Mila II free porn video

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Besoknya jam 10 .50 pagi , pintu kantornya di ketuk . Dan Milla masuk menemui pak Solihin . “ Ah Milla , sayang kamu tepat waktu , “ kata pak Solihin, sambil melihat jam tangannya .

Lalu pak Solihin , duduk di sofa . Milla masih berdiri , terpaku . Dia menunggu dan menebak kira kira apa perintah gurunya .

“ Milla , kamu boleh pilih , mau aku entot , apa kulum ******Ku sampai aku keluar..” kata gurunya . Milla diam dan menjawab pelan “ saya kulum punya bapak saja..” .

“ Ok , tapi kamu buka rok kamu yah , saya mau lihat celana dalam kamu..” kata pak Solihin lagi . Milla membuka roknya . “ Milla , kemarin celana dalam kamu putih , hari ini juga putih , apa kamu tak punya celana dalam warna lain.. “ tanya pak Solihin . Milla diam , dan mengeleng .

Lalu pak Solihin membuka celananya sebatas lutut , berikut kolornya . ****** besarnya sudah ngaceng keras . “ Ayo , kulum ******Ku.” Perintahnya .

Milla berlutut , dan menjilati ujung penis pak Solihin . Pak Solihin , mendesah kenikmatan . “ iyah , benar begitu , oh enak sekali lidah kamu , sayang…” .
Milla terus saja menjilat , tapi tidak memasukan dalam mulutnya . Pak Solihin mulai gusar “ Milla , ayo kulum , masa mesti di paksa sih..” katanya.

Mau tak mau Milla membuka lebar lebar mulutnya dan mengulum penis pak solihin . “iyah , begitu dong , sedot dong ” . Lalu pak Solihin mengerakan pantatnya . Penis itu seperti menonjok nonjok kerongkongannya , membuat Milla tesedak beberapa kali .

Tapi pak Solihin tak peduli , dan terus melakukan itu . Saat pak Solihin hampir mendekati klimak , Pak Solihin mencabut penisnya . Dan mendudukkan Milla di sofa Lalu pak Solihin menyibak celana dalam putihnya .

Milla protes “ pak saya sudah kulum , jangan di masukin..” . Pak Solihin berkata “ tenang Aku cuma gesek gesek doang “ . Lalu mulai mengesek kepala penisnya di klitoris Milla .

Begitu sudah mencapai klimak , ujung penis itu di tekan masuk ke liang vagina Milla Membuat Milla menjerit “ aduhhh , pak jangan..” . Lalu Milla merasa liang vaginanya penuh dengan cairan hangat .

Tangan pak Solihin , merogoh kantong bajunya , dan mengambil carefree yang sudah di siapkan sebelumnya . Lalu Ujung penisnya di cabut , lalu dengan cepat carefree , itu di taruh di vaginanya . Setelah itu celana dalam Milla di rapikan kembali .

“ Milla , memek kamu penuh dengan pejuKu , awas jangan di cuci , aku mau memek kamu basah dengan pejuku , ha ha ha..” . kata pak Solihin .
Milla bengong , tak mengerti sifat aneh gurunya. “ tapi pak , kalau saya mau pipis bagaimana..? “ Milla sedikit protes .

“ Kamu mesti tahan , kalau sudah benar benar tidak tahan kamu ke mari , dan pipis di sini..” kata pak Solihin sambil tertawa .

Bel berbunyi , tanda di mulainya jam pelajaran . Milla memakai kembali roknya , lalu segera berlalu untuk masuk ke kelas .

Pada jam 3.00 , bel istirahat berbunyi tapi Milla belum ke kantor pak Solihin . Tapi pada istirahat kedua , pukul 4.30 sore Milla kembali datang ke ruang pak Solihin .

“ Pak , saya sudah tak tahan kebelet mau pipis, izinkan saya ke WC pak..” pinta Milla . Pak Solihin tertawa . “ tidak , kamu pipis di sini dan berdiri pipisnya “ . Pak Solihin memberinya ember platik .

Milla yang sudah kebelat , langsung membuka celana dalamnya , lalu berdiri . Yang pertama kali keluar ialah cairan putih , spema pak Solihin yang sudah encer . Dan di susul cairan kekuningan , pipis Milla .

Pak Solihin memberinya tisuue untuk melap vaginanya .Setelah itu , Pak Solihin melepas carefree yang basah dari celana dalamnya , dan memakaikan celana dalamnya kembali .

