Blowing Off Steam Pt. 2 free porn video

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Having received confirmation from the guys that they were on for the next phase, Abby and I slowly got up off the floor, walked out from the middle of the guys, and around the bed stopping at the large mahogany door on the other side. Turning back to look over my shoulder, I asked if the guys were ready to clean up, and proceeded to walk through the door to the large bathroom beyond.
I walk over to the glass walled shower, and turn on the water. Holding my hand under the stream, waiting for it to warm up I heard Abby instruct the guys to step into the large shower and wash themselves. We waited until they were almost finished before joining them. “Now you need to wash us off.” I told them, as I stepped in. “Once you have cleaned us thoroughly, you are to return to the bedroom and position yourselves chest down on the side of the bed. “
In turn each of the guys washed us and stepped out of the shower, returning to the bedroom as instructed. After they had all vacated the shower, I turned to Abby, grabbed her and pulled her to me. Feeling her tits press against mine felt exquisite with our tight nipples rubbing against each others. Drawing in a ragged breath Abby asks me “You think they will go for changing roles now? I didn’t think we would make it that far with them. I just wanted to see what they were willing to do.”
“I’m sure that won’t be a problem, at least for this next little bit. Samuel seems to want to run things. He was holding back earlier. But there’s no time to find out like the present.” I replied.
Once we had dried off from the shower, we headed back into the room and noticed that the guys were over by the bar waiting on us. When Samuel see’s us walking into the room he says “Ok ladies you’ve had your fun, but now it’s our turn. We talked while you were finishing up, and while we enjoyed the both of you being in charge, there are things that we want and will have. Get ready for the “Main Course” as you put it to begin.”
Abby and I look at each other and shudder a little. This is what we wanted after all. Now to see what they can come up with for us.
Samuel looks from us to the bed, thinking of what to do first. After pondering all his options, he remembers the toys that we made them pick out earlier. It was time to bring them into the mix to get things started.
He walks over to the bed and takes inventory of what is there noticing that all of them had picked their choices in pairs, smart move on their parts. Noticing that one major item was missing, he walked over to the chests and looked around until he found a couple bottles of lube.
Walking back to the bed he instructs Abby and I to climb up on the bed, one on each side and lay on our backs with our legs spread wide and our heads hanging slightly off the edge. As we do so lying side by side, yet on opposite sides of the bed, he summons the guys over. He tells Kevin and Jacob to climb up into the middle of the bed between Abby and I. Once they were in position he handed them each a bottle of lube, and anal plug and butterfly.
“Now ladies” he starts, “The fun will begin. We endured your torture earlier and now it is time for payback. Kevin and Jacob are going to help get you primed for us to take you together. Each one of us will have their cocks in all of your holes before we are done.”
Quaking with anticipation Abby and I lay there, willing participants, while Kevin and Jacob pour a generous amount of lube into their hands and slowly bring them to hover just above our pussy lips. Gradually moving lower and touching their finger tips to our asses. Gingerly rubbing the lube around our holes, with each pass, applying more and more pressure until the tips of their index fingers started to slide in.
The combination of the pressure of Jacob and Kevin’s fingers and the fact that Samuel had picked out a warming lube, had us squirming with anticipation and delight. As they worked their finger index finger in and out of us in rapid succession, they applied more lube and added additional fingers until they we both working our asses with 4 fingers. Trying to stretch us enough to slide the plugs into our tight holes. After a few more minutes of their careful ministrations, they deemed us ready. After Kevin inserted the plug into my ass he turned to watch Jacob do the same to Abby. Both of us starting to feel full and excited, our breathing came in shallow ragged bursts. After giving us a minute to adjust to having the plugs in, they picked up the butterflies and gently clamped them against our clits.
The anticipation of when the butterflies would come to life were killing me. My insides started to heat up and quake with need. Both those thoughts fled as soon as I heard Abby let out a muffled moan. Before I could look to see what was happening Thomas’ rock hard length appeared before my face. He took his cock and drew circles with his precum on my cheeks before rubbing it on my lips to force them to part. Enjoying the warms slick sensations of his cock on my lips I opened for him. He groaned at the wetness and heat of my mouth as I closed it around his shaft. Stroking it in and out in a slow and steady rhythm.
As Thomas fucked my mouth and Samuel fucked Abby’s, Kevin and Jacob felt it was time to finally turn on the butterflies. Feeling the vibration on my clit made me throw my head back and gasp around Thomas’ cock, sharing with him some of the same sensations I was feeling. As I settled into the vibrations I could hear Abby echo my reactions on the other side of the bed. Hearing her was turning me on even more, making my pussy drip with excitement when I felt Kevin’s finger tips sliding through my wet folds. Caressing and exploring, gathering my wetness on his fingers and lifts them to his mouth, getting his first taste of me. I hear a moan of appreciation come from him, before I feel his hot wet mouth press at me. Gently flicking his tongue on either side of my clit. Running it up along the side of my folds, before swirling it back around my clit, trying not to disrupt the butterfly gently perched there. He licked back down between my lips making a trail down to my ass, where the plug was still inserted and press several times in quick succession, before licking is way back up and thrusting his tongue into my pussy.
