Mila II free porn video

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Besoknya jam 10 .50 pagi , pintu kantornya di ketuk . Dan Milla masuk menemui pak Solihin . “ Ah Milla , sayang kamu tepat waktu , “ kata pak Solihin, sambil melihat jam tangannya .

Lalu pak Solihin , duduk di sofa . Milla masih berdiri , terpaku . Dia menunggu dan menebak kira kira apa perintah gurunya .

“ Milla , kamu boleh pilih , mau aku entot , apa kulum ******Ku sampai aku keluar..” kata gurunya . Milla diam dan menjawab pelan “ saya kulum punya bapak saja..” .

“ Ok , tapi kamu buka rok kamu yah , saya mau lihat celana dalam kamu..” kata pak Solihin lagi . Milla membuka roknya . “ Milla , kemarin celana dalam kamu putih , hari ini juga putih , apa kamu tak punya celana dalam warna lain.. “ tanya pak Solihin . Milla diam , dan mengeleng .

Lalu pak Solihin membuka celananya sebatas lutut , berikut kolornya . ****** besarnya sudah ngaceng keras . “ Ayo , kulum ******Ku.” Perintahnya .

Milla berlutut , dan menjilati ujung penis pak Solihin . Pak Solihin , mendesah kenikmatan . “ iyah , benar begitu , oh enak sekali lidah kamu , sayang…” .
Milla terus saja menjilat , tapi tidak memasukan dalam mulutnya . Pak Solihin mulai gusar “ Milla , ayo kulum , masa mesti di paksa sih..” katanya.

Mau tak mau Milla membuka lebar lebar mulutnya dan mengulum penis pak solihin . “iyah , begitu dong , sedot dong ” . Lalu pak Solihin mengerakan pantatnya . Penis itu seperti menonjok nonjok kerongkongannya , membuat Milla tesedak beberapa kali .

Tapi pak Solihin tak peduli , dan terus melakukan itu . Saat pak Solihin hampir mendekati klimak , Pak Solihin mencabut penisnya . Dan mendudukkan Milla di sofa Lalu pak Solihin menyibak celana dalam putihnya .

Milla protes “ pak saya sudah kulum , jangan di masukin..” . Pak Solihin berkata “ tenang Aku cuma gesek gesek doang “ . Lalu mulai mengesek kepala penisnya di klitoris Milla .

Begitu sudah mencapai klimak , ujung penis itu di tekan masuk ke liang vagina Milla Membuat Milla menjerit “ aduhhh , pak jangan..” . Lalu Milla merasa liang vaginanya penuh dengan cairan hangat .

Tangan pak Solihin , merogoh kantong bajunya , dan mengambil carefree yang sudah di siapkan sebelumnya . Lalu Ujung penisnya di cabut , lalu dengan cepat carefree , itu di taruh di vaginanya . Setelah itu celana dalam Milla di rapikan kembali .

“ Milla , memek kamu penuh dengan pejuKu , awas jangan di cuci , aku mau memek kamu basah dengan pejuku , ha ha ha..” . kata pak Solihin .
Milla bengong , tak mengerti sifat aneh gurunya. “ tapi pak , kalau saya mau pipis bagaimana..? “ Milla sedikit protes .

“ Kamu mesti tahan , kalau sudah benar benar tidak tahan kamu ke mari , dan pipis di sini..” kata pak Solihin sambil tertawa .

Bel berbunyi , tanda di mulainya jam pelajaran . Milla memakai kembali roknya , lalu segera berlalu untuk masuk ke kelas .

Pada jam 3.00 , bel istirahat berbunyi tapi Milla belum ke kantor pak Solihin . Tapi pada istirahat kedua , pukul 4.30 sore Milla kembali datang ke ruang pak Solihin .

“ Pak , saya sudah tak tahan kebelet mau pipis, izinkan saya ke WC pak..” pinta Milla . Pak Solihin tertawa . “ tidak , kamu pipis di sini dan berdiri pipisnya “ . Pak Solihin memberinya ember platik .

Milla yang sudah kebelat , langsung membuka celana dalamnya , lalu berdiri . Yang pertama kali keluar ialah cairan putih , spema pak Solihin yang sudah encer . Dan di susul cairan kekuningan , pipis Milla .

