- 4 years ago
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Thank you to everyone who has given me helpful suggestions, I know the last chapter was a bit short, this one is a little too, but I hope you will still like it.
Thanks again,
Bruni lost the breath from his lungs at her whispered words, his heart taking a plummet to his stomach, before rising back with hope once more when she said she loved him, his heart ached, it beat so feverishly he thought he was going to fall dead to his cot.
In his lap sat the most enchanting creature he had ever met, even bloodied and torn, her cool hands ran over his heated and dirt covered skin, soothing him, he desired nothing more than to have her back with him on Auden lands, in his chambers relaxing with him in the wooden tub. Surrounded by warmth instead of this biting cold, bathed clean of the blood and sweat that coated them both, he could picture her now resting back against him in the water, her naked body pressing intimately against his own.
He wanted to bathe her and sooth her sore muscles, he wanted to press kisses to every inch of her bruised flesh, he wanted to gut the Gaul who had tried to rape her.
Bruni closed his eyes as her gentle palm caressed his stubble covered cheek, groaning slightly as he imagined her in his bed, surrounded by the softness of his sheets as opposed to the rough wool they lay upon now, he wanted her lain back against fur so soft it rivaled the smoothness of her skin, he wanted to be on top of her, under her, inside her with a ferocity that scared him, shook him to the core.
He knew now that if he took her, even if he pledged himself to her as his heart was screaming at him to do, he would never be able to let her go.
She caressed and stroked him, not with passion, but with care, care that he seemed to look so ill. His skin was fire beneath her fingers as a light sheen of sweat blossomed on his skin. Eleanor began to get worried when he was finding it hard to breathe, his broad chest rising and falling as though it were weighted heavily. Eleanor panicked, tears she refused to shed brimmed in her eyes as she realized it must have been her words of her love for him that put him out of sorts.
‘Bruni, I…’ She swallowed, finding her voice hoarse and her throat dry. ‘…I do not expect the same feelings back, I mean, if they are not there. I will not blame you, I will forget what happened on the way here if you wish.’
Eleanor slowly disentangled herself from Bruni’s tight grip, attempting to rise, and escape before her tears made a fool of her. His grip was strong, his body unyielding as she tried to escape, her body becoming more frantic when she knew that her tears were close, she needed to escape, needed air to calm her, anything to be away from the source of her pain at that moment.
‘Bruni, please, let me go.’
‘I cannot.’
His lips were swift and brutal as they made the connection with hers, he could not hold back, her sweet words were slowly infusing within him, stirring him, making him plead to Freya that the Goddess help him and his love to somewhere secret so he could be with her as he was aching to do now.
He cradled her against him, one arm holding her at her back as she sat across his lap, his other hand tracing idle circles over her thigh on the outside of her torn dress. His mind raced with all the stimulation, her soft hands grazing him, her sweet taste enveloping his senses, her lithe body pressed so intimately against his own with only mere layers of fabric separating him from the heaven of her hot body.
Gods how he wanted her, he was debating within himself, Loki toying with him, suggesting to throw her to his cot and make her his there and then, and the Goddess herself begging him to take care with her subject, take his time and be gentle. His conscience begged him to be true to her.
Swallowing the lump of panic that raced through him, Bruni savored the bruising kiss as though it would be his last, imprinting her taste, her beauty to his memory, her willing form tucked against him would forever remain with him. He had no doubt he would never be allowed this liberty with her again.
Be Honest.
‘Eleanor. I have something to tell you.’
They were chasing them, fast, furious, relentless over the vast forests of the Haur lands. The darker colored Gauls and other foreign men, with their curved swords, and vicious daggers, covered the ground wise emmense ease, like the wind covering miles in seconds.
The thunderous sound of their hunt was deafening as he carried his precious bundle through the night, desperate to escape them, the foreign curses of their enemy were so close, he was sure he felt breath on his neck as he searched deep for the energy to run faster, the need for safety was paramount.
Varin felt the burn in his legs, the sweat that coated his body as he ran, the score of the bushes and trees as he ran through them, unheeding of the blood that bloomed on his skin, he ran for the cliffs, ran for the safety Ragnar had created, he could see them now, the swift descent to nowhere…if he just got their quick enough, he could descend enough to make them think he had jumped rather than be caught.
