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It was the other Christmas.

My alternate Birth day.

That one time every human being between the ages of 5-14 could become richer than the dreams of avarice, sitting atop a bounty of booty cackling with glee while he horded his golden slice & savored the wealth while their parents went without

-absolutely nil, nada, zilch.

An outstretched middle finger to every passing middle-ager in the western hemisphere. ‘ TRICK or TREAT Smell my FEET give me something good to EAT!’

A Butter finger that was.

‘Oh aren’t you adorable!’ Cried the wrinkled old prune, giving us an eyeful of her pearly white dentures & motioning the lot of us forward so she could inspect the wares.

Kyla glared at me as if to say Here we go again before obediently stepping up. She gave the ole bag a little twirl like she was on the catwalk instead of an overgrown veranda, evergreen branches poking us stiffly in the rear.

‘Oh a princess!’ Exclaimed Granny, clapping her liver spotted paws together like a beached walrus. Kyla gave another dramatic role of her eyes.

‘A princess is a perennial favorite’ she’d confided earlier that day during the recess conference call.

We slowly made our way to the senior playground once the bell wrung, blissfully cutting short Ms. Blide’s mind numbing mathematics lesson.

‘This continues tomorrow’ she’d called out after being interrupted by the harsh chime. ‘Don’t get to full on candy corn, be prepared to do some real work tomorrow.’

‘I’d like to work her over’ growled Chris Hitchums, pulling his fall jacket from the crowded cubby at the back of the classroom, shrugging into it.

‘With a crowbar…what’s candy corn?’

I pulled on my own coat & joined the others out in the hall.

Tom, Claire, Kyla, Bran, even that feckless wimp Geordie- we all trudged outside, heading towards the playground, quiet amongst all the noise the lower grades were making, like every day,congregating in their own circles & twirling the skipping rope around or throwing a ball or pretending to be prospecting on Pluto.

I noted how they scurried to the sidelines as we approached, be lining for their fellows & lowering heads, collective hush rising in the still October air.

Clair raised a lip.

‘Big kids’ came a whisper.

Inwardly lighting up but outwardly whipping my head around, I located the source & glaring at the pig tailed girl. She lowered her cute little head, darting behind one of her mousy mates. Geordie caught this & offered the tyke a reassuring smile.

I stopped abruptly.

Geordie wasn’t watching so he plowed straight into me. Rearing around, I snarled at the top of my lungs:

‘Watch where you going PUSSY LIPS!’

He stammered deliciously, the others giving him a round of annoyed shoves.

Gavin approached as we zeroed in on the playground, sitting down in our accustomed spots, Clair climbing atop the monkey bars, Tom on the swinging tire with two others, Brandon on the traffic jam slide & Kyla on a swing.

As speaker I stood with Gavin & Elle at the configuration of brightly painted steel bars shaped like a dinosaur, the senior playground’s greatest tourist attraction.

‘All right’ I shouted. ‘Quiet now, quiet.’

There were dozens of us coating the grounds- leaning against bars & hanging from the highest mounts, packed like sardines on the slide, or just plain lounging on the ground- eventually settling into silence as we began.

Gavin picked it up, beginning by addressing a pudgy kid named Joe, enquiring after the planned routes drawn up for the night, whether all the cells had memorized their specific areas, the number of houses to hit up, the goods that would be acceptable, the ones that-

‘Candy apples’ asked someone atop the monkey bars. ‘Do we accept Candy apples? My neighborhood moneybag Mr. Clarke hands them out every year.’

Amateur. He was undoubtedly a new addition.

‘Of course not’ Gavin snapped, holding the clipboard close to his chest & chewing on a pen. ‘All material that makes claim to… healthy aspirations -even incidentally like a Candy apple- are to be disregarded unconditionally. Refer to page nine of your handout.’

Another member on the grass piped up with ‘But it wouldn’t it be better utilization of resources if’ & here he waved a hand ‘we all round up that stuff- And I don’t know about you guys but my parents always forces me to share’-There was a general unease, kids spitting on the ground, kicking pebbles swearing loudly- ‘Wouldn’t my yield be maximized if I shunted off the worthless capitol to them?’

More murmurs.

