Steampunk'd free porn video

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Punked - a way to describe someone ripping you off, tricking you, teasing you, or making you feel foolish.

My name is Daniel White and the story I'm about to relate to you occurred a couple years ago now. I had been invited to a party by a friend of mine who thought I needed to "get out and socialize a bit."

You see, I had just been through a rather nasty breakup - finding my girlfriend with someone who I always thought was my best friend - and I hadn't been seen much in the dating circles. So Julie invited me to a party she was planning on going to. She thought I might enjoy getting out of the house and meeting some people I didn't usually associate with.

"So what kind of party is this again?" I asked Julie when she called to invite me.

"It's called a steampunk party. Steampunk is a relatively new fad where people dress in fashions from the Victorian era - you know, bustiers and corsets and long dresses. But the twist is that the outfits also contain elements of old-fashioned steam-powered machinery, hence the name steampunk," she said.

"Well, it will be interesting if nothing else!" I said. I wasn't putting a whole lot into the night, but like Julie had said, it's not a crowd I would run into usually, so if it didn't work out, I wouldn't lose anything. 

"Wait a minute though... do I have to dress up for this party too?" I asked, "Because I just gave the last of my corsets and long dresses to Goodwill!" I said, laughing.

"Silly! Yes, you have to dress up - that's the fun of the whole thing. But don't worry, we will find you something to wear. There's a new shop that opened up in town that has costumes appropriate for this. And the best part is, once the party is over, you can sell it back to them if steampunk isn't for you!" she said.

The next day, I met Julie at the shop she told me about to look at getting me a steampunk outfit. I had no idea at all what the hell "steampunk" was all about, but I trusted Julie and since she was going to the party too, I figured she could smooth things for me.

I walked out of the shop about an hour later with my outfit - a patterned vest, a long overcoat, knee-high lace-up boots, a top hat, and welders goggles! She "accessorized" me with a pocket watch and a walking cane as well. Not something you'd wear to the local market, but I shrugged and went along with it - after all she knew more about this than I did!

The night of the party, I got decked out in my "punk wear" (is that even a word?) and drove to the address of the party. The party was being held in the main conference room of a hotel here in town and as I walked in and up to the front counter, the nice girl behind the desk directed me to where the party was.

"Nice outfit, sir!" she said as I turned to head to the party. I smiled back at her and then headed down the short hallway to the party.

I could hear the music playing as I got closer to the conference room and when got to the door and opened it, I felt like I just stepped out of H.G. Wells' time machine and I was back in Victorian England! I just stood at the door for a couple moments, taking in the sight of all the people dressed in their funky steampunk clothes. It was strange, but at the same time strangely exciting too!

Once I got over my initial shock and surprise, I started looking around for Julie who was supposed to be here to help me fit into this unorthodox and unusual crowd. But finding Julie in this group might be more difficult than I first envisioned... a lot of people had their faces partially hidden by their goggles or by other parts of their costumes. And there were a surprising number of people at this shindig too - I didn't realize that this steampunk thing was so popular!

I walked around for a bit, trying to pick Julie out of the crowd but having no luck at it. There were a lot of people at this party... some were dancing, others talking in groups and in couples. Some were up at the buffet table set up on one side of the room. So after a fruitless look around, I decided that I would park myself at the bar and let Julie find me. I kept my eye out as well in case I caught sight of her.

But instead of Julie, my eye caught something else... something infinitely more interesting too! Sitting at a table not too far away from me was a very attractive brunette with her eyes firmly fixed on me and when our eyes met, she smiled at me. I took note she was sitting alone and I didn't see any telltale signs she was with anyone - the other chairs at the table were still pushed all the way in and there wasn't any other coats or anything that looked like she had company at the table.

I knew she was looking at me too, there wasn't anyone else close by that she could have been looking at. The only other person close to me was watching the news on television, oblivious to the goings on around them. 

So I summoned up my courage and my drink and went over to her table. "Are you here with anyone?" I asked her.

"No," she said, "I was supposed to meet someone here, but she didn't show up."

"Would you mind some company, then?" I asked.

"Not at all. Actually, I was hoping you would come over. My name is Anna. I saw you when you walked in... you looked like you were a little lost. Is steampunk not your scene?" she asked.

"Hi Anna, my name is Daniel, nice to meet you. And to tell you the truth, this is the first I'd ever heard of it. A friend invited me to come to the party. She is supposed to meet me here, but I don't see her," I said.

"Yeah, Julie was supposed to be meet me here. But I got a text from her a couple minutes ago telling me she couldn't make it," she said.

"Really? My friend's name is Julie too!" I said surprised.

"That's weird! Wouldn't it be funny if it was the same person!" Anna said humorously.

"Well my Julie is Julie Moore," I said. 

The girl almost choked on her drink! "No way - that's who I am waiting on too! Julie Moore? Twenty-six years old, about five-foot-six-inches tall, with brown hair and hazel eyes?"

"Yes, that's the same girl! That little shit - we've been set up!" I said. We both laughed at our mutual friend's matchmaking.

"I guess you could say we've been steampunk'd!" Anna said.

"Yeah, I suppose so!" I agreed.

"Well, since she's got us here, we may as well make the best of it. I do hope you'll stay for a bit?" she said.

