Jungle Mein Mangal Summer Special
- 3 years ago
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You awake to a driving rain. It takes you several seconds to force your mind to capture the situation. Costa Rica. Deep in the no-man’s land of a virginal jungle. A flash of lightening. White light exploded in every inch of the universe. Crashing thunder shakes the trees. Your hammock sways violently in the howling wind.
Lightning and driving rain. Rare in the green cocoon that you have called home for the last four months. Lightening is a thing of the distant latitudes. This kind of crashing lightening is almost unheard of. And the rain. Not that rain is rare. On the contrary. You live in rain. Every day it drifts down like soupy ether. You struggle to see the top of the three-canopy jungle. Driving rain stings your eyes and you look back toward your hammock. Normally the complex labyrinth of trees, vines, and bromeliads repels all attackers. Only the fine mist can make it through the emerald fabric.
But today, for some reason, the pattern doesn’t hold. The lightening flashes and the thunder booms. You turn your face into the hammock and clutch the cords, holding on for life. You hold out against the storm for what seems forever. Searing bursts of light. Driving rain. Crashing thunder. You hold on tighter still.
Suddenly the point of a spear of noise pricks your dulling senses. You strain to filter this new sound from all the background blaring that envelops you. At first you think that it must be the sound of the creek at the foot of the hill. Trapped in a narrow gorge, it swells with the rain and grows louder by the minute. But as you lean your mind toward the creek another sound comes into focus. Footsteps.
You turn abruptly and find him standing there. Looking down at you. You are shocked at first. He looks as tall as a mountain. You look up at him as you are lying in your hammock. His face is framed by streaks of lightening.
This man. So distant. So involved in the project. This man. So immune. You are surprised that he has come to pay you such devout attention. You are surprised he even acknowledges your existence. You wonder to yourself, ‘do you call a frigid man frigid? Or is there some other word if it’s a man?’ But as you look up at him he seems to be genuinely concerned.
‘Are you okay?’ he shouts against the storm.
His eyes. There are boring through you. Eyes the color of pewter. Never wavering. But now, for the first time, filled with feeling. It occurs to you that he might be genuinely worried about you. As you fill yourself with his eyes it suddenly occurs to you that the rain has soaked you shirt. The flimsy material clings to your naked clammy skin. For a moment you feel … vulnerable. Embarrassed. You can feel your nipples grow beneath the shear wet fabric. You tell yourself that it’s only the cold. But you track his eyes for one more moment. You wonder if he notices your round hard nipples, reaching out for freedom from the shear wet fabric.
But this moment passes and you answer him. ‘I’m okay.’ You lie.
You watch him watch you for another moment. You will your nipples down. But they grow harder still. And reach out to him. It’s just the cold. Nothing more.
Then you reassure him again him that you are okay. Another minute passes and the rain begins to slacken. You are drawn to his eyes. Strong eyes. Maybe they aren’t pewter. It’s Levis. His eyes are the color of faded denim. Transparent eyes. With that your eyes drop down and brush across the faded Levis cutoffs that he wears. Against your will they roam along the seams that run down his legs. Between his legs. The seams are worn. And tight. Your heart is beating. Just a little faster. You are drawn back to his eyes. Are his eyes really searching yours?
‘Pretty bad storm,’ he says. You watch him for another moment. It appears that he could actually be human. Or at least humanoid. You continue to watch him as he looks down upon you. You can see just the hint of a smile forming on his face. It occurs to you that he is a beautiful man. When he smiles. The moment hangs in balance. He continues to watch you. His face warm. Kind. Considerate.
You watch him but are stone silent. Your eyes track across his lips and you trace the outline of his cheek with your eyes. He watches you for another moment. But you do not answer. Then he turns slowly back toward the forest. Frozen for a moment you race to fling an answer in his direction. Words. Any words. Quickly. ‘Are you okay?’ you ask. And feel a little lame.
Four months together. The deepest conversation you have had to date. He’s all business. All the project. Finding that new serum. Making the project a success.
‘Actually, I was pretty scared,’ he says. Softly. He watches the movement in your eyes.
You are more than surprised. You are astounded. ‘You were scared?’ you confirm.
‘That was a pretty terrible storm.’
