Arnaud En Voyage D'Affaire ? Tokyo free porn video

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Chapitre 1 - Arriv?e ? l'hotel Arnaud arriva ? l'hotel en fin de soir?e, ?puis? de sa journ?e. Il entra dans l'hotel puis se pr?senta devant le receptioniste. "Bonjour Monsieur. C'est un tr?s un grand honneur de vous accueillir dans cet hotel de Tokyo. Sachez que tout le personnel de l'hotel est la pour rendre votre s?jour au Japon le plus agr?able possible. Nous vous avons reserv? la chambre 47, j'esp?re que que vous l'appr?cierez. Bon s?jour ? Tokyo Monsieur.." "Tres bien mon brave. " dit Arnaud en regardant de haut et fi?rement le receptioniste, le depassant de 25 bons centimetres, tout en regardant un mail qu'il venait de recevoir le f?licitant d'avoir r?ussi ? convaincre ses clients japonais et remport? le contrat... Arnaud etait un jeune homme francais de 24 ans. Puissant et riche homme d'affaire, pr?tencieux, exigeant, toujours habill? tres classe et ? la derniere mode, il ?tait mari? avec une charmante ?pouse. Son m?tier, n?gocier de nouveau contrat ? l'international, lui avait permis d'apprendre les rudiments de plusieurs langues etrang?res, dont le russe et le chinois, mais aussi de voyager un peu partout dans le monde. C'est ainsi qu'Arnaud se retrouva pour la premiere fois au japon, un pays qui le faisait fantasmer pour pas mal de choses: pour son modernisme, ses traditions, sa cuisine, mais aussi pour les jolies japonaises qu'il aimait bien matter en cachette sur le net dans le dos de sa femme... Plus particulierement, Arnaud adorait matter des videos de "bukkake", une tradition ancestrale japonaise, une pratique o? de jeunes filles coupables d'avoir tromp?es leur maris, se retrouvaient seules, entour?es de dizaines de mecs autour d'elles en train de se branler, et qui ejaculaient ? tout de r?le sur une pauvre japonaise, totalement d?grad?e, le visage couvert de sperme...Il venait d'ailleur d'acheter une video dans une boutique du coin, se disant qu'il la regarderait lorsqu'il serait tranquille le soir dans sa chambre d'hotel. Tout en prenant la cl?, Arnaud regarda autour de lui les personnes qui se present?rent ? l'hotel. Il vit alors un japonais semblant assez riche, ag? d'une cinquantaine d'ann?e, accompagn? d'une jeune japonaise, puis un jeune japonais acccompagn? d'une fille un peu vulgaire, puis ensuite un groupe de 10 mecs japonais accompagn?s cette fois ci d'une japonaise habill?e en ecoliere. Il se disait que cet hotel etait sans doute un lieu de rencontre, mais n'y fit pas trop attention... A c?t?, il suprit une conversation entre 2 personnes dont il compris que l'un d'eux etait le patron de l'hotel. Quant ? l'autre personne, il fut supris de r?aliser que c'etait son fils alors qu'il aurait jur? que c'etait un fille ? cause de son look si effemin?... "non mais je reve, quelle tapette.... je reve, et ca se dit etre un homme ca pffff..." pensa Arnaud... Arnaud remarqua ensuite la jeune femme de menage japonaise qui ?tait discretement en train de le regarder, et qui semblait si interess?e par lui, ce beau gosse europeen si distingu?... Arnaud se senti alors un peu excit? en la regardant... Sa jeunesse, ce visage parfait, cette poitrine parfaite, ce sourire, cette tenue de femme de menage aussi, tout l'exitait en elle... Soudain, le patron de l'hotel remarqua l'attitude de la jeune femme de menage puis se mit a crier en Japonais : "Atsuko, tu veux que je t'aide ? matter ce jeune europeen? depeche toi de retourner ? ton menage sale petite faineante!" Puis la jeune japonaise retourna ? son menage, abaissant la t?te, n'osant pas lever la tete devant son patron autoritaire... Arnaud decida ensuite de se rendre au bar histoire de se d?tendre un peu. Il commanda son whisky pr?f?r? puis alla se mettre dans un fauteuil tout en consultant un magazine. Mais lorqu'on lui apporta son whysky, Arnaud se mit ? crier tout en jetant le verre par terre devant les autres clients m?dus?s de l'entendre ainsi hurler : "Mais putain, c'est quoi ce Whisky de merde?? j'avais pourtant bien exig? un 12 ans d'age! Vous savez pas parler francais ou quoi dans cet hotel de merde?! Depechez vous d'y retourner et de me servir, je deteste attendre! " "Oui Monsieur, d?sol? Monsieur.." dit le serveur japonais en baissant la tete, aux ordres de ce jeune et orgueilleux europ?en... Arnaud finit par se calmer puis alla se mettre ? table, o? il mangea des sp?cialit?s japonaises. Puis Arnaud, fatigu? par sa journ?e, voulu aller dans sa chambre pour se reposer. Au passage, il revit la jeune femme de menage japonaise, qui lui fit un grand sourire, et se contenta de dire timidement et en rougissant : "bonne nuit Monsieur!" Atsuko alla alors s'isoler dans un coin. Elle n'arretait pas de repenser ? ce jeune, riche et beau europ?en qui avait tant de classe. Tout en pensant ? lui, elle se mit alors ? se masturber. Atsuko etait une jeune fille de 19 ans qui n'avait jamais eu de chance dans la vie. Fille d'une famille pauvre, elle n'avait jamais eu l'occasion d'?tudier. Savant ? peine lire, elle avait finit comme femme de m?nage dans cet hotel de Tokyo. Detestant son metier tout en bas de l'echelle ? faire des taches si humiliantes, etre