Ella s Story 3 Bisexual Stirrings
- 2 years ago
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Introduction: Part 5 Shit!
I chuckled when I heard Tanya in her bedroom. It was almost eight oclock on Thursday, and I knew exactly what she was thinking. I put down the paper and took my coffee down the hall. I stopped in her doorway and grinned as I saw her trying to get out of bed. She looked at my left shoulder, eyes wide, and I just raised my eyebrows as I took a sip and watched her over the rim of my mug. She had only been able to sit up, and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth.
Where exactly do you think youre going? I asked, stepping into the room and placing my coffee on her dresser.
Im late for work, Sir, she said, flinging the sheet off her. It was the only thing she could stand touching her the night before.
No, you arent.
She frowned, but stopped trying to rise. What do you mean, Sir?
I mean, I said, sitting down on the bed, I already called your firm, told them youd been injured, and that you wouldnt be in to work until Monday. I shrugged. They said they hoped you felt better soon and that theyd see you then.
Her frown remained, and she looked down at her hands. What am I supposed to tell them on Monday, Sir? What kind of injury did you say I had?
I laughed and stood up. I dont give a fuck what you tell them, and I didnt specify an injury. I just said that you were unable to come to work.
She lowered herself back into a supine position and smiled. Thank you, Sir. I dont think I would have made it through the day.
Youre welcome, I said, covering her with the sheet again. Now, I have to go to work, but if you have any problems, text me immediately. I can be here within an hour. I left the witch hazel oil in your bathroom along with the arnica cream. Go easy on yourself today, and Ill see you around four. If you feel up to it, maybe we can go to dinner tonight. I kissed her, picked up my mug, and finished off the dregs as I walked back to the kitchen.
I decided to drive to NYU. It was a nice day, and I was in an excellent mood. I only had office hours today with no classes to teach, I had sated the demon for a while, and I had no papers to grade. It was going to be a great day.
I had just pulled into my assigned parking space when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and smiled.
I was wondering if I could use your computer, Sir.
Sure. Just know that I have a very sophisticated tracking system, so Ill know everything you use it for.
Thank you, Sir. Have a nice day at work.
I got to my office and pulled up a copy of the tracking program on my computer. With it, I could see what Tanya was doing almost in real time. I set it to notify me whenever she opened a new page and went down the hall to the faculty lounge after locking my office door. The coffee there was surprisingly drinkable, and I filled a cup while trading inane pleasantries with my colleagues. When I got back to my office, a young woman was waiting for me. When she saw me, she smiled brightly, and I cringed.
Susannah, I said shortly as I unlocked my door and held it for her. Please, come in.
Thank you, Professor Taylor, she purred, and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
I left the door open, and she frowned as I moved around my desk and sat down. This girl had been trying to get me to fuck her since the first day of classes. She had all but dropped my pants and sucked me off in the middle of class. She was in my graduate level International Economics class, which had only a dozen students, and I think the others were intimidated by her because no one ever sat near her. She always sat in the front row, wore miniskirts, and had started the school year by flashing her panty-less crotch every time she crossed her legs. More often than not, lately, the crossed legs had become spread knees, and twice now, she had rubbed her clit, blatently offering herself to me.
Please sit down, Susannah. I pointed to one of the chairs in front of my desk. She sat, and I inwardly sighed as she placed one foot on the seat of the chair and, once again, displayed her bare pussy.
May I ask you a question, Professor Taylor?
I kept my eyes on her face. Sure.
Are you gay?
It was the last thing I was expecting, and I barked out a laugh. No, why do you ask?
Because, she said in what I assumed she thought was a sexy voice, Ive offered this to you… She spread her pussy lips with the fingers of one hand and dragged the index finger of her other hand up her slit. …and youve never even flinched. I figured you were either gay or impotent.
I watched her hands, and images of Tanyas red, swollen clit and bruised lips slammed into my brain. I grinned, and Susannah returned it, thinking, I was sure, that I meant it for her. She intensified her motions, even going so far as to start finger fucking herself. The girl had no shame.
Susannah, I said, as calmly as possible, I am neither gay nor impotent. I happen to be in a relationship right now, and I have absolutely no desire to cheat on my partner. Not with you and not with anyone, so you might as well wear underwear and longer skirts the rest of the semester. Besides, you wouldnt last two minutes with me, darling. I will not fuck you now or ever.
Her grin turned into a pout, and she stood up quickly. She opened her mouth to say something when my computer dinged. I looked at it and saw that Tanya had just accessed Google. Interesting. She wasnt going to a known site, then. When I looked up, Susannah had moved closer to the desk and was presenting her ass to me.
Are you sure I cant convince you, Professor? She wiggled her ass, and then sat down on top of my desk. I could really use a good fucking.
