Donal’ Ch. 02 free porn video

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Donal’ woke and yawned, his back warm from the still glowing embers of the fire. He rolled onto his back and glanced at the fire. His morning erection jogged his memory of the previous night. He glanced to his right but Mhari was not there. He looked down at the bulge in hiskilt and said to it, ‘Ye’ve had enough exercise, go back to sleep.’

He got to his feet and stretched, picked up his cloak and folded it before placing it back on his bed roll. He threw a couple of logs onto the fire and walked through to the main hall of the ruined castle.

The snow had stopped falling some time during the night and a thick covering blanketed the landscape. The sky was overcast. The clouds hung low over the mountaintops to the south, hiding the peaks. The many tracks in the snow reminded him of breakfast.

Donal’ returned to his fire and set his half-full copper kettle on it to warm through.

‘Mhari!’ he called out. He climbed the spiral stairs to the room above and called out again, louder. ‘Mhari!’ Still no reply was forthcoming. He climbed the next stair to Mhari’s empty bedchamber and looked around. Therewas dust on the floor apart from near the window slit where snow had entered. He crossed to the window, rested his hands on the sill and looked out over the white landscape. He noted some likely animal tracks before turning back to the room.

He studied the floor: footprints, his own, led from the stairs to where he stood in a puddle of melted snow. More footprints from the previous night were just inside the room, again his own. He crossed to them and hunkered down to study the floor there: footprints and dust, nothing else. This was where he had whacked his cock over Mhari, he thought. There should have been some evidence on the floor. He stroked his stubbled chin and thought.

‘I wasn’t dreaming,’ he said to the empty room.

Donal’ returned to his fire and stirred his broth that was starting to steam as it warmed up. He looked through his backpack and selected the few items he would need for his morning chores. He left the shelter of the main hall and made his way to the tracks he had noted earlier, set some traps in the runs.

Washed and shaved, fed and warm, Donal’ thought on what to do. Hehad no urgent business that required seeing to and he was comfortable here. He would stay for a while and see what transpired. He hoped Mhari would return. That was why he was staying, he admitted to himself.

The sound of a rabbit in distress brought him from his musings. He made his way to the screaming beastie and dispatched it with a blow tothe head with the hilt of his sword. Donal’ wrung its neck to make sure it was dead and reset the trap. Presently the rabbit was added to his broth.

Donal’ spent the rest of the day making his stay at the castle more comfortable and exploring the remaining structure. The west tower, on the other side of the great hearth, was much like the rooms Donal’ had explored the previous night: two empty rooms one above the other. The only other room that remained was the kitchen, it was open to the elements, an emptydoorway that led out to a stream that wound its way around the rear of the castle.

Snow had started to fall again as he returned to his fire in the late afternoon. He made himself comfortable and was soon fast asleep.

Donal’ stirred from his rest. His legs were cold and his balls felt as if they were being tickled with a feather. He opened an eye to see his silvery companion from the previous night naked and straddling his legs, her nose nuzzling his balls. His cock hardened as he watched her and a grin softened his face.

‘A fine way to be roused, m’lady,’ he said.

Mhari’s eyes looked up to his as her cheek caressed his erection. ‘It took you long enough to notice! What does an innocent young lass have to do to get your attention?’

The touch of her cheek on his cock was like the coldest, softest silk. ‘Well, an innocent lass wouldn’t be doin’ that,’ he said and nodded down to her hand.

She straightened up and ran her fingers over his cock and it jerked under her cold touch. Donal’ reached forward to caress her cheek, surprised at her just-there-not-there presence. Mhari met his eyes as she wrapped herhand around his cock and stroked the shaft up and down. ‘Are you implying, Donal’ MacDonald, that I am not innocent?’ She returned her attention to his cock, concentrating on her task.

‘Let us say… skilful, then.’

