Sod's LawChapter 10 free porn video

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Tuesday 7th May 1985

Next morning, back at work, I took a pad and a pen. Time to think. What did I need to know? I needed to verify that Helen and I had the same mother, or father, or both. It triggered the realisation that I knew precious little about my own birth mother and father, though I seemed to know she was a single mother.

I extracted my birth certificate, of which I had taken little notice in the past. The first look confirmed what I suspected: it was a short certificate and so told me nothing about my birth mother, only giving me my name, the place my birth was registered: Shrewsbury, the date of my birth, the sixth of May 1960, and a reference number to the full entry in the Registers.

I resolved to get a full certificate which would give me my parents’ names, father’s occupation, address where I was born, home address, mother’s maiden name and who registered the birth.

The obvious source of further information until I got the certificate, was Mum. That would be my first port of call.

I worked through lunch and left a hour early to visit her.

As I drove to Mum’s place, it struck me that neither Helen nor myself had ever talked about our birth parents after that first meal together. It seemed we agreed that they were irrelevant and of no interest. Well, how wrong we were!

“So at last you want to know about your birth mother,” Mum said. “Why?”

“This business of being Helen’s brother. It occurred to me that I should check the details for myself.”

“Well, Davey,” she said sorrowfully, “your file went back to Manchester Social when you turned eighteen, and to be honest, the last time I looked at it I think you were seven. You’ve got your birth certificate. You could probably apply to Manchester to see your file as an adult. I do know a little.”

“Anything would help.”

“I seem to remember her Christian name was Ruby, and she had you very young, fifteen or sixteen possibly. There was trouble with her boyfriend I think, and you were taken into care as a baby.

“She got you back when she got rid of the boyfriend, and I think that’s when she moved to Manchester. She had to be supervised because of her age and since you were at risk. She got another boyfriend but he was no better than the other one. He was violent, so you were taken into care again...”

She paused in thought. Then, “I think she died.”

“Drugs?” I asked.

“No I don’t think so. I think she was beaten up by her boyfriend and didn’t survive. It made the papers, he was sentenced to life, minimum twenty-five years. There was talk that he only just missed being hung for it.

“You could try the Manchester Evening News: it’ll be in their archives. You came to me in ‘65 aged four, and you’d been fostered somewhere else in the meantime. Try going backwards from March or April 1965. Big job.”

“I’ll do that, Mum, and I’ll get a full birth certificate. That’ll give my mother’s name and the address where I was born, probably her address as well if she registered the birth.”

“Davey, you could look up the death indexes for her death once you know her full name for sure. The death certificate will say how she died and where, if indeed it’s true she was murdered.”

I was surprised that I felt nauseous and distressed, nay, angry at her life being cut short, but with a lead to follow, I felt better as I left to return home. I had something to do, something positive to go on. Perhaps she hadn’t been killed at all. Perhaps I could find her.

On Wednesday I asked Tessa, one of the secretaries, to order me a full birth certificate from Shrewsbury Register Office, giving her my short certificate so she could provide my date of birth and the reference to the entry in the records. I gave her my cheque for £6.50, that being the fee.

I enclosed a self-addressed envelope with a first class stamp, and it was sent off that afternoon by first class post. I calculated it would arrive the next day, take a day or two to be processed. There must have been a rash of births or people enquiring about certificates, for the certificate did not arrive until Monday of the following week.

The letter was waiting for me in my pigeon-hole when I returned from work on Monday evening. I had to confess to some excitement. What would I find?

Something unexpected in column one! I was born in a house on Castle Foregate, not the Royal Salop, as Maurice’s investigators had said.

My name was David, well, I knew that!

The column for father’s name was blank; my mother’s name was indeed Ruby Evans and the word ‘waitress’ had been added instead of her maiden name.

I may have been born in Shrewsbury, but in a bed sitter, Ruby’s home address on Castle Foregate. She had registered the birth.

I was now hooked on finding out more about Ruby Evans and whether she was murdered, and if so, when? If she was murdered before November 1963, she could not be Helen’s mother, and we could not be brother and sister!

