Vice cop
- 1 year ago
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Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson went undercover at a costume party in The Hamptons in hopes of discovering a notorious Madame’s wild sex party and drug operation. Lexa an Detective Mason went to the party unaware that their hostess was really the wanted Madame. Hudson’s Corvette was bombed and he was mildly wounded by a gun shot. In this chapter, Hudson and Lexa team up as undercover cops for the first time. If you wish to skip all the action and storyline, read SCENE TEN for a brief oral and anal sex scene between a villainous foreign couple staying at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
ONE Hudson was named after the Hudson River, his father’s way of honoring New York and it was his belief that his son would become a New York City hero. Following in his father’s footsteps, Hudson Banach only wished his father were alive to see that he had become a cop. Hudson carried a small black and white photo of his deceased father under his cap. He admired him, revering him as the soul of masculinity and strength. He had survived dark and dangerous times during Mafia-controlled Sicily and he had provided for his family upon immigrating to New York City. Since Hudson could remember, he had lived with family in Middle Village, Queens….
It was Hudson’s birthday. He was twenty nine. It also happened to be the day before New Years Eve. He had hoped he’d spent a quiet, uneventful birthday but his mother, whom everyone called Mamma Banach, went all out and threw him a big Italian style banquet. Everyone showed up: Uncle Vitto and his wife came over from Miami, Professor Goldstein, other uncles and aunts from his father’s side of the family and his younger siblings Alyssa and twenty year old Angelo. They made a big fuss over him, scattering confetti everywhere in the dining room, playing Frank Sinatra music and Italian folk songs that the family had always enjoyed. They feasted on Mamma Banach’s terrific Italian gourmet meals.
Hudson smiled a lot and looked appreciative but deep down, he wished he could disappear right there and then. All his life, family had come first and though he adored his family, he was sharply aware that he was nearing thirty and he wanted to move out of the family home and into his own place. Lately, also, his loving family was getting on his nerves.
‘Family, I have some good news,’ he said as everyone ate their dessert, ‘I found an apartment in Bensonhurst Brooklyn. The rent I can afford and Professor, I’ll be able to get to your place in Park Slope much faster now I believe.’
‘Oh, that’s wonderful, my boy,’ the Professor remarked.
‘And now you tell us?’ Mamma Banach said, ‘why wasn’t I the first to know about this, you’re own mother.’
‘Oh, Ma. I meant to tell you but I didn’t get the chance and I thought now was the perfect time. So if anyone cares to take a look at my new place, I’ll be there by the end of the week.’
‘Is this because you’ve found a live-in girlfriend?’ smart-alecky Alyssa said, ‘is it that blind date you had some time ago with help from the Professor.’
Hudson frowned at the veiled reference to Lexa.
‘No. Not her. Not anyone. I will be living alone for the time being. I thought it was about time. I mean I am nearly thirty.’ ‘Well, if you want me to have grandchildren, you better hurry and find yourself a wife,’ said Mamma Banach, ‘you’re my oldest and you haven’t had kids. I’m not going to wait until Angelo has a family, I’m getting older by the minute.’
Everyone chuckled.
‘I don’t think I want a wife, just a girlfriend,’ said Angelo. The problem is you’re too picky, Hudson. Whatever happened to that Sonya Romandini, the girl you were head over heels for in high school?’ said his brother Angelo.
‘She was a nice girl,’ Mamma Banach exclaimed, ‘and an Italian. She was perfect for you but you had to louse it up somehow.’
‘I didn’t louse it up, Ma,’ Hudson said, ‘she moved to LA to pursue her modeling career. She didn’t think I was good enough for her just because I’m a cop.’
He briefly remembered their night in Atlantic City not long ago but his mind returned to the present. He hated that everyone was being so nosy about his love life.
‘You know what kind of girls love cops? Nurses,’ said Uncle Vitto, ‘my own Nancy here was a nurse for many years in Atlanta, isn’t’ that right, hun? Find yourself a good girl, Hudson. Look for nurses, teachers or a Church going Catholic.’
‘But only if she’s Roman Catholic,’ Mamma Banach added.
‘Or a nice Jewish girl,’ said the Professor who was himself Jewish.
‘I don’t think it’s any of you guys’ business who I choose,’ Hudson said.
‘Hudson, that was very rude,’ his mother reprimanded him.
‘Well, that’s my news,’ Hudson said, as if to say he considered the conversation finished.
But it was far from over. The rest of the evening was a continuous flow of conversation. Everyone got to open their mouth.