Anna did seem like a pleasant person and Julie did go to a lot of trouble... besides I'd hate to take these clothes back without at least giving them a good chance!

"Sure why not!" I said.

"Oh good! It's been a long time since I have been out and I miss getting out and socializing," she said.

"Yeah the same for me... maybe Julie is trying to put together two lonely souls!" I said, grinning.

We started talking, telling each other about ourselves and our past relationship woes. She had broken off an engagement when she learned her boyfriend was abusive, and I told her about my girlfriend cheating on me.

The more we talked, the more we found we had a lot on common - both of us liked the same kind of music, both of us liked going out to dinner and going for long drives in the country.

I learned that Anna worked as a secretary for a law firm and that she had moved her about five years ago because "the big city" just got to be too dangerous. I learned that she had been "into" the steampunk idea for some time, but this was her first actual steampunk party. 

I told her that I grew up in this area, although in the next town over, and I was a firefighter. She really seemed impressed with that.

"Ooh, a firefighter!" she said, sitting up straighter and snuggling a little closer. "I've always had a 'thing' for firefighters!" That made me feel good and very quickly the subject changed and I started telling her about my job, some of the things I'd seen and done (the nicer, less traumatic things!). 

"Did you ever rescue a cat from a tree?" she asked.

"No, but I did help get a kid out of one once. He had climbed higher than he thought and was too scared to climb back down. So his mother called us and we brought the ladder truck in to get him down," I told her.

"Hmmm, maybe I should climb a tree... would you come and rescue me?" she asked coquettishly.

"Well, I would come get you out of the tree... as for the 'rescue' part, that would depend on how you define rescue!" I said, parlaying her innuendo.

"At least you rescued me from a boring party where I would have been all alone!" Anna said. She moved her hand over mine and looked at me with her soft green eyes. I was definitely feeling this going to a different level, but I wanted to make sure I was picking up the right signals before I made any moves. 

"Would you like to dance," I asked her when the DJ for the party played a slow song.

"Mmmhmm," she said. I stood up and offered her my hand and she took off her goggles, leaving them on the table before we walked onto the dance floor. There were several couples already dancing, so we found a spot where we could move around a bit. I pulled her close and she melted into me, laying her head on my shoulder. 

We danced and I have to admit she felt really good, her soft warm body pressed to mine. And I must have felt good to her because once we got into a rhythm with one another, her hand went from on my shoulder to my cheek and then around to the back of my head to play with my hair. I started to get a little stiff in the crotch and I was hoping she didn't notice - I didn't want to send any unwanted signals either!

But it turns out, I didn't have too much to worry about. She pressed herself against me and when she felt me growing because of it, she pressed in a bit harder. We finished the dance and stood there a bit longer until we both decided we should go back and sit down. As we sat down, the DJ started playing another song and that's when I went for broke.

"Anna, would you like to go someplace quieter... it's too loud here to talk without shouting," I said.

"Please! This music is starting to give me a headache!" she said. So instead of having another drink, we quickly downed what was left of ours so we could leave.

"Just give me a minute to go freshen up, okay?" she asked. I nodded and she went off to the ladies room. A couple minutes later she came out and we left the party arm in arm. 

I walked with her out to the front of the hotel "Where are you parked?" I asked her.

"Oh, I didn't drive here. I took a cab. Julie was supposed to take me home after the party. I don't have a car - there's not a lot of parking at my apartment building and I don't need the extra expenses of a car," she said.

"Well, that will make it easy then - we'll take mine!" I said. We walked over to where I had parked my car. 

"What, no fire truck?" she asked playfully when we got to my car.

"Well no... they frown on us picking up beautiful women at parties in the fire trucks. You'd kinda have to light your apartment on fire. Sorry department rules!" I said grinning.

"Well, at least I got a firefighter, if not the fire truck. Do you drive the trucks?" she asked.

"No, I sit on the right side of the truck. I'm the Captain - I go into the fires with the crew. The driver has to stay with the truck and operate it - he misses out on all the fun!" I told her.

"Oh, I see," she said, visibly impressed. 

We started driving and I asked her. "So Anna, where would you like to go?" 

"Daniel, I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but could we go to your place? I'd invite you to my apartment, but it's pretty small and like I said, parking is a pain. You'd have to park down the street, and I'd feel terrible if anything happened to this nice car. My apartment isn't in the best neighborhood," she said.

"That's fine with me Anna, honey," I said, and we headed back to my place.

It took us about twenty-five minutes to get to my place from the hotel - I lived in a quiet little suburb just north of the main part of town. During the drive, Anna made her intentions more clear, putting her hand on my thigh and moving it slowly up to where she found a rather large bulge waiting for her. She cooed happily at finding me getting ready for her, and she gently rubbed the lump in my trousers as I tried to concentrate on keeping the car on the road.

We made it safely home, no thanks to Anna, and as we pulled into the driveway, she commented on the house.

"Oh, Daniel! This place is beautiful!" she said. "So much nicer than my apartment!"

I smiled at her. I was pretty proud of my place - I had done a lot of work to get it the way I wanted it and it was nice to see that she approved.

"C'mon in, I'll give you the grand tour!" I said. I opened the door and helped her out and we went inside.

