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I sipped at my iced tea, watching my mother as she stood at the kitchen counter, deftly chopping vegetables. God, it felt good to be home. I'd just finished a brutal year of college, and looked forward to a relaxing summer with Mom. 
You might have heard of my mother, actually, except that I can't tell you her name. She's a fairly successful author of historical novels. She ditched my loser of a dad when I was ten, and has been content to live on her own ever since, raising me along the way. She's still beautiful, and could easily have found another husband, but chose not to. I thought she simply wasn't interested in finding a new love -- but as you will soon see, there were a few things I didn't know about my mother.

Anyhow, I'd just finished my tea and put the glass in the sink when she said, "Would you get my glasses, honey? They're on top of the short bookshelf in the study."

"Sure," I replied, and sauntered into the hallway, breathing deeply of the friendly, familiar smells I'd missed so much over the last six months. As I made my way to the study, I absently tried to find shapes and faces in the dense curlicues that adorned the wallpaper -- something I'd enjoyed doing as a little girl. It always made me feel at home.

Mom's study was also the house's library, a room crammed to the ceiling with books, all filled with wondrous things. I'd read many of them growing up, and those thousands of pages I'd thumbed through had left me with a real thirst for the written word. I was very much my mother's daughter in that respect.

Picking up her glasses, I wandered happily through the room, breathing deeply of that scent I loved so well -- of paper, bound up in volumes of many hues and shades. Each one waited patiently, eager to be picked from its shelf and browsed; pages turned, ideas absorbed.

I seated myself behind Mom's desk, allowing myself a leisurely carousel spin in her chair. As my last turn came to a slow stop, I spied a thin manuscript lying upside down on the desk with a bookmark I'd given my mother on my last visit -- a laminated strip of Belgian postage stamps -- inserted about halfway into it. Curious, I turned it over.

The title showing through the clear plastic cover startled me -- My Daughter, My Lover , my mother's name typed neatly underneath. I stared at the words, puzzled.
I began to flip though the pages, reading occasional passages, my eyes widening as I took in the story. My God, Mom had written a story about incest -- lesbian incest, no less!

My body began to throb as I found myself quickly engrossed in this tale of a mother who takes her own daughter to bed and makes passionate love to her. My arousal only grew stronger as I pored through the part where the daughter returns the favor, licking her way down her mother's body and eating her wet pussy.
Since the beginning of my freshman year of college I'd experienced lesbian sex many times and loved it, so to discover that Mom was writing stories like this was equally as exciting as it was shocking. And I could have been mistaken, I suppose, but... the character of the daughter seemed a lot like me. 

I quickly turned back to the story's beginning, skimming through the first few pages until I found a description of the girl. My heart thumped so loudly that it echoed in my ears as I took in my mother's words. 
Finally, I closed the thin binder and leaned back in the chair, staring at the story's title. Could it be...? I wondered, head reeling in a mixture of excitement, confusion and fear. Does Mom want to make love to me? 

"Marcie?" My mother's voice called from the kitchen. I quickly dropped the manuscript onto the desk as if it were on fire, and hurried toward the hallway -- remembering at the last second that I'd forgotten Mom's glasses, dashing back to snatch them up before racing from the room.

"Here." I handed the glasses to her, trying not to betray the storm of emotions that raged through me right then. "I'm going to sit on the back porch for a bit... looks like there's a nice breeze." I placed a gentle kiss on my mother's cheek before leaving the room.

I stared out into the June evening, hands resting on the oaken rail that enclosed the porch. The soft glimmering of fireflies could now be seen, and the buzzing of crickets filled the air as I stood there quietly, scuffing the floor with the toe of my sandal. All my thoughts were of that strange manuscript, done up on my mother's manual typewriter and annotated here and there in red ink, her scrawly handwriting as familiar to me as my own. 

Julie, the young woman in the story, was my age, with short coppery hair like mine, a college student who was visiting home. Too close for coincidence. The longer I thought about it, the more convinced I was that the character had to be a barely disguised version of me. The page Mom had bookmarked was especially exciting -- that first scene of intimacy between mother and daughter.

"Glorious weather," she said softly, suddenly standing next to me.

"Mmmm, yes... it is," I replied inanely, my mind filled with images of sapphic love, brought to life by my mother's words. 
Mom gave me a sweet smile that had my knees trembling. I could see the shape of her body through the summery dress she wore. She still looked luscious at thirty-eight, I had to admit. It occurred to me then there were no lines visible through her clothes -- was she naked underneath?

