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She may not be a virgin, but at this particular moment, Cyrene definitely felt it. What her friend had been thinking, bring her to a place like this she will never know.

All around her were people doing, in some form or another, the most sinful acts of fornication she had ever witnessed. It was like a sexual show-and-tell, with everyone watching and joining in on everyone else‘s show. There were men and women, women and women, and men and men. There were two-somes, and three-somes. Christ, Cyrene could even see a beautiful black-haired woman chained down on a cushioned table, writhing and screaming in ecstasy while a line of men formed behind the one currently fucking her in order to participate in the gang bang.

“Ohh,” moaned Lissy, “that looks like fun.”

Cyrene looked over to where her friend was watching in unabashed interest. Lying no more than twenty feet away on the lush dark red carpet, were four entwined blond females. Four nude, entwined females. Above them stood a hideously fat man, still (thankfully) enrobed as Cyrene and Lissy were in black satin robes, but for his tiny little prick that was completely hidden in his huge, meaty hand.

“Please tell me you mean the girls and not that man,” she begged, noting how ironic such a statement was, considering her friend was straight (to her knowledge at least).

Lissy took in the man who was now grunting with pleasure as he whacked off viciously to the light slurps of the women licking and kissing each other. “Of course I mean the girls,” she sniffed indignantly.

Evidently not quite as straight as she had originally thought.

“Oh please, stop looking so scandalized!” She rolled her eyes at Cyrene’s naivety.

Lissy ushered her over to a very well stocked bar where a drop-dead sexy bartender stood waiting. He wore nothing but a black leather thong that slipped up between his fine muscled ass cheeks. As the two females approached, he smiled, “Lissy, my love,” his voice was whispered seduction, “a little Foreplay?”

“You always know what pleasures me, Mark.” She smiled back at him, and then nodded at Cyrene,” And I think my friend here could use some JD in a very large glass.”

Mark’s gaze turned and focused on Cyrene. His dark eyes traveled up and down her body, leaving her feel as nude as those women Lissy had been admiring. “My, my, my. Isn’t she a sweet little thing.”

“Yes, and completely new to this, Mark. We don’t want to frighten her any more than she already is, so you keep your dirty, perverted hands off of her, and on me.”

Mark chuckled as he moved to pluck a large bottle of Jack Daniels off the shelf. He twirled it around for a moment like in the movie “Cocktails” then poured a large amount into a glass. After he pushed it towards her, he asked, “So what’s your name, my pet?”


He chuckled again at her quietly shy voice. “Welcome to Dionysus, Cyrene. Best drink up. You look like you need it.”

Cyrene took up the glass and drowned it in a single gulp. Lissy’s perfectly plucked eyebrows rose, but Mark remained tactfully impassive and poured her another shot – the mark of a true bartender. She was grateful to him, even if she was a little disconcerted by the animalistic way he was eyeing her.

“So,” she drew out the word for a few moments, collecting her thoughts, “what now?”

Lissy tossed her long red locks over her shoulder, and fluffed up her small breasts before smoothing down her robe, “Now, I think I’m going to disrupt those little blond angels with a bit of devil.”

Her smile was wicked and her eyes gleamed with unholy delight. She blew them a kiss before turning to leave. Full hips swayed seductively as she made her way across the room. A few interested looks turned her way, both male and female, then back to whatever they were doing when she reached the very spot where the fat man had sprayed his gunk.

Cyrene turned away quickly when Lissy slipped out of her robe. It wasn’t that she had never seen her friend naked before – they worked out together three days a week, and so changed and showered together three days a week – but she felt like Lissy was at the edge of Hell, and Cyrene didn’t want to witness her friend‘s enthusiastic dive.

Good god, what was she doing there? Why was she still there? With Lissy distracted (and she could hear how distracted she was, despite the twenty feet separating them) she could escape into the changing room, get dressed, and get out of there before anyone took notice of her. She didn’t belong in a place like this. Cyrene had had only two men, straight missionary position, with satisfactory results. For criminy sakes, she could go and call up Rich right now and get a little some-some if she wanted.

