ReginaldChapter 19
- 4 years ago
- 26
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The girls happily pulled his arms to get him to his feet, then escorted him away, one supporting each arm. Frances watched, with a gleeful smile on her face.
When they were gone, Frances moved to find where her mother was, to give her a report at a distance, and thank her for the medications.
She found her mother was in the kitchen, so Frances stood by the door at a careful distance, to speak with her. She told her that all the patients were now in bed; that Carol and Holly were doing an excellent job of helping to nurse them; and that she herself was not showing severe symptoms as yet.
“I’ll regard myself as incubating the flu bug, Mum, and stay clear. Carol and Holly are liable to pick up the same bug later, but hopefully by then the patients will be much recovered and able to do the honours for them in turn.”
“Sounds like you are well organised, Frances. Are you sure you are coping with the large family you have amassed, dear?”
“I love it, Mum. I am senior wife in our family, and I am happy with the responsibility that entails. It is much as we started with Reg. The girls and I are the social tutors, and Reg is the academic tutor in return. The social side now happens to be coping with illness. Reg is not terribly with it, but he will file it all away in his head, for future reference. He had prepared himself for Prudence’s next migraine headache, and had all the treatment down pat in his brain.
I need to start advance planning for the next stage in our travels. Instead of being here for a few days, it will probably be at least a week – if you don’t mind, Mum?”
“You surely don’t think I or your father would object, girl? Of course you must stay as long as you need. Who have you still to visit?”
“Our plans were to go to Prudence’s family home next, and finish with Reg’s Mum, but the timetable is going to be shot. I am thinking of asking Prudence’s folks if we could bring Reg’s Mum to their house, and kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.”
“Shouldn’t Prudence be doing the asking, Frances?”
“I expect you are right, Mum. Once she is capable of rational thought, I’ll speak to her about doing the asking. She will know what accommodation is available at their house.”
“Well, dear, if space is tight there, we could have everyone come here. Our next door neighbours are very nice, so we might be able to borrow one of their bedrooms to put up Prudence’s parents or Reg’s mother.
Let me know if that would suit better.”
“Okay, Mum. Now, I must get back to the patients, and see if we can get them to sleep. It makes recovery so much easier for them that way. See you anon.”
Frances headed back, and found her cousins lying relaxed on the sitting room soft chairs, smiles on their faces. Frances guessed why, but asked all the same.
“Girls, why the smiles? Nursing is not a happy task, especially for beginners.”
Carol told her, “Sorry, Frances, but putting your husband to bed was fun. He didn’t mind us taking off his outer clothes, but he got antsy when we started on his underwear.”
“What happened, then?”
“He came to the realisation – when we explained it to him – that either we took his underwear off, or he did it himself in our presence, which came to the same thing. At that point, he gave in to the inevitable, as he was too exhausted to resist. We stripped him for bed. Before he was in bed and covered, his prick was stiff and standing out. We think he liked us, or something.” She giggled at the memory.
Holly ended their story, “Anyway, he is in bed, covered up, with a drink on the bedside table for him. Job done, Frances, but he looks really exhausted.”
“The bed must be fairly full,” she replied. “As I recall, when you are hot and sweaty, you don’t want to be close to another hot body.”
Carol shrugged. “There’s only the three of them. The room has two double beds fixed together, so they should be fine. Prudence is still in the other room sleeping off her migraine, and you are here, in good condition, Frances.”
“So far, so far.” She pondered, “Do we have another bedroom free, or do I have to put up with three hot spouses in bed? - hot in the sense of sweaty, that is.” She smiled apologetically for the pun.
Holly volunteered, “There is one more bedroom, so you could use that, but if you are concerned, you could share with us. We are planning a rota through the night, keeping an eye on your family, and helping anyone who needs to get to the toilet, or needs another dose of medication. The packet said, ‘every four hours’, but I am not clear if that meant through the night as well.”
Frances gave as her opinion, “Probably not, but if someone gets up for the loo, you can ask if they want another capsule. I am hoping to sleep right through, as I have been awake for far too long today, and had a rough time with the flu victims as well as the drive over here. Are you girls okay with that plan?”
