Emena indian porn

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Have you even heard of this phenomenon??? I sure hadn't, until last week, when my son Eric and daughter Bev told me about it, but, apparently, it's a growing activity in our high schools, both senior and junior.The word Semenal is based on "urinal." Now, gentlemen, what do we do with urinals? Piss in them, natch. But, when you think about it, we mostly piss ON their porcelain interiors, don't we? Well, substitute a schoolgirl's face for that porcelain, and you've got the concept! As Derek...

3 years ago
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To my fellow mundane humans--especially the men: It's a raw, well-worn cliche at this point to reference A.C.C.'s quote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"; I know. Thing is, that's the best way to describe what Femenalia is and how a human--even one living in the early 21st century--will experience the kind of possibilities they're exposed to when a Femenalian Agent makes herself (and yes--there is no room to budge here--always *her*self by design and by...

3 years ago
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Anal Queen 0

Chris loved nothing better than to be fucked in the ass. But her husband Mark wouldn't do it. Chris was 4'11", 105 lbs. Nice sized tits, round firm ass cheeks and hot blood to match her flaming red locks. She kept her pussy shaved smooth as a baby's butt. And her thighs were firm and well toned from all her running. Chris ran to keep firm plus it kept her mind off of her favorite sex act. Which was sometimes hard since the men that ran also had nice firm butts. Chris had...

3 years ago
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Another Visit to Misteress Ann s

Another visit with Mistress Ann After the fun I had visiting Mistress Ann last year I decided to visit her again this year for my vacation. I called Mistress Ann and said I wanted to visit again and she informed me that it sounded like fun and she would plan some different activities I would love. When I asked what I should bring she told me just to bring lots of my diapers and she would supply everything else but she needed my measurements as she told me where to measure. I told her...

3 years ago
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Hermaphrodite Hotel The Beginning

Hotel Hermaphrodite Adult fiction by [email protected]. If you're too young to be reading fiction of a sexual nature, you should stop now. This story has themes of Hermaphrodites, TG, come production, enemas, toys, surgery, transformation, and trickery. I was born with a small penis. That is a fact. How small? Small enough that I got the nickname "shorty" from the first girl I was intimate with. Small enough to consider anything that would help my condition. I got an email...

4 years ago
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Neelam Ni Jaagruti 12

Kem chho ? Hu-n chhu-n Neelam, aap ni seva ma-n. Aaj ni vaarta navi chhe, aasha chhe ke aap ne gamashe. Shatuaat karu-n chhu-n maara shabdo ma-n : Ravi e Baroda ma-n practice chaalu kari ane Jigar ane Mala paacha-n Surat gaya-n. Ame phone thi sampark ma-n raheta-n hata-n. Pandar vis divase bhega-n thata-n ane samuh sambhog no aanand maanata-n hata-n. Koi vaar Raaj ane Sima aave to koi vaar Shamali ane Mohan aave. Parantu dar shukra shani ni ratre amare gher kai-n ne kai-n program hoy j. Eva...

2 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX

A sissy called Jezebel Part XXIX- " Jezebel asks hir mother, "why can't I find a nice womyn, who wants to shag my brains out, and then just hold me tight and tell me sweet nothings, and then take me shopping, and then you know, shag me again, but you know, in a caring, sensitive way?" I head over to cousin Macy giving her a very respectful curtsey. "The Gurls are all asleep, your mother told me you had a rough evening, why don't you go in the bathroom in the foyer and change into...

3 years ago
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Byrds of a feather

It was March, the weather was warming and in my part of the country, we were having some really nice days. It was 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, the weekend started in thirty minutes and I should have been in a great mood. Instead, I was in kind of a piss-off mood, it had been one of those Murphy’s Law Days, if it could go wrong it did go wrong. Nothing you could put your finger on, just a shitty all day. I was finally finishing up on my last report of the day when I heard a little knock at...

4 years ago
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Njeno vlasnistvo

sjela je na kau? i ispru?ila noge preko naslona za ruke...duboko je izdahnula umor koji joj se, uz opu?tenost i zadovoljstvo, ocrtavao na licu..."?to si ti radio ve?ras? da ?ujem" iako je vrlo dobro znala moje odgovore unaprijed, voljela je slu?at moja izvje??a..."sve ?to je trebalo, gospodarice", zapo?eo sam..."oprao sam pod i ispeglao ve?...ru?ak za sutra je gotov i ispolirao sam vam cipele"... nasmije?ila se jer ovo zadnje nije ni bio zadatak..."do?i ovamo, noge me bole"...po?urio sam do nje, kleknuo i po?eo ...

3 years ago
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Pax MultiChapter 10

“You absolute bastard!” Lou snarled, stepping forward – but a pair of Federal marines in power armor were there to grab him and slam him back down into a chair. Their metal gauntlets were shockingly gentle, considering their enhanced strength, but Lou still felt terribly impotent in their grip. His hands tightened into fists and he glared at Admiral Bosch, who shook his head slowly, looking sad. “That is the problem with you Neopolitans. You’re so sentimental. Embracing tradition for...

4 years ago
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A lone, cold stare from the yellow-white moon peered wordlessly over the bleakness of the Carpathian Mountains, with only the faint howls of the wolves who sought both food and shelter from the wintry winds and faint snowfall threatening to blanket the Transyl-Romanian countryside; indeed, this rule by Nature herself was tolerated if not fully accepted and celebrated. Warmth from the newly-established April spring only made a brief presence in the stillness and chill of the mountains. Far into...

