Trapped In A Fairy Tale free porn video

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Trapped in a Fairy Tale By Carleton Vincent At the beginning of this tale, I was an eighteen-year-old boy named Shane Fletcher. I was basically pretty happy with myself the way I was. I was a perfect straight-A student and I was about to graduate high school with high honors. This academic success had earned me a full scholarship. I was headed for the university with the best computer science program in the state the next fall. With all of this going for me, I figured I had a bright future. Sure, there were things about myself that I would have changed if I could. I had often thought that it would be nice if I were more handsome, were a little more confident with girls or had some kind of athletic talent. On the whole, though, I was pretty happy with the complete package that mother nature had presented me. I mean, even though I may not have been anyone's Brad Pitt, I was certainly okay looking. And I was proud of my good grades. I surely wasn't looking for the radical metamorphosis I was about to experience. So how did it happen to me? Well you're not going to believe this, but it was a fairy. Yes, you heard me right - a fairy. I told you, you weren't going to believe me; but it's true nevertheless. She was about three inches tall and glowed with a faint green aura. She had elfish, pointed ears and high cheekbones. Her eyes had that elfish slant and there were delicate-looking butterfly wings on her back. I met this strange, magical creature when she suddenly popped into my friend Nathan's living room with a shower of green sparks. It was quite an astonishing sight, let me tell you. I had known Nathan Stiles since the third grade, and we were best friends. Ninety percent of the time, he was pretty cool to be around. I mean he could be pretty fun and he enjoyed a lot of the same things I did. He did have one major flaw, however. He would periodically enter deep, dark depressive moods. During these episodes, everything looked black to him and he would really get down on himself. Pulling him out of this deep dark hole was damn near impossible. It just so happened that he was deep into one of these moods that afternoon, and I was getting pretty frustrated with him. On this particular afternoon Nathan's morose state had been triggered by the fact that it was prom night and he wasn't going. I didn't really care about going myself. I knew that the prom was coming up, because the class president kept droning on about it in his moronic monotone every morning over the school's loudspeakers. I couldn't have told you the date or time it was actually taking place, however, because I hadn't really paid attention. That's how much I didn't care about it; but Nathan thought that the fact that he was not going meant he was a loser. "Well if you think going to the prom is such a big important deal," I said, "then why didn't you buy tickets?" I admit it. I was irritated that he was ruining my Friday evening with his incessant pissing and moaning. I mean, come on, grow up and accept life as it is already. "Because I couldn't get up the courage to ask anyone," he told the floor. "Why not?" I asked. "I'm sure Rebecca would have gone with you if you asked her." Rebecca Jobson was a girl that sat near us in honors English class. We often joked around with her when we were getting bored, and we thought she was pretty cool. She was just a friend, but in a pinch, hey why not? "I overheard her say she already had a date." "Well, I am sure some girl would have gone out with you if you asked her. I mean some of them have pretty low standards." He smiled faintly at this friendly jab, but the smile quickly faded and his dark expression returned. "You're right," he said. "I should have tried asking someone else - Beth Seward or Rachel McFarlane maybe. But I got nervous every time I thought about approaching a girl. Then it got to be too late and other guys asked them. Why didn't I just have the guts go up and ask them to go with me? I'm so pathetic. I'm going to be a virgin when I'm 30 at the rate I'm going." 'This sure isn't working,' I thought. 'He's getting even more down on himself.' "Well, we're going to have a lot more fun tonight than you would have had at that stupid prom anyway," I said. "Once Tanner and Seth get here, and we get our all night videogame session going, you'll wonder why you even wanted to go to the prom in the first place." "Yah right," he said with a dark, sarcastic tone; "playing videogames with a couple of dorks like Tanner and Seth all night isn't going to make me feel like a loser." This is hopeless, I thought. The more I try to make him feel better, the deeper into depression he slides. I began considering whether I should just leave my friend to be by himself for the evening. Maybe some time alone was what he needed. I could call Tanner and Seth and tell them that the video game session was being moved to my place. It wouldn't be nearly as much fun without Nathan, but it would be better than nothing. Why does he have to fall into these funks anyway, I wondered angrily. The evening was turning into a big disappointment. That's when the fairy popped into the room. Nathan's dog Jowls, who was lying curled up in the corner of the room on an old plaid cushion that he used for a bed, picked up his head and looked at her curiously, his eyes following her movements around the room. "This is your lucky day," the fairy said, flitting around like a hyperactive firefly and leaving a trail of green sparks in her wake that drifted slowly down towards the floor before extinguishing. Her melodious voice sounded like notes piped out on a silver flute. It was both beautiful and haunting at the same time. "I'm here to send you to the ball you call The Prom." Jowls cocked his head, his floppy ears swaying. He didn't know what to make of this strange creature. "So are you my fairy godmother or something?" Nathan asked. "No," she replied. I wasn't certain, but I thought that she was rolling her eyes at my friend. She probably got that fairy godmother question a lot. "It is only chance that intertwines our destinies. I just happened to be passing through the area when..." Nathan's mind was whirling, and he wasn't exactly listening to what the fairy was telling him. "So you are my fairy godmother?" he said. "Sure," the fairy said with a barely audible sigh. "Yah - I'm your fairy godmother." "And you're going to send me to the prom?" "Yes." "Will I have a kick ass limo?" Nathan's mood had turned around a complete 180 degrees. He was now positively giddy with this incredible change in his fortunes. "Will I have cool-looking tux? A totally hot- looking girl to be my date?" "Don't worry about a thing. I guarantee that this will be the night of your life. Now I had better get started. We don't have much time, you know." The fairy stopped for a moment, considering what to take care of first. "I'll start by conjuring up your transportation," she decided. Then she looked around the room until she spotted a remote control car on the floor that belonged to Nathan's younger brother, Trevor. "Aha!" she exclaimed, "that will suffice just fine." With a wave of her wand and a shower of green sparks, the remote control car rose up into the air and the fairy sent it out the front door. Following along after it, Nathan and I walked behind her. When we were on the driveway, the fairy pointed her wand towards pavement and the toy floated downward, landing gently. She twirled her wand over her head several times, causing a whirlpool of green sparks to form above her head. A sweeping motion directed at Trevor's toy caused the sparks to shower down upon it. Nathan and I watched with wonder as an incredible transformation took place. The car grew larger and larger. We had to step back away from it and ended up standing in the grass of Nathan's front lawn. Then the car morphed its shape, becoming longer and sleek-looking. Seconds later, we were looking at a black stretch limo. "Wwwwowww!" Nathan said in a barely audible tone. "Coooooool," I said. After taking a few moments to admire her own work, the fairy said: "Now you'll be needing a coachman - er - I mean a limo driver." She flitted back through the still open front door and back to the living room where Jowls was still sitting. Nathan had told him to stay there and, being a well-trained dog, he had obeyed. The canine watched us with his large brown droopy eyes as we came back into the room. An air of dignity hung about the placid beast. The fairy twirled her wand over her head again, creating another whirlpool of sparks, which she sent them showering over the hound, causing him to morph into a dark- haired gentleman who was clad in a dark limo-driver's uniform. He regarded us with the same droopy brown eyes and air of dignity he had possessed as a dog. "Now that that's taken care of, I'll take care of your tuxedo," the fairy said. Once again she twirled her wand over head, then sent sparks showering down over Nathan, causing the long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans he was wearing to turn into a sharp looking black tuxedo. His cross trainers became a pair of shiny black formal shoes. Nathan looked down at himself, approving of his new attire. "Pretty cool," he said. "Now, are you going to get me a date?" "Yes," she said. "Remember, she's got to be gorgeous." "You will be satisfied." "Who's she going to be?" I asked, "Nathan's pet rat Snuffles?" "No. I'm afraid that animal to human transfigurations are somewhat limited, and the date will need to be fully interactive and human. So I will need a human subject." "A human subject? But the only other person here is me." "Exactly." She then swept her wand in my direction. "Hey!" I protested as sparks showered down upon me. An intense power surged throughout my being and the spell began the startling transformation of both my body and my clothing. My garments morphed their shape and the cotton fabrics became smooth and satiny. My frame grew more delicate looking. My arms became soft and slender. Soon I was wearing a shimmering, full-length cotton candy pink gown with elegant beading on the form fitting bodice. The sleeves of my sweatshirt had separated and had become matching satin gloves. My beat-up cross trainers changed into a pair of cotton candy pink pumps. The close-cropped coif I wore grew into thick, long tresses that fell down to the bottom of my shoulder blades in soft spiral curls. My breasts slowly inflated like two balloons hooked up to helium tanks, growing bigger and bigger until I possessed a pair of fleshy domes that protruded about three inches or so out from my chest. I could feel them resting in the smooth, satiny cups of a strapless bra. Then my waist grew narrower, and I developed graceful, feminine curves. The package I carried between my legs shrank up and disappeared, leaving me no weight resting in my underpants. At first, I was too stunned to speak. I looked down at myself, trying to take in all the changes. I pulled at the smooth shimmering material of my floaty cotton candy pink skirt with the long, graceful fingers that I now possessed. The beading on the shoes underneath matched the beading on the dress' bodice, I noted. I also had a matching handbag, I realized. I wasn't sure when it had appeared. Expensive-looking jewelry, dripping with glittering pink zircon and purple amethyst gemstones, adorned me as well. This can't be real, I thought; but it was real. I really am really a girl. A large, brass-framed mirror hung on the wall near Nathan's foyer. I walked over to it, moving gracefully with short feminine steps. It was as though I had practiced walking in the high heels I was wearing. Even though I knew I was going to see the reflection of a girl, I was still not prepared for the reality of actually seeing it. "That's me?" I asked as I stood there staring into the mirror's glassy depths, my bewildered mind trying to absorb what I saw. There were only traces of my face remaining, I noted. The fairy's spell had warped my features, giving me a very feminine appearance. My cheekbones were higher and my chin had become narrower. My lips had become beautifully full and elegantly shaped. The proud, long aquiline nose I had possessed had become small and delicate. It was no longer the most prominent feature on my face. Instead, it was proportioned perfectly, so as to compliment