“Sure, Frances. This is much more exciting than just visiting Auntie Dolores and Uncle Paul. We are useful members of society for once.”
“Girls, you have an entire life ahead of you, of being useful members of society; don’t regard it as your sole aim in life. Life is to enjoy, as well as get by.”
Carol nudged her sister, “Well, we are aiming to enjoy a man, sometime, eh, Holly? Particularly if you can help us with that aim, Frances.”
“Not now, girls. I am too tired for banter. I need to check if that spare bedroom has a bed and bedclothes, so I can sack out and not be a nuisance to you.”
“It has both, France; a double bed. We made it up at Auntie’s suggestion, in case it was needed. The third on the left, coming from the stairs.”
“Fine. Thanks for your assistance, girls. I am off to collapse into the land of nod as soon as I get my head on the pillow.”
The twins woke her in the morning.
“Frances, time to wake up. It is nine o’clock.”
“Oh,” she said, and coughed. “I thought I’d feel fine after that sleep, but I’m feeling a bit hot and headachy, girls. I think the flu has caught up with me as well. How are you coping?”
“Not bad, Frances. We have been doing our nursing duty all night, turn about. The patients were able to get to the toilet each time, with the help of one of us. They got drinks as needed. None of them seemed to sleep very well, though – a lot of tossing and turning. Prudence has slept straight through, and presumably got to the toilet by herself, for we heard nothing from her room; no calls for help. We didn’t want to disturb her unless she asked for help.”
“Sounds fine, girls. No other bother, then? No sign of my parents?”
“No. They didn’t appear in the hallway when we were around, anyway. Reg ... was just Reg.” This was Holly speaking, but something in her voice alerted Frances.
“How do you mean, ‘was just Reg’?” Frances queried.
“Oh, when he was being helped to the toilet, he fondled my boobs,” she explained, slightly embarrassed but pleased at the same time. “Please don’t jump to complain to him about doing that. Frances. He probably thought he was with one of you girls.”
Frances sighed. “You are probably right, Holly. It would be an automatic reaction, as he knows we like him handling us. Reg always tries to do the right thing, so he was probably half-asleep.”
“Oh, he was, Frances. I was able to fondle his penis and balls in turn, on the way back to bed. Fair’s fair, you know. He just smiled. It was ... interesting.” Holly admitted.
“You girls are incorrigible,” Frances gently chided, “But I am not complaining. Can I have a drink, please?”
“Oh. Yes, of course. Carol, can you fetch the drink while I get Frances to the toilet and then back to bed?”
When both tasks had been accomplished, Holly told Frances, “We are still doing o.k., Frances. With our rota through the night, we each got enough sleep to do us, so we can deal with the day as well.”
“Lovely. Thanks, girls. Oh, would you go and see how Prudence is feeling? She should be on the road to recovery by now, as she has not asked you for more Migril; am I right?”
“Oh, yes. She hasn’t called for any more medication; that is right. Sure, we’ll deal with her needs right away. Try and get some rest, Frances. You deserve it.”
Holly went and knocked on Prudence’s bedroom door. “Are you awake, Prudence?”
“Yeah. Come in, it’s okay.”
Holly entered, and found Prudence sitting up in bed, but the curtains were still drawn.
“How are you feeling, Prudence? I’m Holly, by the way; Frances’ cousin.”
“Hi, Holly. I am on the mend, I think. Certainly, the symptoms are much diminished.”
“Good. All the rest of your family are in bed with flu, I’m afraid. Carol and I have been on nursing duty all night. Frances has finally come down with it and is off to bed as well.”
“She’s my twin, so don’t think you are seeing double if she comes in!”
“How’s my Reg?” Prudence wanted to know.
“Not too bad, considering. He fondled my tits when I took him to the loo during the night. Frances said he must have thought I was one of you girls, but I was okay with it.”
“Huh!” Prudence exclaimed. “I wouldn’t be too sure. Reg is coming along in leaps and bounds in dealing with girls, so he may have just been trying his hand with you.”
