Ella Finds Tessa free porn video

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Nervous that I may have been caught, I sneak out of the barn and head for my hotel. I have had a great time in England and discovering Ella on the farm where I spent my summer ‘working” was just a bonus. I knew I would have amazing memories of following her around the farm and watching her. But, I had to admit, that I felt regret that I never tried to approach her, never tried to go out with her and her friends, or even to try to get her alone in the barn. I had to leave soon…two more days and I would be flying out of the country, headed back home. My experience on an English farm was over today. Two more days to reflect on my time here…I knew that meant two days of being alone in my hotel room, thinking about Ella, “seeing” her in my imagination and memories as I pleased myself. Two nights alone to think about the one that got away.

I let myself into my room and stripped out of the work clothes for the final time. Jumping into the shower, I closed my eyes and let the hot water wash over my head. I could feel the water dripping from my face, my body. I just stood there and let it all go. I hated the idea of leaving…the work was hard, but fun at the same time and despite letting the chance with Ella slip away, I did make other friends that will make the last two days really hard.

I broke out of my sadness and picked up the body wash…cucumber and lime…enough to energize me and to smell clean J All rinsed, I climbed from the shower and applied my favorite lotion to my whole body. I just felt right. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that because of the work, I hadn’t really taken care of myself….back into the shower….slowly, carefully, I shaved both legs and then went higher. Cautiously, I shaved the growing stubble away from my pussy and lips, carful to get it all. I applied more lotion to soothe the burning and once again, climbed from the shower. This time, still dripping wet, I looked at myself in the mirror, admiring my own body…my hair, damp and hanging from my head still looked cute, my skin not as dark as it used to be, but still tan…I missed the sun…my breasts were firm, not too big I thought, but enough to get the right kind of attention…my nipples were hard from the shower, but as I stared at myself, I watched them grow even more…my flat tummy twitched as I let my eyes roam lower and I felt a tingle as my eyes settled on the smooth skin of my puffy swollen mound…I wanted to control myself, but I was pretty certain I knew I was about to go lie on my bed…about to explore my freshly shaven pussy….my legs glistened with the water and I sighed suddenly thinking of Ella again, imagining my legs wrapped around her as she lie over me, kissing me…my smooth legs sliding along her hips, her pussy pressed to mine…damn it!!

I headed into the bedroom of the hotel room and climbed onto the bed. I lie back and let my fingers slide up my spread thighs, sliding past my pussy and up to my breasts…I squeezed and let a deep sigh out as I imagined Ella coming to me…both hands retreated back down my trembling tummy and over the smooth slippery skin…between my legs, my fingers finding my wetness instantly.

As I let a soft moan escape my lips, I was startled by a knock at the door! With a squeal of surprise, I jumped from the bed, feeling guilty even though whoever it was had no idea what I was doing….I grabbed the robe from the bathroom and looked through the safety hole as I tied the belt around me.

Oh my god! Ella was standing outside my door. She knocked again as I looked through the tiny hole at her. She was looking around the hallway as if she might be nervous. I didn’t know she knew my room number, I had never even talked to her in my time on her father’s farm…but here she was…whatwhyhowwhenwhat….???? I blushed deeply as I reached and opened the door. Why was I blushing????

Ella smiled and looked as cute as she ever has. She looked at me with a tilt of her head and asked “Tessa?”

I just nodded. I was afraid to speak. Ella, held out her hand for me “Hi, I’m Ella. Can I come in?”

Without waiting for a reply, the young woman I had been admiring for the last six weeks stepped past me and into my hotel room. I turned as I closed the door and watched her entering my space. She was wearing her brown leather riding boots still, her riding pants and a tighter than it probably had to be white blouse. She looked like every picture of an English girl riding her horse I had ever seen. Except she was by far the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I was nervous, despite being older than her. Her father was the owner of the farm. The events of this morning came rushing back into my mind. Suddenly I was certain she had seen me – did she hear me say her name out loud??? Was she here to tell me that she was going to tell her father what I was doing in his barn?

The hotel room had a bed and a single chair at a desk. Not many choices for sitting and certainly not for entertaining guests. Ella walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. Looking out she said “You can see my father’s farm from here.” It was just a statement, but her voice sent chills along my spine, the tone of her voice made me blush. I of course knew you could see the farm…as I had stood many times at that very window and watched her as she moved about. Now, was she contemplating the same thing? How much trouble was I in??

Ella was quiet for a long time. She just stared out the window. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there. Finally, she spoke. She didn’t look at me, she looked out the window…“Ik ben niet lesbisch.” She said it in Dutch…she knew where I was from. I needed a moment – she knew things about me…where I was staying, where I am from – even though we hadn’t spoken. But, to tell me she isn’t a lesbian in Dutch?? And she still stands there…waiting for me to say something?

I whisper a reply because I can’t trust myself to speak out loud: “I know. Neither am I.”

“So you’re Bi, then?” She asked as she spun around from the window, now looking at me. Her eyes moved up and down my body still wrapped tightly in the hotel’s robe. I nodded my head, yes.

“Were you watching me then? Or the boys?”

