Eleanor Ch. 06 free porn video

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All Characters engaging in sexual activity are over 18.


Waking with a start, Eleanor bolted upright from the furs, unable to distinguish her surroundings from her dream. Feeling a gentle hand on her shoulder, she bolted for the tent opening only to feel his arms tighten around her, pulling her back to him. Panicking in the dim morning light, Eleanor swung round, catching her attacker in the eye. Instantly regretting her action when she saw the poor giant lain on his back cradling his eye with tears falling down his face. Christ, she hadn’t made the man cry?!

Feeling instantly contrite, Eleanor reached for him.

‘Bruni, I’m sorry, let me see.’ Eleanor moved closer, worried she may have caused him serious damage, the giant’s shoulders were shaking so much.

When the brute let free his laughter, Eleanor fought the urge to punch him in the other eye, as his deep throaty laugh filled the tent, tears streaming with his merriment. Pushing him away from her, Eleanor folded her arms across her chest and glared at him.

‘Remind me never to annoy you woman.’ Bruni chuckled, as his sight came back to him. A sight indeed she was, tousled from her sleep after the wives had tidied her after her ordeal, the flush of her anger staining her cheeks, taking away the stark contrast of her bruises from the MacLean. And the push of her breasts beneath her tunic from her folded arms. By Freya, she was beautiful.

Pulling the blankets over his waist, he hoped she had not seen the reaction her poise provoked. He could not think of her thus, it was dangerous territory, Ragnar’s father would demand the contract be fulfilled. Ragnar’s Da was a stubborn man.

‘We had best be getting ready, we leave soon.’ Bruni said, desperate to tear his eyes from her soft gaze.

This was dangerous territory indeed.



‘Anika! Get away from that window, you will catch cold!’ Matilda called, to the ever disobedient eight year old.

‘Yes Mamma.’ Anika trilled, yet still unable to pull herself away from the window. ‘When is Ragnar coming home Mamma?’

‘Soon child, soon, now get down.’ Matilda begged, her little daughter had a terrible habit of climbing the tapestries and settling into the wide window ledge to view the port.

‘Do you think he will bring Kate back this time?’ Anika asked, silently praying that her Brother would drag the female back, she had wanted a sister for so long, and it almost hurt. Her Mamma was not always around, like today, she would be leaving for the Dane’s north lands to visit family, leaving the Auden Keep in the hands of Matilda’s sister Sibbe. Nearly fifty, the stern woman was mean in Anika’s opinion. Mean, and smelly. Anika knew not to beg for her Mamma to stay, yet she could only refuse to go with her in case she missed Ragnar.

Anika could smell Sibbe before the hag entered the room, and Matilda could barely stifle her laugh at Anika’s comical expression.

‘Matilda, I thought you would have left by now.’ Sibbe sneered, she had been waiting nearly a year for the chance to govern here once more. It was luxury, waited on, rich food, and a full purse. As Matilda moved from the head chair at the dais, Sibbe squeezed her massive frame into her svelte sister’s space no sooner than she had vacated it. Anika wondered whether her poor Mamma would have survived that event if she had by chance forgotten something and been a second later.

‘Varin, please get Anika out of the window.’ Matilda whispered to her head guard.

‘Anika…ready….steady………JUMP!’ Varin spoke.

Anika leapt into the guards arms, laughing all the way down into the tickling guard’s arms. The furious shout of Sibbe make short work of their revelry.

‘I swear Matilda, you have ruined that child! She wont make a good wife.’ Sibbe paused long enough to bite a large chunk from the chicken leg before continuing, mouth full. ‘She has too much of a mind, she is not disciplined enough.’

Taking a long draw on the wine, Sibbe glared at her sister with envy and anger, as the slim woman picked Anika from Varin’s arms and tickled her some more.

‘Sibbe, I do not expect to come home to a morose child this time. If I do, I will feed you to the dogs.’ Matilda spoke in old Norse, knowing Sibbe would understand, but all Anika would hear was the gentle tinkle of her usual voice.

‘Well how dare you…!’

‘Oh do be quiet Sibbe. You enjoy spending my coin more than your stupidity, so be quiet. I will be back in two weeks.’ Matilda dropped a kiss to Anika’s head. ‘Watch over Anika Varin.’ She whispered.