‘Keep your eye on that one’ I whispered to Elle as Gavin called for order. ‘He’ll be an up & comer with those kind observations.’

‘You already thought of it’ Elle rasped back.

‘You were going to introduce it to the charter today.’

‘What of it. He’s a man after my own heart, I think there’s potential there.’

A moment passed & Elle nodded slowly.

‘Also a potential source of trouble.’


Out of the corner of my eye, Geordie shifted uncomfortably on the grass, eyes darting around. There was trouble I thought glumly, if there was a problem brewing it was with our dear straggler.

‘Now remember to apply force’ Gavin was saying ‘to any lower grade kid who won’t pay tribute tonight. We don’t want to cause unrest by seizing their entire night’s profit, that’ll definitely get back to the parents which isn’t to say if some rabble rouser refuses to fork over the usual tariff- one full sized chocolate bar or two of lesser size- it isn’t absolutely essential to make an example of such a trouble maker by seizing his or her capitol-disobedience will not be tolerated.’

Chris spoke up, standing & we all leaned in to hear him better.

‘The floor recognizes Chris Hitchums.’

Chris nodded.

‘My cell would like to go on record as completely opposing the tax cuts this year.’

Gavin exhaled loudly, rolling his eyes.

‘Yes yes your viewpoint is well know, thank you Chris, but unfortunately as I’ve already outlined’ & here he put emphasis on ‘outlined’ ‘This year’s forecast makes an all to convincing argument: lower grade opposition has climbed an astonishing 45% & while we’ll certainly have to address this offensive glimpse of backbone, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to adequately correct these issues before tonight.’

Chris huffed & puffed & made to say something more before I shot him a glance, he sat down pretty quickly.

‘Just remember not to take any guff tonight brothers’ Gavin added. ‘We want them to remember who’s in charge here.’

The assembly nodded vigorously, popping knuckles & muttering under their breaths:

‘Little weasels’

‘Shouldn’t give them’-

‘Give an inch take a mile’

‘Sure like to ’em a proper lesson on respecting their superiors’.

At lunch we met again, switching the meeting grounds to one of the baseball diamonds on the faculty grounds as to not arouse any undue suspicion & keep the rabble on their toes, It was never a good idea to conduct these things too out in the open, fall behind the times & become predictable.

This being the longest of all three allotted recesses, there was more space to go over scheduled costumes, who was wearing what, suggestions for improvement to elicit maximum profits (I.E. Donna Jenkins was going ahead with her witch get up until some members convinced her that with her textbook cutes a tasteful princess outfit might well benefit her more).

Wringing more loot from appreciative nostalgia marks was always an effective strategy.

‘A perennial’ I’d agreed with Kyla, approving her choice once the assembly had shifted attention. ‘But do you think you can pull that off?’

‘And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?’

‘Please reframe tha
t with a bit more respect Ky’ Gavin said, growing tense at her abrupt shift in tone.

I waved a hand at him & he dutifully backed off. ‘It means Kyla, that unlike Donna, I’m not entirely confident that with your um- blooming physique- a princess is the best option. Maybe a WARRIOR princess’

‘But it’s going to be a tight squeeze augmenting my standing costume’-

‘I’m sure you’ll do fine Kyla’ I replied, going back to the figures on the clipboard.

During the 3rd & final recess break we headed out into the fields that stretched beyond the immediate school grounds, stopping at the chain link fences that separated us from the farm land beyond where horses grazed lazily in tiny pacts.

This last meeting was more of a summary period, a pep talk, now that the specifics had been addressed & laid down (it was with a derisory laugh that we greeted Geordie’s choice, some pathetic James Bond look that wouldn’t in a thousand years garner him more than a pack of peanuts at best. I made sure to approve the thing myself).

Truthfully, It wasn’t too out there for the average suburban housewife, but it was too flashy, too original, he might secure pity candy but with no attempt at schmaltz like the rest of us (Devil, police man, princess, Fire fighters & soldiers above all else, former presidents too) he’d be lucky to secure half the output the rest of us would earn.

I grinned.

As we left school that day we knew our objectives. It was only a matter of time before we’d be unleashed onto our unsuspecting benefactors, smiles poised, bags filled beyond our most generous estimates.