So…she knew I was there everytime???

“I was watching you.” I surprised myself with the honest answer. The boys were both very cute, strong, and the type of man that I would go for…the type of man that could get me wet with just a look, and I know they were talented lovers as well…but the truth was…I wasn’t interested in them after I saw Ella. “I was watching you,” I repeated.

Ella stepped across the room and stood directly in front of me. Her eyes moved up and down, between my lips and my eyes. I held my breath. I wanted this, but I couldn’t think, I couldn’t move…I was a deer trapped in the headlights of her gaze. Her hands reached for the belt of my robe and she let it fall back through her fingers. I looked down to watch the terry cloth strap slipping between her fingers.

I looked back up at her and her eyes fluttered closed, she leaned forward and I felt the electric bolt of her kiss touch my lips. I gasped and let my mouth fall open to her tentative, curious kiss. I felt a rush of wetness like never before between my legs. The room was spinning as she tugged on the belt of my robe and pulled me closer to her. My hands reached out and went to her waist. Her body tensed and she slipped away from the kiss…but just for a moment. Her lips touched mine again. It was soft, like a butterfly, but our lips matched well, one between the other. I barley felt the tip of her tongue on my bottom lip as she tried our kiss on for size. My hands slipped further around her waist.

I could feel the heat of her body beneath her clothes, and I was hungry for her, I wanted to strip her naked and do all the things I have imagined us doing, I wanted to taste her finally…but I didn’t want this moment to end, this first kiss will never happen again…I wanted it to last forever. I opened my mouth further and her tongue slipped inside…and then retreated...she gasped…our tongues had touched and I know I will never feel the same way again – I knew this would be my very last first kiss ever in that moment. I think she felt it to.

My tongue chased after her’s…into her mouth. Our tongues met and twisted together. I felt her breath in my mouth, I felt her hands finally leaving the belt and sliding up over my arms…her fingers were on my face, in my still damp hair. She held me to her. I knew she didn’t want this to end either now.

We stood three, just kissing, holding each other for several minutes. I don’t know how much time had passed. It didn’t feel long enough. But she finally broke away, but her face stayed close, we both dipped our heads…our foreheads touching…I looked at her lips, puffy, wet with our saliva…she was doing the same, both of us breathing faster.

I lifted a hand away from Ella’s back and slid it up along her arm to her hand still holding my face. My fingers intertwined with her’s and I pulled her hand away. Our eyes met again. I could see her attraction, her curiosity. But also her worry, her fear. I tugged her hand and took a step backward, away from the window, toward the bed that dominated the room. Ella took a step, following me…

I walked backward, never taking my eyes away from hers. Ella’s beautiful brown (?) eyes, that held me captive also pleaded with me to go slow. And I wanted to, I wanted this moment, this time together to last for as long as possible. I had two nights. I was already hoping she would not leave until my plane took off.

The back of my legs hit the foot of the bed and I stopped. The three steps across the room seemed to take more time. The world no longer existed for us and time was stopped. Every moment we were sharing right now, is meant to last forever and those three steps felt like an eternity of time together. Ella’s eyes never leaving mine…I pulled her one more step toward me. I felt the heat of her body again. I wanted to undress her now, but I also knew that I had to take this slow. It would be her first time. It would be OUR first time. Even though I was already nearly naked, I wanted to take my time to savor undressing her. Instead, I sat on the end of the bed. Her hands went back to the sides of my face.

Ella looked down into my eyes as my hands went around her legs. I held her and let my legs slip open. She stepped in between them. I looked up at her, my neck arched. My hands slide slowly up the back of her legs…over her thighs, I felt her muscles tensing as my hand slide higher. I felt the curve of her ass, and ass I have admired from a distance for the last four weeks. In my hands it felt every bit as good as I thought it would. Her years spend riding horses have made her strong and her ass clenched in my hands as I caress her through the tight riding pants. She leaned forward as I pulled against her and lowered her head. Her lips met mine again. The second kiss was even better than the first, her shyness was slowly melting away, but her lips opened, her tongue probed. I bit down on her bottom lip gently and sucked it into my mouth. Ella moaned her pleasure.

I leaned back and held her ass, pulling her on top of me onto the bed. She slipped her body to the side, but continued to kiss me. As her mouth explored mine, her hands slipped down my face, to my shoulder and down my arm. My hand slipped away from her ass and while one slipped up to the small of her back, the other grasped hers. Our fingers interlocked as we made out.

I couldn’t take it for too long, but still ten minutes of kissing led me to roll her over and slide away from her. The robe was too warm now. I was out of breath. I leaned back and stood up, Ella’s legs dangled off the bed, her boots and all her clothes still on, although the blouse had slipped out of her pants now. Looking down at Ella, her lips parted as she breathed hard and fast, wet from our kisses. I let my robe slip open and slide off my shoulders. Her eyes moved over my suddenly naked body, my breasts, hard nipples, my tummy rising and falling rapidly with my breathing, my smooth, freshly shaven mound, my toned legs…. Without thinking, Ella licked her lips, hungry for me.