Leaving the keep, Matilda sighed as she walked with her maid to the waiting boat. Sibbe was not the person to leave in charge of the keep, turning back to look, too intent on making her staff her slaves.

‘By Loki, Vera best be very ill when I reach her.’ Matilda told the boat as she stepped aboard.


‘Anika, you will be staying in the North room, Inga will be staying in your room while I’m here.’ Sibbe snorted.

‘But Aunt Sibbe, I can only see the port from my room, I cant see it from the nor..’

Anika’s face crumpled with tears as the red mark from Sibbe’s strike rose on her pale face. Running into her room, Anika pulled her box all the way down to the North room, refusing to leave anything of value to her in her room with Sibbe’s awful daughter Inga.

She was ugly too, Anika thought, her black eyes clouding with anger at the pain on her cheek. Overweight, dowdy, unwashed skin and hair, and she was only seventeen!! Anika hated the thought of the rude creature sleeping in her mother’s bed, let alone its spawn sleeping in her own. Pulling her box to the window, Anika let the tapestry fall across the window, with her behind it. Folding a small pillow from the tick, she tucked it under her head, and squeezed right into the corner, she could just see the point of Bergen, she could see the boats for a fraction before they made port. Anger spiraled in her once more as she heard Sibbe’s voice outside her door.

‘She is not to get dinner, she is being punished. Is that clear Varin?’ Sibbe demanded.

‘Yes Ma’m.’

Determination steeled her, as she kept her eye on the horizon, begging with every hour that passed, that Ragnar or her mother would come home soon.


Lifting Eleanor over the edge of the boat, Ragnar took her from Bruni and set her on her feet next to Kate. Setting his arm over the edge, he hauled Bruni over the side, and pushed off with the heavy oars. The wind was set at the right angle to get them to the East of Scotland, Ragnar could only hope their luck would stick with them, and set them on a quick path to Nikolas, and then home.

‘Eleanor, Kate, come below, I will show you the boat.’ Bruni offered the limping Eleanor his hand, and waited what seemed an eternity before she took it, her eyes still glaring lightly at his laughter at her earlier. His eye still throbbing from her forceful punch. He would wager it was less than he deserved, Eleanor would have most likely flogged him if she had known he had cradled her against him all night.

Ducking beneath the feather white sails, and past the score of men on their head boat, Eleanor followed her giant beneath the deck, the area spacious, there was a private room at the bow, built seamlessly into the wood of the boat, and the multitude of hammocks hangin above the holding pens. Barrels of water, food supplies, and the thought occurred to Eleanor, these men were more prepared than any village, they had supplies, they took care of their men, and their women. They were not the barbarians the Scots made out. They were the better of the two.

Leading her to the room, Bruni moved the sliding door with a firm shove, and showed her inside. Two separate beds, on either side of
the bow spine, a thick fabric hung between the two, providing as much privacy as one could expect. Panic assailed her, Kate would surely wish to share her bed with Ragnar, she did not wish to invade the lover’s privacy, nor did she think she should invade Bruni’s by sharing, or taking his bed.

‘I can sleep on deck Bruni, a few blankets and I will be fine.’ Eleanor said quietly, a deep blush tainting her cheeks, as she backed into the store straight into her friend.

‘Eleanor and I will share a bed…’ Kate elbowed a protesting Ragnar, who obviously had other ideas, ‘…and Bruni and Ragnar can share.’ She offered a smile to Eleanor, putting her friend at ease.

‘Come on Eleanor, lets go up on deck, its a beautiful day.’ Kate said, pulling her friend away from the male-ness in the cramped space.


Staring at the rolling sea, Kate and Eleanor smiled, both surprisingly relieved to be free from the unforgiving Scots. Kate was overjoyed at finally being with Ragnar, had even cursed her stupidity for not agreeing to it before, and was also glad that her brothers where close too. Eleanor was just glad to be finding a family, she had her friend, and she had a family and home to discover in Bergen. All she needed to do was endure the boat journey. And stop her errant heart from skipping a beat when her giant passed her with a smile.