‘Mm! You’re forgiven.’ Mhari looked back up to him. ‘I don’t think I can do this much longer. It takes a lot of concentration to affect the mortal realm.’ She reached out to take his hand and wrap it around his shaft. ‘Please?’ she asked him. Mhari lay her head down in Donal’s lap and reached her hands up to caress his thighs.

Donal’ was close to coming and a few quick strokes finished what she had started. He came with a mighty spurt over her head and back and then again over her hair. The last few drops oozed out to be absorbed by Mhari’s cheekas she raised her head. She nuzzled the tip of his cock and planted a kiss there. She shivered. ‘Thank you again, kind sir. Hm! Missed some.’ She licked a few stray drops from the back of Donal’shand and shivered again.

Her voice had taken on a deeper note, more real than previously. She sat back, blurred and cleared, and again was clothed in her blouse, bodice and skirt. Mhari returned her attention to Donal’s flaccid cock, tracing a finger from the tip and down to his balls and back up again.

Donal’s cock jerked in response to the cold touch and he bit his lip.

Mhari looked around the room. ‘I see ye have made yerself comfortable. Are ye planning on staying awhile?’

‘I have no reason for rushing away, maybe a reason to tarry for abit.’ Donal’ looked down to where Mhari’s finger continued to trace its path up and down his cock.

‘Would that reason be me?’ She looked up to him and said, ‘I’ve heard that the French ladies can make a man come with their mouths.’ Her head dipped to one side as she regarded him, his quick intake of breath and the sharpening of his eyes.

‘It would pass the time. Mayhap we could see how… skilful ye can become.’ He looked down to his semi-erect cock. ‘I’m afraid it would have to wait for a wee while, though.’

‘Will it be long before we can try this thing?’ Mhari asked.

‘Not long, hussy.’

‘Hussy! I’ve never been called such! Hussy.’ She savoured the word. She concentrated and pulled his kilt down to cover his cock and said, ‘When ye feel up to it again ye will let me know?’

‘I’ll let ye know, soon enough. Now to other matters. Don’t take this the wrong way. Much as I like a beautiful young lass to be sitting on me, I fear that ma legs are turning blue.’

Mhari laughed and stood up, stepping to one side. ‘I was forgetting the effect I have on mortals.’

Donal’ rubbed the circulation back into his chilled legs. He poured some broth into his wooden bowl and sipped at the thick liquid. ‘Ah! Not bad at all.’

Mhari regarded him from where she sat cross-legged on the floor, her elbows on her knees, her chin in her hands.

Donal’ looked back at her over the top of his steaming bowl. He broke the silence. ‘Would ye tell me a bit about yerself, Mhari? From before…’

‘There’s not a lot to tell. My mother and father loved me. I was an only child so I was set to become the Clan Chief of these lands.’ Her gaze drifted over to the fire. ‘I was sent to Edinburgh to learn my letters and to be introduced to the court of William.’ Mhari glanced back to Donal’. ‘He was a boor of a man, more interested in his homeland. I learned to use the rapier, a bit more ladylike than a pig sticker. No offence.’ She had glanced at Donal’ again.

‘None taken.’ He drew his sword from its scabbard and commenced to sharpen the edges.

‘On my return my faither had a tutor brought over from France so I could continue with the rapier. I
t was soon after that that we were attacked by the Campbells.’

Donal’ kept his gaze on the bowl. He said, ‘It wasn’t just the Campbells. From what I hear it was on orders from the King. True, Campbell of Glen Lyon led at Glencoe, but most of his men were from other clans. He was made a scapegoat along with Dalrymple. I hear the same happened here. A commission of enquiry was set up in Edinburgh the year after and nothing has been heard from them these last eleven years. But, with the king dead for the last two years…’

‘William is dead?’

‘Aye. Anne is now queen.’

Mhari listened, her head to one side. ‘How do ye know all this?’

‘I’ve travelled a bit. Ye hear things when ye’r travelling. The truth isn’t always black and white.’

