Shania, Pt. 3 free porn video

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I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much.

As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well go get the replacement bottle. I had no intention of calling Shania once I returned to the apartment. Everything that had happened that day had been visceral and put my life into turmoil. I needed some time to sort things out. I was hoping she would simply sleep off her considerable buzz and allow me to re-evaluate the situation.

I was not, I told myself as I walked toward the package store, in love with her. Concerned? Certainly. Attracted? Without a doubt. Yet I was, at heart, a realist. I also had to recognize that in her current state of emotional turmoil, Shania was likely to grasp at various straws in an attempt to keep herself afloat in the maelstrom that had assaulted her personal life. The fact that she had misinterpreted my concern for her as a romantic attraction was evidence enough of that.

Tucking the brown bag under my arm, I noted I had not changed out of my suit and tie. That would be among my highest priorities upon returning to my apartment. My normal attire of slacks and Polo shirts would be much more comfortable as I attempted to ruminate through the morass my own personal life had become.

That kiss, though, I thought. It had nearly taken the top of my head off. It wasn’t that it was violent or forceful. It certainly was intense, though. And, I thought, running finger lightly across my lips, damned nice. I could get used to that. But, no, I said, smiling and shaking my head. Down that path was desolation. I was sure of it. Considering the age difference and the likelihood that her assets would attract the attention of many a suitor much more physically robust than myself, I shook my head one more time to clear out the thoughts of what discomfort lay at the end of that road as she left me for one with more appeal.

That was quick, I thought, realizing I had arrived at my door. I unlocked it and went straight to the cabinet, replacing the bourbon amongst the several bottle of other hootch I kept for emergencies. I strode into bedroom to change.

“Hey!” I heard the call from the living room. Damned if she hadn’t barged in.

“How did you get in?” I called out to her.

“You left the door unlocked. What are you doing?”


“Please don’t,” she said. Her voice sounded normal as she stood in the bedroom door. I was glad I’d merely removed my jacket, tie and shirt. I still had the modesty of my trousers.

“Suits aren’t me.”

“Please don’t change, though,” she said, grinning. “I like you as you are.”

“Can I put on a Polo and some slacks?”

“Silly. I meant I don’t want you to change from being who you are.”

“Oh,” I replied. “Sorry. Dense.”

She looked radiant, in a yellow sundress with a yellow and white headband in her hair and white sandals on her feet.

“You didn’t call,” she accused.

“I literally just got back. I was just going to change into something more comfortable.”

“Oh, and then you were going to call?”

I stopped and looked at her. “No. I won’t lie to you. I thought you would go sleep off your buzz.”

“Don’t you want to be around me anymore?”

“That’s not it, Shania.” I was uneasy about saying her name now. “Just let me change my trousers. I’ll be right out.”

“No,” she said stubbornly.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m staying right here. You’ve got underwear on, don’t you? Just change your pants. I need to be near you.”

“You’re pushing the limits, my dear.”

“Please,” she said softly. “Let me stay.”

I waved my hand and dropped my trousers to the floor. I kicked off one leg at a time. I grabbed the khakis from the doorknob of the closet and stepped into them. I retrieved the dress pants from the floor shook them out and hung them on a suit hanger, placing the jacket over the top.

“You’re a neat freak.”

“Not really. It just keeps me from having to do massive clean-ups.” I hung the suit over the bar in the closet, crumpled the dress shirt and tossed it into the basket that served as a hamper. I turned and headed toward the door.

Shania looked up into my eyes. “I like your bed.”

I shook my head. “Not going there.”

“One day,” she said. “Then you’ll be mine forever.”

I chuckled. “You need to stop talking nonsense. The idea of us becoming a couple is beyond absurd.”

“You can tell me that you don’t want me, but everything you’ve done tells another story.”

“What have I done, Shania?” I said, somewhat more gruffly than I intended. “I helped you out when you were in trouble. I stood beside you when you were in need. I fed you more booze than I should have. Everything could fall under the category of a concerned friend.”

“You kissed me,” she said softly.

“No, darlin’. You kissed me.”

“You kissed me back.”

“Dear God, Shania,” I sighed. “You’re really being very difficult.”

“And you’re being very obtuse, darling Eric.”

“Just realistic, dear.” I turned toward the kitchen. “I suppose you want some more of that bourbon?”

“Just ginger ale. I took a couple of Tylenol so I wouldn’t have a headache.”

