Ayah Mertuaku Yang Ganas free porn video

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Ungkapan kagum Pak Bambang membuat Dina kaget, ia terhenyak dan mundur ke belakang.

“Kamu cantik sekali. Aku puas punya menantu seperti kamu.” Wajah Pak Bambang yang sudah terbakar nafsu birahi membuat Dina bergidik ketakutan. Saat masih menjadi boneka Pak Pram saja kakek tua ini dengan mudah bisa menidurinya, apalagi sekarang saat mereka tinggal serumah. “Kalau nanti si Dudung absen meniduri istri barunya, Bapak bersedia mengambil alih pekerjaan itu. Mempercepat memperoleh keturunan.” Katanya sambil terkekeh-kekeh.

“Ma-maaf… tapi saya sedang tidak ingin diganggu, bisa Bapak keluar dulu sementara saya berganti…?” Belum sempat Dina melanjutkan, Pak Bambang sudah maju ke depan mendekatinya. Kepala Dina menunduk takluk, ia tidak berani melawan kakek cabul ini.

“Aku tidak akan mengganggumu bersolek.”

“Saya hanya sedang mencoba baju, bukan bersolek…”

“Bagus! Itu artinya kamu sudah siap menikah dengan anakku esok lusa, kamu sudah sadar dan menerima siapa kamu serta apa posisimu sekarang. Jujur saja, aku akan jauh lebih lega kalau kamu akhirnya dapat menikmati hidup bersama anakku, Dudung.” Kata Pak Bambang. “Tapi kalau melihatmu dengan baju itu, sayang sekali rasanya harus memberikanmu pada Dudung… kamu terlihat sangat cantik dengan baju pengantin.”

“Terima kasih atas pujiannya, tapi…”

“Tidak perlu takut seperti itu, aku tidak akan menyentuhmu hari ini. Aku masih lelah. Kecapekan gara-gara kemarin sore meniduri sekretarisku yang baru. Aku tidak ingin penyakit punggungku kumat gara-gara kebanyakan meniduri wanita cantik yang mengantri, walaupun harus kuakui, tubuhmu yang indah itu benar-benar menggiurkan.” Kata Pak Bambang sambil menjilat bibirnya.

Dina mengeluarkan nafas lega, sepertinya dia selamat kali ini.

“Tapi tidak ada salahnya kalau kamu ingin memuaskan calon ayah mertuamu dengan seponganmu yang nikmat itu.” lanjut Pak Bambang. Dina yang tadinya sudah lega kini menunduk kesal dan mengumpat, sekali bejat ternyata tetap bejat, dasar laki-laki tua busuk! Melihat Dina kesal, Pak Bambang tersenyum puas dan kembali menambahi. “Sangat tidak sopan kalau kamu tidak menyuguhkan hidangan yang menarik untuk calon mertuamu, kan, Mbak Dina?”

Dina mengangguk sambil menggemeretakkan gigi menahan jengkel.

Pak Bambang duduk dengan jumawa di tepi ranjang Dina. pria tua itu lalu membuka celananya dan mengeluarkan kemaluannya dari dalam celana dalam tanpa rasa risih sedikitpun. “Dihisap-hisap sedikit saja.” Katanya sambil menyunggingkan senyum tanpa dosa. “Seperti biasanya.”

Senyuman yang sangat menjijikkan dan membuat harga diri Dina jatuh ke dasar lantai terbawah. Si cantik itu terhina sekali namun tak bisa melakukan apa-apa, dia harus melakukan apapun yang diminta Pak Bambang.

“Kamu punya wajah yang sangat cantik,” kata Pak Bambang, “bibir yang indah…”

Dina tidak ingin mendengar kata-kata gombal dari kakek tua itu lebih panjang lagi, dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya. Dengan langkah pelan ibu muda yang cantik itu berjongkok di hadapan calon ayah mertuanya, perut Pak Bambang yang gemuk menggelambir membuat Dina muak, tapi dia harus menahan diri agar tidak muntah di hadapannya. Pria tua itu sendiri kegirangan melihat Dina sudah siap mengulum kemaluannya.

