Understanding the G SPOT and Female Sexuality
- 3 years ago
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My college has a first-rate psychology department, where one can study learned texts on human behavior. But book learning has its limits, so the department prides itself on conducting clinical exercises that expand on the material. That academic rigor applies throughout the department, but nowhere more starkly than in its course on human sexuality.
All participants in that course have to agree ahead of time to participate fully in the clinical exercises – which they are warned may require them to reveal intimate details about their sexuality and their bodies. Sort of an academic Truth or Dare. Participants pledge to keep what transpires in the class confidential, but enough rumors have seeped out to clothe the course with a mystique.
To entice the more shy individuals to participate (so that the universe of participants is not skewed just to the adventurous), the college awards double credits. You pay for three credit hours, but receive six.
At the beginning of the course, each student undergoes an evaluation. I was seated at a computer, onto which images of individuals of both sexes were displayed. Participants are to press a number, 1 to 10, to express their sexual interest in the subject.
An attractive woman, with a lovely smile appeared on my screen. She was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. Very nice. I pressed 6. Then the image shifted, and this women’s t-shirt was gone; she was wearing a lace bra. I still pressed 6. Next, her shorts were gone, and her bottom features were clearly outlined by her panties. I pressed 7. In the next slide, she was nude. Small breasts, smaller than I like, and a shaved mound. She went back to a 6.
This process was repeated. Other women, some quite beautiful, some plain, appeared. Slowly their bodies were revealed as clothes were removed. I got into the spirit of the exercise and saved the 9 and 10 ratings for women with my favorite, shapely firm breasts and curly and plentiful pubic hair. If women had very pretty faces and smiles, I rewarded them with higher ratings even if their bodies weren’t spectacular. Sensors attached to my body measured my heart rate and respiration, as a corollary and check to my self-reporting. And I was presented with guys too. I kept pressing 1 to reject feelings of sexuality until the computer caught on and only offered me women.
It was very pleasant to watch women’s clothes disappear in a peek show. I was disappointed when the session ended. But it wasn’t done just for my titillation; the purpose was to create a database as to what facial characteristics and body types generated the greatest sexual excitement. Later, this would be used when I was matched with a classmate in the clinical studies.
One of the early lectures involved the question of male/female sexual arousal. Few would deny that the sex drive in the young male is ferocious. Men are easily aroused by the sight of an attractive female, or even by the perfumed scent she leaves behind. And that manifestation is readily observable. The penis is a reliable and visible barometer – especially when not hidden by clothes. But the female is different. For millennia, women were on a pedestal, considered to be pure and shy creatures, needing to be wooed to provoke a willingness to engage with the male. Our professor asked us our views on whether women’s sex drive was as strong as the male’s.
Most of the men thought it was not. But the women, demurely at first, then more vigorously as others spoke up, asserted that women like sex too. A lot.
“I tend to agree with you,” said the professor. “But then why is it,” he asked, “that in a recent study of men and women, 25 percent of males reported masturbating almost every day, compared to 8.7 percent of women? And even among men who don’t masturbate a lot, they do so at rates that are 50% higher than women?”
One of the females spoke. “I’m sure the women responding to the survey were lying. It’s difficult for a woman to discuss her sexual needs. Guys joke about it; guys consider masturbation as being manly. But for a woman, it’s a mark of shame.”
Several women nodded their agreement.
“So shall we find out?”, the professor asked. “Who’s willing to do a show of hands for who masturbates at least on a weekly basis?”
There was dead silence in the class. No one moved.
“That’s what I expected. Our society is awash in sex, yet it remains a taboo to discuss your own sexuality openly. That’s part of what we’re going to change in this class. Your homework assignment is to keep a journal on how often you masturbate – or how often you want to do it, but don’t, for whatever reason. And if this class is to be of value, you need to be absolutely honest.”
The assignment caused some excitement amongst us. And I heard a few of the guys acknowledge that they masturbated when they returned to the dorm, thinking about the assignment – and wondering what their classmates might be doing.
As the lectures continued, we became used to listening about sex and more open to discussing it.
The professor occasionally would question us about our own sexuality.
He called on Dawn, a pretty brunette in the first row.
“Dawn, when you compare your naked body to others of your gender, how do you think you compare?”
Dawn gulped, but answered truthfully. “Well, I worry that my breasts are too small. Other women seem prettier to me. And I ought to lose a few pounds.”
“Do the other women agree?” he asked.
Several of the women expressed how attractive they thought Dawn was.
