My New GF Has A Cock Tranny free porn video

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I'm your run of the mill middle-aged white guy; divorced, decent job, plenty of hobbies, and your standard list of perversions. I love women. I love the way they smell, I love their bodies, I love their personalities, and I really love having sex with them. I've had a few bisexual encounters in my day, mostly back in college, and while I have no phobias about man-on-man action, I have never been attracted to the same sex. Although admittedly, the sight of a large, erect cock has always made my mouth water. I guess you could say I do have some bisexual tendencies.

I own a condo in a small complex just outside a large metropolitan city. My adventures into the world of chicks with dicks began when a new neighbor moved in across the hall from my unit. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Getting home from work one night, I noticed the empty condo was no longer for sale; I'd soon have a new neighbor. I only hoped they would be less annoying than the family that moved out. Between the screaming k**s and the arguing parents, I was hoping for a little peace and quiet.

Over the next few weeks, I caught sight of my new neighbor on occasion, but had yet to have the opportunity to introduce myself. My balcony overlooked the parking lot, and I'd seen her getting in and out of her SUV a few times. She was a strikingly cute redhead, tall, about 5'9" with long flowing hair, often pulled back in a ponytail. Her face was lightly freckled and she had the body of a tennis pro; long and lean, with pert little breasts, maybe B cups, well toned legs, and a perfect little round ass. I was guessing she was somewhere in her mid-thirties and looked to be doing well in life based on her nice car, expensive wardrobe, and ability to buy the large 3 bedroom condo in this upscale complex.

I'd only seen her either dressed for work in the morning or coming home after a workout. She usually wore a lycra sports bra that perfectly accentuated her fantastic figure, including a tight little tummy that had clearly been developed over years of ab exercises. She always wore a short tennis skirt that made her long legs look even longer, and oh so sexy.

I never saw anybody else go in or out of the condo, so I assumed she was single. As you can tell, I was in full stalk mode as I looked for the perfect opportunity to make my move.

On a Friday evening I was out on the balcony, enjoying a glass of wine after a long week at work when she pulled into the parking lot. She was dressed for a workout and I watched as she opened the tailgate of her SUV and struggled to extricate a large box, her little ass wiggling so invitingly. My cock stirred to life as nasty thoughts raged in my dirty mind.

Finally, my chance, "Excuse me Ms." I yelled down. "Do you need a hand with that?"

She straightened up and looked around, bewildered, as she blew a loose strand of hair from her adorable face. She bit her bottom lip and scrunched up her perfect little nose, trying to figure out where the offer was originating.

"Up here," I shouted. "Hi, I'm Scott, your neighbor. Can I help you with that big box?"

"Hi Scott," she replied. "I'm Carla. Thought you'd never introduce yourself. I don't mean to be a pain, but I'll never get this stuff upstairs without some help. Thanks for the offer."

"I'll be right down."

Channeling a world class sprinter, I made it to the parking lot in record time.

We shook hands and extended the normal courtesies before wrestling the big box out of the car. It appeared to be some workout equipment, the expensive kind you'd find in a nice gym. The close up view of her perfect little ass was almost too much to handle. This girl was indeed smoking hot.

"You starting a new gym?" I quipped.

"Not exactly," she giggled. I found her voice to be intoxicating, a deep husky tone that made my cock stir with anticipation.

"I love working out, but I hate the cheesey atmosphere at the local gym," she explained. "I've got the extra bedrooms here, so I thought I'd buy some equipment and setup my own home workout space."

"Great idea," I said. "Let's wrangle this bad boy upstairs. I'll even help you set it up if you like."

"Thanks Scott, you are quite the gentleman."

If she knew the dirty thoughts going through my mind, a gentleman is not the way she would have described me.

We spent the next hour putting the equipment together and getting to know each other a little better. She handled the tools like a pro and she was clearly in great physical shape as she had no problem lifting and holding the large steel tubing. I couldn't keep my eyes off her beautiful legs, only wishing her tennis skirt was a little more revealing. I got periodic shots of her tight little butt concealed in a pair of lycra boy shorts when the skirt got unintentionally hiked up, but only enough to peak my curiosity.

"I wish I had the extra space to setup some equipment like this," I commented. "I spend most of my workout time either running or swimming. I'm not a big fan of the gyms around here either. A bunch of roid heads hopped up on adrenaline as they try and grunt ridiculously heavy weights over their heads in some kind of tribal macho bullshit ritual."

"Exactly," Carla laughed. "But you look like you stay in pretty good shape," she quipped as she gave my bicep a squeeze; her touch sent a jolt of electricity straight to my groin. "Maybe you can use my home gym sometime...once I get it all outfitted?"

Bingo...just the invite I had hoped for. "That would be great." Although the kind of workout with Carla that I was envisioning had nothing to do with exercise equipment.

We were hitting it off really well, so I decided to keep the ball rolling.

"I've got an open bottle of wine next door, if you want to come over and join me for a drink?" I offered.

"Why don't you go grab it while I jump in the shower?" she replied. "I'll give you the full tour of my new place."

Damn, my fantasy of her asking me to join her in the shower was a no-go. Maybe I'd been watching too much porn lately.

As I grabbed the wine, I couldn't help wondering, how such a beautiful young woman could be single and available; I'd hit the lottery with her moving in right across the hall from me. It was like a dream come true. I couldn't afford to screw this up, so I decided to play it cool and let this opportunity play out slow; well, relatively slow. My cock was aching with excitement and I had to mentally check my libido as I headed back to Carla's.

I looked around Carla's place, sipping my wine, as she finished in the shower. She had some amazing art work, really expensive furnishings, and stunning style. This girl was sophisticated, cute, and friendly...the triple crown of hot chicks in my book.

"Where's my wine? I need a stiff drink," she giggled as she emerged from her bedroom, her hair still wet, wrapped in a big terry cloth robe.

I was ready to give her something stiff, but I bit my tongue and played it cool.

We sat on her couch and finished off the bottle of wine as the sun set outdoors. We had several things in common, both enjoying mountain biking, tennis, and going to sporting events. She was a foody and loved to cook (another perfect fit as I love to eat). Carla was a consultant for a prestigious firm in town, having just moved here from the Midwest to take a new promotion.

With a loud yawn, Carla announced, "Scott, thanks for all your help today. I think we can become really good friends. I don't have many close friends, partly because I have a bit of a secret. But I think if we are going to be friends, I need to be honest with you."

She stood up and walked over to one of her still packed moving boxes. She pulled a dvd from the box and gave it to me.

"I'll tell you my story, but first, I want you to watch this movie," she sighed. "I think I can trust you and we'll see if you can deal with my secret. Now skeedaddle you big sexy man, I've had a rough week and need to get some sleep."

She bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek, pulling me up from the sofa and showing me to the door.

"If after watching the video, you want to know more, you're invited to dinner tomorrow night," she said. "And I'll answer all your questions then. And promise me, you'll keep my little secret. Goodnight."

"I promise," I replied. I mean, how bad could it be, right?

She gave me a big hug, her pert breasts feeling so good against my chest. As she pulled back, she looked me straight in the eyes and dove back in, grabbing the back of my head and pulling my face to hers. "Enjoy the film" she whispered before she gave me the sexiest, deepest, most unexpected kiss I've ever received. Her tongue was soft as velvet as she gently explored my mouth, holding the kiss for what seemed to be 30 seconds, although I wanted it to last much longer.