I let the robe pool at my feet and I smile. I already know what I want and this moment is only the begging of that.

I move to her side and lay next to her…our hands come together and or fingers once again lock together. We hold hands over her belly as I look at her face. She smiles. No words between us. Just the stares of two girls in love. I lean forward and kiss her. Her lips taste magical. I feel her mouth open and let my tongue inside. I let go of her hand and let it fall to her waist. My hands squeezes her there, holding her tight and twisting her body toward me. My hand slides along the top of her pants and then under her blouse. My fingers are on fire as I touch her bare skin just above the top of her pants. Her tummy quivers beneath my fingers and I can feel her gasp at the touch.

My hands slips along her skin, back to her waist and the up to the bottom of her ribs. Ella jumped a little as my touch tickled her, but she recovered quickly, kissing back with a ferocity not exhibited before. My touch on her bare skin, my naked body against her, sending her closer to the frenzy I long to experience.

Her hand is around me, on my back, sliding along my bare skin, she reaches lower and touches my bare ass. I smile into our kiss as she touches me. Her other hand is on my arm holding on as she feels my hand moving along her skin under her blouse.

But I want, need, more and my hand is soon slipping over her flat tummy, feeling her tremble. Slipping out and then sliding up this time over her blouse. My fingers find the top button and although her hand still holds my arm, she doesn’t stop me as I struggle to flip it open. Ella offers no help, letting me undress her, somehow knowing that this is what I want. Our kiss continues, her tongue now in my mouth again, exploring the inside of my teeth.

Her top button slips open and my hand slide to the next. With a now practiced hand, I get the second one open quickly and can’t resist the temptation of her bare skin. My hand slides inside her blouse over the swell of the top of her breast. My fingers trace along the top edge of her bra and I feel her hold her breath as my fingers near such an intimate place, the first woman to touch her in this spot. My hand though slips away and makes quick work of the next three button….her blouse slides open as my hand traces along her skin, along her ribs…over her bra and then back across the top of her breast. My hand slides over the fullness and I squeeze, Ella gasps into my mouth and our kiss breaks for a moment. I take advantage and let my lips drop her exposed throat. Ella moans and lets her head rock back further as my hand holds her breast, squeeze, kneading her flesh through her bra.

Ella wants more and it is she who shrugs and wiggles her shoulders pushing her blouse free of first one and then the other shoulder. I lean back as she makes a twist and halfway sits up….I help her get her blouse off and then playfully swat her hands away as she reaches for the clasp on the back of her bra. We both giggle as she lays back down, now on her side. My arm around her reaching for her clasp. This time though, there is no struggle, a quick twist and her bra has popped open. She shrugs her shoulders again as I pull the thin straps off her skin. Topless, Ella lays on her back again. She smiles as I look down at her.

I lick my lips this time and lower my mouth to hers. Our kiss is just as fiery as our first one. Her tongue bouncing in my mouth to be chased away by mine into her own mouth. Her lips open wide to take my mouth, locked together in the well-practiced kiss of lovers already.

My hand slides over her shoulder now and down over the top of her boob. She holds her breath again until my palm is fully over her naked breast. Ella sighs with delight as me, another woman, holds her. He nipple is of course already pooped up, but my fingers pinch her softly and bring her back, I slide my fingers around her, gliding across to each nipple. I let my lips leave her kiss and travel over her neck again.

Ella reaches up, her fingers again sliding into my hair, she massages and caress my scalp as she lets me lead the way. My mouth seeking the hard little nipple. I love the moment her back arches, her boob pressing up into my mouth. I love how she gasps when my teeth close gently around her. I love how her body tenses again when she feels my hand slip over her tummy and over the top of her pants. I press against her mound through her riding slacks and let my fingers press even more against her slit. I imagine that I can feel her heat, I imagine that I can feel her wetness already.

Ella moans softly, gasping now as I suck at her breasts, my fingers playing over her pussy. She isn’t sure how to ask for more…she knows, if she were with a guy, she would just flip him over and take his hard cock into her mouth. But she isn’t sure what to do now…she lies back, her fingers digging into my head with one hand, the other trailing along the skin of my back.

I let my hand slip higher and find the buckle of her belt. I use that one hand to get it open and soon after the clasp of her pants located at her hip. The zipper slips down with a sharp tug. Ella lifts her ass off the bed, ready to help me…but instead, I slip to the floor on my knees.

Ella looks down past her own naked breasts at me kneeling on the floor at her feet. I grab a heel of one boot and the toe and I pull, leaning back. The tight boot resists, fighting to stay on. But the fight is pointless as I will not be denied a naked Ella. The boot pops free and is soon lying on the floor next to the other boot. Her tiny sock seem like the wrong choice for riding boots, but her pants are really tight and go to her ankles…I take her socks off and then, in a move uncharacteristic of me, but in keeping with the idea that I want to know every part of Ella, I lift her foot to my mouth.

