding a couple chapters tonight before releasing a large amount of content made for the next day.. all fully typed, checked, and spaced out so you don't just see 1 or 2 pages added every update!] [I'm also happy to say that there will be much more action and lore coming soon!] _ (This story is my creation, but erotic content is not my priority with this.) READ: *Make sure that you have chosen your name and set each pro-noun to your character's gender - Click...
FantasyHydrodynamics cybernetics: It's In the Programming by Galadriel Authors note: This is my first contribution for an extremely long time; my aim was to try and write as much of the story in a single session to see if it improves my writing quality. Update December 2013: This story is a bit of a pet project; I am finally happy enough with the updates after heavy revisions, including the use of tenses and the ending in the hope it flows better. If I receive reasonably positive...
Chapter 8 I have only been a toilet for a few hours, but time moves slower when you have shit in your mouth. Ms. Stone's diarrhea was brutal. I felt shell-shocked, and was convinced the shit inside me was eating away at my brain. It's as if I'm turning into a real toilet, losing my humanity one shit at a time. I had no dignity left. I entered this club with the hope of seeing my ex-girlfriend Lauren. But the reality is inescapable, the only human connection I can expect is having my lips...
Chapter 40b: CONFLICT ON THE PLAINS - ContinuedSuddenly I did know what we were going to do to survive. And if we could bring it together decisively and immediately, the day will still be ours. Because when it got quiet, at least right around me as everyone was surprised by my reaction, I heard the disturbance. But I had to be sure. So I yelled for quiet, to listen, to be sure. And then I was sure. I heard the disturbance in the air that I have come to recognize as the cloaked shuttle of the...
A last story to submit for the list as a good-bye to the list that has given me so much joy over the last year and a part. I dedicate this to Mindy for all she has done. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion...
A Human TouchReclining in her chair and emitting a vexed exhale, Nike Toris brought the tips of the fingers to the temple of her skull in an attempt to ease the dull ache that was swelling within. The financial year had always been a stressful time, and always would be, as every man and his dog sought to make amends for leaving their taxes to the last minute, and piling their procrastination into the lap of one of the more reputable accountancy firms in town – for a handsome price. Abruptly –...
“Finishing high school should make me want to celebrate, but I feel like shit,” I thought to myself. My girlfriend Lauren had broken up with me. She was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school. I was so madly in love with her, but she thought I was a loser. She only liked me because I was one of the first kids to get a car. I would drive her and her girlfriends around, and they would pretend to be nice to me. After dropping them off at club events, I would hear them laughing...
I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walking many miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavy objects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...