Bruni Auden, you will be the death of me. Eleanor thought, watching his taut muscles flex as he rained in the loose sail.


‘We are nearly there Bruni, perhaps one more night. Nikolas said it was the north point of the Gaul lands?’ Thorod asked, directing the other men with the oars since the wind had died a little in the afternoon.

‘Yes Thorod, I have a pretty good idea where he is, he tends to get stranded there a lot, its a port with a rather narrow lane out. And of course Nikolas is usually drunk when he leaves there, this is the third time I’ve done this journey in five years.’

At twenty eight, Bruni was growing tired of his older brother’s antics. The extensively traveled Nikolas had too much free spirit in him, of both the philosophical and liquid variety, and Bruni was sure his wandering brother would fall from the end of the earth one day. Born to his father Broddi, and his first wife Bertha, Nikolas was thirty nine, and a full blown child. Bruni’s mother Astrid was thoroughly furious with him, as Queen, she had the right to banish him, but her love for his father, Astrid could not hurt his dead father’s memory, and so had set new levels of having patience of a saint.

That patience had worn thin these past two months with Oleif’s death, the lost expression on his mother’s face when the news had arrived, had nearly crippled him. She had endured so much, just pregnant as her Broddi died, she had been for fifteen years alone, defending her country from the Gauls, the Germans, striving to see the contract sealed between Auden lands and Haur, together they would be formidable, and could put an end to the invasions of the barbarians from the south.

‘Prepare the ship for the night, make sure half the rowers sleep now, so they are ready to row through the night. We aim to pick up Nikolas in the morning. Ragnar is getting worried about Kate, she is growing more uncomfortable, she most likely only has three weeks left at most, we need to make headway back to Bergen as soon as my brother and his men are collected.’

‘Yes Bruni.’ Thorod agreed, and set about his orders.


‘Ragnar, will you stop pacing and sit down, you are going to make me sick.’ Kate moaned, her patience wearing thin at the man running a path in the floor of the boat.

‘I’m just concerned about you, your getting close, and here is not the best place for you.’ he stopped his pacing and looked at his poor female, propped up against the bow of the boat with blankets all around her, protecting her from the chill of the winter water, and the sides of the boat if a storm were to hit.

‘We could stop when we get Nikolas, and make our way back after the baby is born.’ Kate offered, knowing in her soul it was what neither of them wanted, both would rather have the child on board than on foreign soil.

His peeved glare confirmed her thoughts, and annoyed her all at once.

‘Don’t you be glaring at me Ragnar, you’re not the one carrying at full term!!!’ Kate was irritable, she knew it, but she could not be nice to him right now. They were soon to pick up Nikolas, and no one had told Eleanor that the traveling Norse was her soon to be husband.

‘You have to tell her soon Ragnar, its not fair.’ Kate winced, as the baby began kicking her furiously, not liking the raised voices.

‘We will.’ Ragnar promised. ‘Just not yet.’

Not yet.


Varin crept into the North room, praying the snoring Sibbe downstairs would not awaken. Gently shaking little Anika, he stifled her gasp with his hand.

‘Little Loki, it is me.’ He smiled, taking the food parcel out of his pocket, sitting next to her on the huge bed, he unwrapped his gift for her, catching her in a hug when she realised it was chocolate the Monks had given her mother as a gift.

‘Oh Varin, thank you!’ Anika gasped, excitement rippling through her.

‘Shhhhhh little one, we do not want the handmaiden of Hel to awaken and deprive us of breakfast.’ Varin chuckled.

‘Varin, how long before they come home? I can no longer stand the thought of that piglet in my bed, snoring into the quilt Mamma made for me. Surely it cannot be long before Ragnar or Mamma reach? I know Father will be weeks before he gets home, but the others?’

‘I do not know little Loki, I will just keep plying the wench with wine, and she will hopefully sleep right through the week!’

Tucking the little hellion into the warm blankets, Varin scooped any crumbs from Anika’s bed in case Sibbe found them, and put the folded cloth back into his pocket. His heart felt torn, leaving her like this, in fear of Sibbe. He had always felt like her protector, she was like a little sister to him, having only grown up with brothers, and now he felt as though he were failing her.

