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Chapter 1

Since my wife left me, I've taken to having a few of an afternoon, so I stopped in at the Eternity on Queen Street West for a drink. It's one of the last good "conversation bars" left in Toronto. I like a nice quiet place to have a sip. Like all the other musicians I know, I hate the canned music in most bars. It seems designed to interfere with my conversation and to piss me off in general.

In the Eternity, you can actually hear your own thoughts and share those of other people, and Henry, the guy who runs the bar, is always glad to see his landlord.

On this particular afternoon, I was in no hurry to get anywhere. I'd finished all the meetings for the week, and I looked forward to a few days of relaxation. So, I bellied up to the bar and asked Henry for a pint of Nutbrown Ale and a shot of Jameson. I believe in getting to the first stage of intoxication quickly and then coasting for a while.

I'd just about finished my first round. I was looking at the TV but not seeing it, more like staring into space mindlessly. Suddenly, I was brought out of my reverie.

"Excuse me sir, can I get you another drink?"

Standing in front of me was a startingly beautiful young woman. I was momentarily rendered speechless. After a moment, I managed to nod and even to speak. "Yes, thank you. But just bring me a pint of Nutbrown. I don't need any more of the hard stuff for a while"

She went to draw my beer, and I looked at her. Actually, I'm afraid that I stared. She was about 5'4" -- on the petite side but not too short. Her figure was nearly perfect for my taste. I estimated that she'd certainly fill out a nice C cup, and her hips left no doubt as to her gender. But it was her beautiful face that was most startling. Her features were almost perfectly symmetrical. Her hair was a glossy black. Her complexion was creamy white. Her eyes were the blue-green colour of a mountain lake. When she smiled, as she did now, her teeth glinted brightly.

By the time she returned with my beer, I had recovered my powers of speech and gathered what wits I had. So, I came out with my usual suave opening. "You're new here, aren't you?"

"Yes. In fact, I just started today. I'm a student at OCAD, but I've got to take some time off to make some money. So here I am."

The fact that she was a student at the Ontario College of Art and Design was not at all startling. Queen Street has long been the haunt of Toronto's artists and artsy. Nor was the fact that she needed money. Most students do. I wanted the conversation to continue, so I introduced myself.

"I'm Danny Sullivan. I'm a sometime jazz musician. Mostly, I'm sort of a high-class bum."

She laughed. "I'm Carole Tulliver." At least it sounded like "tulliver." "And you sure as hell don't look like a bum to me. Bums usually don't wear Armani suits."

"Neither do I, but I just came out of a meeting. Tell me, do you spell your last name T-A-L-I-A-F-E-R-R-O?"

"Yes, that's right: Taliaferro. Pronounced 'tulliver.' It's an English name. I get a little tired of explaining that it's not pronounced like it looks."

"Well, Carole, I'll tell you a little known secret: I was born in England, and I lived there until I was sixteen."

"Why don't you have an English accent?"

"I learned in high school that an English accent was not necessarily a social asset. And then I got into jazz. Not too many English accents in jazz. Not in Canada, anyway."

"Oh. Well, I'm not from England. I'm from Sudbury. Way up north. It's not the end of the world, but it's close to it."

"So what brings you to Hogtown?"

"Art. Or the chance to make it. Uh oh, there's Henry, the boss. He probably expects me to do some work. I've got to go. Maybe we'll talk later?"

"Count on it."

I didn't really expect to continue my conversation with Carole. I've never been what you'd call a "chick magnet," and now that I'm north of 40... well just say that I have more of an opportunity to look at beautiful young girls than I do to talk to them. But in about 15 minutes, Carole was back. She said, "I'm on my break now. Want to sit down at one of the tables in the back?"

Of course I did. When we sat down, me with my beer and Carole with a Coke, she grinned at me.

I said, "What's the joke?"

Carole smiled broadly. "Henry just told me that you own this place. And you described yourself as a bum. Some bum."

"Why can't a bum own a bar? Most bums would die to own a bar."

"Danny Sullivan, I think that you enjoy pulling my leg. And you know what? I kind of enjoy your joking with me."

"Carole, I'm sorry if I mislead you. Let's start over again." I held out my hand. "I'm Danny Sullivan. I'm a famous jazz musician and man about town, and I own this place."

She gravely shook my hand, and she said, "Glad to meet you. I'm Carole Taliaferro, an impecunious student masquerading as a bartender."

"OK. Now that we're formally introduced, let's talk."

And we did talk. We talked all that afternoon and during the succeeding days and weeks. We talked about all the great and small things -- things that you share with friends. Soon, we were good friends. Our afternoon talks became a habit.

I learned that Carole's parents were more than willing to help her through school, but that she'd put a limit on the amount of their help that she was willing to accept. They were both teachers. Her dad was retired, so the family income wasn't very big. Hence the job at the Eternity.

I also learned that she had wanted to be an artist as long as she could remember. Her dad was an artist, and she grew up watching him create wonderful things with his hands and his mind. And then she found that she had talent. I suspected that she had a lot of talent, and not necessarily all for art.

Not that I put the moves on Carole. Far from it. I'm as prone to dirty old man thoughts as the next guy, but Carole and I had become great pals. I didn't want to fuck up our friendship by hitting on her.

Chapter 2

One Saturday afternoon, I'd just finished one of those interminable goddam meetings. I was consumed with a raging thirst, so I came into the Eternity for my customary tipple. Carole was nowhere to be found. I thought it might be her day off, or perhaps she had a cold. I finished my first round and headed for the john. There sitting at a table near the washrooms was Carole. She was leaning on the table, holding her head in her hands. She was crying.

"Sweety, what's happened?"

"That cunt of a roommate of mine! She's throwing me out!"

I'd never heard Carole use the C-word before. I guess I never even thought she knew it. I momentarily forgot about my need to drain the lizard.

"OK, what's going on? How can she toss you out?"

"Because she owns the fucking lease, that's how! And she's decided to move her goddam boyfriend in and me out."

"Then just move somewhere else."

"You don't understand. I can't fucking afford to move anywhere else. I've been living in this pigsty because she only charged me $300 a month. Any place else I've found is at least $700. And for that you get something even worse than I have now."

