A Grim Northern Fairy Tale free porn video

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"What?" Cinders asked of her step sister as she she raked out the fourteenth fireplace that morning, "Coming to Saddleworth?"

"Yes coming to Saddleworth," Gertie said, "He's coming to open our new Town Hall"

"Oh!" said Cinders.

"He'll be coming up our road our Cinders," said her step sister Anna,"You'll have to chuck ashes in canal or road will be dusty."me."

"Dusty?" Cinders asked, "In Yorkshire, get real!"

"It were dry on our Harry's birthday," Gertie announced.

"No it wasn't our Gertie," Anna said, "It bloody snowed!"

"Roads was dry though," Gertie announced.

"Right," Cinders agreed, "Blimey is that the time, " she gasped, "I'm late for Butler's blow job!"

"How come you give Butler a blow job every dinner?" Gertie asked.

"Better than getting fucked up," said Cinders with a smirk, "And I cheeks him for a glass of stout to wash it down with after!"

"Do our mam know?" Gertie asked.

"Course she do our Gertie," Anna sighed, "It's in his terms and conditions!"

"I don't mind," Cinders said, "Really."

"It's disgusting!" Gertie said.

"How do you know?" Anna asked, "

"Well, it must be!" Gertie blushed.

"I need the practice," Cinders admitted, "I'm going to be the best cock sucker in Yorkshire and marry a mine owner's son!"

"You silly bugger," said Anna, "They don't want cock suckers."

"Do if they don't want kids," Cinders said , "Crying and shitting all the time.

"Them want's it up your ass hole!" Anna explained.

"I got to go!" Cinders insisted and she clattered away in her well worn clogs.


"Here's my plan," Cinders said, as Buttons sat beside her when they had their snap.

"There's only one bog at Saddleworth Midland." she explained, "Only one sit down Gents bog any road, so they'll tart it up for Prince, and right above it there's a hatch up into loft," she said almost proudly, "And Ted Hepplethwaite said as he would give me a leg up so as I can hide up there until Prince needs a crap and then come down and give him the best blow job he's ever had!"

"It's no good," Buttons the under footman explained, "They have bogs on the train now!"

"No!" Cinders said, "Surely not!"

"Oh yes, on Royal train any road!" Buttons added.

"But Ted said," Cinder protested.

"Maybe he's stringing you along," Buttons suggested.

"But he helped me practice!" Cinders replied.

"What?" Buttons asked.

Cinders thought a moment, "He helped me up in loft and pretended to be prince while I worked out how to give blow job without me feet poking out under the bog door!"

"You didn't give him blow job as well did you?" Buttons asked.

"Yes," she admitted, "But I never swallowed."

"That makes it all right then," Buttons exclaimed sarcastically.

"At least he washes first," Cinders said, "Not like you!"

"That's not fair, he's got hot running water at station." Buttons explained, "We only got cold!"

"Butler washes and he's only got cold," Cinders protested.

"Cripes," Buttons exclaimed, "Is there anyone you don't practice blow jobs on?"

"Only you and butler, and fish man and Ted of course." Cinders said, "Why?

Buttons shook his head and wandered off.

Cinders was really annoyed and as soon as she had her piece of bread and dripping she grabbed her shawl and set off into the pouring rain towards Saddleworth Midland station where she found Ted talking to Ernie Grimsdale guard of the 11.30 local train to Bradford.

"Oi!" Cinders said, "You never said they had bogs in trains now."

"Bogs on trains," Ernie laughed, "Not on this one they don't."

"Royal Train!" Cinders exclaimed, "Buttons said Royal Train has bog on it."

"Royal Train?" Ernie laughed, "Bloody Geordie Stephenson built that un his sen, built if for Liverpool and Mancester in eithteen twenty nine for directors, they would be lucky to have a bucket to crap in let alone proper bog!"

"Liar!" Cinders snapped, "You're in it together."

"What?" Ernie demanded.

"You just want free blow jobs!" she hissed.

"He wants more than blow jobs miss," Ernie laughed, "You want to watch yourself!"

Ted blushed crimson, "Look, I still don't think royal train has a bog on it," he said, "I likes you Cinders, I ent trying to con you."

"You're lower than a worms belly!" Cinders snapped, "Both of you!" she looked around hopelessly, "I'm never going to marry a prince now am I?"

Ernie smiled sadly, "You never was lass, no matter how good you are at blow jobs."

"She's bloody good though Ernie," Ted admitted.

"So you said Ted," Ernie agreed, "Eh up it's twenty to, time we buggered off," he said and he waved his flag and blew his whistle and the train gradually wheezed out of the station.

