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Author’s note: This series is devoted to my wife, for whom it was originally written. It is both a history of our sexual life as well as my means of sharing our fantasies, with alterations to names and times to protect our friends, but both the fantasy and reality are/were spectacular enough to warrant sharing with others.

**This is a stand-alone story.** For those who have been following along, this is the fourth in the series. I return to the romantic and sensual here, so if you’re expecting a quick story about fucking, you will probably get restless with the long build-up. Once again this story represents several different real-life events combined into one night. Enjoy.


Gravel crunched under my truck’s tires as we slowly crawled up the side of the mountain. The sun was setting behind us, rose and orange and yellow shades cascading across the snowy mountainside around us. Steamboat Springs lay behind us, patiently awaiting our return.

I looked over at Tori, dressed casually in a slinky tank top and silk pajama pants over her bikini. With the heater going in the truck she had stripped off her jacket and boots, and I couldn’t resist reaching over to cop a feel before she smiled and playfully slapped my hand away. She had never been to Steamboat, and she didn’t really believe there were hot springs up in the mountains. I was about to prove there were, and so much more.

My usual sarcasm and cynicism had died down since returning to my home state. Being in Texas makes me…restless. The serenity of the Colorado mountains calms me, and Tori wasn’t quite sure what to expect from me in this subdued mood. But she didn’t question me or seem perturbed, because she could see that I was content. She reached out and placed her hand on mine as I downshifted, maneuvering around another switchback.

The parking lot appeared over the next rise, as did the old train car which serves as the ticket booth. Tori quietly dressed as I parked, then we walked over and bought tickets for the evening. With the sun down, the already-cool temperature dropped steadily, and we moved quickly down the stone steps to the changing teepees.

‘People really just change in here? Men and women?’ she asked. I simply pointed to the different piles folded neatly around the floor, some clearly men’s clothing and others obviously women’s.

‘But what about after? The clothes are going to be cold,’ she sounded a little worried, and I smiled at her in the waning twilight. Texan girls don’t ‘do’ cold very well.

‘It’ll be fine, babe. Trust me.’ With that, I stripped out of my sweat pants and long-sleeved shirt, standing in my trunks and looking at her expectantly. She hesitated, then unzipped her coat and stepped out of her boots into flip-flops, then quickly pulled the blue tank top over her head and dropped her pants. She immediately began shivering. Apparently 30 deg fahrenheit is cold to her.

‘Go hop in, I’ll take care of our stuff.’

‘No! Come with me, I don’t know where I’m going,’ she said pathetically. It was affected, but her shivering was sincere (if maybe a little exaggerated, too), and I sighed and piled our stuff quickly before taking her hand and leading her out of the teepee down to the water, which was right around the corner.

The first pool was the hottest, cut only a little by the mountain stream running beside the pools. The second pool, downhill from the first, mixed more of the mountain runoff with the heated spring water falling from the first pool. I led my girlfriend to the hotter one, gingerly stepping in and watching her face relax as her body warmed up again.

‘You are worthless. You know that, right?’ I chuckled.

‘Shut up. It’s freaking cold out here! There’s snow on the ground!’ she replied indignantly.

I settled against the stones ringing the pool and pulled her back into me, wrapping my arms around her. ‘I know it’s a lot for a warm-blooded Texan princess to handle, but you did just fine. And now we’re here: I told you the hot springs were real.’

‘Maybe…’ she wiggled in my lap and rested her head back on my shoulder. We both enjoy people-watching, and our vantage provided a wonderful opportunity for it. Both pools had lots of people but weren’t crowded, and everyone was paired up or in groups. Nearby a post-college group was talking and laughing while drinking beers from a stash buried in the snow. One guy draped his arm over one of the girls, leading her away in the darkness

‘Where are we going?’ she asked flirtatiously, her fingers lightly tracing along his shoulder. I watched them move over by the waterfall connecting the pools, whereupon he turned and kissed her. I leaned over and pecked Tori’s cheek, then gestured over to the other pair. In the darkness my hand lazily brushed over her stomach as we watched the other two getting into it. Tori responded by sliding her hands along the outside of my thighs as we spied.

They were far enough away that we couldn’t see below the surface, but the guy’s actions became clear when he reached out of the pool and placed the girl’s top on the stones. She was smiling and kissed him again as his hands retreated below the surface.