Oh how I hoped that Abby was getting the same treatment, I let my eyes drift up to the ceiling at the mirrors, and see in reverse what is being done to me. I slowly moved my leg to where she was and rubbed my foot against her calf. She was startled at the touch, but welcomed it and groaned to let me know she was good.
We lay there, with cocks fucking out mouth, tongues fucking our pussys and the plugs in our ass, feeling as if our bodies were heating up and melting. The sensations gave way to an intense urgency to be fucked. And fucked Hard.
“As much as Thomas and I are enjoying your hot mouths around our cocks, I think it’s time to bury them deep into your cunts.” Samuel says with seriousness in his voice.
With that they pull from our mouth and we shiver from the loss of them. Kevin and Jacob slowly eased themselves back from us and off of the bed. Laying there still looking up at the mirrors, I notice that the guys are trading places. Thomas is now laying by my side with his head at my feet and Samuel is doing the same with Abby.
“Now I want the two of you on your hands and knees and straddle our laps, with your asses in the air. It’s time to remove the plugs.” Samuel says with a grin.
Abby and I catch each other’s glances in the mirror above and smile back. Our eyes heaving with anticipation and admiration for the sight before us. Slowly we move up on the bed and take our position above the guys, while shifting them slightly so that their heads are next to each other.
Kevin and Jacob stepped back up to the bed so that they are directly behind us now. Sliding their hands up the backs of our thighs to gently caress the soft globes of our asses. Then it happens. The sting that I’ve been waiting for, Thomas’ hand coming down on my ass that is thrust before him. The sensation of the slap sends a jolt of pleasure straight down to my clit. At the combination of the pain / pleasure, I arch my back and push my ass back towards Thomas again. Lifting my head up I see a slight look of shock on Abby’s face as Jacob brings his hand down on her ass. The shock slowly disappears and her eyes glaze over as she looks at me with desire.
As the intensity of the slaps increases, so does my breathing. Now I am almost panting and I know that my pussy is soaking wet because I can feel it dripping down my thighs. Below me Thomas is stroking his cock watching and listening to the sounds around us.
As suddenly as it started, Kevin stopped with one last caress of my ass cheeks. Hovering over the plug in my back hole. “Ok ladies,” Kevin says, “Time to trade out the plug. Take a deep breath and relax.” With that last word I look over to Abby and see Jacob removing her plug as Kevin takes out mine. In the next instant we are both feeling completely empty and yet gaping wide from the plugs. Still looking at Abby I notice that Jacob has the lube in his hand again, and before I can take my next breath, I feel the cold lube being drizzled down the crack of my ass. It is such a rush to see the mirror of what I feel when I watch Jacob and Abby.
With the lube running down my crack and mixing with my juices, I know that I won’t be able to hold out much longer. I need to be filled now. Before I can say anything I feel Kevin’s fingers rub the lube around the gaping hole that is my ass and I know what is coming next.
I look over at Abby, smile and mouth “it’s time to be fucked” with a wink. She nodded in agreement and began wiggling her ass at Jacob as I did the same to Kevin.
“Alright ladies, now I want you to spread your legs a little bit wider, to lower yourselves down so that Kevin and Jacob can take your asses. Once they are in Thomas and I are going to take your pussies.” Samuel grinds out through clenched teeth.
When Samuel finishes his demand I feel Kevin start to press his huge cock into my ass. I clench a little but relax back into him, and feel him slide to the hilt. His balls are now gently tapping my pussy lips as he rocks in and out every so slowly. As he is increasing his speed, I feel the head of Thomas’ cock at my pussy entrance. Nudging up and back entering me a little at a time to ease his enormous cock in to me. With one final push he is completely seated in me, and I can feel the deliciousness of being full to capacity in both of my holes. I started to relax back on the guys, which they took as acknowledgement to proceed. Starting off with a shallow alternating rhythm, gradually increasing in tempo until I was being pounded mercilessly by two long hard cocks.
The alternating rhythm of their thrusts kept my tits swaying over Thomas’ face. He opened his mouth and flicked his tongue at my nipples each time they moved. Trying to suck them into his mouth with each pass had them scr****g against is teeth and the stubble on his chin. Oh the sensation was delicious, but I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to do something with my mouth. Leading as far forward as the cocks inside me would allow, I caught Abby’s attention, lifting my hand to her face I pulled it forward just enough for our lips to touch. Running my tongue across the seam of her lips, I gently started probing my tongue into her hot mouth, capturing her moan in mine. Not sure if the guys were going to last much longer and knowing that I wasn’t going to, I deepened the kiss with Abby and started thrusting back against the guys, following my lead Abby did the same. Within minutes, the guys were thrusting their hard cocks into us with wild abandon. Pounding hard and hard.
Hearing the slick sounds of them hammering at my ass and pussy, I could feel my orgasm build in intensity, as Kevin picked up the pace and was now fucking my ass in earnest, while Thomas as pounding out his assault in my pussy. I felt the both of their bodies stiffen just before they exploded inside me, filling me with hot jets of cum and feeling set off my powerful orgasm. I released my mouth from Abby as we screamed out our releases as our bodies shook with the effort.
With the guys slowing down a little, we started to come down from our orgasm, almost floating back to the bed. “Now, you do realize, we still have 2 choices left to use. Hope the two of you are ready for dessert.” Samuel said with an evil grin.