Dengan jari jemari lentik yang terawat rapi Dina mengangkat kantong kemaluan Pak Bambang dan memainkannya dengan lembut. Ketika tangan kirinya sibuk mengelus kantung Pak Bambang, tangan kanan Dina mengangkat batang kemaluannya. Jari jemari Dina yang sangat halus dan lembut membuat kakek tua itu harus menggigit bibir agar bisa menahan nafsunya yang menggelegak. Baru dipegang saja sudah nafsuin, apalagi nanti kalau sudah masuk ke mulutnya…

Wajah Dina kian mendekati penis Pak Bambang, entah kenapa makin lama dia semakin ingin mengulum kemaluan laki-laki tua itu. Dia malu pada dirinya sendiri karena tak mampu mempertahankan harga diri dan lemah pada nafsu birahi yang selama ini telah dilatih dan dibangkitkan oleh Pak Pramono. Kemaluan Pak Bambang tidak menarik, keriput dan terlihat tua, tapi seperti apapun bentuk penis Pak Bambang, Dina mau tidak mau harus menikmatinya.

Pak Bambang terus mengamati wajah cantik dan jari-jari lembut yang kini memegang alat vitalnya. Wajah Dina yang segar dan sangat cantik membuat laki-laki tua itu hampir-hampir tak tahan.

Dina melirik ke atas, menatap wajah Pak Bambang yang diselimuti nafsu birahi. Wajah laki-laki tua itu berkeringat deras, matanya terbelalak tajam seakan hendak keluar dari wajahnya dan air liur menetes pelan dari ujung mulutnya. Dina tahu pasti, wajah yang sedang menatapnya bukanlah wajah yang tampan, wajah itu adalah wajah seorang kakek tua bejat yang penuh nafsu dan berkuasa penuh atas dirinya.

Mulut Dina terbuka, lidahnya keluar dan dengan lembut ia menjilat bagian bawah batang kemaluan keriput milik Pak Bambang. Kakek tua itu bergetar karena nikmat yang ia rasakan. Ia menatap tajam mata indah milik Dina ketika ibu muda dua anak itu mulai memasukkan ujung gundul kemaluan Pak Bambang ke dalam mulutnya yang mungil dan perlahan menghisapnya.

“AAARRGHH!!!” teriak Pak Bambang. Kakek tua itu tak mampu menahan dirinya lagi, ia merasa tubuhnya melayang dan melambung tinggi ke awan, ia merasa dirinya bagaikan raja yang sedang dilayani oleh hambanya. Rasa nikmat yang ia rasakan tak terucapkan, penis tuanya yang lelah masih bisa diperlakukan dengan lembut oleh wanita terhormat seperti Dina. Pak Bambang memejamkan mata ketika lidah Dina mulai berputar di ujung kemaluannya.

Pak Bambang memang sering bermain cinta dengan wanita muda, dengan istri atau bahkan dengan anak gadis orang. Tapi nikmat yang ia rasakan tidak setulus ini, kelembutan wanita dewasa yang anggun seperti Dina membuat Pak Bambang merasakan nikmat yang luar biasa. Sementara bibir Dina terus bergerak mengulum dan lidahnya menjilat, Pak Bambang mengelus rambut indah Dina yang lurus sebahu dengan jari jemarinya yang gemuk. Kedua tangan Pak Bambang lama kelamaan menjepit kepala Dina dan menyorongkannya maju mundur seiring gerak hisapan si cantik itu. Dina tak melawan sedikitpun. Pak Bambang mulai menggerakkan kepala Dina dengan cepat, mendorong kemaluannya masuk ke kerongkongan ibu muda yang jelita itu dan menariknya keluar, lalu mendorong masuk lagi secepatnya. Kakek tua itu melakukannya berulang dan semakin lama semakin cepat. Ia sangat menikmati kuluman bibir mungil Dina.

“Arrrggghhhh, …enaknyaaaa!!” kata Pak Bambang yang mulai kehilangan kontrol.

Dina tetap meneruskan sepongannya sementara Pak Bambang menggerakkan pinggulnya agar bisa melesakkan penisnya dalam-dalam ke mulut Dina. Jepitan tangan Pak Bambang di kepala Dina makin rapat dan dorongannya makin dalam, hal itu membuat Dina terbatuk-batuk.

“Aaaaggghh, aku mau keluar! Di dalam mulutmu! Aku mau keluarin di dalam mulutmu!” kata-kata itu diucapkan Pak Bambang sambil memejamkan mata dan menggemeretakkan gigi. “Yaaaaa!! Yaaaaaaaaaa…!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!”

Tanpa basa-basi, kontol Pak Bambang menyemprotkan cairan kental ke dalam kerongkongan Dina seperti keran bocor. Dina harus berusaha menelan air mani kakek tua itu agar tidak tersedak. Semprotan kontol keriput itu hanya berlangsung beberapa detik, tidak terlalu lama dan tidak banyak.