A far away look came over her eyes. ‘Hush, Donal’.’ She concentrated and turned her head to the face the west. ‘Two men approach. They are not happy to be out on such a night. They have a task to do.’ She turned back to Donal’. ‘They come for ye, to murder ye!’ Mhari’s eyes flashed with anger.

Donal’ stood and sheathed his sword, checked his dirk was snug in its sheath and said, ‘I’ll go and greet them.’

‘Be careful, Donal’.’

‘That I will be, lass.’ He nodded to his copper kettle. ‘Make sure my broth doesn’t burn.’

He slipped through the doorway and left the castle by way of the ruined kitchen. Fresh snow covered the tracks he had made before and still fell gently, muffling the sounds of his movements. The snow would muffle the sounds of his attackers too, but they didn’t know he had been warned of their arrival. Donal’ left the cover of the castle and ran, crouching low, towards the path that led up the glen and skirted the castle. He hunkered down behind a tree to listen for the men’s approach.

He was rewarded with the sound of cursing coming down the path.

‘Keep quiet, man.’

Donal’ glanced over to his left towards the voice and to where the other man must be on one of the game trails. Just as well he had scouted earlier in the day, he thought. He drew his sword, judged his moment, and stepped onto the path in front of the first man. Donal’ smiled. Theman opened his mouth and reached for his sword just as Donal’ lunged at his throat, cutting off the man’s attempted warning shout.

A look of shock crossed over the man’s face as Donal withdrew his sword from his throat to let him fall to the ground with a soft thud. Donal’ bent down to wipe the blood from his blade on the man’s tunic, keeping an eye on where he reckoned the other attacker was. He dragged the body off the path to hide it.

‘Is that you tripping up again?’ asked the other.

‘Aye,’ hissed Donal’, just loud enough to be heard. He circled around to join the trail behind the other man and crept along in the footprints he found. The attacker had stopped at the edge of the trees to look towards the castle. Donal’ glanced in its direction and could see smoke rising from the lum atop the west tower.

Donal’ stepped closer to the man, recognised the Argyle tartan he wore, and said in a whisper, ‘Are ye looking for me?’

The man spun around, his sword swinging through the space where Donal’s neck would have been had he not stepped back. Before the attacker could recover Donal’ lunged forward, driving his sword up through the man’s chest and through his heart. Donal’ yanked his sword free as the man just stood there, blood spreading in a dark patch onhis tunic and bubbling from his mouth.

‘Ye forgot to cover yerself there,’ Donal’ said nodding to him. ‘Ye won’t make that mistake again, though,’ he said as the man slumped to the ground. Donal’ bent down to wipe his sword clean again before sheathing it. He checked the body and found a pouch of coins. The only other item of note was a medallion hung on a leather thong around the man’s neck. Donal’ cut the thong and pocketed his find.

He made his way back to the other body and rolled it over onto its back. He found another pouch of coins, another of the medallions and a sheathed dagger. Donal’ pocketed everything and stood, looking around. The men carried no backpacks or food with them, so they couldn’t have come very far. But there again, he thought, the sea was no more than five miles from any part of the island.

Donal’ trudged back to the castle through the swirling snow.

He kicked the snow from his shoes before going through the doorway. When he looked up it was to see Mhari’s naked, silvery buttocks. Donal’ undid his belt and let it and the attached sword drop to the floor as Mhari looked over her shoulder at him.

‘Your broth needed some attention,’ she said. She looked at the growing erection under his kilt. ‘Anything else I can attend to?’ Mhari licked her lips.

Donal’ smiled and said, ‘Hussy!’ She smiled in return and approached him. He undid his kilt pin and shrugged the material from off his shoulder, unwound the rest from his waist and let it fall to the floor. He stood in just his tunic, his cock pointing towards the ceiling.

