Reginald's WivesChapter 12 free porn video

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The girls happily pulled his arms to get him to his feet, then escorted him away, one supporting each arm. Frances watched, with a gleeful smile on her face.

When they were gone, Frances moved to find where her mother was, to give her a report at a distance, and thank her for the medications.

She found her mother was in the kitchen, so Frances stood by the door at a careful distance, to speak with her. She told her that all the patients were now in bed; that Carol and Holly were doing an excellent job of helping to nurse them; and that she herself was not showing severe symptoms as yet.

“I’ll regard myself as incubating the flu bug, Mum, and stay clear. Carol and Holly are liable to pick up the same bug later, but hopefully by then the patients will be much recovered and able to do the honours for them in turn.”

“Sounds like you are well organised, Frances. Are you sure you are coping with the large family you have amassed, dear?”

“I love it, Mum. I am senior wife in our family, and I am happy with the responsibility that entails. It is much as we started with Reg. The girls and I are the social tutors, and Reg is the academic tutor in return. The social side now happens to be coping with illness. Reg is not terribly with it, but he will file it all away in his head, for future reference. He had prepared himself for Prudence’s next migraine headache, and had all the treatment down pat in his brain.

I need to start advance planning for the next stage in our travels. Instead of being here for a few days, it will probably be at least a week – if you don’t mind, Mum?”

“You surely don’t think I or your father would object, girl? Of course you must stay as long as you need. Who have you still to visit?”

“Our plans were to go to Prudence’s family home next, and finish with Reg’s Mum, but the timetable is going to be shot. I am thinking of asking Prudence’s folks if we could bring Reg’s Mum to their house, and kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

“Shouldn’t Prudence be doing the asking, Frances?”

“I expect you are right, Mum. Once she is capable of rational thought, I’ll speak to her about doing the asking. She will know what accommodation is available at their house.”

“Well, dear, if space is tight there, we could have everyone come here. Our next door neighbours are very nice, so we might be able to borrow one of their bedrooms to put up Prudence’s parents or Reg’s mother.

Let me know if that would suit better.”

“Okay, Mum. Now, I must get back to the patients, and see if we can get them to sleep. It makes recovery so much easier for them that way. See you anon.”

Frances headed back, and found her cousins lying relaxed on the sitting room soft chairs, smiles on their faces. Frances guessed why, but asked all the same.

“Girls, why the smiles? Nursing is not a happy task, especially for beginners.”

Carol told her, “Sorry, Frances, but putting your husband to bed was fun. He didn’t mind us taking off his outer clothes, but he got antsy when we started on his underwear.”

“What happened, then?”

“He came to the realisation – when we explained it to him – that either we took his underwear off, or he did it himself in our presence, which came to the same thing. At that point, he gave in to the inevitable, as he was too exhausted to resist. We stripped him for bed. Before he was in bed and covered, his prick was stiff and standing out. We think he liked us, or something.” She giggled at the memory.

Holly ended their story, “Anyway, he is in bed, covered up, with a drink on the bedside table for him. Job done, Frances, but he looks really exhausted.”

“The bed must be fairly full,” she replied. “As I recall, when you are hot and sweaty, you don’t want to be close to another hot body.”

Carol shrugged. “There’s only the three of them. The room has two double beds fixed together, so they should be fine. Prudence is still in the other room sleeping off her migraine, and you are here, in good condition, Frances.”

“So far, so far.” She pondered, “Do we have another bedroom free, or do I have to put up with three hot spouses in bed? - hot in the sense of sweaty, that is.” She smiled apologetically for the pun.

Holly volunteered, “There is one more bedroom, so you could use that, but if you are concerned, you could share with us. We are planning a rota through the night, keeping an eye on your family, and helping anyone who needs to get to the toilet, or needs another dose of medication. The packet said, ‘every four hours’, but I am not clear if that meant through the night as well.”

Frances gave as her opinion, “Probably not, but if someone gets up for the loo, you can ask if they want another capsule. I am hoping to sleep right through, as I have been awake for far too long today, and had a rough time with the flu victims as well as the drive over here. Are you girls okay with that plan?”