trait?e ainsi par les autres, elle revait d'une vie meilleure.... Fantasmant sur la vie occidentale, elle revait souvent qu'elle allait tomber sur un jeune et beau europeen qui allait tomber amoureux d'elle, et allait la ramener avec lui en europe, puis vivre une vie de reve, alliant romantisme, luxe, et sexe. Mais la pauvre jeune japonaise n'avait jusqu'a pr?sent pas eu beaucoup de chance. Bien que beaucoup de jeunes et riches europeens, comme Arnaud, se pr?sentaient dans l'hotel, qu'a chaque fois, ils lui promirent de la ramener avec eux, on ne lui faisait l'amour juste que pour son joli petit corps et a chaque fois elle se faisait jeter par de gros salauds tout en pleurant. Mais ? pr?sent qu'elle avait trouv? sur internet un sort permettant d'?changer de corps avec quelqu'un, Atsuko se dit qu'elle avait peut etre trouv? la solution pour en finir avec sa vie rat?e et commencer une vie meilleure.... *** Chapitre 2 - La soir?e d'Arnaud dans sa chambre d'hotel Arnaud arriva dans sa chambre d'hotel puis commenca a se mettre ? l'aise. Il sortit alors la video de bukkake qu'il s'etait pay?e dans une boutique en venant ? l'hotel. Il se masturba alors en voyant une scene d'une jeune japonaise entour? de plusieurs mecs ? poil en train de se branler et de la traiter de tous les noms... Mais Arnaud etait loin de s'imaginer qu'il n'etait pas tout seul...En effet, la jeune Atsuko etait rentr?e en cachette dans la chambre et regardait Arnaud. Elle se trouva alors extremement choqu?e. Non seulement car elle n'aurait jamais immagin? ce jeune et beau europeen avoir des fantasmes pareils alors qu'elle pensait qu'il etait romantique, mais aussi de voir a quel point la fille qui tournait dans le film, qui lui ressemblait tant, ?tait si humili?e lorsqu'elle se faisait ?jaculer dessus ? tour de r?le par tous ces mecs en rut... Atsuko voulu alors mettre son plan ? execution. Au debut, elle se disait que c'etait un peu injuste de voler la vie de ce jeune europeen mais ? pr?sent qu'elle avait vu qui il etait reellement, elle n'avait plus aucun remord... Ainsi, Atsuko interrompit Arnaud en pleine masturbation. "Monsieur, je pense que je peux vous rendre la soir?e agr?able si vous voulez bien de ma compagnie..." Arnaud fut un peu supris mais en meme temps ravi de revoir cette jeune japonaise qui l'avait tant fait craquer... Tres vite, Atsuko, se mit a poil puis se mit a chevaucher Arnaud. Arnaud etait alors follement excit? de se faire pour la premiere fois une japonaise. Alors qu'il sentait sa chatte serr?e d'asiatique enserrer sa bite dans des vas et vient de plus en plus rapide, Arnaud se mit a dire "oh oui je vais jouir en toi sale petite pute" puis la petite japonaise se mit a dire quelque chose d'etrange en japonaise, dont Arnaud ne compris pas un mot... Puis Arnaud sentit un flash dans sa tete et s'evanouit... *** Chapitre 3 - Le reveil D'arnaud Arnaud se reveilla le lendemain avec un mal de tete terrible. Il se rapella alors de sa soir?e avec la japonaise un peu supris de ne pas sentir d'erection tout en y pensant...Il voulut alors de branler un peu pour s'exciter un peu mais eu un choc en voulant toucher sa bite... Cherchant desesperement son membre, tout ce qu'il pouvait trouver etait un sexe de femme... En effet, ? la place de sa bite se trouvait ? pr?sent un clito et une fente humide... Arnaud se mit alors ? hurler en regardant en bas de lui lorsqu'il vit qu'il portait une petite culotte rose et qu'il ne vit rien d'autre qu'une petite touffe de poil en la soulevant... "Qu'est ce que c'est que je fous avec une putain de chatte entre les jambes ? la place de ma grosse queue? Je... et c'est quoi cette voix de tapette que j'ai? Mon dieu et ces seins... non c'est pas possible qu'est ce qui m'arrive... Je dois encore etre en train de rever c'est pas possible! Ahhhhhh mon dieu cette sensation que c'est bon..." Arnaud se doigta un peu le clito puis se depecha d'aller se voir dans un miroir ? la salle de bain ne comprenant pas trop ce qui etait en train de lui arriver... Puis vit alors la jeune japonaise en face de lui... il voulut alors l'embrasser de force mais se rendit compte avec horreur qu'il etait en train d'embrasser son miroir! R?alisant qu'il etait ? pr?sent dans le corps d'Atsuko tout ce qu'il pouvait faire etait de l'insulter tout en voyant sa reflexion en face de lui. "Sale putain de bonniche de merde! Je peux pas y croire! Mais comment est il possible? tiens une lettre la... voyons voir..." "Monsieur Arnaud, lorsque vous verrez cette lettre, vous serez dans mon corps, la jeune Atsuko, femme de menage dans cet hotel. Je m'excuse de vous avoir vol? votre vie et que ca tombe sur vous mais je voulais en finir avec ma vie rat?e, celle d'une jeune japonaise qui n'a jamais pu faire d'?tude et finir ? faire un poste si d?gradant, faire des taches si humiliantes, etre tout en bas de l'echelle sociale, et etre trait?e comme un vulgaire bonniche. Depuis longtemps, j'ai toujours fantasm? de vivre ? l'europeenne, mais aussi bizarement etre un homme. Pourquoi? je ne sais pas trop... peut etre parce que que la condition des femmes au Japon est difficile, peut etre parce que j'ai toujours envi? les hommes qui prenaient leur pied ? me