Mhari knelt in front of him, inches from his upright cock. ‘I would never have thought of doing this before, but now… I need to.’ She kissed the tip of his cock and it jumped in reaction to the cold touch. She glanced up to Donal’s eyes. Mhari licked the opening at the tip of his cock, slid her lips over the purple head and then off again. She looked back up to him. ‘How does that feel?’

‘Heaven, but cool,’ he said, and moved his hands to her head to pull her forward onto his cock again, the feel of her hair in his hands was like quicksilver.

She engulfed his cock head again and concentrated her attention on making her lips and tongue more substantial as she bobbed her head up and down. His precum was warming to her, no taste. His cum when it came shooting into her mouth was like fire, warming her through with the tasteof life. She shivered as the heat of his cum coursed into her and kept her lips glued to his cock, her tongue flicking at the opening there.

Donal’ gave his cock a last pull to force the last of his cum out. Mhari licked at the proffered drop and shivered.

‘Thank you again, Donal’,’ she said as he sat down on his blanket and made to cover up his softening cock with his tunic. ‘Don’t!’ A look of almost panic mixed with lust crossed her face.

He relented and uncovered his cock. ‘Why, lass?’

‘I want it where I can get to it! Ye never know, ye might feel up to it again and I wouldn’t want to miss out.’

He said, ‘If that’s how you feel… though I doubt we’ll get muchmore out of him tonight. And don’t ye go covering up!’

She smiled and pulled her shoulders back, her breasts forced forward.

Donal lay down on his side, his head supported by his hand, and ran his gaze over her figure. ‘Ye’r beautiful, Mhari.’

‘Thank you again.’ She looked to the pouches Donal’ had taken from the two attackers, an eyebrow raised in question.

Donal’ followed her glance and picked one up, feeling the weight of it in his hand. He tipped the contents out, his eyes opening in surprise as gold coins tumbled out. He poured out the contents of the other pouch and was rewarded with more gold coins. ‘That’s a tidy sum to be carrying about. They had no papers on them, either.’ He reached for his own pouch and drew out the two medallions on their leather cords, and studied the emblem embossed on them. ‘A five pointed star.’ Donal’ looked to Mhari and asked her, ‘Do you know the emblem?’

Mhari’s brow furrowed as she thought. ‘That’s a Templar symbol.’ She continued at Donal’s quizzical look. ‘The Knights Templar. I thought they had disappeared.’

‘Apparently not.’ Donal’ dropped the two medallions onto the pileof coins. ‘I wonder why they came here.’

‘Did they say anything to you?’

‘They didn’t seem to be in a talking mood.’

Donal’ sat up, reached around to take his broth from the fire and peered into it. He would have to add some more wate
r. He grinned at Mhari. ‘I have to keep my strength up!’

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"Do we know what cabin?" "No, not yet. We thought you'd be interested to know though, so John's trying to discover that now. You have an idea as to who she is?" "To be honest with you, Helen, there's only one person that I can think of that it could be. But her name isn't Christabelle and when I knew her, she wasn't a dancer. She left me to become a model." "Left you?" "Yeah, it's all a bit complicated really." "Life's complicated, Duncan, whether we like it or not. But...

4 years ago
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Cleopatra the Cat and the Orgy

It was not the purpose of the masqued ball to engage anonymously. Many of the guests had known each other from childhood and most would be instantly recognized by the rest of the company.The point of the masquerade was not to be anonymous but to be given license to behave as if one was anonymous, as if the social order was entirely dissolved. At the masquerade, king and commoner became commoner and king, and this provided the opportunity for one of the most devastating put downs of the 18th...

Group Sex
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Lust In Space Chapter 4

The next morning when we awoke, we heard the sounds of activity outside. We got dressed and went outside to see what was going on. The rest of the scouting party was already up and had begun fixing breakfast and taking down the tents. Everyone knew that we would be headed back to Kupolinis today, so while some fixed a meal for everyone, others busied themselves with breaking down the camp.When breakfast was ready, we all sat down to eat, again in the same circle as the night before. But unlike...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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At the party4

I was in my bedroom trying to decide what to wear. The only thing I was certain about was my pretty little black thong. I always felt like it brought me luck somehow, but maybe it was just the fact that it made me feel sexy and confident. So there I was - in my tight thong looking through the wardrobe. I've never been that girl who spends a lot of thoughts on what she's gonna wear so I just grabbed the first skirt I could find and of course it was the shortest one I could've possibly...