“Sure, Frances. This is much more exciting than just visiting Auntie Dolores and Uncle Paul. We are useful members of society for once.”

“Girls, you have an entire life ahead of you, of being useful members of society; don’t regard it as your sole aim in life. Life is to enjoy, as well as get by.”

Carol nudged her sister, “Well, we are aiming to enjoy a man, sometime, eh, Holly? Particularly if you can help us with that aim, Frances.”

“Not now, girls. I am too tired for banter. I need to check if that spare bedroom has a bed and bedclothes, so I can sack out and not be a nuisance to you.”

“It has both, France; a double bed. We made it up at Auntie’s suggestion, in case it was needed. The third on the left, coming from the stairs.”

“Fine. Thanks for your assistance, girls. I am off to collapse into the land of nod as soon as I get my head on the pillow.”

The twins woke her in the morning.

“Frances, time to wake up. It is nine o’clock.”

“Oh,” she said, and coughed. “I thought I’d feel fine after that sleep, but I’m feeling a bit hot and headachy, girls. I think the flu has caught up with me as well. How are you coping?”

“Not bad, Frances. We have been doing our nursing duty all night, turn about. The patients were able to get to the toilet each time, with the help of one of us. They got drinks as needed. None of them seemed to sleep very well, though – a lot of tossing and turning. Prudence has slept straight through, and presumably got to the toilet by herself, for we heard nothing from her room; no calls for help. We didn’t want to disturb her unless she asked for help.”

“Sounds fine, girls. No other bother, then? No sign of my parents?”

“No. They didn’t appear in the hallway when we were around, anyway. Reg ... was just Reg.” This was Holly speaking, but something in her voice alerted Frances.

“How do you mean, ‘was just Reg’?” Frances queried.

“Oh, when he was being helped to the toilet, he fondled my boobs,” she explained, slightly embarrassed but pleased at the same time. “Please don’t jump to complain to him about doing that. Frances. He probably thought he was with one of you girls.”

Frances sighed. “You are probably right, Holly. It would be an automatic reaction, as he knows we like him handling us. Reg always tries to do the right thing, so he was probably half-asleep.”

“Oh, he was, Frances. I was able to fondle his penis and balls in turn, on the way back to bed. Fair’s fair, you know. He just smiled. It was ... interesting.” Holly admitted.

“You girls are incorrigible,” Frances gently chided, “But I am not complaining. Can I have a drink, please?”

“Oh. Yes, of course. Carol, can you fetch the drink while I get Frances to the toilet and then back to bed?”

When both tasks had been accomplished, Holly told Frances, “We are still doing o.k., Frances. With our rota through the night, we each got enough sleep to do us, so we can deal with the day as well.”

“Lovely. Thanks, girls. Oh, would you go and see how Prudence is feeling? She should be on the road to recovery by now, as she has not asked you for more Migril; am I right?”

“Oh, yes. She hasn’t called for any more medication; that is right. Sure, we’ll deal with her needs right away. Try and get some rest, Frances. You deserve it.”

Holly went and knocked on Prudence’s bedroom door. “Are you awake, Prudence?”

“Yeah. Come in, it’s okay.”

Holly entered, and found Prudence sitting up in bed, but the curtains were still drawn.

“How are you feeling, Prudence? I’m Holly, by the way; Frances’ cousin.”

“Hi, Holly. I am on the mend, I think. Certainly, the symptoms are much diminished.”

“Good. All the rest of your family are in bed with flu, I’m afraid. Carol and I have been on nursing duty all night. Frances has finally come down with it and is off to bed as well.”


“She’s my twin, so don’t think you are seeing double if she comes in!”

“How’s my Reg?” Prudence wanted to know.

“Not too bad, considering. He fondled my tits when I took him to the loo during the night. Frances said he must have thought I was one of you girls, but I was okay with it.”

“Huh!” Prudence exclaimed. “I wouldn’t be too sure. Reg is coming along in leaps and bounds in dealing with girls, so he may have just been trying his hand with you.”

