Pfand XChapter 15 free porn video

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Carl crouched behind the car, trying to be as small as possible. His heart was beating fast. He could hear the blood pounding in his ears. However, that sound did take a backseat to the gunshots that were going off all around him.

He had once heard that a car wasn't really all that safe to hide behind. Most of the larger caliber bullets went through them, but were slowed down enough to really cause damage to the person hiding. His choices of cover had been rather limited, though. Namely, it was the car, a pair of newspaper vending machines, a light pole, or a very small planter. The car had seemed the most substantial of the choices.

He flinched when a hole opened up in the side of the car, near his feet. Clearly, the story about bullets being able to go through a car, was true. He heard a tire pop on the other side of the car. He looked at the other end of the car, where Samantha was crouched. It was only now that he noticed that there were a lot of holes along the length of car, between them.

There were more sounds of gunfire. Samantha duck walked over to him making sure that her head was never visible to the folks on the other side of the car.

She said, "Don't look so worried. We've got the engine between us and them."

"That's good, right?"

"So long as they don't bring out a fifty."

There was a sudden increase in gunfire, and then silence.

The quiet hung in the air like an oppressive fog. Carl looked around, wondering what was happening. The longer the silence lasted, the more confident he was that the attack was over.

Samantha hissed, "Don't move."

"What's going on?"

"I don't know," Samantha answered.

Her eyes were watching the windows and doors that were overlooking their position. She was waiting to see if someone was going to take advantage of their lack of cover on that side of the car. If she had set up this ambush, she'd have placed a person in one of the buildings near their current position.

A shadow moved into partial view. Samantha couldn't tell if it was a curious bystander or a threat. She brought up her pistol, but didn't pull the trigger. A hole appeared in the window. She noted that the glass did not fall out towards the street. Someone on the other side of the car had made the shot. She hoped it was someone on the side of the Pfand who had fired.

She continued to search the area for a threat. There was another spat of gunfire from behind them. It didn't seem to be aimed in their direction. There were no new holes in the body of the car.

"I wonder who owns this car," Carl said idly.

"Be quiet," Samantha hissed.

Carl leaned against the car and looked around. He noticed a guy moving across a window. The man hugged the wall, and was holding up what was clearly a pistol.

Pointing at the window, Carl said, "There's a man with a gun over there."

Samantha's head swung around to stare at the window. She brought up her gun and fired. The glass in the window exploded in a cloud of shards that reflected the light in an almost artistic manner. The pistol sounded loud in her ears. It was seldom that she fired a gun without proper hearing protection.

She said, "Thanks. Next time, just shout 'gun', and point. There's no need to say more than that."

She looked around at the remaining windows. When she didn't hear anything from Carl, she glanced over at him. He was slumped to the ground.


Samantha reached over and rolled him onto his back. There was a hole in his suit coat. She tore his shirt open and checked the vest. There was a slug buried in it, but it had not penetrated through it. From experience, she knew that he'd have a horrible bruise from the impact. She checked for other signs that he had been shot elsewhere without finding any. However, there was a big bump on the back of his head.

Since he wasn't bleeding, she returned to watching the environment around them for additional threats. There were still occasional shots being fired behind her. She watched the windows and almost shot an old woman who was drinking tea and watching the action. She couldn't believe that people would peek out windows trying to see what was happening during a gunfight.

"Where in the fuck are the police?" she growled.

By her estimate, they had been pinned down behind the car for at least a full minute. It was hard to tell though since time ran funny in situations like that.

Quiet descended on the street, once again. In the distance, the sound of sirens could be heard. Unfortunately, it sounded like they were headed in the wrong direction. She pressed back against the car, and searched the windows for another shooter.


Hearing that, Samantha relaxed, but only a little. It was the code word to let her know that everything was under control. But just because they thought things were under control, didn't make it so. They'd all be tense until they got off the street, and into a safe area.

She shouted back, "Bruised banana!"


"Crate coming. Thirty seconds"

The term crate was code for the brown panel van. They were coming to pick up Carl. After almost thirty seconds on the dot, a heavy van drove up, and parked next to the car. Two men Samantha recognized, Mike Speer and Hammond Steward, climbed out of the van. They were wearing their standard disguises: a Nixon mask, and a Carter mask, respectively. There was a story behind their choices, but no one had ever bothered to fill her in on it.

The side door opened. A third man, wearing a Clinton mask, got out. He was looking about, nervously. It was obvious by his body language, that he didn't like being in the middle of a war zone. Samantha stashed her gun in her purse, and tried to look frightened. The masks meant that they were doing an anonymous extraction.