Get the fuck off my desk, I growled. I stood up and walked in front of her as she jumped off. I placed my hands on either side of her and gripped the edge of the desktop until my knuckles turned white. I leaned down over her and spoke icily. I dont fuck around on my partner, little girl, and you are dipping your toes in water that could suck you under in an instant. Trust me when I say that you do not want to get on my bad side. Ive ignored you up to this point, but you are treading a very fine line right now. Get the fuck out of my office, or I promise you, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You can use me for your fucking masturbatory sessions if you want to, but if you ever presume to come on to me again, I promise I will make you pay for it.
Her eyes went wide, and the fear in them thrilled me. She had seen a brief glimpse of the demon, and she was terrified. I stood up straight, and she was just sliding around me when she froze at the sound of a very pissed off woman at my door.
Andrew, what the fuck did you do?
I dropped my head and clenched my fists. Fuck! I muttered and turned around.
Ella was standing in the doorway, her face red with fury. She was shaking, she was so angry.
Ella, its not what you think.
What isnt? Susannah had managed to get around me and was standing to one side, nervously looking between me and the door. Ella glanced at the petrified girl before pinning her gaze on me. Her? I dont give a fuck about her. Im talking about Tanya.
What? I glared at Susannah. Leave. Now. The girl scurried out of the room like a cockroach. Shut the door, Ella. She didnt shut it, she slammed It, and I glared at her as I leaned back against my desk. What are you so pissed about?
She locked the door, crossed the room, and abruptly slapped the shit out of me. The woman had a powerful arm, and for a moment, I saw stars. My hand came up to my cheek, and I stared at her in disbelief. What the… I was interrupted by another slap to my other cheek. It was no less powerful, and I blinked. Ella, what… My shock passed quickly, though, and I was ready for her third strike and grabbed her wrist before she could connect. I twisted it behind her back and pulled her to me. I was already on the verge of violence because of Susannah, and now Ella had definitely crossed that fine line I had mentioned. With my free hand, I undid my belt and pulled it free from the loops. Youd better fucking tell me what the hell you think youre doing, Ella, before I beat the shit out of you right here, right now. Trust me when I say I can gag you so that no one will hear a thing. My voice was cold enough to freeze hell over.
I told you thered be consequences, Andrew. She tried to pull away, but I only raised her arm up higher. She grunted and stilled.
Consequences for what?
For losing control, you fucking bastard.
My eyes went wide, and I pushed her away from me. What the hell are you talking about? Have you gone completely crazy?
She glared at me as she reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone. Flipping through a few screens, she shoved it at me. Emblazoned across the screen was a picture of Tanya, smiling brightly. I scrolled to the next picture which showed the welts and bruises and cuts on her thighs. She had taken off the bandages before taking the picture, and it graphically showed every millimeter of damage. The next showed her red, swollen clit, which actually looked better than it had the night before. On and on the pictures went with the ones of her back and ass being mirror shots.
She sent those to me an hour ago. You told me you were in control, you asshole. If Id known youd to that to her, I never would have fucking brought her to you.
I put the phone on the desk and arched an eyebrow at Ella. Did she happen to write anything when she sent those to you?
Ella blanched. Yes, she did. She said thank you for finding her such a perfect Master and that she owed me everything for helping her. Then she gritted her teeth. You made her say that, didnt you, you prick?
Now I was pissed. I stalked toward her, and she stepped backwards until her back was against the door. I fisted my hands and put them on either side of her. Are you suggesting I forced her to lie, Ella?
I know you, Andrew. You probably threatened to do worse if she didnt say exactly what you told her to.
You obviously dont know me as well as you think you do, I growled. I walked around my desk and pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket. I put it on speaker and dialed Tanyas cell.
What are you doing, Andrew?
Shut the fuck up, Ella. Just listen. Dont say a fucking word.
She still looked pissed, but she didnt look quite as confident as she had before. After two rings, Tanya answered.
Hello, Sir.
Hello, Tanya, I said, staring straight at Ella, forcing myself to keep my voice calm. Im just calling to see how youre doing.
Much better, Sir, thank you.
Hows the pain?
Still there, but it feels so good now. The stinging, the throbbing, the aching. I cant wait until Im well enough to do it again, Sir.
I kept my gaze on Ella, and she flushed. Maybe something a little different next time. What do you think?
What do you have in mind, Sir?
Oh, now that would spoil the surprise, wouldnt it? I cant tell you all my little secrets all at once. Now, I know its early in the day, but do you think youd like to go out to dinner tonight?
I dont know yet, Sir. Can I tell you later, please?
Of course. Just let me know before three so that I can make reservations if thats what you decide.
Yes, Sir.
Ive got something I need to take care of here, Tanya. Ill see you at four, all right, baby?
Yes, Sir. Im looking forward to it.
