The Motivation Chart Sara s Descent
- 4 years ago
- 66
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slave stood at 5’6?, and was skinny and toned. she had bright blue eyes, soft, dark red lips and long black hair. Oh, her hair. It draped all the way down her back, past her ass and flowed like dark black silk, but with enough weight that it was actually manageable. she loved to braid it, to feel her Master’s hands grab it and pull, and to feel His fingers caress it softly. slave had large breasts and an hourglass shape she was proud of. Master cherished her devotion, loyalty and love for Him more than anything else.
slave lived with her Master in a cozy and reasonably sized house, though they Both loved the basement the most. Upon traveling down the stairs to the hidden floor was a room that had hardwood floors covered with thick roll out, soft carpets in some places, and rubber pads in others. In one corner was a small social area with soft, comfy couches. In the second a king sized bed with a large cage underneath. The ?normal? part of the bed was a four-post canopy with a decorative wrought iron headboard. The curtains on the canopy could be zipped from either side and locked from the outside, and a bed skirt functioned in a similar way, aside from only zipping and locking on the outside. The cage underneath had a very soft floor, covered with pillows and plenty of blankets on one side and on the other, separated by a set of bars, a not-as-soft floor one pillow and one blanket- just enough to get sleep. The third corner had a Saint Andrew’s Cross, secured to the wall with hooks that were detachable at the top and bottom. It could slide to stand alone in the middle of the room, but usually lived on the wall. The last corner had a large, open shower with an old-style stand-alone tub off to one side. A small lip in the floor separated the blue tile from the rest of the hard wood, and a clear plastic curtain kept the water in when the area was being used. The walls were lined with toys- gags, floggers, paddles, crops, canes, whips, restraints, rope- just about everything you could imagine.
slave had come from a cushy, ?proper? life, and though she was a good slave, Master was working to break her of some old habits and train her. slave enjoyed humiliation, craved seeing her Master happy, and was perpetually horny, yet society’s ideals still held her back sometimes. Master had decided that this week would be devoted to breaking her. This week He would replace the chains of society with shackles of His own. slave longed for this, and though They’d Both strive to reach this goal, They continued to fall short. Work, school, family, life?everything seemed to make being the slave she LONGED to be more difficult. This week They had taken off of work and decided to hole up in the basement to establish the relationship They’d always known was what They really needed.
So, at this moment, slave’s gorgeous black hair was not visible. Nor were her eyes, pale white skin or delicate fingers. Master had dressed her up the night before in a spandex cat suit that covered her skin and then put her in a frilly dress, a yarn wig, and doll-hand gloves that kept her from using her fingers. The cat suit had a hole for her pussy and ass and one for her mouth. Each hole was coverable by a completely detachable piece of fabric, which was all covered for the time being. There was also a panel that could be placed over the eyes to take her very slightly impaired vision to total darkness. As she lay in bed she thought of Master dressing her the night before, both excited and nervous.
?You are no longer My wife? He said. ?For now you will be My living doll. I am going to start you here to remind you that you are an object and a toy for my possession. Once this is on, you will not speak, there are no safe words, you are merely a doll and I will do with you as I please. Do you understand??
slave nodded. her throat tightened and she held back tears. she WANTED this, had asked for it and longed for it. They Both needed it, and knowing all of this in her heart she was still scared. Yet her pussy was wet with anticipation before even He’d even finished zippering her in.
her thoughts were interrupted by Master stirring. He’d placed her on the less-comfortable side of the cage underneath the bed last night, telling her that dolls did not always sleep with their Masters. Sometimes dolls were stored to be taken out again at their owner’s whim.
slave saw Master’s hand reach in, and felt His grip around her wrist as He pulled her out and threw her on the bed. He did not speak but instead fastened her onto the bed using cuffs that were attached to the posts. her legs and arms were spread wide, and she couldn’t help but shake a bit, not knowing what was coming. Master disappeared into the distance- a blur headed for something and reappeared. He stuffed something into her pussy that filled her and shifted with her weight, and a small plug in her ass. After replacing the patches of fabric He added a tight belt that hugged her waist and pelvis. she couldn’t see what it looked like, but she loved the restriction of it. Whatever He’d put inside of her wasn’t going anywhere. she felt something prickle against her skin around her wrists and jumped a bit. Master was sewing the gloves onto her hands so they could not fall off.
she was caught up in her arousal until she realized she had to pee- in fact she’d had to pee for a while. But she was not allowed to talk?how could she tell Him?
?Now remember, dollies don’t talk. I want you to know how serious I am.? she felt the jab of the needle into her wrist only this time, unlike before, it was intentional. she jumped and yelped.
?Noises are one thing, we will work up to that. If you talk, even accidentally, I will make sure you are not ABLE to talk. Is that understood? You are allowed to nod and shake, rag-doll.? Dear god, did He mean He would sew her mouth shut? The needle still digging into her wrist, she nodded, pondering what she was going to do about peeing.
He undid her from the bed and drug her by the neck to the corner of the room with the shower, where Master sprawled her across the tile floor. she felt a warm liquid on her stomach, a pause, and Master rip off the cover on her mouth.
?open, ragdoll? He ordered firmly. ?If you need to go, I suggest doing it now. dollies don’t use the toilet.?
she opened her mouth and His urine pooled. she worked to focus on peeing, but between the toys stuffed in her and the new sensation of His urine covering her she was having trouble. After a few minutes, she managed to start. she was already a mess, and the day was just starting.
?In case you were wondering, I’m pissing on you to remind you that you’re of very little value right now. you’re only worth soaking up My waste. When you’re something of value, maybe I’ll allow you to soak up My cum.? With that He walked away, leaving her soaked in Both Their urine. After a moment the shower turned on- luke warm water. It was not cold enough to make her shiver, but not warm enough to warm her body, which she was just realizing was cold. she lay in the water, letting it sooth her. After all, wouldn’t a good doll lay motionless and obedient?
The water stopped and slave hear Master say ?good dolls stay where they’re left? as he walked away. her mind raced. Where was He going? How long would He be away? she worked to focus her mind. she felt a calm fall over her and she let everything go. she had no inkling of how much time passed, the temperature, the hardness of the floor. her body seemed to go away, and she existed only in her mind.
