Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above free porn video

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Agent Chase, Agent Chastity Chapter 2: The Sky Above ? by: Diana Heche Part 1 - BASE COMMANDER KASKE It was the endless piles of the paper work, more than even being stuck on this rock floating in the nothingness of space, which got under the skin of the Base Commander. While his contemporaries were still on active duty fighting in Mexico and the Middle East for the real army, he was working as a glorified policeman for an energy company. The kind of job that washed up alcoholic officers landed in, not people who were at the top of their skills when they left the service. But while the Base Commander may have been at the top of his skills when he left, he was by no stretch at the top of his reputation. The Vistadome Energy and Mining Concern convinced him a man who left military service with a, as they downplayed it so politely, bit of a mark on his record, could still do big things in space. 'Big things in space' was well acknowledged code for doing the same mundane jobs as always, but taking place in the great final frontier. But Vistadome, as Kaske quickly found out, and the mining companies in general for that matter, had far greater ambitions than just digging up rocks and hauling around energy, far greater ambitions. Commander Kaske pushed his rolling chair away from his desk to look out of the large window like port. In the lower gravity atmosphere, it slid across the distance of the room almost effortlessly. Kaske, glance upward. A small shiny object could be seen glimmering in the distant sky, while the untrained eye may not be able to discern what that object was, Bernard Kaske knew it to be a cargo ship slowly circling in for landing. He checked his watch, it wasn't time for a shipment of crawler equipment, so the Katoeys must arriving several days early. "Katoeys," the Commander grumbled aloud, then repeating for emphasis and disgust, "Katoeys." Commander Kaske had an uneasy relationship with these half-men, half- women the company thrust upon him. If he had his way, they would never step foot on his rock at all. But the Commander was not a stupid man, and he could read the statistics as well as anyone else: bases with these ... shemales ... had better discipline records, lower number suicides, higher rate of income returned to the companies coffers, and most importantly, higher production rates. They were all part of the great distraction used to keep these mining rock-monkeys happy while digging and hauling. So, as the Company dictated he would, he treated them well. And very rarely, when the distance and time away from earth got to be too much, he would bring one back to his quarters and whet his whistle. But it was an unpleasant, necessary evil born of needs too strong to resist, created by creatures, who while not having the plumbing of women, could easily pass as ones nevertheless. But he was not like the miners and civilian employees, or even some of his officers, who reveled in it and whined and dined these women as if they were they were not man made. But the Katoeys were just an inconvenience. Commander Kaske and his mining outfit were on to bigger, greater things. Things that the distraction of wine and fake women were not going to ruin. ***** A growing awareness crept into Chase Bingham's cognizance that he had been sleeping but could not wake up. This realization slid into his dreaming mind slowly, over time, when his conscious mind finally became alert to the fact that it had been out of control for far too long. After a time, the same voice, which told him he was dreaming, made him believe he was sleeping his life away in a coma, and consciousness would never again come. But consciousness did come ... slowly, jerkily, and with the great sensation of cold. But it was not only the physical sensation of cold he felt, but the mental sensation that something was not right. He ran his hands over his half frozen naked body, as much to warm himself as in the exploratory confirmation that his body felt odd. Although his eyes were still not able to focus, his hands traveled over large mounds that should not exist, and curves that possibly couldn't. Even to his near frozen near unfeeling hands, he could feel the body of a woman to his touch. Yet, his male genitalia seem to be intact, if not shocked into submission from the temperature. His mind fought with the contradiction as his brain sluggishly came into focus. "Surgery," he croaked out in realization, his voice was weak and raspy. "Surgery," he repeated again remembering the long series of operations to turn him from a lean young man into a near perfect facsimile of the female form, but not remembering why. Chase could not yet see, but a voice, male and deep responded to what he obviously thought was an inquiry, "Hold still there ma'am, we'll give you a complete physical and determine if there's anything's wrong. You're just feeling the after effects of twenty-one months of cold stasis hibernation. You may need a hot cup of coffee, but I doubt you'll be requiring surgery." Cold stasis hibernation! Suspended animation. He was, for some reason in space. He was about to inquire about this when somewhere in his head, a clear voice of reason told him to hold his tongue as he had been trained to. Trained to? He asked himself silently, 'trained to do what'? He wrestled with this as all around him he could hear the sounds of slowly awakening, puzzled, people also coming out of stasis slumber. His vision came languidly into focus, and he found himself staring at the top of now open stasis pod, and above that, the gray steel of the inside of a cargo hull. And, as his body began to warm seemingly in time with his brain, the circumstance dawned on him. He was Agent Chase Bingham, on a deep cover covert mission to the mining colonies to collect information on the activities of the energy/mining companies. The Agency believed they were up to something much more insidious than the mere flaunting of environmental and corporate law that they usually did, and Chase needed to find out what. And to do so, he assumed the identity of the t-girl 'Chastity'. Sitting up slowly, he was handed a body length, heating blanket by the man sporting a blue Vistadome Energy and Mining Concern jacket, "You may want to cover yourself up," the Company man said. Chase looked across the ten stasis pods and saw Courtney, the t-girl he flew up with, looking disoriented and cold. She seemed to shiver harder than the others. There were Vistadome employees handing out jackets and checking the stasis pod equipment. Each Katoey was brought to their feet with the help of the Company men. They were walked around until their legs, still shaky from stasis, came back to life. The t-girls were led out of the ship and taken by land rover shuttles to a medical facility where they were thoroughly checked out. One woman, who apparently was nursing the start of the flu, was told she would be detained in the medical ward for at least ten days until she was germ free. In a place like this, the doctor explained, even the most common of flus could destroy productivity. And, as they would all soon learn, productivity was the single most important watch word of this rock. After the med-check, they were lead into a small housing compound, set aside from the other three sections of the enclosed living portion of the mining facility; the miner's compound, the company employee's compound, and the main annex, or 'town' as they would later learn it to be called, by a long four hundred meter tube leading to their own plastic dome. As they walked into the tube, Chase stopped and took in his surroundings. Looking upward through the clear plastic the view was spectacular. He was at a loss for words to describe the sheer intense beauty, and sheer awesomeness of it all. Seemingly every star in the sky shone brightly, far more than were ever seen on earth, and each looked so near he felt he could reach up and touch it. The surface of whatever moon it was