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Prisla sam sefu polako i izazovno, naizmjenicno ga gledajuci u oci i njegovu ogromnu kitu koja je okamenila. Uopce nisam razmisljala o d**gim stvarima nego samo o igranju sa tim velikim komadom, nije me briga bilo sto ce se desiti kasnije, hoce li doci njegova zena, sto ce mi on uraditi... Prisla sam mu sa boka i on me odmah uhvatio za guzu, stisnuvsi je jako i muzevno. Sandra, vrijeme je da se rijesimo te kosulje koju nosis oko struka - rekao je nagnuvsi se prema meni. Ja sam se istinktivno nagnula prema njemu i moje sise su zavrsile pred njegovim licem, a moja ruka na njegovoj tvrdoj kiti. Vidim da znas sto zelis , nastavio je pricati sk**ajuci kosulju sa mene. I dalje sam stiskala njegovu kitu kada je primjetio fleku na mom uskom sorcicu.

Vidjela sam mu u ocima da je zadovoljan - znao je da sam mokra i da je to sve zbog filmova i njegove muskosti. Na trenutak se pruzio i dohvatio makaze sa stola, dok sam ja sada vec drkala njegovu kurcinu - da bio je veci i deblji od kurca mog decka ili kite mog bivseg, najveceg komada koji sam do sada probala. Jos sam se nagnula napred i sada sam vec lizala njegov tvrdi glavic, kada sam osjetila da je skarama prerezao sorcic na mom medjunozju. Ne nosis gacice i to mi se jako svidja - rekao je i poceo se igrati sa mojim klitorisom... Aaah, pustila sam zvuk na momenat a onda krenula snazno pusiti njegovu kitu... Iznenada me naglo uhvatio za kosu, povukao me sa njegovog kurca i rekao - polako mala, ovu kitu ces pusiti kada ja kazem, jasno? Slinava od pusenja i gutanja njegove kite sam poslusno odgovorila - da, razumijem. Naravno da razumijes - rekao je sa osmijehom - sada je vrijeme da izvedes striptiz kao poslusna kuckica...

Njegove rijeci su me dodatno ovlazile... Osjecala sam toliku vrelinu u svojoj pickici da sam htjela da se nabijem na njegovu kurcinu... Okrenula sam se, napravila korak od sefa i lupila se jako po guzi, Vidjela sam kako pogledom guta moju guzu i pickicu koja se vidjela jer sam sorcic, tocnije minicu, povukla prema gore... Uhvatila sam minicu i lagano sam je vukla gore-dole dok sam se naginjala i izbacivala guzu prema njemu. Pratila sam ga pogledom, jedva se suzdrzavao da me ne dohvati straga - vidjela sam u njegovim ocima zivotinjsku zelju da se zabije u mene i ispuni me cijelu... Nije pricao, komentirao ili slicno, samo je gledao u mene dok mu je kita stajala kao koplje, tvrda, nabrekla, tako socna... Nakon sto sam jako stisnula svoju guzu rukama i dala mu do znanja da je kraj ovom pogledu okrenula sam se i pocela dirati svoje grudi... Jasno je vidio na bijelom topicu kako mi bradavice strse. Spustila sam se na sve cetiri dopuzala do njegove kite i polizala mu tvrdu kitu cijelom duzinom. Pustio je uzdah, ali se i dalje kontrolisao i pustio me da vodim igru. Podigla sam topic i stisla njegov kurac ispod njega. Dodirivao je moje grudi, stajao je kao kamen medju njima, izbijajuci glavicem na vrh topica. Spustila sam jezik koliko mogu i kruzila po glavicu lagano stiskajuci njegovu kitu topicem... Konacno je progovorio - Uuuh Sandra kako ovo dobro izvodis, vidim da imas iskustva u zadovoljavanju tvrdih kita. Skini majicu i kreni ga opsluzivati...