my other features. This face was pretty, I thought. I moved my chin to the left, watching the chin of beautiful girl within the mirror follow mine; then I moved my chin back to the right. Her chin followed mine again. "You will regain your natural form at dawn after you have attended the prom as the date of your friend Nathan Stiles," I heard the fairy say me. I turned back around to regard the fairy who was still flitting around Nathan in his stylish-looking tux. "But I can't remain like this." It was so strange, hearing myself speak with a silky-sounding soprano, girl's voice. "I don't even feel like a boy anymore. This is all just too weird. I want to be changed back now." "I'm afraid I cannot alter a spell once it has been cast," the fairy replied. "You must remain female until the conditions I specified have been met." "But you're a fairy," I moaned, "and you're supposed to help people. So how can you make me stay like this? How can you make me parade myself in front of my classmates as a girl?" "I am helping you," the fairy told me. "When I appeared, you were trying to pull your friend out of his depression. Well, you now have been given the means to do so. You are going to be his date to the prom. And when he walks in with you on his arm, he will not feel like a loser for he will be with the prettiest girl there. Every boy there will envy him. You have also been given an extremely rare opportunity. You have a chance to learn first hand how the other half lives. Think about it, after tonight you will have a much deeper insight into the female psyche. You will probably know more about what makes women tick than anyone else of the male gender. As for your concern about your classmates seeing you as a girl, you needn't worry about that at all. There is no way they will ever guess that you are really Shane Fletcher, I assure you." "Well this is all pretty overwhelming," I said, motioning down at my new body. "What would happen if I decided not to try to deal other people while I'm like this, and I just went somewhere to hide until the spell wears off?" "If you fail to go to the prom, one of the conditions for your transformation back into a boy will not be met, and the magic energy I have bound up for the spell will not be released. As a result, you would remain stuck in this form." "This is just great," I whined, realizing that I had little choice but to accept my fate. I would have to go to the prom as a girl. "I'm stuck." "Allow yourself to let go and enjoy the experience," the fairy told me. "Like I said, this is an extremely rare opportunity. After tonight, you will know firsthand what it is like to be female. Now it's time the two of you got going or you'll be late." The fairy then flitted over to me and tapped her wand on the elegant cotton candy pink handbag. "There are ID's in here. I suggest you check them out. And you might want to practice using the new name printed on them. It would look strange if either of you slipped up and used the name Shane, wouldn't it? Now I must bid you farewell. All this spell casting has drained me, and I need to rest and recharge my energy. So goodbye to you, and may you find your happily ever after." With that, she popped out of the room the same way she appeared. "I feel really bad about this," Nathan said. "Yah, well there's nothing we can do about it, is there?" I said. "So let's get going to the prom so I don't end up stuck like this permanently." Nathan wrote a note for his parents, who would be home later that evening, telling them where he was. Then he stuck it to the refrigerator with a magnet. We were just heading for the door to leave when the bell rang. It was Tanner and Seth coming over for our all night videogame session. I could see them through the rippled glass of the window on Nathan's front door. Each of them had a game system tucked under their arm with all the cords necessary for linking them with our systems and creating a network. "What gives," demanded Seth when Nathan let him in. "Why are you in a tux?" Tanner was an overly tall, blocky kid with straight brown hair and glasses. His pasty complexion was almost luminescent in the light cast by the foyer's chandelier. His light blonde was cut in a sort of bowl shape. His companion Seth was about five foot ten inches in height. As a boy I had stood a half a head taller than him, but now it looked as though we were about the same height, give or take an inch. Seth was skinny with bony arms. His shaggy hair was dark brown and his eyes green. When the two of them got a look at me in the foyer, their jaws dropped and their eyes practically came out if their sockets. I felt suddenly uncomfortable. They were gawking at me. I felt the urge to pull my dress up farther over my breasts as Tanner's bright blue eyes found their way up to the two round domes of flesh. I could feel him undressing me with that laser-like gaze. 'God,' I thought, 'are you guys a couple of freaking cave men Stop looking at me like this.' I found myself moving in closer to Nathan, as though to seek protection. I guess I was feeling vulnerable. "Sorry guys, but there's been a change of plans," Nathan said. "I'm going to the prom. I should have called you, but I forgot." "How did you get a hot babe like this to go with you?" said Seth with his nasally voice. What a dork, I thought. Have you got no social skills at all? I'm right here in front of you and you're talking in a way that makes me feel like a side of beef you're drooling over. Nathan stiffened beside me. I could tell he didn't like Seth's remark either, but was too polite to comment on it. "Look guys, we've got to get going," was all he said. The two drooling Neanderthals followed us out of the house into the warm afternoon air, then watched as Jowls opened the door to the limo for me. I noted how strange it was feeling the bouncing and shifting weight on my chest as I maneuvered myself to climb in. When my legs happened to move together, I was hit with the distressing awareness of the absence of my male equipment. 'This is just too weird,' I thought, not for the last time. My cotton candy pink skirts poofed up all about me, the fabric rustling as I sat down onto the luxurious leather seat. Jowls was careful not to close my skirts in the car door, motioning to me to pull them in a bit farther. He was a very thoughtful dog, I thought. After Nathan was seated in the limo beside me, Jowls closed his door. Then the faithful old hound dog got into the driver's seat and backed us out of the driveway. Tanner and Seth watched us as we pulled away. They looked disappointed at the change in their evening's plans and intensely jealous of their friend Nathan. "I feel really bad about this situation," Nathan kept saying as we rode along. "It's all totally my fault. If I hadn't been so down about not going to the prom, the fairy would not have changed you into a girl." 'This is no good,' I thought. I remembered that the fairy had promised him that he would have the night of his life, and I was afraid that might be one of the conditions of her spell. If he spends the night worrying about me, he's definitely not going to have the night of his life; and I might end up stuck like this indefinitely. "I'll be okay," I said, trying to sound convincing. "But you seemed so upset before." "Sure I was upset at first, but I then I decided I should just make the best of he situation. I can imagine worse things than spending an evening as a girl, after all." "Really?" he responded. "You're going to be okay?" "Yah - just as long as you keep your hands to yourself, mister." "I'll be a perfect gentleman," he said with a wry smile. I was relieved that I was able to get him off worrying about me. "Good. Well now that we've established that ground rule, I suppose I should take a look at my ID's and find out who I am." I released the clasp of the purse. Inside I found a girls' wallet. When I flipped it open, I saw a driver's license and school ID. The school ID said New London Central across the top. That was the high school on the other side of town. It was clever of the fairy to think of that, I thought. If I could say I was from Central, I would not have to answer difficult question about why no one had seen me at East before. Shauni Frazier was the name on the ID's. It was similar to my real name (Shane Fletcher) I noted. The address on the driver's license said I resided at 154 Silver Fox Court. I guessed that that was across town somewhere - probably in the Fox Woods subdivision located off Route 49 by the mall. I wondered what I would find if I went to that address. Would there really be a house there? Would I find a family with the last name Frazier living in it? Would they greet me as their daughter if I strode in through the front door? I dropped the wallet back into purse. There were other items in there - all the things you typically find in a girl's hand bag, including a cell phone. I pulled out the phone. It was a pink camera phone. There were loads of names in the address book, all Shauni's friends and family, I presumed. It was amazing to me that she had attended to so many details. "This is strange," I reflected. "Why would the fairy go to so much trouble to flesh out Shauni Frazier's life so completely?" Nathan shrugged. Then I jumped, startled as the phone began buzzing in my hand. "Jeez!" I exclaimed. "I'm getting a call." "Who's it from?" Nathan Asked. "The caller Id says mom," I observed. "Pick it up," he said. "Should I?" "Yah, why not?" "Oh - too late - it's gone to voicemail." I pressed the button to play the message, even though it felt a little like I was intruding on someone else's life. A warm, motherly voice that sounded like it should be familiar to me told Shauni to have a good time at the prom. She then said, "We'll all be back some time Sunday afternoon, and we'll see you then." The message ended with the admonishment to take a lot of pictures. "Hey Jowls, I think you passed the banquet hall." I looked up and saw the building out my window. Jowls looked back at Nathan to acknowledge that he heard, but did not speak. I began to think that maybe he couldn't. Maybe that was one of the limitations of animal to human transformations. Jowls drove just up the street a ways and turned into the parking lot of Yamato's (a Japanese steak house). It was one of those places where the chef cooks right in front of you. Our former canine driver pulled up to the front door and then came around to let each of us out of the limo. "I guess we're eating dinner here," I said when we were both standing at the curb. "You need reservations for this place," Nathan replied. "Maybe the fairy took care of that." Sure enough, Nathan's name appeared on the hostess' list of reservations. The young woman gave us both a gracious smile when he told her his name and then escorted us back to the dining area where there were twenty or so long square tables. Each had a hibachi grill covering part of the tabletop. Chefs were already at work at some of the tables, adroitly chopping up vegetables and meats for the customers seated before them. Yamato's was one of the finer restaurants in the area and our food was excellent. But as I spent more time with Nathan, I realized that the female body in which I now resided was reacting strangely to him. At one point during the meal, I felt a strange shiver at the bright blueness of Nathan's eyes. Then I felt the same shiver when his hand brushed up against mine. 'This is humiliating,' I thought. 'I'm attracted to my best friend.' It made me even more uncomfortable when I caught Nathan glancing down at my chest during our conversation. 'Oh god, he's looking at my tits. How am I going to face him again after this?' Of course I had no choice but to do the best I could to cope with the situation. I couldn't let Nathan know that I was feeling uncomfortable or he would not be able to relax and have a good time tonight at the prom. My stomach was pleasantly satisfied when we were finished eating; but unfortunately the colas I had had with the meal had begun to make my bladder uncomfortably full. I excused myself and went to find the restrooms while Nathan pulled out a wad of cash that he had found in his jacket pocket and paid our bill. After locating the sign that pointed the correct direction, I went to the door with the figure wearing a skirt and pushed through it. 