I suck her toe into my mouth and let it slide back and forth. Ella gasps and is only a little surprised at how wonderful it feels. My tongue swirls around her foot, along the base of her toes, between them, her toe slips back into my mouth for a moment, before I let her go. Ella keeps her feet and legs together, but lifts her ass from the bed again. This time she is right. I reach for the sides of her panties and tug them down. Her panties, matching the bra laying on the bed next to her, slip a bit with the tight pants.

Ella wiggles her hips and giggles as we work together to get her naked…It takes more effort than I had hoped for, but Ella is lying on the hotel room bed, her feet over the edge in just her panties now, and even those are half way down her thighs. Her pussy is shaved, like mine, bare and smooth. Her lips are shiny with her wetness.

I reach for her panties and tug them down her legs the rest of the way. I move slowly, teasing her and myself, but they are slipping past her feet already and now lie on the floor next to me. I look up at Ella as she opens her legs to me. I kiss the inside of her knee and she lets her head fall back to the bed. Her eyes are clenched as she knows what will happen. She is ready for this moment, curious for it, she wants it. I move very slowly, first moving back and forth between her knees, kissing her skin. Tasting her skin. My teeth nip gently at her flesh as I move higher. Each new spot, just a fraction of an inch higher brings a new gasp from Ella. Her body lurches each time my lips touch her.

Ella’s pussy opens on its own, she is so wet, so ready for me. I can smell the sweet lure of her, the fragrance that I have longed to know and finally I do. I let my hand drop to my own wet pussy and as my fingers press against my clit, I gasp, biting down a little harder then I meant to on Ella’s thigh. She squeals, but not in pain, her hands fly to the back of my head and then to her sides where she grips the bedspread, scrunching into her fists as she waits…

My hair touches her pussy as my lips continue to kiss and nibble higher. I taste the first drops of her wetness. Instantly I want more and I turn my head to face her. She glistens, she shakes. I lean forward, my eyes slip closed. My lips press to her. She jumps, startled at the new touch of my soft lips against her. My tongue slips out and softly licks up through her slit, her wetness covers my tongue, I swallow, imagining that I can feel it as it slips into my belly. My tongue journeys through her again, long, slow tender licks through her wet parted labia, spreading her open, pulling more wetness from her. I want more of her, how can I have more?

My tongue pushes into her and slides along her silky walls. She moans with a deep vibrating moan and I push a single finger into my own pussy now as I continue to please Ella. My lips are covered with her, I let my mouth slide over her as my tongue wiggles inside her before flipping up to her clit. I open my eyes and look up at the beautiful Ella, but her eyes are closed, her back arched, her neck arched even more. Her fingers curled into tight fists as she tangles her hands in the bedspread. I close my lips around her clit and let my tongue press flat against her. I moan knowing this will vibrate my tongue against her clit. I push a second finger into myself and as I begin fingering me, I let my tongue start to wiggle back and forth….spin in circles…flick up and down…I press harder with my tongue, move it faster.

Ella screams out as she loses control. I use my other hand now to press against her wet opening. I don’t penetrate her, just spin my fingers around and around as my tongue flies back and forth, up and down, around and around…her clit fully exposed to the onslaught of my tongue and lips.

Ella screams as she let’s go and explodes. Her orgasm knocking the wind out of her, one leg twists over my back, the other digs in against the bed. She twists her body, gasping for breath, finally her voice returns and it echoes in the room. She is louder than expected louder than I’ve heard her before, but then again, this time she is in a private room, not a public place.

I hold on until her body relaxes and then I kiss a quick wet trail up to her lips. Her mouth devours me as she tastes herself on me. Her tongue spins in sloppy wet circles across my lips, into my mouth. Her hands grasp at me, she tumbles us over so that now she is lying over me, her knees on the bed on either side of me. I know she wants me, but I am not done with her yet and I push her up…guiding her breasts back to my mouth. Ella gasps and cringes…she cries out with passion for me…I slide down the bed, holding her in place until I am underneath her. My arms wrap around her thighs and I lift my head. My tongue pierces her and she arches her hips forward, her clit crushing against my nose. I pull her down over me, my breathing now through her wet pussy as she rides my face. She cries out and crashes forward holding herself up on the bed with her hands. My tongue circles her whole pussy and I use one hand to slide down between her pussy lips. I push two fingers into her and Ella grunts somewhere over my head. I push them deep into her and begin to fuck her with my fingers. I watch as my fingers slide in and out of her. Ella finds a way to pull away from me, but just for a moment.

Ella spins around on the bed and then moves over my face again. I reach up and push my fingers back into her a moment before I feel her arms around my thighs, a moment before I feel her lips against my wet pussy. I cry out with excitement and lift my head letting my scream echo through her pussy. Ella works her tongue through my pussy a girl possessed. I am on the verge of exploding already. This may be her first time, but her enthusiasm to please me, to taste me, is pushing me faster than ever before. I feel my body tensing…this is happening too fast….I grab her thighs and her ass, I lift myself up and arch my neck, by mouth slips away from her pussy as Ella spins her tongue over my clit…I let my orgasm take over – I feel myself lifting off the bed, my hips bucking up…I hear Ella laughing, happy…tears run down my face as my dream is coming true. Ella laps up my flood of wetness as fast as she can….