‘Yes. I was scared too.’
He moves closer and you continue to watch him. Without moving. Without rising. You lay on the hammock. Awkwardly. Afraid to get up. Afraid to break the moment. You have been so lonely. So desperately lonely. Your heart begins to pound as you see his smile again. You can feel your breasts swelling out toward him. Your nipples are hard as nails. They push the fabric of you shirt up like tiny tent poles. And you know it isn’t just the cold. You long to feel him touch them. Even a feather’s touch. Your eyes once more graze across the seams in his levis. Your gaze slides slowly down. Starting at the steel button at the top. Sliding down, slowly inspecting each button as you go. You can feel the buttons. You imagine that they are feeling pressure. Growing against them.
At last he moves closer and reaches out his hand. ‘I was worried about you,’ he says. You reach up slowly to take his hand. You can feel it closing around your. A strong hand. A kind hand. It feels so warm. It feels so nice. All the months of loneliness begin to shatter and fall in pieces all around you. You have wanted him for so long. Wanted to touch him. Wanted to feel him. Wanted to feel him touching you. His fingers are drawing tiny circles on your smooth skin. You can feel your skin begin to warm where he touches it. And you realize. He is all you’ve ever wanted.
Then without warning you grab tight to his hand and use it to lift yourself from the hammock. But suddenly you feel yourself falling. By reaching up you lost your balance in the hammock. His hand pulls against yours. Hard. His feet slip in the wet warm mud. Mud formed from the thick red clay of costa rica. The structure of the soil has completely disintegrated with the rain. It is now deep red mud. Warm red deep mud.
You pull harder and his footing completely gives way. In a moment it is over. You tumble from the hammock and fall to the ground. Sliding down the hill in the warm rust mud. You come to a sudden stop at the bottom of a little hill. You look up. But only for a moment. In a moment he falls on top of you. You can feel his body. Pressing down on yours. You feel the warmth of his lips as they fall into your neck. His chest. Pressing down your swelling breasts. His heavy chest slides slowly across your breasts. Stretching your hard nipples. The steel buttons. The hard tight seams. They scrape against your side and then roll slowly across your stomach. In a moment he has you in his arms. Holding you tightly. Your breasts press into his chest. Your nipples ache with pleasure as they slide against his chest. And you can feel those buttons. And you imagine what’s behind them. It presses into your mound as he locks his legs around your body. Entwined together you both roll all the way over. Once, maybe twice. Then you settle at the bottom of the hill. And the warm deep mud slowly oozes up all around you as you slowly sink into it.
You are laughing. Your whole soul laughs. The mud is so soft and so warm. The air is heavy and scented with the fragrance of tuberous, shaken by the rain. The sounds of birds fill the forest all around you. And the w
arm golden sunlight begins to filter down through the trees. You hear the sound of the creek. Running quickly down the canyon just beyond. The water sounds happy.
And you feel him on top of you. Pushing you down into the mud. Your breasts are pushing up even harder. They are so firm they almost push him from you body. Your nipples ache for freedom. And you can feel wetness forming between your legs. You can sense your feelings focus there. You can feel it begin to tighten. To tingle. You can feel the wetness building. Preparing for him. Preparing to take him deep inside you.
You hesitate for one more moment. You want him to take you. You want him to want you. But then in a heartbeat you reach up and wrap your arms around his waist. You slip his shirt off and toss it to the side. Then you slide your encircling arms up along his back. You arms slip across his muddy skin. Then you push him down onto you. You hold him. Take him. Use him. You slide his chest back and forth across your breasts. His skin pushes on the fabric of your shirt. You hold him to you. Feeling the warmth and closeness of his body. Feeling the presence of his soul. Then you move his body slowly back and forth. Rubbing on your nipples. Stretching your nipples. You hold him with your nipples stretched so hard. As you feel your heart pound and the delicious aching in your breasts.
Then you move quickly down and reach for the treasured button. You feel it in your hands. So hard. Your fingers play with its hardness. Then you pull it free. Then the next one. And the next. You slide his shorts off. You hold your breath for a second as you watch his penis springing from his shorts. It is long and hard and curving up. In a second you press hard against his butt. You can feel his penis. You push it down into your stomach. You can feel the long hard shaft. You can feel the rough hard surface slide across your stomach. The head presses down into you. You can hear him sigh. Then you push on his hips and drive him downward. You hold him hard against you. You can feel his penis hard against you. Pressing through the fabric of your shorts. You move him back and forth. In little circles. You are so wet now that it begins to trickle from you.