I nudged Elle when I caught the bus driver’s eyes watching us in the rear view on the way home. We made sure to chant in tongues to ensure his continued consternation.

These were plans we’d drawing up for months. No more theory, no more debate, we were in the thick of it now, the frontlines. No more dithering on possible returns, we were smack down in the middle of IT.

‘Are you a-a-a’ The old woman stuttered, now recognizing there was a bit more to Kyla’s costume than she’d originally notcied.

Kyla continued modeling for the ole buzzard while we picked indiscriminately at the bowl of goodies, gathering up piles of gold & dropping it into our sacks.

‘I’m a warrior princess ma’am’ She said patiently, watching us from the corner of her eye stocking up on provisions.

Gavin especially rooted through the old woman’s wares, curling his lip at the black licorice.

‘My my’ the addled crone exclaimed. ‘Firefighters, policemen- what responsible costumes- please, help yourself, help yourself’.

When she’d finally given us the complete one over, even taking a look at Geordie’s ill chosen 007 get up-

‘Oh well, that’s…imaginative’.

She wished us goodnight, a strange expression on her face like she hadn’t known what hit her, quickly shutting her front door while we all had good chuckle.

‘Her loot was gone!’ Boasted Gavin in his Patriotic mercenary garb, wearing wrap around sunglasses with a toy replica assault rifle gripped in his hands. ‘That was almost perfect …except for Pussy lips I mean’

We all made sure to glare at Jimmy Bond, hauling a pitifully small amount of loot in his Super Mario Brothers pillowcase.

He looked at the ground.

‘Well?’ Screeched Kyla. ‘What’s up with that non existent load there Pussy lips?’

Strolling the streets little graders were eager to clear the way for us, whispering in hushed tones to each other.

I grit my teeth.

We ruled the night & people Geordie McCall seemed not even capable of enjoying our privileged status. It made my blood boil, disrespecting like he did our effort to better the playground.

It wouldn’t be long I guessed, before sneers & backhands no longer fit the bill & we would be forced to take this frustration out on the very source-

Wedgies, snowballs, arbitrary cruelty like that- it now belonged to the past. When the eldest children of Brooks elementary finally realized the strength they could wield by sticking together, the very possibility of a recess where you could walk unencumbered by insults, thefts, ass kicking’s-it had become the start of a New Age. When the older grades left behind their childhood haunts, they abandoned any vestige of influence they might have once held.

People like Geordie unfortunately squeezed through the cracks. It was sad but like any well oiled machine, there were always kinks to work out.

Yes, I said to myself, watching him tag along behind us while we went form mark to mark that night, something would definitely have to be done about the weakest link in our chain & soon.

Staying ahead of watchful adults escorting their own we walked in a group down the sidewalk , some of us (Christine) already reaching into our supplies & pulling out fistfuls of goodies, comparing bounty before peeling off the wrappers & unceremoniously bulldozing it into mouths.

Others (Gavin, Michelle Higgins, Dominic Hays) were already engaged in impromptu negotiations, haggling over unwanted wares for morsels more pleasing to their pallets.

‘Alright, Reese buttercups’ Said Michelle, wagging an orange rapper in front of her make up’d face. ‘Any takers?’

Dominic raised his hand, or more accurately- paw, before any of the others.

‘Ok, what are you offering?’ She asked.

Dom rummaged in his sack for a moment before uncurling a fist. In it were a handful of micro O’Henry bars. Michelle was quiet for a moment, deliberating silently before nodding her sewage green head, black cowl shaking.

We shelled another house, a promising red brick monstrosity that indicated owners in the higher income bracket.

The higher class wage earners take the 31st off, holding their festivities elsewhere or else just pulling the plug & pretending they aren’t even home, Halloween habit that.

In those occasions we usually bypass said home, only bringing out the big guns (rolls of toilet paper loaded into backpacks of lower echelon brothers) when it’s a smaller dwellings perpetrating the same crime. Bigger forts we’d learned, sometimes fight back, like last year when Tommy Ulmoore’s cell had papered a manor on Blakely, getting a bone chilling soaking from the sprinkler system for their troubles.

‘It just came outta nowhere’ Tommy kept breathing, sitting on the curb afterward with his teammates, shivering madly as their costumes dripped & we tried to salvage the candy. ‘Nowhere, nowhere.’