I managed to get into the Record Office after work and searched for Ruby’s death in the Death Indexes. It took a while, but in the end there was only one Ruby Evans between 1965 and 1961. The entry showed the death occurred in Chorlton, Manchester in the March Quarter 1964.

On Wednesday lunch time I went to the Register Office in Manchester and obtained her death certificate. She died on the 14th January 1964 of a fractured skull, and multiple injuries the details of which were crammed into the small space.

I had the afternoon for trust administration at River House, so I cheated and went to the Record Office to search the fiches for the Manchester Evening News account.

The article was an account of the coroner’s inquest on the death of Ruby Evans. There were descriptions of the post-mortem examination, and accounts from the police about how she was found badly beaten, and the subsequent arrest of a Lee Bradshaw, her boyfriend who had pleaded guilty to the fatal attack.

I searched the column. Not enough. I needed an account of the actual event, and continued to search. Eventually I came across a front page headline, Missing Woman’s Body Found.

It gave details of the place and that her badly beaten body was found in a two-up, two-down terraced house in Hulme. I knew the area, it was in the centre of major slum clearance at that time in the city. The demolition clearly hadn’t reached that street yet. The houses were filthy, without electricity, proper plumbing or a bathroom, with an outside toilet in a brick shed.

However, the part that caught my attention was that a young boy was found hiding and crying in the house, who turned out to be her son. It had to be me. My name was not mentioned. More to the point, there was no mention of a baby. Helen would have been about eight weeks old. If I was in the house aged three, and not in a care home, wouldn’t Helen be there as well?

Further, if Ruby were found in Manchester with me, and she was also Helen’s mother, how did Helen come to be born in Shrewsbury? Mum had said Ruby was living in Manchester, not just visiting.

I was beginning to suspect Ruby could not be my mother and Helen’s as well, in which case... ? I began to feel excited.

Then I remembered what Maurice Metcalfe had said. David Evans and Helen had the same mother. Now the mother would be Evans if she was married, but the Birth Indexes showed the mother’s maiden name as well as her married one. I had obtained my long birth certificate using my short version, so I had not checked what the indexes showed.

I found my entry in the birth indexes, and Ruby’s maiden name was of course – Evans! So I moved to search the December Quarter 1963. Helen’s given name would not have been Helen: that was given her by her adopting parents. I was looking for a girl Evans, with a mother whose maiden name was also Evans.

There were an awful lot of Evanses! I only had to look at girls, and though there was the odd boy whose mother had the maiden name Evans, there were no girls with an unmarried mother, name of Evans.

What did that mean? Hope began to surge! I asked one of the staff.

His replies did not help!

“The first possibility is that the birth was not registered,” he said.

“I’m pretty sure it was.”

“Well, it could be a misspelling, you could check alternative spellings of the name of the girl or the mother, or perhaps the girl has two or three forenames, have you checked those?”

“Yes, but not alternative spellings.”

“With a name like Evans, I can’t think there’d be many – try Eva, or Evens, or Evanes perhaps Bevans.”

I did but no luck. But Maurice had said: the investigators had found David and Helen with the same mother. Since there was no girl with mother’s maiden name of Evans, It seemed that Ruby could not be Helen’s mother.

It was looking more and more likely that Helen and I were not related at all! Then it came to me. There must be another David Evans in 1960 and a girl surname Evans with the same mother’s maiden name as that of David Evans. I went back to the indexes. My heart was beating fast.

It actually proved easy. I wrote out all the David Evanses, and there were plenty, added the mothers’ maiden names. Then the same with the girl Evanses in December quarter 1963, looking for a match and there it was.

David J Evans, some fifteen entries below mine, born and registered in Shrewsbury, mother’s maiden name: Drinkwater.

Kylie A Evans born in Shrewsbury, and with the mother’s maiden name – Drinkwater.

I took the details and left the record office, it was five o’clock! I had been there all afternoon.

On Thursday I sent for their birth certificates. And received a birthday card. Ten days late. I opened it and took it into the kitchen. Most of the crew were there.

“Hey!” I shouted. “I just got a birthday card, better late than never eh?”

“Who from?” Imogen asked over her shoulder as she stirred something delicious on her stove.

“You’ll never guess!” I said with a grin.