Pak Solihin memberinya tisuue untuk melap vaginanya .Setelah itu , Pak Solihin melepas carefree yang basah dari celana dalamnya , dan memakaikan celana dalamnya kembali .

“ bagus Milla , kamu murid yang baik , ha ha ha…” kata pak Solihin . Lalu Mila hendak meninggalkan ruang pak Solihin . Tapi pak Solihin menarik tangannya . “ Milla tunggu , duduk dulu di sofa itu “ kata pak Solihin

“ Tapi pak sebentar lagi , saya harus masuk kelas “ kata Milla . “ Milla ,kamu lupa yah, habis istirahat ini jam pelajaran matematika , itu jam saya mengajar di kelas

Milla akhirnya duduk di sofa itu . Pak Solihin meraih kedua kaki Milla dan membukanya, membuat nafas Milla kembali tersentak. Tetapi teringat akan hukuman yang ia akan dapatkan , kalau melawan, maka ia sama sekali tidak melawan perbuatan gurunya.

Sekarang ia terduduk di sofa dengan kaki terbuka, dan rok mini biru nya dengan sendirinya terangkat sampai ke pinggangnya. Pak Solihin membuka sebuah laci dan mengambil sebuah dildo – sebuah benda berbentuk penis yang terbuat dari karet keras – berwarna hitam. "Tetap buka kaki kamu Milla “ , perintah gurunya

Pak Solihin menyibak celana dalamnya lalu mulai mendorong dildo itu agar masuk ke vagina Milla. Milla mengerang beberapa kali, dan, dildo sepanjang 10 senti itu masuk seluruhnya ke dalam liang vagina Milla.
Lalu Pak Solihin juga menempelkan carefree yang baru , di celana dalam Milla . Dan merapikan kembali celana dalam Milla . Dildol itu sekarang berada di liang vagina Milla dangan mantap .

Dildol itu bekerja dangan remote control . Ketika tombol on di tekan , Dildol itu bergetar dan berputar . “ ohh oh aghh…” Milla tersentak . Pak solihin menekan tombol off dan bertanya “ apa yang kamu rasakan Milla..”.
Milla tak menjawab . dia menunduk .
an pak Solihin menekan tombol on lagi . Dan Milla tersentak lagi “..oohhh…” . Dan menekan tombol off lagi , “ Milla apa rasanya..” tanya pak Solihin lagi. “ Ah.. anu.. memek saya seperti di korek korek pak.. “ jawab Milla.
Pak Solihin tertawa “ ha ha ha kamu suka Milla..” . Milla diam menunduk dan Pak Solihin tertawa .

"Milla, jam pelajaran ini memek kamu bakalan basah, dengan begitu dildo yang ada di dalam vagina kamu juga akan basah.” Katanya lagi . Milla hanya diam , dia akan di permalukan gurunya di depan teman teman .

“ Dan Milla , apapun yang terjadi kamu tak boleh ke WC..” kata pak Solihin lagi .

“ Teng , teng , teng” bel berbunyai , tanda istirahat telah selesai , waktunya kembali ke kelas .

“ nah Milla sayang , ayo jalan ,masuk kelas..” kata pak Solihin . Milla berdiri , dan berjalan Milla agak sudah berjalan , karena ada dildol yang menganjal di vaginanya . Pak Solihin hanya tersenyum, sambil berjalan di belakang Milla.
Begitu tiba di kelas , Milla langsung duduk di bangkunya . Dan Pak Solihin juga masuk ke kelas . “ selamat sore anak anak..” . kata pak Solihin . “ Sore pak…” begitu sambut murid muridnya .

“ pelajaran kita sampai di mana yah..” tanya pak Solihin pada murid muridnya . Pak Solihin pun mulai mengajar . Matanya melihat ke Milla . Milla sedang melihat buku matematikanya .Dan tiba tiba pak Solihin menekan tombol on . Membuat dildol itu bergetar dan berputar di liang vagina Milla .

Tanpa sadar Milla menjerit tersentak “ aghhhh… …..” . Teman teman menengok ke Milla . “ eh kamu kenapa Milla “ , tanya seorang temannya. “ eh , anu perutku sakit..” kata Milla . “ Eh anak anak , ayo sudah belajar , perhatikan buku masing masing..” kata pak Solihin.