On the giant front porch, a recording of ‘Ghostbusters’ played over & over again.

‘I can’t wait to see what this place forks out’ Kyla panted, sprinting towards the front door with a wide grin plastered on her face.

Behind her we ascended the stone steps, each readying bags, making room for the next payment.

‘What do you think this place will give us?’

‘Whole chocolate bars maybe’ Chris said. ‘None of those lousy bite sized segments.’

‘Or comic books’ Brandon countered, eyes lighting up like a Jack-o-lantern’s. From his spot behind us, Tim gave a sigh, tapping his boot.

‘Jeeeeezus, comic books- always with the comic books. Happens one year with one house & we never hear the end of it.’

Brandon frowned. ‘What? It could happen.’

‘Bran the guy ran out of loot, he was just trying to hold off the inevitable toilet paper bombing, it was a one time deal.’

Gavin, holding off from weighing in, broke out in a hearty chuckle.

‘And as I remember it, it wasn’t that noteworthy a rag to begin with, I mean’-

Brandon’s heavily made up brow, all ghostly white, knotted into a determined frown.

‘Shut up Gav.’

‘I mean’ Gavin went on ‘It was just’-

‘I mean it Gavin’ Brandon said, clenching his fists.

‘Just a lame-o’-




‘Spiderman comic anyhow’-

Brandon let loose wit
h an outraged scream, a battle cry, charging forward, moving so fast his little Dracula cape flew out from behind him, flapping in the night air as he dove into Gavin, who’d turned to Ky at the last second, no doubt assuming he’d won a laugh from the object of his blooming affection.

Down the both of them went, a look of perfect surprise blooming on Gavin’s smug face, lips forming an o as he collided with the ground, quickly switching into a grimace-

‘You little asshole’

becoming a snarl of purest rage.

Gavin shoved back, twisting Brandon over & quickly turning the tables on his assailant, proceeding with a little wailing of his own. Bran, who’d never had more than the element of surprise anyhow, went on branding him every name in the book, including some choice selections that hadn’t yet even been dreamt up.

‘Cheese dick invertebrate numbskull’-

Chris, Kyla Michelle all snapped to, groaning to ourselves before lunging forward into the fray, separating the tussling duo rolling around the veranda.

‘Who You Gonna call? Ray Parker asked from the stereo’s speakers for perhaps the millionth time. ‘I Can’t Heeeeeear you!’

All over trick or treaters were gathering in eager groups, monsters ghouls & ghosts, investigating what all the commotion was about, merrily chewing away on candy bars, twizzlers, boxes of smarties, chocolate covered peanuts- all with expectant eyes.

‘Cut it out you two!’ I hissed loud as I could without outright hollering

-‘Crap breath noodle assface’-

‘Cut it’-

Two tuxedo arms thrust between the pair, pushing them apart, even as punches continued mid-flight, some meeting their mark, most careening off target & flying into the immediate airspace.

Geordie took it all in stride, ducking & jerking out of the way with lighting speed as the divide between Brandon & Gav grew slowly wider.

And Michelle, Kyla, Chris? They all stood dead in their tracks, jaws hanging.

I quickly got over my initial shock, fastening arms around Gavin, holding him back. Geordie, seeing my strategy, quickly did the same with Brandon, pulling him with all his limited might.

The others seemed to snap out of it next, the colorful fighting words shattering the fog that had settled over thick heads. In they went.

‘Cool it Bran!’ Dominic bellowed.

‘Shove it Gav!’ Michelle cried.

Geordi backed out as we reigned in the whole situation, darting back into the shadows as I bounced my paw off of Gavin’s noggin while he cooled down, sunglasses falling to the ground, gingerly raising his eyes up.

‘What’s going on out here!?’

The home’s proprietor joined us on the porch, fists resting on a bloated waist as the screen door slammed shut behind.

From his end of the porch, Brandon went silent, a package of Rockets lying in his palm by way of Kyla in a bid to get him to clam up good & proper.

Crunching down on the bite sized goodies, I glared at Gavin as his jaw worked.

Out on the street, the spectators broke up and went their own ways, seeing that no more fisticuffs were forthcoming now that the pitched adult voice of authority had arrived on the scene.