To Be Continued ….

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Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Aunt Francine's famous party ended fairly early. I think it was because of the drive home. In any event, Mom went up to Dad, while Aunt Francine, Aunt Jo and Nanny CC decided to go out. I was never clear how they wound up at Walgreen's, but they picked up Maria. It was fate. Richard and Maria Foster met the next day at the yard party. Francine: The return trip from Manhattan was odd. Talking to Siobhan was almost like talking to Christine. Since...

1 year ago
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Hot mean and full of steam

she moved her strings to the side grabbin her pussy from behind "Rub your cock please, rub it right here yeah right here please" she said as she looked back at me with puppy eyes. I took my cock and... I Just got accepted to this great university to study for my masters degree. After a break of 2 years. I anyways, i got to class and sat there looking at the board and super bored to be honest. Another class i had to go through that i totally hated. People were coming in to class, one after the...

First Time
3 years ago
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Coffin Duty

(A Sequel Of Sorts For A New Haunt) "I'm here," Brandy bubbled as she came through the old farmhouse door. God, she had waiting for this all year. Halloween had always been a magical time of year for her, with goblins and graveyards and haunted houses transforming neighborhoods into ghastly haunts. But last Halloween transformed it into something more wondrous than she had possibly dreamed of. Last Halloween, within the very walls where she was now standing, Brandy was introduced into...

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Carla The ShowoffChapter 5

Carla and I saved up enough to get away to a beach condo for the weekend. I was looking forward to watching my beautiful girlfriend shamelessly display herself in one of her many thong bikini bottoms. It was a topless beach and I knew that Carla would take every opportunity to display her beauty. Little did I know that she had exhibition plans of her own that would make my own projections of things to come seem pretty tame. "Baby, don't be mad," Carla said after a very satisfying...

2 years ago
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Carla The ShowoffChapter 8

Carla loved to be nude so much that she called it "addicting." The minute she got to our apartment, off came the few clothes she bothered to wear sandals, cutoff shorts and a blouse. She never wore a bra and only once in a very great while did she bother with a micro-thin thong. If we were in for the rest of the day and night, then Carla was nude for the duration. If we happened to be running to the grocery store quickly, she'd usually wear an oversized T-shirt that ended about two or...