The door opened after?god knows how long. she felt her body awaken, knowing he was there?until she realized there was more than one set of footsteps. she turned her head to see three men she did not know and was MORTIFIED. Did someone break in? Was her Master okay? The room was hidden, and They were Both so careful to keep it safe and secret?she couldn’t imagine?.but what if? slave froze. Maybe if she stayed still they would think she was ACTUALLY a doll? her head could have just?kinda drooped to the side right?
?What the FUCK is this?? said one of the men. ?some kind of fucked up idea of a sex doll?? The other men chuckled.
slave was so thankful for the spandex that kept them from seeing that her eyes were open and moving. Working hard to control her breathing, she continued to hope that she could disappear into the tile, pretending to be a real inanimate object. One of the men had a HUGE dog. The dog’s back came up to about waist level on the men. As they approached the dog got more and more eager to explore her, pulling on his leash.
?No Maurice, down boy? The man holding his leash said. The man pulled him away and clipped his leash to a hook near the Saint Andrew’s cross. slave’s heart raced so fast she thought it was going to come out of her chest, as the other men approached. she willed her body to appear lifeless as one of the men groped her breasts.
?mmmmm she’s a bit wet, but warm.? He moved his body to straddle her and moved her completely onto her back, including her head. Don’t shake, don’t shake, stop shaking. she thought. Either he didn’t notice or he didn’t care, as he continued to fondle her breasts as the other two men watched. A second man reached down to examine the belt on her pussy. Shortly thereafter she felt him begin to remove it. she felt a strange sort of anticipation grow in her. This had to be part of her Master’s plans.
It did not take long for him to completely remove the belt and the patch covering slave’s pussy. slave had often walked proudly around the public dungeon fully nude, but had never felt so exposed in all of slave’s life. slave should have been scared out of her mind?maybe it was the wonderful headspace she’d drifted into, or the 80% confidence that she had in the security of Their personal dungeon, but slave felt a calm-excitement rush over her (what a dichotomy).
?HOLY FUCK.? said the strange man fondling her as he felt the balls. ?she is FULL of toys, and soaking wet?. His hand traveled into her pussy, feeling around the balls, and moving one set deeper into her. He started fucking her with his hand, slowly working it in deeper and deeper. Though she was relaxed, she still struggled to pretend?just in case. As if you could make them believe you were not a person at this point. His HAND is IN your PUSSY. The logic was there?but it didn’t seem to matter.
The first man was still feeling up her breast and, out of the corner of her eye, slave saw the last man still standing over her starting to stroke his cock. slave was having to fight hard not to moan and writhe or squirm at all. Honestly, she was shocked with her own control. His hand explored her thoroughly, and worked her pussy hard. she was doing great until the man fondling her breasts smacked her face, HARD. she couldn’t help but let out a squeak.
?THERE she is? he said, rather proud of himself for eliciting a reaction. ?That means I go first.? He said proudly.
?Just remember, we want her WELL used and swollen,? said the other man as he begrudgingly removed his hand and moved off of slave. After climbing off of her, he walked over to the social area, and lounged on a couch, watching from afar.
?your secret is out, little dolly? he whispered into her ear as he pulled the weighted balls out of her pussy, ?I know you’re a real-life doll. But better for you that you keep quiet little dolly. Good dollies don’t talk. You can moan, squeal, but no words. They accept what happens to them.?
This strange message was very reassuring to slave. He, and subsequently his friends were most certainly in on the scene. Master had arranged this group of guys using her as a push for her. With that information, slave was allowed to totally relax into the scene and enjoy. His cock entered her, and OH it was big. It filled her, hurting a bit at first as he thrust into her roughly, and she moaned deeply as he used her. The sex was rough, and amazing. In the course of it, he pulled off her wig and pulled her dress down to expose her spandex covered dress. Eventually her pussy loosened, and it didn’t hurt anymore. He pulled out and came all over her breasts. she couldn’t help but notice the large dog whine in the corner. The third guy had continued to masturbate while watching and came all over her covered face, obscuring her vision.
Several hands picked her up and lead her to the bed, where she was secured in place. she had no inclination to fight, but LOVED being restricted anyway. she felt vibration on her clit and writhed. A cock too hard to be human entered her next- a toy, which also started vibrating.
?I want you to cum, dolly-slave. Several times. So you’re good and swollen.? Said a voice. The toy cock worked her hard, and it did not take long for her to give way to a deep and intense orgasm. The toys HURT after the orgasm, and she found herself struggling against the restraints to try to get away, but they weren’t going anywhere?in fact they were fastened to her?and somehow hitting ALL the right spots. After a moment of almost unbearable intensity, she started to reach the edge again. There was a man she could faintly make out masturbating over her, straddling her on the bed. she felt his hand remove the plug, lube up her ass, a wedge shaped pillow go under her ass as someone else lifted her, and then his cock enter her ass, while the other toy and bullet continued relentlessly. she came a third time, and a fourth before his cock exploded in her ass. ?That is a good fuck-hole dolly? she heard a voice say. As he pulled out, she began to cum a fifth time.
A hand entered her pussy. ?mmm pretty good, but not where she needs to be yet.? He announced. His fingers stroked her g-spot. she writhed and squirmed uncontrollably. He used lube and slowly worked his hand in, deeper and deeper, paitently and slowly. she could not believe that he eventually milked another few orgasms out of her. she lost count. her ovaries felt swollen and the pressure building was almost unbearable?surely she was getting close to what they wanted?
The vibrator left her pussy and she was fucked at least three?four?six more times, each time the men pulling out and cuming all over her. she lost count of how many times they fucked and came on her and how many times she came herself.
After the last man dismounted her, she felt lifeless. Once again a hand entered her pussy, and she groaned as it entered. ?mmmm yes, now she’s ready.? someone said, satisfied.
she was so far gone at this point, caught in a fog of pleasure and pain and pressure. So far gone in fact that she did not process the sound of a leash being undone, or a very excited dog hopping on the bed.
Maurice’s owner guided his cock into slave’s pussy. It didn’t take much; he was well trained, and enjoyed it very much. slave was extremely startled when she realized what was going on. she’d done humiliation play before, but this was a whole new level. The man taking pleasure from her now wasn’t even a man, but a dog.
The dog thrust once into her well and she yelped. This was a LARGE dog and his cock was BIG, even by human cock standards. she might have struggled if she had the energy, but there was none. Not long after his initial thrust his cock got MUCH larger than it was upon entering her. she jolted and he growled when she started to move a bit. slave was shocked at how much his growl aroused her. her body went limp again instantly.