Murid murid itu kembali melihat buku matematikanya ,dan mengerjakan soal latihan

Sementara , Milla mengigit bibirnya , merasakan sensasi , getaran dildol itu , berputar cepat di liang kewanitaannya. Pak Solihin terus menatap Milla . Milla juga menatap pak Solihin . Terlihat Milla mengigit bibirnya sendiri , dan tangan Milla mengepal , menahan nikmat .

Pak Solihin lalu berjalan ke papan tulis , dia menulis satu soal matematika. Dan kembali duduk di kursinya . Lalu mematikan dildol di vagina Milla , dengan menekan tombol off , di remotenya . Milla agak tenang “ Milla coba ke depan kerjakan soal di papan tulis itu..” perintah pak Solihin .

Milla perlahan bangun , dan berjalan pelan ke papan tulis . Dan pak solihin menekan tombol on . “ ohhh….” Mila tersentak dan memegang vaginanya . Kembali murid murid melihatnya . Milla berjalan pelan , Milla semakin sulit berjalan bila dildol itu bergetar

Dan kembali pak Solihin mematikan dildol itu . Dia berdiri di depan papan tulis memegang spidol , dan tak mengerjakan apa apa . “ Milla kenapa tak bisa..” tanya pak Solihin . Tiba tiba ada yang nyeletuk “ dia mana bisa , bisa cuma pacaran..” . Murid lain tertawa tawa .

“ Anak anak tenang..” kata pak Solihin . Lalu Pak solihin menghidupkan dildol itu . Kembali Milla tersedak , “ ohhhh…..” . Pak Solihin terus membiarkan Dildol itu bergetar, Milla berdiri dengan kaki terbuka lebar . Tubuhnya gemetar , sebelah tanganya tertumpu di papan tulis . Kepalanya menunduk .

Pak Solihin terus memperhatikan ,Milla . Kakinya kejang , dan tubuh terus bergetar Milla terus berdiri sampai kira kira 10 menit , Miila Akhirnya berteriak “ aghhhh saya tak tahan pak , ampunn…” . Lalu Dia jangkok dan menangis tersedu sedu .

Mata semua murid murid tertuju ke Milla.

Pak Solihin segera mematikan Dildol itu . Lalu Menghampiri Milla . Memegang tanganya dan Milla berdiri masih terisak menangis .” Ayo kembali duduk di bangku kamu .” kata pak Solihin .

“ anak anak , lihat tingkah laku kalian , kalian meledek Milla sampai dia menagis “ kata pak Solihin .

Dan tak lama terdengan bel , tanda usai sekolah .

Mudir murid berteriak gembira . Lalu berebut keluar kelas . “ Hi anak anak , jangan lupa mengerjakan PR yah..” pesan pak Solihin . Milla masih terduduk di bangkunya . Dan ketika semua murid sudah keluar , Dan tak ada orang lagi pak Solihin menghapirnya .

Pak Solihin membelai rambut Milla . “ Milla , ayo ke ruangKu..” kata pak Solihin . Milla berjalan mengikuti gurunya .

Setelah di ruang itu Milla langsung duduk di Sofa . Dia duduk melebarkan kakinya . Pak Solihin menghapirinya , lalu melepas celana dalamnya . Dan menemukan carefree yang basah sekali .

Lalu perlahan mencabut dildol itu dari liang vagina Milla . Lalu Segera lidah pak Solihin menyapu bibir vagina Milla . Milla mengelijing. Dan tangan Milla segera melebarkan bibir vaginanya . Sehingga klitorisnya yang bengkak terlihat jelas .
Pak Solihin tersenyum, “ wah , memek eloe pasti sudah gatel banget yah “ . Dan mulai menjilati klitoris Milla .

Milla mendesah nikmat , merasakan jilatan lidah gurunya di klitorisnya . Pak Solihin terus menjilati klitorisnya , Tak lama Milla mengajang “ ohhhh……” . Tubuhnya gematar , berkejet kejet , Milla orgasme di buat gurunya .

Setelah beberapa saat , pak Solihin membuka celananya , ****** besarnya ngaceng keras , Dan segera di arahkan ke vagina Milla .