I hung up and set the phone on the desk before I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at Ella. She had the grace to look contrite, but that wasnt going to be enough for me. My belt was still in my hand, and I set it on the desk before crooking my finger at Ella. She slowly walked to me and stood in front of me. I reached out a hand, and she flinched, but I just ran it down her hair, suppressing my fury for the moment. Something to say to me?
She tried to hang her head, but I grabbed her hair and yanked her eyes to me. She gasped and said, Im sorry, Andrew. I was wrong.
The demon reared its ugly head, and I snarled, Sorry isnt anywhere near good enough, Ella! You dare accuse me…me!…of dishonesty?
Tears came to her eyes, and I released her, but I was almost hyperventilating, I was so pissed. Then, to my utter shock, Ella dropped to her knees and clasped her hands behind her neck. I waited to see what she would do.
I fucked up, Andrew. I know that. I submit myself to you for whatever punishment you see fit to give me.
I was still Andrew to her, not Master or Sir, but the demon needed to be satiated, so I grabbed her hair once more and hissed. Over the desk. Now. She scrambled to her feet and leaned over the desk. Grab the other side. She did, and I whipped my tie off and tied her wrists together before anchoring them to the desk. She whimpered when I reached in a drawer and pulled out duct tape. I ripped off a long piece and covered her mouth, and then I moved in front of her so that she could see me. How many stripes, Ella, darling? I sneered. Lets see, one: you accused me of losing control, two: you accused me of lying, three and four: you slapped me twice, five, six, and seven: you called me a bastard, an asshole, and a prick, eight through fifteen: because I fucking feel like it.
I moved behind her, pulled her skirt up over her waist and stripped her thong off her. I grabbed my belt from the desk, folded it over, and brought it down on her ass with all my strength. One.
Ella screamed through the gag, but I wasnt worried. My office was at the end of the hallway, and, as head of the Economics department, I had no adjoining neighbors. I struck her again, just as hard as the first time. Two. By the time Im finished with you, dearest Ella, youll be lucky to walk out of here on your own two feet. You may just have to have Thomas come and pick you up.
The first five stripes were laid on her ass, but then I moved to her thighs for the next five. By then, she was squirming and trying to turn her hips away from the blows. I went back to my desk drawer and pulled out two pieces of rope. With them, I tied her feet to the desk so that she was spread wide. She began frantically shaking her head back and forth. She knew me well enough to know what was coming next. I ignored her muffled pleas, stepped back, and brought the belt up in an arc that ended directly on her pussy. Eleven. The last four were placed in the exact same spot, and by the end, she was limp on the desk, whimpering and sobbing. Fifteen.
I untied her legs, slipped her thong back on, and pulled her skirt down. Then I released her arms and let her pull the tape off her mouth. She was getting tears and snot all over my desk, and I threw a box of tissues at her. Clean it up, Ella. Then get the fuck out of here. I dont want to see you again until I come to you. Do you understand me?
She nodded slowly as she cleaned up her mess. I understand, Andrew, she said softly. She wiped her face, took a deep breath, and grabbed her phone before limping to the door and leaving, shutting it behind her. Hopefully no one saw not one, but two scared young women coming from my office, but I couldnt have cared less. I sat down at my desk and brought my computer out of hibernation. I scrolled through Tanyas browsing and was surprised to see that I was the target of her searches. Every page she brought up was about me: the NYU faculty page, several pages with interviews about me and my family, particularly my father, filthy rich bastard that he was, and even a page that supposedly showed my personal net worth. I laughed at that one, it was low by at least thirty million dollars. I saw that her searches had taken her about half an hour and that she hadnt done anything since then, so I turned to the work I had to do.
At ten till three, after being interrupted four times by students with questions, my phone buzzed with a text.
Sir, I took a long nap and a long bath today, and I would love to go to dinner with you.
Great. Ill make reservations for six and be home at four. Be ready to leave soon after, baby.
Seconds later, her response came.
Yes, Sir. BTW, Sir, I really like it when you call me baby.
That made me smile. I finished up what little I had to do and drove home. When I walked in, I immediately went in search of Tanya. I found her in the shower, singing I Want You by Luke James. Damn, that girl had a nice voice! I stripped to the skin and cracked the door a tiny bit to look at her. Her eyes were closed, and she was rubbing shampoo into a lather, the hot water hitting her back. I slipped in the shower, leaned against the wall, and waited for her to realize I was there. Without opening her eyes, she rinsed her hair and turned around to rinse the soap from her face. I took the opportunity to trail one finger down her spine, causing her to literally jump into the air. When she came down, she slipped and almost fell. I grabbed her tightly and pulled her back into my chest.
Careful, baby. Dont hurt yourself, I said in her ear. She giggled and wiggled her ass against my cock, and, despite my vow to leave her alone, the motion caused me to harden. Tanya, I warned, I came in here to help you wash since I know you must be hurting, but if you dont stop, Im going to fuck you right here, hurting or not. Instead of stopping, she reached up behind my neck and ran her fingers through my hair as her ass-wiggling continued.
