EleanorChapter 2 free porn video

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Sometime during the night, Eleanor had slipped off Robert and had turned out the lamp. She had pulled a single sheet over them and happily wrapped an arm over her new lover and held him close.

As he snored softly, she thought how nice it was to have a real man in her bed after all these years. Her mind wandered for a few minutes while she tried to think of what the future might bring. She knew she wanted Robert in that future. She fell back to sleep and didn't awaken until she felt Robert stir and rise.

"Where are you going?" she rasped sleepily.

"To work. I'm not sure brother Harold hasn't put out a search party for me yet."

He leaned back on the bed toward her and kissed her cheek. "Don't you have to go to your office today?"

"Yup. But not right away. You kept me up last night," she said, talking partially into her pillow.

"Want to have a shower together?" he offered with a sly grin. "That might wake you up."

"I'll bet it would, but not in the usual way. You go ahead. I might meet you there if I can summon the energy."

He looked down at her and once again kissed her, this time on her exposed shoulder. The taste of this woman was incredible he thought, both inside and out. He unfolded his naked frame from the bed and walked toward the ensuite, gathering his boxers from the floor as he went. He looked at himself in the mirror and realized he needed a shave as well as a shower.

He peeked around the corner of the door and asked, "Ellie, do you have a spare razor?"

She raised her head a couple of inches off the pillow, blinked her eyes and said, "Yes, the drawer next to the sink."

It was all she could manage before her head once again plopped on the pillow.

Robert found a new Lady Daisy and hoping it wouldn't remove too many layers of skin, used her liquid soap to create the semblance of lather and began to shave. He was happy that he didn't cut himself, and at least looked presentable again.

He turned to the shower and was pleased to find it was large and had a European style spray outlet that allowed him to use it as a wand to rinse himself. The water quickly came up to temperature and he stepped in. He looked around and could find only gels and liquid soaps. No bar soap was evident. He sighed and was about to try the bath gel when a shadow appeared on the other side of the door and Eleanor stepped in to join him.

"I can't resist. I haven't had a man in my shower since ... well ... I just haven't," she grinned. "I'm going to have to stand in front of you big guy. You can block out the sun, much less my shower head."

She slipped by him and picked up a soft mitt and poured some bath get on it.

"I don't use bar soap, so this will have to do, but I imagine a demonstration will be necessary," she said with an arched eyebrow.

Robert just laughed as she began to soap his shoulders and chest. She turned him around and did his back, buttocks, and legs, and then turned him around again.

"I saved the best for last," she smirked.

She squatted down and began lathering his abdomen and then his inner thighs and all the while, she could see his growing erection.

"I see I have your attention."

She began to soap his balls and then enveloped his now rigid member in her fist and began stroking it back and forth. "Can't be too clean here, can you?"

"Oh, Ellie, that's going to cause an eruption soon," he gasped.

She stood up and took the shower head off the hook and rinsed his big cock thoroughly. She handed the wand to him and then took his fully engorged member in both hands and began to lick its length on the underside.

Robert's head went back and he eyes closed as she expertly brought him to the edge, only to squeeze his base tightly and let him recover until she would start again, this time taking him into her mouth. She repeated this exquisite torture until finally he could take no more.

"Oh, god, Ellie, I can't hold it any more. I'm going to explode," he cried in a strangled voice.

She looked up at him and smiled and continued her erotic lavation until he could take no more and with several gasps he released. She took what she could into her mouth while the rest spurted, then dribbled on her chin and breasts.

As Robert began to relax and come down from his immense high, she continued to use her tongue and lips to clean him, finally standing and turning toward the shower head to wash her face and breasts. She turned back to him and pressing herself to him, kissed him deeply. He could taste the slight remains of his semen, but it wasn't unpleasant and the wonderful experience she had just provided was more than he could ever have expected.

"Your turn?" he offered.

"Yes please," she replied coyly.

Her mitt wouldn't fit his big hand, so he held it as if it were a wash cloth and began soaping her back, then bottom, then her legs. He was determined to save the best for last. As she turned toward him, he squatted down and began with her feet, slowly working his way up to her calves, then thighs and then, passing that most erotic zone, her abdomen. He slowly and generously soaped her breasts, occasionally pinching the now erect nipples between his thumb and finger.