they were on, was vast and amazing in its peacefulness and strange grandeur. The entire scene was breath taking and made Chase feel very small in the whole of it. He was not a religious man by any means, but he understood how those who saw the stars thousands of years ago this clearly could be. No matter what became of this mission, he decided, the marvel of this moment alone made it worth it. Gauging the awe struck faces of those around him, some weeping with the sheer power of the spectacle, he knew he was not the only one. The agent absorbed the heavens for a moment longer before getting back to work. Looking around, he noted tube's construction meant that it would be quite easy to shut off the environmental controls, air and heat, to their living compound without affecting the others. If he did not have an environmental suit in his cabin already, he would have to figure out a way to get one, even if he had to steal it and keep it hidden. He looked across the landscape at the other compounds. Doing a quick estimation, assuming all rooms in their area were the same size as his, he figured there were a staggering four dozen Katoeys on this rock, perhaps six hundred miners, and seventy-five Company employees. In this type of all male slave driving environment, the few Company men who were here, would have to be very heavily armed. Or there was a strong military-police presence. Maybe both. In a place where anything could be blamed on a mining accident, Chase thought it was best to assume serious missteps got one killed around here. Because of the numbers on this colony, Chase posing as Chastity would be able to move about with ease without being completely missed from any given situation. This would make it easier for him to take a good look around when the opportunity avail itself. But as one of just fifty or so Katoey receiving the attention of a little less than seven hundred men, he would not be able to remain completely anonymous, so he needed to be careful. Chase pondered the reason for the fourteen to one ratio, twelve to one not counting the Company men, and could see one. But he assured himself, that doesn't mean one wasn't there. After unloading their suitcases, they were escorted to an open common space in the middle of the living compound for their initiation and briefing. Chase was vaguely amused that the series of events after leaving the cargo ship, was not greatly different than his first day at the Agency ... high heels and skirts aside. ***** The briefing itself was as surprisingly mundane as the person giving it was not. Rules and regulations of the rock, what to do in various emergencies, which areas were restricted and which were not, was the majority of the information covered. The nine of them, ten when the stray Katoey came out of medical quarantine, were 'assigned' to her placing her in the role of a bizarre den mother. Each one of them, they were told, would start off as cigarette girls, waitresses and coat checkers working in the club, the 'easy lifting jobs', as she called it. Chase wondered silently about coat checking in a sealed world which was kept at a perfect seventy-two degrees year round, but he was sure they had their reasons. Each girl would learn all of the many Katoey jobs on the rock, bartending, including dancing and entertaining, so that on any given night they could rotate for 'variety'. There were only a limited numbers of girls working any particular night, so the others were required to hang around in the club and other 'entertainment zones', for general ambiance. Violating these rules lead to an unspecified punishment. Unspecified, in Chase's vocabulary, meant 'severe'. Unlike miners, Katoeys were allowed to travel to other rocks, but not until they had been here for eight weeks. And then, they were only allowed to go some place within one week's journey, for less than one week's stay, and only in a direct exchange for other girls. Meaning six could only leave a rock if six were coming on. This kept balance, while creating more of this variety, it also allowed them to ship Katoeys to a different rock if unspecified 'relationship' problems, with miners, or other girls, developed. Vistadome had arrangements with many other mining companies, so exchanges did not create a problem. After a time, Chase would have to quietly determine if Univore, the company the Agency set up as a front, were one of those companies within the arrangement. During the break in the briefing, while the others were getting coffee and snacks, Chase remained seated and allowed his mind to work over the information he gathered so far. From space, he determined, the main area Vistadome mining colony would look like one huge dome in the center, with five tubes leading to significantly smaller domes, a strange starfish of sorts. Three of the domes were the living compounds he had taken in earlier, the fourth was the medical compound and food facility center. The last dome was the industrial area, used to shuttle workers back and forth to the mining sites and others back and forth from the launch site. This was where the Katoeys were brought in from the cargo ship, and probably the only non-emergency exit from the dome to the outside world. This, Chase determined, presented problems. All means of traffic, to the mining sites and otherwise, was controlled by a single point. He would be hard pressed to take a look around outside or even check out the launch and mining sites more carefully. Obviously, a problem he would have to work on. After the briefing they were told to disperse back to their rooms to settle in, rest and prepare for the night. Chase found the concept of being told to rest after coming out of nearly two years in frozen stasis just hours ago, to be quite amusing, but could use the time to organize his mind. There were no room assignments, when they had first arrived they just threw their bags into the first room available, but Chase made sure his was near Courtney. He was a bit concerned about her as she was looking extremely displaced and out of sorts since landing. He knew it was a mistake to ever allow oneself to feel any sort of emotion, even that of concern, about any individual while in op mode. One of the many Agency mantra was 'emotion clouds judgment'. But in this particular case, Chase didn't see it this way. He reasoned that Chastity would be able to elicit for more information in tandem with a vivacious, aware, if not wholly unknowing, Courtney. And he needed her as a means of further learning, and mimicking, Katoey behavior. Having a chance to take a good look at his room, his was more comfortable than he had anticipated. It was almost strictly functional, granted, but it was far larger than he would have guessed. It housed a small, but practical kitchen, a small dining area, and a separate tiny bedroom. As a reminder of what role he was locked into, Chase noted the bedroom had large closets on each of the three walls not connected to the door. He could house an entire 'traveling companies' theater costumes, there was so much space in there. "Competitive vanity," he said to himself aloud, "closets of this size, and the need for that many clothes, speak to an very active and competitive vanity between the girls." He wondered where in the world such large wardrobe's could possibly come from. He was certain that, like all that puzzled him at this moment, would be made clear. ***** The main annex was even more surprising than the rooms. It was, considering the size of this rock, absolutely huge. Upon arrival from the cargo ship, the Katoeys had been lead around the large outer rim corridors of the annex to get to their living compound, but had not had a chance to look into the heart of the main dome. It was made up of concentric circles, each ring having shops, cafeterias, movie theaters, restaurants, small patches of grass serving as parks, meeting halls, all surrounding one monstrously sized club; a size rivaling anything that could be found in Los Angeles or New York. Chase realized that an annex built entirely around a club as its