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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

7:40 p.m.

My name is Celia. My friends call me Cee-Cee. I am mentioned on page 13 of Jena's diary, in the entry for Friday, October 4, 2013. I have no idea who Jena is.

The diary was express-mailed from San Diego; California two Monday's ago. Because it came via registered mail and had to be signed for, Mom took me to the post office Wednesday after school to get it. The envelope was mailed from a law firm called Mann, Caldwell and Burgess. Inside the big envelope was another, smaller envelope containing 23 handwritten pages of diary entries. I was blown away. It was a joke. Of course it was a joke.

Of course, Mom insisted on reading the stupid thing and was just furious about it. (Of course she was.) She called long distance to California and demanded to talk to the person responsible for sending the envelope, wanting to know what kind of pervert had written it and why it was sent to me. She got twice as furious when the man refused to answer any of her questions. The law firm was not in a position to divulge the client's name or offer any information concerning the envelope, he told her. If she wanted to contact the police or another law firm concerning the contents, she was at liberty to do so. Mann Caldwell and Burgess would respond accordingly.

I thought Mom would blow a gasket and slam the phone down and break it into a thousand little pieces. She surprised me, though; placing the handset into the charger unit like it was made of glass and just staring at it, looking perturbed. Throw the damned thing away, she told me. But of course, I didn't.

There are no real vampires and no 14-year-old girl can fly and time travel. That's just bullshit. Of course it is. But the Barksdale's are real people and I've confirmed that Timothy Barksdale had a sister named Nicole and they lived in a farmhouse on Lovett's Road in Stevens, just like Jena said in her diary. The house was torn down in 1988. Spring Lake Community Center is there now, which is where I went Monday after school to check the place out. Inside, I discovered pictures down one corridor showing the center being built. The big farmhouse and barn are there in the pictures, just as Jena described them, before, during and after being demolished. There is no mistaking the four big, stone chimneys, and the roof could be made of slate, though I couldn't tell for sure. The barn was nearly as big as the farmhouse (maybe even bigger) and I think they built tennis courts where the barn used to be. It was like seeing a ghost in a photograph. I was so creeped out, all the way home. I am still creeped out.

Following are the 23 pages of Jena handwritten diary.

I hate sucking cock. I don't care whose cock it is; if it goes in my mouth and gets hard and stays hard and eventually shoots cum down my throat I hate it. If ever a day goes by without me sucking cock—and oh, should that ever come true! —I would be SO GRATEFUL!

I attend Martin Luther King High School in Millersville, MD. I am a freshman, raw out of Christa McAuliffe Middle School, one of 242 students in my 9th grade class. Us girls make up 56% of the student population and number 133 of the total freshies. Eventually, I will suck the cock of every damned remaining freshman. Before the Christmas break too. I've made a remarkable start, actually; it's barely October and I've knocked off 41 boys. Only 68 left and then I can start on the sophomores, LOL.

Right now I'm naked. It's 2:37 a.m. on Wednesday morning, the 2nd of October 2013. I'm writing this on my little Toshiba netbook. It's a hand-me-down from my brother and I wouldn't trade it for every laptop in the world. It's almost as tiny as me, and fits easily into my backpack so I can take it with me everywhere. The Word file I'm writing into is password protected (JenaHatesToSuck) so I don't have to worry about unauthorized eyes ever reading it, which you can guess is anyone's eyes but mine.

I'm not the smallest girl in school but I'm in the top five. I stand 4'10" tall, weight 85 lbs, and wear Size 00 jeans. You can guess my bra size, and my waist is small enough that guys with really big hands can encircle it, fingertip to fingertip. My hips are not much bigger than my waist and I have really skinny legs, but boys like me anyway.

I'm a virgin, except for my mouth. I've never had a hand on my boobies and never had one down my panties, though guys have tried. A couple got me unsnapped and a couple got me unzipped, and once, a boy named Terrell felt me through the front of my panties, but always I made them stop. No boy I've ever sucked knows I did it to him. To everyone, I am still a virgin.

I only suck boys. I've sucked my school bus driver's son, David, and I sucked the vice principal's son at MLK, and Ms. Frenchette, the principal's son too. Jamie is hot. OMG, yes, he's so hot!

I love being naked. I'd open my blinds and let every boy in the neighborhood see me naked, but my boobs are a total embarrassment--I'd die if one of my selfies ever made it onto the Internet. The webcam is on and I'm watching myself in a little box at the bottom of the screen. If I lean back like this, I can see my little boobies. They'd make me laugh, if they didn't make my cry. (Emily Browning in Sleeping Beauty. That's as close as you'll ever get to me being naked, LOL.)

I'm missing a toe. Let me haul my right foot up high enough for the camera to see it. It happened when I was five years old in a bicycle accident. The sprocket took a hunk out of the toe beside it too, and if you look real close, you can see I don't have a toenail on that toe. It's embarrassing, not having a little toe, but hardly anyone notices. Well, hardly any guys do. Girls always notice. Girls miss nothing.

Girls are cruel. I get so much abuse from girls, mostly from my friends, and always about my boobs or how skinny I am. I hate being skinny but I am deathly afraid of putting on even a pound. Chloe says I am the poster child for anorexia. She's probably right. I'd get a little bigger if I put on a little weight; I guess ... I could be a Size 1, maybe.

Have you ever tasted cum? It's so horrible, isn't it? Bitter and slimy and vomit inducing. The stuff always makes me gag, but I swallow it anyway, because that is what I do: suck cock and swallow cum.

One night I almost ended up in the hospital having my stomach pumped.

Emily Browning is cute. If I were to make it with another girl, I'd want it to be Emily Browning.

I should go check my door. I know it's locked, but I have my desk lamp on and if Mom or Dad goes to the bathroom and sees the light shining under my door, they'd come knocking and want to know why I'm up on a school night. Like I could sleep, you know? I haven't slept a moment since discovering what I am.

