Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 19
- 0
May 29th
Tom Miller and wife Sandra met us as the taxi drew up on the drive of their house in the suburbs of Stockbridge. Also there, were their two children. As I understand it, Tom’s my second cousin or my first cousin twice removed - it’s a confusion, not helped by my fatigue.
I’ve been given the bedroom of the eldest son and, although it’s only 7.00 in the evening, my body thinks its tomorrow. I’m tired and grubby with no energy to write. I plan a long soak in the tub before I sleep.
May 30th
Stockbridge is the typical quaint New England small town, a magnet for the tourists in summer and fall, yet peaceful and sleepy for the remainder of the year. This area, The Berkshires, tucked away in the western corner of Massachusetts, reminds me of the Lake District with its landscape of forest and verdant rippling hills. A ten minute drive from Main Street is my cousin’s house. It’s newly built, crammed with three others onto a scrap of land between two much larger and more elegant Newport-style ‘cottages,’ owned by wealthy New-Yorkers as holiday homes. The house is a four bedroom white wood dwelling with a cedar shake roof with a dinky front lawn fronted by the ubiquitous picket fence.
My first day was a parade of visiting faces and names, each person complete with mini-history and the precise relationship between them and myself. I remember little of the detail, however I’ll never forget the grand hospitality of my long-gone relations.
Vera’s grandfather, my great granddad, Edward Miller, left Manchester as a lad. He landed at the newly opened Ellis Island with his parents in 1892, seven years after the Statue of Liberty arrived from France. The Millers were fruitful and multiplied and I’m certain I met the vast majority of their offspring that day.
June 3rd
This has been my first rest day since my arrival in America. Each morning, Cousin Tom left for his office and the school bus shuttled away the children while Sandra ferried us around the area showing us the sights.
It was two-ish, we’d eaten lunch and the remainder of the family were in the back garden - I should say ‘the yard’ - while I was curled up on the den sofa watching TV. That’s when my heart started to pound at an alarming rate.
On the screen was the most delightful water colour I’ve ever seen. It was a display that New England is famed for, a mass of magnificent colour of fall trees, amongst them maple, ash, birch and beech blending to display a mix of red russet, orange, browns, lavender and golden yellows. Set in the midst of the paint array was a house - correction a mansion - a Louis XVI styled chateau, three stories high, white stone with grey roof and double columns guarding the glazed doors and high Palladian windows. Between close cropped lawns, broad stone steps dropped gently down to a placid lake on which was reflected the kaleidoscope colours of the broad-leaved forest.
In an instant I knew that was where I wanted to be for the rest of my life. It was crazy, illogical, without any apparent reason, nevertheless the desire was deep within me and irreversible.
The music played, sounding like a New England version of Dynasty and the title filled the screen in bold ornate lettering - The Berkshires. The painting was soon replaced by the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. He was standing proud, legs apart like a colossus on the steps of, what I assume, was the mansion whose painting I’d just seen. Beside him was a woman - also exquisite - worshipping him with large dark eyes and pouting lips. The gold script on the screen announced the arrival of the star, Hanover West.
“I see you’ve discovered Hanover.”
I screwed round on the sofa to see Sandra crossing the room. I squirmed to be discovered in so obvious a state of desire.
“Don’t fret,” she cooed. “It’s accepted that it’s normal to drool over Hanover; I’d hate to miss my weekly fix.” She picked up the TV Guide. “I’ve watched this episode, it’s a repeat from the first series, although I’m happy to see it over. Move across.”
I sat upright to vacate space beside me. “He’s gorgeous.”
“And he knows it,” she sneered. “He’s the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.”
“You’ve met him?”
“On occasions, yes. He’s good to look at, however conversing is hopeless. If Hanover isn’t allowed to talk about himself, he’s impossible.”
“When ... how did you meet him?”
“I hate to say it, but he’s yet another relation. Not as close a tie as the people you met last week, despite that, there are family connections. Edward Miller left New York and settled here immediately after he arrived in America so it’s not surprising that so many of his descendants are locals.”
“Could I meet him?”