Finally, he began to soap her dark, trimmed pubic hair and then her sex, lingering in her most sensitive place for several moments before beginning to rinse her. As the soap drained from her body, he dropped the mitt and while one hand went again to her slit, he took a nipple into his mouth and began to flick it with his tongue; first one breast and then the other. His tongue circled her areola and then returned to the nipple. First one breast, and then the other.

Eleanor had braced herself as he had begun to wash her breasts and had one hand on the front wall of the shower while the other steadied her on the side wall. Her eyes were closed as Robert's fingers had begun their inexorable exploration of her innermost self.

His lips and tongue on her breasts were the initiator of her orgasm, but as his thick fingers entered her, she knew it was only the first. She began to feel unsteady on her feet and she clung to Robert, wrapping her arms about his neck to hold her in place as his fingers now probed deeper into her. She felt the impending wave of her next climax and, pressing against her towering man, allowed it to envelope her.

"Oh, oh, that ... was ... marvelous," she slurred into his neck and she squeezed him tightly. "I can't think of a better way to start the day."

"One good turn deserves another," he said simply. After a few moments, they stepped from the shower and Eleanor handed him one of two large bath towels.

"Robert, where are you staying?" she asked as they dried each other off.

"At the Westin. Why?"

"Why don't you check out and bring your things over here. My rates are very reasonable. I can even cook," she smiled.

"Are you sure, Ellie?" he asked seriously.

"I am. What about you?" she asked.

"Would five o'clock be too soon," he laughed.

"It's settled then. Now, let me run an iron over your shirt and suit and you'll almost look presentable," she grinned.

Robert once again wrapped his arms around this lovely woman and kissed her. "I'm getting spoiled already."

"What do you want for breakfast?" she asked.

"Uh, toast and coffee if it's not too much trouble."

"I'll get it started. Meet you in the kitchen."

Eleanor slipped on an elegant black silk robe with silver and red trim, picked up his suit and shirt and headed for the kitchen. To Robert, her robe looked very oriental, and yet it suited her appearance perfectly. She disappeared down the hall as he pulled on his boxers

Within ten minutes, Eleanor had made the coffee and toast, and had begun to press Robert's shirt, pants, and jacket. When she had finished, she handed them to him. He pulled on the shirt, pants and then stepped into his shoes.

"There, that should stop any second looks in the elevator," she laughed.

"Thanks, Ellie."

"What are you up to today?" she asked.

"I'm supposed to start looking for an office for us. We don't need much, but it should have a decent address to give the customers the idea that we're an established business," he said.

"If you don't have an agent, I can help," she volunteered.

"Great. What do you have in mind?"

"I've got some contacts with people who have space to rent. How much do you need?"

"About 1500 to 2000 square feet, I think. We'll need all the up-to-date phone and fax connections."

"Give me a few minutes and I'll make a couple of phone calls. It might save you a lot of time," she suggested.

Within thirty minutes, Eleanor had three possible leads and their agent's phone numbers. She called all three and set up appointments for the morning and early afternoon.

Robert was suitably impressed. He used the phone to call Harold at the hotel and left a message for him to call him at Ellie's. If he hadn't called by nine-thirty, he would leave a second message with the addresses and times of the appointments. Fortunately, Harold called just before nine and immediately realized he wasn't calling a real estate office.

"So what have you been up to, big brother?" he asked with a laugh.

"I'll talk to you later about it, but right now, Eleanor Charlton has some leads on office space for us and we can see them today. Are you OK with that?"

"Absolutely. I'll take a cab to the first one and meet you there and we can travel together from there."

After Robert had given him the address, he signed off. He would try to be discreet about Eleanor being with him and his disappearance last night. Harold wasn't the nosey type, but Robert didn't want to upset Eleanor.

The day went by smoothly and by the end of their visits, they had a good idea of local costs and what type of office they wanted. Their first choice was the second of the two spaces, and Eleanor suggested they let her contact the agent and see if she could negotiate a better rate for a longer term contract.

The boys were interested in three to five years and since the space they had selected gave them room to grow, it would allow a longer term commitment. The agent promised to get back to Eleanor by tomorrow noon with an answer, and that was that for the day.

Robert's concern about his disappearance with Eleanor and her presence with him that morning was misplaced. She made it clear they were together and she displayed no embarrassment as he called her Ellie and they held hands a good part of the day.

Eleanor got a chance to meet and get to know Harold as they lunched. She was just as impressed with his open good nature and refreshing honesty as she had been with Robert. He wasn't quite as imposing as Robert, but if she had never met her new lover, Harold would have been a candidate too. Good breeding brings good manners, she thought. You don't have to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to be a class act.

