Cindy Ella A Modern Fairy Tale
- 2 years ago
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Cindy Ella was busily scrubbing the kitchen floor with a brush, on her knees, when one of her step-sisters, Vera, ran screaming and giggling through the room. She was naked, as usual, and the extra skin she had hanging off her flabby body jiggled and swayed as she ran. Following her, also as usual, was Roger, the son of the Butcher whose shop was down the street. He too was naked, and his stubby youthful erection bobbed and bounced as he chased Vera, the object of his desire.
"Come on now Vera honey" he whined. "You know I love you and I need relief!"
Vera just cackled and ran on toward her bedroom, where, Cindy Ella knew, Roger would soon find his "relief". Vera was a dyed in the wool strumpet, just like her sister Maude and their mother, Gerda. That Gerda was also Cindy Ella's step-mother was one of the things that routinely made Cindy Ella sigh with remorse.
Cindy Ella scrubbed harder, trying to scrunch herself into a dirty ball that no one would notice. She had no desire to come to the attention of Roger, or Fred, or Phil, or any of the other men who routinely rutted their stiff pricks into her step-sisters and mother. She didn't want them deciding that she was fair game. Cindy Ella was a virgin, and intended to stay that way until she could escape from her bitch of a step-mother. That would be in just two short years when Cindy Ella turned eighteen.
If she lived that long.
Gerda had married Cindy Ella's father four years ago and, from the beginning had hated his only daughter. This was because of several things. For one, Cindy Ella was intelligent, which neither Gerda or her own daughters were. For another Cindy Ella was small of frame, thin, and almost boyish. Gerda and her daughters ate like pigs and it showed. Finally, Cindy Ella was beautiful, with long blond hair, graceful hands and dainty feet. That was bad enough for Gerda and her brats, but as the years passed, Cindy Ella filled out in all the right areas. Her breasts swelled along with her hips, and she developed a natural female sway in her walk that promised sweet nirvana to any man who saw it. Gerda made sure no man did. After she killed her new husband by giving him one of the many sexually transmitted diseases she brought to her marriage bed, she tried to kill Cindy Ella too, by working her to death. Cindy Ella was a virtual slave and prisoner. She was never allowed to actually take a bath, though she routinely snuck enough water to take 'whores' baths', scrubbing herself clean under the rags she was permitted to wear. At first she had wished she could change clothes, but, as the men began coming to the house to splash their seed in every hole available, she gave that thought up. While her hygiene was much better than that of the other women in the house, no one could tell through the filth she made sure covered her face, arms and clothing. Still, it was a disease infested house, now that her father had died, and no matter how much Cindy Ella scrubbed and cleaned, she couldn't combat the filth created by three women and who knows how many men who frequented the beds in the place.
Cindy Ella picked up the bucket and started off down the hall toward the back door where she could toss out the dirty water. She sighed. She had to go by her step-sisters' rooms on the way and she knew what she'd see. Sure enough, Roger had caught his prize and was lustily ramming his penis in and out of her as she lay staring at the ceiling. She appeared to be thinking of something else, but every once in a while she remembered she was trying to catch a husband and that caused her to moan "Oh Roger, you're so good. Don't stop." She said it with all the heat of a teacher saying "OK, class, remember that two and two are four... very good."
Further down the hall was Maude's room. Maude had more imagination that Vera did, and that imagination was on display as Cindy Ella passed her room. Maude's current beau was an unhealthy looking young man named Percival who, apparently, had a low opinion of himself. He had allowed Maude to truss him up like a chicken while she had her way with him. He was completely unable to move a muscle, though one of his muscles, protruding from his loins, was free for Maude to play with. She was in the act of dripping hot wax on that muscle as Percival moaned in pain. Cindy Ella hustled on. She was glad she didn't have to pass her step-mother's room. She'd seen Tully in the house earlier. He ran the slaughterhouse on the edge of town and always smelled like death mixed with cow dung. He also liked to piss all over Gerda before making her suck his dick. But he was rich, like all the men who came to the house. Her step-mother and step-sisters were all trying to snag a rich man, and they'd stoop to any level to do it.
So, when news came that the Prince was going to have a party, at which all eligible girls in the Kingdom were required to attend, they began scheming about how they might come to his attention and hit the biggest payday of all. They demanded that Cindy Ella make them new gowns, that showed off their "charms" as they called them. On the afternoon before the ball she had to do all their hair and then apply their makeup. They chattered and argued about how the Prince would find each of them irresistible, and how no matter which of them he chose, she would make sure to insist that all the others be brought to the castle to live as well.
