Jungle Man Ch. 04 free porn video

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‘Wait, Clara, I can explain…’ Manolito said desperately.

Suddenly the bedroom door was thrown open, ‘Yo, Mannie, I need those condoms, I got the hottest piece of- holy shit,’ exclaimed the stranger.

Dear Lord, thought Clara miserably.

Slowly she lifted her head to get a look at the intruder. He was handsome, even if he was a rude trespasser. Wavy, golden locks framed his face, a flaxen curl dangled rakishly on his forehead. Tall, with a muscular body that was earned from hard work and not at some gym. The strangest part was how similar his features were to Manolito’s.

However, details were missed since she was given less than five seconds to glance at the handsome stranger. As soon as the golden-beauty burst through the door, Manolito shoved Clara behind him, trying to shield her nakedness with his body.

‘Whoa, Dude, what did I do in order to earn a full frontal,’ joked the blonde man.

Gritting his teeth, Manolito bit out, ‘Get the hell out of here. Now.’

Not wishing to push his luck, the stranger left as fast as he arrived.

‘What the hell is going on, Manolito?’ demanded Clara, moving to roll out of bed so she could get dressed and leave this weird place.

She didn’t even make it to the edge of the bed before Mannie pulled her back into his arms so that she couldn’t escape before he told her the truth.

‘Wait, Clara, really I can explain. Please, just let me explain,’ Manolito pleaded when he saw the betrayal expressed in her stormy eyes.

‘Why? So that I can listen to you lie to me?’ she spat out bitterly. Then looking down at the bed, ‘Is Manolito even your real name?’ Clara whispered desperately, strangely bothered more by this than anything else.

Tenderly Manolito cupped her face and tipped her chin up so that she met his gaze. ‘My name is Manolito Rauol de Marquez. This is my home, my bed. I am not a criminal or a bad man. I am sorry that I deceived you, but I felt that it was the only way. It was never my intention to hurt you Clara, mia.’

Mannie leaned in the brush his lips to her cheek but Clara flinched away. Hurt by this little act, Manolito tried to brush it aside, he had hurt her after all.

‘Why? Why did you lie to me?’ Clara asked again, her eyes hard and incredulous.

Sighing, Manolito knew that he had to come clean and hold nothing back from her. Taking a deep breath, he began, ‘I work for the government, cara. In fact, I work for the DEA. The man that I saved you from, Alano Juan Pilarmo, is a very dangerous and crooked man. I am investigating him and trying to gain enough evidence to send him away forever. He runs a massive drug cartel that he covers up by poaching. Not very smart for both activities are illegal,’ he said with distain.

Glancing at Clara’s face, so that he could to decipher if she was listening, wasn’t helpful, her face was passive, no emotion displayed. He had no clue to whether she believed him or not. However, taking no sign as a good sign, he pressed on.

‘Alano poaches exotic and rare animals from the forest. He then stuffs the animals with packages of drugs that he ships to anyone and everyone who will buy them,’ ended a disgusted Manolito.

Agitated, he ran a hand through his hair, ‘This is my home, I jumped at the chance to come back and stop that low-life. I will not stop until I help put him behind bars, where he deserved to be.’

Looking up at Clara, he didn’t know if he should go on. What he saw made him wish he hadn’t.

Clara’s face was lit up with fury, her eyes practically threw sparks of rage. She had been repulsed by Alano before, but this just made her hate him even more. Of course he would kill and destroy endangered living creatures for his own selfish purposes. He could stoop lower than any scum on the earth.

Mistaking her anger, Manolito tried to calm her down. ‘Please, quierda, do not be mad at me. Don’t you see that I must do this?’ When she just looked at him with confusion, he quickly went on, ‘And I did not plan any of this,’ he waved his hand to encompass them both. ‘But I must say that I am glad that I found you when I did. I would have hated to see you hurt, cara.’ Seeing her dazed, uncomprehending expression, Manolito pushed Clara to her back, covering her still-naked body with his.

Taking her face between his hands he bent his head to take her lips with his.

Moaning, Clara fought to clear her head, This is what got us into this mess, she thought heatedly.

Pressing on his chest, Clara pulled her mouth from his, ‘Manolito, I…’ was all she got out before he swooped down to deliver another heart-stopping kiss.

Then the world stood still and sped up at the same time. As soon as one coherent thought came into her mind, it left.

