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I never thought that something like this would even happen. I mean – there are some cheesy, unbelievable romance novels and sitcoms that have some pretty “wacky” situations. But I have never actually heard of or seen anything like the situation I am in right now.

I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just start from where my head is at right now.

“Aww, Liny, you know you can tell me anything.” my mother said, after a long minute of silence.
I had told her that I wanted to tell her something important. But then completely lost all ability to say anything at all.
“I know.” I replied. “But you say that because you assume that I would never say something you disapprove of.”
She laughed in a disquieting sort of way.
“Since your sixteenth birthday you’ve more or less stopped looking for my approval. Why start now?”
“Because this is important.”
“For heaven’s sake girl, if you don’t tell me then I’ll assume you’re pregnant and send you off to live with your grandfather.” mom said in exasperation. She wasn’t a very patient person. Maybe ironic for a radiologist – since she sees patients every day, but still.

“Ok. Mom. You know Sveta? Svetlana, a girl that I go to uni with?”
“Sure. The girl with the Russian name but the Arabic parents.” mom said, frowning in an effort to remember. “I think you said at some point that she was a hacker or something?”
“No. No, she studies programing. Programing students and digital art students work together a lot at school, that’s how we met.”
“But isn’t programing hacking?” mom asked, trying to remember what she saw on the news that one time about that one hacker.
“Don’t worry about it. She’s not a hacker, trust me.” I said, somewhat impatiently. I was not going to go down the rabbit hole of explaining technological terminology to mom right now.
“So what about her?”
“Well. This april she had asked me to join her for a hike. It was pretty lengthy, we walked twenty kilometers in murderous heat. When we came home, we decided to take a shower and watch some movies.”

I stopped there, thinking about how to proceed. But mom didn’t really let me formulate a proper train of thought.
“Oh. So you had Netflix and chill?” she asked, making the connection at the speed of light.
“Well, I have HBO instead of Netflix, but yes. In essence. That’s what happened. Mom. I’m in a pretty serious relationship with another woman.”

I had a weird, mixed feeling of both dropping a massive bomb, but also a feeling that the bomb landed on a soft, fluffy cloud and just fell asleep. Like I was in shock over saying the words out loud.

“Ok, so you say the word ‘relationship’ ...” mom said thoughtfully, not looking particularly upset or disturbed by what I had said. “… but does that mean that you are fully lesbian? Or only that you are in a relationship with this girl specifically?”
I had to pause and think about that one. I wasn’t really sure. I wasn’t really sure whether I even knew or not.
“How would I know?” I asked before I could stop myself. “Like … I like her a lot. We hang out and have a lot in common. I mean, all the prerequisites for us being together are there. It’s just that we both … wear bras.”

“Well. Do you find other women sexually attractive?” mom asked, far too casually in my opinion.
“Mom! No. No. All I wanted to tell you ...”
“Listen. If you are in love with another woman, that’s perfectly fine. But as your mother, I still would like to know these things. I would ask you similar questions if it was a man you were seeing.” she said simply. “That whole ‘gays are icky’ thing is pretty old, I think. It’s shallow to be upset by what other people are attracted to. Unless it’s nazi memorabilia, I would stay away from that.”
“What ...”
“My point is, we’ve never really had this talk. About girls and boys, vaginas and penises. And judging by how worried you were about telling me this, I think that I screwed up. If I had talked to you sooner, you would have known not to worry about telling me this.”

I thought about it. It made sense. My entire life, I’ve always sort of assumed that mom was asexual or something like that. Like sex was her cryptonite. Which obviously makes no sense, since she has two kids. And we didn’t just spawn in our designated rooms one day. I assume.

“Let’s do this.” mom said, as I was still pondering her words and unconsciously making indistinct noises. “Let’s play a game. I will ask you one question about you. And you, if you’d like, can ask a question about me. That way, we’ll know where exactly we stand on everything.”
That sounded like a really freaking scary game, if I was to be honest. But I was now curious enough to go along with it. If worse came to worst I would just not answer or lie.

“Sure.” I said. “But then I will ask first.”
“Alright, but let’s make coffee before anything. We’re sitting here like we’re at a goddamn interview. Want snacks?”
“What snacks do you have?”
“Uhm. Well. Grapes. And bananas. And oranges.” mom said. “I’m light on cash this month, so I had to go with the plant snacks.” she added, a bit apologetically.
“I mean. Everyone loves grapes.”
“That’s so true! A cake. Made out of watermelon flesh, but filled with grapes and raspberries. Just having that in my imagination makes me want to ...” she made a violent, crushing gesture. “I would wreck that thing so hard.”
“Mom, you’re going into trendy teen slang a bit too hard.” I criticized. “It’s expected of adults to keep a more … filtered vernacular.”
“Come on! I read facebooks and snapchats!” she exclaimed. “I can be the mom with the mouth.”
“Yes, but what would be way cooler is if you were just mom. You’re great at being just mom.”
There was a short silence.
“That is so sweet.” I finally heard mom say, with her back to me as she was pouring coffee. “But still. Do you use facebooks or anything? It’s surprisingly useful.”

She walked over to the couch – by the way, I had relocated to the couch during our conversation – and handed me my cup of coffee.
“Don’t get off topic.” I said. I was actually eager to ask her my question, now that I’d thought of a good one. “My question is – are you attracted to women? Like, any one woman ever?”
Mom looked surprised at the question. She paused for thought, her eyes looking out the window.
“Yes.” she said finally. “Weird, isn’t it? My question!”
“But wait...”
“Are you sexually attracted to all women, or just Svetlana?”
I sighed and tried to formulate an answer.
“So I think that I kinda have to use the process of elimination. Meaning I have to ask myself the question – am I attracted to men? And the answer is no. I remember actually being in school, wondering why all those trashy girls would hang around Michael, the ‘hot guy’ at our school. He just looked like any ordinary guy to me.
The truth is that I never really liked … anyone. Not sexually, at least. I don’t know. Maybe the problem is that looks just does nothing for me.”
I realized that towards the end there, I had started musing almost to myself and decided to shut up instead.

“Interesting.” mom replied, keeping her poker face. “Your turn.”
“Who was the woman?”
“Who was the woman what?” mom seemed genuinely confused.
“You know. Who was the woman that you were attracted to?”
“Ehm. All the ones that look like Katy Perry.”
“You mean Zoey Disney channel?”
“No, don’t be mean, she’s a nice girl!” mom exclaimed, but then let out a laugh. “But yes. I think – anyone I could beat in a fight I like. Because then I just could beat them into bed.”
“No. Mom, no, that’s bad. Don’t say that.” I covered my mouth with my hand in an almost comical expression of surprise.
“What? It’s my fantasy. I’ll be damned if I let someone walk away in my fantasy just because they’re ‘not feeling well’.” she shrugged.
“You know. Teenagers typically don’t like to talk to their parents about sexuality because they are scared of what they might find. This is a perfect example of what we fear to discover.”
“You know I was just joking.” mom said, smiling. “You really want to know who my first woman that I was attracted to was?”
“Yes. And how old were you?”
Mom was silent, but no longer smiling.
“I see why it was hard for you to talk to me about this.” she finally said. “It’s not not easy for me either.”
“Aww, mom, you know that you can tell me anything.” I replied, putting my hand on her shoulder.
“Yeah, but this gets complicated.” she shook her head. “You asked how old I was at the time. I will tell you who she was, but also keep in mind that I was fourteen at the time.”
I nodded and she went on.

“When I was fourteen, my father had this idea of taking the whole family on a vacation in Italy. So we traveled through Germany and Switzerland, the whole thing took three days, back then not all of the roads were large motorways, so we had to take some side routes as well. And this was pre-smart phone era, so I didn’t have to option to just watch cat videos the whole trip.

Me, mom and your uncle, Enam, were taking turns sitting in the front seat. We would switch at every toilet break. So this time, Enam was sitting in the front and me and my mother were sitting in the back.
And ...” mom paused here. She looked at me, but I was merely looking patiently at her, waiting to hear where this was going. “… so it was a rainy day, but pretty nice for us, the passengers. My dad would swear and mutter about the rain and about the terrible driving skills of all the other drivers.

But the rain was so therapeutic that we were starting to fall asleep. My mother fell asleep first. I remember this very clearly. She was wearing a summer dress, it was summer after all and we had been expecting a sunny day.
Under that summer dress she wore no bra. As she fell asleep, her dress crumpled up at her bosom and from the side – through her crumpled, short sleeve – I could see her really jolly nice breasts. I’ll never forget them. I couldn’t take my eyes off of them.

So. That was the first time I fantasized about a woman. My dear, old mum.”
I only realized that my mouth had been open when I closed it with an audible click of my teeth.
“Wow. Grandma?”
“Yes.” mom laughed. “I’ll remind you that I was both fourteen and it was a really long car drive.”

When mom had initially said that her story was complicated, I had sort of dismissed that. But now I realized that what she was probably wondering was whether or not I had been attracted to her at some point.
And I really, really wanted to just say “No! Never!”. But there was a problem. As I was about to say - “Well mom, I at least want you to know that I’ve never thought of you that way.” - a memory surfaced in my mind. A painful and pleasurable memory all at once. It was a memory of me sitting on the floor, pretending to read something on my phone, all the while I was watching mom as she slept on the couch in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. He butt was hanging off of the edge of the couch. The sunlight seemed to playfully dance across her exposed skin. And I just couldn’t take my eyes away. Looking at that butt was like looking at the mysterious butt of Mona Lisa.