p?n?trer et me jouir dessus? Parce que je deteste etre si faible physiquement? Apres vous avoir ecout? et appris de votre vie de riche homme d'affaire europeen, mais aussi en voyant ce corps si fort physiquement, j'ai tout de suite ?t? "excit?e" par l'id?e de prendre votre vie apres avoir trouver une formule sur internet permettant d'echanger de corps avec quelqu'un... Au debut, je m'en voulais un peu, vous croyant etre un gentleman, mais vous voyant excit? de voir cette vid?o o? des filles japonaises etaient si humili?es de sa faire ainsi dominer par des hommes, j'ai compris que vous n'etiez rien de plus qu'un macho qui ne respectait absolument pas les femmes... Pour cela, je ne regrette rien, non seulement j'ai excauc? mon desir, mais en plus par la meme occasion, je vous ai puni de votre attitude envers les femmes. Vous voila donc ? la place et moi ? la votre. A l'heure qu'il est, je serai en direction de l'aeroport de Tokyo, probablement pour prendre le prochain vol pour Paris, ou je vais vivre votre vie en France et rejoindre votre femme, ou plutot ancienne femme. Quant ? vous, vous finirez ici, au japon, ? etre Atsuko , la jeune femme de menage de cet hotel. Enfin, pour en finir, la formule que j'ai utilis?e fera en sorte que vous soyez comme ces petites japonaises qui vous excitaient tant, ? savoir une petite petasse folle de sperme... et a chaque fois que vous "avalerez" vous perdrez quelque chose... Ce qui vous enl?vera tout espoir de retrouver votre ancienne vie! Adieu "Atsuko"! NB : regardez les photos que je vous ai laiss?, je suis sure que ca vous fera de l'effet! " *** Chapitre 4 - Arnaud et sa derniere chance pour retrouver son corps Arnaud etait fou. Comment avait il pu se faire avoir ainsi et se retrouver dans le corps de cette petite conne de femme de menage japonaise lui, le puissant homme d'affaire? Qu'allait il pouvoir bien faire ? pr?sent pour retrouver son corps? Il regarda les photo en dessous de la lettre... Pourquoi ces photos de japonaises en train de sucer et de se faire tant humilier provoqua ces picotements entre ses jambes? pourquoi avait il l'envie bizarre d'etre ? leur place de voir ces bites et ce sperme? Puis Arnaud se ressaisissa et voulu s'habiller. Il voulu alors mettre son costard mais rien n'allait... A cause de sa petite taille, le bas du pantalon ainsi que les manches depassaient, c'etait ridicule... Arnaud du alors se resigner ? mettre ces vetements de bonne, completement humili?... C'est alors que le fils du patron entra dans la chambre. Il s'exclama : "Atsuko, qu'est ce que tu fous ici petite idiote? Je te rappelle que les toilettes n'ont pas encore ?t? faites! non mais c'est quoi ce bordel? tu crois qu'on te paye pour trainer dans les chambres ? rien faire? Qu'est ce que tu es en train de regarder? " "Non non c'est rien! " dis alors Arnaud "Aller montre moi ca... Non mais je reve, ca t'excite de voir ca hein sale putain? et bien tu vas te depecher de me sucer la queue si tu veux pas que je raconte tout ? mon pere et que tu te fasses virer sale petite bonniche perverse que tu es! " "Mais non laissez moi vous expliquer, je ne suis pas Atsuko, je m'appelle Arnaud. Vous devez me croire. Je..." "Non mais n'importe quoi, espece de folle, tu me saoules....tu t'en encore drogu?e c'est ca hein petite conne? attend je vais te calmer tu vas voir ...." Arnaud se retrouva alors se faire faire un cunni par ce japonais qu'il considerait comme une tapette ? cause de son look effemin? mais dont il etait en train de prendre son pied avec sa langue qui lechait son nouveau clito.. Arnaud n'en pouvait plus et avait besoin de sentir "quelque chose" ? l'int?rieur de sa nouvelle fente... Il se jeta alors sur le jeune japonais puis se mit a le chevaucher en poussant de petits cris tres feminins Puis soudain il lui vint un id?e en tete, comme obs?dante, celle de prendre cette queue en bouche et d'avaler son sperme... Il se rapella alors de la si c'etait vrai? il resista tant bien que mal en tentant de penser ? autre chose mais en ne pu resister et prit la queue du jeune homme en bouche et le suca tout en sentant sa chatte ruisselant de plaisir pendant qu'il se foutait un doigt... Puis il avala le sperme avec degout mais ne pouvant se retenir.. "ha ha ha quelle suceuse Atsuko! bon allez je dirais rien a mon pere pour cette fois ca va!" Arnaud essaya de retrouver ses esprits apr?s que le fils du patron de l'hotel l'ai laiss? dans sa chambre, du sperme encore au coin de sa bouche.... Il voulut alors relire la lettre que la japonaise lui avait laiss?e tout en chialant mais il s'apercu avec horreur en tentant de dechiffrer le premier mot qu'il ne savait plus lire... tout ce qu'il pu dire etait "sale pute de jap' tiens dans quelle merde je suis putain..." Puis il lui vint une id?e : appeler sa femme et lui expliquer ce qui lui arrivait... Il sortit de sa chambre puis se d?pecha d'aller ? la reception de l'hotel. Tout en courant dans le couloir, il se rendit compte ? quel point son "point de vue" avait chang? : le sol semblait plus bas, le plafond plus haut...Sans compter cette poitrine enorme qui le genait alors qu'il courait vers la reception de l'hotel. Les gens le regardaient de haut alors