'I'm actually going into the women's room,' I thought. I looked around, checking out facilities, feeling like I was some sort of spy infiltrating a forbidden place. It was different in here - cleaner than the men's room - and there's an extra stall where the urinals should be. I entered one of the stalls and performed the extremely awkward task of peeing in a public restroom while wearing a full-length ball gown. With the plumbing I currently had available, I had to crouch, hovering over the seat, with my satiny panties down around my ankles; and I had to hold the skirt and crinoline bunched up around my waist, being careful not to drop them in the urine water. 'This is completely undignified,' I thought. It sucks not being able to just step up to a urinal and let loose. How do girls put up with crap like this all the time? Somehow, I managed the task without getting any of my clothing wet. I wiped and pulled up the shimmering panties, which were the same cotton candy pink color as my gown. 'Maybe this is some kind of punishment,' I thought. Maybe the fairy thought I needed to be thought a lesson. I wasn't being very sensitive to Nathan, after all. I was irritated with him for ruining my evening, when I should have been concerned that he was feeling depressed. Well okay fairy, I get it. Now just don't leave me stuck like this permanently please. I stepped up to one of the sinks and washed my hands, then I found myself automatically starting the process of freshening my makeup, as though it were habit. I pulled out a compact and began putting blush on my cheeks, then I applied some gloss to my full, beautiful lips. My hands performed these tasks like they had done them hundreds of times. I wondered what other feminine skills I could now perform and I wondered whether I had lost the knowledge of any skills I had mastered as a boy. When I stepped out into the hallway, Nathan waiting for me. "You sure took your time in there," he said cheerfully. He had no clue of the ordeal I had gone through just to pee. It was really strange when I first walked in on Nathan's arm. The faces around me were the familiar faces of my classmates. I had known some of them since kindergarten. But they looked at me without recognition in their eyes. I was now a stranger to them. "Who is that gorgeous babe with Nathan Stiles?" I overheard someone say. It was John Robertson, a jock who played on the football, basketball and baseball teams. He wasn't as cocky as some of the jocks at our school and could be a pretty decent guy. My head snapped in the direction of his voice. He looked away, embarrassed about having spoken loudly enough for me to overhear. I could feel the eyes of other boys on me, checking me out. Jeff Crawley looked at me with a hunger in his eyes that made me very uneasy. I never had liked him. The girls took note of me too, but for different reasons. "She looks like she stepped out of a Glamour magazine," I heard Kim Locke whisper to Paula Julio. There was envy in her voice. When I was a boy, I had thought that Kim Locke was one of the hottest girls at our school. Now she was jealous of my looks. 'What would they think if they knew I was Shane Fletcher,' I asked myself. I was a little nervous at this thought, wondering if anyone might figure out my secret. 'You're being silly,' I chided myself. It's like the fairy said; no one could possibly figure out who I am. Nathan and I spent most of the evening hanging out with Kyle Wellford and Conrad Piles. The two of them played baseball with Nathan both on the school team and also on a local traveling league. Their dates were Rebecca Jobson and Beth Seward, girls that Nathan had considered asking himself. Rebecca and Beth were like Nathan; meaning that they were not truly members of the so-called popular crowd but were still far from being social rejects. Beth was a star of the girls' track team and Rebecca was a swimmer. As athletes, they were fit. Rebecca's arms were muscular for a girl, but not overly so. Beth's muscles were in her legs. Both girls were pretty, but neither was the type to let this go to her head. "Nathan you better introduce me to everyone," I whispered in his ear. "I'm not supposed to know them, remember?" "Uh - oh yah," he responded. "I forgot." Kyle had managed to sneak in a small flask. When none of the teachers were looking, he quickly poured some into the frothy citrus punch I was drinking. Then he gave me a wink and put a finger up to his mouth. The spiked punch hit me pretty fast and soon I was a lot more relaxed. 'That's just what I needed,' I thought. As the evening progressed I was feeling more natural. I even started talking to Beth and Rebecca like I was just one of the girls. It was sort of fun, like acting in a play. Then Beth and Conrad left us to go dance with each other. Kyle and Rebecca followed them a few moments later. 'What the heck,' I thought, grabbing Nathan and leading him out onto the floor behind the other two couples. As long as we're at the prom, we might as well have a couple dances. My chest was bouncing a lot as I danced, but with my mind in an alcohol-induced haze, it wasn't bothering me so much. When I caught Nathan stealing a look at them, I gave him a sly smile. "You like them, don't you?" He grinned sheepishly. "They are pretty nice. You have to admit that." "Okay," I conceded. "If you say so." "You're being pretty cool about this whole thing, you know." "The alcohol Kyle slipped me is chilling me out quite a bit." "Yah, he slipped me some too. I'm pretty buzzed." When a slow dance started I was about to turn and leave the floor; but Nathan grabbed my hand and drew me into him. I acquiesced, my mind too hazy to raise an objection. I felt Nathan's hand on the small of my back. His other hand grasped my hand. I could felt the strength in his fingers. I felt small and soft next to him. I noted a feeling of pleasure in the female body in which I was now clad, but this time I was too foggy to care. I just went with it and kept dancing. Before we knew it the prom was ending and people were starting to leave. Kyle suggested that we go someplace and have a few more drinks. "I've got another whole bottle in my car," he told us. I offered up my house - or rather Shauni Frazier's house. Why not? After all, the Frazier family was apparently away for the weekend. It would be the perfect place to go hang out for a while. Jowls knew the way, it seemed. He took us onto the interstate briefly and then got off on Route 49. There was plenty of room for everyone in our stretch limo, so Kyle, Conrad, Rebecca and Beth all rode along with us. I found myself snuggling up close to Nathan, during the ride. It seemed like a natural thing to do, I guess. The other two couples were snuggling, after all. Moreover, my inhibitions were still too drowned out by alcohol to be operating. Nathan put an arm around my shoulders. Obviously, his inhibitions were also off line. His alcohol soaked brain had forgotten I was the boy who had been his best friend since the fourth grade. He was thinking of me as the gorgeous girl that sat beside him. Then I found myself speaking to him into his ear in a tone the others couldn't hear. "Now that I'm a girl, I'm really noticing how handsome you are - with your curly blond hair and baby blue eyes." As I said this, I ran my fingers through his curling locks, tussling them with a giggle. He responded with a smile that sent a shiver through me. Then he gave me a kiss full on the lips. Somewhere in my alcohol soaked brain was a voice was screaming at me to stop this. Don't listen to the signals that female body is giving you, it begged. Tell him you just want to be alone. Tell him to stay away from you for the rest of the evening. It was Shane's voice saying this. Unfortunately, I was already too drunk to hear it clearly. "Did you like that?" he asked. I moved in and kissed him back. "Answer your question?" The Frazier's lived in a pretty nice house. It was a two story brick with an attached two-car garage. In my bag I found keys that got us in through the front door. There was a front room off the foyer with dark wood flooring. A big leather couch, Cherry wood bookcases, and a glass top coffee table were among the beautiful furnishings in the room. On a wall by the staircase I saw a family portrait. Mr. and Mr. Frazier stood at the center of the picture. Shauni stood by her mother. An older, college-aged brother stood on Shauni's right. A younger brother who looked to be about fourteen stood over by his father. It was strange, I thought, how similar this family was to mine. I had two brothers, one college-aged and the other fourteen. The Fraziers also had a family dog. He trotted out from somewhere in the darkened house, his tags jingling. His black and tawny coat made me think he was part German Shepard, and his folded over ears suggested that he was also part Lab. He danced around when he saw me, like he knew who I was and he was glad to see me. The fairy's spell had even altered his memory, I thought. "Good dog," I said patting his head. The name on his tags said Cato. Jowls and Cato made friends. Fortunately, Conrad, Rebecca and Beth didn't notice when the two of them started sniffing each other. Jowls and Cato went to play out in the back yard. The rest of us sat on the fine leather furniture in the front room and drank more alcohol, which we mixed with the lemonade that we found in the fridge. We talked while we drank, cracking jokes. I slipped up a couple times, making reference to people I would not have known as Shauni. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice. At around two in the morning, Rebecca said she better get going home. Beth echoed this sentiment. Nathan and I decided to hang out at the Frazier's house while Jowls drove everyone back to the banquet hall where their cars were parked. There was no point in me going anywhere yet. My parents weren't expecting me until tomorrow morning, and I couldn't show up at home like this anyway. We instructed Jowls to come back later to pick us up. He nodded, seeming to understand. I sat on the brown leather couch in the front room beside Nathan. He had taken off his jacket a while ago and was now wearing just his white shirt and tuxedo pants as he sat on the big leather couch. I let my body sink down into the big, cool and comfortable cushion beside him. There was soft jazzy music playing in the background. I looked into Nathan's blue eyes and smiled at him. He smiled back, and I felt that shiver again. My mind was still drifting in a warm, comfortable fog from the alcohol I had drunk and I was filled with a sense of peace. It felt like the two of us had always been like this - like I had always been a girl. My life before this was a distant shadow, and I knew only the emotions of the moment - the powerful itch inside me needing scratching. "Why don't you go ahead and touch them," I said. "Touch them?" Nathan responded, not sure what I meant. "My tits," I clarified. "I know you want to touch them, you've been looking at them all night; so why don't you just go ahead?" "Really?" "Yah." Nathan stroked my right one gently, and I let out a low moan. "That felt good?" "Yah," I said. He stroked it again, and I smiled at him. Then all of a sudden we started to make out. I'm not even sure how it started. I think it just sort of happened. At one point I began to rub him somewhere that I knew would feel good. The next thing I knew, he was on top of me. My panties were down around one ankle, my skirt was pulled up, and we were making love. When I awoke I was lying on the couch with Nathan. My head ached slightly, I had cottonmouth, and I felt a little nauseous. A flood of pale light was coming in through the windows, providing dim illumination that revealed wrinkles on my dress. 'The sun is rising,' I thought absently. Why was that important? What is supposed to happen at dawn? Then it all came back to me. "I'm going to change back." I shot up off the couch, my panties still down around my ankles. The sun began to peak over the horizon and I started to morph back. Moments later, I was Shane again, and I was wearing my jeans and sweatshirt. Everything had changed back except my underwear. I kicked the pretty pink panties off my ankles and they slid on the hardwood floor, ending up under the couch. Nathan was still sleeping on the couch, snoring silently. 