“You’re wondering, aren’t you?” I asked mom finally. “Whether I’ve had a similar ‘moment’?”
“Yes. But if you can’t or won’t tell me, that’s fine. I don’t need to know either way. I just want you to understand, with my little story, that it’s perfectly natural to be attracted to many, many different things. Just stay away from nazi memorabilia.”
“Ok. So we’ll get back to you and grandma, but what’s up with the nazi memorabilia?”
“It was a joke!”
“What kind of a joke is that!?”
“It’s from that damn commercial.” mom laughed. “There is a starving, African kid – no specific country, just ‘Africa’. The country of Africa. The general area of Africa. Anyway, the kid is scrawny and over the footage of that kid, a voice says ‘No one deserves to grow up without a father’. And for some reason, Maria, a co-worker, when that commercial came on, she added to it:
‘No one deserves to grow up without a father. Unless you are Hitler’.
It made me laugh so much. Now I can’t get it out of my head.”
“I’m … glad that orphan in Africa makes you happy.” I said, not really believing the words that were coming out of my mouth.
“Aww, you teenagers are such prudes! In my day, we could talk and laugh about anything! Because everything was terrible! Have you seen the television sets from the nineties and eighties? They are criminally awful. I can’t believe I used to watch them all the time. How could I even tell what was going on?”

We fell silent and just sipped our coffee for a while.
“Life’s weird.” I commented after it became apparent that we weren’t playing the game any more.
“Oh, it gets really weird.” mom agreed. “One of our chiefs of staff left their post last month. Apparently they had been sending weekly emails to the government’s official ‘contact us’ email address with increasingly crazy conspiracy theories about what was going on in the hospital.

Before he left, we had an auditor come and examine the MRI machinery because apparently one of the conspiracy theories that the man had was that the MRI machine was exposed to the internet and all scans were being uploaded to external servers. Apparently his explanation for how it could work in theory was so convincing that they had to send someone to confirm that what he was saying was nonsense.”

“Weird.” I agreed. “There was this one time...” I stopped. I was about to tell her about me thinking of her butt at night while I played with myself. That wouldn’t do. That wouldn’t do at all. I decided to call it quits for today. “There was this one time I had a really nice conversation with my mom about all sorts. But I think I’m gonna go and have a nap.”
“Don’t nap too hard, or you’ll hurt yourself.” mom smiled, and took my empty cup with her to the kitchen.
I shook my head and went to my room.

So I am actually a student, but I live at home. Since I live in Copenhagen, I have the luxury of not requiring to live in any kind of a dorm. Our public transport system is punctual to within two minutes to the mark. In fact, public transport inspectors track lateness of buses. If a bus fails to leave the origin station at its designated time, the bus company gets a fine. If the bus is the late to other stops within a certain window, they also get a fine. There’s a lot of incentive to keep the public transport system running well-oiled in Copenhagen.

I’m not sure why I decided to tell the story from that point. I guess that’s where all of the crazy things had started.
As you can tell, mom and I get along pretty great. The only fight we had in recent memory was about our personal smart phone preference. Mom likes the shiny, Samsung ones. But I have a Blackberry. I like the keyboard and I have no shame.

But from this point onward, I just … couldn’t tear the picture of my mom’s butt out of my head. I know what it sounds like. I don’t like it any more than you do. But this is where we’re at.
When I got to my room I called Sveta to tell her about my mom’s reaction. She had been pretty anxious about it too.
We had both agreed to tell our parents this weekend – this was a sunday by the way.

“So how did she respond?” Sveta asked, after I told her that I had spoken to my mom.
“Really well. Like – it was no big thing to her at all. I think it would be no problem for you to come and visit tomorrow. We can hang and everything.”
“And your dad?”
“Still not living with us. They’ve been separated for years, they don’t do social visits to each other.”
“Yes, but have you told him?”
“No … I don’t know if I should. I don’t know what the point would be. Have you told your parents?”
“I … didn’t find the right opportunity. We had a small problem.”
“What kind of problem?”
“We had a row again. It’s that old argument about ‘computer games’. Like my programing classes are just games to me. My parents are back asswards in their mindset. They don’t even believe in electric cars. I love them. But I also wish I could just tell them to get fucked.”

I’d heard this before. Svetlana’s family was that kind of family that when someone asked you “So how’s your family?” you would answer “Well, you know. You pick your friends, not your family”.
Meaning that most people would never pick this family for anything. They cared a lot about Sveta. But also had no idea what they were doing, or so it seemed to me. In Iraq, her dad had worked as a navigational manager for a local transportation company. Local to Baghdad anyway. And back then, everything was run using paper ledgers and folders, not laptops and smart phones. When the war finally came to Baghdad they moved to Denmark and the “pen and paper” attitude came along with them.
Though they have more or less made themselves at home in Copenhagen, they still seem to be under the impression that programing is just some kind of a fad.

“Listen. Tell them that you will ‘think about it’. And come over to my place. I, at least, support your career choice.” I told her over the phone.
“No, if I leave now it will only get worse tomorrow.”
“So what you’re saying is that you want to stay with me for two days? We can arrange that.”
“No, no. I need to deal with this on my own.”
“You know how sometimes you talk to a person one day and that person is really, really trying to sell an idea to you really hard and really passionately. But then you talk to that person the day after. And for some reason, they seem to be a bit blasé about the whole thing now. Do you know why that happens?”
There was a silence over the phone as she thought over the problem. “Because they found out that it was bullshit?” Sveta asked.
“Well. Ok, maybe. But what I meant was that time changes perspective. I promise you that time is all you need to calm this situation down. It’s always like that. Someone shouts for a while, gets it out of their system. Then, the day after, they are back to normal.”
“Yeah, I guess I know what you mean.” she agreed. “I’ll see if I can sneak out. I’ll call you when I’m nearby.”
“Ok, bye, call soon!”

“Linnea?” I heard mom call me from the hallway. “Svetlana is here to see you.” As she poked her head into my room, she added “She looks like it’s been raining.”
I looked out the window at the sunshine outside, perplexed.
Regardless, I went out to greet her and saw instantly what mom meant. Her eyes were slightly puffy and her makeup, which she had at one point tried to re-apply, was running down her cheeks.
“Your family seem like such a nice bunch.” I said, trying to make a joke.
“Don’t talk to me about them.” she nearly hissed.
“Well … we have grapes and coffee. Come in and make yourself comfortable.” mom said, breaking the ice like a surgeon with a sledgehammer.

I took her hand and led her into my room. There I sat her down on my bed and looked into her eyes.
“Want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”
“Want to … I don’t know, sit and cry for a while?”
“Not really.” she chuckled.
“Man, you’re hard to please. Mom wasn’t kidding about the have grapes. Want some?”
“No.” she said in a tiny voice I hadn’t heard from her before. “I just want to sit here with you for a while.”
Something happened in my heart as she said that. A deeply warm feeling spread through my chest. Something that was either a medical condition or deep, tangible affection.

We both laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. We were holding hands, our fingers intertwined. I was on her right and she was on my left.
She smelled of something that I can only describe as warmth. Like how sunlight smells. I snuggled my head close to hers.

And at some point around there – I fell asleep.
The rain was soothingly beating against the windows of the car. I looked around, wondering when we were going to arrive. I was about to open my mouth and ask, but just as I did I noticed that mom was asleep on the seat next to me.
I considered waking her up anyway, I was bored and there was nothing to do in the car. But the further the car drove, the bumpier the road became.
I was annoyed at first. “These south European countries need to get their shit together and start taking care of their infrastructure.”
But out of the corner of my eye I noticed that slowly, but steadily – my mom’s summer dress was slipping off of her shoulders. I turned my head to watch so quickly that I almost broke my neck.
In fact, the dress was so far down already that I could see the top of her areolas.
The car came to some turn and as we turned, her dress slipped even further down, completely revealing her soft, pale breasts. Each one of them was just slightly smaller than the size of my head.
They swung and swayed with the motion of the car.

Not sure what to do in a situation like this, I proceeded only to observe. I didn’t want to wake and embarrass her. And I didn’t want this little gift I’d received to be covered up either.
But as we kept on driving, I realized that the dress was still slipping off every time the car turned. It was so far down her body that I could see the shading of her pubic hair.
I had to close my eyes for a second because they were at risk of popping right out of my head.

Nervously looking at mom’s sleeping face, I quickly shoved my right hand down my panties. The amount of fluid in there could have drowned someone if they approached unprepared. I was sure that I was going to cum any second, just a minute and I would be finished.
I started fingering myself as quickly, and quietly, as I could. And tough I was really horny, the edge kept moving just beyond reach.
The more my fingers played and rubbed and probed and prodded, the more on edge I became, but it’s like there was a fence there at the edge that I couldn’t quite get over.

All this time that I was playing with myself, I kept my eyes fixed on my mom’s crotch and breasts. I could smell the smell of my own scent everywhere and knew that I couldn’t keep it hidden. But I also had good reason to assume that my parents didn’t know what my sex scent smelled like.
Looking at her breasts, I got the impossibly appealing urge to just quickly reach out and grab them.
I used my left hand to squeeze my own breast, but it just wasn’t the same. I squeezed it anyway for a while because it felt nice and was really sensitive right now.
Now or never.