What am I? Not a vampire, because vampires get to sleep during the day and experience a break from this unrelenting, 24-hour a day, 7 day a week awareness. And instead of blood, sperm is my sustenance.

Mom and Dad are not like me. Robbie is not like me. Neither is Clare nor anyone else in our family--not that I know of anyway. I've never met anyone like me and wonder if any others exist. If so, I sure pity them.

I could go to bed and play with myself, I guess. Other than being cum-dependent and totally unable to sleep, I'm pretty much a normal 14-year-old. All my parts work right and I enjoy how I'm put together. My clit works the same as the girl's next door and my vagina is just as wet and subject to yeast infections as anyone's. My ovaries dispense eggs every month and I bleed like a stuck pig. My cramps are intolerable. I get horny and diddle myself in bed and enjoy taking hot baths. I dream of losing my cherry. I shiver thinking how a boy will someday put his cock up my ass and maybe I'll like it. Someday a boy will come in my mouth and remember that he did it the next day. Someday my eyes will rise and meet his, and I'll smile as I swallow his jism. Someday maybe I'll even have a baby with someone. Imagine me huge and pregnant with twins.

I'm wet. I sit here typing and know in moments I'll throw on some clothes and leap out the window and find me a cock to suck. Did I mention that I fly?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2:07 a.m.

I'm naked again. My blinds are cracked ever so slightly, just enough that someone with binoculars could see horizontal strips of me through the slats. Maybe put together a complete image of me using a mental version of Photoshop. The thought of it has my nipples hard and gooseflesh pimpling my arms and chest. I have never done this before and blame this idiocy on my musing last night in this very same journal. Bad Jena girl! Spank spank!

I was bad last night, too. I pulled off my hoodie and took off my bra and sucked the first boy topless, enjoying my nipples. I went so far as to slip out of my sweats and finish sucking him off in just my panties and sneakers. In Bedroom Number Two, I remained clothed, but enjoyed a middle finger on my clitty the entire time. Just before dawn I unsnapped my bra and enjoyed the looseness of it against my bare boobs and nipples. I got home just a few minutes before sunup. Who is this strange creature in my bedroom, I wonder?

I ate a peach today at lunch. It almost made me urk, but stayed down somehow and even now is percolating through my innards, delivering shock after shock to my bewildered digestive system. Poor unsuspecting bowels. Knowing it will come out the far end in just a few hours has me delirious with anticipation. I pee all the time, sure, but I poop maybe twice a year. Not a lot of solids in sperm, you know?

Speaking of which: I am now 43 out of 109. (The older brother of Boy #1 doesn't count.) I hate the taste of sperm.

Webcam on now; Jena in little box: Hi Jena! Lean back please; show me your little boobies ... good girl.

Is that a hickey I detect on your creamy white skin? No? Well, don't loose hope, Jena. Someday a boy will adorn your body with extravagant oral artwork. I promise you that. Someday soon.

Yeah, right.

It's freaking raining outside. It's been raining all night and all last evening since around six o'clock. It's pouring hamsters and parakeets. If I were to sail out the window right now I'd be soaked before I reached our property line. (I got hammered by a hailstorm during the summer and wasn't that interesting?)

I think I'm getting a cold. My throat is scratchy and I had these sneezing fits at school. It amused all the boys (imagine a Shih Tzu with a sneezing fit) and all the girls rolled their eyes. I lift off, every time I sneeze.

Michael Shermeyer snapped my bra again in English today. Then he totally embarrassed me by unsnapping it right through my shirt back. The effing douche-bag! He is so far down my list of suckee's that I won't see him until just before Christmas, during the final night of my undertaking. I'd bite off his cock if he wasn't so hot and I didn't have such a horrifying case of the hots for him.

As you know, Dear Diary, my love-hate relationship with Michael Shermeyer goes back to Emily Meyer Elementary School, and the shocking age of 8 years old. Michael is the boy I dream about most often, and the last boy I want in my dreams. Why can't I do something about him? I wish he'd move.

I finished my period today; that's a plus.

I wonder if binoculars are trained on my bedroom window right now? I wish my night vision extended to seeing through walls. If that were the case, though, I'd never get anything done. And having no control over my x-ray eyes, I'd always be walking into walls because I couldn't see them, and wouldn't that be a bummer? Unless, of course, I could walk through walls, LOL.

Do vampires pee and poop? What would I do if one of them ever messed with me for real? They scare me to death, you know, but do they really pose a threat? (They don't want my blood, that's for sure.) I'm stronger--I think--and I can certainly fly circles around their sorry asses. I'm susceptible to their hypnotic stare, but I can look away and that gives me the advantage, I guess. I'm fine with sunlight, but vampires can sneak up on me at night and that's a big advantage to them. Also, they're already dead. When I die, I'll stay that way. I really shouldn't mess with vampires, I guess.

Today in math we watched a third or so of the movie Good Will Hunting. I've seen it before—of course I have; Matt Damon is my favorite actor and I'll watch it any chance I get. I especially love the scene where he rips the preppy math boy a giant new asshole. Too bad he's such conceited asshole himself.

My IQ is somewhere north of Albert Einstein's by the way. (No, the 122 with Mr. Richardson last year don't count. I flubbed the visual-spatial processing and quantitative reasoning questions to keep the evil eye of academia off me; you know that, Dairy.) However, I have yet to develop an interest in anything requiring a single neuron outside the scope of my 14-year-old's area of concern. Maybe I'll do better in college, yeah?

(Did I mention how much I'd like to suck Matt Damon's cock?)

My favorite TV show is Orphan Black. Tatiana Maslany is so just the coolest girl on TV! I can't wait for the new season to start. I hope there will be one. Allison is my favorite but I was outraged when they devolved her into a psycho nutbag killer. A bit of wacko, yeah, but Allison and Sarah and Cosima have the same genetic makeup and no way would she mistake Aynsley for being her monitor, not with the evidence at hand. And what about Cosima coughing up blood? Are they all doomed? Only three of them left now ... and that bitch Rachel.