Few more steps, few more to safety.
As Varin reached the edge he stopped abruptly, only slightly aware of the burning pain in his stomach. Acutely aware of his little Loki staring at him with wide and accusing pain filled eyes that brimmed with tears when he looked down at the red pool that spread from her, that spread from him. The Gaul placed his heavy boot in the small of Varin’s back, and pulled his curved blade free of the bodies…sending them crashing to the sea below.
Varin screamed as he woke himself from his nightmare. Drenched in sweat, beads blinded him as he swiped at them, frantically trying to clear his vision. He needed to make sure she was alright, needed to assure himself he had not lost her.
Feeling around the floor for the blanket she had slept on, Varin felt the pit of his stomach try and escape him further as he found nothing amidst her blankets, no Anika, no warmth to indicate she had not long left it.
Grabbing the linen of the shirt he discarded during the night, Varin hurriedly wiped his eyes, the sting in them remained as he grabbed his sword and ran from the cave, tears threatening to spill over his mind’s frantic assumptions.
‘Anika!!’ Varin called, as loudly as he dared, he did not want to draw attention to the caves if those hired guards were up there. His mind slowly clearing from the fog of sleep and the panic of his nightmare, as he figured they would not have left him alive surely if they had taken her.
‘Anika, where are you!!??’ He called a little louder this time, the adrenaline beginning to pump once more as his hope of her just being outside began to dwindle.
Varin opened his mouth to holler her name to the heavens, and halted, hearing voices talking quietly not far from him. Readying his sword, he followed the sound in the bright moonlight, out of the mouth of the cave and along the narrow ledge that separated the risen cave from the next inlet. Peering around the corner, Varin felt his heart soar, relief flooded his system and he felt dizzy from the sudden lack of energy in his body.
‘Varin, come here!!! Esme is teaching me to catch little fish!’ Anika’s childlike glee was infectious as she stood smiling and waved him to come to her. ‘We were going to cook them and bring them to you for evening meal!’
‘Thank you Anika, and Esme.’ Varin spoke softly as he approached them, suddenly feeling like a fool for his overreaction.
‘Anika, I need you to tell me if you go somewhere, it is not very safe right now.’
Varin kept his voice steady, calm and unthreatening, the last thing he wanted was to see her child-like
light go out again, he wanted her happy and smiling. Taking her into his arms, he gave her a hug, kissing the top of her head before taking a piece of sinew himself to help catch some fish. His hand shook as he tried to get used to the feeling of calm wash over him once more, flushing out the fear and the cold sweep of panic.
Was this how his older brother’s had felt about him? Whenever he had managed to disappear into the fields, and his brothers had found him, their expressions had been taut with worry even through the stern façade and the smack on his hand they gave him for his wandering.
He was so much younger than his brothers were. He had always felt protected by them, and now he wished they were still alive, to come and help him, to protect him so he could feel safe, and the horrible churning of his stomach could dissipate.
Varin found himself wishing he could have that child like innocence back, the ability to find good, and playful imaginings all around him, and he wanted to cry with anger over the loss of his childhood.
He had felt honored when Erick had regarded him in such high esteem and trust to place him as head guard to watch over Matilda and Anika. He had been only twelve then nearly thirteen, built big and strong even by that early age, other guardians of lands and self serving men had tried to attack them then, thinking a mere whelp of a boy was the only guard between them and the ethereal Matilda.
They had not expected him to be so large.
Just over two years had passed since Erick had left him as their protector, the endless infighting had left its marks, its scars on both his body and his soul. His mind felt like he had aged a thousand years passed fifteen. He needed to rest, he needed escape and peace. When this was over, and Ragnar was back, Varin would leave. Anika needed her brother, her family, and people capable of keeping that angelic smile on her face.
Varin was not fit to protect her.
*** Kate and Ragnar lay in absolute silence, what had been sweet words of affection between the pair had now halted, and with Bruni’s last statement, Kate and Ragnar’s breath hitched. Their eyes widened when they realized what he was about to do, and could do nothing but lie there as still as the dead as he told Eleanor about the contract.
‘Eleanor…please…listen to me.’