Hammond and the third man stormed over and roughly picked up Carl. Almost dragging him, the two men carried Carl into the van. Mike pulled her along with them, while she pretended to resist. For all intents and purposes, it looked like the pair of them had been abducted off the street, rather than rescued.

Mike climbed into the driver's seat of the still running machine. Once everyone was inside, the van took off at a high speed, even while Hammond climbed up front to ride shotgun. Hammond nodded at his brother, Harmon, who was standing with a group of Waches as they drove past.

Samantha noticed that the police still hadn't arrived. She wondered how that was possible. Then she realized that the police were in on it, and were staying away. Big money must have been involved if they were willing to suffer the kind of news storm that would follow a slow response to a major shootout.

The three men pulled off their masks, once they were out of the immediate area. The dark tint on the windows would make it hard for anyone to see the people inside. Hammond kept his weapon in hand. Mike was busy driving the van. The third man was examining Carl, and was muttering to himself.

"How many of them were there?" Samantha asked.

It sounded like a hundred people had opened up on them, but she knew that couldn't be true. They had just gotten behind the car when they had let loose with a barrage that would have killed them for sure if they hadn't been warned by the foghorn. She had grabbed Carl and pulled him to the ground. Much to her surprise, he had already been diving to the ground.

"Twenty," Mike, the driver, answered.

"Jesus," Samantha said.

"We were lucky," Hammond said. "Only three of our folks were wounded. No one was killed."

"How many of theirs did we get?" Samantha asked.

"Four or five dead, maybe a dozen or more wounded. We didn't exactly take time to make an accurate count," Mike answered.

For a while it had turned into an outright war. Ten members of the Wache, had attempted to end an ambush by twenty well trained men. The ambushers had shot first, but they were aiming at Carl and Samantha. The Waches had opened fire on the exposed backs of half of the attackers. That had been a short-lived exchange of fire, with the Waches having the upper hand.

There had been a period of maneuvering while the two groups tried to out position the other. The Waches had been mostly victorious in that little exercise. The groups were basically equal in size, and the firefight had been intense.

Samantha said, "I only fired one shot, but I know I got one."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Mike said.

She had performed an act that no reasonable person should ever have to perform. He knew that the majority of soldiers in World War II were unable to kill. Many soldiers shot into the ground in front of the enemy. A lot of lead could fly through the air without anyone getting hit. The mind of a humane person has difficulty dealing the the idea of killing another human being. The first shot aimed with real intent, was the hardest. For some, it got easier. For sane people, it never got easy.

"I don't know if I wounded or killed him," Samantha said.

"Don't think about it. It was self-defense," Hammond said.

He knew that his advice was useless, and that she'd have nightmares about it. Nothing anyone could say would change that. He still had nightmares about his first battlefield kill. He had nightmares about every kill after that, as well.

The man examining Carl said, "He's got a minor concussion. He's got a good sized bruise on his chest. I'd say that he got hit in the chest and the impact slammed the back of his head into the car."

"He'll recover?" Samantha asked.

"Yes. He'll be a little sore and dizzy, but he'll be fine."

"I'm glad to hear that," Samantha said relieved.

The van rocked when they took a corner. They could hear the siren of a police car pass them going towards the site where the fight had taken place. They'd find a few of the attackers, but none of the Wache by this time.

Samantha asked, "Where were the police?"

Mike said, "That's a good question. They were conspicuous by their absence. Next time, I fear that we might be going up against the police."

He expected the police to show up at Carl's home, to question him about the gunfight on the street. They knew he was the target, and they'd want to know how he managed to escape. Odds were good that they'd try to take him down to the police station for questioning. Of course, if they got their hands on him, he would probably disappear forever.

"I didn't want to hear that," Samantha said.

One of the hardest things to defend against was a crooked police department. They could run over the innocent who were too law abiding to resist, yet they could rightfully label resisters as criminals. It was a no win situation for anyone who entered their sights. Unfortunately, Carl was now firmly in their sights.

Hammond said, "They were waiting to hear from your attackers that you were dead before leaving for the scene. I'd say that they waited a bit too long. If they had gotten there a little earlier, they could have detained you. That would have been the end of the game, for Carl."

"We're lucky your attackers partied with some hookers, last night," Mike said.

"Our hookers?" Samantha asked referring to the Damensterns.

"No. They were independents."