"Bloody lying pillock!" Cinders said, "If I never see you again it will be too soon."

"Cinders!" Ted pleaded, "Look I got a Sunday off next month, maybe we could go to church or something?"

"In your dreams, moron!" Cinders said and she stormed off with her clogs clattering on the street.

Ted went back to the waiting room and put his feet up for a minute as he had been on duty since four that morning and wasn' t due to finish until the ten o'clock from Battersby arrived around midnight.

George Richmond the Stationmaster wandered in, "Oi you lazy pillock, there's cleaning to be done," he cried, "You ask that girl of yours about giving me a blow job?"

"Uh, no sir, she ent really got time." Ted admitted.

"Well if you fucked her ass instead she could blow me at same time," he suggested, "Where's she work anyway, down Graythwaite street by Abattoir?"

"She chambermaid sir, well under chambermaid, fire lighter really sir." Ted explained.

"Pity, if she'd have been whore or summat respectable she'd have made a decent wife for thee," George said as he sat down, "Maybe get thee sen promotion, have thee own station mebbe."

"I'll mis her," Ted admitted, "Her beautiful blue eyes looking at me as she gobbles me cock, that long blonde hair,"

"Offer her sixpence a time lad, she'll be back." George suggested.

"That's a days wages!" Ted exclaimed outraged,"I can't afford that when I can fuck Mrs Miggins me landlady up the ass for halfpenny."

"Not the same though is it?" George suggested, "Not the same."

Cinders was in a foul mood, "All them blow jobs!" she railed, "I could have charged a penny a time, tuppence mebbe."

"You always were a slut," Gertie agreed, "That's why your father disowned you."

"No he didn't," Cinders said, "He said it was up to me, he said if I wanted to screw around I could live like a servant!"

"But you don't do you Cinders," Anna explained, "You haven't had a cock up you properly yet have you?"

"Might have," Cinders said defensively but she had been so busy recently giving blow jobs that she simply hadn't had time to get laid.

Ted were despondent, but later on when "Jock" O'keefe came in on the local train from Rawtenstall, he went across for a chat.

"Do you reckon it's right they got a bog on royal train?" he asked.

"No idea," Jock admitted, "Ye'll be wantin' a word wi' Union rep, Elias Scargill, he'll know."

"Right," Ted agreed.

"If they've a convenience in the train then we should have one on the engine too," Jock suggested, "Its very embarrassing doing your business upon the footplate when ye're doing the best part of fifty mile an hour on an express."

"I suppose," Ted agreed, "Can't you shit on shovel and burn it in firebox?"

"That's disgusting, do ye no know we eat our breakfast off of the shovel, this is eighteen seventy ye ken not bloody middle ages," Jock reminded him, "And who cleans the convenience, is it cess pool emptier or carriage and wagon grade?" he asked.

"That's right," Ted agreed, "Unless there's just hole in floor and shit drops on track."

"Filthy Sassenachs," Jock said, "I'll see Scargill and see if he canna have stop put to it."


The household was in disarray, a letter had arrived, 'His worshipfullness Albert Higginbotham Mayor of Saddleworth, cordially invites the right hon Mr Clarence Hepple and Mrs Florence Hepple to the opening of Saddleworth town hall,' and continued, "Tickets one and sixpence."

"What do you mean can't go!" Gertie demanded.

"Cinders is eldest, you can't go if she don't." the father insisted.

"But you said if she want's to fuck around she has to be servant!" Annie exclaimed.

"Has Cinders been fucked proper?" the father asked, as Cinders walked in, "Have you had it yet?" he demanded.

"I've been busy!" Cinders protested.

"Right, get a bath and find summat smart," the father said, "You can behave like a proper brought up girl for a change."

"But father!" she protested.

"No more rags for you," he said, "Mother, find that frilly white thing she wore at Ada Ormskirk's wedding."

"That was bridesmaids dress," the mother reminded him, "You better wear that nice blue dress."

"I can't give blow jobs in a posh dress!" Cinders gasped.

"Exactly," her father explained, "Exactly, I give you every chance to get yourself up duff and all you give is blow jobs like a any respectable well brought up girl, if you want to be a slut you got to work at it."

"I shan't!" Cinders protested.

"Yes you damned well shall!" he said, "Or you'll feel the leather of my belt on your ass," he said as unwisely he undid his trouser belt and the mountain of belly flesh it supported suddenly cascaded downwards taking his trousers and underpants and leaving him standing in with his hairy legs and rapidly swelling hairy little cock in full view.