Holly laughed at the idea. “If that is the case, I got my own back. He was naked, so I fondled his penis and ballsack in response. He stiffened up, I can tell you!”

“What stiffened? His body or his penis?”

“Both, I think. The only light was from inside the bathroom, so it was not enough to see clear.”

“Good for you, girl ... Holly. How old are you, Holly?”

“I’ll be eighteen in about ten days, as will Carol.”

“Pretty grown up, then. Virgin or not?”

“For good or ill, I am still a virgin, and I am pretty certain it is the same with Carol. She claims to be, and as we spend most of our time together, it is probably true. I have suggested to Frances that Reg might do the job for us, if that was fine with you girls.”

“Do the job?”

“Take my virginity. I want to be a full woman, but I am fussy about who will be allowed to do the deed. We were impressed with your Reg, based on your own assessments. You girls seem to rate him highly.”

“We love him, Holly. Allowing him to fuck you is another step entirely. I wouldn’t say yes unless the other girls agreed, unanimously. We regard Reg as a joint asset, so one ‘No’ would stop all access to him, Holly. Do you understand?”

“I see your point, and I am glad you feel that way. Unanimous or nothing, I get that. But you don’t object in principle?”

“No. We are used to sharing Reg, so a fraction more would not be much, as far as I am concerned. You are safe, I presume?”

“Safe? Oh, protected? Yes, we get the pill to regulate our monthlies, as they were a bit unpredictable, but it also functions as a birth control pill, thus two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

“Very wise precaution. None of the four of us wants to get pregnant until we graduate, due to the difficulties that babies bring, so that’s good way off. Hey, I must be feeling much better; I am talking a lot.”

“Perhaps you want to think about contact with your husband and family, Prudence? You would probably catch the flu from them if you get too close.”

Prudence misunderstood, thinking it was her parents that was meant.

“Ah, there is that; a little bit of a problem, Holly. My folks are next on our schedule for visiting, so we may have to reassess our timetable.”

“Timetable? How do you mean?”

“We are trying to visit the parents of all five of us by Christmas. This flu is going to knock things back. It takes about a week to get over the worst of the flu symptoms, and I am unclear about how long one remains infectious.”

Holly volunteered, “I’ll check it on my smart phone for you. Be right back; don’t go away!” She rushed off to get to her phone and google the subject.

She was back within five minutes.

“Pretty much, if you are over the symptoms, you are over the contagious period as well.”

“Ah, good,” Prudence said, her eyes closing and her brows furrowing in reaction as her headache resurfaced. “My migraine is not yet cleared away. Can I ask you for another Migril? I presume you have my pills to hand?”

“Yes. The bottle is in the bathroom. I’ll get you a complete pill, as you have not been taking halves since yesterday.”

There was a tap at the door, and Carol opened the door and stuck her head in. “Are we all decent?”

Holly retorted, “Prudence is decent, if that is what you mean. I can’t say the same for you or me.”

“Funny girl – not. I meant was it all right to come in?”

Prudence gestured, “Yes. Come in, Carol, and let me see you beside your sister. Are you completely identical?”

“Pretty much. Holly is a bit more bossy, being older, that is all.”

“Are you still at school?”

“Just left. Got our exam results last week; not too bad. Enough to get to university, we think, but neither of us is keen enough for that. We see ourselves as wives and mothers instead.”

Prudence took a closer look at Carol, trying to gauge her intentions.

“Carol, Holly, how enthusiastic are you about that plan?”

“Pretty much. Why do you ask that? Do you think we are wrong in our plans?”

“No, not that. For a moment I had a thought flitting through my mind, but it was a fleeting idea, without much substance. I had a memory of myself, a few months ago.”

“Do tell us, Prudence. We are fascinated by your group marriage and how it came about.”

“Later, girls. No, it was not that, directly. It was what happened when I asked to join the other girls and latch onto Reg as well. At that time it was officially a study group, which was developing into a love-in for everyone. I liked what I could see of that, and wanted in, but I was the outsider.”

“Not so good then, for you.”

“Tell me about it! I had to make my preference clear to all four of them, and I was not too sure what would happen. The other girls wanted to find a way for me to show my commitment to the group, and came up with several ideas.”