‘You are telling me that there is a contract of marriage upon my head?’ Eleanor sprang from Bruni’s arms as his words sank in. ‘To your brother? By the Gods Bruni!! To your brother!!’
She was pacing now, angry tears threatening to spill as she replayed Bruni’s confession. She was trapped again, she was not going home to a family she never knew, she was going to a foreign land to be a wife to a man she had never met.
The same damned prison, albeit made with different bars, Eleanor thought, shaking with her rage.
‘What would you have done Bruni, if Kate and Ragnar had not been in the room?’ Eleanor stopped her pacing, focusing the livid green of her gaze on the man she had declared her love for not but a few minutes ago.
‘Would you have taken me? Would you have continued to kiss me, and stroke me until you had taken what innocence I have from me?’
She was shouting now, she knew her friend and her lover could no longer be asleep and would be hearing every word she let free, but she did not care, she could not care. She felt betrayed.
‘What then Bruni?’ She stammered, choking back the sobs that sought to steal her voice as she sank to the floor in the tiny room at his feet. ‘Would you have handed me over to your brother? Would you have sat back and watched not knowing whether your seed had planted itself inside me, or whether it was your brother’s?’
Bruni’s rage was mounting, not at Eleanor, but at the thought of Nikolai’s hands on her pale skin, his expression turned dark, feral as he thought on her words, if he had taken her and given her to Nikolai, would he be able to see her swell with child and not wonder whether what rested there was his niece or nephew, or his own child? He did not want Nikolai’s hands on her, did not want to think of the things his brother would be entitled to do to her body. He wanted her, he wanted her body, her love, and only him.
Growling in his anger, Bruni grabbed Eleanor’s arms and hauled her beneath him on his cot, pressing one leg between hers and holding her hands high above her head, before his mouth descended on hers, rough and ravishing as she surged beneath him.
He raged against her soft form as she resisted him at first before softening under him, her hips beginning to undulate against the hard muscle of his leg as his tongue toyed maddeningly with her own. Breaking away from her mouth, Bruni sucked a long breath into his burning lungs.
‘Eleanor, I could no more hand you over to him than I could harm you.’ Bruni whispered to her, releasing her hands and cradling her head as he planted soft kisses against her swollen lips. ‘I love you, I want you for my wife, but I could not lie to you, I could not go further without you knowing the truth.’
He kissed her gently this time, lightly smoothing his lips across hers in a gentle caress that had her head tilting upwards for more.
‘I will not be a liar to you Eleanor.’ Bruni murmured, unable to stop himself from moving his mouth across the gentle curve of her neck, kissing and licking the creamy flesh there. She tasted beautiful beneath the scent of fear and blood of her escape, he knew he could easily spend weeks just abed kissing each inch of her skin.
‘But what of this contract Bruni?’ Eleanor’s voice sounded hoarse, so many tears and hurt reflected with each strained word that hit his ears.
‘Damn the contract.’ Bruni moaned against the hollow of her throat, his hands beginning to move from her face, tracing the graceful curves of her shoulders over her ruined tunic, parting the ripped sides to bare the delicate swell of her breasts, the rose colour of her nipples stood in stark contrast to her pale skin and the bruises from her captor’s hand.
‘I cannot let you go to Nikolai.’
Kate sighed as Ragnar pulled the door silently behind them as they escaped into the recess beneath the platform. Pulling blankets out from the chest, Ragnar made a comfortable bed for Kate, before sitting with his back against the hard wood and pulling her against him.
‘Eleanor deserves someone like Bruni.’ Kate smiled slightly. ‘She has been through so much.’
‘Kate, there is more to this than that, remember that there was a contract signed, so there is still disagreements to come. The Haur child, as my grand mother used to say, was meant to be a peace-weaver, through the bearing of children, the warring families would be joined through blood. I had hoped we would be back in Bergen by now, where all of this could be settled.’
And that damn contract burned. Ragnar added silently.
‘If she marries Bruni, then they are still fulfilling the contract Ragnar. They are just doing it through a different son.’ Kate said, slightly worried over Ragnar’s unconvinced expression.
‘Let us hope that it all it takes.’
Bruni pulled Eleanor up as he went to his knees on the cot, bringing her hard against his chest while his mouth sought comfort from her own, trying to calm his hands from the urge to rip her remaining clothing from her body like some kind of animal.