“I have ginger ale,” I acknowledged. I moved into the kitchen, found a water glass, plopped a couple of ice cubes in it, took the ginger ale from the refrigerator and poured half a glass. I waited for the bubbles to recede, and then filled the glass. I carried it to her in the living room and handed it to her. Her eyes captured mine.

“What?” I asked.

She smiled. “You can busy yourself with all the mundane tasks you like. But, when you’re all finished, I’m still going to be here.”

“That’s fine,” I said, my exhaustion coming through. “I invited you. I welcome you. You don’t need a reason, and your presence doesn’t make me uncomfortable.

“I like being with you. I want to be with you. And I know you want me to be here.”

“Are you sober enough to talk about this?”

“I think I am. I wasn’t really drunk before, you know. I just had a really good buzz going.”

“You said some things while you were buzzing that you’re going to regret tomorrow.”

“No I didn’t,” she said flatly.

“Shania,” I began.

“Velvet,” she interjected.

“For the love of God, Shania, would you stop?”

Very slowly, her eyes never leaving mine, she shook her head. “You know what I hear every time you say my name?”

“I’m afraid to ask.”

“I hear, ‘I love you.’ That’s what I hear.”

“That just what you want to hear,” I protested.

She held her glass in front of her, with only her eyes peeking above as she sipped, and shook her head very slowly again.

“Okay, look,” I said, taking a deep breath. “You’re stunning, gorgeous, young, and attractive. I’m drawn to you. Few men wouldn’t be. But, I can’t love you, Shania.”

“But you do.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

“It would make no sense,” I said in my most reasonable, rational, mature, adult voice. “In a few weeks, months, or years, some virile young man is going to come along and sweep you off your feet and carry you away to his mansion on the hill. Then where will I be?”

She continued to shake her head back and forth. “Don’t be a damned fool, Eric,” she said gently.

“That’s what I’m trying to prevent, Shania.”

“See? There it is again. ‘I love you.’”

“What?” I went into a panic.

“Just say it. Just say it instead of my name.”

My heart slowed down. Okay, I thought. She really didn’t just say that. She was just saying she heard it when I said her name.

“I’m trying to prevent being a damned old fool, my dear.” I was feeling proud of myself for avoiding her name. “When I fall in love, it will be with somebody I can count on being next to me forever. I’m not sure that’s the case with us. In fact, I’m pretty damned sure that’s not going to happen.”


“Because you are young and beautiful. Young and beautiful women have young and attractive men chasing them relentlessly. I do not want to be left behind, broken-hearted and bereft because the woman I love has left me for vitality and virility.”

“Want to know what I’ve learned?” she asked, carefully placing the glass on the coffee table.

“Sure,” I said, trying to sound more casual than I felt. “Tell me what you’ve learned.”

“I’ve learned the young and virile are also young and stupid.”

“Not all of them.”

“Shut up, Eric. I’m not finished.

“These young and virile guys make really bad decisions. They just don’t know any better. And they think women like me are decorations. None of them ever gave a horse’s ass what I thought about anything. Real men, men like you, Eric, don’t see us as bangles to be paraded around for the benefit of their egos. Real men like you have an appreciation for who we are, what we think, and how we feel.”

“Are you finished now?”

“Until you make some other stupid point I have to refute.”

I had never been in an argument I wanted to lose more than this one. If I packed away all reason and just let my heart rule, I knew I wanted to love this angel, and I wanted her to love me. I wanted her to be with me, for us to be partners. But the sheer improbability kept my intellect battling with my emotions.

“I don’t love you, Shania,” I began.

“Yes, you do,” she interrupted.

“God damn it!” I nearly shouted. “Stop it!”

“Deny it, Eric,” she snapped out at me. “Deny it all you want. But, I can see it. I can feel it. I felt it when you kissed me. I felt it when you took my arm. You want to protect me, to take care of me. God damn it, yourself, Eric. Just fucking admit it, will you?”

I shook my head in deep sorrow. “I can’t, Shania.”

“Why the fuck not?” She was obviously still angry.

“Because,” I said sadly, “if I love you, I will lose you.”

“Oh, you really are a fucking moron, aren’t you?” she slammed at me. “I’m, no, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. You’re not a moron. You’re just…what? Are you afraid? Is that it? You’re afraid?”