4 years ago
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Sex u troje

Normalan sam muškarac 40-tih. Prije nego sam ušao u bracne vode, zasigurno za sebe mogu reci da sam imao dosta djevojaka i zasigurno iskusio podosta sexa.Moje sexualne mogucnosti su, mislim, normalne. Kurac mi je normalne velicine, a tako i izdrljivost. Ako mi se zena prepusti mogu uciniti cuda.Zivim sa svojom zenom. Ona je ljepa, pametna, sarmantna i volim je. Nas sexualni zivot je savim solidan, uzimajuci u obzir vremena u kojima zivimo, te stresne situacije kojima smo izlozeni svakodnevno....

4 years ago
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anisa dan om bejo part II

Anissa sedang menikmati lantunan lagu jazz lembut yang mengalun di radio ketika terdengar ketukan pelan di jendela mobilnya. Wajah Pak Bejo yang tiba-tiba muncul mengagetkan dara itu. Anis memencet tombol membuka jendela.“Ada apa, Pak?” tanya Anissa.“A-anu, non… sepertinya saya kehilangan kunci mobil sewaktu buang air kecil tadi.”“Aduuuh… Pak Bejo ini gimana sih?” nada suara Anissa meninggi karena jengkel, tapi gadis itu segera memperbaiki nada suaranya agar Pak Bejo tidak marah. Mereka hanya...

2 years ago
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Vanessas Erpressung

-Erpressung von Vanessa Es war der dritte Tag der Klassenfahrt bei der Vanessa die Aufsicht über ihre Berufsschulklasse übernommen hatte. Bis jetzt war es ein problemloser Ausflug gewesen. Sie hatte zwar die Klasse in der nur 2 Mädchen waren und ansonsten nur 20 Jungs aber sie wusste genau, dass sie mit ihrem Aussehen ziemlich schnell die Aufmerksamkeit der Jungs bekommen konnte. Das einzige was Vanessa störte war ihre Schülerin Sandra die sich auf diesem Ausflug immer so anzog, dass es keine...

2 years ago
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Pax MultiChapter 3

The interior of the Bug warrens had been disturbing and creepy and icky, the first time Lou had come into them. Now? Now they were just deeply, deeply sad. Walking through the narrow tunnels, holding his com before him with the light turned to maximum, Lou perked his ears, trying to hear any sounds of movement, any hint that there was life down here. But when his ... spouse had left, she had left. Even the things that he hadn’t thought were part of her hive mind were gone. The tiny little...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 119 Goodbyes

The Landsmeet convened four days later; we’d all gotten over any hangovers we’d been left with – Anders had looked like death until he healed himself the next day – and Aedan had sent most of our group on to Amaranthine to wait for us. The Landsmeet was the last thing we needed to do before we followed them, and Riordan, Loghain, and Dougal would be leaving for Nevarra with Anora by boat from Denerim. I was surprised to discover, as I entered the Landsmeet chamber, that I had an assigned...

2 years ago
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The VIP Club

Tonight was a little different, i had checked my emails, and amongst the usual clutter was a free voucher for a club, which was close by to my neighbourhood, it had an address that was out of the ordinary for a club, but it also claimed to be an exclusive club and had a very high membership fee, but this one time offer to a selected few, would grant me one year free access to the new section they were opening, with the option to purchase a membership into the Vip section after one year, ...

2 years ago
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Shadows Of Fright The Goblin

Goblins. Short moldy skinned monsters that fed off of rats and roadkill. Night time they would sometimes attack humans and make it seem like human or animal attacks. The smart ones would recreate events made by humans. Such as the missing kidney in a bathtub of ice. The cretins were devious and sadistic. Gaul was one such goblin. An extremely clever goblin who stalked people at night and attacked homeless in alley ways. Gaul was a bit taller then most of the members of his race. Standing at...

3 years ago
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Impregnating Marina

After our last time together and two sex sessions, Marina decided she wanted to get pregnant with my baby. We had a long discussion about it, I explained to her that I must knot her for the insemenation to be successful. She is due to be fertile this week. My phone rang, " Hello, Beautiful." I said with a smile. " Hello!" came Marina's sweet voice. " Guess what! Today's the day!" " I'm very wet right now," she continued, " right on schedule. I'm as fertile as I get today." " Do...

2 years ago
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Secret s best kept

Months passed, month upon month, but we vowed we'd see each other one day, somehow. Then, a window opened up. Sue had a school camp coming up, some retreat or whatever one would call it, where they do some religious crap. We immediately set about making plans to see each other in this time frame, making sure everything was planned to the dot, no room for error. The time came, Sue’s camp was today, I drove to the school and waited near the school in my car, watching Sue's parents drop her...

4 years ago
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My first night as a Maid

I sat up slowly and streched my arms out wide as i sat on the sofa, groaning a little as the aches released, and caringly draped my arms around the gorgeous boy next to me. Kyle, my boyfriend for a few years now, was sitting beside me, with me resting my head on his lap only a few seconds ago. I loved lying like that, curled up just next to him, feeling so safe and protected. I gently rested my head now on his shoulder, closing my eyes from my sleepiness. Maybe i should describe us first of...

3 years ago
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A Summer Adventure

It was the time the figs grew, and so did desire, heavy, drooping off the trees as water once did in Winter months. The airs seemed heady with it - one might have to sit down, and those coming from other countries, already bubbling in the July sun, would be forced into their beds with it - a sort of sickness. The ancient Romans called this force Eros - and his smiling face; stamped on the ruins in the hills, superceded the virgin, huddled away in the darkened vaults of churches and monasteries....

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Reunion Part I

Her emotions where a train wreck to say the least. She could hold still. Her head had a dull pain right about her eyes she was doing her best not to cry. Worst of all, and to be expected to, her pussy ached. Her little black thong was soaked with her sweet juices in the anticipation of her husband. She felt half bad for feeling the way she did, but who wouldn’t? She hadn’t felt his amazing cock inside of her for 15 damn months! She had her ways of taking care of herself. Ajay and her...