With a cute little bye-bye waive and a wink, she turned on her heels and disappeared behind her front door, leaving me dazed and confused, and wanting more.

As I walked across the hall, I wondered what had just happened. What secret could she have? Is she a convicted murderer? Did she have some mental disorder? Would any of that matter as I had already fallen head over heels for this beautiful woman.

I undressed, popped the dvd into the player, and settled into bed to see what this was all about.

The title popped up on the flatscreen, "Transvestite Surprises." Holy crap, it was a porno. Did Carla accidentily give me the wrong dvd? And why would she have a porn movie about trannies? And why was my cock starting to rise to attention?

I got my answers almost immediately. The credits were rolling, and up popped a picture of Carla, dressed like a dominatrix, in high heeled leather boots and a form fitting latex outfit, swinging a riding crop with a look of pure evil in her eyes. She looked younger, but there was no mistaking that it was her. The name under her picture read "Carlita Long" and there was no missing the huge bulge running down her inner thigh under the tight fitting black suit.

On the screen, she reached down and ran her long, skinny fingers down the length of her bulge, her milky white skin creating a stunning contrast against the jet black of the latex pants, and hissed toward the camera, "Have I got a surprise for you, bitch!"

The screen faded and other actors were introduced. I looked down and realized my sheets were tenting obscenely, my cock now rock hard, a wet spot forming on the thin cotton material as I was already leaking precum.

Damn, Carla did have a secret. And while I probably should have been disgusted, I was anything but.

Could that bulge really belong to Carla, or was she wearing some kind of strap-on? Regardless, she'd been in porn for some period of time and she appeared to be the star of this movie as the first scene was of her, in a dungeon, dressed in the rubber dominatrix outfit and looming over a man restrained across a wooden bench.

I won't bore you with the play-by-play of the scene, but let it suffice that when the man finally relented and begged her to let him suck her cock, she unzipped and presented one of the biggest fucking boners I've ever seen. And unless the special effects were created by the team from Star Wars, the cock was very much real. I'm no slouch in the package department, but her cock was considerably bigger than mine. Long and thick, with huge veins running the length, and a massive sagging sack of balls that could likely produce a volcanic eruption of epic proportions. Maybe the camera added a few inches, but regardless, this was one very, very impressive package.

She proceeded to fuck the man's face like a devil possessed, ultimately forcing her entire length down his throat till her balls were literally bouncing off his chin. The guy was obviously a pro, as it was one of the most impressive acts of deepthroat I had ever seen.

When she finally tired of fucking his throat, she pulled her spit covered rod from his tortured jaws and said, "Now bitch, I'm gonna take that cherry ass of yours."

The guy had a look of terror in his eyes, "Please, Mistress, please don't. You'll rip me in two."

"I hope so," she cackled with an evil laugh as she positioned herself behind the restrained man and lined up her huge pole with his hairy ass.

With no hesitation, she buried her thick rod up the man's ass as he screamed and pleaded her to stop. In no time at all, she was ball deep (again, obviously the bottom man was a real pro) and she started fucking him like a wild a****l.

"You love that don't you you sissy whore?" she screamed.

"You are my pathetic little fuck-toy, aren't you bitch?" she continued.

"This is exactly what you wanted all along, isn't it cunt-boy? You wanted a big dicked she-male to take your ass and fuck you like a bitch in heat." Between strokes, she whipped his back and ass with her riding crop.

I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. My hand found my rock hard cock and I stroked myself slowly, using the precum to lube my piston. I went slow knowing that any faster would cause me to lose my load.

I had watched tranny porn before, but I'd never seen a she-male as beautiful and in total control as Carla (Carlita?). She was amazing and her stamina unbelievable. She fucked the poor bastard for a good 20 minutes before pulling her throbbing member from his wrecked ass.

"Where do you want my sweet load, little piggy?"

Not waiting for his answer, she moved back in front of the man, lined up her rocket with his face and gave it a few long strokes.

"Arghhhhhhh, I'm cumming," she groaned as she erupted all over the man's upturned face, literally coating his mug in ropes of thick, white, spooge. "Open your mouth, slut," she commanded. The look of pure ecstasy on Carla's face told me she either really got off on this, or she was a world class actress.

She jerked several spurts on his tongue then buried the big mushroom head back into his mouth "Suck out every last drop you little whore."

I couldn't take it any longer and with one final jerk, exploded all over my chest and stomach. I'd never watched a porn scene any hotter in my whole life. And the star of the scene was my next door neighbor, the same neighbor that gave me this movie to watch.

I skipped forward several scenes and watched Carla perform twice more; once with a woman and another scene where she dominated another man. She was completely nude in the scene with the hot little porn starlet, and if it weren't for the big cock between Carla's legs, you'd have thought she was the most beautiful porn star you've ever seen. Her body was perfect, her tits clearly natural, and in the scene with the other woman, she revealed her perfect little ass as she was strap-on fucked doggy-style by the girl.

By the time the movie ended, I'd cum twice more and my cock hurt from all the stroking. As I drifted off to sleep, I had no idea what my next move would be. I'd never imagined meeting, let alone thinking of getting romantically involved, with a transvestite. But I had some very vivid dreams that night, and all of them included Carla mounting me like a dog and fucking me into submission.

The next morning, I watched the dvd again (and again). The production date was ten years ago and I did some surfing on the internet to see how many other productions Carlita had starred in. It seemed she had been pretty active in the business for about four years and had made nearly 100 movies. Not all the movies were in the bdsm or dominatrix genre, but a huge majority were. I wondered if that was just type casting (a beautiful, innocent looking redhead with a big powerful weapon that could satisfy the guys that demanded this kind of porn) or whether Carla was really into this fetish. None of the porn industry sites knew what had happened to her in the last decade and it appeared she had simply retired and moved on.

As the appointed dinner date approached, I showered and headed to the store to buy a bottle of wine. I was going to need some booze in me to get through this night.

I knocked on Carla's door and she answered, dressed in a pretty blue summer dress, adorned with little yellow flowers. Her hair was down and she looked simply amazing. Her big green eyes sparkled with a sense of pure mystery. I could tell she was relieved that I had shown up for dinner.

"Glad you decided to keep our date," she giggled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"I'm sure you've got a ton of questions, but let's open the wine and I'll finish preparing dinner. We can talk while I'm cooking."

As she calmly took the chicken out of the oven, she asked, "Well, what did you think of my little secret?"

"Definitely a secret, but it was anything but little," I tried to laugh. "So, Carlita is really you? Not just some doppleganger?"

"It's really me, baby," she replied. "Before I tell you my story, truthfully, did you watch the whole movie?"


"How many times did you jerk off?" she asked casually.

"I, uhhhh, I, well," I stuttered. "I honestly lost count."

"Good. Thanks for being honest. I saw the way you were checking me out yesterday, so I figured you'd either be disgusted beyond repair or would be curious as a cat."

"Definitely curious, Carla," I responded. "I've watched my share of porn, and that was some of the hottest stuff I've ever seen. You were beautiful, amazing, and more than a little shocking. I've never seen a porn star literally own scenes the way you do."