"Clarence!" the twins mother exclaimed, "You can't expect Cinders to give you a blow job!"

"How else will I get me trousers up, unless thee does it!" he asked.

"Oh very well," the mother insisted, "I shan't swallow."

"Less I fucks you up the ass?" Clarence suggested.

"Or somewhere soft and warm?" she simpered.

"We ent having no more kids," Clarence insisted

"Leave us," the mother insisted and before poor Clarence could protest the mother had her skirts around her waist revealing stockings and suspenders and a mass of black curls hiding her little used cunt, and to Clarence's distress she pinned him against the wall and ignoring his protests stood on tip toe and impaled herself on his tool.

"Crikey I thought people fucked like Rabbits," Anna confessed.

"Get out!" the mother cried.

"Bloody hell!" gasped Cinders, "Sod that for a way to make a living!"

"Them's doing it wrong, her should be on her back," Gertie opined.

"Get, Out!" The father shouted, and they dutifully filed away.


"How many more time I don't want to go to the Ball," Cinders insisted.

"It's only for a bit, you can go home at midnight!" her father explained as he stood before her.

"No!" Cinders said again.

"Look, I know you want to give the Prince a blow job," he explained.

"Who told you!" she demanded.

"Cook," he explained, "If you must know, so here is what I propose, first you go to the station as planned, hide in the loft and give prince a blow job then of his doesn't marry you on the spot you come to the ball all tarted up like some fairy tale whore, do we have a deal?"

"I'll dress like a princess, actually if I marry prince I suppose I'll have to dress like a princess all the time?" Cinders exclaimed.

"Your mother has more chance of winning the two twenty at Lingfield than you have of marrying the prince," her father said sadly.


The Big day came, crowds lined the streets, mill owners declared a holiday from a quarter to four until half past so workers could se prince close up, and at London punctually only ten minutes late the prince kissed his official mistress goodbye and headed for Kings Cross station where Mr Sterling's magnificent if lop sided single cylinder engine No 2 waited with royal train, two first class coaches for servants, the royal saloon, a horse box and carriage truck for the royal carriage and three third class coaches for servant's servants and spare whores in case any of princes' whores went down with clap.

It all went very well, No 2 whisked them along at thirty eight miles an hour and more and there wasn't any fuss at all to begin with, The Great North railway Royal saloon was slap bang up to date with water closets (flushing bogs,) by Thomas Crapper in gleaming porelein and polished brass and the Sterling Single class engine thrashed along noisily with the eight coaches behind until they handed over to Leeds and Rotherham railway at Slaithewaite junction near Grimethorpe.

There were a terrible to do at Slaithewaite Junction, Elias Scargill the union rep demands to know what happens to shit from bog in royal saloon and when he finds it drops on to track he demands that the royal saloon with the bog is uncoupled and left behind, "Why in gods name?" asked the Prince when he was told there was a delay and he stepped into platform forthwith, "You there!" he demanded of Scargill, "What is the meaning of this!".

"We don't want your shit on our tracks your grace," Scargill admitted.

"Are you an agitator?" the Prince asked, "A republican?" he enquired.

"Might be, is that like a Publican what runs a pub?" Scargill asked.

"God give me strength!" the Prince insisted, "Leave the saloon I'll travel first class with the common people!" he said, "And look after the girls till I get back!"

Elias promised he would do just that, not realising there were six prostitutes and a rent boy dressed like a girl in Prince's private carriage all high from sniffing Tetleys number four herbal tea mix with added heroin and drunk on Newcastle Green Ale.

There was a kerfuffle as the Sterling engine was uncouled and "Rother" the Leeds and Rotherham's newest and biggest engine, which directors insisted that was used despite the pleas from anyone with any sense that it was a goods engine and completely unsuitable, but it was coupled on, and to the intense annoyance of the passengers waiting for the Saddleworth local 'Rother' pulled and pushed the carriages around to leave the Prince's saloon in the cattle dock, and then no more than an hour late they set off up branch to Saddleworth.

'Rother' was a slow goods engine even by Yorkshire standards and that was slow and it's wheels weren't balanced so the whole train shook violently as soon as it got over twenty miles and hour, "What is this?" the Prince complained, as the gut churning vibrations coursed through the carriage, "A republican torture chamber?"

Harry Biggins driving 'Rother' did his best but with everything on the footplate vibrating so bad that it was just a blur he couldn't even go as fast as the regular train engine let alone make up any part of the lost hour.

"Oh my innards!" the prince cried, but decorum prevented him joining his servants who were hanging from the windows vomiting freely.