'My God,' I thought with horror as I viewed his peaceful form. What have I done? I made love to him. What the hell was I thinking? Looking back on it, I guess it's not surprising that it had happened. I had been a girl, after all, and I had been feeling what a girl would feel. It was probably natural that the bond of friendship I had shared with Nathan became something more. I'm able to put it in perspective now, but at the time I was utterly horrified by what I had done. There were all kinds of crazy thoughts around in my head. Thoughts that only heightened my sense of horror. I wondered if I would like guys now instead of girls; if I would continue to have romantic feelings for Nathan; if Nathan would tell anyone about this. It was all making my head spin. Then I was startled by the sound of Nathan stirring on the couch. I stepped back suddenly, and I fell over the coffee table knocking it over as I went down to the hardwood floor with a thud. "Uhnnff!" I exclaimed. Pain shot through my elbow, which took most of the impact from the fall. The table's glass top fell off and shattered. Shards of glass, glittering in the morning light, scattered everywhere. "Is that you Shane?" I heard Nathan ask wearily. I had woken him up! I didn't know what else to do, so I picked myself up and bolted for the front door. My cross trainers were sitting on the floor in the foyer. I grabbed them and headed outside with Nathan calling after me as I fled. I got out onto the driveway just on time to see the limo morph back into a Stu's remote control car in a burst of green sparks. The transformation was no less incredible this time, I thought. I shoved my shoes onto my feet without tying them and took off, cutting across lawns. The cold morning dew on the grass soaked my leather shoes and seeped into my socks. My shoelaces turned dark from the moisture and whipped around as I ran. My elbow ached from the fall and there was an angry gash on my left forearm from the glass. Eventually, I found my way out of the subdivision. I followed the side street I came out on until I reached Route 49. The wide four-lane highway ran along the western end of town and was lined with strip malls and fast food places. Several miles to the south, by the interstate, the larger indoor shopping mall stood. At this early hour on a Saturday, the traffic was sparse. I ran across the highway and ducked behind a coffee place, worried that Nathan might have tried to follow me. I took just a few minutes to tie my shoes on and catch my breath. I noticed that the gash on my left arm was oozing blood, but it looked like it would be okay. I took off again up 45. When I was confident that Nathan wasn't coming after me, I slowed down to a walk. 'What do I do now?' I wondered. It's a damn long walk home from here. Then I thought to check my pocket for my cell. It was there, right where it had been before the fairy changed me into a girl. I pulled it out and called Seth. After a few rings, he answered. "Shane, where have you been?" he demanded, his voice hoarse and tired. "We've been out looking for you all night." "You've been looking for me all night?" I echoed confused. Seth explained that after he and Tanner learned that Nathan was going to the prom, they swung by my place. They figured the three of us could go ahead and have the all night Halo session without Nathan. When they got to my house, my mother answered the door. She was, of course, still under the impression that I was at Nathan's. When she learned that Nathan was going to the prom, she got worried. "If he's not at Nathan's where is he?" she wondered. Seth and Tanner were also worried, so they helped my family try to hunt me down. They called every place they thought I might have gone to and then started searching the neighborhood. "Crap!" I said. "Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!" "Is that all you've got to say?" he responded. "Look, Seth, I'm really sorry about all this. I wish I could tell you where I've been, but trust me when I say I just can't." "You're going to have to do better than that." I apologized a few more times and eventually got him to agree to come out and get me. "Don't call my parents," I said. "I'll speak to them myself after I figure out what to say." 'I'm in deep, deep shit,' I thought. About twenty-five minutes later, Seth pulled up in his family SUV. I climbed into the passenger side seat. "My parents are going to notice that I snuck out of the house this morning and they're going to want to know why," he told me. "Just tell them you went to pick me up," I said. "What have you been doing? How did you get all the way out here?" "I walked," I said. "I just wanted to see if I could make it this far." "Shane, I have an IQ of 130. What makes you think I'm going to buy a bullshit story like that? Come on, tell me the truth." "You're not going to believe the truth, Seth." "Try me." "Alright," I said with a sigh. "I guess if there's anyone I can trust with this story, it's you. So I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to repeat to anyone, okay?" "Sure, I promise." I knew Seth pretty well, and though he was socially inept and awkward, he was a good guy. I knew he would keep his word and not repeat what I told him. So I gave him the bizarre tale, leaving out the part about Nathan and me going a little too far on the couch. That was just way too humiliating to repeat. "Wow," Seth exclaimed. "That hot babe with Nathan was you." "Yah," I said dismally. We were heading down the interstate at this point. I looked out the window at the passing scenery, preferring not to see Seth's reaction. "Now I've got to figure out what to tell my parents. You may have believed my story, but if I try to tell them the truth, they'll have me seeing some damn psychiatrist or something." "Just tell them the story you told me at first, that for some crazy reason you decided to go for a long walk." "I don't think that story will work any better with them than it did with you." "So what?" he said with a shrug. "They won't be able to prove you're lying, will they? And you've never done anything wrong or been in any kind of trouble before. So it's not like they can come down on you real hard for this one indiscretion." "I guess you're right. Probably the worst I'll get is a scolding for being irresponsible." "Odds are you are correct on that, Shane. Your parents are pretty laid back, after all." It worked out pretty much the way Seth suspected it would. My parents were suspicious of my story, but since they could not prove I was lying, they did not come down on me hard. I just got a long lecture about how I put them through a lot of worry and that they expected a lot better from me. I pretended to listen as they went on and on, saying I was sorry at several points. When they were satisfied that I their lecture points had sunk in sufficiently, they let me go. I went up to my room, kicked of my shoes and laid on my bed. As I lay there resting, I heard my mom make a call downstairs. "He's returned home," I heard her say. "I'm sorry for the trouble officer." "The police," I thought. "She called the police to report me missing. I guess she was really freaking out over me being gone." Nathan tried to call my cell a couple times during the day. He left messages on my voice mail that I deleted without even listening to. Then on Sunday afternoon, he tried calling me several times. Each time I flipped open my phone and saw his name on the caller ID, I just pressed reject. I couldn't talk to him. I couldn't even bear to hear the sound of his voice. I felt too humiliated by what had happened between us. I probably would not ever be able to face him again, I supposed. It was a sick feeling, losing my best friend. 'That fucking fairy,' I thought. People are supposed to live happily ever after when a Fairy grants their wishes, but I'm not living happily ever after. Everything is a big damn mess. Sunday wore on with me glum and down in the dumps. When evening came, I was watching TV with my brothers. My older brother Drew had just gotten home from college that afternoon and the three of us were watching some stupid movie on the Women's Channel. We poked fun at it, sharing gales of laughter at several points. The diversion was helping me feel better. I always enjoyed joking around with my older brother. Then the doorbell rang. My father, who had been sitting at the kitchen table going over the household expenses with a calculator, got up to answer. I could hear him talking to whoever had come to our door, but I couldn't make out what was being said. The visitor had a deep voice and spoke in a business-like tone. Dad sounded a bit taken off his guard and apprehensive, as he spoke with him. Then I heard the stranger come into the house, clinking as he walked. My dad called for me to come. I suddenly became nervous. I had a real bad feeling about this. "What is going on?" I wondered. When I entered the Foyer, I saw a police officer. He was a big, tall barrel-chested guy. His uniform was the dark blue worn by the New London township police. My dad led us into the front room where we all took a seat. My mom, who had also been in the kitchen, joined us. The officer introduced himself to me. His same was Sergeant John Oliver. "Don't worry son," the he said in a strong baritone. "I just need to find out if you have any information that might be of help to us." "Information that might help you?" I echoed - still nervous. The officer nodded and then asked, "Do you know a Ms. Shauni Frazier?" I stiffened noticeably and my eyes widened. "N-no," I stammered, realizing that I was not being at all convincing. The officer's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "You've never heard the name before?" He probed. "Uh yah, I've heard the name. Sh-he was my friend's date for the prom. But I've never met her, th-that's why I said I don't know her." "I see," he replied, jotting something down on a small notepad. When he was finished writing, he looked back up at me with growing suspicion in his eyes. "The young lady has gone missing, and we have reason to believe she may have come to harm." "Oh dear," my mom said. "Why do think my son might know something about this girl's disappearance?" my father broke in. "Well, because as far as we know his friend - a Mr. Nathan Stiles - was the last person to see Ms. Frazier. And our station received a call that your son was missing during this time period." "I see," my father replied. Then the police officer asked me where I was Saturday evening, and why had I not informed my parents as to my whereabouts. I felt the eyes of everyone upon me, waiting for me to give an answer. What could I do? I had to give him the same lame story I had given my parents. I couldn't think of anything better on the spot like that. And if I had thought of something more convincing to tell him, then my parents would have known I was lying to them earlier. Their reaction would probably give away the fact that I was making things up. Not surprisingly, the officer did not buy my story. "I would like you to come down to the station tomorrow afternoon after you get home from school," he said. "Your fingerprints and a sample of your DNA will help us rule you out as a suspect in this investigation. And if you could lend us the shoes you were wearing Saturday night that would also help. Of course you are not compelled to provide us with any of these things at this point, but it would behoove you to cooperate." 'This is crazy,' I thought. 'This can't be happening.' After the officer bid farewell to us and left out the front door, my mom turned to me. "Shane," she asked, "do you know anything about this girl's disappearance?" There was suspicion in her eyes. My mom was a social worker and she had worked for ten years at shelter for women trying to leave physically abusive husbands. Her experience working at the shelter had taught her that males were capable of horrific acts of violence and that women were often the targets of these acts. At that moment, she was questioning whether she had, herself, raised a young man capable of such acts. The possibility worried her. I knew her well enough to see it in her. "I haven't hurt anyone," I said. She was not convinced. I could see it in her eyes, and I was crushed. My own mother did not believe me. "I think it would be a good idea to call Hal," my dad said, speaking to mom. "A little legal advice won't hurt." My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to vomit. I extricated myself from my parents company, and went upstairs to my room. 