Sandra chuckled. “You don’t waste a moment.”
I sensed my face flush. “It’s only because we’ll be leaving in less than a fortnight.”
“I’m teasing you. I seem to recall there’s a party at Forêt Dore this weekend. I’m sure Hanover would be pleased to meet his English relatives. Like most Americans he’s fascinated with his roots.”
“Do you really think it’s possible?”
“Yes, Eleanor, it’s a cinch. Don’t worry; when I explain to him you’re an ardent fan, he’ll jump at the chance. He adores an audience, in particular a female one.”
Patricia Rockwell lowered the journal to her lap and released a long yawn.
“Any ideas yet?” asked Alistair from the opposite chair.
Pat lifted her empty glass high and waved it to and fro.
“A refill?”
“Yes,” she struggled through another yawn, “ ... please.”
He tinkled fresh ice cubes into the tumbler and poured a generous measure of gin over the frozen chunks. “How far have you read?”
She skipped back a few pages to read the date. “I reached the passage June 18th, the part when she returned home from the States and now I’m reading when she was living with the Millers. She’s been with them a week and just seen Hanover West, the soap star. I assume she’s about to meet him. Is that right?”
“Does he exist or is he part of her fantasy?”
“He’s genuine. The Berkshires is a big hit, syndicated throughout the States even though it’s not yet been shown in the UK.”
There was silence broken by the gentle sloshing of alcohol as Pat stirred her finger inside the glass.
“Alick, does Eleanor own a passport?”
He grinned. “You’re clever. I knew I was right to involve you.”
She replaced her spectacles and returned to her study.
June 6th
Tonight’s the big night - when I meet the luscious Hanover. Vera and I spent yesterday in Albany, where we chose evening gowns and accessories, and most of today was at the beauticians. Jack considers we’re making a great deal of fuss over nothing. It took him less than an hour to shower and dress and now he’s downstairs ready to leave.
Hold on, there’s a knock at the door.
That was Jack. Vera has stomach ache and won’t be going. Jack’s offered to stay home with her.
Another knock. Sandra tells me Hanover has sent his chauffeur to collect us, but there’s only me. Must rush.
June 7th
Yesterday evening, around 8.00, my driver arrived. As I descended the stairs in my expensive new gown, Sandra was waiting in the hall while the driver was outside on the porch, framed in the doorway. I observed his brown eyes moving up and down my body, a quick appraisal which he’d intended, no doubt, to be discreet. Men rarely notice me and it was a surprise, however on second thoughts I realised it wasn’t such a surprise - I wore the most amazing dress I’ve ever seen.
I decided what was good for the gander was good for the goose and I returned his lengthways gaze. He was about my height, burly and dressed entirely in dark grey, a chauffeur’s suit with the cap held under his arm. His stance reminded me of a bodyguard, erect and tense with his large hands cupped at the front as though he was anxious to protect himself from attack.
“Good evening Miss Risby,” he smiled and his face lit up as though he was genuinely pleased to meet me. He had a deep and laid-back drawl with only a trace of an American accent.
“Hi,” I replied, trying to sound indifferent.
“I’m Hector, Mr West’s chauffeur. I understand you’ll be travelling alone.”
“Yes, my parents are unwell.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, my dear. I hope you have a pleasant evening,” said Sandra taking my arm. “Let me escort you to the car.”
Car! It was no car, spread the length of the drive, a palace on wheels. Would you believe a limousine and not any common limo, but a Rolls-Royce super stretch?
Hector pulled on the rear door and it opened with a sigh.
I smiled my thanks. “Is this the best you could manage?”
He grinned indulgently. “I’m sure you will find everything you could wish for, Miss. There’s satellite television, DVD complete with stereo surround sound system, CD, radio, air conditioning and a fully stocked bar, including champagne.”
I stepped inside and marvelled at the plushness of the massive interior and the face to face leather seating in pristine white.
He joined me and explained the controls. I thanked him and he began the long walk to the front.
I pushed a button and the clouded window slid silently downwards. Sandra’s head pushed into the car. “Wow,” she said, “it’s gorgeous.”