‘He took off her top!’ Tori exclaimed, and I smiled in the dark.

‘Did you not see the sign? Clothing is optional after sunset.’

‘Really?’ she asked significantly, her hands pausing on my leg. My other hand came up and both hands moved to her chest. Slowly I pulled the material covering her breasts to the side, momentarily baring her nipples underwater before my hands returned, rolling them in my fingers and rubbing them with my palms.

Having made his mark on her for the night, the guy finished his seduction and retrieved the bikini top, wrapping it around his forehead jokingly as he led his conquest back to the group. Their friends greeted them with catcalls and hoots, and she shook her chest at them before wrapping herself around her new beau.

I jolted slightly when I felt Tori’s hand close around my erection, which had steadily grown as I fondled her. She didn’t stroke it, but simply held onto it as it pulsed and flexed. For my part, I unfastened the hook between her shoulder blades and untied the bow around her neck. She didn’t move as the bikini top detached and began slowly drifting toward the distant waterfall, and I casually retrieved it and wrapped it around my wrist.

Tori moved away from me, then turned and lifted herself into my lap, her nipples just clearing the surface before she settled astride my legs and kissed me. My hands returned to her breasts, kneading the soft flesh as her hips ground against my hard-on. I continued exploring her naked torso, my fingers eventually finding their way to her hips, to the bows connecting the halves of her bikini bottom. Slowly and deliberately I tugged against the strings. She smiled in the kiss, and gently asked, ‘Do you want me to be naked in front of all these people?’

I grinned devilishly back at her. ‘Of course I do.’

‘I see,’ and she resumed the kiss, saying nothing more. Eventually I took the hint and s-l-o-w-l-y pulled the bows apart, looping my fingers under the knot and pulling them out, too. I held onto one of the strings, gently sliding the material out from between us as she lifted herself up for a moment. It went around my other wrist, and my hands reached down and cupped her bare ass, pulling her deeper into my lap.

I marveled at her growing exhibitionism, so quickly ramped up from the conversation we had had months before sitting naked in my truck. Now here she was, buck naked at a public place, and not only did she seem perfectly fine with it, from the passion in her kissing it was clear she was turned on. And of course, so was I, but ironically I did not feel this was the time or the place to get too hot and heavy, so I didn’t push things further. Within 15 minutes or so, both of us calmed down and accepted her nudity as a matter of cours
e, though it was still very erotic.

It was a clear night with a full moon, bright enough to cast shadows. We changed locations frequently, moving to different parts of the pool, sometimes by the hot spring, other times closer to the stream. Eventually both of us were sweating hot, though, and I suggested we move to the other pool.

Tori’s eyes narrowed and she smirked. ‘Really? You’re getting too hot? Or do you just want to see me stand up in front of all these people and move to the other pool?’

I just smiled and shrugged, then jumped a little as her hand settled over my crotch. I had calmed down from before, but her sexy behavior would quickly revive me if she wasn’t careful.

‘Don’t get too excited, Damon…if I’m going to walk over there naked, then so are you.’ I felt the tug as she untied the knot and pulled loose the velcro strap of my board shorts. I took over, pulling them down and tossing them across my shoulder.

‘Lead the way, naughty girl.’

A staircase and handrail run between the pools, parallel to the mountain stream, and we made our way over to it. Tori took the handrail and stepped out as I watched. The moonlight glistened off her back as the water ran down the lines of her spine and hipbones, her wonderful heart-shaped derriere flexing as she stepped up and around. The curving stairs then brought her profile in view, her perky, rose-tipped breasts steaming and sharpening in the sudden cold. She looked spectacular.

I knew I was not the only guy to appreciate that beautiful moment, and I had to move quickly or risk lewdly swinging a hardened cock between my legs in the transit. I followed her up and over, settling into the cooler pool beside her. My hand found her butt as I moved in and kissed her, silently thanking her for that wonderful gift. It still confused the hell out of my why showing her off like that turned me on, but I wasn’t troubled by it enough to stop it. More importantly, neither was she. Her hand brushed across my cock, then reached down and momentarily cupped my naked balls before retreating. She broke off the kiss and wiggled her nose at me, then led me deeper into the recesses of the pool.

This one was indeed much cooler, and ultimately more comfortable. We snuggled up and resumed our people-watching, enjoying the sound of wind blowing through the pine trees and the quiet beauty of the mountain night.