Maruice used her happily and roughly for a long while- she had no way of telling exactly how long. His cock was locked into her, engorged. she sunk into the humiliation of it and allowed herself to enjoy the use, the humiliation, the lowering. The dog came, HARD. His sperm was warm and filled her, and when he pulled out it gushed out of her swollen pussy. The dog hopped away, very pleased with himself, to join the rest of the men that had used her.
?GOOD BOY Maurice.? A voice said. slave listened to the dog be rewarded with a treat, petted and praised for a while, basking in the goo of several loads of cum- three strange men, her own, and a dog. she felt lowly, humiliated, but wonderful and accomplished all at once. As fucked up as it had all been, she’d enjoyed all of it. she felt a tingly calm settle over her and allowed herself to drift a bit.
Just as she almost started to fall asleep when she heard one of the men pat his legs and say ?Maurice, you want more boy?? the dog barked once and got excited again. slave was somewhere between anxious and?at a point of total acceptance. her pussy hurt SO MUCH, she wanted to try to say no, or resist?and yet she didn’t. she longed to keep going and please these strange men?and even this dog. she desired to be fucked and humiliated more. It was like a sleeping monster had been awakened in her, and was insatiable. she longed, was desperate for more, despite her well used and nearly-broken body. It amazed and scared her. The urge to be used was intense to the point of almost being self-destructive.
The very excited dog mounted her again, this time needing even less help than before. Once again, he quickly knotted and locked with her. It hurt much more this time. her pussy was so swollen and torn from what felt like, and probably was, hours of aggressive fucking. The dog fucked vigorously, growling and whining, while she laid arching her back and writhing, groaning and moaning herself. she was shocked she had the physical capacity to move at all. There’s got to be something wrong with me, she thought to herself. Then again, at this point, she didn’t care. It felt good, and she was so happy, and felt so fulfilled at this moment. Before she never would have thought herself capable of handling everything that had happened thus far. But she WAS taking it?.and she was LOVING it.
The dog’s warm cum filled her again, trapped inside of her until he pulled out and it again spewed out of her worn and torn pussy.
?GOOD BOY Maurice? said a man again. ?You want a treat??
Maurice got VERY excited. slave could feel his tail thapping against her leg.
?Down, boy? one of the voices said.
He obeyed and hopped off the bed. slave felt something thick being smeared on her pussy and then, after a moment of silence, heard someone snap their fingers. Maurice jumped back on the bed and vigorously licked at her pussy. Peanut butter. His tongue wore away at the goo quickly, and soon his prickly tongue was exposed to her already sore pussy. she squirmed, trying to pull her legs together and willing herself to keep them apart and be good simultaneously. His tongue worked diligently, even venturing inside her pussy. There was another snap. He hopped off of the bed and was lead by one of the men to be clipped by his leash in a corner near the Saint Andrew’s cross again.
One of the men unfastened her from the bed and picked her filthy body up to carry her over to the shower. He was surprisingly careful with her, laying her carefully in the bathtub, propping her head up on the side of the tub. Together the men undressed her, lifting her body and slipping the clothes off of her. she shook hard, unsure of whether it was due to the cold or her body being so well used.
Being naked in front of these strange men didn’t bother her nearly as much as she expected or would have done in the past. Somehow it was liberating. she felt free. They started the shower- nice warm water this time. The water fell all over her and she closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the feeling. Something rough scrubbed her skin, and a hand went into her tender, torn pussy again to clean it out. she wanted to squirm at the prickles of what felt like a dish pad, and the large hand, but she didn’t want to waste the energy moving. Who knew what they would do next.
After washing her they put her in one of the cages under the bed- the nicer side. ?you were a very good dolly? one of the men said ?so you’re allowed some rest before we continue.?
she saw the men at some point, she was sure?.but she couldn’t have described them. In fact she hadn’t realized how hard she’d been working to stay awake, and the moment he head hit a pillow, she was dreaming. her dreams were strange; Scary at times, but she always felt safe.
she was awakened by a hand pulling her from her nest. With no inkling of how much time had passed, what time of day it was at any given moment, or any reference to the outside world, she wondered how long she’d been asleep?or how long they had used her. she blinked and rubbed her eyes. she felt very tired still, like it hadn’t been long at all.
Finally she was able to examine her captors clearly. The man who pulled her from her sleep was tall, slender, but not a rail, with dark hair and eyes. The second, lounging on the couch, was more muscular, probably a little shorter than the man who had a hold on her, with lighter hair. The third was nowhere to be found at the moment, nor was Maurice, the dog.
They lead her to a chair, where they tied her down, her back to the door. The dark haired man started playing with her hair.
?mmm so nice and long and silky.? He hummed.
His fingers in her hair were soothing. she closed her eyes an let herself enjoy. ?but don’t get too used to having it around? he taunted.
slave was a bit alarmed. What did he mean? Were they planning on cutting it?! Master would HAVE to be okay with that. He treasured her long hair?they absolutely could not chop it off without His okay?.
?Oh, don’t you worry about Him? he said as if reading her mind. ?We took care of Him.? he said and chuckled.
she absolutely and completely panicked. This whole time she’d believed her Master had sent these men and was thinking of serving them for HIM. Had she been wrong? Was He laying dead upstairs somewhere while she was allowing herself to be used?
she felt a hand around her neck ?oh, don’t worry, He’s safe. We wouldn’t hurt Him.?
?Now, what to do with this hair.? The other man said. ?looks like it could use a trim?or maybe it would look good shoulder length?.or perhaps we should shave it all off.?
she didn’t know if she could talk without getting in trouble. she was no longer in the doll costume, but she had not been given explicit permission to talk. slave did NOT want to have her mouth stitched shut?and she had no way of knowing if there men knew that order and punishment?if they were helping Master, or against Him? she wanted to beg, to plead not to cut her hair.
she was shocked to realize that if it had been Master, she would have happily let Him do whatever He wanted- even if He’d wanted to shave her head. But these men?it would feel like betraying Master, to let them change her so permanently, not knowing if He’d sent them. At this point, she was tied to the chair?what could she do? If they wanted to cut it?.the best she could do is fight and risk being harmed.
?hmmm I’ll have to ponder that one. For now, I think you’re safe.?