"Me too?" said Cindy Ella and then bit her lip, wishing she hadn't spoken.
Gerda laughed cruelly. "YOU will stay here, my worthless little tramp" and fix this dump up so when we sell it we'll get some real money. Vera said that they could probably find somewhere in the castle stables that Cindy Ella could sleep and they all cackled. Finally, they left, on their way to the ball.
The only time Cindy Ella ever got out of her smelly rotting rags was when she went to bed. Then she stripped them off, exposing her snow white body, which she washed carefully with a clean rag she kept in the attic. After that she crawled naked into her bed, which consisted of cast off clothing her step-mother didn't know she had and which she washed along with all her other washing chores. It wasn't pretty, but it was warm and she put flower petals in it to make it smell nice. Usually she was quite glad to get into bed, since that was the only time all day she could relax.
Tonight, of course, Cindy Ella went to bed sad that she couldn't go to the Prince's Ball. Just before she got into her rag-covered straw pallet she gazed out the tiny attic window at the bright evening star and made a wish that she could be happy and free and in love some day. Then she fell asleep quickly. She slept the sleep of the good, deep and restful. She awoke suddenly, to a bright light in the attic. She rubbed her eyes and peered at a hazy bright figure standing, hands on hips, above her.
"Get up girl!" the figure demanded. "Time's a wasting and we've got a lot to do before this night is over."
Cindy Ella stared at the figure, wide eyed. It looked female, sort of, but was too short and quite wide. It was dressed in a flowing gown that changed colors constantly and was hard to look at. "Who are you?" Cindy Ella asked timidly.
"For goodness sake, you silly girl... I'm your fairy God Mother, of course! Who else would I be?" she demanded. "Now, I said GET UP!!!"
Cindy Ella bounded to her feet as if she'd received an electric shock (even though electricity hadn't quite been discovered yet - but you know what I mean.) She was, of course, still naked as the day she was born, and her fairy god mother looked her up and down carefully. "Hmmmmm, not as much to work with as I'd hoped, but I think you'll do." She raised her hand, which held a short stiff length of something that could be a tree branch. Cindy Ella flinched. She was often beaten by her step mother or step sisters with such a stick. The apparition paused and looked with sympathy at the cowering girl. "We're going to have to make them pay for making you like this." she muttered. "Don't be afraid, girl. I'm here to help you make your dreams come true. You only get this kind of chance once in your life, and we only have until midnight, so please trust me and do what I tell you."
Cindy Ella relaxed slightly and raised her eyes. "Very well, mistress, I'll do as you command."
The little woman groaned. "I'm not your mistress. In fact, YOU are actually in charge here. It's YOUR dream we're working on here. You want to go to the ball, right?"
Again Cindy Ella's eyes got big. "Oh yes, more than anything."
"Well then, I'm going to get you there. The rest is up to you." said the shimmering being.
"The rest of what?" asked Cindy Ella, confused.
"Never mind. And call me Madge, OK? Mistress sounds so formal. Now, this is going to tingle, but it's necessary, trust me." Madge raised her wand again and waved it. What could have been tiny snowflakes shot out of it and broke into two streams. One enveloped Cindy Ella's throat, and the other darted between her legs and disappeared up inside her. Cindy Ella squeaked and jumped, but she couldn't avoid the dust, or whatever it was. She felt a tingling in her throat, and up inside of her, just below her stomach.
"What was THAT?" she gasped. Then she stopped. Her voice sounded different. It was lower, stronger, more... sexy sounding.
"Oh, it was something I hope will come in handy, but for one thing no one will recognize your voice when you get to the ball. If you concentrate, you can make your voice sound like it used to by trying to talk like a little girl. Otherwise the... changes... I made are permanent. If all works out well you'll understand some day why I made them. She waved her wand again and again the snowflakes shot out and drifted all around Cindy Ella. All the dirt on her body flaked off, leaving her as clean as if she'd bathed in a spa. A luscious odor now drifted around her body, as of the richest perfumes. Her long blond hair was now done up on top of her head, held there with ribbons and clips that were decorated with sparkling diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Madge snapped her fingers and a tall mirror appeared. Cindy Ella couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her eyes dropped to her modest breasts and she frowned. She looked at Madge with a question in her eyes.