I had to do it, because I knew, somewhere deep in my subconscious that if I just stroked my mom’s tits that I would have an amazing orgasm. My non-subconscious (regular conscious) agreed that it was very likely. Holding my breath and hoping that the car wouldn’t explode, my hand reached out and softly touched the breast.

To my horror – mom looked down.
“Huh. I see what you’re trying to do. But it’s down here.”
With that she took my hand and moved it down to her vagina. Her pubic hair was silky smooth and now that my fingers were stroking it, I realized that small drops of ‘excitement’ were everywhere in her pubic hair.
She wanted me to help her reach an orgasm. Maybe as much as I wanted her to help me reach an orgasm. This seemed, to my mind, to be a very beneficial arrangement for both of us.
Both of my hands relocated to my mother’s body.
Looking into her eyes, I slowly put first one, then two fingers inside of her.
All the while, her eyes had that joking, mischievous look about them. Like we were doing something naughty. And we were.

As my fingers moved slowly in and out, with me putting pressure upwards when inside, I started to sort of get a feel for the surrounding area of her mound. She had a soft, dark bush around her vulva and so the features weren’t fully visible. But as my fingers went all the way in, my palm rested on her vulva. It was really puffy, soft and warm. Much more pronounced than mine was, and to me it felt really erotic.
I moved my hand in a small, circular motion, petting the kitten – so to speak.
And then she put one finger inside of me. Oh my god. I wasn’t prepared for it and just the feeling of her hand pushing the finger in drove me quickly to the edge of the edge. I felt like a sledge hammer had knocked down the fence and I was in free fall.

My head, dizzy from the heady feelings, fell onto her chest, onto her warm bosom. Instinctively, I grabbed a nipple in my mouth to kiss it and lick it.
I felt the orgasm build up. I squeezed my thighs together to keep her hand where it was and -...

I don’t know how much time passed, but I woke up by something pulling on one of my toes.
“It’s dinner.” mom said, her face hovering above mine. “It’s dinner now. Come on. Get up.”
“Grapes memorabilia.” I said, confused by the dream I’d been having. I didn’t want to accidentally say what I had just been doing in the dream, but I couldn’t think of coherent sentences that didn’t involve “Fuck me, oh my god, please make me cum”.

I paused. Did I say that last sentence out loud? I looked around. Mom was looking at me, waiting for me to get up. Sveta was asleep next to me. Ok, so I had managed to keep my mouth shut. Thank god.

The sun was almost completely down. Though there was still some kind of light illuminating the outside, it was clearly dark now.
We lived on the sixth floor in an apartment in a fairly reputable part of town. Not to say that we haven’t lived in our fair share of shit-holes, after mom separated with dad. Housing in any capitol is an issue and a huge cluster-fuck, unless it’s like … Iceland where housing is not only available, it’s mandatory. But the result of us living so far up was that we didn’t see the lights from the streetlights down on our street, making nights a bit darker for residents of upper stories.

“Hey Sveta, get up. There be food.” I said, nudging her gently into consciousness.
“Yes, dad.” she muttered and kept on sleeping.
“It’s me. Linnea. Do I really look old enough to be your father? I barely even have a beard.” I said, not really expecting a reply back.
“No, you look lovely.” she said, waking up. “I just want to kiss you and -...” she broke off as she noticed that we weren’t alone. “-… and high-five you. And study with you.”
“Uh. Mom knows.” I reminded her. “But still, we should get up. I didn’t expect that we’d fall asleep for so long. I kind of feel like we wasted the whole day.”
“But it was a good sleep.” Svetlana said, smiling.
“I can’t argue with that.” I agreed, thinking back to my dream. And boy what a vivid dream that was. Typically, I didn’t remember even one percent of what happened to me in my dreams.
It was always something vague about me going to get ice cream, but there was no ketchup at the store so the whole day was ruined because what kind of a fool eats ice cream without ketchup? Nonsense like that.

The food was fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms.
“It smells really good.” Svetlana said, appreciatively sniffing the air.
“Wait until you taste it. That’s when it really picks up in impressiveness.” mom said, placing drinks for all of us on the table. “I didn’t even burn it.”
At first when we sat down and started eating, things were silent. Not entirely awkward, just silent in us being busy shoving food into our mouths.
“So Svetlana.” mom said eventually. “How are you doing at school? I hear that you are a hacker, is that right?” I was sure she said that intentionally to get under my skin.
“Ehm … not exactly. I study programing with focus on assembly systems. Not very flashy, unfortunately. Everyone keeps asking me if I make phone apps.” Sveta laughed, patting her chest abscentmindedly.
“But can you hack into banks and so on?” mom asked, persisting with the hacker thing.
“I mean. No but yeah. Maybe. It depends. Depends on the bank, and on what you want to accomplish. I mean, technically – you don’t need to know programing to steal from a bank, you could just steal someone’s bank card, couldn’t you?”
“But you’d need to know their pin.”
“Yeah, but say you watch them enter their pin.”
“Good point, I guess.” mom conceded. “So, how did you two love birds actually meet?”
Sveta seemed to turn slightly more red at the question.
“Our classes work together a lot.” I said. “Part of being a digital artist it being able to convert metrics, you know – numbers and statistics – into easy to read, visual representations. We had a course together called ‘visual code’ and she was my work partner.”
“And I guess that’s when things got really heated between the two of you?” mom asked, raising one eye-brow as though she found that hard to believe.
“What? You met dad in high-school. How is that any more appropriate?” I asked, indignant.
“We were at his place and playing tag. Our rules were that since he was faster, he couldn’t use his hands to tag me, so he had to use his penis.”
“Whaaat.” I exclaimed, as Sveta laughed nervously. “Nooo. No. That’s not true.”
“It’s completely true. I was wearing a strap-on we had found in his parents’ room.” mom said, reminiscing. “To make it more even. Although I had some length advantage with it.”
“No way. So he was running around the house, tagging things with his … thing?”
“With his dongle, yes.” mom confirmed. “He was still pretty quick with it.”
“I have no words.”
Sveta had just given up at this point and was laughing into her cup of pepsi. Yes. We’re a pepsi family. I like the blue colour.

“That’s not how we met.” Sveta said finally, indicating me and her.
“How long have you known that you were homosexual?” mom asked, letting the question stay open for either of us to answer.
“Always.” Sveta replied. “Even when I was younger, I thought that the Barbie dolls I was playing with were ...”
“Like super hot.” I finished the sentence for her. “They have some really perky tits. No sag what so ever.”
Sveta just blushed.
“And you?” mom looked at me.
“We were over this earlier.” I reminded her. “Probably when I met Sveta, I think.” I said, neglecting to mention that time her butt looked into my soul. “But thinking back, there were just small things that now seem like pretty obvious clues. I think the problem is that I’ve never really been ‘into’ anyone before.”
“You’ve never had a boyfriend?” Sveta asked curiously.
“No. I mean, all the friends I’ve had in elementary and high school were more or less … what is a nicer word for idiots? We all were. None of us really focused on anything other than just making noise, now that I think back to my time at school. Thinking back, I feel like I’m an entirely different person now.”
“You’re still my baby girl.” mom reassured me. “But yeah, you did calm down a lot in the last three years.”
“How about you?” I asked Sveta.
“No. I’ve always been too shy to talk about who I liked. And never really had the opportunity to be with the girls I was interested in. I was actually hoping that it would be different at university, and it really is. Everyone is so much more … serious. I thought I would like it more like this, where everyone are just focused on their work. But I feel now that people are actually trying to work themselves to death.”
“Seriously?” I asked, considering the idea. “In my class, they have basically daily ‘beer fridays’. It started as a friday thing, but their concept of ‘friday’ isn’t very clear. Friday is more a state of mind than a specific day.”
“Well. You guys are artists after all.” Sveta laughed.
“So do your class mates know about you two?” mom asked.
“No. I don’t think so. But I don’t think they care either.” I said.
“We’ve … sort of been very discreet until now.” Sveta confirmed. “I’m happy that you are so nice about it.” she added to my mom.
“Well, I can’t say that I’ve never wanted to try the sweet taste of peaches.” mom said, leaning back and taking a sip from her glass. “To wander amongst the cherry blossoms. To tip toe through the tulips. To motorboat the seas. It would be hypocritical of me to be against it.”
“So you are ...” Sveta started the sentence, but then caught herself and couldn’t think of a good way to end it.

This reminded me of something. Earlier today when I was talking to mom, she said that her first – first – memory of being interested in a woman was when she was fourteen with her mom, my grandma.
“Oh yeah.” I said, raising a finger for attention. “You told me about the first time. But if that was the first, does it mean that there were other times?”
“What was the first time?” asked Sveta, curiously.
“Oh, I was young and I just mistook Hilary Clinton for Bill Murray. Had a lovely afternoon with that.” mom waved Sveta’s question away. “The second time? The second time was when I was already married to your dad actually.”
“Bill Murray?” asked Sveta, still hanging onto her question.
“With my dad?” I asked.
“Ok. You two nosy shits get into the living room and I’ll bring a bottle of wine, got it?” mom asked, pointing at us, probably measuring our reaction.
“We get to drink?” I asked, incredulous. “Won’t that lead to a crippling cocaine addiction later on in life?”
“Yes, but if you’re smart, you can make some good money selling drugs, or so I hear.” mom replied. “You alright with that, Svetlana, or do you want some coffee, tea or something instead?”
“No, I’m fine … if it’s ok with you.” she replied, her eyes really big from either surprise or excitement. “I don’t mind. But I’d rather you didn’t tell my parents about any of this. They can be a bit difficult.”
“So I noticed.” mom said. “What stays in Vegas, comes to Vegas.”
“You mean ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’.”
“Don’t try and be clever with me.” mom snapped back, but clearly jokingly.