"Oh, Daniel you have a beautiful home!" Anna said as I showed her around.

"I don't really have a design style... I guess you could call it 'fireman comfortable'!" I said.

"Well I like 'fireman comfortable'!" she said.

"Would you like something to drink?" I asked.

"If you have a soda or tea... I've had enough of the hard stuff tonight. I'm not much of a drinker, I'm afraid," she said.

"Sure, I think I can wrangle us up a couple sodas. I'm not much of a drinker either! A couple drinks socially once in awhile, but I don't like getting too wasted. I've seen what that can do. I'll be right back with our sodas. " I said. I went in and grabbed a couple from the fridge and came back into the living room. 

"I'll bet you have seen a lot Daniel," she said, patting the sofa next to her. "So how long have you been a firefighter?"

"About ten years now. I was a volunteer for a couple years before that though," I said, sitting down next to her.

"And what made you decide to be a firefighter?" she asked.

"I took a tour through a fire station as a kid and saw all the neat things and listened to some of their stories. I guess I got hooked on it then," I told her.

"Well, I think it's wonderful what you do. You guys don't get near enough credit for your work," she said. Then she paused for a moment, biting her lip as if thinking about something. "Plus I think it's so hot what you do!" she said softly.

That last statement got my attention and I looked into her eyes. Soft and green, they flicked back and forth as if they were waiting for me to do something. So I did. 

I reached out to pull her to me in a kiss. At first, it was a little cautious and unsure, but when I felt her respond, I knew I had gotten her signals right. 

After a little bit of making out on the sofa, we were both getting pretty heated. "You know, I have a nice big bed back there in the bedroom... there's more room there to get comfortable," I suggested.

"Please..." Anna panted breathlessly.

I stood up without another word and took Anna's hand. I led her down the hallway to the master bedroom and once there, I shut the door behind us. The instant I heard the door click, I pushed her up against it, pinning her in place while I kissed her. Hard. Deep. Passionately.

She broke the kiss, smiled and asked, "Can I at least get all this stuff off before you have your wicked way with me?" 

I helped her get her corset off while she started undoing the buttons on her dress, finally dropping it to the floor. While she got out of her dress, I took off my shirt and t-shirt. Our lips found each other's again as I started removing my pants. We fell onto the bed and proceeded to rip off our underwear. We were grabbing, kissing and licking each other all over. 

We maneuvered ourselves into a sort of a "sixty-nine" position with me laying on my back and her angled over top of me. Her head and shoulders were positioned over my lap and her legs were both to one side. She started licking and sucking me until I was hard, while I fingered her pussy until she was dripping juices and my hand and arm were drenched.

Once Anna had me about as hard as a steel pipe and I had her dripping like a broken one, she pulled off me. "Daniel would you do something for me?" she asked. 

I was in no condition at the time to argue or discuss things, so I simply said "Sure, Anna, what is it?"

"Hand me my purse," she said. I handed her purse to her and she reached in and pulled out a sizeable flesh-colored vibrator. "I should probably warn you right up front, I'm a bit of a nympho. I carry my friend here because I never know when the urge to take care of things will come over me. Sometimes I am at work, sometimes I am driving and have to pull over. It can get to be troublesome, but it's who - or what - I am."

She continued, "Right now though, would you fuck my mouth and use this on my pussy? I really want to have both holes filled. Being here with you has made me extra horny!" she said.

I sat there for a moment stunned. I couldn't believe my luck! Up to now, I thought this was going to be some dull, boring party where I wouldn't know anyone and wouldn't have any idea what was going on. Then I meet this girl who I seem to get along great with. Now I find out she's a nympho and likes kinky sex! This night keeps getting better and better!

"Sure Anna... um, how do you want to do this?" I asked. I'd never been with a real nympho before. I'd had girls who liked sex, but never a bona fide nymphomaniac. I wanted to give her what she needed, especially since I wanted to see her again.

"When I get in moods like this, Daniel, I usually like it hard and dirty and maybe a little rough. I like to be facefucked - sloppy, messy, drooling, facefucked and I want you to fuck my pussy just as hard with this. Are you up for it? I can promise you a good time if you do!"

"Yeah, I guess I can do that. Anything else?" I asked.

"Well since you asked... I also like to be slapped and called names and talked dirty to... you know, humiliated and degraded and made to feel used. Things like calling me a whore and telling me what a dirty slut I am and things like that. Slap my face, slap my tits, pinch and pull on my nipples, just use your imagination - I like it all," she said.

"I see," I said, thinking about what she told me.

"You probably think I'm pretty sick, and maybe I am. But I think it's better to know about it now while you have a chance to cut and run rather than wait to find out when we are more involved don't you?" she said.

"Yeah I've had my share of surprises to be sure," I said. 

"So... are you going to cut and run, Daniel?" Anna asked with a worried look in her eyes.

I smiled at her. "Hand me that vibrator and let's see what kind of a cocksucking whore you really are!" I said. Anna grinned broadly and handed me her toy, then laid down on her back with her head hanging over the edge of the mattress in the perfect position for facefucking. 

