Mila Kusayang free porn video

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Milla ABG yang masih duduk di bangku SMP , tapi sudah sering berganti ganti cowok . Karena ke cantikan dan ke sexy-an nya telah menarik birahi wali kelasnya . Wali kelasnya berhasil memancingnya ke kantornya , dan memperkosanya di sana , tidak hanya itu wali kelasnya juga berencana menjadikan Milla budak sexnya.

“ Milla , lihat hasil ulangan kamu , tidak lebih dari angka 4 “ kata pak Solihin . Milla menundukan kepalanya .

“ Apa kamu pikir bisa , naik kelas dengan hasil seperti ini , sebentar lagi ujian kenaikan kelas , bagaimana ini..” kata pak Solihin lagi .

“ ma maaf pak..” kata Milla terbata .

“ dengar Milla , sebagai wali kelas mu , saya tak mau kamu tinggal kelas , saya tak mau ada satu murid pun tinggal kelas , saya malu..” kata pak Solihin lagi .

Milla terdiam . Lalu pak Solihin dengan lembut membelai rambut halus Milla . Dia berkata lembut “ nah , Milla , coba katakan , apa kesulitanmu.?” .

“ eh , saya sulit manghafal rumus pak..” kata Milla .

Pak Solihin menarik nafas , dan berkata “ begini saja , sepulang sekolah nanti , kamu ke mari , aku akan memberi kamu les privat , gimana..?” .

“ terima kasih pak , tapi saya tak punya biaya pak..” kata Milla . Pak Solihin tersenyum “ saya tak minta uang , saya hanya mau membatu kamu..” .

“ terima kasih pak , saya akan kemari setelah bubar sekolah nanti “ kata Milla .

“ Bagus Milla , sekarang kamu boleh kembali ke kelas , belajar yang rajin yah..” kata
pak Solihin .

Milla berjalan keluar ruang pak Solihin . Tubuhnya yang ramping , bertambah sexy dengan Rok birunya yang agak mini , 10 cm di atas lutut . Memperlihatkan kakinya dan sebagian pahanya yang putih mulus . Wajah imut murid kelas 2 SMP itu ,telah menarik nafsu pak Solihin .

Pak Solihin adalah kepala sekolah , yang juga wali kelas Milla . Pak Solihin selalu berlaku , wibawa tinggi dan sopan santun . Semua guru ,apa lagi murid murid segan dengan dia . Dengan umurnya yang 45 tahun , wajahnya cukup ganteng . Dan tubuhnya atletis , maklum dia sangat suka berolah raga .

Tapi di balik semua itu , Pak Solihin mempunyai nafsu bejat terhadap Milla . Sudah lama dia memperhatikan Milla .

Di lain pihak , Milla memang ABG yang rusak . Dia memang seperti perek . Hobinya gonti gonti cowok . Dan mengejar cowok yang berduit . Walau usianya baru 14 tahun , tapi karena pergaulnya yang bebas , Dia jadi seperti itu . Bahkan ada gosip gosip yang berkata , Milla juga menjual dirinya pada om om..
Inilah yang membuat Pak Solihin makin nafsu sama Milla . Dia memakai alasan memberi les privat , tapi sebenarnya akan melecehkan Milla .

Siang itu tepat pukul 1.30 siang . Semua murid keluar meninggalkan kelas . Dan Seorang di antaranya berjalan menaiki tangga ke lantai 3 , dimana ruang kantor pak Solihin berada . Dia mengetuk pintu .

“ masuk , ayo masuk ..” sambut pak Solihin. Milla masuk ke ruang itu . Kening nya tampak berkeringat . Pak Solihin memberinya tissue “ nih , hapus keringat mu..” .Lalu menyuruh Milla duduk di sofa .

“ Terima kasih pak “ kata Milla ,lalu duduk di Sofa . Mata pak Solihin menatap tajam paha Milla , yang rok mininya agak terangkat . Milla entah sadar atau tidak , dia duduk diam dan tersenyum , sambil menghapus keringat di keningnya .

Lalu Pak Solihin memberinya , kertas berisi soal soal matematika . “ Milla ,Coba kerjain soal soal ini” . Milla mengambil soal itu . Kening mengenyit . Lalu dia mengambil pen nya . Pen itu hanya di putar putar oleh jari jarinya .

Setelah beberapa saat , tanpa melakukan apa pun ,pak Solihin menegurnya “ kenapa , sulit yah..” . Milla mengangguk “ iyah , pak saya tak mengerti ..” .

Pak Solihin memgambil kertas soal itu . Dia merobeknya , “ matematika itu memang menyebalkan yah ..” katanya . Milla benggong melihat kelakuan Pak Solihin itu .

“ Milla , kamu tak perlu belajar matematika yang menyebalkan ini , Saya bisa memberimu nilai 10 , setiap kali ulangan , tanpa kamu susah susah belajar , asal kamu mau ….” . Tangan pak Solihin meraba lutut dan paha Milla .

Milla berdiri , dia kaget . Dadanya berdegup keras . ABG berpengalaman seperti Milla tentu tahu maksud buruk pak Solihin . “ asal saya mau apa Pak ? ..” katanya .

Pak Solihin tersenyum “ asal kamu mau memuaskan nafsu saya , Milla saya tergila gila sama kamu..” .

“ maaf pak , saya tak bisa..” lalu Milla berjalan ke arah pintu . Dan membuka pintu . Tapi pintu itu terkunci . “ Pak tolong , bukakan pintunya pak..” kata Milla .

Pak Solihin hanya tersenyum . Tangannya lalu meraih sebatang Rotan .

Milla mulai panik , tangannya memukul mukul pintu . kakinya juga menendang nendang pintu . “ Tolong , tolong…. “ jeritnya panik .

“ iyah , tolong tolong , saya mau memperkosa perek yang bernama Milla..” kata pak Solihin mengejeknya .

Milla terus berteriak , tapi tak ada orang lagi di sana .