‘How’s Miami, Mr. Vitto?’ the Professor asked him, ‘I’d love to retire there myself some day but I don’t think I can bring myself to leave New York City’s fine arts scene.’
‘Well, you really gotta want to live there and if you can thrive in humid and hot weather, it’s paradise,’ said Vitto.
‘Mamma Banach, can you make some more coffee please?’ Aunt Nacy said.
‘When are you going to take me to see The New York Yankees, Hudson?’ Angelo inquired
‘Alyssa, don’t play with your food. Have another cream pie, Professor,’ said Mamma.
‘When’s your next vacation, Hudson? You should come to Miami,’ Uncle Vitto said,’ we can go to the Gator Bowl seeing as you like football more than baseball.’
‘Did you see that new Madonna music video on MTV ‘Papa Don’t Preach, Alyssa?’ one of her cousins asked her.
‘I don’t care for that crazy gal,’ Nancy, Vitto’s wife said, ‘she’s giving American gals a really bad name.’
‘Oh, she’s just an entertainer, Aunt Nancy, I’m sure in real life she’s not that wild.’
‘Did you remember to tape Miami Vice, Hudson? I like that show, too,’ said Angelo.
‘Yeah, I did, and also taped The A-Team and Magnum P.I.’
‘That Tom Selleck is a really good actor,’ said Aunt Nancy.
‘Hudson, I’ve recently taken an interest in musicals,’ the Professor said, ‘would you like to come see CATS with me?’
‘Hudson, I can hook you up with one of Nancy’s single girlfriends. She’s a secretary at my lawyer’s offices. Her name’s Samantha and she has legs from here to yaya and a great pair of boobs.’
‘Vitto, I don’t want you talking like that in front of the children –‘
‘Children? What children? Alyssa is a teenager now, right and Angelo is over eighteen now. They hear this kind of language and worse in the movies. Speaking of movies, did anyone see Madonna’s Desperately Seeking Susan? I’m telling you, that girl shouldn’t act and should just stick to singing. Let’s hope she gives up acting.
‘Don’t smoke in the house, Vitto. Now, everyone sit still. I’m going to see if the cake is ready. Hudson, you don’t have to tell us what you’re going to wish for.’
I can tell you what I wish for, Hudson thought. I wish to find a wife and buy a house. I want a brand new car since my last one exploded.
As they blabbed on and on, ‘Finniculi Finnicula’ played in the background from an LP near the kitchen. Hudson wanted to get up and leave, leave them chattering on because they had the energy to do it all night long but he grinned and bore it as best he could.
The Police Man’s Ball was on again, this time on New Years’ Eve which for the cops meant double the fun at one party. Hudson Banach was feeling blue. In all his years as a cop, he had never brought a date or girlfriend, whereas the other cops on the force brought their arm candy girlfriends or dates. The Ball was usually the same each year. There was modern dance music, good food, including haute cuisine and lobster prepared for them by skilled chefs,
and there was plenty of wine and alcohol. The Ball was usually held in a ballroom at one of New York City’s fine hotels. This year the party was to be held on a yacht anchored in the New York City Harbor.
Hudson was at the Professor’s home in Brooklyn, dressed up in a well-tailored suit, only about half hour before the party began. The Professor made him some warm tea and they sat down by the roaring fire. The Professor had recently bought himself a cat, an orange-yellow whiskered mutt, and he was stroking it and petting it gently. He had an LP record playing and it was opera, soprano Maria Callas’ hardcore voice blaring. Hudson finished his tea and bowed his head a bit.
‘What’s wrong, Hudson? ‘the Professor said to him, ‘is it because you’re still single and you wanted to bring a girl to the Ball again?’
‘Well, duh, Professor,’ he replied in a curt tone, ‘I really don’t want to go but I’m going anyways just for a show and because I have nothing else to do.’
‘My boy, I really think you need a boost of confidence. Surely women love the man in the uniform. Isn’t being a good cop enough? And you’re very attractive.’
‘I don’t make as much money as some women would prefer I make,’ he replied, remembering Sonya who had abandoned him in Atlantic City.
‘Well, you’re not going to be a millionaire on a cop’s salary that much is true, but you know, money and social standing isn’t everything. If every girl you meet is only interested in those things, then they don’t prioritize good character. Look, you need to pull yourself together. Go to that ball, have a good time and if you want, I can look for another girl to go out with you on a blind date, seeing as Miss Lexa O’Neil and you didn’t work things out.’
‘Don’t mention her.’