And what if thats what I want you to do, Sir?
Then youll get it, baby, I growled, and I pulled her hands from me. Hands on the wall. Bend over. She did so, and I grabbed her hips and entered her hot pussy in one swift thrust. She screamed in pain, but she was already slick, and her scream died down into a groan as I continued to pump into her. After a few strokes, however, I pulled out, spread her cheeks, and slowly slid into her ass. Oh, fuck me, baby! You feel so fucking good! I slid out just as slowly until just the head was in her. Tell me what you want, Tanya, I grunted, forcing myself to hold still.
Fuck my ass, Sir, she gasped, trying to buck her hips back. I held her still. Pound it raw!
Fucking shit! Sexier words were never spoken, and I gave her what she asked for. I slammed into her hard enough to cause her arms to buckle, and she screamed again. The sound only fueled the demons desires, and I plowed into her again and again and again, adding new bruises as my fingers dug into her hips. My balls were slapping against her cunt with every stroke, and I knew she was still in some serious pain because her screams didnt stop. I couldnt have stopped if Id tried, though, and I didnt try. It only took minutes until I filled her ass. When I shot the last stream down her bowels, I was shaking, and I held onto the walls until I could stand without falling. I slid out of her and pulled her up. I turned her around and kissed her, my tongue fucking her mouth as voraciously as my cock had just fucked her ass. When I backed off, we were both breathing heavily, and my dick was almost ready for round two, but I forced myself to step out of the shower. Tanya actually frowned as if she was disappointed!
Come on, I said. If were going to make dinner, we need to leave in fifteen minutes. Be sure to wear something that will hide your marks. I dont want to justify what we do to the cops tonight.
Yes, Sir, she said with a slight pout.
We finished a four-hour dinner at Per Se, during which Tanya asked how I managed to get a reservation with only three hours advance notice. I simply told her I knew the owner personally and that getting a table was never a problem. Afterwards, we crossed into Central Park and strolled along the paths, my arm over her shoulders, admiring the early autumn colors and talking about whatever came to mind. At one point, I stopped, turned Tanya to me and was about to kiss her when a most unwelcome voice interrupted me.
Now, isnt that just the sweetest thing? Who knew such a callous, sick fucker was capable of such a gentle gesture.
I closed my eyes and frowned. God damn it! I whirled around. Id say it was nice to see you, Terri, but that would be a lie. What the fuck do you want?
She shrugged and glared at me. You are so predictable, Andrew. Per Se and a walk in the Park is always a first date for you. Did you think Id forgotten?
I chuckled and pulled Tanya to my side. Are you telling me that youve been staking out Per Se just to see me again. How pathetic!
Not to see you, you fuck. To warn her. She pointed at Tanya.
This was becoming amusing. Warn her about what?
About what youre capable of. Im sure she doesnt know what a monster you really are, not yet.
I grinned when Tanya said softly, May I show her, Sir?
Sure, if you want to.
Show me what? Terri said, frowning.
Instead of answering, Tanya stepped away from me and unbuttoned the front of her shirt enough to show the welts and bruises and scabs on her breasts. Terris mouth opened, but Tanya just lifted her ankle-length skirt high enough to show her thighs and turned. She was slowly healing, but she still looked like she had run an ancient gauntlet. Then she dropped her skirt, buttoned up her shirt, and threaded her arm through mine.
I know exactly who he is and what he is capable of, Tanya said softly, and he is the best thing that ever happened to me. She looked Terri up and down. Too bad hes just too much man for you.
I laughed, grabbed her chin, and kissed her. I was just releasing her when a mans voice came from behind Terri. At least I think it was a man, the nasally, whining tone made it hard to be sure.
There you are, Terri. Why did you run off?
I stood up straight, and when I saw the pudgy, short man that Terri had been kissing the day I kicked her out, I grinned. Holy fucking shit, this was going to be fun.
Philip, Terri said, her eyes going wide with what looked like panic. She glanced at me pleadingly, but I just let go of Tanya, took a step forward, and held out my hand.
Andrew Taylor, I said with a congenial smile. And you are?
Philip Johnston. Nice to meet you. I held in a cringe at the mans flaccid, sweaty grip. How do you know Terri?
Oh, we go back a ways. We used to…have a relationship.
Oh, really? Thats strange, shes never mentioned you.
That doesnt surprise me, I said lightly. Tell me, how long have you two been together?
Almost a year now, Philip said with a proud smile.
A year? I raised my eyebrows at Terri who was begging me with her eyes not to say anything. Thats funny, she told me two weeks ago that youd only been with her for four months.
Philip looked confused. Two weeks ago? He looked at Terri. When…how did you see him two weeks ago?