But she didn’t want Rich, nor Jack (who had turned out to be a total jackass), nor did she escape into the changing room. She just stood there, leaning against the bar, swirling around the quarter full glass of golden liquid with one hand while she twirled a strand of her hair with the other. She tried not to look at the depravity around her, tried to ignore the moans of pleasure and squeals of pain-filled delight, but with no success.

Cyrene closed her eyes and leaned her head back. This was going to be a long night.

When she opened them, Mark was standing before her instead of behind the bar, where his fine ass belonged. He was looking her up and down, as if he could see right though the silk robe. She, in turn, couldn’t help but to eye his body seeing as it was all but naked.

He really was a gorgeous man with short blond hair, pale blue eyes, and a tall, very muscled body. Cyrene thought the thong might be a bit painful to wear, but looked unbelievably sexy with his perfect body and perfectly large package.

Suddenly, she realized where she was staring – where she had been staring for a few seconds in fact – and jerked her eyes back to his. He was smiling.


Mark was a very jaded man. He had seen, heard, and done too much during the three years he has worked at Dionysus. This was the most exclusive sex club in California, hence the most secret. Only the rich and famous came here to indulge in the darker side of sex. If you weren’t rich and famous, you were one lucky son of a bitch to make it through the door.

You could do anything you wanted here, just so long as you were a legal adult. Sex toys of every shape, size, and description were provided for those who wanted them. Couches, chairs, tables, and beds were scattered around the room. The floor was carpeted in the softest and most brilliantly red Berber. One wall had three sets of chains, two were fur-lined, the other was the real-deal, heavy wrought iron (for the sadists).

And then in walked pure white innocence. Oh sure, Mark could tell she wasn’t technically innocent, but Cyrene’s heart was untainted by the corrupt, her body untouched by filth.

He wanted to chain her arms and legs to the wall with the iron shackles, spread her wide as an eagle, and torture her senseless with his tongue. He wanted her bent over his bar, ass thrust in the air, as he pounded one of those extra large dildos into her pretty little star-shaped hole. He wanted her lying amid Lissy’s angels, lapping and suckling at nipples and clits. He wanted her begging for him to demean her. To use her. To fuck her. To dirty her.

All that naked desire heated his icy blue eyes. He saw when Cyrene registered the lust for the pain and fury. Saw her shrink back in fear when she understood that it was directed at her, and suddenly those violent needs evaporated.

Mark closed the short distance between them in a single step. He slipped a hand into her long dark mane, letting his fingers run through the silk. “I promise I won’t hurt you,” he murmured, knowing that had she been able, she would have turn and ran as far from him as she could. But the bar was behind her, orgies on both sides, and him standing between her and the door.

He brushed his lips over hers, reveling in the thrill that coursed through his body. It wasn’t the hard, pounding thrill that Dionysus usually invoked in him. It was sweet and mellow, yet full of heat and passion. Slowly, he let his hands wander. The robe molded to her body as he caressed the curve of her hip, the swell of her breast.

With each touch, he felt her resistance weaken. Her breath was now coming in quick pants, the steel of her spine melted beneath his tenderness.

“Cyrene,” he whispered, and when she looked up, he took her mouth again. As their lips met, Cyrene moaned her surrender. She opened beneath him, turning the soft kiss into something wild. The dark within him stirred as she wrapped her arms around his neck and delved her tongue deep into his mouth. He pressed her hard against the bar, trying to fuse their bodies together as he took what she gave before demanding more.

Ruthlessly, he yanked the top of her robe off her shoulders. She thrust her small hands into his hair, pulling his mouth from hers. She arched her back, presenting her breasts to him. He cupped one in a hand, massaging the tender skin with his experienced touch. The other he took into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the hardened nipple before suckling it.