I sat down next to her. I thought for a moment. Then I put my hand under her chin and lifted her lovely face so that I was looking into her teary eyes.

"I may have a solution. You need somewhere to live. I have a place that's not being used. No, wait a minute. Don't say no until you hear me out. I have a basement apartment in my house. It's a legal apartment -- separate electrical service, separate entrance and all that stuff. Doors with double locks. But I just use it as a rehearsal studio, and I don't play that much any more, so it's hardly ever used. I have no idea what it's worth, and I don't care. I wouldn't rent it to anyone else anyway. At least come and take a look at it. What can you lose?"

She looked at me with those big glacier-blue eyes, still full of tears.

"Danny, I won't take charity. I'd rather go back to Sudbury."

"Carole, you're not taking charity. I just want you to come have a look at this joint and see if it's worth the trouble. OK?"

She smiled a little bit. "OK."

"What time do you get off work?"

"Tonight? Well, I guess it'll be 8:00. I'm on the early shift."

"OK. I'll pick you up in front of the joint at about a quarter after eight. We'll go take a look at the apartment, and you can decide."

"Danny, I couldn't possibly afford it."

"Maybe, maybe not. Be in front at 8:15. I'll be in the green BMW."


"Yeah, green. You wanna make something of it?"

She smiled at last. The clouds passed away, and the sun came out. "No, it's just kind of unusual, that's all."

"You bet your Aunt Fanny, it is. See you later. Right now, I'm going to complete the mission I was on when I was interrupted."

I made it to the john just in time. Blessed relief. Then I had one more beer and went to my office.

Chapter 3

At the appointed hour, I pulled up in front of the Eternity. I'd chosen that time well. It would give Carole time to get her stuff, and I knew that I couldn't park in front of the Eternity. Traffic on Queen was always nuts, and this was a Saturday night. I stopped, and she hopped right in.

"You weren't kidding, it's green, all right. But it's a beautiful car. What model is it?"

"It's an M5. And you're right, it's green."

"I thought that all BMWs had three-digit model names, like '320' or '530. My dad's a real car nut, but I never heard of an 'M5.'"

"Most bimmers have those three-digit names, but this one is special. Hand made, in fact. Buckle up."

I drove to my house in Rosedale. At that time of day, it was about a twenty-minute drive. At least the route I took. I parked in the driveway and, being the gent that I am, went around the car to open Carole's door. She was sitting there looking at the house. The outside floodlights had come on with the timer. I hardly ever thought about it, but I guess to Carole it looked quite spectacular. After all, that was the intention of the guy who'd done the lighting design.

"Danny, this is a goddam palace! It must be four or five stories high! And look at all these gardens."

"Yeah, it's a big old dump -- way too big for me. As for the gardens, a guy has a contract to take care of them. Let's go inside. You need to see the apartment."

She came with me. I keyed the entry pad at the door, and the lock clicked open. We went in. She was wide-eyed as we walked through the ground floor. I tried to imagine what it must look like to her. The marble floors, oak wainscoting, designer furniture, and all the other stuff Janet loved but I never cared that much about. Janet was gone, but the house was still kept spotless by Maria Alvear, my wonderful cleaning person. Without her, I'd live in a sty.

We reached the back door. We walked down the back stairs off the deck. I led Carole around the corner of the house. There were a few steps that led down to a door. I opened the apartment door and handed her the key. "This is your front door. As you can see, it opens on another street. There's also a place in the garage for you, if you get a car. Let's check out the apartment."

The apartment was not as spotless as the house upstairs, although it wasn't bad. The living room furniture was fairly new, and so was the dining room stuff. The kitchen had the basics: range, fridge, microwave, dishwasher. There was even an apartment-sized clothes washer and dryer. I'd sort of forgotten about those. As far as I knew, they'd never been used. The apartment had been designed with the idea that Maude, my ex-wife's mother, could live here and be independent. Then Janet and I split up. Needless to say, Maude never moved in, and I'd never rented the place. I didn't need the money and didn't like the idea of some stranger living in my basement. Since the place had never been lived in, the appliances and the furniture had hardly ever been used, except for a few grungy jazz musicians sitting on the chairs, warming up the occasional pizza in the oven and, of course, keeping beer in the fridge. The bathroom was nice. Basic, but nice and very nearly new.

There were two fairly small bedrooms, one a bit bigger than the other, but there was no bedroom furniture. Like I said, I'd been using the place to rehearse, and there was just an electronic keyboard and a few chairs in the bigger room. There was nothing in the smaller one. But I offered an alternative: "If you'd like, I'll furnish the bedrooms with whatever you choose. Just go to a store, pick out some stuff and give them the address."

Carole went into the living room and sat down on the chesterfield. She tucked her feet under her and looked at the floor for a while. Finally, she looked up at me and spoke.

"Danny, I can't let you do this."

"Do what?"

"Don't play dumb. I hope you know me well enough to know what I mean. I already said that I won't take charity from you."

"Fuck charity! This place is empty. And when I'm out of town, the whole goddam house is sitting empty. I should pay you for looking after it. Do me a favour: try this place out for a while. See how you feel. We'll discuss a price, and I promise it'll be fair."

"I can't take it."

"Sure you can. And you will. Pack up your stuff, and I'll have it moved in. In the meantime, let's buy you a bed and some other furniture, and in you go. Look, we're friends, right? If I needed something and you had it, you'd help me, right? So consider this something on account. You'll pay me a fair rent that we both agree on. You come and go as you please. This is your place as long as you want it. We'll sign papers tomorrow. Tonight we'll shake hands. What do you say?"

She launched herself at me. I now knew why the term "bear hug" was invented. I felt as though I were being hugged to death. What a way to go.

"Danny, you're the best. I know I shouldn't do it, but yes, I'll live here, if that's what you want. If it wasn't for you, I'd have to go back to Sudbury with my tail between my legs. What did I ever do to deserve you?"

"Like Clint Eastwood said in The Unforgiven, 'Deserve ain't got nothin' to do with it.'"