Lifting his head, Manolito gazed at his beautiful Clara. She was flushed again, which he thought was a becoming color for her. Her eyelashes flitted against her cheeks, hiding her eyes and feelings from him. Pressing a kiss to her ear, he murmured, ‘I have never felt this before, Clara. I’ve needed you since I first saw you, knew that I had to have you.’

Opening her eyes, Clara peered up at Manolito. Scared, she attentively reached up and touched his face. ‘I don’t know what to say, Mannie. What to believe… I -‘ She searched his clear brown eyes. All she saw was the hope and desperation of a man that wanted to be believed.

‘Don’t say anything, Clara. Show me. Show me what you feel.’ With that Manolito was finished talking. He wanted to know if she believed what he said but her words couldn’t convince him. He wanted to feel her response, if she pulled away, he would know.

Tunneling his hands through her silky platinum hair, he brushed her lips with his, giving her time to pull away, giving her time to reject him.

Letting out a defeated whimper, Clara wrapped her arms around him, and whispered against his lips, ‘I believe you.’

Aggressively, Manolito took her mouth. Wrapping his hands around her soft locks, he used his grip to move her as he wished. Plundering her mouth, taking what he wanted.

Pushing her knees apart, Manolito had only one goal in mind.

‘Yo, Bro… How ’bout them condoms?’

Clara felt as though she’d just been doused with a bucket of ice cold water. ‘Get off, Mannie. What are you thinking? And who is that?’

Sighing like a martyr, Mannie rolled off of Clara and grabbed a pair of jeans from a drawer.

Lifting a pale brow, ‘Oh, so you own actual clothes?’

‘Yes, I do,’ he said simply, not wishing for her to dwell on the fact for too long. Diverting her attention with new information, he let out another long-suffering sigh, ‘And the idiot that burst into our room like a barbarian is my younger, unintelligent brother.’

Stunned by the casual way he had said, ‘our room’, Clara didn’t know how to respond. ‘Oh…. Well that’s ni-,’

‘Condoms, Manolito!’ interrupted the brother.

‘Uggggh. I’m coming, hold on, Marc,’ shouted back an irritated Manolito.

Grabbing some oversized sweats and a t-shirt, Manolito held out the clothes to Clara.

‘Here. Ummm, put them on and come meet my brother, Marco… uh, Marc.’

Nodding her head, Clara waited for him to leave.

However, Manolito just stood there and watched her, waited for her to get dressed.

Clearing her throat, Clara made a noise and twirled her finger, indicating that she wanted him to turn around. She deserved some semblance of privacy, she huffed.

Groaning, Manolito slowly turned, ‘You know, I’ve seen every part of you, cara. No need to be shy now…’

Deciding he didn’t deserve an answer, Clara turned her back on him and tried to get dressed as fast as possible. Bending over, she quickly stuck one, then the other foot into the sweatpants, pulling them up as she rose.

Hearing a choking sound come from behind her, she looked over her shoulder, her gaze cl
ashing with warm chocolate. ‘Manolito! I told you to turn around!’ She could just imagine the sight he got! Ugh!

‘Clara, you cannot ask a starving man to stay away from a buffet. It just doesn’t happen.’ He turned around again.

Donning the shirt with amazing speed, Clara looked at him with exasperation. ‘Starving? You just ‘feasted’ not even an hour ago,’ she blushed, damn fair skin.

Chuckling, Manolito pulled her into his side, fitting her there like the missing piece of a puzzle. ‘Let’s go downstairs and see what my irresponsible baby brother is up to. I must warn you that he is quite… interesting,’ he finished, letting Clara wonder what that was supposed to mean.

But she didn’t have to wonder long since Manolito led her from the bedroom, steered her down a flight of stairs and into a kitchen, where the sound of cupboards being opened and closed was coming from. What she saw kind of surprised her.

The big blonde Paul Bunyan look-alike had at least twenty different ingredients, to make god-knew what, lined up on the counter. He was wearing an apron that said ‘Kiss the cook’ and was humming a Spice Girls song?

‘If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give…’ screeched the baritone, striving to be a soprano.

Yep, that was the Spice Girls. He has good taste, she mused.

‘What are you doing, Marc?’ Manolito loved his brother, really he did, but he didn’t want Marc around when all he wanted was to be alone with Clara. He needed time to convince her to say with him. ‘Thought you needed condoms? Had a piece waiting for ya…’ Throwing the box, Manolito was aiming for his head. That should get my point across.