Madge frowned too. "I can't make radical changes, but I might be able to help a little. Again the wand, and again the snowflakes, which this time coated Cindy Ella's breasts and floated there, slowly soaking into the skin. Cindy Ella felt the tingling and a sharp stab of pleasure/pain in her nipples. When she looked in the mirror her breasts DID look a little bigger. But it was her nipples that had changed the most. Before they had been brown and almost flat. Now they were dark red and stuck out proudly, like two fat June bugs sitting on her breasts. She touched one and felt that pleasure/pain streak shoot through her again. Madge smiled. "Be careful what you wish for, Cindy Ella. I made them super sensitive, so they'll pleasure you almost constantly. That can have side effects, though, so don't overdo it.
Cindy Ella pinched a nipple to see what that was like and almost fell down as her knees weakened. She looked in the mirror again. "I can't go to the ball naked!" she said. Madge waved her wand again and Cindy Ella gasped in shock as a gown appeared on her body. It was of the softest satin, dark blue, and thin as paper. It clung to her body like skin. In the front there really was no neckline, as it plunged between her breasts to just above her navel. She turned to look at the back and gasped again. She could actually see the top of the crack between her buttocks! All that held the dress on were two thin straps that went up her chest and crossed over her back. In the front, where the top of two tall triangles covered Cindy Ella's breasts, her new stiff sensitive nipples were clearly visible through the thin cloth.
"I'm practically NAKED!" she squealed.
"Hmmph" snorted Madge. "Practically naked and naked are two different things. Trust me, you'll love this dress when you dance with the Prince."
"Oh!, I could never be so bold as to ask the prince to dance!" said Cindy Ella.
"With that dress you won't have to ask." said her smug fairy god mother.
"But... I don't have on any... under things." Cindy Ella blushed.
"My dear, I sincerely hope you don't NEED any under things tonight." said her helpful fair god mother.
In short order Madge had used common ordinary objects to create a carriage, horses and attendants to take Cindy Ella to the ball. The last thing Madge did was apply some makeup to Cindy Ella's face to ensure that no one would be able to recognize her, not that anyone would as she now looked.
"Remember, you have only until midnight. At the stroke of twelve the gown will return to being the rags you wear each day, the carriage will again become a pot with a hole in the bottom, the horses and coachmen will again be vermin. The makeup, your hairdo - all of it will disappear in a puff of smoke. Only the changes I made to your body will remain. Don't get caught out in public, or people will know who you are. For tonight you may be whoever you wish. Now. Go have fun."
Cindy Ella's carriage dropped her at the entrance to the grand ball room and she stepped lightly down to the pavement. People began to stare at her immediately. First of all she was alone, and in those days beautiful women didn't go anywhere alone. Secondly no one had seen either her carriage nor her before. The Kingdom wasn't small, by any measure, but most of the nobles knew each other. This young woman was obviously of noble blood, but none knew from where she came, or who she was. The men stared because they'd never seen a woman so beautiful, so alluring. Her breasts were so succulent looking, the nipples clearly visible, the dress almost falling off of that perfect body. Erections began appearing everywhere she went. Women hated her on sight.
Cindy Ella saw the man announcing people as they entered the ballroom, but she couldn't give him her real name. The answer to her problem came when there was an argument about which couple should be announced next. While the argument was settled, Cindy Ella slipped past them and found herself in the midst of a swirl of sound and color. She knew how to dance, though she'd never been to a ball before. Her father had danced with her when she was a little girl, so she knew all the steps. She watched enviously as couples swept past her, circling gracefully as they went around the big dance floor.
She felt a tug at her elbow. She turned to see Prince Rupert, heir to the realm, standing before her. She froze in fright.
"Milady" the Prince bowed. "I'm delighted you have decided to grace our presence with your beauty."
Cindy Ella blushed and curtsied. "Thank you your majesty."
The Prince insisted that she dance with him. They fit well, and found that each danced divinely. One dance led to two, then to three. The Prince knew that he should be dancing with lots of the women present, but this lovely girl, in her revealing dress, had captivated him. Before he knew it an hour had passed and he had danced with no one besides her. He was so besotted he hadn't even asked her what her name was. All he concentrated on was getting her in his arms, and getting her to say "yes" to another dance. As they danced they chatted and he found her to be intelligent, kind, and capable of talking about almost any subject.