He breaks from your grasp and rises to his knees. He is watching your eyes. Searching your eyes. His hands move toward you. His fingers. Running through your hair. One fingers. He touches your temple. Then he slides it slowly down your cheek. Tracing the outline of your jaw. You feel the head of his penis. Pushing into your stomach. His fingers slide across your lips. Wiping off the mud. Then he leans toward you. His mouth. Playing with your earlobe. Sucking gently. Blowing. Sucking. Ahhh… The feel of his hand shocks you. Excites you. You begin to breathe harder. You can feel his hands. Loosening the buttons on your shirt. Sliding down your back. His lips slowly touch you cheek as his hand slips the shirt off of your shoulders.
His lips touch yours softly at first. His hand is playing with your chest. His kisses come faster. You press your lips into his. And move them over his. His hand moves closer to your breast. His fingers trace large circles all around your breast. You slip your hand behind his neck and draw his face closer. The circles become smaller. His fingers slide around the outside of your breast. You move up and kiss him. Hard. You drive your hungry mouth into his full lips. Ahhh.. Then you slowly move your tongue. His fingers close in toward your nipple. It is hard as stone and pushing up toward him. You slip your tongue between his lips just as his fingers brush like a feather tip across the tip of your hard nipple. You cry out. Ahhh. You arch you back up. Suddenly. Trying to drive your breast into his hand. You want to feel his fingers on your nipples. You arch up further and drive your breast up harder as your tongue slides deep into his mouth.
Ohhhhh. His tongue circles around yours as his takes your nipple in his fingers. He sucks gently on your tongue. His mouth is on your neck. Kissing. Sucking. His fingers move in rapid stokes. Drawing up your nipple. You arch up once again to feel his fingers. His penis drives into your stomach. His mouth is on your ear. Kissing your neck. Fingers draw your hand nipple. First one breast. Then the other. His tongue is in your mouth. Sliding in and out. Faster and faster. Harder and harder. Your heart is pounding. Your fingers search to find his penis. You want to feel the shaft. To run you fingers over the head.
At last your fingers reach between your stomachs and find his penis He gasps. Your fingers curl around it. His whole body shutters. Instantly his hands are on your breasts. He is pulling them. Hard. His tongue drives into your mouth. Over and over he probes your mouth and slides his tongue around yours. His hands pull hard on your nipples. They feel like fire as the skin stretches in his hands.
You hand slides along the skin of his penis. It is so warm and so hard. You can feel the fire building between your legs as you feel the loose skin around his balls.
Ahhh. You can feel his tongue as he sucks your breast into his mouth. You pull hard on his penis. He thrusts it deep into your hand. He is sucking on your nipple. Biting sucking. Then he opens his mouth wide and sucks deeply on your breast as your hand runs hard to the base of his shaft. He crys out. You can hear him grit his teeth as you draw your fingers back to the deep purple head. He begins to trust his penis into your hand. But suddenly you release him. He stops suddenly and then draws himself up off your chest. Your breast aches to have him back. But instead you reach up and cup his face in your hands. You draw him down toward you. And you kiss him. Once. Then again. Then you move your mouth to his ear and whisper. Sounds that only he can hear. Again your fingers stoke lightly on his penis. Running along the shaft. Playing with the head. Again he shutters. Then you whisper. ‘Now Jimmy. Take me. I want to feel you sliding deep inside me. Fuck me Jimmy. Do it like it’s your first time. Fuck me like I’m your first one.’
In one smooth mouth he rolls over and you are lying on top of him. His hands slide your shorts off and he pushes them away. In one smooth motion he moves you forward. His fingers. Wiping the mud off your mound. They slip inside your lips. They slip inside your pussy. One inch. He holds one pussy lip between his thumb and fingers. Then he slides along it. You can feel his tongue. Hard and wet. Licking your pussy. Playing with your cunt. You shutter as his tongue probes slowly between your pussy lips. He moves it quickly back and forth. Your pussy tightens. His hands are on your breasts now. Playing with your nipples. His tongue probes deeper. Then he moves it around quickly. Fingers pull your nipples. Mouth sucking on your cunt. Sucking it harder and harder. Hands grinding against your breasts.