We interrupted our own reveries with occasional kissing and fondling, taking pleasure in the naughtiness of our brazen nudity, but without speaking it aloud both of us agreed to keep it toned down, at least while we were here. The tranquility of the remote, undisturbed mountainside subdued our sexual fervor, as did the presence of those around us, even if they were as comfortable with our nudity as we were.

Gazing up at the stars, I considered how my life was slowly changing, evolving little by little under the influence of the girl in my arms. Without demanding anything, without announcing overt expectations or applying direct pressure, Tori was subtly restructuring my universe around her, and everything else was becoming a buttress for this relationship. Normally I would have been scared, or even annoyed, but perhaps as a long-awaited sign of maturity, instead I was beyond happy about the circumstances and alterations to my priorities–I was content. I realized it was not that everything was changing now that she was in my life. Rather, everything was simply better. I squeezed her in my arms and kissed her neck. She turned and kissed me back.

All good things end before they should, and the springs aren’t open all night. I wanted to beat the rush, since there’s only one four-wheel-drive road into the place, so we made our way back to the first pool early, passing once more over the staircase (again, a major thrill for me). I pretended to be disappointed when she took back her swimsuit and donned it before stepping out, but she leaned over and kissed me, once again taking my manhood in hand.

‘Don’t worry, lover, I won’t be dressed for long.’

With that, she was out of the pool, and my momentary excitement quickly gave way to concern for her, since I knew she would be cold very soon if she didn’t dry off immediately. I quickly pulled on my shorts and followed her into the teepee, wrapping her in two giant beach towels and rubbing her down.

‘Take off your swimsuit, you’ll be warmer that way.’ She hesitated for a moment, then did it, and I limited myself to a quick slap on the butt before helping her with the pajama bottoms, tank top, jacket, and boots. She looked ridiculous, but warm, and really cute.

I toweled off quickly and stripped, stepping back into my sweatpants and long-sleeved shirt, wrapping the swimsuits and flip-flops in the towels and carrying the bundle underarm as I took her by the hand and led her back up the stairs to the parking lot.

The warmth of her body, heated by the springs for the past two hours, quickly took the chill out of her clothes, but I knew even that would probably not be enough given how cold it was outside. We bundled into my truck and I started it, putting the gearshift in neutral and revving the engine to warm it up faster. In my concern to get her changed over, get back to the truck, and get it warmed up quickly, I didn’t notice that she had been quiet the whole time. When her hand reached over and took mine, I could feel how warm she still was from the hot springs. I looked over at her, dreamlike and beautiful in the blue light of the CD player.

‘I love you,’ she said quietly, a sleepy-content look on her face. ‘I will do anything for you…swim naked with you in hot springs, hook up with you in front of our friends, stay the night in your crappy dorm room, let you fondle me in public and have your way with me in your truck, parked wherever you want…I don’t care what we do, in private or in public, as long as it’s with you.’

I gazed at her and tentatively smiled. I didn’t really know how to respond, I simply couldn’t fathom why someone as incredible as her felt this way about me. She was beyond anything I could hope for: smart, kind, forgiving, beautiful, and completely unselfish, a stark contrast to my immaturity, cunning sarcasm, and selective generosity.

‘I don’t deserve you,’ was all I could find to say. I meant it.

She smiled gently. ‘I know. But you have me anyways.’

I leaned over and kissed her. ‘You have me too, Tori.’

‘Mmm, not yet…let’s go home and do something about that.’

I smiled and backed out of the parking lot, warm air finally blowing from the vents.


We pulled into the cabin’s driveway, within sight of but not too close to the next cabin over. My father owned this place, and loaned it to us for the weekend. It was substantial, two stories tall with a fully-functional kitchen and four bedrooms. He made quite a bit of money renting it out in the summers for softball tournaments and during the ski season, but for now it was just the two of us.

We walked hand-in-hand to the door, and once inside we started making out as we slowly undressed. The drive home had been utterly quiet, both of us simply enjoying our emotional bond and the magic of the hot springs, shared together as two souls continuing to move closer together. Now, though, the slow burn of desire grew rapidly, at least until she pushed me away, looking up into my eyes.

‘Since we got here yesterday, there’s something I’ve wanted us to do. I need to shower and get ready. Go clean up, then meet me in the living room in fifteen minutes.’ She turned and walked down the carpeted hall to the master bedroom, her ass bouncing with every step.