He felt her hands move beneath the laces at the top of his linen shirt, her warm hands trembling ever so slightly as they smoothed over his skin in a fluttering caress that had him fighting not to surge against her to demand more.
She was so hot, the skin at her throat felt like fire on his tongue as he teased the flesh there, drawing her into his mouth with a long, hard pull, leaving a mark of his kiss on her soft white skin. One hand moved around to her back, supporting her as
he leant her back over it, and hardening instantly at the view of her body.
Her back arched, her breasts offered up to him as a blessing from Freya herself, he could not resist dipping his head to the dusky pink flesh. He drew it into his mouth as he tongued around it, suckling gently on her before blowing cool air lightly across her wet flesh, marveling at how it tightened under his touch. She was exquisite.
Bruni pulled a soft pelt from the chest before he lowered Eleanor back down to the blankets, if he could not have her in his bed, he was damned if he would take her against the scratchy wool.
‘Do you accept me Eleanor?’ His voice was quiet, unsure if she would refuse him or not as she lay mused upon the black and brown of the fur, her vivid green eyes half lidded as she looked over him.
‘Yes Bruni, I do.’
Bruni smiled, quietly letting out the breath he did not know that he had held while waiting for her answer. His hands went to the tie at her waist, pulling on the rough rope until it opened from its knot, before taking the two edges of her ruined tunic, and ripping it the rest of the way, opening her to his eyes like unwrapping a present.
Bruni’s breath caught as he slowly moved the tunic apart, exposing inch after inch of creamy flesh, the beautiful handfuls of her breasts, the gentle slope of her ribs down to her belly, over the smooth stomach that told of a number of days where she had not eaten as much as she should, or not eaten at all.
He smoothed his hand down her side slowly, her hot skin burnt his hand as though his limb were ice, he followed the smooth line of her side, down over her slight hips, smoothing his hand then over the creamy skin of her stomach, tracing patterns around her navel, even as his eyes drew lower still to the blonde curls that hid her sex from him.
Lowering his body to hers, Bruni moved her thighs apart to accommodate him, as he kept one hand on her soft leg stroking the entire length of the perfect limb as he began to rain slow kisses over her chest. Moving his hand from her leg to beneath her, Bruni lifted her light body enough to pull the ruined tunic from beneath her, moving up from her chest to pull it from her completely.
‘Eleanor, raise your arms.’
Bruni’s voice was so deep, husky, that Eleanor could not help but comply when he looked at her with fire behind his blue eyes, his body as flushed with heat as her own.
Eleanor breathed deeply as his rough hands moved over her body with achingly slow leisure to grip the tunic at her back, lifting it gently from her body completely, she felt exposed to him, self conscious in the light glow of the candle as he looked down over her naked form while he still knelt there fully clothed. Bringing her arms back down, Eleanor crossed them over her breasts, hesitating as to how to cover herself more from his intense and silent gaze.
He was looking at a goddess lying naked on his cot, pale legs attempting to draw together at her thighs to conceal the pink flesh of her sex, slender arms crossing her chest as a sunset blush crept across every inch of her creamy skin.
Lifting his arms to the fabric of his linen shirt, Bruni pulled the material over his head to his front, before drawing it from his arms slowly, unwilling to frighten her with the dangerous arousal that was pulsating through his veins over how much he wanted her…how much he desired her.
How much he was restraining himself not to rip his own clothes from his straining body and bury himself between her thighs.
Letting the fabric fall to the floor, Bruni took Eleanor’s hands, still trembling slightly against her flesh as she still lay there self consciously, and pulled her up to her knees in his arms, kissing her mouth when she gasped.
By Freya he could not get enough of her taste, enjoying every tentative movement her tongue made against his own, he reveled in the little moans that escaped her as he nipped her lips and then soothed them. He could not resist pulling her tighter against him, her beautiful breasts crushed up against the muscle of his chest, her hands resting on his shoulders lost their fright as he kissed her deeper, and he felt them tangle in his hair, bringing his head closer to her own.
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Two days later and Robbie was getting ready to rehearse with 'Riff Raff'. He didn't think it would be too difficult, as he knew virtually all of AC/DC's back catalogue, both music and vocals. Amanda dropped him off at Jake's house and he could already hear sounds of jamming coming from a large garage at the side. He left his amp in the drive and went to investigate. There was an up and over door in the front of the two-car garage but it was down and Robbie found it was locked when he...