They agreed to meet for dinner that evening after Robert moved his things from the hotel to Eleanor's apartment. Harold merely smiled as he learned of the new arrangement and slapped his brother on the back.

"I'm envious," he said. "I want one too!"

"Sorry, only one to a customer," Eleanor shot back with a laugh.

Eleanor helped Robert move that afternoon. With that simple act, they began a commitment to each other that would be permanent. When she thought about it afterward, this was easily as reckless as her first relationship and marriage. She had known him for less than two days.

She had been so cautious in the past thirteen years not to make that same mistake and yet, she had plunged headlong into this man's life. She invited him into her home, and prepared to completely let go of all her inhibitions. It was crazy and yet she didn't hesitate for a moment. She was going purely on instinct, and this time her instincts didn't let her down.

They married that spring in a civil ceremony attended by her sister Evelyn, brother-in-law John, and their three year old daughter, Julia. Robert's mother came from Kelowna, refusing to fly and forcing Harold to drive her to Calgary. Harold was Best Man and Evelyn was Maid of Honor and the ceremony took all of thirty minutes. They had a small reception at the Westin Hotel with twenty or so friends attending before leaving for Europe on a two week honeymoon.

Robert had Eleanor as his guide as they toured London and Paris and then to the south of France. Robert loved every minute of the trip. He started a journal to record all the sights and sounds, savoring the fabulous foods as they encountered them. He kept repeating that he wished he had traveled to Europe sooner and they should make this an annual pilgrimage.

When they returned to Calgary in early June, Robert began looking for property on which to build their future home. He felt confined and somewhat trapped in Eleanor's apartment. She was delighted when he suggested they plan a proper home for themselves.

Robert had fallen in love with Calgary, largely because it was Eleanor's city. He had no other mission in mind than to please her. For her part, Eleanor had not lived in a house since she had left home many years earlier, and was excited to be part of the planning process.

Their first objective was to find a piece of property, and when they stumbled onto a two acre plot on Discovery Ridge, they knew this was where they would build. It had a magnificent view of the city to the east and the Rocky Mountains to the west.

The house would be a sprawling ranch style with almost three thousand square feet of living area in a crescent shape. The inner part of the crescent would be a sheltered cove for their privacy and protection from the winds that blew both from the south and north-west.

They spent hours designing the interior. After much debate, they settled on a plan with a single large great room in the centre with a large master bedroom on one end, and two additional bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, laundry and services area on the other end. A three car garage was integrated into the far north-west end of the house. The living room would have a fourteen foot peaked window-wall on each side to maximize the view of the mountains and city.

Construction began in August and they moved in the day after New Years, five months later. It was everything they had hoped it would be and more. A large flat-stone fireplace formed most of the wall between their Bedroom and the Living Room. Nine foot ceilings gave all of the house light and space and they set about furnishing it.

If there was to be conflict between them, it would be over the décor and interior furnishings. Robert wanted traditional and comfortable while Eleanor wanted contemporary. In the spirit of compromise, Robert gave in and asked only that Eleanor hire a proper decorator to make sure she got what she wanted.

Eleanor felt guilty that he had given in so easily, but after talking to the decorator, was able to combine her design wants with comfort, and the end result was much better than Robert had expected. When you're six foot six and two hundred and fifty pounds, comfort is a big consideration.

Their sex life was raucous and uninhibited. Eleanor had been the catalyst for their adventures together and the leader of this conventional man's rebirth as a lover. He was big and powerful and enthusiastic, but it was her coaxing and teaching and demonstrating that had released him from his former confines.

He discovered the true joy of making love to his beautiful wife, and he willing schooled himself in satisfying her desires. In return, Eleanor pleased him in so many ways that he could hardly believe that he was truly experiencing this. After their marriage, their bedroom fury had cooled only slightly, and they continued to delight in each other several times each week.

Robert and Harold had settled in their new offices and were constantly on the road visiting their various sites in both Canada and the United States. They had earned a contract in Alaska to complement their U.S. obligations, and their business was thriving.

Unfortunately that meant more travel, and Robert was away from Calgary more than Eleanor would like. He offered to take her with him, but a couple of early road trips proved how impractical that would be. Their work took them to remote areas with few facilities, and often no room for wives to accompany the employees.