I slapped her face a little. "Open up slut!" I barked. She opened her mouth and I shoved my cock in deep enough to make her gag a little. I backed up a couple inches until she was comfortable, but still had most of my cock in her mouth. I leaned forward and gave her soaked pussy a playful smack and she moaned around my cock, spreading her legs wide. I picked up the seven-inch-long, two-inch-thick flesh colored fuck stick and turned it on full power. 

As she began licking my shaft and flicking her tongue across the head,  I rubbed the head of the vibrator over her pussy lips and started pushing it into her. She began moaning and placed her hand on mine, helping to push it in farther. But I took her hand off and put it behind my leg.

"I'm in charge of this pussy. You keep your hands behind my legs and concentrate on your cocksucking, slut. If you move them again, I'll beat your ass, but proper!" I growled in mock sternness.

"Mmmph!" Anna moaned around my cock but she obeyed, placing both her hands on the backs of my thighs.

I shoved the dildo hard into her all the way in until I felt it bottom out in her pussy then I started working it in and out of her hard and fast. I pulled the toy out every so often and used the tip to trace her pussy lips or make small circles around her clit just to tease her. Then I  plunged it back into her just to hear her gasp in response. 

Anna was doing her part sucking and licking my shaft and rubbing her tongue over the head in an effort to get me as aroused as she was. I used my knees on each side of her head to hold it in place and, with the back of her head against the mattress, she couldn't move or turn her face away. 

"Okay slut, let's see how you do at deepthroating a cock!" I said. "I will hold my cock still and you take it as you can. Just pull on my legs if you want more, and tap if you want me to back up."

She nodded and I pushed slowly into her. When I felt the tip of my cock at the back of her throat she gagged a bit and I backed up. But I felt her pulling me forward again and this time, she was ready for it. I felt her throat open up and then I felt her throat wrapping around the head of my cock as I sank deeper. Once I was past her gag reflex, she pulled me all the way in until her nose pressed against my nutsack. I lifted my balls a bit and pushed the last inch, my nuts now resting on either side of her nose! 

Anna held me down her tight throat for a few seconds before she tapped my leg signaling she needed to breathe. I backed away and she gagged as I pulled out, then sucked in a great gulp of air. I let her get a couple good deep breaths, then I went back down her throat.

The next time I came up so did some saliva, running out of her mouth and down her face and also connecting my cock to her mouth with a saliva bridge. I went back in and brought out another good mouthful of saliva. By now her face was a mess and her makeup looked like a Picasso painting. But under that hot mess of mascara, eyeshadow, and rubbed off lipstick was a big smile! Anna was loving this!

"Not too bad, whore, but now I'm going to fuck that throat! Better grab a breath while you can!" I told her. She took a couple deep breaths, and then I began fucking her throat in and out feeling her throat tightly holding my cock and then releasing it. The saliva flowed as I moved in and out and very soon her face was a sheen of wet slobber. 

To add to her facefucking, I increased fucking her drooling pussy as well. I used my free had to slap her tits causing her to moan, blowing bubbles of pleasure in her own spit. I pinched her nipple until she arched her back trying to ease the pain in her nipple. I did the same to her other nipple with the same moan and arching. 

I pulled the vibrating demon from her pussy and, using my hand, I scooped up some of her pussy juice and smeared it on her tits. Then holding my cock in her mouth, I slapped both tits several times rapidly, causing her to scream around my cock. 

"Enjoying yourself, whore? Is this what you like, to be slapped around, to be used as a fuckhole? To be nothing but a cock socket, a cum dump? Well, I hope you're having a good time whore because I sure am!" I growled at her. 

My words did just what I had hoped. I felt her shudder and then tense up. She was about to cum. Hard. I wanted to make sure she would remember this orgasm, so I shoved the vibrator back into her as deep as I dared and then I slapped her clit several times, very rapidly.

"MMMMMPPPHHHH!" Anna screamed around my cock again.

I felt the vibrator try to push out of her pussy as her walls collapsed and when I let go, she popped it out like a champagne cork to land at the foot of the bed, still buzzing wildly. She spewed out the pent up juices immediately after and bucked and writhed, pivoting at the neck as I still had her head pinned. Her hands scratched and clawed at my legs and clutched at the sheets as she tried to find a handhold in her spinning world.

I pulled my cock out of her mouth just after she started cumming - I knew she would need air and I didn't want to choke her. I stood there at her head, watching her carefully for any signs of trouble, but she went through her rapture just fine, finally collapsing in sheer exhaustion, panting and covered in a sheen of sweat, saliva, and pussy juices.

When she had come back to me, I helped her move up on the bed like normal with her head on a pillow. I climbed in next to her and held her for a bit, just enjoying the fact she had cum so hard and I was the reason for it. After a bit though, she turned to look at me.

"That was amazing Daniel - I don't think I've ever cum that hard! But you haven't had your fun yet!" she said. 

I kissed her on the forehead. "Relax honey, we have all night for that!" I said, and she snuggled closer.


It was about a week later, the next time I ran into Julie. "So, how was the party?" she asked playfully.

"I don't know, I didn't stay there too long," I said, grinning.

"So I heard. I guess you and Anna are getting along all right then?" she pried.

"We are doing great. I want to thank you, Julie, for setting us up. It was a dirty trick, but it has worked out wonderfully!" I said.