“ bagus Milla , kamu murid yang baik , ha ha ha…” kata pak Solihin . Lalu Mila hendak meninggalkan ruang pak Solihin . Tapi pak Solihin menarik tangannya . “ Milla tunggu , duduk dulu di sofa itu “ kata pak Solihin

“ Tapi pak sebentar lagi , saya harus masuk kelas “ kata Milla . “ Milla ,kamu lupa yah, habis istirahat ini jam pelajaran matematika , itu jam saya mengajar di kelas

Milla akhirnya duduk di sofa itu . Pak Solihin meraih kedua kaki Milla dan membukanya, membuat nafas Milla kembali tersentak. Tetapi teringat akan hukuman yang ia akan dapatkan , kalau melawan, maka ia sama sekali tidak melawan perbuatan gurunya.

Sekarang ia terduduk di sofa dengan kaki terbuka, dan rok mini biru nya dengan sendirinya terangkat sampai ke pinggangnya. Pak Solihin membuka sebuah laci dan mengambil sebuah dildo – sebuah benda berbentuk penis yang terbuat dari karet keras – berwarna hitam. "Tetap buka kaki kamu Milla “ , perintah gurunya

Pak Solihin menyibak celana dalamnya lalu mulai mendorong dildo itu agar masuk ke vagina Milla. Milla mengerang beberapa kali, dan, dildo sepanjang 10 senti itu masuk seluruhnya ke dalam liang vagina Milla.
Lalu Pak Solihin juga menempelkan carefree yang baru , di celana dalam Milla . Dan merapikan kembali celana dalam Milla . Dildol itu sekarang berada di liang vagina Milla dangan mantap .

Dildol itu bekerja dangan remote control . Ketika tombol on di tekan , Dildol itu bergetar dan berputar . “ ohh oh aghh…” Milla tersentak . Pak solihin menekan tombol off dan bertanya “ apa yang kamu rasakan Milla..”.
Milla tak menjawab . dia menunduk .
an pak Solihin menekan tombol on lagi . Dan Milla tersentak lagi “..oohhh…” . Dan menekan tombol off lagi , “ Milla apa rasanya..” tanya pak Solihin lagi. “ Ah.. anu.. memek saya seperti di korek korek pak.. “ jawab Milla.
Pak Solihin tertawa “ ha ha ha kamu suka Milla..” . Milla diam menunduk dan Pak Solihin tertawa .

"Milla, jam pelajaran ini memek kamu bakalan basah, dengan begitu dildo yang ada di dalam vagina kamu juga akan basah.” Katanya lagi . Milla hanya diam , dia akan di permalukan gurunya di depan teman teman .

“ Dan Milla , apapun yang terjadi kamu tak boleh ke WC..” kata pak Solihin lagi .

“ Teng , teng , teng” bel berbunyai , tanda istirahat telah selesai , waktunya kembali ke kelas .

“ nah Milla sayang , ayo jalan ,masuk kelas..” kata pak Solihin . Milla berdiri , dan berjalan Milla agak sudah berjalan , karena ada dildol yang menganjal di vaginanya . Pak Solihin hanya tersenyum, sambil berjalan di belakang Milla.
Begitu tiba di kelas , Milla langsung duduk di bangkunya . Dan Pak Solihin juga masuk ke kelas . “ selamat sore anak anak..” . kata pak Solihin . “ Sore pak…” begitu sambut murid muridnya .

“ pelajaran kita sampai di mana yah..” tanya pak Solihin pada murid muridnya . Pak Solihin pun mulai mengajar . Matanya melihat ke Milla . Milla sedang melihat buku matematikanya .Dan tiba tiba pak Solihin menekan tombol on . Membuat dildol itu bergetar dan berputar di liang vagina Milla .

Tanpa sadar Milla menjerit tersentak “ aghhhh… …..” . Teman teman menengok ke Milla . “ eh kamu kenapa Milla “ , tanya seorang temannya. “ eh , anu perutku sakit..” kata Milla . “ Eh anak anak , ayo sudah belajar , perhatikan buku masing masing..” kata pak Solihin.

Murid murid itu kembali melihat buku matematikanya ,dan mengerjakan soal latihan

Sementara , Milla mengigit bibirnya , merasakan sensasi , getaran dildol itu , berputar cepat di liang kewanitaannya. Pak Solihin terus menatap Milla . Milla juga menatap pak Solihin . Terlihat Milla mengigit bibirnya sendiri , dan tangan Milla mengepal , menahan nikmat .