"Thanks sweetie. Trust me, I'm all woman, and I love getting compliments like any other girl. The only difference with me is I pack a punch between my legs."

"You can say that again," I chuckled. "So you are a transvestite?"

"I guess you can say that. I'm kinda an oddity in that department. My parents thought I was a boy and raised me like one. Can't blame them for thinking that given the plumbing I was born with."

"But I was always very feminine growing up. When I hit puberty, rather than growing hair on my chest, I started to grow boobies. My body took on the curves of a young woman. I was producing estrogen, so actually I'm more of a hermaphrodite. I always felt more like a woman, even if I did have a penis. So my family moved, I changed my name from Carl to Carla, and I started dressing like a girl. As long as folks didn't see the big swinging dick between my legs, I was accepted as a female."

"Wow, what a story," I exclaimed. "Must have been really hard."

"That is the toughest part, baby. It does get really hard," she giggled, pointing down towards her crotch. "I considered having surgery, but in the words of that beloved cartoon character, Popeye, I am what I am. Besides, my cock gives me great pleasure, as I'm sure you can understand."

"Totally," I blushed. "How did you get involved in the porn industry? And do you need a can of spinach to pop that incredible boner?"

"Very funny; glad to see you were a Popeye fan too," she replied. "My parents weren't rich, so I couldn't afford to go to college right away after graduating high school. I was still a virgin as I was scared to death of how to approach a boy, or girl, about my condition. I did some research, if you can call watching porn research, to see what other people like me did for sexual release. After watching some tranny porn, I contacted one of the producers, set up an interview, and the rest is, as they say, history."

"Wow, you became a real star in that genre, huh?"

"You could say I had all the right parts," Carla joked. "I had matured into a pretty good looking girl, and thanks to good genes, I was packing a substantial piece of meat. And I was always horny, so I had no problem "performing" as they say."

"Anyway, I made some good money for a few years, enough to pay for college and graduate school. I found a good job and have done a pretty decent job of assimilating back into normal society. Not that the porn world is necessarily abnormal, but fucking for a living is not the kind of thing you want to tell your k**s."

"You were amazing in that video," I exclaimed.

"Oh, it wasn't difficult for me. With my background, I've got plenty of pent up sexual frustrations. When I was acting in front of the camera, I could totally let myself go. Besides, it was the only sex I ever knew. A girl like me can't exactly meet a regular guy at the local bar and end up in his bed without causing one hell of a commotion."

"So what has your sex life been like now that you are out of the business?" I asked.

"I go through a lot of lube and watch a lot of porn," she laughed. "My safest date is with my right hand. Most guys don't take too well to my little surprise."

"But I'm sure you could find the right guy. Somebody who understands and is actually excited about your special talents. And trust me, nothing is "little" about your surprise," I said. "I mean, you've got me beat by a couple of inches."

"I hope I can," she sighed, batting her big green eyes at me, and making my heart skip a beat. "And don't feel bad, baby, not many folks could measure up to what I'm packing," she giggled as she cupped her package and gave it a heavy squeeze.

"Is that why you gave me that dvd?" I asked, my eyes glued to her crotch.

"Well, a girl with a dick deserves love too, don't you think? I'm tired of hiding behind my tennis skirts. I thought it was time to take a chance."

"I'm glad you did," I sighed.

"Let's eat dinner, sweetie," she cooed as she gave me a big hug. I felt her semi-hard (I think) cock pressed against my leg and I knew right then and there I wanted to see this through.

We talked about any and everything besides her sexual past during dinner. Her sense of humor was infectious and we laughed and joked like old friends.

During dessert, she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "So Scott, do you think you can handle the Carlita in me?"

"I, uhhhh, I, well, I want to find out," I sputtered.

"Good boy, I knew you'd be up for the challenge. We'll take it slow tonight. Have you ever had any bisexual experiences?"

"A few back in school."

"What did you do, back in school?" she asked. "Did you ever get that cute little ass of yours fucked?"

"Umm, well, no. I jerked off a couple of guys, and I had a buddy that we, errrr, well, we blew each other a few times."

Turning her chair away from the table, she spread her legs and started to hike up her sexy little summer dress. "Be a good little boy and crawl over here between my legs. I'm going to formally introduce you to my girl cock."

I swallowed hard and did as instructed. I've never had any real submissive desires, but something about this sexy woman and her take charge attitude had me willing to do just about anything for her.

"Start at my feet and kiss your way up my legs. Go slow and really worship my legs."

She didn't have to ask twice. I did worship her beautiful, toned legs. I kissed and nibbled my way up, making love to her inner thighs and causing her dress to tent massively.

"That feels nice, Scotty," she cooed. "I normally wear very restrictive lycra shorts as underpants to keep my b**st at bay, but I wanted her to breath tonight. You are making her very excited."

With that, she lifted her dress hem, revealing her huge erection. I was in awe. Here I was eye to eye with the biggest cock I'd ever imagined, and it was attached to the most beautiful woman.

"She likes you Scotty. Do you like her?"

"Yes, very much," I croaked. I reached out my hand and gently grasped her throbbing member. It was warm and heavy, hard as steel, but somehow still soft to the touch.

"Did your buddy back in school have a cock this nice?" she giggled.

With a frog stuck in my throat, I croaked, "Not even close."

"Kiss her," she ordered.

I did, tasting the sweet precum that was dribbling from the massive plum shaped head of her mighty cock.

"Ohhhhh, that feels so good," she purred.

"Kiss all the way down my shaft to my big girl balls, sweetie," she insisted. "Take them in your mouth and suck them gently."

I was glad that Carla was coaching me. I had rarely been with a woman that knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to ask for it. And I was clearly out of my element in servicing her amazing cock. I needed all the help I could get.

"Take me in your mouth and slowly stroke my shaft," she said. "And look at my face as you take me into your mouth."

"You like my big cock, don't you honey?" she asked. "I can see the lust in your eyes."

With my jaw stretched to fit her big dick, I could only nod. Her tool was leaking copious amounts of fluid and I was absolutely intoxicated by the taste of her sweet seed.

"Are you going to learn how to take my entire length like a good little slut?" she asked.

I was positive there was no way I could deepthroat her entire tool, but I wanted to make her happy. I tried to force several inches down my throat, but could barely get half her length in my mouth.

"That's OK sweetie, I'll help you out. Why don't you strip down naked and let me see that hot body of yours. Then jump up here on the table, on your back, with your head hanging over the edge."

"Oh, you have a nice cock, baby. I'll put that to good use later."

With my head hanging over the edge of the table, Carla took my face in her hands and lined up her big erection with my open mouth. "Just relax, my little cockwhore and when you feel my cockhead push against the back of your throat, swallow hard and it will pop down your throat."

Fighting back my gag reflex I did as she instructed and felt several more inches of her big sword slide down my throat. I struggled to breath through my nose with her thick tool completely shutting off my windpipe.

She pulled out slowly and thrust forward again. After several minutes of this throat fucking, I felt her big hanging balls bouncing off my forehead. I had somehow managed to take nearly her entire cock.

"Good little bitch," she panted. "I knew you could do it. If I keep fucking your face like this I'm going to blow my load. Your throat feels like crushed velvet on my cockhead."