“Helen!” shouted Kim.

“I was wrong,” I said. “You did guess.”

“What does it say?” asked Christian.

“Not a lot. ‘Happy Birthday David, love Helen.’ That’s all.”

“That’s weird!” said Harry. “As if nothing has happened. That girl is strange!”

I had one more task to do, to check on my mother’s movements. I phoned Manchester Social Services and after a long series of transfers got archives and asked about my file.

I was told to present myself at the offices with identification, which I did on Friday lunch hour. A bad move. I had to wait an hour until the staff returned from lunch. Another half hour saw me at a table with my file.

It seemed that Ruby Evans came to the notice of the Manchester office in December 1962, and they registered her address with her new boyfriend in Hulme in March 1963 where she remained until her untimely death in 1964. There was no possible way she could have given birth to Helen in Shrewsbury.

Both certificates arrived on the same day, Wednesday. It had taken just a week to obtain them. I took them to my room and opened them with a certain amount of trepidation.

Both children were born at St Mary’s Street, Shrewsbury, which turned out to be the Royal Salop Hospital. The interesting thing was that David John Evans was born on the 16th of May which was written as Sixtnth May. I wondered if this had been mistaken for Sixth May.

In full lawyer mode, I thought grimly that there was a reason why registrars were required to write everything out in full. Whoever G Hoskins was, he or she should have been sacked for abbreviating the date.

The parents, David and Kathleen Evans, were married and their address was different for each birth, though both in Shrewsbury itself. The father was a labourer on David’s certificate, and unemployed on Kylie’s.

Kylie’s birthday was the same as Helen’s, 23rd November 1963. I recalled what Maurice Metcalfe had told me: both children were born in the same hospital. Kylie was born in Royal Salop, but I was born on Castle Foregate. Both children had the same mother, Kylie’s was Kathleen Evans nee Drinkwater, mine was Ruby Evans, nee – Evans. My mother was living in Manchester at the time Kylie was born in Shrewsbury.

Then it hit me. Helen’s card the previous week was sent for the sixteenth! We had celebrated my birthday together the previous year, but on the sixth, but she’d obviously forgotten the date, and used the David J birthday!

Case proved. Helen and I were not siblings. I went downstairs. Again most of the folk were there, Harry was out, and Nuala was going to be late arriving.

We ate and washed up, then I asked them to stay.

“You’ve all been so good to me over the past months, I think you should be the first to hear this.

“At my birthday party Harry asked if I’d checked the evidence about Helen, and I had to say I hadn’t. It hadn’t occurred to me. So over the past few weeks I’ve been checking. I’ve found all sorts of things. I’ve found out about my birth mother.

“My foster mother had a recollection that Ruby Evans, my mother, was murdered, so I looked for her death certificate in the indexes and found she died at the beginning of 1964 in Manchester. I looked through the back numbers of the Evening News and sure enough found she was beaten to death by her boyfriend of the time.”

There were gasps round the table. I couldn’t resist carrying on.

“It seems I was hiding in the house with her body when the police arrived. I was three years old, and told the police who had done it. D’you know, I have no memory of any of that?

“Helen was born in November 1963, but there was no mention in the paper of a baby, and I’m sure there would have been had a baby also have been there. However, Ruby was living in Manchester, and Helen was born in Shrewsbury. If Ruby was not Helen’s mother, we are not brother and sister after all.”

Everyone began to talk at once. I held up a hand.

“I remembered Maurice Metcalfe saying that Helen and I were born in the same hospital. I got my full birth certificate and found I was born in a bedsitter on Castle Foregate, not the hospital. He said she was born in the hospital. That’s not all.

“The indexes show the mother’s maiden name. I thought that if I’m not the brother David Evans, there must another David Evans and he will have the same mother as Helen had, though you have to remember that she was not registered as Helen. I had to look for them, and I found them.

“David J Evans was born in Shrewsbury at Royal Salop Hospital. Kylie A Evans was born in the same hospital. Both had a mother Kathleen Evans nee Drinkwater. Kylie’s birthday is the same as Helen’s.

“David J was born 10 days after me. 16th May. Ring any bells?”

