- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
It was the other Christmas.
My alternate Birth day.
That one time every human being between the ages of 5-14 could become richer than the dreams of avarice, sitting atop a bounty of booty cackling with glee while he horded his golden slice & savored the wealth while their parents went without
-absolutely nil, nada, zilch.
An outstretched middle finger to every passing middle-ager in the western hemisphere. ‘ TRICK or TREAT Smell my FEET give me something good to EAT!’
A Butter finger that was.
‘Oh aren’t you adorable!’ Cried the wrinkled old prune, giving us an eyeful of her pearly white dentures & motioning the lot of us forward so she could inspect the wares.
Kyla glared at me as if to say Here we go again before obediently stepping up. She gave the ole bag a little twirl like she was on the catwalk instead of an overgrown veranda, evergreen branches poking us stiffly in the rear.
‘Oh a princess!’ Exclaimed Granny, clapping her liver spotted paws together like a beached walrus. Kyla gave another dramatic role of her eyes.
‘A princess is a perennial favorite’ she’d confided earlier that day during the recess conference call.
We slowly made our way to the senior playground once the bell wrung, blissfully cutting short Ms. Blide’s mind numbing mathematics lesson.
‘This continues tomorrow’ she’d called out after being interrupted by the harsh chime. ‘Don’t get to full on candy corn, be prepared to do some real work tomorrow.’
‘I’d like to work her over’ growled Chris Hitchums, pulling his fall jacket from the crowded cubby at the back of the classroom, shrugging into it.
‘With a crowbar…what’s candy corn?’
I pulled on my own coat & joined the others out in the hall.
Tom, Claire, Kyla, Bran, even that feckless wimp Geordie- we all trudged outside, heading towards the playground, quiet amongst all the noise the lower grades were making, like every day,congregating in their own circles & twirling the skipping rope around or throwing a ball or pretending to be prospecting on Pluto.
I noted how they scurried to the sidelines as we approached, be lining for their fellows & lowering heads, collective hush rising in the still October air.
Clair raised a lip.
‘Big kids’ came a whisper.
Inwardly lighting up but outwardly whipping my head around, I located the source & glaring at the pig tailed girl. She lowered her cute little head, darting behind one of her mousy mates. Geordie caught this & offered the tyke a reassuring smile.
I stopped abruptly.
Geordie wasn’t watching so he plowed straight into me. Rearing around, I snarled at the top of my lungs:
‘Watch where you going PUSSY LIPS!’
He stammered deliciously, the others giving him a round of annoyed shoves.
Gavin approached as we zeroed in on the playground, sitting down in our accustomed spots, Clair climbing atop the monkey bars, Tom on the swinging tire with two others, Brandon on the traffic jam slide & Kyla on a swing.
As speaker I stood with Gavin & Elle at the configuration of brightly painted steel bars shaped like a dinosaur, the senior playground’s greatest tourist attraction.
‘All right’ I shouted. ‘Quiet now, quiet.’
There were dozens of us coating the grounds- leaning against bars & hanging from the highest mounts, packed like sardines on the slide, or just plain lounging on the ground- eventually settling into silence as we began.
Gavin picked it up, beginning by addressing a pudgy kid named Joe, enquiring after the planned routes drawn up for the night, whether all the cells had memorized their specific areas, the number of houses to hit up, the goods that would be acceptable, the ones that-
‘Candy apples’ asked someone atop the monkey bars. ‘Do we accept Candy apples? My neighborhood moneybag Mr. Clarke hands them out every year.’
Amateur. He was undoubtedly a new addition.
‘Of course not’ Gavin snapped, holding the clipboard close to his chest & chewing on a pen. ‘All material that makes claim to… healthy aspirations -even incidentally like a Candy apple- are to be disregarded unconditionally. Refer to page nine of your handout.’
Another member on the grass piped up with ‘But it wouldn’t it be better utilization of resources if’ & here he waved a hand ‘we all round up that stuff- And I don’t know about you guys but my parents always forces me to share’-There was a general unease, kids spitting on the ground, kicking pebbles swearing loudly- ‘Wouldn’t my yield be maximized if I shunted off the worthless capitol to them?’