Tiba tiba “ ctarr…” . Pak Solihin tepat memukul pantanya keras . Milla menjerit keras sambil memegang pantatnya . “ Auuuwww sakitt ammpun jangan pukul pak..” . Pak Solihin tertawa .

“ Milla , saya itu cinta damai , saya tak suka kekerasan , asal kamu menurut , aku tak akan memukul kamu , Milla sayang..” . kata Pak Solihin .

Milla gemetar . Dia menetap pak Solihin . “ Milla sini dan duduk di Sofa itu .. “ . Pak Solihin memerintah Milla . Milla pun menurut . dia duduk lagi di sofa itu .

Dan pak solihin duduk di meja kerjanya . Tangannya memegang batang rotan itu . Milla Agak gemetar ketakutan “ pak , ampun jangan pukul saya…” . Pak Solihin tersenyum , lalu dia meletakan batang rotan itu .

“ tenang saja , saya tak akan memukul kamu asal kamu nurut ngeti..” . Milla terisak dan mengangguk.

“ Milla , saya banyak mendengar gospi gosip , katanya kamu suka di booking om om yah ?” tanya Pak Solihin . Milla terhentak “ tidak pak , sumpah , saya tak pernah , gosip itu cuma untuk meledek saya , saya di bilang perek..” .

“ ok ok Milla , saya percaya… “ kata pak Solihin . Dan Dia bertanya lagi “ Milla apa kamu masih perawan..” .

Milla tertunduk , dia diam , dan pak Solin mengulangi pertanyaannya lagi “ Milla apa kamu perawan , jawab ” .

Milla menatap pak Solihin ,dia mengeleng “ saya sudah tidak perawan..” . Air matanya meleleh . Pertanyaan memalukan itu terpaksa di jawabnya.

“ Bagus , bagus..” kata pak Solihin . “ Siapa yang perawanin kamu ?” tanyanya lagi Milla tertunduk , dan diam saja .

“ Milla , kalau saya tanya , kamu harus jawab , kamu tak mau di pukul kan..” . katanya . Milla berkata “ jangan pukul pak , yang perawanin saya Anto pak ..”.

Pak Solihin berpikir sebentar “ Anto yang kelas 3 itu , yang bawa mobil sedan biru itu ..” . “ iyah pak…” kata Milla . “ Jadi itu pacar kamu ?.” kata pak Solihin .

“ Dulu pak , Anto pacaran sama saya 3 bulan , terus putus .. “ kata Milla . Pak Solihin tersenyum “ oh lalu…” .

“ Lalu saya pacaran sama , Rudi .. itu juga cuma dua bulan .. dan terus sama Ayung 4 bulan dan sama Ginno itu pun baru putus..” kata Milla .

Semua cowok yang di sebutkan itu rata rata anak orang berduit . Mereka semua membawa mobil pribadi . Pak Solihin mengelengkan kepala .

“ Milla sama semua cowok cowok kamu itu , kamu pernah di entot..” kata pak Solihin Milla mengangguk . “ Wah , umur kamu baru 14 tahun , tapi sudah pernah di entot sama 4 cowok , hebat sekali ck ck ck..” kata pak Solihin tersenyum .

Milla tertunduk wajahnya memerah . “ eh saat pertama sama si Anto , apa kamu di paksa..” tanya pak solihin . Milla mengeleng “ tidak pak , suka sama suka..”
Pak Solihin mangut mangut “ kamu merasa nikmat ngak ..?” tanyanya . Milla mengeleng “ pertama kali saya sakit sekali pak , saya berdarah .. tapi setelah itu .. besok besoknya saya baru bisa merasa nikmat pak..” .

Pak Solihin mulai ereksi . Dia meraba selangkangannya . “ Milla , kamu suka yah di entot..” .tanya pak Solihin . Milla hanya menundukan kepalanya .

Pak Solihin tersenyum , “ Milla kamu suka , main sex, apa kamu pernah isep ****** cowok cowok kamu..?” . Milla mengangguk.

“ Lalu cowok cowok kamu pernah jilati memek kamu ngak.? “ tanya pak Solihin lagi . Milla mengankat wajahnya “ Cuma Rudi yang pernah , yang lain tak mau..” kata Milla . Pak Solihin menganguk .

“ Wah , sayang yah , padahal kamu suka yah di jilatin memeknya yah.” kata pak Solihin . Milla tersenyum , “ koq bapak tahu sih , saya suka di jilatin..” kata Milla tanpa sadar . Pak Solihin tersenyum . Dan Muka milla kembali memerah .

Rasa takut Milla berkurang , dia mulai terlihat lebih Rilex .

“ Milla , boleh ngak saya jilatin memek kamu..” tanya pak Solihin . Milla tersenyum malu . Dia menganguk . “ Baik saya akan jilatin memek kamu sampai kamu puas .. Tapi saya mau main main dulu dengan kamu . Permainan Sex tentunya..” kata pak Solihin tersenyum .

“ Milla coba kamu duduknya ngongkong , saya mau lihat celana dalam kamu..” kata pak Solihin . Milla menunduk , lalu dia melebarkan kakinya . Dan celana dalamnya yang putih terlihat jelas pak Solohin . Celana dalamnya tampak ada sedikit basah tepat di selangkangannya .

Pak Solohin menjadi penasaran , dia mendekat , dan meraba celana dalam Milla . Milla mengelijing . Pak Solihin tahu itu cairan vagina Milla . Karena bercerita tentang hal hal itu , membuat Milla agak terangsang .

“ Milla kamu terangsang yah..” tanya pak Solihin . Milla tak menjawab , lalu menutup kakinya , mukanya merah “ malu pak , saya malu..” .

Lalu kembali pak Solihin meminta Mila duduk mengongkong . Dan Pak Solihin kembali duduk di atas meja kerjanya . Milla berkata “ pak malu , saya malu duduk begini di lihatin bapak..” . seraya merapatkan kakinya .

“ eit , jangan di tutup , kamu janji mau nurutkan , kamu gak mau di pukulkan..” kata pak Solihin . Milla menundukan kepalanya , dan kembali duduk dengan posisi merangsang . Kakinya terbuka lebar , memperlihatkan selangkangan celana dalam putihnya . Milla benar benar di buat malu.