Dole sam gorila od zelje za njegovom ogromnom kitom, imala sam osjecaj da cu odmah svrsiti kada me pocne uzimati. Poslusala sam naredbu i skinula majicu. Moje grudi su se oslobodile lupajuci o njegov tvrdi kurac. Lagano sam se spustila i ponovo pocela lizati njegovu kitu cijelom duzinom. Uzivala sam u tome i nisam nigdje zurila. Zeljela sam da osjeti svaki moj dodir jezikom u cemu je on jako uzivao. Nakon sto sam mu nekoliko puta presla preko kite cijelom duzinom pocela sam lagano lizati glavic. Bio je ogroman i debeo, jedva sam ga primila u usta i onda sam pocela da ga gutam cijelom duzinom. Nije mogao vise izdrzati i uhvatio me za glavu i poceo nabijati svoju kurcinu u moja usta. Primala sam ga halapljivo, bez potrebe za odmorom dok je on njime razvaljio moja usta i zadovoljno stenjao. - Sandra primas ga veoma dobro, jedva cekam da ti ispunim d**ge rupice. Volis li ovu tvrdu kitu? Ne cekajuci moj odgovor nastavio je - znam da je volis, vidim kako ga gutas, sisas i uzivas u njemu, to radis puno bolje nego moja zena. Ustao je i dalje nabijajuci kitu u moja usta. Klecala sam ispred njega, usta punih njegove kite i uhvatila svoje sise. Spremno je izvadio kitu i svojih i stavio ga medju moje sise. Bio je tako tvrd, pulsirao je medju njima. Red je bio na meni. Uzela sam njregovu kitu u ruku, navlazila je slinom i pocela prelaziti po svojim sisama zaustavljajuci se na svakoj bradavici i lupkajuci njegovom kitom po njima. Onda sam ga vratila medju sise i pocela stiskati njima. Uzivao je u tome i preuzeo ritam nabadajuci svoju kitu medju moje sise. - Sandra imas velike sise, to obozavam posebno kod mladih pickica kao sto si ti. Isplazila sam jezik i on je lupao po njemu kitom, nabijao mi ga naizmjenice u usta i vracajuci medju sise uz ispustanje zvukova. - Uzivam u tvojoj tvrdoj kiti, nisam nikada vidjela toliku i zelim je osjetiti svugdje, govorila sam mu i ocekivala da ce svrsiti po mojim sisama. On je i dalje jebao moje sise uzivajuci u stalnom punjenju mojih usta i vracanjem tvrde kite medju moje sise...

Iako smo oboje uzivali, dospio je zvuk otvaranja kapije od vile. Rekao je - Steta, izgleda da mi se zena ranije vratila kuci, uhvatio me za naglo za kosu i nabio njegov tvrdi kurac do kraja. Na tren nisam mogla disati, dok je on i dalje objasnjavao - sada cu te isprskati ti mala kuckice a onda se idi sredi u toalet dok se ja obucem. Jasno? Kimnula sam glavom i poslusno stisnula grudi i ponudila ih njemu , a on je izvadio kitu i poceo spricati svuda po meni. - Aaaah, Sandra okupat cu te svu, gotovo je vikao dok je njegova vrela sperma pokrivala moje grudi i lice. U zivotu nikada vise sperme nije bilo ispricano po meni i u tome sam uzivala. - Kucko, ocisti ga! viknuo je u zanosu, a ja sam spremno sve pokupila sa njegove kite. - Idem se srediti i obuci, rekla sam ustajuci. On me uhvatio sa ledja na tren i prislonio mi tvrdu kitu na guzu. - Ovaj sorcic ces ovdje ostaviti i ponovo ces ga nositi kada ja odlucim. I nemoj sada slucajno obuci gacice, jos nisam zavrsio sa tobom za veceras. Na kraju me pljesnuo po guzi i pustio da se sredim.