Imogen saw it. “Helen’s card arrived on the 16th!”


“So they mixed you up with another David and destroyed...” said Christian.

“That’s the size of it. We are definitely not brother and sister.”

“What will you do?” asked Kim.

“I need to think about that. I’m not going to make any impulsive decisions. I may contact her parents – see if they know where she is. The card was posted in Liverpool.”

“She needs to know, David,” said Imogen. “She’s under a dreadful misconception.”

“After what she did, and how I feel now, I don’t know if I want her back. It’s getting on for a year now, she’ll have moved on.”

“You don’t know that,” said Ibrahim

“Perhaps her parents will know,” said Nuala.

The next evening, I called Helen’s parents and received a strong rebuff and a piece of information which rocked me on my heels.

“David what’s this about? Will you to leave the whole matter alone, for God’s sake!”

“Maurice I have some new information–”

“Not interested, and neither will she be. You saw the evidence by a reputable company–”

“Who got it wrong.”

“Nonsense. There’s no way you’re going to ruin her life with spurious information. Get it through your head, she’s gone. If you must know she’s engaged to be married to a very nice man in her legal practice. So I’m telling you to do her and yourself a favour and back off.”

Click. Dial tone.

It took a moment for the full import to punch me in the gut. Helen was getting married – to someone else. My second thought was she didn’t hang about. Less than a year. My third thought was that I couldn’t blame her. My fourth, leave her alone. She’s gone.

After those thoughts I stopped thinking and started feeling, and all the feelings were bad ones.

I was still standing by the phone when Harry came by.

“Good God!” he blasphemed. “What’s happened? Someone died? Accident?”

“I’ve just been told by Maurice Metcalfe that his adopted daughter is engaged to be married, and that the best thing for me to do is to keep my nose out.”

“Oh, Dave, mate!” Then, “Would he just say that to keep you away? I mean, she’s not told you has she? She sent you a birthday card, so she’s not angry with you. I mean, she never actually ended your engagement did she?”

“Technically she did, she left the ring behind. I don’t think Maurice is evil. The impending wedding is probably happening, and she certainly wants to avoid me from the looks of things. If she’s moved on perhaps it’s about time I did the same.”

“That’s my boy!” he said with a grin. “Whenever you’re ready! See if you can actually bed the filly this time!”

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Raped by Pep Pt 1

“ahhhhhhh. Pep heel boy.” I managed thru clenched teeth. This command only seemed to excite him. He sunk his teeth deeper into my back and pounded harder. The pain was unbearable. It felt as if the huge monsterdick was getting bigger, and my back was on fire. Stretching my hole wider, ripping the opening. The room starts to spin. “Arggggggg. Please heel Pep” I cried. Pep pumped as hard as he could while letting out an ear piercing howl as he exploded deep in my womb. Cum mixed with blood...

4 years ago
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Tys Girl

I didn't hear the moans or the thumping until I walked into the copy room at work. I was lost in thought, at work past six, and not expecting to run into anyone. By the time I saw them, it was too late; Ty Carver and the pretty little temp he was fucking had already seen me. The girl was bent over the heavy table where I usually organized my grant paperwork, wearing only her bra and those sexy heels that I had been admiring all week. His tie was loosened and his slacks hung low. Her face looked...

2 years ago
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Expected Turn Of Events With Son And Daughter

The week rushed by and, as much as I wanted to, I hadn’t plotted a damn thing. I realized that I’m not a plotter. Who was I kidding? I couldn’t pretend to be sinister to even save my life. So I figured that I should go about this the way I best knew how. My way!Kate arrived on Thursday. All three of us had a grand dinner and ended the night early on a silent and peaceful note. The next day, we all headed out to a nearby skating rink and spent the better half of the day there and when we got...

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For the Love of Lana 2

So I sat, I hadn't really had a real friend since Gregor had been ripped from my life by his father. He listened intensely 'til I got to the part about spanking his sister, then I swear he couldn't stop laughing. "She actually said that?" He gasped for air, another round of all out laughter. When I finished I wore an extremely serious face, "Damn it John, NO! you know how dangerous it is and you being a mage I'm not sure I could do it to your mind. John don't do this! Haven't...