Di saat Milla menunduk malu , dan tiba tiba , ada sinar putih terang nyala sekejap . “ Ahh , pak jangan di foto .. “ lalu kakinya menutup rapat . Pak Solihin tersenyum “ tenang saja , ini buat koleksi pribadiKu..” .

“ ayo Milla , buka lagi kaki kamu lebar..” kata pak Solihin . “ Pak saya tidak mau di foto seperti ini , malu pak..” kata Milla . Dia hampir menanggis . Pak Solihin memegang tongkat rotan nya . “ Kamu ini mesti di pukul yah..” kata pak Solihin .

“ Jangan , jangan pukul , saya buka..” kata Milla dan langsung membuka kakinya lebar lebar . Pak Solihin langsung memfotonya lagi . Beberapa shoot lalu meminta Miila melepas kancing bajunya .

Milla tak kuasa , dia menangis ,” tolong pak , saya malu , jangan permalukan saya tolong lah pak…” kata Milla memelas .

Pak Solohin memberinya shock terapi , satu pukulan rotan , tepat di pahanya . Tak terlalu keras , tapi cukup menyakitkan . “ ahhhggg …” jerit Milla dan Milla menangis

“ Eh dengar yah , jangan menolak permintaanKu , Kamu akan jadi budak sex Ku sekarang..” kata pak Solihin . Milla terisak . Pak Solihin mengambil tissue , dia melap air mata Milla . “ maaf yah sayang , saya tak akan memukul kamu , asal kamu nurut .” kata pak Solihin lembut.

“ sekarang buka kancing baju kamu seluruhnya , dan duduk ngongkong..” perintah pak Solihin . Tak ada pilihan lain , Milla menuruti perintah pak Solihin .

Dia membuka bajunya . dan terlihat Bhnya yang modelnya seperti kaos kutang , tapi pendek . Dan Duduk mengongkong . Pak Solihin memfoto Milla lagi ,dalam posisi seperti itu ,beberapa shoot .

Lalu pak Solihin mengeluarkan sebungus Rokok , dan menyalakannya , dia menghisap rokok itu , lalu memberikan pada Milla . “ Ini , isap rokok ..” kata pak Solihin . Milla memang suka merokok . Lalu dia menghisapnya .

Pak Solihin memfotonya lagi , Milla dengan baju terbuka , Branya putih ,dan duduk ngongkong dengan celana dalam putih . Dan Asik merokok .

Lalu pak Solihin mengangkat branya , dan Buah dada Milla yang kecil terlihat . dangan putting yang kecil ,dan berwarna ke merahan . Pak Solihin meraba putingnya , lalu meremas lembut buah dadanya Milla mengelijing . Kembali pak Solihin memfotonya beberapa shoot .

Lalu tangan pak Solihin merayap ke bawah , dan manyibak celana dalam Milla .Mata pak Solihin melotot melihat Vaginanya , sama sekali bersih tanpa bulu , kecil dengan bibir vagina yang agak basah , merah . Pak Solihin menciumi vaginanya , Milla mengelijing . “ wah , Milla memek kamu harum yah..” katanya . Milla diam tak menjawab .

Tangan Milla di pegang , dan dibawa ke bawah “ Milla , sibak celana dalam kamu seperti ini yah , saya mau foto kamu..” kata pak Milla .

Milla tak bisa berbuat apa apa , selain memenuhi kemauan gurunya itu . Pak Solihin memfotonya beberapa shoot , terutama di bagian vaginanya .

Setelah puas dengan itu , Pak Solihin , membuka celananya , dan juga kolornya . Penisnya yang hitam besar , ngaceng tegak sekali . Milla melotot melihatnya . Walaupun Milla sudah melihat penis penis cowoknya tapi tak ada yang sebesar pak Solihin punya .

Dia mengocok ngocok penisnya sendiri dan mendekati Milla “ Milla , ayo isepin ******Ku..” kata pak Solihin . Tangan Milla gematar , dan meraih batang penis pak Solihin , Lalu Milla menjulurkan lidahnya dan menjilat ujung penis pak solihin . Pak Solihin mendesah “ ahhh……” .

“ Milla , lebih besar ****** saya , apa ****** pacar pacar kamu..” tanya pak Solihin .
“Punya bapak besar sekali..” kata Milla pelan.. Tangan pak Solihin mengelus rambutnya “ kamu suka sama ****** saya..” tanya pak Solihin . Milla mengeleng “ saya takut bapak punya besar sekali ..” .

“ Milla , kamu harus suka punya saya , ayo buka mulut kamu yang lebar, dan kulum..” perintah pak Solihin . Milla mundur sedikit , “Pak , saya jilatin aja , saya suka jilatin bapak punya..”

“ iyah , tapi saya suka di kulum..” kata pak Solihin dan terus mendorong penisnya masuk ke dalam mulutnya. Sementara tanganya masih memegangi rambut Milla. Milla meronta , dan mengatup mulutnya rapat .

Tapi tangan gurunya itu meraba buah dada kanan Milla dan menjepit puting susunya. Milla menjerit keras, dan Pak Solihin langsung mendorong penisnya masuk hingga tenggorokan Milla. Penis besar itu mulai bergerak maju mundur, sementara Milla berusaha melepaskan diri sambil terbatuk-batuk.

Milla benar-benar shock. Penis Pak Solihin yang besar tegang dan keras itu masuk hingga tenggorokannya, ia dapat merasakan sesuatu yang asin dan lengket di dalam mulutnya.

Lalu dengan kedua tangannya pak Solihin memegang kepalanya lalu memaju mundukan penisnya dalam mulut Milla yang kecil . Pak Solihin mendesah dan mengeram kenikmatan . “ ohh , nikmat sekali Oh , gua bisa keluar nih..”
Milla tahu pak Solihin akan mengalami ejakulasi di dalam mulutnya. Kembali ia meronta berusaha menarik kepalanya.

