Advance Level Was My Best Class To Start Loving free porn video

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Rangani was an advance level school girl which she had a boyfriend from the same school and they were best friends in the world. Rangani was not so intelligent but she is too honest on many occasions. But lately, a certain new girl had been causing her to have mixed feelings. The girl's name was Chandani. Chandani had long wavy black hair, a cute face, and an amazing body. Chandani most times wore the strapless bra. Rangani noticed her body was the confusing feelings part.

While home alone not going to school one day, Rangani decided on stacking mum’s books which were widely stacked here and there. She heard someone knocking the gate (the gate was fully covered and unable to peep over) and when she went to open the gate, she found Chandani standing on her doorstep. "Hey, what's up?" “Didn’t you go to school today?”

"Oh, hey! “I was too lazy to go to school so stayed at home. Come on in!" Rangani said cheerfully, slightly nervous. Chandani entered, dressed in a nicely embroided jean skirt, sandals, and a button up shirt. She smiled at Rangani as the girl closed the door. "I just came by to hang out. I know we don't really know each other so I wanted to get to know you better." Rangani nodded. "Alright. Sounds good. My parents are out of town for the night I think and anyway we can order something to eat via Pizza hut and enjoy the cozy day and watch TV too." Chandani grinned. "Sounds good."

Minutes later, they found themselves laid out on Ranganis' bed, watching an R-rated movie which Chandani have brought for her. Rangani was so into the movie that she didn't really think anything when Chandani moved closer so that they were touching. Chandani leaned towards Rangani and placed her hand on her leg, massaging it. Rangani immediately started freaking out, especially since she was wearing a skirt. She didn't want to offend the new girl though so she kept her mouth shut. Chandani turned to the left and moved forward so that her mouth was right in Rangani’s ear. "Ohhh mmmm," she started, whispering. "…..I'm feeling a little horny right now." Rangani felt a shiver run through her body. "I'm not lesbian, Chandani," she said out loud, unable to move. "Oh really?" Chandani kissed Rangani’s ear, turning over onto her side and putting her leg up on top of Rangani’s. She licked her ear, moving her hand up to Rangani’s breast. "I beg to differ….I see the way you look at me at school." Rangani grabbed the pillow squeezing them tight. She had to force herself to not let her eyes close. Chandani pulled her hand away from Rangani’s breasts for a moment and unbuttoned her own shirt the rest of the way. She then returned to Rangani’s and slowly began unbuttoning hers. "I know you're into girls." She moved her knee down in between Rangani’s leg, moving it up to massage the space between her thighs. Rangani whimpered. She grabbed Chandani’s leg. "Chandani. I can't." "Yes you can. "As soon as Chandani got to the last button, she pushed the shirt aside and unhooked the front of Rangani’s bra. She immediately grabbed one of her breasts, massaging it. "No," Rangani whispered, her eyelids fluttering. "I'm not…..I can't….."