‘Sleep tight Anika, they wont be long.’ He whispered as he closed the door. Walking past his Loki’s normal room, Varin stuck out his tongue at the sleeping piglet inside, and went back to his chambers in the gatehouse. Praying himself that someone came home soon, before he killed the slobbering Sibbe for every tear she had made Anika shed.

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 348

While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75 year old farmer, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their role as our leaders. The old farmer said, "Well, as I see it, most politicians are 'Post Tortoises'.'' Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'Post Tortoise' was. The old farmer said, "When you're driving down a country road and...

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Moving Bisexually

The story so far, as told in “Making the First Move”: Andrew, a voyeuristic university student, spies on and then fucks his fantasy girl, Emily. Afterwards, her face still dripping with his semen, she invites her friend Calum to join them. Now read on…“This Calum, is he a friend of yours?” asked Andrew. It was a stupid question really. If you’re naked in your bedroom, with some guy’s cum still warm and fresh on your body, anyone you invite round to join you must be a pretty good friend.“I guess...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 231

The Hinge: While installing a new door, I found that one of the hinges was missing. So I asked my wife, Mary, if she would go to Home Depot and pick up a hinge. Mary agreed to go. While she was waiting for the Manager to finish serving a customer, her eye caught a beautiful bathroom faucet. When the Manager was finished, Mary asked him: “How much is that faucet”? The Manager replied: “That’s a gold plated faucet and the price is $5,000.00.” Mary exclaimed: “My goodness that is an...

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How I Became a Porn Casting Imposter

How I Became a Porn Casting Imposter"Geez, I really need a job."That was what I kept mentally repeating to myself as I headed to my umpteenth job interview. This one in particular had a bit more gravity to it as it was not only at one of the more respectable companies, but because my time was running out with my roommate, Patrick. A former college friend of mine, I had really worn out my welcome as a roommate of his. Patrick was a successful producer in the media industry who had taken me in...

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by Gail Holmes Once again the bus was full; Giga noticed that the young man was sitting in the rear seat again, he’d been there all week. He was fairly tall with blonde hair, slim, around his late teens she would have thought, quite good-looking and smartly dressed. He smiled towards her as she sat, however, it was more than a smile shown by strangers that happened to meet on the same bus each day, the look was a more...

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The Naughty Birthday girl

So a couple of weeks ago, one of the girls at work were celebrating their 30th and her friends wanted to surprise her with a male stripper, but apparently the price for one was pretty high and then it turned out to be too late to book the guy they wanted.Then April one of her friends asked if I would do it, you see I keep in shape, work out a lot when i'm not at work, and apparently i'm fairly good looking as well, so I was the next natural choice.And as it was for a co-worker and just a bit of...

1 year ago
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Dirty Girl Takes 20 Inches Of Cock

My girlfriend and I were discussing fantasies the other night in bed and the subject of threesomes came up. I naturally assumed that when she said that she wanted one, that my luck would be in and that I was to be entertained by two lovely ladies, after a bit of a show. Imagine my surprise when she said that she would rather sample a second cock during our love making games and not another smooth pussy, as I had foolishly anticipated.When my girl makes demands, she usually gets what she...

Group Sex
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How Little You Really Need

How little you really need LEGALESE: Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you, or if you cannot distinguish fiction from reality. This is a work of fiction. All sexually active characters are above the age of consent on their planet of origin. Copyright (c) 2015 by Acup A word of warning, I write good stories, I hope, with some decent sex in them. If you’re looking for a stroker look somewhere else. And now for my disclaimers which I have...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Sex

Her 32D breasts bounced up and down in front of my face. Her brown eyes stared at me as she moved herself down onto my body, down across my breasts, my stomach, my mound, and finally she made it to my vagina, where she set her lips onto my clit… I woke up from my dream immediately. I had never dreamed of lesbian sex before and it started to make me curious. I moved my hand towards my vagina, it was soaked with my pussy juices. My nipples were rock hard as well. My dream had actually turned me...

2 years ago
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From Lady Elizabeth to number 9

From Lady Elizabeth to Number 9   I had everything, a title, wealth, a lovely home, many friends, but no-one special.    All my friends deferred to my wealth and position, but I craved someone to control me.    I had once tentatively suggested this to a boy-friend, but his ideas were exactly  opposite, and I    never saw him again. Since then I had nursed my ideas in secret.    One day I had been surfing the net for some time when I found a link to a society    which offered to enact...