‘She really is wonderful and I’ve gotten over my issue with her being a cop. I know that in my day such things were unheard of- women working any kind of job other than being mothers, but times have changed. Women are in the work force and making a difference in society.’
‘Yeah, but I don’t want to be involved with a woman who is a cop, or any sort of authority figure. It’s just not in my nature.’
‘Well, I won’t argue with you. Go on now, have fun at the ball.’
THREE Hudson made up his mind that he would indeed have fun, even despite the misery that was gnawing his insides on account of his seemingly endless bachelorhood. He was dressed up in a long-sleeved dress shirt, without a tie and open to the navel, and dark slacks.
He had always worn a full suit before or a tuxedo but this time around he felt he had no need to dress up. It wasn’t as if any girl was going to notice him. The only girls at the Policeman’s Ball were the other cop’s girls and Lexa O’Neil, who, like him, had always gone to the ball without a date.
The urgent need for vice was calling him again, and before he arrived at the harbor where the boat was docked, he went to a bar downtown. He loathed going to bars and had only gone to a few, and never with the intention of picking up a girl. He had gone with his Uncle Vitto before he had married Nancy to play pool, smoke, drink and watch sports on the bar’s television. He knew that drinking could be addictive and he had always avoided that particular vice. Being a cop, who constantly arrested drunken drivers, he knew he could not drink too much himself.
But tonight, he felt like drinking as much as he wanted and even more than he should. The bar was as crowded as could be expected on New Years’ Eve. It was nine thirty in the evening, and already the atmosphere was heavy with the anticipation of New Year’s typical celebratory madness. Men and women were chatting up a storm, as well as smoking in thick clouds, listening to music and dancing to it on the small dance floor. There were several bar tenders at work, and lots of girls eager for fun. A mock ball like the one on Time’s Square hung over the ceiling and Hudson knew it was going to drop when it stroke midnight.
‘Relax’ by Frankie Goes To Hollywood was playing as Hudson took his seat and ordered himself a scotch. Nothing light for tonight, he thought. He figured he’d order more than on scotch on the rocks and then just a lot of beer. He looked around, his eyes surveying the girls. Only one girl was staring back at him, despite the fact that she appeared to be with a guy, who was putting his arm around her waist.
She was dressed in a denim jacket, a tight skirt and her hair was as high and puffy as the girls who appeared on the soap opera Dynasty, which his little sister Alyssa watched religiously, despite Mamma’s objections to ‘soap operas’ being smut. She had a naughty quality to her but that did not surprise him. Only the naughty girls seemed to be drawn to him, never the good ones.
She excused herself from her boyfriend or date and approached Hudson.
‘Buy a lady a drink?’ she said to him.
‘What about your boyfriend over there?’ Hudson said to her.
‘He’s not my boyfriend,’ she replied, but Hudson did not believe her.
This is a girl playing head games, thought Hudson. Well, maybe he could still have fun with this girl, maybe even take her to bed, if only to relieve his stress. He looked at her more closely now that she was directly in front of him. She was short, had nice boobs and legs. She looked to be twenty one, and obviously had been drinking herself to a stupor already.
‘You don’t need any more drinks,’ Hudson said to her.
‘Ok, maybe I don’t, but you sure do. You look so uptight and mysterious sitting alone here. So what are you, an FBI agent, with the CIA? I didn’t know you guys partied.’
‘I like to party, babe,’ Hudson said, ‘in fact I’m going to one tonight. But you gotta be a cop to go.’
‘You’re a cop?’
‘That’s right. But I’m off duty.’
He said this with that naughty smile and look in his eye, letting her know that he was free for sex. The girl eyed him up and down, and she looked pleased with his handsome, muscular appearance. But the girl looked like she had something else in mind.
‘I don’t like cops,’ she said to him, ‘I’m always getting in trouble with the cops.’
‘Oh yeah? You do marijuana or cocaine?’
‘I smoke pot. My friends do it a lot and hey, when in Rome –‘
‘Are you on something right now?’
‘No I’m not. Hey, cop, I’d like to see you drink more than my boyfriend over there.’
Hudson looked over at the guy who had been with her. He was drinking and looking over at them with an expressionless and bored face, as if he didn’t care what his own girlfriend was doing. The girl brazenly put a hand on Hudson’s thigh. She whispered something into his ear that made Hudson hot.
‘You really think you’re boyfriend won’t mind?’ Hudson said to her.