He began to braid her hair. Surprisingly it felt like he knew what he was doing. He fastened the end, and then began to do something else. she couldn’t turn to see, and was scared to move. her hair got tighter and tighter, until it was eventually so tight it was painful. As he continued to do?something, it loosened a bit, but not much. He grabbed her by the hair and the back of the chair and drug her across the room.
On the ceiling of the dungeon there were tie points, something Master had recently added. He’d JUST begun to explore with suspension and she’d LOVED it. she couldn’t help but notice this man had positioned her right underneath the tie points in the ceiling.
He used a ladder to loop a rope through the tie point and attached her hair pulling it tighter and tighter. she sat up as straight as she could, straining to take some of the pressure off of her hair. Next, he looped another set of rope through another tie point and began to tie the other end of these to her feet. she began to get nervous. Sure enough, he pulled her up so that she was tied into the chair and suspended face-down toward the floor- the hardwood floor. He pulled her higher, slowly and cautiously. slave was incredibly nervous. she could not believe the amount of pressure she felt on her head.
she was tied high enough that an averaged sized person could walk underneath her. The man who tied her smiled up at his work. Generally suspension was something she enjoyed, but her mind was so busy trying to figure out who these men where and whether or not her Master had allowed them to come in and was messing with her, or they had someway strong armed their way in.
?You greedy little cock-whore.? said the man smiling up at her ?I bet you loved every minute of being fucked didn’t you? Even by the dog. you’re such a cock-hungry little bitch you’ll take whatever you can get, aren’t you??
Tears began to form in her eyes. The physical strain and pain of being suspended by her hair, on top of her mind racing to figure out the status of these men, and having no idea where her Master was or if He knew what was happening had begun to break her. Even before, with the intensity, she’d been okay. In fact she probably could have enjoyed and been fine with being suspended if it hadn’t been for the mental summersaults she’d been doing. she wasn’t even sure she could respond verbally to this man without punishment.
?You look like you need some time to think over things. I think this is a good place for you to ponder.? He said.
As he began to walk away, her horror grew. Did he plan on leaving her completely alone in this room, suspended like this? As much as she was unsure of these men, being left here ALONE, without anyone to make sure she was safe was HORRIFYING. What if she fell? These men had at least seemed concerned with her well-being?at least until now.
she watched, out of her peripheral vision, the man leave, followed by the other man, and the door close. The silence in the room was deafening. she was completely alone with her thoughts and her own fate, in the most vulnerable condition she could possibly imagine.
slave took a deep breath. Panicking would do NOTHING for her. As much as she wanted to panic, she worked hard to center her mind. she’d made it this far. Tears continued to flow down her face and drop on the ground below her, reminding her of the possible fall. she struggled hard between thoughts of panic, and working to keep a calm, centered headspace the whole time.
Time passed slower than it EVER had before. Every minute she reassured herself that Master was okay, and someone HAD to be coming back to get her down. After what felt like hours (but was actually only about 20 to 30 minutes) of struggling back and forth between calm and panicked, the men reentered. Her heart fluttered and she tried desperately to look like she had maintained a calm, despite the small puddle of tears beneath her.
The man who tied her lowered her down, slowly and carefully. He set her chair stably on the ground and gripped the back, on either side of her head, looking her in the face. ?How are you doing, little dolly??
It felt like he was taunting her. she worked so hard to keep her tears concealed. she looked up into his eyes, wondering if she could answer him verbally, searching his face with her eyes, as if to ask. He answered by placing a finger over her mouth.
?That’s right, good dollies don’t talk.? He placed something over her eyes, so she couldn’t see, not a blindfold, but something that JUST covered her eyes. Something about it hit her bad, still coming down from her emotional rollarcoaster, and she struggled. Honest to god, legitimately struggled. A hand grabbed her firmly by the hair, another hand slapped her firmly across the face.
?KEEP THAT UP?you’re hair just might end up shorter than you want it.? she froze. she felt utterly defeated. What do you think you’re going to do? There’s no way to get out of these ties, and there wouldn’t even be any way to get away if there WAS. she slumped while he straightened whatever was covering her eyes.
she felt a touch on her shoulders. Big, strong, soothing?familiar?could it be? she wanted to part her lips and say His name, to cry and call for Him, but it would have been against EVERYTHING They’d agreed upon beforehand. slave WANTED this still, and this HAD to be a test, it HAD to be Him. Though she was nothing near confident that the big, strong, soothing, familiar hands were His, she accepted and made up her mind that they WERE is. she took a deep breath in. her body felt numb, and it felt as if, though she was physically in the room, she didn’t feel like she was there. she felt a calm wash over her body.
The hands rubbed and massaged her shoulders, then moved to her hair. There was dead silence. He freed her hair from the bondage and her bare back felt hypper sensitive to feeling it on her back again. her hair was combed out well, sprayed down with water, sprayed again. she felt the wetness on her back and then the comb another time. her hair was braided and bands put in place?exactly how many bands she wasn’t sure. After a moment, she felt the scissors cut into her hair. she couldn’t tell where they were, how short it was cut. she continued to breath deeply.
There was silence that seemed to last forever?she tried to sense what He was doing. A band released from her hair, and more hair was clipped. Reality started to sink in and she began to feel her body again. she began to feel ?here? again. There was silence, and no touch for a long moment.
The thing blocking her eyes was removed. she remembered to keep her eyes closed and open them slowly to adjust to the light. Upon opening them she blinked to see her Master standing in front of her with the two men smiling behind him. she was SO relived. she ALMOST spoke, but caught herself. Tears started uncontrollably- tears of relief. He lowered Himself to her level and held her face in His hands.
Questions flooded into her head. she saw the other two men, but?had Master Been the third all along? she never got a good look at the third one. Had He planned all of this? probably. Did He MEAN to put her in this roller-coaster of a place emotionally?this early? ?yes, probably. What was He going to do with the rest of the week? she thought He was going to be spending the week breaking her?but she was already there.
?I know you have questions. I know you’re in an emotionally rough place.? He said. Just these words were so reassuring. He played with her new hair and smiled. she smiled back at Him.
?We’re going to take you deeper, cunt? He said. her heart dropped. she saw a knife in His hand. ?Don’t move a muscle.?