heart, spoke volumes to the importance of that facility in this rock's life. The interior was set up to resemble an old, up scale club from the middle of the twentieth century. Chase figured, in their day, the likes of Count Basey or Judy Garland would be comfortable performing here. Scores of tables and booths surrounded a decent sized stage situated in the middle of the floor. The entire room was far more well lit than any counterpart on earth would be. If this were not an establishment centered squarely in the middle of a mining rock full of hardened miners, people escaping legal and economic woes of earth, and men surgically altered in all ways but one to be women, one would call this place 'classy'. But their were certain elements of this 'classy' feel, that made Chase exceedingly uncomfortable. Namely, his cigarette girl uniform, it was like nothing he had donned so far, and extremely intimidating, almost to the point of vulnerability, which Chase was certain was the intent. Being Chastity while on earth was a far less daunting task. Chastity dressed discreetly, went to the t-girl clubs with Courtney, expelled sharply and quickly all advances of the 'tranny cruisers', and went right back home to bed. During the daytime, Chastity hung out with the other Katoeys and avoided the mainstream population nearly the entire time, and with it the looks and advances of men. During the time Chase as Chastity spent with the Katoeys, 'she' was in jeans and a sweatshirt and very low key. For over time, Chase had grown accustomed his surgically altered body as Chastity, and was able to play the role on the surface, but had not fully submerged into it psychologically. He didn't need to, as he could go home every night and just view himself as a very altered looking, but essentially the same, male. As he was able to do through years of Agency training, he blocked the things from his mind he found distracting, and the fact that to the entire world he looked like a desirable woman, was quite distracting, if not somewhat unbalancing to his sanity. But now, standing here, it was impossible avoid. The one piece uniform he was given to wear exposed all of Chastity's 'assets'. It rode thinly and tightly in the back, exposing nearly the entirety of his butt cheeks, and had an extremely low cut boustier in the front. His ample globes were practically spilling outward, and the very act of wearing it required constant pulling of the bra cups so he didn't do just that. He was required to wear nylons, something he did an a very rare occasion before this moment, and this shaping pair just emphasized the over all femininity of his appearance, and as is the way with anything Katoey, the entire outfit was complimented by an impractical pair of very high heels. This garb reminded him of far less modest version of the Playboy Bunny outfits he had seen picture of from their apex in the nineteen sixties. As he looked down across his inflated cleavage, to his long lean legs and those exceptionally tall heels, he sighed deeply. His body was one of a decidedly shapely female form. Chase's brow furrowed as he fought to come to terms with another fact that he had put off. This mining colony was a fairly secured and locked down facility. He may not be able to do this mission purely through regular means of observation and confidence gaining. He may have to take a step more. He looked over to the bar where Courtney stood behind it, training for quite a while considering all she was asked to do tonight was the simple task of taking the drink from a bartender's hand and running it to the customer. Before leaving earth, it was known to Chase that Courtney supplemented her income by sleeping with random men who would pay. From observing it quietly from afar, he knew that it was dirty, humiliating, and soul stealing business. Not something Chase could enter into lightly, even for the sake of a mission, and in the past he could bring himself to do anything for a mission. With no humor whatsoever Chase said to himself, "It would have been so much easier if the Agency ask me to take a bullet." Chase shook this thought off and chastised himself. He needed to focus and observe, he didn't have time to feel sorry for himself. He was, after all, a member of the Agency. The instructions for the cigarette girls were simple, but purposely vague. They were to walk around the room, and 'be generally friendly and entertain' the miners in addition to selling their tobacco products. If in doubt as to the code of behavior, watch or talk to one of the other experienced cigarette girls who would be mixed in with the new group. Judging from the looks of the girls that were picked from his group, and that of the experienced girls who filed in later wearing the same costume, this was the position used to circulate the new 'desirable' women around the room. Chase quickly calculated, based on the maximum capacity of the club, and the number of Katoeys dressed as he was, that there was far more product being carried around on their trays than could be consumed. Even with the notoriously large appetite of the miners, the girls would have to make a very concerted effort to dent the tobacco and candy the girls were hauling. There would be, Chase decided, quite a bit of time not selling anything and quite a bit of time 'being generally friendly'. Chase's suspicions proved correct. The club began filling quickly and by seven-thirty the club was nearly three quarters full. Since it was their first night the girls dined in the club which was actually quite good, and easily very expensive. This was a one time shot, however. In the future they would go back to their living quarters and return at six. And judging from the quality and presumed price of the food, Chase doubted many miner's chose this route to fill their belly. From the looks of how quickly the club filled, Chase assumed that these men went from the mines to a meal and straight to their alcohol. Although the Katoeys were positioned and ready, the miners, oddly, didn't deal with them straight away. Their immediate concern was filling their glass with drink. Judging from the expert way they threw back the alcohol, these were not men who would need a dose of Oxidizers, a pill which burned off alcohol when one slept to eliminate morning hangovers or drunkenness, to hold their liquor. That said, it could probably be assumed the Company required they take them in line with the watch word of not slowing 'productivity' in the morning. After about an hour, the drinking slowed, and the atmosphere of the Room changed. Lubricated with enough alcohol to play make believe, the men began calling for the cigarette girls and flirting with the bartenders and barkeeps. Watching the behavior of the more experienced cigarette girls, as was suggested, Chase noted that a great deal of their job seemed to involve sitting on laps and quite playfully flirting. In tune with the extreme retro-atmosphere of the club, much of what Chase heard could have come directly from an old Twentieth Century movie. 