The waiting crowd had mainly gone home as Harry drove into Saddleworth with whistle screaming and choking black smoke swirling from the chimney, finally Harry stopped 'Rother right by the red carpet which was a shame because he was supposed to stop the Prince's carriage door right by it.

"Three cheers for the," the Stationmaster announced loudly as the Prince bolted past him.

"The conveniences, where are the conveniences!" the prince cried.

"Through," the stationmaster cried as he shot out of sight following the signs.

"Thank god," the prince cried as he filled the bowl with secondhand vindaloo.

"Jesus," Cinders cried as she started to climb down from the loft only to see the princes back when she expected to see him sitting on bog.

"What?" demanded the prince as she descended,"Oh for god's sake leave me alone!"

"But I want to give you a blow job so you'll marry me!" Cinders cried.

"No, please!" the prince protested as he turned round to sit in the bog, and then seeing how disappointed Cinders looked he relented, "Just a quick one."

He dropped his trousers and revealed a short fat cock still wet with stale cum and whore's juices.

"Yuck!" Cinders protested, "I'm not sucking that!"

"You said," the prince exclaimed.

"It's deformed and it stinks!" she said in alarm.

"What do you expect?" he demanded, "I've had six whores and a ladyboy to satisfy on the train up, it's no wonder my tool is in a bad way!"

"Oh!" Cinders gasped, "I had no idea."

"And my wife will have a household of thirteen to satisfy, lord knows where I'll find a rampant enough whore to do that." he explained, "Unless you want the job?"

"Uh no thanks," said Cinders.

"You would make a lovely Duchess," he said, "so will you marry me?"

"Would I have to let them fuck me?" Cinders said, "Or would blow jobs be enough."

"Fucked, I'm afraid," he explained, "Up the backside, it's considered to be one of the perks of the job for the royal household, we have to do it or we would have to pay decent wages."

"I think I'll pass then," Cinders said, "If its all the same with you."

"It's fine, I'm used to it," he admitted, "They're all fired up to marry me and then when I reveal the tadger they back off, I thought it was because it is so big."

"It's quite short really," Cinders said, "But fat but it stinks thats the real problem, not like Ted Hepplethwaite's his is long and thin and tastes lovely."

"Right," said the prince as boredom set in.

"He always washes first and sprinkles lavender water on his cock so it smells nice," she said.

"Slow down," the prince urged, "I'll write that down on a piece of tissue," he said as he grabbed a piece of bog roll and a pencil, "Lavender water."

"Yes Lavender water," she repeated.

"Perhaps you should marry Mr Hepplethwaite," the prince suggested, "If his cock is so tasty?"

"I suppose," Cinders agreed.

"So if you'll excuse me my public awaits," the prince requested, and Cinders stepped aside and allowed him to pull his trousers up and to slip from the cubicle.

Cinders sadly watched him go, her dreams in tatters.

"Eh up lass," Ted said brightly as he saw her standing there, "How did it go?"

"His cock stunk," she said, "I couldn't do nothing with it, made me sick it did."
"You daft wazzock you should have let him ball you," he advised, "You could have had a kid and charged him for it."

"I suppose," she said, "But I'm saving that for my husband."

"Never mind," he said, "I would miss you if you got married."

"Would you?" she asked, "Maybe?"

"What?" he asked.

"Never mind," she agreed, and she remembered she had promised to get tarted up like a fairy tale Princess and go to the do at the Town Hall.


"Oh Cinders you do scrub up nice," her father commented as she stood before him in her ball gown.

"I feel a right prat," she said, "You can see most of me tits down the front of this thing."

"Truly delectable my dear," her father agreed, "I thought you liked displaying your charms?"

"Not like this I bloody don't and how am I supposed to sit down with this great bustle thing on me ass?" Cinders asked.

"Look Christina," her father explained, "I have given you far too much leeway and if you don't behave I will put you over my knee and spank your bare backside, do you understand."

"Don't be a pillock Albert that'll make her cum!" said her mother, "No if you don't get offer of marriage from Prince its straight round Hepplethwaite's in morning and let Ernie put you in family way."

"His mam thinks I ent good enough for him," Cinders said sadly.

"Then marry the prince," her father said abruptly.

"Yes father," she said.

"Second thoughts don't," he said, "Them skinflints would want us to pay half of wedding bill."


She rode to the Ball at the Town Hall in a hired carriage and as was the custom was announced to the nobility as she stepped inside.

"Miss Christina Parker-Richmond," the town crier announced and she stepped forward.

The prince turned and his monocle fell out as he stared in shock, "My god!" he said, "It's you!"