He used the knife to quickly cut her out of her bondage. picked her up by her, now much shorter, hair and drug her to the bed. He held the knife to her while He secured her to the frame, face down. she felt His hard dick against her leg, and was ASTOUNDED to find it aroused her?a lot. Could He be that excited so soon again if He’d taken part in fucking me so much before?...well?i’m excited again?
she was fully expecting Him to fuck her, but that isn’t what He did. Something hit her back. It got progressively harder and harder until she couldn’t help but scream and struggle against the restraints. He used many implements?among them the floggers, canes, crops?.but they all blended together. she was thankful they were in the basement, with a soundproof door. she longed to call a safe word, but didn’t want to speak. you can push more. you can do this.
He beat her for a long time, relentlessly. she squeaked and screamed and yelped, but didn’t speak. slave also allowed herself to sink into the beating and enjoy it. After about 10 to 15 minutes she was able to reach this point- where there was a spike of pain, and then a calm. she synced with His rhythm, until she wasn’t screaming anymore. she was still grunting from the pain, but learned to breath with the strikes. Before long this was cathartic and wonderful. It still hurt, but her limits shifted, and she began to enjoy it. This is exactly what she’d wanted when she sat down and asked Master.
?i can tell i need the push?and i've wanted it for a while, but it’s a weird thing to ask for. This is where i see Us, and it feels right. How do You feel Master?? she was playing with her necklace while talking.
He took her hands ?It makes perfect sense, and I feel that too. You know this will change everything. That We wont be able to love the same way.? she nodded. Tears filled her eyes, but she knew in her heart it was what she needed.
Different tears filled her eyes now. she still hurt, but it was physical pain. Release. she no longer hurt for loosing the love they had, but relished in finding Who They really were.
The beating stopped, and He unbound her from the bed. she was shaking, not because she was scared, but because the endorphins that were rushing her body. His touch was soothing now.
?Good bitch.? He said.
she smiled. The term ?bitch? she now understood as endearing. It was amazing, in the headspace she’d dropped into, how much made sense. His hands explored her body, her arms, back, ass, pussy (that made her wince a bit, but she relaxed quickly), legs, and even her feet.
He grabbed her by the hair and lead her to the shower area, to stand in from of a full length mirror. she looked at herself, long and hard, astonished. she looked substantially different, though it could not have been so long. her hair was now just above shoulder length, she could see in her face that she was tired, though she wasn’t feeling it as much as she looked it. she could also see a different change. she was empty, no desires, no hang ups, empty aside from the desire to please her Master.
?This is the beginning of the new you? He told her. ?I’m allowing you to speak again, but I can take it away at any moment I feel, understood??
?Yes Master? her first words were like a knife cutting the air. It felt like so long since she’d heard her voice. ?Thank You Master.?
she dropped to her knees and kissed her Master’s feet. she still had so many questions, but the first?
?Master?...Those men?? she looked at the men across the room, still watching ?did You plan that?do You know them? Were You one of them or was there a third??
He chuckled down at her. He picked her up again by her hair and threw here to the foot of the bed, then sat on the edge of the bed looking down at her.
?you really are very far out of it, aren’t you?? He searched her face, then looked up at the other two men. ?Jonathan, Drew, you can go now.?
slave’s face burned. she looked back at the two men. she KNEW them. They were her COWORKERS. One of them smiled and winked back at her.
?See you Monday.? He chuckled. ?Don’t worry, this alllll stays between us? He said as he put his hand on the door and then left. she looked back at Master, her jaw on the floor.
?It came up in a conversation, they’re lifestyle too, confidential, and safe.? He said, to which she nodded. she trusted Him, even with this. The fact that she would have to face them Monday in the real world still mortified her a bit, but she had a feeling everything was going to be blended together- slave life and ?real? life.
He smiled and held up what He’d cut away, braided into a long strand and secured at both ends. He wrapped it around her neck, tight, pulling her up against Him, and she felt His hard cock against her back. He pulled until she almost passed out. her hands traveled to His arm, not to try to pull it away, but to feel His strong arms controlling her.
?What do you think of your new hair?? Master whispered into her ear. she smiled as He loosened, just enough for her to breath and answer.
?Well?before i would have hated it and missed my old hair?but i enjoy it. Especially knowing its what You wanted Master.?
?Good.? He smiled and petted her hair. ?The rest of this week, I’m going to be molding you into what I desire, and what you need. Are you ready??
A large smile filled her face, she was more ready than ever.
Dark Descent, Part One Dark Descent, Part OneBy PainAngel Micah had never liked the earth. Well, that was not entirely true. He liked the earth, he rejoiced at its creation. He loved humans, those with God in their heart anyway, but the fact was that he hated to visit it. It did not have the beauty of Heaven, his home, and he knew the risk involved in him setting foot on earth. Micah was an angel, a member of the Heavenly Host since before Genesis. He was a proud creature; his features...
We’re almost there now. Sun is getting lower, right alongside this uncomfortably small craft. For a moment I let my mind wander away from this plane, and from Harriet. Fantasies of the upcoming months take me to wonderful places through beautiful visions. I can’t wait to be on that beach, showing my perfect, soft, beautiful body to everyone there. I can’t wait to get to work, either. The videos he sent me of the parties look incredible, and they go until morning. Deep in the center there...
MatureSLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST 3.* Every so often, the ruling junta of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, sends the cavalry to sweep the distant, lawless Pine Mountains free of brigands. A great opportunity for Ensign Fernando Bartro to make a name for himself – and maybe capture a slave-girl. But there are dangers ahead for the young officer. Will he make it through? This story is set just after my earlier stories, 'Slaves of the Copper Coast 1 & 2'. However, it is a stand-alone story and you do...
SLAVES OF THE COPPER COAST.© Morris Kenyon April 2012.When wealthy young broker James Baxter is sent to the tropical country of Kupro Marbordo, the Copper Coast, he is amazed to find that slavery is a well established custom there. Initially shocked, he soon finds himself owning a beautiful slave-girl – with all that implies regarding her discipline and training.WARNING! This book contains scenes of a sexual nature, graphic v******e against women and strong language, It is not intended for the...
As Sarah moved through the house her thoughts dreamily shifted, she hoped that the club would be hopping with guys later on tonight, after she met with Jess of course. Maybe she would be lucky enough to even find one who might go back to a hotel room with her for the night for some blow, a good time, and an easy fuck,…and then she frowned. She remembered her last attempt at bringing a guy to a hotel room for the night, the little fuck had said she was disgusting, and nasty looking,...