Dodging the flying box of contraceptives, he replied, ‘Naw, bro, I was just pullin’ your leg. You know I’m jonesin’ for that librarian of mine.’ Clutching his chest, he threw them a dramatic look, ‘Be still my shorts.’ Grinning, he went back to his pasta creation and tossed different amounts of spices into the dish. Not using a measuring cup, noticed an observant Clara, not relishing tasting said creation.

Donning a charming smile, he added, ‘Anyways, I was hoping to meet the Mrs. here,’ looking pointedly at Clara. ‘My name’s Marco, Marc to my friends. Oh, yea, I’m also that big-lug’s brother,’ smirking at his nickname for his sibling, ‘And you are?’

‘Clara. Clara Solharn. Nice to meet you, Marco,’ smiling at the charismatic man. He really was quite friendly and it was hard to resist his charm. One thing she noticed about Marco was that he seemed to have a laid-back, easy-going personality, she liked that.

Wiping his hands on a towel, he came over to shake her hand, ‘So, what’s the deal with you and Mannie? Known him long, eh?’ He winked as he let her hand go, headed back to his noodle surprise and set it in the oven.

‘Uh, well, I met-, I ran into Clara in the-‘

‘Not too long,’ Clara interjected. ‘We really just met. You could say that Mannie has kept me captive since we met.’ She looked up at him pointedly. He at least had the grace to blush. A charming color on him, Clara thought with a snicker.

Marc noticed the exchange between the two and couldn’t remember ever having seen his brother look at a woman like he did this Clara. Knowing Mannie worked for the government, and what he did took a toll on him. Often it left him feeling empty, lonely, Marc hoped this Clara was as serious about Manolito as he seemed to be about her. They look good together.

The three settled into chairs at the kitchen table. Chatting about different things, mostly Marc told stories and poked fun at his sibling, the conversation flowed easily, making Clara laugh at the pair’s antics. It was obvious to the eye that they were very close even though one resembled night and the other day.

One was loud, outrageously funny, and unabashedly outspoken, while the other was quieter, had an air of reserve, and looked something… Clara couldn’t put her finger on it, but Manolito didn’t seem right. She didn’t notice it earlier, well they hadn’t really spoken earlier, but now he appeared to be a man going through the motions, acting the part, except with her.

With her, he was normal, natural, a fun-loving, whole man. She didn’t notice that he looked to be almost in pain. That it was even straining to be in the company of his brother.

Reaching under the table, Clara found Manolito’s hand. Lacing her fingers with his seemed to have a calming effect on him, he leaned back in the chair and stretched out his legs, listening to Marc’s stories of their life with an amused half-smile, interjecting corrections to the different parts that his brother stretched.

Soon Marc’s pasta was done and Clara couldn’t get over how good it was. ‘Mmmm, Marco, this is so delicious. Where on earth did you learn to cook?’

Grinning at Clara’s praise, Marc looked at his brother in time to see his disappointed, narrowed look. His brother didn’t like it when the beautiful Clara paid him any attention. Amused by this, Marc decided to stoke the fire a bit, ‘Thank-you, I’m glad you like it, but Clara, please call me Marc. We are friends, no?’ At her nod, he continued, ‘Our mother taught me, believe it or not. She was quite a good cook.’

‘Marco. Manolito. Those are two different names, very unusual.’ Clara looked to hear Marc’s answer, trying to ignore the man that laid an arm around her tightly, possessively.

Laughing, Marc was more than happy to tell her about their family history. ‘Well, Mom is from this area. This was actually her home when she was a little girl, she grew up in this house. But she met our father when he came here on some scientific expedition, discovering different plant species, he was a botanist. Long story short: Dad came in, swooped Mom off her feet, brought her back to the States and they got married. Dad worked at a university and Mom opened a small restaurant, she was a great cook, amazing really. They had us, first time was a bust with him,’ he jokingly pointed to his brother, ‘so they tried again and got me. She used the first names of her grandfather and father. Our dad knew how important it was to her and didn’t mind. He figured he’d give us some good nicknames,’ he laughed.

He sobered up as he added, ‘Manolito wanted to come back more than I did and he inherited this house when our parents passed. Car accident. A few years ago. But they were great. Set us up pretty good, too. What, with Mannie, he got the house, and I, well I cook so I got the restaurant back in the states.’ Shaking off the feelings invoked by thinking about his parents, he smiled, ‘We try to visit each other as often as possible. Right, bro?’