Pak Solihin lalu berjalan ke papan tulis , dia menulis satu soal matematika. Dan kembali duduk di kursinya . Lalu mematikan dildol di vagina Milla , dengan menekan tombol off , di remotenya . Milla agak tenang “ Milla coba ke depan kerjakan soal di papan tulis itu..” perintah pak Solihin .

Milla perlahan bangun , dan berjalan pelan ke papan tulis . Dan pak solihin menekan tombol on . “ ohhh….” Mila tersentak dan memegang vaginanya . Kembali murid murid melihatnya . Milla berjalan pelan , Milla semakin sulit berjalan bila dildol itu bergetar

Dan kembali pak Solihin mematikan dildol itu . Dia berdiri di depan papan tulis memegang spidol , dan tak mengerjakan apa apa . “ Milla kenapa tak bisa..” tanya pak Solihin . Tiba tiba ada yang nyeletuk “ dia mana bisa , bisa cuma pacaran..” . Murid lain tertawa tawa .

“ Anak anak tenang..” kata pak Solihin . Lalu Pak solihin menghidupkan dildol itu . Kembali Milla tersedak , “ ohhhh…..” . Pak Solihin terus membiarkan Dildol itu bergetar, Milla berdiri dengan kaki terbuka lebar . Tubuhnya gemetar , sebelah tanganya tertumpu di papan tulis . Kepalanya menunduk .

Pak Solihin terus memperhatikan ,Milla . Kakinya kejang , dan tubuh terus bergetar Milla terus berdiri sampai kira kira 10 menit , Miila Akhirnya berteriak “ aghhhh saya tak tahan pak , ampunn…” . Lalu Dia jangkok dan menangis tersedu sedu .

Mata semua murid murid tertuju ke Milla.

Pak Solihin segera mematikan Dildol itu . Lalu Menghampiri Milla . Memegang tanganya dan Milla berdiri masih terisak menangis .” Ayo kembali duduk di bangku kamu .” kata pak Solihin .

“ anak anak , lihat tingkah laku kalian , kalian meledek Milla sampai dia menagis “ kata pak Solihin .

Dan tak lama terdengan bel , tanda usai sekolah .

Mudir murid berteriak gembira . Lalu berebut keluar kelas . “ Hi anak anak , jangan lupa mengerjakan PR yah..” pesan pak Solihin . Milla masih terduduk di bangkunya . Dan ketika semua murid sudah keluar , Dan tak ada orang lagi pak Solihin menghapirnya .

Pak Solihin membelai rambut Milla . “ Milla , ayo ke ruangKu..” kata pak Solihin . Milla berjalan mengikuti gurunya .

Setelah di ruang itu Milla langsung duduk di Sofa . Dia duduk melebarkan kakinya . Pak Solihin menghapirinya , lalu melepas celana dalamnya . Dan menemukan carefree yang basah sekali .

Lalu perlahan mencabut dildol itu dari liang vagina Milla . Lalu Segera lidah pak Solihin menyapu bibir vagina Milla . Milla mengelijing. Dan tangan Milla segera melebarkan bibir vaginanya . Sehingga klitorisnya yang bengkak terlihat jelas .
Pak Solihin tersenyum, “ wah , memek eloe pasti sudah gatel banget yah “ . Dan mulai menjilati klitoris Milla .

Milla mendesah nikmat , merasakan jilatan lidah gurunya di klitorisnya . Pak Solihin terus menjilati klitorisnya , Tak lama Milla mengajang “ ohhhh……” . Tubuhnya gematar , berkejet kejet , Milla orgasme di buat gurunya .

Setelah beberapa saat , pak Solihin membuka celananya , ****** besarnya ngaceng keras , Dan segera di arahkan ke vagina Milla .

“ jangan pak , jangan saya takut ” kata Milla . “ Milla kamu curang yah , kamu sudah saya puaskan , masa saya tak boleh entotin kamu..” kata pak Solihin . Sambil mengesek ujung penisnya di vagina Milla. Yang menbuat Milla mengelijing

“ Jangan pak saya kulum saja..” kata Milla . Pak Solihin cuma tertawa . Dan Milla menjerit keras “ AHGGGG sakittt…” . Ketika dengan tiba tiba pak Solihin menekan masuk , seluruh batang penisnya ke liang vagina Milla .