"Yes you are," Chandani whispered, moving her head down to Rangani’s breasts. She opened her mouth slightly and placed it over Rangani’s already hard nipple and began sucking on it. She moved her head up and down, sucking hard, Rangani’s breast jiggling with her nipple. Chandani continued to suck hard on it, flicking her tongue over the tip a few times. This was driving Rangani crazy. She was gripping the pillow in one hand and soon her right hand began to slid up over Chandani’s thigh, the thigh that currently had it's knee in her crotch. She started to moan and groan, loving the feeling of Chandani sucking on her nipple. "I….Oooh…..Yes…." Chandani continued sucking on Rangani’s nipple and at the same time, started unbuttoning and unzipping the skirt Rangani wore with her right hand. Once she had it undone, she pulled the material apart and ran her hand up and down Rangani’s bare stomach, moaning onto her nipple. "I love your boobs, babe," she said between sucking. "They're so perfect." Rangani just tipped her head back, moaning and grunting. She soon realized that Chandani wanted her skirt off though and quickly pushed it down to her knees. She then returned to gripping the pillow and sliding her other hand over Chandani’s thigh. Chandani smiled, slowly pulling her mouth away from Rangani’s nipple. "I bet you're wet down there." Rangani pulled her head back down and locked eyes with Chandani. "I-I….I am," she stuttered nervously. "Good." Chandani moved her right hand down to Rangani’s crotch and ran her hand up and down the center, causing Rangani to whimper. She smiled, moving her fingers up and down over the center, pushing one of her fingers inside slightly a couple times. "Oh, you cant…..N…..N-N-N….No…..ooohh…" Chandani continued to massage Rangani hard in that one spot. She slowly moved her head forward and caught Rangani’s mouth with her own. She opened her mouth and pressed her tongue up against Rangani’s lips, demanding access. Rangani shakily opened her mouth, the feeling down in her womanhood overwhelming. She took in Chandani’s tongue, entangling her own and soon starting to push her waist forward. Chandani smiled into the kiss when Rangani pushed her waist forward into her fingers. She tilted her head to the side and opened her mouth wider in order to deepen the kiss, her fingers moving double time. She could feel the dampness in the material of Rangani’s panties and just that alone was turning her on. Rangani started to moan and groan into the kiss, feeling Chandani’s quick-paced massages on her sensitive area. She started to shake and move her hips a bit, unable to focus on the kiss anymore. Chandani grinned. "Let's check and see how wet you are now," she said, pulling away her fingers. She got up onto her knees and crawled around so that she was in front of Rangani. She pulled off her skirt and panty before grabbing Rangani’s thighs and pulling her legs apart, pushing them up so that they were bent. She then moved forward and slowly lowered her head. "Oh gosh…..oooooh gosh," Rangani said, panicking. She had never had a girl even touch her in her private area before and now she was scared. "Chandani. N-" Rangani cut herself off by rolling off of the bed and pulling her shirt down over her waist. "I can't do this." Chandani sighed, rolling off the bed as well. She walked up to Rangani, who in turn took a few steps back but was stopped by the wall. "I know you like me, Rangani. You're not very good at sneaking a look at my boobs during class. I see you every time you do it and you know what? I'm glad I know...because I like you a lot." Chandani stepped forward, pressing her waist up against Rangani’s, and placed her hands on the wall beside Rangani’s shoulders. "So why don't you just lay back on the bed..." Chandani moved her head to the right and kissed Rangani’s neck. "...and let me finish what I started."

Rangani’s eyes fluttered, her breath caught in her throat. She felt her hands release her shirt, giving in to Chandani’s antics, and let Chandani take her hand and lead her back over to the bed. She laid down once again and hesitantly spread her legs, her entire body quivering in anticipation. "Chandani, are you sure-?" Chandani cut her off by placing her mouth over Rangani’s wet womanhood. She parted her walls with her hands and dipped her tongue inside, licking up some of Rangani’s juices. "Mmph…." she said, licking again. "You taste good." She continued to lick her out, tilting her head to the side and up in order to gain more access.
Rangani’s chest heaved up and down, her breathing labored. She tipped her head back, feeling as if she was about to explode. "Ooooooh my gosh…..Oooooh….uh uh. Huhn! Huhn! Huhn! Mmph! Chandani!" Chandani picked up the pace, pushing herself up and forward more, licking every inch of Rangani’s wet pussy. She bit down a few times on the flaps of skin to the sides before resuming the heavy licking. Soon Chandani was moaning along with Rangani’s, feeling herself get wet. "Oooo, you make me feel so damn horny!" Chandani yelled. Rangani was moaning and groaning herself, her eyes squeezed shut. "Fuck, Chandani. You're so good!"
Chandani smiled, licking one last time, before sitting up and removing all of her own clothing. She grinned when she saw Rangani’s eyes travel up and down her body. "C'mon babe. Take off everything so we can really get down to business."

Rangani shyly stripped out of the rest of her clothing and sat up on her knees, her eyes still on Chandani. "You've got a nice body," Chandani said, flipping her hair back and moving so that she sat right in front of Rangani. "Sit back." Rangani did as she was told, laying back against the pillows. She kept her legs closed, afraid that she would have another orgasm from just leaving them open. Chandani crawled up over Rangani, placing her hands on the bed beside her. She moved her head to the side and started kissing Rangani’s neck, one of her hands moving up to caress and grope her breasts. She planted butterfly kisses all the way down to her stomach and then back up. "I want you to suck on me, Rangani. Suck on my breasts," she said suddenly. "I know you're good." Rangani hesitated for a moment before sliding down into a full lying position so that her face was directly beneath Chandani’s chest. Chandani quickly unbuttoned the rest of her shirt. She tossed it to the side and soon her bra was off as well, revealing her large plump breasts and hardened nipples. Rangani carefully cupped Chandani’s large breast with both hands and put her mouth over the nipple. "Now suck," Chandani ordered, one of her hands slowly making it's way down to Rangani’s soaking wet womanhood. Rangani paused before beginning to suck on Chandani’s nipple. She kissed it, flicked her tongue over the tip, and sucked it as best as she could, trying to ignore Chandani’s hand which was rubbing up and down on her pussy. "Mmm, yes," Chandani moaned, moving her hand faster. She stuck two of her fingers in, almost ready to fall over from the way Rangani was sucking on her nipple. "I knew you were good," she managed to get out with her labored breathing. Rangani started sucking faster and harder, almost biting Chandani’s nipple. She grabbed Chandani’s breast with both hands to hold it still and opened her mouth wide. She sucked hard, knowing that Chandani’s nipple would soon be sore. After a while, she couldn't ignore the sensations down in her area. "Fuck me, Chandani...," Rangani moaned between kisses. "With anything. Just fuck me."