qu'il regardait tous ces japonais fierement de haut la veille encore. Alors qu'il bousculait quelqu'un legerement, et qu'on lui hurlait dessus "tu peut pas faire attention sale bonniche?" il r?alisa a quel point l'image qu'il donnait avait chang? alors qu'on l'appellait auparavant "Monsieur" avec respect. Arnaud arriva finalement ? l'accueil puis regarda alors le standardiste japonais... Auparavant, il le regardait de haut, fierement, et ? pr?sent, il devait lever la tete pour le regarder.... Puis il dit ? Arnaud d'un air m?prisant en baissant la tete "qu'est ce que tu fais la Atsuko ? On t'a deja dit de ne pas rester ? l'accueil de l'hotel, tu sais bien que tu fais mauvais genre devant les clients avec ta tenue de femme de menage...allez depeche toi de retourner dans ton menage ou j'appelle le patron!" Arnaud se mit a dire "vite un t?l?phone, je dois donner un coup de fil vite!" Il composa le num?ro mais il s'apercu que le receptionniste se mit ? sortir sa bite et se branler puis dire "Ca te fait envie hein sale petite putain? allez suce moi la queue Atsuko!" Il fut pris d'un desir etrange en voyant cette bite... Il se dit alors que ca pouvait attendre un peu avant d'appeler puis raccrocha, et se jeta sur la bite du receptionniste fou d'excitation... Arnaud se fit traiter de petite pute puis avala le sperme sans en laisser une goutte" Il repris alors le telephone puis composa ? nouveau le num?ro de t?l?phone de sa femme. " femme de!!!! " "hein quoi? mais qui etes vous? Je ne comprends rien ? ce que vous me racontez... vous voulez me vendre quelque chose c'est ca? Ah la la j'en ai marre de toutes ces hotlineuses qui veulent vendre des trucs au t?l?phone... Elles pourraient au moins parler Francais.... Allez au revoir Madame, je ne veux rien, et arretez de me deranger compris clac?? " Arnaud se fit alors raccrocher au nez par sa femme puis compris qu'il avait "perdu" ? nouveau : sa langue... Il se demanda quoi faire, completement paniqu?... En voyant un groupe de jeunes hommes europeens senblant assez ais?s financierement rentrer dans un piece ? c?t?, il voulut tenter sa chance, l'un d'entre eux voudrait bien le ramener en France qui sait, et de toute facon il ne voyait pas d'autre solution... Arnaud entra alors dans la piece. En le voyant arriver l'un des jeune homme se mit ? dire "ah voila la pute pute japonaise qu'on avait demand?.. On va bien s'eclater avec cette jeune salope les gars..." Arnaud ne comprenait presque rien ? ce que racontaient les jeunes hommes ?tant donn? qu'ils parlaient francais. Il se mit alors ? dire en Japonais : piti?, l'un de vous parle un peu japonais? Je dois retourner en France aidez moi s'il vous plait! payez moi le billet pour Paris, je suis dans la merde la! " Mais les jeunes Francais, de passage dans le pays, ne l'ecoutaient meme pas... Ils etaient juste excit?s de voir cette petite japonaise de 1m50 habill?e en femme de menage et qui pleurait... Ils commencerent ? se branler devant Arnaud, ? genoux et au milieu d'eux.. Arnaud voulu s'en aller mais rapidement il sentit qu'on l'avait attrap? par derriere et qu'il etait en train de se faire penetrer sa nouvelle chatte. Puis un homme se mit a jouir en plein sur son visage, puis un autre, et encore un autre, ceci jusqu'au dernier.... Se retrouvant seul, arnaud voulut s'empecher de l?cher tout ce sperme etal? sur son ventre, la poitrine, et aussi son visage. Il reflechit puis voulut se retenir...mais apres tout se disait il, quoi de pire pouvait encore arriver? il etait deja devenu une jeune japonaise stupide, et ne parlait meme plus tout ce sperme l'excitait, il ne pouvait pas r?sister... il se mit a alors ? r?cup?rer de la pr?cieuse semence avec ses mains puis avala tout ce qu'il pouvait... Il sentit alors un picotement dans son corps.... mais que lui arrivait il? il regarda son corps puis vit ses jambes r?tr?cir avec horreur... Etait t il possible qu'il devienne encore plus petit? Il se demanda combien il pouvait mesurer. ? pr?sent...1m40? moins peut etre? Puis sa sa poitrine se mit ? gonfler et gonfler...pour finalement arreter de pousser apres avoir atteint une taille ridicule...combien faisait il de mensuration se demanda Arnaud devant supporter ce poids enorme sur sa poitrine malgr? son petit corps? 115? 120? Il les toucha alors en se sentant mouiller presque instantan?ment d'excitation en se touchant ses tetons.... Quelques semaines plus tard, Arnaud avait finit par se faire virer de son boulot, passant plus de temps ? se faire sauter dans un coin par des clients qu'a faire le m?nage dans l'hotel. Il finit alors par trouver un m?tier lui correspondant mieux, ne demandant pas de ne pas trop reflechir, et permettant d'assouvir ses envies de sperme r?p?titive. Arnaud devint en effet une celebre actrice porno dont la sp?cialit? etait le "bukkake". A chaque fois qu'il se faisait toucher les gros seins, se faisait baiser, puis se faisait ejaculer dessus, il etait excit?, de savoir que tant de mecs, comme lui auparavant, se branlaient en le regardant et se faire tant humilier. Mais c'etait comme ca, c'etait sa vie ? pr?sent, loin de celle de ce jeune et riche europeen, une vie qu'il ne connaitrait plus jamais ? pr?sent... -- FIN --