As a result, Eleanor resumed her career at Promotions West, this time as a part-time employee. It gave her something to do during the days that Robert was absent and she enjoyed the people and the work.

On Robert's 50th birthday, Eleanor arranged a party for him that would include his mother, Harold and Harold's fiancée, Rosalind. It was a happy occasion, and Robert, after consuming a copious quantity of Champagne, decided the time had come to make a speech to the four people most important to him.

"I'm no guy to be givin' speeches," he began. "I just wan'na say I'm luckier than a dog with two dinks."

The giggles and guffaws caused Robert pause. He looked up and saw his mother's face.

"Oops, sorry Mom. I just wan'na say how happy I am to be here with you and my beautiful family: Mom, Harold, and soon Rosalind. I 'specially wan'na say how happy I am to have Ellie in my life. It took a long time to find the right girl, but when I did, I got a beauty!"

He raised his almost drained glass and offered a toast.

"It's my birthday and I got all the presents I'll ever need right here with all you being with me."

With that, he sat heavily into his favourite chair and put his head back and within a minute, was sound asleep.

Eleanor picked the glass from her husband's hand and smiled at him. Her little party had been a great success, and her gift to him of a very exclusive Abercrombie and Fitch outdoorsman's jacket was well received.

Harold had chosen an all-purpose, rugged Swiss Army wristwatch to replace his brother's aging Omega, and his mother chose a simple navy blue cashmere sweater that she knew he would wear. It was a milestone birthday, and Robert had every right to celebrate his life. He was a truly happy man and it had all turned out so well for him, even at this late age.

Harold and Rosalind had set their wedding date for mid August. He had met her at a client's office in Denver, and despite his inherent shyness, had asked her for a date that very day. Harold had little experience with dating. He had occasioned himself with the "fancy ladies" in his early days, but had little experience with women beyond that. He wasn't celibate, but he wasn't very sure of himself around women of his age.

Like Eleanor, Rosalind recognized the hidden virtues of the Thompson men with their simple honesty and straightforwardness. Like Eleanor, she also had been under whelmed by the men she had encountered. She had never married, although she had been engaged to a man in her mid-twenties. He turned out to be a bad-tempered, potentially violent man, and Rosalind broke their engagement.

He didn't take it well and threatened her with harm until she was able to convince the local Sheriff that he was serious with his intent. As it turned out, he already had a conviction for assault on another woman, and that was enough for the Sheriff. Rosalind was able to obtain a restraining order against him and she never heard from him again.

Same as Eleanor
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It’s a bright and refreshing Saturday morning as you hear the doorbell ring. You’re not expecting any anyone, so you open the door carefully. It’s a delivery man with a package. You think to yourself that you couldn’t have possibly ordered or won anything. “Package for you,” The delivery man says. “That’s impossible,” You reply back. “I didn’t order anything.” You look on the package and find your name written on it. “Well, by the looks of things, that’s your name on the package.” The man hands...

1 year ago
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Jack Learns to Jerk Off

Introduction:Hello, this is my first submission. It was a story idea that came to me one day. I almost came in my pants writing it and I hope you all enjoy cumming to it ;). I always found the thought of masturbating with a member of the opposite sex really hot, so here's my fiction. Everyone in this story is completely fictional and not based on real people. Leave your feedback here, I'd really appreciate it, and please tell me if you want a sequel! I made a few edits after...

3 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysWake Up Call

“Mark! Mark! Hello ... Earth to Mark!”, Annabelle was speaking to him. Mark jumped and said, “Sorry! What did I miss?” Annabelle asked, “You zoned out, what were you up to?” Mark told everyone, “Those guys are trying to sneak in through the trees by the trailhead.” Maren asked, “How do you know that? Are we in danger?” Mark answered, “No, we’re in no danger, I just told them to go home or to knock themselves out trying. One guy rushed the perimeter, so he got knocked him out.” Maren was...

3 years ago
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Secretarial ServicesChapter 2

Dear Diary: Dec 3 — From the way Joe looked at me yesterday he knows I've watched him screwing Val. But the main reason I'm writing tonight is to tell you I got a surprise. Val called and we're going out together tomorrow night. She and Joe have an agreement that he can go out with the guys on Tuesday and she gets to go out on Wednesday. Gotta rest for a late night I guess, G'night. Dear Diary: Dec 5 — It was a late night but Val had to leave before midnight. She said Joe was easy to...