His tongue is searching for your clit. Your heart is beating and you are breathing harder and harder. You slide your hand around. Searching for his penis. Hands pull hard on your breasts. His tongue drills down along the little sheath that covers your clit. You search harder. You need to feel his penis. You feel his tongue digging out your clit. Your hips shake. You drive your cunt down onto his tongue. Your fingers finally find their target. You curl your fingers around it. And grind your clit down against his mouth. He sucks it hard. You scream and it echoes through the forest. You pull him. Hard.
Then in one more second his is sliding back up. Your face is looking down at his. You can feel the head. So close. You want it. You want to feel it. This time he whispers to you. ‘You fuck me. Fuck me Lisa. Fuck me hard. Fuck me like you’ve never fucked anyone before.’
You brush back his hair. And kiss his cheek. Then his mouth. You tongue drives into his mouth. His hands pull hard on your breasts. Then you reach out and grab his shaft. And lower yourself onto it.
The head slides slowly between your lip
s. The shaft slithers into your pussy like a snake. You can feel it hard and long. Pushing up inside you. You tighten your pussy. Holding hard against him as he slides up deep inside you. You hold him there for a moment. Squeezing with your pussy. Moving slowly up and down.
Then his mouth is on your breast. His tongue slides around your nipple. You drive down. His is deep inside you. His mouth. Sucking hard on your tits. You drive your pussy over his cock. Your grind your tits into his mouth. He’s biting on the nipples. Your cunt is so wet. And so wild. You move your hips up and then drive back down on his dick, tightening it so hard as you feel the head. The shaft slides along the walls of your pussy. His hard cock stretches out your clit. You fuck him. Faster and faster. Harder and harder. His hands push down on your hips. Driving himself deeper inside you.
You pump faster and faster. You clit is aching. He sucks on your tits as you lift up. This time you scream. No one can hear you. You are two creatures. Mating in the forest. ‘Oh God Jimmy. Fuck me harder.’ You drive your cunt down on his cock. He forces your hips down and arches his back as he thrusts his cock up deep inside you. He is screaming. ‘Oh Lisa. Lisa. Ahhh. God Lisa. Make me cum.’
You can feel the warmth. Forming in your clit. Spreading all around. You are fucking him wildly. Frantically. Faster and faster. You want to cum. You want to cum so bad. Your tits are sore. Your pussy aches. But you fuck him even faster. Then you see the changes on his face. His skin grows flushes. And you can feel his shaft throbbing. ‘Now Lisa.’ With one stabbing thrust he rams his cock up inside you. You drive your pussy down as deep as you can go. You tighten your pussy walls around his shaft. Tighten like a vice. His face distorts. You can feel the first wave of hot, thick, white cum as it drills inside you. His cock is smashing hard against your clit. You can feel the waves of pleasure forming. You hold him tight inside you. You use the hard bone at the front of your pussy to press against his dick. You tighten your pussy even tighter and move it up and down, just a half an inch. You milk the cum out. Squeeze and slide. Squeeze and slide. You can feel the hot cum drilling up inside you.
At last he screams out your name. Lisa. Then with one final thrust he drives his cock up inside you and holds it as wave after wave of cum pumps into your pussy. You feel the waves as they move through you. As each wave drives inside you his cock shutters and a wave of pleasure moves throughout your body. The pleasure moves like waves on the ocean. Spreading out from your clit. Through your whole pussy. Into your body. Over and over the waves flow through you. Thrilling. Warm. Delicious. Incredible. The waves keep coming and coming until at last you feel them dying down. Reflecting off the shores at the edges of your body then finally begin to subside. Rocking you gently back and forth.
He continues to hold you for so long. Then his grip relaxes. His now soft cock slides from your pussy. A cocktail of cum and your juices slide out with it. You stay still. For another delicious moment.
Then you look into his beautiful eyes and ask him outright, ‘Okay Jack. How come you never paid me one shred of attention until now?’