“Isn’t it.”
She feathered a kiss on my cheek, we exchanged goodbyes and I was off to meet my Prince Charming like Cinderella to the Ball.
I played with my new toys for a while, however after a short time they became tiresome. I pressed the intercom.
“Yes, Miss.”
“Hector, this is no fun on my own.”
“I’m sorry, Miss.”
“Would you object if I joined you in the front?”
“Not at all, I would be pleased. Wait until I’m able to park and I’ll collect you.”
A short while later he pulled into the car park of one of the charming inns which frequent the area and, rather than wait for him, I let myself out and joined him as he was about to exit. I settled into the passenger seat and we exchanged grins.
“Ready, Miss?”
“Do you wish me to activate the air conditioning?”
Although summer, it was not hot, but a perfect warm dry evening. “No, I’m good.”
As we left, the clientele drinking in the garden of the inn ignored us. I assume stretch limos are de riguer to Stockbridge locals.
While he drove I stole a glance at him. He had short wiry black hair and a craggy face with a strong jutting jaw and a bullet nose. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed my interest, turned and half smiled while his chestnut eyes produced an inquisitive look.
I looked away and barely controlled a blush while I tried to think of something to say. Nothing came to mind.
“Would you like to take you the scenic detour?”
“That sounds a fine idea. Yes please.”
“It’s forty miles to Williamstown along Highway 7 and takes half an hour. The long route will probably double the journey time. Is that OK?”
“I wouldn’t want to be late,” I murmured.
“I planned for the longer route, so we’ll be at Forêt Dore with time to spare.”
We travelled in an uncomfortable silence except when he provided random explanations of where we were. We cruised through picturesque rustic towns and villages with their snow-white churches nestled amongst pristine lawns and colonial churchyards. Leaving the urban areas we were onto the wooded back roads and rolling fields, country inns, dairy farms and the occasional sumptuous estate built with New England gentility.
“Are you enjoying the ride, Miss?”
“Yes, thank you. It’s wonderful.”
“We’re driving through the middle of the Berkshires, moving parallel to the border which divides Massachusetts from New York State.”
“Why is it named ‘The Berkshires?”
We rounded a sharp bend and he squinted in the sunlight before retrieving his sunglasses from his breast pocket. “After the mountains,” he explained and without any warning changed the subject. “Tell me about yourself.”
I was flustered. No-one had ever shown interest in me and what made it worse - he was a man and that thought deepened the tint of my rose complexion. Perhaps, because he took me by surprise I opened up and told him far more than I would if I’d been allowed to consider my response.
“My life is boring,” I argued, “You won’t want to hear.”
“Yes, I do. Please. Try me.”
“Very well. I had the misfortune to be born during the Beatlemania period and my parents who, I’ve been advised, had previously shown no sense of humour, thought it would be amusing to name me after the song, Eleanor Rigby. Their taste in music was restricted to classical and it was the score of the double string quartet which attracted them, not the words. If they’d listened to the lyrics, one assumes they would not have tempted fate by naming me after the unfortunate female. Maybe they did hear the words and disregarded them.”
I should have stopped at this point, despite that, an overpowering force from deep inside was compelling me to divulge what I’d never admitted to another person. It was as though he ought to know about my life, that there was a prime reason why he must share my secret thoughts. “Either way, they had no idea my life style would imitate fiction; their only daughter - their lone child - was christened after the song. They never knew what they did to me ... they died in a car crash before I was four years old.” I paused before the terrible truth escaped my lips. “The lone child became a lonely child.”
The silence that followed was painful, however having opened the wound, I was unable to close it. “My parents were wealthy and there was no shortage of relatives keen to adopt me. In the end I was settled upon Uncle Tristram and Aunt Julia. They had no children of their own and although I would have preferred not to be the ‘only child,’ I was too young to be consulted.
“I learnt to play on my own, how to let my imagination run wild. My adoptive ‘Dad’ and ‘Mum’ were attentive to my physical, if not my emotional needs. Life was safe and, although there was seldom excitement, I wasn’t unhappy. It was not to last.”