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Bob and Koen Part 2

After a few minutesBob gently turned Koen on his belly. He straddled Koen's upper thighs, leaned forward dragging his engorged eight inch cock between the soft boy ass cheeks. Bob began to softly massage Koen's shoulders and then slowly moved his hands down the smooth skin of Koen's back. He slid his hands under his rib cage until he found the small nipples. Gently, he pinched the two nibs until they erected to two small points. Koen moaned and squirmed to Bob's ministrations. Koen felt his...

Gay Male
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Firoza Aunty Ki Mast Chudai

Mere pyare dosto mera name Pritesh hai or meri age 22 hai or higth 5 feet 3 inches hai me Gujarat ke ek chote se gav ka rahene wala hu ajj me apko. Meri paheli kahani suna raha hu aj se pahele mene koi kahani nahi likhi hai aj me apko mera first ex bata raha hu mere gav bahut hi chhota hai mere gav me berojgar log jyada hai khas kar meri age ke ladke. Me bhi berojgar tha muje bade saher me jane ka bahot hi sokh tha ek di Muje sahar jana hua meri bua ke ghar me bus me beth ke saher chala gaya...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law 2

It was New Years eve,my wife and I had went out to her mother's to see the new year in.My wife entered first exchanged the usual pleasantries, kissing her mum and dad and proceeding in,I entered after her dad having being second for my wife I shook his hand and he turned away, I went for the normal kiss on the lips but to my surprise I felt a tongue as both my father-in-law and my wife entered the living room. In response with the normal arm round for a New year's kiss, I dropped my arm and...

3 years ago
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Cocklust Ch 10

Chad and I loved the vibrator so much that we started looking for other toys to play with.  I was tempted to go to an actual sex shop, but we didn’t know of any nearby, and we didn’t want to be found out.  So we did the next-best thing, and we went shopping online.We found most of the online sex shops were straight, like Liberator, Lover’s Lane, or Adam & Eve.  But there were also a few gay ones like Adonis, Boyzshop, or MaleQ.  Some of them had reviews and blog posts and other kinds of tools,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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An intriguing but bi twist

I have a very nice, comfortable home life although I travel way too much for my wife’s liking. Sex has always been great but in the past year things have taken a downturn due to a physical issue my wife has. While she enjoys the intimacy I bring through my hands, cuddling, kissing and oral, she doesn’t have enjoyable intercourse with me due to this ailment, as in her walls are drying up and medication hasn’t helped much yet. Even a finger penetration causes pain. I’ve always been...

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Lord of the Rings The Longinus Edition

The change came gradually, so slowly that you had no idea it had taken place. Travelling into one of the few remaining large forests of Britain, you found yourself lost when the path you had previously taken was suddenly gone, replaced by thick bushes with thorns everywhere. Slightly distraught, you decide to carry on, wary of this strange happening. After a while, when nothing else has taken place, you decide that it was just due to you taking a wrong turn. You were also tired from a long day...

4 years ago
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Meri Innocent Bhabhi Ki Gulabi Chut

Hi Guys! I’m Shaun a regular reader of ISS. This I’m going to narrate is fictions and imaginary. Now I’m starting my storing in hindi as most of the readers like to read in hindi including me. If you like my story please mail me my email id is so this story starts jab main 19 ka tha aur tabhi mere chacha(39) ki shadi hui.mere bhabhi age 32 thi aur uska fig kya batau yaaro 36 30 36…koi bhi use dekhe toh uska khada ho jaye.phir mere chacha shadi hote hi delhi shift ho gaye aur mujhe apni chachi...

4 years ago
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At The Library Chapter 1

I am in the stacks at the library. I fucking love the library. Endless shelves of books on every subject. I will often spend an afternoon as an indulgent treat for myself. And today there is nothing urgent that I have to attend to, so I am here.I am doing as I love to do, wandering and pulling books off of shelves until I have an armload full.  I am balancing the stack in both arms, pausing to tuck them under my chin when I spy something new and interesting to add to the pile.  My eyes scan...

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She turned into a Shemale

The weekend had just got under way and from the start of that Saturday you could tell something was in the air. She was acting like a shark with blood in the water.The day started with her rolling over and grabbing my Ballz with an aggressive fist, stretching them out, shaking my cock.The signs were there for a day filled with wonder and experimental crazy sex. The day moved along slow after that, we went out shopping, she tried on dresses to tease, we ate and just spent the day wandering...