Holly laughed at the idea. “If that is the case, I got my own back. He was naked, so I fondled his penis and ballsack in response. He stiffened up, I can tell you!”
“What stiffened? His body or his penis?”
“Both, I think. The only light was from inside the bathroom, so it was not enough to see clear.”
“Good for you, girl ... Holly. How old are you, Holly?”
“I’ll be eighteen in about ten days, as will Carol.”
“Pretty grown up, then. Virgin or not?”
“For good or ill, I am still a virgin, and I am pretty certain it is the same with Carol. She claims to be, and as we spend most of our time together, it is probably true. I have suggested to Frances that Reg might do the job for us, if that was fine with you girls.”
“Do the job?”
“Take my virginity. I want to be a full woman, but I am fussy about who will be allowed to do the deed. We were impressed with your Reg, based on your own assessments. You girls seem to rate him highly.”
“We love him, Holly. Allowing him to fuck you is another step entirely. I wouldn’t say yes unless the other girls agreed, unanimously. We regard Reg as a joint asset, so one ‘No’ would stop all access to him, Holly. Do you understand?”
“I see your point, and I am glad you feel that way. Unanimous or nothing, I get that. But you don’t object in principle?”
“No. We are used to sharing Reg, so a fraction more would not be much, as far as I am concerned. You are safe, I presume?”
“Safe? Oh, protected? Yes, we get the pill to regulate our monthlies, as they were a bit unpredictable, but it also functions as a birth control pill, thus two birds with one stone, so to speak.”
“Very wise precaution. None of the four of us wants to get pregnant until we graduate, due to the difficulties that babies bring, so that’s good way off. Hey, I must be feeling much better; I am talking a lot.”
“Perhaps you want to think about contact with your husband and family, Prudence? You would probably catch the flu from them if you get too close.”
Prudence misunderstood, thinking it was her parents that was meant.
“Ah, there is that; a little bit of a problem, Holly. My folks are next on our schedule for visiting, so we may have to reassess our timetable.”
“Timetable? How do you mean?”
“We are trying to visit the parents of all five of us by Christmas. This flu is going to knock things back. It takes about a week to get over the worst of the flu symptoms, and I am unclear about how long one remains infectious.”
Holly volunteered, “I’ll check it on my smart phone for you. Be right back; don’t go away!” She rushed off to get to her phone and google the subject.
She was back within five minutes.
“Pretty much, if you are over the symptoms, you are over the contagious period as well.”
“Ah, good,” Prudence said, her eyes closing and her brows furrowing in reaction as her headache resurfaced. “My migraine is not yet cleared away. Can I ask you for another Migril? I presume you have my pills to hand?”
“Yes. The bottle is in the bathroom. I’ll get you a complete pill, as you have not been taking halves since yesterday.”
There was a tap at the door, and Carol opened the door and stuck her head in. “Are we all decent?”
Holly retorted, “Prudence is decent, if that is what you mean. I can’t say the same for you or me.”
“Funny girl – not. I meant was it all right to come in?”
Prudence gestured, “Yes. Come in, Carol, and let me see you beside your sister. Are you completely identical?”
“Pretty much. Holly is a bit more bossy, being older, that is all.”
“Are you still at school?”
“Just left. Got our exam results last week; not too bad. Enough to get to university, we think, but neither of us is keen enough for that. We see ourselves as wives and mothers instead.”
Prudence took a closer look at Carol, trying to gauge her intentions.
“Carol, Holly, how enthusiastic are you about that plan?”
“Pretty much. Why do you ask that? Do you think we are wrong in our plans?”
“No, not that. For a moment I had a thought flitting through my mind, but it was a fleeting idea, without much substance. I had a memory of myself, a few months ago.”
“Do tell us, Prudence. We are fascinated by your group marriage and how it came about.”
“Later, girls. No, it was not that, directly. It was what happened when I asked to join the other girls and latch onto Reg as well. At that time it was officially a study group, which was developing into a love-in for everyone. I liked what I could see of that, and wanted in, but I was the outsider.”
“Not so good then, for you.”