“Christ, Shania,” I begged. “You’re an angel. You’re too beautiful for words. And you’ve got all that spirit and spunk. You’re bright, and beautiful, and smart, and purposeful. I love all of that about you. That’s why I can’t. You’re just so great. You’d be perfect for me if you weren’t so damned young.”

“Well, it’s too late, buster. The only thing that is going to keep you from loving me is if I disappear, and that ain’t happening. I’m here. And I’m here for as long as we can stand each other. But, listen to me.” Her words came in separate, staccato bursts, accented by her punching the air with a finger. “I ain’t leaving ‘til you kick my ass out.”

“Why are you fighting so hard for this?” I asked. “You don’t love me. Hell, you hardly know me.”

“How can any man be so incredibly wrong in one sentence?” she asked, looking up to the ceiling. Facing me she took a huge breath. “Okay, look. Maybe I don’t have all the ‘I’s dotted and the ‘t’s crossed like you do. But, there’s something, okay? When I broke down in the limo, you remember?”


“And you held me. You wrapped me up in your arms and I could feel it then. That’s when I started thinking, what the fuck was I crying for? I was weeping for the loss of a complete jerk who never really appreciated me. You held me and I felt protected. So, what was wrong with that? I realized then that if I just would let go and allow myself to surrender to the care and concern of the one person who was there for me…and then, when I heard you speak to me, say my name, well, I just knew. So, maybe I’m not IN love with you just yet, but I love you as the true friend you’ve turned out to be. I’ve been so wrapped up in worrying about what lay in the future for me that I’ve been blind. But, all the time, you were right here. And you are special, Eric. So let’s give this a chance, okay?”

“So you think this is all about fate or something?”

“I think I’d be crazy not to.” She stepped over to me and pressed a knee between mine, putting her hands on my shoulders. She knelt down until we were virtually at eye level.

“You remember that kiss upstairs?” she asked softly.

“Hard to forget,” I chuckled.

“Let’s do it again,” she suggested, “and see if we still have sparks.” She leaned forward and captured my lips with hers. I heard a little moan from her as her lips pressed between mine and I tasted them gently. Their softness was incredible and the pressure exquisite. Shania pulled back quickly.

“Oh, shit, Eric,” she whispered. “That is just too wonderful. Can you feel it?”

“Yeah, that’s really something,” I confessed.

“I want more,” she said, and locked herself onto me. I could feel her tongue pressing and opened for her. This time, it was a groan. She held my cheeks in her hands and pulled me to her, then slid her hands over my shoulders and around my neck.

The release was slower, more lingering this time.

“Do you always kiss like that?” she asked, sounding breathless.

“I guess.”

“Well, you kiss me like that all the time and I’m in love with you by next Tuesday.”

I leaned in to kiss her again. This time our tongues tangled and battle against each other. I couldn’t get enough of her. At the same time I could feel my own arousal beginning. This has to stop, I thought, or I’m going to break my promise not to bed her tonight.

“Where are we going to get dinner?” I asked her.

“You’re thinking about food?” She sounded incredulous.

“I have to baby,” I whispered, “or I won’t be able to control myself.”

Shania came back for more. “I don’t want you to control yourself,” she whispered back. “I want you to let it all go and love me.”

“Shania, this is all spiraling out of control” I admitted. “You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of, everything I’ve ever wanted.”

She held my face in her hands and looked into my eyes. “Say it for me, Eric. Say aloud what the name Shania has been saying for you in secret. Tell me.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I’ve seen you, watched you, ached for your pain and loneliness, and loved you forever. I know this is a bad time for you, and I’m selfish because I want you to know. But, I do love you, Shania. I hope you won’t hate me for it.”

This kiss was little more than a peck. “It’s not selfish, Eric. Who would have thought I could feel such joy on this day of all days. I’m so glad you love me. I have a life in front of me. We can have a life together.”

She stood in front of me, all blonde, tall, in the colors of bright sunshine and promise.

“So, what should we do about dinner?”

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It was a Thursday night and while driving home from work I decided to try to relive my youth and stopped into a bar for a couple drinks. However, the universe works in mysterious ways and as I was walking through the parking lot, the skies opened up with a torrential downpour, leaving me absolutely soaked and panting for breath after sprinting for the door.I stumbled up to the bar, ordered a shot of anything to recover with, and started drying off with a pile of cocktail napkins when I heard a...