'Boys, boys, relax, there's enough of me for everyone' seemed to be typical comment, usually met with roars of laughter. Adding to this displaced sense of time, in an era where RockRage and Thump-rap was the overwhelming popular music of choice, jazz and big band swing was coming from the speakers. Everything is designed, Chase decided, to be just a little unreal. It Adds to the over all sense of illusion, which helps the girls, and the sense of something special and unusual, which makes it something to look forward to with the miners. How many years of psych-studies went into creating this place, Chase wondered? "Hey you, blondie with the rack. Sell a man a candy bar?" Chase had been moving around the room slowly, getting a feel for the atmosphere in the room, and sizing up the miners, seeing if anyone looked out of place in this setting. He had moved in such a manner, while not obvious, so that it was difficult for a single person to lock onto his attention. But it was impossible for someone who was as determined as this miner, who had been watching him circle for sometime, from hailing Chastity if he chose to. As he approached the miner, Chase thought to himself: 1950's film Actress bravado. With humor and flirtatiousness, Chase went into complete Chastity mode with a healthy mix of Rosalind Russel. It was as though he was splitting his personality into two distinct people. "Hey rock breaker, you can call me Chastity. And I hope when you're talking about a lady's rack, you're talking about the one hanging around her neck," Chastity said referring to the tray, "and not the one under it." He laughed, as they all did at his table. It was a very enlivened boisterous crowd for a twelve hour shift in the mines. The Chase portion of his brain made a mental note to see if there were drugs involved, and if the Company was the distributor. Chastity bent forward so a full shot of cleavage was clearly visible. The now suppressed Chase in her, shuddered, "Why don't you make a little room on that lap of yours while I figure out if I'm even going to sell you a candy bar after an intro like that." Again, the near manic intense laughter was there. At that moment, Chase went into a further, and complete, moment of Mental disconnect. He felt like he was watching Chastity lower herself onto the miner's lap while he, somehow, floated above it. **** Courtney had watched as the leggy, younger, and prettier girls were Handed the cigarette trays, and she, and what Courtney determined to be the 'lesser lights', were stuck behind the bar or the in the coat check. But as the club began to fill, and the retro swing music emanated from The speakers, none of that seemed to matter, and the depressive funk she had felt since arriving on this rock began to lift. No matter how the people who assigned her to this position may have felt about her, the look in these miner's eyes told her all she needed to know. It was not the look of strange and guilty lust that she had grown accustomed to with her johns and off kilter admirers back on earth, but the expression of just being glad to lay their eyes on something which they found attractive. No wonder the Katoeys love it up here. The bar was far busier than she anticipated, and she had to actually work fairly hard to swing drinks back and forth from the bartender to the customers waiting. And these miners, she noted, really drank. Even in this day and age of cheap hangover and anti-drunk wake up medicine, she couldn't see how they did that. Profelinaid, most likely, she decided as she watched them laugh and cavort about with much gusto. She knew the signs as she did with all drugs, which floated freely in her world. Profelinaid would allow them to drink this hard at night, and most likely, work themselves past the limits of exhaustion if they were taking it during the day. This drug will kill you. She wondered idly, how many of these miners were abusing the drug and dying out there on that moon. She brushed the thought away. That was not her concern. What was her concern, was how nicely this young man in front of her watched her move when he thought she wasn't looking. "I'm going to like this place," she aloud, drowned out by the volume of the music. She looked to see if she could find Chastity. To her great surprise, she was sitting in the lap of a miner, occasionally running her hand through his hair. That was not like Chastity, at all. She stopped for a moment to take in this surreal scene. Courtney had felt, despite the utterly fantastic surgery, which made Chastity look more like a beautiful girl than many girls, that there was something missing in her. With 'real girls', looks are handed to them by the crap shoot of the genetic lottery. And even in with these girls, many of them find looks, in certain situations, to get in the way. Intelligence may be overlooked in a beautiful women, or leadership qualities not clearly seen. But with Katoeys, it was different. They were created from basically scratch, chipped away from a completely different slab of marble, as it were. And because of this, they showed it off like one would any other artwork borne of hard labor. But Chastity was not that way. She seemed uncomfortable with her looks, and her femininity over all. Very strange for someone who chose this life of her own accord, There was something different about that one. Courtney snapped herself out of her momentary musings, and got back to work. She had barely slung a couple of drinks, when she could feel a ... pause ... in the room. Although no one looked up, conversation didn't dip in volume, and the swing music blared, there was a sudden and noted distraction. The cause in the interruption was easily spotted. A man, in a military uniform more reminiscent of the fascist states of the twentieth century than the more corporate suited nations of today, had entered. He oozed both silent menace yet untold discipline, and without knowing a thing about rank, Courtney knew he ran this entire show. The military man stopped and surveyed the room. It was obvious, that despite the power emanating from him, he was not entirely comfortable with the scene. After taking in the room for quite some moments, he walked over to the Katoey 'den mother' running the floor, and whispered into here ear. Executing a turn indicative of his training, he spun and disappeared through the door as efficiently as he had entered. Courtney watched with intense interest as the Katoey in charge of the shift made her way to Chastity, who was now moving in a circular fashion around the floor. The floor manager whispered in her ear for nearly five minutes, undoubtedly laying out whatever it was she needed to tell her in exact detail. Chastity smiled the entire time, but Courtney could see her body stiffen slightly. Courtney observed over her passing of drinks, that the floor manager removed Chastity cigarette carrier, and smoothed her uniform. A moment later, Chastity walked out of the club doors. **** There was a distinct difference in feel between the more open sections Of the mining colony, and the area which Chase entered now. The plastic was thicker, designed to withstand more stress, and there were guards posted on both sides of the long tunnel periodically. Chase assumed, as this area was generally restricted to the Katoeys, that he would have to do some uncomfortable explaining to these sentries. They, however, stood rigid and didn't even indicate his presence. They obviously had been informed he was coming. Chase entered the living area, and knocked on the door of the living quarters which were, quite obviously, much larger than his own. The door swung open immediately. Sitting across the room, casually watching digi-disks of some film chase didn't recognize, was the Commandant of the mining colony. Although he did not introduce himself, Chase knew who this man was. Everyone, who had any access to military files knew of the infamous Bernard Kaske, a man who escaped the stigma of war criminal by simply always being on the victorious side. Chase took a deep breath, and using the feminine voice he had cultivated through his training asked, "You wanted to see me Commandant?" "Yes I did young ... lady. I don't usually do this, but it's time." Time. Chase wasn't absolutely sure what this meant, but he could guess. Time. He looked around the Base Commanders lavish apartment. The monitor screen in the room just beyond Chase sight told him this man, even when indulging in pleasure, was not far from the job. He was possibly the only person who had unfettered access to everything. He was the person Chase needed to milk for information for his mission to yield results. Chase steeled himself mentally. Disguising the great disgust he felt, he said as coquettishly as he could, "Well Mr. Base Commander, I hope I can help you with this 'time'." "Oh, you will. Now let's not burden me with unneeded niceties. I am a busy man. Get undressed, and get on your knees." There was no way Chase was going to allow this to happen. Even as he reached slowly to remove his top, his mind raced forward to a way out. [to be continued] ---