“Gosh. Talk about trial by ordeal! They didn’t make it easy for you, did they?”

“Look on it from their point of view, girls. The three of them had decided to share Reg – unusual in itself, and her comes another interloper wanting to join them. How would you expect them to react? Welcome me with open arms? No way!

Instead, one of their plans was for me to get pregnant; to have Reg’s baby. That way, they reckoned I would remain committed to the family. That was true in itself, but I wanted a husband if I was going to have a baby, so I told them that Reg would have to marry me if I was going to have his baby. I could have lived with that.

They turned the idea down flat. They all wanted to be with him, and didn’t want one girl to lord it over them as his wife. In fact, they had by then recognised that none of them could be the wife, for that very reason.

So they changed me to a probationary status. I could take my part in fucking him, but I first had to get the same birth control implant that they had. Eventually they would decide whether I could fit in to the family group, from my actions and interactions with them. Any group marriage, as it turned into, requires all the partners to be at ease with the others, and I mean ALL. We all had to love each other, at a minimum. Jealousy and other such divisive emotions are a no-no in our marriage.

I passed their tests, happily, and then we started planning our life together. By that, I mean planning to have a life together, for ever. We aim for permanence. No short-termism at all.

Of course, part of the impetus was the realisation that with our looks, the chances of snaring another such lovely man was almost impossible. Guys like Reg don’t come along very often, girls, as I hope you realise by now. We expect to become O.A.P.s together, half a century from now.”

“Wow. You really do love him, all of you. I thought one or two loved him, and the others were along for the ride, but there is real commitment to Reg from all four, isn’t there?”

“Yes, girls, which is why I can’t give any guarantee of anything without the agreement of the other girls. We make a group decision, and I am fully on board with that, as one of Reg’s wives.”

Carol and Holly were open-mouthed as they listened.

“You are quite something, do you know that, Prudence? Not just you, but all of you Robertsons.” Prudence just shrugged, as she didn’t see it that way There was a pause in the discussion, then Carol asked, “What was your fleeting thought, Prudence? You seem to have dropped it.”

“Oh, yes. Thanks for reminding me. It was that just because we wives are putting off pregnancy until we graduate, doesn’t stop us having a baby in the family.”


“If we had a baby brought to us, we could cope with that, and learn the techniques of child-rearing together.”

“What brought that to your mind?”

“It was you girls, talking about being wives and mothers. It popped into my head then.”

“What?” exclaimed Holly. “You thinking what I think you are thinking?”

“And what are you thinking, Holly?”

“You are talking about us having babies for you to help rear!”

“Possibly. If you want to. And if Reg is agreeable to the idea.”

“You mean, Reg gets to fuck a baby into Carol and me? Both of us?”

“No. YOU get to choose whether Reg fucks a baby into you. That’s a big difference, Holly. Are you okay with the general idea, the basic concept?”

“Perhaps. I need to consult with Frances first. My cousin might not want me to have a baby with her husband.”

“True. And remember, it is just my thought. You have to speak with Freda and Erika, as well as Frances and Reg. Everyone has to be on board for anything to happen.”

“Ah ... on that, Prudence ... there is the matter of our virginity.”

“Oh, yes. I had forgotten you are Frances’ relatives. You had better speak to her first. You don’t want to get in her bad books, you know.”

“We know, Prudence. We spoke to Frances earlier, about losing our virginity.”

“You did? That was a wise precaution. Frances is a reliable adviser on many things. What did you want to know about your virginity, may I ask?”

Carol took up the reins. “We asked her if we could lose our virginity about now.”

“That seems very exact timing. What brings this about? A couple of horny boyfriends?”

“No. We don’t have boyfriends at the moment. We ave e a reputation for not giving out, you see. That is why we are still virgins.”

“So why the change of heart?”

“We saw how you girls react with Reg, so he must be a great guy, was our conclusion.”

“Yes, he is. Even with sharing, he is a lovely caring husband to us. So what?”