“ jangan pak , jangan saya takut ” kata Milla . “ Milla kamu curang yah , kamu sudah saya puaskan , masa saya tak boleh entotin kamu..” kata pak Solihin . Sambil mengesek ujung penisnya di vagina Milla. Yang menbuat Milla mengelijing

“ Jangan pak saya kulum saja..” kata Milla . Pak Solihin cuma tertawa . Dan Milla menjerit keras “ AHGGGG sakittt…” . Ketika dengan tiba tiba pak Solihin menekan masuk , seluruh batang penisnya ke liang vagina Milla .

Pak Solihin bernafsu sekali , dan terus bergoyang dan menghentak keras di liang vagina Milla. Milla menjerit jerit kesakitan . Kembali liang vagina Milla di paksa membuka lebar oleh penis besar gurunya. Rasa nyeri kembali mendera Milla.

Milla kembali menjerit kesakitan . setelah kira kira 10 menit , Dan suara Milla semakin parau , Pak Solihin pun , sudah tak bisa menahan nafsunya , lalu memuntahkan spremanya di liang kewanitaan Milla.

Perlahan mencabut penisnya . Vagina Milla terlihat memerah agak memar . Hari ini Milla merasa sangat sakit . Karena pak Solihin menyetubuhi ABG ini , secara cepat dan kasar

Setelah diam beberapa saat Milla memakai kembali celana dalamnya . Lalu Dia berjalan pelan , tertatih , karena rasa nyeri di vaginanya . Pak Solihin cuma tertawa “ Milla , sakit yah..” . Milla Diam dan terus berjalan pelan , keluar pintu .

“ Milla tunggu , mau saya antar pulang..” kata pak Solihin .
Milla tak menjawab , dia terus berjalan . Lalu pak Solihin menyusulnya dan menarik tangannya . “ tidak usah pak saya bisa pulang sendiri..” katanya.
Lalu pak Solihin membiarkan dia pergi .

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HijabHookup Malina Melendez The Lost Phone

When Juan finds his classmate Malina’s phone he figures he could go to her place to give it back. Malina is so thankful to have her phone back that she invites Juan to come in and study with her. As they talk they end up confessing that they’ve been crushing on each other for a while so Juan goes in for a kiss. Malina stops him, saying she’s not allowed to have boys over when her parents aren’t home, and they might not approve of him because he’s not from their middle-eastern culture. Juan...

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KellyChapter 23

The next morning Kelly came out to the kitchen and found Chris was already up and watching the coffee drip. Chris gave her a big smile, and Kelly saw a difference from the day before. Her legs were bare below the bottom of her flannel bathrobe; the previous day she had seen pajama bottoms. She asked Chris about it. She grinned and replied, “I’m becoming more like a teenybopper I know. I haven’t quite got up the nerve to wear nothing ... yet.” She frowned and said, “I hope I didn’t screw up...

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Horny nephew gives rim job to big ass aunty it

i my name is Shivu. I’m 21 yrs old, studying in Bangalore and i’m sharing my i****t sex experience with my aunty whom i gave a rim job when my uncle was on a trip. I’m an okay looking guy and what i’am going to say is a real story. My aunty’s name is Susheela…she is my uncle’s wife (my mother’s younger brother) my aunty is fair, good looking, caring… Her boobs are medium sized,weight 55-60, height 5.6 nice waist, big ass goddess she is.. It all started when i was 18 ,at that time she was 36. My...

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My Girlfriends Younger Brother Part Four

My Girlfriend?s Younger Brother Part Four By [email protected] The story continues on. At the end of the last part, Mark and Beth came to terms with some secrets they have been keeping and it made their relationship stronger. Brooke/Eric was now off at a nearby college and doing well. This picks up a few months after the last installment. It was a crisp autumn afternoon and Beth and I were taking a walk through the park. We love this time of year and try to enjoy it as much as...

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Stacys Senior YearChapter 6

"Cool." Neil leaned forward and watched intently as Stacy, completely naked, was simultaneously fucked by two men: one from behind as she knelt "doggie style" on all fours with her legs slightly spread, and one from the front. At first, her face had been hidden from the camera by her blonde hair, which fell in waves over her right shoulder, but Sharon had slowly circled the action and, after a brief shot of the back of some guy's sweaty ass moving back and forth, began to film from the...