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The Fitting0

Ali is a petite middle aged woman in her late fifties. She suffered from depression when our only child died in a car accident. This actually brought on an early menopause and the loss of her sex drive. She comfort ate and put on the pounds. At one point she was over 170 pounds mostly around the middle. She woke up to the health risk when she hurt her back. After several attempts to diet she decided to create her own sensible diet – mainly eat less and exercise. She came back down to a healthy...

2 years ago
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Mistress Rules 1st time in pantys

True Story. (This is my first so please take that into consideration lol)I was home from college, and my girlfriend at the time was the domminant type. She would set me tasks to do, such as taking pictures of myself in a public place and sending it to her. It had been three weeks since being home, and I was desperate for some fun. So I asked my mistress what I could do for her. She replied that I should go into a nearby relatives room, search for lingerie/toys/porn, and ring her when I had...

1 year ago
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Great titty fucking

My girlfriend was a sales rep for a large computer distributor and would go away every month for a few days to Toronto. Her sister Alex would always hang around with us and call me up to get together every so often when her sister was out of town. Alex is 25 years old about 5'5", nice pouty lips, always tanned, very slim (105lbs) with a firm set of 36DD's that would make your head spin! My girlfriend wasn't too bad either, she has the same body type as her sister Alex but her breasts are a 34C....

2 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 77

We had finished eating and I was tired, but I made sure to spend some time with the girls before I sent them up to get ready for bed. Tran and I tucked them in and we asked them when they were going to move out of the tent. "Can't we stay in here a little while longer, Uncle Harry? We all like it and besides, we're in no hurry to move all those beds back to the rooms." I busted out laughing and told them as long as they were getting along living in the tent, then they could make up...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 6 SituationsChapter 14 A Liberal Education

Dave noted that Nikky and Amanda were talking together. He’d aimed Amanda at Nikky because she was the only other person that he knew who had been abducted. In Amanda’s case it had been worse, because some minor gangster named Dom and one his henchmen had stripped her bare, had the threat of white slavery hanging over her head, and she was only an hour or two away from a planned gangbang to induct her into being a two-bit whore for the small time thug. Karen was sitting with the two women as...

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red head

It was early when i left work , so i had plenty of time to go home and shower before i went to the airport to collect my my wife's sister . it was a job i didn't really want to do as we never really got on , she never liked me from day one , she thought i wasn't good enough for her sister, i hadn't seen her since my wedding day nearly 2 years ago, but as my wife had to work late the job feel down to me , she was coming to say with us as her marriage had broken down . When i arrived home...

1 year ago
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The Life of Giving Chapter 7 Just Like This

Weeks have gone by and I was talking to Hassan almost on a daily basis. We would meet now and then and just talk about how our day was and what new has happened since we last seen each other. It was all platonic. But there was always a small spark that couldn't be easily ignored really and the spark grew and grew ever since we first met and since Hassan put it out there as a possibility, but was very respective of me and my time needed to decide what I really want to pursue. In a way he even...

3 years ago
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It was a warm and humid afternoon. I had just finished changing the oil in my car, and after entering the house, went over to the kitchen sink to get a nice refreshing glass of water. Being a warm day, I had dressed comfortably in a white t-shirt and shorts, and I was looking forward to relaxing in front of the TV to watch the rest of the game.I had done pretty well for myself, considering that I had a sixteen year old daughter that I had to raise by myself after my slut of an ex-wife ran off...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 482 Park Amusements

Once in my suite, Jessie locked the door, stripped, and started pulling up my shirt. I let her find out that I wasn’t a little boy anymore. She checked my dick and balls out for ten seconds before pulling me toward my bathroom. “As much as I want to have that dick, well any dick, inside me, from a guy that I can tolerate touching my naked body, it isn’t happening in the shower,” Jessie said. “I blew off my homework and have been a total bitch to everyone for the last month. I don’t have a...