The thought made me quiver inside... and it was at that very moment that I knew I wanted her. My own mother. 

"Beautiful," she smiled, gazing at me; then gesturing toward the garden, still visible in the fading light. "The flowers."
I knew what she really meant -- and it wasn't the flowers. God, she was flirting with me!
I leaned forward slightly, my upper arms squeezing my chest, leaving the cleavage more pronounced. "Am I one of your flowers, Mom?"

Her eyes dipped for a moment to take in my partially revealed breasts. "You are, angel... a lovely flower, ready to be plucked by an adoring hand." She blew me a small kiss and returned indoors, giving me one last sidelong glance before vanishing.

I stared after her, my mind already wandering into some very forbidden places. "Damn," I whispered.

I was tempted to slip a hand into my panties and touch myself -- right there, right then. I struggled. I resisted. Finally, I went back inside, looking for her. She was in the kitchen.

"Need any help?" I asked, then leaned against the back of a chair by the kitchen table. I watched Mom's bare legs extending from beneath her skirt, a flowery number that ended a few inches above the knees. My eyes roamed upwards, taking in her shapely hips. I realized for the first time that the women I most desired as lovers had bodies very much like that of my mother, full and curvy. How could I not have seen that before? I wondered. 

I imagined the soft, warm delights hidden under Mom's skirt... and knew that I craved them. Desperately.


I glanced up, startled from my reverie. "Y-yes?" I asked. 

"I said yes, I would like some help, thanks very much. You can set the table."

"Ah. Okay." I shook my head, in a futile attempt to clear it.
I pulled the silverware drawer open. She was standing nearby, close enough to touch. Instead, I inhaled deeply, registering the scent she wore. She glanced at me. "Mmm, you smell so nice," I cooed. "I'd even go so far as to say... intoxicating." 

She looked at me again and smiled. "That's very sweet." Her eyes held mine for a moment longer, then she turned back to the sink.

I picked out knives and forks. "Spoons?" She nodded and I took out two, closed the drawer and leaned in to gently kiss her neck... every atom of me alive with excitement.

"I was just thinking about how good it is to have you home," she said softly.

She turned and faced me, a hand resting casually on her hip. Her eyes were inviting, her lipsticked mouth even more so. I'd stood in the same place thousands of times growing up, and never had I felt the way I did right then. Mom's fresh breath caressed my cheek. Her lips were inches from mine and ripe for tasting. I closed the distance and let mine brush hers, taking her in my arms. Jesus, she felt good.

"I've been thinking the same thing, Mom. It's always nice to be home with you, but this time there's something extra special." I knew what it was, too, but I wasn't telling. I felt warmed from her, tingling from head to toe with desire. I kissed her again, this time letting it linger.
"That was nice," she cooed as I gently broke away. "You're a very good kisser, honey." She reached out to touch my cheek. "Your lips are so warm... and sensual. But then, I think that women's mouths are far sexier than men's could ever be."

I was surprised at my mother's candor, even as and a rush of naked lust flowed though me. She'd given me an opening big enough to drive a truck through, and there was no way I'd pass it up.

I took a deep breath, released it. Steady, girl. "Mom... have you ever made love to a woman?"

She nodded slightly. "Yes... yes, I have," she murmured, then gazed thoughtfully at me. "What about you, honey? Have you ever...?"

I reached for her hand. "Yes. Many times."
She smiled. "What was your first time like?" 
"It was wonderful. I was a little drunk, but that wasn't why it happened." I stopped and watched her eyes brighten slightly. "Anyhow, I loved the experience. Her kisses were different, better, and the way she went down on me was... well, you know, right?"
She smiled and nodded. "I do."
"Tell me about when you first did it," I purred.

She ran her fingers through her dark auburn hair. "There was an older student in my Advanced Writing class named Sophie. She stopped by my office one day after my last class and handed me a binder. 'My stories,' she said. I promised to read them. Then she said, 'Don't show these to anyone else... I wrote them for you.' She walked away without saying anything else. So I read one. It was about a girl in love with an older woman." She shook her head. "Strange. I'd never given that kind of thing much thought, really, but as the story progressed, I found myself so -- so incredibly turned on. I... I fingered myself right there at my desk, until I came. I'd never done anything like that before."

"What about the other stories?"