‘Pay up’ Said Judy Mcpharlan over on the curb, holding out & wiggling her fingers at a pair of older trick or treaters.

‘I said’ said disgruntled homeowner, taking another step forward, glasses drooping onto the tip of his nose, stopping in front of me & Gavin. Gavin, shrinking with his tail between his legs, practically ducked behind me & nudged me forward with the butt of his gun.

‘Well!?’ Homeowner yelled, specs drooping even more if it were possible. Gritting my teeth, I opened my mouth –

‘Just a little misunderstanding’ answered Geordie, stepping out of the dark. ‘My friends here just got into a little argument.’

Dominic, Kyla, Chris, Even Brandon started to offer their own answers before I glared at them out of the corner of my eye, cheek twitching.

Homeowner shook his head & clucked his tongue. The glow of nearby Jack-o-lanterns sitting on lawn chairs beside the stereo cast an eerie glow on his drooping features, making him look downright sinister instead of just righteously pissed off.

We all waited, Geordie not the least, hands clasped tightly behind his back, surprisingly holding his eye contact solidly with the older man, not shrinking to the ground or turning about face or receding back into the night, none of the trademark moves we’d come to expect from the least of us.

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Snowboards and Hot TubsChapter 2 Fork in the Road

I loved this feeling. I loved waking up next to this woman. I loved opening my eyes and seeing her smiling face on the pillow next to me. My right arm felt numb where it was trapped under her body, but I didn't really care. I loved how she stroked my cheek before kissing me. I loved the softness of her lips against mine. I loved her scent filling my nostrils. This was the second night in a row I'd spent the night with Taryn. And despite the fact that I had not been rendered unconscious...

1 year ago
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Yes Maam

“That’s enough,” the woman snapped and slapped his hand away.His cock stayed hard, tall, and proud. It jerked slightly and was already dripping pre-cum. Cliff closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. He knew if he didn’t get control she was going to be angry.“Sorry, Mistress Shar,” he said softly.“You’re borderline useless, you know that right?”“Yes, ma’am.” Her words flowed over his already heated skin and cock twitched with excitement.His eyes were still closed when he felt her...

2 years ago
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My Erotic Fantasy Came True 8211 Part 2

Hi all, finally, my seduction won against my beautiful teacher’s resistance. I went home, filled with excitement. I called her at 8 pm, she didn’t respond. At 10:35 pm, I received a message from Sandhya ma’am. She sent the residential address asking me to drop in at 11 am on the next day. I couldn’t sleep that night, the thought that I will lose my virginity to my Sandhya was making me hornier, and not letting me sleep. I masturbated that night for 20 minutes imagining me fucking her hard and...

1 year ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 35

Marie had poured her morning coffee, but not yet begun to drink it, when there was a knock at the door that sounded like thunder in her ears. She was a little hung over, having indulged in more than a bottle of expensive French wine the night before in her mistress’s absence. Moving as quickly as she could, lest the knock come again, she went to the door. Opening it she found Samantha Bowman, looking annoyingly chipper and put-together for this hour of the morning.She motioned soundlessly for...

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Chris 7

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.'Breaking The Ice' - that is what I discovered early on, the difference between a public persona and a private, inner-being one; the 'true' identity of a person. We all carry our 'outer mask' faces on and I yearned for those intimate moments when all facades were dropped and the inner identity of a person is revealed. The 'normal' guy...

4 years ago
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Resident Evil OutbreakChapter 2

Author’s Note: I would like to thank Kingtoll88, who can be found at hentai-foundry dot com, for writing the two sex scenes, and Emily Thayer for editing the chapter. Tuesday, October 16, 2018 C.E. Abandoned Dorm Room, Raccoon University, Raccoon City Arthur sleeps in the abandoned dorm room that he had been using as a bedroom for some time now. Arthur slept alone, while Alice and Jill spend the night talking about their current situation. All of a sudden, he wakes up when he feels...

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Adoptive Mother Final Grace does Sheriff

Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....

1 year ago
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New Neigbours

A few months ago, we got new neighbours – finally! The house next door had been bought and they had moved in about 18 months ago, but only for a short time, and then they left while their house was practically gutted and rebuilt from the ground up. Jim is a builder, so it was his own company that did all the work, and we saw him a fair bit whilst all the work was going on. He is in his later 40’s, so some 10 years younger than me, and we met his wife Sally just the once, She was a lively...