She rolls to her side and hugs my legs to her…she is gasping for breath as she felt the ripples of her second orgasm I was too distracted to notice…I pant for breath, reaching for her…my whole body tingles…we both giggle at what just happened…we turn and are face to face gain sideways on the bed.

I kiss her sweaty face, she kisses my eyelids…I can’t help it, I tell her that I love her. She smiles and say she loves me more. I slip from her grasp and spin off the bed…I open my suitcase and dig inside….I turn around holding my pink vibrator….I walk back towards Ella, my eyes locked once again with hers…”I love you most.

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Ella Prologue: "Are you absolutely certain?" I momentarily stared at my roommate. The last six months have not been easy. For either of us. We've been getting on each other's nerves for sometime now, crammed into a tiny loft apartment intended for a single guy with few possessions, which is pretty much what I was a year ago when I rented this place. "Yes," I sighed, maybe not being completely honest. When I let Liam crash here for "just a few days", I knew that wasn't the...

2 years ago
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ella louise

Introduction: my second story. im still not very good at it, any kind of comments are appreciated Ella Louise The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D...

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ella louise

The dark night played chills upon her arms as she walked home from a fraternity party half a mile from her apartment. Ella was a bit drunk, tottering about in her strappy black heels and short micromini dress, occasionally stumbling on a nonexistent rock, or crack. Her blonde hair was delicately strewn about in a side ponytail, a few curls escaping here and there and her firm, 38D breasts bounced as she swayed her way down the sidewalk. She had always been told how pretty she was, with...

3 years ago
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Ella and Eric Part I

Hi! My name is Ella and I am a twenty four year old American journalist living in London. I have lived here for about four months now, I moved right after graduating from NYU with a journalism and mass-communicated degree. I write for a teen advice column in an online magazine. I love life, but I found out recently that with my salary I cannot afford to live on my own. I put out a poster online and almost immediately got a few offers. I declined some but one stood out to me, a twenty five year...

4 years ago
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Ella and the book

“I am really not sure if we should do such a thing,” Ella said as she walked from the kitchen into the living room of her friend Mia's house. “Come on, Ella,” Annalise, another member of their small clique, responded from the couch. “It is just a fun thing. You don't believe there is actually something gonna happen. It is just a old book Jen found at the antique store.” “I not even knew the mall had an antique store,” Mia said as she also came into the living room, carrying some candles and...

1 year ago
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Ella and Eric Part I

Hi! My name is Ella and I am a twenty four year old American journalist living in London. I have lived here for about four months now, I moved right after graduating from NYU with a journalism and mass-communicated degree. I write for a teen advice column in an online magazine. I love life, but I found out recently that with my salary I cannot afford to live on my own. I put out a poster online and almost immediately got a few offers. I declined some but one stood out to me, a twenty five year...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Ella Evan Forever And No One Else

The story of Evan and his twin sister Ella - to say nothing of Rebecca, Shanti, Scott and others! - has grown significantly since I started it in the Christmas 2019 incest collection. I have completed three stories so far, taking place over the Christmas Holidays, a panicked Valentine’s Day mishap, and a lazy, frustrated summer of COVID quarantine. Throughout it all I have been thrilled and shocked at how many of you have come to love these characters like I do, and I am excited to plan future...

2 years ago
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Ella Part 1

Finally, it was 3am and time for me to go home and leave this mess. The bar was always crowded on Saturday nights but this particular night was more hell than usual. The crowds were wild and one uh, gentleman, was quite a handful and as usual, I got no help from the bouncers. I know I bring some of it on myself but hey, I’m not going to get any tips wearing a turtleneck and sweatpants. Although I guess any man will tip if you get him drunk enough. Anyway, despite my easy appearance, I take...

4 years ago
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I was on one of my daily walks. Long walks. I'd walk for hours on end, almost every day. Not from the beginning, though. In the beginning I'd stay in bed with the curtains drawn, numbed by sorrow. Mourning my wife's death, and feeling sorry for myself having lost my job which had meant a lot to me. My wife was driving our car, when a truck coming from the opposite direction had blown a front wheel tyre. Annie was killed instantly and I had lost part of my left arm and suffered a few other...

1 year ago
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Estrella watched the car pull up to the curb on the other side of the street. It was a new car and looked expensive, with a license plate that said California. Though she was terribly afraid, she forced her feet to start walking, crossing the darkened, deserted street diagonally as the driver's side door opened. The man who emerged was hispanic and well-dressed. The door shut quietly, then the lights flashed once as the car emitted a chirp. The man glanced at her but then began to walk away....

First Time
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Carmella Cahes In

7-4-17 - Smackdown Live - Phoenix Arizona Smackdown is airing live from the Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix Arizona on Independence Day. The show kicks off with the return of Free Agent John Cena but Cena gets interrupted by Rusev who is also returning. The confrontation ends with John Cena challenging Rusev to a “good old fashioned Flag Match”. Rusev accepts but not for tonight. He wants the match on his terms. This opening segment is followed by a backstage segment where Smackdown Live...