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Doing Jons wishes Part2

I got up off the bed. Jon stood right in front of me. I looked at the bed and saw my pink and yellow shorts hanging off of it. I went to reach for them. “I didn’t say you could wear those and clean my room up. Now did I?” he snickered.“They’re mine. And you don’t own me!” I began to protest.“I do now! And since I own you, whatever is yours turns into mine,” he said with a smile, bending down to get closer to my face.“So you want to own a pink vibrator?” I replied being sarcastic.“Go get it and...

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hump day cookie

Well i am bi. So i like women too. And this 1 chica was just what i needed. Sophia was so fine with 42 dd tits, ass for dayz, long black mexican hair and a sexy body that makes ya hard just thinking about it. Well any ways, she was on the bus with me and we startd chatting and she was licking her lusious lips told to me in my ear" get off with me." So we got to her casa and kickd it. Looking at her i was hard as steel. I could cut glass with my rod. She brought some wine in her red thong and...

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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 7 We Can Do This

Wary some might be, nevertheless, they all preened as they displayed their new attire. Jason walked to Annie and Marcie, offered an arm to each, and escorted them to the middle of the table, seating them on either side of himself. “I’d like the Safis to sit across from me,” he told his waiting family, “because I want to hear what they decided for our meal and to thank them for their planning. The rest of you sort yourselves as you please.” “So, Imp what rule are we up to?” he asked the AI’s...

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From Iowa With Love Part 2

After we had eaten, I thanked him for the breakfast and smiled. I rolled my body on top of his and wrapped my arms around his neck. I immediately regretted having put my face so close to his. The combination of my morning breath and my just eaten breakfast could’ve killed anyone. My embarrassment shown on my face as me cheeks turned hot, my eyes widened, and my mouth turned from a smile to a look of horror clenched closed. She tried to slide her body off his but his arms were wrapped around...

4 years ago
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Our Fantasy

After a couple of weeks talking to a xhamster user, we agree to meet them at a country pub. We book into a local B&B and prep for what is about to be our first threesome with a female. We arrive at the pub early and secure a booth, I go to the bar and order us a couple of drinks as we wait for someone walking in with a blue overcoat and black FMB's. As we wait, we start discussing what is allowed for the evening and I state that i am happy for anything to occur, my wife is a little more...

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Ladies Night

Audrey Jensen was putting the final touches on the light supper she would be serving to her friends later in the evening when her husband Eric stepped into the kitchen to kiss her goodbye."I'm off," he said. "Everything is ready in the bedroom. What time can I come home?""No earlier than eleven. The girls will be pretty busy most of the evening and you'll just be in the way." Eric gave her a wink and headed for the front door, knowing full well what was in store for Audrey's guests.The 'girls,'...

3 years ago
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Fucking on a sunny day in England

It was such a nice day today here in rainy England so after a long lying on the sun, we shut the curtains, told my gf to put on slutty holdups and nothing else.It all started nice with warm kisses to her neck. she was wearing dark silk bathrobe which i pulled to one side squeezed her firm tits. i focus on her nipples while cunningly taking my pants off to take out my semi-hard cock.I ripped the robe off her, thrown her on bed, spread her legs and gently pressed my lips on her already wet clit....

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Thats An Order Pt1

Alan awoke gently to the sunlight piercing through the window, bathing the bedroom in a soft golden morning glow. Being a high-powered business executive, it wasn't often that he was afforded the luxury of such a peaceful, harmonious start to the day. Usually his alarm's savage buzz pulled him from his slumber to announce the day. Alan's sense of tranquility was short lived and a sense of panic started to set in. His alarm hadn't gone off! Even someone in Alan's position, relatively...

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Dating Sites Help To Make Life Easier

Excuse me, before I start to tell you about the recent incident happened in my life, let me introduce myself. I am Rakesh, 30 yrs, single, dusky in color who keeps me fit with some physical activities and currently working in South (assigned for Bangalore and Chennai) in a prestigious organisation. I have been an ardent fan of Indian sex stories from so many years and used to read the stories from time to time when I feel lusty and to have a good sleep after the hectic work schedules. It keeps...