Tapi dengan kasar pak Solihin menarik kepala Milla, penisnya makin masuk ke dalam tenggorokan Milla dan menahan kepala Milla hingga tidak bisa bergerak. Pak Solihin kemudian menarik sedikit penisnya dan tertawa melihat Milla tersengal-sengal menghirup udara.

Pak Solihin tidak bisa bertahan lama di mulut Milla. Tiba-tiba Pak Solihin mulai mengerang dan mendengus, tangan yang ada di buah dada Milla mulai meremas dan menarik-narik buah dada Milla, sedangkan tangan yang lain memegangi kepala Milla dan menggerakannya makin cepat, membuat Milla mengulum makin cepat dan dalam.

Sperma Pak Solihin menyembur di dalam mulut Milla, menyemprot ke dalam tenggorokan Milla, membuat Milla terbatuk-batuk. Penis Pak Solihin tetap ada di dalam mulutnya, memompa dan menyembur selama sesaat. Akhirnya Pak Solihin menarik penisnya perlahan hingga seluruhnya keluar dari mulut Milla.
Sperma berwarna putih dan lengket mengalir keluar dari mulut Milla, mengalir turun membasahi serangam SMP nya
Milla terisak lagi . Pak Solihin mengambil tisuue dan melap bibir Milla , dan juga melap air matanya . “ kenapa menangis , kan kamu juga sudah sering ngulum ****** cowok ..” . Milla terdiam lalu berkata “ bapak punya terlalu besar , mulut saya sakit..” katanya .

Pak Solihin mencium bibirnya . “ Milla , sekarang kamu buka celana dalam kamu , aku mau menjilati memek kamu..” katanya .
Milla dengan ragu dan terpaksa , melepas celana dalamnya . Pak Solihin tersenyum “ bagus , sekarang , kamu duduk , dan buka kaki kamu lebar “ . Lalu Milla duduk dan melebarkan kakinya . Vaginanya yang tak berbulu itu terpampang lebar . Pemandanan yang sungguh erotis .

Lalu Dia jongkok dan menciumi vagina Milla . Milla tersentak, ketika dirasanya sebuah tangan mulai merabai vaginanya.”Mmmmphhh,” Milla mengerang .
Tiba-tiba Milla merasakan kehangatan mengalir di vaginanya, tubuhnya tersentak, dan tanpa sadar pinggulnya terangkat. Milla merasa sangat nikmat ketika lidah Pak Solihin menjilati bagian dalam bibir vaginanya, membuatnya basah .

Milla sama sekali tidak bisa melawan sensasi yang timbul di vaginanya. Untuk beberapa menit Pak Solihin terus menjilati bibir vagina Milla, menciuminya dan menjilati cairan yang keluar dari vagina Milla. Dari mulut Milla terdengar pelan desahannya . “ aaahhh ahhh ahh…” .

Pak Solihin , meraih kedua tangan Milla , meletakan dekat vaginanya , dan menyuruhnya membuka lebar bibir vaginanya dengan tangannya . Sehingga Klitorisnya tertampang jelas . Agak merah , membesar dan berlendir .
Pak Solihin sangat hati-hati dan lembut ketika menjilati vagina Milla itu. Kaki dan pinggul Milla bergarak dan tersentak-sentak tanpa bisa dikendalikan oleh Milla.

Milla benar benar terangsang . Dan rupanya Milla mudah terangsang . Dia termasuk cewek yang mudah terangsang , dan nafsunya besar . Pak Solihin masih terus menjilati klitorisnya . Lendir yang keluar pun jadi , makanan lezat bagi gurunya itu Milla terus mengejang , nikmat desahan desahnya makin sering terdengar .

Tangan Milla semakin membuka lebar bibir vaginanya , Dan pak Solihin makin mempercepat sapuan lidahnya . Pantat Milla terangkat , dan Dia mengejang sesaat , lalu kembali lemas . Kakinya mengejet beberapa kali .

Milla mendesah panjang “ ahhhhh….” . Milla telah mendapat orgasmenya .
Pak Solihin , menatapnya tersenyum . “ Milla , nikmat yah…” kata pak Solihin . Milla tak menjawab , dia menunduk , dan mukanya merah .
“ Milla sekarang saya akan entotin kamu yah..” kata pak Solihin .

Milla tersentak , dia merinding dan menjerit “Jangan, jangan, saya mohon, saya takut , punya bapak terlalu besar , Saya akan lakukan apa saja , jangan entot pak..” Milla merengeng rengeng .
Pak Solihin cuma tersenyum “ tenang saja , Milla , nanti juga kamu nikmat koq..”

Pak Solihin mengangkat kaki Milla lebih tinggi lagi. Penis Pak Solihin sudah berada di hadapan vagina Milla dan menyentuh bibir vaginanya.
Milla gemetar , rasa takut melebihi rasa nikmatnya . Pak Solihin mengesek ujung penisnya di klitoris Milla.

Lalu dengan perlahan Pak Solihin mulai mendorong penisnya, Milla menangis memohon agar Pak Solihin berhenti. Tanpa mendengarkan tangisan Milla, Pak Solihin terus mendorong dan merasakan bibir vagina Milla mulai terbuka. Dan Dari mulut Milla terdengar jeritnya “ ahwwwwww “

Milla merasa nyeri di vaginanya . Liangnya di buka paksa oleh penis besar pak Solihin . Milla mengejang .

Lalu Pak Solihin merasakan kepala penisnya mulai masuk ke dalam vagina Milla diiringi oleh hentakan nafas dari Milla. Terus mendorong, Pak Solihin merasakan jepitan erat dari dinding vagina Milla di penisnya.

Pak Solihin melihat Milla, gadis kecil yang cantik sekali, dan tubuh yang merangsang. Tengah merintih kesakitan , dan mengerang .