God, I wanted that so bad.

"Jump down off the table sweetie and get on your knees. I want to look you in the eyes when I fill your throat with my seed."

"Put your hands behind your back and completely submit your mouth and throat to my cock," she demanded.

As I knelt in front of this goddess, she pulled her sun dress up and over her head, revealing her beautiful body. She wore a lacy little white bra that barely held back her heaving breasts, and I could see that her dark nipples were rock hard. Seeing that giant cock protruding from her very feminine body made me want to satisfy her in the worst way.

"Do you think I have a nice body?" she asked, as she gave her erect nipple a hard squeeze.

"Carla, you are gorgeous," I replied.

"And do you like my big girl cock?" she continued, reaching down and giving her monster boner a gentle, slow stroke.

"I absolutely love it," I admitted.

Teasing me as she rubbed her cock across my cheek, she said, "Tell me what you want me to do with this?"

"I want you to fuck my face, Carla. I want you to feed me your hot load," I whimpered.

"Are you my little cocksucker? Let me hear you beg for it, cocksucker."

I thought I was going to shoot my load right there. When her dominant streak came out, I knew I needed to be her bitch. "Please Carla, let me be your cocksucker. Let me take your cock down my throat. I need to swallow your load. Make me your little cum slut."

"Good boy," she patted my head as she started feeding inch after glorious inch into my mouth.

I kept my aching jaw open wide and used my tongue to lube her big rod as she stuffed more and more into my eager throat. I kept my watering eyes turned up toward her, so she could see how much I lusted after her cock.

"Such an eager little cockwhore, aren't you baby?" she said, as she put her hand on the back of my head and forced her cockhead into my tight throat.

I couldn't respond other than to give a slight nod. I could feel her cock start to swell and I knew she was getting close.

"Oh baby, I'm gonna fill that pretty mouth of yours with my hot cum. Ohhhhhhhhhh, yea," she exclaimed as I felt the first burning jet hit the back of my throat. She slowly started to pull her weapon from my mouth, squirt after squirt of her thick jizz coating my tongue. As her cockhead cleared my lips, several long, thick ropes shot across my face, landing on my forehead, cheeks, and dribbling down my chin. I know its not really possible to "cum gallons" but I swear it felt like she had unloaded a gallon of sticky cream.

As she wiped the last few drops of cum on my tongue, she sighed, "You are such a pretty little bitch, all covered in my seed. Did you like that?"

"Yes Mistress," I moaned, not sure where that name came from.

"You do have a little submissive streak in you, don't you Scott?" she asked.

"I guess I do, Carla. At least if you are the beautiful woman dominating me."

"You're so cute. I can't wait to pump my next load deep in your tight little ass," she giggled. Leaning down, she ran her tongue across my cheek, herding her thick cum toward my open mouth. With my mouth filled with her jizz, she gave me a long, deep kiss, our tongues dancing the tango, before she stood back up.

"Swallow it lover," she instructed.

Without a second thought, I swallowed the rest of her yummy treats, smacking my lips with satisfaction.

"God, Carla, I love the taste of your cum," I honestly said.

"I'm glad," she replied. "Cause I've got plenty more where that came from. Why don't you stand up and let me return the favor."

She knelt before me, and literally inhaled my rock hard dick. I didn't last a minute under her professional technique, and when she reached around and inserted a finger into my unsuspecting ass, I filled her mouth with a huge load.

Looking up at me, she said, "I guess you liked that, huh baby?"

"Unbelievable," I sighed.

"One of the advantages of being an ex-pornstar, I guess. You could say I know all the tricks of the trade."

I collapsed back into the chair, exhausted and oh so satisfied. Carla stood up, her cock still semi-hard and oh so impressive looking. I should have been embarrassed that she was bigger than me, but the vision of her incredible tool only made me horny for more. And the way she had just serviced my rod, I knew I could still learn a thing or two about satisfying this amazing lady.

"Let's clean up these dishes," she said. "Then I'm gonna bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck that tight little ass of yours till you beg me to stop. Oh, and by the way, I won't stop, and you'll love it."

I wasn't sure I could take all of Carla, but I was willing to try anything for this incredible woman.

As we cleaned up from dinner, I watched her big swinging dick like a love struck teenager. Even soft, she was impressively long and thick. Where my dick tended to shrivel up when not erect, her penis remained obscenely large. I was literally mesmerized. A stunningly beautiful woman with a dick a porn star would give his right nut for. In the last 24 hours I'd been turned into a cock addicted slut.

"Can't take your eyes off my prize, can you sweetie?" she laughed, catching me staring at her package. "I'm so glad you are a size queen. Turns out most men are if they open their minds about it."

"I know I should be conflicted," I responded. "I mean, you are a gorgeous woman, but I can't help feeling I should be repulsed by what is between your legs. Fact is, I'm the exact opposite of repulsed. I want your cock more than I've ever wanted anything in my life."

"Don't worry baby," she cooed. "I'm gonna give you all the cock you can handle." She reached down and gave her dick a quick tug, her pretty little fingers dwarfed by the thick shaft. "I love fucking a tight ass for the first time, watching a man convert to a total cock whore. Don't be too scared; I warn you it will hurt at first. It will hurt a lot. But inside 5 minutes, you'll be begging me to fuck you harder as you thrust back against me, trying to get my cockhead to stimulate your prostate just right. And don't worry, I like getting anal as much as I enjoy giving it, so you'll get your turn too."

I had fucked a couple of girls in the butt before, and it was always a miserable experience. They hated it and I'd always try to cum fast before they insisted I pull out. But I'd seen the look of pure joy on the guy's face in the video last night, and I wanted to feel Carla's balls bouncing off mine as she trained me to take her big dick.

She hopped up on the kitchen counter and spread her legs. "Come here baby," she said. "Time for you to get my girl cock ready."

I devoured her cock, licking and sucking her balls till she was again rock hard. I looked up as Carla unbuttoned her bra, letting her beautiful breasts free.

"Do you want to suck my nipples, sweetie?" she asked.

She didn't have to ask twice.

"Bite it baby, but not too hard," she insisted. I was stroking her cock as I gently nibbled her nipple, and I felt a gush of precum as I roughly attacked her breast.

"Rub that precum up and down my shaft; that's the only lube you are gonna get," she said.

Hopping down off the counter, she roughly pushed me against the cabinets and bent me over the counter top. She spread my ass cheeks and I felt her tongue against my opening. Within seconds, her tonguing of my ass had me weak in the knees.

"You like that don't you, you little slut?" she asked.

"It feels amazing," I moaned.

"What do you want now, honey?" she asked, as she gave my ass a firm swat with her hand.

"I want your cock, Carla. I want you to fuck my virgin ass," I whimpered.

"That's a good little bitch. I knew I could make you beg for it," she laughed.

She straightened up and I felt her lean forward, her massive cockhead resting right against my wet hole.

"Put your hands behind your back, baby," she ordered as she literally pinned me against the counter. She grabbed the dishrag and stuffed it in my mouth, "Bite down on that slut and get ready for the ride of your life."