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EvilAngel Vanessa Sky Oily Anal Reaming

Horny Vanessa Sky reveals her plump booty and slips a finger into her asshole. She sticks her tongue out to give Spanish stud Ramon Nomar a spit-soaked blowjob. Vanessa mounts him and gyrates her hips, enjoying the way his cock stretches her pussy lips. She fingers her cunt while he plows her eager bunghole! Vanessa sucks his dick ass-to-mouth. Anal reaming stretches her tight sphincter, and Vanessa begs for more of Ramon’s prick. She masturbates as his meat strokes inside bunghole. He...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 616

This is compliments of the ‘Shy One’ Maxine For President Everyone concentrates on the problems we’re having in this country lately -- illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida... ... Not me -- I concentrate on solutions for the problems -- it’s a win-win situation. * Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. * Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees. * Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border. Any...

2 years ago
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The House at Number Seventeen

Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for his appointment by design: it gave him time to make a small detour. At the narrow entrance to Auergasse he paused briefly. The door to Number Seventeen was hidden from view beyond a shallow bend. Ten years ago, when his tour of duty ended, it had been painted...

Group Sex
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Dirty Oldman on Bus

I am on a packed bus, on the way home from school. A rather smelly and balding old guy maybe in his fifties sits next to me. I notice his eyes looking down at my legs every now ang again, I feel a bit uncomfortable, as I travelled towards the end of the bus journey near to where I live. People gradually get off until it is only me and this pervy guy sat next to me. I jump as his hand falls on my knee accidently! but as I look at him, he smiles and his hand moves up my thigh, pulling my skirt...

3 years ago
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The Biggest Black Cock I Ever Met

Recently, several people have asked me “what’s the biggest BBC you have ever had?” So since there is one very distinct black man out there wearing the title in my mind, I decided to tell the tale here. Larry, Gunnery Sgt First Class ( I appointed him 1st class, cuz he was!) if you’re out there, Please, Please message me. And the truth is, Larry had me, any way he wanted. I took it from him. He was only about 6′ tall and all muscle, about 200lbs with thick shoulders and arms. I was in Orlando on...

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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 9 Christmas

Mrs. Phillips' Grade 3 class started off the new term with the announcement of her pregnancy. She and her husband were pretty sure they knew the date of conception: the day that her students Theresa and Josh had their monumental mud-wrestling match. That evening Mr. Phillips had shown his wife all the support a loving husband could, and two and a half months later, their love for each other was beginning to show. The parents of the Grade 3 class were making bets as to whether Mrs. Phillips...

4 years ago
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My New Place Ch 3

After my last encounter with my young next door neighbor I felt a little guilty. I’m in my mid-twenties and this kid is an 18-year-old high school senior. For the next week or two my shows were no longer taking place and I did my best to avoid running into Tony as I walked to and from my car. I’ll admit that while part of me was feeling guilty about the whole thing, there was still another part of me that was dying to have Tony’s cock inside of me again. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do,...

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My Naughty MotherInLaw

My Naughty Mother-In-Law Last weekend, while my wife was out of town, I had the wildest experience of my life. I was helping her sixty five year old mother, Alberta who lives next door, work in the yard. I have had the hots for my mother-in-law ever since I had found some old nude Polaroid’s of her a couple of years ago. She has always been very sexy and the photos proved she was kinky as well. I would jack off to the photos of her shoving dildoes in her hairy ass and pussy while giving head to...

2 years ago
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The Milk Man

She answered the door. She's an astonishingly beautiful woman, even though she's in her late 30's. Her deep cleavage peeking through from the bright red sundress, and red high heels. Her long wavy blond hair framing her heart-shaped face, her blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight. No, Joe thought. It's not that her eyes were sparkling. She was crying, and the sparkles were tears in her eyes. Joe couldn't help but asking, "Are you alright, ma'am?" Joe had been delivering fresh farm milk in this...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 598

This morning I was sitting on a park bench next to a homeless man. I started a conversation by asking him how he ended up this way. He said, “Up until last week, I still had it all. I had plenty to eat, my clothes were washed and pressed, I had a roof over my head, I had TV and Internet, and I went to the gym, the pool, and the library. I was working on my MBA on-line. I had no bills and no debt. I even had full medical coverage.” I felt sorry for him, so I asked, “What happened? Drugs?...