He looks at you and chuckles. ‘I thought you were too far above me to care.’ And you lay together. For another hour. For another week. You don’t know. And you don’t care. You are lost in a place without space or time. Just another day in an endless million years. And the winds of Eden blow smooth and warm across your face.
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Hi friends how are you… I hope you all are good. Aapne meri pichli kamukta stories ko like kiya uske liye thank you so much . Aise hi mujhe appreciate karte rahiye. Aapse request hai ki aap mujhe comments kigiye acche yaa bure. Mujhe sab manjoor hai kyunki mujhe acche comments mile toh mai or stories likhunga or ager mujhe bure comments mile toh mai apni aap ko sudharne ki koshish karunga. Kya gulti hui mujhse uske baare mai sochunga. Girls, aunties or sabhi se ye request hai ki aap mujhe email...
This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt By Paul G Jutras As the final school bell rang, Paul leapt out of the second story classroom window and took off like a bat out of Hell. "Get back here!" Amy shouted from the window. "You're suppose to help me in detention, cleaning the classroom." "Cleaning classrooms are for losers." Paul shouted over his shoulder as he ran into...
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IncestThis work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Jungle Hunt: The Three Witches By Paul G Jutras An owl hooted from a tree limb as a coven of witches stood around a cauldron in the jungle. They chanted in an unheard mumble as they continued their voodoo like ways. One dropped a bat wing into the cauldron and another dropped a lizard. "This potion will freeze anyone stiff." Electra said to her...
Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...
Darren was a brotha on a mission. It was Friday night and the club lights were coming up and it was time to take someone home and this white chick he’d been talking to didn’t even put up the pretense of playing hard to get. Darren had more than Jungle Fever; he had Sub-Saharan Tropical Rain Forest Malaria and slutty white girls were his penicillin. The object of his affection smelled of beer, cigarettes, and hair spray. Her d**g-store eyeliner was smudged and all that was left of her...
Dosto part 2 jungle trip jo main phalhay part main pora na kar saka . aap ko phalha part i think acha nahi laga ho ga or jin ko acha laga yah bura phir be thanks aap nay mare story read ki .jasa kay main phalhi story main baata chuka hon kay ,wo junglee adami ka lora nechay ko os ki tango main latka hoa tha or kafie sara wet tha jes say lag raha tha kay near 8 inch to didi ki piyare gore little choot main gaya ho ga . or soch raha tha kay itna bara es ka lora or itna motta lund didi nay kasay...
Even before I was old enough I wanted to fight for my country. When I was I joined those I felt comfortable with, jungle scouts. I had a talent for moving unseen and they were the best place for me. Our mission went from finding secret camps for smuggling weapons and equipment to plans for a major attack. I had grown up on the southern coast of Han in the swamp and jungle. When the Clar invaded I was to young to fight. We were a colony and Genta came in with both feet. They and our forces...
With the news that the legend of the lost city of Choque Cota was indeed real and all that that promised for the party and the success of their journey, the whole camp was abuzz with excitement. But the actual discovery and exploration of the city would have to wait until morning.So the group made camp and tried to get some sleep while they waited for the sunrise. For most of the party, sleep came fairly easily.But for the two doctors, sleep would be much more elusive. Dr. Anderson had been...
Love StoriesDarren held her arm, making sure she wouldn’t fall and bust her ass. When they got outside to his truck, he had to hold her blonde hair back from her face as she blew big chunks in the parking lot. Better projectile vomit there than in his vehicle. Behind the tinted windows and feeling better having relieved herself of some of that alcohol, she started chatting away. “Turn on the radio. Ohhhh, 50cent, I LOVVVE him. He’s so gangsta. You know what I mean? Keeping it real. From the...
Hi readers, apki ishana hazir h apne naye experience ko share krne jisne meri pichhli story ni padi wo yha pad skta h Shivam, uske dost or un anjan ladko se chudne ke bad mujhe guilt hia ki mene kya kr dia mujhe ye sb no krna chahie tha. Isilie me sb se dopr hone ke lie ek vacation pr jane ka socha or apna number badal lia taki shivam dobara call na kr pae Mene nainital ke ticket ktwaye or nikal padi hotel already book tha me nainital pahuchi bahjt hi achha mausam tha thandi hawaye or taal...
Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...
The dark mosquito net of night falls quickly and peacefully after the usual brilliant display of sunset. Fruit bats fly high, all in one direction to where fruits are ripening in the jungle. Large insects start to swarm around the house, coming out in buzzing waves from the surrounding jungle, dark and mysterious now. Jane watches all this from her vantage point on the balcony. It’s a show that is different every night. There is so much to know and the large somber trees hide as much and as...
Hello dosto. Main iss par khub stories padta hu aur mujhe pasand bhi aati hai isliye main bhi apke manoranjan ke liye apni life ki pahli chudai ki story likh raha hu. Koi galti ho jaye to maaf kar dena. Meri age 25yr ki hai aur meri hight 5.10″ aur lund 7.5″ ka hai. Dosto ye baat jab ki hai jab meri age 18 ki thi aur meri posting as a forest guard haryana me kalesar ke junglo me hui thi. Meri posting aur rahne ka makan dono yamuna nadi ke pass aur jungle me the, najdeek ka gaon mere house se...
© 2000 This is a witness report filed by Sergeant Michael Sands of the Irish Rangers. It is compiled concerning the events in Sierra Leone in September 2000 when he and other UK personnel were held captive in the village of Masuri in central Sierra Leone. This concern the treatment during captivity of Captain Jackie Ward, Jackie is a Territorial Army medical officer with the British Army in Sierra Leone, a blonde statuesque nurse of 24 years, she is very polite, kind and gentle, Jackie...
Seth still helped Mark with the animal herds and building and repairing the corrals and fences with the help of the robots. He spent a lot of his time on the fishing boat. Most often he went with Mark but when Mark couldn't go he enjoyed the company of anyone who was willing to accompany him. One of the robots went with him at all times and helped. There was still a lot of physical work involved and Seth had the strong muscles to prove it. He also had a deep dark golden tan. Quite often he...
White Rain Sunlight streamed down onto the bright green grass of the front lawn. A large post-colonial building stood proudly above the manicured trimmings. Its white fa?ade seemed to pool upwards until the overhanging balconies of the 3rd floor created shade for those below. Little chips of stone fell whenever someone played their music too loud. The repairs should have been made years ago, but the owners had put it off for other repairs. The dormitory was a classroom before it had b...
The night feels hot and humid against my skin. No sign of a breeze through the open sliding door. A thunderstorm in the making, I think as I look at the clock. God, I wish it would rain. I really do love the rain. The air is heavy around us as we lay in our bed. I turn to look at you, see you lying beside me. I think about how I never get tired of watching you sleep and the happiness you bring to me. The sheet is pushed down, your body is naked and white against the darkness of the room and I...
I was on my way home from a three day weekend ride on my motorcycle when I stopped about ninety miles from home to get something for lunch. They had the news on and when the weather came up they said a front was coming through and we were in for thunderstorms and a temperature drop of around twenty degrees. I finished eating and pulled back on the road looking at some angry dark clouds off in the distance. I decided to hurry like hell and see if there was a chance of getting home before it hit....
Straight SexLadies, if you like this story, and want to exchange more like this, please email me at The rain had continued all day. Standing at his office window, he looked at the street below. It was already flooded. This could easily get worse, he thought. He was the last one left at the office. As the director, he never left before all his employees had already left. Deciding to call it a day, he shut down the office and hurried to his parked car, holding his office bag and newspaper over his head....
Great Rite************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan June 2016The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************I had never expected to be King. One of my uncle’s sons should have inherited the...
Tamara and I had looked forward to our summer vacation at the North Carolina shore for months. We had both been under a lot of strain with my deadlines at work and her pressures with starting her home business. The weather cooperated with sunny, warm days and cool nights punctuated by the salty, refreshing breezes coming off the ocean. We spent long, lazy, romantic hours strolling along the beach barefoot, feeling the sun's lulling warmth on our shoulders, watching the long deep swells of the...
She woke to the sound of rain on her window and smiled. She crawled from her bed and stepped over to the french doors that led to the balcony, opening them and stepping through. She immediately felt the rain on her, quickly soaking through her thin, gauzy gown, causing it to stick to her skin. She took a few more steps on the balcony, completely free of any shelter from the falling rain.Her gown now stuck to her like a second skin and had become fully transparent with the steady rain. A smile...