+++++++++++++++ Slaves of Acteon +++++++++++++++ By Alyssa S. This is a rewrite and completion of a story I wrote in May 1999 and posted to Fictionmania. Any changes supersede that story. It can be posted wherever the hell you like, so long as you notify me at [email protected], and you don't make a cent off of it without my consent. The original version left off rather inelegantly in the middle of the story; I hope I have amended this adequately. My apologies to anyone who was...
Chapter Sixty Four.Alice had simply never known an evening like it in her life. To her it was the most defining few hours of her impending adulthood. In common with many a young person Alice had entered into marriage with Daniel with only the vaguest idea of some nebulous future. They’d had hazy ideas of buying a house someday, of Daniel getting a better job, of c***dren someday, of moving out of Teescastle. They’d had dreams but the reality had always been the wage...
Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped. The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be. The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in,...
She regained consciousness to the sound of the truck's air brakes hissing. The chain pinching her narrow waist locked behind her. Attached cuffs held her hands against her belly. Her ankles were crossed and chained. A third chain drew her into a ball. Reinforced adhesive bandages covered her eyes and mouth. The air was rank, a combination of sweat, exhaust fumes and perfumes. (What happened? Think, Elise! Think! We left the tournament. The girls were excited because they'd placed second. We...
Five out of six Devil pulled the trigger despite the coach's pleas for his life. He had heard the same words probably a thousand times and probably in a thousand different languages. He didn't give a fuck, hadn't since he was a kid. He had killed his first man when he was twelve years old. He was offered $200 to shoot a local gang leader by another gang. Devil did the job and never looked back. Forty now, over the years he had carefully created a world for himself in which he controlled...
This is a repost of an earlier piece since in the original post all the apostrophes and speech marks have been converted by the site into question marks for some reason. Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be a day that would inspire adventures out of doors. Debra was disappointed at that for...
Thursday morning dawned grey and overcast and there had been rain overnight. From the windows of Waterstone House the view was unappealing. The outside was dark and damp and a light drizzle streaked the windowpanes. It didn’t seem likely to be a day that would inspire adventures out of doors. Debra was disappointed at that for she’d wanted to get out with Julie in the afternoon and explore the countryside around Marveaux. On an optimistic note the weather forecast had predicted a change for the...
Rebecca woke first in the cellars and gazed in total satisfaction at the sleeping Jennifer, face down, at her side. She was beautiful with her auburn tresses lying in a great sheath on the pillow. Fondly Rebecca stroked her back feeling the traces of the whip on the velvet skin. Jennifer stirred and murmured in her sleep. Rebecca felt an over powering love for the lovely girl at her side and bent to kiss her softly on the back. Part of her mind was still lost in the enchantment of the afternoon...
Jennifer had been becoming accustomed to life in the cellars and, whilst it was frequently arduous and often painful, it no longer held the dread that she had first held it in. It was, as Rachel had said, a very safe environment, even cosy in some bizarre way. You felt cocooned in the cellars, protected in some way and whilst many of the experiences were difficult to understand there was at least the comfort in knowing that they were not incomprehensible and that they were not random but...
Tuesday passed into Wednesday quickly. In the upstairs of the Hall Rebecca, Alice, Robin and Daniel spent a day of consolidation. On the Tuesday afternoon Lady Mathom requested that Alice play for her for an hour and Alice had nervously complied. Her new level of inspiration had saved her however and Lady Mathom had expressed genuine delight in her piano playing. Daniel spent much of the time closeted with either Robin or Mr Coleman, forging plans for his future career as a self-employed...
We see Jennifer in business attire, at a desk with books and other legal looking things. Behind her is a sign proclaiming Jennifer AssociatesHello, and welcome to Jennifer Associates, where women can turn to for justice. Have you been harassed at work? Do you feel like men look at you like an object? Do men undress you with their eyes? Do they walk up to you cop a feel (feel u’r tit). Do you do twice the work of men, but get half the pay and recognition? Well, Jennifer Associates is here for...
The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be! The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called. As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went to the metal pole sticking out of the floor ever to the side, a cock-shaped part at the end, with shackles on both sides on the floor and hanging from above. His eyes widened further as he then saw the whips hanging from the walls. Lenarta grinned. He truly was...
Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped.The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be.The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called.As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went...
(See Part One for preamble.) Chapter Fifty Nine.It wasn’t bread and water for dinner, not that Rachel’s threat had really sounded very serious of course. Sebastian had provided a simple but nourishing meal of soup and a cold collation. The soup was a rich thick Scotch broth of mutton, diced vegetables and barley. If they had have been restricted to bread and water Jennifer wouldn’t have minded much because the freshly baked crusty bread, still warm from the oven,...
The sequel to Contraction. “Your future is with me now.” With those six words I became Cody’s boyfriend and he became my saviour. Jenny and I were over. Two years of an incredible sexual journey had ended with threats and recrimination. I had been thrown out of the house I had shared with her for almost the entire relationship, and a cloud of humiliation lie heavy over my head. Jenny had pictures and videos of some very intimate moments, ones I would prefer the world didn’t see, visual...
This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you're under 18 please don't read this. If you don't like to read stories about transsexual people, please don't read on. This story is copyright nikkie 2003 and should not be reproduced in part or whole without my permission. Please let me know what you think of it, as all comments are welcome. [email protected] Jamie's Descent Part 1 By Nikkie What did we do before e-mail? How did we manage to get through...
Second Nature: Descent By Crystalline Chapter 15 - Become So Numb "I know you're awake, brother. Go on. Try to move. Of course, you can't. Your body is completely restrained, you know. You're not going anywhere." "You fool. Do you really... think..." he started to say, but stopped, surprised at the sound of his own voice. "What have you done to me?" I laughed for a second, then looked at him with the seriousness of a heart attack. "I did nothing. All I did was destroy your...
Trick or Treat 2 - Descent By: Enigma Sunday, November 1 My back was starting to hurt, and I had to pee. I was crouched on our kitchen floor, still clutching Sandy to me, mashing her against my ample breasts, rocking her, trying to will comfort into her chilled body. Behind me, Amy had her arms around both of us. Our tears had finally dried up, but I could tell that Sandy was still desolate, and I doubted Amy was doing much better. I knew I wasn't. And I wondered,...
A Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...