Pak Bambang mengangkat kepala Dina agar wajah si cantik itu menatapnya. “Kamu cantik. Sungguh sangat cantik.” Pak Bambang tak pernah bisa menahan diri di hadapan wanita anggun yang jelita ini. Setelah tetesan terakhir mani kakek tua itu turun, Pak Bambang menarik kontolnya dari mulut Dina. Mulutnya tersenyum penuh kepuasan.

Dina berdiri dengan goyah, ia meneguk semua mani Pak Bambang agar tertelan ke perut, hanya itulah satu-satunya cara agar tidak tersedak. Tanpa menunggu Pak Bambang yang masih dibuai kenikmatan, Dina berjalan ke arah kamar mandi. Dia ingin berkumur dan membersihkan mulutnya yang kotor oleh penis peyot si kakek tua bejat. Pak Bambang mengawasi Dina yang melangkah pelan ke kamar mandi. Pantatnya yang bulat dan buah dadanya yang kenyal membuatnya meneguk ludah. Alangkah senangnya dia bisa memperoleh menantu seperti Dina yang bisa dipakai kapanpun dia mau.

Pak Bambang tertawa penuh kemenangan.

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Horrny Aunty In Patiala Get Fucked Too Hard

Hello, friends, my name is Vijay Singh and I am from Punjab Patiala city. My gmail account, my age is 20 and my height is 5 feet 5 inches body is well maintained and my cock size is 7 inches long and 3 inches thick and I am m.com 1st year student.   I am the regular reader of desi khani . I read all storys of story on desi khani but I am more and more interested in aunties storys kyu jo maza auntys ko chood kar aata hai wo maza kisi ladki ko chood kar nahi aata kyu ki aunts ko sex k bare me...

3 years ago
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Girl of My Latest Life

Told the gal at the pizza place ‘you’re an extremely nice person, so if you are smart you will not get involved with me. I will fuck your world up.’ She was sitting in a parking lot, resting her eyes. She had just hung up her cell phone. One of the heartbeats of California’s semiconductor industry, still engineered on the West Coast and made overseas. ‘Why do you talk to me that way, if you are so fucking nice’ she said. I said ‘Because its true. Not the way you might think, I will never hurt...

2 years ago
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FamilyStrokes Ariella Ferrara Jennifer Jacobs Family Fourth Of July

Jennifer Jacobs and her mom Ariella Ferrara are getting things set up for the fourth of july. They always have a great time, but Jennifer’s stepdad is always a little too much with his jokes. Oh well, she will just have to make the best out of it. As the burgers start to get grilled, stepdad pulls away for a moment to go let Brad in! But who is he? He’s Jennifers stepbrother of course. Both mom and daughters jaws drop at how hot this stepbrother is. They both want him, and independance...

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The Ultimatum Part 1

It was Christmas Eve, 2010, a Friday night. I had decided to throw a party for my nearest and dearest friends. A lonely guy like me doesn't have the chance to celebrate the holidays with family. My ex-wife, Cathy, took off when I was in prison, taking our youngest daughter, Monica, with her. I didn't see my older daughter Amy and two sons, Damian and Shane very often. They lived with their grandmother. And to tell you the truth, I'm not even sure Amy is mine. I met Cathy when she was only 17....

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 5 the Vaults TreasureChapter 1 DwarfQueens Reward

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – The Lost Mines of Khragorath, Fallen Kingdom of Modan We were closer to our goal. We had defeated the wraith of the dwarf-queen Kazodi and claimed the adamantium ore we needed to reforge the High King’s sword. The ore was safely stored in Angela’s satchel with the first piece of the blade. We had four more pieces to find, plus three more prophesied companions, and we had to kill the minotaur and use its heart to power the reforging. The...

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Gina the 55 year old submissive

Chapter 1 Jeff was smoking a joint as a fifty year old blonde with large tits with a bit of a sag sucked on his 10 inch prick. He was casually watching a video where this 20 year old guy was dominating two ladies in their fifties. Tonight he was gonna do that , so he was watching to get some ideas. As his mom Sharon kept sucking his dick , he called out to his stepdad to get him a beer . Philip like Bill (Gina's husband ) was now also a cuckold and only got off by watching his wife...

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How Did We Even Get Here Chapter 8

A middle-aged occupant, a petite blonde, and a greasy criminal stood in a living room after midnight. It could have been mistaken as the set-up for a bad joke, but the unfamiliar territory did not amuse Bill in the slightest.“Dante, why are you here?” Frankie asked.“I heard you the first time, sweetheart.” Dante advanced to her. “You got my fucking money?”“Hey.” Bill clapped and whistled, causing Dante to glower at him with a raised brow. “Yeah, I meant you, Donnie Brasco. How the hell do you...