She looked up at me. "If I can live here for a while, it'll mean a lot to me. You probably didn't notice, but I'm sure there's great light in the small bedroom in back. The windows are located just right. I can paint there. I was able to paint at OCAD. There was a big studio that I could use. It had good light, and there was room for several of us to set up our easels. Since I haven't been in school, there's been no place I could paint. Here I could leave my easel up all the time. It's perfect."

"It's yours as long as you want it."

I took her upstairs. We sat in the kitchen, and I opened a bottle of champagne. We toasted Carole's new apartment. Then I fired up the barbecue and burned a couple of steaks. We had a great little impromptu party.

After a bottle of champagne and a couple of bottles of red wine, I didn't think I should drive, so I sent Carole home in a cab. Fortunately, she didn't have to work the next day, and I hardly ever work these days. We made a deal that she'd call me the next morning, and we'd go shopping for her stuff.

The next day, Carole did call me -- none too early, I was amused to note. I picked her up in the bimmer, and we went furniture shopping. I don't know a hell of a lot about furniture, but one of the few decent pieces of information I got from Janet, my ex, was where the good stuff could be found. I took Carole there.

She tried to buy the cheapest stuff in the store, but I noticed what she was really looking at. I made a deal with the salesperson while she was looking at the cheap stuff. A few extra bucks changed hands, and the delivery was made that week.

Carole moved in. When she saw the new bedroom and studio furniture, she was pissed off. Well, not really, but she told me off in a fond kind of way.

She had pitifully few things, barely one load of a minivan, but she soon put her own touch on the place. With just a few little details, Carole made the place special. It felt like her. It was hers.

We established a routine. Carole's days off were Sunday and Monday. On those days, we'd cook supper together in my kitchen or hers or on the natural gas barbecue on the patio. This went on for several weeks. Until one Saturday.

Chapter 4

Carole had the day off. She was looking forward to a three-day weekend. We were going to celebrate. I'd bought steaks and all the fixings, including a nice bottle of wine. She was going to make desert. I put the steaks in the fridge and went in search of Carole. I knocked on her door. It was open, so I went in. I heard soft sobbing sounds coming from the bedroom. I carefully went in.

Carole was lying on the bed crying. I went over and put my arm around her.

"What's the matter, dear heart?"

"Oh Danny! It's all over. This is really the end. I'll have to go back to Sudbury now. I lost my job today. Henry called me and said that he has to let me go. I can't even pay you the little bit that I've been paying. This is it. No more art. No more school." She looked at me through her tears. "And worst of all, I'll have to leave you and my little home. Oh God!"

"We'll see about that. There's always a way out if you look hard enough. Go and wash that pretty face while I make a few calls. You look after yourself and I'll get supper on."

"I don't think I can eat."

"You'll eat. You've got to keep your strength up. We'll have a lot to do, trust me."

She tried to smile, without too much success. Finally, she said "OK."

My first call was to Henry at the Eternity. Luckily, he was still there, going over his books.

"Danny, I've been expecting you to call. Believe me, I hated to let Carole go. I know that she's a friend of yours. And she's the best I've got, but unless business picks up I may not even be able to pay the rent, much less the staff. It was either her or the cook."

"Henry, there may be another way to go. I've got an offer for you. If you'll keep Carole on for a while, I'll deduct the amount of her salary from your rent."

Henry was always cagey. "Plus benefits?"

"Plus benefits. You can also offer her a raise in a few weeks. I suspect you can afford it."

"You mean that you can," he said. "What's in this for you?"

"I get to do a favour for two friends while we work this situation out. And I just might have a suggestion for you. You need to increase your profit from the bar. That means you have to get more people coming in. They have to stay longer and drink more. Have you thought about live entertainment?"

"Yeah, and I also thought about winning the lottery. Who's gonna pay musicians if I can't even pay a waiter?"

"There are ways. Have you ever heard of union pension fund gigs? No? Well let me look into it. It's a way to get the union to pay musicians for a gig if the profits go to charity. In the meantime, call Carole. Right now."

"You got it."

I started puttering around in the kitchen, lit the barbecue and was just about to set the table when Carole burst in. She was a different girl.

"Danny, Henry just called. He's figured out a way that he can keep me on, at least for a while. Isn't that great?"

"Fantastic. Let's celebrate."

Chapter 5

Carole had regained her appetite. She handily put away a steak, baked potato and sautéed mushrooms, as well as more than a few glasses of wine. There was no dessert. Carole was supposed to make it, but she'd been otherwise occupied. We didn't miss it. After supper, we relaxed in the living room with some excellent Armagnac.

Carole had been quite light-hearted all through supper. Now, her mood turned more serious. "Danny, can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure. You know you can."

"I've never asked you before, but I've been curious for a long time. You have all this," she made a circular gesture to indicate the house, "and I hear rumours that you own most of Queen Street. How did a musician get all that money?"

"Just to set the record straight, I do not own all or most of Queen Street. As to what I do own -- well, it's a simple story. You know the painter Joe Schubert?"

"Not personally, but I know who he is. He's a great painter. Everybody who knows anything about Canadian art knows about Joe Schubert, and I know from talking to you that he's a friend of yours."

"Well, Joe is also a pretty passable guitar player. Years ago, about the time that you were learning to walk, Joe used to sit in with my quartet sometimes, and we became good friends. One day, he came up with what seemed to most people a harebrained scheme. He discovered that five blocks of Queen Street West were up for sale. The properties were mostly old storefront buildings with apartments on top. Some were empty, and those that were rented housed mom-and-pop stores -- you know, sundries, junk and so forth. Joe figured that if a few of us went in together that we could buy these places, and he was convinced that the area was about to boom.

"The other guys that he talked to thought he was nuts. All they could see were some run-down old stores, but I thought that Joe just might be right. There were lots of artists and musicians living in the area. They came there when they were students at the art college or university, and they often stayed after they graduated. There were already a few bars, art supply shops, booksellers and at least one big music store. These catered to the artists. And, of course, to artsy hangers-on. The area was getting a reputation as a place to be. The scene might easily take off at any moment, and if Joe was right, I'd be nuts not to join him. As it happened, I'd just made a few thousand playing on some record and film gigs, and I had a steady gig playing some CBC shows. There was live radio and TV in those days, and you could make a good living playing the shows. Joe was starting to sell some canvases, and he played a few gigs as well. With what he and I could scrape up between us, we made the down payment and actually managed to qualify for a mortgage.