3 years ago
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Marooned on gronk

The nervous shouts of the flight crew were drowned out by her thoughts. Was it better they didn't make it down? She pushed those thoughts away and gripped the controls tighter, steal determination at hand; she was Major Connie Reborsky captain of this crew, first woman on the moon and the second on Mars and she had a ship to land. Connie looked to the ceiling of her stone prison the sweat pouring down her face as she recalled what had happened that day. The memories of the crash seemed to...

2 years ago
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Idemo dalje

seli smo u auto i uputili se nezanjuci ni sami gde cemo stici,po obicaju i mojoj veoma velikoj zelji i masti smislio sam iznenadjenje za zenu,bilo je prolece onako lepo prijatno u autu od garderobe ne bas nesto previse na sebi,zena i majci na kratke rukave dole framerke grudi ko grudi lepe dobro stojece dekolte umeren i takoupitimo se prema dunavu,posle nekoliko kilometara ugledao sam jednog stopera ,pitam maju dali da ga ponesemo ,klimnula je glavom i rekla kako oces ,stanem on udje pozadi...

2 years ago
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What can you find in that sexy T shirt

It was a warm summer day and not a cloud floated in the sky which made the warmth of the apartment complex’s small laundromat that much warmer. Sean sat on a plastic chair and idly flipped through a magazine that he had brought down with him. He had moved in about two months prior and had been accepted to a university far from home. His next door neighbor was a gorgeous brunette who looked to be in her mid twenties, although he remembered someone saying that she was in her early thirties. All...

2 years ago
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Alyce in the Wonderful Land of Lust

Alycereclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...

4 years ago
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War Of The Worlds II part 6

There was pandemonium, confusion and mayhem as we tried to exit the confessional booth. Men, women and children were running or hobbling in different directions like ants in an anthill, screaming and shouting. I finally finished stuffing myself away and buttoning myself up, and turned to see my beloved appearing at my side, immaculate, composed, beautiful and serene. A look that she had obviously mastered in her former life of royalty - she was just a doctors wife now. Or was she? I was unsure...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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War Of The Worlds II part 6

There was pandemonium, confusion and mayhem as we tried to exit the confessional booth. Men, women and children were running or hobbling in different directions like ants in an anthill, screaming and shouting. I finally finished stuffing myself away and buttoning myself up, and turned to see my beloved appearing at my side, immaculate, composed, beautiful and serene. A look that she had obviously mastered in her former life of royalty - she was just a doctors wife now. Or was she? I was unsure...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Best Friends

Cameron had asked Rachel in the car on the way to the bus station whether or not she'd ever seen Adam naked. Rachel was confused by the question. She didn't really know why Cameron would be asking about his best friend - Adam was a lovely guy, and very good looking in Rachel's eyes, but she'd always managed to keep her thoughts on him to herself. "I don't think so. Should I have?""I was just talking to him the other night, you know how we got a little fucked up, well we were talking about sex...

4 years ago
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(Check your score as decisions affect variables within the scoring system) Rolling hills of green stretch far out beyond the bounds of Almaguard, a kingdom prospering and joyous. Having just won a battle between the Alma Knights and a neighboring kingdom, the people dance, eat and drink in the streets. One of the knights, Halrik, comes across a beautiful woman working to prepare more food for the festivities. “You should be out celebrating, the people have gorged themselves enough.” Halrik...

4 years ago
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Rape your mother

You are sat at the kitchen island in your upper-middle class home in the suburbs. You're idly chomping down on some scrambled eggs, thinking about the day ahead as your mother is busy cleaning up the dishes. The rest of your family has left for the day while you're staying home recovering from a fever. Your eyes wander onto your mother's backside as you continue to eat. Her arse is of a lovely shape, big and meaty due to her age but still fairly firm with her semi-strict regiment of daily...

3 years ago
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Master Vampire

High atop the tallest peak of a black mountain range, sits the massive and opressive Castle Lok, home to the eldest and most powerful creature of the night--you. As the sun falls away from the sky, and the shadow of night rises to take its place, two glowing red eyes open. You push the lid of your coffin up and it slides onto the floor with a loud clatter. As you rise out from your eternal bed, you are greeted by three simultaneous moans of extacy emenated from the writhing mound of flesh...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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A Beautiful Lie Or A Harsh Truth Chapter 4

5 months later. An old and heavily damaged Mitsubishi car stops outside the house villa of Petrakis and Roth. A filthy, hooded man with a beard, puts some stuff from a paper bag inside the pockets of his torn blue jeans, gets out of the vehicle and approaches the front gate when all of a sudden...???: Don't move or i'll break your damn neck! You can't escape from my Full Nelson grapple so don't even bother to.???: Did she decide to kick me out of the house after all? Did she hire you as some...

5 years ago
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Jock Tales On the Road With Dad Rt 66

Jock Tales—Senior Year, On the Road With Dad—Route 66We finally arrived at Phoenix. Dropped the load, then headed North to Flagstaff to pick up the next load to head back east on the famous Route 66. I had begged dad to take the two lane road, mostly for the bragging rights to say I had been on it. It had been one of my favorite landmarks since my idol, James Dean was killed on it when he ran into the back of a truck in his corvette, back in the 60's.We pulled in to a pretty big truck stop just...

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Crazy 8

It wasn't until I went to jail on a minor d**g conviction that I discovered what a perverted faggot I was. I had been assigned to B-8 and was to be housed in an almost all black barracks and there was very little oversight at that end of the jail. Most of the prisoners in "Crazy-8" were d**g offenders with a few guys sprinkled in who were there on parole violations or finishing out time on a longer sentence. There were two sleeping areas which housed about 50 men each and they were separated...