John Parr’s ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’ which was a song Hudson really liked, played in the bar. The girl moved her hand up his thigh and stopped right over his crotch. Hudson got her hand and raised it to his lips, kissing her hand.
‘He won’t mind it if I gave you a lap dance right now. He likes it when other guys find me attractive and do things to me. We have an open relationship. I don’t mind him being with other girls.’
‘Open relationship?’
‘Join the twenty first century, cop. Yes, you know, kinda of like swingers except we’re not married. When we do marry, we’ll still be with other people whenever we want to.’
‘I see.’
‘So how about it?’ she said, already lying on her back on the floor.
People were staring at the girl and wondered what was going on. Hudson finished his first drink and then ordered another one. It was beer. He then kneeled before the girl on the floor.
‘Do it,’ she said as she lifted up her top to reveal her flat and sexy stomach and belly button.
Hudson poured the beer on her stomach and then leaned his head down to lick it off her. He did this slowly and she squirmed and smiled a bit, thoroughly enjoying it. The yo
ung guys closest to them burst into cheers, cat calls and applause.
‘Lick it,’ they said, referring to a certain part of her anatomy.
But Hudson continued to lave her stomach and abdomen, slowly, sensually, with his hands on the waistband of her skirt, tugging at it but not pulling it down. More beer followed and the girl took off her top, showing off her breasts and rosy nipples. Hungrily, Hudson licked them, but only after having poured alcohol over them. His head was spinning. The entire bar was spinning in his eyes in a fast circular motion and he felt like he was on some kind of amusement park ride. He didn’t care that he was doing something so lewd and shameless. No one seemed to care after a while and continued to party.
The boyfriend, who had been watching, finally came up to Hudson. He had a different look on his face now, one of annoyance.
‘Ok, get off my girl,’ he said, but his tone was not angry, just casual.
Hudson knew that he should comply but he continued to lick the girl’s breasts until he felt sated.
‘Ok, that’s enough,’ the guy said trying to pick up Hudson.
The guy was smaller in build than Hudson. Hudson looked down at him and then smiled. He was drunk. He burst into laughter and walked away, his eyes on the girl. She looked back at him.
‘Hey,’ she shouted,’ if you really are a cop, I had fun but if you’re not and you lied to me and you’re one of those male strippers who go to bachelorette parties dressed up like a cop, I’ll look you up.’
‘Don’t count on it,’ Hudson said and left the bar.
The yacht where the Policeman’s Ball was being held was big enough for many guests on its deck. It looked like it was built only for parties at sea, in fact. It was docked by the harbor with the most grandiose view of Manhattan. The moon was full that night and glistened in white and silver over the waters. The Twin Towers were in sight not too far away and the many high rise buildings which were lit up as radiantly as night stars.
Because his car had blown up in the Hamptons, Hudson had walked to the harbor. As it turned out, not even walking got the alcohol out of his system and he intended to drink even more at the Ball. He saw that many were already aboard partying and eating the gourmet meals at the buffet. Pretty girls in ‘prom’ style gowns of many colors and shades walked about, socializing with each other or with their boyfriends. The guys were in fancy suits and tuxedoes. As he got on board, he looked up and noticed Lexa O’Neil, her elbows resting on the sides of the boat, with a far-off look in her eye and enjoying the night air. She looked absolutely gorgeous, like a vision, and the moonlight over her body gave her the illusion of mysterious and divine beauty. She was wearing the same blue sequin gown she had worn to The Hamptons.
‘Do you remember when we met, that’s the day I knew you were my pet. I wouldn’t tell you how much I loved you. Come with me my love, to the Sea, the Sea of Love. I wouldn’t tell you how much I loved you –‘
As the Honeydripper’s romantic song ‘Sea of Love’ played on, Hudson felt miserable at heart. It seemed to be speaking of him, of Lexa, of that night he first met her sitting like a princess by a fireplace at the Professor’s home. Damn her, he thought, she has to be here. He comforted himself with the fact she was alone again, much like he was, without a date. But then, as he walked onto the deck, he saw that Detective Mason Holmes, in a tux, drink in hand approached Lexa and gave her the drink. They smiled and conversed and were standing intimately close.
* * * *
Blondie’s ‘Call Me’ blared as the party continued. It was now approaching midnight. Hudson had been drinking every available alcoholic beverage at the party — martinis, sex on the beach, wine, cocktails and more scotch. He was eating a hell of a lot too, which he never did. The guys on the force, used to eating heavily at parties, watched Hudson in amazement as he pigged out on the variety of dishes prepared by the Cuban Chef, who had prepared dinner parties at the Oscars in Hollywood the previous year. Lexa noticed that he was only acting strangely every time he looked over at her.