As we made ourselves comfortable in the living room mom brought us all glasses of wine. We actually had a set of really fancy-looking wine glasses from the thirties. They were octagonal, with each side having a fancy, lace-like pattern molded in the glass. I wasn’t sure as to how it was made exactly, but it looked really exquisite.
“So the second time.” mom said, taking a small sip of wine. “Actually not very exciting. But better than the first one. I was in my third year of university and we were all sent out as interns at different hospitals. So I was an intern at the national hospital, here in Copenhagen. Doing some MRI scans. Helping out over at ER. And another one of the girls that was there with me from my class – well, she eventually dropped out because she realized that even though she liked medicine and science, she hated the actual patients.” mom laughed at that. “I guess it’s good that she was at least honest about it, but still.

So one day went to her place to get a couple of drinks and just chat. We were supposed to be a bigger group, but there was some problem with the shifts and the people that we were supposed to meet ended up having to take different shifts. Happens all the fucking time. The administration is run by a random numbers generator, so it’s a bit messy.

So we get to her place from work. Instead of going out, we figure – hey. Why not spend some time just here, sitting and watching TV and talking crap about other people?
So she goes to change into some comfy clothes. And she’s not shy at all around me, her tits are all over the place. Swinging around, going over to change this, do that, pick that up. I’m standing there watching as she almost intentionally stretches to roll down her stockings, and reach something from a top shelf.”

Suddenly mom laughed.
“What?” I asked, curious.
“You two should see your faces. It’s like dogs, pressed up against the window of a cat factory.”
Sveta turned her face away, going really red.
“Don’t be embarrassed, Sveta.” I say. “Listen, mom does this. She really, really wants to be cool with the kids. You can’t let her see that she gets to you, you’ll only encourage her.”
“But you were basically salivating.” mom said, intentionally emphasizing the word ‘salivating’.
“Yeah, I was salivating because I was listening to a juicy story. There were tits everywhere, you said.” I answered, laughing. “Go on, what did the tits do?”

“Like I said, it’s not a very exciting story. But you were wondering whether I’ve ever been with another woman more intimately, and the answer is no. We didn’t break down, spending the night kissing each other.” mom shook her head.
“Is that what you think we do?” I laughed at the idea. Just clamped onto each other like vacuums.
“I’m not a five year old.” mom scoffed. “I understand the basic concept of eating someone out.” After a short pause she added: “Oh don’t look shocked. Do you seriously think that I don’t know the basics of lesbian sex? Come on. I know the basics of gay guy sex too, but there’s not chance of me being a gay man.”
“Well, given what we learned today it wouldn’t be too shocking.” I countered.

I was feeling oddly comfortable talking about sex and sexuality in this company. And I could tell by the relaxed posture of Sveta that she was comfortable too.

“So Sveta. What was your first time?” mom asked.
“You don’t have to answer.” I said quickly.
But after a moment of thought, she smiled and nodded. “No, it’s fine. First time that I thought of a woman in a sexual way, or first time I was with a woman?”
“Oh, so you’ve had other women before!” I exclaimed, partly in mock-outrage and partly in genuine surprise. “So when did you lose your virginity?”
“Well. I’ve never had penetrative sex.” Sveta replied, looking at us wonderingly. “I’m not sure on how the ‘virginity’ switch works, but I was under the impression that you needed to be penetrated, right? Something about the hymen?”
“But no, because wouldn’t your fingers suffice then? Like, what’s the difference?” I objected. I wasn’t entirely sure on how this whole hymen thing worked.
“A hymen isn’t a wall somewhere inside of your vagina.” mom sighed. “It’s like a sinew or membrane on the sides of your vagina’s entry. Like the supports of a doorway. The ‘breaking’ of the hymen is just stretching your vagina wide enough for it to tear. If that sounds like a not very reliable way of telling virginity then you’re right. It’s not.”
“Wait. I thought it was on the inside.” I said, unconsciously massaging my crotch. “Like … at the depth of a penis length.” saying that out loud made it sound really stupid, I realized.
“No such thing.” mom shook her head. “I don’t actually why the world thinks that there is some kind of a ‘shower cap’ inside of us. So actually, yes. It’s possible that if you only use fingers that you won’t tear your hymen. But it’s also possible for it to heal up again when torn. Like I said, it has nothing to do with virginity.”
“Well. Then when do you stop being a virgin?” Sveta asked.
“I’ve no idea.” mom replied. “It used to be pretty simple. If you’ve had a penis inside of your vagina then you were no longer a virgin. Technically, maybe you two will remain virgins forever, who knows?”
While I pondered this idea, Sveta went on with her story.
“So the first time I thought of a woman in a sexual way was actually my Danish teacher in elementary school. I thought that she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Though at the time, I was maybe ten or so.
I remember fantasizing about her … ravaging me-…” Sveta began to blush “-… just taking me and making love to me. I remember not even knowing what she would do to me. Just that we would kiss and it would feel good.” she laughed at herself. “I’ve upgraded my imagination since.”
“I can imagine. How young were you when you were with a woman for the first time?” I asked her.
“I’ll tell you. But this has to stay in this room and never leave it, ok?” she said, making sure that both me and mom nodded before going on. She took a big gulp of wine. “Last year our whole family went on vacation to Mallorca. It’s this really popular tourist island in Spain.
So we had three hotel rooms. One for me and my cousin. One for mom and her sister. One for dad and my mom’s sister’s husband.”
Both me and mom instantly went “Oooh.”
“No, you both are jumping ahead.” she shushed us by waving her hands. “My cousin is this really hard-core muslim, she is needlessly strict when it comes to the Quran. Just a pain in the ass to live with. I wouldn’t touch her even if we weren’t related.

What happened was – one morning she got fed up with trying to wake me up, and left for breakfast on her own. During the time she was gone I started waking up. And I felt a bit … you know. I was a bit horny. So I started touching myself. I let the covers slip off and I just lay there, enjoying myself. And then I nearly had a heart attack.
Apparently between the time that my cousin left and I started touching myself, the cleaning maid had come into the room. She had probably not seen that I was still there because I was buried under the blankets.
So she is looking at me like a deer in the head-lights. I am looking at her like she threw a bucket of cold water at me. And we just stare at each other for what feels like … I don’t like to exaggerate, but it was definitely at least a hundred years.
Then I moved. What I did was I removed my hand away from my … uhm … “
“Vagina?” mom prompted.
“Yes, my vagina. And I placed it on the bed next to me, because I meant to get up. Like, push myself off of the bed. But. The way it must have looked to her was that I basically spread myself for her now. Like I was inviting her.
And – for some reason – she must have thought ‘Yeah, alright. I’ve got time for this’.”
Mom burst out laughing.
“Wait, so you had sex with the hotel maid?” I asked, genuinely surprised at this.
“I know. It’s not very romantic. But I’ve heard a lot of ‘first time’ stories online, about how it’s sometimes painful or difficult for the first time. And it seems that my first time was well above average.
All we did was – she came closer to me and then positioned herself on top of me, like you would see women sit on a man’s … penis.”
“Dongle.” mom corrected her.
“Yes, the dongle.” Sveta laughed. “But she sat a bit lower on my legs, so that she could put her fingers inside of me. And then she swayed on top of me in time with her fingers moving in and out of me.
But I was really still at first, because I wasn’t expecting this to happen. It was like one of my fantasies, but in real life. I wasn’t sure what to do, what to grab. Like, would it be rude of me to just grab her chest then and there? In retrospect, I should have. But I was just waiting for cues from her.
After a while she actually paused and pulled up her dress skirt. She was wearing one of those black uniforms with skirts instead of trousers, you know what I mean? Like flight attendants wear.
She pulled the skirt up, and I moved my hand directly to her crotch. I wasn’t even thinking.” Sveta paused at this point to drink some more wine. “It’s actually interesting, now that I think back to the event, that she was already soaking wet when I put my hand inside of her panties. I wonder what she had been doing in our bathroom. I don’t think she was just cleaning it.” Sveta laughed.
“Thank you for those details.” I said, feeling very hot and basically chugging wine.
“Did you see her again?” mom asked, leaning her head to the side.
“Well. Every time I saw her after that, we kind of … winked at each other. Or smiled. But no, we didn’t do anything else.” Sveta shook her head, squinting, seemingly trying to remember a year back in time.
“And how was your first time?” mom turned to me.
“You want to know my first time?” I asked, exchanging an embarrassed look with Sveta.
“Yeah. Now that we’re all sharing.”
Oh boy. I had to admit that I was really excited to talk about it, especially since Sveta and I hadn’t really talked too much about it. We’ve mostly just been doing affirmation. Like “Yes, we did that!”. Rather than sit down and discuss it.