2 years ago
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mother s day

Mothers day celebration Well hello everyone..its me again auntie norma :) I come to you with yet another hot story that I hope it will keep making you cum for more.In this occasion it occurred on mothers day but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this would happen . One of my three sons Shelley and my self..who knew...Jake wanted to have a mothers day feast, a mothers day celebration so he took it upon himself to take care of everything.. he organized a barbecue pool party just the...

2 years ago
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Uzbudljivo ljeto 2018 dugi dio

Ovo je nastavak price koju mozete procitati ovdje: https://xhamster.com/stories/uzbudljivo-ljeto-2018-prvi-dio-833645Prisla sam sefu polako i izazovno, naizmjenicno ga gledajuci u oci i njegovu ogromnu kitu koja je okamenila. Uopce nisam razmisljala o d**gim stvarima nego samo o igranju sa tim velikim komadom, nije me briga bilo sto ce se desiti kasnije, hoce li doci njegova zena, sto ce mi on uraditi... Prisla sam mu sa boka i on me odmah uhvatio za guzu, stisnuvsi je jako i muzevno. Sandra,...

4 years ago
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Nastavio sam cijelo ljeto da se družim sa mojom komšinicom Zoricom. Jebao sam je u svakom mogućem trenutku, seks sa njom je bio odličan. Jebao bi je kod nje kući najčešće ali i kod mene smo se poseksali nekoliko puta kada moji matorci nisu bili tu. Jednom nas umalo moja majka nije uhvatila na djelu. Bio sam jako zadovoljan našim seksualnim životom. Jednoga dana pozvala me je Zorica i rekla mi da dođem do nje i da kažem svojoj majci kako ću noćiti kod nje jer kao imam neka posla oko krečenja da...

3 years ago
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Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5

Retard Wants To Get Pregnant Pt 5Yolanda is taught about enemas and plays as a daughter for her new Mommy. Cherri watches on the new hidden cameras as Yolanda's husband Jack messes with Beth.====== OPENINGCherri started talking to the young girl as soon as they got in her car to drive home. The woman wanted to bring out the youngster's sexuality and make her more comfortable with having and doing sexual things. Especially with Cherri."Yolanda baby I want you to be my girlfriend and I'm going to...

2 years ago
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U braku smo oko 5 godina,ja imam 28 god a moj suprug 29 i ova prica ce vjerovatno mnoge uzbuditi sto je nekako i moja ispovjest ali je sve do detalja istinita sto su se mogli neki od njih i uvjeriti.Prica pocinje prije tacno 2 god.Kao i u svakom braku ima uspona i padova pa tako i nas.Inace ja sam sa svojim muzem mnogo sretna i mnogo se volimo i najvise se nekako razumijemo u krevetu,iako mi muz ima stvarno mali kurac(oko 10 cm) to mi nekako nije predstavljalo problem jer je stvarno dobar u...

4 years ago
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The Long Con A Cuckold Story

so once upon a time there was a very hot wife and while there is so much more to her as a strong, take-no-shit kinda woman, for the purpose of this story we're going to focus on some of her other traits... specifically that she liked to fuck... a lot. and what's more; she was good at it... like... really really good at it. Wifey was sexy and sultry and filthy and patient. her eyes glinted with trouble and her half grin's sharpness instantly melted when she caught her lower lip between her...

3 years ago
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ayah mertuaku yang ganas

Ungkapan kagum Pak Bambang membuat Dina kaget, ia terhenyak dan mundur ke belakang.“Kamu cantik sekali. Aku puas punya menantu seperti kamu.” Wajah Pak Bambang yang sudah terbakar nafsu birahi membuat Dina bergidik ketakutan. Saat masih menjadi boneka Pak Pram saja kakek tua ini dengan mudah bisa menidurinya, apalagi sekarang saat mereka tinggal serumah. “Kalau nanti si Dudung absen meniduri istri barunya, Bapak bersedia mengambil alih pekerjaan itu. Mempercepat memperoleh keturunan.” Katanya...

4 years ago
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Idemo dalje

seli smo u auto i uputili se nezanjuci ni sami gde cemo stici,po obicaju i mojoj veoma velikoj zelji i masti smislio sam iznenadjenje za zenu,bilo je prolece onako lepo prijatno u autu od garderobe ne bas nesto previse na sebi,zena i majci na kratke rukave dole framerke grudi ko grudi lepe dobro stojece dekolte umeren i takoupitimo se prema dunavu,posle nekoliko kilometara ugledao sam jednog stopera ,pitam maju dali da ga ponesemo ,klimnula je glavom i rekla kako oces ,stanem on udje pozadi...

2 years ago
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What can you find in that sexy T shirt

It was a warm summer day and not a cloud floated in the sky which made the warmth of the apartment complex's small laundromat that much warmer. Sean sat on a plastic chair and idly flipped through a magazine that he had brought down with him. He had moved in about two months prior and had been accepted to a university far from home. His next door neighbor was a gorgeous brunette who looked to be in her mid twenties, although he remembered someone saying that she was in her early thirties. All...

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Linda picked up Serena at school and the mother was looking forward to a get away with her daughter. The two would spend the long weekend shopping in the big city.Linda looked at her pretty daughter as they set out on the road. She could not help but think of herself at that same age. She remember moving into the years were her body transformed into a woman. She wondered if Serena had already given her virginity to some clumsy boy.Linda remembered how her early sexual experiences were so...

3 years ago
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Getting Knocked Up By Some Black Thugs Seed

I'm not gay. Really. I'm not. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I'm bisexual. I a married, 42 year-old father of four with a wife, a girlfriend and a career as a fitness consultant for a national media chain. I own a home in a California suburb and another three properties from an Arizona mini-ranch to a duplex in Oakland, CA. Now I'm not queer but every man has a vice right? Mine gets a little nasty. Every few weeks I'd retreat to one of my homes and spend some quality "alone"...