3 years ago
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Ella and Eric Part 2

I started to moan to turn him on even more and he took the bait easily. Every time he moaned I would moan as well. It’s not that I wasn’t enjoying this, because “fuck am I ever enjoying this” I thought. The way his muscles rippled as he moved my hips with a firm grip. He was using me to pleasure himself, and only himself. I knew that soon I would get my revenge. I felt that thought strike right down inside, in that delicious clenching sensation all women love. Back, forward, back, forward… ...

1 year ago
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Ella Part 1

Finally, it was 3am and time for me to go home and leave this mess. The bar was always crowded on Saturday nights but this particular night was more hell than usual. The crowds were wild and one uh, gentleman, was quite a handful and as usual, I got no help from the bouncers. I know I bring some of it on myself but hey, I’m not going to get any tips wearing a turtleneck and sweatpants. Although I guess any man will tip if you get him drunk enough. Anyway, despite my easy appearance, I take...

2 years ago
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Ella and Eric Part 2

I started to moan to turn him on even more and he took the bait easily. Every time he moaned I would moan as well. It’s not that I wasn’t enjoying this, because “fuck am I ever enjoying this” I thought. The way his muscles rippled as he moved my hips with a firm grip. He was using me to pleasure himself, and only himself. I knew that soon I would get my revenge. I felt that thought strike right down inside, in that delicious clenching sensation all women love. Back, forward, back, forward… I...

Straight Sex
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Carmella Ramirez A High School StoryChapter 2

Carmella couldn't wait until the next season. She wanted to be on the field again and feel the excitement of the game. Carmella helped her father as a volunteer over the summer. To help out in the community he coached Pop Warner football for little kids. That year he asked her to be his assistant coach. It was no secret that many of the plays on his team were given to him by the high school that Carmella went to. As far as he was concerned it not only gave her something to do but allowed...

3 years ago
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Contest for Contessa

It was a very quiet night as I walked the sidewalk of downtown Mohinta. The laser sign still blaring brightly, "open" made me stop. I never could pass up the opportunity to go into an adult store when I saw one, so this one was no different. I always just wanted to look around. Sometimes I saw things I should not see. Other times, I saw the same things. But it never failed for there to be at least one guy standing with his hard cock sticking out of his pants getting ready to cum on the floor. I...

Straight Sex
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Arabella Ch 01

He was just too close for her liking. She had to fake a smile, act like she loved the attention he showered her with. They moved together to the melody. Everybody was there, the press, the ministers and politicians, the high class celebrities and the King himself. All eyes were on them as they danced. Her insides were burning with rage. Gregory had tricked her father. She didn’t want anything to do with him. After three full years chasing after her, he had won Arabella by simply offering her...

1 year ago
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Daniella III Daniella Domina Part 3

Fuck!The word screamed inside Eric’s head, but the shock was such, as ice-water deluged him from balls to chin, that all he could do was suck in air and clench his ribcage. Then before he could catch hold of his gut reaction he spat out the words. “Fuck—you little …”He swallowed the rest, but wished to Christ she hadn’t heard that much. She was smug enough already.The sensation of intense cold ebbed, and all the others returned—the sore nipple and stinging face, and of course the throb of the...

1 year ago
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Daniellas Date with Jeremy A husband asked

Daniella's date with Jeremy:I would come by your place to pick Daniella up at 7pm. She would have been getting ready and getting dressed in the outfit that makes her feel the most comfortable and sexy. I would be a gentleman and come to the door with flowers. With a light kiss on the cheek, I would greet her and let you know that Daniella and I would be out for the night and that I will have her back after breakfast the next morning. After she blew her loving husband a kiss goodbye she would...

2 years ago
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Daniella III Daniella Domina Part 4

As Daniella placed her pretty naked body between his own cock and the one she had purchased, Eric sought to marshal his fighting spirit. He owed it to himself to do that much. Then she flicked the cap on the bottle of lubricant, spilled the stuff all over the upper slopes of her breasts and let it roll down till it dripped from her nipples. His pitiful resistance crumbled, inwardly at least.“Shit.” Why not say it? She knew from his face as she rubbed the oil tenderly into her tits what the...

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Abella Danger Twitter 20000 19m followers

The good old day when pornstars were nothing but a pretty set of tits bouncing up and down. Nowadays, everyone has an opinion and the right to share it with the rest of the world without any limitations. If Titanic sunk in 2023, nobody would have the balls to ask about one's goddamn gender before inviting them inside the goddamn lifeboat. Shemales, gays, males, tarts, everyone's one big happy family that shags for the sake of horny pricks who feast their eyes on smut on screens of all shapes...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Chapter One It had been fifteen years since the end of the great war between the north and south. I had fought along side my Pa and my brothers in the victorious fight against the rebels. After the fighting was done, I went back home for a year or so, but found that I liked the adventure of traveling and gambling. This led me to St. Louis, Missouri. I took a job as a security officer with a river boat gambling company. I was well suited for the job. I’m a large man at six feet five inches and...