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1812 Arianas Voyage

All of the events in this story are based in fiction If you are looking for a quick read, straight to the point, this is not for you. It has a story line with scenes ranging from mild to graphic throughout This is part 1 of the 1812 series, I will be posting part 2 soon. 1812- The Indian Ocean Preface On a fall day in late September, one of England’s royal ships, “The Voyager”, sent out on a trip to Australia. The Royal Court had collected a myriad of sailors, slaves, craftsmen,...

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Maiden Voyage of the Amethyst Dream

Man: As I drive along Shoreline Drive, enjoying the cool breeze off the bay, I am a bit nervous. Thinking of her waiting for me at the hotel, I am hopeful that she will enjoy the evening I have planned for the two of us. It has been so exciting these past few weeks since I first met her and I really want tonight to be something special. I pray that all of my preparation and planning will make the impression on her that I desire. As I slow the car to turn into the hotel parking lot, I am...

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Being Me Part 2 Voyage of Discovery

Being Me Part 2 The Cruise - Voyage of Discovery Cruise Diary - Day 1 I woke up early to the sound of a low hum, most probably the ship's engines. I stayed in bed for the first ten minutes of my morning watching the TV and looking for news about my dad's case. Finding nothing of interest, I got out of bed and took a shower. The warm water felt nice as I lathered up with the complimentary shampoo. As my hands worked their way across my body, I thought about shaving. The...

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The Voyage of a LifetimeI

The Voyage of a Lifetime By JamiLin Anticipation. No other way to describe it. Not since I was a tiny tot waiting for Santa was the anticipation so profound. A five week, journey. Being transformed and living in a way that only existed in my imagination. Once I was aware of the existence of this life changing possibility, I was hooked. The advertisement was epic. Live and feel like a woman. Live and feel like a man. Live and feel like anything you wish, had me from the first...

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Part VThe Voyage of a LifetimeSecond Stage Transformation

Part V-The Voyage of a Lifetime-Second Stage Transformation When I wake, I was snuggly warm in my bed wearing only a very sheer white baby doll sleep set. I have panties on. In my ears were some earbuds and the soft music seemed to hold more than relaxing music. I was alone in the bedroom and I woke and then rose slowly. My mind raced back to last night. Had I really? Was that really me? Did I do that? Question after question raced through my mind. I felt warm and tingly...

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Miss Berkeleys Voyage

It was the cook who?d heard the rumour first. It seemed incredible, but Rab had skulked outside the captain?s door and had heard her voice. He hadn?t been able to hear what they were saying, but he?d said their tone was sombre. There were those, of course, who?d said a single woman shouldn?t have been on the ship in the first place, but Tom had listened to the speech she?d given when she?d first boarded and he?d been impressed. She?d introduced herself then as Laura Berkeley, the daughter of...

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The Time Machine Voyage I Going Greek

The Professor was quite mad, of course. I believe he was an archetype rather than a stereotype but 'what the hell, Archie, ' as Mehitabel was wont to say. I met him in the local supermarket. He was pacing the aisles muttering to himself. Now I'm one of these people who can't help but look at what other folk are buying. It fires my imagination sometimes. You see some little round housewife type with two bottles of gin and a tube of KY jelly hidden among the cornflakes and already you can...

4 years ago
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In Search of ParadiseChapter 6 The Voyage Begins

"Cast off aft!" Brandon called out, then watched as Celeste untied the stern mooring line and began to coil it up for storage in one of the deck lockers. "Cast off forward!" he yelled to Tracy, who was ready to duplicate her sister-in-law's manoeuvres. With the Gon Waki 2 now released from the confines of the dock for the last time, that unmistakable purr of the little Yanmar auxiliary diesel became the centre of their sonic world as the three travellers set off for points...

2 years ago
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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 4

"So there she is," Bartholomew muttered in a tired voice. "We're finally here." The older man was standing in the bow of the Hawk gazing out at the vista that lay before him. Pedro stood beside him doing basically the same. It was the first time in weeks that either man had stood together side-by-side to share a word or even a thought. Bartholomew had in fact just rowed over from the Virago and this was the first time in over two weeks that he had stood upon the deck of the Hawk. "We...