3 years ago
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Glory Be

Jan placed the candle on her dresser and stood over it to measure the height. It was perfect. She could feel her heart pounding as she took a match, struckit, and lit the candle standing in it's holder. She could feel her nipplesstiffening. "Oh God..." she whispered. This was going to be the night.Jan caught sight of herself in the mirror, lit by the flame of the candle. Notquite yet a woman, the teen was still 'petite' (although it was almost true thatshe was becoming statuesque). She...

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One warm Sunday afternoon

This story happened in 1991. A neighbour's son was working on his car in the garage next door, it was a lovely warm summer Sunday afternoon, Donna and I were sat in the garden, when we started to speak to Barry. He said his wife had gone out with her mother and left him 'home alone' so he was doing a job on the car.Barry was 27, nothing to look at but a nice guy, he was always complaining that his wife and he doesn't have sex that often, Donna seized on the situation and asked him "When will...

4 years ago
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On that day we had asked a carpenter to repair the kitchen door and he came in the morning and I had not woke up after a while my husband was awake so he باستقباله the guidance to do ... Then I got up and I sleep shirt pink light under which they do not wear Stiana course ... I'm sleeping in my house with my husband when Alstiana? But I've over that dislocated Kiluti .. and with that nighty this not much Balchwev ... But breasts nipples shifts were impressions Ttercn and clear on canvas and...

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Ronnie s sexual awakening Hostage

My bladder forced me to wake up early Saturday morning. If it wasn't for this urgent need to piss I would have stayed asleep till noon. Stephen was insatiable. That guy shot big load after big load. He unleashed his cum all over me. In my mouth, in my face, in my ass, on my back, all over my cock and balls. I'd swallowed so much cum. I could still taste cum in my mouth. When I got up the bed sheets were stuck to the dried cum on my ass and back. I was a fuckin' mess. When I got to the...

4 years ago
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Remembering one hell of a night

I've known this girl, her name is Michelle, for about ten years now. We lived in the same apartment complex back then, and visited with each other quite often.We ended up having a physical relationship, and she was an incrediblefuck. She would do anything I wanted. If I felt like fucking her in theass, she was always ready for it. She could literally suck dick for hours and shehad the sweetest-tasting little pussy of anyone I have ever known.She is also bi-sexual and loves to see bi-sexual...

4 years ago
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Bhabhi Jo Choda Maje Se

Meri pehli story ko acha risponce mila.Comments bi aye kuch logo ge.Us me se ek babhi ka mail aya.Our unhone mera number bi manga.Dhire dhire hamari what’s app pe bat hone lagi normal vali.Ek din achanak se call aya ke vo daman ayi hui hai or goldbich hotel me ruki huyi hai kya tum milne ko kaha. Me dopeher karib 1 baje hotel pe jake car par mese call kiya to unhone room number kaha or room me ane ko kaha fir me room pe jake room ki bel baja yi to ak a admi ne door open kiya jo ki bhabhi ke...

5 years ago
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It was after the school holidays, while I was at college actually. Sue and I had been friends only a few months, 8 at most, but we had developed a tight bond. She was tall, slender, and fit. with long legs tanned to perfection, and a gorgeous smiling face surrounded by slightly curly long black hair. Myself about the same build but more muscular, and obviously, male. We had been meeting up on occasion for a movie or lunch with friends. But then, toward the end of the school holidays, shit hit...

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The Draft

The Draft by Michelle Lurker (c) 1995 PART ONE The Turboway stopped abruptly, snapping Paul Mathhews out of his daze. Around the car the other passengers seemed unfazed, though slightly annoyed. This was becoming yet another one of the daily trials of living in the city... along with crime, pollution, and indifference, unscheduled stops of the Turboway were now commonplace. Paul looked out the window, but could see only darkness, and his own...

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The Hotel Part 1

I knew when this started it would be like nothing I had ever done before. I drove up to the hotel early friday morning. I was checking in for seven days. Seven Days of non stop pounding of my asshole, Strapons, Crossdressing, forced fem, huge dildos, and giant buttplugs are just a few of my fetishes, and I expected every fantasy to be fulfilled this week.As I pulled up under the awning of the front enterance I was met by a woman in a French Maid uniform. I introduced myself, and said I was...

4 years ago
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Cybering is fun

Cybering is funFugue Hikao says:You wanna have some fun ? ~Or do i have to do it all by myself ? ~Jessie bby says:i'll join(;Fugue Hikao says:Hehehe, good -walks up to you, slides hands down your back to your ass-Jessie bby says:oh!...mai ass loves to be fondeled with (;Fugue Hikao says:Good....cause i love your ass -Squeezes your ass a little-Jessie bby says:*moans loudly* GAWD...that's mai pleasurespot hunnyFugue Hikao says:Ohh really now.. ? -Squeezes a little harder-Jessie bby says:*Moans...

2 years ago
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Slut Wife First Black Cock

Slut Wife - First Black CockA few weeks ago my wife Ellen and I went on a holiday to the Nth Coast of NSW, Australia. Whilst we were staying at Port MacQuarie, we decided to go on a canoe day trip up the river. We arrived at the jetty about 7am to find another 7 people already getting their gear ready. There were a couple of female Swedish backpackers, a Dutch couple, James our guide and two American guys, one of whom was an athletic negro named Tyrone.We introduced ourselves and I couldn't...

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Natural Chastity 4

Chapter 4 A Rough Time. Steve saw, to his horror, a steel framed bed, but with metal railing design sides and ends. It also seemed to have a top. Thats effectively a cage he thought to himself. Next to it was a medium height dresser with a plastic covered matress on top of it. Steve was helped on to the mattress on the dresser and laid on his back. The cold from the plastic, made Steve shiver and Sissy Sue opened a drawer and produced a pink disposable nappy, she then eased up...