"So you are hooked on steampunk then?" she asked.

"Well, I'm hooked on ONE steampunker at least!" I said.

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The summer holidays was upon again and I had booked to go to Scotland  with Jennie as she had nobody to go with and her family was  very churchy and her father was the local vicar in the Parish. She was a nice girl and had a terrific figure, but was very quiet  and seemed to be naive  as regards what went on with young people although she worked in an office with plenty of the opposite sex  around her.Anyway the time had come that we had to leave for Scotland to explore this part of the UK. We...

First Time
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Home Visit

Home Visit As she approached the surgery on a cold, dank, and generally miserable mid winter morning Lisa was full of foreboding, the last time she’d had an internal the male doctor had been rough and she was contemplating more of the same this time. His rough skin, lack of compassion, and his leery smile had been the last straw for her, it had pretty much turned her off men for good. Lisa was living alone again now and alone was how she felt, she had looked online for another woman who may be...

2 years ago
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A Weekend With Gina and Her Friend Part 2

Part 2 I had just watched one of the most erotic acts of my life. I had to pinch myself several times to be sure this was real; two hot women were in my bed and made the sweetest love to each other. Almost heavenly... As the Becky and Gina were coming down from the sexual pleasure they had shared with each other, I poured more wine for us. We made small talk and there was no mention of what just happened or what was about to happen. The conversation was more along the lines of “friends”...

Group Sex
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Dear exhubby

"As you may or may not know I am about to be divorced. This is a way I thought of getting back at hubby.........hell no we are not getting back together. LOL!"Dear ex-hubby, I hate it here, living with my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad she offered me a place to stay, but she is just too nosy and bossy. All she does is lecture me oh how you were so wrong for me, pointing out every thing in detail like a fucking drama queen. Why just this morning sis told me that I should swear off all men...

Love Stories
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Mat Billy and crazy doctor 2

100% DARK FANTASY Billy said that when he first woke up he was on the table. Everyday the man would milk his cock for something. He would get upset that nothing would come out and say something like I was to young. I was eating normal stuff at first like apples and celery. He seen I was getting weak so he started feeding me peanut butter but I am allergic to peanuts and almost died. He said he was very sorry and he was able to save me from dying. I woke up in pain one day and he was...

4 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 03

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Translations: Nénáasêstse: Come here He’kotoo’êstse: Be quiet Hámêstoo’e: Sit down (plural, spoke to more than one person) Méseestse: Eat Tâhéovešêstse: Go to sleep (or Get some sleep)...

2 years ago
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Jill Becomes A Hot Wife

My name is Randy, my wife is Jill. This story is how we made our lives exciting and probably saved our marriage. We had been married almost eight years now and our sex life was dull at best. Jill was not very open about sex and sometimes she even acted as if it were dirty and disgusting. When I tried to talk about it and give her ideas, to get her to open up a bit, she would get mad and accuse me of not loving her the way she was. One day she was shopping at the mall and she saw a young woman...

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Cinco De Mayo Hook Up

It was during a Cinco de Mayo. I had just left work & since it was a festive day & my office environment was hyper sexually charged I was primed for the evening. My current husband at the time was cheating on me. Mind you me I was 26 at the time. Me I am a mixed Caribbean Latina 5'-4" slim waist, broad hips with a big ass AND very very sexual! My breasts were small (B cup) but certainly a mouthful (description provided by my current husband, LOL!). There was a Mexican restaurant that...

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Kentucky Snowstorm

This is a true event. My wife Becca greeted me at the door after work with a message to immediately call my boss at work. He tried to catch me before I had left for the day. When I returned the call, he advised me I needed to make a trip to Kentucky to resolve some customer issues with new equipment being installed in their factory. Becca began packing my clothes as I took my shower. As I was preparing to leave, I checked the weather, being it we were in the month of December. As figured, a...

4 years ago
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A Rose for all occasions

Rose carries the unshakably conviction that her weekend is going to be a success. She skips Friday afternoon knock-off drinks with the office crowd in favour of starting her journey at 5pm. She heads out of the building, on a mission. Everybody has moments of clarity: remembering for example, how trees are bigger than people (and make much more satisfying noises than people ever will); how clouds are always above us when it's light (it only pays to look up); that the best cure for malaise is...

Quickie Sex
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The Interview From Investigative Journalism

The Interview: From 'Investigative Journalism' by Patricia51 (I hope the shifts in POV in this story won't be confusing. After the introduction, each of Denise's adventures are told in third person, as though they have been transcribed after the interview to that point of view.) The young red-haired woman looked dubiously at the tape-recorder resting on the coffee table in front of her. "Why do you have to record all of our conversation? I know you want to use the incidents you asked me to...

4 years ago
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Jodie Pays Off Her Debt

This was my fantasy about wanting to have sex with a girl I know. Her name is Jodie and even though I'm married. I still have a fantasy of having sex with her.My name was Gary and I'm married. I just turned fifty years old and even though I have a good sex life with my wife, I still had a fantasy of having sex with Jodie. She works with my wife at the Citizens Bank in town and is fifteen years younger. Jodie had some financial issues and when it rained it poured on her. Her Chevrolet Caviler...