4 years ago
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The Stanley Cup Playoffs

To some, the NHL playoffs are a welcome event, especially if they involve their favorite team. Me? I couldn’t give a rat's ass because — as you may have read in my earlier journal entries — I do not like sports. For my awesome husband, however… well, his favorites, the Boston Bruins are in the Stanley Cup playoffs. For me, the best thing about that is knowing that, along with other season ticket holders, he’ll be busy for four to seven nights. Actually, I planned on going to St. Louis for...

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It was near the end of summer and I had some time on my hands. I am always getting bored and find myself jerking off whenever i got a chance. I didnt have a girlfriend at the time so i was looking for something that could give me a little excitement. I had been doing some yard work before i went to lunch and i was in gym shorts and tshirt. When i got in my car it was hot from the sun being out and it was about 1230. Being in there after being in the sun working made me extra sweaty, aas...

1 year ago
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Not This TimeChapter 21 Building the Coffin

My senior business symposium professor was a pilot. He’d never flown passenger airliners, but did a lot of freight transport and rose to management in a major shipping company before he retired to take up teaching. It was one of the cool things about the School of Business at the University. The professors were mostly people who had risen to senior management in firms that were successful. At least that were successful at the time the professor retired from it. Some professors shook their...

1 year ago
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Seduced by sex offender part 2 surprises

Every since the sex offender, Patricia has taken my young body, I have had most incredible sexual pleasures in becoming her personal sex slave whose always hungry for more, but it was on a holiday weekend when I had off from work where I would experience intense use of my body as sex toy that will keep me cumming for as long as I shall live.As I got home from working from 2nd shift, I decided I would get myself a hot shower and hit the hay. Unbeknownst to me, Patricia used my house key to get...

3 years ago
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Road To The Sex Offender Registry Part 1

I suppose the best way to start this off is to give you a disclaimer. I am a convicted sex offender whom will be on the sex offender registry for the *rest of my life*. I tell you this because I want you to know the life-ruining consequences of my actions before you hear them. I also want to show you that I am putting it all out there, exactly as it happened, so that my experience may hopefully serve as a warning for those of you who find your urges to be too much to bare at times. While every...

2 years ago
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Meeting a jackoff buddy online Part 1

I was sent out on a project outside ofCincinnati a 30-day project. Feeling horny and thinking about my other jackoff buddy Mike. I logged into a adult local chat. Made contact that went by principle33. Making small chat told him I was married and in town and had a local room outside of the city. He told me his name was Dave he was married had 2 small k**s. His wife wasn't interested in sex after the second one. That he was curious, looked at cocks on the Internet, never been with another guy....

1 year ago
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Blowing the Neighbor Boy

This story is entirely fictional. But it sounds like a lot of fun, doesn’t it? I park the car in the suburban neighborhood driveway I knew so well. The back door is slightly ajar, letting me know that this afternoon is a go. I slip inside, locking the door behind me. Then I head down the long, narrow stairway to the basement. Jake lives in the basement of his parents’ house, and since they both work leaving him alone, he rarely leaves it during summer afternoons. He is a nice, very good looking...

1 year ago
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Blowing in the night

My Boss called me to his office and said he needed to send me to a near town in another very boring trip, to fix some urgent matter there. I told him it was fine for me; but then he got serious and added this time I would not travel alone: my highway partner would be Carl; the gay’s office.I figured Carl’s image sucking my dick; but then I smiled to my Boss and insisted everything would be fine. After all, Carl was a very nice guy, kind and handsome; he had never said anything uncomrtable to me...

2 years ago
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Playoff Time Approaches

A lot of people get excited when the snow starts to fall fueling their hearts with Christmas cheer. I get a little bit excited my self in the festive season but for a completely different reason. Although Canadian I have always been excited by the American Thanksgiving. As far back as I can remember it was always a day that I would suddenly be overcome with my traditional ‘cough’. I know my mother and father saw through my rouse but they played along each and every year. Even though I am much...