4 years ago
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loved by a marine part 3

"Its not that I think your so beautiful I don't ever want to hear you say that to me again." He said it in a deep demanding voice. I like you a lot I just don't want to take advantage of you that's all . She looked at him in a questionable way," what do you mean by that ?" "I mean we are both drunk an last thing I want is you pissed off at me for something you an me weren't ready for" now let's go to sleep okay she nodded. Within minutes she was fast asleep resting her...

1 year ago
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Renaissance A note at the beginning. This is the start of a long piece. I plan to slowly develop the characters and take them through as realistic journey as possible. If you are from the Northeast and interested, Janskill is modeled mostly after Cold Springs, NY with a bit of Mt. Kisko, NY thrown in for good measure. Redemption Part 1. Introduction: I like Wittmer's Caf?. It can't make up its mind if it is a coffee shop or a restaurant and is conveniently situated in the s...

2 years ago
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Late Night Treatment

When Laura Ford-Ramsey removed her coat and handed it to Karen, it was no surprise that underneath she wore only bra and knickers, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. Mrs Ford-Ramsey had been a client at Valentino for more than a year and for most of that time it had been her custom to arrive for her fortnightly beauty treatment semi-undressed. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed; even as she approached fifty, her body was in a shape that could only be maintained by rigorous...

3 years ago
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Cheating Nadias Predicament

Nadia smiled at the brawny door guard who let her in the back entrance to Miss Kitty's Place. She had 'worked' at the club several times before and the guard recognized her. A friend of a friend of a friend had gone to Miss Kitty's as a way to help her marriage and, although she had initially been repelled by the idea, it had gotten Nadia thinking. She and Steve had been having serious problems in their own marriage for some time, especially their love life, problems that had finally...

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Wedding day whore part 2

Tbc………………………………........................Hi guys, if you haven’t read part 1 its kind of a must to enable you to understand this story. Thanks to everyone who commented on part 1 and who gave me suggestions for part 2. Special mentions go to xhamster users : user even wanted me to use their pic for you to look at as you read part 2. So here is lorenz2race for you guys. Please comment on this...

2 years ago
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Kirayedar ki beti ke sath

Hi I’m Mintu from Durg (C.G.). Ye meri ISS par 8nd story hai jo aaj se 18 din paley ki hai wo aap ke samne pesh kar raha hun ek dam real. Aaj se 1 month paley ki baat hai humare ghar me ek family Rent per rahti hai jis ke 3 gul hain badi to kuch khaas nahi hai lekin usse choti sunder hai lekin wo mujhe choti lagti thi ,abhi kuch din se wo mujhe dekh kar muskura deti thi maine jab dhiyaan se dekhna shuru kiya to uske boobs kuch bade se lage tab maine ahsaas kiya ki wo ab badi hone lagi hai ab...

2 years ago
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Michael and Ellen

Ellen finally graduated from college after being in college for longer then she wanted to, which was just over six years. She had gotten a job that promised her big bonus checks as long as she could sell her clients on the terrific “package” the company sold to its customers. She’d done that too. She made a sale. It was a big one at that. She was so delighted that she’d gotten it she’d forgotten about how big her bonus would be that when it arrived she was dumbfounded. However, she knew exactly...

3 years ago
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Big Little Brother ch 1

Andrea was born a twin, about 5 minutes before her brother was. She weighed about 6 pounds, and he weighed only three. He died about 15 minutes after entering the world. Their mother had another, perfectly healthy, 8 pound boy almost 9 months to the day later by a different father, then passed away two years after that, leaving the two children to be raised by their maternal grandmother, their only known relative. Both men who had fathered them left the very same day they were told of the...

4 years ago
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Separating Factors

Dear reader, This story has no sex in it. It tells of a husband and a wife who have a problem. The wife has the problem, and feels she can’t tell her husband. This tale of woe is caused from listening to the wrong people and not communicating with a spouse. As I said…this is a first for me too…there is no sex in this story at all. None. Nada…imagine that. Curious2c Separating Factors. She hit me with it right after dinner one night. My wife had been reserved all week long, and this Friday...