I exhaled slowly, frustrated but excited. I made my way up the spiral staircase to the upstairs bathroom, turning on the shower and quickly rinsing and soaping down, removing the faint sulfur smell of the hot springs. I turned my shower off as I heard the downstairs one come on (there’s limited water pr
essure), and I walked out to the loft overlooking the living room, wondering what she had in store.

I turned and lay down naked on the lush carpet, listening to the water in the pipes passing through the ceiling as I visualized my amazing girlfriend showering below me. Soaping her breasts, suds running down the crack of her behind and over her soft rose petal lips, leaning back to soak her gorgeous raven hair….I didn’t touch myself, but I could feel my body responding to Tori’s magical sexuality from the other side of the cabin.

The shower stopped, and a few minutes later I heard the bedroom door slide across the carpet. She moved into the living room and turned on the fireplace. She moved around the room, arranging things, and I checked my watch. Just about time. I stood and returned to the staircase, sliding my hand on the wrought iron rail so she would hear my approach.

She was lying on her side on the bearskin rug, her back to the fire, head propped up by her hand, looking at me. The only light in the room came from the fire and the candles she had placed strategically on stands and the coffee table. Her long hair, still wet, was splayed out across the white rug behind her. She wore a dark blue nighty made of silk, barely long enough to cover her hips and with light blue lace above her breasts. I had never seen it before, and I was paralyzed by her beauty.

Her arm slowly reached up and she combed her fingers through her hair. I was hypnotized by the subtle shift in the silk as her breast moved beneath it.

‘I want you to make love to me by the fireplace,’ she said quietly. I could feel blood pounding in my head and I rocked back on my heels. I was shocked–I didn’t realize she was ready to have sex. Instead of celebrating as most college boyfriends would have, I was awed, overwhelmed with the realization that I wasn’t sure if I was ready.

Every relationship in the past had failed (obviously), many of them because of sex, specifically, how we felt about each other after sex. I loved Tori, really loved her, and suddenly I was terrified that I wouldn’t feel the same way after sleeping with her, or worse, that she wouldn’t feel the same way about me afterward, and I would lose her.

But as quickly as it appeared, the fear evaporated. I knew, way down in the depth of my soul, that she was everything to me, and I would not feel anything less because we ‘finally’ had sex. And I knew she felt the same way. I couldn’t explain how, but I just did.

I looked at her, radiantly backlit by the fire, and I knew she was mine, and I was hers–simple as that. It was time, then, for us to share ourselves fully with each other, and I could not imagine a more perfect setting.

I came to her, and she rolled onto her back as I gingerly knelt between her legs, lying down atop her. We kissed and touched, exploring, revealing and discovering new things about each other in the flickering light. She wore nothing under the dainty nightgown. My fingers found her moist, and her hands once more wrapped around my cock, this time not just teasing, but pleasuring as we both delicately ministered to the other’s arousal.

I broke free, sliding down her silken body. Her pussy was now sodden, dripping down onto the rug. I broadly licked from the base of the slit to her clitoris, and she sighed. I licked her and fingered her, watching from below as she slid the little straps from her shoulders, pulling down the lacy top and freeing her flattened breasts, the nipples pointing up to the ceiling as she rolled and pinched them between her fingers.

I kissed and pulled on the lips of her pussy, engorged in arousal, and she moaned my name as her back arched and her thighs flexed. I moved back, slowing her momentum so she wouldn’t cum yet. Her breathing evened out, and I moved back on top of her. She immediately kissed me, sharing her taste and sucking my tongue clean.

I could not wait any longer. Deftly I donned a condom, taken from the box lying beside the rug. Suddenly I was poised at her entrance, the girl I loved and who made me so happy looking up into my eyes, her face at once loving and open, banishing any lingering doubt about us. I slowly pressed against her slit, making sure I was lined up properly before pushing. Momentary resistance gave way to incredible warmth and tightness. She gasped as I grunted, and suddenly we were moving together, a frenzy of motion as we at last acted out how much we loved each other.

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Wait it feels good

Dylan walked into his room, locking the door behind him. He knew what he needed after a hard day at school. As usual he turned the TV on, and walked to his chair, where he pulled his laptop over to his lap, whipped out his semi-large dick, and began to stroke lightly as he opened up a video of an eighteen year old girl, who grabbed a light pink colored vibrator, which she used to pleasure herself while making slight moans and groans. *Knock Knock Knock* "Hey Dylan! You in there?" "Uh,...