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Sex With Keerthana

My name is Philips and I am working in one of the MNCs in Chennai . This narration is an incident which happened between me and an office colleague who I became friend with and finally made amazing love ..I joined this new office 6 months ago and as many know first few days or weeks most IT companies keep employees in bench till project is allocated . One day i saw an amazing lady / girl who had sindhoor in her forehead – she was just married .She had everything in right amounts and right...

4 years ago
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The On Line Couple

We first met Paul and Bobbi online in one of those online communities. We seemed to share the same taste in video. We friended and began a back and forth. We chatted a few times. Once, all four of us were at four different computers in our own chat room. That was mind blowing. I don't usually play with the Duke when on-line, but that time I made an exception. After awhile we decided to meet. I must confess that we were both nervous. This was the first time we ever met any in the real world...

3 years ago
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Alyce in the Wonderful Land of Lust

Alycereclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...

3 years ago
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The Debt part 1

"How did we get into this situation?" Steve said woefully. Georgia his wife for 12 years replied, "Well, two holidays last year and a new car on the drive are subtle hints.""Shit!" Steve rubbed his hands over his hair, "we need to get advice.""The bank won't help us any more and another mortgage advance is likely to be refused", Georgia replied."Let's get to work, we don't want a lay off on top of all of this", Steve said.He picked his keys up and in one fluid motion picked up Georgia's as...

Wife Lovers
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Sex With Mami

My name is Vikrant Khar, I am from Kashmir as I belong to kashmir there is a very cold weather there its encounter between my mami (mama ji’s wife) hope you will like it. One day our family was invited by my nani ji at home in the village, I’ve 6 mama ji 3 live in village and 2 out of country and one live near to our house, my mamaji’s name is hn koul, he is a rich business man and he usually remain out of town and mami ji usually stay in our house in the day and in the night she goes to her...

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My First

We were both in highschool at the time, we'd been dating for several weeks. We had made a habit of coming to my place every afternoon after class. We would do our homework, eat, watch tv, but eventually we'd always find our way into each others arms, our lips pressed against each other, tongues entwined, our hands discovering every intricacy of each other's body. My hands had found their way into her panties and brought her to orgasm several times by then. She had also had her fingers around my...

First Time
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She s Mine

She's Mine  Copyright 2007 Wolter Hunter   CHAPTER 1: AIRPORT I enter the arrivals section and stand in the doorway, scanning the crowd.? I usually dislike the hustle and bustle of an airport, but today I have a special reason to be here.? I'm still not 100% sure what to expect, since the photo was of poor quality.? I didn't bring it with me.? It wouldn't help now, anyway. There she is, standing against the wall.? She's wearing a simple one-piece dress, as I had instructed.? It's a...

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Something to help the dreams along

 ?????????????? Something to help the dreams along.   Have you ever felt so totally absorbed by a single person you wish you could mould your body so it became part of theirs?Have you ever trusted someone so utterly and completely you would have laid your life in their hands?Have you ever felt a bond with someone so strong that you knew it was always going to be something much more than just 'love'??Within the words written here you will become to understand how such a bond is formed...

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Rohrstockv tzchen story in german

SKLAVIN, SKLAVIN,Maso/Sub sucht ihren Herren und Eigent?mer.Feste Beziehung: gepr?gt von naturveranlagter Dominanz und Submission. Beide wissen, dass diese Veranlagung ihr Leben haupts?chlich bestimmt. Beide sollten den Wunsch haben, dass die Sklavin als 24/7-Besitz langfristig in das Eigentum des Herren ?bergeht. Alle Rechte und Pflichten fallen an ihn als offizieller Eigent?mer der Sklavin. Mein jetziger Name ist EDYTA. Meinen neuen Namen wird mein Eigent?mer festlegen. Er hat das une...

4 years ago
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My Tainted Aunt

My Tainted Aunt When my Uncle George was killed in a mysterious road accident,I was devastated. It would seem that as he had been coming over to pick meup for a football match, his BMW failed to take a tight bend on the hilly roadfrom their house and went over the cliff edge. The car had exploded on impactand his remains consumed by the ensuing holocaust, there was nothing left torecover and the verdict had been accidental death. He was more like a father to me than my own Dad, his...

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The Party Is Over

The party was over, it was 2:30am and there were comatosebodies littering the lounge and hallway. Clambering over the burnt out partygoers I made my way upstairs to collect my coat and bag from the master bedroomwhere they had all been dumped 5hrs earlier. As I turned onto the landing atthe top of the stairs Derek sat with his back against the wall while some freshfaced red-head sucked on his dick for all she was worth. "Damn Derek! does that thing never go soft" I said smiling He grinned...

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Roman Pleasures

Roman Pleasures What the history books say : 'Sex and violence were as closely coupled in the ancient world as they arein the world of today. After Ovid's death the great Colosseum was built whichbrought the two elements to a nadir of depravity. The insatiable public wasable to see not only killings, but re-enactments of mythical couplings betweenbeasts and humans. The one of 'Pasiphae and the Bull' in which the bull waslowered in a harness on to the poor female victim may have been a type of...

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The Bikers Fund Raising Party

THE BIKER'S FUND RAISING PARTY Being a single mother of two teenage girls and a teenage boy is no easy task.My husband abandoned us years ago leaving me the responsibility of raisingour kids. I always do my best in looking after my children trying to make surethey are safe and stay out of trouble. But as I would find out, there is alot of evil out there. My shrink thinks it would be good therapy for me towrite down what happened to us on that fateful night last month. Before I start,let me tell...