4 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 2 Genevieve

“Genevieve, What the hell mess have you got yourself into?!” Boatswain Genevieve Arthur knew Captain Pierce Masters, formerly Number One of the Bunte Kuh, was really upset and worried. He only called her ‘Genevieve’ in the heat of passion, sexual or otherwise. She answered carefully, “Just following orders, Sir. Bossie can verify that Dreck, err Captain Dreck, called ‘No quarter,’ so I gave none.” She added, “He gave no additional instructions, so I followed his standing orders to the...

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The Fat Older Men Change1

The life is so terribly for Nun, the 29 year old Thai girl who’s living in Great Britain. Last year she worked in a Thai restaurant and met the young black stud who said he loved her with a true heart and promised many things to her. Everything looked so perfect at that time. Now she’s jobless, and that’s not the worst part, when she got back to her BF’s flat from job seeking she found him fucking another girl. He tried to explain but it was too late. She decided to pack her bags and...

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adopted part 5

Margaret stood at the kitchen counter the next morning, smiling as she prepared the tuna salad sandwich that her nephew would take to school. Four more times her hung, horny teen nephew had fucked her the night before, shooting load after load into her wet, juicy pussy. Margaret felt more sexually satisfied than she had been in months. She was naked now, eager to teach her dead sister's son more about sex before he left for the day. No matter how often he satisfied the wet...

4 years ago
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Knocked up by Daddy

I wake up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday in October. I sit up in bed wearing nothing but a pair of pink Victoria’s Secret panties. I reach over and turn off my alarm and get out of bed and look into the mirror, inspecting myself, admiring my 17 year old body. My 5’4 107 lbs. frame, my messy long black hair, tan body, and perky 30C size tits. The perfect body of an athlete like myself. I decide to start my day like every other, with a shower. So I grab my hip length robe, which is downright tiny. It...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Portal TripChapter 2

The seamstress shop was just a few buildings down from the bank, so I went there next. We bartered a bit before agreeing that she would take all the clothes in trade for making me two new sets of clothing including undergarment and socks. She would cut her price to wash my clothes from two pinches to one pinch. She took the bed rolls that I had taken off the three horses and said she would wash them and have ready for me about this time tomorrow. Feeling proud of myself with the dealings on...

2 years ago
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Fun with the Mechanic

Last weekend, I had a date to go out to a bar with some other CDs in another state and a 2 hour drive. I would get dressed when I got to the motel. On the way I had car trouble, but kept driving to the motel. Told the girls who were already dressed that I couldn’t go to the bar or play because I could not relax knowing my car was having problems. I was so horny because we had set this date up a few weeks ago and I had spent the day trying on my new sexy short black dress and getting ready. ...

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she kneels

She kneels as she waits, quietly, completely still; her body barely rises with breath. The black sheet is smooth and slippery beneath her bare legs, as soft and velvety as the red rose petals surrounding her. The thorns of those roses contrast sharply with the delicate softness; the blood red of the petals contrasts sharply with her pale flesh. Her legs folded under, her torso bound tight is a sleek black corset, head down, her arms tied firmly behind her back, hair piled loosely at the nape of...

5 years ago
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Kellys Story A Whateley tale part 2

While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. Here now is the second part of that story. Chapter 9 Kelly found himself standing in front of a desk, behind the desk an older man stood, his graying hair cut military short. Both Kelly and this man were dressed in the black...

3 years ago
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5 Cheerleader Sex Slaves Chapter 11

This is the story of 5 high school cheerleaders who get lost and have their car breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turn them into slaves. Thanks for reading...Chapter ElevenI walked back into the kitchen after seeing Jim off, Emily was still there kneeling, the chain of her leash fell over her breasts and looked so very pretty. There was a blank look in her eyes, I think it was someplace between fear and relief now that Jim was gone, I know he scared her, a...

2 years ago
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Love Among the Elk Ch 02

My first day of Chem 101 at the University of Oregon started off with a bang, literally. I had found my assigned seat in the lecture hall and was getting my notebook out when something slammed into the back of my head, almost knocking my face into the table. I got to my feet, turning. ‘Hey, watch what the hell you’re doing!’ I found a smallish blonde looking up at me with wide blue eyes. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m not used to carrying this backpack yet.’ The weapon in question looked about as...