“It never does,” Hector concurred with a sour expression.
“When I was twelve, my uncle abandoned us and we never saw him again. Aunt Julia never recovered. I was young and didn’t realise what she was doing as she commenced her crusade to turn me against men. Her complaints were consistent as year by year she found fresh new evidence to demonstrate how useless they were. She considered it was her duty to educate me in the evils of mankind, and by the time I was a teenager, I’d learnt to distrust men. ‘They’re untrustworthy, but the handsome ones are even less reliable,’ she drummed into me.”
“Do you believe that?”
“No, I can’t accept all men are the same. However it’s too late now.”
“Where is your aunt?”
“She died. At the age of twenty five I was truly alone.”
“I’m confused.”
“About what?”
“I was told to collect you and your parents, but you told me they died.”
I turned scarlet once more; it was becoming a habit. “Jack and Vera aren’t my real parents. Let’s say I adopted them.”
I could see he wasn’t convinced, nonetheless he let the explanation pass without comment.
Silence arrived once more. Every so often I glanced at him, using the excuse of studying an item of interest on his side of the road. He was deep in thought each time I looked and I was about to ask him what he was thinking when we arrived on the outskirts of Williamstown.
We drove in and out of the stately college town at a slow pace while he pointed out the various attractions and at the northern exit he said, “It’s only a short way now. The house is on the outskirts of the Mohawk Trail.”
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I’d been waiting for this moment for several days. When you lead a team of 30 it’s often hard to get to speak to one of them alone – especially when there’s only two women – and people talk. This morning was busy, the team had a deadline to deliver a part and everyone was focused on their task to make that happen, including Eleanor. I made an excuse to review her paperwork while she worked and waited until no-one was within earshot. ‘I’m leaving soon Eleanor’, I said. She looked at me with a...
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‘Kate?’ Ragnar murmured, into the quiet of the evening. ‘Mmmm?’ Kate replied, snuggling deeper into the warmth of Ragnar’s chest, relishing the feel of his hard body so close to hers. She would never grow sick of cuddling this man. ‘Can you turn over for a bit? The baby is kicking me relentlessly.’ Ragnar said apologetically, he didn’t want to disturb her, but he was due up in an hour for taking command of the night rowers, and needed some sleep. And currently his child was kicking through...
Eleanor considered her future as she contemplated her journey through menopause. She alternated between anger and despair that she could not control or at least manage her tomorrows. Would it be an easy passage lasting only a couple of years or would it be a long, protracted process lasting many years? She was conscious of some recent weight gain and she was unhappy with her appearance after all those years of almost automatic satisfaction with her looks. She tried hard not to dwell on it...
All Characters engaging in sexual activity are over 18. ************************* Waking with a start, Eleanor bolted upright from the furs, unable to distinguish her surroundings from her dream. Feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, she bolted for the tent opening only to feel his arms tighten around her, pulling her back to him. Panicking in the dim morning light, Eleanor swung round, catching her attacker in the eye. Instantly regretting her action when she saw the poor giant lain on his...
Thank you to everyone who has given me helpful suggestions, I know the last chapter was a bit short, this one is a little too, but I hope you will still like it. Thanks again, Sacrificedangel. ************************* Bruni lost the breath from his lungs at her whispered words, his heart taking a plummet to his stomach, before rising back with hope once more when she said she loved him, his heart ached, it beat so feverishly he thought he was going to fall dead to his cot. In his lap sat...
Thank you to all the readers who have left such encouraging feedback! I welcome any feedback, so even if you mark me low, please let me know why. Ta very much, and hope you like this next chapter. ******************** As the sun rose over the tree covered bay, Ragnar descended into the bowels of the long boat to awaken Bruni. Seeing the hammock empty of his friend’s slumbering form, Ragnar entered the private chamber quietly, checking on Kate first. His lush female was completely stretched...