Usla sam u kupaonu sa stvarima, isprskana, jos uvijek jako napaljena i malo i zbunjena. Otusirala sam se na brzinu i obukla haljinu koju sam nosila na poslu. Po naredbi nisam obukla gacice i moja pickica je jos uvijek gorila i bila vlazna. Jos uvijek nisam mogla izbaciti sefa iz glave - njegovo lezerno ponasanje, kako me docekao gol i kurac kojim mi jr ispunio usta. U tom momentu sam cula kucanje - je li sve uredu Sandra? Moja zena se otisla presvuci i predlaze da izadjemo na veceru jer nema nista u kuci - rekao je sef ne cekajuci da otvorim vrata. Jednostavno je usao u kupaonu, zatvorio vrata i priblizio sebi i rekao - treba joj bar 15 minuta, a znam sto tebi treba - i bez rijeci me gurnuo uz zid, okrenuo me i zadigao moju haljinu. Vidio je da sam jos uvijek jako mokra i poceo me lizati, a ja sam odmah pocela stenjati i uzivati na njegovom jeziku. Bila sam svjesna da je njegova zena u kuci, ali nisam mogla odoljeti i opustila sam se. Sef me znalacki obradjivao i svrsila sam na njegovim prstima, uz stenjanje koje bi se pretvorilo u vrisak da mi nije pokrio usta.

- Kuckice, takve volim, imas savrsenu pickicu. Ja sa jos uvijek uzivala i mrmljala... da... hvala na ovome... Nakon 10 minuta smo otisli na veceru na kojoj sam saznala da njegova zena puno putuje i da je uspjesna u svom poslu. Vec je bilo kasno, i sef se ponudio da me odveze ka mom stanu nakon sto njegovu zenu ostavimo kod kuce. Rekla sam da nije potrebno ali je njegova zena insistirala na tome. Voznja do mog stana je protekla mirno, gotovo da nismo pricali. Stao je, izasao iz auta i otvorio mi vrata. Nakon sto sam izasla priljubio me uz sebe. U mraku sam osjetila kako mi dize suknju, i lagano prelazi prstom preko analnog otvora.
Kruzio je po njemu govoreci - ovo je rupica koju nisam osjetio veceras, ali bice vremena Sandra. Zatim me poljubio i u istom momentu blago gurnuo prst u guzu. Zadovoljno se nasmijesio shvativsi da mi nije prvi put i da ce i tu rupicu napuniti. - Vidimo se ujutro u 9.00 Sandra, nemoj kasniti kao danas!

Nadam se da vam se svidja - javite se i komentarijate ukoliko zelite nastavak. Ako imate ideje slobodno ih napisite u komentaru ili posaljite u inbox :*



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BisexJessica de strapon en el Estadio

Bisex-Jessica de strapon en el EstadioEs día de concierto en el estadio, la detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven de treinta años viste su habitual camiseta blanca anudada en el ombligo, unos ajustados pantalones vaqueros marcan su precioso y abultado trasero, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas le dan un aspecto jovial mientras su preciosa melena castaña se recoge en una coleta bajo una gorra de beisbol que ensombrece su precioso rostro y sus preciosos y gruesos labios.Jessica...

3 years ago
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Commitment A Diologue

Author's Note: The following is written as a conversation between the owner of a transformation salon and a first time client. "It's really quite simple. I'll handle all the details." "I appreciate that. This is something I've always wanted to do." "You need to know there is one thing ... I wouldn't call it a catch. But it is a condition." "What's that?" "You have to do one simple thing to your body." Piercing? Tattoos? Surgery? "None of that. It's actually quite...

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She may not be a virgin, but at this particular moment, Cyrene definitely felt it. What her friend had been thinking, bring her to a place like this she will never know. All around her were people doing, in some form or another, the most sinful acts of fornication she had ever witnessed. It was like a sexual show-and-tell, with everyone watching and joining in on everyone else‘s show. There were men and women, women and women, and men and men. There were two-somes, and three-somes. Christ,...