Ansleigh’s DescentSteve Oak glanced up at the clock on his large oak desk, noting that it was already 6:00. He’d been at the office almost 12 hours trying to get ahead of things so he could take some much needed time off. He’d switched with one his subordinates and was off to Virginia Beach to conduct a couple of focus groups. He hadn’t done one in years. That was what his staff was for. But the opportunity to spend a long weekend at the beach, especially with the company paying for part...
Title: Julia, tourist to slave whore, her descent Introduction: Julia gets mugged and loses everything Genre: Fiction Themes: BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Males / Female, Prostitution, Rape, Reluctance, Young, Your story: On the coast in Italy July 2013 Julia was bored, a typical American tourist wearing a floral print skirt and a tight red blouse which emphasised her ample D cup breasts she strolled along in the sunshine. One of the...
This story owes much to My Cousin's Slave by Emma No Knickers, which is an excellent story, and one of my favourites. The start is definitely similar but I think I go in a different direction.Emma's Descent, by Bellatheslut.My name is Emma and I am 20 years old and live with my Mum after Dad left us when I was 12. He's re-married now and lives up north and I haven't seen him in a long time, but he always contributed financially, so we never struggled and were able to stay in the same house I...
?The green door? (Laura?s Descent) This is my first story. I am not a native English speaker, so I hope you have a little patience. ?I will appreciate if you review it or send me an email with your comments. Laura was a brilliant 19 year old girl just about to enter college. Her parents died a few years ago in a car crash but she did not have money problems due to a trust fund in her name set by her parents. The trust fund was designed to directly pay for her tuition in the schools and...
Cuckold’s Descent by Headhunter Some people might say it was my own fault. My name is Roger, and I’m a successful stockbroker, and I had worked long hours to give my wife and myself a comfortable, even luxurious life. A large house in a gated neighborhood, with an in-ground heated pool and a four-car garage. She had her own Mercedes SLK, while I made do with my Lexus, and we had a Grand Cherokee for more strenuous travel. Meredith seldom paid less than $350 for a blouse or skirt, $75 for a bit...
Eleanor?s Descent. ?Chapter 1 I first met Eleanor, when I was working as a site security guard at a sports complex. She was a volunteer First aider working for the Saint Johns ambulance service. She stood 6? tall weighed around 150 lbs, had shoulder length blonde hair. Her figure was striking with her trim waist and protruding tits. I later found out they were 38 B. A film company was filming a TV special, so extra security was needed at the sports centre; you know the kind of thing,...
Chapter 4: Meet the QueenDimillah smiled at the terrified way the boy walked in between her and the other ladies. Naked and, though tall, standing shorter than they did in their high heels. Pulled by the leash around his neck, as slaves did in Mučenia. A lovely sight, with whip marks crisscrossing his smooth, shaved skin. Delicious, youthful complexion.He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him."You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the...
“And just where the hell have you two been all afternoon?” Robin exploded. Robin had been working hard on his presentation when he became aware that Rebecca was noticeably absent. He’d gone looking for her without success. Daniel hadn’t been able to shed much light other than saying that they’d left the Hall. Now Robin and Danny intercepted Rebecca and Alice in the doorway of their private entrance back into the Hall.Rebecca looked at him sweetly “Fishing!”“You’re about to catch something!...
He was right to be terrified, of course! This was a big moment for him. "You should consider yourself honored," she told him as they walked the long hallway. "The Queen asked for the most beautiful of new boys." Of course he did not understand a word. She laughed, grabbing his firm ass cheek, giving it a slap. His beauty really was something else. Of course all slaves had to condone to certain standards of attractiveness (who, after all, wanted to rape or torture an ugly boy?) but there...
Slaves For SelenaEmily Osment stood to the side, off camera, watching her friend Miley Cyrus do a scene on the set of Hannah Montana."Hey sexy." Someone whispered in her ear. She turned and saw Selena Gomez standing there smiling."I told you not on set!" Emily blushed red and turned quickly to see if anyone heard her. They hadn't. Selena grabbed Emily's arm in a not too gentle grip and pulled her back farther from the crew. "Hey! That hurts!" Emily said. Selena let go of her arm and looked...
Claudia wiggles in her cage and the end of her chain swings. “She seems a bit skittish,” ‘One’ laughs. - On my farm, “Two” continues drunk, I have two slaves who were famous when they were free. Independent, superior sluts, who liked to kick men’s balls out of independence and provocation...” “on the farm I keep them naked all the time, they only wear high heel boots and big dildos in their ass and pussy. Claudia can’t believe her ears. “I take them out for five minutes a day to relieve...
master Arik drove a little ways, slowed at a trail, and parked the car off the road. I watched him suspiciously from the corners of my eyes. “Severen, I want to kiss you, touch you, I was going to ease into this, but I must at least taste you.” I thought this was nice of him to let me know as he could have just done it. Then again I could always jump out of the car and run. I leaned over and tilted my head not initiating anything, but being open. I felt his hand grip my neck before I felt his...
Fetish(This and the following parts under the same name represent a block of chapters from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" which I am posting here as a mini-series in the hope that Xhamster readers will enjoy them. Although there is a strong erotic theme throughout I feel obliged to warn readers that not all of the series is erotic in content for which I apologise. Also one of the chapters has been previously posted on here and I apologise for the repetition. There will be I think about fifteen...
Fictional story about a wife who strays and is found out. Consequences follow. Or perhaps a husbands dream?.Valerie and Steve were married just over 2 years ago. Val was a stunner sex on legs so to speak and Steve knew this. Steve often thought about seeing another man or men fucking Val. Never white always black. At times Steve would lie on the bed get his cock out jerking to images in his mind, of his wife being black fucked. Black cocks in her, her pussy getting stretched! At times more than...
Their lovely young toy. Tightly in place and ready to be played with. His cock had also been prepared, standing fully erect with a wire around the base and around the balls, attached through a loop at the foot of the table to keep the thing pointing up. Oiled with Elixir. The foreskin pulled up like a wrapper on a gift, concealing the most vulnerable, sensitive part of his body. The dungeon air was chilly. The boy shivered in his binds. It could have been from cold and fear in equal measure....
Chapter 3: A Torture SessionSix women surrounded the torture table to which the boy was strapped. His arms stretched out above his head. His legs spread with straps around the ankles and upper thighs. Straps below the abs and below the pecs, around the neck and around the forehead. A gag fixed into the table.Their lovely young toy. Tightly in place and ready to be played with.His cock had also been prepared, standing fully erect with a wire around the base and around the balls, attached through...