More murmurs.
‘Keep your eye on that one’ I whispered to Elle as Gavin called for order. ‘He’ll be an up & comer with those kind observations.’
‘You already thought of it’ Elle rasped back.
‘You were going to introduce it to the charter today.’
‘What of it. He’s a man after my own heart, I think there’s potential there.’
A moment passed & Elle nodded slowly.
‘Also a potential source of trouble.’
Out of the corner of my eye, Geordie shifted uncomfortably on the grass, eyes darting around. There was trouble I thought glumly, if there was a problem brewing it was with our dear straggler.
‘Now remember to apply force’ Gavin was saying ‘to any lower grade kid who won’t pay tribute tonight. We don’t want to cause unrest by seizing their entire night’s profit, that’ll definitely get back to the parents which isn’t to say if some rabble rouser refuses to fork over the usual tariff- one full sized chocolate bar or two of lesser size- it isn’t absolutely essential to make an example of such a trouble maker by seizing his or her capitol-disobedience will not be tolerated.’
Chris spoke up, standing & we all leaned in to hear him better.
‘The floor recognizes Chris Hitchums.’
Chris nodded.
‘My cell would like to go on record as completely opposing the tax cuts this year.’
Gavin exhaled loudly, rolling his eyes.
‘Yes yes your viewpoint is well know, thank you Chris, but unfortunately as I’ve already outlined’ & here he put emphasis on ‘outlined’ ‘This year’s forecast makes an all to convincing argument: lower grade opposition has climbed an astonishing 45% & while we’ll certainly have to address this offensive glimpse of backbone, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to adequately correct these issues before tonight.’
Chris huffed & puffed & made to say something more before I shot him a glance, he sat down pretty quickly.
‘Just remember not to take any guff tonight brothers’ Gavin added. ‘We want them to remember who’s in charge here.’
The assembly nodded vigorously, popping knuckles & muttering under their breaths:
‘Little weasels’
‘Shouldn’t give them’-
‘Give an inch take a mile’
‘Sure like to ’em a proper lesson on respecting their superiors’.
At lunch we met again, switching the meeting grounds to one of the baseball diamonds on the faculty grounds as to not arouse any undue suspicion & keep the rabble on their toes, It was never a good idea to conduct these things too out in the open, fall behind the times & become predictable.
This being the longest of all three allotted recesses, there was more space to go over scheduled costumes, who was wearing what, suggestions for improvement to elicit maximum profits (I.E. Donna Jenkins was going ahead with her witch get up until some members convinced her that with her textbook cutes a tasteful princess outfit might well benefit her more).
Wringing more loot from appreciative nostalgia marks was always an effective strategy.
‘A perennial’ I’d agreed with Kyla, approving her choice once the assembly had shifted attention. ‘But do you think you can pull that off?’
‘And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?’
‘Please reframe tha
t with a bit more respect Ky’ Gavin said, growing tense at her abrupt shift in tone.
I waved a hand at him & he dutifully backed off. ‘It means Kyla, that unlike Donna, I’m not entirely confident that with your um- blooming physique- a princess is the best option. Maybe a WARRIOR princess’
‘But it’s going to be a tight squeeze augmenting my standing costume’-
‘I’m sure you’ll do fine Kyla’ I replied, going back to the figures on the clipboard.
During the 3rd & final recess break we headed out into the fields that stretched beyond the immediate school grounds, stopping at the chain link fences that separated us from the farm land beyond where horses grazed lazily in tiny pacts.
This last meeting was more of a summary period, a pep talk, now that the specifics had been addressed & laid down (it was with a derisory laugh that we greeted Geordie’s choice, some pathetic James Bond look that wouldn’t in a thousand years garner him more than a pack of peanuts at best. I made sure to approve the thing myself).
Truthfully, It wasn’t too out there for the average suburban housewife, but it was too flashy, too original, he might secure pity candy but with no attempt at schmaltz like the rest of us (Devil, police man, princess, Fire fighters & soldiers above all else, former presidents too) he’d be lucky to secure half the output the rest of us would earn.
I grinned.