She pushed forward, grabbing my hips roughly and I felt the head of her spear force its way into my tight sphincter. The pain was unbearable, and if it weren't for the gag in my mouth, I'd have screamed bloody murder. I knew it was going to hurt, but this was just too much.

She kept on the pressure, spitting on her cock as inch after inch of her huge rod ripped into my ass, penetrating deeper and deeper into my bowels. Pinned against the counter, I had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide; my ass submitting to her onslaught as the torture continued. I was sure I was going to pass out from the pain.

"Feels like your ass is literally on fire, doesn't it baby?" she moaned. "God, you are so fucking tight. I'm halfway home."

She took hold of my hands, pulling them backwards to keep me completely at her mercy even while she used the leverage to penetrate me more deeply.

"Oh you little slut," she giggled. "Your ass says no, but your cock is dripping like a faucet. Your seed is running down the kitchen cabinet as my cock milks your tight little hole."

At long last, I felt her balls bounce against mine. "I'm fully home, bitch," she muttered. "How does it feel having your new girlfriend buried ball deep in your little cherry ass?"

The fire was starting to subside, and while I was still incredibly uncomfortable, I felt the worst was over.

I spit the towel from my mouth, and moaned, "I think you are ripping me in two."

"Don't worry baby, you'll start to enjoy it very soon." With that, she grabbed my hips again and started to withdraw. Slowly at first, she began sawing in and out of my stretched hole, fucking my ass with her throbbing boner.

As she loosened me up, she started fucking me faster and with deeper strokes.

As the pain subsided more, I started to push back against her, getting into the rhythm.

"My little slut likes getting fucked in the ass, don't you?" she giggled.

"Yes, Mistress," I moaned. "Fuck my ass with your huge cock. Breed my virgin hole."

For the next 15 minutes she pounded my ass with no mercy. Fucking me like a wild a****l in heat. My cock leaked non-stop as she rubbed against my prostate, filling me over and over with her full length. I wasn't going to be able to walk right for a month after this.

"Oh baby, I'm gonna fill your tight ass with my spunk," she cooed. With one final deep thrust, she collapsed onto my back. I could feel her pert breasts and glass-cutter nipples on my back as her monster erupted deep inside me. Her full weight on my back, she spasmed several times as blast after blast of hot cream filled my hole. The feeling was outrageous, and it pushed me over the edge, my cock exploding without even being touched as I shot my wad against her kitchen cabinets.

"Did you like getting your ass fucked and filled by a girl?"

"God yes; you can take my ass anytime, anywhere," I replied.

"That's the plan," she giggled as she slowly stood back up and started to withdraw, leaving me feeling so empty. I could feel the cool air from the ceiling fan blowing up my gaping hole as Carla's molten lava slowly dripped down my legs.

"Look at the huge mess you made on my cabinets, you dirty little slut," Carla snickered. "Get down on your knees and clean that up."

I was 100% under her spell and followed her command without hesitation, licking the dripping cum up like a hungry dog.

"Oh, you are a nasty little pig, aren't you Scotty?" she said. "I bet you'd do almost anything to please me, wouldn't you my little fucktoy?"

It was true; I was willing to be her submissive little puppet to have the pleasure of her big cock. In the last 24 hours, my whole outlook on sex had changed 180 degrees. She looked so beautiful towering over me, her big, swinging dick hypnotizing me like a lovestruck teenager. I wanted Carla to be my girlfriend, but I wanted Carla to treat me like her bitch-in-heat.

"Yes Mam," I complied.

"I am so happy at how this little relationship is progressing," she giggled as she smacked my cheek with her heavy tool. "I could only have dreamed you wouldn't be repulsed by my secret. So much better that you are also a submissive little slut with a tight ass and a hunger for cum."

"Sounds about right," I chuckled as I milked the last couple of drops of hot cum from her slowly deflating cock.

"If you think you can get it up again, I'd love for you to fuck my ass next," she teased as she turned and walked toward the bedroom.

Watching her beautiful butt sway so enticingly, I felt my cock start to harden. A huge smile spread across my face as I replied, "I'm right behind you baby."

"Literally I hope," she laughed.

We fucked like bunnies the rest of the night. When I woke up in the morning, my body ached like I'd just run a marathon (although my ass was never this sore after a long run). We showered together, and I couldn't resist blowing her in the shower. Seeing Carla naked, her stunning beauty combined with that big powerful cock dangling between her legs was the dream I never knew I had come true. Her sweet load was the best breakfast ever.

"Scotty, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," she quipped, in her best Bogart impression, as I swallowed the first of what I hoped was to be many morning loads.

Same as My New GF has a Cock Tranny Videos

3 years ago
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For the last week my man has been tempting me with images of hung trannys. They have an added dimension when it comes to sex - tits and a cock, preferably both in generous doses. By the end of the week I am hanging out to experience a new one. One of the images he showed me was a side on shot of a tranny in panty hose with her back to the wall flaunting a huge erection thrusting out of her panty hose that really piqued my already strong libido. Another was a pic of tall, slim tranny sitting...

3 years ago
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First time with a Tranny

Stevie had always found it relatively easy to get girl friends. Not all had been good experiences. He always felt that after sex he just wasn’t satisfied. Maybe he wanted something different. Some people are perfectly fine about being gay or bisexual, but for others, it is a scary mine field. Stevie was one of those people. People had commented on him being gay for years and he always felt ashamed. He denied it, of course, but as time went by the thoughts about the whole subject haunted him. He...

Gay Male
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My first but not last encounter with a tranny

My Wife and I have been married for about 3 years now and have since recently, been looking to have our first experience with a she male. I met a girl online name Judy and after chatting for a while and exchanging pictures we agreed to a meet and greet. Judy proved to be a very sexy transgender with feminine features. Her highlighted hair was long and she had size B cup breast with a thick firm ass and long pretty legs. She was very beautiful and had an awesome personality. We sat down and...

She Males
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My first tranny

I had never been with a tranny before and did not plan on being with one at all but you never know what will happen. I had a bad day, I had been in meetings all day with new clients in another city. I decided to stop for a drink or two before going back to my hotel room. I found this bar that look interesting so I went in. There were lots of beautiful women there so I thought that maybe I would get lucky and not have to be alone tonight. I went to the bar and ordered a drink and checked out the...

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My first time with a tranny

I always had a strong sex drive, and since I had been around 16 I had been turned on by gay porn. I must say that I am straight, well on second thought, better say that I am bisexual. And I always have and will like girls. But there is something about a cock that turns me on and I then discovered shemale porn. I think that a hot sexy shemale and a cock is the best combination there could be. I have a strange fascination with cocks and a hot sexy girly body tops it off.In August 2007 I was 24...

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Dream Tranny

Dreams can be strange, sexy things. Your wife may be a stunning knock-out, way the fuck out of your league, but I bet she ain’t your dream girl. No, your perfect fantasy angel has the big tits and pretty face you love so much, but she’s also got something extra: a big ol’ dick between her legs. Sorry, wifey, but tonight may be a good evening to spend with is a site with history. They’ve been around since 2000, making them one of the older shemale porn operations on...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Couple Finds Another Plus Tranny

While I was in the military, there were many opportunities to see some of the wild and crazy sites and people of the world. One time in Japan a bunch of us in a mixed group (men and women) went to a show that featured transsexuals. These were men who now dressed and acted like women. All of the men/women featured had breast implants to additionally make you believe they were real. The show was very exciting with each of the trannies on stage showing us they were as good looking without their...