3 years ago
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Memories of Summer

I shivered as I walked on the vacant boardwalk this late November afternoon. The angry waves had much to say as they crashed along the beach, mercilessly taking more sand (and memories) with them. Just a mere four months ago, this beach was my home and sanctuary. It was my own private paradise. I found great enjoyment and even greater pleasure here with the four “s” words; sun, sand, surf and sex. I loved it all, though not equally. The sex part was by far my favorite. I placed my hand on the...

Quickie Sex
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Incestia 2

i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything._______________________________Part 2Judge Ciro T. Nikolai was seated behind a huge desk as Avan Volka and his young nephew Caci entered the judge’s chamber. Nikolai was a gruff sort with hard eyes and a wrinkled and stern face. He motioned for Avan and the boy to be seated on the opposite side of his desk.“Volka,” he began, “I have here a Grant of Immigration and since their father can’t answer for himself, your signature...

2 years ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 18 Reflections in Memoriam

"That was beautiful, Alex." Mel stood beside her brother as they both surveyed the stately cemetery where they'd just concluded an impromptu ceremony for Mickie. Alex and the rest of Winona's band needed to get back on the road, and since Mickie's body wouldn't be available soon enough, Melinda purchased a burial site and they'd marked out the gravesite with red ribbons. "It really was," Becky agreed, sniffling and touching her eyes with a tissue. "Though it reminded me just how...

2 years ago
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Too Late To Turn BackChapter 8

Jen and Mike were deep in another discussion about their Game, about the next step Mike wanted Jen to take with Steve. "Jen, I want you to go off the pill." Jen looked stunned. "What?" Mike took a deep breath. "I want you to go off the pill. Off all birth control. I know there's a risk of getting pregnant with Steve, but — but..." Mike searched for the right words. Understanding hit Jen. "But the risk excites you," she said softly. Jen saw in her husband's eyes that her guess...

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My Daughters Friend Natalia Part 22

We sit up on the couch facing each other at an angle and she holds my hand smiling. I finally break the silence and say; " what did you need me to look at? " She smiles and says: " Robert I have come to love you so much and that I feel you love me just as much. " I looked at her and said: " Yes I do love you very much and that I haven't dated anyone else since we have been seeing each other. Is there a problem with what we are doing? " Svetlana looks into my eyes smiling and says:...

3 years ago
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The Kolkata Trip 8211 Part 2

After the long session of sex, we ordered food. I was sitting there on the sofa sipping my drink and having a smoke wearing my padded bra and lace panty only. Saurabh was lying on the bed nude and facing me. We were chatting and then he told me he is a sports trainer and works out.That’s where he got his stamina I guess. The room service told us that food will take about 20 mins so we were watching tv and after I finished my smoke I got up Me- I should change to normal, the food will be in...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Doctors orders

"How are you feeling this morning, dear," Valerie asked her eighteen year old , Jill as she sat down to eat her breakfast!?! "Uh, pretty good I suppose," Jill replied after taking a sip of freshly squeezed orange juice, "why do you ask!?!" "Now let's not get into that again," her mother said in a exasperated tone of voice, "you know what the doctor said, at least two hard orgasms a day!!!" "Oh, mom, I know what he said, but I'm already late for school," she whined!!! "Now you listen to me young...

4 years ago
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Working out with Jax

Cladded in my red biker shorts, black tank top and tennis shoes, I rushed into the gym eager to see him. There he was as usual, all 6'2, about 225lbs of sexiness and tight fitting shorts that revealed his bundle between his legs...he was just finishing up on the tredmill. He was drenched in sweat and still looked sexy as hell. Our eyes met for the umpteen time. I smiled and this time, he smiled back.I saw him picked up his backpack and headed to the locker room. I scanned the room to see if...

Straight Sex
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Love Family SingersChapter 3

We methodically went through all of my music, finding only a few songs she really liked: ‘I’ll Never Fall in Love Again’ and ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You’ Plus, ‘April Love’ and ‘Hallelujah’ “Do any of your sisters sing as well as you do?” I asked her. “Mary does. Do you want me to ask her to come over?” she asked, flashing those red eyelashes and perfectly dimpled smile at me. “Only if it’s OK with you and Charles,” was my response. Using my phone, she called home and asked to speak...

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