As we left school that day we knew our objectives. It was only a matter of time before we’d be unleashed onto our unsuspecting benefactors, smiles poised, bags filled beyond our most generous estimates.
I nudged Elle when I caught the bus driver’s eyes watching us in the rear view on the way home. We made sure to chant in tongues to ensure his continued consternation.
These were plans we’d drawing up for months. No more theory, no more debate, we were in the thick of it now, the frontlines. No more dithering on possible returns, we were smack down in the middle of IT.
‘Are you a-a-a’ The old woman stuttered, now recognizing there was a bit more to Kyla’s costume than she’d originally notcied.
Kyla continued modeling for the ole buzzard while we picked indiscriminately at the bowl of goodies, gathering up piles of gold & dropping it into our sacks.
‘I’m a warrior princess ma’am’ She said patiently, watching us from the corner of her eye stocking up on provisions.
Gavin especially rooted through the old woman’s wares, curling his lip at the black licorice.
‘My my’ the addled crone exclaimed. ‘Firefighters, policemen- what responsible costumes- please, help yourself, help yourself’.
When she’d finally given us the complete one over, even taking a look at Geordie’s ill chosen 007 get up-
‘Oh well, that’s…imaginative’.
She wished us goodnight, a strange expression on her face like she hadn’t known what hit her, quickly shutting her front door while we all had good chuckle.
‘Her loot was gone!’ Boasted Gavin in his Patriotic mercenary garb, wearing wrap around sunglasses with a toy replica assault rifle gripped in his hands. ‘That was almost perfect …except for Pussy lips I mean’
We all made sure to glare at Jimmy Bond, hauling a pitifully small amount of loot in his Super Mario Brothers pillowcase.
He looked at the ground.
‘Well?’ Screeched Kyla. ‘What’s up with that non existent load there Pussy lips?’
Strolling the streets little graders were eager to clear the way for us, whispering in hushed tones to each other.
I grit my teeth.
We ruled the night & people Geordie McCall seemed not even capable of enjoying our privileged status. It made my blood boil, disrespecting like he did our effort to better the playground.
It wouldn’t be long I guessed, before sneers & backhands no longer fit the bill & we would be forced to take this frustration out on the very source-
Wedgies, snowballs, arbitrary cruelty like that- it now belonged to the past. When the eldest children of Brooks elementary finally realized the strength they could wield by sticking together, the very possibility of a recess where you could walk unencumbered by insults, thefts, ass kicking’s-it had become the start of a New Age. When the older grades left behind their childhood haunts, they abandoned any vestige of influence they might have once held.
People like Geordie unfortunately squeezed through the cracks. It was sad but like any well oiled machine, there were always kinks to work out.
Yes, I said to myself, watching him tag along behind us while we went form mark to mark that night, something would definitely have to be done about the weakest link in our chain & soon.
Staying ahead of watchful adults escorting their own we walked in a group down the sidewalk , some of us (Christine) already reaching into our supplies & pulling out fistfuls of goodies, comparing bounty before peeling off the wrappers & unceremoniously bulldozing it into mouths.
Others (Gavin, Michelle Higgins, Dominic Hays) were already engaged in impromptu negotiations, haggling over unwanted wares for morsels more pleasing to their pallets.
‘Alright, Reese buttercups’ Said Michelle, wagging an orange rapper in front of her make up’d face. ‘Any takers?’
Dominic raised his hand, or more accurately- paw, before any of the others.
‘Ok, what are you offering?’ She asked.
Dom rummaged in his sack for a moment before uncurling a fist. In it were a handful of micro O’Henry bars. Michelle was quiet for a moment, deliberating silently before nodding her sewage green head, black cowl shaking.
We shelled another house, a promising red brick monstrosity that indicated owners in the higher income bracket.
The higher class wage earners take the 31st off, holding their festivities elsewhere or else just pulling the plug & pretending they aren’t even home, Halloween habit that.
In those occasions we usually bypass said home, only bringing out the big guns (rolls of toilet paper loaded into backpacks of lower echelon brothers) when it’s a smaller dwellings perpetrating the same crime. Bigger forts we’d learned, sometimes fight back, like last year when Tommy Ulmoore’s cell had papered a manor on Blakely, getting a bone chilling soaking from the sprinkler system for their troubles.