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Chastity Belt Roulette

Chastity Belt Roulette Chapter One In a small town in New Jersey a small group of husbands andwives meets each weekend for a very special evening. The purpose ofthe evening is for the husbands to provide total, complete andabsolute service to the wives in any manner they see fit, while thehusbands compete for a chance at Chastity Belt Roulette. You see, eachhusband is locked into a very secure and non-removable chastity belt,which can only be unlocked with the proper...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 12

Agent 1 had gone to his office after the short interview with Sylvia. He didn't want to call it an interrogation, because it had been very civilized this time, and he hoped it could stay like this. He was sitting behind his desk and the first thing he did, was sending Agent 8 an E-mail with information about Sofia that he had received from Sylvia. He wrote her that Sofia could maybe have said that she had done a crime during her polygraph, because she had stolen a perfume bottle not so long...

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Chastity Device

Synopsis: My wife puts me in a chastity device.Chapter 1My wife of 10 years likes to tie me down to the bed and play-torture me with different whips, a paddle to my butt, and that sort of thing. It isn’t that painful and gets her ready for our weekly sex. One time she tried a clothespin on my nipple but that hurt like hell and I immediately screamed the safe word so she took it off. I don’t mind this playtime because without it we’d have even less sex. Weekly isn’t enough for me so I masturbate...

4 years ago
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Nates Chastity

After a little encouragement, Nate's soon to be wife, Sophie, agreed to be his key holder on the condition that it would be on her terms - 'well fine, that's kind of the point' he thought. However, he did not anticipate how extreme she'd take things. Day 0, the day Nate first put on a chastity device: This evening (Friday: Day 0) was scheduled to be Nate's first time ever in chastity, something he'd waited a long time for. Sophie had ordered the chastity device she wanted him to wear...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 18

Agent 4 and his assistant had found what they had been looking for. It was one of those electric devices that they sometimes used to torture their suspects with. The device had several voltage settings, but it only had a very low current. This way, they could give the suspects a non-lethal electric jolt to their system. Sure, there was always some danger involved with using electricity this way, but if it was applied to a healthy person, the risk was almost none existing. Petra could see how...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Chastity Fantasies

In this story, I find myself immersed in a tumultuous world, shrouded under the shadow of a green hat. This sparks profound reflections on love, betrayal, and personal growth. Embarking on a journey to uncover genuine desires, I am compelled to reevaluate my values and confront pivotal twists of fate. At the intersection of morality and desire, I confront the challenge of seeking happiness. This narrative delves deep into my inner self, revealing how I bravely face the power of hidden truths...

3 years ago
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Introduction to Chastity

Introduction to ChastityCarla and I had been dating for about three months. She was unlike anyother girl I had ever known. Where most girls are rather passive andsubmissive around men, Carla was just the opposite. She wanted to be incontrol of things. She was aggressive and dominant, and she insisted Iassume the opposite role. At first I was resistant, thinking somehow mymale pride was at stake, but the sex with her was so good that Isuppressed my normal male instincts and went along with...