Hammond said, "Having a drunken orgy is about the stupidest thing you can do, right before a major mission. It is even dumber when you have your party in a hotel owned by the enemy. They had no idea we knew what they were going to do."

They had the whole debauched evening on tape. There were enough comments to have a pretty good idea why the men were there, but not enough details to know when and where they intended to strike. Apparently, the plan was a lot more flexible than anticipated.

Irritated that her first warning of an attack had been the sound of a foghorn going off, Samantha asked, "So why didn't you warn me?"

"Because you can't act for shit," Mike answered.

"You almost blew it, the last time," Hammond answered.

Unfortunately, that was an accurate description of the last time they had gone out, knowing there was someone waiting to kill Carl. She had been so spooked that she had jumped at every sound. The guy sent there to kill Carl, had almost backed out before Harmon had a chance to catch him.

Mike said, "Your reactions are good, though."

"I'm not happy," Samantha said in a low growl.

"We're nearly to the truck wash," Mike said.

Hammond climbed in the back, to help carry Carl out of the van. It was kind of awkward, considering the way the van was bouncing on the road. They wanted to make the transfer from the van to the truck as quickly as possible.

Hammond said, "We've got a truck in one of the cleaning bays. We'll get in it, and it will deliver us to a safe hotel."

"What about Mike?" Samantha asked.

"He's going to take the van to get crushed. It will never be found," Hammond answered.

The transfer from the van to the large truck went like clockwork. Carl woke by the time they got there. He was feeling sick to his stomach, but otherwise he was unhurt. Well, his chest was a little tender. At least they didn't have to carry him to the truck.

The truck drove out of town with Carl, Samantha, and Hammond riding in a space surrounded by mattress boxes. After half an hour, the truck pulled up to a hotel. The owner came out, and opened the doors to a couple of rooms. The truck backed up to one of the rooms with an open door, and a crew of men started unloading mattresses. The fugitives walked between a pair of mattress boxes, and into a room. No one would have been able to see them leave the truck or enter the room.

They hid in the bathroom while the mattresses were unpacked, and the old mattresses hauled out. After the crew had left, closing the door behind them, they stepped out of the bathroom. It was their first chance to examine their surroundings.

This was a rather unique room, for a hotel, in that it had connecting doors to the rooms on both sides of it. They opened the doors on their side of the connecting rooms and settled down to wait, knowing they would eventually have visitors.

Samantha broke the silence and said, "How long are we going to be here?"

"That's hard to say. It all depends on how the police react to the shooting," Hammond said.

"What if they react the wrong way?" Carl asked.

"You two might have to leave the country," Hammond answered.

The Pfand had the infrastructure in place to effectively move them all over the country without being seen. With trucking companies to provide transport and hotels with special rooms, they could travel and sleep in relative comfort.

Carl said, "All of this over a pickle factory? Those assholes shot me!"

It seemed like each time something happened, Carl became even more incredulous that anyone would go to such lengths to keep him from opening his company. The situation had gone from the worrisome to the preposterous. He just couldn't grasp it.

"At least they didn't draw blood," Hammond said.

Carl looked down at his brand new suit. This was the first time he had ever worn it. Now there was a bullet hole in the suit coat. In addition to a hole in his shirt, it was ripped from when Samantha had checked him for injuries. Outside of a slug still lodged in the vest, his protective vest was still functional.

"I hate ruining new clothes," Carl said in disgust. "It's wasteful."

Hammond laughed. "I'll tell the bad guys not to try anything unless you're wearing old clothes."

"I'd appreciate it," Carl said wryly.

Samantha said, "He's feeling better."

Carl said, "I still don't see why this is happening. I mean, all of this over a pickle factory?"

Hammond sat back and thought about it for a minute.

"There's a Lt. Col. Grossman who writes about people in terms of being sheep, sheepdogs, and wolves. He says that wolves eat sheep, as that's their nature. The bad guys that do mean things to people are the wolves. He says that one percent of the population are wolves.

"On the other hand, sheepdogs protect the sheep from the wolves. They accept that there are wolves, and that it is their role in life to protect the sheep. Sheepdogs look for wolves, and anticipate the fight. Grossman says that one percent of the population are sheepdogs.

"Now sheep are a totally different story. They deny that wolves exist, until the wolf comes knocking on their door. Then they are terrified, and paralyzed with fear. That's when they scream for the sheepdog to come protect them. However, when the wolves are not around, the sheep fear the sheepdogs, because they look too much like wolves. Sheepdogs have scary fangs, and can be quite aggressive, but it is their job to keep the wolves at bay.