As the Prince danced with Cindy Ella he felt blood suffusing his face and something else on his body. She was so beautiful, so soft. She smelled so good. She was everything he'd ever wanted in a woman. Well, almost everything. She was too small, too lithe and fragile looking to be able to do what he wished she could do.
You see, the prince had a problem. Somewhere along the way one of his ancestors must have had sex with a horse, because what the prince had hanging between his legs belonged on a horse. The tip wasn't too bad, being almost normal sized, but when stiff, the prince's penis was a full twelve inches long and quite possibly as big around as a well grown cucumber. While he'd been able to stuff it into the odd serving girl occasionally, it was always painful for them. About the best he could hope for was that he could get a blow job now and then, but even that caused problems. The girls could only get a few inches into their mouths and if he pushed too lustily they choked and... well, it wasn't pretty. The prince had been looking for years for a woman who could take his horse cock and he was about resigned to having to settle for a basically sexless life.
And this little slip of a girl in his arms tonight could never even BEGIN to handle what he wanted to give to her. None the less, his penis didn't know that, and as they danced, and as his hands slid over the soft skin of her back, his unruly organ began to get ready for some fun. He tried to push her away, to keep her from feeling his hardon, but she snuggled against him even more, pressing those delightful almost naked breasts against his tunic. He wished he could take his coat and shirt off, to feel those undoubtedly hot orbs against his chest. The thought of that finished the job on his prick, which now stood at full mast. Or tried to. It didn't have room in his tight pants to do much more than press outward against Cindy Ella's leg and abdomen.
Cindy Ella, for her part, was oblivious to what was happening - at least at first. The feeling of a strong man's arms around her, and of her aching tingling nipples pressing against his chest had reduced her to quivering need for something she couldn't quite put her finger on. She was feeling things she'd never ever felt before. She wished again that her outfit had included panties. She was wet between her legs, and she could feel little runnels of wetness running down her thighs. As she concentrated on that feeling she suddenly realized something was pressing against her in that region of her body. At first she couldn't identify what it was. She pressed her body against it and she gasped as she realized what it had to be. Cindy Ella had seen a LOT of cocks in her young life. Her step mother and step sisters were sluts of the first magnitude and there was always a naked man hanging around the house somewhere. But Cindy Ella had NEVER seen a cock that would produce a bulge like the one currently pressing against her. It had to be HUGE! Still, they were in the middle of the dance floor. What could he do here? And, to know that he was so aroused by her made her feel... fluttery inside. More cream escaped her wet pussy to run down her legs. Almost unconsciously she pressed her abdomen gently against the lump.
The Prince felt the pressure of her loins against his and a dollop of his own cream oozed out of the tip of his princely penis. He steered Cindy Ella to one side of the large group of revelers, toward a thick curtain that he knew covered a door. If he could only get this wonderful girl alone for a few minutes, maybe things would progress in a manner that would be satisfying to them both. Her arms were around him, and now he let both of his hands slide across and down her back. Without thinking, he let his hands slide lower... and lower... and lower, until, to his vast surprise, he found they had slipped inside her gown and he was now cupping two delightfully firm and round buttocks. He kept her moving toward the curtain.
Cindy Ella felt his big warm hands on her buttocks and she sighed. She'd never imagined that a man's hands on her there could possibly feel so wonderful. She wished the night could go on forever. With sadness she heard the clock in the tower above her strike eleven times.
Prince Rupert reached the heavy drapes that covered the door to the special audience room. He made one complete turn while dancing, to see who was looking at them. Earlier almost everyone had been watching the handsome couple dancing, wondering who this ravishing creature was. Now, an hour later, and after much wine had been drunk, most of the dancers were paying attention to their partners. Making his decision he reluctantly pulled one hand out of Cindy Ella's gown, parted the drapes, and whisked her through them, then through the door and into the audience chamber.
Cindy Ella was at once both confused and a little afraid. "Your Grace, what are you doing?" she pushed him to arms length.
The prince knelt, looking up at her. "Fair maiden, you have stolen my heart. I cannot resist your wiles, if they are that, or your beauty. I must have some kisses or I shall surely die."