“More,” Cyrene demanded, and Mark bit her nipple none to gently. Instead of the angry cry he expected, her body jerked and she cried out, “Yes!”

Elated, he let himself feast. He nibbled and sucked and bit and pinched until she was mindlessly grasping at his shoulders, his hair, anything she could get her hands on. Her body was undulating instinctively, pleading him for more.

He dragged his tongue between the valley of her breasts, and down her flat abdomen. He circled around her navel playfully before going deeper. Wantonly, Cyrene pushed him between her wide open legs. Her hand fisted in his hair as she held him where she wanted attention, and Mark was faced with heaven.

Her small thatch of brown was meticulously trimmed, as if she knew that someone would be admiring her careful attention. Nestled within the hair was a glimpse of her pink little nub, and Mark spread open her lips with gentle fingers in search of it. When it was exposed, he blew on it, and watched as Cyrene’s gasp turn into a moan as he pulled it into his mouth. For a moment, he suckled it, much as he had with her nipples, but then he released it.


She could hardly believe her own reaction to Mark. Not a moment before, all Cyrene could think about was getting her clothes and running for the door. But now her body was bared for all to see, her head thrown back and eyes closed, while a man – a freakin gorgeous man – knelt between her legs. Every nerve in her body sizzled with the need for more, more of this man, more of his touch, more of his tongue.

Mark’s mouth traveled up again, pausing to circle wet trails around her desire hardened nipples, before continuing up to recapture her mouth. Cyrene thrust her tongue in, stroking the hard ridges of its roof, and sweeping hot caresses against his seeking tongue.

His muscles bulged under her wandering hands. She teased with the light scrape of her nails over the soft skin of his ass, she tortured as she ran her fingers through the dark strip of hair. She purposely touched everywhere, except where he needed her to touch him, anticipating Mark punishing her with the most mind blowing sexual experience of her life for provoking him.

So, when she suddenly found her self up in Mark’s strong arms, Cyrene was not all that surprised. She expected that he would take her over to one of those soft couches, and show her exactly how some of those toys were used. She expected him to chain her to the wall, so that he could have his wicked way with her.

What she didn’t expect was for him to lay her down on the hard wood of the bar, and shout out, “Drink’s are on the house!”

Fear raced through her body as men and women quickly made their way to the bar. Cyrene tried to sit up, but Mark held her down just long enough for people to arrive. His hands were replaced with many others. Some were soft – gliding over her skin like water – others were roughly grasping at any body part they could handle. Her shout of pain at someone’s vicious nipple pinching had Mark immediately calling for the bouncers to escort the man away.

Then he poured a bottle of whiskey on her, and mouths replaced hands. Soon, Cyrene was floating on a cloud of sensations. She moaned when one tongue buried deep between her thighs became two, then three. Someone even slipped her toes into their mouth, sucking on them one by one, while deliciously massaging the arch of her foot. A few tried to kiss her mouth, but most focused on tasting every inch of her body.

One woman, kneeling on a high barstool, shoved a breast in Cyrene’s face, and without thinking, she drew the offered nipple into her mouth. The woman whimpered her pleasure around a mouthful of Cyrene’s own breast. Then her hand that was dangling limply over the side of the bar suddenly filled with the hard length of a dick. She squeezed tightly, and felt a little nip of disapproval on her clit.


The scent of whiskey and sex mingled to form an aroma that fueled the feast before him. Mark couldn’t see her face anymore – she was hidden under a pair of full breasts that he knew Cyrene was enjoying – but he could see glimpses of her nude body around the heads of many men and women.

The sight of two women tasting the salt of Cyrene’s heat made Mark’s cock pulse. A man joined them, wrapping his teeth and lips around her clit while the women slurped around him. Everywhere there were hands touching, mouths tasting, and above it all were the screams of Cyrene’s orgasms slamming into her body, one after another.