Pak Solihin bernafsu sekali , dan terus bergoyang dan menghentak keras di liang vagina Milla. Milla menjerit jerit kesakitan . Kembali liang vagina Milla di paksa membuka lebar oleh penis besar gurunya. Rasa nyeri kembali mendera Milla.

Milla kembali menjerit kesakitan . setelah kira kira 10 menit , Dan suara Milla semakin parau , Pak Solihin pun , sudah tak bisa menahan nafsunya , lalu memuntahkan spremanya di liang kewanitaan Milla.

Perlahan mencabut penisnya . Vagina Milla terlihat memerah agak memar . Hari ini Milla merasa sangat sakit . Karena pak Solihin menyetubuhi ABG ini , secara cepat dan kasar

Setelah diam beberapa saat Milla memakai kembali celana dalamnya . Lalu Dia berjalan pelan , tertatih , karena rasa nyeri di vaginanya . Pak Solihin cuma tertawa “ Milla , sakit yah..” . Milla Diam dan terus berjalan pelan , keluar pintu .

“ Milla tunggu , mau saya antar pulang..” kata pak Solihin .
Milla tak menjawab , dia terus berjalan . Lalu pak Solihin menyusulnya dan menarik tangannya . “ tidak usah pak saya bisa pulang sendiri..” katanya.
Lalu pak Solihin membiarkan dia pergi .

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Last summer in the RV

Introduction: A second story about our erotic adventures Last summer my wife and I were alone on a trip with our RV. We got the rig set up, had a nice meal, a campfire started, poured a couple of drinks and sat down to relax in front of the fire. We couldnt remember a time when we didnt have the kids with us. I guess we got thinking about being alone together and got more than a little horny and it just kind of went from there. It started with a little slap and tickle when we went back in the...

4 years ago
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Men Women Dogs and any thing Else Faget Gay

Introduction: What the fuck is this New Guy In The Neighborhood The neighbors Jack and Jill came over and introduced themselves and helped carry boxes in the house, that I just bought and am moving in to. Both where Blond and Nordic looking, he is tall broad and handsome she was vary beautiful and shapely every thing about her was perfect. She looked so sweet and innocent you would never think she could do any thing naughty or wrong in any part of her life. What I found out about them before...

3 years ago
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Teacher Betty and the house welcome party

This is continued from my first story, but long overdue to be written. Betty the sexy teacher from college and I kept on talking after I finished my degree. After some time, she left teaching and moved about hour away for a better job. I went to see her in her new place, at the house warming party. The party was a typical older simple party. Several teachers were there, along with a few former students. As the party winded down, Betty was slowly cleaning up. As 9pm came about, it was just me...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mary Rock Stacy Cruz Two Pussies One Cock

Enjoying a shower together, Mary Rock and Stacy Cruz get both playful and intimate. Between flinging water at each other and helping one another soap up their breasts and pussies, the girls are clearly ready to enjoy themselves. They continue their flirtation as they get dressed in just the skimpiest of outfits, donning bras and panties as they go to the bedroom where Ricky Rascal awaits them. Climbing into bed with Ricky, Mary and Stacy flank him with kisses. He lets his hands roam freely,...

4 years ago
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Tess Piano Lesson

Teaching piano in my home was really only an idea to keep me from going crazy on the weekends! the money was nice, but not the important part. And, as expected, my students were mostly 10 year old girls who’s parent felt they needed more music in their lives. The girls were not really motivated to learn and rarely practiced effectively during the week. So, come the weekend and the visit to my home for 45 minutes, it was really just time for me to endure this torture I brought upon myself. I...

3 years ago
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A Life Halflived

“I found this upstairs.”Box-shaped and covered in grey dust, he placed it on the kitchen table.Eloise frowned, “Mmm, what is it?”He shrugged, “I dunno, I’ve not opened it.  I found it under some floorboards.”It felt heavy in her hands and her heart leapt with anticipation, “Interesting.  Thanks Joe.”He nodded to where he came from, “Erm, I’ll get back to it.  It’s going well so far, better than I expected.”“Do you want a brew?”As he smiled, it revealed his dimples, “In an hour or two, the...

Straight Sex
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MILF Slut 3 The Coupling

Professor Carter and Sandy exchanged several more messages during the next two weeks and in one of them she confessed her name wasn't 'Donna' but was Sandy. Professor Carter wrote back that there was no need to apologize and that he understood. He suggested they have lunch again on Monday afternoon at the same place and time. Sandy agreed but this time she wore clothes that were more suggestive and showed off her ample breasts. The blouse she chose showed lots of cleavage especially with the...