‘It just came outta nowhere’ Tommy kept breathing, sitting on the curb afterward with his teammates, shivering madly as their costumes dripped & we tried to salvage the candy. ‘Nowhere, nowhere.’
On the giant front porch, a recording of ‘Ghostbusters’ played over & over again.
‘I can’t wait to see what this place forks out’ Kyla panted, sprinting towards the front door with a wide grin plastered on her face.
Behind her we ascended the stone steps, each readying bags, making room for the next payment.
‘What do you think this place will give us?’
‘Whole chocolate bars maybe’ Chris said. ‘None of those lousy bite sized segments.’
‘Or comic books’ Brandon countered, eyes lighting up like a Jack-o-lantern’s. From his spot behind us, Tim gave a sigh, tapping his boot.
‘Jeeeeezus, comic books- always with the comic books. Happens one year with one house & we never hear the end of it.’
Brandon frowned. ‘What? It could happen.’
‘Bran the guy ran out of loot, he was just trying to hold off the inevitable toilet paper bombing, it was a one time deal.’
Gavin, holding off from weighing in, broke out in a hearty chuckle.
‘And as I remember it, it wasn’t that noteworthy a rag to begin with, I mean’-
Brandon’s heavily made up brow, all ghostly white, knotted into a determined frown.
‘Shut up Gav.’
‘I mean’ Gavin went on ‘It was just’-
‘I mean it Gavin’ Brandon said, clenching his fists.
‘Just a lame-o’-
‘Spiderman comic anyhow’-
Brandon let loose wit
h an outraged scream, a battle cry, charging forward, moving so fast his little Dracula cape flew out from behind him, flapping in the night air as he dove into Gavin, who’d turned to Ky at the last second, no doubt assuming he’d won a laugh from the object of his blooming affection.
Down the both of them went, a look of perfect surprise blooming on Gavin’s smug face, lips forming an o as he collided with the ground, quickly switching into a grimace-
‘You little asshole’
becoming a snarl of purest rage.
Gavin shoved back, twisting Brandon over & quickly turning the tables on his assailant, proceeding with a little wailing of his own. Bran, who’d never had more than the element of surprise anyhow, went on branding him every name in the book, including some choice selections that hadn’t yet even been dreamt up.
‘Cheese dick invertebrate numbskull’-
Chris, Kyla Michelle all snapped to, groaning to ourselves before lunging forward into the fray, separating the tussling duo rolling around the veranda.
‘Who You Gonna call? Ray Parker asked from the stereo’s speakers for perhaps the millionth time. ‘I Can’t Heeeeeear you!’
All over trick or treaters were gathering in eager groups, monsters ghouls & ghosts, investigating what all the commotion was about, merrily chewing away on candy bars, twizzlers, boxes of smarties, chocolate covered peanuts- all with expectant eyes.
‘Cut it out you two!’ I hissed loud as I could without outright hollering
-‘Crap breath noodle assface’-
‘Cut it’-
Two tuxedo arms thrust between the pair, pushing them apart, even as punches continued mid-flight, some meeting their mark, most careening off target & flying into the immediate airspace.
Geordie took it all in stride, ducking & jerking out of the way with lighting speed as the divide between Brandon & Gav grew slowly wider.
And Michelle, Kyla, Chris? They all stood dead in their tracks, jaws hanging.
I quickly got over my initial shock, fastening arms around Gavin, holding him back. Geordie, seeing my strategy, quickly did the same with Brandon, pulling him with all his limited might.
The others seemed to snap out of it next, the colorful fighting words shattering the fog that had settled over thick heads. In they went.
‘Cool it Bran!’ Dominic bellowed.
‘Shove it Gav!’ Michelle cried.
Geordi backed out as we reigned in the whole situation, darting back into the shadows as I bounced my paw off of Gavin’s noggin while he cooled down, sunglasses falling to the ground, gingerly raising his eyes up.
‘What’s going on out here!?’