Lying curled in the front of the low boat, Matilda watched the play of the disappearing stars against the sky. ‘Do you truly believe they are all safe Eirik?’ Matilda asked, nay, almost begged with desperation as she watched the still sea reflect the quickly lightening sky. ‘They will be fine. You said Ragnar should not be long, he wont, he will be reliable as always. No doubt he is already there, and Sibbe has been thrown down a hole!’ The smile that roused from his wife’s mouth was...
It was almost ten years since I last saw Eleanor; I met her again quite by chance, literally bumping into her outside a supermarket. Apologizing and helping her pick up her groceries, she suddenly said "It's Ray isn't it?" Looking up and taking my first real good look at the woman I had collided with, I said "yes, oh my god, Eleanor." She smiled and after some polite chat I asked "are you still into the same things as when we last met?" She nodded and added "although I have no master...
The sun began to peek above the thatched roofs of Loch Carnach as Eleanor moved quickly through the village looking for Kate’s thatch. Situated close to the other reach of forest, Kate’s small tigh looked much like her own, outcasted, out of the community. The only difference was that Kate’s brothers had 2 other small tighs meters from her’s, their own little community. As she crossed the small expanse of empty grass, she saw her, carting her wooded bucket to get water for her brothers. ...
Eleanor walked arm in arm with Kate, steering her around the painful brambles, keeping pace far back behind the dark figure of Ragnar. Shock didn’t cover how Eleanor felt, Ragnar knew of her mother, was told stories of her father and mother’s love by his mamma, Bjorn’s younger sister, how her father Bjorn battled the Scot’s best warriors for the right to marry her mother. And how he had died in an ambush, battling off the Scots men who were incensed at his marriage to their Laird’s Daughter....
Just some notes: -I do some research, but I do it in the spare time of my spare time, so I took many poetical liberties in the description of the past. -I'm no adept of metaphysics, but the interpretation I gave for prophecies as powerful spells look logical to me, perhaps someone had that idea already before. -There is sex, of course, but the main focus is on the concept of personality, what defines "us". This is the main theme of all my stories. Almost a Fairy...
Pacing did little to ease his anger. Dammit, when would those bastards stop landing on his shores? Stephan broke his angered path and stormed to the window to view his ground, knowing there were at least twenty boats in the bay, his scout had seen them delivering quick word of the Norsemen arrival. His fists balled at the thought of more of them. He would do as he had planned, the two would hang in the morning, and be left as warning to any entering the bay of the consequences of those...
‘Ragnar, we were wondering how long it would take you!’ Nikolai jumped from the rocks smiling before shaking Ragnar’s hand. Lowering his voice, Nikolai tried to keep his anger and apprehension from showing. ‘Where is my brother?’ ‘He is coming soon Nikolai.’ ‘And he brings the female?’ Ragnar glanced quickly at Nikolai, an expression of shock crossing his face before his usual calm returned to him. ‘What do you know of her?’ ‘I know that Bruni told me the contract had to be fulfilled.’...
Sibbe watched as the two remaining hired guards returned from the woods, their footsteps slow and their faces wore a grim mask. She knew they had failed in their task of capturing Anika and Varin. She scrutinized every movement as they passed glances to one another before stopping at the steps as their two satchels landed at their feet with a resounding crack against the stone work. ‘There is your food for the day and night. You are being paid a vast fortune for your work and I expect to get...
It took a while for Eleanor and Roger to work out an acceptable relationship. Eleanor had warned Roger that she valued her independence and wasn't ready for a permanent address. Roger had sworn his love for her and told her that whatever happened, he would be faithful to her always. In the end, they lived in their own apartments and would sleep in one or the other's bed fairly consistently three or four times a week. For a pair of fifty-somethings, they were pretty active and it was...
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For Friends and Family Part 15 - Fairy Tale of New York I make no apologies for using this title at this time of year, it just seemed so right! I finished brushing my hair, I was totally naked, really enjoying the sight of my breasts gently jiggling as I brushed my tresses, after the talk with mum I was far more settled in my mind. After the 100 strokes, my hair was shining; I put on a peach silk nightdress with spaghetti straps and climbed into bed. I woke around eight the next...
First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...