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KT LLCChapter 11Old Friends and New

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: What can anyone say about the trip to New York. Maybe it would be that it was to Brooklyn, not Manhattan. Maybe that it was to a warehouse, not anyplace fancy. Maybe that Aunt Francine owned it through her production company. My personal favorite is that Mom met Angela Molinari and Pedro de la Garza. Everyone remembers Angela Molinari. fcYou have to be an insider like Aunt Frannie to know what meeting Pedro de la Garza means. Of the two, Mom talks much...

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NFBusty Kecy Hill Don8217t Start Without Me

Kecy Hill is feeling super horny as she caresses her hands over her shoulders and then down to her big tits. She’s not wearing a bra, so her nipples show clearly through her thing shirt. As the super skinny hottie peels off her shorts, she turns her head to see her boyfriend Michael watching from the kitchen. As much fun as it would be to play with her meaty pussy beneath its thong, she waits for Michael to join her. The couple gets creative, with Kecy putting some whipped cream one...

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Ebony and Ivory

Introduction: The second of the Highacre dragon breeder series, 4 boys caught in the act A couple of days had passed since Mimi had first arrived at the Breeding farm and she was beginning to feel settled in, her new quarters were spacious and suited her needs, she had a small suite of rooms in the stable hands quarters just like every other stable hand, the suite had three rooms, the living room, bedroom and bathroom, this morning she had a lesson with Viktoria about the history of the...

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DreamweaverChapter 64 Lessons

"Hi mom," I said when she answered. "Jimmy!" she said excitedly. "Oh, Jimmy, it's so good to hear your voice. Are you okay, is everything all right? Where are you?" She must have been excited; my parents almost never called me Jimmy. "I can't really tell you that mom, but I'm okay and things are going pretty well so far. How are you doing? Allison says there's not much to do besides watch Oprah and work on your tan." "No kidding. It's not too bad though, with everything...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 65

"Information alpha for Runnymede control. Temperature is sixteen degrees Celsius and pressure is one zero one ninah. Wind is from the planetary south west at twelve knots gusting to eighteen. Shuttles for full stop are to use the western pad to a hover and then follow the marshal to the parking area. Call control on 5675 at fifty klicks... Information alpha..." Alan Avers switched to guard and continued the descent through the atmosphere. Colin Avers remarked "Approaching fifty,...

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Susan JenningsChapter 5

The press began to arrive at the estate shortly before the appointed hour. Ginny was pleased to see that two of the network-affiliated Los Angeles television stations had sent out film crews. Moreover, in addition to the usual motion-picture industry reporters, there were a few from the regular news desks. Chairs had been set up on the pool terrace for the conference. A rostrum with a microphone was set up in front. Taking her position there, Ginny opened the session. "Good afternoon,...

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Kausi Chithi Sex Mania And Almost Getting Caught

Hi guys this is a continuation of my Kausi Chitti series sorry I had exams so things came to a halt but now I am back. For this to make sense read my Kausi Chitti the beginning and Kausi Chitti sealing the deal. We parked the scooter in and I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face towards mine and entered my entire tongue into her mouth kissing her wildly and passionately. Every time that she backed away for some air I pulled her straight back. “Your mine now chitti don’t step...

3 years ago
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Further Adventures Of A FiftyYearOld Couple

For anyone who has not read any of my stories, they are all based on true events. We are a very happy couple in our fifties but love to experiment in our sex life. One Friday evening, we decided to head out of our neighbourhood for a couple of drinks. We found a nice little pub in a little village a few miles out of town. We had finished our first drink when I noticed two young guys eyeing my wife up, which was not a surprise as she was looking very horny in a short skirt and high heels. After...