The home’s proprietor joined us on the porch, fists resting on a bloated waist as the screen door slammed shut behind.
From his end of the porch, Brandon went silent, a package of Rockets lying in his palm by way of Kyla in a bid to get him to clam up good & proper.
Crunching down on the bite sized goodies, I glared at Gavin as his jaw worked.
Out on the street, the spectators broke up and went their own ways, seeing that no more fisticuffs were forthcoming now that the pitched adult voice of authority had arrived on the scene.
‘Pay up’ Said Judy Mcpharlan over on the curb, holding out & wiggling her fingers at a pair of older trick or treaters.
‘I said’ said disgruntled homeowner, taking another step forward, glasses drooping onto the tip of his nose, stopping in front of me & Gavin. Gavin, shrinking with his tail between his legs, practically ducked behind me & nudged me forward with the butt of his gun.
‘Well!?’ Homeowner yelled, specs drooping even more if it were possible. Gritting my teeth, I opened my mouth –
‘Just a little misunderstanding’ answered Geordie, stepping out of the dark. ‘My friends here just got into a little argument.’
Dominic, Kyla, Chris, Even Brandon started to offer their own answers before I glared at them out of the corner of my eye, cheek twitching.
Homeowner shook his head & clucked his tongue. The glow of nearby Jack-o-lanterns sitting on lawn chairs beside the stereo cast an eerie glow on his drooping features, making him look downright sinister instead of just righteously pissed off.
We all waited, Geordie not the least, hands clasped tightly behind his back, surprisingly holding his eye contact solidly with the older man, not shrinking to the ground or turning about face or receding back into the night, none of the trademark moves we’d come to expect from the least of us.
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Pierre was a twenty-year-old, bright, and exceptionally self-confident kid I hired in sales. We clicked right away and spent many hours just talking about anything and everything. Pierre had a very genuine intellectual curiosity, and he was hungry to learn. I thoroughly enjoyed our interactions, and so did he. As it turned out, he also really excelled in his sales position and made great money.Pierre was influenced by another disgruntled employee (Albert) to leave the company and form a...
Gay MaleIt's from a series of captions I uploaded in deviantart. Worthy readers, it takes a lot of inspiration and courage to write something. The segment I'm catering is already having a very few writers. So, positive criticism is very much appreciated, but to all those who cannot appreciate someone endeavour, I very respectfully ask them to not read it - coz it's not going to a perfect piece either. To all the other beautiful people out there, read it enjoy it, please write your comments down...
When I was in college, I shared an apartment with two other eighteen year-old guys. Jerry was a farm boy like me and Mark was a big city kid from Manhattan. Because we had so much in common, Jerry and I hit it off pretty well. Although we were really busy with our studies during the week, we went out partying every weekend. We both wanted to find girlfriends, but because there were far more guys than gals at our school, there was fierce competition for pussy. The one Friday night, we went to a...
“Where did you have in mind?” “I don’t know, but we’ll make it a short trip, we can pack light. “How light?” She sounded tentative. “Meet me in your lobby, we can leave your car there and I’ll drop you off when we get back.” “Wow, just like that?” “There’s nothing we can’t do without, or that we can’t get later. Like I said that one time, 'We're young, we got our wheels and plastic on our hip, what else would we need?'" I could almost see her smile at the memory those words brought...
I was working my usual late shift at the tables, the last night before the weekend that I was so looking forward to. It was getting toward the end of my shift. It has been a pretty quiet night, not a lot of players coming through the doors. There was three players at my table, one very good looking guy I would guess was about 30, and two older men, both with graying hair. There was not a lot of winning going on, the house was taking in most of the money placed on the table. Then something...
When I was 15 I was horny, I mean REALLY horny, I was horny morning , noon and night, and also most times in between, I would get turned on by just about anyone with a female pulse, all I could think of was sex sex sex and more sex. My Mother had a friend ( Gladys – glamorus huh?! ) and her husband used to make model airplanes, this was something I used to have a interest in and I had been given a huge model of a Harrier Jump Jet for my birthday so my Mum suggested that I build it round at...