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The Great DepressionChapter 12

As he quickly walked toward Anna and Roland, his heart began beating faster. The closer he got to them the more he kept imagining the worst. Roland had duped him into letting Anna along with him, and now he feared the worst. Even before he was in sight of them, he could hear them. There was no mistake about it; he was hearing the characteristic sounds of two people making love. Amid the moaning and almost plaintive sighing of a female voice, there was the low grunting and panting of a...

2 years ago
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Sex education from a much older woman

I have for some time been writing about a relationship with my partners, 76 year old, Aunty Jean and her daughter Jane. I feel it is time to commit to paper how my attraction for much older women started some 31 years ago when I was 19. Like a lot of young men of that age I was obsessed with girls and sex and spent most of my waking life thinking about and trying to get plenty of the latter. Having been brought up in a morally strict household the opportunities were few and far between and thus...

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Constance Wendolyn CompanyChapter 15

"Ah ... that won't work either ... nor yours Junior." Connie and Junior had the same idea at the exact same moment. The disk was right ... damn it all. Juniors watch sent out the, "I'm being interfered with," alarm. That woke up over three thousand watches on over three thousand watch owners wrists, in pockets and on neck chains all over the known world ... and some of the Unknown world ... at the same time ... no matter when that time was. Tim and Violet were the first to arrive ......

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Confessions of a Teen Nympho

I guess my sex life began one day during the summer of my thirteenth year as I was doing my chores. I was in my brother’s room putting away his clean clothes, and I found a stack of porno- graphic magazines in his underwear drawer. Out of curiosity as to what could be so great about things like that, I swiped them and went to my room. I shut and locked my door, then sat down on my bed and started looking through the magazines. There was picture after picture of nude or ...

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Talaaqshuda aurat ki choot maari

Hello friends main summit33 years ludhiana ,punjab se hoon maine abhi tak bahut fuiddi maari hain humaare mohalle me 1 aurat rehti thi jis ki umar 24 years ki hai woh hospital me kaam karti haiuski duty kabhi day time kabhi night hoti hai meri us se jaan pehchaan ho gayi hai..1 din maine raaste me us ka mobile no. Le liya aur raat ko usse dial kiya aur kahin milne ko kaha pehle toh usne mana kiya jor dene par maan gayi usse main apne 1 frnd ke ghar le gaya jo apne gaon gaya tha aur mujhe apne...

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Older Man Great Time Ch 3

I had had a few liaisons with other men since Steve and I first hooked up. But I had met a new guy since who was a little more adventurous than the rest. His name was Jerry. He was about 6', I'm guessing around 200 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes. He was 41. Older, just the way I like them. He liked younger guys so my being in my 20's worked out perfectly. The body on this guy was something you see in a magazine. He was very well built and his personality matched his physique perfectly. He loved to...

1 year ago
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Huntin Poon

“Oh, Paw,” whined Lulu Bell, “How come only them boys gets to go a’huntin coon. Ah’m as good a shot as they are!” Looking at her three brothers, Paw agreed, “She’s right. You take her this time instead of thet neighbor girl.” Knowing better than to argue with the old man, the boys looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Lem addressed his sister, “Okay, but you gotta do everything that she would’ve done.” Lulu Bell nodded her agreement. He added, “OK, yew saw her agree.” The next...

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Rigor MortisChapter 24

For the duration of the trial, I was incarcerated in a makeshift jail in the basement of the courthouse building. It was a smart move and one that I was in total accord with, although I pretended it was all a supreme bore and another cross I had to bear considering my complete innocence with regard to the charges. It came complete with a lavatory with proper supplies provided by my defense team. The bed was a bit bare-bones being a locally purchased Army cot with a surplus air mattress that...

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A Painter And His Muse 8211 Part 2

Hi! I’m Anand, back with the next part of my story’ A Painter And His Muse’. For those who haven’t read the first part, please do so. Now coming to the story. Ananya was still in splits with the request made by Kailash. She was giving it a hard thought but was unable to fathom the fact that if she agrees to it then she’ll have to sit in front of her brother-in-law ‘nude’.  In her bedroom when she was going through this over and over again. At the same time, Aditya came home and wanted to have...