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The AcademyChapter 75

Jasper: Undoubtedly, Consuela could have been a terrible fuck and I'd have never known the difference -- but she wasn't, in my humble opinion. I lasted long enough for her to give a pretty convincing portrayal of a woman having an orgasm, twice -- maybe five minutes -- before I unloaded in her pussy. Afterward, she cuddled up and smiled a little self-satisfied smile and said, "Don't you worry, my Patron -- you won't have to do without for that long ever again!" THAT was a load off my...

2 years ago
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The Begining

The good lady of the house quietly lets me know in that she a short while ago had made the necessary arrangements for two former associates’ to call round and basically give her the fucking she desperately needed. She did add although I was ok she wanted more satisfaction and therefore had spoken to two former special friends who knew exactly what she needed. As a special treat I was going to be allowed to sit and observe also that these two friends would be here very shortly. Surprisingly I...

2 years ago
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Pleasant UnpleasantnessChapter 7

I was surprised that she didn't let go of me, once we were backstage, she just kept on pulling me by my dick towards her dressing room. "So, did you have fun!" She asked me, still holding my penis in her hand and looking me in the eyes. "I can't complain," I said. She smiled at me. "Well, you better go take a shower," she said and finally let go of me. She pointed at the shower cabin that was in the corner of the room. When I walked towards the cabin, I noticed that she picked up...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Ava Sinclaire Twerking Rimming And Anal

Blonde dynamo Ava Sinclaire teases in a poolside setting, bouncing her plump, natural titties and peeling bright yellow fishnet stockings from her bountiful butt to jiggle and twerk for the camera. She excitedly chows down on muscular stud John Strong’s stiff prick, greedy to lick his balls and rim his asshole. He peels off her hosiery to pummel her pussy doggie-style. Her round rear rotates on his cock as they moan with delight. John next dribbles lube onto Ava’s sphincter and then...

3 years ago
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Caribbean VacationChapter 2 Caribbean Here We Come

The Saturday after school was out Kaci, Jacqui, Brandi and Randi were on a plane to the Caribbean. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining bright temperatures were mild and they were looking forward to the excitement of a foreign land. The plane touched down and a crew from the hotel met them. Everyone was shocked because the crew were all naked black men. Randi said, "mom look. Those men have big cocks even on soft." Kaci said, I think this may be better than we expected. The man...

1 year ago
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Watching My Wife

During her time in college my wife who was in her early 40s often met in study groups with several other students. The groups were both male and female and most were also much younger. Often she would arrive home later than expected saying that they had just ran late. Then she started talking about one guy in her group that was driving a beautiful vintage Jag.She talked about how soft the leather seats were and how well the car rode and drove. Finally one night she said how she thought the...

3 years ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 12 After Lunch

"Contestant six," said the Emir, "Come to the whipping dais." Fatima came forward and, as she had been instructed, removed her abaya and her finery. "Which whip have you chosen?" asked the Emir. She spoke up in a clear and confident voice, "If it pleases the Master, the eunuch's whip." Again there was a groan of disappointment from some of the audience. "Six strokes of the dog whip for a maximum of six points," intoned the Golden Palace Chief Eunuch, handing the instrument to...

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A Night In Girls Hostel

Friends this is a real sex story but a little bit exaggerated. This happened when I was doing my mba. I was having a girl friend who stayed at a private girls hostel. I was staying in a rented bachelor flat. Having sex with my girl friend was a regular affair. She was very open with me and we had tried sex in many positions and she never backed out from anything. Sometimes we used to challenge each other to see the extreme of sex. Everything was going on preety well. Than one day while we were...

4 years ago
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Rich Guy 2Chapter 2

--------------Present day------------- The Asian girl staggered down the steps from the condo, having taken my cock in both of her holes. Cassie had given her plenty of orgasms, so I didn’t feel all that bad for her. I had made her eat Cassie’s pussy while I’d drilled her up the ass, but she seemed to have trouble concentrating and thus, Cassie hadn’t gotten off. I was angry that she had ditched me, so I left without fucking her. Later that night, I reviewed the video from her bedroom to see...

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A Dungeon Holiday Part 2

Hours slowly tick pass, my arms begin to ache like hell as I'm suspended above the floor from the ceiling on the meathook.I look around at the others hanging with me, they all too look sore and tired. Some of them are lucky enough to be asleep. I had no idea of what time it was or how many days have passed since I was d**gged and bought here.No one seemed able to talk, god knows I couldn't, felt like I had a large weight wrapped around my vocal cords. I kept passing in and out of consciousness,...

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Anita Was The Housemaid

I did not like her food at all. the only thing was that i liked her. i had seen her around the house for a long time and i had gotten used to her. she woke me up in the morning and till i slept she was with me. she even appeared in my dreams. i will not lie about it that she was my crush. there was nothing unusually hot about her, just that she was slender and short and had a sexy waist. i had had the pleasure of holding her waist a lot of time. she stood on the stool to fetch somethings from...

3 years ago
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Sappho Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Even with her dyed black hair, contacts, and Woolf style shorts and top, Barbara looked only superficially like Indira. Elevated boots gave her an extra few centimeters, but she was still several centimeters shy of the real thing. She walked by my side, while I studiously ignored her, pulling the cart with the case. "Debbie, you're going to have to do better than that," she snapped. "When we get to the shuttle I'll have to be a convincing wife. If I don't get on, do I have...