It was an orgy worthy of the Greek god, Dionysus, master of wine and sexual escapades that defied even Mark’s exceptionally experienced mind. But this orgy was nothing more than an appetizer. A little jumpstart for Cyrene into his wonderful world of delectable perversion and sinful debauchery.

Judging the time ripe for the plucking, Mark yanked off his thong and climbed up onto the bar. He shoved a few people out of his way, slipped between her thighs, and plunged into Cyrene. Immediately, her body began to convulse around his cock. Her eyes flew open with in shock at the intensity of her climax.

Mark savored the way she seemed to be made to completely encase him. He stayed deep within her, the tip of his cock brushing against her womb as they rode the violence of her release. As the tremors eased, her lovely eyes focused on his, and she smiled.

All around them, men and women continued their buffet. They were still suckling and tonguing and kissing her body, and some were now finding their pleasure in Mark’s. He could feel a hand slipping between their thighs from behind to caress the slippery wetness of Cyrene’s cum that covered the hilt of his cock. Another cupped the heavy weight of his balls, and yet another snaked its way across her belly to flick and fondle Cyrene’s clit.

Yet, through it all, Mark and Cyrene held each other’s eyes, and the world faded except for them two. Neither could claim it for love – not in this place of corruption. No, not love, but they knew their soul’s were matched. Cyrene could taste the dark side of seduction with her new lover, and Mark the innocence of her indestructible purity.

Think it corny and stupid all you want, but when Mark began to move, it was with long, loving strokes. They ignored the feeding frenzy in favor of leisurely thrusts, and a lingering kiss. When she came again, Mark arched his back and bellowed as his body shuddered and his vision turned misty. He emptied himself into her, and then collapsed, shaking and weak.

As the world gradually returned to them, they noticed that the hands of others were slowly disappearing. Cyrene’s back ached, and Mark’s knees throbbed from the hard bar top. They slid limply off it, rested for a moment, and then he took her hand in his. Silently he led her down a hallway into the common locker room.

Showers in there were just as accommodating as the cushioned couches in the other room, there were seats and bars and the odd placed wall arranged for the seduction of the aquatic sort. There, Mark washed the filth of Dionysus from her body and his own, before loving her tenderly against a cold tiled wall. Hot water rolled down them in thin rivulets, and steam rose in thick clouds all around.

When they were finished, Cyrene gave Mark a seductive little smile and asked, “So, now are you going to show me what those toys are for?”

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Aunt Peggys Passion

Sunday mornings are not supposed to be noisy. But, this Lord's Day morning I was awakened by a loud voice speaking. Good god, that man was arguing again! Uncle George was again beastly berating and criticizing Aunt Peggy. The bad-tempered, rough-talking bear of a man was acting like the bastardly beast that he was. His brusque, gruff, gravelly voice carried all the way from the kitchen to my bedroom down the hall. If ever there was a man deserving of a good beating, then my Uncle George was...

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Lottery Syndrome

It was the night of the cull and I was at home with the family. The doors were locked and I felt restless and on edge. It was raining outside: cool, dark. The curtains were drawn. The heating was on and everyone was on tenterhooks awaiting the lottery. The women were particularly tense. Jane was out in the hallway pacing the threadbare carpet between the front door and the stairs; Georgia was glued to her seat, chomping gum and staring wretchedly at her short, bitten nails; Angie was squatting...

3 years ago
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Erste Erfahrungen

Ich war so ungefähr 17 Jahre alt, im Sommer legte ich mich immer Nackt auf den Balkon. Dann bemerkte ich das mich meine Nachbarin dabei sehen konnte. Ich dachte mir nichts dabei denn sie war immerhin schon an die 60 Jahre alt.Also rekelte ich mich weiter nackt in der Sonne, mir viel aber auf das sie mich doch beobachtete. Da merkte ich das es mir gefiel, ich wurde erregt und mein Schwanz wurde hart. Erst schämte ich mich und wollte mir mein Handtuch überwerfen. Ich blieb dann aber liegen und...