‘Carl, I need to ask you a big, BIG favor!’ Hayley said rather loudly as her eyes sank to the ground like a couple of ten pound weights had just been tied to them. I waited for her next line but finally decided that she must have missed rehearsal. ‘I’m listening,’ I prompted. The noisy cars escaping the restaurant parking lot would have made it difficult enough to hear her even if she had said anything and yet I thought I heard her in my head even before she finally spoke. ‘I’ve…had one hell...
"Welcome, Iris, to your first Friday meeting. I can't tell you how glad we are to have you with us. Why don't you start off by telling us what happened with Linda Moore?" "I went back to L.A. Monday, Anne. Went straight to Linda's even though it was evening; she asked me to come. She's planning a party the weekend after next and wants everyone to dress virtual. I showed her a bunch of things Heather gave me, and I was wearing a virtual blouse when I showed up there. She nearly jumped...
Jenny was back in London with her Uncle Mike, just Mike to her now as they were enjoying a relationship which although long-distance was turning out to be fruitful for both parties. They had made love the first evening, then the following morning Mike had to go to his Office in the centre, kissed Jenny and left for the station."See you about 6" he said, and left leaving his brief-case in the hall. Jenny had been hoping for one of his spankings, and felt let down so selected a porn channel on...
The refrigerator was a simple fix after all. It turned out that the water line to the icemaker was blocked with algae and once I blew it out, the device worked like a boss. Who was next on the schedule?I stared incredulously at the contact that popped up on my tablet: Mrs. Claire Blaylock, 10011 Windy Wood Lane. It seemed that the pilot on Mrs. Blaylock’s gas water heater would not stay lit.Oh, I’d heard about Mrs. Blaylock, alright. According to the stories, she called for a technician every...
MILFI thought a lot about what I had done last week in Ron’s room and came to the conclusion that it was going to be a one-time thing. A story that Ron had better not tell anyone until ten years after my funeral. Yes, I masturbated to the memory of that night a couple of times in my bedroom. To further the sexual tension, Ron went to his room and stayed for about an hour. I was beside myself, thinking about what the three of them were doing. It was late Saturday night and a little before...
June 2, 1979 had turned out to be a wonderful day for the outdoor wedding and reception for Brad and Barbie Seldon on the grounds of Robert and Lisa Clark’s Bel Air mansion. Everyone was having a wonderful time under the big tent, listening to the band, munching on heavy hors d’oeuvres and sipping champagne or other drinks from the open bar. Charlie Richards and Lily Wilson had been celebrating heartily, downing champagne like it was going out of style! Not only were they happy for their good...
If Nutaku doesn’t stop coming expanding their game library soon, then by 2022, half of the world’s nuts will be busted entirely to their content. Today I’m covering Merge Nymphs, which is one of their weirder titles, in terms of what you actually spend your time doing in this game.Now I don’t want to scare you – there are hentai babes in this game and they do in fact suck you off. What I don’t understand is the core gameplay. It confuses me to no end. I mean, most of Nutaku’s other games are...
Best Porn Games"Tell him", he whispered in her ear. "Please don’t", she murmured in response. "Tell him!" he said and pinched her clit making her moan loudly. They were sitting in a corner booth in a nice restaurant and he had his hand on her pussy under her skirt. The waiter had just come up to take their drink orders. "I am a dirty, cock loving slut", she whispered looking the waiter in the eyes and blushed. The waiter was thrown off ground, he looked at this gorgeous woman and didn’t know what to say,...
ExhibitionismShe Becomes Her By Lord_Stormbringer Dr. Lansing sighed, leaning back in his chair as his favorite cocksucker did her job, polishing his hard cock, while he thought about the future. The past two weeks had brought some of his fantasies to fruition but he had many other ideas he wanted to try out. It seemed that there was no shortage of people that required his marriage counseling services, dissatisfied couples that could find no satisfaction without his subtle help and nudging. He...