Three weeks had past since Kacey, Lauren, Laura and Ashley had slept at Lauren’s. It was becoming a routine thing to have a sleep over every 3 weeks. Even though they were 17 years old, they didn’t think it was slightly childish. It was just a get together of 4 best friends. Tonight was Kacey's turn to host the sleep over; she had already bought all the food and alcohol which meant they didn’t have to go shopping for it. The girls met up in the gym at 6 pm as usual on a Friday for...
When Don came home that night, Bette greeted him at the door with a warm, open mouthed, tongue darting kiss. Don responded, his hands gripping her by the cheeks of her ass and dragging her in tight against him. While Don was upstairs changing his clothes, Bette mixed drinks for both of them. When he came down, they sat on the couch as was their custom, to discuss their day's happenings. "Well, you hot little sexpot, what did you do today?" he asked, laying his hand on her thigh. In her...
In the backwoods deep in the West Virgina woods live me and my family of men.I am the Queen of my castle.Ok its a 4 bedroom trailer (lol)The first bedroom is where my 50 year old father sleeps.The second bedroom is where my younger brother who is 25 sleeps.The third bedroom is where me THE WOMAN OF THE HOUSE sleeps i'm 30.and finally the 4th bedroom belongs to my 15 year old son sleeps.I dont know if my son is my dads or my brother hell they both was fucking me at the sametime.So im known as...
SCENE OPENS to Nora (Kit Mercer) fussing with her outfit and not looking completely happy with it. Her husband Roger (Jimmy Broadway) tries to reassure her by saying that she looks great, but Nora still appears unsatisfied. Roger and Nora are recently married, and Roger’s boy (Nora’s new stepson) Mark (Alex Jett) is coming home from college today. Nora glares at Roger, saying it’s HIS fault that her new dress didn’t arrive on time. If he had paid for faster shipping...
xmoviesforyoui was sat in the front room with my cousin watching the t.v as the adults sat in the backroom around the table and had the usual gossip about things. "how come your mums not up here jess?" i asked thoughtfully "oh, im stayin here with nan and grandad tonghit because me and nan are goin into town tomorrow to do some shooping.....my mum dropped me off earlier." said jess, her eyes fixed on the t.v, "oh yeh." my words jus dropped off, i cudnt help but stare at how good she...
"I'm a mess," Heather giggled."You are a truly magnificent mess, Sweetheart," I replied, helping my daughter off of my bed.Heather stood looking up at me, smiling. I bent forward and kissed her lips, "Let's get you cleaned up."Heather followed me to the master bathroom and sat on the edge of the tub while I began filling it. My daughter watched and smiled as I busied myself arranging towels and a washcloth for her. I carried the candles from the bedroom, setting them around the tub. I had no...
IncestHi everyone am Shravan,23 year old guy,a student, living in Magalore and Bangalore, Karnataka….I am a great fan of ISS,especially i like the Incest stories that are posted here. Thank u guys for sharing your awesome experiences. It really turns me on. I would like to know u all out here. I m open to all kind of relationship with ladies of all age group. Please do mail me at my Email id: secrecy and Good relationship is promised, waiting to hear from u all. Please mail me your response to my...
IncestAfter Wendy left the elevator, and I made the call to Swamp Dog, I settled down in the lobby. Now ordinarily we would just watch the elevator and stairwell, but Karl had bribed a Mexican security officer of the hotel for access to the surveillance equipment. In other words my smart phone could tap into their cameras. I found the one for The professor's floor. I couldn't control the camera from the Phone just monitor it. If Wendy were to move, I would have to go to the security office to...
You know how it is, once an 11 year old decides to do something, there's no holding him back. I'm afraid I pushed my horses pretty hard in getting to the town of Hobson and to the office of Jason McCall. No, I was not completely stupid, I rode up the alley behind his office and went in the back door. "Mr. McCall, it's Tom Olson. Can I talk to you?" "Certainly, Tom. Come on in. First, let me say that I sure was sorry about what happened to your pa. But I hear that your ma and the rest...