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Goodbye Veronica

CHAPTER 1 Emotionally upset, her heart-strings taut, Irma Goodie said to her daughter, ‘Goodbye Veronica’ but Veronica, at her first day at preschool, just waved and turned to find what interested her in her new environment. A year later there was a virtual replay of that scene when she began Elementary School. Thereafter Veronica took herself off to Middle School and High School so the farewells were said at the front gate of the path leading to the front door of the Goodie’s modest home in...

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Wednesday Master Ben did it to me today. He's not too bad, he only hit me twice and smiled once. He's fifteen, just a year older than me, so he finished too quickly. I'd only just started to get the nice feelings when he came. I'll need a new pencil soon, this one is getting too short. Friday Master Ian took me to his cabin today. I don't like him one bit. I think he's the one who killed Mom. He did it in my butt, which really hurt, and then made me suck his dick clean. Yuck. At least...

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Confession of a MiddleAged Housewife

Hi I get lots of letters from various housewives and ladies those who make lots of confessions. Sometimes request for my suggestions. Now I am going to narrate an incident from one such confessional letter by changing the names of the characters. The letter is as follows I am a housewife of 44 years of age, I have got a son of 20 years who is doing his graduation in Kolkata University his name is Rahul and my husband Deep, 48 years old working as a general manager in a MNC. We are very...

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A Campout Surprise

Chapter 1 About twelve years ago, my best friend and I had planned on a camping trip up to a somewhat remote area with a beautiful, small waterfall emptying down into a pristine, crystal-clear pool below. Just perfect for skinny-dipping. Yes, Danny and I had seen each other naked any number of times, even jacked-off together, though, not each other, no, we were strictly into girls. We were both seventeen, both had our driving licenses, so we were taking my parent's spare car, a rather...

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Having Sex With My Hot And Sexy Aunty

Hi dosto, mera naam Rohan (badla hua naam) hai aur me Mumbai se hun. Me ek engg hun meri umar 26 saal ki hai aur me yahan ek MNC me job krta hun. meri mail id hai , iss story padhke apne comments, reaction jarur bheje. Me ISS pe karib 4 saal se sab stroy padhta hun aur jyadatar muje incest, bhabhi, padosan stories bahut pasand hai kyunki mere saath bhi aise kisse ho gaye hai. Yeh meri pehli kahani hai to koi bhool ho to maaf kar dena. Ab story pe aata hun. Yeh kahani hai meri Pooja maami ki aur...

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Jodi beings her slave Tony to her dominant friend Jackie for additional education

The chairs were easy. Tony had them done by Saturday. He could strip pieces for his customers and enjoy the work, but stripping something for Jodi was a major turn on. His cock stayed hard the whole time he was working on the chairs. His mind painted pictures of Jodi and her lover doing every imaginable kind of sexual act. Images of his own lovemaking with her were superimposed into the scenes now flooding his brain. He could hear her scream, “Don’t you dare cum, and I mean...

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Coffee Shop Lust Fantasy

There was a new girl working nights at the local coffee shop. She was perfect in every way and such a sweetheart. A few nights a week I'd linger around or roll in late, looking for that "right" moment. After over a month of this I finally went for it. The rain was drizzling down as I headed out the door. She was already off shift and waiting on a cab. As I passed by her that sweet voice said to me " have a great night ". Nothing at all sexual but it was so sincere and her voice is just so...

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Teachers DogChapter 4

Little Scott Phillips awoke shortly past eight-thirty Saturday morning. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he lay in his bed as his mind cleared of its fuzziness, and slowly he remembered the events of the previous evening. Going to get Atilla -- the wanton exhibition of his chemistry teacher having her pussy licked by the dog -- his own excitement at the sight and the subsequent wild time on Mrs. Hamilton's bed -- seeing Atilla mount her while she sucked his cock. Crap, it had been a good...

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Control App

Congratulations due to some Cosmic Being you’ve awoken with the Control App installed on your phone. Don’t ask why and don’t ask how just know that a measly code won’t stop a cosmic entity from simply opening your phone to grant you control over another human being or several if you play your cards right. Granted there are rules of course that cannot be ignored no matter how hard you tried because guess what that’s how the universe works. You may have the power of the Gods in your hands but...