3 years ago
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Getting Guys From The Internet To Naked Massge My

My wife Lee is a 52 yo, church going soccer mom type mother of our 15 yo son.For over ten years she has been a reluctant but willing subby to my requests for photos, videos and webcamming her for others enjoyment. At first as she was such a computer newbie, she thought they were just for me.I have been able quite a number of times to get guys from the Internet to come to our home and naked massage her.The first few times she thought they were legit and just went along with their requests.Then...

3 years ago
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ISS Couple Ke Sath Threesome

Heyy dosto.,.,pyare lundo or sexy chuto kaise ho sab.Aap sab ne meri last story bhut like ki uske liye aap sabhi ka thnx.To dosto iss baar fir mai ek or story leke aaya hu apni pyari aunties ke liye and unke sexy hubby ke liye.To dosto ye story ek 3sme story hai.Apni story aage badhane se phle mai ek baar fir aapko apne bare me bata du. Mera naam Ankit hai,age 20,ht 6 feet,cock size 8inch hai,fair color slim body hai dikhne me bhi smart hu.Mail me on if u like my story. Abb mai aapko apni...

1 year ago
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Where the Hell Am IChapter 4

With Homer down for the count, it was now up to me to feed both families. I decided not to fool around, but to kill an auroch, since that would hold us for a while. The problem was that I was a good killer, but I was also a lousy butcher. It seemed to me that the thing to do would be to take one of my wives with me to do the butchering after I had killed the beast. I would help her, but she would do most of the work. The wives discussed the situation and decided that Helgor should be the one...

2 years ago
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His Personal Assistant

Graham Westin stood before one of the floor to ceiling windows in his bedroom, staring moodily at the city spread out below him. Lights twinkled in the darkness, but no sound from outside could be heard. He lifted the crystal tumbler and took a healthy swig of 200 year old scotch. It slid down his throat, smooth, velvety warm, to burn pleasantly in his stomach. He looked at his reflection in the glass. At 36, he was in better shape than most men his age. Working out was his way of relaxing....

3 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 25 Home and Work ndash Part 3

Wedding And Honeymoon After crying all the way home, I was useless the rest of the night. All I could do was hold her and cry. “Mick, I’m sorry. I wish I could make myself better, but I can’t. Please don’t be like this. I need your strength.” “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I love you so much. I’ve never loved anyone like this. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you.” “Don’t worry about that now. Come to bed with me. I need you inside me.” We made love almost all night. She kept...

4 years ago
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Sexy Stewardess on a Hot Flight Part Two

My trip to Catalina with a handsome pilot and two of his friends turned out to be a working sex vacation for me. So far, I had already given a great blow job to the pilot, Phillip, on take-off. Then I sucked off his friend, Harry, who also sucked on my titties and played with my clitty dick through my white lace panties. Now, I was ready for the big prize, sucking Dick’s big ten inch man tool for him like a slutty stewardess would. I don’t know how many other stewardesses get to suck off three...

2 years ago
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Dubai Mogudu Di Wife Na Maradalu

Oka sari meru mail cheyandi tharavatha nenu na real photographs post mail chesthanu ,meku one ithena next thing. Otherwise nothing. Real sex story !! 15 days back jarigindi Maa intiki daggara lo ma maradalu valla illu untadi. Ame age 21, chuby body 35, 30, 38 untadi size lo. Kani mukam smiling face eppudu amayakanga untadi. Chala manchidi kuda.Anniti kate ame gudda suuuuuuupr. Ekkuvaga ame dress lo veskuntadi anduke ame gudda eppudu uguthu untadi. Inka guddalo pette vadu dubaii lo unte gudda...

2 years ago
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Friend8217s Girlfriend 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone,I am from Ahmadabad. I am a regular Indian sex stories reader and stories inspired me to write my real life incidents… In this part im gonna tell you how i had sex with my friend’s girlfriend and took her virginity… Characters in this story:- Nishant(me):- 22 years old,6″2 feet height, average body, handsome boy having 8 inches dick to satisfy any girl. Margi(friend’s girlfriend):- 21 year old, 5″6 feet height, damn beautiful and cute girl having figure of 34-28-36. Long...