It's 3:57 a.m. and no is out there spying on Jena through binoculars. Not at 3:57 a.m. I need to start earlier tomorrow night. Give Doofus across the street and Jordan next door to Doofus time to notice the blinds and zero me in before bedtime. Strictly wishful thinking for anyone else though. The Compton's are too far left and the Schmidt's are too far to the right. I'd fair better in a back bedroom with the apartment complex behind us, but the front bedroom is what I got to work with here. (A thought, Diary: Maybe next time Jena is presented with an empty household in the evening, Jena could present herself to those dozens of eager apartment dwellers out back? In the wintertime, anyway, once all the leaves drop away and the sight line is clear?)

I weighed 81 lbs. this morning. I always loose weight during my period where everyone else gains weight. I'll probably hit 79 or 80 lbs tomorrow morning. I can see me in Size Triple-Zero jeans. Aeropostale, here I come!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

10:16 p.m.

Hi Diary,

I'm naked and my bedroom door is locked. More to keep Robbie out of my bedroom than Mom or Dad. Robbie has absolutely no respect for anyone's personal space ... mine, least of all. His territory includes me, my bedroom, and all of my possessions. He delights in catching me out of my clothes: twice last week in my bra and panties and once topless, Diary! He is so much a bugger. One day I'll pitch him out the window and watch him fly.

I am constantly on guard to keep my cool around Robbie. It would not be good to break his arm because I overreacted to being grabbed or dope-slapped, which he does to me all the time. I can't begin to describe the aggravation of coexisting with Robbie every day of my life. Of being taken over his knee and having my bottom paddled because I talked back to him, or embarrassed him in front of his buddies. So far he's never spanked me bare-bottomed, but he threatens to do it a lot. And he's also threatened to throw me face down on my bed with a knee in the back while he beats me bare-bottomed with his belt. (Which would really hurt, but I'd heal in a matter of hours and would have to fake agony the next day. Just like I heal up from the occasional concussion, broken shoulder or arm from flying into things in the dark. I see just fine, mostly, but my depth perception at night sucks.)

I want to know if someone out there is spying me. It's aggravating, not knowing and not knowing how to know. I could set up an apparatus, I guess, to scope them scoping me, but that's elaborate stuff and you know how un-elaborate a girl I am, Diary. Of course, I could go peek ... LOL.

Sometimes I fly naked and that's really cool and stupid at the same time. Cool, because I'm naked and someone could see me flying around up there, and stupid because I share the air with flying nocturnal creatures. A bird can be a life-threatening collision in the dark—to the bird, at least—and I've hit any number of bats and wiped out a gazillion flying insects. Some nights I come home looking like a paintball victim. I've taken to protecting my eyes with goggles and wearing a hoodie even in the hottest weather to protect my upper body. I wish I had sonar like bats. It doesn't help them much against me for some reason--I seem to be sonar invisible—but trees and houses and telephone poles? No problem. Jena? Watch out!

I finished that book I was reading, D. I read it three nights running and that's like a total no-way for me. (Twilight went faster, but I was bad sick with a cold and the book had my undivided attention for two days.) It's YA fiction about time travel and centers on a teenager named Marina and her best friend Finn. The action takes place in her present and the very near future, though mostly in the present. Her older self, Em, is 20 years old while Marina is just 16. I loved the book, but I have to complain that I didn't understand the ending. Why would Marina loose all memory of what she went through with Finn and James, even though she was right there at the end with them both? I'll Google it later and see what other readers say about it.

I think it would be so cool to travel in time. On the other hand, maybe time travel would be the abomination Em said it was. I'm not versed in the mechanics of time travel (yet), but I can imagine a government like ours putting it to ill use. (OMG, North Korea with a working time machine? Would I even exist now? Would anyone in the US?)

What if I could, though, you know? I'm not exactly normal. Until the day I became airborne in the girl's bathroom at school (and nearly brained myself ramming a light fixture), I had no clue at all. The possibility has me suddenly very excited. And scared to death. How would I know? How would it work? Think of a time and place and just snap my fingers? (I just did, and I'm still here, LOL.) Time travel is just so much science fiction, but then again, what about me?

I'm tired of writing, D. Let's go binge on some Vampire Diaries and Arrow and Supernatural. Race you there!

Friday, October 4, 2013

1:21 a.m.

I'm in so much trouble, D. I just spent 5-1/2 hours back in 1952 and messed with someone I shouldn't have messed with.

During the second episode of Supernatural, it occurred to me that I hadn't given the attempt at time travel a very conscientious try. For one thing, I was typing on a laptop that hadn't even been thought of in 1952, in a house that wouldn't be built until the late 1990's. What effect would just those two things have on a desire to time travel, I wondered? (As it turned out, nothing.)

Remember The Time Travel's Wife? Henry always turned up completely naked wherever he went, so maybe I needed to be that way also. I was actually in panties and a t-shirt at 1:10 a.m., when I snapped my fingers at the keyboard. I stripped naked and flew out my side window, the one facing the side of the Cameron's house, and hovered just outside.

Where to go, I wondered? Sitting at my desk earlier, it had been 10 minutes into the past, right there in my bedroom at the desk. That obviously wouldn't work. Today's date worked me, and picking my current time of 1:15 a.m. was smart, because I'd be invisible in the dark when I got there. Which left only the year to decide on. And then I thought, okay, why not 1952?

In History, we're studying the British Monarchy. Queen Elizabeth succeeded King George VI as the new monarch in 1952. Could I go back that far, I wondered? 48 years before I was even born? What a cool and scary idea!

Nothing happened at first. And then something went pop right behind my eyeballs, and shrieking, I shot 500' into the air, and for a brief instant I was being yanked inside out, my toes hauled out through my mouth along with all my insides—not a good feeling at all—like being skinned alive. And then suddenly the air was 20 degrees colder and I was hovering above woodland that stretched in every direction for miles and miles and miles. Had I not shot upward I might have ended up inside a tree. My strange mind, saving me again.