Chandani grinned, removing her hand from Rangani’s drenched womanhood. "As you say." She pushed Chandani’s hands away from her breast and stood, pulling her nipple away from Rangani’s mouth. Chandani quickly slipped out of her skirt, revealing the dildo she was wearing.
"Oh my gosh. You had that on the whole time?" Rangani asked, one hand unconxiously groping her own breast. "Yes..." Chandani crawled back up onto the bed. “My boyfriend’s one is much smaller” Rangani replied. "And now I'm going to fuck you with it." Rangani shivered in anticipation, eyes locked with Chandani’s as Chandani laid down on top of Rangani. "Ever been fucked before?" Chandani asked, guiding the dildo up to Rangani’s wet pussy with her hand. "Once. My boyfriend." Chandani grinned, the dildo in place. "I bet he was nothing compared to this." Without another moment's hesitation, Chandani bucked her hips forward, forcing in half of the large dildo. Rangani gasped, not realizing that Chandani was going to move so fast. Chandani pulled back out a little and then slowly pushed her hips forward again, this time putting in all of the dildo. "Ohhhhhh. It's so big. Oh..." Rangani pressed her head down into the pillow, tipping it back slightly. She reached up to grab the headboard to steady herself. "Fuck me hard, Chandani. Fuck me fast."

Chandani smiled, pulling her hips back and then bucking them forward again. "Ohhhhh. Fuck! It's so big!" Rangani jammed her eyes closed, unable to bear the pain. Her boyfriend wasn't anywhere near as big as the dildo. It was huge and it hurt a little. But more than that, Rangani just wanted to be fucked mercilessly which was exactly what Chandnai had in mind. "You want me to fuck you hard?" Chandani whispered in Rangani’s ear, moving her hips back and forth slowly, the dildo going in and out, deep each time. "Hard and fast?" "Uuuuuhhhh yeeees. Harder...oh, harder!" Rangani half screamed, wrapping her legs around Chandani’s waist. "Okay...okay..." Chandani started moving her hips back and forth quicker, slamming her hips up against Rangani’s. "Harder, huh? I can do that." She sat up slightly, leaving a little room between their bodies, and quickened the pace. She moved as fast as she could, going in and out double time.

After a while, Rangani started to moan and groan. The dildo felt so good inside of her. "Mmph. Chandani! Oh, Chandani! It feels good! Huh! Huh!" She started to whimper, her body shaking half from pleasure and half from the force of Chandani’s pumps. Chandani was pumping as hard and fast as she could, her hips bucking so hard she knew her legs would be sore when this was over. She placed both hands on each of Rangani’s thighs in order to steady herself and kept up the pace, pumping the dildo in and out as fast as she could. They continued for over five minutes. When Sharon finally slowed down, she laid down on top of Rangani, slowly pulling her hips back to remove the dildo from Rangani’s warm pussy. "Was that good?" she asked, breathless.
Rangani nodded, beads of sweat on her forehead. "Better than good. You're so amazing."
Chandani smiled, propping herself up on her elbows. "I know. I've had a lot of practice...and I watch a lot of videos."

Both of the girls giggled, exhausted from their twenty minute first time sex session. "I hope this isn't the last time we do this," Rangani said shyly, so quiet Chandani almost didn't hear her. She slipped her arms around Chandani’s neck, staring up at her. Chandani’s smile grew bigger. "Of course not." She lowered her head, catching Rangani’s lips with her own, kissing her slowly and sensually. She lowered herself down on top of Rangani and slipped one hand down around her back, the other moving up between their bodies to massage her breast. They made-out for a few minutes, just running their hands all over each other until they were satisfied. Then, they re-dressed and Rangani walked Chandani to the gate. "See you later," Rangani said, still shy about the whole thing. Chandani placed her hand on the back of Rangani’s head and pulled her in for a hard kiss, dipping her tongue inside Rangani’s mouth. She tilted her head to the side, opening her mouth wide in order to get more access and ran her hand down to grab Rangani’s ass.
Rangani giggled, pulling out of the kiss. "Get out of here you horny girl."
Chandani smiled, opening the gate. "See you later. This friendship is confidential. Do not utter a word with your boyfriend”.