4 years ago
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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 7

July 27, 2007 2:11 pmDear Diary,Today is the last day of camp. I'm really going to miss this place. Along with new friendships I've encountered some new experiences. Thank goodness I have my diary to remind me of the incredible things that have happened this summer. My last summer attending this camp. Next year it'll be college cheer camp and dorms filled with hot girls. Oh my, I cannot wait.The last few weeks here have been splendid. Amber left camp after she found out I'd slept with her best...

1 year ago
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On a Moonlit Night Wishes May Come True

The light fog added a moisture to the air. The coolness of the night wrapped around her like a wet towel, sending a shiver up her spine. She was lucky she knew the area so well, or she could have easily become lost. She looked through the trees at the house where he lived, slightly smiling at the one electric candle burning in the kitchen window. A full moon lit her way, helping to guide her footsteps. Though she had traversed this path a dozen times, it always helped to have the way lit...

2 years ago
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Omake Devilla and Lucy in the woods Not Demon Queened 61 a softfork

Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It...

3 years ago
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Surprise Sex An Erotic Encounter With My Love

Hi ISS readers, this is my first story… Thought of sharing this episode of my life with you all. I would like your feedback on my email … Just for the record.. Let me tell you… My name is Kanika. I am a 28-year-old average looking girl with beautiful eyes and attractive figure. This is about an incident that happened when I was completing my graduation. I first met him I was in 8th std. I had gone to my uncle’s place to pay a visit… he was my brother’s best friend and 5 years elder to me. He...

1 year ago
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The AuditionChapter 2

Once again, in what was becoming a regular occurrence for me, I trekked up the stairs to Rodney’s loft after Kirsten was safely asleep. The TV was muted when I got there. I think he was waiting for me. “Rodney,” I said, plopping down on the couch beside him. “This spying shit has really gotten out of hand.” He laughed, a quick little snort. “Mom,” he said, “I wasn’t spying. I was basically just walkin’ to my room.” “What you saw...” I said, “nothing bad was happening. I just wanted...

1 year ago
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Changing Places

Changing Places By Margaret Jeanette Cynthia Schiff came home from working out after work. She usually stopped in on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to work out at the women's gym in town. She always felt better after a good workout. Today's workout wasn't the best though. The gym had one all-purpose machine, and a woman was on it who would sit for five minutes then do two presses, then rest again for five minutes. She had asked the woman nicely if she could use the machine, and the...

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There and BackChapter 132 Unpleasant Surprises

I spent one very long, very trying week at Soldier’s Peak. I had meetings with Levi, Avernus, Faren, Jowan, and Mhairi. Avanna, being both older and more experienced than Mhairi, should have been put in charge of the guard at the Peak, but Mhairi’s organization and effectiveness had impressed both Faren and Levi. And Avanna had requested, instead, to become my personal bodyguard, and the head of Alistair’s and my personal security details. It would be her job to find and screen applicants to...

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NeighborAffair Blaten Lee 22931

Blaten Lee has absolutely no idea how to fix her busted garbage disposal, and her husband isn’t home, so she calls her neighbor Sean to see if he’s any help. He arrives and it takes him 30 seconds to figure out the simple issue and resolve it, impressing Blaten. In fact she’s so impressed she wants to repay Sean the best way possible — with a blowjob! Sean protests at first, but once Blaten puts her wedding ring away, out comes Sean’s big dick! Not only is Sean handy in the kitchen, he’s handy...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 16 A Life in the Balance

Life in the capital had returned to a lull and but Elena was not enjoying the trappings of power as she had previously. Her worries revolved around the men she had sent down the coastal road several months earlier and those who had left for Wellington almost a year before. It had been several weeks since she heard from Drayvon and several months since Joseph or Jonathan had sent word to the capital. She knew Drayvon and his troops were well trained but she had wanted them to move swiftly so...