Terri kept her eyes on me. Please, Andrew, dont do this, she pleaded, tears in her eyes.
Do what, you unfaithful bitch? My voice dropped, and all congeniality fled. Tell your boyfriend that you were fucking me two weeks ago, that youd been living with me for ten months before that? I clenched my fist, and Terri flinched. Dont fucking do what?
Hey, watch your language, Philip said, taking a step toward me.
I whirled on him, and he froze, his eyes going wide. Shut the fuck up, you little prick! For ten months I paid for this cunts clothes, her food, her fucking apartment while she was with me. I can speak to her any fucking way I want to. Besides, I wouldnt stand up for any bitch who was fucking around on me like that. Im surprised you are. I took Tanyas arm and pulled her close. Come on, baby. Lets go home.
We walked away, and Tanya laughed when from behind us came, What the fuck was he talking about, Terri?!
Enjoy that? I asked as we walked back to Per Se to get my car.
Immensely, Sir. She really cheated on you with that fat slob?
Mm hmm. But apparently she stayed with me because he wouldnt give her what she really needed.
What a bitch!
I laughed at Tanyas indignation, and, after handing my valet ticket over, I pulled her into my arms. You are incredible, you know that? I kissed her softly. I hope you and I last for a very long time.
Im not going anywhere, Sir, so if you want to get rid of me, youll have to kick me out.
I kissed her again as the valet pulled up with my car. As of right now, baby, thats not going to happen.
She smiled as I helped her into the car, and we drove home, her hand on my thigh the entire way.
Special thanks to the wonderfully devoted and ever dutiful Cissyella ( https://xhamster.com/users/cissyella ), for inspiring me to write the following story, of which I am dedicating to her. For a little added context, or just to check out some really good material from an awesome writer, please check out Ella's brilliant story here: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-cream-come-true-980607With the thanks out of the way, please enjoy my story and let me know what you think of it in the comments at...
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One of my most memorable encounters from my distant past - for which I hope the truth doesn't cloud the eroticism…This is my own work, and copyrighted as such. No attempt should be made to copy or redistribute in any form on any other site.Bear with me - quite a back story.Here I was at 17, having been dumped by my long time girlfriend for a bloke who I suspected had a bigger cock. (size issues back then)After getting over the shock, I became something of a sex hunter, and spent a couple of...
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Ella decided to give the old care taker a treat before she went back to the city, as he always perved on her when she was sunbaking by the pool. this her account of what happened while i was at work. Ella made sure she was by the pool sun baking before Ted came to clean the pool.As Ted started cleaning Ella watch and waited till he was right in front of her until she put both feet either side of the deck chair on the pretense of adjusting her pillow thus exposing her naked smooth pussy to Ted....
Ella was one of the funniest women I knew. She had a great personality and the biggest smile you'd ever want to see. Standing about 5' 4" tall Ella was all personality. Her physical charms were there but you had to look to see them. You see, Ella was a "big" girl. By that I mean she was about 30 lbs overweight. Now don't get me wrong. Ella was attractive, funny and sexy in the way that BBW become after a lifetime of being, well, a Big Beautiful woman. I'm sure you know what I mean....
It was a really hot summer day. A day when all I want to do is get to the lake and strip down to my bikini and dive in. I could spend the whole day in the water, I think to myself as I walk along the path. I wore a short skirt over my bikini and feeling the breeze I create as I walk along feels really good on my sweaty skin, I can't wait to get to the lake, but then I hear giggling, and frown in disappointment. So much for a quiet afternoon alone at the lake!I slow down and walk slowly trying...
I won't soon forget the night with my lover Ella, no longer my granny but a mature woman in her early seventies who knows exactly what is going on in life and loved life itself. Ella knew what was going through my mind or what was left of it as I lay in her bed wearing her skirt;blouse; black patent hiheels as I romanced her gold half-round reading glasses with the small pearls beaded neck chain wrapped around my cock, she knew that symbolicly I wanted her as I romanced her half-glasses and...
It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Ella came to hover on her neighbours’ doorstep. She wanted to ask a favour of Darren but could not yet bring herself to knock on the door. Darren was her friendly neighbour in his mid-twenties, at six foot two, he was a dark haired and attractive man. Ella hoped to ask if he could take some photos for her yearbook as he worked in photography and she figured he would be. This question had brought her to his porch in shorts that showcased her slender legs...
Seduction“Come on Bev, lets do some girly shopping” Sam said which excited my sister, “Ella has homework to do” she continued which Ella accepted, “Can I help you with it?” I asked trying to break the ice and make her forget about her mummy going shopping without her, Ella smiled sweetly, “Hmm, yes please Jerry” she replied and I told her to call me Jez, “Thanks Jez” she said with a giggle as she sat on the sofa and got a couple of books out her bag, “I do love your shorts Jez” she said softly with a...