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Part OneResting her head against the back of the couch, a soft sigh would leave her full strawberry chapped lips. The sound of a high pitched, girly scream jolted her from her daydreaming. Sitting up, she rubs her left eye and yawns, staring at the tv with her right. It appears she had dozed off into her daydream state in the middle of an anime that she was watching. Groaning, she yawns again, rising from the couch and reaching her arms up to stretch. The tank top on her full body, stretches...
Introduction: A rookie cop, a horny dog, and a domineering instructor. You do the math. Prologue For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldnt be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was...
Previously on Vice Cop, a European rock star responsible for murdering his own fans at his concerts and lavish shows, eluded the detectives who were after him. Hudson and Lexa confronted the villainous rock star who has set a death trap for them in an abandoned theater, resulting in his arrest. In this episode, you will again find the hardcore action and heavy plot that make up my style of writing for Vice Cop. But you can read a lesbian sex scene on SCENE SEVEN, involving an Asian Mafia...
For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldn’t be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was inborn. I love almost all animals equally, no matter their cuteness. Still, I must admit dogs...
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My wife had gone out of town driving my car; one of her loving girlfriends living in a near town had got divorced and she claimed Ana if she could pay a visit there to get her some relief. Three days later, my sexy wife came back home.I greeted her at the front door as she parked at our driveway and I noticed she had a sparkling radiant smile in her face. It was strange to me, since Ana always lost her humor during driving…She kissed me deep, saying she had missed so badly during those days;...
The night was late, and the streets were dark and lonely as I was driving home from a friend's house on an average Saturday night. Average, for me at least, was drinking and having a good time with a group of friends and then going home to sleep it off until late the next day. Sunday was my hangover day, of course, and I would lie around all day wishing I hadn't gotten so drunk the night before.This Saturday night, however, I was sober enough to drive myself home. At least that's what I...
ReluctancePreviously on Vice Cop, Police Lieutenant Isaiah Dante’s connections to the Black Panthers became known and nearly cost the lives of Hudson Banach, Detective Mason Holmes and Chief Barry Hiller who were captured. Lexa infiltrated the Panther’s headquarters and rescued them as well as NYPD. This chapter has all the usual 1980’s TV cop drama and action adventure elements. For those who love the sex scenes, read SCENE EIGHT and also SCENE FOURTEEN. ONE Hudson had made plans to go to Miami. It...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson was almost killed when lured into a trap by the beautiful pawn, Candy, under instructions of the drug lord Leo Mendoza and his Russian girlfriend Marina Brazilova. Lexa and Detective Mason came to his rescue and Lexa was offered a position of vice cop, but she declined. Hudson and Lexa returned to New York City where further exploits await them. The time is the 1980’s. I realize that some readers prefer to read the sex scenes only and don’t care for elaborate...
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COP COCK PART IThis happened about 10 years ago while I was working in the Pacific. I always view these cop cock stories with a healthy dose of skepticism. But after my own encounter I will forever look at them differently. It was raining, and 2AM. Perhaps it was the flashing lights and the word police on the side of the car that made be believe this really was a cop, unlike in my first story where it was a case of mistaken identity. The first story was also a live encounter even though the...
One of my fantasies was to have sex with another man. preferably a hot black guy who was either a body builder type or could be my daddy. Someone who looked like Bobby Blake. Leanne my girlfriend talked with me about it. She commented she didn't care and thought it would be kinky for us to try it. We met a hot daddy through another website. Him and his partner were in a open relationship. On his profile he listed himself as a cop. Hot! I asked he would like to do something with me and my...
I wasn't drunk enough. There was only two of Bill instead of the twelve I wanted. I could probably still drive like this, though I wasn't going to. The bartender had already taken my keys. Maybe just a few more and I'll be out cold. Bill was no help. He was my landlord, the guy I paid to keep living in my apartment with my fa... With my daughter. I forgot. I don't really have much family anymore, since my wife left and took our youngest with her. Thanks Melissa. I can't even get drunk...
* Previously on Vice Cop, Lexa O’Neil went undercover as a hooker in Atlantic City in hopes of catching a serial killer. Hudson Banach went to Atlantic City as well to enjoy a brief vacation and ran into an old girlfriend from high school, Sonya Romandini, who had become an escort/high class hooker. Hudson beat Lexa at a game of poker in the casino. Lexa was almost killed by the serial killer when Detective Mason Holmes rescued her. Sonya left for Las Vegas and Hudson returned to New York City...