2 years ago
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Thanksgiving With My Lover

My heart was light and I was filled with excitement! I was finally leaving the plane that had taken me from my home to Austin and my lover! As I walked down the plane's aisle, fresh cum from my favorite cab driver still oozing from my pussy, my excitement at finally seeing Tyrone again had me jumping out of my skin! It had been a couple of weeks since we'd been together and, even though I'd had plenty of sex from others, my heart and my body craved to be mated to him; to be one with him....

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Boarding School Encounter 04 Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid

Chapter Four: Miss Marilynn Molests the Maid By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “Miss Marilynn! Missy Marilynn,” a panicked, feminine voice called, reaching into the confused thoughts of Marilynn Gully, the young philosophy teacher at The Kensington Boarding School, an all-girls school in the English countryside. “Please, please wake up, Miss Marilynn.” What happened? the teacher wondered, trying to organize her thoughts while her body lay limp, her eyes closed. She felt the hands push on...

2 years ago
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Sweet relief

Here I am again stuck in traffic, like usual. Yelling to myself because the traffic isn’t moving. But the good thing is that it’s Friday and a three day weekend. All I want to do is get home, grab a beer, take a nice long shower and relax. Finally the traffic starts to move and I see why we had to wait so long. Some dumb-ass chick was in her phone while driving and slammed into the back of a semi. “STUPID ASS!!! “ yelled in the car with my windows up. The traffic is flowing just right and I can...

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Pleasure Times Two

Amy was by herself in her house. As she had stepped outside in the sunlight, her mind was occupied, not with something, but someone. She saw Nick coming up to her house. He was madly in love with her. He couldn't wait to take her in his arms and feel every inch of her creamy skin. Nick smiled at Amy as he passionately, deeply kissed her super sweet, soft lips. Amy's hands were all over his back. He broke the kiss and said to Amy, "Why don't we continue our little session at my...

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My best friends

Ok, this is my first shot at writing, so bare with me. The events in this story are 100% true.It was last year March when I was at my flat with my best friend Rocky waiting for our other friend Tasha. We were planning on going out that night so we started drinking early by dusk we were stumbling around but feeling okay because of the cold shower we had, I removed the door to the toilet because the hinges broke, and from the lounge you could see directly into the shower, we all showered quickly...

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first time was with 2

My name is gio it was about to b my first time to have sex.. And it was with 2 girls.. It all started at a party with a bunch of the high school k**s there. Everyone was having a good time playing drinking games and fun stuff like that but u know what happens when boys and girls start geting a little bit to d***k. We start doing crazy things.. It all started with a dare no1 would beilieve that I would do two girls at once. So I had to prove them wrong.. We went to a room upstairs and we started...

1 year ago
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Thats How the Cookie Tumbles

The author would like to thank gandalf4217 for his edit. For readers who are looking for a full story of how it came to be that I had sex with my own niece, I'm afraid that this will only disappoint you because about the only thing that truly sticks out in my mind was our first time of sex, which is basically what I've put to writing. The lead up consisted of many, many, little things starting from the time when she was about 12, but nothing that would take up more than a short paragraph or...

3 years ago
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Numchucks The Legend Ch 19

Chapter 19: Revival ‘I have Numchucks. Please get in touch with me. IMPORTANT.’ Was the message on my E-mail. Thirteen messages from Sandra. I was back in Riverside and she was still at The Pines. Separated but kept in contact through e-mail a few random calls. Two years later and get a message like that. I was trying to shake the idea that this was possible. All the messages said the same thing pretty much just sent at different times. I E-mailed her back with my ‘Doubt it’s Numchuck’s’...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 2

It turns out that I was going to be released the day before exams started for Harvard, December 9th. Carl had gone out of his way to arrange for us to get my weekly tests done at the hospital and I’d be doing my exams under his eye, or when possible, with my class. Psych happened to be the only one of my courses I could do with the class and Emma insisted on me attending. It was the first exam on Friday. I was confined to a wheelchair for the next couple of weeks due to the difficulty of...

2 years ago
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The Mindy Machine

With a side business of building BDSM gear, Guy was making a nice little side income. His most popular item was a Sperm Sponge harness: a rather complicated item of straps, rings, and buckles that the slave wore on her head with a cock-ring pressed tightly to her mouth, and another collection of straps, rings, and buckles that he Dominant wore on his hips with that same cock-ring pressed tightly to his crotch at the base of his cock. With such a garment, a man could wear a woman's head with...