“Tell me about it! I had to make my preference clear to all four of them, and I was not too sure what would happen. The other girls wanted to find a way for me to show my commitment to the group, and came up with several ideas.”
“Gosh. Talk about trial by ordeal! They didn’t make it easy for you, did they?”
“Look on it from their point of view, girls. The three of them had decided to share Reg – unusual in itself, and her comes another interloper wanting to join them. How would you expect them to react? Welcome me with open arms? No way!
Instead, one of their plans was for me to get pregnant; to have Reg’s baby. That way, they reckoned I would remain committed to the family. That was true in itself, but I wanted a husband if I was going to have a baby, so I told them that Reg would have to marry me if I was going to have his baby. I could have lived with that.
They turned the idea down flat. They all wanted to be with him, and didn’t want one girl to lord it over them as his wife. In fact, they had by then recognised that none of them could be the wife, for that very reason.
So they changed me to a probationary status. I could take my part in fucking him, but I first had to get the same birth control implant that they had. Eventually they would decide whether I could fit in to the family group, from my actions and interactions with them. Any group marriage, as it turned into, requires all the partners to be at ease with the others, and I mean ALL. We all had to love each other, at a minimum. Jealousy and other such divisive emotions are a no-no in our marriage.
I passed their tests, happily, and then we started planning our life together. By that, I mean planning to have a life together, for ever. We aim for permanence. No short-termism at all.
Of course, part of the impetus was the realisation that with our looks, the chances of snaring another such lovely man was almost impossible. Guys like Reg don’t come along very often, girls, as I hope you realise by now. We expect to become O.A.P.s together, half a century from now.”
“Wow. You really do love him, all of you. I thought one or two loved him, and the others were along for the ride, but there is real commitment to Reg from all four, isn’t there?”
“Yes, girls, which is why I can’t give any guarantee of anything without the agreement of the other girls. We make a group decision, and I am fully on board with that, as one of Reg’s wives.”
Carol and Holly were open-mouthed as they listened.
“You are quite something, do you know that, Prudence? Not just you, but all of you Robertsons.” Prudence just shrugged, as she didn’t see it that way There was a pause in the discussion, then Carol asked, “What was your fleeting thought, Prudence? You seem to have dropped it.”
“Oh, yes. Thanks for reminding me. It was that just because we wives are putting off pregnancy until we graduate, doesn’t stop us having a baby in the family.”
“If we had a baby brought to us, we could cope with that, and learn the techniques of child-rearing together.”
“What brought that to your mind?”
“It was you girls, talking about being wives and mothers. It popped into my head then.”
“What?” exclaimed Holly. “You thinking what I think you are thinking?”
“And what are you thinking, Holly?”
“You are talking about us having babies for you to help rear!”
“Possibly. If you want to. And if Reg is agreeable to the idea.”
“You mean, Reg gets to fuck a baby into Carol and me? Both of us?”
“No. YOU get to choose whether Reg fucks a baby into you. That’s a big difference, Holly. Are you okay with the general idea, the basic concept?”
“Perhaps. I need to consult with Frances first. My cousin might not want me to have a baby with her husband.”
“True. And remember, it is just my thought. You have to speak with Freda and Erika, as well as Frances and Reg. Everyone has to be on board for anything to happen.”
“Ah ... on that, Prudence ... there is the matter of our virginity.”
“Oh, yes. I had forgotten you are Frances’ relatives. You had better speak to her first. You don’t want to get in her bad books, you know.”
“We know, Prudence. We spoke to Frances earlier, about losing our virginity.”
“You did? That was a wise precaution. Frances is a reliable adviser on many things. What did you want to know about your virginity, may I ask?”
Carol took up the reins. “We asked her if we could lose our virginity about now.”
“That seems very exact timing. What brings this about? A couple of horny boyfriends?”
“No. We don’t have boyfriends at the moment. We ave e a reputation for not giving out, you see. That is why we are still virgins.”
“So why the change of heart?”
“We saw how you girls react with Reg, so he must be a great guy, was our conclusion.”
“Yes, he is. Even with sharing, he is a lovely caring husband to us. So what?”