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BangBus Kiara Curry Kiara Fucks For The Love of Money

The BangBus is at it again. Lurking the streets of South Florida looking for the next hot chick in need of dough. We love picking up random chicks and fucking them. This time around we scooped up this chick named Kiara. She seemed to love money and eventually did anything and everything for money. Once we got her in the van, we slowly started giving her dough to undress. Eventually we got her completely naked. It was not difficult at all to go all the way once her clothes were off. Peter Green...

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Suddenly in SpringChapter 5

And so I became a full-blown bitch. Of course, I realised it was taboo, but there was no resisting the ecstasy Chum gave me. I'd take Chum twice daily; mornings before I got dressed and evening before I took a shower. I spent the daytime thinking about my evening fuck, and much of my nights dreaming about my morning fuck. And Chum always delivered at full throttle; with oodles of spunk. He was such an eager lover. After a few weeks I noticed Chum's stick had expanded due to it's...

2 years ago
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Soaking Wet

It was raining heavily and, by the time I found a cab, I was already running late. It was one of those summer rains that could get you soaked in a blink of an eye. “Fucking shitty day this will be!” , I uttered rather loudly as I settled on the backseat of the cab looking down at myself. I couldn’t show up at the meeting looking that way, but I couldn’t miss the meeting either. So I decided to try and save my appearance while the cab slithered through the jammed traffic, seeming mostly...

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Moms Panties Runneth Over

42 year old Helen Walker crouched in her son's bedroom closet peering out through the inch or so crack between the door and the jam. Her skirt was up around her waist and her right hand was jammed down into the front of her bright blue Vanity Fair nylon panties, working her incredibly swollen clitoris as she witnessed the scene before her.She had come home early because she had dropped off her car at the shop and decided to have the driver bring her home instead of taking her back to work. It...

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Sarah lost her nickers

In Spain last year sarah and I got invited to a local party !! it was very boozy from the start Any way Sarah is very competitive got into a game to not spill 2 drinks at arms length Any way the guys was teazing the girls in the game [ 3 of them] tickling , touching, hands up legs etc In the end sarah spilled her drinks any wat the forfeit was to flash boobs Now sarah has no problem with that but was fooling about pretending to be shy and refuse Some of the guys was upset thinking she was...

Group Sex
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The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know By Michele Nylons Brian Davies sat on the hard toilet seat in a cubicle of the men's room on the twelfth floor of the building housing the large publishing company he worked for; he was reading the Daily Mail and trying to kill the last half hour before quitting time. As a middle-management employee he didn't really work mandated hours; he was expected to work whatever hours were necessary to ensure his small team met or exceeded their productivity quotas. ...

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Nudist Newbee Nubile CCCamp 1 LOUS


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Golden Boy

‘I don’t want to be a lawyer,’ Anthony shouted at his father before storming out, slamming the door behind him. As soon as he was clear of the gates that surrounded his house, he made his way to the lake. He started running, his only thought was to get away, away from his father and the house. When he exhausted his energy he slowed and then stopped. He bent over to catch his breath. He looked for a tree to collapse against, and when he located one he did just that. Sitting with his back to...

3 years ago
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Gothic Amy And Me Part 6 Breaking Away

Introduction: Going to meet Vampiras sister AUTHORS NOTE* Sorry Ive kept you waiting so long. I didnt mean to do it on purpose. If u want an explanation I got put into an in-patient hospital. Lol But im out and I want to remind people John Fields In the story is me in real life. But I changed my appearance in real life so im changing the appearance in the story. Kid you not this is me now. Blue and Green hair. I dyed it blue around like a crown and green in the middle and up top. And I got two...

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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part XVI 8211 Out Door Sex

I am enjoying my sex life in a beautiful way which I wanted to. There are so many other things and a lot of responsibility in life other than enjoying the sex but I am very happy and feel proud that I could make such adjustments and have successfully organized the balance in all the necessary things in regular, happy and sexy life. A lot of credit goes to my loving husband for his guidance, understandings and love for making our life so beautiful, so lovable and so sexy. You all are aware that...