“First time was on the bus.” I said. “We took the bus together, late in the evening one day. Literally no one but us and the driver was on board.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Sveta exclaimed. “I’d forgotten about that one. I can’t believe we did it there.”
“What did you do exactly?” mom said, her eyes cautious, as though she thought we publicly urinated or something.
“Nothing big. But it was at the start of that week, if I don’t misremember, that we had for the first time talked about being more than just friends. And we would take every possible opportunity for a kiss. And we still do!” I winked at Sveta with a smile.
“Then do it now!” mom said. “I’ll cheer you on, like a personal … you know how people have personal lawyers or bodyguards? I’ll be your personal cheerleader!”
“That’s … bizarre, don’t do that.” I said, trying to make her sit back down.
But she stood up and did a little dance while saying “Give me a K! Give me an I! Give me an S! And another S! Give me a kiss!”
While I was trying to hide, Sveta moved closer to me and gave me, what was to date, the most sensual kiss we’d ever shared.
For a short moment, I completely forgot everything that was going on. Our tongues met, our lips closed, and I felt our saliva mixing inside. It was wet and a bit sloppy actually, but her scent was so powerful and her body was radiating so much heat that it completely overwhelmed my senses.
As our kiss went on, I realized that our hands were roaming around, touching our bodies.
Gently I grasped Sveta’s wrists and, smiling slightly, pulled away from the kiss.

“Cheerleading does make a difference.” I said. “That one was pretty good.”
“That one was amazing.” Sveta corrected me with a satisfied smile.
“I never knew I had an inner athlete.” mom grinned, looking at the two of us. “Maybe I should take up cheerleading?”
“Let’s not do things.” I sighed. The wine decided that this specific sentence didn’t need any more work.
“We spent that entire bus ride kissing.” Sveta said, holding my hand tightly to her chest in her own hand. “I am sure that the bus driver saw us kissing, by the way. But after the first two stops, with no one getting on the bus, Linnea started to move her hand along my inner thigh. Like – all the way up to here-… “ Sveta marked a line from her lower thigh all the way up into her crotch.
“In my defense, I didn’t even know that we were the only people on the bus at that point. I was just thrilled that this was happening. My hands wanted to go everywhere, under your t-shirt, into your pants. You know that joke – where when someone posts a picture of an octopus, someone else always writers ‘I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going’? It was kind of like that, I was the octopus. Just hands everywhere.”
“Nooo.” Sveta said, shaking her head. “It wasn’t like that at all. You really fixated on my vagina and breasts, but I was the one running my hands everywhere.”

“Let’s just say that we weren’t really controlling our hands to any significant degree.” I said, a bit surprised at her comment. “The thing is that Sveta smells really nice. So that when we were kissing – I kind of had trouble paying attention to what I was doing specifically. I just knew the general direction that I wanted us to go in.”
I moved in and kissed Sveta again to feel that fragrance.
“See what I mean?” I said, when I pulled back again.
Both mom and Sveta burst out laughing.
“What?” I asked, confused. My brain not realizing that they wouldn’t know how I thought that Sveta smelled from me smelling her.
“I’ve never kissed her, I wouldn’t know.” mom said, still laughing, but I felt something change in Sveta’s posture.
“Oooh.” I said, looking at the two of them. “I know what to do.”
“No.” mom said, realizing what I wanted.
“But no, wait. Remember, all roads lead to Vegas. And you’re the only one here who hasn’t kissed a real, true woman.” I persisted.
“Are you sure?” Sveta asked, hesitantly but not reluctantly. “And it’s what Stays in Vega-...”
“It’s only fair.” I interrupted her. I looked at my glass of wine. It was full. I thought back to how many times it had been full this night. And then to how many times it had been empty. The bottle of wine on the table was empty. I just haven’t been paying attention to the fact that it had been magically refilling itself.

I wondered to myself whether this was drunk me talking, or whether I was actually thinking – on my own terms – that this was a really good idea.
I decided to err on the side of caution and assume that it was my idea, and not the alcohol talking. Since I am more reliable than the alcohol, it would make sense that I would have this great idea.

Needless to say, drunk me was an idiot. Then again, I can’t really speak too many praises of the sober me either.

“Yes. You should totally kiss.” I added as moment of silence passed, with mom and Sveta looking first at each other, and then at me. “I would love for us all to have this deeper connection, you know?”
With that, mom sat herself down on my right-hand side, as Sveta was sitting on my left.
She took Sveta’s hand into her own and leaned forward, inviting Sveta to move in as well.
Sveta took the hint and their lips met right in front of my eyes.

Sveta put her hand gently on my mom’s face. I watched as their mouths worked, softly, smoothly moving, massaging each other’s tongues. And after a couple of heart beats, they pulled away.
And as they pulled away from each other, they looked nothing other than absolutely radiant.
They were both flushed and Sveta was slightly flustered.
Then mom suddenly laughed out loud and me and Sveta joined in. It wasn’t really a “Haha, that’s funny” laugh. It was more a laugh of relief, of tension easing.

I put my arms around them both, going around their waists. And they both sat down on either side of me. Sveta leaned into me and gave me a peck on the lips.
“This is really nice.” she said, resting her head on my shoulder.
“I agree.” my mom said, leaning into me from the other side.
“Aren’t we all chummy.” I said, almost to myself. Something was going through my head. Something that wasn’t really painful, but still difficult to think about. Something that felt a lot like ‘I want to have sex with my mother’.
“What’s up?” Sveta asked.
“No … it’s nothing.” I said slowly, my brain feeling muddy and unfocused.
“You can tell us. I think, after what we’ve said and done today, you can say anything really.” mom said, finishing off her glass of wine. “Wouldn’t be fair if we stopped here.”
“No, it wouldn’t be fair.” I agreed. “But … I don’t want to make this really weird right now.”
“I think we’re past that.” Sveta said. She was slowly sliding down into the soft depth of the couch. Like she was trying to relax harder with every second.
“It’s just that I really like you.” I said to Sveta. “Like, I really, genuinely want to be with you and have you in my life.”
“That’s sweet.” my mom said in an uncharacteristically high-pitched voice.
“And I want to be with you!” Sveta exclaimed, raising her head. “Forever. You can have me.”
“Ok, cool but melodramatic.” I said, but I couldn’t stop my face splitting in a huge smile at that.
“So what did you want to say?” she asked.
“Right.” I felt that show was a lot better than tell in this situation.
So I decided to show them what I wanted to do. I stood up and took off my blouse. They were both watching me carefully, observing the direction in which I was steering this ship.
I put the blouse in a careful heap on the floor somewhere behind me.
Then I unclasped my bra. I felt, rather than heard, their intake of breath.

My breasts weren’t that big, B-cups, but they had a nice pout and firmness to them that I liked personally.
I dropped the bra behind me as well.
Then I went to unbutton my jeans and mom let out an “Oooh.”. A kind of conflicted “Oooh” that I agreed with whole heartedly.
I took my jeans off and added them to the pile on the floor. My filing system required a bit of work, but I figured I’d find all the clothes later one way or another.
For a brief moment I stood there, watching them both. Then I approached Sveta and put my hands on her thighs. I parted her thighs and went in to kiss her. I kissed her as passionately as we had kissed before, this time sparks flying everywhere, our noses brushing against eachother, us breathing heavily.
But after a moment I rose back up. I looked my mom straight in the eyes and I went to put my hands on her thighs.
“Oh, honey – let’s not do this.” she said, but with absolutely zero conviction.
“But I think we should.” I said, and kissed her on the lips. “I really feel it’s the right thing.”

Gently I moved my face closer to hers. My lips landed softly on hers and after the initial contact, I let my tongue move into her mouth, going between her lips.
At first she was quiet. She let it happen but seemed to not want to encourage me. And then suddenly she grabbed me with both her arms and pulled me into her. She hugged me closely to her and kissed me deeply and passionately.
Her tongue and mine played, or well – they sort of flopped, around in our mouths. She tasted of wine and smelled of her regular shampoo and something else, something that must have been her own, natural scent.
Her hands were on my ass, massaging my butt cheeks and she was making small, soft moans.
After a few heart beats, I pulled away. I felt like I had just been in an explosion, still slightly shell-shocked.
“I hate to interrupt.” Sveta said. “But that was so hot. Have you two … you know …”
Mom and I paused, waiting for her to finish the sentence.
“Have you two done anything with each other before?” she asked finally.
I moved off of mom and sat myself on top of Sveta.
“No. Never.” I said.
Mom moved herself closer so that she could sit right next to Sveta and without being prompted gave a really wet kiss to Sveta, at the same time as I lifted Sveta’s t-shirt over her head.
“We’ve never even talked about sex in general before today.” mom added. “I feel like I’m such a bad mother.” She moved her head up until it was chest-height to me and kissed my left breast. Not just the nipple, she sucked in a bunch of breast-flesh in her mouth and kissed it, licking it and massaging it with her hands. “I really should have done this sooner.”
Sveta more or less ripped her jeans off of her, she was so excited that she somehow managed to fling them off of her in the position that she was sitting in, with my mother’s breasts hanging just above her face, brushing her nose.
With no hesitation she put her hand under mom’s blouse and rubbed them, making mom give off a slight moan in surprise.