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Meine Frau und meine beste Freundin Teil1

Hallo ich heiße Kevin bin 28 und möchte euch das geilste was ich in dem letzten Jahr erlebt habe gern erzählen. Es ist nix erfunden oder so sondern eine wahre Geschichte.Es geht um meine Frau Natalie(27) die war zu dem Zeitpunkt im 6monat Schwanger. Und meine beste Freundin Nadine (26)die ich seit der Grundschule kenn.Dass ihr von den zwei ein Bild habt beschreib ich sie euch kurz. Also meine Frau ist 1.60m groß hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt wegen der Schwangerschaft 78kg.Aber davor und auch jetzt...

3 years ago
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Die beste Freundin meiner Frau 3

Ich drückte mit meinen Schwanz gegen ihr Loch. Langsam, ganz langsam gelang es mir, meinen triefnassen Schwanz hineinzudrücken. Puh, das war ganz anders als ihre Fotze. Eng und trocken. Wie ein Schraubstock umfasste ihr Schließmuskel meinen Schwanz. Ich sah, wie Anna eine ihrer Hände zwischen ihre Beine nahm. Offenbar streichelte sie sich den Kitzler. Ich drückte langsam weiter und steckte bald bis zum Anschlag in ihrem Arsch. Was für ein geiles Gefühl.„Okay", meinte Anna, „jetzt kannst Du...

1 year ago
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Score Classics

ScoreClassics has a name that sets you up for something big. The “Classics” part lets you know you’re about to see some legendary shit, the kind of shit that has stood the test of time and is still talked about years or decades later. The “Score” part tells us we’re going to see somebody win big. It might be your favorite basketball team back in the ‘70s, but let’s be real, you’re reading this on ThePornDude. That big winning isn’t a sports thing, a video game tournament or a gambling problem;...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
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Sex With My Classmate During Class

Hello, everyone. My name is Mohit. I am 19 years old. I go to the most reputed engineering college (it b) in my state. That itself usually gets me dates. But this is about Richa, a very fair girl in my college. We were in different departments so we hadn’t meet until a particular elective that both of us took. Her dimensions are around 36-30-36 (slightly plumpy). she actually used to be more plumpy but after dieting seemed to have reduced to a very attractive shape. A little about me – I am...

1 year ago
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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And now that the time had finally come to decide what to do with the...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Bestiee 8211 The Best Beauty

Hi, this is Aryan from bangalore again with an amazing story, this story is about me and my bestie to whom I wanted to experience a sexy orgasm.A lot of people get confused with orgasm so I studied every detail of what orgasm is and how to make a woman reach there. Well ladies who cant reach orgasm don’t be disappointed. Is very rare that ever woman can reach orgasm or squirting so relax and let your juices flow out.So my bestiee her name is kushboo and stats being 36c-32-34. I shared al my...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 107 Mister Buckman Goes To Washington

“Mos Eisley spaceport: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.” Change the name from Mos Eisley spaceport to Washington, D.C., and you’ve got the idea! Even Obi Wan Kenobi would have despaired of this place! That doesn’t mean I was sorry I had run for office. It just made me want to be cautious. Friday, I managed to get lucky and got a decent draw on office assignments. Names get pulled out of a hat, and afterwards you have fifteen minutes to pick...

2 years ago
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Sasu Maa Ki Hawas

Hello mere dosto, Mera naam sonny hai. Meri kahaniya un logo ke liye hai jo sex har tarah se enjoy karte hai. Meri kahaniyo mein aapko lust, love, wildness, gandi galiya, sex ki bookh, roleplays, hawas aur sex ko enjoy karne ke har tarike milenge. Designer hone ke karan meri sex fantasies mein aap sabko bhut aag milegi aur koshish yahi rahegi ki in kahaniyo ko padte, padte aapke lund se aur madam ki chut se paani nikal jae. Aapki satisfaction meri sabse badi khushi hai. Saasu maa ki hawas –...

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Rp with LovingSkye

LovingSkye: Hearing his snap, she is jolted into action, and stands, walking silently behind him as they make their way to the playroom. MatrimKnotai: stops in front of a set of leg stocks and points at the ground under the stocks. "Lay down on your back slave, head towards the wall." LovingSkye: She walks up behind him, seeing a pair of leg stocks strapped to the wall, cold metal chains that would soon be holding her captive. "Yes sir." She lays down, the cold floor bringing...