“So we asked Frances if we could get him to deal with our virginity. We wanted a good guy to do the deed, but Frances said she couldn’t give permission by herself. You all had to agree before such a thing could happen, even if Reg was okay with it.”

“I begin to see. Where does the ‘wives and mothers’ bit come in? Any plans in that direction?”

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My First Time With Horny Sister

Hi guys!!!! It’s me additya here, so this is a true incident, about how I fucked my sister priyanka. So basically I’m from Pune. I have a great athletic body, I’m a fitness freak so, my body is well maintained. My weight is 70 kg and height and height is 5.9 feet, so girls and aunties do drop a message in my inbox. My mail-id is (). And people from Pune, we can also meetup and hangout sometimes, you have to just drop a message in my inbox. So starting with the incident, I’ll tell about my...

1 year ago
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Kathys First Striptease Show

Well, two years of college was enough for me so at the sweet age of nineteen, I took my degree and headed home. I landed a dream job right out of college with a big advertising firm. I seemed to have the looks and sex appeal the company wanted. A very petite brunette, 5' 2" tall, 94 pounds with measurements of 36C - 20 - 32. My breasts were big, my tummy flat, a hard little ass, and thin shapely legs. Since advertising was my major, I loved the job. Just two weeks into it I got assigned to...

1 year ago
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E094 The bright lights of New York City

After a big breakfast the next morning, for some reason both are rather hungry, Donald and Emma lock up his aunt’s house and they are on the road. Several of the Matchbox cars have been packed in the suitcase.Donald tells Emma, “Our next stop is New York City for the night.  I have all sorts of surprises for you today.”Emma wonders what will be ahead for her in the big apple.Four hours later, Donald pulls into the front of a lavish hotel on Forty-Fourth Street.  A porter hurries to their car,...

Love Stories
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The Gay Black Experience Part 2

As told to me by a friendI tried to keep my concentration on the cock I was sucking while trying to relax my hole as it was being pounded. A few seconds later, I could tell he was about to shoot his load. With one last thrust, he shoved his dick all the way in me as I felt his balls against mine and I felt the warmth of his cum shoot deep inside of me. He bent over my back with his dick still in me and grabbed me around my chest. I felt his cock pulsating more cum inside of me and my ass...

2 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 18

Lou had almost reached the shack when the dark clouds rising up out of the southwestern sky let loose. In seconds he was drenched. The rain fell so heavily that he could not see more than twenty feet in any direction. He could still make out the ground he was traveling, but just, forcing him to watch his footing even more. A curtain of silver gray streaks blurred his vision. Water fell from the sky with such force it bounced against the rocky ground. Every pocket in rock or ground quickly...

3 years ago
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Community Service the PrequelChapter 3

Ben sat upon the rise and waited, watching in the growing light of the new day for his prey to step out into the open, and into his line of fire. He didn’t have long to wait. Ben had gone hunting just as Blossom had ordered him the night before. Much to his chagrin the old woman had roused him from his slumber well before sunrise, insisting he should get up. Ben had grumbled about it, not wanting to crawl out from under the warmth of his blankets, but the old woman had been very persistent....

2 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 13

On Thursday morning, Elizabeth took one look at Stan as he walked into the office and knew that her plan for him had worked, albeit not in the way she'd expected. He had a spring in his step, his face was open and content and he was whistling some tune or other. She couldn't help smiling at Stan when he sat down, the same beatific look still on his face. "You had a good night and all went well, I see," she told him. "I had a great time, thanks, Elizabeth!" he replied. He told her...

1 year ago
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DesiderataChapter 16

The previous Sunday's visit by Arthur and Dorothy to the Crown had not been an exceptional event. Since the visit to Arthur's parents they had gone out together several times whether Larry was there for the weekend or not. Larry clearly liked Dorothy and she was growing fonder and fonder of him. He was a cheerful, guileless boy who clearly loved his father. That he also loved his mother was not in doubt either although he told his father frankly of things that put him off. One of those was...