"The rest is history. It turned out that Joe was right. Well, not entirely right. The area boomed more than we ever dreamed. Within a couple of years, every one of our properties was occupied with new businesses, most of them very trendy and profitable. Henry Goldblum's Eternity bar was one of the first. The end result was that Joe and I paid off the mortgage quickly. We agreed to put about 50% of the proceeds into buying new real estate, at least for the first 5 years after the mortgage was paid off. We bought a few more buildings. We don't buy many new properties these days. We just look after what we have, but we're both pretty well fixed."

"Oh. That explains a lot. So you're filthy stinking rich. At least you're a hell of a lot richer than anyone I've ever known. Since we're both drunk, can I ask you another personal question?"

"Go ahead."

"In all the time I've known you, I've never seen you with a woman. You must have been hurt badly. What happened with you and Janet?"

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling before answering her. "I'll make a long story short. When I met Janet, she was starting out as a singer. She sang with my quartet a few times, and we started going out together. After a while, I thought I was in love. Maybe she did, too. I asked her to marry me. Unfortunately, she said yes.

"We were married for a couple of years when something became apparent: we hadn't been in love. Once sex started being just routine, there wasn't a hell of a lot left in our marriage. To be honest, we weren't even good friends anymore. I think that the only reason Janet stayed with me for as long as she did was money. After my investments paid off, we had money, and Janet liked to spend it. She liked nice stuff -- things like this house, cars, trips, clothes, and all the other things that money can buy. When she met someone else who could supply those things, she took off.

"Her new guy was a lawyer. Fortunately, he wasn't as good a lawyer as my pal David Nussbaum, so Janet got next to nothing out of me. Her boyfriend represented her at the divorce, and the judge really took a dislike to him. Plus the fact that she couldn't establish any reason for leaving me except that she was fucking someone else.

"After the divorce, they left town. I heard they moved out west somewhere. I honestly do not know where Janet is now, and what's more I don't care. End of story."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. In the end, it wasn't a bad thing."

"But you were hurt. A lot. I can tell. That helps me understand why you've been so distant with me."

"Distant? How?"

"You've been a great friend. You've always been there when I needed you. We've been really good friends from the first time we met. And I can tell from the way that you look at me that you don't think I'm ugly. But you've always kept your distance. Even though I think I've shown that I'd like to be more than just your friend."

All of a sudden, I started to sober up. The most beautiful woman in the world was telling me that she wanted to be "more than a friend." I looked into my glass for a while. Then I looked at Carole.

"I'm pretty dense sometimes, but I'd have to be gay or a eunuch not to be interested in you. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And you're the sweetest. But you're also young enough to be my daughter. Most young women aren't turned on by dirty old men."

"You're not that old. And you're certainly not dirty. In fact, you're not dirty enough. Do I have to make all the moves in this relationship?"

Carole got to her feet a bit unsteadily. She came over and plunked herself down on my lap.

She kissed me gently and held my face with a hand on either cheek, looking straight into my eyes. "I normally wouldn't have the courage to tell you this. But I've had a few drinks, and I'm not going to waste what my dad calls 'Dutch courage.' Danny, I love you. I think I've loved you from the first time we met."

She stroked my brow and kissed my forehead. She kissed my eyes. My mouth. Corny as it sounds, time seemed to stop as we kissed and held each other.

"Danny, I love you. I love you so very much."

"Carole, I love you, too. More than I can say. But be sure you know what you're getting into."

She smiled at me and stroked my face. "Your place or mine?" she asked.

We settled on mine.

We held on to each other all the way to the bedroom. There was barely room for us to walk up stairs side-by-side, but we couldn't seem to let each other go. Considering the amount we'd had to drink, we might have needed to hang on to stay upright. When we got to the bedroom, we undressed. I undressed Carole, and she undressed me. Slowly.

Clothed, Carole was beautiful. Naked, She was more beautiful than I could have imagined. There are women who look better in clothes than without them. Carole was definitely not one of them.

Her complexion was a perfect creamy white from head to toe. When I took off her bra, her breasts didn't change shape. They were that firm. Her hips swelled from a small waist. Her legs tapered from distinctly womanly thighs to perfect calves and dainty feet. Nestled between her thighs was a V of black curls with pink, pouting lips just visible.

We embraced and kissed for a very long time, relishing the skin-to-skin contact. She pulled back a bit and smiled at me. She looked down.

"I'd say that you seem pretty happy to see me."

I was so erect that my penis was pointing up at about a 30-degree angle. Carole took it in her hand and led me to the bed, using my dick as a leash. Once there, she laid me down and straddled me. I was in heaven.

I tried to go slowly that first time. I wanted to savour the moment. But Carole wasn't having any of that. She was like a tigress. She rode me as though I were her mount in the Kentucky Derby, and she was determined to win. I responded predictably. But I didn't come first. She did. You could say that she won, I placed, and then she showed, coming again as I jetted inside her.

After that first burst of passion, our love making slowed and became more gentle. We made love for a very long time. Several times, we dozed off. From time to time, we'd awaken, and then we'd begin again. There are times that you make love and cannot remember the details because the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts. This was one of those times. We loved each other in every physical way of which we were capable. At some point, we lost consciousness.

Chapter 6

I awoke about 10:30 in the morning. Carole was still sleeping peacefully. Her black hair lay about the pillow, faming her lovely face. She looked like an angel. I put on my pants and stumbled downstairs. I went into the kitchen and put on the coffee. After a couple of cups of coffee, I went into my office and looked up a few telephone numbers. Then I made a couple of calls. The first one was to the food bank. Then I called my old pal Howard Feinberg. Howard had been the first drummer in my quartet. He was now running the musician's union local office.