Eliza had a summer job cleaning pools. She would put on her cutest bikini and work her butt off to save money for college. She really enjoyed it…especially when the homeowners would stare at her through the window! This one particular house…she really wanted to fuck the home owner. Lucky for her, he had a friend over. Why not fuck both of them?! So she found herself on her knees, blowing both of these huge cocks. She make a squirrel give up a nut just from her head game! But these...
xmoviesforyouAfter he kissed me all the way down to my pussy, he placed his mouth firmly over it and started sucking it. His suction was very powerful that I was struggling in bed, moaning aloud. I had his head pressed against my thighs between my legs and my legs kept together behind his head. He was vigorously licking and sucking my pussy, sometimes biting my clit which sent currents all over my legs. I wondered if he will drink my pussy dry. After a while, he left my pussy and knelt on the bed,...
Kathy first met a black man without her husband’s knowledge and had a great time experiencing her first taste of black cock. Kathy told me she loved meeting them and watching the contrast of seeing a huge thick black cock as it slices into her pussy. Kathy still felt guilty about going out with these men and coming home with their seed still inside her belly knowing her husband had no idea his wife was out screwing around. After she told me she was going to stop seeing her black lovers...
The doctor was headed out of town for a week and he told me I was to stay at his house. I was informed the nurse was staying as well and I was to do as she told me, anything she asks you do without hesitation. I told him yes master I will obey her. I undressed and started cleaning the office. The nurse, Donna was a a lesbian and her girlfriend arrived and she was not as fat as Donna but she had a shaved head and was uglier. The girlfriend Kat started in on me about my small penis and anything...
Snow Bunny By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 4 "So what's the problem, babe?" said Lisa, making a face at Mike as she stripped down to her bra and panties. "The problem is I'm getting fed up with being manhandled by men and all of you girls," said Mike nastily as he kicked off his boots. "Just go to your stupid party, and I'll see you when you get back later." "Well maybe you hate us, but you don't seem to mind the boys," said Ginny, as she pulled her top over...
Dinner was served, before Mayor Goode got up to talk. He welcomed all the new-comers and told us that we are seated amongst two couples from town who know the way of the evening. Mayor Goode then walked around chatting with all of us newbies. Sandy and George talked with Bill and Annie, who are also new. The other couple from town were off setting up the screen and computer. A waiter came around and brought 4 cans of whipped cream, chocolate syrup and lube; along with marichino cherries,...
We put in at an industrial pier in Texas City, just inside Galveston Bay, and sent an armed four-person group ashore to look for military installations. Raymond Pryor led the scouting contingent, consisting of Umberto Gomez, Brenda DiQuinzio and Roald Victorsen. The remaining distance to Houston from our landing point was still considerable, and a wide scattering of once-heavily populated suburban towns created a confusing array of possibilities for our scouts. Since they were expected to be...
hello this is james and i have to give thanks to cindy for helping me wright this story!!quick add looking for couples and single women![video][/video]enjoy the story now!!I have had the distinct pleasure to be married to one of the most beautiful and hottest women on the earth. Renee and I have been married for about four years now and ever since we first started dating we have enjoyed an erotic love life. Renee has always been...
Carmen Caliente is on the phone with her friend talking about how epic her weekend was. She ended up hooking up with all sorts of girls and can’t wait to start college and find some new pussy. When her friend tells her that a new massage parlor opened up, Carmen asks her if that’s the one that Maddy O’Reilly is working at. Her friend tells her it is and that she should go check it out. Carmen hangs up the phone and starts thinking about how hot it would be to dyke it out with...
xmoviesforyouMy wife Erin is a very attractive mid-40’s ginger. 130 lbs with C-cups, a great ass and an appetite for cock that is truly insatiable. Recently Erin’s back was really sore so she booked herself into some sessions at massage therapy. She booked her appointment with the girl she used to see and when the day came she went to her appointment. When she got home later I asked how her appointment had gone and she said that it was good, but that she was surprised when she got there to find that her...
Lena’s turn: Another trip to Dallas. Another bucket with almost a million dollars in it. Randall ran down our list. Several times he paused, looked at a coin from the inventory. “Last bucket,” he said, then he laughed. “You don’t realize what saying ‘bucket’ in relation to what you’ve laid out here means to me. I mean, people come in here with something like THIS,” he said, holding up a particular coin he’d said was a quarter million dollars, “and you’d think they had the British crown...