Perlahan Pak Solihin mulai mendorong lagi, ia sangat bernafsu untuk merasakan nikmat vagina Milla . Milla sudah meronta sekuat tenaga, tapi Pak Solihin tidak merasakannya sedikitpun. Perlahan, perlahan sekali , Akhirnya penis sepanjang 20 cm itu terbenam seluruhnya . Milla menjerit keras “ aghhh ,sakittt. Sudah cabut..”.

Pak Solihin , melumat bibir mungil Milla untuk membungkam jeritnya . Dan perlahan dia mengoyang penisnya . Milla mengejen , kesakitan . Pak Solihin terus mengeluarkan dan memasukan penis besarnya di liang vagina gadis kecil 14 tahun itu . Milla terus mengeliat , menahan nyeri di vaginanya .
Pak Solihin terus bergerak pelan , Milla mulai tenang . Pak Solihin trus mengoyang pelan . “ aghh aghh sakit pak..” . Tapi pak Solihin tak peduli . Terus mengoyang dengan pelan .

Sampai pak Solihin merasa sudah hampir sampai di puncak kenikmatannya , ,dan mulai mengoyang cepat , dan menghentak hentak . Ini membuat Milla menjerit jerit kesakitan “ aggghh sakit pelan pelan , aghhhh sakit..” .

Pak Solihin , terus mengoyang , dan mendengus . Dan akhirnya dia membenamkan habis batang penisnya , lalu Dia tegang . dan menumpahkan spermanya di liang vagina Milla . Perlahan penis besarnya mengecil , dan mulai di cabut dari liang vagina Milla . Sperma Pak Solihin turut mengalir keluar , bersamaan penisnya .

Milla lemas sekali , dan nafasnya tersenggal , dia terisak menangis . “ Milla kenapa menangis , kaya perawan saja..” kata pak Solihin .
Milla menatap pak Solihin , “ waktu saya di perawanin ,tidak sesakit ini ,pak .” kata Milla sambil terisak . Pak Solihin tersenyum , “ iyah saya tahu , karena memek kamu belum terbiasa sama ******Ku , besok besok pasti memek kamu biasa koq..” .

“ Besok besok , Apa maksud bapak..” kata Milla . “ iyah , kalau besok aku entot kamu pasti kamu sudah tak begitu sakit lagi , karena memek kamu sudah melar , ha ha ha…” kata pak Solihin . “ tidak pak saya , tidak mau lagi..” kata Milla .

Pak Solihin tersenyum “ kamu tahu , apa gunanya , Aku memfoto kamu tadi..” . Milla tertunduk , dia sudah tahu ini pasti terjadi . “ maaf , Milla kamu akan jadi buduk nafsuKu , sayang ha ha ha ” kata pak Solihin sambil tertawa .

Lalu Pak Solihin memberinya beberapa lembar tisuue , “ nih , lap memek kamu , ayo aku antar kamu pulang..” katanya . Milla membersihkan sisa sisa sperma gurunya , lalu memakai kembali seragamnya .
“ ayo , aku antar..” kata pak Solihin . “ Tidak usah pak , saya pulang sendiri saja..” tolak Milla .

Tapi Pak Solihin bersikeras , mau mengantar Milla pulang “ saya mau tahu kamu tinggal dimana..” katanya . Akhirnya pak Solihin mengantarnya pulang dengan mobilnya .

Milla mengetuk pintu rumahnya , begitu tiba di rumahnya . Pintu itu terbuka “ Milla kenapa baru pulang , sudah jam 6.00 malam..” kata mamanya . Mamanya memandang pak Solihin , mukanya garang “ dan siapa ini..” katanya .

“ maaf , bu , saya guru Milla ..” kata pak Solihin Sopan . Raut wajah mama Milla berubah “ oh maaf , saya tak tahu , ada apa pak , apa Milla berbuat salah..” tanya mamanya kawatir .

Pak solihin tersenyum ,” oh tidak tidak..” katanya .
Lalu mama Milla mempersilakan , pak Solihin masuk ,dan duduk di ruang tamu . Dan juga menyajikan teh hangat . “ silakan pak , cuma air teh saja..” kata mama Milla

Pak Solihin meminum teh itu , dan mama Milla berkata “ maaf yah pak , Milla itu suka nakal , dan malas belajar , kerjanya cuma pacaran saja..” .
“ ah.. tidak Bu , Milla itu cukup baik koq , dia disiplin , rajin..” kata pak Solihin .

Milla tersenyum saja . Mama Milla tercengang “ tapi ,banyak temannya melapor pada saya , Milla itu ….” Kata mamanya , yang langsung di sela pak Solihin .“ Bu , jangan dengarin , teman temannya itu cuma iri , sama Milla ..” kata pak Solihin. Mama Milla menganguk .

“Lalu tujuan bapak kemari ada apa yah..” tanya mama Milla . “ Begini bu , saya ingin memberi tahu ibu , Milla mendapat pelajaran tambahan , Les privat sama saya , untuk meningkatkan prestasinya.. jadi Milla akan sering pulang telat ,” kata pak Solihin .

“ Oh . wah terima kasih pak ” kata mama Milla .

Lalu tiba tiba Della , adik Milla datang dan mengeleyot di mamanya . Mata pak Solihin menatap liar pada Della yang berseragam SD itu .
“ ini anak sudah besar juga , masih manja..” kata mamanya . Pak Solihin bertanya “ wah , kelas berapa adik ini ? ” . Della langsung menjawab “ kelas 6…” .

Pak Solihin tersenyum “ wah ebtanas untuk SD sudah dekat nih , tinggal dua bulan lagi , harus rajin belajar yah..” .

Mama Milla langsung menjawab “ iyah , ini adik Milla juga sama , malas belajar..” .

Pak Solihin tersenyum “ wah , kalau mau sekalian saja sama Milla , saya bantu Les Privat , tidak perlu bayar koq..” .

Milla langsung menjerit “ JANGANNN…..” .

“ Milla , apa apaan kamu..” kata mamanya . Lalu mama Milla menatap pak Solihin , “ Terima kasih , atas perhatian bapak , saya akan suruh Milla ,membawa Della sekalian , untuk les Privat..” kata mama Milla .