“But you haven’t seen her naked, have you?” he asked. “Dawn, would you be willing to remove your clothes so we could judge for ourselves?”
There was dead stillness in the class. No one spoke; no one breathed.
“I can’t do that,” said Dawn, with a look of terror on her face. I’m sorry.”
“Not a problem. No one will ever be forced to do anything they don’t want to. But as time goes on, you’ll find that you’ll lose your fears. We’ll return to this another time.”
Everyone resumed breathing. But the suggestion that nudity – open nudity -- was part of the class was something we hadn’t fully comprehended.
The following week, we had our first evening clinical session to be completed when we returned to our dorm rooms. We were divided into a team of two, a man and a woman, or gay men and gay women with their own sex. The assignment pairings were predetermined, by that know-it-all computer. As fate would have it, I was teamed with Dawn. Tall, brunette, with (I guess, by her own description) small breasts, but otherwise a lovely figure. I was quite taken with her. (The computer had figured me out well. I wondered if she had curly pubic hair. Would I find out?)
We were assigned to discuss our early sexual experiences. The first question was: When and where were you first naked before an adult member of the opposite sex?
I volunteered to go first.
“When I was sixteen, I stayed a few weeks with my uncle and aunt in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. There was a stretch of beach where nude bathing was permitted. I occasionally would sneak off there to sunbathe. But really mostly to look at the women. It was very exciting to me.”
“Were people looking at you?” Dawn asked. “If not, I don’t think that counts. Just being naked on a beach isn’t the same as someone examining your body.”
I was a little disappointed that my revelation hadn’t been well received.
“Can you do better?” I asked.
“Well, my first time was accidental. I was trying on bathing suits in a small clothing shop that had one unisex fitting room. I inadvertently failed to fully close the door so it hadn’t latched. I had taken off a bathing suit when the door opened and a man stepped forward to enter. He saw me, saw all of me, and his eyes went wide. He stammered “Excuse me”, and backed out. I was both mortified and excited. It even today turns me on to think of him looking at me.”
I was on her story. “Well, I don’t think that counts either. It wasn’t voluntary; you didn’t engage with him in any sexual way.”
She laughed. “I guess neither of us is very good at this.”
We chatted on, and after that first exchange, it was easier to talk about our first boyfriend/girlfriend. And our first time being naked with them.
When we returned to the classroom the following day, the professor asked us how it went.
Everyone agreed that discussing a sexual experience with essentially a stranger had been easier than we expected.
Next, we read a study on the impact of sexual pleasure on human relationships. Sex for animals is mainly for the propagation of the species. The female comes into heat, intercourse happens, then babies appear in the Spring. Human beings are different. We come together sexually because it is intensely pleasurable.
“Why do you think we evolved this way? And is too much pleasure a curse, leading us into misadventures?” the professor asked.
A number of students volunteered stories where they did very foolish things in pursuit of an idealized partner -- or even multiple partners at the same time. Everyone had some episode of folly, stemming from a lustful pursuit.
The professor gave us an assignment. “When you return to the dorms tonight, you’ll separate into groups. This time, it will be four people. Your assignment is to talk about group sex. What drives people to violate the cardinal principle of societal morality, that partners need to remain celibate vis-à-vis the rest of the world? And what do you think of people who do that?”
I asked to team with Dawn again, and she was agreeable. Two others, Brad and Jennifer, rounded out the group.
We began by questioning whether any of us had engaged in group sex. Jennifer was the only one of us who had. She was a little timid to describe the scene but mustered up the courage.
“I had gone with my boyfriend to his friend’s house. They had a pool in the backyard. He and his girlfriend were lounging by the pool. She was topless. I had never done that before, but peer pressure and some alcohol soon had me topless. My boyfriend had a bottle of suntan lotion, and he volunteered to rub some on my back. I lay down and he did a good job. The other girl said she needed some too, and he, gallant male that he was, agreed. Only the lotion didn’t stay on her back. He slid around to rub her breasts. The girl’s boyfriend was feeling left out, and he came to where I was laying. He began massaging my back and then my front. Before we knew it, we are all naked and screwing each other. He on me, me on my boyfriend, we went back and forth. Even us girls dallied a little.”
She was growing excited talking about it.
“We did it one more time, but then the couples drifted apart. I’ve never done it since.”
“Did you feel remorseful afterwards?” I asked.
“I knew it was something I couldn’t talk about. I was raised in a religious family, and my mother would be mortified if she knew. Which she never will. I only told my best friend, no one else. You guys are really the first ones to hear of this. But no, I didn’t regret it. It was wonderful.”