‘Yea. As much as possible. Sometimes too often,’ looking at Marc, Manolito tried to get across that now was one of those times. The man wouldn’t take the hint and leave!

Laughing, Marc decided to take pity on his brother. ‘As I said earlier, I have a feisty Librarian that needs tamed. Damn woman won’t give me the time of day. Gotta go reel her in.’ With a wink he was up, grabbed the box of condoms and was out the door as fast as he came.

‘Well, that was interes-‘ Clara stopped mid-sentence when she saw Marco poke his head back in.

With an amused glint in his eye, Marc offered, ‘I’m headed back in to see Lila, whether she wants to see me or not. You need a ride back into town by any chance, Clara?’

Feeling Mannie’s arm tighten around her shoulders, Clara tried to stand up, ‘Why, yes, I would like that. I have some business to do in town and should get back to the hotel.’ Trying to get out of Manolito’s hold, Clara quickly surmised that she wouldn’t be able to get away unless he let her. Looking at him, she waited for him to take the hint.

‘Leave Marco. Don’t come back for a few days.’ Looking into Clara’s eyes the entire time, he added, ‘I’ll be very busy.’ Seeing her blush gave him a sense of satisfaction. She wasn’t ignoring him now.

‘Peace guys. See you soon, Clara.’ And he was gone. Leavi
ng Clara alone with Manolito.

‘Manolito, I have to go back to town. You know I have to report Alano. I don’t look forward to it, but I have to get back to my life. You have to let me go.’

Something in Manolito snapped. All he heard was that she wanted to leave. She couldn’t leave. Without her he was alone, he had no one until he found her. Didn’t she feel it?

Growling, he picked her up out of the chair and set her on the table in front of him. Towering over her he stripped her faster than she could blink.

‘No Clara. You can’t leave me. Stay here. Where I know you’ll be safe. I’ll take care of that bastard, Alano.’ Trailing his hand down to her curls, he started to stroke her. ‘Stay. Please.’

Before she could answer Manolito already had his mouth on hers. His fingers slipped past her folds and found her wet, wanting.

Circling her clit, he pushed the little button until she was throwing her hips at his hand, seeking some kind of release.

Dragging his mouth from hers, he stared into her eyes, seeing the shock enter them as he slowly entered her. Slowly, steadily, Manolito started to work the hard length of his cock into her hot pussy. ‘Mine. You’re mine, Clara.’

Gasping, Clara wrapped her legs around his waist, hooking them around his buttocks.

‘Fuck me, please Manolito.’ Whimpering, she brought her nails down his chest, leaving light-red trails, ‘I need you.’

‘Oh, cara, you’ll get me.’ Sliding in and out of her, Manolito gave her just enough friction to drive her crazy with pleasure, but it was too slow for her find release.

‘Say the words, Clara. Say them and I will give you what you need.’

Clara didn’t feel that she was ready for that, knew that she couldn’t say what he wanted her to, admit that she was his.

‘Manolito, just fuck me,’ she pleaded. When he just kept that frustrating pace, she tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

Holding onto her tighter, Manolito plunged into her a little harder and deeper, giving her a taste of what she wanted. But as soon as he felt her coming close, he reverted back to shallow, slow thrusts.

Frustrated, drowning in pleasure, Clara cried out, ‘Yours. I’m yours, Manolito.’

With a shout of triumph, Manolito tilted her hips and started to thrust into her faster and deeper than before.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh was the only sound besides moans of need. They could smell the other’s arousal, which only heightened their own.

Finally, after what felt like hours, but could only have been minutes, Clara fell apart in Manolito’s arms, on top of his table, spasming around his cock. ‘Manolito,’ sobbed Clara as she broke apart.

Bellowing, Manolito couldn’t fight the tight clenching of Clara’s pussy. Following her, Manolito clung to Clara, letting her wandering hands calm him, fill the ache that he knew only she could fill.

Lifting his head, he wearily begged, ‘Please, just come with me to bed, Clara, mia.’

‘Ok,’ she smiled. Tucking a strand of inky hair behind his ear, sheepishly she whispered, ‘I’d like nothing better.’

Tenderly, Manolito scooped her up and carried her back to their bed. Mine.


Where is she, Alano fumed.

He was beyond frustrated. Alano no longer cared about poaching vessels for their drugs, they had enough animals for now.