Wife Lovers
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Sailors in Silk Chapter 9B

Sailors in Silk, Chapter 9 ? By{ Beverly Taff List of Characters. Myself: Madeleine, a very effeminate and pretty she-male who is vigorous and entire. Elizabeth: My erstwhile long term sapphic partner. Azure: Our wise Moorish doctor and herbalist. Thomasina: Once called Timothy a deck boy who was injured and castrated by an exploding cannon. Davinia: Once called David but also injured and castrated by the same exploding cannon. Najanga: An African Princess, freed from a...

1 year ago
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The new sectary

My name is Erik Richard I worked in a company as a manager. I was getting a new sectary today. It was around 10 o clock when she entered the room she look amazing around 21 she had blond hair and blue eyes and look very erection and my cock was acing to come out. She walked in and sat in the seat in front of me. I asked her what she was doing She told me she studied in collage and this was a part time job to pay her bills. While talking to her the only thing could think of was having sex with...

4 years ago
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Equal SharesChapter 30

Denise woke up. It was Sunday morning. She, Elaine and Susan had spent the whole of Saturday together, just simply enjoying each other's company. Susan's bed was crowded with the three of them, and Denise wondered idly for a moment whether she should broach the subject of getting a bigger bed. She twisted over and met the twinkling eyes of Susan. They both heard a soft snore from Elaine, and smiled at one another. Susan mouthed "Coffee?" at Denise, who nodded, so they carefully got out...

3 years ago
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Take The Pledge

He had fallen in love with her soft blond hair done up in pig tails and her bright blue eyes in the second grade. She had been taller than he had been back then. He was smaller than most of his classmates and not remotely athletic. Another girl had actually beaten the crap out him early the following school year. He was often teased and picked on in elementary school but never by her. She’d always been kind to him. She’d endured his clumsiness during dancing class, even asking him to dance when...

3 years ago
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The Dream

My lover was more demanding than he had ever been. I looked at him longingly, with desire for pain and control in my eyes. A look he knew well. The gaze that he returned burned me, as he regarded me like a god looking down on his people. I am only one woman to one creator, and I am the most humble of any worshipper of a god. My Sir crossed the living room and backed me into our room, wordless. He stripped me naked quickly and teased my nipples with his fingers. I could feel him hardening...

4 years ago
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Mom And Son In Poverty Share One Bedroom Apartment Part 1

1.The room had been listed online as a "studio apartment", which called to mind the sleek minimalists spaces of college students and starving artists. My mom and I knew that an apartment in rural Nebraska wouldn't be anything special.But even with tempered expectations, marketing the place as a pre-furnished studio apartment did sugarcoat the sale more than we had realized. It was a motel room that had been converted into a functional but not quite comfortable living space.Still, it would work...

2 years ago
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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 19

I dug into my wallet for the cards I had received and called the state department guy who had come down to meet me when I got back from the ill-fated trip to the Bahamas. “Meir.” A gruff voice answered the call with only a name. “Mister Meir, Jack McCoy. We met a while back about some freed slaves?” “Of course, I remember you, Jack. What’s up? Find more damsels in distress?” His voice warmed considerably and the humor in his tone was clear. “Actually, the same ladies may be in big...

5 years ago
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Sins of the Father Part 2

It was a good thing we didn't succumb to the temptation of enjoying each other again. God knows I wanted to. I had gotten used to the celibate married life and had forgotten how intoxicating pussy was, even if it was my own daughter's. Instead of dropping on the bed again, we cleaned up, both ourselves and the house. By noon, my wife, Carol, had returned from her sister's. We apologized to each other for the stupid argument, and sat down for lunch. I mentioned to Carol that Cassie was going to...