I didn't know it yet, but Stevens, the town I live in didn't exist in 1952—I tell you that with certainty, Diary. Millersville, with its sprawling fancy mall and surrounding developments was nothing but a one-stoplight town in October of '52. An ESSO station sat on the corner of Sedgwick Road and Minor Avenue--like we saw in Canada a couple of years ago—and a Sinclair was a block down on Minor Avenue with a green dinosaur on the sign. I never even heard of Sinclair gas! Where the Weiss Market is now was a country store called Miller's Gas and Go, with truly weird looking gas pumps out front. (All the gas pumps are truly weird looking in 1952.) The road to the mall was non-existent, and I'm not even sure where the mall location is in1952 because everything is so different from now. The bridge on Route 57 over the railroad tracks is boxed with steel girders like the bridge on 40 coming out of Thomasville. It doesn't even curve up and over the railroad tracks like it does in 2013! Just goes straight across. And it's only one lane wide!

And D, the fucking cars! The cars are right out of the 1940's and 50's and they're not antiques! (I know, duh!) No bright colors other than red and white and they all have huge chrome bumpers that would demolish any modern car with even a nudge. The headlights are round and they all have dinosaur grills that look ready to gobble up anyone stupid to get too close. They all have stick shifts too, and almost every car had white-wall tires.

Anyway, the temperature was no more that 40 degrees and I was completely broken out in gooseflesh, shivering like crazy. The closest farmhouse looked about a mile a way. I zoomed right over and set down on the roof outside a dormer window. Two dogs asleep in the front yard woke up when I arrived and started baying at the top of their lungs, like to scare me to death, D. Lights popped on and cows in the barn woke up and started to low. The chicken coop I didn't even know was there went crazy like a fox was inside stealing eggs. I hid behind a stone chimney and cursed the damned stupid dogs, wondering if maybe I could shut them up with a couple of well-placed stones. But I'm not cruel to animals, and I'm chicken-shit to boot. And I throw like a girl. Then Farmer John came rushing outside with a shotgun in one hand and a lantern in the other, and it was time to leave. I floated away, using the chimney for cover, while the dogs chased each other in circles, nipping at their own tails.

Why I didn't just flash back to the present I don't know. I'm not even sure the thought occurred to me right then; I only wanted away from that house and those effing crazy dogs, and that damned shotgun.

My second attempt went better. The farmhouse was three stories tall and surrounded on three sides by a wide veranda. It had a slate roof and four huge stone chimneys, one on either end of the building and two opposite each other in the middle. The barn and the outbuildings were much larger and more well cared for than those of the previous farm, and something had recently been painted; I could smell paint in the air.

Cautious, I floated to one of the dormer windows and peeked inside. A teenage boy with long blonde hair lay folded into the covers of a bed across the room from me--I almost wept with relief!

The window was cracked to let in fresh air, and I quickly removed the screen—made from real metal mess, D, not plastic or fiberglass or whatever it is they use nowadays in window screens--slid the window open noiselessly and climbed inside. The sudden change in temperature—or maybe just a sense of my unauthorized presence in his room--made the boy stir in his sleep. I stood motionless against the wall holding my breath while he turned away, grumbling. My teeth chattered like a plastic wind-up toy and gooseflesh covered me head to toe. Spotting discarded clothing on a nearby chair, I tiptoed over (if you can imagine a Popsicle tiptoeing) struggled into a dark flannel shirt and a pair of jeans made for a giant. I clutched myself like a drowning victim. A sound something like a kitten would make trying to escape a shoebox escaped my throat.

Go back and close the fucking window, I told myself. I did, and then migrated to the corner where a rectangle in the floor proved to be a grate through which magnificent warm air arose. The grill was wrought iron, I think, or maybe cast bronze, like the ones in Shannon Towfield's house. I sat down and surrounded the grate with my appendages and wafted air upward with my frozen hands. If you threw me against a wall, I'd shatter like that Popsicle I mentioned earlier.

In 2013, any teenage boy's bedroom would be covered with posters: Heavy Metal or Rap, Grunge or whatever, depending on his click. Swimsuit models or hot actresses and of course, pictures of his many girlfriends. None of that was here. Instead, glancing around the room, I took in framed black and white photos of the boy and his family, he and his friends at play, magazine cutouts of cars and motorcycles and airplanes; a crucifix hung directly above his head and some general with a chest full of medals took a place of honor above the heavy wooden desk. I spotted no laptop computer, no cell phone on his bedside table, and no TV set—not even one of the old clunky ones—weighing down his dresser. A wind-up alarm clock ticked loudly beside a lamp on his bedside table. An AM radio big as a TV menaced a stack of schoolbooks on his desk. The furniture was made of wood—real wood, D, not cheap veneered stuff or pressboard faced with plastic laminate. The floor was polished wood alos, mostly covered by a rough-textured oval rug. No red lights twinkled in the dark, not from a stereo, or a TV or a DVD player. No electronics in 1952 at all.

It took a full 10 minutes, but finally I thawed enough to risk venturing away from the vent. I went on hands and knees to the bed and sat back on my calves, listening to the boy slowly breathe. I got the hint of a snore, so light as to be almost indistinguishable. He was seventeen maybe, I thought, three years older than me. I wouldn't be born for another 47 years, I realized. A shiver, seeming to emanate from my very bone marrow, tore through my body.

"Don't wake up," I whispered.

He muttered discontentedly.

"What's your name?" I whispered.

In a sleep-husky voice he answered, "Tim."

"How old are you, Tim?"

"17," he muttered.

"I'm almost 15," I told him. "My name is Jena. That's spelled J-E-N-A, not G-I-N-A. I'm from the year 2013. I time-traveled here, although I didn't know I could do that until about half an hour ago or so."