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‌hello guys and girls hope you still remember me, so here rajiv again with his some more fucking real story, jo nai jaante mujhe unko bta du, am working in bangalore, and delhi sae belong krta hoo, for feedback feel free to contact at to ye story mae college ke dino ki h jb mae 2year mae tha, tb hamare juniors mae ek ldki aayi uska naam tha milli dikhne mae cute si, height 5ft 5″Hogi big boobs nice curves, aur jb chalti thi to gaand ki kya baat kru, lund khada kr deti thi, pheli baar dekhte hi...

1 year ago
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stop no go

my older s*s, dimple, came to visit for 2 weeks. let me give you some flashback s*s is 1 year older than me. she'z bout 5"4 an ok bod wit decent B cups & an unmistakably huge cunt. we grew up as close as lose can be. we used to shower together, discover lil things or changes in us..we used to play wit ea others play thing. i stayed sexualy interested in things wyl she..she's easily convinced. so back to the future. the first night we had lots to drink. so we were wasted..she got d...

1 year ago
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John at last Part 2

Introduction: This is a continuation of my first story, I suggest you read it first before this one. Comments are appreciated. Please let me know what you would like to read in Part 3. A threesome perhaps, or something else? Shit shit shit. John stared at me for a minute or two and then decided to go after her. I followed slowly behind him. When we couldnt find her after ten minutes of searching the whole school, John simply took my hand and headed back towards the gates. Forget about her, I...

4 years ago
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My GangBang Fantasy

The following is just a fantasy but everyone who is willing to make it happen should talk to me about it!!I am a total bottom! I've tried fucking guys several times but it just doesn't feel right for me. Also I never had group sex or a gang bang but it is something i find very attractive and this is how i picture it for my first time:I don't want just any men - I want real Daddies. For me a real Daddy is a big muscular man with lots of bodyhair, a beard and a big cock. I really don't get why so...

3 years ago
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Five Dollar Bill

I only wanted a soda, it was hot. The little stand at the end of the lane I had passed earlier at the County fair had drinks, so I headed down there. People were everywhere, all sizes, shapes, ages, the little tents were filled with sellers trying to move some wares. Noisy, hot, and I wanted a soda. I saw the woman standing at the board they were using for a counter, she had one of those huge pink cotton candy things in one hand and was trying to fumble in her purse with the other. I saw...

2 years ago
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A Charity CaseChapter 4 Beginnings

Deirdre was another matter. As a Fifth Floor girl, she was in the know. Also, of all the girls in the hotel, she was the best linguist. Her father was German, her mother French, her governess Dutch and her nanny Italian. There had also been a Mexican gardener, but rumors about him were spoken in hushed tones. Suffice to say that Deirdre spoke four languages fluently and six or seven more somewhat. Rural Spanish counting as a "somewhat." Moreover, she had gotten the twin's version of the...

2 years ago
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Double VisionChapter 7

DAY 2 The twins were used to switching roles, so that didn’t make either nervous. Still they knew the little details were important. Jenny had told her sister everything that she had done yesterday to help insure there were no mistakes or verbal miscues. They had compared their bodies, right down to how their pubic hairs were trimmed. As soon as their mother left for work, Jenny got dressed and was soon out the door heading to a girlfriend’s house for the day. She wanted to be out of sight...

1 year ago
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Nature is a demanding thing. As soon as puberty hits, the male brain becomes focused on propagating the species at all costs and above all else. Once you start noticing hot teen sluts, you never get over them. Just seeing a nubile, fertile young thing puts your brain into reproductive mode and sends the blood flowing to your cock. These sudden urges are sometimes a shortcut to the sex offender database, but teen porn sites like Nubiles let you live out all your teenage sex fantasies through the...

Premium Teen Porn Sites
4 years ago
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You have my blessings

You have my blessingsI hope we don’t end up like Bob and Jill my wife was telling me.Yes it is a shame. They have been married for just as long as us I replied.Bob and Jill were an exact copy of my wife and I. They were married in their early twenties and been married for over 35 years just like us.. They even looked like us gaining weight as they aged.I told my wife , Kara, this happens when a couple is not on the same page. Jill about lost all interest in sex while Bob was still active. He...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part 3

The Ashley Lesson My eyes slowly opened and shut several times before I realized the obnoxious sound echoing throughout the room was the alarm clock on my phone. “Uh, that’s awful,” I sighed hitting the stop button. What’s with this yellowish colored paint? Where the hell am I? Then I remembered the night before, the entire day before. The vignette of emotion, passion and ecstasy crashed together in my head and I reached down rubbing my panties against my clit just briefly. I looked around...

2 years ago
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What Would Steven Do Part 3

Chapter 3 To say the night with Amanda was amazing would be an understatement of understatements. It was spectacular! We fucked all over my apartment from the hallway, to the kitchen and of course, my bedroom. We finally had anal sex which turns out Angela loved more than I did. She must have prepared for the night because there were no feces on my dick the entire night. The feel of the tightness of her ass around my cock as well as the visual look of her gaping anus as I pumped in and...

2 years ago
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Michael and I (Megan) had talked about being with another girl and I had just the right one for him! I am 5' 9", 115#, 36d-24-34 Blonde, grnish eyes, VERY sexual and like to keep it shaved. Michael is 25 6ft 165# moderate build, aurburn hair, he is about 8.5" hard and he was in martial arts for 11yrs... We are both tan and healthy. I, along with my friend Lisa, am a model. She is 5' 10", 119#, 38d-24-34 very, very hot! She has [dyed] auburn hair and is shaved also. Although she has olive...

2 years ago
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Hot train fuck

The incident I am about to narrate took place some years ago. The upper berth was still empty. I was wondering who would be my travel companion when the coach attendant arrived with a lady. "Madam, this is the only berth, which is not occupied. If you want I can allot it to you. This gentleman is also traveling to Madras like you," he said, pointing to the upper berth. The lady looked around the compartment and seeing me she hesitated but said, "Oh, I must get there by this train....

2 years ago
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Submissive Satisfaction

SUBMISSIVE SATISFACTION By Lewis Chappelle Note: This piece is the last of five stories each of which follow in story line, and character development, ?Submissive Spirits? published here earlier. While it is felt that the content of each story is self contained, it is suggested that a sequential reading of all five stories, while a long read, might be preferable. Please let me know your thoughts.Thank you, LC   ?Master, I am so excited. I completed the five challenges you gave me and...