No, he didn’t care about business. He wanted Clara, now.

When he got her back, he would take his time killing the jungle ape that took her. And he would relish every pain he inflicted on the man.

What he would do to Clara he would relish too. But that was different. He would make love to her, make her love him.

Seeing José, one of the better trackers with him, approach, he looked up and demanded, ‘So? What’s the news, José? Have you found her?’

Nervously, José stuttered, ‘I-I-I, th-think so, sir.’ Seeing the approval from his employer, he bravely added, ‘They are not too far. About a day’s trek up north. I came back as fast as I was sure that was them. Looking through a window I saw her, Clara that is, sir, and there is no mistaking that it was her.’ Finished, he waited anxiously for his boss’s answer.

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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto part 2 jungle trip jo main phalhay part main pora na kar saka . aap ko phalha part i think acha nahi laga ho ga or jin ko acha laga yah bura phir be thanks aap nay mare story read ki .jasa kay main phalhi story main baata chuka hon kay ,wo junglee adami ka lora nechay ko os ki tango main latka hoa tha or kafie sara wet tha jes say lag raha tha kay near 8 inch to didi ki piyare gore little choot main gaya ho ga . or soch raha tha kay itna bara es ka lora or itna motta lund didi nay kasay...

2 years ago
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Jungle Scout

Even before I was old enough I wanted to fight for my country. When I was I joined those I felt comfortable with, jungle scouts. I had a talent for moving unseen and they were the best place for me. Our mission went from finding secret camps for smuggling weapons and equipment to plans for a major attack. I had grown up on the southern coast of Han in the swamp and jungle. When the Clar invaded I was to young to fight. We were a colony and Genta came in with both feet. They and our forces...

1 year ago
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Jungle Love Chapter 3

With the news that the legend of the lost city of Choque Cota was indeed real and all that that promised for the party and the success of their journey, the whole camp was abuzz with excitement. But the actual discovery and exploration of the city would have to wait until morning.So the group made camp and tried to get some sleep while they waited for the sunrise. For most of the party, sleep came fairly easily.But for the two doctors, sleep would be much more elusive. Dr. Anderson had been...

Love Stories
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Jungle Fever

Darren held her arm, making sure she wouldn’t fall and bust her ass. When they got outside to his truck, he had to hold her blonde hair back from her face as she blew big chunks in the parking lot. Better projectile vomit there than in his vehicle. Behind the tinted windows and feeling better having relieved herself of some of that alcohol, she started chatting away. “Turn on the radio. Ohhhh, 50cent, I LOVVVE him. He’s so gangsta. You know what I mean? Keeping it real. From the...

2 years ago
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Jungle Ne Mangal At Nainital

Hi readers, apki ishana hazir h apne naye experience ko share krne jisne meri pichhli story ni padi wo yha pad skta h Shivam, uske dost or un anjan ladko se chudne ke bad mujhe guilt hia ki mene kya kr dia mujhe ye sb no krna chahie tha. Isilie me sb se dopr hone ke lie ek vacation pr jane ka socha or apna number badal lia taki shivam dobara call na kr pae Mene nainital ke ticket ktwaye or nikal padi hotel already book tha me nainital pahuchi bahjt hi achha mausam tha thandi hawaye or taal...

2 years ago
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Jungle Trip Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part III

Thanks dosto aap nay mare stories like ki or thanks aap logo kay comments or emails kay . dosto mare stories lumbi ho jati hain es liya sorry , jasa kay aap logo nay jungle trip part 1 or 2 read kiya ho ga now part 3 hai try karon ga aap ko acha lagay didi to junglee say chudwa kar layt gaye magar mare soch suru ho gaye pata nahi parents ka kiya bana ho ga kes haal main hon gay humaray liya kitna worried hon gay , or dosre taraf hum hain kay humay kuch yaad nahi raha hum khider say aya hain or...

2 years ago
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Jungle Rain

You awake to a driving rain. It takes you several seconds to force your mind to capture the situation. Costa Rica. Deep in the no-man’s land of a virginal jungle. A flash of lightening. White light exploded in every inch of the universe. Crashing thunder shakes the trees. Your hammock sways violently in the howling wind. Lightning and driving rain. Rare in the green cocoon that you have called home for the last four months. Lightening is a thing of the distant latitudes. This kind of crashing...