3 years ago
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A Bride chapter 18

I danced or at least did what passed in my mind as danced, but she writhed, squirmed and gyrated.She held her arms up in that air at one time and just wiggled, then she moaned softly as I kissed beneath her arm,"I'm very sweaty,""I know." I closed my lips over the hairs in her armpit and sucked them into my mouth, while she ground herself wantonly into my cock."You're beautiful," she breathed."What's your name?"I licked all around her armpit and then kissed her, she gasped and sucked her own...

2 years ago
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Wife Pays for Husbands InfidelityChapter 6

“If you let me fuck Allison, I’ll fix you up with Jillian,” Brodie said after John’s confession. John had to admit he’d thought about fucking his brother’s blonde wife. She wasn’t overly fat, but she was a large girl. She had large breasts and a fairly large ass that he’d like to fuck. “Does she take it in the ass?” John asked his brother. “As far as I know, her ass is still virgin. You could be her first,” Brodie said. “Would you care if I fucked Jillian in the ass?” John asked. “Hell...

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Leenas TransformationChapter 4

Saturday night... Dear Master, Here is the required report of the dare you set me... Over three days, master I achieved the dare but it was wild and excited me sexually to levels I had only ever dreamed about. I truly felt like I was in my natural state with countless amounts of spunk up my cunt and arse and felt wickedly spoilt when it began running down my legs. Master, I have a favour to ask, I have been invited to a coloured get together tomorrow night, but would not attend without...

4 years ago
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My Australian Adventure

I been trying to keep my real life incident a secret, but I finally decided to share it as a sex story. The thing about me is I am no star just an average Indian joe. I am 5’7 and when this incident happened I used to be very thin and just started my first job in Brisbane city. Back in 2006 I used to use Hi5 a social website similar to Facebook and was quite popular here. However coming back to this incident, I was going through my mates profile and I saw this lady about 31 who used to be my...

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Fall Harvest Dance

Fall Harvest Dance By Bill Hart Harry Trelayne wondered which of the girls he knew would be the most disappointed that he decided to go stag to the school's Fall Harvest dance tonight. He knew the exact girl he would like to take - her name was Lisa Stevens - but there were complications with asking her. Lisa was a babe, a fox, or any one of a hundred other synonymous names. But she also had a boyfriend - one really big and very jealous boyfriend - Hank "Big Moose" Williams the...

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I Want to Fuck You Pegging

My last boyfriend broke up with me because I was "too aggressive." Our society expects women to be passive during sex. I have never wanted to be a woman who just lies there, passive and moaning, spread-legged like a frog on a dinner plate. I love to be on top. I always straddled him and put my hands on his forearms so I could pin him down, and then I pounded my pussy into his crotch. When he got close, I'd slow down and go up and down in long, teasing strokes to finish him off. I loved to watch...

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FamilyXXX Alessia Luna Step Sister Alessia Gives The OK

Older step brother Robby arrives to what he thought was an empty home only to find his big tit sexy step sister masturbating with her vibrator. Robby decides to enjoy his view a bit longer when Alessia says it’s OK to come in and join in. With a little hesitation Robby hops on the bed and takes over the vibrator for Alessia and quickly gets her on all fours slipping his cock right in her hot wet pussy and gives her the fuck she asked for, finishing off with his load erupting all over her...

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Neighbor Girls Get Naughty in my garage

Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I do household chores naked. This time, I had a few things to put away in my garage, organize some shelves, etc. The garage door (the one through which the car goes) was closed but the people-size door has a window in it. What are the odds of an unexpected visitor? Well, you guessed it. As I was walking around with only a t-shirt on, I noticed their shadows on the floor of the garage, they were peering through the window at me! I expected to hear a knock but...

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Secret Sex Of Delhi

By : Ankit Hello every body, I’m Ankit first aqp sab ke liye laya hoon mera dusra story. Mere pehle story pe jin sab ne mujhe reply bheje the sab ko thanks. Koi anty yone mujhe questions puchhe the ke unhe mujhse chudwane ka mann kar raha he lekin dar te hain kahin kisi ko pata chal gaya to? To mera reply ye hai ke Ankit ke saath jo bhi sex kiye hai woh mujhe bar bar phone kar te hain. Kyun ki ek biswas hi original satisfaction deta hai. Mai sex ko apni jaan se bhi pyari cheej man ta hoon....

2 years ago
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Mein neuer Freund Fabian Ritt im Auto

Vor einiger Zeit beschlossen wir mal Sex im Auto zu haben. Wir überlegten wo und wann wir das ganze am besten machen. Schließlich einigten wir uns darauf, nach der Disko in ein altes Parkhaus zu fahren. Es wurde weder überwacht, noch gab es dort Schranken. Es war ca. halb 4 als wir Freitagnacht dort ankamen. Wir fuhren auf Deck 3 und stellten das Auto in einer Ecke ab. Um etwas mehr Platz zu haben schoben wir die Sitze nach vorne, bevor wir auf die Rückbank kletterten. Um schnell loslegen zu...