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Good Hott Meal

"Hi, Mr. Paris, what are you going to do for Thanksgiving?" The question came from Mae, his newly hired, twenty-three-year-old, part-time, paralegal. "The same as last year, I guess, a Swanson's turkey pot pie and a football game." Everybody in the office knew that he had been divorced for over three years and had turned into a workaholic, dividing his time between the office and his bachelor apartment. "Why don't you come and have Thanksgiving dinner with me and my roommate?" Ken...

2 years ago
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Chubby sissy life diary part 1

This story is derived from events of my upbringing and my journey of crossdressing. I was always a skinny toddler and that carried on until I was in 5th grade when I started to get chubby in very specific areas. My boy breasts were very big like they were large enough to be considered busty in comparison to the rest of my body. I had a little tummy some chubby thighs and an extra big butt that stuck out like a shelf when I would stand up straight. Clothing was super hard to shop for because...

3 years ago
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Colonel Boris Johnson was not looking forward to this interview -- he never did when he didn’t believe the interviewee was going to be happy -- and the news he was imparting was definitely not the sort of thing that this recipient wanted to hear, still it was all part of the job he mused. “Svetlana,” he greeted the young looking woman who entered his office after acknowledging her salute, “take a seat,” he ordered waving at the conveniently positioned armchair. Captain Svetlana Sergeyevna...

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Teachers Pet

Moving and having to transfer during your senior year of high school is quite difficult to do. I had to leave all of my friends behind and start in a new school which would be difficult for anyone but when you are pretty much just an average guy ( not an athlete or anything like that ) you pretty much just blend into the surroundings. I did have one advantage, I was a good student in a private school which made me an excellent public school student. I was getting straight A’s without much...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 7 Chez Sir Geoffery

Liz had to tell Ben about her adventure with Julia, although she left out some of the details, particularly about the delightful sensation of the rope across her crotch and the unexpected way in which she had found it exciting as well as very frightening. Naturally he was horrified, probably even more horrified than Liz was herself. After all, she had had the opportunity to get used to the sensations of being bound and gagged, even if it was in more friendly circumstances. Ben was so...

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The Nurse

"How are you Janet," I said to a former classmate of mine in med school. The woman turned and looked at me. I stared up into the eyes of Dr. Janet Nichols. She was as alluring as ever. She was a tall woman 5'10," but seemed larger in the 2-inch heels she wore. Plain brown hair pulled back accented her still vibrant 38-year-old face. She smiled and leaned in and kissed me hello on the cheek. We had talked from time to time in med school. I was a higher achiever, finishing sixth in...

1 year ago
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Harem Hero

FOREWORD This is a story I've been working on for fun over the past year. The primary focus is a mixture of action, comedy, romance and smut. There is no rape, mind control etc - the romance is mainly vanilla with a little multiversal manipulation. The premise is simple; you can summon girls from various fictional franchises and use them to fight bad guys. The story is nearing 100k words at the time of writing this opening chapter, and I'm intending to go for as long as I possibly can,...

2 years ago
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Fall of The Femme Fatales Ch 05

Her name was Sapphire, and she was the leader of The Femme Fatales. James had reserved her conversion for last, wanting her to know his triumph before he made her his slave forever. He had thought long and hard, wanting everything to be perfect. The plan he came up with was truly wicked. He would make her give herself to him, using her friends as bait. She would never realise that when she came, he would her his slut. James sat in his recliner, going over the details in his mind one last time...

4 years ago
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Miem Being a Pian in The Ass

Miem has been a pain in my ass all day. Let's go out, let's do this, let's get something to eat. I had enough of my filthy whore! She's forgetting who is in charge and who is the slut in out relationship! She's about to find out the hard way.I smile at her and tell Miem to g put her best dress on, we'll have dinner and party all night. Stupid slut thinks that she is going to have fun. Hell no I have to once again teach her, her place.She comes into the livingroom an hour later. Looking...

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JulesJordan Judy Jolie Has A Wild Wet Dream About Getting Fucked In A Car

Judy Jolie has a dirty mind and fantasizes about getting fucked in the back of a car while’s it’s driving through downtown LA. Judy’s laying on the bed in black lace lingerie while she’s on the phone with her boyfriend Jax telling him about her dream. It starts with Judy alone in the backseat as they’re driving around town, she starts playing with herself then finds a vibrator for her to use. She toys her wet, young pussy while driving through the tunnels of LA and vaping, but then hangs up the...