“So we asked Frances if we could get him to deal with our virginity. We wanted a good guy to do the deed, but Frances said she couldn’t give permission by herself. You all had to agree before such a thing could happen, even if Reg was okay with it.”
“I begin to see. Where does the ‘wives and mothers’ bit come in? Any plans in that direction?”
“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.” “I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.” A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away. They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit. Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.” “I...
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“Ah.” Reg was reticent. “I admitted that you were my girlfriend, Frances.” “I have no problem with that, my darling boy. There must have been more.” Prudence interrupted, “I told Mrs Compton that my tutor was also my boyfriend, when I was talking with her. I didn’t mean to, but it just slipped out. I was so proud of that status.” “From what little I heard, it was a lot more than that, you lot. Give!” Reg told her, “I was called to see Dr Henderson after classes, and he said he had heard...
Erika explained, “Yes, but I think the History of Art may have connections to some of your own scientific subjects. I was intrigued at the idea from Prudence that the first printing ink was based on artists’ oil paint of the time. If there is more crossover from science, then you might be able to help me with aspects of the history of art. Speak to my lecturer, Reg, and see what you think.” Later that day, Reg met Erika outside the door of her lecture room. She dragged him into the room....
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She gaped at him, suddenly aware that he spoke the truth. Her devious plan for him had unravelled, but she rose to the occasion. “Oh. Oh, well, I suppose...” and she grasped her nightie hem and lifted it up and off her body. She was wearing only panties underneath, but quickly dropped these and stepped out of them. She faced Reg and said, “Right. There you are: just as you demanded, Reg, you forceful boy. Happy now?” He was indeed happy, getting a full-frontal view of Frances in all her...
“Thank you, Reg.” Freda kissed him again, and made a point of rubbing her breasts against him. He took the opportunity to put his arms round her upper torso, to hold her tight to him, and enjoyed the kissing session. They were still in that position when Frances and Erika came into the room. Frances called softly, “Hello, you two. Can you spare us a minute?” Reg was embarrassed. “Sorry, Frances, Freda insisted on apologising, in her own unique way.” “Oh, yes. The other girls. We’ll talk...
Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...
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“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...
He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...
Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...
“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...
Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...
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Rangani was an advance level school girl which she had a boyfriend from the same school and they were best friends in the world. Rangani was not so intelligent but she is too honest on many occasions. But lately, a certain new girl had been causing her to have mixed feelings. The girl's name was Chandani. Chandani had long wavy black hair, a cute face, and an amazing body. Chandani most times wore the strapless bra. Rangani noticed her body was the confusing feelings part.While home alone not...
The next morning I was holding Virginia but I was getting a very nice blowjob, which didn't make any sense since I was holding Virginia. Boy I thought, "This is a wonderful dream!" Much to my surprise Linda answered me with "It's not a dream I have been dreaming of doing this for the last two weeks!" As I immediately shrank then I heard a disappointed comment from Linda, "I knew I should not have said anything!" To my surprise Virginia burst out laughing and said out loud, "It's...
Erik told the man and woman to just be calm, try to relax. They weren’t going to be tied up for very long, especially if they behaved themselves and didn’t make any noise, didn’t start banging around trying to get loose. Erik said that he and Batman were just going to go upstairs and have a quick look around. When they were done, he said, they’d come back, let them go, and they could get on with their evening, call the police or whatever they felt like doing. The man’s eyes got big when Erik...
Straight Sex"Hey Frank, where ya been? I need ta ask ya somethin' man." "I'm on vacation. Talk to Abbey. She's the boss until I get back. Ya better get used to it, because when I retire in a few months, she'll be taking over on a more permanent basis." "Retirement? You're only 29 years old. Motherfucker, retire my ass." "Hey, I got funds for life. No need ta stress myself ta death. Of course, I'll still own this joint, so I'll still be around." I joked around a little with some of my help, before saddling...