Cindy Ella had been all to aware of the massive thing pressing against her as they danced, and she doubted that kisses were all the Prince had in mind, but she too was captive to the influences of lust and she happily bent slightly to bring her cherry lips against his. Her kiss was, at first, a chaste one. After all, she had no experience with kisses of any sort. Therefore, the prince, who was expecting something a little longer, was surprised when her lips pulled off of his. His eyes popped open, at which point he promptly stopped breathing. This was because in the process of leaning down to kiss him, the front of Cindy Ella's gown sagged and her luscious breasts with their jutting nipples were exposed. Rupert, though a gentleman through and through, was consumed with lust. As if they belonged to someone else, his hands rose to the straps of her gown and flicked them, almost negligently sideways. The straps, just as slippery as the rest of the dress, slid off her shoulders, and the dress, much heavier than it looked, dropped to the floor like a stone.
Cindy Ella stood, her mouth open, in all her glorious nakedness. Rupert found his face level with and about two inches away from two pert breasts with extended nipples, both of which looked delicious. He just HAD to taste them. He leaned forward and his lips latched onto her left one.
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Ella's Story-2-Taboo Motel By billy69boy(In collaboration with my dear friend Ella)It seemed like forever as I waited for Ella, my sweet young "Sex Slave" (as she referred to herself) to emerge from the motel bathroom. She was wearing the sexiest black negligee that I had ever seen…or maybe the negligee was merely ordinary, and it was actually Ella who wore it so exceptionally well. Either way, she was a vision from heaven, and I found myself grinning like someone who had just won the...
Ella decided to give the old care taker a treat before she went back to the city, as he always perved on her when she was sunbaking by the pool. this her account of what happened while i was at work. Ella made sure she was by the pool sun baking before Ted came to clean the pool.As Ted started cleaning Ella watch and waited till he was right in front of her until she put both feet either side of the deck chair on the pretense of adjusting her pillow thus exposing her naked smooth pussy to Ted....
Introduction: Part 5 Shit! I chuckled when I heard Tanya in her bedroom. It was almost eight oclock on Thursday, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I put down the paper and took my coffee down the hall. I stopped in her doorway and grinned as I saw her trying to get out of bed. She looked at my left shoulder, eyes wide, and I just raised my eyebrows as I took a sip and watched her over the rim of my mug. She had only been able to sit up, and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. ...
Ella was one of the funniest women I knew. She had a great personality and the biggest smile you'd ever want to see. Standing about 5' 4" tall Ella was all personality. Her physical charms were there but you had to look to see them. You see, Ella was a "big" girl. By that I mean she was about 30 lbs overweight. Now don't get me wrong. Ella was attractive, funny and sexy in the way that BBW become after a lifetime of being, well, a Big Beautiful woman. I'm sure you know what I mean....
It was a really hot summer day. A day when all I want to do is get to the lake and strip down to my bikini and dive in. I could spend the whole day in the water, I think to myself as I walk along the path. I wore a short skirt over my bikini and feeling the breeze I create as I walk along feels really good on my sweaty skin, I can't wait to get to the lake, but then I hear giggling, and frown in disappointment. So much for a quiet afternoon alone at the lake!I slow down and walk slowly trying...
I won't soon forget the night with my lover Ella, no longer my granny but a mature woman in her early seventies who knows exactly what is going on in life and loved life itself. Ella knew what was going through my mind or what was left of it as I lay in her bed wearing her skirt;blouse; black patent hiheels as I romanced her gold half-round reading glasses with the small pearls beaded neck chain wrapped around my cock, she knew that symbolicly I wanted her as I romanced her half-glasses and...
It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Ella came to hover on her neighbours’ doorstep. She wanted to ask a favour of Darren but could not yet bring herself to knock on the door. Darren was her friendly neighbour in his mid-twenties, at six foot two, he was a dark haired and attractive man. Ella hoped to ask if he could take some photos for her yearbook as he worked in photography and she figured he would be. This question had brought her to his porch in shorts that showcased her slender legs...
Seduction“Come on Bev, lets do some girly shopping” Sam said which excited my sister, “Ella has homework to do” she continued which Ella accepted, “Can I help you with it?” I asked trying to break the ice and make her forget about her mummy going shopping without her, Ella smiled sweetly, “Hmm, yes please Jerry” she replied and I told her to call me Jez, “Thanks Jez” she said with a giggle as she sat on the sofa and got a couple of books out her bag, “I do love your shorts Jez” she said softly with a...
A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...
Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...
Ella and Darren kissed, feeling their lips press together softly at first and then harder as shyness dissipated. With her arms hooked around his neck, Darren drew Ella up to him from the stool. Ella felt his tongue on her lip and deepened the kiss in turn as she pushed her tongue into his. Kissing more passionately with his hands moving over her back and sides, he kept his hands off her curves for the time being. Ella could taste the beer on his breath while his designer stubble teased her...