"Yes," she said, "It's me."

"You are beautiful!" he exclaimed, "So beautiful!"

"And I suck cock better than any whore this side of Rochdale," she insisted.

"And I have some lavender water," he smirked.

"You are too late, me dad says I got to let Ted Hepplethwaite fuck me if you wont wed me," she said hopefully.

"You can be my northern mistress?" he suggested, "If that will do?"

"No," she said firmly, "Wed or no bed."

"Sir," the Town Mayor insisted, "There is a queue."

"Sod them, I'm trying to get my leg over here," the prince exclaimed, "Tell you what, if I get you in the family way I'll get cousin Willi to marry you."

"Really?" Cinders agreed, "Lets get on wi it then, any idea how this thing comes off."

They drew a veil over it, well orgies weren't talked about much then, and Cinders or Christina had staggered naked into the Railway Hotel at three in the morning with the prince in hot pursuit and had demanded a room, which they had managed to find, albeit a single over the kitchens, and there four months later the prince finally succumbed to Christina's persuasion and decided to nip back to London to see his mum.

Cinders accompanied him to the palace, riding on the Royal train, and then in a horse drawn cart on account of cars not being invented, and was guest of honour at a dinner in her honour.

"Mother, this is Christina," the prince said proudly, "The best cock sucker in Yorkshire!"

"Any good at licking pussy?" the queen asked and Christina blushed.

"I've never tried," she admitted.

"Ten bloody ladies in waiting and not one any good with her tongue," she bemoaned, "Will you try?"

"No!" Christina demurred, "Not till I'm wed!"

"Fine, I'm head of the church and I say you're married," the queen said.

"I'll give it a go then, got any Lavender water." Christina asked.

"Don't I have any say in this?" the prince asked.

"No, she'll make a damned good queen one day, maybe she needs fattening up a bit and she doesn't have much of a top lip but."


Burrrrrrpppppp, Burrrrrppppppp, the alarm sounded, Christina reached out automatically to switch it off, it was 6.15, time to get up.

"Damn and blast," she swore as she realised she had fallen asleep wearing her double dildo pants again, "Now I'll never know how this dream ends."

Any historical accuracy is completely accidental

Any similarity to Princes or Queens alive or dead is quite likey

Leeds and Rotherham..railway never existed as far as I know.

Ted Hepplethwaite drives a Cab for A to B Taxis in Gotham City. 23 Barraco Barma Street Gotham G5


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Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale

Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale Copyright 2000, Melissa Virus This one's only my second try, so please, continue to try and be gentle. Know that there is an explanation. ***************************************************************************** Alissa was kind of young; I was eighteen and she was sixteen. You know, not young enough that it was sick or anything, but . . . just this side of the line separating good and bad taste. In retrospect, our relationship was...

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A Sissy Fairy Tale

A Sissy Fairy tale By Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Josh to Josie. I got pregnant when I was sixteen. I'm not sure about the father. My parents talked me into keeping him to be the son they always wanted. My father died when Joshua was three. My mother and I struggled on. My mother died last year. By then he was the son nobody wanted. He was small for his age, so I kept him back a year. It didn't matter. He stayed small and never developed much body hair. The doctor...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 27 Simon goes to Town

Simon was uneasy. Arabella had been avoiding him since their discussion in the shower the night before. With a heavy load on his mind he had made his way back into the city to continue outprocessing. The lines were as long as they had been before the holidays; the only change was that it was hotter. As Simon despaired at the thought of sitting in another line, he knew that he had to leave the Army properly this time or they'd just show up on his doorstep again. Finally, he had made it to...

2 years ago
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Whos a Fairy 12 Once Upon a Time Divide

Who's a Fairy? 1-2: Once Upon a Time Divide By Ron Dow75 Chapter One: The Fairy Godmother Flutz had never read the Story of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. Flutz had never read anything she didn't have to. She was a Royal... or she would be again, once she found the Princess she'd lost. === In an alley on a long way to home: "Get up, you sissy!" demanded the larger boy who'd knocked Alfred down. The twerp, in cross-trainers, jeans and yellow pullover sweater, was just...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 16 The Meeting

Bobby huddled miserably inside his rain slicker, the wind cutting every piece of exposed skin, as he drove the small powerboat into the marshy creek. He cursed the need to navigate without lights but he knew that if anyone saw him here, or with the person he was meeting, his life would end immediately. The shadow of another craft, lying low in the water, appeared from behind a tall screen of marsh grass. Bobby tossed a line across to it and stepped back to let his conspirator cross. Paris...