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Introduction to Chastity

Introduction to Chastity Carla and I had been dating for about three months. She was unlike any other girl I had ever known. Where most girls are rather passive and submissive around men, Carla was just the opposite. She wanted to be in control of things. She was aggressive and dominant, and she insisted I assume the opposite role. At first I was resistant, thinking somehow my male pride was at stake, but the sex with her was so good that I suppressed my normal male instincts and...

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The Chastity Cube

THE CHASTITY CUBEF.X. Copeland came to the Deliosse’s front door, lugging the massive box, and pressed the doorbell. A moment later, Santiva Deliosse answered. ?Oh, good, Cope, you’re here. That’s the Zero-Wave??Cope nodded. ?Yep, Miz Deliosse. Works like a microwave, but in reverse. It’s an innerustin’ invention of mine.? Cope lugged the box into the house. It was a big black steel thing, with a hole in the middle.?I am so thrilled!? Santiva said admiringly. ?Fremont, you’ve got to get in...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 10

"Maggots, that was it for you four," the drillmaster said. "Some of you have done better than expected and some of you ... well ... have still a lot to learn!" When he said this last part, he was looking at Sofia and Sabina. When both of them saw how the people around them looked at them, they just couldn't hide their shame, and they started to blush. "Men," the drillmaster said to those four soldiers that had been accompanying them the whole time. "You better take those maggots to...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 22

Agent 1 was awakened by someone knocking on the door. He lifted his head and looked at the clock next to his bed. He grunted when he saw that it was only barely past five o'clock in the morning. He didn't care for getting out of bed yet. So, he pulled on the cord, that was hanging down on the wall behind the back board of his bed, to switch the lights on. He waited on his eyes to adjust to the light and then shouted in the direction of the open door of his bedroom, "YES!" He could hear...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 23

Petra was awakened by the sounds of people rushing into her room. Before she had time to react on it, those men already had grabbed her and pulled her away from her bed. A sudden rush of fear went through her body, and she started to struggle with them. However, they were with too many, and she was dragged away by them. Once Petra was out of the corridor, two other guards went into the room of Sofia. Agent 8's assistant kept on standing at the door. The guards gently awakened a startled...

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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 8

Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 08bychastity_sissy©"So, that is what you fantasize about? Having my hot boyfriend and me making you our little sissy bitch? Pathetic," my Ex said flipping through the pages of the story I had submitted to her, while I worshipped her sweaty pantyhosed feet per our already established agreement.I still couldn't believe an Ex of mine was actually a hot Hooters girl. Being one with a small, tiny, thing for uniforms, I couldn't believe I had let this one slip...

4 years ago
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College Celebrations Chastity

“Double booked” said Chastity…. and for such tricky political double-speaker fuckers, they were unsure in the presence of sassy seeping sexuality. It only took one finger curling through her hair, two eyes flirting and three zips down and...Chastity was enjoying a puff on one of Bernard’s fags she had nicked recently. She was in the dorm ablutions, no smoke detectors. It was early, no one else was up. She needed a calming fag before her big day began. Multiple Awards to collect in the morning...

2 years ago
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The Chastity Pledge

THE CHASTITY PLEDGE by Throne It started out simply enough. Tommy got engaged to Fiona and she said she felt strongly about them taking a chastity pledge that would last until they were wed. He didn't like the idea. It wouldn't be easy to be around such a gloriously sexy female and not be able to consumate the desire she provoked. On the other hand, he didn't want to lose her. It was highly unlikely (read 'next to impossible') that he, a short, unimpressive guy with a soft body,...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 3

Just before dawn, a group of people were gathering in a meeting room inside the main building of this military base. Most of them only knew that it was for a very urgent job. There was one long table in the room, three people were sitting on one side of it while another person was sitting to the left and at the head of the table. This last person was the team leader. They were all facing a wall with four big television screens on it. Each screen showed a side of the area around their...

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Agent Baker A Homecoming Of Sorts Chapters 14

Chapter OneThe ruggedly handsome and physically fit six-foot-four man was celebrating a little too much at the bar. Really, he had been drinking since three that afternoon. Between the misery and the birthday, he had enough reasons that night. He met a little red-haired gal with a nice pair of tits and a curvy ass. They had been dancing and rubbing on each other for about an hour, her nipples pushing through her tee shirt and his hard dick pressing against his jeans.He whispered, “Let’s get out...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 15

While Sofia was having a nice massage from Agent 8, Sylvia was slowly waking up in her own room. She was still having erotic dreams and in her dream, she was now back in her hotel room in Brazil, enjoying the soft caressing hands of that woman she had picked up in a club. Those nice hands had been going all over her body and one of those delicate hands was now at her right breast, playing with her nipple, while the other hand, and especially those playful fingers, were bringing her to her...

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Roses Video chapter 13 Chase Is One Lucky Bastard

"Chase, you just had sex with your daughter, you may look at me and my hot daughter too," I heard Lil point out before I felt her hands on mine. "We don't mind if you look at us, Chase. I'm pretty sure your daughter and wife here will love it, and their slits may get wetter." I took a deep breath and slowly turned her way. "Wow, you do have a great body, Lil. I just never thought I'd see it," I commended her, checking her out. "And don't forget about me, Chase," Maria...

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Chastity Trapped

CHASTITY TRAPPED by Throne My wife Dina was checking to make sure I'd picked up all the items she had requested from the local market earlier. She was happy with the snacks and desserts, and what I'd gotten at their deli. But she stopped and scrutinized the fancy cheeses I had bought. I stood there, still in my street clothes. To get a head start on preparations, as soon as I got home I had put a touch of blush on my cheeks and a hint of shade on my eyelids. She gave me a critical...