2 years ago
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Twas The night Before Easter

Twas the Night Before Easter By Paul G Jutras Twas the night before Easter and nobody was asleep. In her bedroom, Paul's mom was reading a book while his dad sat watching TV. His cat, Salem, was lying on her lounge chair bed, staring at dad and Paul was on the den computer. With a yawn and a rub of the eye, Paul shut down Crystal's Story site and headed off to bed. Mrs. Jutras was aware of how long Paul was spending in the bathroom and was aware that he was trying to beat...

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How I Made My Bestie8217s Pakistani Friend To My Bestie

Hi, hope everyone enjoying your day in ISS. I was a big fan of ISS, after I moved to Dubai I missed this site. I would like to share my first story here for you guys. This story is about how it’s turned my bestie’s bestie to my bestie. Share your valuable comments to my email: Call me spykie, 26 year old. After my graduation I moved to Dubai. It was really boring days. After few months my bestie neha came to Dubai. She was my classmate and good friend. She is very sexy with good assets. As she...

3 years ago
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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...

1 year ago
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Private Classics

I bet everyone has their own Private Classics when they’re jacking off. You know the ones I’m talking about: those perfect pornos you may have found 5, 10, 20 years ago that still make you hard as a fucking rock every single time. It’s no wonder some of the long-running Internet porn sites have cashed in on the fad, offering up some of their vintage hits, oldies and goldies that put them on the map in the first place. I mean, shit, just because it’s old doesn’t mean you’re going to get bored of...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Bestiality is Best

Introduction: Introduction into bestiality hi all please feel free to leave comments, and feed back if you enjoy this . If you feel the need to leave negative vote. Please state why. Constructive criticism is welcomed. It was a warm summers evening , we were sitting in the back garden drinking and listening to the radio, a random mix of oldies playing while the sun lowered in the sky, leaving some long shadows running across the lawn, I was just about to get up and get another drink when...

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The Journey Episode 7 Wasteland

Notes: 1- Continuing my futurology experiment, I describe what is going to happen to the fertile fields of central Brazil (the so called " cerrado") after people disappears. 2- The storm belt is no invention of mine. Currently, from time to time, a continuous band of clouds form carrying water vapor from the amazon lowlands towards southeast Brazil, these are called "convergence zones", you probably are aware of the sad happenings in the mountains near the city of Rio the Janeiro, who...

2 years ago
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Wasteland in Amsterdam Welcome to the world of B

You know the feeling.You've been looking forward to a big night for ages and ages, and the best fetish party in Europe looks and sounds as though it's going to live up to all your dreams and expectations.You know where this is going don't you?Actually Wasteland is great. But in many ways, getting there was actually more fun than being there.For a start, we got a great deal on a fantastic hotel - the Pulitzer on the Prinsengracht, right in the centre of the city.And we had a night in town before...

3 years ago
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Me and my bestfriend Jake part 2

Sorry for the part 1 guys I accidentally press post and I din know how to edit but anyways here's the part two hope you like it. Jake said he was really sorry for what happen. I was a bit mad because of he said that. I thought he liked me so I ask him "Jake, do you really like me or you just made me feel better about what happened with nick? Jake drove and no words came out of his mouth not even a nodd. I was dissappointed I thought to myself I will never ever do this stupid things I did to...

4 years ago
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Me and my bestfriend Jake part 2

Sorry for the part 1 guys I accidentally press post and I din know how to edit but anyways here's the part two hope you like it. Jake said he was really sorry for what happen. I was a bit mad because of he said that. I thought he liked me so I ask him "Jake, do you really like me or you just made me feel better about what happened with nick? Jake drove and no words came out of his mouth not even a nodd. I was dissappointed I thought to myself I will never ever do this stupid things I did to...

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Every time he looked online, Drew found himself drawn to it. He wasn't sure why. Maybe because it suggested submission in such a strong way. Maybe because it emphasized the vulnerability he felt about his genitals. Not being big enough, masculine enough. Whatever it was, he couldn't deny he wanted it. But he couldn't order it online because he had no private place for it to be sent. He shared a room with someone and so a package like that was too risky. He'd driven to the only adult store...