"I hurried home and read them all... every one had a lesbian theme." She shook her head, an awed light in her eyes. "I couldn't stop touching myself while I was reading. It shocked me. I'd never known that I... could be that way." She laughed, blushing slightly. "I lost track of how many times I came that night -- five, maybe more. It was so satisfying that I began to wonder if I should, well, try it for myself."

"Being with a woman?" I asked. Mom shyly nodded.

Watching my mother reveal this new side of her sexuality excited me as much as the story she was telling. My legs parted slightly, my skirt riding up far enough to reveal bare thighs.
Mom moved closer, casually placing a warm hand on my hip. It felt wonderful.

"So what happened next? With your student?" I reminded her, eager to hear the rest of the story.

"A few days later, Sophie returned to my office. 'Did you like the stories?' she asked. I told her that I did, very much... and she closed the door behind her." She paused. "I was afraid, but curious to know more. Sophie sat on the corner of my desk with her skirt hiked far too high. She wore nothing underneath... things were exposed. 'You're a beautiful woman,' she said to me, 'and I want to go to bed with you.'"

"God!" I exclaimed. "That's -- that's like something out of a porno flick!"

"I'll take your word for that," she replied dryly, then resumed. "I knew I could lose my job, but I couldn't resist... I had to give her what she wanted. We went to Sophie's place and made love -- for hours, actually." She sighed happily, lost for a moment in the memory, then blushed. "I... I've only been with women since then. I suppose that, well, I'm a lesbian now."

I gazed deep into her eyes. "Those stories of hers. All women with other women, you said. Were any of them about... incest?" 
Mom was quiet for a moment, her fingers brushing my side. "Yes," she hesitantly said, "one of them was." She was trembling, ever so slightly.

"Did that story turn you on, too?"

Her eyes were dark pools as she stared at me, finally nodding almost imperceptibly. "Yes, it did... very much," she whispered. "Why d-do you ask?"

I said nothing in reply, only leaned in to kiss her again. Her lips were soft and sweet... and I teased them with the tip of my tongue. She jerked back, gaping at me. "Oh, God." Her voice quivered with uncertainty, but she was excited, I knew that much. I closed the distance she'd created and kissed her again, this time with more passion. Her hand curled around my neck as if to hold us together. Her mouth accepted my tongue. I kissed my mother like a lover, feeling more alive than I could ever remember.

She again withdrew, staring at me. "H-honey," she breathed.

"I want to tell you something now," I murmured, stroking her face. "Linda, this one girlfriend of mine... she told me about the times she shared with her mother -- intimate times. They've been lovers for years."

Mom's eyes burned with immediate curiosity. "Tell me about them," she pleaded.

I allowed my hand to drift slowly down my mother's back, finally resting on her ass. She said nothing, but a tiny smile told me that she enjoyed my touch. "Linda told me that she was only sixteen when she and her mom first made love." I began to gently fondle her bottom, pausing to squeeze a firm cheek.

She gasped in response, as much to the lewd story I was telling as my roaming hand. "Only s-sixteen... oh, my."

I continued. "They were cuddled up on the sofa one night, watching a movie. They started sort of play kissing... you know, teasing each other. Linda said that it was totally innocent, mother and daughter getting giggly and having a good time together." My fingers pressed into the cleft between Mom's buttocks, and a tiny whimper escaped her throat. "Only suddenly, and Linda says she still doesn't know how it happened... she and her mother were kissing for real. Tongues and everything." I leaned in to lick a path up the soft pillar of her neck.

"Oh, God," she whispered. "Oh, baby..."

"She said that they kissed for a long time... half an hour, maybe more. Then I guess her mom worked up the nerve to touch her -- and it excited Linda so much that she started touching her mother back." I reached for Mom's hand, placing it upon my breast. Her eyes widened with wonder as she began to explore its heft, its softness. "Then Linda's mother asked her if she wanted to know about how two women can love one another... and Linda said yes." Mom teased my nipple with a fingertip, and I moaned as it stiffened to her touch. "Then they got up from the sofa and climbed the stairs, hand in hand."

Mom dipped her head to kiss my throat, then whispered, "Go on... tell me the rest."

My head spun. "Well... there's not much more to tell. They went into the bedroom, I can't rememberTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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The team became a little sloppy and we lost a couple of games in a row, but Coach Addams got us refocused on the basics again and we were able to get back to winning. We finished the season with an 18 and 4 record and in first place in our conference. It was the first first place ever for the Villa High girls' volleyball team. They never even finished in the top half of the standings before. I, or should I say Kayla, was the spark plug. It felt great to be so important in bringing the team...