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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 13

"I have the numbers for you Master." Pedro was sitting in the factory office on the main floor of the residence, looking over a number of ledgers when Omar had entered the room and spoke to him. The old man was holding another ledger in his hands, waiting patiently for Pedro to recognize him. Pedro smiled in acknowledgement a few seconds later. As he did he sat back in his tall, hard backed chair and closed the ledgers that he had been perusing. "You might as well show it to me," Pedro...

2 years ago
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Intro by gay gangbang in Tokyo

I had known a smallest 20 something guy in Japan. He had come to my English school to check out lessons, but decided not to sign up, but I kept running into him on the train. I assumed he was gay, but later found out that he wasn't - he wanted an American girlfriend - so I just assumed he was gay and didn't know it yet. A couple of months passed, and during the summer holiday when the country all but shuts down he showed up at my doorstep. I was surprised to see him, and invited him in for a...

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A present from Tokyo

Chantelle hated Tokyo. The meeting that she’d planned for so long was a complete bust. There was supposed to be equality in Japan but no-one had gotten round to telling the Japanese that. There were glass ceilings everywhere. She’d seen perfectly competent women being forced to serve Tea to complete idiots just because they happened to be male. It had made her bridle which hadn’t helped when her hosts noticed it. The meeting went cordially enough, there were lots of smiles and...

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Futanari Ghouls in Tokyo

Kaneki Ken sat at a table in one of his favorite coffee shops in all of Tokyo, a small place by the name of Anteiku. A barely touched cup of coffee laid on the table in front of him. It wasn't unusual for Kaneki to ignore his coffee, but it was usually a book that distracted him from his drink. He had a book with him, as he always did, but today, and for the past several days if he was being honest with himself, it was a girl who distracted him. Or a woman, rather. She was far too well...

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They make everything in Tokyo

"My name is Lieutenant Colonel Maki, of His Imperial Majesty's special security branch within the Imperial Army, under the ministry of National Public Safety. In cases as uncommon as these, it?s not without precedence for the local Prefectural Police to hand matters over to the National Police Agency, and for them to hand it over to us." He hadn't even closed the door in the interrogation room as he delivered his introduction in all seriousness and with all due understanding for the gravity of...

Mind Control
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Tokyo, rush hour, everybody is trying to get home after a long day’s work. With hundreds of other travelers I am pushed inside a subway train and end up squeezed tightly against a young Japanese woman. I feel anxious, not being able to move, I wait for claustrophobia to set in like it does every day in such situations. But then, suddenly, I feel calm, the soft noise of the train, its vibrations, people talking around me, everything disappears and there is only, you! Your body pressed tightly...

5 years ago
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Voyage of Discovery

The sun tipped over the horizon in a pool of blood, colouring the sea with a rose tinted stain. Arielle stood towards the bow of the huge ship, her long dress trailing out behind her in the cool salty breeze. The deck of The Desdemona was deserted, the sailors were blessedly below deck eating and drinking their way into oblivion. It had been a long and interminable voyage so far. Ever since she agreed to take this arduous journey to meet her betrothed in the distant city of Corinnia, she had...

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Space Voyage Alien Invaders

“Captain!” he screamed, “Need immediate pick up, there was something in the air, spores or pollen or some kind of damn thing that the plants let loose! But it went through our rebreathers somehow! We need to be picked up now! We got to get off of the planet!” “Withers… Your face…” she said back quietly, internally freaking out, “I am fine, I just need to get to the med bay we all do, the doc says he can fix this.” “Withers… ‘code: Six-Four-Seven; If you or any of your crewmembers come in...

2 years ago
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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

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A Pirate Quest Chapter 3 Voyage to the unknown

Sabina stood on the deck of the ship. The day had finally arrived and they had set sail for the Caribbean. Sabina watched as the coast of England got smaller. She smiled to herself as she walked along the deck towards the stairs to the lower decks.She walked along the corridor meeting a few of the sailors along the way. They all nodded their heads at her. Everyone knew that Sabina was the one in charge of the ship for the next few months they would be working. They knew that they were going on...

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The Last Voyage Of The Henrietta Bone

An age when the world as we knew it was smaller, and there were lands still not discovered.  An age where the sea washed upon distant shores. It was no longer thought of as a square. It, a majestic ship, constructed from the finest wood in the forest. Designed for transporting goods, or doing naval battle. Built with three masts, each towering a hundred feet, and it with a fuselage of over forty cannons. A slow behemoth, of strong oak. Lumber that had been dragged to the water’s edge and built...

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A wild sea voyage

A wild sea voyageBy the time we lived in Port Everglades, we had borrowed a nice sixty foot cruiser from our old friends Cecilia and Peter. They were going to be abroad during two weeks at least; so, we could enjoy the boat for a whole weekend. Anita and I had decided to sail away with another two couples of friends; not a long raid, just few miles close to the coast line.While waiting for our guests, we had spent the night on board, of course having wild sex during most of the time.At early...

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A Princes Voyage to Slavery

I was a prince in my tribe and here I was on my knees on Roman galley whilst a common sailor was trying to force his huge cock in my manly hole. I struggled but was held by 3 other stinking sailors. Just as his cock touched me I heard a shout from the captain. I understood their language. He said my arse was too valuable for a pig commoner but my mouth wasn't. Before I could do anything the first stinking cock entered my mouth. The naked sailor forced my head back and forth. (I soon realised...