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Wren 19 in Czech

Wren 19 Autor: SmCyber, [email protected] Prelozil: Tomas Kudrna. Kontakt. Tato stranka (text puvodniho clanku psaneho Tomasem Kudrnou, popr. prekladcizojazycneho originalu provedeny Tomasem Kudrnou) je autorskym dilem a jejikopirovani, s vyjimkou kopirovani pro osobni potrebu jednotlivcu, je bez predchozihopisemneho souhlasu autora zakazano. Vstupni strana tohoto webu: www.volweb.cz/tkudrna. Prijdte zas! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VAROVANI Tato povidka...

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An Orc Elf Situation

A deep sigh, followed by the sounds of heavy steps coming up behind him. The mystery man coughed, and then a large meaty hand, green and calloused, was placed non-too-kindly onto his shoulder, squeezing the frail Elf's shoulders and neck as a rough voice welcomed him to his home. "Strip." The Elf obeyed immedietly, removing his cloak and allowing it to fall to the floor, revealing the lithe man's fully naked form, a wide collar the only piece of clothing visible on his pale and flawless...

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Sister SisterChapter 5

Male hormone pills or not, nature decides who is or isn't going to become pregnant! A certain higher power decided that this oddity wasn't yet ready for another future participant into our already oddball existance. We all felt sure daddy had gotten me pregnant, but it was not to be. Then as fate would have it, we were all watching this story on cable about an artificially insemenated egg that helped an infertile man create his own child. The child was born with male genetic coding, but...

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Helen and IPart 2

Early the next afternoon I awoke to the strident tone of my doorbell. I had been dreaming the dreams of the fully satiated, i.e.; my R.E.M.'s were devoted to pure fornication. (How can I describe pure fornication? Hey, I'm trying my best. Ya don't like it, dream your own dreams. I'm busy lying my ass off here, tryin' to get everybody strokin' in 1 - 2 time.) Noting the room was filled with an abundance of daylight and that I was still exhausted (do you burn calories up having wet...

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SixChapter 3 Restorative Justice 1

A thin smile appeared on Judge Getrouch. No one saw. She was in her chambers after the sentencing. She was trying her own test of restorative justice at home. A somewhat different approach in this case. When she was young, her husband had been the main income earner. He had supported her as she studied for her exams late into the night; he had supported her when she studied case notes late into the night when she was a young junior; and he had been delighted for her when she had been made a...

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Warren s WomenChapter 6 Saturday s Fancy Judy Nancy

The girls: Nancy Artz and Judy Caporale Warren's buddy, Eppy: Epsolen Anderson noted jazz saxophone player Warren met them at the Jazz Festival on the Fourth of July. They were both cute, and dressed alike in tank tops and short shorts. The taller, a brunette with a dynamite ass and legs, albeit small breasts. The shorter a busty blonde, well a bottle blonde anyway, and also possessing great legs. He spread his blanket out close to them, after asking if they'd mind. They didn't and...

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PandoraChapter 9

“The Japanese around the 17th Century borrowed from the Koreans the art of binding “prisoners of war” with a long rope. In time that became formalized into Kinbaku which literally means “tight binding”. By the late Edo or Tokugawa Shogunate Period it was so formalized that each rank and station of prisoner had a codified binding pattern or style, there was also a codified system of torture through binding too.” Elsa instructed us as we all knelt on our individual yoga pad and she went about...

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Child MagusCast

Previously on Sex Magus... Jordan Krumm is based on the appearance of the model Jordan Carver. The character is 25 years old, with Gray blue eyes, and Light brown, curly, mid-back length hair. She's Caucasian, has a slim build, stands 5' 6" (1.68 m), and weighs 121 lbs. (54.88 kg). Her measurements are 40-24-35 in (102-61-89 cm) and her bust is 32I (81I). New Magus: Jordan is a former Magus who accidentally woke Seth's powers while she was attempting to tap his power in an experiment...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 106 Landsmeet

It was a long walk across the city to the Landsmeet, and we'd had to get up way too early. I cursed the lack of technology again. I miss cars. And traffic lights. Who'd ever have thought I'd miss traffic lights? Denerim could definitely use them, with people, wagons, carriages, and beasts of burden everywhere, as there were. While we could have taken a carriage, given the crowded, narrow streets of Denerim, it wouldn't have been much faster. I was used to the walking – spending months on...

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There and BackChapter 130 Church and State

I woke early, sliding out of bed quietly so as not to disturb Alistair. For some reason I couldn’t explain, talking to Dorothea seemed a million times scarier than talking to Greagoir had been, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I curled up in the window seat, cracking the shutters open a small amount to let in some fresh air. As I sat watching the guards patrolling the gardens below in the pre-dawn light, I tried to analyse my fears. Dorothea is a good person, at least, as far as I can...

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There and BackChapter 164 Being Left Behind

The time seemed to pass faster after Aedan left – or perhaps it was just not jumping from crisis to crisis every moment. I did paperwork, sparred, read dry political treatises, got to know my staff and my soldiers as individuals, hired a variety of family members of current staff to round out our numbers, made decisions on what parts of the Keep to renovate next and how much of our significant but not unlimited budget to spend on it. I spent time with Nathaniel; he quizzed me, on everything...

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An Encounter

Author’s Note: This is my first story, please offer any feedback so I know how/whether to continue. She stood nervously looking at the floor. A cool breeze past through the open window crossing the room and fluttered the edge of her tartan skirt. He noticed, from what he could see, that small goose bumps had raised on her legs and ran from her delicate ankles up over her soft, well toned calves continuing until they disappeared half way up her young thighs into the shadow of her skirt. From...

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The Wolf SummersChapter 3 Iris s Price

The beginning of a young story As soon as I realized I voted for my baby sister's happiness over 'The Itch', I regretted my selflessness. For six months, I became intimately familiar with the curse of teenage boys, sexual frustration. There were other options; but even though Rachel shattered the ritual nature of 'The Itch', it still shaped my understanding of sex. The task of shaking me completely loose of the 'The Itch' fell on a visiting male cousin from Puerto Rico. Being my...