2 years ago
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Chelsies Dream

"Ow!" said Chelsie. "Stop that!" She looked behind her. Nothing. She looked over her other shoulder. The long, dark corridor was empty. Nothing moved in the gloomy old house. But someone - or something - had definitely touched her behind. Alarmed, she scuttled back to her room and shut the door. To her frustration she saw that although there was a large, gaping keyhole, no key was to be seen. She had heard that in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ladies would sometimes hang their panties...

3 years ago
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Soccer Mom

GGOOOOAAALLLL!!!!The stadium around me erupted in ecstatic cheers as I ran for the corner to celebrate. I was overwhelmed with joy, I had just headed in a 90th minute goal in the cup final to make the score 2-1 to us. I slide on my knees and was soon piled on by my team mates all shouting and cheering. After a few moments of hugging we all climbed to our feet and got back into position. The opposition kicked off and tried to pass their way towards our box. There was only one minute left in the...

2 years ago
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My Search For A Satisfying Dick Part 5

Hello all, please read the previous parts of my story. This will be the final episode of my story. I checked in the hotel and had a hot shower. I ordered wine for both of us and breakfast too. It’s just 30 minutes away to meet Chaitu. I was ready with my first night saree, wine, ice, and breakfast. To make it interesting and memorial one, I broke Viagra into two pieces. But it’s broken into a 70:30% ratio. I make 30% tablet as powder and mixed with wine and rest I threw it away in the washroom....

1 year ago
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Just one of the guys

Your name is Elizabeth McVay, Liz to your friends, and you've just finished unpacking your things into the freshman dorm at the College of Saint Rose. A nice Catholic-affiliated school that your parents happily sent you to after forcing you to spend your entire life in all girls schools. You're sick of seeing girls all the time and it bothers you that the school is composed of 70% girls. The only bright side you can see to going here is that the 30% that are boys are hot. You spin around in the...

3 years ago
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Private Lesson

I'm Matthew, a 25 year old popular math teacher at St Edwards high school in England. This high school differs itself from other schools: it's a girl only school, meaning all the students are girls. Let me tell you a bit more about myself. I'm standing at 6'1, meaning that I'm quite tall. I've got short dark blond hair which is folded backwards with gel and my hair is even shorter at the sides. I don't possess any kind of tattoos, neither piercings. I'm somewhat tanned, but not a lot,...

1 year ago
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Priviliged Position

Growing up white, and surrounded by other whites, you can come to believe that you have some sort of unique, even superior position in society. This is false, of course, but it took me being a cuckold before I realized that maybe being white didn't really place me in the privileged position I'd thought I was part of!The first time I ever witnessed my wife fucking another man, another black man, I should say, for the sake of clarification, that was when I understood, at gut-level, that I was by...

4 years ago
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Moms Old Boyfriend Part One

It happened quite by chance and we managed to keep it a secret, ever since. I was home alone on a Friday evening wearing my mom’s favorite black lace lingerie and her old boyfriend, Ron, came by to see her. He still had a key from when he was seeing my mom and he walked in without knocking on the door, startling me. And he caught me playing with myself through the sexy little black lace panties on the living room couch. My little six inch clitty dick was rock hard and leaking juices into the...

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Wifes creamy pie at the lake

Andrea and I enjoy camping and we camp a lot at the lake near our house. We have a favorite site back in a cove that's extremely private and Andrea will take the camper up on Wednesday so we are sure to get it. One time I had to go out of town for work but since I was coming back Friday afternoon I told her to go ahead and stay up there and I'd join her Friday.Well Friday when I got the the camp site there was no sign of Andrea so I grabbed a cold beer and kicked back to relax. I was on my...

3 years ago
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Minas Children

What we really know: We've always "known" that dogs are descended from wolves, but that's pretty vague. Actually, they are the same species. Dogs and wolves can interbreed. Geneticists consider dogs, Canis Familiaris, to be a subset of the East Asian variety of the globally-present Grey Wolf, Canis Lupis. Oh, there are some appearance differences, and they behave quite a bit differently around humans, but genetically they are the same thing. Okay, some background: All "higher life form"...