1 year ago
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First Time with Tranny

So this is the story about how I got my first experience being a bottom, and why it was with a tranny.I was 18 and wanted to try being a bottom. For a long time I had experimented by myself at home with different things (hair brushes handles, screw drivers handles, ping pong paddles handles etc...) but I really wanted the real thing. I had the fantasy about sucking dick and getting fucked. I had been watching anal sex porn, gay porn and shemale porn for a long time, and always I thought the...

4 years ago
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Im a Meat Packing Girl Tranny

I didn't go looking for a tranny, shemale, dickgirl, or whatever derogatory term a homophobic world has labeled women that happen to be packing a penis. In fact, while I had messed around a little with the man worm, back in college and with a drunken buddy a few times, I considered myself 100% a hetero male, in love with the female form and a total horn dog for a beautiful woman. I must admit, I've jerked off more than a few times to shemale porn on my computer at home, wondering what it would...

3 years ago
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My first time as a bottom and with a tranny

So this is the story about how i got my first experience being a bottom, and why it was with a trannyI was 18 and wanted to try being a bottom. For a long time I had experimented by myself at home with different things (hair brushes handles, screw drivers handles, ping pong paddles handles etc...) but I really wanted the real thing. I had the fantasy about sucking dick and getting fucked. I had been watching anal sex porn, gay porn and shemale porn for a long time, and always I thought the...

1 year ago
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Fun with a latina tranny

So I'm a big fan of a big tranny cock in my ass. Just throwing that out there early on here.So this past summer I decided that with my school being off I should get some tranny cock as fast as I could. I went on a site and set up a new account, hoping for the same luck I had a few months ago with a hot black tranny named Jade and her friend. I quickly found a very nice 20 something tranny names Maria who said I would do. We went through a few chat sessions, with our cams on and I convinced...

2 years ago
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Revenge on a Tranny

Revenge on a Tranny My relationship with my partner Julie had been strained over the last twoof our ten years together. For a period of six months we?d stopped having sex.I thought she might leave me but I figured that if she was going to find anotherwoman then there was nothing I could do about it and besides, I had a womanor two I knew I could fall back on for affection if I ever found the need.I was a good lover, but there seemed to be something that Julie needed sexuallythat I couldn?t...

2 years ago
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My first time with a tranny

It happened on a Monday morning. After waking up with a throbbing hard-on. I called up my regular booty call. But she couldn't make it. Because her husband stayed home from work that day. So I decided to browse Craigslist, looking for someone local. After posting my ad, looking for NSA sex. I sat back and waited. Within minutes, I received over a dozen new messages. But none of them really appealed to me. Then after a few hours of receiving numerous messages, from both women and...

2 years ago
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Alan Gets A Tranny

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to Alan's house after work one day to talk to him. His mom was single and she need a male figure to discuss masturbation since she had caught him doing it. I rang the bell. I heard footsteps on the stairs and then the door opened. "Hi Alan." "Oh, hi Mr. Jones." “Can i come in?” “Sure,” he said holding the door open. “Alan I have to be home soon, so let me just say this quickly: I know your mom caught...

2 years ago
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First Time With Tranny

I had fantasized for quite a while about hooking up with a hot chick with a nice cock. I gravitated towards shemale porn and couldn’t get enough of it. On this particular day I was having a few drinks and browsing the web for my favorite shemale movies. I discovered the chat forum. Soon I was chatting with this hot asian crossdresser. She was about my age (21 or so at the time) and lived just a few towns over from me. We shared some fantasies and seemed to have a good connection. She...

3 years ago
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Trucker the Tranny

Jermaine Simpson drove his white 2010 Peterbilt raised-roof big rig into the truck stop just outside of the city. He called his friend, Mariah.“Hey, baby,” the dark-skinned transsexual answered.“What’s up boo? I’m at the truck stop,” Jermaine shared.“Okay, oool! I’m on my way.”“Awesome! Can I get a shower at your house?”“Of course!”“See you in a few.”“Bet!”Jermaine’s nine-and-a-half-incher was already hard. He loved fucking her whenever he was down this way. Once he had taken her on a six-day...

4 years ago
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Garvey Williams kissed the pretty, effeminate, white boy he had had been secretly fucking since they were high school sophomores. Back then, Garvey was a standout wide receiver with high prospects of moving on to Division One. He had progressed as everyone thought and Jamie Collier, the femboi, followed him to the large state university. Garvey and the Mustangs earned a national championship his junior year. The football prodigy decided that he should enter the NFL draft immediately following...

1 year ago
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Fun Time With A Top Tranny

So since I got a good rating for my first sex story, I shall write another one about my first time with a tranny. This happened last year. She was 25, and I was 21. So I am Ash, I am 22, I pretty good and masculine looking. I am mostly a bottom though. I have always been a huge fan of shemales and ladyboys. Respect them and also lust for them :p anyway, so I was in dubai last year and I thought that there might be much more shemales and easier to meet since the place was quite forward with a...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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First Time With Tranny

I had fantasized for quite a while about hooking up with a hot chick with a nice cock. I gravitated towards shemale porn and couldn't get enough of it. On this particular day I was having a few drinks and browsing the web for my favorite shemale movies. I discovered the chat forum. Soon I was chatting with this hot asian crossdresser. She was about my age (21 or so at the time) and lived just a few towns over from me. We shared some fantasies and seemed to have a good connection. She...

1 year ago
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Trained by The Tranny

I have always been considered a strong athletic straight black man. I have fucked a plenty of women being an executive in a high profile position. I had everything a man could ask for Power, Property and Plenty of Pussy. Well in life, all things change. I had just landed another two million dollar client and was out celebrating with friends over a local bar. I was feeling real good and I never believed in going home alone… why should tonight be different. Then after a few or too many drinks...

She Males
2 years ago
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beautiful tranny

This guy picks up a girl and takes her to his place. Can you imagine his surprise when he finds out that this girl has a dong?Hi! My name is Andrew! I’m a 5.4 feet tall, with some cute beer belly, crew cut light brown haired guy, blue eyes. My friends say I have a big noseJ but it’s not that I should worry about! Men of my family have always been stocky, and thickset. So a big nose and stocky figure are not a trouble! I’m working in a Western City College as a tutor of English Literature. I...

1 year ago
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My beautiful tranny

This guy picks up a girl and takes her to his place. Can you imagine his surprise when he finds out that this girl has a dong?Hi! My name is Andrew! I’m a 5.4 feet tall, with some cute beer belly, crew cut light brown haired guy, blue eyes. My friends say I have a big noseJ but it’s not that I should worry about! Men of my family have always been stocky, and thickset. So a big nose and stocky figure are not a trouble! I’m working in a Western City College as a tutor of English Literature. I...

4 years ago
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First tranny

I’d been single for a few months and having the shittyist of luck on dating sites. I was unemployed and making some deliveries to the gay community for some extra cash. One of my regular stops was to a tranny named Tory she wasn’t bad looking and she never made a move on me other than asking if I’d like to hangout for a few minutes. Anyway I’d seen her on one of the chat rooms on a dating site... now I’d been without sex for at least a few weeks and I got a little curious. I started...