"Uh-huh," he agreed dully.

"I did it with no clothes on and I about froze myself to death. It's a lot colder tonight that it was in 2013." I frowned. "What day is it here, anyway?"

"Friday, October the 3rd."

I picked up his alarm clock and turned it to face the window so I could read the dial. "It's 1:48 a.m., Tim."

"Saturday morning, then," he corrected.

"You'll be going to temple this morning?" I questioned.

His shoulders stiffened in consternation. Not Jewish then, I thought. Jewish boys you could always depend on being circumcised.

"Church tomorrow morning then?"

He nodded this time.

"Where to?" I wondered aloud.

"Redeemer Lutheran," he muttered.

"In Lavonia?" Lavonia was south of Stevens, 10 miles or so the opposite direction of Millersville. I dimly remembered a church at the intersection of Burns Road and Route 57, though I couldn't tell you for sure if it was Redeemer Lutheran. But I thought it might be.

"Calvary Baptist in Stevens for me. When my parents make me go anyway, which isn't all that often anymore. Are you an alter boy or something?"

"No," he grunted.

I fingered his long blonde hair. It really surprised me; I thought boys in the 50's sported butch-cuts or flattops like you see in the old black and white series on TV Land. Tim could be a skater laying in wait, I thought. I touched his right shoulder.

"Do you like being a farm-boy?" I asked.

"No," he answered curtly.

"Up early every morning to milk the cows?"

He nodded.

"I bet you hate that shit. I'd hate having to suck off a bunch of smelly cows before it even got light in the morning. That's basically what you do, right, suck them off with those metal thingamjiggies?"

His shoulder tightened under my fingertips.

"Have you ever been sucked, Tim?" I asked softly. "By a girl?"

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Girl with flies

I am a young woman, aged 22 from scandinavian country and now I am working here in some west/middle-african country near Sahara and Sahel deserts. My organization helps children to have better education and trying to teach child-caring to population which is living still old way, agrarian communities on country-side and with problems of street-children on bigger cities. At the same time I try to collect material to my graduation work. I am living on tiny camp between city and Sahel´s...

3 years ago
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Girl with flies

Introduction: A true story how I got new kinky way to keep fun How that all did start? I am a young woman, aged 22 from scandinavian country and now I am working here in some west/middle-african country near Sahara and Sahel deserts. My organization helps children to have better education and trying to teach child-caring to population which is living still old way, agrarian communities on country-side and with problems of street-children on bigger cities. At the same time I try to collect...

4 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 15 Time Flies

I thought Daddy would have a conniption fit when he found out the Registrar didn’t have a single record of the Fall semester fun and games. Oh, they had paperwork, but it was strictly the papers on the attempted rape and the arrest of the Dean and his cohorts, not a single thing on the expulsion merry-go-round, or our terrible grades because of it. “If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.” I said to Daddy. “What did you do?” He choked out, “You did something.” He glared at me, “I know...

4 years ago
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Carrying the FlagChapter 12 Judy Flies

Devers was as stone-faced as Shakespeare’s bust on the shelf behind her, maybe more. Willie was wearing the clown nose and hat I’d left with her. It kinda gave him a rakish look, and was that a smile on his face? It felt like all that had happened a long, long time ago. Devers looked older, and tired. I heard she’d passed up promotion to principal because she didn’t want to lose contact with us students. I wondered if she was regretting that. “Suppose you tell me what happened in that...

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We’re lying on a grassy hill by this gorgeous lake somewhere pretty far away from the party we were just at. Its past midnight, but I really don’t know anything beyond that. Details are blurry right now…all that matters is the warm weight on my chest and the vanilla scented hair brushing my cheek. Oh god…the lights are so bright. So colorful and shimmering…there are too many of them. It would be scary if I didn’t have somebody to hold onto. ‘The stars, they look like fireflies…rainbow...

2 years ago
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Smoke Gets in Your Eyes but Gets Rid of Flies

During their second year at RAF Halton an Apprentice Entry would spend a two week 'Summer Camp' under canvas at RAF Woodvale, which is located near the sesside resort of Southport in the county of Lancashire. RAF Woodvale holds the claim to fame of being the last airfield to fly operational sorties of Spitfires, although these sorties were out over the Irish Sea collecting humidity and temperature readings for meteorological forecasts rather than in a combat role. Nevertheless, the sounds of...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 60 Time Flies

August/September, 1984, Chicago, Illinois The next couple of weeks flew by. I was so busy with school and work I barely had time for anything else, though I did make sure that I called Bethany, Jennifer, Tatyana, Karin, and, because I valued my life, my sister. The only remarkable things both happened on the last day of August. Staci and I had put the Bible debate behind us, realizing that neither of us would give in, and had a few good talks about belief, but of course didn’t see...

1 year ago
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DogmanTime flies

I stood there watching the police car go down the road and then walked back to the house. Turning to step up onto the porch, I spotted a flash of light on the hills to the north as I went inside. Going to the desk, I picked up my dad's Canon binoculars. Going over to the window, I looked at the hill where I had seen the flash of light, and grinned as I saw Mark Hamilton jumping up and down, throwing a fit. His horse was shying away from him as he was bitching. He finally grabbed the reins...

3 years ago
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There and BackChapter 174 As the Crow Flies

The door that led to the cabins swung part way open, and I raised my knife with a curse. Dera was behind me, kneeling, and I had intended to tie her up and leave her there while I went looking for more assassins. But to my knowledge, the assassins were all behind the door that had just opened. I heard Dera scramble behind me, and couldn’t decide where to point my attention. I was focused on the door, and there were almost certainly Crows down the hallway in front of me – but was I leaving my...

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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom.  You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way....

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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom. You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the...

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All the Little Butterflies

Camille had gotten herself in an awful fix. She came to the mall with her friend Stacy and her mom. When they finished shopping and were leaving, Cammy told them she was going to have her mom pick her up. The young brunette had noticed the boys looking at her, and didn't want to go home yet. It was her skirt, she knew. It was really short and floppy. Just about every inch of her bare legs showed under it. Cammy's mom would never have let her out in public in it, not by herself. Only because...