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Interstellar Defense LeagueChapter 4

Ben did not have such a good time the next day, awoken at two o'clock in the morning by a bellowing klaxon that pounded its annoying sound into his ear. Red lights were flashing all around him, people scrambling into uniforms, and a general feel of chaos everywhere. He quickly jumped up from his bed, practically hopping into his uniform and armor. He ran at a full out sprint to reach the training area he was in yesterday, which also served as a gathering point for the base's several...

2 years ago
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Dick Dick Goose

I was so, so nervous, I thought they could all hear my heart pounding throughout the living room. I had never had this many before. Flirting with a bunch of drunk guys while tending bar was one thing. This was totally different. No longer the sassy barkeep, I smiled and giggled and acted like a shy schoolgirl.  Little glances here and there, averting their eyes, shoulder up, one foot turned inward.And I felt small!I was pretty sure these guys were used to buxom blondes or something. Well, maybe...

Group Sex
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Last night his fingers played with my puss while he kissed me wildly, holding my hair tight in his grip, his lips nearly devouring me alive all while he probed gently teasingly at my puss. Getting me wetter than ever. Sliding his fingers on me gently, playing in my wetness. Bringing string after string to my clit, gently covering it, stroking my lips, slipping his middle finger gently between my lips and then down to my puckered ass. Sliding wildly all over my sensitive areas, never relenting...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Ava Haze Sex In The Suburbs

Ava Haze and her man are just an average suburban couple, watching the days go by as they live out the most mundane version of the American Dream. But when her man goes to work, the fun begins for Ava. She finds his credit card and does her favorite thing in the world, she shops! When our stud finally gets home from work, he sees all the unnecessary crap she bought and knows he needs to punish her. He ties her wrists together and throws her on the bed, hiking her skirt up and pulling out his...

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A Horny CowpokeChapter 2

Andy didn't get back to camp until late. He had missed the regular supper, so he had to heat up some beans and biscuits on his own, at least the coffee was still warm. His father asked, "How come ya ta be so late gittin' in, son? We ain't gone far enough ta start runnin' inta trouble, yet." "It weren't no big deal, Pa. I came across a farm what had a fire started in their hay shed, an' I stopped ta he'p. Then the wife washed up my shirt fer me, soz the hay fines wouldn't itch so...

2 years ago
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Discovering KarenChapter 3

Three things happened very quickly that changed the situation considerably. Kendall was promoted to account executive, a move everybody had expected for a long time, and I was promoted to Kendall's old job, a move I for one had not expected, but it meant I got a substantial raise and Kendall was no longer my boss. And then Kendall was sent away to Northwestern University for a two-week seminar. Kendall's plane was barely in the air on that Monday in May when Karen called me. "There's...

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Pool Party

A couple of years ago I remodeled my garage into an Office/Guestroom and that is where I was looking over invoices and projecting my futures as I recently got my licenses and started growing legal bud and already planning on expanding into my own dispensary as well, maybe.That was when Sara and one of her friends came through the back door topless to get to the bathroom and were quite surprised I was home.Sara freaked out a bit and started apologizing for inviting her friends. I told her no...

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14 The Julie Journals

***** The club was dark and dingy; smoke curled and hung in the pools of light thrown up by the shaded bulbs. Julie walked slowly and confidently to the bar feeling the eyes of the men undressing her as she moved. Julie knew that at 35 she still had a good body on her that would turn men's heads and get a look of jealous disapproval from a few women as well. Julie's body did not just come from luck, two hours of gruelling work in a gym three times a week plus more than the odd martial arts...

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TeensDoPorn Dakota Bleu She Bleu Our Minds

Dakota Bleu is a sexy inexperienced teen who has been dying to get her pussy rammed on camera. Before she got down to business, she teased us with some playing of her pink pussy and an amazing blowjob. She was off to a great start. Our producer’s cock could barely fit into her miniscule pussy, but once it was in he was living the good life. Long pulls in and out left his cock feeling orgasmic and Dakota moaning and calling herself a little whore. At first glance whore is not really a word we...

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The accident at the Hot Springs Part III

The next days were filled with calls, scheduling, getting used to my new life, and preparing everything for my new part-time job as a phone support assistant for an internet provider. I had to make some money to afford my studies in physics I was about to begin six weeks later. Luckily in my country the university fees were not very high, and I had already made a significant amount of cash during my two years of service. On Friday evening, I found the slip of paper Sarah had handed me in back...