3 years ago
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Jungle night

The dark mosquito net of night falls quickly and peacefully after the usual brilliant display of sunset. Fruit bats fly high, all in one direction to where fruits are ripening in the jungle. Large insects start to swarm around the house, coming out in buzzing waves from the surrounding jungle, dark and mysterious now. Jane watches all this from her vantage point on the balcony. It’s a show that is different every night. There is so much to know and the large somber trees hide as much and as...

4 years ago
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Jungle me mungle

Hello dosto. Main iss par khub stories padta hu aur mujhe pasand bhi aati hai isliye main bhi apke manoranjan ke liye apni life ki pahli chudai ki story likh raha hu. Koi galti ho jaye to maaf kar dena. Meri age 25yr ki hai aur meri hight 5.10″ aur lund 7.5″ ka hai. Dosto ye baat jab ki hai jab meri age 18 ki thi aur meri posting as a forest guard haryana me kalesar ke junglo me hui thi. Meri posting aur rahne ka makan dono yamuna nadi ke pass aur jungle me the, najdeek ka gaon mere house se...

2 years ago
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Jungle Treatment

© 2000 This is a witness report filed by Sergeant Michael Sands of the Irish Rangers. It is compiled concerning the events in Sierra Leone in September 2000 when he and other UK personnel were held captive in the village of Masuri in central Sierra Leone. This concern the treatment during captivity of Captain Jackie Ward, Jackie is a Territorial Army medical officer with the British Army in Sierra Leone, a blonde statuesque nurse of 24 years, she is very polite, kind and gentle, Jackie...

3 years ago
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MeSwetha Manasa

Me,Swetha and manasa By: ram Hello friend’s hope you all are having a nice sexy times. I and my cousin Swetha are good friends. We use to go out and enjoy. We use to play games and I use to press her boobs as and when I get chance. This continued, one day Swetha told me that she is going to her friend’s house in Mumbai. And told me to joined her. I said I can’t come, because it was at the time of New Year I enjoyed my Christmas with nice party with my friends and don’t want to celebrate my New...

2 years ago
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Jungle Me Barish Ke Maja Pahli Bar Apno Ke Sath Part II

By: Milly Babby7000 Hi my all dear friends aap sab ne meri last story ko achha respond kiya aaj me vo story aage ki likh rahi hu aap ko pata he ki ye story meri saheli swati ki he me to sirf uska anubhav aap sab ke sath share kar rahi hu muje yakin he ki yeh part bhi aapko bahut pasand aayega ab me story pe aati hu. Hi me Swati hu jese ki aap sab ko pata he ki kese meri pahli chudai mere dalal bhai ne bhar barish me jay se karvayi thi muje bhi maja aaya tha hum tino farmhouse ki gallary me...

2 years ago
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Nenu Na Manjula

By : Nagan9 Hi friends naa peru nagan,age 24, naa lifelo jarigina storiokati meetoo sharechesukovalani story rastunnachadevi mee openion mailcheyandee maa father transforkaavadamto meemu vunna flotkhali chesamu perents chennaivellepoinaru neenu maatramstudies kosam ekkadevundepoinanu single room flotokati rentku teesukonivunnanu.sudenga flat changekaavadam valla ekkada andarukotta emi artamkaaledu. college loantta kotta ammaielu appudeclose avutunnaru antatondaragaa dengichu koruanduke maa...

3 years ago
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Cartoon Henchman

Welcome, welcome… May I be the first one to welcome you into the exciting and rather dangerous life of organized villainy. Now, you might have your worries about being a henchman, but allow me to be the first to waiver your fears. You, the unfortunate hapless soul that you are, have been chosen to take up the noble profession and time-honored tradition of becoming a henchman. Now whether you joined up due to the fact that you needed money, are desperate, or simply just looking for a path in...

2 years ago
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Karumbu Thopil Manaivi

Vanakam. Enathu peayar Vijai. Vayathu 28. Naan Tamilnaduvil oru garamathil vaazhnthu varugiren. Enathu veetil appa amma matrum thangai irukiraargal athanaal avaluku thirumanam seithu vittu thaan enaku thirumanam seiya aarambipaargal. Enaku 28 vayathu aagi iruntha pothilum ennal kaama aasaiyai kattupadutha mudinthathu. Aanal athu vegu naatkal needika villai enathu veedu oru gramathil irunthathaal niraiya thopugal irukum. Pasumaiyaagavum kaatru maasu adaiyaamal iyarkaiyaaga irukum pinbu enathu...