3 years ago
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Miss Allison goes gardening

Miss Allison goes gardeningI was in the kitchen having my morning coffee I was wearing my micro shorts really show of my big ass and had my low cut tight tshirt no bra my huge tits and thick nipples tight against the fabric and my tennis trainers I was going to do some work in the greenhouse and old bill from next door was going to give me a hand As I finished my coffee there was a knock on the back door it was old bill morning miss Allison morning bill you ready yes bill he was just wearing a...

2 years ago
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New Starlets

The lowdown: you're a horny, sex-crazed 18-year-old guy. To abbreviate, you're a teenage guy. You've been watching a lot of TV, and you've 'cum' to the conclusion that most of these newer female stars really need some cock put in them. Being the civic-minded kind of guy you are, you fly out to your sexual destination... but wait, first you have to decide what it is! That's right, you have to make a DECISION. So what'll it be? Do you want to fuck a blonde, a brunette, or a redhead?

3 years ago
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My Wife shows her Appreciation for Memorial Day

My wife has always had an intense attraction for men in uniform. Military, Police, EMS, and Fire Service members have still maintained a real passion of her's after all these years. To add to her lust, she has always been a hardcore cougar. Last Memorial Day weekend, I planned a surprise getaway for my wife. We spent five days in Oahu, Hawaii. The small motel we stayed in was peaceful and quiet. Not anything fancy but very relaxing and comfortable. We enjoyed the beaches, the shops and being on...

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2 close friends

2 close friends By MasteritaSynopsis Linda and Susan have been playing self bondage games for a while when Alan by chance entered in their self bondage world.Codes M/f+, toys, B/D, bondage, chastity belt, real, blackmail, NC, serious, 1 The rain that keep falling for all the afternoon has finally stopped and the sky has started again to show some blue parts amid the vanishing grey clouds; Alan decided that the time has come to unload his car from all the stuff he has collected on the home-depot...

2 years ago
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Masquerades 101 Chapter 9 Trapped

Tyler Nicole was staring at me. She seemed scared. Oh shit. I think I may have done this way too soon. I never saw that look on her face before. "Is it OK to talk?" I asked. She nodded silently. Thank God. I was getting ready to run out the door, but she's given me an opportunity here. I swallowed hard, then turned to Alexis. "Lexi, can you give us a few moments?" Alexis looked at me, then Nicole for a moment, before she walked over to her and whispered, "Are you OK with...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 5 Jumpin Jack Flash

NIS Day 2 – Afternoon - Medway High School 12:55pm, Tuesday, October, 30, 1979 I tucked my hands under my butt to help me physically resist the urge to push Tempe’s mouth deeper onto my cock as she suctioned it between her lips. Tempe’s long blonde hair semi-hid a close-up viewing of her mouth’s bobbing over my cockhead. However, any of the art students watching us knew exactly what my partner was doing to me on the art studio’s bed. “Tempe-Tempe! Oh! Gaawwdddd! Girl! ... You better pull...

2 years ago
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Heading West Ch 02

‘So Janine, yeah, the last time we spoke, I was telling you about that incredible thing that Scott and I did in Texas on our trip out west. You know, when I fucked him while he drove the car down the highway? That was so good, you HAVE to do it with Billy. I was so turned on, you have NO idea. And when that other car passed by us, it really was so hot. But let me tell you, that was not the only crazy thing we did. Yes, I know. We were completely uninhibited, it was so great! What? You want to...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 113

Misti and Sam prepared the twins as the rest of the household prepared themselves for Mike's Retirement Ceremony. Mike had come in and set to giving his shoes and cap bill another coating of spit-shine. He wanted to give his absolute best for the Secretary of the Air Force, and his entourage. Especially because of the great honor of the award. It, to him, would be the same as getting an Oscar at the Academy Awards. For this reason, if for no other, it was paramount for him to look his best in...

3 years ago
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Camp Dsvid

Camp David I met him on a train. I was working on my laptop, and he walked past. He was incredibly fashionable and everything he had on looked like it had come out of the pack moments before. He had rather a sharp nose which was the only masculine thing that stood out. stood out through his hair. He wore very tight narrow legged black trousers, very highly polished pointy shoes, and a short tweed coat with sleeves so narrow you would have to have pipe cleaner arms to get it on. The coat...