Ella and Darren kissed, feeling their lips press together softly at first and then harder as shyness dissipated. With her arms hooked around his neck, Darren drew Ella up to him from the stool. Ella felt his tongue on her lip and deepened the kiss in turn as she pushed her tongue into his. Kissing more passionately with his hands moving over her back and sides, he kept his hands off her curves for the time being. Ella could taste the beer on his breath while his designer stubble teased her...
College SexElla sat around at the party, examining the many people that came in through the doors. There was only one reason she was at the party, and that was to see Denny Olvarios. She had loved him since she was in eighth grade, when she was more awkward. Ella had sat next to Denny for a few months in her English and Reading class, but her teacher had moved her to the back. Since then they had grown disnant, unless you counted the occasional texting for class work. But today was the day when he would...
Ella is desperate for her sons. I received this email some time ago. It speaks for itself. But the exchange ended abruptly. Read on! OMG …Thank you! I just finished A Conversation Online with Rene and am absolutely exhausted. I’ve carried a passion for i****t erotica for longer than I can remember hon. I’m married, with two sons, and live in what could be best described as Mayberry West, so it’s obvious a fantasy I’ve hidden from all. Finding Literotica was such a treat and finding so many...
Ella is desperate for her sons.I received this email some time ago. It speaks for itself. But the exchange ended abruptly. Read on!OMG ...Thank you!I just finished A Conversation Online with Rene and am absolutely exhausted. I've carried a passion for i****t erotica for longer than I can remember hon. I'm married, with two sons, and live in what could be best described as Mayberry West, so it's obvious a fantasy I've hidden from all. Finding Literotica was such a treat and finding so many...
12:30. What could possibly happen at this time? Again the loud thump echoed through the room. She scrambled upon her bed, scared. Again that thumps. She looked at the wall directly behind her. The noise seemed to be coming from that wall, probably from the other room. She leaned closer to the wall and pressed her ear to it. Thump! She backed away. Thump! Thump! Thump! There seemed to be some kind of rhythm in that sound, like someone is hitting the wall with some heavy object from the...
I swa her from across the field leading him into the barn. I know her well enough now to know what is going on. I run to the barn following them inside and head to the back ladder knowing they are already up in the loft. I sneak around the hay bales and peek out in time to see Ella, already between his legs. I can't see everything as Ella's long hair covers her face, but the look on his face tells me that her wet mouth is already wrapped around his hard cock, her hand is moving, stroking him....
Ella Prologue: "Are you absolutely certain?" I momentarily stared at my roommate. The last six months have not been easy. For either of us. We've been getting on each other's nerves for sometime now, crammed into a tiny loft apartment intended for a single guy with few possessions, which is pretty much what I was a year ago when I rented this place. "Yes," I sighed, maybe not being completely honest. When I let Liam crash here for "just a few days", I knew that wasn't the...
We begin this week’s show with a tracking shot, moving along a row of orange brick buildings, and then at the end of the street rounding a corner to see a very different kind of building ... A five story, white/grey brick 1990s apartment building with balconies and window aplenty. And standing infront of the building, walking toward us, the ultimate odd couple ... The fat old Cockney bloke, and his sleek young Doberman ... Dennis Baxter and Romeo. Both dedicated to the pleasuring of willing...
Ella is 5'5, long black hair, with a cute round face and some freckles, she has large breast and a round ass, but is so skinny you can see her ribs. Ella is a virgin, but has always been a tease. Ella wakes up on her 18th birthday and puts on her favourite outfit, a tight pink latex croptop and tight black leggings. She goes downstair to, and is astonished to find 4 men waiting in her living room holding tasers. "She'll do just fine, the viewers will love her", the largest one says, he appears...
BDSMI stood up, and Ella did too. She was GLUED to it. But as far as I was concerned David was setting a great example, with making a bold move on the one he wanted! I was behind Ella by now, so when she backed away from being right on top of the hot sex she bumped into me. She was turning to say sorry but I grabbed her, with my arm round her gorgeous shoulders. I kissed her neck and slid my other hand straight down to her pussy. I kept kissing her neck again, and talking to her, pointing out...
Introduction: my second story. im still not very good at it, any kind of comments are appreciated Ella Louise The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D...
The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D breasts bounced as she swayed her way down the sidewalk. She had always been told how pretty she was, with...
Hi! My name is Ella and I am a twenty four year old American journalist living in London. I have lived here for about four months now, I moved right after graduating from NYU with a journalism and mass-communicated degree. I write for a teen advice column in an online magazine. I love life, but I found out recently that with my salary I cannot afford to live on my own. I put out a poster online and almost immediately got a few offers. I declined some but one stood out to me, a twenty five year...