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Haunted MansionChapter 5

Right as we stepped out into the hallway, we ran into a very naked Kaci, who was covered in drying cum. Immediately blushing, she stammered "I'm excuse me, just trying to find a shower..." "I'll show her, along with the clothes" I said. "Okay fine, I'll go find the others. Meet in the kitchen in half an hour." Brittany ordered, before walking off. "Try the downstairs master bedroom, its where I left them" Turning to me. "What about clothes?" Kaci asked hopefully, her hands...

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Mami Relived Her Married Life 8211 Part 2

Hi guys this is Dev again with another story. Thanks for all the support and encouragement. Coming to the story again. After staying together for 3 months we were kind off addicted to each other. When she went to her place again we use to chat at night. In short we are in separable. After a prolonged time we planned to go on a holiday together. We searched a lot of placed and zeroed on bali. Its one of the most amazing place to be. We booked the flights and hotel. As you all know bali is the...

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Rebecca DancedChapter 10 A Swimming Pool

Half an hour later, Tony was coming from the basement door of the house with a tray of sandwiches. As he approached the table he noticed that Rebecca and Tina had arrived from their discussion inside. Both were wearing wraps over their bathing suits and getting comfortable in lounge chairs. Most of the rest of the crew were sitting in chairs around a table. The exception was Chrissie, who had stripped down to her one piece suit and was sunning herself on another lounger. Chrissie was fully as...

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Caught Under The Full Moon

Dry logs crackled as the fire tried to consume them. Once she felt the heat infiltrate her body, she shed her deep burgundy, velvet clock and watched as it fell to the ground like pouring wine. The compact inferno threw flickers of light that danced upon her skin. Turning, she lit the spicy incenses of cinnamon and sandalwood on her makeshift altar. Brianna ignited and then dropped scraps of paper into the cauldron at her bared feet. The meshing colors of the flames burgeoned around the words...

4 years ago
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My Gym Buddy

Barbara was a 45-year-old athletic lady who really took care of herself and was always friendly when we met at the gym. We started giving each other hugs after about 3 months of knowing each other at the spin class north. And we kept teasing each other that one of these days we should grab a drink to celebrate how diligent we were this year in exercising regularly. We were both married and yet flirting with her was exciting. And yesterday we decided to have that drink. Before we know we ended...

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Naya Dost Banaya Uski Mom Ke Liye

Hello guys, mera naam Faraz Khan hai, age 25 aur main purely Mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Sabse pehle main unlogo ko shukriya bolna chahta hu jinhone meri story padh kar mujhe feedback diye. Feedback thode expectations se kam the par ache aye. So guys meri ye story aise hi ek feedback ke wajah se ayi hai. Meri story padh kar ek reader bohot inspired hua. Aur usne mujhse apni fantasy share kara jo use uske mom ke liye hai aur story likhne ke request kara. Ye story mere friend Rohan ki fantasy aur...

2 years ago
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Taking Care of the BoardersChapter 2

As morning arrives Rhonda wakes slowly, still thinking about Bobby looking at her partially nude body through the open bedroom doors. Reaching down, with her eyes still shut, her hand finds her smooth pussy and begins to slowly stroke herself to the point of her well needed orgasm. Rhonda is on her back with her knees pulled back completely exposing her secrets to anyone who would look into her bedroom door. This excites her immensely and she looks and listens for signs of any...

4 years ago
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Had to keep up with our standard of living pt2

Even though Linda was raking in some serious cash, we had a little catching up to do. One of our depots had had to let a good few people go and as it was coming into holiday season they were now experiencing staffing issues. There was a memo that went round at work offering a better rate so they could get the cover they needed. I called Linda straight after reading the memo to suggest that I go for it. There was agood incentive to go down that Thusday and stay down ther for the 18 days they...

4 years ago
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My Dirty Little Secret 3

Introduction: Losing your virginity… As a special treat, this chapter is long long long… well, it took very long to write anyways. Its got a total of two sex scenes which were really fun to put into writing. The end of this chapter is the beginning of the highly dramatic period of my love life then, so things will be getting spicy (instead of me simply fucking people). Hopefully yall would love a bit more story as well. As always, love the feedback and enjoy! ???? My Dirty Little Secret (3) ...

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A Series Of Bad Decicions

I am currently in my high school dorm as I sit teary-eyed in the toilet booth holding the pregnancy test kit Tiffany did give me in the morning. I can still remember her words she wispered with malicious joy, "Vivian it has been three weeks already. Your fans have a right to know..." I have always been a model student of Saint-Etienne Academy a co-ed private catholic school. I am a Sophomore of class 10B and have been elected as the class representative four years in a row. My father is the...

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Supernatural A Quick Drink

Quietly sipping her third wine, she wondered where the hell Toni had gotten to. They were supposed to meet here an hour ago, have a couple of drinks and then head out to some new flash nightclub Toni had been raving about. Bet she's got distracted by some gorgeous guy. How does she always attract the decent ones? Damn it, it looked like tonight was going to be a total bust. She'd really been looking forward to a bit of clubbing tonight too. It'd been a while since she'd had any action and...

4 years ago
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Numbskull -- a tale of misery By Janet Baker "What the hell is this crap? Answer me, damn you! Well I guess you can't with that gag in your mouth. Wait a sec, I'll get it out." "Oh, what a relief" he said, gasping for breath. "Jay! What the hell happened? Who did this to you? Shall I call the police?" "Ahhh, no Jan, please. Ahh I'll explain... give me a moment, please." A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind as I took in the spectacle before me. He was chained and...

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