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How Iost my lovely akshata to my friend raman

So, here is the story about my girlfriend Akshata, whom I lost to my friend Raman in truth and dare game.Akshata is fully beauty queen, have tall, slim body with 34C boob size, and fair body from toe to head, and pretty face features, she' loves to flaunt her hair and sexy waist in saree, have buttery smooth hands and she always keeps her nails colored and matched with her outfit. she has round juicy and erotic lips, amazing shape of her back, and little bumpy ass.and me and akshata are bf-gf...

3 years ago
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Three Fuckings In A Row With Raman

We had to shift from the village while my father was transferred from the block office to join at Bhubaneswar on a promotion.My transfer certificate was taken from the village school and admitted in the Govt. school. I was excited to see the huge school building and large number of students reading in the school.The premises was wide spread.My village school was very small with thatched school rooms with very few teachers and students. At the tiffin break I could notice that a group of boys are...

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Maviah Modda Pakkinti Lanja Manisha

Hi Everybody. This is a Telugu Story written in Roman Script. It is not a short story But I hope you all will enjoy it.Ma illu first floor lo vuntundi. kinda ground floor lo house owners vuntarru. Kanni pillalu chudadaniki anni USA vellaru. ma pakkana illu votti ground floor.Ma rendu illa madhyana gap challa thakuva. samayamu summurga udayamu 11 ayyi vunda vachuu. nennu newspaper thirgestunna. appuddu vehicle vachi aggina sound vinnapadindhi. yevarra anni paiki legisi chusannu. voka truck aggi...

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Enter Sandman

‘Enter Sandman’ Although most scholars of erotic mind control fiction would agree that the Internet has provided us with a new Golden Age of hypnotic stories (in both senses of the word ‘hypnotic’), the increased attention paid to the fetish is also providing us with a wealth of information on the history of mind control erotica. Discoveries continue every day, from the use of hypnosis in silent films like ‘The Cabaret of Doctor Caligari’, to the infamous ‘burlesque hypnosis shows’ of Germany...

1 year ago
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All for Mr Redman

I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Being in the middle actually is actually not that big a problem for me. My parents are really good people and have been an inspiration to me in many things. I was raised Roman Catholic so of course went to Catholic schools all my life. I once had a crazy dream of wanting to attend Notre Dame in the States but that didn't happen. It was too far away for my...

2 years ago
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All for Mr Redman

Introduction: Finally landing the Teacher I always wanted *This is my very first story. I have never posted anything before but decided it was about time I did. I apologize in advance for my errors in grammar and spelling. I have tried very hard to correct them, but this is not my first language. I hope you enjoy this story. It is based in on true events. Obviously, names have been changed to protect the guilty I am a third generation Japanese Canadian. I come from a more or less typical...

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Real Incident with Rakesh8217s wife Suman

Hi, I am Sahil Singh () 30 years old married man. My height is 5 feet 9 inches and I am average looking person. I am not good in English, so there is any mistake please ignores it. This incident happen when my wife if is pregnant of 5 months and I am very horny because I not fucked my wife from past 5 months. I am getting frustrated due notable do sex. The Story is about our neighbor friend Rakesh’s wife Suman and me, Suman is sex of God and pleasure and she is fair and God gifted huge boobs...

3 years ago
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The First CommandChapter 18 Truman

What can I say about Truman? The first time I saw it, it was much like the first time I saw Jupiter Station: a jumble of ships, equipment, half-built habitats and stations. The biggest difference was that half the construction was down on the planet, trying to put together a place for humans to live. Truman was marginally habitable, meaning that it could be lived on with technical assistance. That doesn't mean that it was a terrestrial planet. It was the moon of a gas giant somewhat close...

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Memories of Miss Manson

This is a true story of what happened to me during my time at secondary school between 1987 and 1994. In 1986, if my memory serves me correctly, corporal punishment in schools was banned. However, that didn’t seem to stop teachers at my old school – and may I add – completely female teachers – from using it on occasions. I remember an incident in a Drama lesson at the school. We were all in PE kit of t-shirt and shorts and had been instructed by the teacher, a tall, blonde lady called Mrs...