1 year ago
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my summer love

my name is grace i am 15 years old and this is the story of how i met my true love over the summer it all started on the first day of summer brake i was at the beach when the most beautiful boy i had ever seen walked right up to me an kissed me i said what was that for he said my friends dared me to go upto the sexiest girl on the beach and kiss her so i did my name is luke by the way an sorry if i offended you i replyed no its fine and am grace nice to meet you hi grace would you like...

3 years ago
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Sunday School Piano Player

This story begins in 2006. I was coming up on a move from Anchorage, Alaska to Columbia, South Carolina. I decided to use some online dating sites to maybe lay some groundwork to hook up with some women in SC. I had started talking to this (as I saw in photos) extremely cute, busty 18 year old girl. We shall call her Diane for the sake of anonymity. We talked casually for a few months via Yahoo messenger and grew to know quite a bit about each other. She was a big fan of my favorite band...

3 years ago
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Saras Slutwife Chronicles Part 3 Shell Do Anything If Shes High Enough

Introduction: Spun Out Sara Starts Fucking…well…anyone Chapter 1 A few days after Mike & Saras night of overwhelmingly-intense, mind-blowingly nasty, straight-up hardcore fucking, Mike had to leave town and head a few hours north to take care of some personal things. Just as he was about to climb into his truck and head out, Sara backed him up against the vehicle, sank down straight to her knees, & proceeded to give Mike one of her epic, sloppy, deepthroat blowjobs for the road in the parking...

2 years ago
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GSP Chapter 1113 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead

G.S.P. Chapter 11 Fang and the Spirits of the Dead * * * “I must ask you citizens of New York. Does the presence of the G.S.P make you feel safe?” Cyclone shouted into the camera and then took a long pause as to let the question ring before he continued. “Looking at the past weeks you have reasons to feel more secure, but not because the lazy for hire G.S.P group, but because of us honest heroes from my Knighthood of Peace. It all fits the same pattern. G.S.P was never about battling the...

3 years ago
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Impregnated in Jamaica

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at thirty-two years old, being five feet and five inches tall and weighing one hundred and twenty-five pounds, with shoulder-length, natural blond hair and sparkling green eyes. My husband, Ed, is thirty-five years old and works as an editor for a book publishing house in New York City, and he always tells me how pretty and sexy I am.I am trim and fit from...

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Introduction: This is my first story… It is about incest and if you dont find yourself comfortable with the theme, please leave. If you are into (/reading) it, then let me know how you liked it. Also this is the first part of the many parts i will be uploading. The build up is slow and if it is not what you are looking for, either the theme or the slow-y build up, please leave. So its a done deal right? No going back!, I said to Steffan. Steffan and I had drifted apart through the years. He...

4 years ago
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The StepDaughters Pool Party Part 2

Steven was hard as a rock as he walked out to see the eight girls lined up in their white t-shirts. One of which was his own step-daughter, Angie. Another was her best friend, Cindy who had previously blackmailed him into letting her watch him finish jacking off almost a year ago.He walked over to the group of three girls not participating in the contest. They were still in their bikinis. It was obvious why they decided not to participate. They had small breasts, but as far as Steven was...

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Steamroom Encounter

It had been an enjoyable but hard workout at the gym, and Sarah was now looking forward to a refreshing shower and a relaxing massage in the steam room. Everything was booked and paid for.Stepping out of the shower, Sarah wrapped her clean and toned body in a white bath towel and made her way across to the steam room reception. She was greeted by a male masseur who she didn’t recognize. He introduced himself as Adam and apologized that her regular masseur, Leah, had been taken unexpectedly ill...

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My First Gay Experience

I first met Keith when he came from Pennsylvania to visit his cousin Bob who was a very good friend of mine. We learned that he wanted to move here to northeast Ohio and was here to house hunt. He found a place and within a couple of weeks he moved in. It wasn’t long before Keith involved himself in many of our recreational activities, including joining our scuba club. Almost from the beginning I knew something was different about Keith. It was the way he talked, his body language and...

First Time
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Sensual Massage Ch 01

‘Sweet scented excellent full-body sensual massage to young ladies by experienced good looking young male masseur with full satisfaction, complete relaxation and immense pleasure in the comfort of your home. Be pampered like a goddess. 2 to 3 hour sessions of relaxation and sensual pleasure. Happy endings included’. Add published in the news paper attracted Rupa’s attention. Lured with the advertisement, Rupa thought why not she should try to explore the fun in it. Rupa called the agency at...