2 years ago
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It was pretty dingy in here, the sunlight came through a old dirty high window and a single fluorescent tube did little to lift the overall gloom. An oppressive smell of stale piss also hung over the whole place. What was I doing in here? In truth I did not know but I was 16, horny and wanted to find out about the rumours about sexual activity. I was still a virgin and although had messed around wanking at home, I was very naïve. I walked into the last cubicle, shut and bolted the door, took...

1 year ago
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My date with a tranny

I had been alone for a while and I was really horny. I am not the best looking guy but cute and a little over weight. I am 6'1" tall and about 280. So going to a bar was not going to work so I started to search craigslist for some one. I found a couple women but after emailing them I found out they all wanted me to join some web site and I was not looking for that. So I kept looking and I found a woman who was real and interested in me after we exchanged emails. So I set a date with her to get...

2 years ago
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my first tranny

[i[/i]im donnie, i had just dropped my girlfriend of at shipyard to work graveyard shift. i wanted to have a drink in bar, not a beer in a parking lot. as i drove toward the bridge i saw a cocktail sign, u know a cocktail glass. so i made my way to that street and pulled up in front of "the black rose". i went in and sat at the bar and ordered shot of jack and a bud. ik looked around and thought i died and went to heaven. all i saw was tits and leg and pretty women. i was enjoying the view...

2 years ago
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It was pretty dingy in here, the sunlight came through a old dirty high window and a single fluorescent tube did little to lift the overall gloom. An oppressive smell of stale piss also hung over the whole place.What was I doing in here? In truth I did not know but I was 16, horny and wanted to find out about the rumours about sexual activity.I was still a virgin and although had messed around wanking at home, I was very naïve.I walked into the last cubicle, shut and bolted the door, took my...

3 years ago
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First time with top tranny

We went in her room, I paid her and while I was getting undressed, she was waiting for me by the bed. She was slowly stroking her cock, and didn't bother to remove her panties or lace body suit. She just moved them aside and pulled out her cock and boobs.She was tall, at least 180cm, latina, slim, hot, long dark hair big boobs and nice and big cock, (later when she was hard, she was probably 18-20cm). She didn't speak English, but she was so hot and I was so horny, ready to make my fantasy come...

4 years ago
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My First Tranny

My name is Holly, and I'm twenty-eight. I'm a blonde, and I happen to be a lesbian. I have been with a couple guys before, but that's it. Anyway, one night, I was at a club securing the perimeter. Looking for some cute ladies, that maybe I'd take home. I saw a lot of worthy candidates, and a couple with D-cup racks. I wasn't a slut or anything like that, but I definitely played the field. I looked around the entire club a few times, and caught a few eyes. I saw a few ladies casually stirring...

2 years ago
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My Frist time with a tranny

My Frist time it was back when AOL frist came out. I was in a miami chatroom and I met a tranylicous. We Started to chat. I remember going to the profile on the side of the message window and I found out throu pics what a tranny was. I must of been 13 at the time or so. She gave me her address. it was not to far from Downtown so I head over to meet her as I smoked a joint. She had a nice apt, pretty empty She had just moved from Ny. After a little chat we had that helped me relax She came...

4 years ago
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My First Tranny

I met Charkara (her real name) through an adult dating site. You can find her pictures on my xhamster page titled, "My First Tranny". We corresponded through the dating site quite regularly before we decided to take it to next level and exchange phone numbers and email addresses. We talked on the phone getting to know each other, what we liked to do sexually, etc. She came off as a total freak willing to do most anything which was an extreme turn-on for me. We then begun having phone sex...

1 year ago
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first time with a Tranny

My first tranny I had was back after I graduated from high school. I was working with her/him at a Wal-Mart store. We got along pretty good then we started to date, I was living on my own so we usually go to my apartment. I had no clue she had a cock, she was a very beautiful woman with size B tits. We dated for about a month when talk her into just taking her shirt off, after a while without her shirt off she finally took her bra off. I would make out with her and suck on her tits, lick her...

4 years ago
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The Trucker and The Tranny

The Truck Driver and the Tranny fiction by [email protected] This is a work of fiction for mature readers, containing explicit sexual acts which may be illegal in some backward parts of the world. If it's illegal where you're reading it, you should MOVE! If you're too young to be reading erotic and explicit sexual fiction, don't go any further. I was working as a truck driver, moving periodically to new areas of the country (mostly around my hometown of Nashville, TN) in...

2 years ago
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FUCKING MY FIRST TRANNYIn the early to mid 90's my wife and I were living in south central L.A. The wife wasn't necessarily a sexual creature nor was she very good at it. This lead me to a lot porn watching and going outside of the house for hot, kinky sex. She doesn't know I'm Bi and still doesn't to this day. I would frequent various adult bookstores to get/give blowjobs, handjobs and visit the occasional gloryhole to get my freak on. I would also travel up and down Figueroa or more commonly...

1 year ago
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Hotel Pool Tranny

As I headed toward the office, I could see the pool, and immediately thought about taking a swim after checking in. After getting my room key, I decided to cut through the pool area. It was a large pool for a hotel, there were plenty of chairs, and it looked very clean and inviting. Casually looking around, there were only a few people, and as I continued toward the other end where my room was, there was an attractive younger lady that caught my eye. She was laying on one of the loungers by...

2 years ago
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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 4 The Rakshasarsquos Heart

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I strode through the corridors of the Ziggurat, my men at my back, armed, armored. Death was in the air. The future promised blood and violence. My nipples were hard as my purple sari whisked against my thighs. Juices dribbled down my legs. My heart, my dear Lucy, marched at my side, naked and unashamed, her light-brown hair bouncing about her shoulders. She smelled excited, too. Eager. She was...

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Hasina The Naughty Bitch

Hasina lay stretched out on her bed wearing nothing but a yawn. It was a scorching hot summer day, not to mention boring. Hasina was wondering how in the world she was going to make it through a whole long, hot summer without a man.Hasina, a petite 20-year-old brunette, was home for the summer and separated from her boyfriend, Munna, who'd had to return to his own home town hundreds of miles away. Munna had given her plenty of steady loving over the past three months, and Hasina missed it...

1 year ago
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Computer Room Rendezvous With Hasina

I was working in a company in Hyderabad, in the company I was surrounded by people who were many years my senior, Then about 2 months ago, Hasina joined our company, I could scarcely believe my eyes. I was overjoyed that I would now have a beautiful, fresh, good looking girl of my own age working with us. My super active mind was full of fantasies involving her: blowjobs under my desk, quick fucks in the rest room, doggie-style humping and so on. Hasina is a knockout in the truest sense, she...

1 year ago
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Subhash Takes His Maid Anal

Dear Readers, this is the third story about an Indian man and his maid. The first story was about how an Indian man, managed to entice his maid to have sex with him. The second story was about how he fucked her the first time. Subhash was anxiously waiting on the third day for his maid Sushila to come for her work. He would glance at the clock, pace his room and again look up. The clock was showing 10:00 A.m. Sushila was already an hour late and Subhash was fuming inside. Two days had gone and...