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Sharons Treasure

Part 1 Sharon arranged to go to an expensive club with her friend and neighbor, Maya, tonight. Maya just bought a brand new Beamer and was dying to be seen driving the luxurious automobile. Sharon accepted gleefully, knowing she wouldn’t have to drive. She rubbed her palms together as she planned on letting her hair down for once. At times, she wasn’t quite sure why she and Maya had become fast friends. For all intents and purposes, they were complete opposites. Maya was very well off. Sharon...

1 year ago
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The last naughty naturist

We are back in the camper van. Mike is happy from his roasting earlier, but I am ready for more. In that confined space, it was too easy to keep rubbing up against each other, and while at first Mike was saying "go away", he was also giggling and kept backing his ass against me. One time too many, as we stand at the sink, I reach around and grab his nipples, rubbing my between his ass cheeks. He moaned, his head tilting back, I kissed his neck, running my hands down the front of his smooth...

2 years ago
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The life of a Futa

I am a highschool girl that turned 18 last week, and my name is Jennifer, but my friends call me Jen. I moved out of my parents' home and moved into my own one bed apartment that was available for rent. My part-time job as a grocery store clerk pays enough to support the rent. I work there every week on Sunday. I still go to Highschool, as a Sophomore. I come home from school with a huge headache. I don't know what's been going on with me for the past week, but my headache kept getting worse...

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Looking Out For Anna

Looking Out For AnnaIn appreciation for the many dinners Anna and her husband Allan had given Jim, a single male friend, he offered to take them out for a special dinner, drinks, dancing. Anna was overjoyed at the chance to go out for a change, and really dressed to the nines, wearing her best slinky black dress, long black lace stockings, high heels, and her special expensive uplift bra that showed off her full breasts and cleavage to the max.The couple and their friend enjoyed a good meal,...

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Terra Eden

The trip slowly came to end as you stood in line of boarding the plan home. Chatter and a bit of laughter came around from a few that had enjoyed their stay and was read to return home after the fun they had. Smiling at them you then made your way onto the plane to find your seat. "We will be departing shorty, please find your assigned seats in the mean time" a soft and sweet voice spoke out from the intercom. Finding your seat near a window a soft sigh escaped from your tender lips as you...

3 years ago
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Every Woman Has a Price20 Depression

Kirk hadn’t been a drinker since his marriage had fallen apart. It was the one problem he could put on his shoulders, something he could improve, a way he could take responsibility. That and choose women who weren’t whores from that point out. “I’ve hadn’t seen you like this since I was in college,” Katelyn said. She sat across from him as he ordered a sixth double whiskey sour. She waved off the waitress. It wasn’t her liver to injure anymore. “And you’re not 28 anymore.” “The wedding’s...

1 year ago
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family values

One time i was staying out of town at my cousins place We decided on big night out on the tiles as we hadnt seen each other for a while. Me my cousin and a few of his footballer mates, hit the clubswe was all bang up for a good time ,we were dressed to kill and on the hunt for girls.A few hours into the night the drink was flowing and we eneded up in a really steamy dance club in west end ,i was at the bar buying some more drinks with my cousin while we were laughing and exchanging stories of...

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PrettyDirty Kristen Scott In Love With Daddy Part One

Tonight’s the night Kristen Scott has to decide where to go to university. Home or out of state? Trouble is, she’s a Daddy’s Girl who loves her stepfather Tommy Pistol. She’s having a hard time rationalizing leaving the guy who’s always been there for her. He taught her how to drive, and helped her with homework. But now that she’s a woman, she sees that he looks at her differently. And she has persistent sexual thoughts about him. She masturbates to the...

2 years ago
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Dan and Kims Trust

He was gripping the steering wheel tight. He was trying to stay focused on driving as wishful thoughts danced through his mind centered on the beauty next to him. Kim was about average height for a girl her age, around 5’7. She was slender and curvy. She had round deep blue eyes that he could stare into for hours. Her breasts were not overly big but not nearly small, a decent C to D cup as Dan could assume. That assumption is based entirely on theory, Kim had never allowed him to venture...

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My First Voyeur Experience

My first voyeur experience was when I was attending St Andrews Boys School in Bedford in the UK, this was back in the late sixties. I had lost the key to the padlock on my bike and had had to walk home from school, it was only about a 20 minute walk but I was not happy. When I told my dad he was even more unhappy and as the bike was only about 3 months old sent me back to school with the spare key to collect it after dinner rather than leave it there over night. By the time I got back to school...