BisexualMy family and I were on vacation, we were camping in a remote area on the shore of a large lake. It was just myself, Jimmy, my sister Lynn, my mom Julie and dad Bill. My Aunt and two cousins were going to be coming up to join us later. I was 17 at the time, 6’2”, 175 pounds. My sister was 18, about 5’4”, 120 pounds with 32 “C” tits. Mom was 33, about the same height as my sister, one 125 pounds with 36 “D” tits. Dad was 35, 6’2” and about 190 pounds. My Dad got my Mom pregnant with my sister...
Chapter 1- A Dark night The dull hush that had washed over the library since it had almost emptied was peaceful, until a small thud sounded waking Ari instantly. The disturbance had been caused from her head falling against the thick notebook on the desk below. Glancing down at her wrist watch, she rolled her eyes; it was just after 11pm. It was the end of another exhausting day at university. Ariana was tired, not only from studying for her mid semester exam which was tomorrow at 8am, but...
Love StoriesEvery morning, just as late. I opened my younger sister’s door to find her still in bed, hand draped over one edge, covers askew. I pull the rest of the covers off and begin to shake her awake. As any guy my age would, I don’t skip the chance to admire her sleeping form. Her normal PJs are an oversized t-shirt and cute cotton underwear. Today is no different. She is above average for sure, related or not. She groaned in protest, covering her face with a pillow from the early morning light....
Al woke as Betty slid away, getting off the bed. “Morning, Be. Wouldn’t you prefer some additional cuddling?” She twisted around, covering herself with a pillow, backing towards the window. “Is something wrong?” “Look,” she said, edging around the mattress, bending to grab her pajamas. “Last night was wonderful. I’ll treasure it for the rest of my life, but I still have issues about the two of us. I ... I need to process what this all means. I...” The chirping of crickets interrupted...
“Benjamin…” she calls to me once again, coming down the hall to my bedroom. Samantha is all but insatiable when it comes to sex; judging from the tone of her voice, she wants another go at it, assuming I just don’t up and expire with a wild smile on my face. Her cell phone rings again, the last time it was our friend Tabatha who was to come over and had to cancel at the last minute; work related matters of course. “Hello…oh, hi…” I hear her speaking, “you can make it…and they…your...
My name is Zeshan and I am 24 yr old right now. This sex story happened why I was 19 ..Quite found and craved about sex day and night. The woman was my paternal aunt her name was Suneeta and she was a mother of two. If you describe her she is not that attractive, a bit dark but she has large breasts and she is fuckable. I had no bad intentions about her as she loved me so much like her son until one day when it started…She came to visit us in January as she wanted to meet us. We were happy at...
IncestI was so excited when Dad said that Uncle Tim was coming to stay. He had visited many times during my c***dhood and I had loved him like an older brother. He was a late addition to his family being a full 12 years younger than my Dad. So at 33 he was in between what was my Parents generation and my own. I was 19 that summer and was enjoying the holidays before my second year at University. He arrived with the usual fanfare, my Parents were so happy to see him. He hugged my Dad hard as even...
Neil grinned to himself as he waved from the beach at the retreating sailboat. It putted out of the cove on its little engine, headed for the open sea. Neil rubbed the bulge in his shorts thinking about how he had made that little prick with the feathered hair suck his cock. "Man that was too cool, watching that little rich fuck choke on my cum." Neil thought, and waved again. It wasn't about being gay; it was about making some young, rich prick with a hot wife do something he would...
I decided to push all the worries out of my head and think with my penis for the foreseeable future. I think Lidia saw the change in my face. I know she liked it. She had curly hair, a beautiful figure, big eyes, and a bright smile. She looked like Hermione Granger grown up and had wasted her college years studying library sciences. “What are you thinking?” She asked. “That your ass is magical.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek. We travelled down the hallway and she grabbed my robe a...
I just arrived home from my morning workout sweaty and feeling great. Craving a shower, I head to the bathroom leaving a trail of clothes across my bedroom floor. Standing naked in front of the mirror I admire my hard body that I’ve worked so hard to maintain. Tugging on my cock it becomes semi-rigid. I stop knowing what’s on the agenda for the day. Satisfied, I begin to shave the important areas of my body then jump into the shower. Afterward, I dry myself and fix my hair. Once again,...