Pak Solihin tersenyum , “ bagus , bagus.. oh yah , hari sudah malam , saya mohon pamit yah Bu…” . “ oh , iyah silakan pak terima kasih banyak…” kata mamanya.

Pak Solihin beranjak , lalu menuju pintu , di susul Milla . “ Pak , tolonglah , adik saya masih kecil , jangan di rusak…” kata Milla . Pak Solihin tersenyum , “ lalu apa Aku harus merusak mama kamu ha ha ha..” .

Milla diam , matanya menatap pak Solihin . “ Milla , besok jam 11 .00 kamu sudah harus ke ruangKu , jangan sampai telat . kamu tak mau foto foto erotis kamu sampai ke mama kamu kan..” . Milla terenyuh .

Pak Solihin , masuk ke mobil, dan memacu mobilnya kencang.

Same as mila kusayang Videos

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Pramila Bhabhi 6 8211 Maths Teacher

This is the sixth chapter of Pramila bhabhi series. A month went by, tutoring Aman. Pramila’s teachings seemed to improve Aman, but the biggest test was when he gave the exam. When the results were finally out, there were cheers and happiness at Sharma Villa. For the first time after many years, Aman scores well in all subject but topped in Mathematics. Though there was a big party planned at Aman’s house, first he went to Pramila’s place in the chawl to thank his Math guru. Aman was sitting...

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Pramila Bhabhi 4 8211 Free Groceries

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Pramila Bhabhi 2 8211 Funding The Other Way

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Milas first time watched

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Pramila bhabhi 8211 Paying the Bills

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Pramila was appointed as a receptionist in a branch of a small company called ‘Girija Traders’. At the table where she worked, two women sat doing the same job. As a receptionist main duty of Pramila was to attend whoever entered through the door. It was regular working day and a man in a suit arrived at the reception. “Good Morning,” he said smiling at the woman at reception.“Good Morning, Sir,” said the woman at the counter while punching some letters on the computer. For a moment there she...

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Pramila Bhabhi Fuckfan Club 8211 Paying The Bills

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Pramila Bhabhi Fuckfan Club Funding The Other Way

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‘Put down the cupcake!’ ‘Oh, come on, Sweets, just one? There’s a bunch of them, so you won’t miss it.’ Why does he have to look so damn adorable, she thought. That man could get away with murder just by smiling. ‘Those aren’t your cupcakes, they’re for your engagement party. Put the cupcake down, and no one gets hurt.’ She was pointing her wooden spoon at him, and trying not to laugh. “Well, if they’re for my engagement party, then technically they’re mine, right?” Mila just gave him a stern...

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Urmila martondkar ki chudaai

My name is salim.this a fiction in which my 4 friends aziz, riyaz, shaukat, rizwan and me fucked the bold and beautiful actress of bollywood urmila matondkar. I live in delhi. One day my friends and me went to jaipur to attend a party. It got late there. When we were on the way to our home to delhi we saw a car parked on the side of the road. It was about 2:30 in the night. A lady was waving her hands for help. At that time no other vehicle could be seen far far to sight. The area where car was...

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Sharmila Was Crazy

I am Sanjay, from Thane a metropolitan city in Maharashtra and attached to Mumbai. This is the story when my age was 32 years. I am 5’7” tall with medium built structure working as Manager – Hrd in a Public Limited Company. I was married since last 4yrs and we were living a happy sexual life.The incident I am going to narrate occurred when my wife had gone to her mother’s house for her second delivery and my parents were on a pilgrimage. I was very my frustrated being alone at home and was...

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Camila CaBEYo

Camila Cabello exited the hotel, a beautiful 5-star on the edge of the Atlantic. She and her boyfriend Shawn Mendes had just broken up, and she needed time to get herself together. After about 5 minutes of walking, she found herself in a park, with a gorgeous pond in the middle. The park was very isolated, and she wasn’t expecting company. Little did she know that’s exactly what she would get. Camila was wearing an outfit that wasn’t all that revealing, but did show off the great size of her...

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Sharmila And Me

By: Hotlover Friends, I have been reading the stories listed here on ISS for sometime now and I was thinking of submitting my experiences or fictional stories. I never could make my self write till now. I felt that it is now time to share some interesting stories and real life experiences. I have tried to fabricate the stories around real life experiences and all the names and characters are fictional. You can call me Raj and I am from Bangalore. I would appreciate constructive feedback. You...

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Milan Ki Zabardast Chudai

Hi dosto. Mera naam Vicky Sharma hai aur mai indore shehar me rehta hu. Mai MBA final year ka student hu aur apni padhai ke liye Indore aya tha, to yaha akela hi room le ke rehta hu.Mere maa baap yahi paas hi ke ek shehar me rehte hai. Aaj mai apko apna pehla sex experience batane ja raha hu. Apko kaisa laga mujhe bataiyega zarur. Meri e-mail ID hai – Ab kahani pe aata hu. Baat un dino ki hai jab mai semester break ki chhuttiyo me ghar gaya hua tha. Mere ghar se kareeb 3-4 ghar chhod k ek ghar...

5 years ago
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Sharmila8217s Virginity Broken

Hi, this is Lara again.Sorry for some spelling mistakes in my last sex story. Now am going to share you my sex experience with a innocent virgin girl.Her name was Sharmila. To tell about her she is fair black and with a boobs and ass to die for. My dick became hard at the first sight of her. She looked like a fuck doll to me. I decided to fuck her at any cost and started making plan. As i was good in studies I helped her in finishing her home works and we became best friends within a month of...

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Sharmila tar bor aar chakor

Aamar bandhovi sharmila.tar golpo bolchhi.sharmilar forsa akorshniya chehara dekhte sundari boyos 31 ar swami govindo boyos 42.govindo babu kendriya sarkarer ucchopodostho karmachari.4 bochhor er sukhi dampotya jeewan japan korchhe.mas 2 age transfer haye delhi te jete holo, ekti 3 roomer govt. Flat seikhane.barir kajkormo korar janyo ekta hindustani (behari chhokra) chakor boyos 16.chheletar nam sohodev. 2jani take sodev balei dake. Biyer por govindo tar 6″ bara diye sarmilake besh bhaloi ador...