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Butterfly Beach X Seasons or Dance of the Butterflies

Autumn.Eventually, I felt the need to feel the sun and the wind once more, and ventured to the surface, accompanied by my alien lover, Isshu.  It was nighttime, and the air was brisk upon my naked flesh.  I could not remember the last time I bothered to cover my nakedness – the memory was as distant as that of my life before this island. Paris and London had become places in barely remembered stories. I remembered my companions, of course, especially Em. I contented myself with the knowledge...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Episode 37 Cuntal Butterflies

Introduction'Episode 33 – Second Homes' started ‘Hi my name is Stephanie, I’m quite petite – slim, high breasts, short-cropped blonde hair and deeply tanned all over. I’m nearly 16 now, but with the right make-up and choice of underwear, I can be any age you want. I keep my cunt shaved to within an inch of her life – I hate pubic hair – it always gets stuck in your teeth. I was born Stephanie in this tiny village on the south Cornish coast, but most of my friends call me Steph, except for the...

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(After some hiatus, I've returned to writing. In light of having a more busy job life of, well, writing, I've decided to focus on actually finishing some of these scenarios rather than having the originally intended 50-100 endings. I've always intended to have a focus on choice, but honestly, I just don't have time for that. So! Over the next couple months expect my stories to actually have some finished choices, and I can expand from there. Thanks!) Arianna has always loved butterflies, and...

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I’ve been really interested in sex, fantasies and romance since I was very young. I never understood the tingly feeling of butterflies in my stomach and groin area until I was older. I remember getting aroused before puberty looking at pictures, magazines and watching showcase tv at night. Then, 3 or 4 years later the internet and p2p sharing exploded. Kazaa, LimeWire allowed me to download all the porn I could want. Lesbians in the shower, my friends hot mom I was addicted. I was always in...

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Falling Butterflies

A pale blue tablecloth covered the small square café table between them, and Raymond saw one sharp stand up crease running neatly across it, from the corner by his left elbow to the one diagonally opposite. Only later did he notice that another opposite crease, less obvious, ran across the other diagonal. The obverse and the inverse he thought then, when it was too late, two sides of a whole, separated, as the table had separated him and Sally. Sally put her coffee cup down silently in its...

2 years ago
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Her stomach is full of butterflies, clenched in a nervous knot. She paces back and forth, passing the other anxious people. They are all waiting. She is waiting for him, the one who fills her mind. ‘What insanity prompted me to do this?’ she thought. Yet she knew. Their connection had been instant, and lasting. For years, they had been arranging the clandestine meetings, as they were both unable to stop thinking of the other. Finally she sees him, walking out from the airport terminal. As...

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On Learning to Fly

Zach Greene carried an obsession for flying from as far back as he could remember. His mom says that from the time he was five, he was forever spreading his arms and flying through the house, jumping on and off the furniture, careening from room to room, and making airplane noises until she wanted to strangle him. It all started when his dad took him to an air show where there were all kinds of aircraft on display. There were the newest and the oldest Air Force and Navy fighter aircraft,...

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It was a beautiful spring morning; the air clear, bright, and blue, with just a few high clouds to give the sky definition, the temperature balmy with a slight breeze to keep it fresh. I decided I wanted to go fly, just tool around over the valley, free and happy. Even if the flying is 'stressful' - suddenly you are second in line to land and there is a twin Beech behind you eating up the distance and you are pedaling as fast as you can in your little 150 and don't want to make even a little...

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Memoirs Of A Common House Fly

Do you ever wonder what it's like to be a fly on the wall? A lot of people ask that. If you are not one of them, then read no further. If you have, however, then have I got a story for you. You see, I already know what it's like. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Richie ( stage name Wingo, more on that later) but my name really doesn't matter. Who I am does. I'm what's known as a common house fly. I'm sure you've seen my many brothers and sisters flying around your neighborhoods. As far...

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Learning to Fly

This is a work of fiction. While I was offered the opportunity to return to active duty very much as outlined, I passed on it and remained a civilian with no regrets. From everything I have learned over the years since, I made the right decision. As fucked up as the Army might have been in my day, it’s even more so today and has been for years. What if I had made a different choice? Remember that this is fiction, I’ve intentionally blurred timelines and created fictional locales and conflicts...

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I Was Gonna Learn to Fly

FORWARD: First, I want to thank blackrandI1958 for inviting me to join this fun project and for her editing skills. I chose a traveling song as the template for my story, “Taxi,” by Harry Chapin. It’s a sad song that I think, probably stirs a small feeling of regret in all of us. No matter how our lives turn out, I would almost bet most of us have wondered about a failed relationship in our life. Of course this is “Loving Wives,” so although I’ve followed the song to a degree, I’ve had to...

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The Girl Who Paints Butterflies

This was originally written for a short story writing contest. It failed to get any awards but I am confident that with minor tweaks, it can be successful next time. Since I intend to use the same story (with tweaks) in the same contest next time, I'd appreciate if readers only keep this story to yourselves. This means that you may read, copy or transfer the copied story anywhere you like, but you may not publish this story anywhere else. If I hear this story published anywhere else, I'll...

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Salau 2 Butterflies

After their rout of the Kilim, it had been an almost trivial matter for Nemi's people, the Vangon, to pay their annual tithe to the King. He and his Treasury had been happy to receive their due, and thereby were the Vangon spared the slaughter that the King's armies would otherwise have visited upon them for failure to pay their respects ... in gold. With that obligation discharged, life had been quiet for Nemi and the Vangon. In the tavern most nights people could be heard wondering if...