“I am really not sure if we should do such a thing,” Ella said as she walked from the kitchen into the living room of her friend Mia's house. “Come on, Ella,” Annalise, another member of their small clique, responded from the couch. “It is just a fun thing. You don't believe there is actually something gonna happen. It is just a old book Jen found at the antique store.” “I not even knew the mall had an antique store,” Mia said as she also came into the living room, carrying some candles and...
FantasyHi! My name is Ella and I am a twenty four year old American journalist living in London. I have lived here for about four months now, I moved right after graduating from NYU with a journalism and mass-communicated degree. I write for a teen advice column in an online magazine. I love life, but I found out recently that with my salary I cannot afford to live on my own. I put out a poster online and almost immediately got a few offers. I declined some but one stood out to me, a twenty five year...
Straight SexIntroduction: What happens when you fuck over your partner and what happens next. Just a quick note to let everyone know that when I write erotica, I write a story, not just a bunch of words stuck together for someone to jack off to. If you dont want plot and character development, then my story will not be for you. What the fuck! I stared across the street and actually rubbed my eyes once to see if the image burned into my brain would disappear. It didnt. She stood there beneath a weeping...
It was a typical Sunday afternoon when Ella came to hover on her neighbours’ doorstep. She wanted to ask a favour of Darren but could not yet bring herself to knock on the door. Darren was her friendly neighbour in his mid-twenties, at six foot two, he was a dark haired and attractive man. Ella hoped to ask if he could take some photos for her yearbook as he worked in photography and she figured he would be. This question had brought her to his porch in shorts that showcased her slender legs...
The story of Evan and his twin sister Ella - to say nothing of Rebecca, Shanti, Scott and others! - has grown significantly since I started it in the Christmas 2019 incest collection. I have completed three stories so far, taking place over the Christmas Holidays, a panicked Valentine’s Day mishap, and a lazy, frustrated summer of COVID quarantine. Throughout it all I have been thrilled and shocked at how many of you have come to love these characters like I do, and I am excited to plan future...
IncestGary closed his eyes as he hung his head and said, "The reason I came home ready to take you back was because I remembered my affair with Kathleen. I'm sorry Alicia. I hoped time had buried that foolishness so you'd never have to face the pain of what I did." "We did Gary, not just you, it's what we did." Alicia turned around to see where the third voice had come from. Kat was standing in the doorway of the house, tears running down her face. Kat wouldn't look at her older sister, as...
Part 1 Pleasant Surprises Jake stepped into the shower. The warm water felt amazing on his back and instantly awoke his senses. It had been two months since he met Bella and every shower since had him revisiting their final hours together. They had traded texts and Skyped once, but he felt closest to her in his morning shower.As he made the scrunchy sudsy, the smell of the soap had its effect. He felt his manhood become rock hard. He closed his eyes as the suds made a trail down his chest...
Group SexSynopsis: After celebrating his daughter's betrothal Henry unexpected finds he has the house to himself and decides to indulge his secret fetish. But he doesn't know that there's someone else in the house. An Unexpected Encounter By Belle Gordon Henry Adams lay in bed savouring the moment, knowing it was one of those rare occasions when he would have the house to himself. Sophie had arrived home from college the previous evening with her boyfriend and had announced that they were...
Hi friends, I am Kunal, 24 years old with an athletic built, normal looks and height. It has been a pretty long time I am reading ISS contents, but never penned down my own experiences. I am writing here for the first time. Please be kind enough to bear with my mistakes. This is first ever encounter of my life and the story is bit long. Like every guys of my age, I do have my own sexual dreams and fantasies. This incident is around 3 years old when I was 21. Before that, I never had any...
Betrayal By Julie O Chapter 1 Mace Conway got up from his seat in front of his computer; He had just spent three hours playing with his latest catch. He arched his back as he stretched and then glanced at his watch. It was almost midnight. He walked over to the fridge and took out another bottle of beer. Soon, he thought, soon I will have another conquest. His real name was...
By anon y mouse Once upon a time… Cindy Ella looked at the full moon from her attic bedroom window, took one last drag of her cigarette and flicked it down to the yard below. At eight years old, she knew the dangers of smoking but she also knew it didn’t matter in her particular case. Tonight she would be ending her life so long-term lung cancer was a moot point. She surveyed the dingy little room she lived in. More like a large closet, really. A beat-up dresser, and old student...
Finally, it was 3am and time for me to go home and leave this mess. The bar was always crowded on Saturday nights but this particular night was more hell than usual. The crowds were wild and one uh, gentleman, was quite a handful and as usual, I got no help from the bouncers. I know I bring some of it on myself but hey, I’m not going to get any tips wearing a turtleneck and sweatpants. Although I guess any man will tip if you get him drunk enough. Anyway, despite my easy appearance, I take...