"Excuse me Miss, but might you be a model," said a husky voice behind her. The woman turned to see a well-dressed black man addressing her. "Well I'm looking to become an actress, but I would consider modeling," she replied. "Excellent," said the black man smiling at her. "Here is my card. Give me a call if your looking for work. My name is Latrell." "Angel," replied the woman looking at the card, it read, E&I Modeling Agency. "Nice to meet you Angel," said Latrell...
First Undercover assignment gets really complicated for Christina, a new young Cop. She must make some hard choices to stay alive. The following is an excerpt from “Undercover with Christina” a full-length story I have been writing for a couple of years. It has stalled for lack of time to finish it, so I decided to post a portion and get some response. Christina is an Undercover Police office, on her first assignment. Mr. G is a Mafia King pin that she was assigned to infiltrate the...
Knees bent and legs wide open, Daphne Blake stared up at the white spotlights on the ceiling of VELMA’S BEAUTY SALON. The radio in the corner played an unsettling rock song but it had been turned down low enough to seem almost satirical.“Ready?” Velma asked.Daphne squirmed. “No!”She closed her eyes tight and sucked in a breath as the dark-haired beautician deftly pulled off the first wax strip.“Fuck!” Daphne gasped, biting down on her hand. “Now I remember why I don’t fucking do this!”Velma...
ReluctanceSeveral years ago I was a COP, a policeman in a city of about 250,000 in North Carolina. The DWI Checkpoints and enforcement had just started to gain popularity. One part of that program was to assign officers to work the streets on DWI Patrol, rather than checkpoints. We were assigned to different sections of the city or to watch a particular bar or nightclub. The duty hours were usually from about 8PM to 4AM. Very seldom was there any DWI activity before midnight, so the early hours of the...
Ashley is a rape cop. She's 21, blonde, athletic, with small firm tits. She wears a blue and black police uniform, with a short skirt and sheer black stockings. Ashley enters the dark rape lair, finding video equipment, whips, ropes and chains, knockout drugs, everything a hard-core serial ass-rapist would need. She follows the sounds of sobbing and moaning, and finds a bunch of hot, naked brunette girls tied up and bent over. The girls' young asses are all red and sore from being spanked and...
Last year, around Christmas time, I was back on the East Coast for Christmas break. I had borrowed my brother's new Corvette, (brother is a newly licensed physician) and headed out to a Christmas party in the Highlands. This was the first time I had been separated from my SO in a year, so I guess I was feeling a little unattached. I got to the party and it was wonderful. I had a couple of champagnes and danced away most of the night. At 1 am my ex- boyfriend from high school came in with his...
Previously on Vice cop, Detective Mason Holmes and Lexa O’Neil moved into Manhattan as a live-in couple. A ‘headhunter’ serial killer was preying on New Yorkers and it was discovered that he was an esteemed professor from a university. Mason, hot on his tracks, finally confronted him and brought him to justice. Lexa was involved in the homicide case of a neurotic and love-crazed ballerina from the American Ballet Theater who beheaded her married lover and attempted to flee. This chapter has...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson got himself a Chinese mail-order bride named Cherry. Mason and Lexa retreated to The Poconos for a weekend. For Hudson, married life was sweet until a dangerous underground Chinese Mafia cast a large shadow over Chinatown. Girls were abducted by ninja soldiers who worked for a powerful Asian Mob lord, and were forced into sexual slavery. When Cherry was abducted, Hudson came to her rescue but discovered that she had been killed during an altercation with the Mob...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson moved from his family home and into Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, to a house of his own. He had flashbacks of his days at the Academy and his assignments as a rookie cop. He remembered his fellow officer and friend Kyle Lennox, who had been his partner for a long time before his death by the alluring but dangerous Candy Spears, herself a pawn to the Columbian drug lord Leo Mendoza and his wife’s illegal and evil machinations. He recalled his first love and high school...
This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...
This story is a side story to "True Friends And Family Part 13" and was meant to be the first of several short stories about the family's impact on the city. That was the idea, instead it ended up being a soft introduction to a character who supported John and Jaimie in a cameo and added a key character for future stories. During this period the narrative was, "first person" fitting with the 5th and 6th stories as they were originally the 4th and 5th stories written. The two...