4 years ago
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Fear of Flying

FEAR OF FLYING By Audrey [email protected] (C) 2018 June 10 All Rights Reserved AUTHOR'S NOTE: Permission is granted to post this story on any free archive for transgender or transformation stories, such as Fictionmania. I REALLY HATE FLYING, I thought to myself. My name is Kam. I'm 30 years old, and I live in Seattle, Washington. And, for as long as I could remember, I hated traveling by air. Unfortunately, I had a job in finance that required me to travel fairly...

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Singles Given To Fly

Singles: Given to Fly Author's Notes: This Story is inspired by Pearl Jam's "Given to Fly." I did reword some of the lyrics in it, I want to give Eddie Vedder credit for the lyrics and Mike McCready credit for the music, if not for the music I would not have been inspired so much by the song. I also want to give thanks and credit to everyone who reads my stories. Everyone who read my stories has helped me become a better writer. It inspires me to do my best knowing that people get...

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The distant cloud tops glow pink, orange, and dusky red under the waning moments of a beautiful April sunset. Sunsets are glorious viewed from 35,000 feet. I roll my head back onto the soft, first-class headrest and close my eyes as I replay the meeting in my mind for the 10th time. “Marci, of the seven firms we interviewed, your presentation was, without doubt, the most outstanding,” the Division President smiled when he had spoken. “My colleagues and I are really pleased to tell you that you...

2 years ago
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Skin Deep III Chapter 6 Come into my parlor said the Spider to the Fly

Chapter 6 'Come into my parlor,' said the Spider to the Fly All Roads Lead to Rome The Boogeyman had managed to hitch a ride on an unmanned agricultural feed vehicle carrying hay. The vehicle stopped north of a place called Martic Forge, and began automatically off loading pressed hay blocks into an adjacent pasture. After that he left the main road having walked some fifteen miles into the heart of Pennsylvania Dutch country. In the dark, he had been able to walk just outside of an...

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Fear of Flying

If I had to pinpoint one thing in my life that struck true, undiluted fear into me, it was flying.The whole ordeal terrified me. I would literally rather cross the country on a train for three days than be stuck in a flying metal tube for five hours, but since no one in my family seemed to care for my opinion, the plane is where I ended up on an August evening. A very large, selfish part of me wished I'd never even agreed to this trip. It wasn't like spending my last month of summer at my...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 49 Plans For a New Home Learning to Fly

Mark There were about a dozen of us standing in the middle of the field we euphemistically called The Farm. I didn’t like that name. I wanted something more like Tara – the fictional plantation in Gone With The Wind. It didn’t even need to sound that dramatic. I even wanted a pastoral feel to the name since we were in the country. I had put out the need for a better name to everyone, and declared I was the judge and jury on what the winning name was. In fact, I wanted every one of us to love...

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The War of the CrystalsChapter 15 Flying

It was mid-morning when Jack rolled out of bed. The three concubines had worked Jack over for hours the night before, and it had been a real group party. While one of them had been enjoying his cock, the other two were working her over also, usually with the sex toys they had bought. Jack had asked Lisa what Booker & Blakely would do for an ad campaign for the Energizer Bunny if they really wanted people to know what their batteries were being used for. The only answer he got was an...

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Spider and the Fly

The Spider and the Fly Chapter 1 - Catching the Fly The moment had finally come when she had stated she wanted to be his. The last few months were a slow and strenuous journey of slowly gaining her trust and making her come to her senses over exactly what he could provide that she could only find through him… but when she came on the phone for him, moaning so loudly he worried the police would be called not only at her place, but at his, he knew he had her… if he could do that to her...

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Fly Robin Fly

I thought of this tale while I was at work. I do make an apology to DC Comics. The characters of Joker, Batgirl, and Robin are theirs. I use them only in jest and for a tale. Fly Robin Fly Robin awoke in a deep pit. The Joker had got him with a knockout dart. He could stand up and look around. The Joker spoke, "Good Morning Robin. I will make you a deal. You climb out that pit on your own; you can go back to your nest. If you do not after three days, I will haul you out and fuck...

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Junior YearChapter 14 Get Cape Wear Cape Fly

When I got to school, Mona was waiting for me in the parking lot. “What happened to our deal?” she asked. “You weren’t there. Kim and Tracy didn’t play fair.” “They flirted with you!” I nodded. “Men!” she shouted, and stomped off. The rest of the cheerleaders had seen what happened and had some choice comments. I was ready to tell them to back off when Zoe walked up and kissed me. “What was that for?” I asked. “For asking me to be your date for the Homecoming Dance.” I hadn’t asked...

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Fly Blackbird Fly

Derek could not believe it. Standing in the performing area of his bar were the three surviving members of the greatest rock band in the world: The Beatles. The thirteen or fourteen patrons were all just as surprised as Derek at this wonderful, but unexpected, surprise. A supposedly normal Tuesday night of beers and chicken wings turned into a reunion of mythical proportions. The Beatles were here and for all practical purposes looked like they might do a set. Paul, George, and Ringo had...

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Patchwork People XXIX When cows fly

XXIX. When cows fly. There are no cows outside the window at thirty thousand feet, no oil drills, no billboards, no fast food chain restaurants either. Nothing but space, space, and more space. You always expect to see things clearer on the way back from a journey. I'm not sure if anything is really different than it was before, but I do see it differently, and maybe that makes all the difference. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm not so mad anymore, I guess. That's one thing...

4 years ago
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?I'm flying?"Wheeeeee? The world spun, upturned faces gasped as I swept over them, the feeling of freedom intoxicating, as I swooped over their heads.Yet how was I free, swinging by my arms and legs on a short rope from a chandelier fitting on ballroom ceiling raised by a winch on the gallery, from my launch from the gallery rail with my unsupported breasts hanging down, my clothes pin tortured nipples the closest point to the ground as she whispered instructions and he gently lowered me.The...