1 year ago
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Sex With Suman

By : Deepakd Hi, mera naam Deepak hai, aur main Jammu ka rehne wala hu, mera email id hai – . Mere kad 5’5” hai aur mere laude ka size 6” hai n kafi mota hai… bat un dino ki hai jab main college first year me tha, mere ek dost ‘abhi’ ka ghar college ke pas hi tha hum dono aksar college ke bad ikthe hi jate the aur kai bar bunk karke uske ghar par bluefilm dekhte uske ghar ke thodi dur ek aur ghar tha. Waha husband wife rehte the husband ka naam ‘Sanjay’ tha aur wife ka naam ‘suman’ tha ek hi...

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Jack Redman

CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...

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Karvachauth with manjula

Some men are born to be lucky. For others the luck is ordained. I am from the second category. My Wife’s friend Manjula married to Navy officer who has exactly the same name as mine. Manjula is one of those beautiful indian housewife who have a burining desire of infidelity, but due to social paradoxes are not able to express their lustful desires openly. Manjula is extremly beautiful & expressive by nature. Her height is 5’6”, figure is 36”-28”-38” & complexion fair. She has extremely shaped...

4 years ago
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The Talisman

"Here is an item that might interest you Mr. Russell," Homer Parducci, the short, bald owner of the antique shop said to the man standing before him on the other side of the display case. The shopkeeper reached into the case and withdrew a strange looking necklace. "This is a talisman from Africa. I have hung in on this gold necklace, but let me assure you the item is genuine. I will provide you with papers certifying its authenticity if you think you might want to purchase it." "It looks...

2 years ago
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Hello, this LUCKY from Bangalore. I am a regular visitor of this site. I always used to fantasize about girls thinking of them and imagining them as nude in front of me. The story which I am going to tell you is a one with my cousin. I am a 21 year old guy with a medium type of physique but my friends tell me that I am handsome. I am 5ft 7 inches tall and have a healthy body. Any way from the beginning of my college I wasn’t interested in any of girls. Some times I used to stare at some girls...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Manisha

Hello readers M vicky my age 26 Avrage body with 6 inches penis Mera rang thoda sanwla hai Ab mai aap ko sidha apni story par lata hu Hum yani mai or meri mummy ek sehar ke chote se gaw me rehte hai or humare ghar ke sath hi ek ghar hai jisme 2 bhai apni wife ke sath rehte hai jo unki biwiya hai wo hai to moti but unki choochiya bahut solid hai bole to 38d hoga unki choochiyoo ka sazi waise to wo dikhne me bahoot hi sexy hai sath hi unka gudila sarir lund khada karne wala hai kyu ki jab bhi...

1 year ago
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Captivating Catwoman

Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...

Group Sex
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1st time with a Transwoman

My first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...

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Lois Lane and Catwoman

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...

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Unexpected Sex With A Married Lady Suman

Hi there, I am back with another escapade of mine. Well, this particular incident was completely unprecedented and it unfolded in a very different fashion. For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 39, well built, pretty good looking, adventurous and fun-loving. Always available on This incident happened a couple of months back, while I was returning from Delhi after a meeting and had an evening flight, which got delayed. I whiled away my time in the lounge and then...

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My Neighbor Seduced My Wife 8211 Pt 1 Welcoming Manoj

Please send your feedback to me or chat with me on the same id in hangouts. Hi, all Akash again. This is a true story of how my wife and my neighbor started their affair. My wife Sunita is a hot sexy maal. She usually wears soft shiny nighties at home which shows her ample assets proudly. She is a very innocent but horny housewife who expects frequent fondling and kissing from me. After our marriage, she has been giving me the best of sex full of love. She is a shy but horny woman. It took me...

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Mrs Hoffman

A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...

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Neve and the Sandman

"In the repertoire of my being, that of a mortal with creative juices...I, The Sandman and sweeper of sensuality make my nightly journey to seek out the one female creature that I might make my own.”Neve read these words to herself, then said aloud, “The sweeper of sensuality huh? Not in my experience.”Neve sat back in her bed. The story was from one of those online sites that specialized in more adult themed stories. Stories of erotic encounters between two or more people that resulted in hot...

4 years ago
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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi

Hi, this is arav (25), sharing my 1st true sex experience with my neighbor mansi(24) whom I banged many times in every fantasy situation please read the whole story will enjoy a lot. I am an engineer and preparing for govt jobs, my family and many family are nighbours for 8 years so its understood that I and mansi were friends for 7 years but suddenly things changed last year. When mansi completed her post graduation and I left a job for government job preparation, till then we were out of our...

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