2 years ago
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Playoff game at a friends

The whole experience was crazy, I was driving home and just thinking about it, but I knew it was real as I could still taste and smell the juices. Well let me get started I was driving home from a friends house, the plan was we were just going to hang out and watch the afternoon playoff game, but they had more in mind. I called ahead of time, and my friends said they were lagging so to come on in, sit on the couch, and relax. Well I did just that, and next thing I noticed I could see in to...

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LoriFootball playoff lust

Ken and his buddies sat around drinking beer like there was no tomorrow. When the evening first started, the men were skeptical of Ken's boastful promises but they were all hopeful. Now that each had consumed a few beers, doubts as to what was going to happen all but evaporated. All were extremely excited and confident that Ken would deliver. The growing anticipation was pure agony waiting for the women. Andy's anxiety of being left out of Ken's invited guests quickly disappeared when the...

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Blowing some time at work

I sighed as I signed into the time clock to start my break. I work a retail job, and always look forward to my breaks to get away from the complete morons that are seemingly everywhere. As I walked towards the break room I stopped by one of the registers, looked all around me, and planted a big kiss on the cashier's lips. She grinned widely then playfully tapped me on the shoulder and pushed me away. I winked at her and went to the break room, thinking about Kate, the love of my life. Kate is...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Blowing Up

Blowing up is not what you all might think, but in the end maybe it will be. Me and my wife have been struggling in our relationship and it has become a problem. I would rather be away from home instead of being home. So between fishing trips, business meeting and stopping off at the bar I am gone allot. So just in early November I was on a fishing trip and I had given my wife a date and time I would be home. Little did I know I change the date and time and forget to tell my wife. So once I got...

4 years ago
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Glass Coffin

GLASS COFFIN   GLASS COFFIN PART ONE It was a landmark, really. The old place had been there since the thirties, white and palatial with long, tall windows and big pillars that stretched higher than the roof. It was typical of many old cinemas that had long since been turned into bingo halls or bulldozed to make way for supermarkets. But the place had clung on and lived another incarnation as a nightclub for a few years in the mid 1980s before it was finally closed down, locked up,...

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The Office Part III On his way back to the offic

He takes the elevator to the lobby feeling rather satisfied with himself. Turns the corner around the front desk, politely greeting the friendly employees who are always happy to see him, as he reaches a suite of Executive offices. "Please make sure there are no interruptions" he directs the receptionist seated outside of one of the large closed doors.He enters without a knock finding Benice involved in a serious conversation on the phone. Walks behind her desk and reaches through her blowse...

2 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 10 State Playoffs

I'd gone out with Peggy Sunday night to celebrate her coming in third at State on Saturday. Mitch had come in second for the boys. She admitted he'd tried to hit on her again, and I was free to kick his ass. I saw him in the parking lot before school about the same time he saw me coming, and made it inside before I caught him. Peggy gave me a reward for being her hero. The kiss was nice, but she was still confused. She asked why all the varsity cheerleaders flirted with me, while we talked...

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A Very Special Club of Jerk Offs

We met at a different house every time the club met. We might meet only once a month with all the members, but some members would meet in smaller groups more often if they cared too. We were young and old, male and female, beautiful and average, gay and straight, and we all loved masturbating. It had all began slowly, of course. I was the instigator. I loved jerking off. Much more than fucking, which I had experienced several times. But I had always returned to jacking it for my real pleasure....

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Coffin Club

Seating in the back seat of the large white limo you look around. Your friends smile at you their Champagne glasses in hand. To your right you have Mary. She works at a lingerie shop. As your maid of honor and probably best friend she has organized the little bachelorette party you’ve been enjoying a lot so far. To your left you have Janet. Janet is a shy housewife; she's the oldest of your group. She actually used to babysit you when you were young but through a strange twist of fate she went...

3 years ago
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Halloween Sex Inside a Coffin

Some university days back when we first came face to face... Like lightning, I—Laurente Stian Elberd—go out of breath the instant my eyes glimpse and notice her. She is attractive; no more than in the springtime of her life, and decent-looking, and knowledgeable and perspicacious likewise. Her hair is an aglow and lustrous brown, her eyes a shining and glinting chocolate, her skin a blooming and flourishing darkish gold. Frankly put, she has a surpassingly charming and terribly good-looking...

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