2 years ago
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Teen Diaries 15 Milky Breasts

My name is Jenny. I'm eighteen and somewhat of an outcast at school after having a baby three months ago. A lot of girls won't hang out with me anymore and I've been labeled a "slut," even though the guy who got me pregnant is the only guy I've ever slept with. His name is Jack and he's in college. He disappeared after finding out I was pregnant, but I'm working on getting some child support out of him. My parents have been really great about it, paying for my pregnancy. My mom even quit her...

3 years ago
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Sharing my young girlfriend with a bbc

This is a true story, I started swinging when I was 29 and at the time I was seeing this sexy little 19 year old Amy. Amy was a slut and was up for pretty much anything, we met a couple online who told us about this guy Jimmy they meet with for three sums and how he has a great unit over looking the city in Brisbane. We all decided that we can meet up at Jimmy's unit and have a wild night all 5 of us but at the last minute the couple pulled out so as we were all ready to go we messaged Jimmy...

3 years ago
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A Tale Of Every Single Mother

The color of poison is white. Yes, it is. The white poison lies underneath every single men in the world, that is as venomous as to destroy an entire root of the family. Myself, Radhika, a single mother is gonna narrate my life and what changed it. 15Dec, 5:30am. What’s that sound? Not again. I knew its quite normal for teenagers at this stage. But, this is pretty early. He never even woke up at this time to study. It’s been third time in 24 hours. I should better find out whats turning him on....

3 years ago
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Lynn and KerryChapter 2

After several months at Fort Irwin, Lynn had settled into the rhythm of this post. Alex would be in the field for two weeks at a time, then back home for a week before the next cycle of troops came to train at the Army's National Training Center. They tried to make it as painless as possible; Alex racked up thousands of minutes on his cell phone every month, talking to Lynn for over an hour each night. Lynn, in turn, worked overtime at the hospital during rotation weeks, which helped to keep...

4 years ago
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my new friends

I lived at these apts and met this Guy who was about 2 years older than Me , We used to hang play video games and stuff , , so one day after playing some video games , He said Hey Mel would You like to look at some porno , no ones home . So after a while my cock was hard . Jim was rubbing the front of his pants . He said You horny ? He said its ok to jerk off , I was a bit nervous , but Jim stood up an lowered his shorts an under wear . He said come on Mel , so I took off my pants an...

2 years ago
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how i fucked my classmate

Hello all. I am Nick(name changed). I am 23 years old ,5.8 ft height 7 inch penis ,average built and here is my sexual experience when I was a third year college student. Sushila(name changed) stood about 5 foot 2 inches with long black hair, well developed nice round ass, and nice sized tits. I had known her for quite a while, and we were friends. She would wear sexy tight clothes which would bring my cock to full attention in no time. One day in the class room, I looked up and noticed that...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream part 21

Living the Dream, part 21 By: Malissa Madison Rachel tossed and turned, how was she ever supposed to sleep. "Will you relax already?" asked Kiki. "You've already been over everything a hundred times." "Tell me I'm not dreaming, they know I'm not even close to sixteen yet right?" she looked at the empty bed in the room. "Michelle isn't back yet, I better get her homework up loaded for her." "She'll be here in the morning, now take a chill and just relax," Kiki reminded...

2 years ago
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Britneys First Time

I couldn't believe it. I was actually backstage at a Britney Spears concert. I could see her on stage from where I stood. She was performing "Boys" with Pharrell Williams. Talk about breath taking. Her body moved with the music as if she were the music. I knew she was going to be a star. I knew from the first time I watched "Hit Me Baby One More Time." And here she was now, exceeding what I felt her potential was. Here she comes off stage for a costume change. "Come on." She said to me grabbing...

4 years ago
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BattlesphereChapter 9

HMS Shadow was on a fast ballistic course to the fifth system in its mission. It had left hyper well beyond the system it was entering to avoid detection. If anything, Captain Bryon Rawlins was even more cautious than the captain of the HMS Whisper had been. He also had a ship, which though slightly smaller than the Whisper, was far more powerful and technologically advanced. There were far fewer people assigned to the Shadow than had been to Whisper despite its size. Automation took care of...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 685

Dessie and Phillip at The Waterfall Campsite They had awakened early, and after their morning constitutional, had prepared breakfast using one of their freeze-dried meals each. Dessie felt lazy and a bit tired this morning, so after cleanup, she dug out her pad and checked its charge. Phillip had used his saw to cut two short sections off a log for seats. There was also one near the campfire that was long enough for both of them to sit together while they ate. Dessie rolled one of the...