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The Bet Chapter 29

The Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 29 (Saturday - week 4) Whap! Whap! Whap! Even in his dreams Mel was swinging her dreaded stick at him. And even in his dreams his stinging backside hurt, seemingly more and more. All night long he tossed and turned and cringed in his sleep as Mel's stick lashed out at him. Stinging pain after stinging pain urged him to pee... pee... pee! Over and over again... constantly... never stopping. And every time he did manage to pee, it was a...

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Colette Anya Olsen Joseline Kelly Naughty Yoga Teacher

Anya Olsen is from New York and Joseline originally from the Deep South, but these Colette Girls are united on one thing. They love to keep in shape, as their well-toned, sublime young bodies prove. That includes Naked Yoga, of course. Because they are beautiful, they are used to getting what they want. So when irresistible, blonde Anya takes a look at instructor Tyler and says,”I want to fuck him,” it is a good bet that she and brunette cutie Joseline will not have to wait long for a bedroom...

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Looks deceive and all is not what you think

Sex is an act that most of us cannot escape from, regardless of your sexual orientation.When the mood is on you and you have a burning desire, as I can vouch for on a personal basis, I jumped on another girl, and for that brief encounter, loved her and cherished what we both experienced.So powerful was the urge it overcame my heterosexual tendencies and made me desirous for a girl, whom I knew to be Lesbian.I needed another body to rub up against as masturbation had taught me of the need of...

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How I met Sam

How I met Samantha Chapter 1 I was introduced to Sam by my good friend Terri. Terri had helped me through some tough times, so to speak, and was always friendly and wanting to help. Terri wasn’t knock out gorgeous she was a petite and slightly pudgy, not fat mind you but she was carried a little extra here and there. Terri has straight brown hair chopped just below the shoulders, brown eyes, nice lips and of course a wonderful rack and booty. She was part Italian and had that natural...

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Bahan Ne Gaand Marwai Boyfriend Se

Hello I am devil169. This is my first story about my elder sister and her boyfriend. You can give feedback on this email . this is fake id so my name is something else. Leave this point. This story is in hindi, sorry to tamil and telegu readers. Ab me meri didi aur uske boyfriend ka indroduction karata hu. Meri behan ka naam Karuna hai. Uski age hai 23 aur uski boyfriend ka naam Steven hai. Uski age hai 21. Meri didi dikhne mai sexy smart aur decent hai. Uski height 5 feet 6 inch hai. Uske...

4 years ago
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True Incident In Hyderabad Bus

By : Prabu hello friends mera naam prabu hai. main hyderabad ka rahne wala hu. main aap logo ko true incident ke baare main batana chahta hu, hua yu ki ek baar main apne coching ke liye hyderabad ki bus pakda. us waqt bus main 10 hi aadmi the. maine kinare ek seat dekh ke baith gaya. mera seat bus ke lenght ke ekdum bich main tha. dhire dhire bus apne stopage main ruk rahi thi, uske saath saath bus main bhid bhi badh rahi thi. achanak se bas ke cunductor ne mujhe apne seat se uthne ko bola...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 34 Thursday Mischa

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Mischa Doeple, dated Thursday December 9th. If everything goes right, this might be the last one of these I have to write. It’s Thursday and tomorrow I get to go home with Liz and her father – fingers crossed. So anyway, I got to sleep uninterrupted last night because Bec took her pills right away instead of waiting to see if she had bad dreams. In the morning, we went to the bathroom and showered and everything and then...

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My favorite cuckold couple

I was chatting with a guy on another site and he asked me about my experiences with cuckold couples. I shared this one story that really stood out in my memory. I’m not a pro but I’ve had my fun. Takes place 2002-2003. I’m just copying straight from the exchange so you understand why I’m writing the way I am. —— I’d like to get into your wife for starters. I’ve been involved with a few cuckold couples so far. I go from being super nice and bi enthusiastic with them to taking control of the...

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Lacy was at the club as it was her 21st birthday. She looked amazing. She wore a silky short low cut dress with no bra and just a thong underneath. The dress clung to her full tits showing much cleavage and outling the nipples. She looked young and sexy.She was standing at the bar ordering a drink when a nice dressed man about thirty years older than her kissed her on the cheek. "Happy birthday" he said in her ear. She turned and smiled at him. He told her "I could not take my eyes off you....

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