Rain pattered on the window as I looked out over the rolling ocean. I felt like a little kid whose day had been ruined because he couldn’t go out to play. We’d booked the cabin on the beach nearly a year in advance, and we’d managed to hit a time where we were the only people around, at least for a few more days. I’d hoped to get out and take advantage of that privacy. At the very least, I hadn’t planned to spend vacation sitting inside. I hadn’t really seen a lot of my lady, even though the...
Its late when I get off work... I have to walk around the block to where my car is parked. Its starts to rain really hard so I hurry as fast as I could to my car. Not paying attention to much around me. The rain is coming down hard, just cold enough to make my nipples rock hard. I turn the corner and head towards my car. It's the only one there. As I reach the car, I dig in my purse for my keys. All of a sudden I'm being slammed up against my car. "Don't move bitch!" I felt a man's body...
Rainbow grabbed her bag and stormed off, she had had enough of her fiancé’s stupid accusations. At first, it was cute but now it was just annoying. Abdul, her fiancé, was always teasing her claiming he knew she was one day going to leave him for her good friend, Jamil. He always played it off as a joke but deep down she knew he was serious.Jamil was just a close friend, they had met and had sex twice about three years before she met Abdul and both parties had long decided there was nothing more...
Outdoor‘Wait, Clara, I can explain…’ Manolito said desperately. Suddenly the bedroom door was thrown open, ‘Yo, Mannie, I need those condoms, I got the hottest piece of- holy shit,’ exclaimed the stranger. Dear Lord, thought Clara miserably. Slowly she lifted her head to get a look at the intruder. He was handsome, even if he was a rude trespasser. Wavy, golden locks framed his face, a flaxen curl dangled rakishly on his forehead. Tall, with a muscular body that was earned from hard work and not at...
By: Milly Babby7000 Hi my all dear friends aap sab ne meri last story ko achha respond kiya aaj me vo story aage ki likh rahi hu aap ko pata he ki ye story meri saheli swati ki he me to sirf uska anubhav aap sab ke sath share kar rahi hu muje yakin he ki yeh part bhi aapko bahut pasand aayega ab me story pe aati hu. Hi me Swati hu jese ki aap sab ko pata he ki kese meri pahli chudai mere dalal bhai ne bhar barish me jay se karvayi thi muje bhi maja aaya tha hum tino farmhouse ki gallary me...
I love waking to the beautiful pitter-patter of the Californian summer rain falling on our tin roof. Many people don’t like rain because it’s messy (so they say). It messes their hair (so they say) and they offer so many other trivial reasons. For me, rain is beautiful and not only because it clears the air of impurities.Depending on the weather temperature, you may be either chilled or revived by rain. There’re so many different feelings to enjoy. Being in the open with warm rain running down...
OutdoorMy name is Jeff. I am eighteen-years-old, and I wanted to share with you the story that changed my life forever; when my Mom and I became lovers.One weekend, my dad, my mom and my twin sister Beth, were working on a big landscaping project in the backyard. We had done a lot of digging and excavating and the day was hot and muggy. We were almost finished with the digging when Dad sent me and Mom to the Home Depot to pick up the supplies we ordered for the job. Dad agreed to stay and finish up...
Lolly sat in her car, she should have listened to her dad, the car was a pile of shit! And it had to decide to die on her, as she was on a country road miles from anywhere, and now it was raining! AND her mobile was dead! She had tried fixing it herself, but only succeeded in getting soaked to the skin! Today just wasn’t her day! She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes. She thought about her latest victim, she still wouldn’t talk, though she was opening up about her life in general. The...
As I write this, it’s raining outside. Most of the time I hate the rain. In Guam, the rain was sticky and warm. In Korea, it was cold and bit through your clothes. But in the desert Southwestern US, when it rains, it cleans the air. Leaves the air with that fresh and purified smell. I want you to visit here when it is raining, maybe even live here so you can really appreciate it when it does. I am looking at the raindrops hitting the pool …Mmmm … what I would do to you if you were here while...