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Fairy Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland "Why is it so cold!" Rose wailed. "It's like this when winter hits up here." "Winter!" Winter is long rains and some snow, but not meters of it!" she protested. "Just be glad we cut west. I had originally decided we could go to Alaska. It's like this more than half the year." She wailed again. They had been lucky near Joliet when they had found a clan that had dealt with the local rat problem by converting the pests into food and furs. In return for aiding...

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Fairy Gobblers Pt 03

The two set up camp at the site where Vince has spent so many evenings enjoying his fairy friends. It was still early, so there were no fairy’s around to distract them or entertain them as they set up camp. “Where are the fairies, stupid Vince?” Thomas goaded. “Be patient, we have a few hours. Let’s set up camp, eat and go for a swim.” Vince replied. “I don’t want to swim, I want to fuck a fairy. I want to fuck a hot one and make her have half human half fairy babies.” “That’s not...

5 years ago
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Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary

Angelica had downed the first glass of merlot before the bath was even half full. What a day! What a terrible terrible day! A bath and bottle of wine were just what the doctor ordered. She poured a dash of herbal bubble bath into the flow of water. The water turned blue, the calming lavender and heather aroma permeated the air and clouds of bubbles formed on the surface. Angelica poured herself another glass of wine. Glancing in the mirror she caught sight of tear tracks under her eyes. She...

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Whos a Fairy 34 Charming

Who's a Fairy? 3-4: Charming By Ron Dow75 Chapter Three: Princess Charming The made-up Alfred was dressed in his sister's clothes, brown wedge sandals, black tights, a short black-and-white plaid skirt, a green blouse, costume bracelets and necklaces, and gold earrings, and night makeup. There was even a brunet extension attached to his hair. At 12, he knew he made a fairly convincing girl. He looked at Clover, the green haired fairy who looked his age. The way she was...

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Fairy The Second Book End

Travel from place to place. The Fairy screamed, hiding behind the branches of the shrub. The coyote growled, digging after the morsel. She screamed as a paw raked her leg, opening a slash in it. The Coyote suddenly yipped, biting at the small shaft in its side. "Hai!" Thistle dropped from above. Her sword sliced the animal's back, and she was out before it could bite her. Another arrow hit it, and it whimpered. The Fairy used a brew of poisons made from mixing just about anything...

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Fairy Girlfriend

Fairy Girlfriend Carl sat at his computer, looking up the latest news he could find on video games and movies. It was one part of his nightly routine that helped him unwind after a long day at work. His job was nothing great and he was sure society could function without him but the pay was decent and it didn't intrude on his personal life like so many other jobs seemed to in the past. After an hour of half-assed browsing he hear a tap on his window and perked up, glad that the other,...

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The Making of a Fairy

Lessons learned Another Way or The Making of a Fairy by: Donna Allyson - Prologue: Jane Ashley was a kind, considerate and very devout woman. She had tried constantly to infuse those same values into her two children. With Janet, the older of her two children, she had succeeded admirably, not so with Jake. Her younger child. Jane had married her husband Sam some twenty years earlier. Their son Jake had been born near the end of the third year of their marriage....

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Fairy Godbitch Day At The Beach

Intro: Think of her as a kinky Fairy Godmother. A very kinky Fairy Godmother with an attitude... "Jesus Christ Jenny - take a shower already! We're not leaving until you do." It was an empty threat and Jenny knew it. "Fuck you, Katie." Kate recognized a losing battle, so with an exaggerated sigh, she gathered up her stuff to head for the beach. Kate hated the fact that her parents often made her watch her thirteen year old sister when they were on vacation. If Kate wanted to go to...

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A Fairy Tail Tale

This is a story of an up & comeing wizard in the land of Fiore, you. This is your story, of your rise to fame, or infamy, as the case may be. Will you be an amazing wizard? Or will you fade into the background like Macao and Cana? Finally, what magics do you use? (P.S. This story starts just before Natsu meets Lucy in Hargeon. All characters go through Hargeon if they plan to join Fairy Tail. May or may not affect Salamander & stuff episode)

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Fairy Gobblers Pt2

“That is so silly,” she mocked me, “it’s obviously a story made up by some horny French guy.” “Yeah, but the story that my great uncle told me isn’t so erotic.” I responded. “He said that his great uncle knew this guy Vince and that Vince took a friend out with him once that never came home.” “Yeah, babe, Vince probably killed him.” “No, according to the story the fairies killed him. After that Vince never went back out there.” After several weeks of sneaking away to visit the...