I walked to the parking my car and went home. Later that night i planned to go over my friend Girlfriends House. I brought a bag of pot with me so we could smoke when i got there. I wanted to get there soon and i was driving pretty fast when i heard police sirens. I had never been pulled over before and i was very nevous. I turned down my radio which was blaring and pulled over onto the side of the rode. The cop got out and came over to the car and told me to drive down the side road...
Ryan was someone I wanted to do everything with the moment I laid eyes on his photograph. Tall, dark, and handsome. He was half italian, half white, but his eyes and hair were jet black. He was a police officer and that made my cock even harder. Ryan in uniform was a sight to behold, but look of authority he had even in his every day clothes pushed me almost into an obssession. My cock craved him. I knew come hell or high water, I would have him one day. Soon. Only problem was,...
ReluctanceIntroduction: This is a story I worked hard on and I would like your honest opinion of it! Lisa was looking forward to a night out with the girls. Since Grant had come into her world six months ago, shed spent her days at the office and her nights underneath, on top of, and beside him. Hed brought out an insatiable lust within her and no amount of sex with him was enough. This was the first time theyd been apart since becoming exclusive and shed promised Cecilia and Stacey that shed go out...
I was half-way through a day shift on a Wednesday morning, as I sat at a computer in the muster room, typing out a report on a minor arrest I had made the day before. I heard footsteps on the carpet behind me, and I looked up to see the shift supervisor, Sergeant Morrow, standing there with a clipboard in his hand. Morrow was one of those big, rugged, old-style cops that you just don’t see any more, and he said, “I’ve got a little job for you, Mark.” “What’s that?” I said, sitting back from the...
100% fiction! My wife is a cop. She works for the police dept in our town. Her supervisor, David, is an old high school friend of mine. Here’ part of an email he sent me: *** I thought you were kind of weird for telling me about your wife’s fake fantasy. My wife has fantasies too, but she would never do them in real life, and I figured your wife Teresa was probably the same way. (In case you’re wondering, I would never share my wife’s fantasies with you. That would feel like such a betrayal.)...
EroticHe'd brought out an insatiable lust within her and no amount of sex with him was enough. This was the first time they'd been apart since becoming exclusive and she'd promised Cecilia and Stacey that she'd go out with them. "Come on Lisa; it's been way too long. We miss you and you need to stop neglecting us," Cecilia whined into the phone. "Grant is out of town for this convention; what are you supposed to do, just stay at home and wait?" Stacey chimed in on the other...
Before ‘Anonymous’ tells us that this is all bullshit, the following is loosely based on a true story. The incidents involving the policeman, the drunk and his wife actually did happen, of course some changes have been made to make the story more credible. The road into town passes a sign that reads ‘Morton. Population: 250’. But the sign can no longer be believed because no-one has bothered to change it for twenty years. On one side of the main street is the railway station that once thrived...
Rookie Cop My name is Mike Johnson, I am 19 years old and I just started in Law Enforcement. I am working for a small department in Maderia Beach, Florida. It is nicknamed Mad Beach, for the reason on Friday and Saturday nights the place is off the chain. The city is only about 2 miles long at its longest point. There are two hardcore biker bars, a strip club, four night clubs and about twenty local pubs all located inside the city limits. With that being said, you can just imagine what the...
It was an average day for Bella Keith who sat at her corner desk regularly signing and sorting stacks of papers. It wasn't what she wanted when becoming a cop, but she eased into the job. On that average day, out of the blue, the Chief assigns her to be on the field. Containing her happy dance, Bella grabbed her cap an ran out to the departments parking lot. She chose to drive the new cruiser that was closest to the exit, a dodge charger XL. Starting up the engine was exhilarating, bringing her...
FetishIt was pouring down, which in a sense was very fitting. Standing below your umbrella at the side of the road you watch as his widow and their kids drove off. The service had been beautiful, rain or not, and you hoped that it would help his family find peace, or whatever you can call landing on your feet after you husband and father has be torn away from you. Personally you weren’t searching for peace. The only thought on your mind was bringing those responsible to justice. At 27 years of age...
I was twenty two when I spent the summer waiting tables in a little café on the beach in Galveston. I was going out to the bars nearly every night. It got to be boring, so my friend Kevin came up with a challenge. The first challenge was to be the first to hook up with a guy, the loser would buy the next night's drinks. Since we were both straight it wasn't our norm, but we decided to go for it. I sat at the bar in the Rainbow Room and ordered my first drink. I looked up and there was the...