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If there is one cliché’ to describe how I feel in Milan during Fashion Week, it would be like a kid in a candy store! I was there on business though but I could not help but scheduling my meetings in the mornings so that I could at least catch some of the shows: Sander, Armani, Prada, etc., beautiful clothes worn by some of the most beautiful women in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those shallow men who goes entirely in for the model type. I think beauty comes in a variety...

4 years ago
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Milacik After Thoughts

This is not about sex, although sex surely played a (wonderfully) big part. It is also not about regrets, since there is too much to cherish, in spite of the aching loss. It is about remembering. Four years later, and I can still picture every beautiful thing that I loved about her. The touch of her beautiful upturned nose on my cheek. The taste of her soft luscious lips on mine, and the tip of her tongue caressing mine. Her eyes – ohhh, her gorgeous cat’s-eyes which often stayed open to let...

3 years ago
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Jamila Tales of a Prison Transexual

I was convicted of drug and weapon possession last summer, and sentenced to 7 years in prison. My idiotic boyfriend stashed coke, and firearms inside of two cars, and 6 houses we both owned together. He told the stupid cops, the crap was solely his. but the prosecutor didn't care. The bitch charged me for basically knowing the stuff was there, and not reporting to the authorities. So, now I'm in prison; and in case you didn't know, I'm a transexual. I have a penis, so I'm...

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Her face floats above me.   The flickering candlelight provides the only illumination in the room, highlighting her beautiful pale skin and creating sharp contrasts with her dark red lips and flushed cheeks.   The shadows of her curves compete with the sheen of light as it glistens from the thin film of sweat covering her delicious body.   She sits astride me as I lie flat on my back, with her hips undulating against mine.   Her strong thighs grasp at my hips as we rock together in unison....

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Humilatrons Anthology

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

3 years ago
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Humilating Tales

The stories written here will be focused on humilation as you can probably guess. You can pick a character and you will follow them on the most humilating experience of their life! The stories can contain fetishes such as (Wetting pants, sph, enf and enm, diapering and anything else) so long as it follows the guidelines. This is me writing for the first time so I apologise if my method of story telling and or style of writing changes drastically from different chapters, as I am just starting...

4 years ago
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Humilated in silk and satin

Ever since Caroline started work in my firm 7 years ago I always found her to be a bit special. Not just that she was intelligent, efficient and good at her job, but also in the way she carried herself, her demeanour, the way she dressed and the way she spoke. Class just seemed to ooze out of her.She joined the firm from university as a financial analyst. Before university she had been to a girls boarding school and she clearly had that 'polish' that a good private education can give you.Seven...

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Humilation and BDSM Mature Young

It was Saturday afternoon and my wife was getting ready for the night out. She 42 5'10" 36 c she was taking a shower and she was getting ready. He outfit for the evening was laid out on the bed. About an hour later she walked downstairs dress like the street whore and slut she is. Her outfit was nylons and 8 strap garter belt no thong and a bustier with the tops of her breasts perched on top. She wore her 6" hooker heals. I walked to her and reach down to feel her fresh shaved pussy and she...

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Jamilavin And Sir Kaamam 8211 Part 2 I Lost My Virginity To My Maths Teacher

Hi friends, idhu enudaiya foursome experience aana enudaiya threesome experience ku sariyaana varaverpu illa adhai thavara vittavargalukku idho link above. Ennoda muthal threesome ku p naan knjam udal reethiya knjam kastangala anubavichen adhukku maruthuva uthavigala en sir thaan pannar knjam knjama cure aanen minimum 1month andha ranam irundhaalum avar en mulaigala kasakurathum en uthatta suvaikirathum vidala Oru fine evening la tution mudinjathum fulla kiss aparam mulai kasakkal thaan koranji...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 14

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 1 To Arms! To Arms! The stream of humanity flooding into the protection of the castle known as Stalwart Guard could no longer be called an army. In their own minds, they probably couldn't even be called men. They were beaten and they knew it. My brother, Prince Bareth, the commander of Stalwart Guard would have to try and reform them into a defensive force. An errant...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 1722

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Miladys Wiles chapters 58

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 5 Closer Than Sisters The second day following saw the return of Lyonidas to our castle. He arrived with an entourage of faceless guards, but his attitude showed he didn't fear any of us enough to need them. He wasn't particularly arrogant like his father, just comfortable in the presence of his enemies. It appeared that the High Canyonites didn't care much for formal...

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Miladys Wiles chapters 912

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 9 All Kisses Are Not Created Equal Bathing the next morning started out as usual. The heavenly feeling of release from my steel guardian, the soothing warmth of the bath were each so desirable I'd never willingly miss an opportunity. Together, I'm not sure even the safety of the realm could convince me to pass the chance. Though it was always wonderful to be released, I was...

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Familar Territory

It’s been seven days since I’ve had any sort of sexual contact with my wife. Twelve days since I’ve gotten to put my cock in her. Seven days ago Mark was here. He fucked my wife fiercely in marathon fashion for two plus hours. I sat alone, in my adjacent room listening to bed creaks, passion, moans and incomplete sentences. Afterwards, when Mark was gone, my wife led me from my isolation and into our master bedroom where she got on top of the bed. Somehow through whirlwind of messy sheets...

3 years ago
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Her face floats above me.   The flickering candlelight provides the only illumination in the room, highlighting her beautiful pale skin and creating sharp contrasts with her dark red lips and flushed cheeks.   The shadows of her curves compete with the sheen of light as it glistens from the thin film of sweat covering her delicious body.   She sits astride me as I lie flat on my back, with her hips undulating against mine.   Her strong thighs grasp at my hips as we rock together...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Sarmilar chodonbangla golpo

Othoba kokhono or pond er dabna fhak kore pond er fhutoy finger dhukaye dye pond marte thaki, kokhono or sonay finger dhukaye marte marte mal ber kore chary. Ebhabe oke khushy mato bhog kore cholchi. Sharmila amar jubati bon, amar sange thake.Ek darun dabna bodier garam rosher mal. Jakhan khushi tokhon icche mato mary.Eka barite thaki ei jubati bonke nea .Tai garam khekay oke jorea dhore, kole tole , pond chushe, pacha bhotkaye, ponder dabna kamreea, jebhabe khushi amar bhaja bidhoba jubati...