3 years ago
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The Chastity Trap

Samantha looked at her computer screen and smirked. "Looks like we have a live one here," she quipped. Rachel leaned over her shoulder nuzzling her ear as she did. "Local as well.....perfect......." she crooned. "Quite the wimp, perfect for our new maid," she crooned as she kisses Sam's neck. Rachel's hand snaked around and caresses Sam's pert breasts through her T-shirt making the nipple strain against the material. Rachel noticed this, reaching further forward to tweak it...

2 years ago
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Roses Video chapter 13 Chase Is One Lucky Bastard

As happy as I already was, I cheesed and turned to the doorway. "Holy shit, Maria and Lil, why are you both naked?" I questioned, putting my hand up and looking away."Chase, you just had sex with your daughter, you may look at me and my hot daughter too," I heard Lil point out before I felt her hands on mine. "We don't mind if you look at us, Chase. I'm pretty sure your daughter and wife here will love it, and their slits may get wetter."I took a deep breath and slowly turned her way. "Wow, you...

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AGENT BURNED The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 3

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)AGENT BURNEDThe Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 3 CHAPTER 1 The ballroom was crowded and brightly lit filled with the sounds of laughter and multi lingual conversations. Suzzanne Midsummer...

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On the day of Chastity’s birthday she snuck out of the house just before dawn to ride her horse Winchester. She put his bridle on and took off. She needed to clear her head and figure out what to do next. For she knew her parents were going to choose a man for her to marry. Riding Winchester always made her feel better, the wind through her hair always made her nipples hard; And the gentle rubbing of her clit on the bare back of a horse always made her forget for a bit, who she was and what was...

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If you are not of a proper age, don't read this. Keywords Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity Belt Categories Bondage Femdom Synopsis Jay and Janet were happily married until Jay.... Chastity By Janet Baker I'm twenty five, so is my husband. We met in college, married after graduation. I started to work, my husband Jay went on for his Phd in software operating system design subsequently starting to work in a neighboring city. His credentials and his...

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Keywords     Use of Sex Toys High Heels Chastity BeltCategories    Bondage  FemdomSynopsis Jay and Janet were happily married until Jay?.                        Chastity                        By Janet BakerI?m twenty five, so is my husband. We met in college, married after graduation. I started to work, my husband Jay went on for his Phd in software operating system design subsequently starting to work in a neighboring city. His credentials and his drive moved him up in salary and gained the...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 25

Sabina's nanobots had sent the 'all clear' signal to the computer and not much later, Sabina was being lifted out of the healing tank. While still hanging down on the straps around her shoulders, they dried her body off with towels and removed all sensors. A doctor checked her out, and then she was laid on a bed, to bring her to the recovery room. While some nurses rolled her away, the head nurse called the office of Agent 4, to inform him that Sabina would be in her cell soon. In the...

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Chastity College Prologue

It was the day after my 24th birthday when I decided it was time to get my life on track. I knew if I wanted to be successful in the long run, I'd need a certificate from one of the top schools in the country.These days, very few women would ever consider dating a man who didn't have decent certification. In fact, most employers now, won't even look at your resume unless you have certification from at least a mid-level chastity school.I'd been putting it off until now, but not having one was...

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Chastity Contract

This contract serves as an agreement between Anna J (Date of Birth  14 April 1998) - herein referred to as “The Wearer” and xxxx herein referred to as the “Keyholder”. The Wearer submits of her own FREE WILL to this Chastity Contract and we jointly agree to the following terms and conditions as set out in this Contract which we have signed below.INTRODUCTIONThe Keyholder hereby agrees that he will procure at his cost a ‘made to measure’ chastity belt produced by a company such as My Steel,...

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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 1

Chastity with Ex as Keyholderbychastity_sissy©Several days off. I was looking forward to it. The days off had been meant for something else, but those plans fell through. Now, I had the weekend plus several extra days. I could barely contain myself as I was excited to try out the new toy I had recently purchased.As soon as I got to my apartment, I checked with the management building and sure enough, the package was there. Before I could do anything else, I had the package opened on my table...

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CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITY Being locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously...

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CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITYBeing locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't getfree, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called DatePanties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rearview. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. Shewas extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust, fullhips, and gorgeously...

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Cuck Hubby In Chastity

CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITY by Throne Being locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't get free, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called Date Panties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rear view. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. She was extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust,...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 16

When Agent 1 awakened and checked the clock next to his bed, he was surprised to see that it was already past nine o'clock. On a normal day, he would wake up around seven from his own. Of course, he also knew that it had taken him a lot of time to get to sleep last night. His mind had kept on drifting towards Sylvia and her predicament. The more he thought about her, the less he thought that she could be the person that they were after and the order that he had received to treat her like any...

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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 7

Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 07bychastity_sissy©The only light came from the crack at the bottom of the floor. I tested my handcuffs as quietly as possible, verifying there was no way to squeeze my wrists out of their cold, metal clutches. I was completely stuck.I could hear my Ex on the other side of the door. She was panting heavily. I could only imagine her Boyfriend's cock ramming her inside and out, over and over again.I guess I should back up just a little bit, although there is...

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my life in chastity continues a true story

Before I agreed to be locked up. Before I agreed to be an obedient chaste husband to my wife. She had sexual needs and desires that I as her husband was able and more than willing to fill. The sex was good, or so I thought. We enjoyed the intimate pleasures sometimes two times a week. Or when I had time to get into the mood.Now, since I have taken to wearing a chastity cage upon my manhood. Now that we both agreed to turn the key over to a private third party. Well, it seems her sexual wants,...