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Carmella a Lucky Find

I was walking round the corner of the busy street when I saw the bounce of some hefty tits on a tidy looking Asian MILF. They weren’t on display but were hefting around inside a snugly fitting t-shirt. We locked eyes briefly and it was clear she knew what was on my mind. As she passed me I tapped the button on my watch to stop time and turned around to double check my first impression. I wasn’t disappointed. I was guessing she was maybe early forties, looking good for it, with that slightly...

2 years ago
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Gabriella The Liquidation Equation

Gabriella – The Liquidation Equation By Milly Dynamite “When I was in the Marines we had this word to describe bad situations. You know the word I mean – I think you know it … don’t you? Those circumstances where you should turn right but you went left. When your plan calls for you to observe and report but you end up in a gun battle, yeah, we called it a FUBAR. You know what I mean, don’t ya? Sometimes the FUBAR goes both ways, sometimes that is all you can hope for – that it gets...

3 years ago
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Daniella III Daniella Domina Part 2

Daniella let her fingers crumple into her lover’s hair. She was possessed by a new kind of exhilaration. For a moment she clutched and caressed him, then she drew back his head and placed a kiss on his forehead. “The first thing you need to learn is patience,” she said. She trailed fingers through his dark hair, enjoying its thickness as she sat astride this powerful constrained man. You’re my plaything now. Hard part’s over. Got you where I want you—now we have all the time in the world.She...

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Daniella Epilogue Daniella Adored

Darkness reigned once more over Daniella’s senses. The sun that blessed her naked ass was that of an Indian summer, July’s sweltering heat now long past. He’d bound her wrists to the wrought-iron bedrail with consummate care. “Grip it first. Take a tight hold – get comfortable.” The silk of his tie was smooth against her skin, however tightly the garment was secured.Eric’s touch upon her was light—his hands gliding from her hips up the curve of her waist to cup her breasts, fingers tantalizing...

2 years ago
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Gabriella Powder Room Debauchery

By Millie Dynamite He lay on the floor crying his hands bound behind his back. The open safe devoid of its contents sent fear through his heart – even so, the pain she caused worried him more. The big black cases held the substances formerly in his safe while she sat next to them smoking a cigarette. She had removed the big strap-on with which she hammered his ass. “So, Mr. Banker, how long have you laundered money for the Colombians?” Gabriella asked him. “Three years and four months,”...

3 years ago
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Marcel of Marcelle what is in a name... door Marcel van Amoren. Hoofdstuk 1. Een beetje vertwijfeld loop ik door Utrecht. Ik zit zonder werk en dat is me nog niet eerder gebeurd. Eigen schuld natuurlijk. Thuis in mijn klein provinciedorpje had ik een goede baan, verdiende best lekker, hoefde thuis niet veel af te dragen, maar het verveelde me en ik wilde naar de grote stad. Dus op een goede dag of eigenlijk meer op een kwade dag gooide ik mijn kop in de wind en vertrok naar...

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Fellatrix Training

Fellatrix Trainingby [email protected] slender blond teen recounts the story of being trained as a fellatrix.The training is supervised by her mother and some of it is very roughwith bondage and discipline. This story was inspired by a passage in"School of Sluts" by ric.I am a trained slut, well practiced in giving pleasure to boys and menusing my cunt, mouth and ass. My mother is an excellent slut andsupervised my training. I love sex and enjoyed most my slut training,but I have the...

1 year ago
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Gabriella the Liquidation Equation

"When I was in the Marines we had this word to describe bad situations. You know the word I mean – I think you know it ... don't you? Those circumstances where you should turn right but you went left. When your plan calls for you to observe and report but you end up in a gun battle, yeah, we called it a FUBAR. You know what I mean, don't ya? Sometimes the FUBAR goes both ways, sometimes that is all you can hope for – that it gets fucked up by the other guy as well," Gabriella said, she lit...

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Carmella Ramirez A High School StoryChapter 3

They squared off and Daniels gave the command to begin. Carmella moved launching a series of combinations that caught Patrick Connors by surprise. Time after time they connected stinging him. Carmella's jabs set him up as she countered his every swing. Carmella was showing that she really knew how to use his hands. It got to the point that he finally decided to give up on the stand up game. Instead he decided to take her to the ground. Shooting forward he went for her legs. Even as he...

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Isabella and Ingrid in the Dog House

Isabella and Ingrid followed their tour guide through the Dog House facility. The two had booked a week to relax after exams. Isabella’s friend Madeleine had arranged the contact. How she knew about the place, neither girl would ever know. Maddy hadn’t mentioned anything beyond saying cryptically she went for a true vacation every so often. The pair now found themselves in a secret location walking naked through their modern open space lobby led by a nearly naked concierge. Her only...

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Isabella Awakening Ch 01

Being the opening chapter of Isabella Silverto’s story of remembrance and awakening in which a funeral brings back memories of a dark family secret and Isabella renews an acquaintance. * Naples June 1736: The family of Alberto Silverto was in mourning. The family matriarch, and Alberto’s aunt on his father’s side, Donna Elvira Del Malachi Silverto had finally passed on and the extended family, now scattered widely over the Southern states of what we now call Italy, was gathering in Naples to...