2 years ago
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Medusa Fates GameChapter 11

~~Otrera~~ Patrius showed up come dawn, as promised, as did the three men. No bandages on his skin this time, not after Chimera explained it didn’t help much. Once Otrera and her companions had taken a whiff of Athena’s gift, they set out into the night. Sneaking around at night was much easier with Athena’s special jar of whatever to wash away the curse. She didn’t like it, smelling something odorless to free her mind of some sorceress’s curse. It was a lot of talk, conjecture, a lot of...

2 years ago
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Father & Son CuckoldsThis is my story. It's a bit unusual in relative to the relationship most husbands have with their in-laws. I felt I needed to tell it because of all the twists and turns I and my family (my mom and dad) have experienced as a result of my relationship and marriage into the Jones family. The problem is where do I start? Where should I begin? I guess I should begin with the obvious.My name is Victor and my wife's name is Vicki. We are both in our late twenties. Our...

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Family Indiscretions Ch 6

Shirley will never forget that night. While laying in her own bed, fucking herself crazy with the purple gift from Veronica, she thought she heard a noise coming from the hallway. She lifted her head to listen. She didn’t hear anything further and dismissed it. She continued. Her one hand pumping the dildo in and out of her cunt, the other hand roughly playing with her tits. She moaned, ‘Oh fuck. Umm, fuck.’ Her love juice covered the dildo, leaked out and flowed onto her hand. She brought...

2 years ago
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She finds out what HC stands for Blacken

"Please, not here", I sobbed. My blonde hair falling across my eyes as my shoulders shook. His eyelids heavy, bored, watching me in silence. He knew I would. I had no choice. "Not here. These people know me. They know my family." Pleading, tears in my eyes. No answer. He just lifted the napkin from his lap, leaned back a bit in the booth. Those eyes crushing my will, waiting for what we both knew would happen. I glanced nervously around the restaurant. People I knew. Ellen and Stephanie over...

3 years ago
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Magic Panties

One of the nice things about working in, as well as owning an adult novelty store, is the perks associated with doing so. I'm a people person, anyway. I love watching people. Often going to the mall to pick up one thing or another and finding myself sitting down, watching people walk by. It's interesting to wonder what they are thinking about, who they really are inside. Which is one of the reasons I love my job so much. When people enter my store, I have a pretty good idea of what they are...

3 years ago
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Minerva Ch 06 of 10

To be honest with you, I was in a bit of a daze as Sandra helped me pack my gear. You know, I hadn’t the foggiest idea of where I was going even. But I did think to mention my editor to her, Sandra assured me that he’d be taken care of. Not the best form of words she could have chosen, under the circumstances. After scrutinising the road in both directions, the two Gorillas (Bernie and Marco) hurried over to take my bags as we exited the block. Then they closely flanked me as we crossed the...

1 year ago
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The New House MaidChapter 3

Thomas led Sue upstairs and to his bedroom. As he lit the lights in his room he could hear Sue undressing. With the lights in the room on he saw Sue naked before him. Thomas smiled at seeing her form and how he made her that way. Walking over to embrace her she opened her arms for a big embrace. Thomas was kissing her dark lips, as her hands quickly undid his clothes. As their body pressed against each other, their breaths began to take deep breaths. Sue was the first to break away as she...

3 years ago
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Christmas Carol

Ben stepped from his BMW into the cold December night. His ears were immediately assailed by an incessant ringing from the guy in the Santa suit suckering people for donations."Merry Christmas," Santa called as he passed, trying to draw his attention."Fuck off," Ben grumbled. "Get a real job."As Ben entered the front door of the building, a group of carolers was waiting to be buzzed in. "Get back," he ordered, as he pushed past them, unlocking the door. "You stay here. I don't know you. I'm not...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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River RatChapter 52

While most everyone but the crew was still asleep, Scooter and Crystal got their heads together in the early morning half-light. "If we're going to make this a qualifier for Randy, we're going to have to get him and Nicole out of Duane's raft," Crystal said. "And, I want to run with Nanci and Mom, at least today." "Guess we can do it," Scooter said from behind the roar of the big propane burner that was heating wash water. "How's about you take Noah, and I'll take Randy and...

3 years ago
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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 17 Hobart Explored

The next morning Frank woke up feeling refreshed and invigorated. He was pleased that he had resisted making love to her last night, which he probable could have at a pinch, although it would have been quite an effort. But now he was definitely eager and ready to do so. He turned to her, looking at her beautiful body as she lay on her back, sleeping, her breathing heavy; almost, but not quite, snoring. After gazing at her for several minutes, he traced gentle kisses on her breasts and tummy...

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Thozhiyin Amma Oru Oozhu

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar ashok vayathu 19 aagugirathu. Naan coimbatoreil vasikiren, ippozhthu kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugiren. Enaku athigam kama kathai padikum pazhakam irukirathu. Enaku aunty kathaigal endraal migavum pidikum, ilamaiyaana aangaluku auntygalai thaan athigam pidikum. En veethiyil en udan padikum oru thozhi irukiraal avaluku appa kidaiyathu, avaluku amma matum thaan irukiraal. Oru naal en veetil veliyil varum pozhuthu aval veetirku oru aan sendraan. Avan sendrathum...

1 year ago
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Alisons desperate end to the hen night

Alison had been out on a hen do with her friends,and its fair to say it had been a heavy night. They'd met at 6, and here we were at 3AM. The girls were all absolutely wasted, but they were giddy and they were happy. The club was closing up, so all the girls left and went to a takeaway for food. The queue was crazy, and the girls were all laughing and joking, as they waited for their greasy, late night food. They'd left the club, probably some 20 minutes ago now, and, as the girls started to...

1 year ago
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How I Got My Bonus At Work

I had only worked at "new Exhausts" for around a month. It was a one man band type of place with me and Tony my boss. He told me as I was only 18 my wages would get more as the year goes on. My job was to only fit the tyres and Tony would work on the paperwork for the customers in reception. The job was low wage but as I have just said but just out of college any money is better than no money. One evening Tony told me to finish up, shut the shutters and I could go. Tony was in his mid 40's he...