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Fairy III The Adventure Continues

Fairy III The Continuing Adventures By Machiavelli Dedication: To those that are willing to believe that there is still magic in this sad old world. Dream on! For those that liked my previous work, three of them, the Faerie stories and The clothes make the... are posted online on lulu.com. If I sell enough of them, I can keep this up. Acknowledgements: To the most dedicated fan of the series, Marie Vin. She has followed the series, made salient suggestions that have...

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Love on first sight finding a Fairy

The room has stopped to spin around him and he thinks it’s safe to walk down the hallway. As he stumbles into the kitchen, he feels a little better. Good enough to wonder how he has a hangover. Isn’t that like alcohol withdrawal? There is definitely still alcohol left in his system but whatever. He opens the fridge and takes out the milk. He puts a bowl onto the counter and tries to pour in some cereal. He gets about 90 percent in. Now the milk. Take aim and make sure not to miss. This time...

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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...

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Fairy Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit hole... "What is a convention?" Hyacinth asked him as he got back in the car after fueling up. They had wandered through Pennsylvania, spreading the word, Rob's seed, and palm pilots as they went. Then they headed north into New York State. Rob had initially been worried about contacting the Fairy as he went, but each realm he visited contacted those beyond, and his license number and description of his car had been passed on. Wherever he went, Fairy would come,...

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Harpers Fairy

Crystal smiled, and kept up appearances.  While there was joy to be had in the annual Harper family Christmas gathering, the sting of what happened simply wouldn’t allow her to fully enjoy the festivities.As everyone rose from their seats to adjourn to the kitchen to play Hearts, Crystal’s mother asked, “Are you going to play?”She kept a smile on her face as she shook her head and stood.  “I think I’m going to turn in.  I’m still jet-lagged from the flight.”“I’ll walk up with you,” her mother...

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Fairy The Second Book Part 1

Fairy II: The Fairy Genome Project Spreading the truth They were a disparate group. A hobo, a drunken ex-real estate developer, a waitress, a writer and her family, a cop and a Mobster's daughter cum anthropologist. But they shared one secret that the rest of mankind has yet to learn... If the Faerie had considered the changes that were to come, Dandelion, once Daniel, would have never have had the chance to cause such a turmoil. A young boy converted to Faerie in punishment...

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Fairy Ring

************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan January 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Note: Although this story was written in January 2015 the events are assumed to happen starting on the evening of Valentine’s Day Saturday 14th February...

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The Fairy Collector

There were still some folks left in the world, old and disconnected, who did not know what fairies were used almost exclusively for. Most people knew you didn’t go to a Fairy shop for terrarium accessories. Now inside, Angel’s head cleared up and she turned into her true self: a kid in a candy store. The fairies came to life in their glass houses as she skipped by them. Some cowered behind their friends, some observed with curiosity. Angel was of the opinion that fairies were the cutest...

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Fairy Part I Redux

First Contact Daniel Hodges checked his traps meticulously. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball; too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Exhibitionist Wish Chapter 1 Kimmies Futa Surprise

Chapter One: Kimmie's Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I stared at myself in the mirror, my hips cocked, swirling my pleated, green cheerleading skirts about my supple thighs. Watching that skirt flutter sent an excited shiver through me. Especially because the dildo thrusting through the pleats. I looked so hot. My brown hair was pulled back into a fun and perky ponytail, something perfect for cheerleading, keeping my hair out of my gorgeous, twenty-year-old face. I had...

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Fairy Things will be great when were Downtown

Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 1 Cassandras MILF Desire

Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

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Whos a Fairy 0506 Ready or Not

Who's a Fairy? 5-6: Ready or Not! By Ron Dow75 Chapter Five: Ready to Be a Sister? Albert stumbled back upstairs. What was he going to do!?! Dad was under a spell: A Real magic spell! He thought that the fairy - no, he said he was an imp - that imp prince, Pux was him, and Albert was: "My sister, Morgan? And that I have to change into her clothes??" Oh, okay... he's done that before. But only once had anybody besides his 12-year-old twin sister and his other two sisters,...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse part 2

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...

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Fairy The Fairy Genome Project

The Fairy Genome Project Dandelion didn't arrive that next morning. Originally Holly hadn't been too worried. She had been having too much fun with Anise, happy for Alyssum Rose and Xanthium, welcoming Trillium and Sakura to notice. But by noon the new Pixie had not returned and as the day wore on, she became more anxious. She stood on the branch of her nest, hugging Alyssum desperately as the sun reached the horizon. Anise was inside making dinner for them both, as happy in the...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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Fairy Gobblers

“Be careful,” she told me, “when you’re trekking through the foothills in France. There’s a legend of fairy gobblers that goes back centuries and I would hate for you to come across one unprepared.” She was old and was starting to lose her senses so I didn’t think much of the story she told. She explained to me that the fantasy tales of fairy godmothers were twisted by Hollywood into something cute and sweet but that the true legend came from the legends of fairy gobblers. She told me...