HardcoreBack in 1996 Daughter Christina moved back in with Sarah and I as another of her relationships with men had gone sour. I,d had an on off time with Chris as far as sex goes, but tried to not interfere with her life. I doubt her problems with men had a thing to do with our sexual dealings and as she,s been happily married with two daughters of her own feel that,s true though we still have that attraction between us and I love her almost as much as my wife or son. One evening her Indian pal Oona...
Unexpected EncounterSlowly swimming back and forth in the lovely heated pool I was being watched intently by a woman sitting outside her apartment with her husband. She had started looking at me while I took a shower before entering the pool and had not taken her eyes off me since. She had opened her legs slightly when she caught me looking ... was I imagining it ? Well I wasn't quite sure but what I did know was that my cock thought so and was swelling inside my loose fitting shorts ... they...
Just because of all your feedback here I am back with my new story. My name is Faiz and I am a Muslim guy with normal body and good looks. I am not going to lie about my cock that I got 8 inches and all, I got 5 inch cut cock which I always ready to serve the requirements. Chapter 1 So here starts my story, it’s a bit different and unique I hope you will like it. IT’S A TRUE STORY One good day at morning time I was jogging on nariman point and busy listening music with my headphones on and...
Unexpected Encounter Hi reader, I’m reading ISS from almost a year and half now. I’m really crazy about it. The stories sometimes are fantasies or real but it does not bother until we enjoy… Right? The story I’m writing is real story about me and my mousy-my mother younger cousin sister. It happened when I was 19. Let me tell u about her. Her name is Riya she was 24 when the incident occurred. She is 5’55” tall her stats would be 34-26-36 but still she had an attractive figure. Now back to...
IncestHello and thanks for reading this finale to a 4 part tale. You may find it best to read the other parts at the links below. Happy reading.https://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-9690411https://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-the-sequal-9691243https://xhamster.com/stories/well-hung-betrayal-the-ultimate-act-9691752The morning after Ken’s visit and Sarah straying from the plan by taking his huge shaft in her pussy instead of just in her mouth I lay awake. Sarah lay next to me...
Hi guys this is Shreekanth from Bangalore, JP Nagar 6th phase. I am here to narrate my life’s 1st and most romantic experience with a girl which I didn’t expect to happen so unexpectedly. Well to know about myself, I am 24 years old, 5.8, average built body, though not a huge dick but a satisfying size for any women. This incidence took place on Diwali 1st day when my ex-colleague named Yashaswini (name changed due to her request upon privacy) came to my house for inviting me to her brother...
I did something bad tonight. I mean really wrong. I want to make something very clear though: this is not my fault. I was scouring the net minding my own business, checking out nice, decent, respectable erotic story sites like SOL. I'm not talking about the sicko perv sites. Wham out of nowhere I ran across some stories by this guy named Jaz, and they freaked me out. He has over 30 hardcore, nasty Rape/Incest stories. No way he should be allowed on a normal site. I mean shame on them for...
Introduction: Please remember to read up on the series as I dont want anyone to be lost on the plot. Also I do not condone real rape or slavery but fantasy is always fun to play with. Not for the person looking for a soft sweet sex story. Kali awoke in a large bed chamber. She kept her eyes squinted so as to access her new surroundings. She knew she still had the heavy chain attached to her collar. She groaned when she realized she was naked laying on a marble floor. She slightly tilted her...
Jennifer's Plaything - Part Two: Shame and Betrayal in Apartment 214 By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] (Two weeks later...) God, it's hot. I opened my mailbox: junk mail...nothing but junk mail. "Junk mail," a voice parroted my thoughts. I looked up...Heather. I glanced around. I could have sworn there was no one near the mailboxes when I walked up. She was wearing what I jokingly referred to as her 'housewife clothes:' a baggy sweatshirt with a wide neck and...
Hi to all my horny friends of both genders! First of I want to tell many of my friends here that as far as my experience in Sexual Intercourse, I don’t think, that no girls/women are obsessed for 8 inches or 9 inches cock. I believe that the way you handle woman, give her pleasure and satisfaction matter to her the most. So I don’t believe in “Sizes of Cock Theory”. I am Rohit, right now settled in one of the well-known city of Southern India. My height is 5.10, have athletic body, and an...
Betrayal by Janet Baker Sandra and I were engaged in our second hour of fucking when a flash of light startled us. She was sitting astride me, my cock deep in her vagina; she preferred that position to being underneath me; she also liked being taken from behind, standing, bent over, holding her ankles or bent over a sofa with me holding her arms for leverage while I thrust with passion and vigor. Sandra had come on to me that afternoon, I was flattered...
NOTE: This story references a comic by Darksoul3D - “Felicity’s Dilemma” Felicity used her knowledge of the grounds and got them to the stables, the closest building to the woods. They closed the door and stood there panting hard as they caught their breath. Felicity walked through the building turning on lights as she went. Isabella and the dogs followed her into a break room of some sort. Then she saw the bar and surmised Felicity’s father must have built a den here so he could entertain...