We were all turned on by the story. We talked a little about some missed opportunities for multiple partners that we’ve had. Some hints not picked up on, some suggestions rebuffed out of fear. I thought about sex with Dawn and Brad and Jennifer. But I didn’t have the courage to ask. No one did. We all returned to our rooms and went to sleep. I know I masturbated. Likely the others did too. I made an entry into my journal. Yet another missed opportunity?
At the next class we talked about the sessions. Not so much the details, just how the stories affected us and our view of the morality. But we were more open in the class than ever before. The more we talked about our sexuality, the easier it was to do so.
Then the professor moved to talk directly about our bodies.
“Society views the body in different ways at different times. You can walk around on the beach is the skimpiest bikini and no one says a word. If you wore the same outfit in the supermarket, they’d probably arrest you. The writers of the Bible pinned their discomfort with the unclothed body on Eve for her purported transgression. But we know it’s men’s fears over their ability to control their lust. For your assignment tonight, I want your groups to discuss nudity and its role in shaping who we are. And I want you to be brave. Choose one of you to be nude during the session. We’ll talk tomorrow how you felt confronted with the naked body.”
When the four of us met that night, we were aflame with the prospect. But who would it be? How would we choose?
We all looked at each other warily. Brad suggested that he or I should volunteer to strip, to save the women from that fate. But Dawn said that was sexist. Weren’t the men assuming that women’s modesty was more precious than theirs?
I asked her. Are you volunteering then to be the one?”
“No,” she replied. “But I’ll take my chances like all of you. I don’t need special treatment as a woman.”
Jennifer agreed. She said we should draw lots.
We got four pieces of paper, all identical. Three of them were blank. On one, I wrote the word “Nude.”
The papers were placed in a bowl. Brad drew first. The paper was blank.
Jennifer drew. Her’s was blank.
Then I drew one. It was blank.
Dawn let out a shriek. There was no need for her to draw.
We sat quietly, staring at her. For a long while, she didn’t move. Then she rose. She pulled off her blouse. She had a white frilly bra underneath. She unbuttoned her pants and slid them off. She had on tight-fitting red panties. She was breathing heavily. We were hardly breathing at all.
Then she took a deep breath and unhooked the bra. Beautiful firm breasts, and not too small, with broad areola and prominent nipples. Then she pulled down the panties. Her mound was covered with abundant, curly hair. (I knew it!)
She was beautiful in her nakedness. She sat down, breathing rapidly. “Start talking guys,” she said. “If I have to sit here naked, we better discuss the subject.” She folded her arms across her breasts and crossed her legs.
We began talking about times we’d encountered naked people, or people wearing inappropriate or revealing clothes. And how it made us feel. We tried not to stare at Dawn, but it was hard not to. But a funny thing happened. After about fifteen minutes, we accepted her nakedness as just how things were. And Dawn became used to it too. She unfolded her arms and uncrossed her legs. She accepted herself and we accepted her for what she was—a beautiful woman who happened to be nude.
Then Jennifer made a decision. “If Dawn can do this, then so can I. In solidarity with my brave classmate.” She rose and peeled off her top. And removed her shorts. Then she stripped off the bra and panties. She sat down and faced us. We stared at her full breasts, her curves, her round buttocks.
Brad and I looked at each other. It was obvious what had to be done. We rose together, and each of us stripped off our outer clothes. And then the shorts. Our penises hung free. The girls stared at us as we had at them. We tried to continue the conversation but the outcome was clear. I moved closer to Dawn and put my arms around her. Brad and Jennifer merged into one. We began kissing, slowly at first, then more feverishly, as the sexual tension from the weeks of exploring the subject of sex exploded.
I explored Dawn’s body, caressed her breasts, her abdomen, her womanhood. She grappled me, rubbing my back, my buttocks, then reached to massage the testicles and the erect shaft. We fell onto the floor and were oblivious to the two other people in the room. In truth, they were oblivious of us. Each couple pawed each other until we had intercourse and release. We lay on the floor, spent. Then the four of us huddled together in a mass, naked and at peace. At peace with our bodies and with the idea of nudity.
The next day, in class, it was revealed that most of the groups had ended up as we did. Those that hadn’t sat there angry at their own timidity. The professor congratulated us.
“This was the outcome I was looking for. Not sex necessarily, but the acceptance of nudity without shame. You shed your inhibitions along with your clothes. Well done.”