Straight Sex
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The Bihari maid Varsha

Hello I am a cool dude from Mumbai just 29 years old now, working for call center in Mumbai. I am decent and honest, 5-6/50 kg handsome, whitish and yes my cock is nice 8 inches. Let me narrate an interesting incident in my life. I am extremely fun loving person who believe in enjoying life to the fullest. I arrived from Delhi here to work in Mumbai. Good job that came with a nice rented flat which I got. Always had a thing for sexy U.P women i.e. the bhaiya women from Bihar, particularly the...

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08 TogetherChapter 64

Flashback – Ben and George (the Butterbar) – Working on the downed chopper As I ordered, the other Marines started to move the dead crew out of the chopper. I began to search the compartments for medical supplies (mostly to replace what I had used already) and I hit fucking paydirt (thinking back, I shouldn’t have been so surprised)! There were more supplies on the chopper than Carter had Little Pills. I began to stuff as much shit as I could in my UOP until it got full, then I chucked the...

2 years ago
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Some What Different

William (Bill) Evans was nearly ten years old when he began to realize that he was different from other youngsters. He was in the fourth grade in grammar school and was making excellent grades. His teachers were thinking of letting him skip the fifth grade. Bill found that he could read others thoughts sometimes. Bill was cautious at first, he knew that if his gift was discovered by others he would become a novelty, considered weird, and even perhaps an instrument used by his government. Bill...

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Getting A Good Grade Chapter 2

As I lay on the bed indulging in the feel of the cool silk sheets, I saw the door open and she stepped through it. At first, I could only make out a shadow moving slowly towards me. But when she came closer and into the light from the end table, I was awestruck.Prancing toward me like a sexy lingerie model, she walked in wearing a sheer pink babydoll nightie. She looked like a vision; the babydoll had lace embroidery on the cups, but the rest was sheer and see-through. It had tiny spaghetti...

4 years ago
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OverboardChapter 5 In for a Penny

The Lady motored into Nanaimo harbour just before five that Sunday afternoon. In the three-plus hours since Tom's mental surrender to her, they had talked about inconsequential things. Tom wanted to talk to her about the things he wasn't sure of. What were her likes and dislikes? He thought he knew, but he wasn't positive. There was so much more to know about someone who was dedicated to capturing him for a lifetime. Connie had backed off after her final declaration. She had pushed him to...

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Futanari Wunsch

Meike saß mal wieder vor ihrem Rechner, keine Hose an, die lag irgendwo in ihrem WG-Zimmer, zwei Finger in ihrer Möse und zog sich die neusten Futanari Comics auf reddit rein. Meike war schon immer davon fasziniert einen Schwanz zu haben. Als sie dann in ihrer Jugend Futanari entdeckte war es endgültig um sie geschehen. Schwanz und Vagina da gab es für ihrer Fantasie kein halten mehr. Auch heute wieder bearbeitet sie ihre Möse und träumte sich in die Comics rein. Wie sie eine andere Frau mit...

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SleepwalkerChapter 37 New Friends

Soon it was time to go. The girls hugged both coaches to thank them for their special efforts and attention. Lynn looked at me with surprise when she found me in line for a hug. "Hey, if a beautiful woman is handing out free hugs, I'm getting in line." I hugged her briefly and continued, "Besides I learned just as much as the girls did." I then hugged Melinda as well. "Hey, you're not my teacher and I like hugging my friends." They took us home and we began getting ready for our...

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Were both Adults here

This story is a complete work of fictionSunlight finally roused me from my sleep at one thirty in the afternoon, shining into my room from the single window well above my bed. My "cave," the loft-sized room I had been renting from my mother for the last year, was almost perfect. I had just as much space as I needed; I had my own full-bathroom, even a half-assed kitchenette. The place's only downside was its location--it was half of my mother's basement. At least the rent was cheap, which was a...

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Dil hai ki maanta nahi

Hi dosto mera naam raaj hai aur mai iss ka regular reader hoon pehle apne baare me bata doon ki meri age 23 yrs hight 5-9 aur punjabi hone ki wazah se body kaisi hogi aap samajh hi sakte ho ab main aapko apni sexy kahani batane ja raha hoon jisme meri bhabhi cousion or nice teen deviyan shaamil hai to sabse pehle bhabi ki kahani. Baat oct 1999 ki hai jab mai +2 me padh raha tha magr school jyada miss karne ki wazah se mujhe school se nikal diya gaya tha mai ghar pe bekaar pada hua tha ki meri...

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