1 year ago
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Paying For My Love

Copyright© 2004 He played smooch and stinkfinger with Daisy Till this virgin was gotch-eyed and hazy. Then his gargantuan pole in Her pink, tight, and swollen Young cunt just about drove her crazy. The door to mom's condo flew open, after the fourth knock, and mom was standing before me with a small private smile and looked almost anxious. "Oh Luc honey... your early?" My short voluptuous Asian mother was wearing a knee-length black skirt, white silk blouse, white hose and black...

1 year ago
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BackwardsChapter 4

Alice hung up the phone and sat for a long time, her hands folded. Alex now wanted to be transformed all the way, and she had given him detailed instructions to follow when he came to visit, in two days time. And now she had to perform the most painful of tasks, and so Alice delayed and delayed, thinking and talking to herself. "I've loved you more than any of the others," she said aloud. Her voice echoed around the empty halls. There was no one else in the house and now most of her...

2 years ago
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August, 1968 saw me on a thirty day leave in between bases leaving a Bitburg, West Germany enroute to Grand Forks, North Dakota. Visiting my Aunt Jo on Friday Harbor, Washington on an island in the San Juans my aunt who had first introduced me to smelling and licking her pussy when I was only six and she was fifteen asked me to do her a favour. “All depends what it is?” I told her. “My good friend Lisa is separated from her bastard of a husband, but she,s desperate for cock! I know you,re...

1 year ago
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Confessions of a Teenage Cock Teaser

Confessions of a Teenage Cock Teaser        My name is Nessa and I like to make boys cry.  I’ve got the perfect, exotic face and fine-boned body of a supermodel (in fact, I started modeling when I was 16).  My luxuriant teased brown hair hangs down almost to my waist and my toned skin is a tawny, olive color I got from my Sicilian grandmother. The only part of my body that isn’t super-slender are my gravity-defying size D tits (thanks to a boob job when I was 16).  Boys just can’t resist me. ...

2 years ago
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Dead Girls VengeanceChapter 3 Carols First Revenge

The Grotto had gotten a referral from what must have been an older girl’s version of our Grotto. Filene would do the jumps and stay with me while remaining invisible. But first I had to visit one of the few non-dead people who knew about The Grotto. We met with the one she called Mr. X. Filene said she wanted me to learn how to control my glamour. She explained, “Without that control, the living can see you but when they try to touch you they find that your image is as insubstantial as...

3 years ago
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VT a Lesbian Love Story Ch 06

Week Six:R & R Trin did not like being bedridden. She detested being waited upon, and she sure as hell hated the compression stockings affixed to her thighs. Since she got home from the hospital she would doze all day with Violet, and then allow herself to be dressed. Together they walked outside for a set number of blocks, then returned home. Violet had installed an air-conditioner into their room despite her own discomfort. Trin emotionally was withdrawn. She did not do much, mostly...

2 years ago
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And His Heart Melted

A word of warning before you proceed any further. These pages contain works of fiction, the religious nature of which may be offensive to some readers. Please use this site responsibly. By proceeding further you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age, and that the viewing of such material does not violate the immoral standards of your community. * * * * * And His Heart Melted Part I 1 — The Idea ‘John?’ ‘Yes, Angie?’ ‘You’re a virgin, aren’t you?’ ‘Yes–yes I am.’ They were...

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Her first time with mom gf

Looking back, it was a pretty twisted situation. Deb and I had started our second year of college, and were roomies again which was good because we got along really well. She was totally cool with my sexuality, and was even flattered when I admitted to her that yeah, she was really cute to me. She wasn't weirded out or anything. So she invited me to come with her to Thanksgiving break, because her home was a lot closer to the college than mine, and I didn't want to drive or ride another...

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Hot Tomboy Little Sister 4

One weekend we drove to Chicago to visit Dad’s parents, leaving Friday evening and riding late into the night. Caitlin and I rode in the back seat, and after a while Cait pulled a blanket over herself and stretched out, resting her pretty head on my thigh. I ran my hand affectionately through her velvety close-cropped hair, and the sensation, together with her warmth against my thigh, began to turn me on. When she rolled over to get more comfortable, she must have noticed my arousal, so near...

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Living LargeChapter 2

On her way home that evening, Jenny stopped in a local bookstore. She was a voracious reader with a particular interest in history. This evening though, she was looking for something different. She headed for the 'self-help' section. She has seen a book on a previous visit written by a woman who was big like her. The cover said something about being "big, bold and beautiful". It was a book about how women with large figures should accept themselves for who they were and not someone...