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Spanking My Sexy Stepdaughter

100% fiction! I was reading the comics section of the newspaper when my stepdaughter, Sara Vorrez, walked into the kitchen. Sara was wearing her high school cheerleader uniform, and it was impossible for me to look away. Sara turned 18 years old last month, and her body emphasized her age and her current status: barely legal. Three weeks ago, I legally married Sara's mother, Kelly, and I moved into the house that she and her daughter shared. While I was attracted to Kelly, I couldn't avoid...

2 years ago
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Saw Roohi NewlyWed Neighbor Masturbating 8211 Part 3

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and suggestions. I love hearing those, and it means a lot to me as well. I appreciate that you take out time to comment, so keep them coming. Any new readers can send me their suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on [email protected], and please don’t hesitate before writing. Also, read the previous parts. “So, how are we going to do it?” I asked. “Umm, I am making lunch for us right now. We can discuss it while we are eating,” she...

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A New Old Watch 9th in the STOPWATCH SeriesChapter 20

Now the work began. You can snap a hull in half tightening the rigging. But you can hog a hull leaving it too loose. Standing rigging keeps the mast from falling forward or back or sideways ... or any other angle you can think of. Aluminum has a 'period of stress' that limits it's time of use. Aluminum has just so many flexes in it and you don't know then you've used it up. One bend too many and it breaks. There are aluminum hulled boats that were still good after forty years that sunk...

3 years ago
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More Than Friends Ch 05

A note to the observant: Almost all city names are false, they were taken from a variety of fantasy sources. All characters are based on real people, so it is no coincidence that they are the strongest part of the story. Names, and sometimes personality and personal history, have been modified to protect the innocent. The events of this story, however, are complete fiction. Heather’s Norwellyn house was perhaps the homiest place Colin Watson had ever been in. The first thing that struck him...

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He Remembers Tracey Ch 091

In late March and early April in Texas, the bluebonnets and other wildflowers come in bloom across the state. The highway department has seeded the roadsides and the blooming flowers attract people just like the changing leaves of New England. It seems that every house has at least one picture of a family member taken in a field of bluebonnets. Tracey caught the bluebonnet bug one day and asked me to go with her to take some pictures. She was wearing a denim mini-skirt and a white shirt with...

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The Long Road Back Ch 1415

Chapter 14 Hawk’s POV The whole way through the trial, I sat with bated breath. When I saw Daniel’s sister arrive at the courtroom with my friend Jake, I released my breath. Hopefully, the truth would come out. I left the witness stand then went to talk to Jake. ‘Here she is.’ He said holding onto Ms. Talner’s arm. I looked at the woman standing there, the woman who had caused this mess. ‘You are Danny’s sister?’ She looked at the floor. ‘Yes. I will tell the truth. I guess.’ Jake whispered...

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A frustrated wife seeks help

The knock on the door had been gentle. When I opened the door Kay’s voice was very nervous. And now we were sat opposite each other on the arm chairs drinking coffee. And Kay was clearly upset. We had known each other for many years, but not as strong friends. Kay and her husband Tony would sometimes pass the time chatting to either me of my wife Judy when we met, but we didn’t go to each others houses or socialise more than that. It was me who broke the ice. “So what’s...

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The Arcade Series The Tower of Terror

The Arcade Series The Tower of Terror I was struggling. My eyes narrowed and my brow painfully tightened as Ibit my tongue, trying desperately to work out the schedule. Two many days-offrequests, with everyone wanting to go to Ren Faire! I threw down my pencilin disgust, leaning back in my chair and taking another sip of my MountainDew. "Jeff?" I heard my name and I turned to the doorway. Jacqueline, one ofmy staff, was standing there with a mischievous smile on her face as she leanedagainst...

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One Long Return Home Pt 5 of 6

THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! “OH YES! FUCK ME HARD!... MMMMmmm yah! Just like that UNNNNnnng yes”. THUMP! THUMP! “HARDER! FUCK YES HARDER!... OH DAMN!... Baby you fuck me so GOOD!” THUMP! THUMP! “MMMMmmm baby cum with me. Yes baby, cum in Mama’s pussy! Fill me up baby!... Uh Hmmmm!” THUMP! THUMP! “NOW! YES! I’M CUMMING!” THUMP! THUMP! “UUUUnnnnGGGGG... AAARRRGGGG OOHHH! YES! Take that load Mama” “OH YES! MMmmmm that feels soooo good baby. Put that dick in my mouth I wanna taste my pussy on that...