'Nathan,' I thought. He was the one I had to talk to; there was just no escaping that fact. So as much as I did not want to contact him, I flipped open my cell and selected his name from my phone book. "It's about damn time you called me back," he said angrily. "The police have been here." "Yah? Well they've been here too." "We're in deep shit, they think we killed Shauni." "How can we be in trouble for killing someone who isn't even real?" I demanded. "Shauni seemed pretty real to me." "Well she wasn't," I shot back. "She was just a false identity whipped up by that fairy's spell and she didn't even exist before Friday afternoon." "Well the police don't seem to know that she is just a false identity. And for that matter, neither do the Fraziers. They seem to think that they have always had a daughter named Shauni. When they returned home Sunday afternoon, they expected to find her. They did not find her there, however; and when they saw the number you did on their coffee table they feared the worst." "Those memories were all just created by the fairy," I said. "She created them the same way she created the fake driver's license I carried in my purse. They should have been deleted from existence when I changed back into Shane." "Apparently, the fairy forgot to take care of that little detail when she cast her spell," Nathan said bitterly. "She was damn incompetent." "Oh, you think?" I shot back sarcastically. "Well what are we going to do now?" "What can we do? There's got to be a ton of forensic evidence tying us to that place. Fingerprints on glasses and on the doorknob. And they're asking me to bring in my cross trainers, which can only mean I left a print somewhere when I ran across the lawn. They can match shoeprints just like fingerprints, you know. Flaws caused by damage to the treads make the prints left by a show unique. I saw it on one of those true crime stories." "All this adds up to one thing," Nathan said, "we're totally screwed." "That's pretty much what I was getting at," I agreed, feeling even more sick. The next morning the story of Shauni's disappearance was All over the local TV news. "The last person to see her was her boyfriend," the reporter said. "Police will not say if he is a suspect in her disappearance at this time." I was a wreck all that day at school. I couldn't focus on any of my classes. Fortunately, it was the last week of classes for seniors, and we weren't really doing anything serious. The teachers were basically just babysitting us until graduation. When the day was finally over, and I got home from school, my dad was there waiting for me. He had left work early so that he could take me to the police station. His lawyer Hal Borgoff was there as well. "It's important that we be seen as cooperative," the lawyer told me. "So answer their questions, unless I tell you otherwise." At the station I was interviewed by a dark haired man with a mustache who introduced himself as Detective Brownian. We sat in a small room with a table and three chairs. The detective relaxed; leaning back in his chair like this was all no big deal, as he asked me a few questions about where I had been Friday evening. I told him the same story I told Sergeant Oliver. What else could I do? If I tried to make something else up now it would just make me look guilty. "So you're saying that you just decided to go for a walk fifteen miles across town without telling anyone?" the detective pressed. He clearly did not believe me, and his demeanor was changing. He was now leaning forward in his chair, looking at me from across the table with an intense expression. "That's what my client told you," Brogoff said, breaking in before I could answer. "And you just happened to end up a half mile away from the house where your best friend and his prom date had spent the evening? Just by mere coincidence?" "I believe he's already answered those questions," Brogoff shot back heatedly. "And if you're going to ask him whether he was at the Frazier residence that evening, don't waste your breath. The answer is still no. Now, is my client free to go?" "How did you get that bruise on your elbow?" the detective demanded, "and that gash on your arm? Did you get those injuries while you were struggling with the victim?" "This interview is over," Borgoff said, signaling me to get up with him. When we were back outside of the station, the lawyer looked over at me and said, "If there is anything you're not telling me, son, I suggest that you spill it now." "This is serious, isn't it?" I said, squirming. "I'm afraid it is," he said soberly. "The girl's father Aldus Frazier is the state senator; and he has some powerful friends I'm afraid. The state's attorney's office is eager to close this case quickly. If they are able collect enough information tying you and your friend to the girl's disappearance, they will charge you. And you will be tried as adults." I felt a cold wave of panic wash over me. The evening news did not make me feel any better. "Police state that, currently, their investigation is focusing on a local boy: Shane Fletcher," a young female reported said. I saw my yearbook picture flash on the screen. I was horrified. The reporter went on to discuss how I was the best friend of Shauni's boyfriend, Nathan Stiles. Then detective Brownian's visage flashed up on the screen. "Let's just say we have reason to believe that this boy knows more than he's let on," he stated. I flipped to another Network and saw my yearbook picture once again. "Does this boy know something about the Frazier girls' disappearance?" the graying anchor said. "The police apparently have reason to think so." I flipped the channel once again just on time to hear a young dark- haired female anchor ask, "Did high school senior Shane Fletcher help his best friend Nathan Stiles conceal a crime? That's one theory advanced by police investigating the disappearance of Shauni Frazier." I turned off the television, unable to bear any more. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I felt numb all over. I had never been so scared in my life. During dinner I could not eat, and my mom would not make eye contact with me. She would only address me, if she needed me to pass something to her; and then her tone was flat. She thought I was guilty, that much was plain. My own mother thought I was guilty. What hope did I have? I left the table and retreated to my room, leaving my meal only half eaten. My parents watched me silently without even chastising me for not staying to help clear off the dishes. After closing my bedroom door behind me, I pulled out my cell and called Nathan. "Have you watched the news lately?" I asked him. "Yah," he answered glumly. "We're being tried in the press." "It's going to get worse," I said. "By now the police knows I have been lying about not being at the Frazier home. I don't think it will be very long before they pick me up and charge me. What are we going to do?" "I was thinking that that fairy might still be around here. She did say that she needed to rest awhile and recharge her energy. I've already called Seth and Tanner and they're on their way over to help me search the woods behind my house. Why don't you join us?" I estimated that our chances of actually finding the fairy again were miniscule at best, but then looking for her was better than doing nothing. I told Nathan to wait for me. "I'll be there in ten," I said. My parents didn't object to my taking the car. They didn't seem to care what I did at all now. They only looked at me blankly as I got up to go. I grabbed the flashlight we kept in case of a power outage of the hall closet, before leaving the house. It was only a few minutes drive through my subdivision to Nathan's house. Seth and Tanner were there already, armed with halogen flashlights that could send a beam of light all the way to the fricking clouds. They were having mock light saber fights with them when I arrived. "Okay," Nathan said, "Shane's here so let's get going. Time's wasting." Tanner eyed me rather strangely as we took off into the woods - uncomfortable now that he knew I had been the gorgeous babe he was drooling over the previous Friday. We each knew our way around the woods behind Nathan's home extremely well. We had all spent a good deal of our childhood playing there together. We searched the area thoroughly, scrupulously checking every hiding place we could think of; but we found nothing. A couple times, I thought I saw something; but it turned out to be only a lightening bug. "It's no good," Seth said. It was now way past midnight and we were all too tired to search anymore. "She's not here." "There's got to be some way out of this," Nathan said. "I mean we are four of the smartest kids in our class, we have to be able to think of something." "If we could bring back Shauni," I offered, "then all this would end." "Well yaah, of course, but how are we going to bring her back?" "I did have a thought while we were searching," I said. "What is it?" Seth probed. I sighed. "When I changed back into Shane, I noticed something strange. All my clothing also changed back - eccept my underpants. At first I thought it was because I wasn't wearing them at the time of transformation, but then I realized that I wasn't wearing my shoes either and they changed back." "Why weren't you wearing your underpants?" Tanner pried. "I don't get why this is significant?" Nathan said. "It's all kind of like the story of Cinderella," I said. "Like me she was transformed, though her change wasn't quite as dramatic as mine. She was just transformed from a house servant into a princess. Then at the stroke of midnight, she changed back into her normal self. Everything she was wearing reverted back to the raggedy things she had been dressed in before; everything except her shoes. Her shoes were still the glass slippers she had been wearing when she was a princess. Later, when she put the slippers back on, the fairy's magic changed her back into a princess; and she was once again dressed in a beautiful gown. So I'm thinking that if I put on those panties, I would become Shauni again." "If that worked, then you would be stuck as Shauni permanently," Nathan objected. "You want to trade your Johnson for a snatch permanently?" Tanner asked, incredulous. I felt blood rush to my head at this crude remark. "If my other option is life in prison for a crime I didn't commit then, yes," I snapped. "I think being a girl would be better than that, don't you." "You aren't going to prison," Nathan countered. "This is all my fault. If I had not been being such a baby about not going to the prom the fairy would have never appeared, and we wouldn't be in this mess; so I should be the one to suffer the consequences not you. I will give the police a confession, stating that I killed Shauni and that you had nothing to do with it." "First of all," I replied, "this is not all your fault. I helped to dig the hole were in now. I totally choked with the police, got all flustered and ended up making myself look even more guilty. If I had just stayed calm I would not have made the police so suspicious, and I might have been able to think of a better story to give them." "Where are the panties now?" Seth asked. "They slid on the hardwood floor after I kicked them off my ankle, and they ended up under the couch. I left them there." "Don't you think that the police would have looked under the couch?" Nathan challenged. "I don't know," I replied. "If they did, then those panties are probably in a police evidence room. But if they are still under the couch, and I am able to use them to become Shauni again, then both are names will be cleared. After that, I can work on finding a way to change myself back." We grabbed a crowbar from Nathan's tool shed, which I intended to use to break into the Frazier's home; then we all loaded into his mom's minivan. Nathan let the vehicle roll down the driveway without turning it on, so that his parents wouldn't hear us leaving. When the vehicle had rolled onto the road, he turned the ignition switch. It was funny, I thought, as Nathan headed down the road towards the turn that would bring us to the interstate. I had been frustrated with Nathan. I wondered why he had to beat up on himself so brutally, calling himself a loser when he had so much going for him. And all the while I was trying to help pull him out of this quagmire; I was struggling with a similar problem.