In all of this I had over-estimated just how much control I had. As mom went back to kiss Sveta, I started grinding my vagina on Sveta’s thigh, massaging her breasts with my hands as I moved up and down. And the bizarre, highly sexual reality of the situation suddenly struck me. I couldn’t stop myself.
“Oh … my god.” I whispered as I came. I used Sveta’s breasts as purchase to keep myself steady, as the orgasmic wave drowned me in deafening pleasure. “Holy shit. Holy fuck.” I breathed deeply, falling onto the couch, on Sveta’s left-hand side.
And as I got off of Sveta, I saw mom sit herself on top of Sveta.
Mom’s blouse had been removed and Sveta’s face was right between mom’s breast. Though they had a bit of sag, they still looked amazing, being roughly twice the size of my own and still pretty perky, though really soft.
I saw Sveta’s hand quickly fingering her own vagina, her panties shifted to the side, giving me a great view of her glistening wetness.
Looking first at me, and then back to Sveta, mom unbuttoned her own jeans and removed them. Then she slowly moved her self up, letting Sveta’s breasts brush against her stomach. And stopped when her vagina, covered by her panties, was right in front of Sveta’s face.
Sveta needed no prompting for this. She moved her face right into mom’s crotch, but then she did something that I hadn’t seen before. Sveta covered mom’s vulva with her whole mouth and softly breathed on it. The heat of Sveta’s breath made mom squirm and moan in pleasure.

As Sveta moved aside mom’s panties, she instantly started sucking and licking the labia, working her way around the vulva, digging for the clit.
Being a team player, and having calmed down after my orgasm, I moved down to the floor and positioned myself right in front of Sveta, between her legs. Since her hands were now busy working my mom, I decided to help her out.
I tried to do the thing that she had done, so at first moved her panties back to cover her wet vagina. Then I put my mouth over her vulva, so that it was completely covered. For a second I had the image of me putting a burger into my mouth. And then I let out a slow, warm breath onto her vagina.
Sveta squirmed and laughed. “That feels amazing!” she exclaimed.
“No, don’t stop!” mom whined instantly, taking Sveta’s head and placing her mouth back to work on mom’s vagina.
I took off Sveta’s panties completely and put my mouth back where it had been, but this time without taking all of the vulva in.
Sveta had never shaved her pubic hair, so to figure out where to go I let my tongue roam her slit, investigating the labia, testing to see how the folds were placed and how big or small they were.
I had done this with her once before, and she had later commented that she had really enjoyed how I payed attention to every part of her vagina.
This time I decided not to delay too long. I used my hands to spread her vagina apart and instantly spotted her clit. It was swollen and ready for a really good time. I was ready to give it that.

Somewhere above me, I heard mom having a pretty good time as well, as she suddenly started moaning at full volume.
“Oh my god. Oh yes. Oh god yes.” she kept repeating over and over.
Suddenly Sveta’s thighs came together and held my head between her legs steady. I realized that she was about to cum and picked up the speed, adding pressure with my tongue as I quickly licked and massaged the clit in my mouth.
“Ah, ah, ah!” I heard mom scream, as from the other end, I heard Sveta moaning incoherently into mom’s vagina.
Suddenly Sveta’s legs opened and she put a protective hand over her mound.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Holy molly!” I heard Sveta moan, as mom’s naked body collapsed right next to her.
Their naked bodies looked beautiful together, and the smell of sex in the room made me feel incredibly horny.
I put one finger into Sveta’s vagina and then licked it, grinning at her.
“Holy molly?” I snickered.
In response, she bent down and kissed me on the lips, pointedly licking and sucking on my tongue.
As soon as she pulled away, mom’s face appeared out of nowhere and kissed me. She shoved her tongue into my mouth, with a lot of saliva being exchanged. I sucked on her tongue and we ‘licked’ each other inside.
As she pulled away, as small trail off saliva till hung on. My right hand was fingering my vagina and I sat myself back on Sveta’s thigh. They both looked at me as I kept masturbating myself in front of them.
Mom’s right hand reached out to stroke me. Just me generally, stroking my breasts, my hands, my ass, my vagina.
Watching all of this, Sveta slowly started to rub her vagina, almost absentmindedly.
My breathing was getting heavier and heavier. I felt the orgasm building inside of me like a kettle on the verge of boiling, with the water beginning to rumble.
Mom was there to support me, one of her hands rubbing my vagina from behind, between my legs. She was almost touching my asshole with her thumb. Her other hand was massaging my breasts.
I felt really powerful pressure from deep inside of me and suddenly …
“Aaah ...” I came so hard that I lost my balance and slumped forward, my head buried in the couch, with the rest of my body resting on Sveta.

The last thing I heard before drifting into restful slumber was: “Well that was quite a night.”
I wasn’t sure who said it. But I agreed. Whole heartedly.


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Part One The sea, it was always the sea that drew Robert back to the cape. Ah, the cool sea breeze and the warm nights watching the sun set in the west. The year was 1909 and the place is the island of Nantucket off the coast of Massachusetts. Martha's Vineyard was still a vineyard and the wealthy elite of the eastern seaboard vacation on the island of Nantucket. Teddy Roosevelt was president and the world was at peace. The Wright Brothers have flown their little toy and the entire country...

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The WomanKing

Alayne stood on the crest of the hill, her bow slung over her shoulder, her quiver emptied; below her lay the ravaged battlefield strewn with the filth and remains of their enemies. The sun had not yet begun to set and already the battle was over. Beside her stood Cicale, tall and proud; a warrior in every sense of the word. The two women stood in silent companionship for a moment, drinking in the sight of the fallen before them and the cries of victory from their army. Alayne only had a...

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Mommys HElp ch5

I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home to get one more sample before going to the doctor's office. More and more on the drive home, I started thinking of what a bitch my mother was. Ok fine, I may have tricked mom a little during our medical process in getting my sample. That still gave her no right to do what she did to me in her office, it was really humiliating. As I approached my driveway I realized that our little game of humiliation was not over. I approached my house and...

3 years ago
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Transcendent Chapter 1 Prey

'No. Not again. Please, not this again...' He righted himself on the bench, grunting as stiff muscles flexed. His sneakers hit the pavement as he shifted into a sitting position. Sean's trim body hunched forward as the grogginess wore off. He held up his hands and glided his palms over his face, rubbing his eyes before smoothing his fingers through his short, brown hair. He took stock of himself. Black cargo pants. Plain white t-shirt. Blue jean jacket. No keys, no wallet, nothing in any...

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Bush babes and swapping

This story is base loosly on an experience my boyfriend and I enjoyed a few years ago. He sent it to me as his thoughts and I edited and virtually re-wrote it – his version was pretty basic. My girlfriend and I were walking through a nearby national park. We were by a river and decided to have a swim. We had seen nobody for ages so we just stripped off and jumped in. While we were playing around she came to me and said I have never been fucked under water how about we do it to see what...

3 years ago
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Catchers Gambit Chapter 1

Catcher's Gambit by Cleo Kraft Chapter One A beautiful young woman sat across from me in a private booth in the corner of the Songbird Tavern. She was a brunette with long gorgeous hair and wore a black evening gown. She smiled and introduced herself, "Hi there, you must be Jake. I'm Veronica. I hear you've come to Talon's World because you're interested in a certain special procedure." I tried to conceal my embarrassment as I nodded yes. "Is it really true? That you were a...

1 year ago
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Watching the Boys Part 6

I laid there in the hot confines of the garage rafters recovering fromthe ejaculation I had while I watched Jamal and Jonny, a boy I'd fantasizedabout for so long, get fucked on the washing machine. And the worst partabout it is that the boy begged for Jamal to fuck him. My mind swirledwith the comments I heard during the fucking. Jamal was going to go afterBen! And his best friend Jonny was going to help him! I grabbed Bryan's suitcase, what I originally came up to get, anddropped it...

4 years ago
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Indiscretions wages

This is the third story in a series of stories regarding my relationship with my superior while serving in the military. Hopefully you have been following and enjoying the tales of my exploits with staff sergeant Tyler/a.k.a. "daddy". In case there is any questions in any of your minds, yes, the names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved.My last story got a few questions that I will answer here.All of this happened way back in the early 1980's, back in the bad old...

3 years ago
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The Neighbours Put On A Show 2

It was a beautiful fall day, sunny and unseasonably warm. My wife and I decided to go for a hike at our favourite spot a few miles from home. Julie and Randy were doing some gardening in their front yard and we had our usual neighbourly chat with them as we headed towards Debbie's car. It was close to three weeks since I had had a front row seat to a voyeur's wet dream. I was trying to be cool but as we talked, my mind's eye kept stripping off Julie's clothes to reveal her perfect...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Krissy Lynn Deep Penetration Massage

Krissy Lynn loves a good massage and today really sets the bar for one of the best! Her masseuse Seth really knows how to get to all the deepest kinks in her body and has a special tool that really penetrates her deep! After rubbing his hands all over that gorgeous ass he lets a finger slide right into that pussy and Krissy can not contain herself! She flips over and soon she has his cock in her mouth and lets him put it wherever he wants if he can ease her tension! Seth fucks her hard and soon...

3 years ago
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trib me pls

Tribbing when done right is the love and affection two wet pussylips and hard clits when meet shows each other. Grinding into each other to the level of overwhelming and not to mention amazing orgasm. When you get it right you won't wanna stop not ever. This is the same action that causes me to always wanna fuck my bestfriend...I went by my friend's house couple weeks after our first thrilling pussy encounter. She had invited me over for dinner and when it comes to food it's difficult for me to...