3 years ago
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Subhash Does The Maid

The next day Subhash heard the door-bell ringing at 8-00 A.m. , he was surprised, because there was nobody expected and Sushila never came before 9-00. When he opened the door sure enough he saw it was Sushila standing there with a plastic bag in her hand.Subhash let her in, locked the door and asked her, “Does that bag contain the towel?” Sushila just smiled and nodded. Subhash asked her to make tea for him first. She went to the kitchen. It was a small flat, two bedrooms, a hall and a...

4 years ago
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The Rakshasas HeartChapter 3 The Rakshasarsquos Whip

Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this! Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith Queen Adroyna was dead. My grandmother. The longest-lived queen in Naith’s history. She had fended off assassination plots from aunts, from cousins, from sisters, and from her own daughters. She had drenched the Ziggurat in the blood of rakshasas to gain and maintain her clawed grasp on the queendom. And now she was dead. Of natural causes. Just thinking about it sent a horny wave of desire...

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Shashi Ko Uske Ghar Par Choda 8211 Part I

Hi friends kaise ho mai aapka raj fir se hazir hu aapke samne apni ek story ko lekar ummid hai aap pasand karenge or mujhe par mail zaroor karenge to mai aapko apni ek real story sunane ja raha hu jo meri or meri girlfriend ki saheli ki chudai ki kahani hai to dosto mai start karta hu ye story 3 mahine pahli hai mai sham ko ghar par baitha tha to mere mobile par ek call aaya call attend karte hi dusri taraf se ek meethi si aawaz aayi usne apna intro diya ki wo shashi bol rahi hai mai aapki gf...

3 years ago
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Aditi Ka Affair Shashank Ke Sath 8211 Part 1

Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story. Main aapko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi Jacob (24 years) ne uske college friend cum businessman Shashank Chopra ke sath apna extramarital affair shuru kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko new sex story batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri last sex story mein padha. Anamika ke sath mere Abu Dhabi based hotel ke personal suite mein sara din sex kiya. Uske baad hum dono raat mein dubai wapas...

1 year ago
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Aditi Ka Affair Shashank Ke Sath 8211 Part 2

Hello friends,main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek sex story. Iss part mein main aapko bataunga ki Aditi aur Shashank ne ek dusre ke sath kya kya kiya. Uss din Aditi ke iss decision ko sunkar main andar se tut gaya. Mere Aditi ko time nahi diya. Iski wajah se hi Shashank Aditi ko emotionally weak karke apne sath extramarital affair shuru karwane mein successful ho gaya. Fir Shashank ne Aditi ke chehre ko apne dono hatho se pakda aur apne hoth ko uske hoth par rakhkar...

4 years ago
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Mera Shashank Aur Anamika Ka Pehla Threesome 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra (27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Agle din subah 8 baje main apne ghar se nikla. 9 baje Anamika ke ghar ke gate par pahuncha jahan. Woh mera wait kar rahi thi. Anamika ne us din grey blazer, black full sleeve shirt inside, grey pant...

1 year ago
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Mera Shashank Aur Anamika Ka Pehla Threesome 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, main Vickey Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye ek nayi kahani. Ismein main aap logon ko bataunga ki kaise meri wife Aditi ke lover Shashank Chopra(27 years) aur maine (25 years) mere hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath Shashank ke ghar mein sex kiya. Toh bina time waste kiye aaiye main aap sabko apni kahani batata hoon. Aap logon ne meri kahani mein padha ki maine Anupriya ke sath usi ke ghar mein sex kiya tha. Aur din bhar sex karne ke bad hum...

1 year ago
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The Chastity BallThursday Chastitys Lesson

Thursday - Chastity's Lesson I was shocked when I came down to breakfast. Instead of reading the paper, daddy was watching my video on his iPad, pausing it over and over. But the real shock was mother. She was wearing an apron and high heels, and nothing else. She smiled and giggled when she saw me. The way her big tits bounced reminded me of Bubbles. "Good morning, honey," she said, looking at the dress I had picked out. "Don't you have anything shorter than that?" Who was this pod...

1 year ago
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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...

2 years ago
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The Son of Lust Chapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...

2 years ago
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Hasans Stag Do

If you have read some of my stories you will already know I am a convincing trans and that I love to meet Muslim men. This is a story that happened just over 3 years ago in Birmingham and I wanted to share it with you. I was on a well known swinging site one evening and got chatting to a Pakistani guy called Amit. He was 28, handsome and had a really beautiful brown cock and I already knew I wanted him. After a few messages he wrote, can you I request something of you? Of course I replied. He...

1 year ago
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Shasta and Erin lesbian video shoot

Erin sat on her sofa with her best friend Shasta and as usual the subject turned to their husbands.“My husband has always had this fantasy about watching me have sex with another woman” said Erin“I know what you mean” replied Shasta. Mine has said the same thing about me”Both women laughed, this topic of conversation had come up many times before. “I have an idea” said Erin “lets make a video of us in our underwear….a few sexy poses should put a stop to their going on all the time to see us...

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My Neighbor Shashi

My name is crash. I was a teen when my neighbors from the same country as I am moved in. She had her first son. And in a few months we got to know them very well and we became family friends. When ever we or they had family gatherings they always invited me. And the heroine of the story always treated me like her son. Her name is Shashi (short form of her name) she is 24 and has a body similar to kelly brook (Hollywood actress. please google for more erotic-ness). Her boobs are very similar to...

2 years ago
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Agent Chase Agent Chastity Chapter One The Ground Below

Agent Chase, Agent Chastity CHAPTER ONE: The Ground Below By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1 In the not too distant future ... AGENT CHASE BINGHAM Chase examined his shoes. They had not been shined in at least a couple of days. This would never do, he decided. He detoured from his brisk walk down the hall into one of the few restrooms open to the public. Grabbing a quick handful of toilet paper, and throwing his feet one at a time onto the sink, he buffed vigorously at the...

1 year ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

3 years ago
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Agent Chase Agent Chastity Chapter 2 The Sky Above

Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 4

Cockatoo Part 4 Return From Bangkok It was late afternoon by the time my flight left Bangkok and dusk began to fall about halfway back to Koh Samui. Lights from the fishing boats in the Gulf of Thailand began to glitter like tiny jewels in the gathering darkness. I could make out the dark shape of Koh Tao, and I shivered at the memory of what had happened down there only a few weeks ago. How close I had come to death in the cold, dark water, and how, given a second chance at life, I was...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 4

Cockatoo Part 4Return From BangkokIt was late afternoon by the time my flight left Bangkok and dusk beganto fall about halfway back to Koh Samui. Lights from the fishing boatsin the Gulf of Thailand began to glitter like tiny jewels in thegathering darkness. I could make out the dark shape of Koh Tao, and Ishivered at the memory of what had happened down there only a few weeksago. How close I had come to death in the cold, dark water, and how,given a second chance at life, I was determined to...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 19

Cockatoo Part 19 I live for feedback [email protected] We finished dinner in the restaurant, then walked upstairs to the flat and sat out on the terrace, drinking and talking about what our next steps should be in the plan to launch the new club. We threw around ideas for possible names, some better than others, and we provisionally settled on Cockatoo Cabaret as a tie in with the bar. I also mentioned that when I had googled Koh Samui Blue, I discovered there were barely...

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