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Rubber Fairy Tale

The Legend of the Latex Princess Rubber Fairy TaleBy Darqside There is an old legend that spans the fabric of time itself, well not really that old actually, but it will be around for a long time at the very least. Legend has it that there was once a young queen who ruled her people and her house with an Iron fist.? She was very strict with her Manservants and Maidservants.? She was a very selfish and indulgent woman by nature, and was very choosy about the men who courted her.? In...

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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

Sure, we all remember the fairy tales from when we were growing up, but now you are grown up and the tales seem a little childish. This is a story based around several of those tales that have a more adult twist. Please choose the fairy tale you would like to begin with...

2 years ago
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Cindy Ella A Twisted Fairy Tale

Cindy Ella was busily scrubbing the kitchen floor with a brush, on her knees, when one of her step-sisters, Vera, ran screaming and giggling through the room. She was naked, as usual, and the extra skin she had hanging off her flabby body jiggled and swayed as she ran. Following her, also as usual, was Roger, the son of the Butcher whose shop was down the street. He too was naked, and his stubby youthful erection bobbed and bounced as he chased Vera, the object of his desire. "Come on now...

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Dark Fairy Tale

My life has always been hard my name is Cinderella, but everyone calls me Cindy when I was little my mother died my father and I have never been close I think he married her for her money. When I was 15 he remarried to a woman Dena who had 2 daughter’s they were mean I had to give up my pretty fairy tale room to one of my two sister’s Kat her sister Daisy took the other one that left me with a room next to the maids. One night while I was sleeping my father and new mother came to my room and...

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A Devilish Fairy Tale

A Devilish Fairy Tale by Paddy57Let me tell you a tail of two little devils called Sparky and Brandy.The Sparky-Devil was not worldly wise and he like all male devils scurried around with massive pair of horns on his head, a little forked tail and a massive erection, ever upward in his mind. He sought one thing - sex. His whole function in life was to make she-devils squeal with pleasure.The Brandy-Devil was a she-devil, and like all she-devils she liked to Brandy poor he-devils. She would...

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My Real Fairy Tale

I want to tell my "Fairy Tale Story" that when I was in 12th STD, I was in single side love within one of my female lecturer. She was no pretty and slim that I used to dream about her each night and used to fuck her in my dreams.. She was my favorite, even she had knew that I'm on of her biggest fan, as I used to offer a Chocolate bars after the class. Unfortunate, our church authorities sent her to different organization where she had become Nun.. :( ..After 3 years, when I was in final year...