FantasySome time had passed when Madams’ Eleanor Brigham, Agatha Brown, and indeed Violet Preston, received an invitation to Madam Marie Roussell’s residence, regarding the ceremonial sale of one of her house’s well trained products. With her blonde hair up in a tight bun, Eleanor cut an imposing picture of feminine dominance as she strutted to the entrance of Madam Roussell’s with the equally imposing Agatha, both sexually excited at the prospect of the pageant of a sale of an item of masculinity,...
Some familiar fables transformed for readers of transgendered tales. In part 1, Sherry and Sadie, two married men on a "girl's night out" visit a lesbian bar and go home with Big Sue and Mike, two women who are dangerously upset to discover that they've been seduced by two cross-dressed males cheating on their wives. Like Sheherazade in the Arabian Nights, Sherry decides that the only way to protect their -- um, posteriors, is to entertain Big Sue with fabulous stories. ...
Twisted Fairy Tales Story 1: Diamond Screams Adapted From: The Blue Fairy Book, by Andrew Lang Synopsis: What would you do with a wife who produced gold withevery word, and diamonds from every scream? Codes: M/f, torture, humiliation, extreme, nc, serious The 16 th day of the Fourth Month Dear Diary: You are my only outlet for relieving my pain, Diary, and I am lucky my princelyhusband allows me this small release. He has denied me everything else, eventhe power of speech. The only sounds...
I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed writing it. I think these slow changes and the changes in senses and feelings are quite sexy. I am trying to incorporate some suggestions made on the reviews to tune the stories with your liking too. Animalkind: Almost a fairy tale This story begins only two years after the first changes around the world started. The world now was starting to get used to hybrid women. Since the start of the changes, only two years after the...
FAIRY TALES AND NURSERY RHYMES My name is Colin. I am a single man and, as I have to travel around the country in connection with my work, I seize any opportunity I can to explore local nightlife. On the occasion about which I am writing I was working in Birmingham. It was a substantial project and it looked as though I was going to be staying in Birmingham for at least three weeks. I was delighted to be staying put for a decent amount of time as this would enable me to really get...
"Good morning, Gorgeous. How are you today?" I looked up to see Eric's familiar face craned around the open door to my office. His hazel eyes sparkled as he grinned at me and set an insulated cup on my desk. His dark hair was still slightly mussed by the breezy day and his tie was flipped over his shoulder. Tiny laugh lines radiated from his eyes and around his mouth from his ever-present smile. My heart lurched at the sight of him, but I resolutely suppressed those feelings and returned...
Helen and Bob's fears are seemingly ephemeral but are really based on a solid understanding of how the world actually works, not how people think it works. About two years after Imogen, three men came into town from separate directions, all acting as if they didn't know each other but dressed and skin colouration (glaringly white) almost identical. They were blatantly a hit team and under orders to act just how they were, that is, blatantly bloody obviously. Helen and Bob have a local...
A CHRISTMAS FAIRY TALE by DebWeb Dedicated to the hidden child, who resides in all of us. I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine: There sleeps Titania sometime of the night, Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight; And there the snake throws her enamell'd skin, Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in WILLIAM...
HumorTransgendered Fairy Tales: Cinderella's Slippers By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 437 A.D. A cold, heavy mist hung over the castle and the surrounding village as the earth waited for the arrival of the sun. It would be dawn in a few minutes and still the old woman had been unable to discover the secret of the glass slippers. The first hint of light already was evident in the East. Time was running out and she knew it. "Maybe Cinderella's step-sisters were wrong!" Muttered the...
Eleanorby Jena121© This is only a short story but I hope you enjoy reading it. She was 58 and I was 28. I had been planning for a couple of years to bring this event to fruition. Her name was Eleanor and she was my wife's grandmother. She had lived with my wife and I since losing her husband in an industrial accident about 4 years ago. Earlier in the week my wife had been called out of town on business and would be gone for a few days or even a week. As I had to work I naturally had to stay...