He continued. “So Dawn. Let me revisit a request I made of you at the beginning of the semester. Will you remove your clothes so we can see if your view of your own body is accurate?”
She replied. “There is no need to do that, professor. I now know there is nothing to be ashamed of about my body. We’re all different, and we’re each beautiful. I’m okay.”
“Dawn, I couldn’t be happier with that answer. Bravo,” he said, smiling.
We’re graduates now, but we often hang out together. There is a bond that formed, a bond knowing that we view sexuality in a mature way. We’re at ease with our bodies. It’s nice.
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by Fidget Chapter 1 Dr. Jeff was trying to finish wiring his new device before his Intro to Bio class started, but it was starting to look pretty unlikely. As a molecular biologist, designing machines to improve concentration wasn't really his field (and to be honest, he was fairly certain he wasn't supposed to be using university equipment for personal projects either), but some amateur research into the effects of certain frequencies of sound on the human brain had led to a few...
This story follows Emma who is 24 years at the beginning of the story. It also covers the experience of her friends Carol, Alice, Amy ... The story is set in a future alternative world where some key scientific discoveries has lead to a new age of industrial revolution. Humans are a key resource in the new age. It all started 5 years ago when Emma had just been 18. The space company SPACELINK went out to deep space explorations to find new minerals for human use. They found a mineral named...
The following few chapters are setting up the plot. Feel free to add on after the origin chapters are over... "Analyzing." A man over the speaker said aloud. His booming voice echoing throughout the room the subject was in. "Sir subject's vitals seem to be stable for now." A woman replied, worried about what would happen if their superiors found out about them forgoing their explicit instructions not to conduct this experiment. The researchers had a breakthrough of massive display, a gene in...
There is a war going on, which the world doesn’t know about. There are these entities known as the Siphon. They exist as pure intelligence, intangible and invisible, and completely lacking physical form. In a way, they seem to be spirits. It is their natural state. In this natural state, they are immortal. Unfortunately for them, they are incapable of affecting the physical world when they exist as invisible and intangible entities. The origins of the Siphon are unknown. They inhabit another...
The doors of the high-tech elevator silently slid open, revealing a vast atrium quite unlike anything I had ever seen in my life. Like a grand entrance hall hidden beneath the Stafferson Offices of Human Advances Special Research Facility, it contained a huge pair of holographic screens that dominated two of the titanium-paneled walls, displaying yards of information and announcements in bright white text. Around me, I could see just under a dozen more elevators, each ferrying workers and...
MasturbationThis story is another fictional story about Mary, Sam and Marc (all adult!) and the topic is human petplay. If you dislike it, please read another story, instead of ripping my fur off because of my ideas and imagination.In case you find typos - keep them as houswarming gift. ;)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary's human-kittypet adventures (1)Mary lived half a year now with Sam. The biggest...
I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of time...
I am a simple man with a few credentials in my life. But the most important one is that i was born on the right place, which put me on the right side . The one that won the war, a war that split the world into two groups. Those of us who still walk the earth free, and those who are slaves, with virtually no rights. After the war was over i got a job as a guard at the first human milk factory that was created, shortly after. The pay wasn't much, but it was an easy job and i had plenty of...
[As previously promised, I will be adding a couple chapters tonight before releasing a large amount of content made for the next day.. all fully typed, checked, and spaced out so you don't just see 1 or 2 pages added every update!] [I'm also happy to say that there will be much more action and lore coming soon!] _ (This story is my creation, but erotic content is not my priority with this.) READ: *Make sure that you have chosen your name and set each pro-noun to your character's gender - Click...
FantasyHi..I am Rahul and I stay in Mumbai.. .I am a straight guy and very much like to enjoy with girls and ladies. but this time i had an experience which i had never expected… and i must say i enjoyed it. if only i saw it coming i would have enjoyed more… but then..it was still amazing! I am average looking guy and am neither fat nor too athletic…I can say that I have an average body. Everyday I use local trains for going to and coming from office. Usually after office I go to gym, which is next to...
Gay MaleReddit Outercourse, aka r/Outercourse! Everyone loves having sex. I don’t think there’s a single person out there that doesn’t like a good shag. Even asexual dudes probably get a rush of dopamine when they get inside a chick. Here’s the thing, though, since we're all about penetration, penetration, penetration, is there any other way in which we can get satisfied? Well, I think we’re on to something here and we should give it a close inspection. More specifically, we should talk about the...