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Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale

Kind of Magical Realist Fairy Tale Copyright 2000, Melissa Virus This one's only my second try, so please, continue to try and be gentle. Know that there is an explanation. ***************************************************************************** Alissa was kind of young; I was eighteen and she was sixteen. You know, not young enough that it was sick or anything, but . . . just this side of the line separating good and bad taste. In retrospect, our relationship was...

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A Sissy Fairy Tale

A Sissy Fairy tale By Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Josh to Josie. I got pregnant when I was sixteen. I'm not sure about the father. My parents talked me into keeping him to be the son they always wanted. My father died when Joshua was three. My mother and I struggled on. My mother died last year. By then he was the son nobody wanted. He was small for his age, so I kept him back a year. It didn't matter. He stayed small and never developed much body hair. The doctor...

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Whos a Fairy 12 Once Upon a Time Divide

Who's a Fairy? 1-2: Once Upon a Time Divide By Ron Dow75 Chapter One: The Fairy Godmother Flutz had never read the Story of Sleeping Beauty or Snow White. Flutz had never read anything she didn't have to. She was a Royal... or she would be again, once she found the Princess she'd lost. === In an alley on a long way to home: "Get up, you sissy!" demanded the larger boy who'd knocked Alfred down. The twerp, in cross-trainers, jeans and yellow pullover sweater, was just...

4 years ago
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Fairy Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland "Why is it so cold!" Rose wailed. "It's like this when winter hits up here." "Winter!" Winter is long rains and some snow, but not meters of it!" she protested. "Just be glad we cut west. I had originally decided we could go to Alaska. It's like this more than half the year." She wailed again. They had been lucky near Joliet when they had found a clan that had dealt with the local rat problem by converting the pests into food and furs. In return for aiding...

3 years ago
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Fairy Gobblers Pt 03

The two set up camp at the site where Vince has spent so many evenings enjoying his fairy friends. It was still early, so there were no fairy’s around to distract them or entertain them as they set up camp. “Where are the fairies, stupid Vince?” Thomas goaded. “Be patient, we have a few hours. Let’s set up camp, eat and go for a swim.” Vince replied. “I don’t want to swim, I want to fuck a fairy. I want to fuck a hot one and make her have half human half fairy babies.” “That’s not...

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Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary

Angelica had downed the first glass of merlot before the bath was even half full. What a day! What a terrible terrible day! A bath and bottle of wine were just what the doctor ordered. She poured a dash of herbal bubble bath into the flow of water. The water turned blue, the calming lavender and heather aroma permeated the air and clouds of bubbles formed on the surface. Angelica poured herself another glass of wine. Glancing in the mirror she caught sight of tear tracks under her eyes. She...

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Whos a Fairy 34 Charming

Who's a Fairy? 3-4: Charming By Ron Dow75 Chapter Three: Princess Charming The made-up Alfred was dressed in his sister's clothes, brown wedge sandals, black tights, a short black-and-white plaid skirt, a green blouse, costume bracelets and necklaces, and gold earrings, and night makeup. There was even a brunet extension attached to his hair. At 12, he knew he made a fairly convincing girl. He looked at Clover, the green haired fairy who looked his age. The way she was...

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Fairy The Second Book End

Travel from place to place. The Fairy screamed, hiding behind the branches of the shrub. The coyote growled, digging after the morsel. She screamed as a paw raked her leg, opening a slash in it. The Coyote suddenly yipped, biting at the small shaft in its side. "Hai!" Thistle dropped from above. Her sword sliced the animal's back, and she was out before it could bite her. Another arrow hit it, and it whimpered. The Fairy used a brew of poisons made from mixing just about anything...

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Fairy Girlfriend

Fairy Girlfriend Carl sat at his computer, looking up the latest news he could find on video games and movies. It was one part of his nightly routine that helped him unwind after a long day at work. His job was nothing great and he was sure society could function without him but the pay was decent and it didn't intrude on his personal life like so many other jobs seemed to in the past. After an hour of half-assed browsing he hear a tap on his window and perked up, glad that the other,...

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The Making of a Fairy

Lessons learned Another Way or The Making of a Fairy by: Donna Allyson - Prologue: Jane Ashley was a kind, considerate and very devout woman. She had tried constantly to infuse those same values into her two children. With Janet, the older of her two children, she had succeeded admirably, not so with Jake. Her younger child. Jane had married her husband Sam some twenty years earlier. Their son Jake had been born near the end of the third year of their marriage....

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Fairy Godbitch Day At The Beach

Intro: Think of her as a kinky Fairy Godmother. A very kinky Fairy Godmother with an attitude... "Jesus Christ Jenny - take a shower already! We're not leaving until you do." It was an empty threat and Jenny knew it. "Fuck you, Katie." Kate recognized a losing battle, so with an exaggerated sigh, she gathered up her stuff to head for the beach. Kate hated the fact that her parents often made her watch her thirteen year old sister when they were on vacation. If Kate wanted to go to...

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A Fairy Tail Tale

This is a story of an up & comeing wizard in the land of Fiore, you. This is your story, of your rise to fame, or infamy, as the case may be. Will you be an amazing wizard? Or will you fade into the background like Macao and Cana? Finally, what magics do you use? (P.S. This story starts just before Natsu meets Lucy in Hargeon. All characters go through Hargeon if they plan to join Fairy Tail. May or may not affect Salamander & stuff episode)

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Fairy Gobblers Pt2

“That is so silly,” she mocked me, “it’s obviously a story made up by some horny French guy.” “Yeah, but the story that my great uncle told me isn’t so erotic.” I responded. “He said that his great uncle knew this guy Vince and that Vince took a friend out with him once that never came home.” “Yeah, babe, Vince probably killed him.” “No, according to the story the fairies killed him. After that Vince never went back out there.” After several weeks of sneaking away to visit the...

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Fairy III The Adventure Continues

Fairy III The Continuing Adventures By Machiavelli Dedication: To those that are willing to believe that there is still magic in this sad old world. Dream on! For those that liked my previous work, three of them, the Faerie stories and The clothes make the... are posted online on If I sell enough of them, I can keep this up. Acknowledgements: To the most dedicated fan of the series, Marie Vin. She has followed the series, made salient suggestions that have...

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Love on first sight finding a Fairy

The room has stopped to spin around him and he thinks it’s safe to walk down the hallway. As he stumbles into the kitchen, he feels a little better. Good enough to wonder how he has a hangover. Isn’t that like alcohol withdrawal? There is definitely still alcohol left in his system but whatever. He opens the fridge and takes out the milk. He puts a bowl onto the counter and tries to pour in some cereal. He gets about 90 percent in. Now the milk. Take aim and make sure not to miss. This time...

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The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...

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Fairy Down the Rabbit Hole

Down the Rabbit hole... "What is a convention?" Hyacinth asked him as he got back in the car after fueling up. They had wandered through Pennsylvania, spreading the word, Rob's seed, and palm pilots as they went. Then they headed north into New York State. Rob had initially been worried about contacting the Fairy as he went, but each realm he visited contacted those beyond, and his license number and description of his car had been passed on. Wherever he went, Fairy would come,...

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Harpers Fairy

Crystal smiled, and kept up appearances.  While there was joy to be had in the annual Harper family Christmas gathering, the sting of what happened simply wouldn’t allow her to fully enjoy the festivities.As everyone rose from their seats to adjourn to the kitchen to play Hearts, Crystal’s mother asked, “Are you going to play?”She kept a smile on her face as she shook her head and stood.  “I think I’m going to turn in.  I’m still jet-lagged from the flight.”“I’ll walk up with you,” her mother...

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Fairy The Second Book Part 1

Fairy II: The Fairy Genome Project Spreading the truth They were a disparate group. A hobo, a drunken ex-real estate developer, a waitress, a writer and her family, a cop and a Mobster's daughter cum anthropologist. But they shared one secret that the rest of mankind has yet to learn... If the Faerie had considered the changes that were to come, Dandelion, once Daniel, would have never have had the chance to cause such a turmoil. A young boy converted to Faerie in punishment...

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Fairy Ring

************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan January 2015 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Note: Although this story was written in January 2015 the events are assumed to happen starting on the evening of Valentine’s Day Saturday 14th February...

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The Fairy Collector

There were still some folks left in the world, old and disconnected, who did not know what fairies were used almost exclusively for. Most people knew you didn’t go to a Fairy shop for terrarium accessories. Now inside, Angel’s head cleared up and she turned into her true self: a kid in a candy store. The fairies came to life in their glass houses as she skipped by them. Some cowered behind their friends, some observed with curiosity. Angel was of the opinion that fairies were the cutest...