College SexElla sat around at the party, examining the many people that came in through the doors. There was only one reason she was at the party, and that was to see Denny Olvarios. She had loved him since she was in eighth grade, when she was more awkward. Ella had sat next to Denny for a few months in her English and Reading class, but her teacher had moved her to the back. Since then they had grown disnant, unless you counted the occasional texting for class work. But today was the day when he would...
Ella is desperate for her sons. I received this email some time ago. It speaks for itself. But the exchange ended abruptly. Read on! OMG …Thank you! I just finished A Conversation Online with Rene and am absolutely exhausted. I’ve carried a passion for i****t erotica for longer than I can remember hon. I’m married, with two sons, and live in what could be best described as Mayberry West, so it’s obvious a fantasy I’ve hidden from all. Finding Literotica was such a treat and finding so many...
Ella is desperate for her sons.I received this email some time ago. It speaks for itself. But the exchange ended abruptly. Read on!OMG ...Thank you!I just finished A Conversation Online with Rene and am absolutely exhausted. I've carried a passion for i****t erotica for longer than I can remember hon. I'm married, with two sons, and live in what could be best described as Mayberry West, so it's obvious a fantasy I've hidden from all. Finding Literotica was such a treat and finding so many...
I hope you enjoy reading this story as I enjoyed writing it. I think these slow changes and the changes in senses and feelings are quite sexy. I am trying to incorporate some suggestions made on the reviews to tune the stories with your liking too. Animalkind: Almost a fairy tale This story begins only two years after the first changes around the world started. The world now was starting to get used to hybrid women. Since the start of the changes, only two years after the...
12:30. What could possibly happen at this time? Again the loud thump echoed through the room. She scrambled upon her bed, scared. Again that thumps. She looked at the wall directly behind her. The noise seemed to be coming from that wall, probably from the other room. She leaned closer to the wall and pressed her ear to it. Thump! She backed away. Thump! Thump! Thump! There seemed to be some kind of rhythm in that sound, like someone is hitting the wall with some heavy object from the...
I swa her from across the field leading him into the barn. I know her well enough now to know what is going on. I run to the barn following them inside and head to the back ladder knowing they are already up in the loft. I sneak around the hay bales and peek out in time to see Ella, already between his legs. I can't see everything as Ella's long hair covers her face, but the look on his face tells me that her wet mouth is already wrapped around his hard cock, her hand is moving, stroking him....
Ella Prologue: "Are you absolutely certain?" I momentarily stared at my roommate. The last six months have not been easy. For either of us. We've been getting on each other's nerves for sometime now, crammed into a tiny loft apartment intended for a single guy with few possessions, which is pretty much what I was a year ago when I rented this place. "Yes," I sighed, maybe not being completely honest. When I let Liam crash here for "just a few days", I knew that wasn't the...
A CHRISTMAS FAIRY TALE by DebWeb Dedicated to the hidden child, who resides in all of us. I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine: There sleeps Titania sometime of the night, Lull'd in these flowers with dances and delight; And there the snake throws her enamell'd skin, Weed wide enough to wrap a fairy in WILLIAM...
HumorWe begin this week’s show with a tracking shot, moving along a row of orange brick buildings, and then at the end of the street rounding a corner to see a very different kind of building ... A five story, white/grey brick 1990s apartment building with balconies and window aplenty. And standing infront of the building, walking toward us, the ultimate odd couple ... The fat old Cockney bloke, and his sleek young Doberman ... Dennis Baxter and Romeo. Both dedicated to the pleasuring of willing...
The Wish Maker: A Dark Fairy Tale By Mother Kali Once in a land far away, there lived an extremely old woman who was called, not very imaginatively, "The Old Mother." This old lady lived by herself in a cottage at the very edge of the known world. She had been alive longer than even she could remember. Her face was as brown as tanned leather and deeply lined from all the time she spent in the sun. She was stooped and a little shriveled with age. She wore a plain black dress...
The Legend of the Latex Princess Rubber Fairy TaleBy Darqside There is an old legend that spans the fabric of time itself, well not really that old actually, but it will be around for a long time at the very least. Legend has it that there was once a young queen who ruled her people and her house with an Iron fist.? She was very strict with her Manservants and Maidservants.? She was a very selfish and indulgent woman by nature, and was very choosy about the men who courted her.? In...
Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...
BDSMCindy sat on the bed, lazily chewing her gum as she waited. She was neither overly excited, nor completely indifferent and reasoned it was a small price to pay to get what she wanted. She would explain the new sneakers and jeans to her parents somehow, but that was still off in the future.There was a chill in the bedroom, and she shuddered slightly as the cool air caressed her bare skin. Her nipples hardened into tiny pale peaks and she thought that he would appreciate that. Cindy ran her...
Ella is 5'5, long black hair, with a cute round face and some freckles, she has large breast and a round ass, but is so skinny you can see her ribs. Ella is a virgin, but has always been a tease. Ella wakes up on her 18th birthday and puts on her favourite outfit, a tight pink latex croptop and tight black leggings. She goes downstair to, and is astonished to find 4 men waiting in her living room holding tasers. "She'll do just fine, the viewers will love her", the largest one says, he appears...
BDSMI stood up, and Ella did too. She was GLUED to it. But as far as I was concerned David was setting a great example, with making a bold move on the one he wanted! I was behind Ella by now, so when she backed away from being right on top of the hot sex she bumped into me. She was turning to say sorry but I grabbed her, with my arm round her gorgeous shoulders. I kissed her neck and slid my other hand straight down to her pussy. I kept kissing her neck again, and talking to her, pointing out...
The Fairy Godmother Device: Cinderella's Slippers Part III By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 The young woman's figure was nearly hidden by the cascade of golden-red hair that fell across her shoulders and down her chest and back. However as she moved, proud, pointed breasts intermittently peeked through the silky mantle exposing soft, pink nipples to the cool ocean breeze that surged through the open patio door. And as she approached the bed that dominated the room, her lush...
My life has always been hard my name is Cinderella, but everyone calls me Cindy when I was little my mother died my father and I have never been close I think he married her for her money. When I was 15 he remarried to a woman Dena who had 2 daughter’s they were mean I had to give up my pretty fairy tale room to one of my two sister’s Kat her sister Daisy took the other one that left me with a room next to the maids. One night while I was sleeping my father and new mother came to my room and...
A Devilish Fairy Tale by Paddy57Let me tell you a tail of two little devils called Sparky and Brandy.The Sparky-Devil was not worldly wise and he like all male devils scurried around with massive pair of horns on his head, a little forked tail and a massive erection, ever upward in his mind. He sought one thing - sex. His whole function in life was to make she-devils squeal with pleasure.The Brandy-Devil was a she-devil, and like all she-devils she liked to Brandy poor he-devils. She would...
I want to tell my "Fairy Tale Story" that when I was in 12th STD, I was in single side love within one of my female lecturer. She was no pretty and slim that I used to dream about her each night and used to fuck her in my dreams.. She was my favorite, even she had knew that I'm on of her biggest fan, as I used to offer a Chocolate bars after the class. Unfortunate, our church authorities sent her to different organization where she had become Nun.. :( ..After 3 years, when I was in final year...
Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale Copyright 2000, Melissa Virus This one's only my second try, so please, continue to try and be gentle. Know that there is an explanation. ***************************************************************************** Alissa was kind of young; I was eighteen and she was sixteen. You know, not young enough that it was sick or anything, but . . . just this side of the line separating good and bad taste. In retrospect, our relationship was...
A Sissy Fairy tale By Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Josh to Josie. I got pregnant when I was sixteen. I'm not sure about the father. My parents talked me into keeping him to be the son they always wanted. My father died when Joshua was three. My mother and I struggled on. My mother died last year. By then he was the son nobody wanted. He was small for his age, so I kept him back a year. It didn't matter. He stayed small and never developed much body hair. The doctor...
Introduction: my second story. im still not very good at it, any kind of comments are appreciated Ella Louise The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D...
Transgendered Fairy Tales: Cinderella's Slippers By Dee Dee Perri CHAPTER 1 437 A.D. A cold, heavy mist hung over the castle and the surrounding village as the earth waited for the arrival of the sun. It would be dawn in a few minutes and still the old woman had been unable to discover the secret of the glass slippers. The first hint of light already was evident in the East. Time was running out and she knew it. "Maybe Cinderella's step-sisters were wrong!" Muttered the...
The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D breasts bounced as she swayed her way down the sidewalk. She had always been told how pretty she was, with...