1 year ago
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The PsychicChapter 6 Government Interdiction

Louie's Pancake House They watched as the woman walked towards them. Clutched in her hand was a folded piece of paper. She came to a stop at the table and looked at them. "Can I help you?" Annabelle asked as she set her coffee cup down. "I'm here for these children," Lidia Wayne replied. "Excuse me? Which children," Annabelle asked in confusion. "All of them!" Lidia replied and reached out and grabbed Sasha's arm. "LET GO OF MY DAUGHTER!" Annabelle snapped as she stood...

2 years ago
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Ranma OneAkane 12 Wheres Ranma

Ranma: Ranma One-Akane 1-2: Where's Ranma? By Ron Dow75 1: Rising in a Furo Ranma found himself falling towards one of those springs: He screamed!! Splash! Ranma quickly rose from the warm water. There was something different about his body. First of all he was tenser-and getting tenser-than he'd ever felt before, every shrunken muscle tightening. Second, he was more naked than he'd ever felt in his life. And third, and most attention grabbing of all: He had...

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Being nude short story

I thought I share this story of being nude in not your normal place, anyone a nudist? This is just a little story about a kinky fetishism I came up with about me it maybe a little interesting to you but I just wonder if other people have done anything like this I have been finding out how fun it is to be nude in a strange place to be nude at all. . I have always enjoyed being nude but not in proper places like nudist beaches or camps of any kind so I can't call myself a nudist. Very few times...

2 years ago
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Young Bess Part Six

How very grateful I am to have such good friends supporting this little project! Elaine! I always suspected you were somewhere in the background. Thank you for your editorial collaboration. Special thanks to Brian for so many lovely reviews? To Felicity for your supportive e- mails? To Bluto, Bruce, Sophie, Sirearle, C-Monster, and dd for all your courtesies?many, many thanks! Please note that YOUNG BESS is fully copyrighted and cannot be reprinted or reproduced without the express...

3 years ago
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Julie in OwlLight

Julie in Owl-Light: A Letter Not Mailed You’d been in Florence for three days, shopping and sight-seeing, and this was your last night in the city. Your hotel was ‘La Rosetta’, an exquisite three-star pensione on Via Cavour, about five minutes’ walk from the centre of activity. My photographic assignment had also just finished, so I called and invited you to dinner. You agreed, and close to 8pm we met outside ‘La Casa Bella’, a small, family-run restaurant that overlooked the River Arno. I’d...

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His Best Friends DaughterPart II Consummation

His Best Friend’s Daughter-Part II: Consummation When we last left John he had arrived at his best friend’s private villa in Alcudia, Majorca. His good friend Patrick’s sixteen-year-old daughter Gabby had subjected John to days and days of teasing and flirtatious play leading up to this family get-away. Patrick and his stunning wife Katherine, together with the beguiling efforts of Gabby, had enticed John to join them for the holiday since they had an available guesthouse. John was lying on the...

4 years ago
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The Best Bachelor Party EVER

The Best Bachelor Party EVER!Life was like a fast pace, well that’s the easiest way to describe it to me. I was twenty six years old. I didn’t go to the clubs that often, only when it was basketball, football or soccer season. I didn’t go out with any women, I didn’t have time. That was always my excuse, but I couldn’t use that excuse on the night of my friends Bachelor party. I know that guys keep their best friends secrets, and since I am a loyal friend, I will change names. October 16th ,...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Sex with mature fish vendor

Hai this is santosh again with new story of sex with a fish vendor. When this incident happened I was 25 yrs old and having a good urgue for sex specially with mature women. In our building these fish vendor use to sell door to door . Out of these I like only urmila bhai. Her age may be around 45. She was not so goodlooking but had a killing figure. She use to wear maharastrain kasta saree. Everybody in the was fan of her ass. My mother used to take fish from her only. So urmila bai use come to...

3 years ago
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Two Dozen Strawberries

Alice:  There is a devilish sparkle in your eyes as you bend down once more. I close my eyes as you grasp the underside of my thighs and lift my legs up and apart. You kiss my knee. You kiss my inner thighs, moving ever closer and closer to my wet and wanting sex. You pause for a second, then I feel the tip of your tongue on the small piece of flesh just below my entrance. Wriggling from side to side, teasing me and sending sparks of electricity to my clitoris and to my brain. I close my eyes...

4 years ago
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My Mothers sr took me outdoors

This story is not factual but based on fantasies I’ve had over the years which I’ve had no control over… Enjoy. I received the phone call returning home from High School. My Aunt Sandra would be in town for the weekend and wanted to take me camping in the hills just East of San Diego. It was just what I needed. A little time away from Friends, Mom and Dad. I had not seen Sandra in almost two years and she was always a woman who could pull fun out of a hat. The older s****r of my mother who was...

2 years ago
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Mother knows best extended finale

Once I was a young boy named Andrew, or Andy for short. Then I was a young girl named Andi, which I wrote with a heart instead of a dot above the I. Then I was a boy again, and now, I am dead. Life is full of surprises, or at least it was. I try to remember how I got to this point. I remember coming home from school accompanied by my grandmother, and rushing up to the bathroom. Having a period was still a strange event to me. The blood in the toilet, as it had every month since...

1 year ago
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Cuckold Fantasies Stories i send to my wife and h

Finding it difficult to concentrate at work, so need to share it!........ I like to share!You are away for a girls spa break weekend, I said goodbye to you on Friday and am not expecting you back til Sunday evening. On Saturday while at work I get a message from your bull asking if I would like to see a show tonight? I assume he doesn't want me to go the theatre with him! so I get that familiar rush of blood. I was planning a night out anyway as everything is taken care of at home so i reply...

3 years ago
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I Love My Job

I was 26 years old and had just landed a great job with a growing company. Because the organization was small, they couldn’t afford to hire someone with a lot of experience so they hired me as an Executive. Although I was qualified and had the education, I was nervous and determined to prove myself. Part of the reason I had gotten the job was because of my boss. He was 38, married and a father of two. I had met him briefly at industry functions and he put in a good word for me with the owner...