Almost everyone arrived early for the Friday morning board meeting. We all appeared to be anxious to get on with deciding what needed to be done with Orient Pacific Imports when Mr. Yee Fung was no longer able to carry on. No one appeared more ready or prepared than Charlie. She had brought a package the approximate dimensions of a medium sized framed painting. Mr. Yee Fung was the last to arrive, moving carefully into the board room and choosing a seat to the right of the near end. He...
We both went to his bathroom where he began applying anne French all over. He finished 3 bottles and then turned me around and bent me over. He separated my ass cheeks and slowly began applying the Anne French there. The smell of the stuff was nauseating as I stood there not moving. He then proceeded to shave my cheeks which were just starting to grow a beard. After shaving twice he began washing off the hair removal cream with warm water. I began feeling tingly as all the little hair on my...
Gay MaleAs she waited for the file to open she slouched back in her chair, leaning to one side and with her left hand under her chin, supporting her head. Something appeared on the screen and she sprang bolt-upright and wide-eyed, her mouth slowly falling open. She sat dead-still for a second, before hurriedly closing the file down and fighting hard against the temptation to lose herself in her developing hysteria. As the horror vanished from the screen, Jennifer’s shoulders began to slouch and her...
Travis awoke to the second morning with the most incredible feeling below his waist. He peered under the blanket and watched a pixie head bob up and down on his erection. He wanted to remain perfectly still but a scrape of her teeth sent him jerking upright in an attempt to protect his precious member. "Don't use your teeth," he pleaded even though he tried to instruct her without rebuke. A muffled "sorry" emerged from the bottom of the bed. Travis reached down and pulled her entire...
He had been watching her for a long time. She was sexy and loved to flirt. He was thrity years older than her but still was handsome and loved kinky sex. Today she walked by with that thin tank top and no bra with her chest pushed out and her huge tits for all to see. He was hard just looking at her. He waited for her to come back by to make his move.He went out in his yard with just running shorts on and as she walked by with her chest raised and the big tits almost nude he asked her to come...
Flashback – Ben and George (the Butterbar) – Spotter training and other things. George proved to be more help than hindrance and in some ways he was better than Jack – he had a hell of a good eye and spotted insurgents even when they tried to hide. Then would identify their location in 'clock format'. As an added bonus, he didn't give me near the shit that Jack gave me. We cleared the south-most side of the building and were getting ready to move to the East side when the Captain yelled...
Melissa awoke feeling an arm flung over her waist and a hard on at her ass cheeks. Furious, she threw the covers off the bed to see Charles still sleeping, drooling on the pillow which sickened her. It was an early Sunday morning. Still sleeping, Charles unconsciously pulled the blankets back over his head. She still felt the spot where his erection poked into her ass cheeks. It was pleasant but irritating feeling since she still detested her husband. 'We'll have a little talk later' she...
You are a traveling adventurer, in a land of fables and magic. You have interrupted your journey to rest for the night in a small roadside inn, and you have spent the evening in conversation with the inn's only other guest. She's beautiful, she's intriguing, and after losing a friendly wager with you, she must now tell you a story. Specifically, she must tell you a story about what might happen if the two of you had sex. She starts her story by properly introducing herself. From this point...
FantasyHello readers! I am Karan here, to tell you about my real sex experience with my office colleague Mamta, she was sexiest lady I have ever met and fucked and still fucking her hard. Her description is fair, tall 5.4 sexy thick pink lips, sexy good swinging ass attracting to bang it, big round boobs and sexy shape of thighs. A total package of sexiest entertainment she was. I was new in my job, when I was told that I have to work with Mamta, we both were provided with one common cabin where both...
If you have read my other 2 stories about stacy you will know she is a complete slut. Since sucking her first cock at the age of 17 until I write this story she has sucked off between 650 and 700 guys cocks. Stacy is 21 now and has an insatiable appetite for giving oral sex. She will suck of any man young or old black or white. she has also sucked of 12 dogs including our 2 rottweillers starsky and hutch. She loves the taste of semen and will also do gangbangs and bukkake. She loves to...