4 years ago
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Model Sex SlaveChapter 2

She got there at nine fifteen. Marg opened the door and let her in. "I'm sorry the traffic was murder." "Never mind Diana, come in. Listen, I'm in a conference call right now. As soon as I'm done, we'll talk. Your room is down the stairs, go left to the last curtain on the left." She walked down the stairs into a large room that looked like a combined office exercise gym with a hardwood runway down the center. She turned left into a hallway with three door openings on the left and...

1 year ago
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Caught then Taught Gay Incest

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello, my name is Chris and I am going to tell you about the best year of my life. I come from a large family, two sisters, a brother, and my beloved mom and dad. My father is 45 and mom is 38. My mom talked my dad into getting her plastic surgery to make her feel better about herself. She got her tummy tightened, breasts enlarged to an oversized D from her B cup, and an ass lift. You better believe every guy noticed her wherever she went and my...

1 year ago
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2ChicksSameTime Aidra Fox Alexis Monroe 22871

Lingerie shopping: the perfect remedy to a woman’s broken heart. Alexis Monroe knows this, which is why she takes her friend Aidra Fox out looking for new bras and panties. Aidra’s boyfriend recently left her because she was hesitant to participate in a threesome with him due to her inexperience and nerves — what a dick! The lingerie helps, but Alexis takes it a step further and invites Aidra to have a little girls-on-girl time with her while her boyfriend Seth watches! Feeling sexy in her new...

2 years ago
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Zombie Leza2 Zombie Leza Returns

Thomas and Fredrick entered the meeting hall, only to discover the building was packed. It seemed everyone was there. Not just the men in their off-hours, but nursing mothers, small children, as well as those normally tending crops or doing research. Hell, he saw several of the guards supposedly keeping watch. Since Leza removed her ... people, the area surrounding the compound was clear. It went from thousands of the undead, packed shoulder to shoulder, to standing empty for the first time...

2 years ago
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Whos That Knocking On My Door

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I peaked out quickly and thought 'oh great girl scout cookies.' When I opened the door I was assured it wasn't a girl scout. Waiting for me was a tiny young lady, she couldn't have been over 5-1 with blue eyes and dark blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail. What told me it wasn't girl scouts was the very large chest that preceded her. She was bouncy and perky and had a gleaming smile. "HI! Hope I didn't disturb you." "Oh I was just getting out of the...

3 years ago
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SaralindaChapter 7 Gary

At the appointed hour, I went to the Jade Room and knocked. Hearing no answer, I tried the door. It opened, but when I looked in, I could see that the bed had been stripped. The place looked empty. Shrugging, I left, and headed to Moira's room, next door. A knock there was immediately answered by Moira's "Yeah, come in. It's open." When I opened the door, I saw Moira and Saralinda lying on the bed under a blanket. Judging by the pile of clothes on the dresser and the two toothbrushes...

4 years ago
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Deep Red Walls

Please know that I was never like this before, it’s almost like something snapped inside of me. All I wanted to do was become lost in total bliss. The kind that makes your head spin – a mix between vertigo and a numbing tingle, feeling pinpricks on the surface of your body as waves of pleasure pushed you over the edge – that was all I wanted. It’s what I needed. *****The fresh coat of paint looked great on my new living room walls, deep red. I had never thought to paint my walls red, but with...

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Loves MastersChapter 1 New Image

On the first day of my sophomore year of high school, I skipped my Algebra 2 class to fuck a freshman in the boy’s locker room. “Oh Shepherd,” Connie Whittingham moaned as I fucked her tight virginal pussy while she was on her hands and knees on the coach’s desk. “Oh, Shepherd!” I slowed down and said, “Yes, my child?” Connie panted and said, “I wish ... Can I...” Connie turned around and inhaled my cock into her throat. I resisted rolling my eyes, for this was the third time she had...

2 years ago
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A Kenyan Interracial Vacation Adventure

[Another take on an African interracial impregnation scenario!]"Ohhhh, YESSSS!" I remember Omar saying to my wife as he was getting ready to ejaculate into her pussy, "have my BABY!!!" Then, just as he had said that, he drove his big black, African cock, DEEP inside of her, and I could tell that he was pumping his load of sperm into her!I wasn't far away. I was holding our camera in both hands. I knelt down on the carpeted floor of our hotel room, and watched, utterly fascinated, as Omar's...