2 years ago
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Her Lips were red, her looks were free, Her locks were yellow as gold: Her skin was as white as leprosy, The Night-mare life-in-death was she, Who thicks man's blood with cold. - Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner "I walk the streets alone. I scan my watch but 3:30 means nothing to me. The night is black and heavy and gives me the only sense of time that I need. It is dark, and that fact alone gives me courage to face the oncoming hours with any sense of pleasure. When the sun breaks, all...

4 years ago
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Five Nights Ch 07 The Conclusion

THE MORNING AFTERI woke slowly the next morning to the sound of light rain at the window. Because of the cloudy sky I couldn’t really tell what time it was. I turned and saw Sue was gone, and I wondered how late it might be, and then instantly wondered how to tell her what I had done last night. Unlike all the other mornings this week, the ‘no talking’ rule was now officially ended; I knew that she would find out. I wanted to know what she did on Mike’s night, when I wasn’t there, so I was...

Group Sex
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Me my didi or monkey

Hi mai jamshad poor sa hoain, maree mata g aik ghar main kam kartee hai, usee ghar main mara pita driver hayin, hum 3 bahi or 1 bahn tha. Magar ab sirf aik bahn or 1 bhai hayin, do bahi ko cancer tha pasa na hona ka akran ilaj nahi ho saka or vo bhagwan ka pass chala gaa. Garmeyoon ki chutyoon ka din tha, maree didi na bsc or mai fsc kar raha tha. Chutyyan theen college sa garmeyoon ki, mata or pita apna sahib ka sath un ka form house par gaa tha, mai or didi ghar par akala tha. Hum log ghureeb...

1 year ago
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Gender Bender

Gender Bender The game is real. The results are pure fiction. Hi everybody. My name is Ralph O'Rouke. (Yes I get kidded about it.) My friend's was Steve Becker. It is now Stephanie. This is how Steve became Stephanie. It was Friday. We were finished with work for the week. We went to the Pirate's Roost Bar and Grill. The owner liked old style sailing ships and he felt the name gave the place a style all it's own. The nautical theme did fit in due to the fact it was near the...

2 years ago
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The Landlord

FORCED FEM STORY, THE LANDLORD CHAPTER 1 I quietly closed the big heavy front door shut behind me and nervously looking at the apartment door on the ground floor where the landlord lived; I headed warily towards the staircase. Just a few more paces to the stairway and up the steps to my first floor one bedroom flat and I would have avoided the inevitable confrontation with my landlord for another day. But then I heard the door behind me open and his voice. "Ah hello Sam, have...

4 years ago
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Washed UpChapter 9

Day 20 - Thursday, May 20, 1847 Sam and I woke up with Cassie between us. Somehow, during the night, Cassie had managed to get across Sam. Since we were awake first, we just laid there looking at each other and stroking what we could reach of each other. Finally, Cassie opened her eyes and smiled at both of us. "Good morning," she said. "Good morning, Cassie," I said. "Young lady, we need to get something straight. Sam is my wife and I sleep next to her." Cassie just grinned and...

2 years ago
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In the NavyChapter 27 The Unlamented Chevalier

The second his lips touched Harriet’s, he felt a load fall from his shoulders. There was no doubt left, no resentment. He felt her lips smile under his kisses, whilst her eyes were closed and her face relaxed in bliss. “Hrhm!” Sir Richard made, but there was a silly grin on his face. It was to no avail. Neither Tony nor Harriet heeded him. They were lost to the world for a space of several minutes, seeking comfort in the close embrace and the tender kisses they shared. Reluctantly, Tony...