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Matilda the Stone Fairy

My name is Matilda, and I used to be a fairy. A long time ago my people were many. We were small, beautiful, full of magic, and generally good people. But not all of us were good. Not all of us were fairies. Some of us changed when we became angry. It took a lot of anger for it to happen, but if we became angry enough a fairy would transform into an ugly raging giant. We called these fairies witches. Our people had a queen. She was queen over all the fairies in the world. It was her wish to...

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That Time I Banged A Fairy

So there I was, backpacking through Europe like every other early twenty-something, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. That’s pretty normal for me. Ever since I was a kid, I got easily distracted by the most mundane things in the world, and got quite comfortable asking retail workers to help me find my parents. Even in my own backyard I’d end up chasing a butterfly or squirrel into another neighborhood if I wasn’t careful. I just love examining the little things in life, the details...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Wanderlust 01 Fairy

So there I was, backpacking through Europe like every other early twenty-something, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. That’s pretty normal for me. Ever since I was a k**, I got easily distracted by the most mundane things in the world, and got quite comfortable asking retail workers to help me find my parents. Even in my own backyard I’d end up chasing a butterfly or squirrel into another neighborhood if I wasn’t careful. I just love examining the little things in life, the details...

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Fairy Godmother

This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...

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Fairy III European Adventures

An English Country Garden Carrying gear for Faerie through customs can be... interesting. The Customs agent looked at the small pile of metal sections before him, curious. "What is this?" he asked. "Models of pikes," Lady Penelope told him. "May I?" "Please." She took one of the sets, and assembled it into a 16" pike, long haft, with a wide razor sharp blade on the end. She held it out, and the agent looked at it. "Not really a period piece." "No. But it was made by an...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 1 The Magic Tinderbox

"Once upon a time a brave soldier returned from the wars." In this chaotic world, in the spring of 2024, we start our story in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Major Simon Woodsman just wanted to go home. He had spent the last few months battling rioters and trying to help rebuild civilization in what was left of the nation's capitol. Despite his valorous service, he had nothing to show for the time he that had spent protecting his country except for the uniform on his back and the 9mm...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 2 The Pied Piper

Spring had passed and, with summer right around the corner, the news from the cities along the I-95 corridor was getting worse. Riots in the cities had wrecked many radio and TV stations and vandals had managed to disable most of the relay stations as they hunted for anything that could be salvaged and sold. Although many of the major network stations had ceased to operate, amateur radio stations had sprung up to pass gossip and weather around the local area. Simon liked listening to one...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 3 Snow White

While Simon had been battling corrupt officials and traveling the countryside saving refugees, Arabella had faced challenges of an entirely different sort. Simon had left her with instructions to organize the townspeople and their resources. He said that he would need these to help the refugees that he was leading make it the last few miles to the camp. Pointing her at an old motel he told her to use it as her headquarters and that he would return in a few days. Arabella had taken one look...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 4 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

A few days later, Arabella felt well enough to resume traveling. Simon was still deeply entangled with the council negotiating the care of the refugees, so he couldn't leave. In vain, he tried to get Arabella to wait a little while longer before she left for Monterey but she was adamant about finding Granny and bringing her back to Staunton. Although Simon tried once more to dissuade her, she reminded him of his deal and prepared to leave to find Granny. Once again, Arabella loaded up her...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 5 Killing the Evil Queen

Simon finally prevailed over Bobby Tyler and the city council. They'd agreed to staff and resource the camp, releasing a stockpile of much needed food to the starving refugees. Simon knew that this was a hollow victory. He knew that the council would chisel away at the amount and quality of food they would actually end up sending. Probably lining their own packets in the meantime, he thought to himself. Standing in his driveway, he said good bye to Juliet. In exchange for his chaste kiss,...

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 6 Little Red Riding Hood

The next morning, Arabella set out again, this time without waking Simon. She knew somehow that he cared about her, but she owed it to Granny to make sure everything was safe and sound. Recovering the same road she'd driven over just the day before, Arabella quickly made her way across the Appalachians. It still wasn't lunch time when she started down the long steep grade into Monterey. Arabella was relieved to find everything in Monterey calm and peaceful as she drove into the town. She...

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