2 years ago
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Dinner and Desert

While going out for dinner and drinks, we spend several hours talking and telling stories, just getting to know each other. After dinner we get into my car. As our eyes meet I lean over and kiss you deeply and soulfully. I run my hand up your thigh and gently squeeze. I break off the kiss and start the car to drive home. I continue to caress your inner thigh as your hand rubs my stiffing cock through my pants. I pull up into the driveway and we kiss again. I go around and open the car door for...

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Early experience with a guy

I remember starting to get strong sexual feelings when I was about 12 years old, I knew I was attracted to girls but also was curious about boys as well. I first masturbated shortly before my 13th birthday. It was such an exciting development that I couldn't wait for bedtime so I could get under the covers, pull my pyjama bottoms down and stroke my hard penis.I was hooked on the feeling of my thighs turning to water, my tummy tightening and the flood of release as I pumped my warm semen out all...

3 years ago
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Sex With Beggar Worker In ATrain

Hi Friends I am Tanvi. I am here to narrate my real life experience which happened me in a train journey (Excuse me for my English in this story) .I am engineer by profession and a keen reader of Sex stories. It is evident that we all have some kind of sexual experience which does not fit the normal criteria. I have born in Delhi and belong to upper middle class family. When I was 8 yrs. old I was sexually abuse by my cousin. I was unaware of such things and he took advantage of my innocence in...

2 years ago
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Act of NecessityChapter 5 A Change in Plans

I was moving along fairly well with my correspondence studies. I had selected a number of courses that would help me gain a business degree. There was nothing that would advance my studies in psychology, so I gave up trying. I did take out some books on the subject on my weekly visit to the library. The topic still intrigued me. It was nearing the end of November when I got a surprise visitor. It was a Wednesday evening and I was busy doing my studies when the doorbell rang. I assumed it was...

4 years ago
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The Grinch

Fifty-seven year old Lydia Mae Valentine smiled with love at hearing the voice of her daughter, Tonya on the phone.“Hi Mama, how are you?” Tonya asked.“Hi baby, I’m fine. I’m getting along. Thank you for the dinner plate," Lydia said.  "The chicken was delicious.""It was no problem, Mama," Tonya said.  Her mother's vision wasn't completely gone but it was close to it.  Tonya knew that soon her mother would have to move in with her.It was two days before Christmas and it had been somewhat of a...

4 years ago
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Learning a Lesson at Middlesex High Over the Lap Style Part A

This was a hectic week for Bonnie Anderson. She had spanked Dave Smith’s bare buns on Tuesday until he howled for mercy, a quality the beautiful, but stern, principal of Middlesex High did not possess. Smith was one of Bonnie’s math teachers. He earned a trip over his principal’s lap as too many of his students failed the state exams. Between yowls, in response to each hot hairbrush stroke, Smith promised to become a better teacher. Only time and the hairbrush would tell. That was the day...

3 years ago
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Forcing wife to fuck

I always dreamed of watching my wife being fucked by a well hung guy. We role play in bed and one of our favorite "plays" is when she's ****d by a man with a very large cock. I decided to set up the real thing without her knowledge because I know her and she would never agree to it.Our anniversary was coming up and we decided to go out to dinner and then get a honeymoon suite for some fun. Without her knowledge I found a man on Craigslist who was interested. I met him and told him that I wanted...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Roxy Deville Domina Roxy Deville Disciplines Her Pet

Get your kink on today when you see raven-haired dominatrix Roxy Deville discipline her submissive pet Tony De Sergio after catching him having made a mess in the kitchen. She takes him outdoors for a proper obediance training, starting with sucking on his mistress’ stockingued toes before a dog bone gag collar is placed around his neck. Then it’s all about pleasuring the domina, pussy licking and fucking her until like a good boy he cums on her tits. It’s a Penthouse BDSM...

3 years ago
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A Professors Secret

“You seriously need to get laid, girl,” my best friend shrieks as we enter the math class.“Shush,” I attempt to hush her from speaking so crudely. She is so fucking loud.“What?” She looks at me innocently. That bitch.I just shake my head and walk to my seat. I put all my stuff down and sit myself down. She also takes a seat beside mine.“Don’t you think our professor is so hot?” She asks me that every single class. My answer is also always the same. “Nope” Though, in all honesty, he is very hot....

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