2 years ago
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Isabella Awakening Ch 09

Isabella waits for Thomas’s return and spends her days and evenings learning more about The Daughters of Keira and The Sanctuary. * The women sat chatting and swapping stories as they ate and drank Maria’s sumptuous feast. The boys ate with them, quietly, but sometimes laughing amongst themselves or venturing a comment to the women in Arabic. Jax rose from the group of women and spoke with the boys at some length, causing them to giggle and argue good-naturedly with each other. She took the...

1 year ago
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Isabella Awakening Ch 02

Naples 1734: The thirty-four year old Isabella Silverto has returned to her parent’s home after a ten year loveless marriage. A funeral reunites her family for the first time since it was ripped apart by incest more than a decade earlier. Older, more experienced but still unsatisfied, Isabella spurns her brother’s advances and prepares for another arranged marriage. Isabella slept late the morning after the funeral. She awoke slowly, savouring the last vestiges of a strange dream in which wild...

2 years ago
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Isabella Awakening Ch 07

Chapter Seven In which Isabella learns some more history and makes new friends For the first time in her life, Isabella awoke with a man’s arms around her and a hard cock between the mounds of her ass. She was in heaven. Thomas’s regular deep breathing told her he was still sleeping, but his cock was engorged and pulsing slowly and he occasionally moved his hips to seek purchase. Isabella lay like that for some time as the dawn shed pale light through the room. She considered slipping him...

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Isabella Awakening Ch 03

For new readers, this is the story so far: Isabella Silverto, a thirty something woman from 18th century Naples, is facing her second arranged marriage. After witnessing incest in her family and being deflowered and opened to passion by an older friend of her father’s when she was young, Isabella developed a sensuous, lascivious nature that she had had to suppress during her first marriage to an effete minor noble. She is now resentful of her father’s insistence on her marrying into the family...

2 years ago
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Isabella Awakening Ch 08

When Isabella finally opened her eyes, she was aware of lying between Thomas and Gabrielle, their lips to her temples and their hands gently stroking her body. ‘Welcome back to earth, my love,’ whispered Thomas. ‘We were wondering if you’d ever return.’ Isabella smiled, closed her eyes again and inhaled deeply. She realized that she held Thomas’s half-hard penis in one hand and she gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘Was I gone for long?’ she asked, her contented smile still reflecting the feelings...

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Isabella Awakening Ch 05

Chapter 5 Isabella remembers a musical evening and pirates take Isabella and Thomas from the Della Virago. Thomas poked his head above the hatchway to survey the activity on deck. Sailors were struggling with ropes and pulleys to move cannon across the deck while the officers supervised their clumsy efforts with curses and kicks. Clearly this was no place for Isabella right now. He signaled to young Simon who stood nervously beside the Captain on the foredeck. Simon leaped a cannon and ran to...

3 years ago
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Isabella Awakening Ch 06

Chapter 6 Isabella reflects on a past meeting with two soldiers and finds new friends in North Africa. She and Thomas share a special evening. Isabella and Thomas sat there on the covered bridge of the pirate galley, hardly talking. At one point, she heard Thomas groan quietly and remembered his wound for the cannon accident. ‘Let me see,’ she insisted and helped him roll up the sleeve of his cassock. Isabella inspected the gash, a few inches long and almost an inch deep, just below his...

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Isabella Part 2 Vacation

Finally, her luck ran out when Adam and Sheryl suggested they all take a walk down to the beach to stretch after their long flight. "I'd rather just rest in my room first," Isabella suggested. "Don’t be ridiculous, you were snoring the whole way here," Sheryl scoffs at her excuse. "Come on, we'll buy you a bikini that will make your brothers have to fight off all the boys around." She dragged Isabella into a shore side shop. "They seem to get along well," Adam laughed. "Don’t be...

1 year ago
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Stellas friend Eva

On my second visit to Stella on my own she had a visitor in the flat when I arrived. Stella introduced me to Eva, introducing me as 'her friend'. Eva was another resident of the complex who was rather older than Stella but also aparently in good health and quite fun. I was really waiting for Eva to leave so we could have our fun. After a while Stella said - 'Eva is in the same boat as me - she lost her husband 2 years ago and hasn't had a man since, I've been talking to Eva about our little...

Group Sex
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Isabella her first work week

'Why don't you start with getting the two of us coffee.' Seth softly suggested. The woman nodded and as she made her way to the kitchen, he took his time to admire the young woman's ass. She was again, dressed very professional, with a white blouse and a black skirt that reached her knees. Her hair was back in a knot and she was wearing black heels. Her father was clearly beaming with pride. If he only knew what Seth had in store for her, he would not be so happy. Still, chances were he...

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Our producers had determined to stage Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare, one of the strangest of all his plays. The wild boy Claudio is sentenced to death for having sex by the uptight bureaucrat Angelo. Hypocritical and corrupt, Angelo offers to let Claudio go free, if he, Angelo, can have sex with Isabella, Claudio’s sister. Isabella, of course, intends to become a nun and not just any nun but an uber-chaste nun. Presented with the lascivious bargain as a way to save her unjustly...

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