IncestThe Wish Maker: A Dark Fairy Tale By Mother Kali Once in a land far away, there lived an extremely old woman who was called, not very imaginatively, "The Old Mother." This old lady lived by herself in a cottage at the very edge of the known world. She had been alive longer than even she could remember. Her face was as brown as tanned leather and deeply lined from all the time she spent in the sun. She was stooped and a little shriveled with age. She wore a plain black dress...
The Legend of the Latex Princess Rubber Fairy TaleBy Darqside There is an old legend that spans the fabric of time itself, well not really that old actually, but it will be around for a long time at the very least. Legend has it that there was once a young queen who ruled her people and her house with an Iron fist.? She was very strict with her Manservants and Maidservants.? She was a very selfish and indulgent woman by nature, and was very choosy about the men who courted her.? In...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...
older girl more like nineteen or twenty. Lucy was a popular girl and doing well at school. Lucy had deep blue eyes and full soft lips and her pretty face was edged by long blonde hair. Her boobs were not large at 34C but on her slim frame they looked a lot bigger. They were firm with small delicate pink nipples while her waist was trim and her bum was, well peachy was probably the best way to describe it round yet firm. Lucy knew she attracted a lot of hungry stares from men...
Nichole had guy problems. She had just ended the relationship with her boyfriend, someone she had been dating for a few months. Nicole met him through a dating service. She liked him okay, but their sex life was less than satisfying. In truth, she rarely felt sexually fulfilled with those she dated. While some sex is better than none, most guys just didn’t know how to excite her. But she was philosophical about the problem. “You just have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince,” she...
VoyeurSomeone was feeling his/her age this morning. Helen had five customers at two tables, two tourists and three locals as their dole money went into their accounts the day before and debit cards were used to pay. The smells and the sounds of cappuccino being created by the young waitress/barista filled the air. He/she was drinking the Moroccan milk tea of which he/she had become accustomed to in exotic Punchbowl's, Little Turkey as a youth, which tasted like perfumed shit to Bob. Everyone in...
The cyclone (named Imogen) struck them at two AM on the Saturday morning. After starting near Vanuatu, building up slowly for a week it grew in strength over the Solomon Islands and then New Guinea's, Port Moresby, almost completely rasing the place. Then it hit Thursday Island and The Torres Strait Islands, their worst in living memory, followed the coast then directly over us to the inland mainland. In house (volcano) were Helen, Rachael, Tilly and Bob, as snug as bugs in a rug. Power was...
It's 2012, mid tourist season, and life has been quiet. The Old Bag has been deceased for six years and sometimes Bob really missed the solitude of a vacant mind, which doesn't criticize everything he does, thinks or says. "Search and rescue calling Garrigeld Island, Search and rescue calling Bob Fischer, come in Garrigeld Island, over" "Fischer here, Alfred, how can I help you on this fine day? Over" "You have a rather large craft coming in your direction. I don't know of its...
Helen discovered, at their age of fourteen, Bob had no idea of even the concept of money. One could question what teenager really does, but between the ages nine to eighteen years, Bob was being paid a minimum of £A500 and up a hit, which at that time, in the mid to late '50s, was the going price of a three bedroom brick bungalow in the inner suburbia of the most expensive real estate city of the country. Mother Harrison in her heyday had him doing three to four hits a week. Bob simply...
"Thank you Bob, you are a gentleman. For your effeminate friend's information, I really don't need a brother, and yes it is." Bob, at that very instant, decided another cup of tea was in order though they also shared a drop, a very large drop as it turned out, of that shit brandy Maxi had left after the funeral. They used the usual old Vegemite jars as genuine glasses tend to have a limited life span around the upside domicile, they don't go to the trouble of saving them when a cyclone...
Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...
BDSMCindy Ella was busily scrubbing the kitchen floor with a brush, on her knees, when one of her step-sisters, Vera, ran screaming and giggling through the room. She was naked, as usual, and the extra skin she had hanging off her flabby body jiggled and swayed as she ran. Following her, also as usual, was Roger, the son of the Butcher whose shop was down the street. He too was naked, and his stubby youthful erection bobbed and bounced as he chased Vera, the object of his desire. "Come on now...