2 years ago
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Confessions of an anal addict 2

Ever since my first anal encounter with the man I met online, my anal addiction has steadily grown to full blown obsession. I no longer simply crave for cock in my ass, I need it. I cant function unless I get my ass fucked on a regular basis. Luckily the man I first met is as keen about fucking my ass as I am about reieving his hard cock up my back passage. I now carry with me my anal kit at all times. It consists of an anal douche, lube, and a buttplug. So whenever my man gives me a call I can...

1 year ago
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Benson Farm 1

I was doomed from conception. My mother was the daughter of a Southern Baptist minister. She had been a fine upstanding girl until she went to college. While in college, she became addicted to Cocaine which led to heroin and meth. She dropped out of school after her second semester because she was on the verge of being kicked out. Because of her addictions, her father disowned her, leaving her homeless. Eventually, as so many other young female drug addicts, my mother took to the streets....

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At the Bar

By Dina PetroMy friend and I had just finished dancing at a night club, we were both wearing, sexy short dresses, both pantie less, she had hooked up with a guy and decided to go home with him to spend the night between his arms. She apologized for me for leaving me alone, I told her I was fine with it and told her to go for it and enjoy the new cock she got for the rest of the night.Walking out of the club alone, I got into my car, I was feeling very horny, dancing pantie less all night long,...

3 years ago
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The Long Road Back From Hill 55Chapter 7

Part VII Several weeks at China Beach were a hazy recollection of isolation from the vestiges of war. Sort of an unwritten truce that said, “You leave us alone, and we will leave you alone.” Problem was, no “Gentleman’s agreement could survive in a climate of Good vs. Evil.” It all came to a screeching halt with a surge of fanatical infiltrators from the South of Danang. They swept into the China Beach corridor with a vengeance. Civilians were considered collaborators just because they...

3 years ago
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Amazon Driver

I've been waiting on a package from Amazon with some parts for my truck. This would be the second attempt. The first disappeared. I asked that the driver deliver them directly to my door, I'd be home waiting.About this morning someone was knocking on the door. Sure enough, it's this young striking hunk of a black man with my package. Said he was under orders to hand deliver it. I barely heard him as I couldn’t take my eyes off him. This k** was a god. Maybe 5'9", 170 lbs, and toned as hell. Not...

3 years ago
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Me My Male Boss And His Father

Dear friends, I am Ranjana, aged 29, unmarried, wheatish skinned with 38-30-32 sizes. I am MBA and working as Senior Manager Finance in a reputed company in Bangalore. I am respected for my knowledge, sense of humor and helping nature. Sex, was something I never gave a thought to and I am very career oriented. In the month of June 2012, I was transferred to Chennai wherein I had to report to a new boss. He was around 40 but tall and dark and quite serious. He was very work-minded and so was I....

2 years ago
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The Education of the Wayward Wife

                                        The Education of the Wayward Wife                                                    Written by C.W. Evans                                                         Chapter One           The midsized town she grew up in had to have more she thought as she desperately tried get her loans for college. Jen knew that if she was accepted that this would be her chance to bigger and better things in life. As she opened the letters from different colleges she...

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Transitions Part 1

Transitions By Colleen Shepherd Authors note: The GB (Gender Bimorphism) universe was created by O2bxx the author of "For a Girl". I loved the concept and felt that I had to explore the possibilities from a Canadian perspective. Originally this story was to be called Cross Country Changes, but with the upheaval and adjustments as well as self examination that my main character (named after my self) undergoes the originally planned title didn't fit and was changed to Transitions. This...

2 years ago
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When Krystenahs Master is Away

Part One Even though Master was out of town, every morning he sent an email outlining chores he wanted me to complete. Every one required that I take a picture and send it to him. “We both know how undisciplined you can be when I am not around,” he said. The words stung, but only because I knew they were true. Master’s first email read: Good Morning, pet, I need to you to get a reward & punishment journal today. You are going to keep track of how you do fulfilling my wishes while I am not...

2 years ago
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Busty Hot Lady Mary And The Quickie

Hello all, I will introduce myself quickly, I am a 42-year-old male living in Africa in one of the better and safer countries and into my own business. I do enjoy the finer things in life and of course, clean and safe sex. I am good-looking 5.10 and 74 kg, muscular built and well endowed too. Now, to my latest story which I experienced a few days ago. It was a clear Saturday morning and as usual, at about 9 am, I was driving to work. Not far from home at the roundabout, I noticed this very...

3 years ago
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Saving the Best for Last

Scott stood up in frustration, sending his desk chair wheeling across the room and slamming against the wall. The motion caused his monitor to shake, almost tipping over. A woman’s voice came over the speakers. “Scottie, ye canna keep stomping around like that! I canna see ye and yer words aren’t makin’ any sense.” Scott went back to the computer and leaned in toward the screen. “Kara, you just don’t understand! When I tell you I’m broke – I’m broke! My unemployment checks are going to stop...

4 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 9

TUESDAY, May 3, 2016 Rachael got on the bus to see the girls in the back to frantically waving her back to the same seat she had sat on yesterday. They were all full of the plans for the sleepover that was planned for Friday. So far there were going to be six coming, the three girls, Janice, Mikki, and Rachael. "Mikki is actually pretty cool," Carly said, and both her partners shook their heads in agreement. I couldn't believe how great that picture she took of you turned...

3 years ago
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Perfect Love

This story centres upon the relationship between a brother and sister, but before it begins, you may select the ages, personality, appearance and age difference of the two siblings. You are Aaron.

2 years ago
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Schooldaze III

Schooldaze 3 For the next eight weeks I sucked Henry's cock as our desires and schedules permitted. Sometimes I would just throw on some panties, a slip, and some makeup and gulp his tool. Other times I would get the dildo out and we'd have a 'complete' session. For practice, I always tried to stay 'in voice,' regardless of how long a session lasted. A 'complete' session usually consisted of me getting dressed up all the way--skirt, blouse, heels, etc. Then we'd fool around on the...

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