3 years ago
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Most embarasing cumming ever

One night I was in a hotel and I ordered pizza to the room. Just after I ordered my girl friend arrived and we started to have sex and I forgot that I ordered the pizza.About 40 minutes later I was just about ready to cum, when I heard a knock on the door. So I went to the door and there was the pizza guy. I put a towel around me, but I had to stand still for a few seconds because I was so close to the point of no return and I wanted to shoot my load in my gf cunt.I opened the door and I told...

1 year ago
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Hey guys, my name is Jeff, this is my first time posting a story. Hope youenjoy it. Im a 27 year old white guy, black short hair, blue eyes, 6'1"tall, weigh 180 lbs. Attractive average looking guy, straight acting andappearing, oh, and totally gay...hehe.Marky is 18 yrs old, hispanic skater boy type. He's about 5'10" tall, 150lbs., black hair, brown eyes, stright as hell and one HOT k**.I have my own house and grew tired of the bar scene so i usually hadfriends over on the weekends to hang out...

3 years ago
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Shrinking Violet Going Up

The organization was holding interviews for a new employee, my role for the day was after they had been interviewed to escort them up to the IT Training Centre and test their computer skills.A majority of the women were similar in both appearance and demeanor, old-school secretarial types in their 50s, who gave the impression that they weren’t best pleased about being put through their paces by a young k** who in their opinion was barely out of short trousers.I have to admit I found being in...

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The Injury

Edited by Barney R. Adjusted by me so all mistakes are mine. I was a good provider. Then I got hurt. She expected things to be the same, so she went to find what she wanted, not what she had. Author’s Note: The injuries and rehab described are ones I have actually suffered. The rest of the story is fiction. When I was injured, my wife was my strongest supporter. My name is Stefan Johnson, at the time of my injury, I was 33, and left-handed in most everything except writing and eating. I...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Silvia Saige Reagan Foxx Gorgeous MILFs

It just may not get hotter than this with Silvia Saide and Reagan Foxx looking sexy as fuck in their black and white lingerie! It’s hard to know where to look with Reagan giving you some jerk of instructions and Silvia moaning louder and louder as she uses her own vibrator making herself cum! You beg for those legs to be set free from their nylons and don’t worry by the end of the show you just might be seeing those bare toes! Silvia oils up those massive tits on Reagan using her...

2 years ago
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Debbie Returns To University

When Mike had finished at university, he was due to start work in his chosen profession with a top law firm working in the city. He had passed his law degree with a first and because of this, he had found that he had first pick of most of the positions being offered to graduates. He was going to spend his first year working as a trainee lawyer while Debbie would be finishing her degree at Warwick University.  They were still very much in love with each other and had shared a flat during Mike's...

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Out of the WhitenessChapter 3

This is a complete fantasy. Since this is my world, there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. All my characters enjoy good hygiene so showers are not usually mentioned unless part of the sex. Please read, enjoy, and vote. I respond to all comments. Thanks. When I was ready, I came. My cocksucker had changed positions and my prick ended up spurting all over her face and tits. My coming had urged the other four women across the line into orgasm as well. Everyone came. I was completely...

1 year ago
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First Threesome for Aussie Teens

In 2003 I was only eighteen years old but had had several lovers, I use the world lover in a loose sense. Most of the men I had been with were nervous fumbling in toilet blocks, in their parents houses while they were at work or in classrooms at college. I found this kind of thing very erotic because the thought of getting caught added to the excitement! I had started being with men a few years ago and as I said I had had a few lovers by now but most of them I fooled around with once or twice...

4 years ago
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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 17 Saturday 3

JASON Wow! My first cheerleader party. Actually, my first “grown-up” party ever. Why do I say ‘grown-up’? Because they had alcohol. It was disguised as punch but they had it out in a big bowl with plastic cups. There was fruit floating around in it but they weren’t fooling anybody. I walked in with Skye holding my hand. Music was blaring. Girls were dancing with each other, half of them in their underwear. Lots of them were happy to see me but Skye wanted to be with me first tonight....