4 years ago
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Tamilarasi teacherai othen

Hai,Iss Readers once again i am sugran 24 average looking guy.This was happened in last month.Oru nal ennoda mail idiku msg vandhu irundhadu.Tamilarasi kannadasanu thannai arimuka paduthik konda antha penmaniku vayadu 36,size 38 36 40,parka sekka sevelnu irupa.Kalyanam ana masathula avaloda kanavan avala vittutu oditan.Kadantha 18 varusama sex illama kasta padaratha msg anupi irundhanga.Than chennaila oru schoola teachera velai parpadha sonna.Ava enna hoteluku varachona.Nanum ekappata...

2 years ago
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Humilation Awakening to having my wrists tied to the head board. Not being able to uttera word as Master had place a cock gag in her mouth for the night. A spreadbar between this girls knees keeping her fully exposed for her Masters pleasure. Master rolls over whispering in the sluts ear, morning My lil whore. Slowlycaressing his sluts nipples then begins pinching and pulling them, making hernipples hard. Suddenly Master stops and gets off the bed. As girl watches himcross the room to the...

4 years ago
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Humilatrons Anthology Redone

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

4 years ago
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Assimilating the Borg

As the vessel floated there, they Borg swarmed over it inside and out. The ship would make an excellent recon ship. Sleek, fast, heavily armored. Perfect for finding new species to assimilate. Captain Alex Doe continued to watch as the Borg cube sent more and more drones to the alien craft. He knew this was his only chance to deal a blow to the Borg like nothing they had ever felt before. Captain Doe sent a message to the Queen. Within moments, a mere fraction of a second really, he had his...

3 years ago
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Humilatrons Anthology

Everyone loves a good humiliation story, at least I assume you do if you're on this site. But some stories are simply too short to stand on their own, but still deserve to be told. This story is dedicated to sharing all of those stories from me. This will have a collection of characters with different scenarios some longer than others. All of these will be written by me, so the story will be Private. The stories may change perspectives although will mostly be either first person or third...

1 year ago
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Familar But Unfamilar

Familar But Unfamilar Lisa got off the train and looked around the bustling train station. She looked for the face she had seen so many times on the web cam, and finally located it about 40 feet in front of her. She quickly walked toward the person and asked. “Are you Karen” “Are you Lisa” Lisa smiled and hugged Lisa with a warm embrace. Karen picked up one of the bags and said. “Well let’s show you to your new humble abode.” As Karen turned to show Lisa the way, Lisa took a moment to check out...

3 years ago
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Milas Dare

Friday morning. The store was quiet. A couple of people looking at kitchens. Furniture deserted. I was busy in beds, plumping the pillows when I heard a gentle cough.“Can I help you?”“I’m looking for a bed," she replied. “Queen size. Brass frame. For me and my boyfriend.”I smiled at this unnecessary detail, but she did seem rather young to be shopping for furniture. She had a pretty face with large dark eyes, but her long brown hair was untidy, as if she had just woken up.“Come this way,” I...

3 years ago
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If there is one cliché’ to describe how I feel in Milan during Fashion Week, it would be like a kid in a candy store! I was there on business though but I could not help but scheduling my meetings in the mornings so that I could at least catch some of the shows: Sander, Armani, Prada, etc., beautiful clothes worn by some of the most beautiful women in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those shallow men who goes entirely in for the model type. I think beauty comes in a variety of...

4 years ago
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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

2 years ago
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Similar Minds repost double post tried to del

Similar mindsI miss sucking cock.So last week when at a bar a quiet type of man sat down close to me. A little chit-chat and it turns out he is very gentle and introverted man who was looking for a discreet get together with someone like me. Hmmm, why not. I accepted his invite to his place.He was so shy I figured I'd take the lead so I asked if he had any porn to watch, hopefully some cocksucking. He got all smiley, poured us each a drink and we sat on his couch to watch the movie. On screen...

3 years ago
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Similar Interests

Similar InterestsI had run an ad at a spanking website that I was an older male disciplinarian spanker that was looking for women in the area that needed a good spanking. About two months after the ad ran, I got a response from a woman who lived in the same city I did. Her name was Vivian, and we first got to know each other via email. Then she told me about using instant messenger, and that got us talking to each other in real time. I also write spanking stories, and I shared a few of them...

4 years ago
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Avoiding debt

“So, we have lost everything?”“The lot, house, car. They found out at work and sacked me as a result. They said I was a security risk.”“How totally unreasonable. what is risky about a habitual gambler who will hazard everything on a bet, has been chucked out of every reputable bookies, if such a thing exists, and now gambles with the kind of people who take a pound of flesh and don’t worry about legal niceties about a drop of blood.”That last was lost on him, great lummock, I doubt he had ever...

2 years ago
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A very pleasant breakthrough

Luckily this is not a story but it really happened :)Some days ago I woke up earlier than my wife (now, as temperatures has been falling down and she’s always cold, she uses to sleep under the blankets wearing her pyjama)…I began caressing her left leg starting from her knee rising up to her side (avoiding her sensitive area), passing on her chest between her tits avoiding to touch them…Then, when I noticed some movements I gently kissed her neck keeping the massage going on but now my hand...

3 years ago
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My Senior Prom was almost a bust. Three days before, my girlfriend had called to say that she was very sick and probably wouldn't be able to go. "Shit," I thought, "Only three days to find someone else good enough to go with?" Fortunately, my school posted a list of all the students going to prom--including whether or not they were going stag. I ran my finger down the "date" column, stopping at the blank spaces to check out their names. "Karen Stiller. No wonder she's going alone."...

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