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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 3

June 14, 2007 11:27 a.m.Dear Diary,Sorry for missing entries for such a long period of time. The worst thing happened.After arriving safely (and horny) to camp two weeks ago, we all attended the usual introductory brief orientation in the cafeteria where we discovered who our roomies will be. One of the coaches began the roster."In cabin 1, we have..."I tuned her out as I focused on this beautiful black girl with incredibly large boobs, exposing her cleavage in this small v-neck tank top. I was...

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Familie in schwerer Zeit

Im Lycee war Julie nicht das hübscheste Mädchen, aber sie war auch keine hässliche Kröte. Ihre Eltern hatten dieselbe Schule besucht und sich dort kennen gelernt. Das Paar blieb verliebt, obwohl Valéries Schwangerschaft nicht geplant war, hatten sie noch vor der Geburt von Julie geheiratet, gegen den Willen ihrer jeweiligen Familien. Bruno musste einen Job finden, um die Familie zu ernähren. Valerie war jetzt 36 Jahre alt und und sah noch gut aus; außerdem hatte sie in der letzten Zeit nicht...

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More deadly than the male

Hi to all the readers of ISS. This is from Chandigarh again. I thank you all for the overwhelming response to my previous stories. I am overwhelmed by your suggestions and love, hope all of u enjoy reading my stories. I m, 40 years, extremely handsome married. I must apologies that this story is a not a real story but meets with reality of a similar story. I am repeating this story which has been borrowed from some site which I had downloaded in my computer from some site which is not...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Sir cums a lot Part 1

Oh babe. Last Saturday was fantastic. I hope you had as great of a time watching as I did fucking Carl. When we went to Dennys and you said you wanted to introduce me to someone, I knew right away what you were hoping for. And then when I seen who it was, I was happy because I already knew Carl from work. He doesn’t work in my office, but I see him a lot and we have talked in the lunch room. Just to let you in on something. I have thought about Carl in bed with me a few times and...

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my aunt

Some time back I was sent down to Southern Alberta because of work so while I was down there I decided to drop in on my aunt and cousin to see how they where doing. When I got there it was later in the evening (around 7ish) and my aunt answered the door, she was shocked to see me and asked me in. I asked how everyone was doing, my aunt told me about the divorce of my uncle (my moms brother) and that she was doing good but lonely not have a man around for friendship, she also told me the my...

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Massage ka mazza

Thanks a lot to all iss readers for the gr8 response to my incident which i wrote last time ahmedabad mein massage service. But got one request do not response in the way to other stories as i am writing my experiences. This is also gr8 to learn that many ladies in ahmedabad do visit this website and had responded me for the same and requesting for the massage, infact i got my first customer on last friday itself. And today i am going to tell about the same. Let me first tell you again about me...

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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 19 Missing En Route

On the conclusion of my discussions with Chang I immediately contacted Harwell Tusker. I was most concerned by the appearance of Chang and by the fact that he was evidently in possession of confidential data that I suspected had been obtained by the efforts of Miss Mbute. I also contacted Horatia Allenby and asked if she would be so kind as to keep watch on my charges. Some premonition suggested to me that it would be unwise to leave the girls alone but with Horatia installed at Highgate for...

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Kristen To Take On Role Of Mentor

The day before a holiday, we work half days. I had reports to close out. I pulled out my top drawer to get a pen and saw the red thong Nina left. My thoughts shifted from work to her. She wore short skirts or slit dresses which emphasized her legs.Nina had an exceeding gorgeous physical appearance, attractive and eye-catching. She would cause you to turn your head as she walked by. She had the sweetest smile and always wore red lipstick. I could feel myself getting moist between my legs. She...

Office Sex
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The Preachers Wife Chapter Seven Three Men and Two Women

Maggie's first thought on waking up in an unfamiliar room was, I've lost my clothes.  She turned over in the bed to see the man sleeping beside her, his back turned to her.  He had hair on his shoulders, curly black hair on his head, and a bulge around his waistline.  I remember that he's a lawyer from Boston and this was his first day in Thailand, but I've forgotten his name.    She was contemplating her situation when there was a tapping on the door. "Maggie and Andrew, are you awake?"  It...

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