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Roses Video Chapter 12 Chase Enjoys His Wife And Daughter

"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?" I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her. "What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me. "You were walking in the hallway naked?" "I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 14

When Sofia woke up in the morning, she didn't know where she was at first. In the back of her mind, she thought that something had awakened her, but she wasn't sure what it could have been. It had sounded like somebody screaming, but she was alone in the room and couldn't hear anything besides herself breathing. She decided to get up and walked over to the door to check it, as expected, the door was locked. She placed her ear against the door, but again she couldn't hear anything. She...

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The Chastity BallTuesday Chastity Gets With the Program

Tuesday - Chastity gets with The Program I was so mad about what happened on Monday afternoon that I wasn't even thinking about it might mean on Tuesday morning. It was bad enough that the school district lawyer forced me to leave the True Love Waits rally on Monday afternoon and I still ended up naked on the local news. I was shocked when Principal Johnson was waiting for me outside the front entrance the next morning. I knew that I would be expected to strip in front of everybody who was...

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CHASTITY & FEMINIZATION PRODUCT TESTER "But I'm only going to be out of work for two weeks during thereorganization," I told my wife Annie. "And they're still paying me. SoI won't really be...""Dear," she cut me off. "I don't like the idea of you being idle.Remember what happened when I was away at my sister's? For only twodays?""Honey, nothing happened. You know Tess next door is kind of... anympho. She thinks every guy wants to jump into bed with her. All I didwas talk to her, and...

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Chastity And Feminization Product Tester

CHASTITY & FEMINIZATION PRODUCT TESTER by Throne "But I'm only going to be out of work for two weeks during the reorganization," I told my wife Annie. "And they're still paying me. So I won't really be..." "Dear," she cut me off. "I don't like the idea of you being idle. Remember what happened when I was away at my sister's? For only two days?" "Honey, nothing happened. You know Tess next door is kind of... a nympho. She thinks every guy wants to jump into bed with...

2 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 21

Sofia was still lying on Di's bed, nicely tied down and a little annoyed about it. At first, she had been struggling with her restraints, but nothing what she did, helped her to loosen the silk scarves, they were surprisingly strong and the knots were done very professionally. In the end, she just resided in her situation and waited for what would happen next, she was sure that Di would return sooner than later, and maybe she would even have some extra fun planned for her. While she was...

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Roses Video Chapter 12 Chase Enjoys His Wife And Daughter

POV: Kate"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?"I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her."What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me."You were walking in the hallway naked?""I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking hot," she...

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Chastity Part One

Chastity was nineteen when I met her. I was nearly twice her age. Maybe I should have had more sense than to go all mushy over a girl so young. Maybe I should have given more thought to the risk, but truth is, she stole my heart. Then she stomped it and kicked it to the curb. She was a part-time writer at the suburban newspaper where I worked back then. I had noticed her but we hadn’t met. She was thin, with brown hair so long it brushed the delicious curve of her ass. Not beautiful, she was...

Love Stories
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Sarahs chastity

I saw her face light up as she took the handcuffs from the rack and turned them over in her hand.I said, "You look like you've used those before."She smiled. "They remind me of a boyfriend I had in college. I spent quite a few hours in them then. It was fun, but that was as kinky as it got."Wow. When I invited Sarah up to see my shop, I had no idea she was into this stuff. I wanted to find out more, but I didn't want to push my luck, so I proceeded with caution. "Well look around anything else....

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Victoria and the ChastityGuard MK III

Victoria and the Chastity-Guard MK IIII had been observing her, and many others, for quite a while. I first noticed her whilst having a drink at the city bar where she had worked for a time. Although short, she was grossly overweight but with a strangely pretty, even attractive, face. But for the fat she would have been extremely attractive. At twenty four years of age she had not had a date for years, and never had a steady relationship beyond that of a high school friendship with a boy who...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 81

His mind was clear and free, his body weightless and without pain. James knew instinctively that he had left his demonic appearance behind, and he was now back in the body Lilith had given him. "Lilith…" James spoke his mistress' name wistfully. He would never see her again. He had died, and he was being carried to whatever afterlife awaited him. As James lamented his sad fate and mentally said goodbye to his family and friends, he began to descend into the clouds below. "Down?" he...

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Male Chastity for the over 60s and ED corre

Male Chastity for the over 60’s.It’s interesting that all you read on Male Chastity seems to be for those in the years just after they have married and sex is getting a little dull for them so they want to spice it up a bit.My husband and I are not young he is 68 and I am 63, we have been married for some 21 years having met late in life compared to many. We have had a wonderful sex life until a couple of years ago when Ron developed Erectile Dysfunction. He had the tests, was psychoanalysed...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 11

Sylvia was lying on her bed and looking at the white ceiling. She was sure now that the recruitment thing was just a hoax and that she and the other girls were, in fact, prisoners. The reason about why they were here, she didn't know for sure, but she suspected that this couple that she had met in Brazil had something to do with it. Why else would they have shown her their pictures. When she heard a noise at the door of the room, she looked at it, and then she saw how a guard opened it. It...

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Male Chastity

Janice and Mike are a married couple in their mid forties. Married about twenty years. About ten years ago they started playing with a male chastity device and discovered they were having a lot of fun with it. They have been using it ever since.The device is a stainless steel or plastic tube about three and a half inches long and about an inch and a half in diameter with a forty-five degree bend in the middle of it. A steel ring is attached to the tube. The flaccid penis fits into the tube and...

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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 6

Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Ch. 06bychastity_sissy©My Ex knew me. She knew me better than I knew myself. She knew it had been a deep, disregarded fantasy of mine to be a helpless maid amongst a variety of men and women, all dressed up in pretty outfits demanding drinks and snacks from the maids passing by.She had, without a doubt, put "the guy" in his place. My cock was completely locked away in full metal, and it would require an ER visit to physically remove the device without a key. I...

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