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Manly Maiden Voyage

I open my front door to you standing there with a big red bow tied around your chest. "Happy Valentine's Day!" you say, grinning ear to ear. “I'm your present from James, I hope you like me," you add with a little uncertainty noting the surprised look on my face. A big smile lights up my face and I take you by the hand and eagerly pull you inside. Then I frame your face between my hands and kiss you deep and fiercely. You wrap your arms around me and nestle me against your growing erection. I...

Group Sex
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John sat beside the hospital bed holding Jan's hand looking at her angular face and her dark blue eyes that had once been so expressive. Now they were dull and listless. Her skin, once tanned as if she spent a lot of time outdoors now had a sickly pallor. Physically she had been arresting rather than beautiful or even pretty. She had the sort of features that were finely boned, chiselled, and stamped with both intelligence and strength. She was a woman who had once radiated u*********s...

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Maiden Voyage

Maiden Voyage By Brian [email protected] It's a horrible thing never to know where you came from. Not to know who your parents were, not to know what city you were born in, not to know your own birthday. If you've had any sort of childhood whatsoever, then I envy you. As you may have guessed, I was born an orphan. Dropped off at some Atlanta welfare society. No name, no past. 'Infant Doe.' Malnourished. About two months old. Traces of heroin in my system. Things went downhill...

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Tink Ch 4 a voyage of selfdiscovery

Tinkerbelle Ch 4, a voyage of self discovery Life with her Master, Captain Hook was increasingly thrilling to Tink. He was an imaginative and kindly lover and a strong guiding presence in her life. She simply adored the man and everything about him, his appearance, his commanding voice, even the firm stroke of his hand reddening her bottom when she needed correction. On a day like any other, Tink flew high over Neverland and made her way to town to see if anything was new in the lives of the...

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Part II The Voyage of a LifetimeThe Fitting

Part II: The Voyage of a Lifetime-The Fitting By JamiLin I woke next to a warm, sexy and very willing female form. It was Lauren, my attendant. Lauren stirred and hugged me. She said, "Damn, I hope that helped take the edge off. Perhaps you can relax and we can move on to the first step and then the fittings. Then we can experience so much of what you desire. The fitting is very complex and not just for clothes. Preferences, body type, sensations, how real-life, mindset and damn...

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Midnight Voyage to Doom

The Escape The moments passed painfully slow as Edward Banting waited at the Kingston, Ontario train station with his bride Mary Barker-Banting, the regal, 5’ 7”, 36D-28-34, very Victorian, 22 year old daughter of the Minister of War of the Dominion of Canada. Meanwhile a cleverly disguised Serena Wolfe, a 5’ 10”, 34 DD- 29-36, short cropped blonde hair, naturally athletic, intelligent, passionate, worldly, 25 years old, sexy, Canadian Spy/Colonel, born to a middle-classed family and the...

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The Last Voyage of the Henrietta Bone

An age when the world as we knew it was smaller, and there were lands still not discovered. An age where the sea washed upon distant shores. It was no longer thought of as a square. It, a majestic ship, constructed from the finest wood in the forest. Designed for transporting goods, or doing naval battle. Built with three masts, each towering a hundred feet, and it with a fuselage of over forty cannons. A slow behemoth, of strong oak. Lumber that had been dragged to the water’s edge and built...

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Voyage of Sexcovery

The ocean is an almost unlimited source of biological miracles if you know where to look for them. A whole new scientific field in biology had developed since pandemics became way too common, shrinking the world’s population to a third of what it had been when the twenty-first century began. Although painful it had greatly helped a number of man-made issues. Populations were overgrown so that strict birth control had been adopted worldwide. Global warming had not been well countered due to the...

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Celestial MattersVoyage into Slavery

~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...

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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 3

"You complain too much Father Gerome," Pedro declared sternly to the short, stout man that stood before him dressed in the cassock of a Dominican. Pedro and the man were standing at the aft railing on the Hawk's poop deck. The Hawk was at sea and it had been so for five days. The ship had rowed out of the grand harbour of Lisbon on the very same day that Sister Angelique had come bearing her intelligence to his uncle's villa. The ship had been crewed and provisioned with all due haste...

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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 12

"Well," Pedro asked the moment Ishmael stepped into his cabin aboard the Hawk, "has he told you anything more besides what he told me?" It was now late in the day and Ishmael looked very tired. After Pedro had spoken to Esteban, the young nobleman had handed the prisoner over to Ishmael to be questioned as second time. The second time had been more persuasive in comparison to what Pedro had done and it had taken a lot more time. While Ishmael was more than capable of conducting the...

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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 25

"Another of my noblemen is dead," King Manuel murmured almost to himself, "and we are no closer to finding that mad man than we were two days ago. What are we to do?" It was early morning and the King of Portugal had been woken by his chamberlain well before the rest of the palace had begun to stir. The king looked tired and exhausted. He stood in his nightshirt and looked out the window of his chamber onto the grounds below it while his chamberlain reported the latest news in the search...

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Assassin No MoreChapter 2 An Ocean Voyage

It was the first day of our voyage when I found out that traveling the oceans was not exactly safe. The sailors always carried wicked curved swords in their waist sashes. I thought it was because of me, but as we began moving they immediately started ignoring me. No matter what they were doing, some of their attention was always on the sea around us. I learned the reason shortly after we reached deep water. I was by the side rail watching the sea when a large fish broke the surface. I did...