1 year ago
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Fairy Part I Redux

First Contact Daniel Hodges checked his traps meticulously. A shy boy, he had never really gotten along with his peers. He was too short for basketball; too light for wrestling or football, little hand to eye coordination so baseball was out. What could a kid do? He discovered an interest in insects. They never expected him to hit a glove at 90 feet. They didn't care if he could kick, hit, pitch or anything else. They went about their lives with indifference to anything they...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Exhibitionist Wish Chapter 1 Kimmies Futa Surprise

Chapter One: Kimmie's Futa Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 I stared at myself in the mirror, my hips cocked, swirling my pleated, green cheerleading skirts about my supple thighs. Watching that skirt flutter sent an excited shiver through me. Especially because the dildo thrusting through the pleats. I looked so hot. My brown hair was pulled back into a fun and perky ponytail, something perfect for cheerleading, keeping my hair out of my gorgeous, twenty-year-old face. I had...

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Fairy Things will be great when were Downtown

Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 1 Cassandras MILF Desire

Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...

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Whos a Fairy 0506 Ready or Not

Who's a Fairy? 5-6: Ready or Not! By Ron Dow75 Chapter Five: Ready to Be a Sister? Albert stumbled back upstairs. What was he going to do!?! Dad was under a spell: A Real magic spell! He thought that the fairy - no, he said he was an imp - that imp prince, Pux was him, and Albert was: "My sister, Morgan? And that I have to change into her clothes??" Oh, okay... he's done that before. But only once had anybody besides his 12-year-old twin sister and his other two sisters,...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse part 2

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, A Fairy Tale Apocalypse (Part 2) Monique's Story I was galloping at full speed to where I had last seen my Grandma, David was chasing after me. "Monique!" He shouted "Wait up!" he caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "He's got her!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "He's got her and I haven't even tried to find her." "Who has who?" "Ulric, the one who caused all of this, has got Beth, my best friend," I almost screamed at him...

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Fairy The Fairy Genome Project

The Fairy Genome Project Dandelion didn't arrive that next morning. Originally Holly hadn't been too worried. She had been having too much fun with Anise, happy for Alyssum Rose and Xanthium, welcoming Trillium and Sakura to notice. But by noon the new Pixie had not returned and as the day wore on, she became more anxious. She stood on the branch of her nest, hugging Alyssum desperately as the sun reached the horizon. Anise was inside making dinner for them both, as happy in the...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 6 A Fairy Tale Apocalypse Part 1

Authors note: Yes, I know I said at the end of the last chapter that this would be the final part and I had fully intended it to be, but since there was a lot more to this chapter than I had realised and I can't seem to feel comfortable writing stories that are more than around 20k in memory, I've decided that this chapter will split into parts (most likely 3, but I promise nothing). Hope you enjoy it, Sophie xxx A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 6, The Fairy Tale Apocalypse...

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Fairy Gobblers

“Be careful,” she told me, “when you’re trekking through the foothills in France. There’s a legend of fairy gobblers that goes back centuries and I would hate for you to come across one unprepared.” She was old and was starting to lose her senses so I didn’t think much of the story she told. She explained to me that the fantasy tales of fairy godmothers were twisted by Hollywood into something cute and sweet but that the true legend came from the legends of fairy gobblers. She told me...

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Matilda the Stone Fairy

My name is Matilda, and I used to be a fairy. A long time ago my people were many. We were small, beautiful, full of magic, and generally good people. But not all of us were good. Not all of us were fairies. Some of us changed when we became angry. It took a lot of anger for it to happen, but if we became angry enough a fairy would transform into an ugly raging giant. We called these fairies witches. Our people had a queen. She was queen over all the fairies in the world. It was her wish to...

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That Time I Banged A Fairy

So there I was, backpacking through Europe like every other early twenty-something, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. That’s pretty normal for me. Ever since I was a kid, I got easily distracted by the most mundane things in the world, and got quite comfortable asking retail workers to help me find my parents. Even in my own backyard I’d end up chasing a butterfly or squirrel into another neighborhood if I wasn’t careful. I just love examining the little things in life, the details...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Wanderlust 01 Fairy

So there I was, backpacking through Europe like every other early twenty-something, when lo-and-behold I got myself lost. That’s pretty normal for me. Ever since I was a k**, I got easily distracted by the most mundane things in the world, and got quite comfortable asking retail workers to help me find my parents. Even in my own backyard I’d end up chasing a butterfly or squirrel into another neighborhood if I wasn’t careful. I just love examining the little things in life, the details...

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Fairy Godmother

This isn't one of my better stories, but it was something that was bouncing around in my head for awhile so I decided to finally write it down. Fairy Godmother By Morpheus It was late afternoon, close to the evening and I was sitting in the chair by my computer, frowning as I glanced at the clock. It was almost time, not that it was really going to make much difference to me. And though I knew that I shouldn't even be wasting my time thinking about it, I just couldn't help...

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Fairy III European Adventures

An English Country Garden Carrying gear for Faerie through customs can be... interesting. The Customs agent looked at the small pile of metal sections before him, curious. "What is this?" he asked. "Models of pikes," Lady Penelope told him. "May I?" "Please." She took one of the sets, and assembled it into a 16" pike, long haft, with a wide razor sharp blade on the end. She held it out, and the agent looked at it. "Not really a period piece." "No. But it was made by an...

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Saving Fairy Tales

It doesn’t matter what you were doing before, but when you blinked, you were suddenly in the back of a bookstore. You know this bookstore, it’s the one closest to your house, and you’ve been to it plenty of times, though not often in this section, the children’s section. “What am I doing here?” You ask aloud, looking outside the window to discover it was the middle of the night. That’s when you remember the last thing you were doing was going to bed, and just as you were closing your eyes, you...

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Adeles Fairy Magic Chapter 1

Adele had a special relationship with Agronius the ghost. He liked her a lot, she could tell. She felt his presence often, floating beside her, whispering in her ear. He was the ghost of a long dead man, who in life had been a lustful lady killer. He was touchy for a ghost. Sometimes, as he whispered his long tales of love and drama and heroic deeds, she would feel a ghostly touch on her body. Ethereal remnants of hands would seem to caress her bosom. Sometimes she would just brush them away...

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Adeles Fairy Magic Chapter 1

Adele had a special relationship with Agronius the ghost. He liked her a lot, she could tell. She felt his presence often, floating beside her, whispering in her ear. He was the ghost of a long dead man, who in life had been a lustful lady killer. He was touchy for a ghost. Sometimes, as he whispered his long tales of love and drama and heroic deeds, she would feel a ghostly touch on her body. Ethereal remnants of hands would seem to caress her bosom. Sometimes she would just brush them away...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 2 Cassandras Futa Problem

Chapter Two: Cassandra's Futa Problem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at my new cock sprouting from where my clit used, the folds of my pussy wrapped about its base. It was still wet and shiny with Mrs. Teller's hot pussy. The MILF, mother of my best friend, had rode me so hard, so eager to cum on my dick. I thought, finally, that I had her. After lusting after her for years, I had the MILF in my arms. Yes, I didn't imagine I would grow a cock at...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 1 Mrs Fatimas Forbidden Desires

Chapter One: Mrs. Fatima's Forbidden Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Have a good night a work, husband,” I said formally in Arabic as I embraced Tarik, fighting my disgust at the sour reek about him. I was glad to see him leave, even if he'd return in twelve hours. Once, when I was a girl of nineteen, I thought I loved him. But at forty, I knew differently. Especially after my encounter with Dr. Rita, a woman who had a huge cock and who healed me with her magical cum. Just...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Doctors Hot Wish Chapter 1 Dr Ritas Futa Desire

Chapter One: Dr. Rita's Futa Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 It had been a month since that fateful morning when I learned something impossible. Something amazing. Something that had my pussy wet almost every morning when I sank in to sleep through the day. Yes, the day. I worked the night shift St. Claire's Hospital. A month ago, I had been pulled over by the futa-cop, Officer Cindy. Just thinking of that domineering futa made my pussy so wet. I shuddered in my scrubs, my...

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Fairy The Second Book Part 2

Calling in a favor The car pulled up to the estate gate, and the security guard stood. The woman behind the wheel was a stone fox, but preoccupied. He walked out, hulking over the door. "May I help you?" He asked. "Call in and see if Franco is here." "Who?" His orders were specific. No one was home unless he had been informed that they expected guests. "Tell them Monica Braziani would like to talk with him." "Ma'am-" "Just pick up the phone and tell them." Her voice was...

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Fairy III A day in the captives lives

It's all done with mirrors... The Congressmen walked into the building, led by Stanhope Carter, the Public Relations official assigned by NASA. "Thanks to our new missions, The Signal Imagery section has become the most important part of our new work," Carter told them. "Working with the FBI and National Reconnaissance Office, we have developed some of the most efficient programs for boosting and adjusting data ever imagined." "And some of the most expensive," one of them, from...

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