I was swimming in the pool of our apartment club house. I just swam around enjoying the coolness of the water. It was a Saturday morning. I had nothing better to do and I was bored. So I came down here for a swim. I was in a two piece blue bikini. I had came down for a swim, I was just wearing my small ear rings and had no other jewellery on me. My long hair was wrapped inside a swimming cap. My bikini was a string type bikini. The top part was tied at the back with a string and the bottom...
LesbianDave had continued driving up and down the main drag, pulling into parking lots where kids were gathered, and offering his sister for their pleasure until the early hours of Sunday morning. Finally, arriving home exhausted and still naked and with cum drying on every part of her body, Fran climbed the stairs to her bedroom. Before she could even smile at her own slave the buzzer under her pillow came to life summoning her to Dave's room. As Fran left her bedroom she noticed that a fine gold...
Regan led the group up the stairs - making certain that Andy wasn't following anyone but her. He'd gotten enough glances between Ashlyn's legs for the night and she wouldn't put it past Tori to moon him. The girls were on the third floor and Regan's room was on the second. She directed Andy to the room along from hers - where Camille had slept the night before. "Seriously?" Tori asked, when she saw where Regan was putting Andy. "Aunt Rita told us this morning that they didn't care...
Her red hair bounced and seemed to flow in rapid waves as he rapidly thrust in and out behind her. She held her head low, and he held her hips from behind, making wet, sloppy noises as the musky scent of her pussy filled the air. I could feel the softness of her hair as it cascaded over my thighs, pleasant and sexy. He had been going at her for at least 5 minutes, and had already cum at least twice, the evidence pooling below her. His small body almost disappeared behind her round hips, but...
Lady Reynolds offered, "Ral, I do hope you will join us for lunch. Some of us are getting together just to chat and eat." I hadn't really looked at her during the meeting and I was glad of that. She had dark blonde hair that fell in heavy waves around her shoulders, deep chestnut brown eyes and a lustrous smile that I was sure won over anyone she pointed it at. I wasn't feeling especially lust filled so I was sure her looks were quite real and not some trick of the mind. She stood with...
I could not believe I had allowed myself to be talked into this. I could barely stand my own parents, so why should I subject myself to hers? I guess if they could create something as wonderful as their daughter, they were bound to be good people. My girl, Elizabeth or Li as I call her, was one hell of a negotiator, one hell of a woman really. That’s why I love her. So, after sleeping well into the afternoon, I rolled out of my bed and started to get ready for what was sure to be an...
Jane 2 by Waldo 2 All rights reserved by Author. Not to be read by minors or sold without explicit written permission of the author Chapter 1 - Home life 2 Chapter 2 - The Lost City Legend 15 Chapter 3 - Nasroi's Tall Tales 28 Chapter 4 - Kill the bastard! 45 Chapter 5 - The Waterfall 61 Chapter 6 - Acceptance of the new identity 74 Chapter 7 - Home at last 89 Chapter 8 - The barn 102 Chapter 9 - The letter 111 Jane by Waldo Chapter 1 - Home life From the upper...
Mera naam amit hai mai 23 year old 5,11′ sarir gathila, goodlooking thik thak hu aur Raipur me rahakar engg. ki padhai kar raha hu. Mai ISS ki story 2 saal se padh raha hu socha ki aaj mai bhi apni life ki ek real story bata karata hu kaisi lagi send me your response by mail. Story puri padhe kyoki ye meri 1 saal ke time ki story hai. Waise bhi 36 garh se yaha per bahut kam story post hoti hai.Ye story aap logo ko kaisi lagi please send me your reponce by mail on my mail id meri id hai Ye baat...
Get ready for some epic Hardcore fucking! Grab your boner and watch Anissa Kate seduce her stepson Michael Swayze for some DDF Network XXX bangarang action in the living room. The curvy goddess puts on some straps and hot lingerie before sitting down right next to him on the couch. He gets a peek of her big natural tits and imagines fucking that glamour porn star’s wet pussy day in day out. And then that teenager’s dream comes true! Anissa Kate asks him if he wants to fuck her...