Little blonde-haired Mel walked into the room with our beers. She looked totally hot in her black teddy and six inch heels. ‘Here’s your beers guys. Is they anything else I can do for you?’ she said with a giggle as she handed the beers round. Diane sat on my lap rubbing my cock as we played cards. She seemed to be my good luck charm - the cards to were flowing my way. The guys arrived about 8:30. James and Mike turned up in a taxi together. They knew they would be drinking and would crash on...
Group"Will you really do it?" I asked my brother Jack. "Will you really help me to commit suicide?" "If that's what you really want, then yes; I'll get you the stuff, and I'll stay here with you 'til the end." Jack whispered. 'Here' is Savannah, Georgia, just like any other place, 'cept maybe hotter and more humid. What led up to this decision to end it all? It all started last Spring, when I was a senior in high school looking forward to a modeling career. I was offered an...
i woke up the next morning with harvey next to me i tired to wake him up to but soon found out he doesnt like to be woke up i said "harvey we got school" he replied with a yea i said "seriously harvey get up" he replied "yeah 10 more minutes" so i pushed him off the bed. i went into the bathroom and started the shower having the best flash backs of last night and got into it. i sweaped my hand though my hair with my eyes closed harvey open the shower door and said "that hurt your...
Jen is 23 and has a body any man would love to get hold of. She has big tits and an ass I just love to grab. We are together 5 years and I still want to fuck her everytime I see her. It is a Saturday evening and Jen is out shopping. While she is gone I start to get the house ready for the night that is coming. She has no idea of what is in store for the night. I set the table and start to prepare a meal. I make an Appletini and have it waiting for her. I make a few phone calls and everything is...
Mamma's Boy By Dauphin [email protected] (sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect at that even though I do try) ****** His nose was bleeding. It was just my luck. I know Cody is my best friend, but sometimes he just gets on my nerves. Today when he called me tiny, I decided to show him that even tiny boys could beat someone up. Lets face it; he was only a few centimeters taller than me. I...
It's Christmas break, you're a 22-year-old college senior and you're about to spend a week with six of the hottest women you know! Your mom and her sister, your Aunt Suzanne were always very close, and have been even more so ever since their respective marriages fell apart. That plus the fact that your younger sister Cassidy and your twin cousins Amanda and Allison all just celebrated their eighteenth birthdays made the older women decide to splurge on a luxury condo for the seven of you for a...
IncestSummer Set Episode 1'Jessica Fucks Black Cock'Jessica and I had been dating about a year. She was a cute, petite red head, around 5 foot 2 inches tall, with sexy legs, great calves and nice feet. Her ass was to die for! A succulent bubble butt with a nice dip in her back. Her tits were small, but had a tear drop shape to them that made them hang when she bent over. She had a nice demeanor to her. A smile in her green eyes always. But, if you got her riled up in bed just right, she could talk...
A married, but promiscuous, female PhD psychology professor, Jennifer, 32, has a steamy affair with her female housecleaner, Carla, 24. Their summer together and the year that followed were life-changing for them both. Their lust and love was intense and gratifying. They feverishly coupled three and four times a week while, Ray, Jennifer’s hubby, was on frequent business travel. The story is arousing and stimulating, and will heighten the senses of men and women, alike. The author hopes you...
The next day was a Friday, and Randi, acting as if nothing had happened, dropped by Laura's office about 3 in the afternoon. She was bewitching as ever in her gorgeous new sexy braids, and she knew it, knew Laura well enough to gauge their effect on her. "Plans for this weekend?" she asked, provocatively. Actually, Laura and Deshona, after their torrid 'lunch' wherein they nearly ate one another alive in Laura's apartment, had planned to spend the weekend together, probably doing a...
AWARDS WERE DELAYED because of the length of our match. There were still two pro matches to be played, but the crowd was already thinning. At seven we were called to the podium. We joined a bunch of other players, coaches, and fans to have a victory dinner and dragged ourselves to the hotel. I’d been drinking water from the moment I got off the court and now I had to pee about every five minutes. At least that meant I wasn’t still dehydrated. I was exhausted, though. I hardly kept my eyes...