As a child, I went to my grandmothers house every summer. I had many other cousins that also stayed there for she had a large house. The past two summers, however, I could not go, because I had to go to cheer camp. The summer after those two years I decided I would go to grandmas house. I had matured a lot, growing 36 C breasts and a firm, round ass. My long dark brown hair had grown out, and was full of waves. I was tanned from the sun. My brothers and sisters stayed, for they were much to go...
IncestIt was 1974 and I was working in Christchurch, NZ. Fridays after work I usually played squash with a mate from my rugby team, and then we headed to the Grenadier Arms, where we would grab a burger or something for dinner and have a few beers with our friends. This Friday night there were about a dozen of us girls and guys sitting around a table in the bar. The bar was moderately full, as it was most Friday nights, people conversing and waiting to find where the action was going to be later in...
Serena (Serena Blair) is baking chocolate cake for her stepdad’s birthday. It’s a lot of work and she could need the help of her stepsister Leda (Leda Lotharia). Unfortunately for her, Leda is not in the mood to help her sister, she’s even acting like a spoiled brat. Her attitude annoyed Serena a lot and she decides to confront her, she wants to know where all that frustration comes from. When she moves closer to Leda, she smashes a cherry pie on her. Shocked, Serena respond by throwing...
xmoviesforyouIt was safe to say that there was a little tension between me and Janet now. The thought of her watching me masturbate was arousing but it worried me a little as to what she thought about it. I was desperate to confront her but in no way did I have the confidence to do so. Janet had never come across as a sexual person so it was frustrating to think that nothing may come of this. I spent my time thinking about her constantly and I was praying for an opportunity to be alone with her.It had been...
Hello again, This is Gaggana Jodatti from Karnataka, writing my second sex story. And thank you all for the responses on the previous story, and for most of you asking – Yes, it was a true incident and even the continuation. I was wrapped in the urine-wet whale/dupatta going towards the lift of my apartment, got into the lift, pleasured by those fucks,pain in legs and with those started moving to my floor. As soon as the lift door opened on my floor, I was shocked and ashamed to find myself...
Pain. It never stopped. And there was the laughter. The world was consumed with pain. And there was more laughter.
I am having a tsunami of mixed feeling about this friend of mine who’s name shall remain anonymous but for now lets call him Anshul. He’s a good guy and a hot one. He got flawlessly creamy skin with awesome bubbly butts. This started a few years ago when we met for the first time in India. We worked in same company and he was a friend of a friend. At that time I was crazy about my physique and was well built up and he got motivated and asked about my workout routine and slowly he started...
Gay MaleHello… mera naam Amit hai, mai jodhpur rajasthan se hu. interested persons contact me for friendship Yeh baat neARly 1 saal purani hai. Jab mai 20 saal ka tha toh mai delhi mai gaya tha. Yehi mera ek dost bana,uska naam Rocky tha. Rocky ka janam delhi mai he hua tha.. unka ek Restaurant hai.. jismai uske papa khud cooking karte hai. Rocky ne meri madad ke liye mujhe apne restaurant mai kaam par rakh liya. Kuch samay baad mujhe takreeban restaurant ka saara kaam samajh mai aa gaya tha. Aab...
There is something about the girl that lives next door; I mean, I always think that she’s spying on me, talking about me on the phone with her friends. I mean, whenever I look over at her house I usually see her lying on her bed doing her homework or writing in her diary and then as she’s writing she looks up at my house and I dive out of sight. And then I would look up again a second or two and she will be giggling on the phone probably telling her friends that I was spying on her again....
Hi, I'm Mouse, full name Melanie Ursala Scanlon but at high school the "o" and "e" were added to give me the Mouse. Suited me, mouse coloured hair, mouse like tits – so tiny I've never worn a bra because I've got nothing to put in one. Glasses, 5 foot nothing, Gothish but not really, just a nothing type of person. At high school the only subject I did well in was Computer Science, being able to shut off from the world suited me. I've got a younger brother Josh, one year younger and...