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partnes love

My lover comes to me naked, his flaccid cock dangling deliciously between his legs, his strong, smooth body moving confidently. He drops to his knees and looks up at me expectantly as he begins to gently massage my upper legs and thighs, patiently working his hands toward my crotch where my erection steadily grows into a bulge beneath my jeans. Although the anticipation is overwhelming, he is deliberate in taking his time opening up my pants and pulling out my cock, exposing me to the cool air...

4 years ago
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AfterglowChapter 7 Wide Awake

I went to work the next morning, anyway. Olivia tried her very best to keep me in bed, but I had to know what Robert was deciding on—Stalking in the Third or Fourth Degree. Fourth Degree meant Dan would only spend 90 days in jail; Third Degree carried a year sentence. Neither was a wonderful option, but Third was the best we could hope for. Of course if Dan pulled something when released, next time we could push further in court and the jail time would go up to at least 4 years. It was...

1 year ago
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Julian Part 7

Not much was said as Sara drove. Naturally she had made me sit in the back, which I did quietly but contemplatively, while clutching a small, sparkly black handbag which Sara had thrust onto my lap as I sat down. "It matches your top nicely," she told me in that motherly tone which had become the default now. "and I've put a few little bits in there for you. Little girls love to carry a handbag like their Mummy after all." I had cringed at the comment, and noticed her put a pale pink...

2 years ago
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The Indomitable Rory CallahanChapter 17

Sitting on the back patio, I mulled over work. Since returning from New Orleans, my workload had dropped to almost nothing. I had some old parchments that needed independent validation for a client before he’d buy them. Wasn’t interested. He could wait. Clouds drifted across the sky. When they obscured the sun, humidity intensified, then the sun reappeared and burned with radiant heat. I considered taking the boat out for a spin to cool off, or go for a swim in the ocean. I’d developed an...

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Cd crossdresser sissy caught by mom and dad pt4

Sorry to all those waiting on another post - been busy and haven't gotten to it.So my mom, dad and I just returned from a wonderful trip to the Bahamas on our boat and we had some wonderful sex.I had totally forgotten about this trip until the day before we left when my dad brought our boat home from the place we keep it about 20 minutes from our house. My mom had rented a house on one of the islands in the bahamas with a small private beach and a place to put our boat. Well I started packing,...

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The ExchangeChapter 3

Sam was walking towards the access panel that led to the bridge casually, whistling idly a tune that would only seem familiar to someone long ago forgotten in a malfunctioning stasis chamber. The service corridor looked like a prehensile, flimsy thing in contrast to the usually bulky navy constructs; nothing more but a metal grid floor, pipes, cables and a paper-thin outer shell that wouldn't stop a mote of dust without the engine's magnetic field. He stooped somewhat low and reached for...

2 years ago
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Amy Starts The New Year Without Panties

I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I called my wife as soon as I received the invitation. “Honey guess what, we got the invite to Carl’s party. You know what this means, we will be starting the New Year at the biggest party of the year.” My wife was not as enthusiastic as I was, she didn’t think we fit in with the crowd that hung out with Carl. She was right Carl was rich and single; he always had beautiful women hanging on him hoping for a break in the...

4 years ago
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Atlanta Gloryhole Part 1

I love glory holes and when I found myself in Atlanta I went downtown to an old favorite arcade on Cheshire Bridge Rd. I cruised the videos and toys for a while. This place was hopping. Guys and women of all types: Bi, gay, straight, Hispanic, black, white, working class and white collar, were in the store. Of course only the guys were going back to the arcade. I went to the arcade and went into booth number 5 which has holes on both sides. I put $20 in the machine and stripped out of all...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Charlotte Sartre The Blind Date

When April O’Neil walks into the restaurant for her date, she notices all the tables are full. She mutters to herself that there’s nowhere to sit. Charlotte Sartre, who overhears her, offers April a seat at her table. April asks her if she’s sure and Charlotte insists. As April checks her phone, Charlotte is checking her out. When she notices how nice her dress is, she compliments April. April thanks her and compliments her back. Charlotte confesses that she just got stood up...


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