3 years ago
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Early morning fuck

My name is Jon, I woke up early one monday morning when I was a teenager at about 3 am with a raging boner feeling wide awake and horny.I didn't know what to do about it so I got out of bed in my boxers and no shirt I had about an 8 inch cock fully corked sticking out of boxers. I walked over to my parents' room, I stood by my mom's bed. She heard me tip toe in and said with her eyes closed "What is it honey?"She opened her eyes and saw the predominant bone in my boxers. Her eyes widened, she...

2 years ago
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Lauren Jessica

Lauren stood in front of the dresser mirror, just watching the image that was looking back at her. She looked her tall athletic figure up and down, no doubt less pleased with what she saw than she should have been. Her blue jeans hugged the curves of her shapely hips and legs while her somewhat loose dark red top managed to sublty accentuate her prominent chest without being too showy. Her curly brown hair cascaded down to her shoulders and framed her brown eyed, lightly freckled face. Lauren...

3 years ago
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My Story Taking the Plunge

I didn't know whether to scream out in pain or ecstasy. I'd often dreamed of having a penis that big but, to be honest, those dreams were more centred on it being a replacement for the rather feeble specimen that I was stuck with. It was not without good reason that my school classmates nicknamed me "Pinprick" and whilst puberty helped a bit, it was nowhere near enough for me to feel confident in putting it, or myself, about. And now, it was just dwarfed against the amply sized organ...

3 years ago
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Complete and Total Degradation

"What would you do to me?" Caroline asks. She sits on the floor before you, almost nude, sweat-covered, anxious, her thick c-cup breasts heaving, nipples hard. She wears only a pair of white panties, pulled to the side, revealing her pussy, wildly wet, soaked, beads of juice in the triangle of dirty blonde pubic hair above it. Her fingers begin to play at her clit, and slide into her hole. "What would I do?" You answer. "It would be complete and total degradation. You would be totally...

4 years ago
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Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant

CHAPTER 1 Mid afternoon Ed Bacon closed the stationery shop that was also a licensed Post Office, Lotto Agency and newspaper agency. The Town Clock chimed out three peels and the sound of children being released from school rang out in the distance. The inhabitants of North Crossing, population 2700, and farmers and fruit and vegetable growers from surrounding areas preferred to shop early, so the shop opened at 6:00, five mornings a week and from 8:00 to noon on Saturdays. Those hours...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 4

"We should do the whole thing." Yann was excited. "Take the walls out of the second floor and create one big orgy room - pillows, curtains, the works. We could get a team in here and take out everything but the load bearing walls and -" "I had no idea how tacky you were!" Juan said drolly. "The second floor is ours and I don't want to live in a Pier 1. You do that in your room." "But I want the guys in uniforms. Blue for Housekeeping, Red for Maintenance, Yellow for...

2 years ago
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Sexual Discoveries Ch 07

Thanks to Angel Love for reviewing this part before submission. On an early August evening, Misty watched TV in her room, and thought about the near future. In just a few weeks, she would be leaving for college at UCLA in California. She would be leaving her boyfriend Eric behind, and that concerned her. He had been her only lover, and soon she would be at a college campus with many other guys around. She knew of the parties that often happened there, and also realized sex was a common...

1 year ago
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It was love at first sight when saw him step up to the table to be issued his uniform. The guard shuffled through the pile to find something that would fit him. He was a slight young Asian boy whom I estimated to be around eighteen. He had had long black hair that fell to his shoulders and was constantly being brushed away from his face. He'll soon be losing that when he is shaved like the rest of us. He was beautiful and it provoked a stirring in my cock. I had to look away before a full...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Love

Chapter One In 1802 there was a pretty brunette with green eyes. Her name was Katherine. She was a fair maiden who lived with her father. Her father was a very wealthy man who had the most land in three states. His name was Michael Anderson. Katherine’s father got the land from his father. The land had been in her family for five generations. She loved the land almost as much as her father. Katherine’s mother died ten years ago. Michael was trying to find someone who was worth his...

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American Royalty 1 Coming of AgeChapter 14 ComplicationsmdashMeredith

Meredith sat in her study at Buxton House and stared at the door to Liam’s room. Of course, it was a double door. Even if she opened her side, it would need to be opened from his side as well. She thought of going to open it and see if it was already open from the other side. Instead, she picked up her phone. The little study was equipped just as she’d requested from Erich. Only more so. The desk was an elegant mahogany, polished to a high shine. A blotter protected it from anything she...

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70s Summer with Mom

In the early seventies, I was taking some time off from school. I was a member of the counterculture, 22, and was living near my divorced mom’s house in the San Fernando Valley. I was then about six feet tall, and weighed about 190. A friend had taken off to the East Coast, and had left me with some exceptionally powerful marijuana. My girlfriend too had left me, and I was feeling down, so I would go over to my moms quite a lot. My mom was still at 42 very attractive. She was...

2 years ago
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My New Houseplant 1

Coming home, I shut the door a bit harder than Id meant to. It was a temptation to just drop everything in the hallway and sprint down to the basement, but I resisted. Taking a few slow, deep breaths, I made myself calm down, telling myself I had the whole evening alone and there was plenty of time. Placing my coat on its proper hook by the door and leaving my snowy boots on the mat, I made my way upstairs. Once my bedroom door was shut, however, I couldnt resist stripping immediately. I...

3 years ago
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Three Square MealsChapter 4 The couple try something different

John slowly opened his eyes, as the fog of the night’s sleep began to fade from his mind. He was about to perform his normal stretching routine when he felt a strange weight on his left side. He looked down to see a mass of blonde hair resting against his shoulder, and the previous night’s events came flooding back to him. He half-turned, careful not to wake his sleeping companion as he wrapped his arm around her again. This was a new experience for him and he savoured the feeling of...

4 years ago
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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 28

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 28 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Truth and Bluffs Megan stared at the tiny Faery in shock. She understood taking strong, decisive actions, but to unleash three MOAB bombs on US soil against a camp of Knights was too much. Intellectually, she knew the Paladonic Knights were considered a terrorist organization. She also knew that they stood against magical creatures and anything from the other world. They were evil, filled with...

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ForgiveChapter 10 The Others

Beth’s two co-workers and their husbands were due at our house at 7:00 PM. Beth called me late in the afternoon and told me more good news. The one woman was good friends with two of the others who no longer work at Coulton Industries, and both agreed it was time their husbands knew. They would join us as well. I called Tom Willis to warn him, and he suggested an approach for the evening. The ladies would meet on the back porch when they arrived while Tom and I broke the story to the...

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Two Worlds Collide Part 3

Note: This installment doesn’t contain sex, it is a buildup of the two characters, so you know more about them. There will be some in the next part though… and I will most likely be writing 1 more part, maybe another 2 parts, I will see where it goes… It has been a month since the first weekend Amber and Hanna spent in each others arms. The past month has been the happiest of either of their lives, and they were finally happy. Every date they went on seemed like it was the first. The spark that...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Mercedes Carrera Giselle Palmer Double The Order

Charles Dera is in his car and is just about to drive off to go to work. When his business partner calls him to tell him that the deal they’ve been working on for months just went through, Charles never expected that he’d be a millionaire today. He tells his partner that he’s gonna run an errand to and be in the office when he’s done. He hangs up the phone and smiles; it’s time to celebrate! He goes to his favorite massage parlor to find Mercedes Carerra working...

2 years ago
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Caitlins Choice Ch 04

Caitlin paced her bedroom as she glanced at the bathroom door. It had been four weeks since Mark and Sophie’s wedding and she wished she could forget the disaster of the weekend. She had been told her ex boyfriend Logan was in Australia, but he had shown up anyway and instead of meeting in a respectful way, she had fallen ass over teakettle over his legs as she tried to take a nice walk on the beach. They had been assigned to share the same two-bedroom cottage and she really didn’t remember the...

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Threesome Coincidences can be interesting. As I struggled into the hotel lift with my overnight bag, lap top computer and briefcase a couple obligingly held the lift doors open for me. Of course I thanked them. The lit floor button indicated we had the same destination. As they let me precede them down the corridor we found we had adjacent rooms. They returned my farewell smile and I forgot about the incident as I unpacked and showered for dinner. When I walked into the small bar inside the...

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Hotel Meeting

What could be more normal, two people checking into a hotel? Only the slight exchange of looks between us. I get the card key and you get up from the comfy chair, rolling your case towards the lift. It’s early afternoon, we're both dressed for work... and play. I press the button for the lift. We almost can’t look at each other, no words yet. It takes an age to come; finally the doors open. Empty. Room 1917... 19th floor. I hit the button, the doors close. I see the fire in your eyes and drop...

Quickie Sex
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My Innocent Addiction

She was so flawless. So sweet, youthful, innocent. Watching her from afar for years, he knew he would do anything to own her. Some call it obsession; if he was ever obsessed with anything, he supposed it would be her. The only problem? She was just barely 13. He had yearned for her since they moved in across the street, when she was only 6. Her long, wispy platnum hair hung to her waist- never once had he seen it cut short- and her wide blue eyes were bright with naivety and tenderness. He...

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My Wifersquos First Time

This is an account that my wife told me when we had been married for several years. It is about her first proper experience of sex, which was with her father. Sadly it was only after he had passed away that she felt able to tell me, because she was afraid of what my response might be. Up till that point I was under the impression that I was the first and only man to have fucked her. Susan.The events I am going to describe took place not long after my eighteenth birthday, and just before the...