3 years ago
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The beach

This is my first try at writing up our experiences, I hope it's ok! Sarah xWe like to get away to the beach every so often and that's what we did for a few days so we could unwind. I won't say where, as it's our place!We had been to the beach each day, but this day was a bit cooler so there weren't as many people around as the other days. I decided to where my new white bikini, I always feel sexy in white and it shouted "buy me" when I saw it! I liked it too as the top fastens at the front,...

3 years ago
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Teen Diaries 9 Santas Baby

My name is Jenna. I’m 16, blonde, and skinny. My family has fallen on some hard times, with my mom losing her job two months ago. I have a 7 year old brother, so we still put on the Santa Claus charade for Christmas. All of the extra money went towards his presents, so I’m not really getting anything this year. But what I want more than anything in the world is an iPad. On Christmas Eve, my brother and I baked cookies and left them out on a TV tray for Santa, along with a glass of milk and a...

3 years ago
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Girls who love the men and creampies

What I love about menSomeone recently asked me what is was about men that I loved the most. My answer was, "their cocks." I thought about this for a while and realized it is not just certain men or types of men that I like, it's cock that I love about men. Considering the fact that I grew up behind a strip club, a massage parlour and a adult arcade, I saw a lot of men, and a lot of cock. As a young girl I used to sneak into the arcade through the back door and hang out in one of the back...

2 years ago
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The CoachChapter 12

Ted was sitting in the lanai sipping a soda watching some sea gulls out on the water and thinking about what had happen in the past ten years since he married Emily. She was out now doing her womanly thing of shopping and when she returned they were going that evening to Don Caesar for dinner to celebrate their ten year anniversary. He still vividly remembers the night that he proposed to her. After helping Emily bring the items in from her fully loaded car they sat on the living room couch...

2 years ago
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First Time Sex Stories 4 Coming Into Summer

By Missy Younglove Author's Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. One day in 5th grade, my friend Summer started flirting heavily with me. Although I'd played with her almost every day during recess, she'd never acted like that before. I remember being in science class just before recess that day. She was sitting in the seat in front of me and kept turning around and smiling at me. Sometimes she'd wink or lick her lips at me. I found this...

2 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 16 A New Khan

"Put the ex-Khan on the whipping bench," ordered the Emir. When this had been done, he was offered a whip but waved it away with the comment, "I would not use that on this worm. It would be a defiling of the whip." Swiftly, he drove his prick into the unprepared arse before him, causing an immense amount of pain to the hapless vanquished wretch. Immediately, he withdrew and used the man's kameez to wipe himself thoroughly. "Good," he ordered, "Take this worm away. Take the women...

4 years ago
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A Festival of Sex For Wife and Me

Preface:There exists a “race” of men who are sexual gods. They have super libidos, are strong and well put together with larger than average cocks, and usually quite handsome as well. Women, and even some men, whether married or partnered, find them irresistible. Aware of their power, they may strike at any moment.They know how to satisfy a woman by dominating her and forcing her submission. They punish and humiliate. They won’t let anyone or anything-- husbands, boyfriends, fathers-- stop them...

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The Minx Part I

Tiffany, the daughter of my next door neighbour, was a hot eighteen year old girl who had a body that men would drool over. She often liked to flaunt herself for the boys, wearing small cut-off tops that revealed her slim waist, and small daisy duke jean shorts which showed ample cheeks of her round, perfect ass. I'd often see her lying in the back yard, wearing little more than a string bikini that showed the natural curves and smooth skin of her half-naked form. At times I used to stand to...

Oral Sex
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Little Sister1

I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in a about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 3

The table was loaded with enough food to feed a small army: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, toast, hash browns, pancakes, porridge, and fresh fruits. The offerings filled the little serving trays and bowls, from which the people gathered around the table could assemble their own meal. Betsy grabbed a substantial portion from each tray. Charlie took some eggs, toast, and fresh fruits. Candice ate a bowl of porridge, and some fresh fruits. There was no conversation while they ate. Betsy...

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