3 years ago
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Amma Magana Love

Namdu oondu sanna family nam maneli nam appa, amma, akka edare. Nam appa lorry driver nanu ega thane education mugsi district office alli accountant agi kelsakke join agidini. Akkana madve madbeku, mane kattesbeku innu sekkapatte javabdhari ettu. Nam appa obba doddu kudaka avnge henda edre saku yenu beda edalde sulera sanga bere ittu baro dudnella karch madi maja madthidda e karnakke manili doddu jagala, nam Amma appa jagala madade eru dina ne erlilla. Nange 22 varsha nan Akka ge 23 nan appa ge...

1 year ago
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Forced to Masturbate

How I was forced to masturbate in front of 20 strangers I'm a man from a third world country. This Story happened when I was 20 years old. One time I had been in the bus terminal just walking around and looking for the riding time to come. I should explain that there is a police post in every bus terminal in my country to maintain public discipline. Unexpectedly, a cop came towards me and addressed me that I looked suspicious and I would have to follow him to the post for a brief investigation....

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Community FourEverChapter 14

Wally’s turn: I’m looking at a Stearman cropduster. I know, I know... ‘Agricultural aircraft’. I grew up, they were ‘cropdusters’, even though most of the applications were sprayed. These things used to be all over the place, and this one was about as generic for the type as it could be. Logbooks. I’m a licensed airframe and powerplant – A&P – licensed mechanic with an inspection authorization. That means I can say whether a plane flies or not. I’m looking through the books of this...

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TalentChapter the Thirtythird Dissolution

Aileen was dead before she had finished pulling the large kitchen table over to shield her from the spear that was thrust at her. The grinning cadaver, dressed incongruously in a tailored blue business suit, had come crashing through the large window next to the pantry door brandishing the broken shaft of a garden rake and immediately skewered her where she stood. Her shriek brought her husband running, then Jon, and then me short behind him. The first group of the undead were piling into...

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Taking the car out for a test drive

Here is another one of my life experience stories. This happened a few years ago. I had bought myself a new car as a birthday gift. It really was not that much of an extravagant gift: my old car was dying a slow death, costing me $600 a month in repairs each month.   That buys a lot of new car. My new car was a little sports coupe, just perfect for me, a single guy. At that time, I was working for a small business. My “boss” was a very charming Thai woman in her early thirties. I had known...

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Just to set the scene properly, i am just under six feet tall, blond haired, blue eyed, and of German and Scottish heritage, since my looks are not as important and hers for this, that's as far as i'll go. Jee-Sung is, if you haven't guessed already, Korean, and while i'm not sure of her exact height, i have about one head on her height wise. She has black hair to the shoulders which she dyes brown at the ends, brown eyes, small yet firm breasts as you might expect on an Asian girl, and...

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How It All Began

This is my first story, I joined this sight to share my life, at least the more erotic moments. I can't keep it to myself much longer.I was raised by my dad, my mother died shortly after I was born due to complicatiions with the birth. No this isn't i****t, dad and I would never do anything like that. Yes I have seen him naked a couple of times, but that was by accident. There was blushing, on both parts, apologies and that was it.CFNM became my favorite type of sexual fantasy and erotic...

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Aunty8217s Family Affairs 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, My name is Nilesh and I am 24 years old .This incident happened when I was in high school. I am from a typical Mumbai middle class background. My mom and dad both used to work for State Government and we lived in a Government quarter. I was quite studious and sincere boy in school. Suresh uncle and Radha Aunt were our immediate neighbors. Suresh uncle was state ministor’s PA and Radha aunt was housewife. Due to his important job Suresh uncle used to work almost all days in a week. I...

4 years ago
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No Good DeedChapter 9

We got the judge handed off with little problem. For now, at least, it seemed he and his wife would be safe. I promised them we’d do what we could to get the Syndicate out of his life, and mine, as fast as we could. Any hesitancy he might have had about walking away from his life, even if only for a few days or weeks, pretty much vanished when armed men came into his home and threatened to take his wife with them to ensure he towed the line. Jawarski and I went back to my house and waited,...

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GangbangCreampie Luna Lovely G126

The moment you’ve been patiently waiting for. Luna is tied up, and ready to rock, she’s surrounded by cocks, and they’re ready to get busy. They eat her pussy with her hands bound, getting her nice and wet. They get her dress over her head and fill her mouth with cock, as they take turns testing her out. She gets fucked, and fucked hard. Just the way she likes it. They drop 6 huge pies in her pussy, and another on her face. She’s an absolute mess after riding the cum out...


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