4 years ago
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A kilt or a skirt

Although there were some Scottish ancestors in my family, I had lived all my life in England. I was invited to a wedding of a distant relation and was told I should wear a kilt. My Aunt Moira offered to sort me out with what would be needed. I was a little apprehensive about wearing a "skirt", but it was clear that it was expected. So a week before the wedding I found myself on a train to Scotland. It was a long journey. An attractive young girl got on the train and sat opposite me. We...

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Sex at school

I was all over guys throughout high school, especially during my junior and my senior years. And I ended up sleeping with quite a few of those boys. But, my absolute favorite sexual encounter, was fucking a guy during school in my junior year. I had just turned 18. I was pale, 5'6". I had long blonde hair, 36D breasts, and was pretty slim. I had had my eyes on a senior boy that I'd known for some time. He was my height. He had red hair, which was probably the reason I was so attracted to him, I...

2 years ago
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MagicianChapter 112

In a spirited debate the Council eventually agreed with Morgana’s proposal to send a token force to show support with the Murians as well as equip the Gorgons and Nosferatu with modern Mage armour, the wolves not really needing any armour at all. In the end it was Morgana’s statement that the Mages would be going to ensure that civilian casualties would be kept to a minimum that eventually swayed the decision to a large majority, from a slim one. An expedition of fifty was assembled; Team...

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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 2

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #2Near the end of the evening, as people were starting to leave, I stood in the kitchen talking to Matt and Rick once again. Us three, and some girl who was barely paying attention, were discussing basketball when Melissa came up to me."No way, man. Mudiay is definitely the first pick," Rick assured us, gesturing wildly."If you say so, I just think-""Hey, Sam," Melissa said, interrupting me. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, her globes mashing up...

3 years ago
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Me and the Boys Doggy Roleplay

Hope you like this one. Names have been changed to protect the non-existent. We were all sitting in my bedroom. Me and Johnny on my bed, and Billy and Jimmy across from us on my b*****rs bed. It started off as a sorta straight circle jerk. We had all started masterbating together recently and it gave us a chance to compare notes. Johnny asked me if I ever wondered what it would be like if someone else jacked me off, the feel of a different persons hand doing all the work. I told him to give it...

1 year ago
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My Favorite Night Part 1

I arrive home late, really late. I see that the lights around the house are all off except the front porch light. I curse under my breath knowing you are gonna be mad at me. I loosen my tie I walk through the door. I quietly put my keys and wallet on the table and take my shoes off so as not to disturb you. Slowly I make my way down the hall towards our room. A light scent fills the air, jasmine and rose. I think to myself as to what is happening. I see a faint light flickering under the...

Oral Sex
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Aidens Rebecca Chapter 1

He wanted her. Rebecca had come into his life four years ago and to this day there has been no other woman that could turn his cock to stone faster than she could. Most of the time she only had to look at him, of course, the attire she chose didn’t help his situation any. She came in every morning in vintage stockings, silk blouses, and pencil skirts. The things she wrapped around her sweet body drove him mad. Aiden imagined stripping her, layer by layer until she was bare and in his arms. They...

Straight Sex
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My Naughty Girlfriend

I'm walking through the mall, alone - but I know she's watching me from somewhere. She can't be too far away, considering... well, the remote that controls the vibrating egg she'd made me wear. I was reluctant to oblige the request, because I'm fairly bad at hiding my arousal and keeping myself from being vocal. But the look in her eyes made me do it anyway. I couldn't deny a request, not from her. The her I'm talking about is my girlfriend. She's gorgeous, long brown hair down to her hips,...

1 year ago
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A Ball With MotherChapter 10

Sally was anxious. She kept seeing her brother’s cock inside their mother’s asshole, and her ass tingled with eagerness to try it. They were in the living room again, and Marla watched her daughter teasing Bob. She knew Sally was taunting her brother with her ass, knew she wanted to get fucked there. She was amused with Sally’s antics, since all she had to do was tell Bob where she wanted his cock. But then on the other hand, Marla preferred the teasing to outright request. It was much more...

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