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Spider and Fly

Spider & Fly By C As she had twice before, Tanya came to the forest clearing to meetthe woodsman. She darted her head out first and glanced this way and thatto make sure she was safe, and then she stepped into the open. Such cautionwas warranted, for she would have been a prize to boast of for any hunter.She was soft and buxom, her bosom just barely contained by her only clothing,a slate-colored halter top. Her shoulder-length black hair was thick andlustrous, with pretty bangs in front, and...

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The Catalyst RebornChapter 7 Learning on the Fly

Dad and TJ began barking out orders like the commanders of the D-day Invasion, with nearly that amount of urgency. Dad started, “Guys, put on your black flight suits and your night vision helmets, you’re going to need them. You guys also need to assume different identities and/or remain invisible until this whole thing is over. I’m not sure how invisibility will work trying to use your helmets. Bob, you and Greg need to ‘pop’ to the boat and hopefully take TJ and me with you.” They told Dad...

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Pigs Cant Fly

In our initial survey of Sly Bucks’ massive bedroom, one of the uniformed cops discovered a laptop computer under one of the pillows of the billionaire’s bed. It was several days before I had the time to consider what it might contain. I called one of the nerds in our computer section and asked for some help, assuming that everything on the laptop would be password secured.I had completely forgotten about the computer until three days later, one of the computer geeks showed up at my door. “I’m...

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Fear of Flying

Preface- I am the editor/co-author on this story. Notlooking5 was the creator of the story and other author. It was her brain child. Credit where credit is due. I was flattered that she asked me to assist her on writing this erotic literary work of fiction dealing with FemDom and other realted topics. It is rather lengthy, so hope you have the patience to read it throuhly. Please enjoy! I can’t believe this is happening to me! How did I get in this humiliating position? After my arrival at JFK...

4 years ago
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She Swallowed the Spider to Swallow the Fly

=== She Swallowed the Spider to Swallow the Fly === by Trismegistus Shandy A much shorter version of this story appeared under the title "Instructions" in Hutcho's mixed tape anthology "Funky Lady" in January 2015. This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as you give me credit and release your own stories under the same...

2 years ago
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Chris BeakerChapter 14 Learning To Fly

"Good morning Sir, can I help you?" Sally Randall asked me from her desk as I walked up to it. "Good morning, I'd like to see Mr. Anderson, if he is available." I said with a smile. She frowned, "Can I have your name please, and do you have an appointment?" she asked me while looking down on her diary. I smiled, "My name is Chris Beaker, I'm afraid I don't have an appointment, but it's to deal with one of his franchises, Perkins detective agency." I told her, well I was dressed...

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Said the Spider to the Fly

Halloween is upon us. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and goblins are on everyone's mind. It is fun to get jump-scared by these mythical creatures - knowing no harm will really befall you. But, there are some real horrors in our world. You might not know of their existence; maybe it is better that way. Stop reading now if you want to maintain your blissful ignorance.I will tell you of a somewhat unknown horror living in the forest of Japan. Jorōgumo - the whore spider - is an evil unfamiliar to...

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Fear of Flying

Preface- I am the editor/co-author on this story. Notlooking5 was the creator of the story and other author. It was her brain child. Credit where credit is due. I was flattered that she asked me to assist her on writing this erotic literary work of fiction dealing with FemDom and other realted topics. It is rather lengthy, so hope you have the patience to read it throuhly. Please enjoy! I can’t believe this is happening to me! How did I get in this humiliating position? After my arrival at JFK...

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Stepdad Gets Caught and Cum Starts Flying

This happened over a year ago and it led to the breakup of my marriage, so there's a caveat there, but looking back on it, the rush of shame I felt when I got caught red fucking handed may have been one of the hottest things I've ever experienced.I was married and established in a good neighborhood with a good job, my stepson was going off to college in few weeks, and unbeknownst to him I had been fucking around with men for going on 2 years. I loved slamming my dick deep inside man cunt and I...

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When I Learn To Fly

ONERain is so much prettier in the summer.As we drove, fat drops splattered against the car windows. The sun shot through their glossy skins and threw coloured lights inside—like riding in a kaleidoscope. Good job it was this pretty, too; to tolerate another hour in the car with Mom, I needed the distraction."Danni?" Esme, my girlfriend, traced the seam along the inner leg of my jeans. "You're quiet. It's weird.""Just tired, baby." It wasn't weird. I'd been quiet with her a lot lately, but...

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Yep I Can Fly

Chapter 1 Study "You ever think an actual girl would come in here by accident and get naked with me? Scratch that, just kiss me," my ultra horny roommate Jack lamented. "Are you looking for an honest answer or one based on empirical data?" I muttered while not even bothering to look up from my advanced physics book. "Are you seriously going to study on a Saturday?!" "Seeing as I have a test on Monday, that is the idea. Well that, and I have to be in the lab...

2 years ago
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The Spider and Her Fly

Part One- The TrapWell this certainly throws a wrench into things, Mark thought. He had just found out that his roommate was moving in with his girlfriend, leaving him all alone in a Brooklyn apartment that he could no longer afford. He had only just moved to the city two months ago, after his girlfriend of three years had left him, and he was finally starting to attract some clients as a freelance web developer. Despite being educated and working all through college, he barely had two dollars...

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Sparks Fly

All rights reserved by the author, 2002. No commercial re-prints are authorized without written consent of the author. I opened the front door to pick up the morning paper. The house across the street was hidden behind a network of toilet paper hanging from the tree. I smiled. Looks like somebody got their house papered. I remembered the time my friends and I papered Sue's house. I had a crush on Sue and talked my friends into papering her house. We stopped at Safeway and bought thirty...

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Sword Saint a New StartChapter 19 The accusations fly

At least until we went to get our mounts the next morning, that is. We were up and ready before dawn, I sent Meri over to the stable to make sure that the horses would be ready for us to leave when we were done eating. Orlanth and I finished our meal and Meri still hadn't come back, I figured that something was amiss so I had him get his gear and meet me across the street. Instantly, I knew something was wrong when I approached the stable and no one was near it. I could see people...

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