Reddit NSFW ListChapter 8 I have only been a toilet for a few hours, but time moves slower when you have shit in your mouth. Ms. Stone's diarrhea was brutal. I felt shell-shocked, and was convinced the shit inside me was eating away at my brain. It's as if I'm turning into a real toilet, losing my humanity one shit at a time. I had no dignity left. I entered this club with the hope of seeing my ex-girlfriend Lauren. But the reality is inescapable, the only human connection I can expect is having my lips...
Chapter 40b: CONFLICT ON THE PLAINS - ContinuedSuddenly I did know what we were going to do to survive. And if we could bring it together decisively and immediately, the day will still be ours. Because when it got quiet, at least right around me as everyone was surprised by my reaction, I heard the disturbance. But I had to be sure. So I yelled for quiet, to listen, to be sure. And then I was sure. I heard the disturbance in the air that I have come to recognize as the cloaked shuttle of the...
A last story to submit for the list as a good-bye to the list that has given me so much joy over the last year and a part. I dedicate this to Mindy for all she has done. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion...
A Human TouchReclining in her chair and emitting a vexed exhale, Nike Toris brought the tips of the fingers to the temple of her skull in an attempt to ease the dull ache that was swelling within. The financial year had always been a stressful time, and always would be, as every man and his dog sought to make amends for leaving their taxes to the last minute, and piling their procrastination into the lap of one of the more reputable accountancy firms in town – for a handsome price. Abruptly –...
Corvino's Defense of Homosexuality By Cal Y. Pygia Note: While it is true that not all transvestites are gay, many profess to be. In any case, this essay is likely to be of interest to many, regardless of their sexual orientation, and to members of the wider gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community, many of whom have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender friends themselves. In his essay, "Why Shouldn't Tommy and Jim Have Sex?," which appears in Contemporary Moral...
“Finishing high school should make me want to celebrate, but I feel like shit,” I thought to myself. My girlfriend Lauren had broken up with me. She was the head cheerleader and the most popular girl in school. I was so madly in love with her, but she thought I was a loser. She only liked me because I was one of the first kids to get a car. I would drive her and her girlfriends around, and they would pretend to be nice to me. After dropping them off at club events, I would hear them laughing...
I went to the Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins for my summer vacation. The Mayan’s Indians are very poor and work very hard for there money. They live in mud huts with dirt floors and thatch roofs. They are very short people who are know for carrying large heavy objects on there heads, and walking many miles with there cargo. Because they use there heads to carry heavy objects, they have a very strong neck and back, to be able to withstand the pressure put on them while walking many hours to...
Chapter 41: THE NEW DAY … AND A BIG CHANGEThe new day brought a new awareness. To all of us. And it was obvious by the reactions of all the species as they milled around the commons area of the settlement. The day before we were in the fight of our very lives. Although I gave us even odds for the initial battle as I had it planned, even odds is also just as good that we would lose. Then, when it was clear they had held back half of their force, I believed we were doomed. If not right there on...
Chapter 38: ADVANCED TRAININGAfter that first night with the couples spending the night at the lagoon, Tessra, Helman, and Addama began to routinely stay at the lagoon. They would occasionally return to the village several times in a row to get new clothes and keep up appearances and share with the other villagers the training and any news about the arrival expectation of the ships that would contain more new people and my plans for the inevitable conflict. Everyone was resolved to the thought...
Chapter 27: THE WOLF PACKb**st and I are back at the lagoon and discussing the success the team has had in formation and establishing a secure zone around the clan and village (even if they weren’t supporting the effort). During our discussion we were considering the timing for going to the NW mountain and making contact with the other people village and the other clan. I was interested in the dragon creature. I was estimating this expedition could take a considerable amount of time away. Part...
Chapter 24: AN ALLIANCE FORMEDb**st and I were leading a very satisfying life cycle since the Predators once again left. Their return for the short visit was nice. I, especially, enjoyed catching up and renewing relationships with my former Unit mates and Danna. I had experienced much in the year or so I was with them. They were also indirectly responsible for b**st and I meeting. When they left, again, I faced that question that I had faced and addressed before. Will I be happy here? Will I...
My wife and I went to a local internet cafe that has some arcade machines that she loves to play; Japanese rhythm games. We decided to go late at night since we didn't have any good movies to watch and we were bored, but we were still wide awake. The place is very large with about 80 PC's and 15 arcade machines, the place only had a few small groups of Asian guys in the place since it was late at night and they are addicted to LoL and Battlegrounds, but pussy will always be the most addictive...