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Sandy and RobChapter 4

Rumors got around town that Bill, Tom and Vincent were being investigated by a grand jury. No one knew of what specific crimes they were supposed to have committed. Jeff had been called before the jury several times. He told us he had been granted immunity and had bared his soul, and ratted on his so-called buddies. His custody hearing came up before the divorce court and he easily was granted custody of his kids. When a tape surfaced of Jordan dressed as a dominatrix treating Barbara as a...

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To Dream Among The Stars Chapter 7

Day 5I wake at the sound of the alarm clock, feeling rested, happy, and, more importantly, satisfied. Leaving the warmth of the body beside me, I quickly stop the alarm clock and get the lights on at low intensity. I cuddle back on Natasha’s back, softly kiss her neck, and move my left arm around her to get even closer.“Good morning,” I tell her as she gets out of sleep. She blinks a little bit, disoriented, but it doesn’t take long before she turns her head toward me, smiling widely. She...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Holly Gets a RideChapter 11

Holly contacted Millsum’s HR department and set her start date for Monday, ten days away. She texted Ricky constantly, happy to chat with him at all hours and talk on the phone at least once a day. He would be away on business all next week, travelling to a client to work on a property purchase for the investment trust where he worked. That meant that they would have next weekend together, after which their work schedules would dictate when and maybe where they could meet. She fully expected...

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Sissy Kiss

Sissy Kiss & Cuddle I nervously knocked on the door. Too late now, I thought. I had traveled all this way to the outskirts of town, this isolated house out near the woods, to knock on this man's door on a November night wearing stockings, garter belt, satin panties along with a matching bra with inserts. My face was fully made up complete with cherry red lipstick and I was wearing an expensive red-blonde wig. My earrings matched my silver chain necklace and went well with my white...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 76 Throwing It All Away

October 31, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “There was no race yesterday?” Kara asked while I was showering after my run with Jacquelyn. “No. There’s one next week. We didn’t watch last week’s race because I was so preoccupied. I saw the results in the paper. Rusty Wallace won again, but Bill finished fourth and Earnhardt fifth. Bill has a 79 point lead on Wallace and a 198 point lead on Earnhardt. With two races to go, Labonte is out of it because he’s 508 points back. They race in Phoenix next...

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Your Master Requires Your Allegiance

Your Master RequiresYour Allegiance First Day Jitters "I am the instructor for this class. You will address me as Miss Cathy.Learn what I teach you, and you will be able to leave this place." For emphasisshe tapped the pointer on the floor. "Nice touch, but be sure you look around the room. Try to make eye contactwith everyone." Robert sat on the couch while Cathy rehearsed her first class,only two days away. "Remember, when you come in they'll all be watching you.You'll be an unknown...

4 years ago
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Dont Shoot the Messenger Chapter 14

Messenger 14“Do you know where Anthony is?” Julie asked.“No,” Laura shrugged. "I know where he was; but he could be anywhere now."“Anywhere?”“Anywhere within a hundred miles of where I left him. Can't you track him with your phone?”“He left his phone at the office.""Why do you need to find him. He's coming back."“Are you sure? I mean how am I to know?"“He is coming back. Believe me. You need to think about what you want from him so you know when he gets here.” Laura paused for a second, “and...

2 years ago
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Best of Both Worlds

Author's note: A short story for Halloween, I do hope that you enjoy it, and all feedback and all votes would be very much appreciated. The vampire towered over the old witch and looked down on her haggard old face with distaste. "I wouldn't want to drink your blood old woman so don't fuss," he declared coldly. "I never said that you would want to, I just said keep your long fangs away from me." She scowled up at him irritably as she tugged her grey shawl tighter against her. Her...

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The Old Fortress

A true story It is a warm summer night along the ocean, cloudless, starlit, as we pick our way along the forest path, indistinct in the dim light. The old fort walls loom up at us, elephant grey in the near-darkness. The moon will soon rise to guide our steps along the walls, turning the gloomy, ashen concrete a luminous silver. Her hand is warm in mine, fingers interlaced as I lead her past the shadowy battlements, climbing up the worn stone stairs to the grassy plain overlooking the ocean....

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