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MCUAntMan and the Wasp

Ant-Man paused at the doorway to the room in the Avengers Mansion which had been appropriated by the Wasp."Well, I guess this is goodnight. sleep well, Jan," he said, turning to leave."Not so fast, mister!" quipped the Wasp. "Get in here!" Suiting actions to words, the Wasp grabbed a hold of Ant-Man's arm and pulled him into her room. The Avengers had just returned from Asgard, where they had prevented a power-mad Loki from usurping the Odin-force and using it to destroy the Nine Realms,...

2 years ago
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Having An Incestuous Slut As A Girl Bestie 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, it is good to be back with another story. I am a big fan of ISS, I am Pravin, 29, From Tamilnadu, working in Bangalore. Trust me or not, I am still a virgin guy. I think I am bisexual and submissive. I like cuckolding, humiliation and femdom, etc. Before going to the story, let me tell you it is not a real story. It is fake, all my fantasy. Characters in this story, me, Susan (24) – my girl bestie; Reena (39) – Her stepmom; Paul (49) – Susan’s father; Arjun (19) – Susan’s Brother...

1 year ago
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Me And My Bestie At The Beach

No long introductions guys..It is pretty cool to be here.. Exploring the world of lust in a different way with our hidden fantasies. Myself Deva..30 yrs old. Working in an MNC and looking good with all ingredients to satisfy anyone. I do read this site whenever I get time and its excites me the way the lust is folding up from nowhere and the chances you all get. Its pretty exciting. Here I am with a recent incident of my love with one of my best friends which happened in a beach which you all...

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8216Jagat Niwas8217 Ke Niwasi 8211 Part 1 Jigna Ki Kahani

Jagat Niwas Co Society. Ye kahani hai is society mein rehne walle kuch logo ki. Ye society mein total 3 wings aur 5 floors hai. Yaha sab log bohut pyar se rehte hai. Kuch jyada hi pyar hai inke beech mein. Toh chaliye apko sunata hu Jagat Niwas ki kahaniya. Achi lage toh support zarur karne. Ajj 31st December hai. Society mein ek choti si party ho rahi hai. Sabhi log ache ache kapde pehne hai. Kuch groups bane hai, jaise, bacho ka group jo dance kar raha hai. Ladies ka group jo ki gossip kar...

3 years ago
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Five Classes of SubmissionClass 4

Bad. So fucking bad. She wasn't an adulterer, not technically, because she and Charles weren't yet married, but she had acted exactly like a fallen woman, or even some stupid, out-of-control slut. And the fact that the sex had been so incredible was no excuse. Each astounding orgasm with William had been a betrayal, every sublime shudder a hard stab at the heart of her relationship with Charles. Why, then, did some part of her feel like a triumphal sex goddess? Why did she feel like...

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My First Bestiality Experience The Dog

It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday. As all young women my age, I was excited at the prospect of becoming an adult. But it had nothing to do with being allowed to drink, smoke and do all those other horrible things people do just because they can. My enthusiasm came from a completely different place. According to the rules of the family, I would finally be told the family secret. At least that was what I had been told over and over again. “You’ll understand when you’re eighteen,”...

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The Bestiality Cop

For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldn’t be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was inborn. I love almost all animals equally, no matter their cuteness. Still, I must admit dogs...

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The Bestiality Cop

Introduction: A rookie cop, a horny dog, and a domineering instructor. You do the math. Prologue For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldnt be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was...

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Swiss College On the Levels of Control

On the levels of controlSwiss College VignetteThis is a vignette (although you could also call it a short story) set in the Swiss College, an environment about and inside of which I propose to write more in the future. The dangling threads have been left intentionally so, in order to provide hooks for more vignettes and short stories. You may also want to read Swiss College: a classroom vignette at Wrong Assumptions: a ponygirl story...

4 years ago
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Karlas Brainwashing Room 2 A weird punishment to break a stubborn lesbian slave

Please, read the prequels if you like this Story: PREQUEL - Karla’s Descent to Hell – The beginning YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 1 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 2 of 3: YOU CAN READ PREVIOUSLY Chapter 3 of 3 You can read previously - Karla’s Brainwashing...

4 years ago
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Roissy Cleveland Ohio

Notes from Roissy in Cleveland, Ohio by Ashley B. D. Zacharias Sophia's Diary Tuesday, 2 December 2008 This is my first diary entry ever. I have been spurred to begin keeping a diary at the late age of thirty-five after reading my parents' diaries. Two months ago, I became an orphan when when both of my parents, Gene and Emily Robins, were killed by a drunk driver. I was only able to bring myself to begin sorting through their personal papers last week. Some of those papers have shocked me...

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