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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 11 Bon Voyage

Sunday evenings were normally a quiet time, both at Earth and at Thule. On this particular Sunday evening, though, things were not quiet at Earth – and not quiet at Thule. DECO Miles Chandler stood in a civilian dress jacket and turtleneck sweater just behind the Orbital Control station of the Operations Centre, Tribune Whitefeather and his team stood At Ease behind him. Deputy Director Renee Galois was sort of hovering behind the knot of Confederacy officers and the Director of...

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"I'm on a week-long scouting mission for deuterium," says Tom Paris, sipping a cocktail in the Mess Hall, "and YOU show up. Just my luck, I suppose..." You nod, appreciating the irony. The ship's resident 20th century scholar was, you found out later, disappointingly absent from your arrival on the ship. You, certifiably born in the 20th century, made your rather...unique entrance onto Voyager just hours after he left. "So, you gotta tell me," he says. "I mean, I've been briefed, but I want to...

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Star Trek Voyager Parody XXX Style

Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss (The names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ================================================== Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for...

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Star Trek Voyager Parody XXX Style

Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...

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I'm flying the airplane Voyager I'm flying the airplane.  A wing dips and I turn the wheel, scraping ailerons on the frozen air. The plane yaws; I reach up and adjust the trim. It rolls; I pull back on the yoke. We level off.  I'm scared, afraid of losing control, of falling. But still, I'm flying. It's my skill that keeps us in the air, keeps the passengers safe. The passengers... ? I look around the cockpit, confused. The plane starts to fall off. I correct. Concentrate, damn it!...

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Surprise Adventure in Tokyo

My name is Emi Haneko Adams, a twenty-six year-old fourth generation American, half-Japanese on my mother’s side and half-American on my father’s side. My parents met at USC in the 1970s while my mother was an exchange student. With my ‘hapa’ (half-Japanese) features, I was sought after during my teens and early twenties as a popular model in Japan, Hawaii, and California. I starred in countless ads for fashionable clothing, cosmetics, and more recently, high-end lingerie. It helped that I was...

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Voyages of Kes

Star Trek Voyager was a Sci-Fi TV show in the 90’s about a space ship trapped in unfamiliar part of space far from Earth and struggling to get home. Kes was an alien from a species called Ocampa. She had large pointy ears and a blonde pixie hair cut. She had very large breasts and a shy personality and a soft breathy voice. Nelix was an alien called a Talaxian. He had a catlike appearance with fur on part of his face and a high pitched voice. Tom Paris and Harry Kim were human crewmembers...

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The Voyages of Luscious Lucy Ch 01

To the thousands of readers who have enjoyed my stories, I say thanks! This new offering, The Voyages of Luscious Lucy, is a work in progress and I don’t as yet know where it will lead our characters. Once again, our hero is an older musician type guy who gets himself into all kinds of kinky situations with the fairer sex. If any of you have any ideas for situations, feel free to send them along through Author Feedback, and I’ll twist them into this randy tale. Read and enjoy! Chapter One:...

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Magical voyages a VR experience

Sitting down at the food court in the mall to eat your tacos you find your eyes start to wonder around the mall looking at all the hot things shopping in the mall. Aah to be young again and back chasing that gorgeous tail. You can't help but admit to yourself that as you get older your taste in women has never changed. You like hot 18 to 20 little sluts, especially the cheerleader types. Sadly the older you get the less and less likely that is going to happen. If you were only rich you laugh to...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 19 Network Active

The disguised Tigershark dropped out of Quasi-Space and as it has become our routine just beyond the utmost Elfi said. “Looks like they had contact with our galaxy before. Communication is now possible. They respond to Squack.” I got up, Har-Hi held my mask. “You should wear it, it is part of your Black Velvet trademark and flair of mystery.” “You think I have that? I mean a flair?” “In spades, Captain and I begin to learn to like this Do suit, complete with mask. It gives me that...

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Space Voyage 2 Alien Planet

They had entered a cave on the undiscovered world. As far as they knew the planet was safe. The air was breathable. No vicious plant life, (A new safety precaution since a month or so before a captain arrived on earth with her whole crew wiped out.) the creatures didn’t appear to very dangerous. But there was one area radiating with energy on the planet. A cave. It wasn’t a volcano, and it was impossible to probe the inside. Scans would go through the lead surface of the cave, the inside was...

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Maiden Voyage The Next Day

Woman: I awake the next morning. At first not sure where I am, I stretch and look over to see him sleeping next to me. He looks so peaceful, and I reach out and brush a lock of his hair into place, and remember the passion we shared the night before. I slip out of bed and pick up the shirt I was wearing last night. I step into the bathroom, take a quick shower, and wash my hair. I put it up in a ponytail, slip on a robe, and quietly open the door. A quick glance at the bed reveals that he is...

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Beths Ocean Voyage

Thank you to everyone who sent me feedback on my first story here on literotica. I value your input and suggestions. All names used in this story are factious and are not directly related to anyone living or dead. Standing on the railing of the ship, Beth looked out over the ocean as it rolled by. Shuddering slightly at the cool breeze that blew over her, she pulled her shawl more tightly around her. Coming on this trip she thought would be a good idea, her family and friends had agreed with...

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