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Several summers ago I was a waitress at a restaurant down in the outer banks. The restaurant was very popular but had a horrible staff. I worked with mostly women who had been there for years and bsically had the run of the place. The owner hired me at the last second when one of the girls quit without notice. I had never waitressed before, and my new co workers weren't shy about openly displaying their resentment towards me. I was "accidently" tripped while carrying trays and routinely talked...

2 years ago
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Simone's First Transformation By Simone Clark If you passed me on the street, you would see an average looking man, with a slight paunch walking with fast, purpose-filled strides. That's me in boy mode. My alter ego, Simone, however, would have me dressed in alternative attire walking with the small meek steps of a woman. For years I fought this battle raging inside me. Part of me was the man I portray to the world, a generous, funny and kind fellow (at least that's what I have...

1 year ago
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Bad days for me have a way of getting worse long before they even think of getting better. The clock didn't go off when it was supposed to and I was already running late to start the day. I jumped in the car and backed over the kid's bike and the handle bar punctured a tire. I got the spare on and headed for work and a mile from the house I got pulled over for doing ten above the posted limit. Fifteen minutes and six blocks later I stopped for a light and got rear-ended. Naturally there was a...

4 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 30 Out in the Cold

The lights flickered and Astrid said.” Looks like his Tech stop has trouble to get through our armor and hardened systems. She then pried open an access panel and said.” I am sure I can fix this!” Her hands pulled chip connectors and reset them and then she turned. Eric flip open your left armrest. Beneath is the Code sequencer. They could not have altered your Command Codes, without your permission! All they did is bypass it and tying in their own!” I did and pressed my hand on the now...

1 year ago
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Rogue Gentleman

(Author’s note: When reading this story, be aware that when confronted with a very attractive person of the opposite sex, we all respond as we have been conditioned to from our previous experience, or lack of it. The virgin, or a small town women who has only had sex with two men, and who has been with only her husband for the last five years is not in any way as well equipped to parry the carefully crafted seductive efforts of five handsome men to excite her libido so that she becomes sexually...

2 years ago
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Current Events

Case 98-2 ‘Current Events’ by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) All of the characters and their behaviour are fictional, and anyone attempting their behaviour is bound to get into a lot of trouble. Copyright © 2004 by Richard Williams, all other rights are reserved. * [Academic standards require that I reveal a special interest in the subject matter, due to what I regard as my unfair dismissal from the University of _____________ back in the days when sexual...

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Felicity Ch 06

Chapter 6: Wendy I was at a late Saturday afternoon wedding with my son Mike because Jason, a good friend of his, was the groom. Jason and the groomsmen were also the only other persons I expected I would know. Jason was a good stand-up kind of guy and a fairly famous photographer. He and Mike had known each other since they were college roommates. The ceremony was like all ceremonies except that the maids of honor all wore green, tight, silky, sexy dresses that would not need to be hidden...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 32 Bad News

Dear Reader, This will help you understand what is behind the bad news to follow. Rick’s dad is a senior lawyer in a large Chicago based firm. His firm is also in finance and real estate. He came to our island to become licensed to practice law here. His work was 50% Island/US law related, 30% Island local, and 20% Island/ another country. The latter via his firm’s lawyers licensed in other countries. Rick is now a sophomore in college. It’s a pity Fran and I have run out of ideas to get...

3 years ago
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Neighborhood PetChapter 4

The following morning, Karen Smith was still too overwhelmed from the obscene thrill of her forbidden sexual coupling with her aunt's dog to feel any significant amount of shame or remorse over what she had done. Oh, admittedly, there had been several light twinges of both in the hours that followed. She wasn't quite that calloused yet, not to realize the unnaturalness or unlawfulness of their abnormal love-making, but the delectable pleasures her darling Satyr had raised and sated within...

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My Little VentrueChapter 136

~~Jack~~ Ten days after the incident. The ‘incident’. It was the nicest way they could put it, and the most succinct way. It also let them talk about it without putting everyone on edge too much. Avery and Garry had thrown the first punch, because Avery was convinced Maria was up to something, and Garry pushed her into acting. Pushed, or tricked, because even Carthians were Kindred, and never did anything directly. Easier to call it the ‘incident’, instead of ‘the opening act of what was...

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