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The Zethriel Project Chapters Seven Ten

The target's name was Gendoran Thriftwind, and Keria was close enough to smell the scent coming off his blonde hair. She'd found him in the loft above his shop--he'd foolishly left the window open. Keria had her legs hooked on one of the rafters and held her upper body out in midair, arms outstretched. She could drop ontop of Gendoran and break his neck, or stab him, or whatever suited her, whenever she wanted, but as eager as she was to get back to Zethriel, she felt as she usually did...

1 year ago
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Kathryn and Her Son

Kathryn checked her calendar, yes, this was the day that she was to pick up her son at the airport. He was coming back from college for winter break. This was the longest Derrick and her had been apart. She didn’t realize how much she would miss him when he went away to college. He had to go to Colorado to school; if only he had gone to a local school, they could have spent more time together. Since she kicked her husband out, over three years ago; Derrick was the man around the house. Matthew...

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Jena Flies

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 7:40 p.m. My name is Celia. My friends call me Cee-Cee. I am mentioned on page 13 of Jena's diary, in the entry for Friday, October 4, 2013. I have no idea who Jena is. The diary was express-mailed from San Diego; California two Monday's ago. Because it came via registered mail and had to be signed for, Mom took me to the post office Wednesday after school to get it. The envelope was mailed from a law firm called Mann, Caldwell and Burgess. Inside the big...

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Perfect Whore

She stirred as she felt her mattress dip with someone’s weight. She rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up, but whoever it was, was faster and jumped on her. She opened her mouth to scream but a backhand sent her head reeling. Her cheek stung from the force of the blow. ‘Lie still bitch’ he whispered. He wrenched her arms above her head and tied them securely to the head board. His weight shifted as he moved around her and placed a gag over her mouth. She whimpered from the pain and fear kicked...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 5

" ... But I get to make one condition to be specified only after you agree. Take it or leave it," I said in a last ditch effort to keep my position of superiority, even if it was imaginary. I was praying she would leave it. There was no fucking way I could last that long in that moist steaming cauldron of her sexy mouth, so hot and moist, tight ... Stop it, you idiot! You'll lose before you start! "OK. When do you want to lose?" she asked simply Oh, shit I'm a goner. Maybe if I go...

4 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 61 Various Couplings

Dinner at the Hansen's was delayed by the chaos of Louise's settling in; Donna insisted that she move in with Becky, which meant finding an old bed and chest in the cellar and setting it up in Becky's room -- which cramped Becky's style, she insisted quite loudly. Dwayne would sleep on the couch in the den, for now; theoretically, his mother would let up at some point in the near future, when he had proven trustworthy -- but Dwayne wasn't holding his breath. Dinner was rushed, too --...

5 years ago
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Out doors

My husband and I love the outdoors, doing all the outdoors things (camping, hiking, fishing, etc.). So once or twice a month we head to the great outdoors. Last week we decided to go for a hike up in the woods that are close to where we live. We got all ready and brought along a day pack with some food, drinks and a towel to eat lunch on. It was a nice day in the 70’s so we both had on lite clothing on (shorts and t-shirts). At home, I like to go without clothing, but am conservative in...

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The Sexy Wrestling Match

One time when I was relaxing on a Sunday, my girlfriend thought it would be nice to have her friends come over so 20mins later 2 of her friends came over and we was all hanging out talking 'til we got into a debate over which music genre was the best (as me and my girlfriend love rock but her friends aren't keen on it) and so for a laugh my girlfriend said she'd wrestle them and the winner of the match wins the argument lol and so they stripped off into some real small shorts and bikini top and...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 17 Incestrsquos Naughty Price

April 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man’s hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I’d helped Mother make Tammy Coburn into her father’s slut. The old man had paid us well to do that, horny to stick his cock in her tight, young cunt. She had become a perfect whore for...

5 years ago
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A changing Life Chapter 4

"Please," I whispered on deaf ears looking hopelessly at the closed door, feeling frightened and vulnerable. I glanced about me, it was so quiet, the grounds appeared deserted, well kept lawns either side of the tree lined drive. My heart was pounding now and somewhat reluctantly, thinking of no other alternative in my over stressed brain, I began to trot down the driveway, all the time trying to keep my balance on my toes in those ankle twisting shoes. The drive curved ever...

4 years ago
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Accidentally Messed With The Nurse And Had A Pleasurable Session

Hello friends this is Tarun Goel again with my second story…. Thank you for loving my first work “introduced to world of sex by friend’s sister ” in virgin category… Your feedbacks were valuable.. For all those who don’t know me I am Tarun goel from Delhi… 20 yrs of age… M 5’8″ with average body and a fair complexion and of course a charming face…. My tool is 6.5″ in length and 2.5″ diameter…. Not wasting much time lets jump to the story… So the heroine of the story is krati(name changed for...

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The 3ple treat

Introduction: A thriple bday treat from 3 of my friends So it was the night before my bday and I was hosting a dinner party at my place for few of my friends[15 friends]. I was single at that point officially, but I was secretly having an relationship with my friend kevin. Our relationship was kind of complicated. But none of our other friends knew, as kevin had a gf. And there was these other 2 friends Nick and Paul who were also coming for dinner that night. I used to have occasional affairs...

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