2 years ago
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CagedChapter 5 Eating Out

A flash of fear crossed her face. "Do you think I'm ready?" she asked. "What if I mess up, while out in public?" Thomas nodded. "As long as you do as I say, you can do no wrong." She was comforted by this. "I understand, Master. "Where are we going" "No place special. Just a diner." She was glad they were going no place special. "But I'll need to wear clothes." "In a way. You haven't really earned the right to wear clothing. But, I have something for you to wear, so you...

1 year ago
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Halo Ch 07

Hallo to all the people who have been following the story, sorry it has taken so long for me to post this chapter. Real life has intruded. Janey smoothed her nightie down over her breasts and stomach nervously before putting on her dressing gown and doing up the buttons that were in a row down the front of the garment. She had grabbed the nightie on impulse when she had returned to her Parents’ place and now regretted the impulsive action. The way the silky material brushed against her overly...

4 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 37

It was almost half past one when the cars rounded the final bend and drove slowly past the train station. The majority of houses were darkened and Maurice slowed down to almost a crawl to ensure they didn’t miss the turning. “Here! Here!” whispered Mike, pointing to his right. Maurice drove past, looking for any signs of life, almost hitting the steep bank that formed the edge of the field. “It looks more like a farm than a house, not really what I had imagined.” said Maurice, searching for...

3 years ago
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Discovery with Elliot Part Two

It was now break which I had been looking forward to for the whole of chemistry, not just to go see Elliot but to get away from the most annoying teacher in the world. So anyways I went to find Elliot which ended up in people sending me all over the place where they last saw him and eventually I found him in the canteen just finishing up and I sat down opposite him and started to move my foot up his leg towards his crotch but the bell rang and I nearly blew up, he just smiled and said “looks...

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Sharing The Gloryhole With My Wife

I’ve sucked cock and have had mine sucked by other men since I was a teenager but my Susan didn’t know. I’ve wanted to tell her over the years but could never find a way to bring it up. It occurred to me that whenever we watched a porn flick she always made the same remark, “They always show girl-on-girl, but never show guys fucking other guys.” Fast forward to a month later, we went to our local porn theater wearing our usual “easy access clothing” and settling into a row in the middle of the...

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Bhumi And Me 8211 Part I

Hello doston, Aaap sabka bahut bahut Dhnyawad jo apne response diya “Tanya & ME”. Main phir se hazir hoon ek dusre kahani ke saath.Main vicky Mumbai me rehata hoon, mera description apko meri pehli kahani mein mil jayegi. Yeh story Tanya ki ek friend BHUMI ke saath mere erotic massage and sex ki hai. Hua kuch yun ki Mera aur Tanya ka sex with massage chal rha thaa aur ek din Sex ke badd tanya ne bola Tanya.. Vicky ek baat karni hai, pehle promise karo ki tum inkaar nahi karoge Vicky.. promise...

4 years ago
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My First Sex With Padma Aunty 8211 Part II

Let’s continue the rest part. For those readers, who haven’t read first part of story, request you to read once for easy understanding this part. It’s a real story, just for making readers enthusiastic, have edited on few places. Thanks! After the first part incident, I became close to my aunt Padma. She looks very heavy and voluptuous figure. For god’s sake she never said anything to my mummy. Even I too became but liberal to her. The most interesting part I felt is an 18 yrs old boy having an...

3 years ago
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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 2

They checked in and got to their room just as the sun started to brighten the horizon. The king-sized bed looked very inviting but they unpacked and took their showers first. When she came out of the shower, towel drying her hair, Sam looked up and was surprised to see Amy wearing a bra and panties. "What's the occasion?" asked Sam. "I mean, I'm so used to you going to bed naked." She laughed. Then she saw that bra and panties were very skimpy and seductive in nature. "Silly. I wore...

3 years ago
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Sex With A Beautiful Doctor

Hello people. This is Raj again with a new and a real story. This happened between me and a doctor who is now my family doctor. Her name is Reena(name changed). She is in her early 30’s, married and has a 5-year-old son. Her figure is just to die for. Being a mother she has maintained herself perfectly. She is an ENT in a private hospital where I met her for the first time. I had some problem with my ear and so I had scheduled an appointment with ent. I was waiting for my turn and there was my...

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