As I write this, it’s raining outside.Most of the time I hate the rain. In Guam, the rain was sticky and warm. In Korea, it was cold and bit through your clothes. But in the desert Southwestern US, when it rains, it cleans the air. Leaves the air with that fresh and purified smell. I want you to visit here when it is raining, maybe even live here so you can really appreciate it when it does.I am looking at the raindrops hitting the pool …Mmmm … what I would do to you if you were here while it...
Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Five: Rain By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Faoril – Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The rain hammered my rain cloak, beating the oiled canvas. Water dripped off the peak, falling onto my saddle. It didn't help. The rain was too heavy. The road drank it in like the driest earth after a monsoon, becoming sodden, thick. I didn't care. It was hard to care about anything after what happened an hour ago. I could still smell the reek of...
Hannah walked into the girls changing room, roughly toweling her wet long blonde hair. She sat down on one of the wooden benches and watched her toned legs shake up and down."How many laps did you do?" came a sweet voice from the showers."f******n, I think," replied Hannah, pulling a key from her red one-piece swimsuit."f******n!? What are you a mermaid?"Samantha came out of the shower. She carried a towel but didn't bother to wear it, instead letting her long blond hair cling to her body as...
Ronald Casey sighed and endured the verbal abuse being laid on him by his wife, Janice. She was complaining that the house wasn't clean. It was but not to her satisfaction. Ronald did his best but it wasn't good enough. For him, all of this was getting old.They lived in Pensacola Florida. He had been unemployed for the past month and a half and he was desperate to get back to work. Ronald had been working as a customer service rep at a telecommunications company until a recent realignment...
August. The summer was hot and the days oppressive. Nick stood by the open window smoking yet another cigarette, watching the sky darken with an approaching storm and listening to the distant rumbles and grumbles of thunder. Perhaps a good downpour would clear the air and dispel the sticky lethargy that had enveloped him. He had taken this little cottage on a six month tenancy after the breakdown of his marriage and while two sets of divorce solicitors agreed between them just what he would be...
It had been hot and dry the past few days with the temperatures in the nineties but feeling more like it was a hundred degrees outside. Finally, they were calling for rain, which Ann could not wait for. Her and Will were on vacation and both had been too hot and tired to have much sex. Yes, they had air conditioning but the heat still seemed to creep into the house. As she stood there looking out into their backyard, she was glad that they had decided to put up a high wooden fence that...
OutdoorI sat on the porch as it was starting to rain. The wind was blowing a cool breeze as the sun was starting to set. It was just a light rain at first. I love the smell of rain in the air-it's a bit of a turn on for me. I sat on the chair taking in the wind & rain. There's something so incredibly sensual about it. I found myself sitting & starting to daydream. I was picturing my lover caressing my shoulders his hands grazing my breasts. I sat & closed my eyes as the wind started to...
Something woke me up suddenly and I laid on my back for a few moments until my eyes came into focus. Glancing across to the glaring red digits on my alarm clock I could see it was just 9am, much too early to be waking up on a Saturday morning. I turned over with a groan and snuggled back into the bedclothes. Suddenly it hit me, Shauna had got back yesterday! I sat up abruptly and swung my legs out of the bed pushing aside the dirty work-clothes I had dragged off the night before. Working as a...
Straight SexI always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the… I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the south. One day my girlfriend and I was in the living room watching TV, then it started to rain. The rain knocked out the...
ExhibitionismThe day started off normal enough. Well, normal enough for Melissa Holbrook, if for no one else, including Michael Edward Deford, her riding buddy. Suddenly she stopped peddling, jumped off her bike and sprinted over to a man walking his dog as he puffed on a cigarette. ‘Excuse me, but don’t you know that smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease? Not to mention that it annoys those around you and might cause collateral damage to them. You really should stop.’ They had been peddling along...
Fucking In The RainBy: Londebaaz Chohan The other day, sitting with friends on a round-table, trying to finish the Gin bottles, talking of school, college and university days, reminiscing some special sex episodes and sharing with all, someone mentioned the bed breaking and that reminded me one of my episodes. No, I did not break any bed during fucking but something else for sure. It is rather funny than anything else and I am sharing it with all just for laughs and another quick story which I...