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My first time with a TS woman the next morning

After sucking my new ts girlfriend and holding her close on the couch, we spent the night sleeping together.I woke with her in my arms. We were sleeping on our sides and face to face. Her body felt so nice and warm against mine. Then I noticed that she was hard. Her cock was hard and hot and pressed against my cock.I reached down between our legs and started to stroke her hard cock. Soon she woke in my arms and kissed me while I stroked her. She enjoyed my attention for a while then suddenly...

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I won a blowjob at the stag party

I am lucky enough to have two daughters and apart from the expense of the weddings it meant two Stag parties. My eldest daughter married her dream man a few years ago and I have already written about the events surrounding his stag party.It was now the time for my youngest daughters wedding so the best man arranged a stag weekend away in a big city well known for stag and hen parties.We set off on a Friday morning for a three day booze fest and arrived at our hotel mid afternoon. We all washed...

Oral Sex
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Bird Watchers

BIRD-WATCHING By "C.C." Janet was always Turned Off by Masculine Hair, so to keep things humming at our house -- and in our bed -- I obliged by shaving my body for her. I didn't realize what trouble it would be till one day when we were bird- watching. It was a warm, lovely morning in the remote woods, and as we had hiked for a couple hours without seeing anyone, we came on a clear, gently- flowing stream and Janet suggested we go Skinny-dipping. I was really shy about anyone...

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What happened to me under the weeping willow tree

It was wrong for me not to have reported the attack by Bruce, Charlie and Daniel. It was wrong for me to have allowed horse dick Harry and Bruce's uncle to take me and use me as their fuck toy. It was wrong for me to allow other guys to take me when they wanted. If I had done any of the before mentioned I would be satisfied with myself, I think it was some time after their third attack that I had the urging of taken huge cocks into my anus. Yes, it was painful yet satisfying to feel a thick...

2 years ago
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Morning at my house

Well, it used to be my house.....until someone bigger and stronger moved in.  It was only 5am....not that time mattered to me anymore...I'd been awake most of the night. Across the hall, my wife and her new lover had just finished a long fuck session that left me grunting as much as they frustration.  While Cindy laid there panting and drooling cum all over the sheets...Mac walked over to where I was tied face down over a wooden sawhorse.   All I could really see was his huge cock...

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AddictionChapter 6

The sights and sounds of a racetrack were foreign but exciting for the widow from Puerto Rico. She had to admit she enjoyed herself immensely, meeting and greeting new people, watching the horses run and cheering on her personal favorites chosen from the program strictly by whim, the racing colors of the jockey or the sound of the horse's name. She held Jimmy's arm tightly and several times thrust out her chest to display her prominent bustline when Jimmy reminded her she was being admired....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 35 Negotiations

February 2, 1988, Cincinnati, Ohio “Steve Adams, you remember Franklin Volstead and Arthur Braun,” Ben van Hoek said. “I do. Good afternoon, Sirs. This is Jamie Ferguson. His firm, Allen & Baker, handles all of our legal matters.” There were handshakes all around and as a secretary offered us drinks, business cards were exchanged. Mr. Volstead indicated we should sit and as Jamie had predicted, Ben left the room. Jamie had assumed that the partners would want to handle this privately...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 3

Two days later, and Cheryl and Joe sat around in Joanne’s living room, the house otherwise deserted. Both Ella and Charlie were in school. Joanne was at work, still supporting local artists. The couple were doing what they had done ten years before. Both working on their writing. Cheryl somehow responding to Joe’s questions while finishing a memorial article honoring Nigella for Rolling Stone. Still staff, but with an ideal contract and better pay. Complete rights of refusal. When an editor...

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We meet as arranged on the 23rd of March. I’m excited and nervous. I’ve looked forwards to seeing you again for so long. I yearn for the touch of you. The taste of you. Your kisses. To be used and enjoyed again.Were in the pub now. It’s much busier than I expected for a weekday lunch time. Which makes the room uncomfortably warm. You place my drink in front of me and sit down close beside me. You thigh is pressed against mine. It makes me tingle, right up the inside of my thigh, to my throbbing...

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Incest Chat

with sis: hi incestuous! are you really? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: cool! can I ask your a/s/l, if you don't mind? incestuous_angel: 27 male with sis: oh, sorry i am male as well incestuous_angel: good with sis: good?? incestuous_angel: ok with sis: so wern't you looking to chat with a female? incestuous_angel: it is ok with sis: so you are into incest? incestuous_angel: yes with sis: with who in your fam? incestuous_angel: mum n sisters incestuous_angel: u? with sis: 2...