Mind Control
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My Busy Daughter

Introduction: Daddy knows his daughter is horny Hello. My name is Dan and my daughter, Anna, is always busy. She works tirelessly at school, works a part time job at the local grocery store, helps me and her mother around the house, and still finds time to pleasure herself. Somehow, I have a feeling that its the other way around– she pleasures herself constantly, then finds time to do things around the house and at school. Anna is always stuck up in her room on that laptop of hers, and I know...

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Tampa Bukkake

TampaBukkake! Bukkake is an interesting thing. First of all, I'm surprised it came from Japan. It sounds like some shit that would come from Florida. Second, I'm surprised it has a name. It could have gone unnamed and just been how gang bangs end.Instead, bukkake has gained a life of its own. It became its own entity with its own fanbase. If it didn't already exist, I would assume that not very many men want to stand inches away from a dozen guys all cumming, but I would have been wrong. It...

Premium Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Drafted Into SpaceChapter 6 Fighting Back

Daryl said that missiles should work in space as rockets did. The engineers and weapons mates agreed that the fighter launch tubes could be used to launch something other than a fighter at a pretty fast rate of speed and it would go fairly straight too. I asked if recoilless rifles would work as the recoil would leave the back end of the rifle as the round left the other. Again the engineers and weapons mates said that the force should not be that great against the size of this ship. Using...

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Secretary for extra job

Hello there to all who have come in to read my story I am from Bangladesh my names Vromor aged 27 years and single. I am very friendly person to move along easily among the people. I owned a small business. This incident happens with me few months ago. Here I like to share with my ISS friends. As my business growing day by day, I need some extra hands for my help and maintain my office. So I appointed a secretary for help my works. Her name is Nisha (not real). Aged 24. She was married but her...

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Best Friends Part 2

Since that summer afternoon in Paradise, Em and I have not only grown closer as friends, we have also come to learn a lot about each other and things we had suddenly found ourselves curious about. Our parents were none the wiser although Anna knew since we had shared our secret with her and only her since she was Emma's twin sister and my friend too. Our oral and touch play continued very regularly since then and we had even let Anna be a part of it on occasion since she too was curious....

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Stranger Gets Closer

Hi Guys & gals. I am a regular reader of ISS. But this is the first time I am writing here. I have had a few encounters with women and 2-3 of them are in regular touch for enjoyment. I am going to relate one such encounter I had about a couple of months back in in Mumbai.First about me. I am 40 yr old married working in company in Delhi and my work requires me to travel to few big cities in India like Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Chandigarh and some more frequently. Most of the women I have met...

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Sophie and I share some loving moments

I wrote this for my lover whilst she was having a crappy day at work.. it cheered her up and she even contributed a little in the middle of the story... enjoy!Her tits seemed to fit perfectly in his warm strong hands. His fingers were gently squeezing her breasts, touching the sides, drawing up to the nipples which he lightly toyed with using his thumbs. His cock in her mouth was hot and hard, but the tip was so smooth on her lips and tongue. She licked up one side of the shaft, flicked her...

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The new subject You

You slowly come to again, rubbing your head as you blink in response to the bright lights, beginning to sit up before realising that you're completely naked, causing you to jerk upright. You quickly cross your legs in a futile attempt to preserve your modesty as you begin scanning the room before standing up. You can't make out much of anything, the walls are all too white and there's no visible entrance or exit to this place. It's like you're trapped inside a cube and your palms begin sweating...

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Taste of Sherry

Jake heard the front door open, followed by two voices raised in loud, drunken laughter. He shook his head and rolled his eyes. At least somebody is having fun on a Friday night. Despite having broken up with his girlfriend almost a month earlier, he was in no hurry to get back into the game. Work and classes cut into his time, and he remembered all too well how hectic it had been the last time he was trying to find someone. With a few promising conversations going on the dating site he’d...

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Darlene By: Malissa Madison 6/16/2013 Daddy and Momma Jill loaded up my Mustang on the back of TooTall's Mack by the time we emerged from our motel room the next evening. My Momma's and Daddy were there and my brother's Wolf and Red Wing. My sisters Rose, Flower, Night Wolf and Lorelei, and it seemed like everyone was about to start crying. And then Momma Missy started crying and I started crying. Then I noticed Momma was driving Beauty...

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