Group Sex
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The Story Of Indio

I tell this storyabout my friend Indio, who I grew up with I tell this story? about my friend Indio, who I grew up with. Indio is dead now, gay plague got him at the age of? thirty-nine. He and I were orphans together in a place I?ll call Boysville, though nobody knew Indio?s story. I got a bad enough deal?my folks, whoever they were?didn?t bother to give me a front or middle name, just initials, but ?Abandoned Infant Indio? was all that was on Indio?s birth certificate. Indio showed...

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Dog Days In Serdio

It's typical you want to hear how I lost one of the Serdian Golden Apples. It's actually a pretty funny story. I remember it just like it was yesterday- in fact, it was a year ago yesterday... It was the first meeting of the Dragoon Council. Some fellow Dragoons and I decided that the only way for us to keep in touch was for us to form a council of Dragoons to talk about issues currently affecting us and mostly just to goof off with good friends. I, as the president of the International...

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The Epic of Diocles

The setting sun cast shades of yellow and orange upon the hills enclosing the Argive plain. The reflected hues colored the limestone buildings scattered throughout plain, making the whole country seem to glow in the dying embers of the day’s sunlight. Diocles stood on a large hill overlooking the plain. He loved to linger on this hillside in the setting sun as he drove in his family’s bleating sheep, enjoying the last warmth of the day. The sun seemed to lend its glory to his homeland,...

1 year ago
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Reddit GoneWildAudio, aka r/GoneWildAudio, aka GWA Reddit! Do you remember, back in the day, when the highlight of our porn life was either to buy a porn video, get some bootleg shit, or make one of those calls where you get to talk to an actual sex worker? Well, this subreddit is sort of like that, but not really. It is called GoneWildAudio and I think that pretty much explains what it has to offer… right?As for Reddit by itself, I think it is safe to assume that everyone knows and loves...

Reddit NSFW List
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What's Studio FOW all about? I can't wait for their latest erotic game "subverse", but I'm sure many of you don't know who these fuckers are. Well, imagine you’re hours deep into playing Tomb Raider. You’ve been watching her ass bounce up and down for way too long now, but it’s fun so you keep playing. You run into a scene where you’re stuck on a deserted island. Suddenly some crazy assholes arrive and try to fuck Lara Croft.But of course, she manages to get away. You get fucking pissed, cause...

Hentai Porn Sites
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So, you’re sick and tired of shitty subreddits that just don’t give you the content you need to get the best wank of your entire life? I get it; I know the feeling. I always find that some of the subreddits here just don’t give us the same level of content that porn tube sites do! Well, then, how about a subreddit that is literally run by a porn tube site? I think that this might have a lot more merit than what you’re usually used to when it comes to NSFW subreddits. Anyway, the sub is called...

Reddit NSFW List
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Have you ever heard about r/pillowtalkaudio/? This is a very specific kind of subreddit, so I think that starting with a simple description is the best call. Pillow Talk Audio is a subreddit that is filled with a lot of audio recordings (obviously) that can be put under the pillow talk genre. Now, this all might be confusing as shit if you have no idea what pillow talk means. In the simplest way possible, pillow talk is an intimate conversation that is had in bed.In r/pillowtalkaudio/...

Reddit NSFW List
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Psst Audio! One could say I live an overstimulating life. Between work and play, I put my lizard brain through its paces daily. It could be watching 3 Albanian hikers, dressed as the queen’s guard, fucking a cheerleader in the woods using an open golf umbrella till her queefs sound like a didgeridoo. Or perhaps I swing by my local rub and tug for taco Tuesday (see what I did there?). I’m often too lazy to do even that, so I’ll call up my favorite sex line.I’ve been talking to sluts on the phone...

ASMR Porn Sites
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With a name like Sperma Studio, you already know these guys aren’t putting out family flicks you can watch with the rug rats in tow. It’s kind of ironic because sperm’s primary purpose is making new babies, at least if you’re the kind of person who believes in science. Me? I think the sloppy white stuff is just as valuable for the world of adult entertainment, where the gangbang and bukkake outfits are hosing bitches down with it. Just thinking about it makes my dick hard, my body preparing to...