"That's Jay," Frank insisted, still staring at Oliver. "I've met Jeremy." "No," Oliver said, shaking his head as he took another retreating step back. "Jeremy." Jay cleared his throat intentionally, dusting himself off as he stood up off the ground. "Jeremy," he agreed, not bothering to look at Oliver or Frank as he checked to see that his camera wasn't damaged. "That was Jeremy Hill you met. We're in the same class; he's older, so I got the nickname. Everyone's been...
one fine day I saw a woman who had posted an ad for a masseuse. I applied with my picture and got a call the very next morning. Her name was Sheila. She told me that she wanted “company” and also a good massage. Her husband was out of the country and she was alone at home. I could not go that day because of job constraints, but I made it to her place on a Saturday with all the oils needed for a proper massage. She was a 36-year-old woman with a nice figure. She was a little fat at her hips and...
They were sisters. They had to be sisters. That's what she wanted. And she was used to getting exactly what she wanted. Money was never an issue. Her agents had been trucking them for a few months and when the time was right they made sure no one would search for them. The two sisters, 20 and 22 years old, were traveling to their aunt's house in the countryside. Their car was found in a nearby lake, crashed. Car accident, drowned, no bodies found, was the official verdict after some...
I was walking down the path from the grocery store to where I had parked my boat. After losing my job to another company restructure, I was living off my severance pay and spending as much time at the cottage as I could. After all, when was I going to get an opportunity like this again? My wife’s income was making it easier for me to not look for a job, but kept her in the city all week. So here I was at 46, living the dream. I had a wife and a colour TV and they both worked.
“I’ll give the money back. Please don’t call the police. I’m really sorry.” I was in conference with the big boss and she was so mad her face turned red. It started earlier in the day when I was informed that I had to report to Miss Hecate’s office at 3 PM sharp. I’d never set foot in the inner sanctum and had no idea what she wanted. When I saw the two paychecks laying on her desk, my eyes filled with tears. “Katie McN, you knew the computer overpaid you. Four thousand dollars is a lot of...
My husband Fred and I were cleaning out my Dad's house. He had died suddenly three weeks ago at the young age of sixty two. My Mom had predeceased him by many years succumbing to breast cancer when she was only forty one years old. Now Fred and I were going through his house, separating his accumulation of 'stuff' into piles. Keep, tag sale and throw away were the main categories. My hubby was in the cellar going through my Dad's enormous stockpile of tools, that he had accumulated over...
comes to your door step in nothing but a black silk teddy. You can see her perky nipples through the top and notice that she has nothing covering her bottom. You bring her in outside of the cold and pull her close to give her some warmth. Then you lead her to the living room and sit her on top of the piano and spread her legs so you can get a better view of her freshly shaven pussy. She enjoys you looking and moves her hand down to the top of her clit and starts to...
My stepsister, Sue, has enjoyed me since she first had me when she was sixteen, and through all the years since then, with her always wanting to control me, and use me as her very own sex-toy. I have never had any problem with that arrangement. Our relationship, complete with sexy games, continued into adulthood and still exists. She is still the same sexy, bossy domineering brat she always was, and still enjoys using me and embarrassing me when she can. And of course, I love it just as much as...
Exhibitionism“Thanks for letting me borrow the car, sweetie!” Lara hugged Mark outside his family’s tech store. “I’ll be back in time to help with supper.” She kissed him quickly because she knew his father was watching from just inside the door. It was still awkward showing any more affection than a peck on the cheek in front of his family. She knew that Mark needed to get inside to help.Mark chuckled. “Sure thing, Lara. You deserve a day of leisure. Just don’t drive too far, babe.” He gave her butt a...
HistoricalMy wife, Colleen, and I were just finishing dinner, it was my turn to cleanup and do the dishes. After finishing cleaning up, I decided to head up stairs and find my wife. Perhaps we could finish watching Stranger Things, Season 2 on Netflix.Colleen usually hangs out in our sitting room that is connected to the master bedroom so I went there first to find her. Nope, no Colleen. I then walked towards our master bedroom and slowly opened the door to make sure I didn't wake her up just in case she...
Even though she was only in her mid-twenties, Nancy dressed, and acted, like somebody’s old-maid aunt. She wore her long hair up in a bun under a nurse’s cap. The lush, voluptuous body that she had been so proud of once before was now hidden under a heavy, loose uniform. At one time Nancy had been one hot little item around her small community. She and her handsome ex-husband had been the talk of the town. She was the best cheerleader in high school, then became a nurse. He was the top...