3 years ago
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Surprise Honey The SequelChapter 6

The next morning we both showered together. May was in a playful mood as we soaped each other down. Before I knew it, I had her bent over, her hands grasping the shower bar as I rammed my hard cock in and out of her very wet and hot pussy. We both came in a short while then finished up our shower. As we got dressed, we kissed and touched each other. I was so in love at that moment I couldn't stand to not be touching May. After dressing we went up to the main cabin and I called my financial...

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Quarantine High School Sleepover

“Anyone wanna have a sleepover tonite?” Megan, Chloe, and Hannah all responded yes, and they were to have a girls sleepover that night. “My parents are gone for the week, so we can do ANYTHING. Make sure to bring food and swimwear if we wanna go swimming!” Adrienne texted. Later that night, Adrienne’s doorbell rang and she opened it to find her 3 friends. “Hey guys come on in! We can swim now before it gets dark.” Adrienne said. “Alright, let us get changed haha.” Said Chloe. The girls...

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Dannys First

Three days after my eighteenth birthday my parents left on their annual European tour so I was left to fend for myself. Before leaving my mother had said, "No wild parties while we're away mind." My Dad's final wink and nudge comment had been, "About time you were getting to know something about girls, isn't it, Danny?"Hell, did the whole world know I was still a virgin. Most of my friends at college were forever banging on about their conquests. I was sick of hearing their casual vocabulary of...

First Time
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Stranger in the DarkChapter 5 Out of the Dark

After my shower, I grabbed my backpack, my favorite Texans ballcap, and headed downstairs. I needed coffee, pain pills, and breakfast, in that order. My first class wasn’t until 11:00 am and it was only 8:00 so I had time to catch up on email and everything else I ignored yesterday. I made some toast, poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the island with my laptop. I had to give up and turn my phone off yesterday because it wouldn’t stop ringing. I plugged it in to charge and checked email...

2 years ago
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Whiskey Road 3

The sun began to rise, the light seemed to penetrate me and reveal my darkest thoughts. I looked over at Allie. She looked beautiful. Guilt flooded over me. I started trying to make sense of what happened last night. I looked over at Allie again. She must have sensed it because she turned and gave me the sweetest smile. My heart tore in two. I turned to look at Aden. He was sitting straight up and grinned at me."Morning princess.""Morning." I replied as I turned back to look ahead of me."We are...

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Change for the better Part 1

Change for the better. Part 1 My name is Kenny Herbert and I had just finished school. I am 18 but I am very small, I look like a ten year old boy. I looked rather effeminate which resulted in a lot of teasing during my days at school. My blonde hair had been kept short for school but at least now it was starting to grow out and I had not had a haircut for 2 month and my hair just over my collar. I had blue eyes. I had been looking for a job and I saw an advert in the...

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The BetPart 8 Kathleen

When I got back to the living room, Mom was still crying, but the anger seemed to be fading. Sandy just held her, and looked daggers at me. I was shocked, then I understood. I was Male. And therefor at least partly to blame. Mom looked up, saw this silent battle and put and end to it. She sat up and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Motioned me to sit next to her. "Kids, its time we talked about things." She said. "Mom, If you don't want to talk abou..." I started. "No, I...

2 years ago
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A Strange Turn of Events Ch 02

Day 2 From the man’s viewpoint: I sat on the edge of the bed and hung up the phone thinking about the lovely lady I had met, had dinner with and then had a mutual and joint masturbation session over the phone. It was the first night we had known each other. ‘God V sometimes you’re such an ass!’ I said to myself, ‘That was way too fast! I bet She’ll most likely wake up in the morning and tell you to go fuck off.’ But I smiled as I remembered her trying to explain why she called me and then was...

1 year ago
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Not for teens I guess

Ben rubbed his eyes as he slowly made his way down the hallway to the stairs, still hungover from the night before.  “Dad! Dad, I’m going to school!” No answer. Ben knew there wouldn’t be. His dad had probably stayed out all night again, fucking some new girl closer to Ben’s age than his own. “Fuck you! Don’t know why I even bother! You too, Jenna!" He exclaimed as he passed by his sister's room.  The door was open to her unmade, vacant bed. She had also probably stayed out and never come home,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Little Man and Stupid Bitch

I guess the first thing you need to know in order to understand what happened is background. My name is Robert Daltry; I'm twenty-seven years old and I work as an aircraft mechanic for a major airline. I'm five foot six, about a hundred and sixty-five pounds and I'm in great shape thanks to daily runs and work outs at the gym. I've always been small — at least in relation to my peers — and it goes back to my parents. My father was five foot six and my mother was four foot ten. Always being...

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The Log of the Retvizan TwylightChapter 9

Sometime in the early Middle Ages, Scandinavian adventurers called 'Varangians;' from the Slavic word 'Varyag, ' itself a transliteration of 'Viking;' named the local inhabitants east of the Baltic 'Rus.' 'Rus' is believed to come from the Gothic word for 'red, ' but there is ongoing debate on the subject. The word 'Viking ' was rarely used by the old Scandinavians and its derivation is also controversial. Rather, Scandinavian adventurers were more likely to identify themselves...

1 year ago
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Gare Ki Shadi Meri Suhagrat 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto kese he aap log mujhe pata he ek dam mast honge or aapni sex life ko enjoy kar rahe honge aap logo ka jay singh fir hazir he aapni ek or nayi kahani le ke aap logo ne meri pichli kahani ko bohot saraha iske liye me aap logo ka tahe dil se sukriya ada karta hu or asha karta hu mujhe ye pyar barbara milta rahega aap mujhe aapne vichar pe mail kar ke bata sakte he aap mujhe hangout pe bhi msg kar sakte he ye aap mujhe meri id se mujhe fb par bhi dhundh sakte he agar koi ladki ya bhabhi...

3 years ago
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From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 2 reposted

True Story, Cheating Author's info Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Originally Posted Sat 28th of January 2012 Report No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by...

2 years ago
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Brigit and Paula Disciplinary Engineers

                                                    Brigit and Paula                    DISCIPLINARY ENGINEERS (vol 1)                  The research team at McMurdo Station, South Pole, was nervously awaiting the arrival from the mainland of the next flight.  Ever since the establishment of female supremacy in their homeland, any males who are away for any length of time must be readjusted to feminine control before returning.    A special corps of women was...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 10

Cindy had felt herself getting very very horny in the two or three days before she called her father-in-law, Chuck, and asked him if he'd come over to her house the next morning and help her with a problem she had. Chuck knew that Cindy wanted more than just "help" and he asked her if she'd meet him for brunch first and if she'd dress the way she would if she wanted to seduce the guy she was meeting. Cindy's reply was "Yes, sure I'll meet you and you're saying I only need to dress...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Emma Starletto Harlow West Fathers Day Daughter Swap

Emma Starletto and Harlow West have been friends for so long that their dads have also developed a friendship. They sometimes get together so the girls can hang out while the dads work out. Emma’s dad, Charles Dera, and Harlow’s dad, Dick Chibbles, are lifting weights as the girls quietly discuss how hot they find the workout session. Harlow claims she’d totally fuck Emma’s dad, and Emma is on the same page about Harlow’s dad. The girls decide to at least tease...

2 years ago
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Boxes in the Attic

"Billy, I want you up in that attic. We're getting the house ready to sell, and I want all the junk brought down and thrown away or packed up to move." Billy's mother pulled down the ladder to the attic and the steps lid down. "Mom, Andy's here to play some video games." He whined. "Andy can help you." Mom said. So, up the ladder we went. It was hot that day, but the air conditioning made the attic sufferable. I looked around at all the stuff one accumulates over a twenty years of...

3 years ago
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Banner YearChapter 44

The night Cal got back from Cheryl's tournament, Martin sat down with him as he was having a late snack. "While you were gone, the calls started." "Calls?" Cal asked. "From football coaches," Martin said with a grin. "They were all looking for a kicker." "Am I supposed to call back?" "I told them that you had already started at your chosen school," Martin answered. "I hope that was all right." "You maybe could have saved yourself a lot of money if one of them gave me a...

2 years ago
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The First Fiance

We had just lain down in bed when my mind wandered through the evening. Marcus and I had gone to dinner with both of our families, not a new event; but something that has been happening a lot in the last few months. It still amazes me that our families get along and seemed to have genuine bonds. They even worked together to surprise me and help Marcus propose quite romantically.The proposal wasn’t unexpected, since we’ve been together for three years, it was that everyone else knew he was going...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Fruit Part 2

"I'm so glad you were able to get out tonight," my best friend, Leslie, yelled over the roar of the music. "I feel like we haven't seen each other in ages.""Yeah, you're right. Not since James and I passed out after your super bowl party." I yelled back."I need a smoke, come with me?"I followed her out to the deck, grateful that the crowd and the music hadn't reached out here despite it being a sultry August night."I'm so sorry we couldn't make it to James' father's funeral," she continued,...

3 years ago
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The Blind Servant

SEARCHING FOR THE PART   Jack was always attracted to power. And even though he was just 28 years old, he had already gained a good amount of it. The kind of power that had made him rich enough to own a very comfortable apartment downtown. From the 12th floor he could look down at all the poor, weak souls that could never reach him and his status. He always felt like a king whenever he looked down that balcony.If it was something he cherished with the same passion, it was order. He had, since...

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