Premium Creampie Porn Sites
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Era of Sex Goblet of Dionysis

Kerry Anderson walked into the bar in her sleek black pants and black t-shirt. Her dark brown hair was loosely tied and she had dark brown eyes. She had nothing to do over the weekends and decided to spend it at these bars. She went up to the bartender and sat down. "What will it be miss?" He asked. "Dunno... whatever is good" She answered. The bartender smirked as he went into the back room and came out with a bottle of beer. "This is a very good bottle. But it will cost you fourty dollars."...

4 years ago
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A Bullys Comeuppance Part Five King Studios

The days leading up to Saturday morning seemed to drag by slower than a dead snail, but by the time my alarm went off at 7am it seemed to have come by way too quickly. I'd not told Abbie what Marcus and I had agreed to, and simply told her he had a job he wanted to trial me for that would take place on Saturday. She hadn't asked any more, but told me to tell her how it went and wished me luck with a big kiss and cuddle. She was still fast asleep as I showered and ate my breakfast,...

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The Chauffeur56 The Recording Studio

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 Unfortunate for the company, I had to consider if Mike Booker had a future with Jaxson, Inc. The recording studio was not making money, not at all. Mike was a nice guy, but he didn’t seem to be willing or able to get the recording studio running properly to make money. He talked repeatedly about his plan for changing what was going on with the music studio, but unfortunately, his plan never materialized. I decided to call him and have a very frank...

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The BlackOnWhite Photo Studio

My wife Denise and I have lived in the Dallas suburbs for the past fifteen years, since graduating from college and moving here for jobs. We met at UT in Austin in our junior year and got married during the summer before our senior year. Our marriage at such a young age was the result of Denise getting pregnant soon after we started dating, and our daughter Danielle was born in the fall after our wedding.Our friends and family call her Dani for short, and she is now sixteen years old and a...

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In Like Flynn Photography Studio

Part 1 – Setting the Plan in Motion As soon as I graduated from High School I started working full time in our families photo studio, Flynn’s Studio. I had become very professional, having worked part time in our studio all through high school. With my fathers expert training I was soon accomplished in all aspects of the business. I longed to take over and expand the business in new directions. The only other studio in town was really stodgy and I knew it wouldn’t be hard to outdo them for...

3 years ago
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Passionate Sex In A Modeling Studio

Hi guys this is my first story on iss. Hope you guys like it. I am varun 18 years old studying in a prestigious engineering college of Ahmadabad. This incident happened last year when i was in first sem. We had a fashion show in our college. I do look like a model. But i have no interest in modeling. My friends suggested me to have a try but i denied. They insisted and i finally agreed. One of my friend gave me address of a modeling studio to create a portfolio for me. Me and a friend visited...

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Carltons Studio

CARLTON'S STUDIO ? smackmagnet1I brought my mate who had this photography studio this bird who hadn't paid my rent. She hadn't paid me for about five months and at first cause she was kind of nice looking and I sort of fancied my chances so I didn't do anything about it, but after a point it got ridiculous and I told her to pay up or get out. And she obviously didn't have anyone to fall back on cause she never came up with any money. Wouldn't or couldn't tap the parent or parents for it,...

3 years ago
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Breaking FreeChapter 4 At the studio

The following morning we were both up early, after a quiet breakfast we headed into the city. As Jessie drove us to the studio she kept glancing sideways at me, finally I turned to her. "What?" "Nothing" "Come on Jessie, something's bothering you, so what is it" "It's it's nothing Bobby" "If it's about us then just say it, if it's me then please tell me. Are you regretting what's happened between us? If you are then tell me, if you want me to leave then I guess I will, I...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 349 Im Surrounded by Idiots

Saturday, June 2, 2007 Just because the interview had been in progress didn't stop the rest of the world from responding, especially because some of the news teams had been able to get live feeds set up in time. Those that hadn't still had the angel's email to rave over, with either excited breathlessness or cool skepticism, depending on which attitude the producers or network executives thought would be the most profitable. All the networks had plenty of material about Mark Anderson...