See Part One For Preamble. Chapter Sixty.Lady Mathom lingered over her coffee and read Rachel’s first report on her computer screen with amusement. Rachel had just E-mailed the report to her from the computer terminal in the cellars so it appeared that Jennifer was on for an early start. It was a little after five in the morning. Rachel was evidently taking her responsibilities seriously. The first indications were that Jennifer had much to learn. Well there were no...
Thus the slaves of Locust Street were established, all trading one form of slavery for another. Damius had little choice but to allow them to use his house every Friday. He would spend the night at a hotel while the five masters took turns using his bedrooms and dungeon for their own amusements. Derek was now using Christine Matthews to entertain his friends. On his Friday he would invite some classmates both male and female and start off the evening by having them watch as he instructed his...
(See Part One for preamble) Chapter Fifty Eight.“Oh Pixie! Pixie!” Jennifer was saying over and over again, safe at last in Rachel’s embrace. Rachel was just holding her and soothing her with gentle caresses.“Come on sweetheart let’s get you down from here.” Rachel relinquished her hold and walked over to the wall.“Don’t go away!” Jennifer cried in panic.“I’m going nowhere honey! Just releasing your chain.” There was a whirring noise and the tension in the chain...
But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In fact, looking back the last dozen or so years, Laedia could remember killing only one boy during rape (either suffocated him or choked him, she wasn't sure). That was pretty good, she thought. Torturing to death, of course, did not count, for such a thing was rarely unintentional. The boy was taken to a tall table with a platform in front of it. The...
Chapter 2: **** RoomThe ladies walked the boy into the **** room. Their eyes stayed on him every step of the way, drinking up his beauty. Laedia could tell from the two other women that they were as horny as she was. And the Goddess knew that she had such a burning between her legs that she could have ridden the lovely young thing to death within minutes.But she could stand to take it easier as well. Long and drawn out play was, after all, more sweeter than following your immediate impulses. In...
This is not finished so keep that in mind. I did not finish school and english was my worst subject. I'm happy to hear any ideas about where to go next. This is my first story i have written, ever. if you dont like it i could care less. Slaves first gangbang.Approaching the motel you look out at the neon sign slightly flickering. It just adds to the seediness of the place. Your nerves are making it feel as if there is butterflys trying to escape...
A farm on the edge of Mato Grosso A blood-curdling howl wakes Claudia with a start. She has no idea how long she was unconscious or how she got there. All she remembers is the appalling ordeal she experienced when she was in the crate, twisted and crushed by the cruel ties that gripped her during what seemed to last an eternity... The cry begins again and she hears voices, but she doesn’t understand what is being said. They seem distant and speak a language she does not...
Claudia can only bend her knees. She does not know how long she has been waiting like this, tied up with her buttocks spread. Oscar tied her up in the exact same position as the magazine girl, as her boss ordered. This is the famous page fourteen pose, Jake’s favorite. Mysteriously, the dirty magazine has traveled with her from Nairobi to this remote part of the world. She’s hunched over at the end of a sordid bed frame in a cold room in Santa Lucia. She is dressed in a garter belt,...
*** Thanks to S.C. for the idea of setting a tale in those times and for calling Sax Romer to mind. Dear Reader! This is an extract from a document found in a second-hand bookshop in Tottenham Court Road, London. It lay inside an editor’s proof copy of Sax Romer’s unpublished novel, ‘The Whores Of Fu Manchu’. Take it as it stands, there is no way to prove that the events written here ever occurred as written. The style is, as one would expect, a little Edwardian or Victorian and the author is...
EroticAuthors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Thank you to those of you who have liked or taken the time to comment/message me. I really appreciate the feedback and I am glad people are enjoying this. I am (slowly) integrating people's ideas into the story as time permits. This is intended to be played as a game, and is a work in progress. Based on feedback and likes, main theme is now Femdom & Cuckold Domination, but there are a range of pathways with different themes. Please press Start Game otherwise some navigations will not work...
Having studied very hard, Swati had graduated from her school with honours. Although her parents were not thrilled that she had rejected their choice of husband, they had eventually relented and she married her classmate Siva. Much to their delight, the young lovers both found jobs as IT professionals at the same company. Five years later, they arrived in America. It was supposed to be a two year contract with an option to extend if business continued to improve. In the beginning, everything...
It all started with a little harmless flirtation. She was the new young intern at the law firm Rick worked in, and she was strikingly pretty. Blonde, petite and always wearing short skirts, Christine was a 22-year-old who made everyone's head turn with her wholesome, good-girl look. Unfortunately for Rick, his head turned too. Harmless flirtations in the office quickly lead to more serious, direct flirtation. Soon they were texting each other quite often, though neither of them was single....
Introduction: An encounter that awakened the dormant slut and whore within meIm your average mid 30's guy, reasonably good looking and always done wellwith the ladies.I've had some fanasticly erotic and also some perverted times with a select few ladies storys for another time perhaps.But this post concerns the awakening of my very submissive bi side quite by accident late one night and what followed it.Like most males had the usual moments of homosexual experimentation so to speak- a couple of...
Nearly two months had passed since my d**g and sex binge and not much had changed, beside the fact that my husband and two c***dren, that still lived at home, were seeing very little of me. I had been doing more d**gs, unbeknownst to my husband, and I had definitely been fucking more men. As my d**g use increased, my sexual addiction increased and my needs and desires pushed me to limits that I hadn’t reached since I was younger and on d**gs. I had succumbed to Shawn’s request and began...
~This is a little story I’ve been writing/re-writing for ages now. I’ve never posted it anywhere before. If you like it tell me what you think!
My name is Norah Bentley Chapter 1?? The trap is set My name is Norah Bentley. I am a 42 year old divorced female. I am proud of what I have achieved. After a messy divorce 7 years ago I threw myself single-mindedly into my passion: property investment. I have now built up a property portfolio of 16 rental houses and have a net worth of over one million dollars. Yes, I flaunt my success. Many people call me a hard-nosed bitch. I am ruthless with my tenants and have no time for...
The teacher started the class with a pop quiz. It was not a test on the subject of the class but a survey to know more about her pupils' motivations. The quiz only had three questions: 1) How is the ideal you? What traits and accomplishment you have or would like to have in order to turn yourself in the person you want to be. 2) How is the anti-you? How is the person that you definitely do not want to be? 3) Draw a horizontal bar across the page and write under the bar at the left margin...