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BlowJobFridays Kiki Klout Mean Little Dick Sucker

It’s another fantastic day in the adult motion picture industry. We were getting ready to start shooting and what do I find? The fucking talent has started without me. I literally our boy Derrick with his pants down and cock out as Kiki Klout is on her knees sucking on it. What the hell, let’s film this shit! I immediately get her to pull down her little shorts. You guys have to see how her ass bounces as she blows him. Then I have her pull up her shirt exposing her juicy tits. This girl sucks...

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But seriously. My father is a drunk. He’s also a show off, especially when his poker buddies are around. I mean, it didn't bother me. Not really. Not for years. Sure, I used to be upset about his drinking and I used to get really upset about the gambling until he got control of the impulse. When I was 7 or so he started gambling with pennies and quarters rather than the larger sums of money he used to play with. I figured a playful pat on the rump here and there wasn’t such a bad price to...

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ExxxtraSmall Jessae Rosae The Tiny Twat Advantage

Jessae Rosae is a teeny tiny chick, so our stud has to help her with some of her tasks that require a slightly bigger build. She tries to do her makeup, but the mirror is too high, so he lifts her up to see. She tries to do laundry, but almost gets lost in the machine! Even the smoke detector is out of reach for this diminutive dame. But when it comes to fucking, Jessae is at an advantage. Her tiny, tight pussy is one of the sweetest holes our stud has ever stuffed his cock inside. She moans as...

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SuperVirgo! If you are looking for something unusual to jerk off to but you have watched just about every porn genre known to man time and again, this may sound like an issue. I guess it kind of can be considering that nothing feels new for you anymore. But what if I told you that you can find a porn genre that is a bit, I, I don’t know, accidental?Do I sound like I’m losing my fucking mind? Well I’m not! With one visit to Super Virgo, you will find a collection of porn videos from Vimeo and...

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Party Swap

We had a party every month in on of eight couples houses in a small close. These had been going on for about a year and my good looking wife who is close to being a nymphomaniac was organising the next one at our place. They had always ended up in a drunken state with lots of fun but nothing further than flirting dancing with the woman and men attending. We were all in our thirties and most had kids. My wife had said to me after the last party that Tim from next door had said he would like to...

Drunk sex
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ss Mom and Me Makes Three 3

So now I got behind my s****r, lifting her bottom up to expose the creamy target of her cunt, all slick and easily visible from behind. ‘Yeah, Jimmy!’ mom barked looking up at me as I knelt behind my s****r. ‘Fuck her! Slam it up inside her!’ ‘Aw shit!’ my s****r yelped, pulling her tongue away from mom as she felt my rigid thickness entering her body, filling her to the hilt. ‘Keep eating that pussy,’ mom insisted, pressing Amy’s face back against her snatch. And so my s****r resumed...

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How I became a Transexual

I was driving a different way home after work and noticed a kind of sleazy looking sex shop. Not really wanting to go home yet, I decided to stop, it had been awhile since I'd had sex and was horny. I went in and was browsing around the movies section when I noticed there were doors in the back. I went in and opened one up and saw that there was a screen on the back wall and small seat. I went up to the front counter and asked the older gentleman behind the counter how it worked. I paid him and...

She Males
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growing up and moving too many times again

After grampa died Dad finished up the iron work he was brought out to do and then he and I went in search of a new place while the workers finished the current job. We moved about 2 hours away and Dad wanted to find a house that would allow him to move while still working at the current job, but he didn't want to be more than half an hour from work. that left few choices. We found a neat barn that was converted to a house with a huge garage on the other end. Dad said we could fix the garage up...

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FredChapter 5

THE FIRST TIME I saw Harper and Julian, Fred’s son, together they were in the hot tub by themselves. That’s OK. They’re of age. They sat side-by-side until Harper whispered in Julian’s ear. Whatever it was interested Julian, because I saw him smile and then he kissed her. OK, that wasn’t entirely a surprise given what Sarah and I had noticed over the past few years. Julian’s mother, Fred, moved in with us when she was pregnant with Julian and they are part of our household, but Julian and...

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