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Jealousy and suspicion are terrible diseases and I fervently hope that I am now cured. I know when the cure happened. I can tell you the exact date and even the time of day when I was cured. I remember it vividly.Telling my story makes me uncomfortable because it brings up memories I would rather leave buried. I don't like to hold up the faults in my character for everyone to see. But I also feel that I have an obligation to relate the happenings of that fateful day in the hope that some fellow...

Wife Lovers
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A visit to a film studio

I was very lucky to go to a film studio that I had been in touch with over the years and the told me that they would be filming when I was out there . They told my to ring them up them a checked into my hotel and they would arrange transport to me to get to the studios . I was eager to contact them when I checked in and I rang them after I had unpacked my bags . The person on the phone asked who I was and when I told them I had to talk to the person I emailed , they told me that he had just...

2 years ago
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Couple Sex In My Studio

Hi, Everyone, this is Midgul -Erotic Photographer. Today’s incident which I going to write is about a random couple. I woke up around 7 am as usual and checked my phone. There were so many notifications because last night I slept early. I was reading them one by one, some of them just crap, few emails and some friends jokes. Only 2 messages were in my WhatsApp business account. One from a model for some photos and other was unknown number just saying ‘Hi’. I replied with another ‘Hi’ and went...

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Text with Audio

You scroll down the list of stories to chose from, Anal, BDSM, Mind control, Fantasy. Nothing real jumps out at you until you spy the very last category Text with Audio. You’ve never read one of these stories before and decide to try it out. After a good hour of listening to some very sexy women play with themselves and their friends (your favourite) you suddenly have an idea, your last girlfriend said that she loved it when you talked dirty during sex and you decide to try and make one of...

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My Photos studio,I have always loved photography ever since I was young boy and never lost my interest as I grew up,I would take lots of pictures while on holiday with my parents,I continued to take photos of different subjects through out my years and won one or two awards along the way,My parents brought me a brand new camera for my 21st birthday this was the latest camera I was so pleased as this was the next stage of me being a photographer,I always wanted to become a professional...

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These Girls Can PlayChapter 4 The First Pass Through the Studio

Following the Saturday session and a short review of some of the recording, Bob let the girls know they could pack up the gear and take it to the next practice garage if they wanted, but that he was going to look for some place where they could spread out like on a stage and practice that way. They could also leave things set up so that when they went to practice they wouldn't have to spend time doing that and could get right down to business. As the girls were packing their things, he and...

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On the Radio

It was at the top of the hour, and the AP news started — I had six minutes to decide whom I'd talk to first when we came back on the air. "This is Richard King, your late night host of the Anything Goes Radio Network, just a reminder ... Only first names please! Hello, Boston — You're on the radio!" "Hey Richard, I love your show — people calling in and talking about their greatest sexual desires — I'm 'Kevin.'" "Kevin — you've called before, haven't you?" I asked. "Yes, good...

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Cals Studio

It was the fourth of July weekend at the trailer park, and it was hot, humid and sweaty weather. Missy and Kylie had been best friends since they were in kindergarten together, and at seventeen, they were best friends and spent just about every waking hour together. They were both dressed in tiny cutoff jeans, and wore halter tops that were tied at the neck and at mid-back. The thin cotton of the halter tops covered their budding teen tits, but the humidity and their own perspiration made the...

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Stopping by the studio

I stir in the bed, still half asleep but aware enough to realise that I'm alone. Just to double check, I stretch my arm out beside me and rub the smooth sheets repeatedly where you should be. I roll over to be sure that you haven't gotten lost at the edge of the bed, but now that I am fully awake, I know all too well where you'll be.The studio is almost like your mistress, you could spend all your time there if it wasn't for me waiting for you to come home. I feel myself aching with a longing...

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