Oral SexAna, the red light and the traffic copEverything was going wrong for me that Friday afternoon. I was really late for an appointment with my loving Victor and so I was in a rush, driving my own car like crazy on L.A. heavy traffic.I was going as fast as I could in the middle of crowded streets. I approached a light about to change, stepped on the accelerator, swerved around a car which was trying to stop and shot wildly through the intersection just as the yellow light turned red.Then I saw the...
Kim was a county police lady. She loved patrolling the back roads by the college. She was always looking for the local college boys. She loved to make deals with them to keep them out of trouble or tickets. Kim was short, good looking and extremely busty. She had a habit of wearing her uniform with several buttons undone and just thong panties. She would then walk up to a car and lean in and show off most of her huge tits. She laughed and called her patrol car a cock finder. And she never had...
Hello ladies and gentlemen Sam Mehra is back with his another real life incident and believe me guys this incident still gives me goosebumps…for new readers I’m not fat not skinny guy with a 7″inch tool to satisfy any girl or women…but i specially love milfs..and anyone can give a comment,feedback or can have some erotic chats or more with me on Now to my story… Me and my friends are used of late night driving in highways of nagpur so one night we were a lil drunk and were driving a lil rash....
Amy had a date. She had been sending emails back and forth with this guynamed Joe. He lived in Wheeling and she lived in Pittsburgh. They madeplans to meet for a sexual interlude. What made this so unique is that Amyis a transvestite. She is tall, 5'11, and thin with a pretty face. Herlong hair-a black wig- complimented her oval face and large red lips.Although Amy is a pretty transvestite, she is not entirely passable.Somehow, despite her shapely body and pretty face, people notice...
Hello young readers. This is Rani here once again. I’m here to share my experience with Amrish, a top cop. I’m encouraged to write about my sexuality because of your lovely fucky, fucky letters inviting me for a screw. And for those who have missed my previous posts, do read ‘Rani’s first fucked’, ‘Rani cums again’, ‘Rani and her boss’ for a warm up. With a promise to keep your dicks wet without a shag, I wish to begin. My boss, Mr.Pradhan and I have had such sucking and pressing that we can’t...
Rookie CopMy name is Mike Johnson, I am 19 years old and I just started in Law Enforcement. I am working for a small department in Maderia Beach, Florida. It is nicknamed Mad Beach, for the reason on Friday and Saturday nights the place is off the chain. The city is only about 2 miles long at its longest point. There are two hardcore biker bars, a strip club, four night clubs and about twenty local pubs all located inside the city limits. With that being said, you can just imagine what the...
Oral SexWelcome to Sun City. And now fuck off. The second sentence was written with graffiti under the first one. This sigh is the first thing people see when they enter Sun City. A large city in the southwest of the united states. A city with more then one and a half million people living there. And just like all big city's Sun City has people of all kinds. Rich, poor, worker, unemployed, honest and criminal. However, in the last ten years, the number of crimes has increased and is now two times as...
BDSMI was a freelance cop and working to bring in a wanted man. He was one of the top ten which meant heavily protected. Everyone knew where they were, it was just getting through their guards that was the problem. There would be consequences if I managed it, like people trying to kill me consequences. The reward was huge and I needed a way out and off world. Either bad men hid underground or in towers, Gallow was the former. The thing I shook my head at was the bigger they were, the more they...
Previously on Vice Cop, Hudson and Lexa, working Homicide, went undercover chasing an elusive killer known as The Yellow Cab Killer, a taxi cab driver who murdered his passengers. The killer, disguised as a passenger, had Hudson drive him to the airport where he made his escape, teaching Hudson he couldn’t always save the day. This episode has a lot of plot/action and one sex scene you can find on SCENE FIVE. It involves a wicked and psycho rock star and his tryst with a devoted groupie in...
This episode of Vice Cop does not further the plot and is instead a bit of a departure and a break from the present-time action. While the action in the beginning that triggers the flashbacks is in the present, the majority of scenes are in the past- the early 1980’s. These are scenes of flashbacks/memories of Hudson’s training days in the New York Police Academy and his first years as uniform cop. Think of it as a TV series’ ‘clip show’ — a variety of scenes of incidents that have already...
November 8, 2016 - Election Night Victory Party Cheers erupt all around you as the news headlines read "Justman-Butler ticket wins election!" Congratulations! After a hard-fought and bitter campaign, your running mate has been elected the 45th President of the United States in a landslide, winning 412 electoral votes. You are Sam Butler, the Vice-President elect, and a tall and fit 44-year-old, with brown hair and a comely face. You are a handsome, charismatic man, making you a great...
I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...